Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1893, Image 1

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Capital National nt Lincoln Fails for Moro
Than Half a Million ,
Almost a Quarter of a Million on Deposit in
the Broken Bank.
Sunday Night at the Capital Turned from
Rest to Wonderment.
Little Hope That Anything Can Be Saved
from the Establishment.
Other riniinclers Knew Miulirr Wax In a
Tlirht 1'lni-e , but TliniiRlit Ilu Would
I'llll TlirnilKli Urtnll * IIH I'nr
n Known Now.
LINCOLN. Neb. , .Ian. 22. [ Special Telo-
gri'.m toTm : IJni : . ) The startling announce
ment of tin- failure of thoC'ipltal National
bank was made shortly after 11 o'clock to
night , and with It came tlio statement Unit
tlio state treasurer was caught lu the. crash
In the sum of * . ' . ' : > 0,000.
'J'lils news spread llko wlldllre , uiul It waa
the sole tolc ] of conversation of the hun
dreds who were arrested by It as they were
on their way to their beds.
The appearance of National Hanlc Ex-
nininer .1 M. ( irllllth of Wahoo , who came hi
on the evening train , was resixmsiblo for the
closing of tin' hank , which canto In a few
hours after that olllcinl began his invcsttga
tion of the bopks and papers of the Institu
Caught tlio.statr.
It Is stated that the failure is a bad one ,
but the exact situation cannot bo ascertained
tonight. The. deposit amounts to about
$ l > 2r > , IX0 ! and of this amount between J17ii , < XX )
and WiO.lKK ) are state funds , for which the
bond of the treasurer will bo liable.
The capital stock is * ! fiOUOO. all paid Up.
Cashier K. U. Outcalt stated that the assets
-would protect the depositors , but there is
grcaLdoubt expressed as to the correctness
of this statement.
Itimd iiftlio Trt-nBiirrr ,
Captulu .1. K. 11111 , ex-state treasurer , ! ! !
discussing the situation could not refrain
from expressing a feeling of relief that ho
Mil bcj-.i lucky enough to turn his oflleoovor
to his successor before the- crash came. In
this connection It may bo stated that the
bond given by Treasurer Hartley was
for $ : l,10,0.)0 ( ) ) , which was $ ! Wk- )
OIK ) mom than required by law.
Ills bond Includes nearly nil the banKs In
Lincoln , two at Fremont , Lcandcr Glrard of
Columbus and the Glebe Loan and Trust
company of Omaha.
None of the big Omaha banks are In
cluded , although they were on the bond ot
the ex-tveasurer. Messrs. Drake , Barlow
and Hatch were hero a few days ago , at the
time the ofllco was turned over , and were
anxious at that time to get from under.
riisxod Its I.ait Dividend.
The bank skipped a dividend the last time ,
which was the first occurrence of the kind
In its history. The last statement showed
(111,000 charged to the account of prollt and
loss. Some time ago the bank examiner
required the bank to Uu'n a largo amount of
gas bonds Into money , and also compelled
the assignment of the penitentiary contract.
It Is stated that the contract was a losing
Investment , but other information is to the
effect that it bad always been claimed to bo
good property.
Hun a WnrtlilpHD lloml.
State Treasurer Hartley Is not In the city
tonight , having loft Saturday to spand Sun
day at his homo at Atkinson , Nob. It Is
stated that the statement of the law calling
for a special bond from every bank In which
state mousy Is deposited hud been complied
with hi this case , and the bond Is said to
have been Hied'.en days ago. It li signed
by the Capital National bank , C. W. Mcshor
and 11 ( ' Oati-alt. The bond is therefore
worthless , sj far as the present case is con
cerned , as all the signers are of the collapsed
bank Itself.
O tier * In Had Shape.
The Capital National bank was constructed 1
from the ruins of the old Marsh Harvester
bank of this city , which died from pure ex
haustion .limit eight years ago. Moshcr the nephew of C.V. . Marsh , and was 1
connected with the Marsh bank , and became
n 'iponsor ' for the rejuvenated institution ,
which was given the name of the Capital l
National. Well known bankers of Lincoln
hnvo known for some time the Capital ,
National was In bad shape , but none ol f
them have Iwon alarmed for the reason that
they have believed all along that Mother
would bo nblo to assist the bank from hl.i
own funds If the worst came. They now bo-
llovo that Moshcr and Outcall arc in sucli
close quarters that they could not save any
thing oven were they dowsed to have
done so.
< ; , Tiling i\pi.tined : ,
The failure of the Capital National ex
plains to a certain extent the opposition
by Mosher to the project of milling Lin
coin n reserve city. It will bo remembered t
that some two months ago the comptroller
of the treasury designated Lincoln as a reserve -
servo city. Two days later ho reversed the
order , and It was given out fron
Washington that the reversal was bceaust
the Lincoln bankers could not agree ujwi
the arrangements necessary before tin
order could bo carried into effect. It trans
jilivs , however , that the disagreement wai
very ono-slded. Of the six banks In tin
City , the Capital Nutkmul waa the only out
that opjHiscd the arrangement. Mosher was
Influential enough with the powers that bo
at Washington to have the order rescinded.
Alrrniljr In n Tight I'liicr.
His opposition to the project was based
on the fact that If Lincoln was made n reserve -
servo cljy right away the banks would have
been compelled under the law to Increase
their reserves from lii per cent to ' i per
cent. The Capital National was already
pressed for funds to meet the ordinary re
quirements of business and consequently
was In no position to Increase its reserve.
The directors of the broken bank are C.
W. Mosher , C. E. Yatcs , H. J. Walsh , Henry
nucrncr and K. O. Phillips.
The olllcers are : C. W. Mosher , presi
dent , and .1. Walsh , vice president ; K. C.
Outcalt , cashier.
