Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BKG:2JlONDAY : ( , JANUARY 2J ! , 181)3 ) ,
Sights anil Oercmonlcs to Bo WitnawfcJ nt
TlioiiAml of Untliiuliiitlo Amrrlrntix Will
It "TJiiTP HotnlliMl 1'nrrtimt of I'xer-
cl c U hlch ! > VV 111 He Ablate
to I'ulli ) " .
WASIIINOTOV , D. C , .Ian. -Special [
CorrcMxmdenco of TUB HFE. ] Tlio
tirntlon of n president of tlio United
Htntcs Is ii great crrcmonlal occasion
H will bo of tnoio than oullimry
significance on the ( tli of next March , be-
cnuso this occasion will sco tlio delivery of
the ROV eminent Into the full control of the
drmocr.itle party That party has not been
Incomplete control of the goveinment nt
any time since the war of the tcbolllon arid
it may bo expected to rejoice incasurclessly
when it assumes lt-i lease of complete power
This vvillj't'0 to thcielebialion which al-
\VHJR nccompaiiles the Inauguration of n
president mote than the usual amount of
enthusiastic intcicst.
A pusldent Is Imiugurntod Invaiiabli at
noon of the -Hli of March , unless that day
should bo Sunday Confess cxplics b.v
constitutional limitation at noon of March 4
cveii other jcar t'nllUetho president , the
ioiifross docs not talco hold of the iclns of
potter uhen It comes Into life The senate
Invailublj meets in a shoit sicdil sessinn
on the clav that the ] esldent Is InaiiKuratcd ,
but this mcctiiiK Is iiartlciilailj for the purpose -
pose of couth nilng the appointments to ofllto
made by the new picsldcmt As the house
of lopresent.itlvcs is not imi.illv In session
nolaws can be unacted It icnulns to bo
seen whether Piesldent Clevelind will
detn mine to call tlio house In spec ! il session
tills , \ car
The lutliing picsident nlvv.ijs summons
the senate In special session bofoie heii'tltes
fioin ofllce It follows .is an odd consequence
that the \ ! < e picsident cf the United States
Is sworn into oflko befoio the prcMldcnt is
Inaugurated Mr Stevenson will take the
oath of oftlto next Mutch some Ihc or ten
minutes befoio I'losldent Cle\ eland is swoin
in'I ho In.u't'tiration of the ptoiiilcnt is Invar !
ably tnado the occasion for the cj.iUiciin ; , ' to
gether of military mid civic societies The
latter aiochiefli jxilltical clubs Ulte tlio
National guai d thoj rome from all paitsnf
the union With them come thronging thou
sands of oftlce seekeis , politicians anil Eight-
seers rally 100,000 people < onus to Waslimg-
ton to attend the iimuguiation of the piesi-
dent and to 1111 the air with shouts of ap
plnusu as the Iniiu'in il P'oiession moves
down histoiic I'eiinsjhanla avenue.
I. ist Moms of Controls.
rorso\cral da\s bcfoie the -1th of Match
both houses of congiess leinain piactieallj
in continuous session 'Illogical apptopiia-
tion bills aic alwajs under consldeiation and
tliciels imailahlj a contest betvvicn tlio
houses over some of the items in these bills
Confeience committees fiom the two houses
meet and tij to .mango a ( ompiomise
I' The bon.ite is insistent on i ett.iln items of
appropilatlon and \igoionsli opposed to
others The house takes the opposite bide
of each of these questions The confcieme
committee meets and pioposes tompiomises
to the two houses Some of them me ic-
jccted It moots again and auanges new
compiomises Again thei aie t ejected
Uaelcwaid and forwaid goes the appiopua-
tlon bill.
It must become a law befoio the congicss
expires or the nowmesident will ha\e to call
n session of congress to p.iss a bill in
its place. If any of the nppiopilatlon
bills fall , the department of the government
for which it makes provision must suspend
paj incuts until another nppiopil itlori lull is
passed , While these bills aio under consid-
elation other legislation has been passed and
until midnight of thuilrcl of Match the picbi-
dcnt litii been at the capltol examining bills
and nflixlng his signature to them. After
this hour It will not bo of much use for con-
gi ess to pass bills , because there would not
bo tlmo for their eniollment for the piesl-
dcnt's slgnatuio befoio the eongiess ex
pire ?
Still senate and house icmalii in session
nnd the early dawn llnds wcaiy senatois
sleeping nt their desks or jawninglj discuss
ing questions of minor Importance. In the
house the closing houis arc enlivened by
schoolboy tricks and bolsteious merriment.
Through the morning tlio piesldent and
the picsldont-elett piepaio for the solemn
duties of the day The picsident has had
his personal possessions icmoveil fiom tlio
white house. When lie ghes up his tenancy
hoghcsupall active. intetcst In the execu
tive mansion and nil that it contains Both
ho and the piesldcnt-elcet ha\o been putting
Inns iniiny houisus they can spaio in u -
fieshlng sleep , for the task befoio them is by
no moans a light one.
I'lrst steps Tomiril In
The tw o houses of congi ess luu o apointed ] )
a committee to escort the chief actots In the
dtanm to the capltol. Ilieie ate two mem
bers of each committee and one fiom
each house is icpublican and the other demo
This committee calls for the
pjesldcnt-elect and vice piesidcnt-elect nt
the hotel whcro the ) uio stopping tempor-
ni ily. They i ido in a cat i lago draw n b.v four
well matched hoises. From the hotel the
party ill iv es to the cxeeiittv o mansion Tlio
president is not waiting for them in the east
parlor , the prcat icccption teem to which
they mo shown , but he soon Joins them The
\ko piesldent is not at the white house. Ho
Is the constitutional picsiding ofllccr of the
scnato nnd that nodi 1s in session , so ho is at
the capltol. Introductions w ill not bo neces
sary between the piosident and Mr Clove-
land. They met four j ears ago in this same
room.When the usual greetings Imvo been ex
changed the piLsldcnt and the pi evident-
elect u ill IJG escorted 10 the open cartiago
standing bcforo the white house door and
they will tike : scats side by side Two of
the mcmbuis of the committee will sit op-
poslte * them The other members of the
committee and tho\ice ptesident-clect will
occupy another can luge , also drawn by four
hoises , whicti will follow the Hist In the
Uilvo from the white house to the cnpitol
Extraordinary preparations are made at
the time of the inauguration to keep
the president's route dear As the two
catilages leave the white house grounds
they will pass through n dense crowd which
will pack the sidewalk and u paitof the
stteot. Hut tlio mlddlo ro.ulvvuv will bo
compainthelv unolisttucted who ropes
stt etched walsthigh the full length of 1'enn-
B.vlv.uila uvenuo , guarded hi uniformed
policemen and b > a small ai no of special
ofliceis , will keep the crowd In check
When the presidential paity drives down
the IUCMUIO to the whlto house the space outside -
side the ropes will bo packed , ovorv window
nnd doorway will bo tilled with sightseois
and e\ cry telegraph polo will bo garlanded
with stt ings of small bojs hanging on bi u
thtcad , bound to miss none of the .show
Manj men como from far Callfomla to see
this spectacle , and many pay fabulous sums
for the tental of nvailamo windows and
other iKlnts ) of vantngo from which to
view It.
A stotin of cheots will follow thepiesl-
dentlal party down the avenue Theiols
nothing paitfsan about this demonstration
Itlsslmjily enthusiastically Ameilcan If
the president to IK * InauguratcHl weto a ro-
publicnn instead of n democrat these same
good cltUcns would shout themselves hoai so.
It Is the ( i nice and not the man that they me
applauding ,
At the Capltol.
AriUingat the capltol the patty will leave
the eniriages at the entrance to the senate
wing and will go by way of the senators'
ptlvato staircase to the lobby behind the
senate. chamber. The president will go to
the president's room , w hlch is one of the
suite in the tear of the senate chamber , and
the ptesldent-elect will go to thuvlco presi
dent's room , w hlch Is on the other sldo of the
general reception parlor.
in the hours of the e.uly forenoon the cm-
ploies of the senate will bring in chairs ana
arrange them for the accommodation of the
Visitors expected , The senators' desks are
nrrntiRcit In a scml rln In In tier * ono alravo
the other In the little ntnphlthoatcr In
front of tlio \ \ i president's rostrum will bent
nt ranged n row of Icathcr-coveicd chairs In
with h the justices of the nuprcmo court and I
the members of lhc % ietlrlng cabinet will nit
with the picMilcnt nnd the prrildent-elect
llchlnd I'm desks nnd between the chalts of
the sotmtois other chahs will be placed
The doors of the capltol will bo closed at
an call ) hour and tho.v will not be reopened
until 10 o clock. liven then admission will
be only by ticket , for the oapielty of the
jiptiate gallcrlcd and of the Inauguration
platfoim Isery llniited Cach of these
tickets will bo numbered and each will call
for admittance to some particular pal t of the
galleries It happens usually that with all
the piecautlous which are taken tickets 1110
Issued In excess of the capacity of the gal
leries As this fact Is well known , there Is
alwajs a line of people waiting for the doors
to open and within half an hour the galler
ies aic crowded to ovcrllovvln ; ?
