Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    nil ? nAiATr.v mn.v urcri wiiihAV. .TAVITAIIV. 9.n.
Heavy Decline in Wheat Was the Feature in
Speculative Oircl-w. -
For n Willo I'rotUlunn Wrro Weak , lint
tilth Mont of tlio Lending Operator *
"lln/lng the Imprnrpinrnl
CHKMOO , III. , .Tnn. 10. Wheat hail sonia-
tlonal drop today , falling neatly 2 < : fiom lust
night's close and -1'4C ' fioin the highest point
touched Monday. Tlio causes of tlio decline
worn largely locnli for whllu tlio news was
rather bcarlMi iitul tables and outsldu do
mestic maikcts ea y , these Inlluencps alone
were iiotMilllelcnt to cause tlio big slump. Tlio
market closed life lower than on the pro * Ions
( Iny >
Coin and oats were unusually sleady , con
sidering < llu weakness In wheat , and clote-l
with He loss. 1'rovlslons , under the fostering
caru of such opcratois us Aiinonrand C'udahy ,
ruled utiong after ashoit spell of eatly weak-
ness. Compared with last night , pork Is up
87ii.- . laid 12'fc and ribs 17'ie.
The curious selling of longs 'and the vicious
hammering by the beaisrhtelly brought about
llincollapso In wheat. The crowd goneially
uttrlbnted the soiling to the clique. It was
ci'ttaln that houses which have been all along
roeognl/ed as ell'iuo houses , woto doing most
of the M'lllnjr , mid after starting the bleak
Kent Itgolng , On the down turn the longs
nulHlde the ollmio lost confidence and liquid-
nterl , stop loss limits weto giaduatlv tcached ,
find the execution of these produced further
panic ; the numeioiis and lofty pyiamldscamo
tumbling down , and for a short time them wns
much excitement iind a panic among the
longs who woio outside the clique.
At Ihu Mart the maiKct was fully UP above
lasl nlgnt's close , and seemed strong , but
rabies came easier , and thu Inlying soon rame
1o a halt At the MIIIIO tlmii Kcnnott-llopUns ,
Hoyden , lltosse. I'nrker , Uaylord , S'obwait/-
llupee and othois loiigrocognl/cd at bull
'rs began lootrer their holdings , and pi Ices
began to tumble. Theie was no oflort to
roiinleiact this Impiosslon , and the market
Kept on the. down grade until It had dropped
JS'ji * from the opening flguie. which It did long
licfnionoon. 'Iheiowus MIIIII' ( ally later , on
free covering by short selleis to secuie ptoflts ,
uul thcic was no vciy Impuitant icco\ery.
The action of the elliiue , or the supposed
action , ( ntitiMl no end of comment. Homo de
clared they have not sold much wheat , but
have I'leatcd that linpiotslon for the puiposo
if shaking out the tailors and getting the mar
ket down MJ they can buy cheaper wheat. On
the other hand. It was contended that It was
legitimate Iquldatlon ; that they ha\o found
It Impossible to ninikut their holdings at the
prices which have i tiled of late , anil as their
line was laigolv sec-mod under 8Ue. they 10-
Rolvod to niiirket It at a figure that could
bring a HIIO proht anyway , and up apaln
on the break.
I'ardildgo Isiepoited to have covered heav
ily. It was itimored that a prnmlneit "short"
liad i-flected a suttlement of a largo lot of
wheat with the momlneiit "bull" tiadeis , and
It was thought that this wasonuof the leasons
why the market iteehcd no suppoit from the
" "
The opening was about 'JctO " ; e perbiishol
lilgher than the close of yestetday and with
home fluctuations , pi Ices declined to a point
SSSe forow the highest point reached today ,
then i allied 'nc ' , again eased oir , and the clos
ing was about l'e lower than yesterday.
Corn was tame. The market opened at about
unchanged llgui os a-id under frro selling by
homo of the laigoi commission houses , re
ceded fiom ' , ito , ' , , lallled from > jo to V ,
tilled steady , and closed with fiom 'iC to v
Thcro was more Inclination displayed on the
part of local loomeis to "sboit1' the ,
ovldontly gaining coitrago at the action
prices have p\iistied the last two ( lays. The
action of wheat was also Instiumontal In caus
ing the decline.
Oats were traded In to a moderate o\tent ,
but the business was mostly local and prices
confined to a > ! < lango. The action of other
Kialnshad less than the
usual oiled. nsopoia-
toiH weio less disposed to sell. The market
opened steady , but pi Ices reacted 4c , then
rallied 'ic and closed easy at slightly below
the prices of yesterday.
I'ork broke down the day wheat started up.
Today wheat bioko down when poikHtaitcd
up. 'Iho hog market was reported from the
yards to bo weak and iprlces were fiom lOc to
i0c ! lower. That caused a weakness on tlio
p revision mat kot at the start and for half an
h our or bo It appeared doubtful whether or not
lliero would bo a further decline than that
which occurred at thu opening. Armour took
Jho Initiative In the matter with a number of
inlying orders. Oudahy adoptod'a'slmlllir
rourMi ' and with the heavy weights buying , the
day's advance was not a dllllcult matter. A
feature of the "long" sldo was the further deCrease -
Crease In the packing of the west , making the
iiggiegatc since the opening of the season
about -11" per cent less than last season , to
date. The poor quality of the hogs had some
effect In stimulating prices.
Kstlmated lecelpts for tomorrow : Wnoat ,
' " " 1' 91 ° Clr'S ! ° alS > 12 ° Cllrsi
Thu leading futures ranged as follqws :
Alllll'l IH. OI-I..V , 111(111. iJTwTCI.OSIC.
74i (
70i ' < \ > H
IB *
47 %
Jnnunry. . 17 M 18 .IS 17 l > 0 13 SO 1790
Mny . . . . la rO is ; n 18 M lbU7 13 i'7i < i
Jnnnnry 10 N > 107 ! ) 10 U 10 7i 10 K
Mnr 10 47Ji 1070 10 47W 1065
Cbort I'.ILf
Jnnunry. . . 9 40 II 40 f ) 40
Mar UG7H U 45 tl I7 U 4714
Cash quotations vtcro as follows ;
I'l.ouu-riim ; unchanged.
WIIKAT No. 2 spilng , 74'j ! 74'1ic ; No. 3
lirlng , 03iiG5p ; No. 2 led , 74l574s.c.
C ii.v-l.owei ; No. 2 , 42jc ; No. 3 yellow ,
I'l.AX Sllblf No. 1,8-l.U'i.
TIMOTHY M.KIJ I'rltne , $1.90.
rniiK-Mossttu > F bbl. , $17.2517.37'5 ; lard.
niT,1001lM.tIo.70 ; fchoit rllw shies ( loon )
'O.i > 0 : thy salte < I shoulders ( boxed ) .
® 10,00 ; bhort clear sldoa ( boxed ) , 110.20
, ,
\VitisKV-IIitHlcr ! > ' finished goods , per gal. ,
sUnchanged. .
Thu follou Ingeio the receipts and ship
ments for today :
Now York .Murliets.
NEW YoilK.iJnn. ll > . ri.ouit Iteivilpts , 13-
D32pkgs.uxportK ; , 1,030 lihls. , lU,83f > Micks ;
( lull , easier , Instances Co lower ; bales , 7'JUO
COIIN Mr.Ai- Steady , dull ,
> Vill3THocolpth , 0,024 Int. ; exports , 8,784
Int. ! salon , 3.H05.000 bu. futures , Hpot Miles ,
none. Hpotfidiill , nominally Inner , with opt Ions
closlins Hi nil No. 2 rod. HOuifHO'tO In storoand
elevator , 811H13JC afloat , 7l ! yHUe f. o. b. ;
No. 1 northein. b4 H4Uc ; No. 1 haul. 80fo
tiOUo : No. 2 not them , H'JftH-Jiic ; No. 3
spring , 7734c. Options opened s-tioiiR at | C
udvanco on reported hlglier cables and free
foreign buying , reacted , and declined a4l'ic
on a denial of eaily reports on cables , inoro
favoiable crop news fiom abroad , easier pub
lic cables and fieo selling by the west , ad
vanced y on covering , declined Qvon Into
cuMer cables and leallzlng , eloslng weak at he
under jestorday : March , 80 > 4 < aHl'ocloslng at
2V ' ! . ? > ' > .s .i'Bl'l'lC'0'1'"K ' ' ftt U3)o ) ; July ,
U4liiU4TiC ; , closing at 4'e.
on. ' 1111 , firm ; western UIKHOIIC.
lUiu.KV MAI.T Dull ; weslern , 7VTfH2c. (
COIIN-UecolptB. 12,000 lm. ; oxporu. 11 ; 000
IU , ; billon , 345,000 tm. futures. 08,000 hii HI ot.
timita dull , lower ; closing steady ; No. 2.
