TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : VttlDAY. JANUARY 20. 1803. SOLD WORTHLESS PROPERTY Basis of an Interesting Suit in a Lancaster County Court. W , S , AMENT THINKS HE WAS ILL TREATED Jot Jlrprrnentoil to Him t < > Uo Valuable nnil Wfill Located I'rovo to He 1'art of thn Unlike of Salt Crcrk. LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special to TUB llEB. ] W. S. Amcnt filed suit In dtstilct court today asking for $18,000 from Da\Id W and Charles T. lirown. Amcnt saji that ho liad n 4-10,000 mortgaRo on sorao Colorado mining property , which ho put up with a Denver mlno us collateral for the payment of a $ " ,000 note ho had gUcn. He couldn't pay the note when duo , nnd the creditor threatened under the lawn of Colorado to sell the note with Its security at public auction. According to Ainont's ntory tno Brown * wcro Interested In the mining property colored by the mortgage , itnd ns neither desired the paper to bo sold at public auction , an agreement was made whereby the IJrowns took the inoitgngc. | ) ald the note , gave Amcnt sorno cash nnd gave him the deeds to fifteen lots In Yolando addition to the city of Lincoln They represented the lots to bo worth $18,000 , sajs Ament , sightly ntul nfir the city. Instead rtio plaintiff tlulms that they nro not slphtly , but clinging to Iho banks of Salt creek , a o unlit for lesidentes nnd nro practically worthless Ho therefore asks judgment for the amount of money they \\fra repiesented to him as being wotth - $18,000 'Ihero ate fifty-three cases for trhl on the criminal docket of the tot m which begins n wcckfiom next Monday Thirtj-elght of the indictments are against the ex-con- trnctoisof the Insane asylum , but neither Hubbard or Stobbs w 111 bo hero to defend , the waitants having failed to reach them The defendants lia\o ns iot llled no pleas In abatement or lalscd any of the expected technical points. Flora Gloldav wants a dhorco from her husband , Joseph S . on the ground of cruelty of long-oontlnued standing. ' 1 hey were mari - i led in Lincoln in October , 1331. Indians In Court. The police 'wero out on the trail themselves last night and four of the bluecoats suc ceeded in eorrallng cloven Indians of the Omaha trlbo. Tlio led men ha\o been hero attending the United States court as wit nesses ngalnst some follows suspected of Celling llfjuor to Indians on \Vinncbago jcscrvitlon. and last night Iho whole patty sti.ijed Into the notoiious bagnio at Stncnth and N sheets , kept l > i K. F Weir a half-breed negio ana Indian When the police arri\cd they wcro each and seveially surrounding ropious draughts of whisky , and together w ith Weir nnd the Inmates veto taken to the station , v hero all wcro locked up oor night They wcro lelcased this morning , but Weir will bo pioseetitcd for selling liquor to the topic- fiCMtnthes of the Omahas The < iucstlui : will como up whether or not ho can bo pun ished. Tlio fedetal statutes make it punish able for selling to an Indian while the Nc Innskn statutes provide that it isn't a crime if the Indian is a citizen All those are citi zens and voters in the vicinity of Pender. Cltj In llrlrf. The United States Carriage company , crodltots to the amount of Sl.OJO of the de funct Him of Wallingford & Shamp , swore out a wilt of attachment in district court this Afternoon , asking that moneys and ci edits in the possession of David IJiadloy Co. and the American Kxchungo Nationa bank bo at Inched. Iho fedeialgiand jury Is still grinding nwny , but the only indictment ghcn out was that against Postal Clcik Molntjro o" Beatrice for lobbing the mails Charles Tindall , a Union Pacific brakeman - man , was badly Injured yesterday whllo at tempting to couple cars. Her slipped , and tlio w huc'ls c aught his risrht leg , indicting a terrible gash , but not injuring the bono. Last January the little town of Hlckmar sent up a delegation of men from the southern orn end of the county , and by force of votes captured the location of the county fair at that point. Tbo annual meeting of the Fair association will bo hold at Hickman nex Saturday , and the Lincoln contingent w 11 try the same game on the south end. The Metropolitan Gas and Klectrlc LIgh company , the now company w hlch w 111 enter into active competition with the Lincoln Gas company , llled articles of incor ) > oratlon will the county cleric today. The capital stock 1 ; 00,000 , and the stockholders J. II. MoMur- trv , K. K , H.ijilcn , 10. Finnoy of Lincoln ; Thomas J. Hess of Chicago and A. M. Coff- inan of Boston. The company comprises the sntno men who own the Homo Street rail way , which will make numerous extensions this year. Burglars entered ono of the Hotel Lincoln Hample rooms last night \ la a collar way nnd catrlod awav $200 worth of clothing dls- plajed thoio by D. Wltkousky , reptcsenta- tlvo of Colin , Wnmpold it Co , Chicago. A portion of the goods stolen has been ro- covcied , having been picked up in an ulloy a few blocks away. Uev. L I' . Luldcn loft jesterday for Mon treal to secure accommodations for the Ne braska delegates to the international conten tion of the Christian Endeavor society. A trades assembly , w 1th ten labor organ izations reptcscnted , was formed tonight at n meeting held In Union Labor hall for the purpose. Ono of the main obects | of the organization Is tabling conccntratea power to bear In the printers' sttike. Walter Clark , a jouth of 12 , with n plethora of fathers and mothers , is In tlio city trying to find his rightful paternal rela tive. The boj's parents weio dlvoiced some years ago , the mother subsequently maiij- ing another man named Clark. The boy has been residing with his father , but his mother vroto him from Fremont to come up and stay with her. When ho arrl1 1 at Fremont the family ImdmoieU away , and the lad Is now In nonrcii of the family , w hlch formerly resided at Dunbar , Otoo county. J i H from I'romont. FitcJioNT , Neb , Jan. 10. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The members of the Young Men's Christian association have elected the fol- lOVting named directors : Thomas Carroll , for ono year : C. M. Williams. J. W. Harris und D. A. Lumbard , each for three joars The Congregational church society has elected : Miss Cornelia liunncll , trustee j lioticrt liildgo , trcasuier ; Nellie Hammer , clerk ; F. M. Stcadman and H. D Kekkov ( editor nnd propilctor of the Dodge County lioader ) , deacons ; Mesdames Zorby and Jaekson , deaconesses. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Fi onion t Stiect Hallway company jostcrday the old board of directors was 10- clccted , and the follow ing named persons elected for the ensuing A ear : President , Frank Fowler : \icoprcsldent , Fred M > or ; Bociotary , Arthur Gibson ; treasurer , liny N.\oj general manager , Ji N. Morse. Hon. John Farrell , representative from this county , accompanied by his wife , wont to St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha A ostcrday afternoon for treatment. Ho Is quite feeble. but It Is hoxxt | that with his natfrallv strong constitution , the sun Ices of the best and most skillful physicians and attendants , that ho will soon ho able to return to hli duties In Lincoln. The engineers who are mnnlnj ? the surveys for the proposed canal from this city to Omaha ariUod In this city jcsterdtv , and will at once proceed to make a systematic aunoyoftho Platte itvw Kinks south of this city , commencing at the head of the island crossed by the btldgo. \\ln the GUAM * ISIJLMJ , Neb , , Jan. 10 , [ Special to TIIS BLK.J The test trial against the gam- bllng fnternlty of l js In this city bus been decided , the Jury In the case declarlngJan.es West Innocent. West was arrested some ten da\s ago. charged with permitting mlnorn under Iho ago of 18 years to rcmal-t In his pool und billiard room. West nleadwl guilty and was lined f O by the police judge. The ( me , It seems , was felt to boailttlotoo noavy , ami West w 1th a couple of attorneys rolurnca to police court and askoU to have Judgmi-nt sot aside , statiPff that Weal plead by mistake. The Juusto Ktauted the request , after which the dcft-nso took clutnga of vcnuo on the ground of prejudice , bad a jury impanelled and the jury declared the defendant Innocent , after the defendant hlmsrlf swore that ho had permitted the boytt to remain nnd piny In his room. The decision M being hooted by prominent cltl- rens , whilst u fotv hold that Iho verdict was just. _ _ Aim. Wnnihrnril nt Knvrnnn. UAVRNNA , Nob. , Jan. 10 [ Special to TUB Bnn ] A scries of meetings , much appro- elated by our railway employes and the pco- plo generally , held at this place by Mrs. Woodward , superintendent of work among railway cmplovcs for the National Women's Christian Temperance union , closed last night. Kadi evening the audiences Increased , and wo bollcvo uutnv have gained higher ground and broaUer and inoro kindly and just Ideas of human duty , csi > oclally toward the great army of noble , faithful men who run the trains and are engaged In the various lines of railway sen ico. Mrs. Woodward was accompanied by her daugh ters , who , wltli the Misses Wilcox and others of our \oung people , added not u little to the picasuro of the o\cnlngs by music and readings. Serloun I'lm nt I , ) on * . LIONS , Neb , Jan. 10. [ Spaclal to Tun BEE. ] A two story residence owned by Banker Walter Hyerett nnd occupied by the families of Albert and nugcno Kverett , was burned yesterday w 1th nearly nil the house hold goods. Mrs Kvcrott and the children woio upstairs when the lira was discovered , and completely cut off from going do.Mi. She broke n window out , and throw ing the bed clothes to the ground , she dropped the children from the w indow Ono of the children , about 8 years old , was seri ously butned about the face and hands , the ilesh diopplng fiom ono of the hands when the doctor began to dicss it Sc ( tiring 1'iiniU fur Impri NioiiiivuA , Neb Jan -Special [ Tele gram to TUB BEHTho ] Atlantic Trust com pany of Now Yoik had a llrst mortgage leeoided in .Knox countj yesterday against the Yankton , Norfolk & Southwestern Hall- road company for i'JTS.OOO , being $15,000 a mile for .sixty-fho miles Oilvo Him 'IhlrtJ DUJJI. HASTINGS , Neb , Jan ll [ Special Tele gram to THE Bcu.j Barnard Bates , n young loafer , was brought before Justice Ilohror today , clmigcd with petit larceny , convicted and sentenced to thirty dins in the county jail , the llrst and last ten days on bread and water. Ignorance of the merits of Do Witt's Llttlo Duly Risers la a misfortune These little pills ivgtilato the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious ness. CITY'S DUMPING GROUNDS. .Manyrrotrntn Mmlr Against tlio Indlicrlm- linitii V n at tliu Jtlvrr Itiinkx. The terribly disgusting condition of the cltj 's dumping grounds has attracted atten tion to the place whcio , when the weather penults , the odots aio enough to stifle one. Disease and pestilence piomiso to run riot in the squalid tenements In the ncighbothood , and the ptactlco of the city ofllolals In allow ing the indiscriminate dumping of not only garbage , but the caicasscs of dead unlm.tls , Is being loundlj condemned .Ml along the rl\er bank from the Union I' ulllo hrldgo to within llfty feet of Douglas stiect bodies of dead animals are strewn along the banks of the stte.tin In the local ity known as the bottoms people who take thulrw.tier from the river dip their supply from a point below whcio the bodies of the animals Ho Hcsidcnts of the locality aio complaining loudly , and weio an epidemic to breakout the citj's health oWclals