Among the stockholders are the Putnam
estate , the Funke estate and the Holmes es
tate , and the trust money hold in Escro by
D. L. Thomson. The directors who retired
at the last election were A. P. Stewart and
D. K. Thomson.
To Avoid n Kun.
A meeting of the bankers of this city was
held at the Lincoln this evening to discuss
the situation. It was feared that the
trouble would precipitate a run on some
of the other banks tomorrow mornIng -
Ing and one of the first things
done was to make arrangements to
prevent it. The Omaha banks were called
on and they Immediately responded by send
ing a representative on a special engine to
assure the bankers here that every courtesy
would be extended and that all needed as
sistance to meet any run that might take
place would be forthcoming.
llou tln > Stutf StiiniN.
Secretary of State Allen stated tonight
that the special bond given by the Capital
National bank was approved by ex-Governor
Hoyd. Attorney General Hastings and the
secretary of state. As to the amount of
money that was on deposit with the
Capital National bank , State Auditor
Moore said the treasurer told him
a day or two ngo that H was about SrJ.Ml.OOO ,
or $7. > ,000 more than there was on the 39thof
November , when the report was made at the
em'of the fiscal year. The situation will
undoubtedly result in the appointment of a
special committee by the legislature to in
vestigate matters.
sTiiN OUT or IT.
ll Withdraws friiiu th < ! Sriittcirlul Contest
Oilier HimniH 1'riiKresHlnj ; .
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 2' . ' . [ SpecialTelegram
to Tun Br.ii.l The news of the withdrawal
of Thurslon from the senatorial race broke
the monotony of what promised to bo a dull ,
uneventful evening. The announcement
came with the arrival of the evening train
from Omaha at 0 o'clock , and it took but a
few minutes for the story to make the rounds
of the hotels , where the members and non-
legislative politicians most do congregate.
It created quite a little stir and the Thurs-
tou men did not attempt to conceal their
disappointment , while the Paddock followers
wero.elated accordingly. Senator Paddock
shared In the feeling of exhilarationo but
would not plead guilty to anything of the
kind. When asked what the probable ef
fect upon his candidacy would be , ho said ho
did not know what difference it eould make ,
as he was certain of election before , and
could not see how a certainty eould bo made
more certain.
Some of the Thurston men say that they
would never go to P.iddoek , and assert In
language more forcible than elegant that his
chances are oven less promising than they
were before.
Instead of allayintr the feeling between the
factions the llrst tendency of the latest de
velopment has been to intensify the bitter
ness , and there are no indications that a
night's sloop and sober second thought will
V'ing about a revulsion of sentiment on the
part of the Paddock opposition. Sagacious
politicians who have carefully sized uu the
situation , say that Paddock will never come
within llfteen votes of securing the solid re
publican strength in the Joint convention.
riipullMtft Doing Nothing.
The Independents made no move today ,
though the political talk had the call at
their headquarters. They are not at all
sanguine as to the outcome of the senatorial
light. Merriek of Grceley said this evening
that they had held out an opportunity to
both the republicans and democrats , and
would continue ) to hold them out , but imme
diately quilU'.ed the latter statement. His
idea is that the republicans have an oppor
tunity to unite with them on Powers , and
that the democrats can do the same on Me-
"The democrats have claimed all along , "
ho said , "that all they want is to defeat the
republicans , and if that is the case they
have a way to do it , but they have thus fai
shown no disposition to convince the people
that they are sincere In their cKilms in this
Many of the members returned this evenIng -
Ing , and there is little room for doubt but
that all of the legislators will bo in thcii
seats tomorrow when tho'roll is called with
the exception of those whoso votes are pro
lev ted hy palrj made Saturday morning.
Oinalni nt tint Mat" House.
The house committee 'on privileges and
elections will submit its report as soon as
Chairman Schlotfoldt is ready to gtvo his
consent. Tlio other members have been
ready for the past two days , as all
the evidence has been read , and the
onlj thing ivm.ilning was the comparison of
the exhibits. The report. It Is stated ,
will recommend to throw out certain pre-
ducts and certain votes in other preclnclb
and the ordering of an entire new count o
, the votes.
T. 1C. Sudborough came down this evening ,
| and Paul Vandervoort immediately reported
to get instructions for the coming week.
Among the other Omaha arrivals were Dr.
S. D. Mercer and T. J. Mahoney. The
former came to encour.ige the Paddock
iNinni , but ho encountered in score of men
with their knives out , and he took thoomld-
night train for home.
_ .lohn M , Thiirxtnn Wlthdr.iwH.
The following letter has been handed to
Tin : BKI : for publication :
iOMAHA , .Inn. 23. To My Itflpubllean Trlends
When I consented lo become a candidate for
senator I did so upon my personal respt > nsl-
bllliy , UnonliiKof no icnson why 1 might not
aspire to represent the people of the state of
Nebraska. I am advNed , however , that the af
fairs ot my client may suffer If I porsUt In my
1 owe to tlioio great Interests which I repre
sent piuFcsskmulry an absolute loyalty with
which my personal umhltlQn.slmvc no rlsht to
Interfere , Moved , therefore , by the blKhust
considerations of duty 1 withdraw from the
Ki'iiatnrlul context. My chief regret U that I
UUappotnt and perhaps embarrass my friends ,
whoso good opinion I value more than political
Events in Qermnn Politics Shaping Them
selves in Favor of the Chancellor.
I'liun for Soenrlng mi KnderNtiindlnx I'-
t een llolieii/idlern unit Itonmiinn" Hc-
Ing IndiiBtrlottily I'III-HIIIM ! Itnmnrs
Ili-iird In Ilcrlln-Tho Wedding.
