* ? - T-fr.aipMiBiBBiaMpiBiaMi | | gBBMMHMj * * * " T--1 * - * * * -w - > T-- * T .T - rTwwiftwtn - * - - - -T-- * ? j > " \ ' - § TITTO r\-\r ATT A TA \ TIr T > T T ? . lUTrrnon A v T A ATI r Ai > v In I HAS IOWA ANY NATURAL CAS Report of the State Geological Baard OOT- ering tbo Subject , NATURAL PHENOMENA ARE ALL PRESENT Orncr.-it Coinponltloni mid Trotul of the Jtock .Strata Underlying tlin Htuto Mul o I tlio lUUtrnco of IVtrolcnin Tan Us Kxtrrnidy 1'roli.ilile. lrop several years past consldcrahlo excite ment hns been occasioned now and then by tliodlsco > cry nt different places In Iowa of natural gas In small quantities- The g.is wells at Letts In Loulvj county nnd these at Ilcrndon , northwest of Dei Molncs , are per haps the most notable. At both of the places named tbo gas has been used forbears for private ptiriwsos. All of thn wells are the results of Iwrlng for water and hcnco are very shallow , containing , qajs Dr. Kayos , nothing but the surface gas. They there fore reproient but the possibilities of the state in the line mentioned. In nearly every county in tlio state nt one tlmo or another the gas agitation has ap peared in ono form or another , AttlllTcicnt times of late It has broken out In Jefferson , nt Carroll and aildilen , nt Itcdlicld and Itock Itapids. In boring for water In almost all the section * of Iowa , nt one time or another , gas has been accidentally discovered This fact leads the scientist" ! to presume thatthcro must be a quantity and quality of the pro duct down deep In the earth that Is equal to tbo gas of tlio castein states In response to this Rcnci.il belief the geological sunoy of the state provided for at the last legisla ture includes the Investigation of the mat ter. Charles H. Koyus , assistant state geologist , has just made a report on the sub ject. In his ofllcial discussion of the subjccUtho geologist s.n s : With KHS anil oil In abunilanco In the nolRli- borlrru itnli s ; with ucloso similarity of geological logical formations ; with ; in o\u.'Ctunt | pi'Oplu already testing In ilHTciunt parto of thu state , tlio question naturally urlstMiVlmttirutliu probabilities of obtaining tliL-su sulmaiiCrH In Iowa ? Ilcforo ntluinptlnR to answer , bownior , It m.'iy bo desirable ) to rovlow briefly tlio oondl- tIons of a tiUrci'ssful How. Tlicso conditions fall titiilor two beads : The origin and the uc- ciiinnla.loM. 'llii ! illlTiTftit theories ronrornlnR tlio orlRlu Of natural i'as and inlnoral oil need not l i con sidered In ( totnll hero. Nearly all UL-oloRlsts now bullovu tliatorgnnlr nmttur Innlod In tlio rocI < H at thu tlniu tlii'V wow laid ilowti Is tlio real Koiirco of potroli'iiin , HOIDO ruRanlliiK It as a sort of illstllludon tlirotiult moans of niodur- aln In-lit , .sumo as the result of ilucninposltlon Conlniiy to popular opinion petroleum Isn widely illsttllmlcil sttbstiinco , Tliocl \ knnnn floloniltlcs of C'lilr.iKOcontain larpo iinantltlot. Orion linssliown tliatthowatorllmo formation of Ohio , \vhlcli Is a compact iiiau'iicHlnin linio- lone ha\ InK a thlckiic'ts of 61)0 feet In placos. conlalns not loss tliiin U,500,00(1 ( barrels of oil to tlmsiiuro ( | mllo. Tills Is loci- tbrniiKhhlcb tbo oil Is illssoiiilniitril M > as to bo perfectly nniiMillubli' , jot If It could bo ciitburoil Into ono placu tin ) nmount contained In only throe townsblps would equal ni''irly 2)0,00OOO ( ( ImrrulH , or the total quantity olitiilnod fiom llio IVnnsylMinla .V Now VorU oil llulil up to tlio year 1H95. Now In Iowa there art ! doubt less rocks as rich In nil as llio Ohio llnio- Htonoor Hiitor lime Thu loner caihonllor- ous llmestonus In bontheiii Inwa are good uv nniples. Mr. Koics then discusses the necessary conditions to make the almost univctsal ac cumulations of oil of commciulal