Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1893, Image 1

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Prospects of Much Woo for Somebody Prom
ised by the Independents ,
IrrcguhritieB of All Sorts to Bo Searchingly
Looked After ,
Trotumrer Hill and Governor Boyd Under the
Ban of Populist Disapproval.
JIIII Said to He Many TliuiisiinilK Klchrr hy
ICeiison of the ( loxrrnor'B I-'iillnr to
Cull Mini to Account The
Hrnutorliit Munition.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : Dm : . ] Men who have been In attend
ance nt Nebraska legislative sessions for the
past twenty-four years say that there was
never before a senatorial light like the pres
ent. It has become unbearably dull , and is
getting moro so every day. Today's vote
was indicative of nothing , and in nil human
probability that of tomorrow will Indicate
less. There was some talk this evening of
adjourning tomorrow noon after the ballotIng -
Ing until Tuesday morning , but the constitu
tional lawyers said that It would never do.
iifl the statute requires a ballot to bo taken
every day , so a session will bo held Satur
day. It Is stated that the only valid excuse
for missing a ballot would bo on the ground
of no iuorum | and that such an event would
only tide It over for twenty-four hours.
As long as ltl ! of the 133 members of Iho
Joint convention arc present , there is little
probability that the question of quorum will
bo raised.
The only curiosity felt concerns the likeli
hood of changes and what they will probably
bo , but Information from the headquarters
of the various candidates is to the effect that
the vote tomorrow will bo about what it was
today. The candidates have remained in
their rooms the greater part of the day , and
have received the usual number of calls. It
was so dull this evening that several of the
senatorial managers availed themselves of
the opportunity to retlro early and prepare
for the battle that is to como some time in
the future.
Only Feature U' Hoodie.
The talk of coming investigations is all
that enlivens the dragging hours. The plan
thus far mapped out by tlio moro honest mem
bers of the independent contingent i.s to trust
the matter to a subcommittee. Ithaslcakcd
out that the plan of the boodlcrs to stnvo off
damaging dovolopmcnts was to scciiro thu ap
pointment of a permancntcomtnission , whoso
duty it would bo to investigate every state
institution. The course that was then to bo
followed was to have the commission begin
with the Institutions where it is practically
certain that everything is all right , deferring
taking u ] ) these where an investigation is
most needed until the last. In this way the
developments most to bo feared by the boodle
gang would not bo forthcoming for nearly a
year , and It was figured that before that time
the nubile would become satisfied that there
was nothing so very rotten after all. The
scheme was a pretty ono , but it fell through
just the same.
Will ( lo After Treasurer Hill.
' Another leak rqvcals the fact that the
Independents are taking counsel with a view
of instituting proceedings against ex-State
Treasurer Hill. It is claimed that ho Is the
only state treasurer who has ever refused to
invest the permanent school fund in state
warrants for the benefit of the temporary
school fund. It Is rumored that the state
funds have been used .by a syndicate ol
Lincoln banks to swell their deposits , about
the time their quarterly statement Is duo or
whenever n visit is expected from the
national bank examiner , and that the
money has been passed around from
one bank to another for this pur
pose. The Independent Investigators have
become imbued with the Idea that the
ox-treasurer was enabled to pocket between
SIM.OOO and ( 00,000 to which ho was not
legally entitled during the four years that
ho held the oOlco of custodian of the state
funds , and It is proposed to bring suit to
compel him ( o disgorge.
And in this connection it may bo stated
that the Investigators have taken occasion
to severely censure ox-Governor Boyd , be
cause of his failure to comply with the laws.
Under the law the state ofllcers are required
to make a report to the governor every
three months under oath of all moneys
received by them In the way of perquisites
or Interest. This report Is required , whether
there are any such receipts or not. Such a
report was never exacted of Treasurer Hill
by Govervor Boyd , and It Is stated as a
reason therefor that the treasurer was as
sumed not to have received any Interest for
the state money , but the independents are
cavorting around Just the same , and demand-
mandlng to know why the governor didn't
nail Mr. Hill every quarter , us required by
{ lathering Plenty of 1'rooC ,
That there Is an abundance of evidence
being placed In the hands of the imle-
] > cmlouts there is no reason to doubt. It has
nlso como to the light during the past few
days that a number of witnesses whoso
names were presented to thu grand Jury with
n statement of what they know were not
called upon to testify , and some aspersions
are being cast upon certain of the grand
Jurors for that reason. These are the men
who uro now laying what they know before
such of the independents as they know they
can trust , and It is certain to como before
the publio before the close of the session.
Two merchants of this city have already
imparted some very damaging information
concerning the furnishing of state supplies ,
unit the meml > crs of the firm that has been
slated for the bill are quaking In their
boots , That there is yet to bo a shaking up
of the dry bones has become a dead aud
moral certainty. Ono peculiar feature of
the disclosures thus far made Is that not a
republican member has gene a foot out of
his way to assist in unearthing the hidden
things that the publio Is so anxious to get
Its cyo upon , and it U dlflteult to see what
benefit thu republican jiarty U to derive
from this session , If at the close all the
credit for the Investigations must IKS given
to the Independents.
Itumori from the Penitentiary.
It la whispered that a state of affairs
exists ut the state penitentiary that will
create n cnsatlon when it is fully uncov
ered. It li chained that the couvlcU are
n n state of Insubordination bordering on
nutiny , and all because of the treatment
that they nro receiving under the direction
of the prison contractor. It is alleged
that the convicts nro being over
worked to a degree that can scarcely
bo believed ; that they are bclntf
worked over hours , and the minimum
amount that is required of them Is such ns
to test their skill and [ wwers of endurance
to thu utmost , while the punishment in
flicted if they fall to meet the requirements
Is said to bo extremely severe , In fact almost
barbarous In Its cruelty. It Is further charged
that not only was the death of Convict Powell
duo to Inhuman punishment , but that another
convict who recently met his death under the
wheels of a car within the penitentiary walls
throw himself under the car , preferring death
to a further cndurancu of the treatment that
was accorded him.