\rapurta1itttl \ IfJtliu Jitmti flnnl-in , .Ian. 22. [ New York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Bin : . ] Each day the
iress contains denials as to the chancellor's
peech before the military commission. The
ruth is Caprivi did what most politicians
o , he beat the big war drum when ho
vanted to press his military bill. There Is
no particular point upon which Caprivi
welt which is interesting. Ho said France
vas nearer now than ever to a dictatorship ;
hat M. Constans had stirred up all these
Minima scandals ; that ho was marked outer
or the dictatorship. Such Is the luforma-
lon which has been sent from the German
mbassy In Paris to the chancellery here.
All the chancellor's remarks nncnt Uussla
MVO been withdrawn , for , at the present
nomcnt , everything is being done to bring
ibout an entente with Kussia.
HUniarrlc Coming to thn I'rcmt.
The fact that the kaiser Is adopting Ills-
mirck's policy toward Hussia is attracting a
good deal of attention. H means more than
it llrst sight appears. In the first place it
again opens the question of the possibility of
ilsmnrck returning to favor I do not say to
lower. Hismarck has most assuredly in-
ipirod more faith in Kussta than any other
icrmnn statesman. The question now is ,
an his successor take his placet Ho will
undoubtedly have to try.
I had a short interview with an intimate
riend of Prince Bismark. Ho assured me
hat , quite contrary to the report spread
ibout , the alliance with Austria had been
veakened , not strengthened , as stated. It
vas owing to this that the strong efforts
vcre being made at present to bring about
in understanding with Uussla.
Ciiprlvl Is Winning.
The right , as I predicted , has given way to
he desires of the emperor , and will give its
'nil vote for the govcinmenton the army bill.
2ven the Gazette do hi Croix has abandoned
ts attacks against the two years system.
Everything now depends upon the center ,
nit from nil I hear there is not any chance
of the center accepting anything less than
the two-years service.
The kaiser Is doing all in his power to fur
ther the efforts of the chancellor. Kaeh
leputy who defends the project receives the
mpcrlal thanks , as witness tlio attention to
Deputy Arthur Gehlert , who had supported
it. The deputies llnd It dlillcult to resist
such delicate attentions.
A host of pessimistically couched pamph
lets have lately made their appearance. All
predict war. One I have read shows that
Germany Is on the cvo of being attacked on
two frontiers. Another that Russia's route
to Constantinople is via Brandenburg Gate ,
as it was said Caprivi had himself stated in
speech to tno military commission. The
chancellor , for that matter , gives daily some
startling statement for public digestion , all
of which goes to remind one of the tactics of
IHsmarck when money was needed for mili
tary purposes.
Will IIiivo it Monument.
The kaiser is to have his monument. The
designing Is in the hands of Prof. Degas. The
professor had one idea that was to orna
ment the pedestal with an urn , as an emblem
of the parliamentary vote to change from ab
solutism to constitutionalism , but when the
design was submitted to the kaiser his first
words were :
"What is that pot meant to be ! "
"When the abashed designer explained
the kaiser summarily ordered it to bo re
placed by an ecclesiastical symbol ,
The liberals pretend to bo very much ex'
asperated over the matter , nevertheless the
Helehstag will veto the expense of the monument
ment without demur.
l'l ; ns for the Wedding ,
Already the guests are beginning to arrive
for the royal wcild ing. The civil marriage
will take place in the largo reception roon
of the Freidcrich palace. When that Is over
the entire wedding party will adjourn to the
imperial palaco.whero the religious ceremony
will ibo performed in the private chapel. The
newly married couple will , after the cere
mony , go to the Statschloss at Potsdam.
The program Is materially the same as that
of the wedding of Princess Victoria to the
prince of Saxe-Moinlngen.
A good deal of Interest is shown hero in
the future United States minister. For
some reason or another the idc i has got
about that Dana Is to bo the man. In the
meantime Mr. Phclps and family have gone
on a trip in search of warmth. When last
heard of he was at Gibraltar heading upon
Tnngicrs , whence ho goes on to CadU.
Mr. and Mrs. Poultcnoy Ulgelow have ar
rived hero. They will remain over the wed
ding ceremonies.
Two i\pliisliinii : Inktomi ! ( 'nine ( ireut Deal
of Diimugc.
UOMK , Jan. ft ! . Dynamite bombs exploded
almost simultaneously this afternoon be
tween the Hotel do Angeltorro and in the
garden of the proprietor's house , in the Via
San Claudlo. The hotel was partly wrecked.
Kvory window and every piece of crockery
and glassware and brie-a-brao In the hotel
waa smashed. The front of tlio hotel was
cracked in three places to the second lloor ,
and in the door where the bomb exploded a
largo hole was torn. Nobody was Injured ,
although the hotel had more than 100 lodgers
at the hour of the explosion. The people
ran out Into the streets without waiting to get
money or Jewelry. They were surrounded at
once Dy a crowd and a company of gen
darmes was required to keep the street in
front of the hotel clear.
At llrst the front wall was expected to
fall. After an examination , however , the
commissary announced that there was no
immediate danger and that the lodgers
might return to pack their trunks. Several
women refused to return and their belong
ings were cared for by the police. Heforo
evening all had left for other hotels ,
The proprietor said this evening that the
hotel and contents were almost a total loss.
Not a whole piece of furniture was left in
the building. Walls of houses near the hotel
were cracked and all the windows were
The proprietor's house in the Via San
Claudlo was less damaged. All the windows
were smashed for UK ) yards on either side.
No walls were cracked , however , and but
for the breakage of glassware , crockery and
furniture , little harm was done.
The proprietor of the hotel says ho Is con
vinced that both explosions were caused by
a man whom ho discharged recently.
Thnt llullf.tx Uoul Drill.
IU > AX , N > S. , Jan , 22 , In the House of
Assembly Saturday afternoon Premier Old-
ington Introduce ! ! n bill respecting the
much talked of coal negotiations. The bill
was entitled "Alt Act-for the Further ICn-
couragement of Civil Mining. " The second
reading of the blllVas setdown for Tuesday.
i\dii.sti POLITICS.