value. It has already been shown that largo quan titles of putroleum are doubtless disseminated through Iowa's rocks , the evidence being hcto as elsQwhcro the actual presence of a largo amount of hjdrocarbons. There is llttlo doubt that the porous strata ix-servirtrs aitd the shale coverings nro picsent. This is indicated by arte sian wells alieady put do\\n in different parts of the state , us veil as by the succes sion of the beds observable in the northwest ern pat t of the state. The pressure Is sufll iclcnt , as is known .from various sources , "i'noro remains yet ono necessary condition unsatisfied. That is geological structure. It is w oil known that the strata of Iowa 1mYO n general dip tothosonthv\c3tvvard , the total amount of fall being in the neighbor hood Of ; ir.OO feet. Hut the whole of the state is covered with a thick mantle of glacial deposits , hiding from view the stratified rocks entirely and nt o\erv point. Numerous streams , however , lhavo corroded their channels completely through the drift debris , oven into the un derlying Indurated rocks , thus cxixislng In many places the arrangement of tbo differ ent lavcis. It Kill bo some tlmo bcfoio any thing like accurate and detailed cross sec tions can bo made across the state in direc tion of the common inclination of the rocks , nnd yet good pi ogress in that line has al ready been made. There is n widespread opinion that the Iowa strata have still their uninterrupted seaward tilt unaffected by deformations of any kind. Such , however , is not the case. Although far removed from mountainous dis tricts , orographlo movements have affected the beds to n slight extent , producing low * folds. A number of tbcso low anticlines and shallow sjnellncs have long been knoivn , though rather vaguely. According to McGce , says Dr. Koycs , w ho has indi cated the chief axes of the stnto in aicccnt sketch map , the anticlines of castcin loua trend southncstwnrd. Other folds have boon recognised in the central nnd western portion of the state. Thu extent of this folding Is' at present nnkn6wn , but In some cases It may prove to bo very considerable ) sufficient , perhaps , to satisfy the last requirement for a llou Ing well. It Is not then ooyond all hope th.it when thu arching dome of some low anticline - line Is pierced wo may yet hear the mighty roar , not soon forgotten , or Hat/Mi to the gushing stream of liquid umber. NOUTII GAI.VESTOX , Tex. . Jan. 18. With locomotlvo and rolling stock on the ground ready for use and their Jltio steel track com pleted , the North Gaheston railroad now brings the promising llttlo city of North Oalvcston Into direct communication with tlio test of the outsldo vtotld. With splen did rail and water facilities , and boundless resources to bo worked tip into manufactured products , the prospect certainly looks bright for that section of the countly. cuintr arzr.ini , I'oliit * Co\ere < l by llncont Decision ! of the N'ebriiHlm Trllmiml. LINCOLN , Nob. , Jan. 18. [ Special to TUB BBE ] Th ( ) following sjllnbl of decisions were given out by the supreme court today : Shoulng vs Coburn. Krror from Douglas county. A nirmod. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Maxwell. 1. Hold , tint the petition ntatns a cause of action nnd that the now matter In the answer was tint matoral. 2. WJiero objection Is uiado that the wonl fulU to show that a Jury was \vnlvcd and tlio cause tried to the court U must appear that tb objection was made nnrt overruled In the trial court. It Is una\alllnK If made for the llret llmu In the Hupreine court. Curtln et al vs Atkinson , Etror from Jeffer son county. Uoversod. Opinionby Mr. Justice Post. An unili'rtaklnitlllboslrlctlyconstriiod In favoi or Mii-otles , nnd tliolr Ilulilllly will not bo extended by construction bn > i > nd tliolr fcpoclllc 2. 