IJ2u ! In olovator. 03t03nc alloat ; oamor
mixed , 61 % c. Options wore dull , steady and
JittWe lower with wheat and the west , rub-
runry , f > 2'ic ' ; Mnv , 62 10-li > ® 53 , c. cloblnijat
tjll'io ; bteanior mixed , I'libruary , & 2c.
OATS Itecolpts , 32,050 bu. ; exports , 2,200
lm , : sales , lO&.tHH ) lm. futures , -IC.tiOO bu. spot ,
HMit | , dull and oahlur ; opt Ions tuilet and easier ;
IVbruary , SHHftS'Jc. olinlng at 30c ; May ,
a'JKJi'JUSc. closliiK at 3'J'ic ' ; spot , No. 2 white ,
42V ; mixed \vestoin , aHUOilUiic ; whlto
western , 41 i 4C'itl ; No. 2 1 hlcago , 3'JJiit40c. (
11 AY- Dull , stead ) ; shipping , UOc ,
lloisActive. .
Ki'iiAit Itavv , llrm , dull ; refined , dull ,
steady ,
Aoi.Assr.s : Nevv Orleans , fairly active and
HICK Actlvo and firm.
V.MI rirm but iiulet , for fresh. Hecelpls ,
2,308 packaged.
Illlus : In moueratu dumaml but Meaily.
I'OIIK Quiet and tlrm ; old moss , ( lvt)0 < i >
17.75 ; new moss , fl8.20iQlH.00 ; extra prlinti
nominal. I'ut meatx , ijulet but ktoady ; pickled
bellies , tll.ooiitll.20i inlddlon , uulel. Laid
oulot anil monger ; nestorn ulcani closed at
ilX.lO ; talcs , uono ; options sulcs , 250 tierces ;
January Hl.o.'i Kofortiary , JlO.OOlild ; March ,
llo.QOi.Mav. lio.oo ,
jinrriii--Moil : ( < rntot > ulflriiti western factory ,
- In Miid demand bill firm.
I'm IioN--gulnt and about Hteudy ; Atucrl-
can. tl2.7tHJKi.00.
( toi'i'iiii Qulcti laliP.Jlii.00.
l.iuu Dull but stonily ; domestic. JS.S.i.
TIN Stro-igi nt flits , (20.30.
Olmlm I'rodneo .Mnrkct.
H would bo a positive rollof to have MIIIIO
Important change In the produce market just
fur the sake of variety If for no otherioa on.
orsomoday * past thu market has been al-
lost totally devoid of now features. It has
ecu the saiio old story of light receipts , high
rices .mil a dull trade day after day , l.ggs
nvn alHorbed the greater part of the itten-
on ( if dealers who have been uuxlnusly
atchltiK the ma.'Ket and wondering when the
lUaneo v.diild cease. In fact the egg famine
lid the threatened oyster famine have been
ho main fe-itltioj for some time.
Ai'i'l.Ks-stocks are held at J3.OOUl.00 for
ilr to cholco stock.
11 V.VAN.VS - ( Quoted at } 2.0Vj.2,50 ( per bunch.
IIK4MI- holeoimvy , * 2.00i2.15. [
IIL'irKit Theio Is a notloealilo falling nil In
leti'colptsof butter In this maiket. Whllo
hero has been no great or voiy marked ad-
anco In the market prices have been giadu-
lly crawling' up. Good packing stock Is going
t ItV and fair to good country loll at 1HJ9
DC. Mrlctly fancy would bring pel haps 20i6
2c , hut theio Is not much of It to bo had
Ciiu.ltv The greater pot tion of Ihocoloiy
n the market Is coming Mom Chicago , and is
ot oveily choice. This ts the season of the
ear , however , when fairly stock Is not ox-
octcd. A few yenis ago It was unusual for
elory to last until March , but Ilko overi thing
No , the season I11 being e ttendeil and celery
snow lo bo had at almost all seasons fiom
line soi tion of ll.o country. Celery Is quoted
n this market nt 40c.
I'vi.iioitMv CviniviiiOwing : to the high
rlcesnt which cabbage Is hi Ing held In south-
tn Callfoinla thu anivals heio aiu light ,
iiumhead , uyc.
I'liAMiKimiidvlces fiom eastern points
idlcatoveiy light stocks and a tendency on
he p-irt of ptlees toadvnnco. Hell nndclieiry ,
H.diKfcOnoj bell and bugle , } 10.00ai0.50 ; Jcr-
iey t apt ) Cod , fU.&tXiglO 00.
I'M KIIY I j-U-'idy at 'JOatOc.
is As noted jesterday , the tecelpls of
ggs have Incieased somewhat , owing to the
floitsof dcalois to bring them In fiom morn
Istant points. At the same tlmo the receipts
10 sllll small , hutiwlth the lotaileis asking
5e , tlie consumption Is so Mnnll that a few
uses go a long way. As all the commission
leu had a few eggs , Iho movement was not MI
rUk as It has been , and thoiu was a weaker
eellng pcicoptlhlc , Whllo fiomo who only had
few cases were still holding at 3'.V , a good
iiin > weio selling at BOo.
I'liisit Vi ( ii.rviu.ns Top onions , 20J.25e
01 ( Jo/en bunches ; lettuce , 40UI5o ; ladlshes ,
< win' small rabbits 75c ; jacks , tl.50.
11 vv The market was unchanged ' *
IliuusNo. . 1 salted , 4'fc ; No. 2 , 3'ic ; Hint ,
MoMiv-fioort whlto clover , 10a20c.
Ij | vtONs $4 DOW 1.50.
Mil.i \ amri-s--Lnchanged at $900 per
Nl"r < ! Large hickory nuts , tl.GS : black \val-
uts , * 1.23.
O l ( ) I ! Homo grown , $1.00 per bushel ;
palilsh , per eiato , J1.002.00.
OIUMii.s-lhlghls , medium sires , M.25 for
Ingle case lots , and $3.00 for lots of live fo ton
ases ; russets are 25o per case cheaper. A dls-
ount of 25c on the box Isalso made for e.xtia
ugooi small fdzcs. Callfoinla navals , $1.25 ;
Ioxlcanf3.50 ,
ovsiuus-Tho situation icmalns the same ,
ml prlecs are still quoted at 20 < i2c licr can.
Jv.Ingto the scarcltv of the supply , local
ouses geneially aio not trying to till orders
> r InilKs.
I'ot'i/niY The market Is practically mi ,
hanged. Chickens , OQlOc ; geese and ducks
OTl-llc ; turkcvs , 13c. Some llvo poultry Is
i living , hut tlio diessed Is prcfoned ami the
Ivo Uonly taken when no other Is to bo had.
s Only smalt lots moving from
ton1. Wostoin Nelnaska slock Is quolo I at
Iocs I'tah and Colorado. OOcffitl.OO ; choice
atlve , 75RHic. (
INirvror.s There arn a few In the
uiiket which aie selling at > M.5o.
Vi. vir-V al caivos , choice , 7c ; largo and
bin , IlQ.'c. A largo and thin veal calf Is
bout the baldest thing on the maiket to dls-
4U Of.
I'ltontici : roiNTius. :
Minneapolis received only eight cases of
ggs one day this week.
It would appear that the hens are following
iftor the example of the coal barons , and by
Imltlng the output they have foiced up thu
) i Ice of eggs bov end all reason.
A Ilalllmoto oyster packing house wires In
nsttorto an Inquiry ns to the prospect of
> ystois becoming moro plentyVe : can look
nit of our window s and uco the boys skating on
ho bay.
Din Ing this exliemely cold weather dressed
xniltry sells much better than the llvo and as
tcostslossto ship tliodrosscd It Is stiango
hat some shippers persist In bending In llvo
The cold weather has been especially harden
on Importois of bananas. It Is said that there
aio thirty cais of this fruit on the sldo tracks
of Chicago , the greater p.nt of which has been
either/-hilled or thoiovghly fro/en.
Celery Is said to bo quite plenty In southern
, 'allfornla but. as the cabbage there Is held so
Iilgli as to ell-courage eastern buyers from
enduring , xery little is arriving In this maiket
is no ono wants a whole car of celery.