Whllu the scnato emploics have been mak
ing airangeincnts for the expected guests ,
thostnatois ha\o been ficshcning upn bit ,
and when the gallery doors me opened the
scene of confusion which piouillod duilng
the e.ttly morning has been dissipated and
the son ito is once more u dignillcd and 1m-
piesslvo sight
In tlio Soimto C'lminlicr.
The membcis of the diplomatic corps
niothoJIrst to cntor the senate chamber
The.aio . diessed In their com I costumes ,
some in unifoim , some in conventional even
ing dioss , and tlie Chinese and ICoicans In
paitl colmcd silk. Thcv enter shot tly after
11 o'clock , headed hi tlio doin of the coips
As tbe\ appear at the door of the senate
( hnmhcr the Aico picsident , ilslug. stilUes
the desi ; In fiont of him once with the gavel
and the souatoi s i Iso The serge mt-at-ai ins
nddiesses the chair mid annotini os tlic visi
tors Then ho esc orts them to the 111 st low
of seats on the west side of the scnato chain-
bcr The members of the scnato are again
seated , but a few minutes later thev ilso
again to icieive the tncinbetuof the supreme
couit 'lliesoute cscoitut to the tow ( if
( ouches dlioi tlv In fiont of the vice piesi-
dent's lostium.
A f imlllar lignio whlih will bo missed at
the inanu'iiiatlon of Piosident Cleveland is
that of llanntbil Ilamlln At the tlmo of
Piesldent Il.iuisnn's in.iuguiation ho was
the sile ( icpiesciit ithe of the foimerlio
picsulents of the United States Ho died
about ac if ago
A few minutes bofoio noon the mcmbeis
of the house of lopiosent.itlves , led by
Spe ikcr Ci i ip and the blind chaplain of the
house. Ur Milbuin , will appeu at the door
of the senate chamber opposite the vice
piosiduit's lostimn The seigeant al-arms
will announce bonoinuslv , "tho house of icp
Hsentatlvos , ' aiidthomombeisof the house ,
moio than . ! 00 in nnmliei , will tile into the
M'liato chambei and distilbuto lliemselvos
atnomr the soils which have been crowded
in between the sen itois' places.
Seats will be assigned to the govcinoisof
the states , ex sonatois of the Unlttd States ,
judges ol the court of claims and of the su
jiteme coiiit of the Uisttlct and to the com-
mlssiopcis of the Dlstnct of Columbia , but
they will in iKe no fotinal cntiance
A few minutes after the noon hour Presi
dent Hailison v\ill be announced He will
bo accompanied b\ his cabinet He will be
osc01 ted to hl seat In fiont of the vice pres
ident bv the iciiibliuin | senatoi of the committee
mitteo of escott
A minute I itor Piesideiit-elcct Cleveland
w ill bo amiouni c.d He w ill bo ebcoi ted to a
scat dlicc tlv in fiont of the vito picsident
When ho Is seated and the noise of ccmvci-
sation and applause h is been a little hushed ,
Vice 1'iesldent Stevenson.will appear at the
dooi of the senate and , under escoit of a
demociatic sen itor , will walk down the cen
ter isle and mount the lostium wheio Vice
I'losldcnt Moiton Is standing Mr Motion
will gioot him and will administer to him
the oath of oflice Then ho will tut n to tlio
sen ito and addiess a few vvoids of thanks to
the senatois foi their consideiation and
couttesv to him dining his teim of olllce At
the ( omlusion of his icmiiks ho will hand
the gavel to Vice Piesident Stevenson
A Now Congicss.
'I ho rifl.v-second ( ongiess Ins expiiod bv
llmUation at the hour of noon Vice Picsi
dent Stevenson will call the senate of the
rifti-thiid congiess to oidcr in special ses
sion , and the Kov Mr Hutlcr , the chaplain
of the semte , will offer pi.iier. The now
picsuling ofllcer will inakcabiicf nddicss
asking the indulgence of the suiale. The
senatois v\ho have been elecled lo succeed
those who lotlic fiom the llftj second eon-
gi ess will then come to the desk to be swot n .
'Uio messigo of Piesident Hanison calling
the senate In extta session will bo lead.
Then Vice Piesldent Stevenson will an
nounce that as the senate has completed Its
oigaiii/ation it will proceed to the east fiont
of the capltol wheio the piesideiit of Uio
United States will bo swoin in
Maishal Hansdtll , the one-aimed veteran
who w as appointed by Picsident Hauison
to bo maishal of the Disttiet of Columbia ,
will lead the procession to the inauguration
platfoim , walking with the maishal of the
snpiemecouit , J M Wilght Then will
follow In their older , Chief Justice Ful
ler and the assoti ito justices of the
supreme eouit ; Mr. Vnlentine , the
of the the committee
scigcant-at-nims scnato ;
tee on aiiangeinents of the scnato ; Picsi
dent Hauison and the piesldcnt-electj Vice
Piesldent Stevenson and Secretary MeCook
of the senate , and then the mcmucis of the
senate two b > two , the members of the
diplomatic coips , the heads of dcpaitmonts ,
the geneial of thoaim.v nnd the admiral of
the navy , the membcis of the housoof topic-
sentatlvos , led bv ex SpeikerCiisj ) , and Mr
Kerr , the ex-tleik of the house ; and follow
ing these the distinguished guests of the
senate The procession will pissthiough
the hallwajs of the capltol to the lotuuda ,
which is under the great dome.
A platfoim will have been elected at the
east fiont of the capltol at the level of the
top of the long illght of steps which loads to
the east ontiance On this platfoim seats
will bo at ranged icgul.uly numboied and
assigned At the mlddlo of the fiont of the
platfoim will be arndodeskof pine draped
in the nation > l colois The pla/a in fiont of
thoplatfoim will be dcnseli packed When
Picsident Hauison was inaugmated thou-
s mils stood In the dicnehing rain for houis
to listen lo the inaugural nddioss , though
probably not 'JOO of them could hear dis
tinctly the wouls which the piesidonl spoke
The nnpeaiance of the little procession w 111
bo giceted with vociferouscheeiing fiom the
tired asscmbl ige.
I'ukliiK the I'roslilcntliil Oath.
The ptesidciit and picsident-eleet will bo
eseoited lo Uio middle of the platfoun.wheio
the chief juslico of the supreme com twill
follow them When the people on the plat-
foim have been assigned to seats the chief
justice of the supiemo court will rise and ,
handing to Ptesident-olcct Cleveland a bible ,
will administer to him the oath of ofllce
Piesident Cleveland took the oath eight
.vcaisngoon a bible which had belonged to
his mother Usually the bible Is new , and
after the Inauguration It Is presented to the
president's wife to keep as an histoilo iclic
When the picsident has taken the oath he
will turn to his immense audience and ,
will deliver his inaugural addiess The
ciowdon the plaza and the ciovvd on the
platfoim will wait patiently for moio tl an
half an hour , applauding some of the p iss-
agcs and listening with icspectful attention
to all of them
\Vhenthoaddtess is concluded Piesldent
Cleveland will leturn tothocapitol In chaigo
of the committee of escort , and with ex-
Pi esldent Hauison will bo taken to the sen
ate exit , where the can iages In whlchthoi
drove to the.capltol will again be In waiting
The moment when the piesldent takes the
oath of otllco is announced to the city bj a
signal gun At its sound the military organi
zations nnd the ] K > litIcal clubs which have
been forming in tlio sldo stieets will full In
line In accoulanco with the orders of the
marshal of the parade , and when tlio picsl-
dent and cx-prcsidcnt leave the capitol their
carriages will become a part of a procession
that will stietch out for miles along the
smoothly paved streets of Washington
The procession will pass down Pennsyl
vania avenue to the white house , wheie a
i a view Ing stand will have been erected , and
theio the president and the ex-pi esldent ,
sldo bi side , will review the marching thou
sands When the parade has passed Piesl
dent Cleveland and Mr Hairison will shako
hands and pan , one to go to the whlto house
and the other to retutn to his homo in In-
dlanni > ols !