Contractor Dorgan Insists that there is
nothing hi It , and that such reports nro cir
culated every time the legislature is in ses
sion , and says that the convict last referred
to would not suicide , as ho had only two
months longer to servo. The penitentiary ,
however , should bo mailo the object of a
searching and rigid Investigation.
Independent Senatorial C'aneiic.
The Independents caucused tonight , but
nothing of moment developed. It is given
out that there will bo a few changes In the
populist votes recorded tomorrow , but they
do not proKse | to begin their light in earnest
until Tuesday. In all probability a few of
their votes will be cast for Church Howe.
Tlio Independents will Insist on taking a
ballot in each house next Tuesday in order
that no loophole in the way of illegality maybe
bo loft open. The anti-Powers faction tried
to force the caucus to a nomination tonight
in order U > compel the nomination of Powers
right away and thus give them ample time
to kill him off before the battle became in
One of the democratic leaders in the house-
stated today that it had been thoroughly
demonstrated thnt the democrats and inde
pendents would never bo nblo to agree on the
senatorial question and the republicans
would elect their man if they could mass
their strength on one candidate , as there
wcro enough independents with strong re
publican prcdelictlons to carry them to that
side of the fence when it came to a close
finish. Ho was satisfied that the republicans
held the hey to the situation.
Senatorial Program Adopted.
The senatorial program ns adopted today
by the republicans is to allow Paddock to
have all the time ho wants to develop his
latent resourscs , nnd it is stated that none
of the other : ) will uncover much more force
than has so far been shown , until after Pad
dock has become discouraged and lies down
from sheer exhaustion. Then the plan is to
allow Thurston to como on and show what ho
can do , and after him , 'Crounsc will bo given
an opportunity. It is a great scheme , as but
ono candidate will bo keyed up to concert
pitch nt.a time. It is stated tonight that
thu sale of pools oiiithu senatorial race will
begin next Monday at the various sporting
The independent caucus last night tried to
place a rule on every member of that faction
requiring him to stand firm and to give two
days' notice whenever ho desired to release
himself from tlid compact. A member asked
what good a two days' notice wo-uld do if
they were approaching the final ballot , and
when the impracticability of the move was
apparent it was withdrawn.
Supreme Court ( 'onunlsHlon.
It Is stated tonight that ex-Chief Justice
Amasa Cobb of Lincoln is to bo a member of
the supreme court commission , in case the
bill goes through , and it is certain that it
will pass , as all parties are favorable , and
the supreme judges are working for it. It
is rumored that Judge Samuel Chapman of
Plattsmouth and Judge M. L. Hayward of
Nebraska City will bo the other two mem
bers of the commission , but the names of ex-
District Judge Francis G. Hamarof Kear
ney , ex-District Judge Allen W. Field of Lin
coln and ox-District Judge Barnes of Nor
folk are also mentioned in this connection.
Corporate Activity.
There has been an awakening of the tele
phone lobby within the past twenty-four
hours. The cause was the introduction of
three telephone bills , and it is realized that
n counter irritant cannot bo applied toosoon
to suit the Interests of this corporation.
The railroads are figuring to prolong the
senatorial fight , for reasons that are obvious.
After consultations with General Hawley ,
attorney for the IClkhom , Captain Lorenzo
Blllingsly , attorney for the Hock Island , W.
H. Kellj , assistant general solicitor for the
Union Pacific , and B. P. Waggoner of Atelii-
son , general solieltorof the Missouri Pacific.
T. M. Marquette , solicitor for the
Burlington , yesterday assumed the position
of supervising political engineer of the rail
road combine , and all orders relative to the
actions of the railroad lobby during the re
mainder of the winter will emanate from his
headquarters in the Burr block.
On General Order * .
It is stated that Judge William Neville ,
Judge Beach I. Illinium and several otlici
ex-democratic populists , who are hero help-
fug the wheels go 'round , .iro doing so at the
instance of the democratic national commit
tee. This Information was allowed to drop
the other evening by Congressman Me-
Keighan , while In a high and glorious
bender , when ho claimed that ho was the
medium through which tills deal was
effected. Speaking of McKelghan's drinkIng -
Ing , ho was asked u few uights ago when on
one of his periodic bibulous indulgences why
ho did not take some gold euro. Ho replied
that ho did not have to , and said that us
long as Carlisle aud other eminent Ameri
cans could take their toddy and have nothing
come of it , ho should continue to smllu when
ever he felt like It.
OinaliouD nt tliv Capital ,
Pat O.Hawcs was taken sick this morning
and loft for homo as soon as ho learned thai
his lonesome vote for senator had taken
( light. Ho hastened out and bought ' - " > cents
worth of quinine and eleven neckties at
cents npleco , and immediately shook the dusl
of the capital city from his moccasins.
W. J. Broatch of Omaha is hero , and is ap
parently finding sweet comfort in the
presence of Paul Vandorvoort.
Illiilne- router nnd Heller.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. ML Or. Johnston
after visiting Mr. Blaiue , said that the
patient had Improved since yesterday aw"
was stronger and brighter today.
Mr. Blulno's physician , who visited bin
soon after 7 o'clock this evening , reported no
material change in Mr. Bluino's condition.
Thorn seemed to bo some Improvement so
fur as his physical strength is conccrnc'.t.
Movement * of Oecan Steamer * January ll
At Hamburg Arrived Slavonla , from
At Fastnot- Signaled ICrattie , from New
York , for Liverpool and Quei'iistown.
At Philadelphia-Arrived- , from
Now York.
At Now York -Arilvcd Norwegla , from
Glasgow ; Burgundiu , from Mculterrancai
ports ; Philadelphia , from La Guuyra.
lemains of Ex-President Hayes Lying in
Stata at His Old Home.
Prominent Amerleiins of Alt Similes of
Politic * Do Honor to lilt Xolilo anil
] 'ntrlotl < ! C'nrrcr TlionmnuU
I'lockliif ; to rrcniont.