'Consumers ' have begun a very effective
campaign against the manipulators of the egg
natkot , " say.s the Chicago Herald , "and theio
.soveiy indication that It will piovo success
ful , Tlio plan Isslmply to refuse to buy , ex
cept In the smallest possible quantities , any
ggs at pipsentpitcos. There Isalicadyahalt
n the advance , with prospects of a full retreat
u casaof milder weather , "
The Minneapolis Produce Bulletin remarks
that , n Ices on butter are certainly too high at
pio'ont to bu sustained for any length of tlmo.
The buttorlno men are getting in their work to
good effect , and will not penult , tlio price to
omalii tlrm at the figures now i ullng. Hut at
.hosamotlmo It Is not to bo expected that
t hero n 111 bu any gieal decllno under present
cliciimstanccs. Supplies are tooltght through
out the country for that. Theio Is Httlo butter
to bo had anywhere , except In a hand-to-
mouth manner , and the -soveio cold weather
which has piovalled the past few weeks all
over the countiy will have n
tendency to fiuther curtail production.
The only thing , thciefoio , that , can
weaken thu market Is the falling oil of con
sumption and the Inioads of bntteilne. And
light heio it might bo said that It would bo a
piotty good thing for tlio friends of butter If
they would not pounlt the price to go too
high tight now. The higher the pi Ice of butter
tlio better the butterino men are pleased and
the moio stock they are enabled to sell. And
the moio of a hold that uiitterlno gets on con
sumers the iiuio dllllcult It will bo to dlslodgo
Iho spin lous stuff when attempted by legl-da-
tlou. Theio appeals to bo a good , sluing
mat kot for low grades , hut the demand for
mediums Is curtailed all around by oleo-
maigailno. Tlio line butter Is selling neil at
the advance , as there is never any tioublo
maiketlng this line.
D. H. Iioy , grocer and diy goods dealer at
Lincoln , has hold out.
L , A. Tlllson , a grocer at Kearney , has been
succeeded by Watien Hheior.
John ? . Mutlln , a South Omaha grocer , has
sold out his business to .Mrs. 1'lillllp Kiausc.
( icoigoV. . lleun has succeeded to the Imple
ment and haidwaro business of Ilouu fc
Iliubeskyat llowells.
The stock and building of Wllholmlno Heine ,
formerly In the publishing business nt Dram !
Island , lias been adveitlsed for sale.
St. l.onU Markets.
ST. I.ot'is , Mo. , Jan. 10. 1'i.ouii n.isicr , not
quotahly lower.
WIIKAT ' c for May and 3c for July below
yesluiday ; cash.tiOc ; May , 75' ' c ; July , 76Ke.
C'OltN ' ! & ' ( ( . ' under yesterday ; cash , 38fiC ;
May , 42V ; .luly.43'e.
OATS-C.ish , lower ; 31 < 23Uc } ; May , steady
at34 c.
KMNo ; trading ; GOc asked.
HAIII.HY Steady ; Minnesota , GOc.
lini-mi I'luiii cicamcry , 25331c ; dairy ,
IHf.f'JHe. .
Kiids Lower at 20c.
IMUK-lllghor ; old , J18.20 ; new. 110.25 ;
laid , higher at $10.70.
KITKIITS Hour , 4t > 00 bbls. ; wheat , 33,000
lm , : coin , 130,000 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu. ; lye ,
1,0001)11. ) ; barley , 0,1)00 ) bu.
SIIIPMI-.NTS ITour. 0,000 bbls.- wheat , 10,000
bu. ; corn , 105,000 bu. ; oats , 27.000 bu. ; rye ,
0,000 bu. ; barley , 1,1 KM ) bu.
Kansas City .Markets.
K VNR vs CITY. Mo. , Jan. 10. WHEAT Demor
alised and lower ; No , 2 , GOaG5 ! ' e ; No. 2 red ,
7 IP.
Conv Hather dull and ! lc loner ; No , 2
mixed , 35c.
OVTS The market was ' , lc lower and slow
No. 2. 30T
KYKWeaker ; No. 2 , OG"c.
Htm Kit Dull and unchanged ; creamery , 20
Q'J'Jc ; dairy. 1720c.
Kdds-Actlvo , tlrm ; 2727iic.
KKCIUITS Wheat , 81.000 bu. ; corn , 22,000
bii.-.oatH , l.otMl bu.
Sllll'MKNis-Whcat , 108,000 bu.j com , 1,000
bu , ; oats , 0,0001m.
Liverpool .Murkots ,
t.ivnni'oni. . Jan. 10. WHKVT Dull , holders
offei modeiately No , 1 California , tls4VtdQGs
0'4d per cental ; red western , spring , Gs llj'uo's '
2'td ' ; No 2 led. OslltKSGs.
CiutN riim. but ouk't ; mixed western , 4s
iid percental for old.
HilKl'-Kvtia India mess , 72 * Gd per tlerco.
Il.vco.s-I.opg and hhoit clear , 500 Ibs. Os
Oil per ewt , long clear 400 Ibs. , 02 Gd.
Milwaukee ( iraln 'Murkeld.
MII.VV\ITKKK , WIs , Jan. 10. WHEAT Easy ;
May , 7l > , e ; No. 2 spring. G0'c.
COIIN iiiHler : , No. 3 , 41c.
O VTS- Easier ; No. 2 white , 30ijc ; No. 3 , 34c.
- OUC.
Cotton Mnrkrt.
NKW Oiii.KAt > s. I.a. , Jan. -rutures barely
steady ; sales , 02,400 hales ; January , * 0.17
bid ; February , 'J.vii > 5i'J.21 ; MarchU.iBau.'J'J ;
Anrll. nn4ifrn nit May ! n 4of'fi.4l. .tuni * , $1. 10
ttu.4H | July , I'l.oiiv.o.&G ! viKimi , to
NKV ; > iiitt.Ki.NH. ; < 1/i.Jan. 10 Htoailyt inhl-
dllnir. Ofi-IOci finmiddling. . 8 Ili-HV ; goo-3
otdliiary. H7-10c ; not receipt * , 7,002 ; grosg ,
0,020 ; naios , 3,050 ; stock. ftoa.fMia bales.
"vTiTul .Mnrliet.
Ilo TO.v , Ma s. , Jan. 10. The demand for
vrool has been active and thonales aio the
largest reported for tn.tuy weeks , amounting
In 0,223,000 , His. of all kinds. Thu maruet Is
fit in' . , I'leei-esarol ii'llrirer''nitli's.iies of Mlclilgan
nt 2727'tc , Cjjilo \ at 27c , Oh'o ' XX at 2914
30c , and No. I nt 33W3U- for Ohio and 32n for
Michigan. I'lni' delaine M cthilis Moady at 32c
for Ohio and J'lc for Michigan. Largo sales of
nnc-quattor blood Combing wool at 25H2GC.
Territory vrool has been active , with sales of
over l.'OO.OOO pounds on a basis of 575Ho for
line , 60ft54u for extra line and
lOtWiOo for modlum. Kastern Oiegou
wool sold at 17 < fJ10c and con
siderable forolj.ii at KV3.20C for spring and 15
tifilUi1 for full. Thu Texas wool sold In the
lanjro of OoaOlc ; clean Oeorgla wool was
Mcnily at 25'i:2Gc. : Pulled wool In good de
mand at 32SJ.3HC for super and 22 < if 28c for ex
tra. In Australian wools sales uiu at 32 < ii40c ,
as to qttalltv. 1'oiclgn caipet wool was In
blcady demand.
oil . Market.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. lO.-l'KTiioi.r.UM-Certlll-
cates today were neglected entirely at the
Consolidated bo.ird , but 5,000 bbls , changed
hands at the Stockexehango at 52' c.
COTTON SKUII On/ Quiet and weak ; yell ow ,
40 'ic.
TAU.OW Unsettled , nominal ; city , ( $2.00 for
Plf [ , ) , tiife bid.
Itosi.v | rirmorlmt quiet ; strained , common
to good , 11.35 ® 1.374.
TuiiiMi.NTiNK Dull and easier at 33'iB34c ( ,
] , iviiu-ooi. : , Jan. -TL'III'K.NTIXK 23s Gd
pel cental ,
Nnw YORK , Jan. 10.Options steady and
10' < 515 points hlglier. Sales. 340,500 b igs. In
cluding January. J1G.7O ; IVtiruury , ilO.liOIJ
10R5 ; .March , tii.40a,10.45 ( ; April , tlO.atlis
Hi 35 ; M.iy , JK3.238.1G.30 ; Jlllv. flO,25 ; Hop-
tembor , tlil.25 ; October , tlO.'J.I ; November ,
J1U. 3D ; D.3-omlK'r. J10.205Mt:5. Siiot Hlo
Him but quiet , No. 7 , H7.37't ® 17.50.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MI.VNI. IPOI.H , Minn. , Jan. 10. Theio was a
steady deellno tu fiituios fiom the opening.