The procession will continue to follow a
long line of march until man and beast uio
thoroughli exhausted. And evct'iwhere ) the
sidewalks on each sldo of the street will bo
packed with cheeiing spectators and the
windows will be tilled with enthusiastic
Amct leans.
HID Inuueural Hall ,
The crowning event of the Inauguration Is
the ball. It occurs at night. Admission to
it Is free to any respectable pcrsou who Is
willing toimy Jlofora tlckot The penMen
ofllco building will bo beautifully draped for
the oeonMon The enormous ball room Is
used ehlellv for u promenade , for the crush
Is so great that dancing Is almost Impossible
There are supper rooms and committee
rooms and a rotiilng room for the president
President Cleveland nnd Mrs Cleveland
will attend the ball Mrs Cleveland will
look on fiom the galleri , ptobibly , whlto the
president will make a circuit of the lloor es
corted by the members of the committee
which has h id the arrangements for the In
auguration In charge
The crowd will block his pissapo nnd his
rsi ort will have to contest every Inch of the
way , for though the people of Washington
have many opportunities to see the picsl-
dent of the United States they seem never
Batlsflcd on any public occasion until they
hauo fought their way through Intervening
crowds nnd caught another glimpse of the
chief magistrate
With the closing of the inaugural ball Sat-
urdu.v night , March 4 , the Inauguration ceremonies -
monies w 111 close and the president w 111 take
up the t online of his ofllco the next day Just
where his predecessor dropped It. He will
appoint the membeis of his cabinet Monday
When his message of appointment Is sent to
the senate that body will go Into sc ( ret ses
sion and conllrin the nominations Immedi
ately The now cabinet ofllccis will take
charge of the departments , and the business
of the government will pioceed In Its regular
routine without n hitch nnd without a min
ute's delay.
Cm p. Mill I.ort lire.
Frank G Carpenter has been trv Ing an
illustrated lectuie , "Men I Have Inter
viewed , " on the dog that Is on a number of
small towns In Ohio As the dog has sur
vived , Mr Cat pouter goes Into the Hold in
IVhiuaiv as a full-fledged lectmor In
t.iking to lecturing , Mr Caipentcr does not
give up newspaper w oik Ho simpli follows
In the footsteps of Hill N'io liugcno Field ,
fJcorge W Cable , James \Vhitcomb Klloi ,
Ocoigo ICennannnd other wiltcis who have
gene on the platfoim H is surpiising how
inan.v of the most conspicuous newspaper
woikois ( foi Mr Kilos wet Iced on ncvvs-
papeis befoie ho was known as a poet , and
( icoige Kennan continued to h uidle news In
the Washington bin can of the Associited
piess even after ho ictuined from Hussia )
liavo taken to loetmlug Perhaps the
lectuie Held docs not get most
of the best ncwsptper wiiteis
but it gets in.inj of the most conspicuous
Theie seems to be an ambition among the
people w ho read nowspipcis to see the men
whoso stoiles of ndvcntuic or of peisonal
oxpoilenco thi'i have lead for a long time ,
and as soon ns a man becomes famous for
auv paitlcular feature of newspaper woik
ho tinds his most prolltiblo employment
going at omul the coimtrv exhibiting him
self That is what ft Is liteially , for Mr
Kennan for example , could piobabli not
have got WOO from any newspaper or maga-
/ine for the Ice tine which has brought him
an annual income of $30,000 for scveial icais
past Uectming is the chief somco of in
tome of the men who mo at all successful on
thoplatfoim , but men like 1)111 llnd that
newspaper w oik famishes them with al.ugo
tin Idental Income and that their newspaper
letteis serve to advcitlsc them const intli to
the public which leads newspapers and
which goes to hear lectuics Dill Is'io 10-
cchestlOOa night for his leadings , I believe ,
and pavs his own expenses Ho maj give his
leadings four or Ihc times in a week His
income fiom newspaper wilting is hardl.v
rlOO a week Theie aie other let tut PIS
who i ec civ o more moiioi than this who do
not wiite fet newspapeis , but matii of them
nro public men who get their newspaper
notices fice W C P Hioekiniidgo , the
silver-tongued oiator of Iventuckj , if coives
? . .00 for a lectuie Hit Ml Uicckinridge is
mmli mote of a i.uiti thiin Mr Nic His
public duties keep him in Washington an
aveiagoof six months in the i car.
Mi Cat pouter has an ide.i that the lectuio
of the futuic is to bo "newsy" His news
paper training pet haps has given him this
notion It is stiengthened b.\ the fact that
the gieat magazines of the counlii have
icorgani/ed their seivlco almost without
exception on a news basis Haipel's was
the last to come in lino. TlioCcntuii has
been publishing "news" stones for a long
time The Cosmopolitan is distinctlv a news
magazine and the Sciibnei's made its icpu
tatlon ver.v quickly on u sciies of news
aitlcles Oratoiy , Mr Caipentcr thinks , is
at a discount ; ne > vs is now pie eminent in
populatlty. Mr Carpenter believes that the
public would lather hear him tell how ho in-
teiviewed the khedlvo of Ug.vpt than listen
to an analytical disc ow so
The dogma seems to have confirmed Mr
Caipcnter's opinion. Whether the public
will or not , Mr Caipenter is about to learn
Ho is not going into the hands of any of tlio
lectuie buicaus , but will paddle his own
AVImt It CiHt .
The inauguration of a picsident is not a
veij costly affair if General Hmiison's in-
auguiation is any ciiteiion. Of course , tlio
fcatuicsof the cclcbiation attendant on the
inauguration the decoration of the streets ,
the cost of the ball , etc. arc puicly com
mercial Investments made by the citizens of
the District to nttiact strangeis and their
monev They mo like the enteitalnment
f mulshed to a national convention by the
city in which It meets bieud east upon the
The actual cost of the inauguration itself
is boino bj the senate of the United States ,
and It costs less-than a senatorial
The payments aiomade outofthocontingent
fund of the senate Heie me the items of
four .vcais ago as recorded in Secietaii Mo-
Cook's icpoit of the ie'ar following :
Two lour-hoisocaiiiagcs at $75 each. $1.10
Thhtifour special policemen ! ! 00
dumber for inaugtiial platfoim 10" )
Kent of ch.iiis for platform , etc , about 500
UiigiavIng invitations and cards ( done
at Hm can of nngraving and Printing ) 401
The incidentals brought the total cost of the
naugiiration up to ? J , . " > JJ . "O. G. U B.
'O '
Ignorance of the merits of DoWltt's Little
i.uly : Kiscis is a misfoituno Those little
pills , icgulato the liver , cure headache , dys
pepsia , bad bioath , constipation and bilious
To l.'conoml/u Cuiil.
"It iccins to mo , " says a Poimsylvunhi
coal opoiutor , "that under the piobent
btiobsof oohl vvoathoi1 people , or , ut
least , the pooicr clusHOb , would try to
ecmiomi/o with tliolr coal. Hut they
don't sooiu to uiulorHtand that hiiuli a
thiiifr is possible. Now , let mo toll you
how to do it. Start your htovo in the
morning with the Htnallost pieces of coal
that jou can find ; whan that leddons up
into a tflowiiiff heat tin ow on your bif , '
chunks , open your draft for abjut fifteen
minutes , and you will have a roaring
lire. Then eloso all your eltafts , both
front and rear , and your Uio will burn
for at least live hours without requiring
anj attention whatever. It will pour its
heat out into the room , whoio jou nat-
111 ally want it , and not up the chimney ,
where , nine times out of ten , it { joes. In
warm winter days , if \ < m over fjot them
again , keep jour liio low by shaking the
giato only enough to get a good draft ,
and when jour coal has burned led draw
it forwaid and ( ill in the back and Hides
with the unsifted ashes and cinders ,
mixed with a little coalnvvcopings. Bank
over the top with the t-amowtulT and open
your dt afts for about ten minutes and
then bhut them up for the day. Many a
faetorj is run thiough the winter on
loss eoal than an ordinary dvvoiling
house , simply because the concern know s
how to take eato of its eoal. You try my
plan and t-ce if jou do not got the best of
the coal barons , as you delight to eall
them , by at least ono-1ialf during tlio
soiisnn.1' '
Nouuilglo headaches promptly cuied by
Bromo-SelUer lOo a bottle.
