Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Cherokee Strip Offers Few Attractions to
the Honest Homo Seeker ,
IIlll I'nnldliiR for lt Pnrclmnn from llio In-
Now Hi'fiiro tlio Hcnnlo Pr nl-
tlon * for Settlement IMijulcal
feature * of tlio I.uml.
WAMMXOTOX , D. C. , .Tan. 10. ( Special to
TUB 15r.n. ] It is very likely that before
President Harrison retires to private life ho
will , by proclamation , open another body of
public lunds-or what will bo public
lands to settlement. A bill to throw open
to homesteaders what Is jnipularly known as
the "Chcrokco Strip" has been passed b }
the house nnd is now before the senate com
mittee having Jurisdiction of tlio subject.
Tlio opi-nliif , ' of the Chcrokco Strip depends
uion favorable action by the senate , yet It
is well known that the upper branch of con
gress is cotibldcring the proposition favor
The bill which has passed the house upon
this subject , and which will in all probabil
ity become law within a few weeks , simply
ratifies the treaty with tlio Cherokee nation ,
signed In January last , setting forth certain
conditions under which the Indians propose
to release the lands in their strip ,
nnd under which the federal govern
mcnt will open them to settlement. When
this bill finally becomes a law
the president will llx a day when the land
shall be open to settlers , and it is provided
that that day must bo at least thirty days in
advance of tlio opening day. Thus there can
bo no such thing as "snap Judgment , " by
which these who anticipate emigration to
that country will bo taken by surprise , ihe
provisions of the bill are such that , If Presi
dent Harrison is permitted to open the strip
to settlement , very early action must betaken
taken by the senate.
I'rotl-ddiis for Si'ttlrini'iit.
When the bill now before the senate 1 > o-
coincs a law. the president will llrst appoint
a commission of thrco persons to lay elli the
Cherokco Strip Into counties , to DC num
bered 1 , 2 , ! i and so forth , consecutively.
1'Ox'jr. miles each , the counties to be subso-
inently named by the legislature of Okla
homa. Theu the ( commission will locate
thy county seats , the Utter to bo survived
Into squares , lots , streets , alleys and parks.
The commission shall then nppraisu
nil blocks Intended to bo sold , and after giv
ing twenty days' notice shall sell the same at
public auction to the highest bidder , for one-
third cash , the remainder on four and eight
months' credit , and when all the purchase
money lias been paid to the secretary of the
Interior that ofllccr shall issue patents to the
purchasers. The money above expenses
ROCS to the territory of Oklahoma for school
fund purposes. No lot can bo sold for less
than appraisement.
Tlio date of opening of the Chcrokro
Strip , as has been stated , is left to the pros-
idtJnt , who , as has also been stated , must have the surveys , sales of lots , etc. ,
nnd then give- settlers thirty day.s1 notice before -
fore the day of opening. It will bo seen that
oven at the time the bill becomes law
the date of opening cannot bo stated , not
oven bv the chief executive , as everything
dcpemis upon tlio facility with which the
surveying , etc. , proceeds ; but it is the under
standing hero that the opening day , should
the bill become law say within the next three
weeks , ill not bu earlier than the latter
part of April , although President Harrison
mav issue the proclamation or do all else con
nected with the opening and leave the nam
ing of the day to President Cleveland.
Oilers row Attractions.
It is hard to conceive why or'fiow a farmer
in Nebraska , Indiana , Ohio , Iowa , Illinois ,
' or any other oed state , would want to
emigrate to tlio Chcrokco Strip , unless it bo
upon the theory that every ono must move
somewhere every so often. The Cherokee
Strip is not an attractive country. There
nro about 0,000,000 acres in it. The United
States government in buying it under this
trcatv and paying the Indians all it is con
sidered to DOorth in cold dollars , pays but
$8.605,780. It will bo seen that the land ,
tiiucii as a whole , is considered oven by the
owners to bo worth but about $1.25 an aero.
