TTTF OMATTA DAILY BEE : RltfDAY. JANCAUY 20. 1893. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL DNUPPS. NO. 12 PKAUL by rimlor to nny purl of the city II W. TII.TON , - MANAURIL Tint lHuslnr * Onico . Jfo. 41 Kdltor . > o. 23 JU.\Olt MKXTIUX. N. Y Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. Coal 'Iho Council Bluffs Sehuet/cnvcrcln will ghoa bull on the Ulst. Jerry Mcjcrs w 111 give up the management of the Columbia tomorrow to take a position with an Omaha firm. The members of the Hallway I'mplojcs club will bo entertained at a banquet at Hojal Arcanum hall tomorrow evening by fourteen of their number. Tlio Veteran PIremen's association will hold Its annual meeting this evening at HPSCIIO engine house on North Main street , to elect oftleers for the ensuing year. There will bo a regular meeting of Council niuffs I/odgo of Perfection , Ancient and Accpptcd Scottish Kite this evening In Scottish Itltc hall Matter3 > of Inteiest to bo acted upon U Is stated that woik on the new Burling ton depot will ho commenced about April 1 , and that the ofnclals hope to have tbcstruct- ineieadv for occupancj bj the end of three months from that time Meetings nio being held every evening at tin I list Baptist church , under tbo leader ship of HevJ II Davis About foitv have cxpicsscd more than a passing Interest , and cvcrj meeting Is l.ugtlj attended Golden Hod camp No T , Hoval Neighlwrs ofAmeilca , will hold Its regular meeting this evening at b o'clock at the Knmhtsof hall A full attendance Isdcslicd , us theio aio strangeis In watting to bo adopted Peter Thomas and a man named Van Leuven wcio anestod last evening at about 8 o'elodc for stealing i oil out of Welch's < onatd ! on Main sticct 'J hej vveio caught In the act. Mis Kato II Mossier filed a petition In the district couit jcstcrdaj for a landloid s vu It of attachment against H W Manner Bho alleges that ho has destiojed a number of bhndc ! trees on the piemiscs , nnd she asks n judgment for the sum of > 10 Ml/pah t-mplo , Pvthlan Sistcis. gave a pihato masquerade paitj Wednesday even ing at their hall on Peail street About 100 of the membeis of the order and their friends weio present , nnd ninny of the costumes wcto exceedingU nitlstic Itwasahigblj cnjojablo occasion. The icsldenco of Nelson Ilanscn , In Boomer township , was dcstrojcd bj flic last Wednesday moinlng 'J ho members of tbo family weio routed out of bed bj the flumes , nnd had only time to save themselves with out anv of their piopeitj The loss amounted to several bundled dollars James A Ifellar has icsigncd his place as janitor of tbo county court house to take a position as engineer of tbo Union elevator , which liis Just been opened for business A meeting of tbo supervlsois will bo held im- mcdiatelv after S B Wadswoith's letuiii from Illinois , and his successor will bo elected. Hov H W Allen , pastor of the Christian church , will commence a seiies of meetings next Sundaj at the Masonic temple , and ( ontinuo them throughout tbo week at tbo C'ongiegational chuuh Ho will bo assisted by H. M Bildsallof Ohio , us leader of soiig A question box will bo conducted as a fea ture of tlio meetings. The supiemo coin t has banded dow n a de cision In the case of A. A I Inrard against the city of Council Bluffs , in which the plain tiff sues for iG00 damages on account of the killing of a hoiso. The case was tiled twice in the dlstiict court of Pottawattamie eount.v , tbofhst tlmo icsultlngln a disigrec- mcnt and tbo second In a verdict of STOO for the plaintiff. Uho city appealed to the su- picmu couit , which now upholds the veidict for the plaintiff. Tlio Ilro department was called out at 8 . o'clock jcstcrday moining by an alaim from box 51,111 the coiner of Fifth avenue and KIghth stiect. A small cottage a few doors east of Eighth stiootwas on Hie , tbo blaze haiing apparently been communicated to the roof from tbo kHehen chimney. It was extinguished w ithout a great deal of dam age , excepting that the rear of the house was badly scotched. Mis. A. Darraugh owned the building , and It was occupied by 11 family named Tnlbot. It is stated that Profs Hopkins and McCoy , the weather prophets , have decided to aban don the prophecy business and go Into some other field , where genial nnd accomplished piovaiacatois have more chances for success Yestculnj' . which Hopkins said would bo the coldest day of the winter , the thcimomoter lacked twcntj' degiecs of teaching the low rtoather mink , although ovcieoats weio con- liderably too itopular to suit McCoj's pre diction that tbo weather would bo warm ' 1 bo weathcr eleijc ov tdcntly had a sticak of Btubboinucss come over him , nnd decided to aiiimgo his own piogiam for a change. The snow and cold weather does not Diminish the demand for tun cage in the JCleln tiuct , 2 } miles east of the post- olllce ; 1100 aoies jet for bale in f torn ono to ten neto titiets , suitable for fruit and garden. Day & Hess , agents , 30 Pearl Bticot. Tickets for the Young Men's Christian assccliitioii conceit next Monday evening ai o now on tale at W. S. HomerV , Ii38 BrondvMiy , and Binekott's Corner book Btoro. j'i/.s ( >'iii. . D. 10. Cilcasonls homo from the west. Bom , to Mr. and Mis H U Powler , 313 Canton street , a son. Miss 'Mary McMlllcn. ono of the teachers of the Second avenue school , is soilously 111 ut her homo on Ninth avenue. Mrs. Malta Mjnstcr , who has been dan gerously ill for a number of weeks , Is ic- portcd to bo Improving , and her fiicnds ha\o nope for her n cox cry. Born , to Mr and Mrs Chailcs E. Wood- Inny , Wednesday moinlng , a son Mrs Woodbury and child aio at the homo of her parents , Mr. and Mrs B. M. Webster of Omaha. Hov William L. Braj % foimcilyof Kenosha - osha , Wis , will occupy the pulpit of tbo Klist Congregational church next Sunday Ho U a friend of Mr. N P Dodge , whoso guest ho will bo while In the city. J. II Downing , assistant seciotary of the State Bond of Ilnllvvuy Commissioners , was In the cjtj' .vcstcnlav Ho was at ono tlmo a resident of Council Bluffs but for tbo last twcntjMho jeais has made nls homo In Kan sas. _ _ _ _ _ Now that diphtheria is ptoxalent in Council IHulTs and Omaha every family ( mould bo provided with Dr. Jelloiis' in fallible diphtheria piovontivo and onto. It can be hud of Council Bluffs ding- gists or nt 2101 Cumlng street , Oinulin. For wanning guest ehambors , hath rooms , etc. , our gas heateis aio just what > ou want. Look at them. Clean , convenient , cheap. C. U. Gas and Elee- trio Light Co. Would I.lkii it I'nstonlrc. Editor Chase of the Atlantic Democrat was in the city jesterdaj making the rounds of the leading local iwlllielans with the purl - l > ese in MCW of seeing what could bo done rte improve his chances for sccuilng thu post- mastershlp at his town. "I was a candidate eight > eai sago , " ho said , "but got left tuo cause. 1 it tit nk whlskj. The Atlantic poli ticians bad their minds set on a man who drank moro whisky than 1 did , und , as 10I could not rnlso my iceord , the other man got theio. Now that I have quit drinking ' whisky uitlielj' , 1 niu colng to tiy it again , mid tit picsent am very well satisfied with ; thopiositeets. " Mr Chase Is very ixipulnr among the Council Bluffs people , nnd his suc cess would give pleasure to a great many Mr. llert liutlor , the famous violinist of Omaha , will piny at the Young Men's Christian association concert next Mon- ilnj night. Crown and other pianos. Crow n and other organs. At Bourlelua' , 110 Stutsinnn sheet. viMi'n PIInit rnnxT/'ii in uppn MS I'ROM ' COINCIL BLUMS Ono of the Members of the School Board Docs a Little Talking , . ONE FEATURE OF THE FIGHT IN THAT BODY Hole AMiuned by Mr. Wrllft In the Dninm Now llrlnK 1'rescMitiMl to thrlnx- | njorCltlrii ) Are Tir ing of the 1'iiM. "Thcie Is one feature of the school bonid fight , " said one of the republican members of the boitd jcsterd.iy , "that I think has nc\er been lefcncd to by any of tbo papers , In spite of tbo gicat Interest tlici bavo shown It would seem that the paper that dished up ten columns of tiuck two dajs In succession on the subject of the squabble might luuo found spacofora little additional statement , but It didn't. The fact Is , Mr Wells , who Is now iwslng as tho'filend of the mothcrV has his e\oon a place In con- gicss and he Is simply practicing his powers of eloquence on us poor defenseless school dlrcctois Now \vellslso\crtwentj-ono and It doesn't HCCIII to mo ho has UIIN light to make personal use of the public school nihantagcs of Council Bluffs without paIng lepular tuition i.ilcs Neveithcless , he's doing It right along " Ibo iltUcns and tnxpaiers aio becoming hcaitilj sick of the quarreling that has been going on In the board c'\er since last Mnuli J hcie aio onl.\ two more meetings before the icorganl7.itlon of the board will tal.o place , andtheio is leallyonli ono at whldi theic is llkelj to be a fight At that meeting Mr Wells , as chahman of the finance-committee , will make bis annual tceommendatlon with lefcietict' to tbosl/cof the tax kny for the jca * IhOI and will also make the lepoit. whlih Member .Shubeit w.ts so anxious to luuo fiom him , as to wbj ho neglected to te- mind the bo.nd when the titnnc.imofor mak ing thi le\i for the jcar 1S'.H Ills liiends prophes\ that in one or the other , or both , of these papcis ho will contihc it in some waj to gho Ills enemies one palling shot Then he and Picsident Waltc will step out und gi\e their places up to their successors , who aie jet to bo chosen Who these suc cessor will be is sllll a matter of gieat un certainty No names ha\o been mentioned as possible candidates , and it is f cat ed that tbeio will be tioublo in getting men who are willing to Join a company of pugilists of the nbilitj the picseut membeis of the boaul hi\e ; shown Onutatlons Fiom the Hoston Stoio mo ulwniH in reason , but this times mote than c\ur be- foio wolnuc annoiine'od our tft-uat mid- wintoi1 tulo of heavy morchaiKlhc to the public , and will close ouv tdoioall day today niai'kiiiHdown floods for the bale , which coimnonees tomoriow moiningn and lasts for eight dajs. Look over the follow in" ; b.ii'fjains ami frco if jou can tavo any money by ( lining this halo : AVASII GOODS. lile B.innrc'kbtn n suiting to close. 'He. ] " { c linton 8ititinf { , bale price OJe a jaid. Indigo blue prints only Ge a jaid. 7e _ beorsiicker ginyhams M a jnul during bale. 12Je tokio icpshilo they last , 7Je a yui d. d.Whjtelaw's Scotch /opliyrs , in dics pallet us , l Jo a jnid. ( Just half the regular price. ) GLOVES AND IIANDKHHCHTEFS. $1.00 Indies' mccha glo\cs In cream , tan nnd frieys , during nalo U5e a pair. COe , 7."ie and Ujc easlimoio gauntlet gloves , in two lots , IlUe and 4fc'o a pair. Ladies' black cashinoto glo\cs sold for Il.'ic , , 'tc and It'Je ' to go during &ale at 2oo a pair. Ladies' luuidkcicliiofs bold for "c and lOo to go at tills sale for tie each. Embioidoied S\\lss handkerchiefs bold for 17o , lOc andijc , tale price , 121ccach. 1 UNDqUVEAU MUST GO. Gents' $1.2o hcarlct imdorwear during bale , 7'Jc. Gents' 50e white merino underwear during ealo , Me. Gents' f > 0e gray merino underwear dm ing sale , 30o. Gents' $1.00 natural wool underwear during sale , 7Ce. Gents' ยง 2.00 ntitiu al wool underw ear during sale , $1.37 } . Ladies'li'lo eeriMcst and pants to go at 2.c. ) Ladies' , r > 0e ecru vest nnd pantn to go at 3le. ! Ladies'51.00 natuial wool underwear , "fie. "fie.Ladles' Ladles' $1.23 nntiual wool underwear , OSe. OSe.Ladles' Ladles' $1.0 natuial wool ribbed un derwear , $1.25. See bargains in tights , union suits , ehildien's and infants' imdorwear. DRF.SS GOODS. 