May opened at 7.2V , the cash market was
wea er ; No. 1 northein Mild at G2V , bill the
closing pileo was G8c. Jtooolpts weio 29J cars.
Close : Januaiy , 07'jc ' ; May , 72c ; July , 74 , ' .
On tiack : No. 1 haid , GO'ic ; No 1 northern ,
G8c ; No. 2 noithein , Ul'i'BGOc. 1 Markets.
in. 0. , Jan. 10. Win.vT : ScarcciN'o.
2 red , 73c.
t'oit.N Strong , fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 43
& 43'4e. '
p.vis-ln good demand , steady ; No. 2 ml.xed ,
WllKKY-Qulet and flim at ? J.35.
I'lilladulplihi Uiatn Market.
PllirUIUMMIIA , P.i. , Jan. 10 , WIIIIAT-No. 2
red , Jai.uaiy , 73fl74c.
( ( W.N-riim ; No. _ ' mixed , January , 62c.
O.ifs in ear lots dull and loner ; options
quiet ; No. 2 white , Januaiy , 12a 2Ue.
Imltlmoro Ciralii .Market.
Hu/nvioiin , Md. , Jan. 19. WIIIUT Weak ;
No. 2. led spot and January , 70il70 ( ; < c
Conv Dull ; mixed spot , 53o.
OATS- Quiet and steady ; No. 2 white west-
cm , 4 l42c.
Toledo ( iraln .Market.
TOI.IIDO. O. , Jan 19.VituT \ Active and
steady ; No. 2 , cash , 74'ic.
Coil.N Cash , 43Kc.
OATS Quiet ; cash , 35c.
N'cvv York Dry ( ioods .Market.
, NKW VOIIK , Jan. 10. There was rather more
doing , j In thu diy goods maiket , but n matked
change from previous modoiutu transactions.
Traders * Talk.
CHICAGO. 111. . Jan. 19. Kennett , Hopkins < t
'o. lo S. A. McWhoi ter : Tia Ing In wheat has
been very laigo and the market at times
wildly e\clte < l. A somewhat higher opening
than the close yesterday met enoimous olToi-
Ings , which are geneially ciedltod to the so-
called clique , and under those olfoi Ings the
m.uket foioko badly. The weakness was
largely assisted by tlio selling ofscatleied
outside holdeis , and In fact directors of the
board have posted for the consldeiatlon of
mi'inbois a piopo-dtlmi to make No. 1 noilhein
dollvorablo on out No , 2contr.ictn. A number
of absuidstoiles have been eliculated lo ac-
( ! onnt for the breaks , among otheis one that a
piomlnont short had on vestoiday walked up
to Iho captain's ofllco and settled 4,000,000 bu.
of blunt wheat at U3c and that this
transaction hail loltcved the clique of so much
wheat that they were willing to sell the re
mainder today on the market. Thlsstatoment
wo consider ildlculous , but It had some olTeot
on prices. It seemed to bo generally conceded
at the close that the buircontlngont hav u Hold
voiy heavily dining the past three days. Corn
and oats have been quiet , and have sympa
thized somewhat In the weakness of the
wheat market , but tiadlng has not been largo
and both markets have steadied up somewhat
fooforo the closo. There was but little news In
either commodity. The piovlslou market lias
been strong In spite of the fact that hogs woiu
lower and that an ollort was made by both
packera and hog shippers to break the mar
ket still further. It begins to look as if local
bulls were after having shaken out tlio scat
tered holders and will take hold of the market
for an upturn. It Is haul to determine
whether It Is for a scalp or a Ion ; ; deal.
London 1'lnanelal He view.
[ CopyHo'itcil 1S03 l > u James Oon/on / J'ciinfM.l
I.ONIIOX , Jan. 10. [ New York Herald Cafolo
Special to Tin : llBK.l A fair amount of busi
ness was transacted on the Stock exchange
without , however , any approach to activity.
Consols maintain an Improvement of from
1 1-113 to I's per cent. Indian sterling
and rupco paper was also from ! > to
U per cent better. Colonial government
securities were a Httlo dull on the report -
port that Queensland Intends to plnea n
3 percent loan on the market for 1,000,000 ,
the pi leu of the Issue to bo 89. Foreign govem-
mentsecuiltlescloso Him. A good tone was
reported on continental hour > os , Spanish
bonds advanced ? i per cent and most Inter
fooiirM ) stocks 'B to ' 4 per cent. Argentine
Issues leave olT strong , 18HG and funded showIng -
Ing an advance. Home railways close boineu hat
Iriegulaily. The feature was an advance
lit 24 per cent In .Metropolitan , duo to the
dlv Idend announcement being higher than ex
pected. Americans were not .so well supported
during the last hour and the closing was In
clined to bo dull. In several cases the early
rise was turned Into a fall of' to n per cent ,
but an advance of 7s per cent Is still maiked
In Northern Pacific profeionco and Norfolk-
it Western preference , 3i per cent In
Illinois Central and ! 5 per cent InNuw Voik
Central. Canadians have boon Httlo dealt In
and leave olV weak. The Hank ot England
dliectors made no change In thu bunk rate ,
which i oinalns at 3 percent. Money was very
llttlo wanted. Shoit loans weie obtained at ! J
to 34 percent. The discount maiket continued
easy ; two and three months bills were quoted
no nutter at ! ? to li ! percent.
Considerable Irregularity Shown insecur
ities itlth Some Mill's ArtUe.
NKW YORK , Jan. 19. The stock market
today showed considerable Iriegulniity In Its
movements , though the general list as a rule
was heavy , until tlio last hour. The opening
advances alone prevented several material
declines. Thcro was rather more actlv Ity and
mote pressure of longs , which were especially
noticeable among the giangcis , Heading , Now
Knglnnd and Hocking Valley coal , while some
stocks , especially Industilal.s , Western Union
and Richmond & West I'olnt continued strong
on Insldo buying. The market was dominated
principally by tlio assurance that consldeia-
blo gold estimated In some quartern as high
as $4,000.000-would leave tlio country on
.Saturday. The situation In 1'arls , It Is thought ,
will havu Inlliienco on both the London and
New Vork mat kets. The heavy los of gold by
the Hank of Prance and the uneasiness of
savings banlc depositors In that country Is
causing 1'ranco to draw heavily upon Kngland
for gold , which In turn draws upon this coun
This Influence , however , was combated
cfloctually by the unusual case In money ,
whllotho elimination of the short Interest
during the last few days has been wioiight
over all tin' traderon the bull sldo of the
markets. Declines therefore , meet with stub
born resistance and the street having become
familiar with gold exports at a seasonable.
tlme.pavH less attention lo them as tlmo weais
away Tlio special features of today's market
weio the decided weakness In New Kngland
and the strength of Western I'nlon , Hlehmond
ft West I'olnt. New Kngland was sold heavily
and the source of the selling was a in ) story to
the street. Humorweio circulated .that the
Philadelphia syndicate was disposing of Its
stock and alt > o that 1'iesldent 1'arsons had re
signed , the Inference from each being that the
long stock would como upon the market. Thu
price declined steadily until Iho last hour ,
dropping fiom 50 to 40 % , rallying
a f i act Ion In the last hour , but
clo > lng the day with a net loss of
2 percent. Manhattan yielded l' ( percent ,
and HiM-klng Valley coal and Iron 1'i percent ,
but neither atltactcu much attention during
thu day The Industrial stocks were nil
closing with an advance of a 4 percent ,
The strong points of the market , however ,
were Western I'nlon and West I'olnt , which ,
together with the Industrials , enjoyed Insldo
support. Western Union crossed par and
closed at Its highest figure , with u gain of IS
percent , being now higher than It has been In
a long while , Richmond .V West I'olnt was
bought heavily by oulMders , and , although
thu company under the proposed reorganl-
7atlpn of Georgia Central would
lese Its control , the value of 1m
would bo somewhat Increased , auu
Minion ( lint Uri/jcl / , Morgan it Co. would
probably control flie reorganizationwore ; cir
culated. Its ncU4 .y was unusual and It
closed with a gain ( .V per cent. The grangers ,
after their late advances , were drooping , being
affected to some exlvjit by the fact that whllo
they Mliow satisfactory gioss earnings , thulr
rlet Is generally dl up > ) intlng. . .
Tlio coalers were heavy and especially HeadIng -
Ing and I/'ickuwaiintti Heading was sold on
account of thu utifilTor.ible criticisms on Its
annual report , aild 'from ' the evidence that
fresh litigation atlU legislative attacks upon
the coal combine aic niev liable. The general
list ruled steadily , after n strong opening
until the lasl hour. In which the local aborts
eoveicd extensivelyiut ; | final changes , whllo
small , show a mnjoilly of losses.