Tlio act of congress now making anticipates
the worthless character of much of the land ,
by fixing ono price for ono part and another
orico for another part of it. Thus for about
two-thirds of It , lying farthest west , hut
nu aero is to ho charged to settlers , who must
to settle under tbo homestead law , and of
this land they can take 100 acres. The
eastern third of the strip is con
sidcrcd pretty good land. It is about
likosouthern Kansas. Of this homesteaders
can take eighty acres at f'J.W ) an aero. The
third to bo disposed of at $2.fiOan aero is said
by tlioso who have passed over it to bo like
in looks , soil , etc. , the southeastern portion
of Nebraska. It is very good land. The
two-thirds located in the western portion of
the strip is like the land adjoining Colorado
mid southwestern Nebraska. It is not good
land. It is said to bo barren , tlmberless
with no water courses and no good water by
\ excavation. The land is to bo paid for one-
, half in two years , the other half in foui
'years ; no cash payment down.
Taken as a whole the Cherokee Strip ap
pears and is like Oklahoma and southern
Kansas. Thcro are no schools , churches or
other civilization marks thcro , of course , foi
the land has been uninhabited except by a
fuw Indians. The Cherokco Strip is jusl
north of Oklahoma and south of Kansas. It
Is about t00 ! iiniles north of Tuxas ,
The strip is in length about 150 miles , cast
nnd west , by sixty miles north and south. It
is regarded as desirable only for grazing. 1
lias good clhnato ; that Is about all.
NOIITII CiAi.vr.vrox , Tcs. , Jan. 19. It SPPIIIP
almost Incredible that less than a year ago i
company of men should haveorganlcd the
new town of Nocth Galvcston , and by theli
capital and energy have succeeded In soenr
ing such a large number of important nuimi
fai-turlng industries , planted many thou
sands of valuable trees , built hotels , cstab
liblicd communication with thooiitsldo world
by now railroads , and. in short , opened u |
t < ich : an unusual promising future for t'la
SnliiK lorSntrur 1'ny.
Through their attorney , K. W. Simeral
Frank TJ. Uecves fc Co. have brought man
tlamus proceedings against the city for the
purpose of compelling the city treasurer to
endorse certain city warrants that they maj
begin drawing interest. The writ has beci
granted by Judga Ogdcn and the case sot fo
hcarinp next Saturday.
Hooves & Co. constructed a sewer under !
contract entered Into with the city , am
among other things the contract contained i
provision that 1)5 ) per ci'nt of the ran true
price should bo paid upon the completion o
the work. On January 18 the warrants en
presented for payment , but were not paid fo
want of funds. The treasurer then stamped
the warrants of the date of February 'JO ,
after which , If not paid , they will draw in
terest at the rate cf 7 per cent per annum.
The plalntirts contend that as the tax has
been lovk'tl and la drawing 1'J per cent , tlio
warrants uliould draw the rate of interest
which is provided for by the city charter ,
which is 7 iicr cent , and that the interest
should tcyiu upon the date of their presenta
Every penny tolls. You can get Salvation
Oil for -5 cents. Hcst liniment in the market.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued by County Judge Ellcr yesterday :
Nninu and address. AKP.
j Nulsnn X , II. I'aclilen. Onmlm . 4S
( l.uttlo .Ii'nscn , Lincoln , Nub. . . . , , . ! 1U
( Andrew Klcliiml. Onmlm . no
1 Hctla Olson , Omalm . < > 7
( John Vonnllcn , Onmlm . , . , . 20
I Annii I'cco , Unmlm . . . 27
If you liavo piles UoWitt's Witch Haze
salvo will surely euro you.
Drtnyei ! a 1'ew IVcoki Only.