FiinvoxT , O. . Jan. 1'J. Two members of
Itawson post. Grand Army of tlio Republic ,
of wlncli GcneiMl Hayes wns n member ,
kept vigil bcsldo the remains of tlio lute ux-
rcsldcnt last night. Thu remains have
lccn cmbalmeil and Ho in the southwest bed
room. They present n most lifelike appear-
Wisconsin commandery. Ixjyal Legion , has
telegraphed Its sympathies. By order
of Governor McKinley both regiments
of Iho state militia , battery D , and the To
ledo cadets will take part in the funeral
r\mong the arrivals this morning was Hon.
William Henry Smith , general manager of
the Associated Press , formerly secretary of
state of Ohio. Hov. Dr. Bashfoni , who will
conduct the services , will arrive tomorrow
Governor MeKinley and the members of
the state legislature will arrive tomorrow
in time for the funeral , besides Foster ,
Husk , Noble and Wanamakor of President
Harrison's cabinet. Fully 10,000 strangers
arc expected to bo present from all parts
of the country. Many business houses tire
closed today , and nil Vill be closed tomorrow.
A special committee of citizens arc arrang
ing to take care of the unusual throngs for
this quiet town. Meals will be served in the
parlors of the churches.
Halls and other public places and private
residences have been placed at the disposal
of the committees for the accommodation of
visitors. It has been decided , at the urgent
request of the citizens , to forego the funeral
at the house and conduct the services at the
Methodist church. The ceremonies will
take place at 'J p. in. , Friday.
1'rcmiMil In Mourning.
The citizens of this little city feel that the
funeral tomorrow represents their personal
efforts , as well as those of the nation , and
have been busy today preparing to do honor
to the dead patriot and statesman whoso re
mains are lying in state tonight in his own
c'lambcr In his beloved homestead at Spiegel
Grove. There is no ostentation anywhere ,
but tokens of mourning arc seen on every
hand , simple and touching , as bcllts the
memory of the illustrious departed. Tonight
iv detachment from the Sons of Veterans
stand In military order in the hall and by the
bier , while some of the friends of General
Hayes pass slowly by , viewing the familiar
face. Ho lies in repose peacefully as asleep
In the trust of a Christian faith.
Many friends have arrived from out of
town. Mrs. Austin and Miss A very coming
in from Cleveland this evening. General.
Mitchell , Rutherford Vlatt and General Fill
lerton , from Columbus will arrive tonight.
The services tomorrow will bo ns simple as
the life lived by tlio dead statesman. No
words will bo spoken above the bier save
these of scripture and of prayer , and the
singing of simple hvmnswill complete the
service. General Hayes wished that no
eulogy be pronounced at cither the house or
cemetery , and Ills wish , will bo observed.
The llnest display tomorrow will bo by the
cavalry. The First cavalry of Cleveland , of
which General Hayes' son , Webb , Is n member -
bor , will bo the guard of honor. It is con
sidered the llnest cavalry'organization in the
west and will make an Impressive showing.
The Toledo cadets , the crack infi'.ntry com
pany of the Ohio National guard , and the
Sixteenth regiment , with Mattery D of
Toledo , will add to the quiet majesty of the
funeral procession.
The llnest decorations in the city arc
these upon the Durehard library , the gift of
General Hayes' uncle , Sardis Burchard , to
the city. It is a beautiful brick and stone
structure and the crape ami bunting with
which the citizens' committee has decorated
it niiilco a line effect.
Mr. Hayes' old regiment the Twenty-third
Ohio volunteer infantry , will not only bo
represented by Governor MoKinloy , who en
listed as a private in it. but Mr. Ben Klllain
of Cleveland , the secretary of the regimental
association and a delegate from the grizzled
old veterans who loved General Hayes , will
bo hero to pay the tribute of their presence
to his worth.
Flowers in elaborate pieces are coming in
in great numbers , but they huvo not been
arranged tonight and a description cannot
bo given.
Lying In St te
The remains were viewed this evening
after 7 o'clock by such citizens of Fremont
us could i conveniently do so. They lay in
General Hayes' own room. Tlio school chil
dren , civic bodies of Fremont and general
publio will bo permitted to view the remains
tomorrow forenoon beginning at I ) o'clock.
The funeral services will be simple and
impressive. At U o'clock the family , per
sonal friends and dignitaries from abroad
will assemble In the parlors. The xxili psalm
will bo read by the pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal church. Immediately afterward
a favorite hymn will bo sung by Prof. Alfred
Arthur of Cleveland , leader of tlio regi
mental band , and David II. ICimberly of the
Twenty-third Ohio , assisted by a quartet.
Prayer will then bo offered by Dr. James W.
Dashford , president of Ohio Wesleyun uni
versity. There will be no sermon. The ser
vices will close witli singing and the Lord's
prayer. The Grand Army iHual , which is
very simple , will bo used at the cemetery.
The Ohio National Guard and other military
Iwdics will bo in the procession. Colonel
Henry O. Corbiu , assistant adjutant general
of the United tatutcs army , who will have
charge of the ceremonies , arrived from
Washington this evening.
Mnny .He : ioi of Condolenep.
Several of the trains bringing people to
Fremont are delayed. The Washington
train is reported several hours late. Presi
dent-elect Cleveland will arrive tomorrow
morning at 0 o'clock , and will ho the guest
of Colonel U.S. Uurchurd , who has in charge
the arrangements for tomorrow. The com
ing of Mr. Cleveland has occasioned wide
and pleasant comment , aud is a great gratl
lleatlon to the family and friends of the illus
trious citizen. It is regarded as a most dell
cate and dignified tribute , worthy of the
man once president , anil chosen a second
time to ! 111 the highest olllco In the gift of
the people.