The Post says : XJiu-siock uiarkct today was
of a decidedly mlvd character , There was
an Incieased Intert'st shown In the trading by
the piofesslonal iDllltpulatots , a continuance
of outside buying a/ill / an elTort on the pal t of
a speculative pool to mm ket KM holdings of
New n .gland. London was not a factor In the
tiadlng , but the fotelmi houses acting as cor
respondents for the Hank of 1'ranco exerted u
depressing Inlluem-o by announcing that they
had arranged for the slilpment of { 3,000,000
In gold on Saturday ,
The following aio Iho closing quotations of
the leading stocks on the Now York Stock exchange -
change today :
Atclilaon * ttftorlhorn | iAcllit- 114
Ad-uns liipreta. . . . I'll do preferred < i
Alton , T. II 81U. \ . I' , Den. A ( lull . .
ilo preferred IW iNorthnosturn , i7
American Kipross 119 I do prufcrruil . . . . 115
llaltlmoro.t olilo. . WM'N. ' V. Central 115Wl
Canada I'aclflc MS.N. , V A N. K W *
Canada Southern. . t7jlontarln A Western. IBM
Central I'nclflc. . . . KH .OrPKun Imp 18ii
flics .V Ohio 22M Oregon Nnv 83
CIUCOKO Alton Ill Ore , S. I * A I ! N. . . . 5ll <
C. II. A V I01U I'aclllo Mnll 2 < > H
Chicago ( ins . . ' . . ' . '
MX 1'corla , Dec. A 1. . K' <
Consolidated Ui . . 13Si < ] lMttstMirB IM ;
O. C. C. A St. I , . . . . . t'nllmnn 1'nlnco. . . . IUOH
( ottottoil Cert Itcallnit . " > ) ! *
Dal. Ilndion . . . . Hltlinionil Ti-rmlnnl 10
I ) . I , A W ilo prurerroil : 10ii
I ) Jt U O pfd . . . Hlo tirnnilo VV. . . . ! iiJ
I ) A C F Co . . . . do preferred . . . . M
Kant'Icnn Itork Island SIS ,
Krlo St. I. AS V lit plil 75
do preferred . . . . M. I'.iul 6U' ' <
Kort Wayne . . . . Uopiuforrod Ii.i3j :
( it. Northern ptd . . St. I'anl A Onmlia . wn
C. .V E 1 pfd iuy ? ( do pruferroil. . . . .17' *
IlOLkbiK Valley. . . .K'-viSouthern I'nclllc. .
Illinois Contra ! . . . 10l ( | SiiKiir Illllnery . . .
M I'nnt.t Dnluth . " ' " > Tenn. Conl , x Ir jn
Kan ,1 Tex pM WH Texas I'nclllc . . . . 10 ? j
l.uko ICrlo , V West . S45Jri ! .Vd Cent. I td.
ilopreterrul. . . . > H ' tlnlun 1'uoltlc . . . . if
l.aUn Shore. . . 1.10 iU S. Kxprusj M
Lead Trust . . . . ' < \V S-t I. A I1
Louis , V.Nn h . . . . 'J i do ureferred .
Louis A New Alb y vvclle FnrKO llxp. . 115
Vlnnunttan Con . . . 1TU' { Weitcrii Union.
Memphis X c . . . .
Michigan Central lOi.'il do prefercd. .
Missouri I'.icltle f.8 . } ! Mlnn A St. I , 18
Mobile A Ohio . . . . til II & It. O 18UK
-Nashville Chalt. . . SIS ( Icneral Kluclrln. . . .
Nntlonal Cord.igc . Ul'f Niitloiril I.Indued .
do preferred . . . . lilt , C. I'lK'l JL Irini
N ,1 Central . . . . ID ilu pru.erred
.Norfolk .t VV pfd . ID.W llous. A. Tex. Ceu . .
.North American Co
The total sales ot stocks today weie 4'JO 000
shales , Im-ludlng Atcblson , 4'JUO : Ituillnltton ,
l.7Kl ( ; Chleaifu ( jas , s.UOO ; Dlstllllmr , fj'-VJOO ;
Krle , 4.3(10 ( ; Hocking Valley 0,300 ; I.oulsvlllo
.1 Nash\llle , 11,100 : Manhattan. 4,500 ; New
England , & 7,100 ; Northein 1'aclllc piefened ,
( i.50 ( ) ; National Cord.ige , 13,400 ; Heading ,
JH.100 ; Hlehmond Terminal , 40.COO ; Hock
Island.0,000 ; St. Paul. 10.000 ; .Sugar , 40,800 ;
Union Pacific , 0,00' ' ) ; Western Union , 3,000.
JsVw York Aloney .Market.
Niw : YORKIan. 10. MOMVOV : CAM. Kiisv
at i ! to 3 percent , last loan 2' ' ' , , closed otTeied
at J'j per cent.
I'IIIMR MnnrANTii.E I'APEII O QG'i percent.
.STiitl.l.\n : Uxcil\.NUE Quiet but Him , with
actual business In bankets' bills at Jl.bG for GO
days and J4.H71 , fordumand.
( lOVKUNMK.NT llo.xiis Dull and steady. State
bonilsdull and llrm.
The closing itint.ltlons | on bonds :
I ) . 4s reg Nortnurn 1'ue. vmls
IT. b. t coup X. VV Consols . . . .
U. b 4iji ten . . . . 10J N.V. . Deb Sg 103
I'nclllcua of M5 . 10J d. U A I .M. Ccn iis 103PSH
I.o'jlMnnu st pod 4s S. 1. AH. S. ( Jen SI. lO'l
'J enn new set ill. . IUJ St. 1'anl Cun oin . . iii
Flcnn new sot 5s. . at. ! C. A 1' . lKt . . . 1)7 )
Tenn nciv Kotii : . 1' I1. I. ( i. Tr. lleti.
lannda So. : mls. . T. I1. It. ( J. Tr. Itcle ,
Con 1'i'clllclsts . . 104H . Union I'nclllc IBIS .
1) . < ( U. ( i lits . UvcitShore
II A It. ( i. 4s . . . < s | K. ( s.v IBIS
Krlo 2nd . ' * Atcll. 4
.M KT lion , ts . 'fei7 i Ateli VH , clans A. 17
M K JLT ( ; on 5a . iS1 * a n. AA. : . &t . . . 104
Mutual Unlun Os. . (5 H AS. A. west ( is
N . ) C Int Curt. . in - II A T. C Cs
Nnrttiorn I'nc l ln tIGti II. AT. < ! Conn tin 101
Doston Stoelc ( Jitntiithins.
IlOsTON , Mass. , Jan. 10. Call loans , 45i4'i ' per
cent ; time loans , 4'jQu per cent. Tlio follow
ing are the closing block quotations :
Alclilson .IT.-pekn. 9iK truiiklln H
lloston .1 Albttnr.'I'l'i ' Kc.irsnfo 1IU
lloatonA Maine. . . . ll.SH Uscuoln . 1514
C. , U. .VQ- . . . . 10JM Qulncy inn
Knstcru K. Itlt.s . . . 110' rtntn FeCopper. . . '
Htcliblirt ! K. 11 S9H Tamarnrk 157
Mass. CentralM Annloton I.nml Co . 157Z5
Alex. Ccn coin 11 Uostnn Innil Co . . .
M. V .V N. Kngland. 47 ! < Sail Dli'RO l.nnd Co. .
ilo 7s l'.0 ! { West Knd Land Co. .
Old Colony Hi UellTelephone. . . . 210
Itntland common. . A hiiraaon t toro 13
WIs. Ccntrn ! com. . IS Watcf t'owor
ilo pfd 43 I'.M 13Gl
AIloucz M. Co ( nu\v ) 8J N. K. T. A T. Gl
Atlantic I0) ) < II. Ac 1) . Copper GlU
lloston.t Mont. . . . 31 Ccn. Bl
Calumet & Ilecln . .115
San I'ranclHco .Mlnlii ) ; Stocks.
PAN 1'iiANCisco , Cal. . Tan. 10. The ofllclal
closing ( iiiotatloiis for mining stocks todny
were as follows :
Atta 20 Mono 15
llulwer 1.S Ophlr 175
llolchur 105 I'otosl. 150
IH'st , V Ilulchor . . . UJ Savazo DU
llodlo Consolidated 2il hlcrra Nevada ICO
Cliollnr 45 Union Con P5
Con. Cal. A Va SJ5 I.nil ) 15
Crown 1'olnt 40 Yellow Jnckut 10
Gould A. Curry 75 N. O 5
Hale A Norcross. . . 75 N. II. 1 10
Moxlcun I..O
yonVork .Mining ( Jnotatloni.