30-inch plaid suitingtegular 2oc goodH , to go at lUeajaid. Don't seeing them. ISO-inch heavy suiting , dark colors , actual 19o shift , for 12jo a yard. All wool , jaid wide cheviots , sold for , ' 1'te , 31)c ) , and GOc , In ono lot for biilu nt 25c. 25c.Fano Fanowoavchin Dedfoid coids , coutlo mil , sold for bSc and $1.00 , choice OOe a jaid. India bergei nnd Arnold's fine henriot tnB , bold for Ojo und $1.17 , during tale 77e a yaid. Fauey die s patterns and Paris robes , exclusive stjles , bold for $7.00 , $10.0 ( and $15.00 , all at one-half the icgular pi ice. Ulaek goods. Endless \aiioty of bar gains in all grades. Don't mibs bcolng them. FOTHEUINOHAM , "WlUTKLAW & CO. Boston Store , Council Uluffs , la. K. 11. Remember , this sale stnit Satiuday , .lanunry 21bt and labts fo eight days. Stoio closed all day today marking down goods for bale. F. , W. & CO. Ni'J * Wii ) of ( 'li The Milwaukee Hnlluaj company has adopted a new sjstem for cliecklng baggage which will bo gicatly appreciated by tlio tuucllnf , public Hereafter when the ticket is pin chased at the uptown ofllce a check will bo gi\cn the purchaser liuaiing a num ber and tbo name of the place to which the ti unk or other biegago is to bo sent At tlio bamo time another check w ill bo filled out with the 11,11110 and residence of the pas senger , this numlxir of packages , the destina tion , the time tbo train lea-u-s , nnd the time w ncn the wagon is to call This check Is.ilbo numbered , and has a coupon which will bo toin oft by the oxpicbsman when tbo trunk Is dellxercd and ictalncd until the first of the month , when ho will check up w Itb the compa ij and pot his pav for the work ho has done. All the work w 111 bo done by ono company , so that there will bo no dlftlcultj In keei Ing track of the pack ages , nnd each passenger will pay for the express when he bu s his ticket , so that ho \\illlunono ie&poiislbllity In the matter further than seeing that his tiunk is put wheie thoexptcssman can get It , The now sehemo will doaunj with , ! great deal of In- con\enlcnco , and is so simple that the wonder Is that It was ne\cr thought of be- foie. Cral and wood ; Lott and cheapest lbboml haul wood in the citinompt ; delheiy. H. A. Cox , No. 4 fuin. Do you smoke ? llavo you tried T. D. King it Co.'s 1'artagns ? It's a cliarmer. Jiibt light one. Diingrrima henipplni ; , James l.'ckurt was brought before Justleo Vlen \ Cbtenlay morning for a hearing on the charge of assault with Intent to commit murder , The charge was prefeired by J. U Pcttlt , head brakvman on the Chicago , Bur- llugtou & Qulucy , ou which road Eckart U also e'mptoxcd as an rnglnccr According to thostori , as It was told In the court room , the two men have Imd some trouble nt In ter \als before About a week ago Pettlt tried to board I > kart's engine In the jnrds , In order to ! > ave himself a walk from the round house to the depot. As he caught hold of the engine ho claims Ix-kart game him a push Unit sent htm flying off the stciutnd almost under the wheels Ho rciwrtcd the case to the officials and Lckart was dis charged from the employ of the company. After thinking the matter o\cr I'ettlt de cided to ha\e Ix'knit arrested , and ho ac cordingly filed the Information which re sulted in jrsteidnj's linestlgatlon l > kait admitted pushing I'ettlt , but stated In self- defence that ho had no Intention of hurting him , and that be acted as be did only because - cause he was mad at I'ettlt for coupling n locomotho to a train under which ho was at woik a short tlmo before. The Hist Information mation was consequently withdrawn and M : > othcr ono filed cbaiglng Kcltnrt with as sault. I'ront'n Tree Urldr. ( Is a penny s.ucd a penny earned ! Per haps , sometimes. The iccent alsnppcfiianco of Hobcit Kienltznnd the staitling cxpcil- enco which befell himself has caused nt least one expeilmcntu' tn doubt the old economist axiom Ho haden In the habit of expending 1 cent a tilp crossIng - Ing the bridge to get to and fiom bis worklicn Jack Host built his ii'i tnidgo in competition with tbo motor compain , the thrifty woiklngman concluded to sa\o his toll and walko\crthefieebiidge lie can s.ue 1 cent twice a dn > . 'Ibis would amount to M cents a month or over * T > a jeai. or w hat w 111 bo to b.n ing * 1.V ) In a sav ings bank gl\ing him I per cent Inteiest In foity jcais ho will sa'vo $ MO , which put at compound Intelcst would , and ho stinted acioss the Ice to sa\o his Hist cent About half waj oxer the iher his left leg suddenly went through a hole , and it was onli bj ali\eli scramble that he kept the other out Dienched to the waist lie found himself like a Imlf-dono icicle b.the . time he leached the other sboie Ho sa\edbls life and thepennj , and had a two weeks' seigo of iheumatism thrown in , together with a doctor's bill of * li ( and the loss of two weeks time When he got so he could limp acioss the ihcr ag.Un he invested a pennj instead of taking Tiost s fiee bridge ; thu ( inuid llotil. "The (3IT id hotel at Council Bluffs is w ithout unj exception the lino-it und be-s-t in ovor.lespeet in low a"said War- ion W. Wolfo. ium eventingthoVestein Autogiuphie Keglsti1 , Co. , of St. Paul , je-otciidlij. "It is liner and bettor kept than the Suveryof De'i Moines and is out of sight above the Gunotson of Sioux City. I hud no idea thoio Mich a hotel here , und when the traveling men generally llml out what I have , theio will bo humheds of them going out of their