would ha\o hauler woik than they over dreamed of to pto\ent Its spread to the more populous poitlons of the city. The , place Is filthy and disgusting , nnd only the most extreme sanitary precautions will stiillco to nd the city of danger of a cholci.t outbipalc in the apring fiom this souico. What w ill bo done to abate the aw f ul nuis ance Is u question which the people want to know. An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary. DoWItt's Little Early KIser-i euro constipation , biliousness und sick head- ucho. MAY LOSE HIS OAUS. . Blarquls Pullman's Actions So Far Indicate ' Iln U In Th it DiiiRrr. Unless the Marquis do Pullman liquidates a little matter o 510,000 duo the city of Omaha , some ono will have tin opportunity very soon of owning a private sleeping and bufllt car and a dlnor. As j ot the sphinx is not moro silent than the marquis as to what ho proposes to do with loferencoto the selzuto of his cars by City TioasurerBolIn. Today the notice of sale Is to bo published , and meanwhile the company's agcnthcio Is holding in compliance w ith the order issued all the cash coming Into his possession. Not a word has been received from Chicago as to what com so Mr. Hlch.inlson , the local agent , shall pursue , and If the situation continues for a fevr hours longer thei o w 111 bo ample money In his hands to pay the city's duo bill. It Is , however , only a reinoto probability that the cars will Uo allowed to bo disposed of under thoJiammer , but the city treasurer intends straining every point of law to secure that $10,000. There's nothing moro tantalizing to a hun gry man than thought of Cudahy's "Hex" brand extract of beef. It's a meal in Itself. " ' "HOTHER'S ' . FRIEND" . is ri Hciontiflcally prepared Liuimont nnd linrmloss ; every ingredient is of recognized valno nnd in constant use by the medical profession. It short- oils Labor , Lessons Pain , Diminishes Danger to lifo of Mother nnd Child. Hook 'ToMothers" muiled free , con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. testimonials."i " "i on receipt BRADFIELD REGUUTOR CO. , fltlanla , Ga. Bold 1-y all druggUts. TYPEWRITERS The Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY 00. 1301 Farnam St. , - Omaha , Neb PATENT BUREAU. SUES & . CO. , Solicitors , Boo Building , Omaha , Neb 4yenMKxnmliiorslI. S.Pat Ofllco. Advlso fro * PENSIONS ! CLAIMS ! 9 Soap Pretty boxes and odors are used to sell such soaps as no one would touch if he saw them un disguised. Beware of a soap that depends on something outside of it. Pears' , Jthe finest soap in the world is scented or not , as you wish ; and the money is in the merchan dise , not in the box. AH sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people are using it. "BAY , STATE'3 GUITARS. o MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS , AND DRUMS. We mike t Tirlrtr from ths crtpAri-ST to ihe MOST SLEUTH ? nil COSTLY Initrumenti. lvrry Instrument Hilly * i iirruntvtl. OUR LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJO , Endorsed by the DIST Players. Scml for Catalogue and mention the Instruments you think of jiurcluitlng. > JOHN C. HAYNES & CO , MCNXOW. &LAAM- THE NEW YEAR I * full of nrlElit promise to thoio In Iho full cnoymmit | nt lienltli , ntroncth and manly vigor , but filled with despair lor those who have permitted 'huuisolvcx to becoino unit leraaln tlia hopeless ana helpless victim of Nervous , Chronic Or Private Diseases. What can the fntnro hold In atore far you il you nro aullerlncr the ucnulea of n Ulscnso which IH fust crttlnir wny your Tlt l forces , yonronorcjritiiilyourllfu ; ? Nothing but thu horrible bl icknesaof despairnimiroo , unless 3 on at nnco boilii a enure ot sclentlllo treat * incut by skillfull , coinnotont nnil experl- oncoil ftpcclntlati. Are you u victim of any of tlio in ) ram kindred 111 * that cnteublo and onalavo ? If no , como to ill nt once for a Iroe consultation , or write us fully , oncloslnj ; t.imp for rrply , anil yod will receive ndvlca that will In all probability gave your life. Uolnya are dangerous and there Is no time so gooduft now. Send 4cents anil recqlvo n copy of our Il lustrated now book of ISO pace" , full of valu able Information. Call upon , or aclclrosj with stamp. 119 South 14tli St. , Cor. Douglas St.- , OMAHA. NED. How Many are putting PEOPLE OFF THE DAY Intending soon to consult a Successful Specialist Chronic , Private , Norvoun and Siirnloal Diseases CURED. Lost Manhood , FosualoVeakuossos , Etc. , CURED. CONSULTATION FREE. Treatment by Mall. Address with stamu ( or particular : ) , wtilou will bo sent In a plain ouolnpa , C. W. WILLIAMSON , M.D. ItoomtS , 8K , 1) ) . 0 > j. 116-113 P. 15th Street , Omaha. A. H. DYER , iit : > vatorvureliimio , fuotury bti anil all work requiring u tliuroiiili ami i l > rit tlciit knoulcdufi or construction unit strengtu of iniitorlul * , 11 upoaiult ) . J > . U. llox 334 , freuiont , Neb , Author ; of ' tha Standard''Handbook / ' ? ' of of Therapeutics Medicine at University , " rtrtualfwwri College , London. os as follows Iron the curoful analyR09of l'rof ATTnEji , and'others. I am BatUUed thdt , , VAW HOUTEN'S COCOA oh1onrK ; t1 tn nmhertUempnts ( from trade rivals ) book nilsloailinir. ami from rav on Thorapout osaroqulto " nosOhry ' " cjtnnot npj ! y t > VAX HOUTKN'SCOCOA. 