NKW VOHK , Jan. 10. The following are the
closing mining quotations :
Crown I'olnt . 45 I'lyinoutli to
Con. Gil. nnd Va. . . . 2-23 SltfrrH Novnda . ' . 120
Dcadwooil . ! . " > Mandard 140
Could and C'urry. . . . SU Union Con 1-0
Halo and .Sorcrous. 8J Yellow Jacket . . . . IO
llomcttako . 115J Iron Sliver SU
Muxlcan . ! - " > Quick Mlvor : i..U
Ontario . - . 13JU do preferred HOI )
llulwer 20
asked _
M. T.onU .Milling OiiotiitliiiiD.
ST. I.otns , Mo. , .Tan. 10. The following
were the quotations on the Mlnlng oxchangu
today :
Mocks. Did. Asked stocks. 11KI. ArUcd.
llopo. . . . $ 4.50 f.8- ! > Am. .Net..t .21
( ir.mlto. . . . 4.75 A UO S. IIopOS . . . . ' .HJ
lllmetnlllc U.IMJ 0.25 1 * . MurpliT .05 .0 !
riimnchil Notes.
NKW Onr.GANS , La. , Jan. 10. Clearings , $2-
\NSASCtTV , Mo. , Jan. 10. dealings , J2-
NKW VOIIK , Jan. 19. Clearings , 1141,300-
CCa ; balances , i ,717G40.
11I.TIMOIIK , Mil. . Jan. 10.-Clearlnj.-s , 2,3CO-
410 ; balanues , $209,870. K.itc , 0 percenl.
Pun.IIKI. . i'iiiPa. . , Jan. 10. Clearings ,
$12,929,805 ; balances , J2.013.G95. Money , 4 !
per cent.
MP.MI-IHS. Tcnn. , Jan. 10. Now Yoik e\-
ehango selling at * ! . & ( ) . dealings , WJ'J.OSU ;
balances , J104.4U4.
HOSTO.N , Mass. , Jan. 19.-Clearlngs , J18.1 in-
711 ; balances , t2,00li,2i8. ! .Money. 3 per cent.
i\changoon : Now Voile , OaiOc dUconnt.
ST. houis , Mo. , Jan. 19. dealings. M.42.V
C13 ; balances , J743.13. Money , quiet at 0(5,7 (
per cent , i\chango : on Now Yoik , OOo pio-
CIIICAIIO , 111. , Jan' . 10. Clearings , 118,491.-
082. Now Vork exchange sold at par ; sterl
ing exchange dulli hi\ty-day bills , $4.80'i ' ;
demand , J1.88HMoney weaker at 0 percent
NKW VOHK , Jan. 19. [ Special Telegram to
Till ! llri ; . ] KxchaiiRoVas quoted as follows ;
Chicago , par to 2S < ) ineinhun ; Itoston , 6U1&C
discount ; fct. Louis , riOc piemlnm.
LONDON , Jan. 10.-T.'li ( ( ) bullion In the Hank
of England Increased i'027,000 during the
past week. The piujuirtion of the Hank of
England's reseivo U > liability , which last week
was 4'.5 per cent , Is now 43.89 per cent.
1,1 vi : S M.\UKITS.
Cattle Tniiln Snmewlmt Dcniiiriillzril by tlio
Al ) i'iii'c cirshlpplng Ueinand.
The cattle market was In rather bad shape
KecoIptH were alxjilt 1.000 llghtur thai
Wednesday , but nuiiiiy as much heavier thai
last Thursday. Thobhlpplng and speculate o
demand , which has been \ery actho of late
was entirely lucking today , partly owing ti
the discouraging reports from Chicago am
other eastern points and partly becuuso ship
persaio never actlio buyers on Thursday , a
that compels them to reshlp their puicliases
so that they will ha > o to arrive In Chlcagi
ultherSaturdayorMinday. At any rate , nc
one appeared to want the cattle uiccpt tin
diessud beef men , and they waiitec
to buy them 10c to Oc lower than \\j-dnt-sihiy
hellers could hardly see It In that light am
the cattle changed hands \ery slowly and gen
erallv at the decllno abpvo iiientlonei . ' 1 here.
" uxeu stock i > old at unovenlj
lowerprict-H , Here and theio boilers though
they got very near steady prices , but the gen onlnlou seemed to bo that prices were off
any hero from 10c to 20c. There was no out
sldo demand , and local houses did not appea
partlcu arly anxious for the cattle. o un a
thoueclluer Good to cholco cows uud holfcr
old at from WOO untoM Mi fair IdcoodslufT
argoly nt front fjiiato J2 Hi , with common
' nil cunning grades at from ( lot ) to t'J'J5 ,
tough i Mock mild readily at fully Meady prices
i * . , * ! 2.25 to M.aa. The v orv model aio out r -
ngs of veal calves changed hands readily at
ruin J3.00 toto.00 , nIth common largo calves
is low as $2.25.
There vrus coinpnratlvoly llttlo dolnjt In the
locker nnd feeder line , llogular dealers had
Ittlo dosliablo stock on hand to show to
irospectlvo liuyots and the fiesh offerings cut
ery Httlo llguro In the trade. Thosupply of
ultablo feeding .stock Is far short of the do-
iiand anil prices nto strong vvltli the volume
if trading light. Hoprosontatlvu salesi
No. Av. I'r. No. Av.
1 . UK ) 13 00 1 1340
1U . n o 3 00 35 1007
1H . 001 3 tin 15 1150
H . 8HO 3 05 U 123H
1010 3 08 18 1U7
.1057 3 75 o < > .1101
.1270 3 75 TT 1210
. 080 3 75 & 5 .11(11 ( !
1120 3 75 5 1181
.1013 3 80 24 1214
. 9S2 3 85 19 . 1'JHU
.1000 3 00 17. .1250
.1088 3 1X1 1H. .1380
.1090 4 00 32
.1132 4 00
. . . .1178 3 70 11 1238 4 10
. . . .1158 4 00
. 7fl ! 1 00 4 , .1030 2 50
. 72(5 ( 1 00 H .100H 2 50
.1300 2 00 3. . . 803 2 50
. 970 2 00 0. , . 007 2 50
. 810 2 00 11. . . U15 2 50
.1000 2 00 49. , . 812 2 50
. OS5 2 00 7 , . 1007 2 ( .0
. 83(1 ( 2 00 . 805 2 00
.1000 2 10 . 830 2 00
. 052 2 10 . 880 2 05
. 910 2 15 8 . .1005 2 05
. 800 2 15 10 . 811 2 05
.1005 2 15 7 . . 912 2 05
.1000 2 20 11 . . 090 2 ( IB
. 071 2 20 o ' 1310 2 05
. bfiO 2 25 8 . 020 2 03
.1021 2 25 24. . 091 2 05
.1010 2 25 3 nor 2 75
. B30 2 25 17 . .1015 2 75
. 013 2 25 r > .1140 2 75
. 000 2 25 ro. . ! .1120 2 75
. H51 2 25 12 . 1093 2 75
. 02J 2 25 19 . 073 2 75
.1175 2 25 20 . . 070 ' . ! 75
. 980 2 25 1 .1180 2 75
. 005 2 25 1. 1200 2 75
. 720 2 25 38. .1071 2 75
.1050 2 25 10. . 000 2 75
.1640 2 25 44. , . 975 2 75
.1320 2 25 15. . .1001 2 M )
. 897 2 I0 ! 14. . . 890 2 81) )
. 958 2 30 0. .1053 2 hO
. 823 2 30 30 . 001 2 80
. 822 2 30 19. , . 021 2 bO
1012 2 35 10 1117 2 S3
. 972 2 35 11 . 098 2 00
. 955 2 35 10 . 975 2 90
.1010 2 35 15. . .1073 2 95
. 015 2 35 0. . .1110 2 95
. 1080 2 35 1 . 910 -.1 00
. 1181 2 33 0 .103.1 3 00
. h)5 ( ) 2 40 40. 1013 3 00
.1090 2 40 10 941 3 00
, . 935 2 40 23. 100.1 3 00
.10SO 2 40 10 101 t 3 05
.1028 2 45 10 .10J8 3 10
. 831 ! 2 45 7 ,1057 3 10
. 029 2 50 10. 001 3 10
, .1101 2 50 15 1020 3 15
. 080 2 51) ) 10. 10IIJ 3 10
, . 890 2 50 17. 1000 3 20
.1130 2 50 10- 1021 3 25
. 900 2 50 1H , 855 3 25
. 830 2 50 12 , 1157 3 & 0
, . 370 2 40 24. OC2 3 55
, . COO 2 25 4 , 190 5 00
. 335 2 35 1 130 5 00
, . 120 3 00 1 120 5 00
, . 80 3 00 2 100 5 00
, . 395 3 00 3 110 5 00
. 00 3 50 2 210 5 00
. 00 4 00 1 100 5 00
. 200 4 00 5 121 5 00
. 143 4 50 4 , 197 5 00
, . 210 4 75
, .1320 1 50 .1750 2 05
.1210 2 20 1310 2 05