'Iho term , trnfllc In Intoxicating drinks , a usfil In section In.clmpttir I. , compiled utat- utes , will In nil action on a llcensu lintul bo brlil to ine.ui thu tale or fiinilslilnjt of llquoni to third lutrstnis nuil not the use thereof liy tbOhnloonUri'pi-r. 3. H , a saloonkeeper , nhllo Intoxicated In hU orn saloon , shot anil Killed the plalntliT's hus- lialul. Held , tli it the drinking of tlio lliiuor by H was not a tralllo In Intoxicating liquor wltliln the nieiuiln of the law or Biicli as will rvml r hU sureties liable In tin iictlou upon bU bond. 4. The second point of tlio syllabus In this cast ) , 20 Nebraska , 013 , ovorrirtoil , How ell vs the Alma Milling company et nl. Krror from lluil.in county , Koversod and ri'inamied Opinion by Mr. Justice Norval. Where a plaint lit tr.insferi bis Inteieat In tl\o \ subject of tbo art Ion to another during the pcmlf iicy of Uio cauto the hiilt , tuny bo ii n e- cutcd to tlmil tormliuitliin In the iiiunu of tbo original nlulntllT. or thn person to whom the transfer U inndo. limy bo bubstltutod us plaln- . A bank brought an notion In a county court on two proinlsMiry notes hold by U as col In torn I security ami rcco\orcd Judgment tliorvon nxulmit tbo nmkur. The dufumlunt took uu appeal to tbo district court , the usual r tUnry | iHjiirt being oxeciiton. Wbllo tlio cause was pending In the upnulla to court the Inilcbtt'dnoMiluR the bank by the plcdgor of tlio notes was paid , niter which one U. to vrBora Mill note * prior to the bringing of the suit bail nlio boon pledged M collateral secu rity for a debt duo him. subject to the claim ifiltabank , xra MlhUltutcd In plnco of the bank n * plaintiff , who rocovpro.il judgment against the milker of the notes , field , that Iho surety In the appeal bond or undertaking was not released by the HUbitltutloii of 11 as plnlntlir. 3. The moro contltiunnco of n canto In nn appellate court by stipulation of Iho pirtlei , without ho consent of tlio min-tv Inthonp- | H > nl bond , xvlll not operate to discharge such 4. lly an ngrpernpnt between the parties to an appeal pending In the district court n Judg ment xvas rendered therein against Iho party appealing xvltlioul the ktmwlogdo or eemwnt of the surely on thn appeal Until. Hold , In the absence of proof of fraud or collusion botxxeon the principal and the creditors , that the stipu lation for Judgment did not release the surety from liability on tliunppj.tl bond. State ex rol Norton vsVanCamp. mils Writ alloxxcd. Opinion by Mr. ' Justice Post. , \\lilloeachliousoof the legislature Is made tha judgu of the election nnd iiialltli"itlon | of Us members , thu court ? will bv mandamus compel the ptoper canvassing olllceM to ills- ch.iriro their duties nnd Issue rerllflcates of election lo the p irtfes xvho from the returns appear to have been elected thereto , but the awarding of a certlllcati ) In obedience to the manduloof the court xvlll not conclude the legislature In determining thu question In proceedings by contest , 'i. An Interpretation Riven lo astatutoryor constitution il provision by the court of last 'resort hocomt' < n standard lo bo applied In all rases , and Is binding upon all departments uf the government , Including the leglslntuto , 3 It Is contemplated by our constitution and the election Inxvsomictcd In puisunnco thereof thai eai-h ( ] Uallflul elector of the state shall bo entitled lo vote nt some precinct or voting plnco for the ro p'lctl\o Hlato and county olllcers nt exory election. Hence a construc tion xxlll not he adopted xxhtch xxoiild liaxu the elTeclto disfranchise a considerable number of voters or todeprlxo a county of roprcsenl-i- tlon In the leglslatuto unless Kiichconstructlon Isrendeied necessity by express and nneciul- vocul