way to stop over Sunday.1 Stolen Sleds Hi \pinl. . A number of small bos living in the citj have caused certain stoiekccpeis consider able trouble latel } b } nipping sleds that had been put out in fiont of their places of busi ness for advertising purposes About a dozen have been taken in this waj and the stoic kecpcis at last deteimined to put u stop to the business 'ihc } .ucoidlnel } watched and at last succeeded In llmling who was doing the sleight of-hnnd woik A visit was paid to the houses of the bovs and the sleds weio till lecoveicd Mr Potter at HIS nioadwn } , Cole & Cole and Mrs. Amletson vuuo the meicbiints whose goods woto stolen , while tbo names of the bos im plicated wcio Utteiback nnd Tuller , all of them belonging to well known families The } state that the } arc contented to have the sleds back and will not pioscctttu the bovaUfco Ufco Koul-Spar ! A li'io imckngo paves 2. > per e-ent of your coal bill , besides other comforts , and is hiillloient to treat ono ton. For sale by Junsi-cn fc Gicgg , No. 37 J Pcail btrcot. Wanted Cash offer for ten slimes Citi/cn'H State bank stock. Must be sold. Address U. A. Sheafo. I'lrc In nn i\ir ; | < ' Olllcc. There was a small Hie at a o'clock jester- day morning In the icar loom of the Amcti- can Express company , at the coiner of Broadway and Main street. A colored man who sleeps in the loom , accidentally set ilro to a curtain. The blaze was put out without the assistance of the lite dcpaitmcnt , and the damage was nominal , although there was a good deal of smoke. The bed clothing of the coloicd man was ruined , together with some of bis personal effects. ll.lIfVU/.IJN At'J'AIJt ! ) . Proceedings In the Lcglslnttirc A I.otlorj 1II1I l'U8hCl. SAN PIIANCISCO , Cal. , Jan 19 The steam ship Marlposi ariived todiij fiom Austialii and Honolulu , bringing news from the latter place that immcdlatelj alter the depaituro of the steamer Austialla , Januaiy 4 , resolu- tlons of w ant of confidence against the min istry weio Introduced in the legislature , taking c\eribody by suipiiso Ucprescnta- the Bush , under suspension ofthoiules , presented the icsolutions. They chaigcd that the cabinet had done nothing to ullo- \iate the financial distiess and had shown a total want of competency , besides not icpre- sentlng the people at laige Bush stated that lie consldcicd tlicio should alwajs be a falrroiuesentation of the Hawaiian people in the cabinet. The debate continued nil tbo aftcinoon , ending bj tlio ministry being sustained b.oto . of i-'O to Hi Tholegislatuio has passed a resolution moulting that a committee of the Hawaiian leglslatuio bo appointed by the queen to pro ceed to Washington to obtain Infoimatlon as to the tcims upon which closer commercial 1 lelntions , mutually advantageous to the United States and Hawaii , could bo estab lished 1 ho committee will consist of T. A. Thuiston.T. W Wilcox. J N A. Wuhl.J 1C. Losofa and J II. Wnpiuill.ini , The lottety bill , granting the piivilego of maintaining a lottery to H. D. Cioss of Chicago cage and otbcis passed , but it is doubtful if the queen will sign the bill. Fini : i One Mini SufToratrd and Llglit Others Nnr- rovtl ) i : ( Hp Death lit . OAI i sin ltd , 111 , , Jan. ID The Ice house of the Glenwood Ice compiny caught tire this moinlng. Swan Blown , ono of the work men , was suffocated and eight others bad u nairow escape A largo stock of apples be longing to Copcland & Maitin of Builington uasb.uUi damaged I.ONDOV , Jan 111 A lace factor.v at Mites- ton , Deihsblie , was diuiagcd fiOO.OOO bi ll 10 today SVMOIIII , Mo.Jan 19A mill containing the weaving and djelng departments of the doodalo Worsted companj has been buincd Cause of llio unknown Loss , $100,000 , cov- eieil bv insurance. \\\t \ ) Tliejere Dim li irged , POUT WAI sc , Ind , Jan 19 Tonight tbo nominal cause of the iccent discharges of opera tens on the Wubash line wasleanied Shortly befoio the gile\nnco committee went to St IxHiis a letter was sent to o\cry operator asking whether , In the event of trouble , ho would stand by tbo Order of Hallway ' 1 elegiaphcrs or the company Some of these letters weio loft unanswered nnd in every case the telegrapher dismissed has be'en ono who failed to answer the letter ST IvOi'is , Mo , Jan 19 General Manager Hajes of the Wnbash states that the recent dlschaige of so\etal operators has no connec tion wlutc\cr with the organization of thy Oixler of Hallway Telcgrupheis HOBI.NS the men were discharged for good reasons and not for the pin | K > SO of ci Ippling the Order of Katlwaj Telegrapheis G UA rstov , Tex , Jan. 19 During the hull- IIiii dajs Goveinor Hogg blt'd south Tj'xas on a fishing exclusion and Installed Lieutenant GnernorVcmlleton in hlsolllce' The ' ques tion has slnco been raised as to the constitu tlonullty of Pcndleton's acts The Texas constitution provides that tbo lieutenant governor shall servo in caseof the governor's disability or absence from the state , but does not prov ido for the governor's mere ab sence from the seat of government. bik The best constitutional lasers think Lieutenant Governor ' Pendleton's acts am 1 unconstitutional. Among other acts ho par doned several convicts and these cases arc to bo tested. TO HAVE ASOTIffl HEARING D.