The advocate * of tno ro-estubllshment of
the Teachers Training school , who were suc
cessful In currying their motion to again open
the institute at the last rnccilntf of the
toanl of Indention , In Bntnblors' pnrlnnco
'overlooked ' u hot. "
Tlio resolution which carried provided for
ho appointment of n special committee to
onslJcr the matter aim report , but Vlco
'resident Akin , who tircHldud , forgot tills
mil nn adjournment was hud before the com *
nlttro was named. Now President Powell ,
vho It opiwscd to the proposition , will nnmo
i rommittcn unfavorable to it. However ,
ho partisans of the school have eight votes ,
ind It only delays the consummation of their
leslres a few weeks.
Slek headaches promptly cured by
IJmmo-Scltzcr 10o a bottle.
topi > rU of SovcrrlRii Ciiuip Olllrrrx , Wood.
- \Vurlil , llclni ; llparilln Onrtliii.
At the annual session of the executive
: omicll of the sovereign camp , Woodmen of
ho World , yesterday the yearly rcjiorts of
.ho ofllcers were read and other business of
ntcrcst to the otilcr was transacted.
The council meetings are being held at the
icailquartcrs of the sovereign camp In the
Shcely block , and It Is expected they will
last the balance of the week.
The following directors , In addition to the
local ofllcers , are present : Senator
1C. Knvin , Tonialm , Wls. ; F. A.
Denver ; .1. B. Frost ,
lUlauta , ( ! a. ; O. C. Fanner , Mount
J-iiToll , 111. ; Colonel U. W. Jewell , Man-
hestcr , lit. ; F. F. Hoose , Lincoln , Neb. ;
John McCllntoek , Chicago , 111.
The secretary's report showed that
I'--K'i members littd been nddcd to
tlio sovereign jurisdiction during the
past year nnd 4suo had been
idtleil to tlio Pacific Jurisdiction. Losses to
the amount of 8100.500 were paid during tlio
year by the sovereign Jurisdiction and forty-
nine monuments were creeled over the re
mains of deceased members.
lu the state of Nebraska the order paid
aring the year to ttio relatives of deceased
Nebraskans the sum of $10.500 , Five monuments
ments were erected over' the remains of deceased -
ceased members in this state. Tlio order
made eleven ubsessmcnts in IbW.
At the forenoon meeting there was con
siderable dismission over u proposition to re-
luce the age limit from .M , at which it now
stands , to 50 years. This matter will be dls-
tissed further and there is a probability that
this change will bo made.
The Sovereign Visitor , a fraternity paper
published In this city , was made the ollleial
organ for the coming year.
Theoillco of sovereign advisor is vacant
and will bo filled at this meeting. Tlio va-
[ ancy was occasioned by the death
if John T. Tuthill of Columbus , O.
who lllled with marked ability
this Important position. In all probability
one of the board of directors will bo promoted
meted to lill the vacancy and if this is done
then another director will have to bo elected.
Omaha is the birthplace and the headquarters -
quarters of this thrifty and energetic frater
nal organization and from this inideoiitliicn-
tal homo the organization seems to he reaching -
ing out to the farthest corners of the nation
and gathering strength very rapidly. Dur
ing the past year a larito number of strong
camps have been organ Ucd in Texas and all
through the west , and in fact , wherever the
order has been introduced It seems to meet
with marked favor. Mr. J. C. Hoot , who was
at ono time connected with the Modern
Woodmen of America , is the active head of
Woodmen of thn World.
- * -
1'orfect detail an I parf'suo hoilth rcsul
from the usoof DjWltt's Little Early Hlser.s
A perfect little pill.
vtrrnl Prominent Onmhu Olllcluls Oo to St.
r.inl to lli'lp ArmiiRo Itrferrnri"i.
The meeting of the transcontinental lines ,
called at St. Paul today to consider differ
ences , lias taken General Passenger Agent
Lomax , Freight Trafilo Manager Munroo
and D. W. Hitchcock of the Union Pacific to
that point.
The principal differences to bo discussed
are those affecting the Great Northern in its
relations to the Canadian Pacific railroad.
The latter road , it is assorted , has carried
things with a high hand and President Hill
has had a big , vigorous kick coming for some
timo. A new sheet rate may bo arranged ,
and an amicable adjustment of differences is
looked for.