77i faltfrrnretlan oni VAjjlIonTF S'H Corn 114 f Au rjftrtuattu rrptllrd. nnd tlir rent ii DON'T BORROW TROUBLE. " BUY' SAPOLIO 'TIS CHEAPER IN THE END. SPECIRLNOTIOES , AlrrKHTIBICJlKNTH Kfc > > TI1RSK COLUMNS will lie taken unlit limiKm ( or Iho evtnlni and until I 3U t > . m for tbaoJuroIng or Bunclay Bil t I No ixtTcrtln ment tsksn | fpr less tlmn H cent * for thcllrsl Insertion > i Allcdvertliieniunta In tlipiu ) columns IVicontrn .orrt for the nr t Insert ! * mi 1 coat a word lor each ยง ul > iMucnt | Insertion ,6r , II M per linn per month. Trrmi , cash In anvApeo. Initials Bgurcs , symbols , etc. , cadi count a > n wonl. Advertise ments muit run conorcntlroljr Advertiser * , by ro- queuing a numbered click * can have tlio lotion ddrossed to n numbered letter In euro of T UK 11 Kit. Anawcn no addressed nlll'be delivered on tlio jri'tentntlon of tlio checks > SITUATIONS ANTED. A WANTED. YOU.VCJ .MAN , POSITION AS bookkeeper or gnnornl oOco wort. Host of ref erences llox 770 , Cltr. MUD W A SITUATION WANTBD IIV YOU.NO MAN 30 . /Vyearsof axe , stranger In cltyt linvo some ex perience a rilcstnan ( clothing preferred ) , salary no object to begin with. Address II. U , ltt.1 N. 17tfi M M3M -SITUATION IN A WIlUI.KdALK IIOtJSB IN A. . any line Addrrii W4 < ) , Ilco. M ikvt M A.A A l ) , I'OSITIO.V AS IIOUSKICKKI'UKI nldowofill i ! good rofcroncoi. W64 , lleo JI338 Jl A-WANTKI ) . POSITION IN IAW r. tlrnt class sentk'nmn stcnograplivr , nt proont out of city ; ji t ndrulttcd to bur. AddrcasW'U , euro Hoe. WU = 0' WANTED-MALE HELP. .XAt.AHYOIt COMMlS'ilON TO AllKNT * TO hnndlo the I'ntont I'bunilcsl Ink r.rnalne I'cncll Iho most useful anil novel Invention of the KO Krnicslnk thnroiiKhly In ttru fceonil" Works Ilka mnnlc 200 to f HO per cent protlt. Anents nmklni ; IV ) per week Wo ulio wsnt n Runarul nui'nt to tnko ctnrtoof territory nnd appoint tub ncontn A rnro chance to innko uionoy , Wrlto for terms nnd n anm plpof crnslnK. Monroe Krmlui : Mfg Co , Y 8' ' ! I > a Crosfc. W Is 700 B-Wl ! I'AV HAI.AUV WHKKtiV TO OOOD nccuts. Kjporlonco unnecossnrr Apply Sinner olTlco. 1J-WANTKI ) , A 1'KW IIKLIAIIU : SOMCtTOllS 'In Nebraska for the Union Central I.lfo ln ur- nnco company of < laclnniU. Good territory nnd liberal contrncts to the rlKht ruou Address J. M. Fdmlstnn , State Agent , rooms IJ , 40 nnd 47 Uurr blk. Uncoln , Mob. Moid J30 > -WAM'KI > , A OOOI ) HAIINKSSMAKKH AT sllonderaon , la , T. II. Curry. 160-17' E-WANHSI ) , T.AHOIIKIIS rOll H & M. KVTKN- lon to Bpenrtlsb , H Dak , call nt GOD t ) . 10th st. 357 23 B-WAN1KO. A SI AN TO ATTKNI ) TO FUH- nnce nnd work around houio , must have city references ; npplyillO Douglas. 351 B-J.AI1011E1W AND ItOCKMKN FOlt TIIKI1. A M. extension In doutli Dakota Steady vrork. 1-rcoimsa Krumor Jt O Uearn Labor agency 503 fcoutu llth street. 0137320 * B-WANTKI > , ROOD AGKNT3 KVKItYWUKHK for latest olllco specialty Sells Itself. IJlKpny. Wrlto now Am Lock Crank Co , Milwaukee VVIs. 319 31 B-WANTKU , 1'ANi-a MAKUIt. 1IELIN A Thompson. M40S B -WANTKD. 20 Oil 30 CIOA'tMAKKtld , UNION scale. ; ( uban Cigar To , Bt. Paul , Isoli M I3 22 WANTED FEMAIiE HELP. C-YOU.SU LAOIBS CAN SOOV ACQUIItH A working knowledge of shorthnnd and typo * writing at \ an Hants'14 N. Y Life M-W C-JHNSKN'3 IANl 2f ANDSWhDISH KMPLOY- ment olllco , corner llith and Douglas , upstalrti all kinds of help nlwitys on hand , W good glrit for general housework ISJ 110 * C-IIUDD1NO1O.V ACADK1IY OI'nN MONDAY , Jnn 9 , ladles are taught tuo , nrt of dross making , basting and llnlffhlng ; can W'gxk on their own dresses while learning U Ml , UroMi blk , cor Douglas ft loth .MUJ'I IV. CWANTKD , OIHf , I-O1I HpUSKVYOUK IMMKIU otelyt421I'rnnklliiBt SJ8 U C - , ailtL , 1U7 PA UK AVUNUi : t " ' itSCJ S3 * r ; n C WAMBI1. aim , tOll OKNICIIAI. 1IOUSK- iTOrlt or BDiall L'lrl to Into care of children , at nwcor. 15tU ana Ilaruor ; fnlrauco on llarnay. * ' JfS20 . OlltL FOlt HOUSEWOltK , WITH out washing 11KW larnnni , , 37UJJ' C WANTM ) , A OOOU * ( ItltL KOIl UBNBltAL bouse work. Inquire 9415 Jones between St. Mary uvo and LcavcnwoMhU M 379 31 C-WA.STKD , A GOOIV.tilltL tOlt SECOND work 2.VJ Dodge st i'1 d3j 21 C WANTKD. OOOI ) OIltLj NO < OUKINO. Apply , with rcferonccs , JUSo. ( ( 2Cth uvenue t , it 22 * C-YOUNO (5IHL , 'yfiLLV DO VBHY MOHT housework : bad must In care of child 1717 Hurt street. M410 20' ' f\ \ WANTED , GUtf. FOU S fCONDVOUIt AND Vto assist In care of child. Wages t200 a week Apply 2110 Douglas J1413 * J FOB BENT HOUSES. D -FOU HKNT. No 2113 CAPITOL AVKNUK , modern. ; The O. K Davis Co , 16J5 Faruam st 707 D -ton IIKNT. iiousra IN ALL PAHTS OF city. ; The 0.1' . Uavla company , 1603 larnamst D-HMT8. DWKLLINOS. COTTAGIN , IN ALL parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co , 303 Karhach D NKW7-HOOM COrTAOBS , MODhUV. IN Stanford circle Convenient for business men of Omaha and South Omaha , C. S. Klguttor , 204 Ueo building M4SS D I'KN UOOM MODKUN IIOU8K , COH. 10TII and Mason etrccta. CalJntK ) ; Drown bldg. J1S34 K4 D- OIl HKNT-1 STEAM IIEATKl ) > LAT , 0 rooms ; Lluton block , 13th and Alason streets ; ID good repair. Inquire at 017 In the block. Jo in Hamlln. agent. MW.I D I-LA HOE LIST PAUK 1C05 FAHNAM srilEhT , M640J27 * D I-FOU IIKNT , TWO 6-UOOM COTTAGKS ON motor. Call at southwest cor. ( th and Douglas. 171 D-MMl HBNT , A THN-HOOM HOUSK , ALL newly painted and papered , with modern fur * nace , bath room and water closet , hot and cold water , situated In ono of the finest resident neigh borhoods In the clly linlf block north of Farnam rtreot on J8th street Inquire of Homo Investment Co , third Uojr , Paxton building. 223 19' D-rOH HKNT , BICVl'.UAL NICKS ANDSI-HOOM houses , with nil modern convenloncoi , near Hnnscom park. Inquire of Geo. N. lllcks , agt. W5 N. Y. Llfo bldg MU523 D TWO 7-HOOM COTTAGES , CKNTHALLY LO- catcd , all modern Improvements , only $25. S-toro building on North 21th sti excellent location foriuent market. $15 per mo. fidelity Trust ( o 1702 rarnnm. 372-27 D-0 HO JM HUICK HOUSE , f24 8. 