Of Course Thf ) Dili.
A vvlttv- individual ono morning
wagered that ho would ask the wiino
question of fifty difloicnt pel sons and
receive the t-uino answer from each. The
wit went to first ono and then another
until ho had reached the number of
lifty. And this is how ho won the hot :
Ho whispered , half audilily. to each :
"I MIV , have you heatd that Smith has
"What Smith ? " queried the whole
flftj'ono after another , and it was de
cided that the bet had been fairly won.
Do not let .vour dealer palm off on .vou any
new remedy for colds. Insist on having Ur ,
Bull's Cough Sj rup.
Wheat Trailers Fotihtl n Now Sinker Tied
to That Oercal ,
mUloiiK Oprnr < ri'rm ) mill C'mitlmicil
totlir llnil , ( luliilntc roll Cents In tlir
Trite or ITirk Slot kit mid
Cmcuio , III. , Tim 21 , A new sinker was
tied to wheat today feur of tint coiisciiuences
of making No. 1 northern yprlng u regular
deliver } on contracts , The market as strong
atlhcopcnlm ; and clo-.ed at about mid-day's
laiiKoand about nie lower than on the dny
before ,
Corn and oats averaged higher , but closed
without nmtcilnlchniiRc oxei-pt that the Jan
uary deliveries In both closed
advance , amounting to about ' < e for oats and
' c for corn. I'tovlstons opened llrtn and con
tinued to the end , gaining 10c In thu price of
poll. , 7 > io In lard , He loner In tlln
Them was i\ \ little show of stronlli at the
opening of the unexpectedly utton. ? cables
but the feeling was followed by a selling criuo ,
hlch quickly set prices olT Tlioinjh the ex
ports riom both coists WPIH coiisldeiably
lu : tcr th in a vveoU a o and llr.idstront's osll-
matcd that tboiimoiiiit In funnels' hands on
Mnieh t would not ovceod 104,000000 Im
aitalnst 171,000000 bu the smnu time list
iear , and estimates on the vlsllilo supply
' -liouln ' no Incicasc with chain es favorlii ) ; a
small dccipasu , all this , taken In cunnccllnn
with strong caliles , would natuially Inivo
made a Hun niaiKct , but I lit'if Is a
proposition which will mohably bn
Miled on Monday , to make the Kiada of
No 1 iiortlicin dclhorableoii cimtnict Many
In the tl ule contend that tills , \\hlch Is In-
fc'iloi to No 2 , will force hiijpis to tiiKo a
pooiei Kiutlf. In suttlt'iiiiMit on contiacts thin
can ho di'llvored Tlndc-i the moit'nt ink's ;
hence It hud the elleet of wtMkcnlnp pilcc1 * .
In any event , uhctliut It Is as oed as No 2 or will Inciuaso the siinply of contiact
wheat , add to tlie uolulit the liulls luno lo
c'liiry some miy 23.000,000liil lllid filllilsh
the fieiits iiioiu ammunition llcncu II tended
todlscoiiiiiKomt'iit and v\as an uctlvu beat lu
ll nonce * .
Of con i so , the chinso cannot affect ( bo
11 : ilcs ( a heady made , which Inive to bo settled
under niosent niles C'ud ihy uas said to
h ivo sold a KOOC ! de'.il of vvht'.it on the eaily
Hi unless and sui ted the hioak 'I ho opining
was about 'lc ' to a c hleher. hut prltos dr-
cllnod Ulth vuij few lluctiiatfons lc , thfii ad
vanced ' 4c , eased oil , and tlie closing was
about n el < nei th in josteid ij for May , while
.lulj closed about tlio same ns yostoiilny The
proposed chan o iu urdliiK No 1 noithern Is
inestimably In the Inteicsi of thu Chle.ino i > lc-
v.itoi owneis wlm.iio luliulu and ck'mliiK
t hat Krudo The ontconio of t hu v ote Is doubt
In the corn crowd the absorption by " V
Uhlte and othois has alarmed shorts and
tliuio wasK'ooil liujIIIK' . ' 1 he shuriiup-tiiin In
provisions also helped thu iniiUct dices
weio somowliut Koverned by the action of
them There weru niiinorous outside tin } Inn
orders at the opening and Initial tr.idos wc'ie
from ' < c to So above the final quotations of
yesterday , and after sullliiRolf : i fraction ad
vanced fiom Uc to 3c , when wheat tinned
down and corn syninathUcd , selling off fiom
" c to'ic , i.illlid ncjifi ' $0 to ifc , nftcrtvaids
mlod cuslui and ck cd with a shade advance
Theie was a moderate 11 ado In oils and u
steady feclliu piiv.illed , prices foiMa > .ln
which thu hulk of the ti idhiK eentoied bi'lnj ;
conUnod to ' 40 rancc1 The1 oi > nln0'asat l c
advancu.ind ' c ( le'cllnc1
'I huiccc Ipts of hojs\\cio oven sniallci than
h id been looked foi Only 0,000 head woioio-
ported at the vmds today , and foi the next
wcuk 130,000head aiqull that me- looked fin.
TuidliiK In piovlslphs was enl > modelntcly
active at any tlmo , and voiy dull for the most
F.sthnatcd iccelpH foi Monday , \\heat ,
2J5 cars ; corn , 255 eais , oats , 180 cars , hogs ,
27,000 he id. i i.
'Ihu leading futures ranged as follows :
AltTlCIES Ol'tS "IW Closk V L T V
Wheat No i
lammry 74' < 71H 71H
.Vla > . . . . 78 > 4
Jul > . . . . 7714 76' ' <
Corn No i-r
Jnaunry IT'
Vcbruary. 4JT1 4IH
May. . .
Oatt .So ? -
Jnauary .11 .11
( ebruary .11.UK
May . . . . 35K
enu fork
Jauunry is no IS 70 IS U ) 18 b7n ! 18.15
May . . . ID uo IU IU 18 W 19 07H 18 'J7 L *
January. . 10S7N , 10 10 IU M 10 DO 10 BO
May 1U 75 1U85 10 70 10 8JH 10 7J
Short Klbs
January. 9 87 H ii 8D 900 f " < < ,
May 11 'J'm 1) tl il 1 > 5 ue ; >
Cash quotations were a * follows :
Ti oiili Dull but 111 in ; winter patents. T3.CO
® 4 00 ; winter btnilts , $1.40 1 00 ; spiliiKpit-
c'lits , J3.7fiJt4 10 ; hpilns stialtb , $ J.75te3 00 ;
bakers , J1.7OS2.20.
WIIKAT No 2 hpiliiK , 73J4C ; No. 3 spring ,
0205'/ic : No. 2 red , 7J'Hc.
COIIN No 2 , 43'4c : No 3 , cash , 40'ae. '
OVTS No 2. 31c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 35e ;
No 3 whlto , JJ'ic.
HM-NO. : 2. 54'5ic. ! No 2 , ODc ; No. a , f. o. b,4GG3e ;
No 4. f. o b , 30B45C.
1'I.AX Sf HNo. . 1$1 10
TIMOTHY hu i > I'rlme , tl 98
l > oiiK-Mt > ss , pin 1)1)1. . 1775Q17.S7'j : lard ,
pel 100 Ibs , IflO 00 , slant ilhs sldus ( loosu ) ,
* 'l ' OOii'J ! > .ri ; dry hilled shoiildeis ( bo\edl ,
J'J H7'-10 00 ; short clear sides ( bo\ed ) , $10 30
® 1040.
WHISKY Dlstllleis'llnlshcd goods , pci gal ,
$1 3D.
MKMIW Unchanged.
Tlid follow Ing were thu iccelpls and ship-
nii'nlK foi today :
On the Produce exchange todav thu butter
maikot wusoaslor ; uuamory , Uliii. IJci dairy ,
2lK330o. KiIKs , easier ; stilotly ficbh , 31@J2e.
NctvYoik Markets.
Nhw YOIIK , Jan. 21 l'i ouii Iti-celnts , 17.-
702 pkss1. : experts , 1,200 pkgs. Minuet dull
but generally ht.idy. \\lntur wheat , low
Blades , j'J.lOft'J 66 ; winter wheat , fair to
fancy. 60142.75 ; w Intel wheat , pitonts ,
tJ.H6fi4.SO ; Minnesota clear , $ . ! 603 60 , Mln-
nc'sota htralKhts , $ J 0034.00 ; Minnesota pat
ents , $1.26 < ii& 00 : rvo mixtures , tJ.'JOQJ 00.