At Union Pacific headquarters yesterday
the coal situation was thoroughly discussed ,
and the statement was made that the out
put of the Hock Springs mines during the
present year will largely exceed that of last.
The ofllelnls present at the conference ex
pressed themselves as well pleased with the
road's possibilities us a coal line.
Constipation cured by UoWltt's Early
Hour John Njhmd IK IlcliiR Trotted Aruilllll
tliu Stnto by County Olllcliils.
John Nylund , who was recently adjudged
insane , was turned over to the officials of
Lincoln county yesterday by Deputy Sheriff
Lewis , and the man , who has been tossed
about from pillar to post , has possibly not
seen the end of his buflotiugs yet.
Nylund was arrested some time ago in
Perkins county for stabbing a neighboring
farmer. In the trial it developed the pris
oner had performed many queer actions nnd
was given In charge of the board of insanity
and sent to the asylum at Norfolk. After
being pronounced incurable , ho was returned
to Perkins county and eventually came to
Omaha. He has been returned to North
Platte and the officials there say they will
sci-d him back to Perkins county.
Piles of peoplu nave piles , but DoWltt s
Witch Hazel salvo will cure them.
See tlio celebrated Sohnicr pinno at
Ford & Olwrlton Music Co. , 1508 Dodgo.
To Itnunton , Tor. , nnd Ki'turn.
Tuo.idny , January 24th , 1S9.1 , my sixth
spectnl imrty will leave Omaha , bound
for Houston , Tex.
Tlio rules for ho round trip , first
class , will bo cheaper than you can buy
of any railroad company , and I will give
you liftecu days to go in , fifteen days to
come , and until Juno Jbt , 181)3 ) , to roturn.
For further Information as to land ,
climate , cost of living and all particu
lars us to purchase of your ticket , call
on or address K. G. I'atter&on , 425
Itutugo building , Omaha , Neb.
Via the \Viiuunli Itoittr.
The short line to St. Louis and quick
est route houth.
Only 117 hours to Hot Springs.
Only 1)7 ) hours to Now Orleans.
Only : ) Si hours to Atlanta.
Only , r > 2 hours to Jacksonville.
With corresponding fast time to al
points east and south , Hound trip
tickets to Hot Springs , New Orleans ,
Lake ( Jlmrlw , Gulvcston , San Antonio ,
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran-
( IKO : , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha
vana and all the winter resorts of the
MWth and wo t. Inclining chair cars
free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit.
1'ullmun. bullet sleeping curs on nil
trains. lUiggngo cheeked from hotels
and private residences to destination.
For tickets , sleeping car accommodations
and further information call at Wubiiuh
ticket olllce , J502 Funmm street , or
write , G. N. CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
Homo of 0 , H. Ford nt Albright Entirely
Destroyed by Tiro.
rinnft l.nldby the T.ocut Stock Kxclmngn
to intrrtiln : ( IM ItUlliiKiiUlicil Uuosti
Knrly Xi-xt Month M il < > Oily
NC B Itcmi.
The residence of C. II. Ford at Albright
was ] entirely consumed by lira at U o'clock
yesterday morning. It was a small one-story
. frame . , not yet llnishcd , but the family was
living In the kitchen white Mr. Ford worked
on the house himself. The lire caught from
an overheated stove , salting the building
proper on Jlro. No alarm turned In , as
there are no tire hydrants in tint part of
town , nnd the building was only a few inin-
utjs in burning down. The loss isalo at $500
on building and $230 on household goals ,
only a bureau drawer and an old lamp being
saved. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Ford ,
as ho had no insurance and is GO yc.ira old.
He Ins a young wife and two tublus , who
are staying temporarily at T. C. Duncan-
son's , a neighbor. Mr Ford was not at
homo when his house burned.
Chief Urenium immediately sent Officer
Ivrocgcr to ascertain the condition of the
family and will sao that they do not suffer.