language of Iho statute or constitution. I. II county was organl/ed In 1801 at which tlmo It was unoiganlred terrltoty , and has nexer by general apportionment l.ixv or special net , been attncheif lo any teprcsentatlvu district. H l-ianairow slilp lying betxxeen II. county and thu northern bountlary of thoxtiito , fight toxxnshlps long fiom east toxxesliind less than three toxxnsblps In width , It.adjoins K. enmity along Its entire eastern I'lrundry although further xvost It extends north to the forty-thlid par.ilel about ten miles beyond the not thorn boundary of Iv. county Held , that It Is directly west of 1C. county wllhlntho meaning of section 140. chunter xvlll. com piled glntutes. and was while unorganl/od territory , attached to said county for election puri es. 5 Tlio legislature nox'cr liax Ing attached It tonny representative dlstilct , It lemalns a pirtoftho 20th dlstilct notwithstanding Its organization as a county b. In 1HH3 nn act xvas approved extending the boundaries of H. county directly north so us to Include the iinoignnl/cd terrltoty which Know II. county , but proxldlng that , It should not take effect until n majority of the legal voters of said county should glvo their as-sent at Iho next general olectlon. At the general election In 1H83 thiuii xveio cast In said county 1,821 xotes , of xxhlch 878 only weioln fnxoi ot said proposition. Hold , that tlio proposition was defeated nnd an order enteied by the county board In 1885 declaring U adopted Is a nullity. 7 , The boundaries of II. county bolng clearly defined by Iiuv and not Including any part of tli territory Ntilnoituontly or iinbed ni II. county. Held , there could bonodoficto attachment of the latter to the former so as to entitle the voters thcteof to paitlclpato In elections In II county 8 It Is .settlrd by along line of decisions of this court that a onnxassln , ? bond has no nut hoi Ity to po behind the let urns and ln < | iiliu Into the legality of the votes. Their duty Is to canvass the votes as cci tilled lo them , and a certificate of election Issued upon n canvass of a part of the v oto of a lopiesentntlxo dls tilct Is xx Ithout authority of laxv and void. U. Neither a canvassing hoard nor the court In a mandamus proceeding ' 'an Imiulrolnto the regularity of thu nomination of the candi dates or the hufllcloncy of their certificates of nomination. 10 Held on the proofs that ( ho nomination of the relater was regular and sulllclent In form and substance. 11 I'tovlsloiis of the election laxv which are not osontlal to a fair election xxlll bo held to he foi mill and dltectory unless diclaiod to bo nmnd.itory by the laxv Itself. liJ. The vote of It. county for Iho relater should not be rejected for the leasou that bis muiio was will ten on the sample and olllclul ballots by the clerk after they had boon pi luted and xvero ready for distribution. 13 , Voles for roptesuitatlvo will not bo re jected iM-cniiso the number of the dlstilct Is not designated upon thoolllclal ballot In coun ties Included In ono district only. loiiu Derisions. DCS MOINPS , la. , Jan. 18. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKB. ] The following decisions were rendered In the supreme court today : A. A. Hazard vs City of Council Bluffs , ap pellant , Pottaivattamio district , affirmed ; State of Iowa vs John Cox , appellant , Mo- nona dlstilct , afllrmca ; Juliet 1C. Carlo ts Northwestern Masonlo Aid association , ap pellant. Hamilton district , afllrmed ; Uni- \crsity of DCS Moines ( now DCS Moines col lege ; vs I'olk County Homestead and Trust company , appellant , Polk district , nftlrmcd ; State of Iowa vs John Yoke , appellant , Iowa district , aflirmcd. c You don't want n torpia itverj you don't want a bad complexion , you don't want a bad breath ; you