\n Oonghlin , One of tt.e Oronin Suspects , Granted a N6v ? " Trial , REASONS GIVEN FOR THE OURT'S ' ACTION ' ' T o Jurors Snt In Trlil'oi'i the Condriiiuril . Miln UhoVer i ' ' | - .Menin n rti the rrl cnier'M rrceitont Coiicli- * ] 11 lln Inter\le\tcd. OTTAWA , 111. , .Tan 10. D.mlel Couphltii , the only man lUlnpof the three who wcro sentenced to spend their li\es w Ithln prison v alls for the murder of Dr. Patrick Cronin , Is piobdbly a frco man. The verdict \\hlch condemned htmvus today set asldu and his case remanded for a new tiial. Cotighlln \ \ 111 now , In all probability , ( jo fico , because \\lllbcpiactlcally impossible to camlet lilin at'alii. The witness , 1'uttlck Dlnnnlio s\oro that CoiiRhlln lihed from his ll\eri stable the \\hlto horse which carried Cionln away to his death , died many months ago His uUdcnco w.ts the main thing which led the Jury to declare that Coughlln was gtiiltj of conspiiiici to murder Tineo of the four men who stood ttlil with Coughlln John r Heggs , 1'atiick OSullhatt and Maitln Iltulto aio dead Kuno was to nil Intents and put poses ac quit ted and cannot bo tt led again With all his alleged companions In the conspiiacj out of thewaj tlu < state's attoinPi dec laics he can haidlj convict one man of c'onspitaci whcnii dhcct ( .haigu of murder was not ptovcn against Coughlln in the illsttrial This will piohabli end the legal chapter of the most seiis-ttioiml minder case the woild has c\er kiioun ' 1'ho ic\crsal is based ) itincipilh on the Incligiblllt of Uoutocoti and Claik. Jutots The Jnslico "sbous by the examlti ition of tncso two witnesses that tbewerepteju - dlicd when summoned , tb tlie\ had foimed opinions , und that torne.\s weic , to all nppcatanccs. giossly caieless The two Jmois wcto bronchi Into court on a special icniio and sped Uli ap pointed b\ the til il eomt for the juirposp. At the time thewcio called and examined as jut01 s , Coughlln had exhausted the num ber of pciemptoii challenges allowed hi law and could do no moie than a\cr bis objec tions to the. citation of the two men as jurots When Boutccou was examined bj the counsel for the defense ho testified ho bad lead newspaper accounts of the uimo and had an opinion as to the guilt of Cough lln. Buiko and OSullhan , but that his opinion would not piu\cut him fioiu being an impnitial juror Boutecou testified that he cnteitalned a stiong piejudlco against the Chin n t-G.icl and would toftiso to bclie\o them under o.ith and most ot the witnesses weio membeis of body. testified be had an opinion as to the guilt of the acc\t.ed . , but ho could lender an impaittaleidict. . lie admitted that he had fiequenth expiessed nn opinion as to the guilt of the accused an I slid that ho entei- tained a piejudico against ; the Clan na-Gael The supreme comt declaies that the de fendant had a i luht to a fair and impai tinl ttial , and it was c\ident that ho could not lune had such a tiial when two of the men who condemned him bad admitted befoie the tiial that theweic piejndieed ng.ilnst him and against the imm who ga\o the bulk of tbo testimoiii intioduced in his beh ilf Two of the justices , Stholleld and Ma gi udcr , dissented JOLIBT. Ill Jan 10 - Daniel Coughliii was seen In the penitentiary tonight , and to si\ that ho is a liappi muii is expiesslng It mildli. Ho is now confident of bis ul timate fieedom , because , as ho expiessed it , "the people cooled down and I will get .1 fair tiial , and that means I will bo a fieo man. Public opinion was too stiong against us for , nn acquittal before. I am an innocent man andjha\o been wrongly punished , for I krjowh nothing , whate\er about the .nuidcr of Dr. Cronin. I had noth ing to do with it , and do not know * who did the job. That is all I can say now. " kiwi ovr JIT ivi : . Xuutuikct Isliindors 1'ieipiitrd fiom Obtnln- liiK 1'ood and Oilier Supplies. NEW BEDFOUH , Mass , Jan. 11) ) [ Special Telegram to Tun BFK ] ror the last tlueo d.ijs the steamer which entries sutiplics to the 1,500 people lling on the island of Nan tucket has been unable to reach tbo island owing to tbo diflicultyof btcaking through the vast ice llocs which are between the mainland and the island. When the steamer last touched at Nantucket the people ple tbeie had scanty supplies of provisions and fcais are entertained that theio may bo much sufTeilng before communication with the island can be resumed. An effort was made tonight to get a tug across fiom Woods Hole , but It was unsuc cessful 1 he tug returned at 11 o'clock and icpoitcd that it was impossible to get through the Ice , and it would piobably take tinee dajs to effect a passage. In the mean time the people on the island will bo biought to an extiemity. Bffoits will be lesumed in the moinlng to icach the island. Midnaj between the island and the main , land Is a channel filled with floating Ice. On each bank the ice is insecure , so that pas sage oer on the ice is impossible. J.IKKLTO J. ! S"o Jurj Can He Secured to Tn the Wjom ln Cattlemen , CHLIESNE , AV0 , Jan. 10 [ Special Tele gram to Tim Brn. ] Up to date there have been 909 talesmen examined for jmots in cattlemen's case , and tbo prospect of seem ing a Jury Is as far off as ever. Johnsoi county men who me in the city assert tha the ti ml w ill bo pushed to the bitter end but the proba-bilily is that the case w II never be tried At the pie-sent rate neaily 5,000 talesmen w ill have to bo examined bo foi e a jui yean bo gotten , and there are no half that number in the county. If a cannot be secured the case will bo throw i out of couit nnd the men released. o How I'ort Seott Hnbhers Work. POUT SCOTT , Kan , Jan 19 Mrs. Annie Crawfoid was walking on Wall street li fiont of the Tiemont hotel heie last nigh when she was seized by n man , v\ho covcic ( her face with : i cloth satin at ed vvith cbloio form , and pi evented her from making at outers She was then robbed of ho Jewelry , consisting of earrings , ( Hainan linger rings anil hreastpui and JS in money An hour nnd n half Inter she was found unconscious consc-ious in front of Jmr mother's door and vvab not able to te-ll lien uxpeiiene-o until this inoi nlng Slio Is vcrjl ill nnd m.iy