Mr. Ford has nothing loft but his lot , which
is worth about MOO. Ho was striving hard
to make a home for his family and himself in
his old age.
The house of Mr. Pierce , next door , was
saved by a favorable wind and the ofl'orts of
neighbors , who succeeded in pushing the
burning building over away from Pierco's
jn .MtM-tlni ; .
A special meeting of the Exchange was
held Wednesday at ! 1HO : to take action for
lit proper entertainment of the delegates to
the coming meeting of the National Live
Stock exchange , which will bo held in this
city Friday nnd Saturday , February Hand ) ,
and to elect cloven delegates to represent the
local Exchange. The following gentlemen
were elected as delegates :
D. S. Parkhurst. J. A. Hake. E. P. Savage ,
J. 15. niancliard. A. P. Brink , W. U. Cheek ,
1J . C. Foster. W. I. Stephen , J. G. Martin ,
1r . 1C. Byers and J. S. Gosnoy.
It was ordered that tlio committee of ar
rangements consist of the board of directors ,
D. S. Parkhurst , W. B. Bell. Leroy Huff , J.
G. Martin. U. Gilchrist , E. M. Utchardson ,
W. S. Stephen and six members of the Ex
change , as follows : William Underwood , E.
cC cI . Savage , Gcorgo Burke , J. E. Byers , E. B.
Olnoy and W. B. Cheek.
A resolution was unanimously adopted to
the effect tnat nothing shall bo too gooci for
the visitors , and the committee of arrange
ments was instructed to see that the enter
tainment does not fall below the pace set by
other cities. No doubt the members had In
their minds the royal entertainment accorded
the South Omaha executive commission at
Kansas City. It was also ordered that the
delegates bo quartered at the Paxton hotel ,
Omaha , during their stay and that a banquet
bo 1t 1 served on Saturday and that complimen
tary t tickets bo issued to Governor Crounse ,
Mayor Walters of this city and Mayor Bemis
of Omaha , T. J. Mahoney , attorney for the
exchange. E. Hosewater , editor of THE Bin : ,
and G. M. Hitchcock , editor of the World-
Will llulld a ( trick Kiln.
The indications are that the beginning of
spring will bo followed by the opening of
oxiOiislvo brick manufacturing works on the
McCaffrey farm , west of to\vn. A well
known Iowa brick manufacturer , who owns
a line bed of clay and cxtcnsivo _ works too far
from the railroads to b'o profitable , saw the
article In TUB BED announcing the discovery
of vi trilled brick clay on the
McCaffrey place , and came to this
city to investigate. Ho was more than
satisfied and opened negotiations at onco.for
an Interest in the ouslncss here. Ho carried
some of tlio clay homo and gave it as his
opinion that the top clay for common brick
now being used by McCaffrey would , if
slightly mixed with the lower strata make
brick superior to anything ever used in
Omaha. Ho also confirms the opinion ex
pressed by the Illinois man who offered to
put in machinery that the lower clay is Just
right for a very superior quality of vitrified
brick for paving purposes.
Another Jtiiilroiid to Onmlm.
The citizens of Amelia , Holt county , Neb. ,
held a mass meeting January 14 for the pur
pose of devising ways and means to secure
the construction of a railroad to Omaha. All
expressed a willingness to grant right of
way and vote bonds for the road. Other
communities along the proposed line will
hold meetings looking to the same end. The
farmers want to get their stock and produce
to the Omaha and South Omaha markets.
They mean business and will do all in their
power to secure the now road. All roads
must eventually lead to South Omaha.
City Now -Votes. .
Editor Bruce McCulloch is as proud as can
be of the now baby girl that came to his
homo yesterday morning.
W. B. Cheek , local live stoclc agent of the
B. It M. road , entertained a largo company
of commission men and others at his home ,
Twenty-second and J streets , last night.
Cards were the principal amusement in
dulged in , and an elegant lunch was spread
during the evening.