20T1I BTHKKT. Hcnt $ < 500 ; al > o cottage of 9 rooms , C23 H 20th street , with modern Improvementsrent M5.ua Apply toSOI St. Mary's ovo. 3JJ21 * D-HIUM8I1KI ) 1IOUSK , 71OOM ( , 4800 IIAVKN port street , nil modern conveniences , for rent until April 1. free , to family without children. In' ( Hiirov. . L fcelby , 3JI Lham. Commerce. M40J FOB KENT FURNISHED ROOMS. E-NKATLY > UHNISI1EI ) FHONT HOOM ON barnam near 2id st. with heat ; board If do Ired , references required. Address TJ > 8 , lleo 2til 191 E-NICK HOOMS , blUAM 1IKAT , 172J DAVI5N- port street. M28328 * E-FURNISIIUD HOOMB , 1418 DODUK bTUGKT. .M.'SI 21 * E NICK PLKASAN1111OOM3 , WITH OK Wiril- ouv board 2103 Douglas M3J3 2J * -3 OH 4 UOOMS bUtjlSUKD | hOHHOUSlS keeping J308 Douglas , | , , MJ3t IB * T ? TWO 1HONT HOOM jpJ LBAVENWOIITH. E -LOOK AT THIS NICK s J-'UHNIBIIEI ) UtONT room In warm bouse , f < ilier mouth , 1138 North Ibth itrcou , , ' 390 22 * * - SOUTH > 'TlONT HOOM WITH alcove with boanl. lion < pllol aye 897-23'p FTJRNISHED ROOlrarAND BOARDl IJ'-I S WITH I10AHD. llu feruucea IK3 CUlcat'iyMroot. MJ7I 21 * 1 -1 UK DOLAN , JWJ ANH UN. 1TI1 ST. 17-YOU.NG WOMKN'S HOJJK UNDBH CAllK OV X1 Woman's Cbrlstan nssoo aUon. Ill So. 17th st. ' _ ai i _ 17-FUONT UOOM FOlt kfvVO ; ALSO HI.NOL15 -L BOuth rooms , 13H l-arimii ; ytrfet _ M3I4 21 * 1'-LAHlr. ItONT 8 f II AM HICAIKI ) HOOM with board Tahlu boarders also accommo dated The Hillside , northwest corner isth and Dodge. M/78 21 * _ -rUUMbllKU H00118 Will"FII18T CLAbB J- board , UJ Dodge street , cor 18th and Hedge F THHIFINK HKhlDKNCK 1IUCK AT 1040 AND 1014 Georgia avenue Is now opened as a strictly nrrt class family hotel ; 2i large rooms , single or on suite , furnished or unfurnished Lake. ICth street and Park avenue car lines. M4I5V1 FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS G 8 HOOM'iTN'"ilufcKf FLAT. 1C03 LKAVKJsf. worth street- 891 iu * FOR RENT STORES ANppFFIOEJSlT T-FOHIIKNT , AVKriY'DKSIHAHLH nuiLDIVli" J-iultabltj fora warehouse , with stabla la oanac- tlon , 'tractago front and rear. Addrosi K. A. Carmlchael cnra ot McCord. Hraly A Co. 215 I FOU HKNT t-TOHK HOOM NO 141 UI'l'KK Ilroadway ; new ; site 22x100 feet , with sbolvtng and counUrs ; desirable location for dry goods and general merchandise Day It llsn , ngents tounoll IJluIU , la. il 30 } 111 'OR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. . -ONK FOUIlSrOHV UHlPK 11LILDI.N021 KKKT J-wlde. 1107 Homey it 714 , -KOIl HKNT , Til K 4 STOUV UU1CK HU1LII.N ( ] , ( .VIA Fnrnam at The building ha < n flriproof co- "lent basement , complete steam hratlnf lUtures ; "lor on all the tlooro , gas , ate. Apply at Iho nice of Thu lleo. ma WlTHNKLli BLK. CKNTHAL AND cheap. UVljn * AGENTS WANTED. T WAN1KII. A ( K.NTS toil A NKW FAbT SfCLIr > ' Ing money making article , over 20,043 ft day bring 'Old ' ; sample nnd terms free. Address K K Woo - o > ky. I'rorldencs. It L JUIS 20 * LIVi : MAN oWlMANv ) every county whcrown have not Already so ured n repni.tentntUo to sell our ' Nevudi Mirer" 'olid ' .Mi tit I Kntve * tork and Hpoons toconsum * . a nolld mctiil as whltonx silver ! no pi Ho to wear on ; goods giMranteed t ] weir nlUotlmo ; 'Oft ' about ono tenth that of silver ; Ilia chance of i lifetime ; ngsnls average from $30 to $100 per neck and meet with ready sales everywhere , so treat Is the demand for our Solid Mcttl Goods. Jvor $10UO 000 worth of goodi In dully use. Case of lamplps free Standard Sllvorwaro Company , llos on , Mass M2II 1 IS * T WANTKD. IN KVKHY CITY ANIITOWN IN > 'tha ntnto of Nobrnskn , active men lo represent in eastern llfo company , "plan pa.y to work , " and 10 energetic men good pay gunrnntped , AddrcM J. H Pcttlt , special agent , room 4ID llou bulMIng , Omnha. MI04 2U WANTED TO RENT. K WANTKDSOHO-ltOOM MUDKHN HOUSK 1115 twpcn Dodge nnd Howard , nnd Alth and 2Mh Icsponslblo patties Itcnt roasuuablo Address iV 4 , lleo. J29 ft" K WANTI'.D TO HKNT. t Olt J HIHMSUi : ! ) rooms for light housekeeping , within 4 blocks jfpOJtotllco Address WOO Leo olllce .VIIUJJ' IWANTUD , TO HKNT TWO HOOM1 * . l-Ull- IV tilshcd for light housekeeping , state prlco. Addrcta W to , lleo ofllco JHW .Jl * STORAGE. M-S1OHAGK CUKAP , CLUAN , WL'LLS , 1111 Farnam street " 15 TV f DON'T SrOHK HOUSIUIOLD OOOIH W1TII- I'lout seeing our storage department It M the best. Omaha Steve Itcpalr Works , l.'Or Douglas.7M 7M WANTED TO BUY. - . TO HOY , SOMB 8 PKIl OKNT first mortgages Heed & Holby , 331 Oonrd Trade. 71G T-FIUSr MOIIT(1A(1K-I ( ( ON OOJI ) UEAI. ltd < tato. H. A. Arnold , O'JJ Iloj building M7 J-WANTBD TO IIUY. STOCK OK OUOCKIIIIC9 , lloz 10IS , DCS Mollies , In , 310 19 * r-600,000 UdKU STAMPS. BOX CM , 01 . . . IT . , MJ LTWANTKD , A SECONDHAND KLEVATOll , -L > largo onnunh to ralso a farm wngon N U. , Jaiiten , Neb 2t'3 23 r-WANTIil ) . HOUSK ANI ) LOT IN KOlHiTZK I place. IJco Paul , IGOi tnnum st ail 19 * \T-WANTBH , TO IIOIIIIOW I.SOO 00 OV A UOOD -L' unimproved Inside residence lot on ono of the beststretts In Ouiahn 1 ot worth W.OOO 00 Address llooui 7 , Patterson block .M407 D- FOB SALE rUBNITUKE. 0 I-SKfOND HAND SQUAUI5 PIANO IN OOOD repair , for sale cheap 1501 Corby street M3I4 0-FOH HALK , AT LK < 8 THAN HALK ITS value , the furnlturo of an B room house , ovcry thing In good order ; house for rent , gas , furnace heat and bath At 1024 Inrnnin afreet 31321 * FOB SALE HOBSE3 , WAGONS , ETC -i'Oii HALK. A NIAIILY : NKW IIOUIILK sprlngcxpress wagon horsp , harness and buggy ; also u nearly now set of crenmery tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , Itown scale , truck , etc , all will be sold ntngroa uncrllloJ Address O H. 'Jnchuck , Ilooonico or call atXIJ7 lllam * street , where goods can bo Been Mti3d } - OIt &ALK , 3 BLROANT DIHVINtl HOUSES I Must ho sold at onco. Fidelity Loan Guarantee Co. , room \\ltunell blk. S'.U p-FOIt BALK A UAItOAIN ; 11 I1OUSKS : 12 Jsotsslngla harness , 1 retDdouble harness , ! light wagon , polo or shafts U 2 wheeled uirt Any otter on the lot or part of It will bo considered II C. Scbultz , hay and grain , 16th nnd Davenport. 