Messages of condolence were received
this evening from Whltelaw Held , C. G. Put
nam , commander , anil V. T. Twombley , re
corder , of the Iowa department. Grand Army
of the Republic' ; William A. Manning , acting
president of the Catholic Total Abstinence
union of Ohio , and W. P , Huxford , recorder
of the Military Order , of Loyal Legion ; John
W. Jacobus of Now York , C. S. Grosvener of
Athens City , O. ; W. P. Rutherford , for the
Military Order of Loyal Legion ; u. A. Mer-
ritt of Pottsdam , N. Y. j Theodora Sterling ,
president of Kenyon college ; L. M. Lange ,
department commander of the Minnesota
Grand Army of the Republic ; Francis Mur
phy and l eroy N. Tlioman of the Ohio So
ciety of Chicago.
To Honor thu Dead.
OMAHA , Neb. Jan. It ) . In compliance with
Instructions of the president as an expres
sion of the public sorrow on the death of
Rutherford B. Hayes , ex-president of the
United States , the secretary of war directs
that on the day of the funeral. Friday the
SOth hist. , at each military | K > st the troops
and cadets will be paraded and this order
mid to th 'ni , after which all labors of the
day will ceaso. The national Hag will bo
displayed at half staff At dawn of day
thirteen guns will bo tired and after at Inter
vals of thirty nilnutei between the rising
and setting of the sun n ritiftlo gun , and at
close of the day n national naluta of
forty-four guns. Tlio qfllc rs of the army
will wear crape on the left arm and on their
swords and the colors pt the battalion of
engineers of the several roftlments and of the
United Slates corps of cadets will bo put In
mourning for the period of six months. The
date of the funeral will bu communicated by
department commanders to their subordinate
commanders. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. _
lloth ( ho Army mid Nnvy Will Oo Into
Mourning Tor the Kx-Presldent.
WASHIXOTOX , D. 6. , Jan. 19. In general
orders issued today , announcing the death
of ex-President Hayes , Major General Soho-
lleld directs that ' 'on the day of the funeral ,
at each military post , the troops and cadets
be paraded and this order read to them ,
after which all labors of the day will ceaso.
"Tho national Hag will bo displayed at half
"At dawn of day thirteen guns will bo
fired , and afterward at intervals of thirty
minutes between the rising and setting of
the sun a single gun , and at the close of day
a national salute of forty-four guns. The
ofllcers will wear crape on the loft arm and
their swords , and the , colors of the hattallion
o' engineers of the several regiments and
the United States corps of cadets will be put
in mourning for a period of six months. "
By direction of the secretary of war the
following ofllcers are detailed to repair to
Fremont , O. , and attend the funeral : Brig-
adie Jossph 0. Brecklnrldsjo , Inspector
specter general ; Colonel George D. Kuggles ,
assistant adjutant general ; Lieutenant
Colonel Marshall I. Luuington , deputy quar
termaster general ; Lieutenant Colonel II.
C. Corbln. assistant adjuthiit general ; Cap
tain Tasltcr II. Bliss , aid-do-camp to the
major general commanding the army.
Orders to the Xavy.
Acting Secretary Soloy of the Navy de
partment Issued an order to the navy direct
ing that on the day of the funeral the Hag
at each naval station and of each of the
vessels of the United States navy In com
mission bo hoisted' at half must from sun
rise to sunset , and ut each naval station and
on board of the ships and vessels acting
singly a gun bo llrcii at Intervals of every
half hour from sunrise to sunset. The of
ficers of the navy and marlno corps will
wear the usual badge of mourning for a
period of thirty days.
It is in accord with the wishes of the fam
ily that the usual military honors bo omitted
at the funeral. The military escort for an
ex-president includes nearly the entire
strength of the army , so Its omission on this
occasion means u great deal.
An order has been issued by Generals. S.
Yoder , conimundcr-in-cjilef of the Union
Veterans union , directing that each depart
ment headquarters and precinct command
place a becoming evidence ' of mourning in
their respective halls' for sixty days , and
that each command , hold ut an early date
memorial services expressive of esteem and
love of their late comrade.
As ItFirrsciil | tlveHt ftlin , President.
Secretary Charles Foster , Postmaster
General Wnnamakcr and Secretaries Noble
and Rusk left here at UiiO ; o'clock this mornIng -
Ing on the Baltimore. & Ohio railroad for
Fremont , O. , to attendthe , funeral of ex-
President Hayes , as tlmspeclal representa
tives of President Harrison. They were ac
companied by Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General Rathburn- representing the Ohio
Republican association of this city. With
the exception of Representative Haynes , the
Ohio delegation will u.-t attend the funeral.
Senator Sherman found .that his presence
was needed in Washington , ana others will
probably bo kept a troy. '
The whitu liousontid. nil the executive de
partments were draped ; in mourning' today
aud will wear.thoir < Sib | ] [ ! emblems of sorrow
for a period of thirty days. * All the depart
ments will bo-closed tomorrow.
Secretary Foster of the Treasury depart
ment issued an'order closing all the subtreus-
urics and customs ofllces throughout the
United States on Friday , January S0 ! , the
day of the funeral of ex-President Hayes ,
1'ntrlotlc iiuil an American.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 1 ! ) . Among the
persons who served through the war with
ex-President Hayes is Representative
Enochs of Ohio , who fo four years was in
the same brigade and division with General
Hayes and was associated with him in
timately. Today ho said :
"General Hayes was a soldier because ho
felt that he was right. , Ho was fighting in
defense of his country. Without malice ,
without ostentation , without anything else-
In view except hls'duty as a soldier of our
country , ho served in that great war from
the beginning to Its close.
"No man has etfcr come in contact with
ex-Prcsidont Hayes in the army or in civil
life who did not love him. No soldier In that
war was more popular than he. Ho never
sought promotion or advancement through
political influences. Ho won his promotion
as u soldier on the field , and when ho got
that promotion it belonged to him of right.
"In all respects ho was a splendid type of
the patriotic American citizen. "
Jlr. Clrvolunil Knrotito to Fremont.