The pollcc'discovered a destitute family
named Shaw living near Twentieth and M
streets pestcrday , and supplied their imme
diate wants at the expenseof the city ,
through an order obtained from Acting
Mayor Walters. The husband , wife anil
children , two of them grown daughters , are
sick , while a boy constitutes the sole support
of the family.
_ _
Tim rinln Truth
Is good enough for Hood's Sarsaparllla
there is no need of cmbclishmcnt or sensa
tionalism. Simply what Hood's Sarsaparllla
does , that tells the story of its merit. If you
have never realized its benefits a single bottle
tle will convince you it is a good medicine.
The highest praise has been won by Hood's
Pills for their easy , yet pnicient action. Sold
by all druggists. Price 23 cents.
.i. u v * vix
Whatever comes from Hoyt's brain and
pen Is funny and there is fun in it without
horse play , too ; real clean , wholesome fun ,
that you have some excuse for laughing nt.
"A Hole in tlio Ground , " the popular satire
on drummers and railroads , comes to the
Boyd on Tuesday nnd Wednesday next. The
cast tiiat will present "A Hole in the
Ground" is the best that was ever seen in
the piece. There is one thing that can bo
said to the credit of Mr. Hoyt , and that is
that ho never has any No. 2 shows on the
road. The best presentation of "A Hole In
the Ground" ever seen in Omaha will bo seen
at the Boyd on Tuesday and Wednesday even
Frohmnn's comedians will present the
latest comedy success , "Gloriana , " at Boyd's
on Sunday , Monday and Tuesday of next
For tlio week commencing Sunday mat
Ineo , January ' , the attraction at the Far-
Tile only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum.
Used ia Millhus of Homes 40.Years the Standard.
nnm Street theatrmvltl bo a irrniul spectacu
lar production of T-Tho Pay Train. " The
company Is onextf the strongest In melo
drama nnd Is hcailml by the cleverest of all
ioubrettes , Florrrueo Hlndloy , who In her
chosen art Is a gciiliis , and Incidental to the
play will Introdifea her famous songs and
lances and 8oloflion the xylophone , auto-
Imrp and glass goblets. The plot of the play
s strong. The muchaiilcal eToots ( are most
realistic. _ _ _ _ _
Today Is known ns ladles souvenir day at
Wonderland nndlBijou theater , and in addi
tion to prescntlaguho strongest play yet
liroduccil at thl * house , "Tho Stranglers of
I'arls. ' the
manipumcnt will present each
lady visitor a h.indsamo telescope Japanese
You don't want a torpti liver ; you don't
want a bad compluxbn , you don't want a
lud breath j you don't want a hc.idacho.
Then use Do Witt's Little E irly Hlsers , the
famous little pills.
Heal estate.
Hnrgnlns only.
Mv word is good.
\V. O. Albright.
& 2Iii : N. Y. Life bhlg.
It you will call at our now store wo
will present you with a copy of a beautl-
ful piece of music. Ford & Clmrlton ,
1503 Dodge.
Frescoing and interim1 decorating designs -
signs and o.stlmtttc.-t furnished. Henry
Lehmann , 1308 Douglas street.
No Itrnl Illvnl Vet. '
World famous Ell Perkins says : "Af
ter people have gone over all the routes
io California once , they settle down to
the old U. P. Tlrts road will always bo
iho great transcontinental line. It has
the best track , the best equipment , tlio
iicst eating house/ * , and it teaches tlio
traveler more history ami geography
than any other lino. It shows you his
toric Salt Lake and the Mormons , takes
you through tlio great Lnramio plains ,
the Htimboldt basin unrt the Grand
canyon , over the very stage route that
Horace Greeloy and Artcmus Ward
Once on the Union Pacific it goes
everywhere. It runs to Portland and
Pueblo , Helena and tlio Voi-emite , Tu-
eomii and Scuttle , Los Angeles and San
Diego , and is the only route into San
Francisco. It has no rivals yet. "
Send for our California Sights and
K. L. Lomax , G. P. AT. . A. , or II. P.
Douel , city ticket agent Union Pacific
System , 1302 Fnrnam btreet , Omaha.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yeti promptly on tbo Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers' nu'd citres habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to tlio tosto and ac
ceptable to tlio stomach , prompt in
its actioo'hnd truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the moat
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for solo in COc
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not -ccept any
Wouldn't It
cost loss to
You now
As yon vnhio
your llfo don't
Ing some mic
xlioso mlvlco
will boot vuluo
If you consult
nothing. .