Omit Intercut liplng Taken In the Coming
Srmdoit oT I'lirlliiniftit.
IJOXDON. .Tnn. ! ! All the lurty leaders
have Issued whlpss'exhortlng their followers
to be unfaltering In ihelr attendance to their
parliamentary duties during the coming ses
sion. lx > nl Salisbury and Arthur J. Halfour ,
formerly llrst lord of.tno treasury , emphasize
the statements that It Is of the utmost im
portance for every unionist to be in his place
early and constantly , as the homo rule bill
will bo introduced shortly after the opening
and heavy and hot debates are to be ex
pected from the begmning.
At a prolonged cabinet mpctlnif yesterday
the ministers discussed the legal aspects of
the home rule bill. Sir Charles Uussell ,
attorney ( joneral. and Lurd Hcrschol ) . lor
high chancellor , who previously had not
attended the cabinet meetings , were present
and gave their opinions at length.
1U. Hon. .lames 'Lowther has been selected
to move the amendment of the address. He
will ask that Immediate steps be taken to
legislate against pauper aliens.
Legal restrictions of pauper immigration
have been advocated by the unionist news
papers for many months , especially since the
expulsion of anarchists from Franco last
spring swelled the anarchist colony with
hundreds of indolent and penniless agitators.
A new department ) devoted to the inter
ests of Jalxu' , is to bo formed on the lines
suggested by Prof. Gould , who recently was
before the royal label-Commissioners. These
lines conform generally with those followed
by the labor bureau In Washington. Halhcr
moxpectcdly the treasury has allowed a
mndsomo sum for the organization of the
mreau. Tom Mann was at llrst regarded as
: he prospective head of the now bureau , and
nany still believe that he will accept the
olllce , despite his assertion that lie prefers to
remain where he is. as , ho will bo better able
lo advance the worklngmen's interest if not
nn incumbent of a government olllce.
Mr. Gladstone has received hundreds of
otters In the last few. days and scores of
mllers , making Inquiries as to the state of
lis health. The report says his failing
icnlth has caused great soliehudo among
ils personal friends and the advocates of
.lome rule. To dispel all doubts ho walks
mid drives frequently } n the' park , besides
sending out occasional'dcnlals , and asserting
that he is more energetic than for some
time. Mr. Gladstone is very closely guarded
by his family and nearest friends , and only
personal and political intimates are able to
'uin access to him *
N.VTAI.Ii ; A Ml I.AN.
Tlirlr Kceiineilliittim Canoes In
ICimipcaii. Courts ,
c , Jan. 22. Tie | Servian radicals
iiavo joined In the national rejoicing over the
reconciliation of Milan ; and Nntalio. The
newspapers are vicing with each other in
expressing congratulations and good wishes.
Young King Alexander lias telegraphed to
its parents that the announcement of the
reconciliation was thoipcasantcst { news ever
received by him and hai afforded him the
lappiest ( lav of his life.1 Many letters and
tclegmirs of congratula ion luivo been re-
ccived by the king his parents from
foreign courts.
In court circles it"H s ild that the recon
ciliation is duo to the plbodings of the son ,
but this is not credited generally. The
wliolo affair is lielicvcjl to have been the
achievement of Hussian diplomats , who
lii"e : found the absence of'such a good friend
as Natalia a seriousvdctrimcnt to Russian
Interests. Milan , moreover , is naturally pro-
Kussian and has been rendered more so by
securing loans from St , Petersburg. His re
turn to Natalie ( s believed to have followed
directly the promise of further payments
from tlio sanio source.
The question as to the necessity of another
marriagoiceremony is much discussed. Tlio
divorce was not accepted us valid by Natalie ,
although Milan always lias maintained that
.it was complete. As the divorce was sanc
tioned by law another wedding will bo indes-
Arton , tlio I'aimmti Cmml , Lobbyist , lleyoml
the Kcueli of French I.utr.
PAUIS , Jan. 22. The Oil Bias says that the
warrant for the arrest of Arton , the Panama
lobbyist , supposad to liAvo bribed 104 dep
utles wi'.b Ii50,000 ; francs , was issued yes
tcrda. > . The air ot authority with which
the statement Is made excited considerable
surprise in view of M. Bourgeois' declaration
in tlio Chamber on January 10 , when he was
hard pressed by Deputy Millnvoye , that the
warrant bad been issued on January 17. The
Gil Bias adds that Arton Is known to have
left Franco some time ago , and is now be
lieved to bo in Koumanla. As Franco lias no
extradition treaty with Uoumania , Arton is
beyond the reach of law.
Arton was supposed to be In London in
communication with Iferz and possibly An-
drieux- short time ago. In England ho
could have been arrested at the instance of
the French government , and considerable
surprise is expressed that M. Bourgeois
should have hold back with ills warrant
until Arton found time to place himself on
less dangerous grounds }
The Sieclo understands that M. Franquo
villo , examining magistrate , has rcconv
mended the prosecution of sixteen persons
whom lie has examined"
Adlons of thn Khrdlvg Thnt Do Not I'lenso
the UrllMi ItesIdcntH.
CAIIIO , Jan. 23. T/no good impression
caused by the success a * Great Britain's in
tervention in the Kfft'pthn cabinet affair is
giving way to a feeling of great anxiety
among the European residents , in conso-
quince of the almost defiant attitude since
adopted by the khedivc. The khedlve's
open encouragement of popular demonstra
tions in his favor by ostentatious attendance
at prayers in the mosque and performances
in the opera house lifts had the effect ol
greatly Increasing the excitement among
the natives , caused by the action of the gov
ernment. The British tofllcials hero believe
the kliedivo's coursij lias shaken the British
position In Egypt and endangered the prog
ress of reforms instituted by the British
government. _ j ,
Held iiSvrrotCoiiferenrn.