.1050 2 25 15HO 2 70
.1100 2 25 .1570 2 80
, 1140 2 25 1380 2 85
. .1090 2 25 1 ( > 80 2 85
, . 930 2 23 1510 2 85
, .1430 2 25 .1330 2 00
.1410 2 35 1780 3 00
, .1110 2 40 1700 3 00
. .1305 2 40 . 1500 3 00
.1220 2 40 1070 3 25
. .1440 2 50 1480 3 25
, 1230 2 50 .1080 3 25
. .1200 2 50 1503 3 21
, .1080 2 50 .1040 3 25
, .1240 2 50 .1700 3 40
. .1290 2 50 1150 3 50
. .1430 2 CO
. .1532 2 75 2 1000 3 35
.1000 275 1. . . .1220 3 05
4 . 450 2 00. 1 . . 000 3 10
4. . 402 2 23 0 . . 723 3 10
14.O . . 430 2 35 19 . .1007 3 16
O . 420 2 60 o . 700 3 15
1 . 930 2 50 07. . .1000 3 16
4. . 380 2 50 3 . 453 3 25
4. . 515 2 LO 0. . . 9JO 3 25
1 .1010 2 70 1. . . 810 3 25
7 . 497 2 70 1 . . 900 8 25
4. . 412 2 75 7. . 831 3 23
1. . 510 2 75 24 . 971 3 35
1 . 750 3 00 0 878 3 35
1. . KlbO 8 00 8. 952 3 50
48. . 020 3 05 0 .1071 3 CO
. 740 3 05 0. . 004 3 75
1 cow and calf . $30 00 2 mllkeis , each $25 60
leowamlcalf 28 00 1 springer 2100
1 cow and calf 20 00 aio no doubt several causes
for the .slump In hog values the past two or
three days , but peibaps the principal one
comes from Chicago , where the scaicltv of
stock c.usoneastein loads has almost com
pletely shut off tlio shipping demand , leaving
the trade to the tendei meicy of local slangh-
teieis and speculators. The meat and
packing bujeis had things pretty much their
own way today and prices i tiled fully lOo
lower from the start. The good heavy and
butcher weight hogs sold largely at fiom $7.35
to $7.45 , with fair to good light and mixed
loads at fiom $7.25 to$7.35. Veiy common
stufl sold as low as$7.15 and a load of pilmo
butcher hogs sold on the late mai Let for tV.&O.
The o\ticmo close was Nliongon the advance
In piov.slons and fiee buying for the fresh
meat tiado. The pens weie cleaied befoul
noon , the bulk of the hoes selling ut fiom
$7,30 to $7.40 , as against $7.40 lo $7 45 Wed
nesday and $7.35 to J7.45 one week ago. Hop-
lesentatlvo sales :
. one load of vety common milt
tons WIIH tecolved. The market wasoiiotably
unchanged , the demand good for the ilKht
kind of stuff. Talr to good natives. 3 76ti4
5.00 ; fair to good westeins , $3 6034 76 ; com
mon and stock sheep , * 2 25A3.5O ; good to
choice 40 to 100-pound lambs , $4.00iiO 60.
Heprescntatlv o sales :
No. Av. I'r.
120 Mexican mixed 73 12 25
ItrcHpts anil Disposition of Stock.
Official lecelpts and disposition of stork as
shown by the nooks of the Union Stock Vards
company for the twenty-fours , ending at &
o'clock p. in. Januaiy 19 , 1803 :
Can I lend C'arsHead Cam Head Cars. Hem !
121 a.'tli : s
nmt us. CATTI t. I IIIM.S.
Oiuntia racking Co 1,010
Tuu ( j. U. Hammond Co 1,17:1
Swift .V Co 1.IS2
'Iho tudaur Tacking Co 1,7V > 7
II 11 X I'
Shippers anil Feeder * . . .
Total 3718 & 117
Chicago Mio Stock Market.
ClllOAno , III..Jan. 19. [ Special Telegram t (
Tim HBB.J The avoiugo of juices forcatth
was alxnit lOc lower than for Wednesday , am
from 16c to'JOc lower than for Tuesday Cer
tain grades , notably fat cows and heifers , soli
nearly us high ub at anytime ivceutly , while
rotiuli i Jinlf fatted Moers clmimrd lmml n
eimi Mf to 25r OIT from that day's quotations
Not much fault could be found with thin-liar.
V-'tV' Tllllf < > wninn nctlvo Inquiry both for
ho local \hlpplngnri-ounl. . hut a differ-
nco between the view of buyers nnd M'llcM
is to values innde trading low In general.
Iho weakness of pi Ices win thu Immediate
result of lee heavy supplies , n.oio than 30. .
KmS"u. ° ' ! ' " ' " | MJC" unloaded at Ihe yards
wllljlu he la t fTirtjeight houis. NeaiTyall
if this laiuo number has been te.oved out , but
irlces h-nl m Hinrer. Sales weie prim Ipally at
from Vj.jfl to f3.25 f , , , , . ( ) ( % s and bulls , and
it from 13.01 to } 5.1o for steers. Theeur.i
range of limitations was from 11.60 to J5.00.
Atinthei IDC was chipped olT the price of
jogs today. This makes a tumble since Titos-
lay ' morning of fiom Wo to 30V per 10) ) Ibs
mil carries Iho market to from 7l5to 7 45
for hint weight , and to fiom } 7 25 to 17 70 for
ncdliim and heavy. Tim icducod pi Ices did
lot appeal to stimulate the demand , forlheie
was veiy little actlvlly In the trailo at any
hue , and the weakness of the motnlng con
tinned until near the clone of business , when u
somewhat llnnor feeling obtained. A scarcity
) f cars was given intone causoottho depies-
( don , but wo note that siilpmi'uts aio nearly
up to the i ecent average. The real caiiso N ,
indoiibtedly , an oiganlmt I.ear movement on
ho pait of fooal p'lekers. Sales weio pilncl-
tally tit fiom $7.30 to J7.IO for light , nud at
nun * 7 10 to $7.50 for medium and heavy
AclirhH. Culls and pigs sold all the waj fiom
' The vitality of the hcep market was low
I'pward of 3,000 head weio left fiom Wednes-
lay s unsatlsfactoiy maiket , andfiosh ie-
cefpts VMMO huge enough to swell the total
supply to about 12.000 head. The demand
wasof an Indlffciont chniactor , and tiade
hugged h MVlly at weaker price * . Mieop gen
erally rold to fiom 5c to loc lower , anil them
was a ntoio decided decllno In lambs. The
'oimei wen- quoted all the wav from 12.60 to
3.00 for eiills to f i am { 3. 'JO to J.VM ) for eholco
qualities , while ill. 00 was an outside quota
tion for lambs.
llecelnls' C.ittle. 18,000 head ; hogs , 25,000
lend ; neen , W.-OO head.
The I'veiilnr Jouinal remit ts :
C.vrn.t : Receipts , IH.OOO head : shipments ,
4,000 head- market slow , unchanged ; best
Mcors , ? 5.G > Hr > 'ii , fulr to good , i5.OO ? < iKi.25 ;
ilhers , $1.60 .1.05. feeders , i4,00fij4.25 ; cows ,
3. ' _ > 5 3.05.
HoN ( Kecelpls , 30,000 head ; shipments.
10,000 head ; matket lOu lower ; mlud and
laclceiM , I7.20J47. 15jnlmo ; heavy nnd liulch-
M-s * weights , * 7.50 < i7.05 ; ; prlmo light , f7.25Ji ( !
/.35 ; pigs , i7.00&7 10.
tfin.iii' Receipts , 9.000 head ; shipments ,
23.UOO head ; mai ket slow , weak to lOc louci ;
mtlves. M.oorn.50 ; westeins , J5.1035.25 ;
amhs ,
New Vnik Live stork Market/
Xnv VOHK , Jan. 19. IICKVKS Receipts 900
lead. No tiade. feeling steady ; diessed beef ,
Inn , H10'jc ' ; shipments tomoiiow,505 beeves
mil 10 sheep.