COIIN Mhtir-DufI but steady ! jellow , * J 75
02.W )
KM. Nominal ; wcstorn , G2 < Si1e. (
IlAiUKV Dull but Him ; western , 60@80c ;
No. ' - ' 1 ol onto , H6c
HAIH.KY SI ALT Inactive ; western , 70'9,8Jcj
city made , ll.oorol 05.
\\IIIA1 Hocolpts , 4,050 hu. ; sales , 1.B50-
000 bu fntuies , 1C. 000 hu. spot. Hpot
m irkot linn , dull ; No. 2 ted , In stoio and
oluvator , 70J4 < aBOc ; ulloit , BOi/iSHO c ; f. o b ,
70'iaHl ( > < c ; uiiKiadul rtd , 745iSc. ( No 1
northern , H'J' . , < ( r84c. No. 1 hind , 88'4 Uc ; No
2 northern , 8l'482c ; No 2 hpiliiK. 77'fQi
77n4C. Opt Ions opened llrm and advanced ' 4 ©
\con Ilrnioi cables with foicl ( nors anrt Wall
struct bnyliiK. declined 'fW.o on lo ( al loall/-
liiA advanced 's&'iO on coverlni ; with late
cabloh llrm , closed steady ut 'ifiUc oxer
yesterday and trailing fairly actlvo No 2
iid , robruary 70Vii70'4c. closliiK at 7'JV.
Vlay , HJ l-li83'c ( , closing at b2'c ; July ,
83 1 5-10 8 1UC , closlm ; at 80' , c.
CoilN Hc ( ( < lptK , IJiSDO bu ; exports , 40,044
hu ; sales , 340,0001)11.fJltllios , 20OlHbu ( spot
spotK ( Inn and scnio * rfto 2 , 53'icln oluxatoi ,
& 43.5&e ; \oI ( 3 , 54St55c. Options
w cio modi lately acttro , ! jc hlKhoi on Mimll
supplies and IlKht iccelpts , closliiK Him. I'ob-
ruirj , 5314l54c ( clolns at 6J11c ; Maicli ,
& 354 < a54c ; , closlns ilt DJ'iCj Muj , 53 , 'rj.54c ,
ClosltiKUt 6J' c
OATb-Hoei'lpts , 50 , 00 bu ; sains , 30,000 bu
futures , 17,000 bu spot. Spots dull but Him
Options dull and oasloi ; May , 30 i30J4c ,
closlniiat 30 'ac ; spin , NO 2 whlto. 43c ; No 2
1 IdCHKO , 40c , No 3. 38ci No 3 whlto , 41' , ©
41 0 ; mixed HCSIUIII , 3'JTt40ic ( , whlto wcst-
II At Quint and ? rfdj . HhlppliiK , 05c , good
tocholco , 7601HOC tn *
llors ralr demand ; steady ; htate common
to choice , 2O24e , 1'i.oltlc coast , 20T 2 lc.
lllDKS 1 airly uctlVO find stead ) , wul halted
Now Orleans sehoteU 46 to dl ( | t > , , 4'tlfOc ,
Texas bclccti d , 6 ( ) tl ) fiO Ihs , 57c.
Wooir-I'll m and uctltu ; iloinoMlc lleruo , 27
G32c ; pullfd , 'JUCr&JJc : Texas , 17 < a21c
I'onuQnlot and st Hdyold moss , 117 50 ®
17 75 , new mess , } 1H.264018 76 ; uxtra , prlcu
nominal. Cut moats , Inactlvn and llrm ,
pickled bolllos , $1100 1125 ; pickled hhoill-
ilors , I1HM ( ) ; pickled hams , (140(1 ( Middles ,
qulut and Mciidy. shoit clear , 111) ) 50 Laid ,
uulut and htrongor , western sleam closed lit
* 11 20 hid ; sales , 210 tlc-rcos at 111i7 : options
sales , 760 tlnreos , 'Inniiary 12.27 ; ruhriiary
til ifiTfll 111 , closlntf atlll.15 ; May , 111 00
IluiTKii Moderate domaiid ; llrm , western
dairy , SOft'J&c ; cienuiory , 24'Q3pic ' , wusturn
factory. I7ft2ic ( ( ; Klslii 36c.
( iit > si : rirm , fairly actlvo , ptrt .sMms 4
PHUB Moderate demand ; Him ; iccolpts ,
2,125 packa-'os , western , fresh , 30c.
Uich-Actfto , firm ; donjestlc , fulr to c-xra ,
3'iii5ic ; Japan , 4'e4'.c.
MOI.ABHKS I'orolitn , nomlnul ; Nn Orleans ,
open kettle , uood to choice , llrm , falily actlvo
" '
- , . , -
centilfiitfiilH. lo'l ) _ ' > lj,3/TllrVIl'Vi | . " , !
qulut ; kteadyolT ; A. 4Ha4\o ; mold A. 51-11 ;
W5'chtnnilardA,4nl"'jCicoiifoclloncrii ; }
jA , 4 7-1C414VC , cut loaf6 O-J&ttOJic ; crukhed
. . „ , , . . . . . , . . . , . „ . . , 4 l ! ) lonVOi crtitiii *
liitpd , 4 ll-liWn1) ) cube'i , 4 IVludMio
I'm Jitov null , uboiil Ktoadyimcrlriiti
112 7 5fft Ift.fiO.
C iri'Rlt Dull , Mondyi lake. 11206 ,
l.rvn ( Jtiloti domesth I'85 ,
TIN firm quiet ) "train , JJU.'j.
Olimlm I'rodiKu .Vlurkd.
The week closed with Iho ORK market thn
most Intorostliu feature. The mild weather
eoiitltuilnt'on l'iIdny stilt futilitr weakened
the ni'irket on ox s and did not have a stlmti-
latlnKolfoot ( mother kinds of produci * as will
be noted from the quotations Klvon bclon As
a rule the market was dull and bttjcts ap
peared to bo following the policy ut llinltltitf
thelrpinchasos as much as possible with the
apparent Idea that the hculnnliu of another
week would see Htlll lower prlcos
AIM-UN Stocks are held at $ .15031.00 fet
fair to choice stock ,
IIN AN . Quoted at * 2 00572 60 pet bunch
lit vss I'holco navy , tJ 00a..l6
llb'TTHl There Is 11 niilK'o.ible falllne olT In
the receipts of butter In this maikrt. Whlto
there has been no great or very marked ad >
' . In the market have
vanc'c. prices been Kridu-
ully cr.iulliiK up Good packlnc MocU Is Kolnit
at Idc and fait to need country toll at iHfft
20c. Strictly fancy would brlnn pel haps 20 ®
22c , but theru U not much of It to be had
The ( jieater poitlon of thoceleiy
on thu market Is conilni ; from ( 'hlcago , and Is
not oxorlj cholio This Is the sonson of the
year , however when fancy stock Is not e\-
pectc'd A few jears aito It was unusual foi
celery to last until March , but Ilko oveiythliiK
else , the season Is lit'lm ? e itended and celery
Is now lo bu bad at almost all seasons fiom
some section of the * country Oloiy Is limited
on this m irki t at We
cuiioitMv rtmiMu-oitiiiK to the liinh
pi Ices at which cabhice IsbebiKheld In Miuth-
orn Callforiil.i the arilvals heie aio light
Diumhead 2ic
CiivsiiHiiiUsdvlces fiomoa lorn points
Indicate voiy Unlit Mocks and a tendency on
the p irt of prices to advance Hell and ( herr1 , ,
$ H 6112'J 00 ! bell and biiKlo , tlO OOSIO 60 , .lei-
sov I'apo fed , $ 'J 60 610 00
l.ous 1 he miiikot was very qulol and wh it
ales weio made were foi sln leca-.e lotsonlv
' 1 ho mild wcathui aiipuaiod to Incieaso the
conlldenceof huveis In lower prices and thov
weio unwilling to liuj onlj as compelled and
then to III ! their Immediate wants As
lo prices ovoi v e'ommls'doiidcalci appealed to
have a pil < oof hN own -ind It Ishaidly possible
tostalejust whitwas the maikot They till
iiKreed that 2jc was onoilKli to qliolo the
market , and some weie of the opinion that
even tint price would look hlj-'h bj Iho op-n-
liiK of next week SMIIO are predli thiR a
spudj drop to 20c
Cvvih smn , i.ibblts , 75c. jacks , tl 50
UAV Iho mat kot was , unchaiiKi d at $0 003
0 60
Huns No 1 silled , 4io : No 2 , 3'4c ; ( lint ,
MOM v Coed whltoclovei , 10iR.20o.