BEIIMN , Jan. 22 , . Tlio now national party
organized to oppose the ; policyof the new
regime , and especially that part of its poliej
recognized In the customs , hold \ secret
meeting in Berlin yesterday. Among the con
spicuous persons presnut were Privy Coun
cillor Wildonbrueh and'llerr Burgoflsher o :
Ausburg. None of the results of the conference
ferenco have yet been made public ,
Will Ilu AdinonUlird by tlio rope.
LONDON , Jan. 22. The Homo correspondent
of the Chronicle says : Jt Is expected thai
Archbishop Corrigan of New York will receive
ceivo a severe admonition from the pope in
regard to his opposition to Archbishop Sa-
tolll and Archbishop , Ireland. It has been
decided that the now papal delegate wll
reside in Washington.
.Must I. earn the Itimfdtin
DEIII.IN , Jan 22. Sen-rat Gourko , gov
enior general of Wai-saw , has granted Ger
man employes in factories in Kussian
Poland ono inoro year in which to learn the
Uusslan language. In case they do not
know the language in January , lb'J4 , they
will bo expelled ,
llroiilit | Suit for
TOIIOXTO , Out. , Jan. 22 , Action has beei
taken against theStoufTvlllo agent of the
New York Mutual Life Insurtn-o companj
by the Manufacturers' Ufo Insurance com
pany of this city for $20,000 damages for
alleged slander.
ilore Victims of the Alton Junction Disaster
Succumb to Their Injuries.
'mirtrrn Addltlonnl Deaths i\pcctcd : Many
Itnrned H yoml IteeiiKidtliin stnrlm of
l'u Wlliii-s.ii'snrthuTerrllilo All'.ilr
Curing for the .SunVrt-is.
ST. Loris , Mo. , Jan. 22. Eleven additional
ienths up to li o'clock is the record of tlio catastrophe at Alton Junction since
nidnlght last night. The total list of dead
s as follows :
WKItll UUSH , Mattoon , III.
1IIUAM t'OUNKUl'S , Iowa.
KtWAIlMII.U-i ) ( : { , Alton Junction.
TWO rNinnxTinKn MIN. :
WII.UAM SIIATTKl'K , Pppcr Alton , 111.
\VIM.1.\M M'CAKTIlV.Alton , 111.
JOHN I.OCKK , Alton.
DAXIKIi IIAUnitS , Alton Junction.
WII.UAM MA XT/ , l-'ostorbun ? , 111.
W. II. MII.I.KK. Alton.
rilAKIis : IIAKKIS , Alton.
Fourteen of the injured arc expected iby
the hospital authorities to die. They are :
1'UKI ) IIKIt.MANN. Alton. ,
1IKNIIV PI I.UItlN , Alton.
JOHN I.ATItKU.K. Alton. ,
W. II. UiaiAUDSON , Alton.
.JOHN II17IIK. Alton.
- MfUHAV. I'ppi-r Alton.
- HOTKN , I'pper Alton.
Wll. I , I AM Ml U.KU. Alton Junction.
A. T. ntASKIt , St. l.ouK
KUANK 1IAUT1I , Bradford , ran.
Seriously Injured ,
Those who sustained serious injuries , but
who will probably recover , arc :
Mitt. A. U WII.I.ES and CIIII.D , ICnusas City.
Hr.xuv Winoixs , Alton Junction.
Gnoitoi : ST.vrt.ns , Alton Junction.
JOHN McPiKi : , Alton.
HEIIMAX XI > KE , Alton ,
I.ouis DENHAU , Montrca1 , Can. ,
Hii.Niiv STAIM.CS , Uniontown , ICy.
DAN HAIIIIIS , Alton Junction.
FIIANK BARTON , Stamford , Out.
Lens , Alton Junction.
WIU.IA.M MclxTosir , Alton Junction.
JOHN MO.VOIIAX , East St. Louis.
JAMEI Mn.i.AXR , Alton Junction.
CiiAin.r.s HAUUIS , Alton.
W. T. HAIIIII.SON , Alton.
HAMII.IN VAI.KXTISK , Philadelphia.
CIIAUI.KS HAI.I , , Alton Junction.
J. B. MANIIAUS. Alton.
PatO'MiiAitA , Alton.
7. . B. Jon , Alton.
Ernu.uM HiciiAitDsoN , Alton.
JOHN. FiM.r.r , Alton.
JOUN MuPiKK , Alton.
EVAN CAII > WIU , , Alton. - > > ! & ! * ? * „ . .
CIIAHIRS Gnowi , , Alton.
Besides .these , more than a score sustained
injuries of u more or less serious nature ,
.vhose names could not bo learned.
Wrapped In u MllllUe of I'hiinp.
All tlio dead were burned to death by
flaming oil.
Of the fatally injured , all are more or less
burned about tlio limbs and body , but the
worst Injuries sustained are fearfully burned
heads and faces. There are also many in
jured internally from inhaling flames ,
which parched their throats to such an ex
tent that tholr escape from instant death Is'
almost miraculous. The other injured suf
fered from burns on various parts of tlio
head , limbs and body.
The awfulness of the catastrophe arouses
wonder that the casualties are not twice as
largo as they are.
The wreck and its consequences was the
ono topic of conversation in Alton today. A
representative of the Associated Press ar
rived at that city curly this morning , and
already half tlio town was out on the streets
in small groups discussing the affair. By the
time the church bells were ringing for ser
vices nearly the whole population was out
on the streets , but for the majority , St. Jo
seph's hospital where the dead and dying
lay , seemed to bo the objective point.
In the IloRplt > l.
Immediately on entering tlio hospital the
hushed voices and easy footsteps of the
physicians , Sisters of Mercy , and attendants
told only too well that the place was liter
ally the valley of the shadow of death.