LAKEWOOD , N. J. , Jan. U ) , President
elect Cleveland left hero early this morning
for Fremont , O. , to attend the funeral of the
late ex-President Hayes , Ho will return
Sunday night or Monday morning.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. ID. Secretaries
Foster , Noble , Rusk and Waiiamakcr , left
for Fremont this morning to attend Hayes'
AI.IHNV. N. Y. , Jan. 10. President-elect
Grovcr Cleveland and Private Secretary
Robert L. O'Brien arrived hero on the Hudson
River limited train at B:83 : this afternoon on
their way to Fremont , O. , to attend the
funeral of ex-President Hayes. The train
stopped hero for twciity-llvo minutes and
Mr. Cleveland was greeted by Lieutenant
Governor Sheehan and others.
MeKlnlej'n 1'rorlunr.itlon.
Coi.t'Miiftt , O. , Jan. 1 ! ) . Governor McKin
ley Issued u proclamation today , giving of-
llcial notice of the * death of ex-President
Hayes , reciting the facts of his llfo and pub
lic services , and rccoiiimonding that flags
overall publio buildings and school houses bo
put at half-staff till after the
funeral ; that atv , .tho llrst opportunity
thereafter the people Assemble in their
places of divine worbhip and hold memorial
services , anil ordering that , on the day of
the funeral , the executive ofilccs of the state
bo closed. J
Will Atteid'jii ) u Uody.
CLEVELAND , O. , Jan. 19. A special train
will convoy a largo par v from Cleveland to
Fremont tomorrow morning. The city coun
cil will go In u body.accompanied by many
of the city ofilcials. 'flm Cleveland members
of General Hayes1 regiment , the Twenty-
second , will bo in tho.funeral procession , and
the National guard wll ( accompany them ns
a military escort , Th j Cleveland companies
of the Ixiyul Legion mflttoday and decided
to attend the funeral In a body.
In Kulogy of Kx-Pronldont Hnyea ,
Coi.UMiii'r ) , O. , Jan. 10. The Joint legisla
tive committee , appointed to prepare resolu
tions on the death of ex-President Hayes ,
this afternoon completed its work , and at
the uvcning session of tjio house and senate
the resolutions were approved and immedi
ately adopted , and adjournment was taken
to U p. in. Monday. The resolutions are an
eloquent eulogy on the ex-president.
Action by Xew York's Loyal Region ,
NEW YCIIIK , Jail , 10. 'Iho New York com-
mandery of the Loyal Legion at a meeting
in this city this afternoon passed resolutions
of condolence on the death of ex-President
Hayes and selected Colonel Ji Slocum and
General W. J , Swayno a committee to rep
resent the commandery at the funeral ,
The Dentil Hull.
Losnox , Jan. 1" . Lord Blphinstono died
yesterday In Musselburgh , Scotland.
Murderess of Delnvan Dole Pleaded Guilty
to Manslaughter.
Kvcry Detail of Her Wrctchrd Ktprrlrnco
Told In Open Court HIT Lawyer's Pica
for Mercy Heeded A Mont Itc-
marltalilc Story.
HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram toTiin BEG. ] The mostdramatio inci
dent over witnessed in the court room of the
big brick and stone building belonging to
Adams county transpired this afternoon ,
when Mrs. Anna B. Mason was arraigned on
the charge of murdering DeiavanS. Cole and ,
pleading guilty to manslaughter , was sen
tenced to four years In the penitentiary.
Just about half-past 4 or a quarter to t >
Mrs. Mason was brought into the court room ,
dressed in black , with a tearful face. Her
former erect carriage and the defiant aban
don of her blue eyes were entirely changed.
She was no longer wltheringly haughty in
her looks , but cowed and subdued in spirit ,
ft r.-us not expected that the case would bo
called up before the March term of the
district court , but it seemrd that
other arrangements had been made.
This was an adjourned session of
the November. IS'J1. ' ! , term , and the Jury for
that term had been long since discharged.
The court room was about deserted , a few
attorneys and court ofilcials being about the
only spectators present. Some minor case
had Just been settled , when .fudge F. B.
Beall turned inquiringly toward County
Attorney . P. McCreary and asked If any
thing else was to como before the court.
Pleaded ( Sullty to Mnii-diiiightcr.
All unusual hush came over the room as
the prosecutor , In the semi-twilight , road
the complaint which charged Mrs. Mason
with killing Delavan S. Cole on the night of
August 1 last.
As ho finished he asked the defendant in
the usual formula : "Which do you plead ,
guilty or not guilty } ' '
Her attorney , E. E. Ferris , arose and said :
"To this charge the defendant pleads not
guilty. However , the defendant offers to
enter a plea of guilty to manslaughter. "
Through the county attorney the state ac
cepted the plea. Mr. Ferris asked that be
fore the court pronounced sentence ho listen
to a statement of facts which the defendant
would make. She llrst tried to rise , but at
the suggestion of Mr. McCreary was allowed
to muko her .statements while seated.
There was a general noise of moving chairs
as she paused a moment before starting. In
substance she said :
Marriage nnd Poverty.
"I was married about six years ago. For
a long time my husband and I were very
happy. At times , however , ho felt badly.
Then wo went to Denver and staid there for
about four years. Ho felt badly all the time.
Wo came back hero finally. My husband at
one time , wcut-away for six months and1 ! '
didn't know where ho was. Then ho came
back and wo moved on a farm about two
mile's west of the asylum. Then wo took up
a claim out west.
"Wo were very poor , and ho had to bor
row monoy. For a time ho was contented ,
but they This people ] kept writing for him
to como home. I didn't want him to comeback
back to Hustings and ho said ho would not ,
but before I knew it ho had made urruneo-
incuts to como back. Then ho said , 'You go
to your folks and I'll go to mine. ' It was
planned to begin housekeeping again as soon
as wo could afford It , but gradually all
talk of that kind drppped. I tried
to get up a class to take
lessons from mo on the piano ,
but I couldn't do it. Then I came up town
and tried to learn bookkeeping ; then I got
very sick , ana after I recovered Ed ( her hus
band ] came to take me out riding. Ho said
he would get a divorce , and of course that
didn't please mo. I begged of him not to do
it , and the next I heard from him ho slid
ho'd go to housekeeping again , but ho didn't
seem to want to do it. "
Hero her emotions proved too strong for
her and she broke for a moment. After
taking a sip of water she continued :
SlckneBK , Temptation nnd Full.