don't want a hoadacho. Then use Do Witt's Little ISarly Ulsore , the famous little pills , . KAST OK SOOTH Via the Wiilmsh Itonte. The short line to St. Louis and quick est route south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only 37 hours to Now Orleuiia. Only 331 hours to Atlnntn. Only C2 hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fast time to nl points cast and south. Round trip tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Lake Chariot , Galvcston , San Antonio , City of Mexico , Los AnpeJes , San Fran cisco , Mobile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha vana nnd all tlio winter resorts of the south and west. Reclining chair cars frca to St. Louib , Toledo anil Detroit. Pullman buffet sleeping cars on all trains. Baggage checked from hotels and private residences to destination. For tickets , sleeping car accommodations nnd further information call at Wabash ticket ofllco , 150U Farnam street , or write , G. N. CLAYTON , Ag out , Omaha. TIIC ICKALTV AIAKKIT. INbTRUMnNTS plai-ed on record January 18 , 1803 : WAUItANTT DP.hDS. noriuird Koc'stnrs nnd wlfo to 7. T Ijlndsoy , o 44 foot lot 4 , block ID'J Omah.i . 812,000 Voter Unml uM to La urn Ih-nilrlckscn , Vi of wi ( lot no , block a , I'nrk 1'luco 400 I ) U I'ntterson niul wlfu to J Jl I'ulr , lot 2 , block 0 , I'nttuMon p irk . 1,000 H.uno to A A I'ulr , lot U , block 0 , sanio 1,000 OV lyOoinU mill wlfo to John Kraus , lota , Oik Mill No 1 ! . : 400 W O Norton and wlfo to IMnnrd Nel son , lot J- ( , block U , Inuio 1'lacu . COO Herman hchnohlur to John btu\o , 60 ucrcsolfohlilo bW 4-14-10 . 1,000 11KKUS. ES Dunily , jr , ( master In chancery ) to Klrat HtM'dlsh HniitNt church , H25 fcotlotl , block I'J , Oinuhii . 3,400 Total amount of transfers . J18.700 "I have been occasionally troubled with coughs , nnd In each case Imvo used Brown's bronchial troches , which have novcr failed , and I must say they are second to none In the uorld. " Felix II. May , Cashier St. Paul , Minn. It Cure i Colds , Couihi , Bert Threat. Croup , Infla- 3it , Whpoplar Ceugh , Uronchltis tad AtUims. JL ctrUla tur for Ooatamttloa la flrit sttftt , and ( uro relUf In advaao d iUes. Uu at ones. Yoo will lit the f x < ll < at ( ffstt ( Ur Ukln ths ftrtt awf. Ball br dealsr * v rr lnrs. botUts tO M U ui 81.00. KICKAPOO INDIAN SAGWA Why it is Tlio Safest Liver and Stomach Remedy Known , Indians Hnvo No Knowledge of Mineral Drugs and Poisons They Ouro With Roots and Herbs of the Flold and Forest. Klckapoo Indian Sagwa is a remedy that many claim will almost rnlso the dead. Sagwn is vho remedy upon which the In dian relies ot nil times and seasons. Sngwa gives strength , tones the appetite , purifies and en riches the blood , and la the great est liver , stom- nch and blood renovator oer Unoxxn to man. Greater and grander than all this Is the ( act KM < , pooJMian irom thnt Indian bwton to be at leatt 108 ytart S a g W a cannot old-fromhtr photograph. po8Siblv contain anything harmful , no mercury , no Strychnine , no bismuth , no arsenic ; noth ing but the leaves , barks , berries and roots ol the Held and forest which the Indian has learned to uso. Indians know nothing of these harm ful drugs , and could not use them if they would. This fact is important. The moQIcino you take Into your system should bo to strengthen and build It up , not merely to stimulate it , and add the fuel of poison to the consuming flames of disease. Indians don't have Dyspepsia , yet they cat anything and everything , at all times and under all conditions. Indians don't have Malaria , yet they sleep out of doors , exposed to night air , live in damp places , and frequent changes are quite common to their mode of Ufa. Yet both these ailments and many others that the red men never have are