die Mis Craw ford llvo ( n ChicMRo nnd is the vvifoof a railroad conductor of that city She v\.is heio visiting lieu mother , Mrs Marie Hatpin J Entitled to iiTrl il \ > ) Jar ) . ST Pit i. , Minn , .Tiih. J9 Judge rMgerton yesterday discharged the Chinaman , Ah Yulta , sentenced by dojlimlssloner Carey of Dulutli to thirty dajs ' , Imprisonment at hat\l Inlxir , then to bo deported to China , on haDeas corpus proceedings His decision Is that the part of the Iijvvrwhich provides that a commissioner may scnciicoa Chinaman to haul labor vv ithout n trial by Jury Is uncon stitutional This decision docs not affect the right of .1 commissioner , however , to sentence n Chinaman to bo deported under the provisions of the law \v Chlncte MluUtcr. WASIU.NOTOV , D C. , Jan 19 The Post hns infoim.ition that about six weeks ago the Chinese foicign oftlco vuicd Yung Ylu to ii-port In person at once Upon hlsairivnl Mr . Hravrii' * Ili-rlpe. luru > PW Dress. 1 lust vcir's conn , f.idoJ a 1 spool tlircud. 1 spool silk , 'puckuiusd nmond iljcs , the color doslrod Hip the di ess and clo.m thourouglj Put Into the d.vob.ith v\hilo vvct , us dhccted on the die package. After dicing , wnsh , dry , nnd press Then make up in some nowsti lo The result w 111 surprise those unaccustomed to the use of diamond dcs , for the dcd- overdress will look like a brand new one. ho was oJTered the ) > osltloti of minister to the t'liltcdStntM and ho accepted H Hi will relieve the present minister In May Mr Yung Yin Is an oftlclal of the sccjnd runic In his oun countr.v and Is said to bo of the prc- giesstve t.vpoof his countrymen. Annllirr Clinrcli lti\v. HiKtiuiT , Ind , Jan -Hcv.S Hclntnger , vvho was trleil by tut couit of the Kv angelic nssoclntlini I n Cleveland two weeks ago , 1ms resigned Ills pulpit and left the church , refusing to retract this utter ances against the nssocl itlon oftlclals. for which charges were pi oferred neiilnst him A number of membeis will wltlidinw with their Into pastor. llrnlo llniiKtd by n Moll. Ala , Jan. 10 In Plckens county , two nights ago , Miiy Davis , n white girl ngcd 1 , ' ) , gave birth to n negro child. confessing that .lames AVIlltams , colored , was Its father. Williams was airested , but n niasued mob overpowned the ofllccis and took him nnd hanged him Out ) u 1 like. When General Bittloi1 vhtte'il Sun FriincKco n deciulo or more ti < > , ays the Kxnniinci * , u irout crowd collected tit the ferry Inndiiin to hce nnd chocihim. . As the people trooped olT the boat the k'cnoial walked quickly through the craning , cheering thion j , entered n hack nnd was driven to Market stieet , followed by the throiifj. Ho left the hack nt the I'nlnco hotel , wheio his hand was i cached for right nnd left b \ men who said : "General , I was with j OH lit Peters- hni'f , ' ! " " 1 remeinhei1 jou fiom the dajs al New Orleans.1' "t was itndei' you befoio Port Fishei1.1 He walked , nodding nllnhly to i-lght nnd left , to a cheap clothing tttoio , and there appearing upon a balconj begun a huraiipuo with : "Ladies and Kcntlcnieii : Let me cull jour attention to onr line line of sock- , . And- " It was an luUcrtNlng fake. The veal General Butler arrived , almost un noticed , foj the next boat. SpciiUcr Itend's Si iri't. P\-Speakei' Heed has given away the sect et of Ills ability to count a quorum in the Fifty-Hi st congiess when w > maiij of the members wete in the cloakroom. Ho and Representative Sheiman Hoar were talking of the matter and Mi' . Hutu * u , kcd for un expluntition. "Oomo heietind 1 will show jou , " Mild Mi * . Reed , lie led Mr. Ilotu * to tlio sjieaker's plaeo and showed him how ho could Htand theio and look through a door into the cloukiooin on the ilemoci title side und could toe u largo mirror which brought into view nearly every wquuro foot of space in the loom. "It was use less , " wild Mr. Reed , "for u dcmocuit to attempt to keep from being counted und recoided us being piohent by going in theie. I could r-eo him as plainly as if he had lemaincd in his beat on the lloor. " _ _ Sucdlih Diet Opened. STOCKHOLM , .Inn. 1 ! ) . The Swedish Diet was opened yesterday. King Oicar reccommended the Diet to grant credits for inci easing the nuvj and completing the Noi thorn i ailw ay. or v/sij ; .ir. Doini'stlr. The Indiana natural gas wells are becoming exhausted Mississippi and f/oulslina people are shiverIng - Ing with tbo ( old , whllo those of Montan i h ivo already commenced their spring plowing. Two ht. Louis , Mo , fruit dealers Joseph Ohio and Joseph Xanone. have tecclved let ters purporting to bo from the Mafia In New Orleans , mal.lng very ugly threats against Ohio , who Is vvained to leave the countiy. Thu special committee of the National TUIItorlal association , appointed by the gen eral committee last October to select tlmo and place for holding the next annual nuetlng , has decided to hold Its next meutlirf In Chicago cage , from May 0 to May 0. S. Otho Wilson , the head of Charles Gideon's band , n seen t oath bound Older , uhlc'h Is ( in outgiowth of the populist rtlng of the fanners alllanco oigaiilrat Inn , has been Idlcted by the grand lury ofVaUo county , South Caio- llna , for belonging to a secret political organl- rallon. Ho 1I1 prob ibly be tried at this term of com t. Hon. James H. Patterson Is engaged In form ing n new cabinet foi thu Vlt'totla govern ment , Australia. li , Kandall and C. It AVellton have been sentenced by a M. Johns jndgu to the peniten tiary foi live yearThu jitlsonurs were 10- eently found guilty of denaiidliig Insurance and benellt associations out of huge amounts by altectln "gtavu > uid insiiianeo" upon u nnmbei of people In Novabcotla. It Cures Coldt , Coughi , Sere