Many of those brought thcro for treatment
yesterday had already succumbed to their
injuries , and for many others It was only a
question of a few hours of suffering.
The scenes in the wards occupied by the
injured were oven more heartrending than
yesterday. Lying in cots , wrapped and
swathed in cotton and bandages , until they
almost lost the semblance of human beings ,
and surrounded by weeping relatives and
sorrowing friends , they formed a picture
that brought tears to the eyes of even the
physicians , accustomed as they are to such
sights. The meanings of the patients were
piteous. Every few momenta some tortured
soul , writhing in agony , would half rise from
his couch , then fall hack suffering more in
tense pain than before. Seeming to know by
intuition when the physician was near
them , they would begpitcously to be relieved
from their pain.
"Doctor , for God's sake kill me , and put
me out of tliis misery I'1 said one.
"Oh ! for even an Instant's relief from this
torture ! " said another.
fur Death.
Perhaps the most pitiful sight of all was
that of 111-year-old Willie McCarty. Sitting
by his bedside , trying in vain by gentle
words and soothing caresses , while her volco
trembled with grief and with n broken
heart , was his mother. The boy's flesh was
cooked from heaij to foot. Ills eyes were
burned out and the skin had peeled off his
face and head , taking with It largo portions
of flesh. The only response the anxious
mother received to her question as to how ho
felt was :
"Oh , my head ! Doctor , why can't T diof"
Some of the patients lay perfectly quiet ,
not a moan escaped their lips.
"Poor fellows , " said the attendant physi
cian. "They are fast going beyond all
earthly suffering. "
All ttioso thought to bo fatally Injured were
allowed to remain at tlio hospital. The oth
ers were removed to their homes or the
homes of friends throughout the city.
Many volunteers , too , were at the hospital
to administer to the wants of those there ,
and , If possible , to lessen the pain of their
last few hours on earth. So great was tlio
crowd seeking admittance to the hospital
that the attendants were forced to lock tlio
doors and only admit a limited number at a
time. Many of these were mere idlers , at
tracted by morbid curiosity , but the greater
umber were there for ttio purjioso of Inquir
ing regarding friends.
Ilhirbnncd and DUIlgiirfd Corno | * .
H was not until a visit was made to the
morgue back of the hospital that the horri
ble reality of the accident became apparent.
Hero , awaiting the undertaker , were the
bodies of tlvo of those \\lio died during the
night. Tlio bandages had been removed
from the bodies and the awful ravages of
the burning flames were plainly apparent.
They eould not bo recognl/.ed oven by rela
tives , The oil , wherever It had touched the
skin , had burned deep into tb llesh , while
such iKirtlons of eutlcieas escaped entire de
struction were blistered , and In many places
blackened by the Intense heat. The lips
were terribly swollen and discolored , and the
eyes of all five were burned entirely out.
Every vestige of hair was burned off of the
face and head and in many places the skull
and cheek bones were exposed.
Wives and mothers , sisters and daughters ,
on being shown the bodies of the beloved
lead , shrank back in horror , and could
scarcely be convinced that the distorted
features before them were all that remained
of those so dear to them and whose taking
away meant , In soms Instances , the loss of
their sole support and reliances.
The coroner's Inquest was held at the
hospital , the jury havinir previously been in
session at Wann and Alton Junction. The
verdict in each case1 states that death was
"caused by burning oil , accidentally exploded
plodod and thrown over them. "
The funerals of a number of the victims
will be held tomorrow and the others will
be hurled Tuesday.
Edward Miller was burled this afternoon
at Alton Junction.
Itiiniori or Mure Deaths ,
There was a rumor on the streets late this
afternoon that eleven students from Shurt-
leff college had been ml.ssing since the acci
dent of yesterday. All efforts of the Associ
ated press reporters to verify the rumor
failed , however , and it is the opinion of the
majority of Alton citizens that there Is no
truth in the statement. But the fact that
there were found this morning near the
scenes of the wreck other b.idies , additional
to those reported in last night's dispatches ,
gives rise to a probability that there may be
jet more bodies which have not been found.
When Mrs. William Mnntz reported to the
Alton police department this morning that
her husband , who had started for the scene
of the accident about 10 o'clock yesterday
morning , had not yet returned , a searching
party was organized , and after a longtime
the dead body of Maulnn found near
Wood river , over half a mile from the place
where the explosion occured. The supposi
tion Is that he started to run In the direction
of his home as soon as the explosion took
place and was ea'ight by a shower of the
.seething tluld. He , however , must have run
some distance after he was burned and proba
bly full dead on reaching the spot where his
body was found. Heports about the time of
the finding of Mantz' body and others miss
ing , induced a search , which is still going on ,
for the bodies of other victims.
llnndredi I'locliliiK to Alton > Innetluii.
The scene of yesterday's dreadful catas
trophe was visi'ed by hundreds today. Most
of this crowd was attracted by mere curios
ity , while relic hunters were present in large
numbers. The latter carried with them me
mentoes In the shape of twisted lilts of the
wrecked tanks and still others , mostly boys ,
scraped around in the ruins of the baggage
and buffet car to see if they could llnd any
thing of value.
Of the hundreds wlio visited the place few
cared to remain long. It seemed to some as
though the shrieks of pain and cries ot horror
ror that awoke the echoes yesterday still
hovered in the air , and to others the memory
of the grief and anguish imjurtcd a .sacred-
ness to the surroundings. Even the wreck-
in g crew , busily at work clearing away the
debris of the wreck and lire , worked in a
subdued manner as though impressed with
the solemnity of the surroundings.
No trace had been found up to 0 o'clock of
the runaway switchman , Kiclmrd Urattan.
It is thought ho run away for good.