L'AI.VM Itecepts , 00 head ; maiKot steady ;
veals , J5.oo4o.oo. '
Siiiii : : > AM > l.AMiii ! ! ccelpt , 6,100 head.
nai ket firm ; sheep , $4.0005.80 ; lainhs , fO 6OT4
1.87'i ; du"-sed muttons steady at O'sHTe ' :
Ire sed lambs Him , OWldc.
lions -Receipts , 6,700 ; matket nominally
steady at 7 < tt8c.
H ( It ) I.lvn Sleek 'Market.
CITV , Mo. , Jan. 10.Cvm.K - llo-
celuts , 3,500 head ; shlpmenlM , 10,000 head ;
narket quiet , easv ; shipping steels , } 3.65iC
4.50 ; slockeis anil feeders , $2.00 ® 1 10.
lions uroolpts , 7,700 head ; shipments ,
1.300 head ; mat ket dull and 5@10c lower ,
closing active and strong. All guides , $1,0015
7.75 ; blllk$7.23 7.35.
HlliUH1 Hecelpts , 000 head ; shipments , 400
icad ; falilv active and steady. .Uc-i : .Mut
tons , J 1.00 5.85.
'it , I. mill I. l\o block 'Market
Rr. Louts , Mo. , Jan. 19. C.VITM-Receipts : ,
1,500 head ; maiket steadv ; natlvos $ .1 255i >
4.60 ; choice shipping ! , t4.7f > 36.00 ; fed To\as
iteer-4 , $3 1033 , JO.
Ilous Hecelpts , 7,400 head : maiket lowci ;
icavy , * 7.1Offl7.70 ; packing , $0.007.30 ; light ,
* 7.UOy7.5.
Sin.ii'-ltecelpts : , 300 head ; maiket steady ,
natives , } 3.30iil.25 ; choice muttons , J5.0O
Dlspnllllg Tor ii Di'.ld .Man's Weiilth.
The Hrst anil it is allepod the veal vvlfe ot
Charles 1'ontedeceased , appeared In pro-
isito court yesterday and lilcd a petition to
be declared a Inuful heir of the iiropertj left
jy the dead man.
1'ontewas Tor years employed as an ex-
icrt chemist by the Union Pacific anil
imasscd considerable wealth. Ho Intro
duced u woman ns his vvifo and for llftcon
years she was recognized as such. Since his
Icath , liowcver , the second woman has ap
peared and claims that they were never
legally separated. She comes from New
Ilccclum's Pills for a bad liver.
Total Ibttiti ot CITIES ,
Correspondence solicited.
103-103 Dearborn Stroot. CHICAGO.
19 Wall Street , NEW YORK.
7OStat 3t. . BOSTON.
Got Catarrh ?
Makes Had Hlood , Iloadache. Misery.
Specific O.\yRcn eeslroyc'i the
Catarrh Corms ! Makes
the bluol pure'
Gives /est to the foiccs
appetite , vigor.
An Honest , Real Cure
Ilronohltls , Uotiilis. Colds.
Ile.idachc. Isovous I'rostra-
"Oxygen Book" and 4 Trys Free.
Suite & 1O Shcoly Bldg , Ouinhn.
TliU'i ; < i TTBT lr. ) rifrco'a
relicts come. Ami
It's n more liuimrtnnt point
tlmn ) ou thliilc. It keeps
them nlvYnyn fresh and tell-
ftblp , unllko tlio ordinary
jiills In clicnp wooden or
Thpy'ro imt up In n Ixltcr
trny , and tiipy oof In n letter
wny , than tliu huge , old-fush *
ionul pill ? . No griping , no
> Iolcnco , no reaction after
ward that Kmirtlmei Icnvca
you ivorso oft than before.
In that way. they two i > tt--
mitnriifii/ . Kick Hc.-ulnclu' ,
lliliouj HcAdacho , Oonstllxi-
tlon , IndlKCstlon , llllljui At-
tacki , niul nil dcnuicinont (
of thn liver , stonmch , nud
boxrols are jiroventcd , ixliov oil. anil cured.
Thoy'ro tiny , siiKnr-coated Ri-nnuli > , a
compound of re lined and concentrated vege
table extracts the smallest In nbo , tbo caal-
cat to take , nnd the cheapest pill you can
buy , for they're cunrnntecd to Rive rntisfnc-
tion , or your money is returned. You jwy
only for the good you get.
There' * nothing HUoly to be "Just as poorf. "
on A tiooi )
THEATIIR sr\r rou wo
Thureduy , Friday , Saturday nud Sunday
.l.immn IIIjo , | , .
Ma '
The riiKdir.ithi ) ;
Supported by I. lit and liavIs'Supoib ( umpany
In the ConnMlj-dininii ,
With all Its Staitllint. Iteallstlc , I'lctures
and .Mechanical nil ci-N. Including iho
1'ii.K- \ ( i ttt VA / ;
The s.xlo of '
seats will open U'eilnesd-iv morn-
Ingat the following pi Ices 1 hs | iKim t > 0c,76i2
and Jl.OOi balcony , 00L- and 7 M galleiy , l5c.
BOYD'S for Me.
TuiSa,8SSay \ ? , , Jan , 24 and 25
Exceptionally flue
cast , Naw fea
tures New
, songs ,
New dances , Ev
erything new.
Strong SpoclnltlM Porfict Sliieu Slttlngi , Snoclitl
Sccnory. " 1MTIIAI CLOCK O 1C "
Hear tlio st itlon ARont lilsllo. Hear tlio I.unch
Counter UlrlSIni ;
'lliu jrloof npat will open nt t ) o clock Momlar
mornlnu nt rolloivliiK , irl ( ei Klrat floor , Mo , , ia and
(1 ; balcony , We and Toe unlk'ry , 1'jc
Like Homo all Itonds lend to tlio Homo of Succcifc
3 Night * . Commencing Thursday , Jan , 19 ,
The L-aughlng Succoi ; ,
ThoCyclonoof Tun Matlnon Saturday.
I.Ike Homo all roads lend to thu Homo of succcsi
All week bo Innlnz with Matinee. Sunday.
January ml.
Great Itealistle Comedy Drama.
lliillueoVeilncsclnyiiiia Sntnrdny
Jloitrnf Stioclntttoi.
MA'I INEES 20c. EVUN1-NQ3 20 or 300.
wcnLnoiecn. etc. , nmnontly cured la
men. 1 will end l8Cilnor li'llKK tbo roclpo that
vurad m nhea ever/ ' olio failed Addroai
with stamp.
VVM. , llov 117 , Mimliull , Midi.
nion StocYards Company ,
South Ornaha.
Ilent Cuttle Ho and Sliecp marltot in the welt.
Wood Brothers.
I.lvo Stock Commission McrchantH.
bouth Oiuslia Telephone 1167. ClilcazO
JOHN I ) UADNMAN , ( . . . _ . , ,
„ „ „ „
> nniers
Market Hoports by mill and wlro clioorfully tu
nlalied upon application
Omaha Tent-Awning
1113 Karnain t > t.
Bemis Omaha Bag M. 0. Daxon ,
Importcn andman fn IllcycleJ BOlU on monthly
Hour tack ] , burluui ,
paymjntl 123 N 13th.
Morse-Cos Shoa
- Company ,
llunard stret.
Factory corner lltli nnJ Ooiulas etre tf
Wearo mnkliitfclosa prlo's to cull Uureri an I are
lollies nclis * of aoodi which 1. very
wllh incrtlmntl.
Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COVIl'ANY IMiuloinle
mfr > uionti llailon and rubber Koodi , Mi-
Itubber Shoo Co 1105- UlOIIarney rit
110l-Il ! > i ll.irnoy . St
COAL , C0 ( ! . I CORNIOt.
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
U.MK CO. hard and ofl Mtti iialvanliol Iron
coal , h K cor lull anl cornlcj lndiw cup ,
IJouitlai tit ) nictnlllo ikrllvhtt , ete
I10-IIU ! DodKJ Bt.
M. E. Smith & Co , , Kilpatrick-Kooi ! Dry
noons co ,
Drr Knodi. notions , fur- Nutluni. ujnu' fnrnltlt-
nlililntr xonK. cjnur InuitaaJicar lltinml
lltli anil llunarl ti. llnnuy riti
Omaha Upholstering Beeb33 & Runyan
CO. upliuliteroil furnl- HJIlNITUHi : CO , ( iraca
turu , tlJl 1101 .Nlcliolai
til VVhuIeialuonljr anil I3lh SU
D. M , Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co , ,
J30I ICtli anil HarneSti ,