"Father was taken very sick and I went
down to take care of him. Ho died and I
stayed with mother awhile , and then I
went to live with my sister again. I con
tinued to give lessons and used to practice on
a piano belonging to Mrs. Michael [ Colo's
daughter ] , I used to go twice u day , and as
she was often not at homo I had to go over
to Mr. Colo's to got the key. Ho
used to como over and talk to
me. Ho wanted to know why my
husband and I did not live together. 1 said
wo were too poor. Mr. Cole said ho was well
off and had a number of farms and ho could
help us. Then ho asked mo not to tell Ed
about it , Ho asked me if I wouldn't like to
do something to pay for the lessons I was
taking , and then ho wanted mo to do writing
for him at his ofllec , but I wouldn't do it.
"Ho kept urging mo nnd making promises
as to what he'd do for Ed and me , and
I told him to go away , but ho kept coming
back. Finally I went to his ofllec. "
This was the occasion of another out
burst of emotion on her part , and it was
with dlfllculty that she recovered herself.
"Ho locked the door on mo and said I'd
have to do as ho told mo to , aim I soon
found out what that meant. It made mo
angry and I determined to make him do his
part. I kept going to his oftleo , but ho
didn't keep his promises to mo.
Cole's I'nto Settled ,
"My husband found It out some way and
I confessed It all to him. 11 made him angry ,
nnd ho said , 'That man has got to die , and if
you won't kill htm I will. ' 1 discouraged it ,
but ho kept urging me , and finally I said that
if ho thought it was my duty I would do it.
About three weeks before Mr. Cole was shot
ho [ Ed ] gave mo a revolver and bhowcd mo
how to use It. Ho urged mo on and
said that If I didn't use it
before long ho would do It himself. I told
him I was afraid to do it. I had a meeting
with Mr. Cole and I tried to get spirit
enough up to kill him , but my courage failed
mo. It was over by Mr. Burton's house , nnd
I begged him to go away , but ho wouldn't do
It , so 1 made several attempts , but always
"On Sunday afternoon [ July 31 ] Ed came
over and said that I mustn't delay a moment
longer , and for mo not to full again. It was
planned for that night , but Mr. Cole did not
appear. Monday afternoon I was out at
Ed's farm west of the asylum. Ed and I
went out for u walk and wouldn't lot the lit
tle girl go with us. Mrs. Mason [ Ed's
mother ] asked mo to come again the next
day. Ed told mo again not to delay.
Arranged Tor IIU leith. :
"On Monday evening about S o'clock Mr.
Cole and Mr. Fergus came down to our house
to fix a pig pen. 1 thought that If I had this
to do I might as well do it. I was nearly
wild. I thought I knew about what time
they would go homo and I it'et Mr. Cole up
the road and made arrangements for a meet
ing on the road south of his place and ho
went homo.
"I told him I couldn't leave homo until
about 10 o'clock. At that time I left and
wont to the place. Ho didn't como and I
thought , 'Will I have to wait another night C
Then I started home , and when 1 got to the
old house I saw a man sitting In the door
way. I didn't know who it was antl so I asked ,
'Who are your The man answered.Who
are you1 } Then I knexv who it was. I
went over and wo went into the house and
began talking , I begged of him to go away ,
but ho wouldn't do It. Ho wanted mo to
move up town. Ho snld ho would IIx up
rooms for mo and would keep mo like a lady.
"As ho said that I raised the revolver and
llrcd In his face. "
This closed her statement to the court and
amid hysterical sobs she was obliged to retire -
tire to the attorneys' consultation room.
Her physician , Dr. VauSickle , followed her
with a medicine case.
Slulnneiit Itr Her Counsel.
As the door closed upon her Mr. Ferris ,
her attorney , addressed the court , giving the
reasons which impelled him to enter u ple-.i
of guilty of manslaughter for his client. It
was his linn conviction that she was crazy
that night ami that the striln slnco had
bce-i terrible. In order to make this con
fession to the court she had been
kept all day under the inllia-nco of stimu
lants. When ho was summoned to act as her
attorney she. related her story to him. much
as she told it to the court , somu details as to
her poverty being given moro fully. lie told
her that , with his experience in Adams
county Juries , he did not bcllevo that one
could bo empanelled which would Unit her
guilty of more than manslaughter at the
most ; probably she would bonciiuittcd. She
could escape the penitentiary , hut she would
go to an insane asylum. Ho would not per
mit her to go through tlio ordeal in order to
prevent her becoming such a wreck ,
' Your honor , " ho said , "although there is
no manslaughter here , she pleads guilty. The
maximum theory of the law is ten years In
the penitentiary , but I do not think the
court will give her such a sentence. "
Ily thn Prosecution ,
As he closed , Judge Beall turned to Mr.
McCreary , asking If ho wished to say any
thing. Ho answered that of course It was
his duty ns a public prosecutor and in the
interest of right that tlio state give Its rea
sons for accepting such a plea. There was
no doubt but the defendant committed the
crime , and the majesty of the law demanded
a Just penalty. On Monday last SherllT Cranso
summoned him from his oftlce , saying that
Mrs. Mason wished to speak to him. He
went to the Jail as requested , and Mrs
Mason ithcn made substantially the same
confession to him that sin- had made to the
court. It was the most tlio stale could do to
secure a conviction of manslaughter. It was
his honest conviction that there were a num
ber of other things which led up to this plea
of manslaughter , yet the law pro
vided that a penalty commensurate
with the erimo bo inllicted. Mr.