40J50 * Q1 Oil SALK , 2000 WESTERN EWHS. ADDHKSS M , Itf.'G South 20th M41I21 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q hOH SALB , CUKAP , A B&-IIOHS1S POWBIl automatlo onglno ; also oneUlioro power up right engine , both In good repair. Inquire of Fen ; nor Printing Co , 1307 Howard street , Omaha , Neb 717 Q-TIIU STANDAHD CATTLK CO HAS CON- stantly on hand baled hay , for Bale on track at Amos. Nob. MWJ Q-F Il SALK. TUB UHll'K 111 AT IS TAKEN out of the County hospital. Inquire of Iho foreman at the hospital. M990 Q toil SALE-A JUUOMKMT FOU 91 CM.75 AND costs against William W. Munsoll and William L. Conloy ( Munsell A Co ) obtained In the Kent , Mich. , circuit court ( $15416 collected thereon ) Also a small farm , cheap. Albert Honor. Miuko- gen , Mich. N392 20 * MISCELLANEOUS. K llAVKOUlt OLD CAKPKT WOVKN 1N1O beautiful rugs Address Omaha Carpet and Hug factory , 1611 Leavonworth Btrcot. 41001 J 21 R-WANTKD. TO DOIIHOW $ J,000 TO $5,000 ON brick building- good security. Address W69 , lleo o nice. 40124 $ CLAIBVOYANTS. S MHS. NANNIE V. WAHItKN , CLAIHNOYANT , reliable business modlum.Ufth year at 111) ) N. ICth. 718 S-MItS Illt.M.LEOHAVU , PIIOPUKTBS3. DKAD trance clairvoyant and life reader ; tells your llfo from crndlu to grave ; can ba consulted on all annlrsof life ; has the celebrated Egyptian breast plate to unlto the separated and causa marriage with one you I3ve Como ono , coma nil and bo con vinced of her rimarkable powers Offlca and rejl- ( lenca417S llth st , hours OB m. to 9 p m. Strict Ufa chart and photo of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for $5 00 , chart alone ti 00. All letters containing 4 coots In stamps promntly answered. 641 K3 * S-KNOWLKDGK IS POWKH. PflOF. AND MME. Arnold , business clairvoyants palmists nnd as trologers , have world wide reputation for tholr marvelous and wonderful power In reading the past , unveiling the future , give Indlsponsablo ad vice , bringing success and happiness to thousands ; tells the business you should follow for greatest success. If your lover Is true nnJ Intends mar rlage ; restores lost love ; removes family troubles and through tholr wondrous uiiglo mirror show picture , tell name of the ono you marry , Hatlt faction given Consultation , $1 to 11 ; full reading by mail , $ ( ; send date ot birth Ofllco 213 15th street , near harnarn , 2d floor , room 4 Hours 10a m to i p m. M387 37 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. . Room A. M floor. Massage , alcohol sulohnr and sea baths M25J 20' rp-MMK CA11SON , 1121 DOUGLAS BTIIKKT , 3D J-floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and tea baths. 233-19 * PEBSONALS. I YOUNO LADV WANTS ' ' , U I'lji'11,3 TO TKACII on the piano , 1611 Loavenirorth 8i(5 ( 30' MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGES. --a "v ai5V Lit"NUKfck nANJoTKAVIYui "N v , " cor. ISth and Harney. Ilarnor street entrance. UK VrJ AND HIU.NCH CLASSICS , 2201 Douglas. , M31S30 * \T WANTED , OBHilANTKACIlKRllOAHD AND i lodging In a fnmlir with chtldrcn to learn Kn gllsh. Address W W. lleo. M383 20' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \\r MONKV TO LOAN AT I/OWKiiT HATEi > > Tlio O. K. Darls Co , IWi Farnam street 72J \\r-LOANSON IMI'UOVKI ) AM ) USIMPHOVKD > ' city property , M COO and upwards. 0 to 7 per coot. rio delays W. tarcam Smith & Co. 1Mb anmiarner 7JO \\r-C. f. UAIlllISON , B1J N. T. I.Ib'B. ' 731 \\r-5IONKVTO 1XJAN-I 1IAVK AIIOOT 14000 < < to loan on Improved Omaha property , prlrata f unUa , In ouo or moro loam. Auilreis T 10 , Ho * onico. 6uj V\r MONhVTOIOANON OMAHA ANI ) COU.S- ' ell Illullf real estata and ocbra ka and Io > ra furun at from U to 7 par rant Intereit. wltli no mldl- tlonal cbarnos for coiuinUilont or attornerifeoi \V. 1 ! llelklc , lit Nafl bank bldu , Omaha 1UJ \V-MO.VKV TO LOAN , HUMS l 3W AVI ) UP , > > Qeorge Paul. I'M Karnam Mill J27 * \\r-LOANS. a. a. WALI.ACK , 312 unow.v III.K. \\r-7 PEIl CENT 1IONKV NliTTO IlOlttlOWKHS 'i on Onialia cltjr property , No extra charges of any kind Whypayliliihratoi ? Money l > chotp toucan net f nil bonellt of low ratoi from Uloba Loan aud 1 rust Co. . ICth and Uoduo 72d -\\r-MOIlTOAOK I.OAN8 LKSh ' 1IIAN 7 PEIl * * cent Includlnc all charcros. Charles Itamey Omaha Nat , bant bldg. Til \\r-l AND J VISA It LOANS ON CITY AM ) KAIIM \ \ mortvageiHeO'l A Belbr.311 Uoard of Trade. _ _ rcj W .MONKV 1OUAN ATIKJWKSTIUI K8ONIM pro rod nd unlmprored real eiUlo.l to&yair * . HdulltyTrmt Co . IW2 arnam it 701 W WA"NTKU AT O.SCU. LOANS OK IIIPllOVBIJ Omaha properly ) low r t flilolltr Truit oompaay , ITO f unwa it. 7UJ MONEY TO LOAN -REAL ESTATE. UfMAUA SAVINUS HANK ilAKKi IJJA.N3 onrralettatoatlowtst markpt rates. I ant mndo In > mall or largo nun for Miort or long Imp oronlnll llon 1 charged anil llioloans am ol sold In tin < anu lint can nlwat * tin found at tie tank on the corner of 13th aud Douglas streets. " \V ANTIIONV I/MN ANDTIUMT Uii. 3H N V , urc. lends at ln-v ratai for cholca ooetirlty 03 Ncbriuka or Iowa farms or Oniaht city property \ \ r-l'lllVATK MONKV. 1ST AN Sl > MOIlTtJAUK loins. Ion rntos. Alex.\looro. Iloo t > UU \\r-MO.NKY TO I.OA.V O.V IMl'llOVKI ) 01 TV ' ' property , Ion rata. A , C. Kroit , IHuiglnj bnc _ \ \ r-CKNTR M- LOAN A TUU3T CO I1E1 ! 1II.IH1. 72J i\r-l CAN 1M < ACK UlANS AT I.OVVK8T I1ATK8 ' ' on liiMlnouj or < ttiurcliOIrn property In Omaha , .oans of 17 WO to fKUJJ ) nnnlnl for forulKU piutlos. 11. WUoclpr , IT KnrbacU block. M 3.M ir-i.owi ST IIAUS. no tun TIIUST COMpany - pany , 1707 Karnam street 7JI \\r-\VA.SrKt ) . LOANS , 11ODSKS ' 10HKNT AM > ' ' Inaurnnco ollcltor. ( Ji'O VV I * Co lc . 