The total loss to the company , so the rail
way officials state tonight , will Do between
125,000 and * 150,000. It includes the engine ,
combination baggage and buffet car , and
twenty oil tanks and freight cars and their
contents. The fact that three palace cars
were drawn away from the wreck by a
switch engine before tlio oil tanks exploded
led to an erroneous report that they also
wcro burned.
The railway company sent the remains of
the dead engineer , Webb itoss , to Matloou
last night , and also sent the llreman..Dick '
White , who suffered a sprained ankle when
he Jumped from the engine , to his homo.
None of the other trainmen were so seriously
Injured as to incapacitate thorn from duty.
Wlint Kyo WltneKftes Sity.
William Hammond , a Big Four track
walker , who was quite severely burned , said
to the reporter today : "There was nothing
that I could do. Water would do no good ,
and so I stood looking on. I had started to
stroll away when the explosion occurred. I
had not got seventy feet away before I was
knocked to my knees by the crash of the
tanks. I felt the hot oil light on my head
and hands and felt the fearful burning sen
sation. To relieve myself I hurled my head
In the earth and throw dirt over my hands.
Then I ran away. "
Iiouis employe of the Alton gas
works , attracted to the spot by curiosity ,
was also burned about the head and hands.
Deneau states that lie was fully MM ) yards
away from the tanks when they exploded.
Ono curious feature about the affair is
that when tlio tank exploded the oil shot di
rectly upward to a height of some 200 or ! ! 00
feet , then , as though impelioJ by some cen
tral force , suddenly shot out in all directions ,
falling over a wide nrou.
Louis Utt , who was Instantly burned to
death , was almost underneath one of tlio
tanks , and was scalded by oil that ran over
the sides of the tanlta.
John Webster was standing about twenty
feet from the tank and was only touched by
a few drops from the muss of lire that went
flying over him.
The blazing , flying oil was distinctly visi
ble at Alton , four miles away. Several per
sons state they saw it , and to be visible
there It must have reached a height of over
200 feet.
It WIIH an Appalling Sight.
"I was standing 2. " > 0 feet west of tlio
tanks , " said James Maupin to the rcihirter ,
"when the explosion camo. The roar made
by the burning oil told mo It contained an
unusual amount of gas , and 1 had started lo
go to my horse , which was hitched some dis
tance away. Just as I started the explosion
came. There was a dull roar. For an
instant my eyes wcro blinded by the flash.
Then I saw n huge wall of lire com
ing directly toward me. 1 remem
ber now that it was so high as to
ho far above the tree tops , and must
have been " > 00 feethi/h. The sight was a
most beautiful one , but I was too close for
comfort , and I ran as fast as 1 could from the
approaching wall. I was just in time , for as
It was my overcoat was set on lire by some
drops of the burning fluid , which reached
me. 1 hastily pulled It off. and as I did so
on each side thcro rushed by mo what
I could hardly distinguish for the sheets of
llanu ) as human beings. 1 hastily throw mj
overcoat over the man nearest to
me and then rolled him over In
the dust. After extinguishing tlio tire I
cut off his boots and the upper part of his
clothing and told him to go to the station.
Afterwards I assisted two more victims who
rushed past me , shrieking and howling in
agony. Thirty or forty others passed mo
while I was assisting these poor u retches.
I afterwards learned that the man I
assisted was Edward Maupin , a man whoso
surname is the same as my own , but of
whom I never before hoard. After this I
Jumped in my buggy and hastened to Alton
for medical assistance. "
Many other eye witnesses were inter
viewed , but all tell practically the same
story ,
MJi\lVi'S J\l'Olt'J'N.
.More 'I'll H n Half of Thrm Are Sent to thn
UnitedState ; * .
New Oni.rANi ) , La. , Jan. IS. Tlio Times-
Democrat's City of Mexico special says :
The ofllclal icport of the secretary of the
treasury , giving thn exportation * from Mexico
ice for the past fiscal year , has Just been
Issued. It shows that the total value of experts -
ports was * T5,40T,007. Of the exports the
precious metals reached a total vnluo
of { Ml.uOO.OOO . , an increase over exports
of tlio preceding yearof * 1I ! , < XMIHH ) ) . Kxjiorts
of miscellaneous products fell off several
hundred thousand dollars. The principal
nations to which exports were sent wcro :
( jormauy. f l-in.2ai : ; Spain , tailIi0 ! ; United
States of America , 4i.toJtH ! > l ; Franco ,
$4&MtS : < ) ; England , il5.btl7.-l.VS ,
The exports to the L'nlted States aggre
gated Mwy,5b5 more than lu the preceding
fiscal year.
Some of the Principal Patauti Will Expire
Within n Year.
i\lr.uniiiiit : Ititei Charged for a I'onr Srr-
Ure-r.imminyiitul ; ( he ( ) iiinintlne : Illlt
Slher I.t-KUIiitlon In PrixpcdCivil
Sort lee Itefiirni.
WASIIINOTOS IK'iinU'or Tun Ben , 1
fil.'l KonnnnxTii SritnEr. >
WASHINGTON. l.C..Ian. 22. )
Among the attorneys and men In congress
who have for years followed the subject
through the courts and the patent olllce ,
much Is being said alnut the anticipated
breaking of the telephone monopoly by the
early expiration of the principal patent *
under which It is now operating. The patent
on the transmitter and receiver , and also
that ui > on the general idea of transmitting
sound by electricity , will expire within
twelve months , when , It Is stated , the tele
phone field will ho free to a half dozen or
more patents , and it Is expected that tolls
will rapidly decline in every state. In
this connection it is noted that congress ,
which is generally so attentive to the Inter
ests of the citl/.ens of the District of Colum
bia , especially when it comes to anything in
the direction of home government , has never
attempted to check the exorbitant tele
phone rates which are charged in the cap
ital of the nation. A very ordinary servlco
here taxes patrons SI IK ) each a year , even
where more than one Is served by a slnglo
wire. In Indiana and several states tlio
legislatures have fixed the maximum telephone -
phone charges at t-'l a month for a servlco
equal to that furnished here , and the law
has withstood the test of the courts , while
the service has deteriorated. In Washing
ton , which is the ward of the "economists"
of congress , the tendency of telephone rates
has been constantly upward , while going
downward in the states.