McCreary in his statement did uot ask
the court to give her the maximum penalty ,
hut simply asked that a Just penalty be
Mr. Ferris again spoke , and said that
however light might bo the penalty , ho
would use all the influence ho could bring to
hear to rcduco the penalty still further by
askinsr executive clemency. While it might
not bo proper for a court room , he would say
that she had in a few months past had a
complete change take place In her life.
Sentenced to I-'onr Yearn.
Judge Beall asked if the defendant could
stand her sentence at that timo. Mr. Ferris
stated that any further suspense would sim
ply prey on the mind of the defendant aud
aggravate latent insanity.
Judge Beall stated that the statements of
the prisoner had moved him profoundly , and
said that if ho impose too heavy a sentence
ho would hope that some higher power would
lessen the punishment. Ho therefore sen
tenced the prisoner to four years in the peni
Mrs. Mason gave a scream , put her hands
to her head and would have fallen to her
chair had she not been caught. A few mo
ments after she was led from the room down
stairs' to the Jail.
j. C. Hartiganone of Ed Mason's attor
neys , was.sccn by THE Bni : reporter. Ho
declined to state wluu ho thought of the
sentence , but ho would say as one of Colons
attorneys In his llfo time that ho would not
have taken the. . task of defending EU Mason
had ho not been convinced thill his client
was innocent.
of a Slgnnl A ciil Cuimefi it
Serloim ICullrimil Accident.
JEHSEV CITV , N. J. , Jan. 1 ! ) . Tlio (5 ( o'clock
local train for Newark on the Pennsylvania
road broke down this evening on the
meadows Just beyond the Hackensack river.
The signal agent supposing the train had
gone beyond his block , signaled to the
Chesapeake & Ohio express immediately
following that the road was clear. The
express crashed into the stalled train , com
pletely telescoping it. Ono passenger was
killed outright and fourteen wounded.
Although the Nowuik local was crowded ,
only one passenger was killed. Ho was John
Blowett of Newark. There were fourteen
persons Injured , two of them fatally.
IIuNiiv MAHriNPAi.E. engineer of the New
ark local , had crawled under his cnglno to
llnd out what part of the machinery had
broken , nnd when the collision occurred the
shock threw him under the wheels. His leg
was broken and ho was Internally injured.
MHS. A. DECKEII , Newark , collar-bone and
two ribs broken ; will probably die.
Among the other injured passengers are ;
fracture of Ice.
GcoHan B. ESTBV , leg broken.
PATHICK J , MOLEAN , ankle broken.
MOSES GiNNINdEit , head cut.
W. Asin.Ey , head cut.
Miss HENIIIETTA DKiioEH , arm broken.
The others injured sustained slight cuts
and bruises.
The Injured were brought to this city ,
where physicians had been summoned by tlio
railroad oflicials. Their wounds were dressed
at thoi depot , and , with ( the exception of
Mrs. Stansbury and Engineer Martindale , all
were sent to their homes.
Signal Agent Juno could not bo found to
night. The Jersey City police have sent out a
general alarm for his arrest.
Hud U'reclt In TexiiK ,
EL PASO , Tex. , Jan. ID. An extra eastbound -
bound stock special on tlio Galvcston , Hous
ton & San Antonio road ran Into a herd of
cattle on a public crossing seven miles west
of Alpine at1 : ! ! 0 this afternoon. The engine
and nlno empty box cars were wrecked. En
gineer I. N. Roland stuck to his engine and
was instantly killed , being badly mangled
from the hips down. Brakcmun McNulty re
ceived slight Injuries. Eight cars of sheep
composing the rear half of J-lio train escaped
nit. / ; / < ; v CAHK.
Grotimli on Which It Will He Appealed to
the. ( lenural Aimenilily.
NEW YOIIK , Jan , 10. The Briggs case will
bo appealed to the general assembly. In
furtherance "of " this action thn prosecuting
committee filed tonight with Rov. Dr. Saul
D. Alexander , the clerk of the presbytery , Its
notice of appeal.
"Under ordinary conditions , " says the
committee , "tho prosecution committee
would have taken the appeal to the synod of
New York , but It does not appear best t dose
so In this exceptional case for the following
reasons :
"To secure the peace and quiet of the
church a final determination of the funda
mental and Important questions involved
should bo reached by the court of last resort -
sort at the earliest practlcablo date. As
this case Involves doctrine , It must bo
firmly determined by the general assembly.
Thu delay in reaching an ultimate ] decision
through an appeal by way of the synod ,
could not bo less than a year , durlii'- which
the character of the instruction given our
candidates for the gospel ministry might bo
unfavorably affected. By securing the
speedy decision of the court of last resort in
this ease , neither the rights nor the interests
of any individual would suffer. "
The grounds of appeal anr. _
First. Irregularity in the proceedings.
( Twelvospeclllcatlons , )
Spcc.ul.- Receiving Improper testimony ,
( Three specillcatlons. )
Three.Declining to rccnivn Important tes
timony. ( Two specifications. )
Fourth.--Manifestation of prejudice In the
conduct of thn caso.i ( Six specifications. )
Fifth. Mistake and injustice in the de
Moines Pcoplo Detormincd to Ilnvo a
Reduction Made.
City Cniinrllmen ClmrKCtl ultli itooilllng
nnd Working In tlui Interest * of tlio
Corporation Will lie Sot-
tied Ncit Week.
DCS , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE DUE.-This ] city has for n
month past been agitated on the water
works question. The plant i.s nt present
owned and operated by a private corpora
tion , of which F. M. Ilub'j ll Is president
and under the present agreement the city Is
compelled to pay $ SOKU ( a year for tire pro
tection and private consumers are charged
a burdensome rate. An ordln.ineo has been
pending before the city council for lowering
the water rates and the question of city pur
chase of Iho water works has been warmly
agitated. Several mass meetings have been
held on the subject , and newspapers have
teemed with water works articles. The
climax came last night when the city council
took up the proposed ordinance for third
reading and passage.