1IV.M nrnum M 1st ) MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. x- CALL AT Till ! OKl'lCK OF on AH A MOUTOK. ( ; LOAN co. i \VANFMO < KY \ou can borrow on ii uni.sn iiui : sn PIANOS , IIOHMSVAOO.NS : AND OAHHI vu * , WAUKIIOUSH KKUKIPT4. M KHII ( ANDIdl ! oit ANroiiiKii sncuitirv \Voirllllondyau nnynmoiiut troin tlUHUto tiauu ON'IIIK 1IAYOUAMv 1-OUIT , without publicity or removal of property Vou can pay the money buck In nny nmounlt yonnlili , and ntnny time nnd each pnincntso lundu will reduce the cost of tlio loan llemomber thnt you hnvo the usa of both the property nnrt tlio money , nnd pay forltonlyas ionuas you keep It ' 1 hero will bono eipcntj or clnr.-o kept out of the amount wanted , but you will rocoUJ tb full amount of the lonn Hcfore borrowinK clsowhero call nnd eoo us and yon " 111 llnd It irrcatly tu your ndvautajo OMAHA MoinoAiiiw\N : co , aoiisourn nun sntHKr , llrst Uoor nhoxu the street TltnOLDhSr , I.AHOmi'AM > ON'I.Y INCOP. POltATBI ) LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA 713 XTHU YOU WANT .MONEY * THU FiniCMTY LO VN OUAHANTKE CO , IIOUM 4 VVITHNIII.I , HLOCK , ( tlOK SOUTH 15TII , COKNI5H HA11NR7 ST. WILL \ LOAN BOM \ LAltOn FBOM \ TBN WU MAKK LOANS OS UHVITUHB , CAituiAors , vvAHKiiouaK iiECEiprsou Pisit- aO.NALPUOPBltl Y Ot'ANY KIND / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /TOO /OH / / IAIAOH /U8 FIRST FOB. / OUll TlillllS WILL MICBT YOUU APPROVAL You can pay the money back nt uny time nnd In nny nmonnt you wish , nnd thus rndnco the cost of carrying the lonn In proportion to amount you pay \OUononbalnncoon your furmturo o-other personal property of uny kind , wo will pay It oil for you nnd carry It us long ns you doilro YOY CAN IIA iOOIl i MO\KY INONH IIOUH HIOHTI1B1IMK YOU MAKK Al'PLICAHON tso publicity or removal of property , so thnt you get the use of both money nnd propoity 7J4 V WILL I/MN MOMCY ON ANY KIM ) OP 813- -/Vrnrlty , strictly conlldentlal A K Harris , 291 Karbnck bloik 703 -TO , CO 90 DAYS CIIKAP 11ATK8 nnd taay payments on furniture , pltnos , llro stock etc , without delny or publicity , cash on hum ! Dun Ciroen , room a , llnrber block T3'J X JION12YLOANKD-ON CHA'ITKL COLLAT- ornl or other personal property , nt rcasunnble rates 1 to 0 months Ualrns bought W H Hurls , lloom3U3. McCnaue bldg 6V ) .IB x- 61 DOUGLAS BLK 1CADODOH 7J7 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y-THK WEtiTKltV IIUSINUSS AKKNCY , till N. Y. Life , conduots n general builnen exchange List of good business chances In nil parts of the country on application , llusluess positions so cured. HTM. 11 V FOU SALK , UK TAIL MEAT MAKKET , A Ur t class location ; cash calos I2J per day Ad- dreis W 7. Uee M940 Y-tOH SALE. I1IO C1IANCK TO M AKI3 MONKV 13,000 00 drug mock In live town doing cnth biul- ness of f.1,003 OJ n yenr , Iteaion for rolling , Imvo olhoi bnsliK'Sj Hint nteda uiy attention lerms cash , or part cnsh , and secured paper. Ibis will bear Investigation Address Lock box No. " 8J , Ashland , Neb 2iXI 20 r KXCKLLKNT LOCATION l-Oll DOCTOll COH L respond with M. T. HIM. 8tell , Neb At 113 22 * Y-rOll SALi : Oil TIIADK , STOCK IIUY goods and millinery. Involco I ! 000 or I1.70J Address Ilex HI , licnodlet , Neb M143 2d * Y-lOll SALK , A fOOJOO STOCK OK MKIl- chnudlsa In a good town In southern Nebraska : good cash trade established ; present owner cannot give the business persounl attention A splendid opportunity to start In business with an estab lished trade No trades couildared and stock Is not for sale at n sacrifice VII Trimble , Hastings , Nob. M m H Y-FOIl SALE , AN OLD KSTAllLlrillhD OUO. eery store , stock about SI.WO , doing a splendid business , located In one of the bent towns of No hrasks , II A M. construction and repair shops there ; reasons for selling , have moro Important Interest In another town. Addro s W 43 , lleo. J13JJ 74 * Y JOH SAL1J , HAllNfcSS STOCK AND TOOLS , about $1,600 ; dwelling and lot , $1,600 , southeast Nebraska ; good town and good country ; splendid trade. Quorgo W. D Mont , Crab Orchard. Neb Midi 50 * Y-$500l1OHONEOl > 'TIEBESTl > AYIMOH'ICK buslnotsei In Omnha. owner must leave city Immediately. Address W C2 , llro. M33I2J' FOB - OMA"UA HKAL EHTATK FOH , actual valuation. Money to loan. Ilox5l3 Omaha. 7 n 100 FA1UIS IN NEUIIASICA , KANSAS - ' A Dakota- Will sell cheap or exchange for mdse , horaes A cattle Add. box 70 , 1'raukfort Ind. 775 Z c'LICAN STOCKOfc" flKNBHAL M'D h'B. WILL take real estate A. money Uoz M , Frankfort Ind. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 775 Z-tOH BALK. IM PLKMHNT tifOUK AT I.MO gene. Address T. J. Itogcrs , Imagine , la. 874 F3 y WILLTIIADK CLHAIt LOT3 AT MAM1UU , ' Cole , , for clear Nebraska land or good equities. Address B J. Hlchards , llox 1'JJJ , Denver , Cole M151 M1 Z-480 ACIIEd OK ( LEAK LAND IN ONI ! OF the best winter wheat districts In Kansas to exchange - change for 10 or 20 acre tract noir Omaha city limits Will pay cash clltToronno Ig property It good. Address , giving prlco nnd location , o 20 , Hoe orilce. 2JS y-CALIKUNlA HAISIN V1NKYAIII ) f-l or exchange for good Income propjrty nighty acres , highly Improved , In full bearing , great va rlety of fruits , good buildings , all kinds or tools nd machinery , ampluwatpr right , located cln o to largo city and good market. In illicit grape growing district In the state For partluulurs address W 27 , Heo office 2II _ _ Z-WAMKI ) , TO KVrilA.MUS LAND MIR stock of agricultural Implamfnts or stock of general merchandiseAddreis Ihos Kryger , No- llgh , Neb .M1IJ2U FOB SALE BEAT , ESTATE. DO YOlTwANl' A NICE II01)Ml ) holt WHAT you are noiv paying rent , nnd still not live In the suburbs U M. Nattlngor , CliamDur of Cora- uiorco , 179 MO 170II HALE-OVKIl 1,000 F1VIS IOWA AND NE J brnska farms , many excellent bargains , land rapidly advancing , f 10 00 to $ H5 00 per anre now Call for particular ] llougs & Hill , 140i Huriism st ( , .13 F4 CHOICE UAIIUAINM IN SOL'HI OMAHA ItEAL estate Tbo Midway Investment