Blood , Skill 041 d Kiditoy Dlbon&os ,
Female Wcnltnebscs , Lost Manhood
TIKES , KI8TUI.4.JHI9SUUK , permanently curocl
without tlio use of luitfu , llxntura or ciuitlo.
Alt nmliulles of prlrnto or dellc&to nature , of
cither BOX , positively cured.
( all on or udilrosvnjtli ( tamp for Circulars , Free
Cook and Iteclpea ,
Hr 1pnrl9 < ! " 8 e ° "th | lstl1 , street
Oum/m , X
Knit Door to I'ostotUro.
Are NKVEH Sold
The Training of a Voice
An article of
careful and ex
plicit suggestions and direc
tions for girls interested in
the wisest cultivation of their
voices , written especially for
The article will be
published during 1893 * n
THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL ; also a beautifully
'llustrated ' paper on the great singer's palatial
home in Paris , and her daily life.
January Number Send One Dollar for One Year to
Ten Cents on all News-stands The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia
Constant Improvement
The Remington
Standard Typewriter.
Wocfcrry u fine line of this machine ,
Paragon LinenPapers
Paragon Ribbons
As well as n full line of other Steno
graphic supplies.
Machines Rented ,
Special Attention Given to
Wo want everybody to come and see us.
Correspondence solicited.
Wo also have n Free Employment Bu
reau for the benefit of business men
nnd stenographers.
Wo can furnish competent stenograph-
on short notice.
WyckoffSeamans & Benedict
1712 Farnam Street , BeoBldg.
Telephone 1573.
Cures coughs , colds , asthma ,
bronchitis , debility , wasting
diseases and all scrofulous hu
mors. Many have been happy
to give their testimony in favor
of the use of Wilbor's PureCod-
Liver Oil and Phosphates. Ex
perience has proved it to be a
valuable remedy for consump-
tionl asthma , diptheria , and all
diseases of the throat and lungs.
Manufactured only by A. B.
WILHOR , Chemist , Boston.
Sold by all druggists.
Max Meyer & Bro. , Co.
Solo Apotits for Omuhu.
Cnpltal 5100,000
Surplus -S"5'000
_ . - '
mj i : :
Officer , and nitcntori llenrr W , Yaloi , prail lint
tl C Cuihlru. Tloa preilJinti l' . H , Maurloj. > V V
Mono. John ri. Colllni J , N , It. IMtrluo I.JfH d
llced , ca > ! ilcr.
500 cases STAR BRAND , dull fin
ished , W Men's Arctics and Excluders ,
all sizes , 60 and 5 per cent off the list
price , and 2 per cent extra for cash in
ten clays.
Look for new advertisement in a few
days' .
ZAGHARY T. UNDSEY , Omaha , Ned.
' 'Have ' you tasted
America's finest Whisky ?
Richest Quality ,
Absolutely Pure ,
Doubly Aged , Sold at all High-claw
Delicate Bouquet , Drinking Places and
Best I Very Best ! I Drug Stores.
FiPDcial Reference : Nat'l ' Back of Commerce , Omaha.
No DETENTION from business. No Operation.
InvuKtltxntonur Mothod. Wrlttnn Riiarnnton tonliso-
hltoly I'nri ) nil kinds of UtU'TUKKof liotliHOXOH.wllh-
iiut I no nso of xnUo or syrlnjru , uo inattor of how long
307-308 N. Y. LIFE QLDD. , OMAHA , NED ,
HenO for Circular.