The councilWiambor was packed with the
committee of 100 cttUcns and represenUtlvea
on both sides of the question. Heated
speeches were indulged in and charges of
bribery and corruption recklessly bandied
about. Several serious altercations between
aldermen and private parties were narrowly
averted and the lie was given on several oc
casions. A vote was finally reached on the
passage of the ordinance , and it was lost on
a tie , four voting for and four against. The
vote was reconsidered , and will como up
arwin Monday evening noxt. On motion or
Alderman Goodroll a resolution was adopted
providing for an investigation of the chargoA
of bribery and corruption against himself
and others who voted against the passage of
the ordinance. Some sensational develop
incuts are expected to follow.
To Improve the Industry.
CEDAK RArnw , la. , Jan. ! ! > . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. The sixteenth annual
mooting of the American Poland China
Record association has just closed. There
was an tinnsually large number of the mem
bers of the association in attendance. The
proceedings were of no general interest.
Ofllcers for the ensuing year were elected 09
follows : Vice picsidcnts , A. C. Moore1 ,
Illinois ; C. F. Jones , Michigan ; James Tro-
loir. : Wisconsin ; Kllas Gallup , Colorado ; J.
II. Bobcout , Indiana ; C. II. "otter , Kansas ;
L. S. Wricht. Illinois ; F. M. Vail , Missouri ;
( ! . W. Plank , Minnesota ; II. C. D.iwson , No-
braslca ; W. A. James , Kentucky ; W. Z.
Swallow , Iowa ; secretary , W. M. MoFad-
dcu , West Liberty , la. ; treasurer. D. L.
Howard , Greene. la. ; directors. G. M. Cant-
rail , Illinois ; II. M. Sisson , Illinois ; Q. II.
Grlmmel , Iowa ; Jacob Grossman , Illinois ; (1.
Murdock , Iowa ; J. C. Shaw. Illinois ; J. W.
Blockford , lowaJ. ; V. Wolfe , Nebraska ; C.
S. Barclay , Iowa. The next mooting will beheld
held In this city In February , 180J.
Alleged HluckmulKir * In Trouble.
Sioux CITT , la. . Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The grand jury haa
been at work now for ten days examining-
witnesses and collecting evidence In the
cases aga-'nst ' Atlee Hari , the Nebraska psll
tician , and J. T. Lewis and George Crosby ,
his assistants , who are accused of blackmail
ing prominent citl/.ens out of over $ r > , ( > 00 by
threatening to publish scurrilous stories
about them. Over KM ) witnesses have been
examined and fifty moro have boon sub-
puMiacd. It will bo a week before the Inves
tigation is concluded. The evidence so far
is a repetition of wjiat has been published
and Is damaging to the defendants.
Captured Crook ,
FoiiTDonoE , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] Noah Parish , a tramp
arrested a week ago fo jumping aboard bill ,
has proven to ba a professional crook. Ho
was turned over to SherllT Unger of Chero
kee , la. , where ho Is wanted for forging his
brother's name to a noto. Ho is alsa wanted
in Clark county for larceny. Ho picked the
poclcct of a fellow prisoner while In Jail hero.
I'nltl for Ills Injuries.
DES MOINES , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] A portion of the damage
suit of the Ovido Musin Concert company
against the Chioago it Northwestern was
settled today , namely the ono for personal
Injuries to Alt. Musin. The company paid
him &IK ( > 0 for the Injuries received in the
wreck of the 1-th inst. The other claim *
will bo contested.
Attached tlio Kundl.
Sioux CITV , la. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] The deposit of the
Scougal & Co. bank that failed at Yankton
yesterday carried with the Sioux National
in this city , was attached by creditors today.
The Sioux National Hied a llrst lion for $3,000
duo. The deposit is said to amount to about
ConnlrrSiiecemls Cliirk.
Dr.s MOINES , la. , Jan. 19. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] Governor Boles has ap
pointed Dr. ConninC of Sioux City to succeed
Dr. Clark of McGregor on the State Board of
iro.vir TIIK in'inis sum.
rirst Hound In the ivnilc1lril : | ; Clmreli Flcht
In N'clirl : li. ;
HASTINGS , Neb. , Jan. 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. -Ono of the
gram JOno J moat Impor
tant cases which has over been docUod In
Adams county was covered today by a deci
sion made by Judge F. B. Beall. It bears the
title of Powers anil others against Jiudy and
others , and Is a temporary Injunction , re
straining the defendants from using certain
church property , located near ICcncsaw.
Really , it is a light between the Bowman-
Eschor and the Dubbs factions of the German
Evangelical church for the possession of
this property. By common consent the two
factions agreed to htngo all similar cases In
Nebraska and Iowa on the result of this suit.
The battle was fought at the November term
of the district court , a host of attorneys from
all over the state being represented. Today
Judge Beall stated that ho had prepared an
elaborate opinion on the case , but ho had left
It at his homo In Alma. Ho therefore simply
decided for the defendants , the Dubbs fac
tion , and dissolved thu temporary Injunction.
An appeal to the supreme court of the state
will bo taken to make a precedent for No-
bruska and Iowa.
1'iilrinont Nmvs Notes ,
FAIRMONT , Nob. , Jan. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK.J J. M. Kcmper , a farmer
residing n few miles from this city was
thrown from his wagon today and seriously
injured about Iho head.
Last night the rear of Kemp , Putt Si Co.3
dry goods ntoro caught tire from a pan of hot
ashes , The Humes were extinguished before
any damage was done.
O. E. Miller ami Miss Kittle Ilonn both of
this city worn married this evening at U
o'clock at the homo of the bride's parents.
They Immediately went * kto housekeeping In
the cast part of town , D
Will liivcKtlguto the Chircc .
SAN Fi'.ANcibCo , Cal. , Jan. 10. The assem
bly today appointed a committee of seven to
investigate the charges made by Representa
tive Broth yesterday that corrupt means hod
been used to Induce Assemblyman Kcurns to
vote for Wlilla for United States senator ,