1,1 vioss } I t)0a4 ) 5O
SI VI. tlnvi'i---I'nehaiiKcd at $000 poi
I. ngc hlckoiy nuts , $1 05. black wal
nuts , $1 23
OMOSS Homo grown , $100 pi r biiilicl ;
sp inlsh.pci oi.ito , * 1 OOJ12 00.
OIIVNOISlirlghts , niodlnni sl/os. * T 25 foi
single ease- lots , and * ) 00 foi lots of live lo ton
cases ; iitssots ate 'JOc put ciisechoape'i Adl > - -
countof 25con the hov Kalso niiuhi foi oxlra
Inigooi small sl/i's Callfomla n.ivals , $120 ;
.Mexican , $3 60
Oiivrrits' The situation rom ilns unchanged
In tliooysU'i m u lu't 1'ilces heio lange fiom
2c ( ) to 12c percan
I'OUI.TIIXTho in rh ills of ehlckoiiN woio
more llbcial nnd slocks did not move off qulto
sofic-elv us they did Chli kens woio e'lii nilly
selling at 8QOc ; turkeys , 13c ; O'iose ami ducks ,
Ofl lOc
I'OIATOVSOnlv small lots moving fiom
store. Wostoin Nobi iska stock N quote 1 at
WJc ; Utah and Colorado , OO itil.OO , choice
native , 7580c
SVM ET POT v roi s There are a few In the
maikel which are soiling at 14.50.
VPAir The domiind Is ptetty good and ar-
ilvals genoiallv are moe'tlng with v i v toady
Bale. Choice , HfiilOo ; huge and thin , S
The f'ud ihy I'acklng coinpiny of solitii
Omnhi Is frocrliu a larrfc * iju , intlty of ponltiy
foi the spring trade
C'hlcngo pirtles shipped by oxpioss n cai
lo id of cold slot H O i gs to Now Voik on
Thuisdiy , a lathe-r unu-,11 il and expensive
nic'lhod of shipping
omo of the pioduce men me commenting
uiifnvoiuhly on the action of the coniu II In 10-
diirlng the license' chaigcd pi ddli-rs Tlio 10-
' 11 gioecrs somc'timos ciltlclso the commis
sion men hciaiiso tin * } sell to tin * pi ( Idlers ,
"but , " s'lld a commission m in , "the1 } st mil by
and let tlio council ledncu the license bj one-
half without any ellort ( o piovont It. "
The iccclptsof h iv me lee 1 irgo to admit of
thomiikot iccovcrlng It Is said In Chlingo
I hat theio aio Indications of a deal In butter
s Imllai to the icccnt ono In i ggs. As In the
latter pioiluct , the losoivo supplies of buttei
h avc been eaten up , the piodticthm Isdown tone
no veiy low point , and the dom ind Is voiy
g od. Hiitterinc men. nndei oxlstlng clicuin-
stances , .110 In a position whcie they nro compelled -
polled to help thu ( leal along at least up to a
.LI tain point.
The present high prices of onions ie-c ills the
apilngof 1801 when the miikot In this c Ily
was $700 per biriel A gieat m my of the
onions sold In this m nket at that tlmo came
fiom Chlcauo , and It was noted Hi it lln : lllghei
the mat ket wont and thu scarcoi onions bu-
came thu smaller the hiircls Itv\asasub-
jCt of speculation In this miikct wheie the
Chicago shippers obtained such small baricls
and how they m inugud to Irivu them giad-
uated on a descending scale A shipper from
thu lake city was In Om ilia this othc-i day and
gave aw.iytho seciol. It seems they stalled
out by using cianbc'iiy binds and as the
muiket advanced they icmovod onu small
stavu , then as onions became moru scaicu
.hey would taku out a wldei stavu until they
got the bairuls down to about tliosUo of a
stovepipe .
The Omaha shippers of f i tilt have Issued n
clicuhu to thn Undo setting foi th theli posi
tion. The agreemint , as that Is what It
a mounts to has been signed bj all thu fiult
shlppeis and Is meioly an ulToil on Hull p irt
to establish milfoiiim } of teims In the sale ,
cliugo foi caitago picUng.ole 'I he clrciilai
Is as follows * sidpj ) ) ) ! ( > r perlshahln goods
during thu winter months Is always coniu cted
with moieor less ilsk and II should bo umlei-
htood with tlio trade that this risk has to bo
cairled by thu biici and that no
Is given b } us to deliver goods at destination
fieo fiom fiostodo , howovei , guiianteo
hat Ihu goods are In perfect and sound con
dition when shipped We shall alwis nsaoiir
best Judgment about shipping , wiap the goods
In he ivy piper whenever wo deem It necos-
hiuy , load In rofilgeiatoi whenever wo
can proem o same , and do not ship when
In our c'stlm itlon thu woathei Is too
cold and a mttiiUl fall In tompeiatnio
or slot m Is adv Isud by thu ( jovoinmcnt Signal
Soi vlcu bine ineato at times obliged to
hold ordms foi peilshable goods for a week , 01
oven longer before wo stilko a mild day , and
llicrofoio incept oideis only under condition
tiiatwearo not to ho held losponslblo foi
delay caused by above le.isons. In shipping
Hinall fiult , boriles and vegetables only thu
f lushest and llncst will ho used , such as In our
judgment will iari } to destln itlon In good
shape. Should , howovoi , by lough h indllng ,
hntandsultiy weathui , in delays of tialns
thu shlpmont hu damagi d , thu loss Is not lo bu
charged to us , Thusuaiu ilsks p u amount to
the fiult business , and no du ilei , lotallcr or
wholesale ! , small 01 largo , must expect to
cany ( .his Hn without an occasional loss.
TUIIIIS : All bills for f i nils , vegetables , etc. ,
aio p iHblu "wiekl } . " \\o will positively not
run any thlity-diiy accounts on these goods
Our goods are sold "fiom stotn. " nml achiiigo
of 5 cents per 100 pounds will bu maoo to
covur actual cost foi hauling lo depot. VVhon
necessary for piotectlon against frost , to
wrapgoodn In papei , achaigo of5cdits for
each box and lOcontb foi each baircl will ho
made1. _
KIIIIHM City 'MxrkutD.
KANSASCITV , Mo , Jan , 21VilET fash ,
firm , 'ic hlghoi ; No. 2 h ird , tiGe ; No Jied ,
( oils U ithurslow ; jiructlcally unchanged ,
No 2mlxod , 3l'f(835c. (
OATS Wo ik ; gencially 'ac lowei , No 2
Kvt rirm : No 2 , 55c.
llinTrn Illshei , ciuamery , 28i20e ; dairy ,
1 7 i2c. ( )
iniis : 1'alr demand ; strictly fresh , 2GTt27c.
Iticui'Ts-Whoat , 44800 bu.j coin , 11,300
bu ; oats , 1,700 bu .
.siiii'Mi.M * . Wheat , 38,0001)11 ; coin , 15,000
1m ; oats , 2,000 hu
Col ton Marknt.
NEW Oni.hVNs , l.i , Jan 21 Quiet and
sle uly , middles , Ov. low middling , Oc , good
ordlu.iry , 8'f"j nut and gnus iccolpts , 575t
bales , exports totlreat Itrltaln .1.000 hales ,
lo I'lauco , 0,171 biles , to the continent , l > 16
My doctor Bayi It aria gently on Ilia iloniach ,
llvrrand kldnevn , and Ii n plpaxant laiatUe llils
drink In rpaile from lirrhs. and Is prepared for u e
ascuiryuteo. It 1 called
All druritliiu i n u at Vic and II package. It you
rannot gtl It , irad your ajdrvaa fur a fretumplc. .
I.nne' * 1'nmlly .tlrdlrlnc IIIOTFI Ibn liowrl *
rarb d y. In order to be lieMlliy thli la n reuarv
Addr w OUAIOll 1' . VS OOUWAltl ) , I.K Ilor , K. V.
bate l roiutwl i . t 000 bnlc i t.nli > , 3.GCK1
buliM MH | ( . n-tl mimlei
NKVY Out i VNI , I u , . .IHIIJl riilnrc" < itrnilyt
'l lPV } } ' 4W' t le i .titmntrv , IU 'J t I clirn
| > r > . fJM Miuch , J1314J" Ui April i3fi8
" % MI.V.M laif J44i I iinc J'M'MU.til , July ,
'J 05UU.7 ' | Allgint , Ji ) bD.ji'J . til
N MY Yorli Drj Uoodn Mnrkvt.