Co 717 N Y. I.lfo bldg MI70IIO BUYACIIBPIIOPLUTY A splendid chance to obtain a nlco flvo or ten- aero tract clo < n to Omaha 1 CAN OtFlClt toil quick snlo during the coming weekHVK HVK ACRES West Omaha , elegant tract , only MVR ACHES JuitouHlilocIty limits , with cot tage , 13,2(0 ' 1KN ACltKi , nrar new fair grounds , Wait Omaha with small cottage , only 15 , WJ TWHM Y ACIIKh , splendidly adapted for imall fruit , unly f.Ti per acre l-ultn AClthS Kiilindld tract , only tlvo miles from poitotllcp , t2tki per otre THIS LAND -plcndldly located to receive the benefit of Omaha's future growth , U Is only twenty tlvu minutes' drive from the postulllcoand tllteen mlnutLs drlvu from outh Omaha UVKOK'IKN ACIII2H will give you a nice liomo support your family and If properly taken care nf In fruit or vogvtable gardening , will pay each year moro than the salary of the bust piitd incchanluln Omaha , loucanwork In town and fnrnlih your children pleasant and prulltablo nmploymont right at homo , and whllo you nre doing this the city Is growing steadily , and the llrst thing you know your acre * will dlvdlelnto lots that will hrliuf fJO tolOl each Any one wanting n Hits I CI.AhS INV1.MI' M KN f or splendid uln < of or SMALL HIU1T ANI YKOKTAIILU C ) illllE.XINU will do well to call and sea me at once. lloo N Ulcis , lloOroJOSN Y Life Building .149 3J _ ANTBD. IIOU9B ANI ) LOTToit 6 ACHKS. VN anted ll.tflu place for cash. Wanted U UOC placa ( no trade ) Wanttd , lot , near40th and ( lodge Wanted , bujlnen property * C. F Uarrliou , 8U K Y Life s n 20 _ 7 > BALKSTATB , - llargalosonly. My word Is good. W U Albright , YorkUf * . 7W FOB SALE-B'EAL ESTATE. tArHK ) > NKAIt OMAIIV UNKLY IMIMOVHI ) land best of soil H , < 1U barn irojd houmr M ) oaring nppl tros HOM worth uf Iniprnveuionm , iJpirncre i F llnntion , Vll N \ l.lfa S.V1 TO ACHKM IMPltOVP.I ) LAM ) CKNTHAL NK- -braskaat IJOOper arrc ft 00 cash balance U ) suit , per cent. Also one at $ J per ncr. . lioicam bil- nee IUX ) OTJIT year u per cent ntul ono of Mi cros nlfliUI par aero , to Operative l xnd * lot oUN IBth.troM : i9 ! . 'Oil SALE-WK OIKKH A M'l.L LOT AT > fit 1 nnd Arbor nit right for grudo , for $11) ) worth wlrn Hint Also n hihnrgnln In sntth Cnialm roperly nll.4uulot forls.0 , lOxlJJ Hdullty 'Iruit o , 1701 Fnrnnm 37127 (0 , MClllttCIC in , $17 PUIt A011K. 1W , i-nriiy ( . < ) . $ ! } per ntro 117. near \\i\tcrloo. Fllper acre. S4I near Illilr $ J7 i > crncri > IUI near Irvlnglon , JU\ ) JUT ncro. 1M near t'niahn $ 'iftper ncru M nrnr Onmhn. $ IJ pir neto 3.WJ , Lincoln Co , $ 1 pnr ncro C. F , llarrl onDl ] N Y. I.Un C' < 0 TO \\T-K oH' KII THI : KILI.OVVINO " propertr on monthly payment * ( if f 10 racb. t Is nil deslrnlile nnd the prices nro dlrtihcapiil n nil cnsh tlgurei tlciod eurtipr , ! th and "prngue. tUO Corner loth unit Dominion , walk * , air , t'M. Une cornnr , linker I'lnoe. on car line , $ TUO. South front lot , rchird Hill , $700 Vnluabl ] VVnlnnt Hill lot. $1 OOJ Mfgnnl oiirner , i lovcrd lp , two lotv Ilio 4 r roltugc , barn , tic , toward strict , (1,500. No trouble or cxpenro to show ttiH prouerty. llememhor thnt In our ulcgint new addition of \vondalo Park you can socurp a bimutlfiit uiodoru ionu > within the inllu limit for $ , I.UW In f I.WW hlellty'l rust company , KW harnam MtUi P ID LOST. OST A A P Vlll Ol1 HPKCrAOLKS. PLKASH Jlouio lit Ilro countlnz room. 6H osr-i.sni.isn : MAsnTr * . AHOUTII MONTHS -fold , hasa laruo oollir and locket , receive re- ard J M Mcoliil 1(1 ( Chicago st JUuJJO * r o T- DOC OMKAUOLD HKIUltNTO IJIO ! N 10th Btriet nnd rocuho reward MaxI iclslcr I OST LKIHT MOUSb- ( ( < I.OItKD ( WAV Jjhonnil Hi'turn to John VVIthuiII , sr , SSW Inr- > am street nnd ri'CclrnruMiird. SW 10 * FOUND. IILACK HPANI81I PUP. OVVNKH can hnvo same by paying for this ndvertlnnruent. JWI Douglas rt 3I1VO * SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINO. OVIAHA COLLKUEOFSHOlirilANl ) AND 'I \ PIS writing A C. Ong , A M , prln , lloyd s thcntrr Ml.'dfl * COSTUMES. T ADIKS' AND OKNJV MASQUICUAM : cos- l-i tttuios for rent nt 114 S ICth. M409FIO * THI : IIKAI/TY MAUKIT. . INSTUUMHNTS placed on record January 19 , 18'JJ : WVItnANTY III FDS. [ 'rank Polorol nnd wlfo to M 11 Thomas , lot 12 , block 10 , llrst add to PnuthOmtliii . * 2,100 A I'l'itwt to Lillian IMdy , w lot 0 , block d , I'liliulouadd 2,000 ; K Oration and husband to N S Itronn lots 4,5 and 15 , block 10 , North Umiih i 1,050 t' J W.iKimt-r nnil wlfo to O W Wttt- li'ls , lot 10 , block 17 , H.mscom Place 0.000 I'lilt-llly Trmtomi ) my lo I.U IIIK- Hlono McCartni'i , lot 13 , block 2 , \ondaln pin k 3,600 JIT I'.itih-k nnd "Iff In John Hood , lots 1 nnil 2 , block C , Patrick's add 800 31C Wlnthor and wlfo to 1'ott-r Olson , n .10 ft ot lot .1 , Uusc.iU's Hiibclh 000 J \VostoiHi-Id to Cliilstlun Or.nor- son , lot 11 , block III , Itronn puk l.OCO Hem y Memory lo A r Mllcln-11 , lot 17 , block 7 , 1'oppletrm i > irk iim-s Homier mid \\lfo to H K K lli- dall. n 127 35 fnt of w 107 82 ft-ot , lot 105 , CiKo'H .1(1(1 0,000 gUIT CLAIM llt'LIM. HS Westbrook to O M Ij.iwicnco , und v , lot : ) , Dlock 'J , hontli Unuiliu COO Ncbuiska bin IIIKS , and Kvcli.intro b ink to i ; K ( ir.itlon , lots 4 , 0 and 10 , block 10 , North Umah.i 070 1)1 I'DS. G A ItuimottsliciimioJ ( It Mlllnrd , tiustco , lotH 4 and D , block 2,13 V Smith's add 5,150 Total amouitl of transfers $33,080 "Improvement the Order of the flge. ' A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing but mill dorionstrnto all wo claim. Wo will pluco the Smith I'romlor boaldo nny writing imichlno on tlio market ; It will apuak for It * self. Itvduratilllty cnn nn lonsnr to ouo3tlono1 , Wrlto or call on tia for cutulosuo , terms , ota Cor. I7tli and Farnam Sts. , Oniaba , Neb Telephone 13H4. E. II. MAYIIEW. Mnnauer.