Throat , Croup , InCa- cna7booplnp Cough , BronchlUt and Aethma. A certain cure for Coniuiuptlon in firtt itagd , and a iure relief in advanced itatn. TJ e at once. You will ice the excellent effect after taking the flrit doie. Bold by dealer * everyvfhere. Large bottlei 60 centa and Cl 00. fr. O. ( Jco t\Vo the fa mous r C UOpllJ c 1 u n ol O m u h n li us over 1.IUU suite- m o n t f r o in pru to f nl li at ion ts who Imvo the most biicccssfnl physicians In Omiilia to duy Is Dr. ( ' . ( Joe Wo who for the past t voyeurs yours bus been doing more good for snlforlnx humanity than all othur spuclallsts In the country. Tliodootoroan successfully tioit you by mull mil euro you. as hu h IH done thotis mda of others , with his vumdnrfnl Olilncso romc dies. Do not delay until your dlsoiwo Is bc- jond all help , but wrlto to h in If you cunno' call upon him nt once , and ho will gtvo yoi his candid opinion of your case. I.\amliia tlons free and It wl I cost you nothing to eon. suit with him Question blinks sent uuon up plication Addrci * , DR. C. GEE WO , SlO'i N. IClhSt.Onmha PANS TADULEG rtkulalcg i itcmacb , llrrr and l > c U. i iirtJ ! the hlood , are Ufa and cffrclual | J i itctl inrdlcitie known for blllouw T nrna. cunaUpattou. djrpeptla. foul ? brroth. braa&f'Iitf. hcutliuru.Ictauf 6 arix-lllf. runul drprruiou , painful 0 . 'aalluw cd'mllfii Olmpurebloodor "fillufubyt e'ic m ih Ilirrurlh * t llnf topertorro theirproi > crfmcllon . IcnrciiJ 2lll"n to nTi-reatlng arnbenoilUil bj Uklmranr fUr ] XcaclimeAl Irtcp tit mall. 1 irrn , t < wjnrl'.Iir. J 2 lill'AMS Cllr UICAL CO . IP tiiruce bt. hew 1 ork ] % OOr > 4A < > 4 > V 4 * * > 4'f > l 4 * * * < > < k oAM o OOC Or f/io//oiior///i/ > /f l' < tnltl\-aty Oniod ly.\ifinliilatvflitu JJr.iinos * ' It can bo men In n cup ot cotlonor tea or In food nllhuut tbu knowlertifHor tlio patlont It li nlJio lutulr Imrinlctt unil will cilurt a permnneiu ami nicccjr cure , nliellier the patlnnt li a modoratu drlnkur or an alcoholic wreck It hat been iilTonlu tnoiiiaiuli of cases iml In nierj Initsnce a perfect turu bai followed It nuvor falln 'ilia jrtlum unco luiprpennted with lliaSpoclUe It bocomat an utter liniioiiltillUT for tlm liquor apuallttt to uil.l ( , ( > ! , Ii.N : M'i'iri : ( ; ( M ) , , I'ropi. tlnclunatl O (8 pnvo book of particular * frjo 'lo ba had of Kuhn A Co IStb aal Douilai Uti WUoleile , lllake , llruo t Co , and Itlchatdiga Umaba , Kt\t \ My Sweetheart s Face that's my wife's you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres sion , ever since 1 presented her a bet : of WHITE RUSSBAN She is always recommending JfnPs soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make labor easy , and ensure perfectly clean clothes. She knows what she's talking about don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap Tha" . . . .d Any oi'e ' whose Watch has a bow ( ringwill ) never have oc- casiontousetliistime-honoied cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted ofi the case , and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and oilier watch cases stamped with this trade maik. Aslc your jeweler fora pamphletor scntl to the manufacturers , Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. Omaha's Newssl HDtel CDR. 12TH AND H3WA13 3D. (0 llooms nt $ ' ,50 per dir- U ) rooms at MOJ per Anj. 0 Iloounvith Until nt M per dir 18 Itooms with Until at n 1 > to H 5 ] p Q PEN ELA.UGUST IsL .Modern In ISvrry Itcupcct. Ji\vl > 1 iirnlslicdTlirniiKliniit. C. S. ERB. Prop. Improve ! 8af3) ) ; Elevabn , KIMBALL BROS. OMAHA ornon 1011 Cor. Oth St. and 11 Ave. , Council ItlnlTH. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing and Cloanlns done In film IiUlioit style ot the art. I'adoil and tallied f ibrlcs made to tool , as goo 1 as now. \\oric promptly done ant dollvorol In ull parts of tlio country , bend for prluo list. C. A. MACHAN , Proprlotor. Brcadwnv. near Northwestern Do ot , CoiincIfiiilYrt , In. Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE Tlio unly perfect vaginal and rcctul sirlnuu lu the oorlil U Is the only Srrlnno or er Invented lif which vaitl n l Injection ! can bo ad mlnUteretl without leak ing anil tolllni : the olotli Inx or nec > * ltatliu tlm mo of a void , Riirt nlilcli can alee bo Uffd for rectal Injections or Irrigation bOFU ItUllllhlt lltll.ll AM ) 1IAHU ULU1IK11 b 1 1 1C I.I * Moll orders pollened TheAloe&PeafoldCo , , Iflf/j SfrooJ. hEM1 TO I'OiTOtFICB I'bvrlclanii prcicrlpttoni accurately prepared at low urlcoi DISORDERS Ant all the trnln of EVILS , WiAKXK33K : * . IlKH KT th-u n3 cnmpanr Ihc-m In men yt'lCKI.V anl NKN'll.Y CLIIKI ) riill hlHIIM/l'll nnd tuna given tu orerr pMtot tha bo ly 1 will lull (10 ( curelr | iciied ) r UKU to nny miHor r Hi3 preiorlp- lion that curoi meof ttiaio trouble ) AJJrjjs I , . A. lIHAUI.hV lUrrLK CIltEK "Absolutely the Best Made , " * "A Delicious Medicated Con- feet ion" for the relief of Cough * . Coldi , Hoarseness , Sere Throat , for clearing tMU voice. For sale nil Druggists nnd Confectioners. Packed in fult two ounce packages , 1'iiccfl Cents. If you are unable to procure the 1'otnom Cough Tablets from your denier send us 8 cents in stamps und receive n box by tnnil. Made by the manufacturers" the celebrated Pomona Kruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & CO , , Council DIufTs , In. Parties Atihensor , 13tidwoi = or , Faust ana Palo nnnius , m-riinu uorn-nD OR IN K'lXiH , can lemvo 01 dor * nt No. 218 Mniu Strcot , Council BluuV , lowu , or Telephone - phone 88. Goods delivered proinntly. sou : AGINCY : rou Brewing fiss'n 01 si. loo's ' , OICJ3JR. iOO 1IUOADW.W , COUMMI , W.UITS. Money LoiiMcd on Diamonds , WnU'lics , etc. , lllg bargains In unrcdcc'med plcdiics , Special COUNCIL BLUFFS. Aliin ItACTS ninl lo ni Farm nml oltr proparlr lioutilit auJ gold 1'uiojr A 'lliomus , Council IlliilTH U ( IIOIC K lots In Vltriia it I lit Km nuir cist end Jof thu ncvr luturstnto tirlilzu Will soil In bunchei or lntlr ( Joor.'j Motoilf 0)uull Illults. GAHliAdIO ro3iOT3U oeisioJlJ vijlti nad ililranavicletnaJ K l > llurka oltr bid * l.iOH--Al.reoit ItKM'-jin ncra farm nlno mllei i fast of Council llliHTs well Improved , building * imd femes III noir Adilrcu or cull on It T lUla or II IlncK Council Hint's. 640 A ( It 1C farm 16 inllcn from l.lnraln , Neb , lra proTCd I'rito only JIJ per ucris K taken it once. Joliniton & Van I'-tten IJHW tJAI.KMy livery business In this city or will trndo stock for KOUC ! clear prouorty John Do * hany , loiint.ll II I alts 200 ACHKS 4h miles from Onklaml , ROO I ntxta ot cultlvntlon , novel ! room home , orchard , corn rrlbs and ( .rnnnrles , > TII | s"ll for f\n \ an aero. ( irccnslilcldi Mcbol'on & Co ,051 Uiondnny. rPIHlisK room liousoon Sjulh KlorGtitli street , X clear of Incunibranro , to exchange tor uptown residence \MII puy dlftcrcnco In cnsli. ( iroua * thlclds , Mcliolion & Co noiiHK wanted la exchange for lot lietwern llromlnnr and now bridge. Uroonshlol ds , Mich * Olson X Co "OHO room eet , store , table , matting , for aalo at I'l.'j llh street. \ \ * ArTIl > competent Alrl for general boui . ' ' v < ork ( M U 1'lcrco street To J. II. llontello , Mike Vot.irn , Catharine I'OChlln , M. hovcrun SHOIISPII. A. 1 * . fhrlsto- phei-ion , Clara 1'ord , O. II Kllsnorlli , John Molir , Ucorgo II. T/si'itrh , James O. Nelson , I'ctcr HohlVattir I < . Solby , Jnino1 ! ( J. Alien : You aio lu-rcby notlllcil tint the tuulor- dlKiioil , tliruu dlsliiturcstcd frvoholdcrs ( if the city of Oin iliu , liuxu been duly appointed by HID niiyor , with the approval of thuctly coun cil of Milit city , to asscsi thu ( Ititn.iKO to tlin ouiifis ruspcctlNoly of tlm piopurty ucclnrcil by ordltianco IIPCPSS uy to bo npproprlatod for the usoiif sildcltj , foi the piitposoof ojx'tilnu and extending Hlxtountli htioot from Vlntou bin 1 1 to tlio south city limits Von aic fuillioi notlllod , that liavliij : nc- ooplod sild appolnttnonl , and duly iiuallllotl icd by lau , wu \ \ [ \ \ , on the iiOtli duy of I .Iiinnuiv , A I ) 1BU1 , at tbu hour of 11 o'clock ' In the fotPiioon. at thu ollluo of T. II. McOul- lotli , room H4i ! , NowYmk Mfo bulldlti ! ; , within thu coi potato Ilmltsof said ultv , moot for the puipo o of consldurltiK and niaUliiK thu u ufis- inciit of duinuxQ tothuouiu'rs H'spi ctlvoly , of s.ild propel ty , by it-asou of such taklin ; .intl appropriation thiiruof , taking Into consliluni- tlon special lipucllls , If any The property bplon lnx to j on , proposed to bo appropriated as nfoiusild , and \\hluhhU4 bt't n ( U'clattd iiivcss uy by tlm council , by ordinance toapproprlatu to thouioof thoclty , In'ln.u' stuitMl | In N ltd city of Omaha , In the count v of Doiulas , and state of Nobi iska , la dc'M'ilU'd as follows , ( d-ull : S'JOfctt of 00 fcutof lot-to , H. K. IlofcorV plal , Uliahonu ; 10 foct , of lots 10 and 11. .Nlottor's subdivision of lot 4H , H II. plat , Ukahoina ; w 0(1 ( ftnt of Kiihlot 1 , tax lot 20 , w i4 ! fci't of lot 15 , Oak lllll No. 2 ; H 7 foot of w2 ! fi-Ptof lot 10 , Oilc : Hill No 2 ; w 10 foot oflotsC-7-B Motion's sulxlU Moil of lot 48 , 9. i : . Ko-'tTs' plat , OUahonu ; n 21MI foot w GO feet oT lot -Hi , S i ; Ito urV plat , Okahoma ; W Oft ot lot 1 I , Mottoi'N subdlv Islon of lot IB , S. 1. lingers' pi it. Ok ihotna ; w .10 ft'ot of sublet l.ta\lot-0 ; Id feet lot 'J , Mottor'H Niibdlvl- slon of lot 18 , S K UoK < 'iV plat , OKahonm ; w iJ ! feet , ctccpt H 7 foi-t , of lot 10 , O lie lllll No. 2 ; lot 14 , Mottoi'ssi < 'idUlslono'J43 ' ; foot of lot 'Jr. KI > .LPS | subdlvl'ilon You are notified to bo proiont tit thotlmo and place afoiesald , and iiiiiko any objections toorstatcniontHCdncmnliiKhald proposed ap- inoprlatlon , or ussessniunt of damages , us yon may consider pi opei . T II MrCUMXK'H. JOHN 1' PhACIf. JAMlId bl'OUKlAI ) < n Omah i , .Tanuiry u , Id J ) .l-d'JOt ( l'ri > | iosil fur llnuinl ury hurvoy miilAl oil nicntH. DH'AIITMr.VTOK TUB iNTEIIIOIl , Gunoral Land Ollleo , WASiiiNiTO > . li O. Docein bor2J. ' 1'2. ' Scalrd propos&li will bo at tlioKon- crul land olllio.Vasiiliuton , i ) U , until 3 o'clock p in. on H iturday. the U'Uli day ot Jtnuwiy , I83J. for the nuror and niikrlni ; by siiltibe monuments , of tn it portion of the lionndHIy line butwuen the state of NobruHka and the stale of South 1) lUota which tics west of the Missouri rlvor , ai atlttiorUcd liv the not of oonyrofes. approvol Au.-int n , 18/J. iniklnK uppioprlntlon for Hitrvuylni ; the pulillu lands rnmiililot Hntutos at hi rue. bUI-1'02 , p. UTOlj ftlso for thu furnishing of mono monument * to bo place I at hnlf-mllu Inturv its on said boun dary Tbu bids for vho mirvov and for the monuments must be suparato , wl'h tlm prlvl- lese to the bidder Unit If ho Is not -uvurdsd thu contract for both ho will bu bound to con- traut for nuither. Copies of tliospuulQoitloni may bo hud upon i.pplluntlon to this olllco. l.iidi bid muit bunccomnitnlpd hy n certllled thockforiW ) . The rUlit to rojoot any or all bids It leservoil I'ropoiulH mutt bo moloieii In cnvolopoj soalo I and mnrkod ' 1'roposnln for surrey of bonndury lioHAioi ; NobrniUa and ' ontli I ) ikotn " and "I'roposnh for bnun- dniy inoiiuiiionts " and addronod to the Uon > mlsilomir of tboUonunil hand O 111 20 , Wash * IiiKton , I ) U. [ SUnod ] W M BTONr. Uommlstlouor. Evans Laundry Co. S. F. HENRY , EEC'Y AND MD'R. 520 PEARL ST. , Council Bliilfs , la. . Telephone 200. Special Terms to Agend