Nr.iv YOIIH , .Inn a I lln < lnpss In dry RootU
was very moderato In accordanci ) with the
usual dooreaso In the hnttliduy dom mil ,
llleaclipd Roods and clothing woolens svero Iho
must at tlvo fabrics The inosemeiit In the
latter gives some evidence of belnu piob-
ably complc'ed In the OOIIIM > if another
week , hilt with the lamest business
ovoi accomplished so oarlv In the soavm In
fact , ( ho season's product Ion will lie practi
cally sold up t'ottou iroodshavo had cotislib t-
ahlo Iniiuliy , but actual liaiisacllons have
been modeiaeo on account of scanlty
of Roods. There Is some piospoot that
many aitlcles will bo further ad
vanced. Aitcutweie pushing dellveilos
as much a * possible , and have been dolnR > , o
without catching upon the ordois In hiiiid as
much as inlk-lit ho supposed Cotlon Roods
seem to ho sold up to April pretty Rotienllv ,
and sonio much liejond that. At the same
tlmo liiij en dlscioso m iny wants In slRht
' < have made Hit * pilco of Hmpsim' M In *
dlito blue pi Ints O c , but orders for noodi to
tin Ivo aio in Iiii on tbo"iiatho" only.
St. l.oitU.VL
T Long , Mo , , lan 21KMUIII KI KI.
vvitiT Me nnilei jesterdav foi options ,
cash , hlchoi , OOc : Mav , 7U' ' < e. .IiiU TS'.e
I'oiiN Simons josterdiy oish , 37'.c ; May ,
\TH-llottoi i cash , 32 > , e ! May , " \ jo.
H\E Held at OOc but no sales.
HAliuUiiIet. . Mlnnesot i , rj4V5Ic.
lli'iiMi rnchaiiKod , croamoij , 25
-rncliuiiKi'd ; lower at fi7'i *
I'novisioss-l'ork , old.SlM 60j new , ? 13 60
Laid $1085
Kiel li-is I lour , 5000 SIU.H- ) wheat , 5,000
hu s corn , 1IJ.OOO bu j oils , 16,000 bu , no ,
none , b uley , none
Mlii'vii- NTSflour , O.OOO s icks ; wheat , 184-
000 liu : corn 7U.OOO tin ; o its , 2J.OOO bu ; ivo ,
6,000 ! barlej none.
Nt.w YOIIK , Jan 21 I'vi.i.nw Ouleli
nominal , i It ) ( JJ oofor pkRs ) , i.- | Jilil
I'imoN stM ) OnSteadi , crude , 42'c ' ,
jollow , I7c
I'lTltoi.i'irvi Dull , sleadv , cuido In hbl
( I'.irkeisl } j ! ii'i tide In hnllc il'.irkoisi , ( J NO
tollned Now Voik. r > . ' 0 ; 1'hll idolphla and
II iltlmoro. * ' 3ri , I'hlladelphla and It iltlmoio
In bulk tJ75'i4240 ! Pulled mi sales
I'osis Qulol. llrnii slialned , common to
good , ( I 15' ( 1 J7'j
Tiritl'iMlMJulot ( ste idv , 33'sJMlc. '
I.OMION , .Ian. 21 -\ictiiiv hissn n Us
I.INS i MI CJlilOs per en t
'I riti'i NTIM MMllirs-'Jls 1'sd percwt.
1 vi low IVteisbiiig jullowc indie , Ids per
. dr.ilii .
Mll.vv VI'M I , \ \ Is.Inn 21. Will.M- lily ,
May , 71 ' , o. No 'J.pi InliHt -
I OHN Quiet , No I limill'iO.
Otis-Qule'l , No i ! white , 35'5 < ? ? .1Ge ; No
: ) , .U'jfjiirio
IUltiJe *
l.lvorpool Vl'lrlii'ls.
I.ivi lil'ooi Ian 21Wm \T l'lrm ilotmml ,
fall ; holdeis oilei inodoi.ilel } . ted vtestein
spiliu bs2d lCs3l pel cental
COIIN I'll m , dc'iimnd fall.
llvtON LOUR ilein , 45lli4 ( ) 53s Oil pei cwt
I , vim 1'ilinn we-.toni , 54s lul pei cnt.
1'Fvs Canadian , 5s 4'f , pi i cental.
Cnlli u VliuU , | .
NFVV YottK , Jan 21 Options opened dim at
10 to 20 points up , clo-iliiK steady at lo lo 20
points nhovu josti id iv S lies,30,750 b IR , In-
cliilliir'.I inn irv.tliiVO. M ndi , Jll > 15 , May ,
$ li IKVJtli , .in , , fulv $10 ( ( ( 35k S-pti mbei ,
tin jnioldlO ; Deienibor , ifld'JOttlO i5 f-put
KIo dull but Hun , No 7 , tl7J7' ' § .
I.IV i : STOCK MA It KKls.
C'nttleTi uio I'lKucnlj ' At tl\i > UOKH 1'lm t -
nto , hut C'loio > troiir. (
OVIMIA , Ian 21 riioio bus not only been no
falling oil In 101 el pit compiled ultli last wei U ,
but both c ittloand sheep show .1 voiy stibstiin-
llal inciease , and thu s line N tiuo when thu
conii iiKon Is made nllh last jc u Iln - , ion-
tlnno tosbow u c'onslduiablu falling oil com-
) i nc'd with ono jo u ago , forwldlo the Inrioasi'
In iccolpts of c'attlu and sheep foi thu p ist
tlmo weeks coniiiuid with tlio llrst tluen
v\i el > s of .lanu u181)2 ) , his he-en Id.ri'J.i anil
7,107 lospeellvolv tlit'io b is boe'ti a decieas
of 55,081 hoKSor ovoi 38 put cent. Uhoolllcla
lUinisaro us follows
The nunUotshavo all been uneven and the
tendency of pi Ices lowei except on sheep ( . at-
tlu Milurs weio strong ilnrlng lhuoail > put of
thu wei'k , but latei declined Ue ) to 20c on both
beef steeis nnd cows lifts prlcussteadlly de
clined up to I'llduy Onlild.iy and * > itnrilay
a good shuio of this ilocllnn was legulnod
Uood sheep , bilni ; In lalhci llnillod snpplj ,
continue to sell lendlly at stioni ? prices.
The ci ttlo market today was only modei-
atolj active and then * were a variety of opin
ions uinom : dotlors as to thu condition of the
trade. Itnjeis .ill iiioted | hlghi'i pilces , and
whllo mott sclle-is conceih d this to bo true of
the moiodesliablo ollc-rlims , holders of any-
IhliiK'not fat said It took haul woik to move
them even at shaded pi Ices Milp-
pors took < | iilto a few and thorn
was thu usiiil good lee il demand
ThogcMieialiiualltj of the ofToi Ings was noth-
Total li ur ol CITIEG ,
CorreiponOcnro solicited.
(03-103 ( Donrhorn Street. CHICAGO.
IS Wall Street , NEW YOnK.
fO State fit. , BOSTON.
IK ( Mtrrt Theto wore r.o Mrletly rholcs
brevet h'-io hut fair to good 1 OMMo 1 UOO.fu.
Mceri old very Urucly nt from 13 7ft lo II U5.
In Kcncral , there vtns little quotable' clmniic lit
pilces from 1 rlduv , but there Inn boon nu
aver/mo decline Mm o Tuesday of IDo to 2io
oti all bill the veiy best RradoN
lluslness wan not very lively In thehutchriM1
Mock and dinner line and prices ruled onsieV
on all hut the Rood lo cbolco uradcH 'I hpn
'old at from JJ no up to ( J HO I'uli to ttouil
ctun sold lUKolj at fiom10 to * J HO mill
common and canning madrs aioiiml ( I 76 to
f ' .26. 'I heio MUM no parllcillai chanuo In thu
mm ket foi roiuh stuff and common to choljo
fat bulls , oxen tnd-.UIRS sold at fiom JJ ia to
Jl..i 'i Uimmon to choice vial calves sold
from f J 40 lo Ji 60 About overvthlim In ( hu
line fiiumi a piitchuscr before the eliiio
'I hero was consldctahlo activity In the
MocUor and feedei line and prices ruled
"Irtmif , 11V to 2 < V blither Hum a vm < k aco.