1816 Si root , Oninhei , Neb.
Tlio eminent specialist In norvnui. chronic , prlrntc , hlcioil , tkln anil nrlnarr illiooiei. A regular and
ri'Clitoreil urailuatuln raillclna , as ill plom u anil c.irtliljnt'H show , li mill trailing with th'J uroiitust niio-
cess catarrh , lout manlmoil nominal wonknoin , nlt'l > ' loioi uti'l ' all fxruii at prlr.ttodlaj.nuj * Vu marou-
rjruioil. Now treatment f'lr loii of vltil powar 1'iirtloi unnblo to vlilt mo mir DJ troitul at homa br
rcirrospon.leiH'e . Mcillclno or Initnimonts ion ! hr mill or oipron loourolr pioiot , no rnir < i to *
: ontcnt < or lonilor. Ono purional Inturvlnw preform I UimiulUtloii tra > . Uorruip m lonoi .itrlctlr prlrata
Hook ( M/iterleiof I.lfe'innt free oaicohuuriSn m toMpm HuuJajri lOa.ui toljin r'eaiiiti'upfur repl/
Nerve Sands , "
tbo wonderful remedy
l > iolJ with R writ-
en irnnrnnter to euro all ncrvoin c".lic Jf . nicli ! Weak Mrinorr ,
I/Dssof lliilii I'ovrir , llc luclic. W.ikefulnrn. I < oit Manhood. Nlahtlr Krall-
eloni , .Herroiifneas , I/as lturtnallilt lDi and Ions ( if pnwrrof the dcneratlin
Organi In oitli.Tiex cnuniM hr oYi'reierlloc , youthful ( rron.or ricrailTf
, uiaof tolmcco , opium or Mlmulnms which oonlpoil to Inflrmltr. t'oiifiimp.
' ( tlnn ancHnnsriltr. 1'ut up convenient to carry In vr t pocket , tal per pack.
'acBby m ili6fo't > . U'ltli oTorrlionlcrwn < ilveau > rUttn nmranttt tucun
nrrrjutut thtmontv. Clrni'nr free. AdrtrcftiAcr * i > f - . .io. . . C'lilcnmi. III.
Tor Sale hi Omahn by Shormrtn& McConnell , 1015 Dodge Stroot.
Tooth KllloJ With
u it
Tooth Extracted Without Poln or
A Full Scl cf Teeth on Rubber for $ ) .U
Perfect flt guaranteed Teeth ottr/ictoJ / IT tin
morning > CIT ocei lumrtoit In the OTon'nj ' of § .vuj
11.ttt iie''lnieni | of IlemorAbla 1UI1K9.
tceiievlnieniof | Flexible Klnillo I'lv. ) .
All work wnrraine.l at roprstunUJ.
Of duo Third Floor Pnxton Block ,
lelopliono ItHi , K.tli and I'ar.ivn feti.
ka 1 Tatar or iuirtr from Itlb Hv. < otr og
, v. ir. r.utiuitM.i ; > . , Nci iiuiiiiirinr. ,
STi'V , MA'i * . , fA ( coniiittlntl jihiiihlan of ( A <
l'iAIHl ; > VJMrIIC.\r , IV-TITIITM inuhnm
win nwar.loj the uoin UEU.II. by Ihu
MBUICAI , AtsocurioH for tl : j I'll I/.iiSHA : Von
t'jiatntt < n'ltalltii,4trop,1yt'irraiiii > iii\i'tiyitcat \
JJtbltityaiA all I'ltiant ami JCnUm'Si of JAin.
nllnPO " > IWiffi " 'c ' tnlilJU ugtd iind o/J.
Ill nrConin.iallon In ] i ricn or liy letter.
UUIILO l'oM > o.tii. . with Wluioulali , KllIJK.
Inrro book , H01iSCK Or MVK , OH HKI.V-
iiKVATlN , COO pp. , 126 Invalutlile pr
i. full gilt , oDtjr tl.W by mill icftk < i.j