AN to National < > iirnnlliie.
The fate of the national quarantine bill
will be decided In the house tomorrow.
When tlio voting begins the main contest
will bo over Mr. Cockran's amendment ,
which has already been adopted in commit
tee of the whole , and which secures the
Tammany quarantine of New Vork from all
interference from the national government
and will again allow Dick Croker's brother-
in-law. Dr. Jenkins , to assume full control of
the harbor in case of any danger of cholera.
In view of Mr. Kayncr's statement yester
day that thedcfeatof this amendment would
mean the defeat of the bill , because the
Tammany democrats would vote against any
national quarantine measure which did not
protect tlio patronage and pickings of their
local quarantine , it Is probable that this
amendment will bo retained. Its presence
in the bill makes the entire mcasuro
practically nugatory. At the same time
-Senator Harris , who will have charge of the
amended bill when it goes back to the sen
ate , expresses himself as willing to accept it.
Another contest will bo over the third
section , - whichauthorizes the secretary of
the treasury to take the necessary quaran
tine precautions at any port where , in his
judgment , the local quarantine Is not f < uin
dent. Mr. Stump , whnae amendment tor n
seven-day quarantine at the port of depar
ture , was so overwhelmingly defeated yester
day , will join the opposition against this sec
tion , which is regarded by him and other
sjutbern democrats as u direct violation of
I ho sacred doctrine of state rights. Messrs
Kllgoro and Cummings will reserve their
filibustering tactics until the bill , as amended
U put on its final passage. Shonld the bill
become a law in Its present form , the only
effective feature will ho the ncctlon authoriz
ing the president lo suspend Immigration
from any Infected pointer country.
Will nillnister lOi-ri'ssiiry.
Adherents and agents of the incoming ad
ministration continue their missionary work
among members of the house in behalf of the
repeal of the Sherman silver act. Within a
few days it is expected that the rules com
mittee of the house will fix a day for the
consideration of the Andrew bill repealing
the silver purchasing clause of the Sherman
net. The resolution , however , will not in
clude any provision for reaching a vote , and ,
In tlio absence of some form of cloture it will
bo easy for Mr. Bland , and the other
advocates of free coinage , to filibuster
against tlio Andrew bill. It has been
intimated , by authority of Mr. Cleveland to
nearly all of the democratic members of the
house who have been re-elected , that if they
desire any favors for themselves or thefr
friends at the hands of the Incoming admin
istration they will do well lo show them
selves worthy of a scat at the banquet tnblo
by voting in favor of the repeal of the Sher
man act. It still seems probable , however ,
that tlio democrats will not be put to this
painful test , inasmuch as tlio silver men are
as determined as ever to prevent the house
from reaching a vote , liepresentntivo Bland
said today : "It will bo nothing but a day
of wind , and when It comes to the voting wo
will filibuster against any decisive step in
tlio direction of a ballot. Wo will provide
that there shaH'bo no final vote taken , "
Even if the bill should by any miracle pass
the house , Senator Stewart and oilier
friends of free coinage In the senate will
prevent Its passage there by talking against
( ; h II Service Itcform.
It Is understood that one of President
Cleveland's first acts on entering the whlto
house will be to reorganize the civil servlco
commission. President l.yman , for whom
Mr. Harrison has vainly sought a successor ,
will probably bfi succeeded by Hepresenta-
live Andrew of Massachusetts , the present
chairman of I ho civil nervlcn reform com
mittee of the house. Mr. Theodore Hoose-
velt has consented to continue to servo on
the commission. Mr. George D. J. John-
stone of l/ulslana , the present democrat
commissioner , is not regarded by Mr Cleveland -
land as a sulllciently aggressive civil service
reformer to i o-operato with Messrs. Andrew
and Uoosovelt. Ho will therefore bo pro
vided with either a desirable consulate or
some agreeable placp at home. The name of
his successor has not been selected. The
new civil service commission will bo of a
character to strike terror to the hosts of
hungry democratic olllce seekers.
Axplnml * Tor Serretury ot the Senate.
There will soon be lively times about the
halls of congress. The time has almost como
for the reorganization of both the senate and
house. There will be no trouble to find an
abundant number of aspirants for the half
do/.en positions to bo filled by popular vote In
the two houses.
It is no longer a matter of the least doubt
that the democrats will have control of the
senate after the 4th of March. Should the
deadlocks continue In the legislatures of the
four or live states now trying to elect bcna-
.tors the result will simply bo a diminution of
republican strength , ami the democrat ! ) ,
aided as they will bo by the popu
lists , may go right on and elect
a secretary , sergeunt-at-arms and
chaplain , the only ( ifllccrs now selected bv
caucus or iwpumr vote In the senate. All
the other positions , of which there are &o < no
hundreds , are filled by the llrst two olllcers
named , nearly all by the secretary. When
tlio olllco of executive clerk of the senate
wiyt abolished a year ago , to give vent to
some senatorial spleen against the news
paper fraternity , the number of oleotlve offi
cers wus reduced to threo. The position of
Ho-jrotarv of the fccnu'o is the best ouo
within the gift of congrobs , so far an salary
is concerned. The place pays t5ftHt ! , and has
at its dlsi > osil : nearly all of thn itmallcr
patronage. The position of dorgonnt-at-arms
of the scnato is worth W,500 mid chaplain
t'JiKi a year.
There are at thlt time live open candidate *