Iho big bulk of the desirable 7OO toOOO-ll ) .
ft odors old aioiiml f J 90 and $1 50 Tlio sup *
plv falls away xhoit of thodrm.iiid
IlotH It has been neatly two months since
the hop market took MH ha down turn as H
did the oarlj part of thin week , I'p lo frldny
then * hid boon a decllno of 20cto25c Hildas
there was no appuent letup In ucclpl * the
outlook was lather tlliicoiiriiKliiK Thn
cai blockade' , or lather the scaiclty of
stock cars onM of Chicago contributed in iu >
in ill , dogiTit to the break , as It ptvvnnted
oasii i n Nhtppers and Incidentally sp vnhitors
fioiii buvliiRlth decieased icielpts and
Improved eastern marketmi Rood slum of
this decline was regained 1'ililm and batur-
dav and prices ted i.v a\01 tucd inn over 5e to
10i lower th in last suturdiy , wluih was Iho
lilfli daj
' 1 he week closed with a fan run the KPnoral
( iiiillt ! > of the olloiluus lioliiu veiy Imr , ul-
thoii-'li the best IIORS were not so Rood s f rl *
daj'stops. iistoin : m iikels wete hlRhui and
theio vis some outside Imiiilr ) for shipping
aicoiint l/ocal buveis all hid Rood otdcra
nnd the oail > market w is active and all of a
dime hlKbei than fiidii ) ( mod to i holci )
bull her welRht and heav > IIIIRS sold fioin
$7 65 to $7 70 , with fill to miod light and
mixed lo ids at fimn } 7 Ililot76''i SOUKety
pool llRht stulT sold as low as $7 10 and (710. .
en hi'.u Nli icpoi Is fiom the i hu auo hoi ; and
produce markets the m ukr t btoke tmd v Hid
i.ulv advaneo w is cnmpti-iolv wipid out
and Iho I ito ho s sold around ii 4" unil 7 56.
'I hi' pens woio llnall > i learod. ihe bulk of
IIORS selling at $7 " > o ami i7 " 16 a alnsi ftoin
$7 II to f7 50 1'rld ly , anil fiom { 7 6-i to J7 0" )
on SiUiiihi )
MM i I'-ltei olpts weio modeluto as loqiiiiii-
tit ) and nitbei mlscelljiieotis as to qu illty
Thcio was the usual Rood demand for do-
sliablo muttons and on sm h prices tilled
slioni ; sumo ( holce IJJ-lb esteinellura
hiliiRUiR J5 00 l ommim and Infoilor Rradol
won-a lillleslow I ill to RODI ! natives , f J 75
G16 Oil , fair to Rood wosti ins $1 6 jf5 00 com
mon and slock sheep { _ ' J'nf I fin. Rood to
choice 10 to loo-ih limbs iieiit560. ) )
K uisas t'ltv I.Uo stoek "llnrkpl.
K \ssvt Vt n. Mo , I in 21 ( viil.iHe -
celots , 'J.-1IK ) hi'n | , shipments 1,600 head :
shlpplni : stools , $1 O * > ii,5 10 ; htockeis and
lions Ite'colpt i , 5 HOO bead , shipments ,
200 head , maikot opened H > MTir hlxhtr ,
closed weak , put of ciln lost i\tiomu :
lillltfO , W 50 ( li 75s bulk 7 I5ift7 dO
Mil 11' Hecelptx , lee head , shipments , none ;
iii-iikot dull , iiiichniiRod Muttons , * J J5U4 60.
St. l.ouli l.ltn stuck VliuUot.
Lotus , Mo , Tan 21 I'VTTII Ilicelpts ,
l.ddO hoiid , shipments 1 20o , maikot stcidy ;
natlvo sli IMS , fl-'jjfI.Tfi , choh o
$5 HOT ! 6 26. HI iss I 0is if' ' OOifJ 76
lions ICoi olpls , 2 JOO hiad , shipments ,
1,201'i maikot stioiu , heavy , * 7 J0dl700 ,
picking , 70W7 ( 16 , lhht$7 10.fi7 . 115
Hit I I' Itoculpts , 160 ho id , shipments ,
maikot strong , natives i.nuo , f J 6t > d& f > U.
You don't want n totpi'i liter , iou don't
want a bad cotnploxioii , jou don't want a
bid bieath.jou don't want a heidiichu.
Then use Do Witt s blttlo Lilly Hiscrs , the
famous llttlo pillb
Ur IMorco's
ricnsant Tollots.
Kmalkbt , easiest ,
cheapest , best.
Thoy'io tiny ,
i BURiir-coatod )
anti bilious srnti-
ulcs , u compound
of icflned anil
voeotnblo ex
tracts. Without
disturbance or
tioublo , Consti
pation , IndlRcstlon , Bilious Attacks , Blck nnd
liilious Headaches , and nil dorniiKomenU of
the liver , stomach , and bo ols nro pioventxMl ,
relieved , nnd cuiod , Pel manentlu cured ,
lee By their mild and natural nclion , those
little Pellota lend the sjstom into natural
vroys again. Tbolr Indnonco lasts.
Lvcrytilii ] { catanhal In Its nature ,
catairh itself , ant ! all the tto'ibles ' that
como fiom catauh , aio perfectly and
permanently cured by Dr. Sages Ca-
tnnh Kcmcdy. No matter how bad
your case or of bow loug stauumff , you
ran be cuicd.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soxit ? ) Opnatia.
Hot Cnttlo Ho anil Sheep market In tlio nest.
Wood Brothers.
Mvo Stock Commission Merchants.
South Omaha 'lukplionu 1157 Chicago
JOHN I ) IAI)1 ) V1A > , I , , " " " „ . , .
WAI/IIKK : WOOD , f31I""fcr
MurUct nepurti by in ill nnd trlra cho3rfnlly til
nlslicd upon aiipllcatlua
Manufacturers' and
Omaha Tent-Awning
111 ! yit
Bemis Omaha Bag M. 0. Daxon ,
Imi'Orlorj and man.fri lilLjclos solil on montlilr
Hour ocki , burlH ! | ,
twlno parracnli IM N 11th
Morse-Coe Shoa Company ,
Huwnrd tro't
1 actor ) curnorlltti anil
maklnuclo o prlon to c-uh biiyori anl are
nclllcg aclum of uouiH whlclil , vcrr anletiblo
nllll morclinnts
Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COMPANY VVholuialo SHOKCO liiioti iiliosi
nifru ainti lloitnn and rulilH rKoo-li , UJi-
llubbur Shua ( o IIJJ- UIU llarnor St
UUI-lllAi llarnoy St
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Comics Works
I.I MIC CO hitrd undnoft Mfri valvanltoJ Iron
real , S h cor 10th mil Liirnlcj nl id JIT oap ,
Doiulas Idti nictalllo ikirlliihti , utc
H. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpatrlck-Kocli Dry
! ) rr eoodi , notloni fur- Notloin Ki nl furnliri-
nlihUiK oed < oriir Inx oodi cor lit ) un.l
llth and ( toward Stt llariuy "ill
Omaha Upholstering Baalw & Rjiyaa
Rector SL Wilbelray Lobeck& Linn ,
Dealers In Innlivnro and
Corner 10th ami Jackson nioclinnlL'tt tools
ili eels KlJI
W.A.L.Glbhon&Co , Omaha Safe and Iron
Whulesalii WOIIKS
Hat ! capi Btraw Fafon vnuHs jnll work.
KloM'B nillleni , Iron BlmlterB atxl Urn v
aud llarnc/ iniiaf Anilrejn A Oar-
It , lUh and Jncknon.
John A , Wakefleld , Charles R. Lss ,
Imported'or : Hunt wool lu iioir , wuul
luiul oanutit Mil wan cnrpoK in I
kocuriunt a idQuliio/ tloorlnn
white litre ( ili ( and
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
( .arrjr a full Mock of
tirlnllnK ! wrapjiln ; an 1 Heine 1 nnd lubrlcallag
vrltlnit nperj , rnrl
uapur etc. oil i aila Kinaie , etc.
Branch & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co. ,
I'ludiice frulti of till Iluttor , ilismo ' < ,
puultrjr nnd KHUID ,
klmU nyitcri JI7 H I lih H
Omaha Stove Repilr
VVdllK4. itOTO re.ialr * Vlnniifaolururi of iab
and water utla3)iiuili ) do or a , blind * uol
lor any kind ufiluir moiil linn bruuob ut
uad , IW ! UouKlia tit