frequent ly found among white people. now is it with the Indian ? Knowing the value of Klckapoo Indian Sagwa ho keeps it constantly with him and when his system feels run down , needs toning up as wo say , the Indian takes a few doses of Sagwa. Ha keeps wclll Ho don't wait until danger overtakes him , but craftily Hatches for its approach and wards off the attack. Uere is a lesson to profit by. iCIckapoo Indian Sagwa , mails by the Jntltans from roott , barkt and herbi ofthtlr own gathering and curing , i * obtainable of any drttggltt , at one dollar per bottle ; six bat- tics for fiio dollars , All the Klckapoo Remedies are Sold by Druggists Everywhere. CAN BE CUBED. If Dr. Selionck's trontmont unJ euro of Con sumption wore something now and iintrlod , poopla inlclit doubt : but wliatlma proved Itself - self throiiBh u rocoril as old ua our prandf.itti- ers , moans jnst what It Is A Specific for Consumption and for all cllsoanos of the Limns. No treat ment In the worldcan place so irmny oorma- nont cures of Comminution to Its credit us Dr. Fchcnuk's. NotblnK lu Nature acts so directly and effectively on the Inns membranes and tissues , nnd eo qulokly disposal of tubercles , congestion , Inllimmatlon , cnlUs , couglis and all the seeds of Consumption as Dr. Schenck's Pulnionic Syrup When nil else falls it comes to the rescue. Not until It fulls , and only after faithful trial. Rhould any ono despond. It his brought the hopeless to llfu iind health. It hns turned tbo despair of ton thousand homes Into joy. II Is dolnz It now. It will continue to do II throughout tno litres. Dr. tieti'nck's Practical Treatise on rmiiumplfon , ) , furonli rjmcic7i Dts- eaten mailed f reel } all anplrcitifx. Dr. J. II. Sehtnclt it Son , PMaMpltta. Pa. IT IS NOT WISE T * ° "iE ! COST WHEN YOURIO HE ALTHlO Wouldn't It cost loss to CURE You now than jp LATER ON ? A ! ) you vain your life don * nOKlcctconsult Ing some nn Arhnso ailvlct will bootVilu ( If you consul Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases FemnloVeakuo se , Lout JMnuhooi CURED. 1'II.KS. VISTULA. HPSU11K , permanently cured without the use of knife , llgatura or caustic. All maladies of a private or delicate nature , 01 either sex , positively cured. Call on or address , with stamp far Circulars , Froi Dook and Itcclpes , Fir { InnrlOQ E Qonrloo 11S south 15111 street Ul. oCUIIco a oLullw , o/nurui. xoit. Nnit Door to I'ostotOra. DR.-R.W. BAILEY Teeth FlUottWlth out Pain btlia Jii tirja- tlon.l 4 Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Dnnsor. A Full Sel of Teeth OD Rubber for $5.0) $ ) . Perfect tit guaranteed. Teeth extrictJd in tin morning. New ones Inserted la tno oraala of tamj day. ' ( tea specimens of Itcraovabto Drldu ( co specimens of Kloxlbla Klaitlo I'Ut ) . All work warranted as reproiontol. Office Third Floor Paxton BlooX , Telephone 1081 , Hth and Karnan Sti. ute elevator or stairway frouiistli St. entrina ) . A. H. DYER , , iioviitur : , ur < < liousr ( factory anil all work rrquirini ; u tluirouctk mil prwotlml knnvrlrilcci ot construetlou am mrenctli of mitrrlHlN , u niiccixlt- , 1 % U. Ilex 334 , treiuont , Neb , SPE01RL .NOTICES. . . . 4 rrTKUTIBRMKNTH Hill TIIK-1K COLUMNS Vwill tm taken until l3.Mp.rn for Iho itrcnlnR nd until 8.90 n. m for the morning or SunJayedl loin. t No odTcrtlnoinint Ukon filr less than 5 cents far he first Insertion > - AII advertisements In tlWko columns m cents a woril for tha ilr t Iniarixlh unit 1 cento wonl for ncli subsequent Iniertlnni or ( I M ) per linn per lontli Terms , caih la inltnnco. Initials Hirurcs , ymbols , etc , pach conoHn n woril Advertise nentu must run ronsectiuVfcly Advertisers , hy ro- urillng a numbered clirtV. cnn Imro tha letters dilrosivd to n numbered IrftCrr In cnrc of Till : llrr. \nstri-TS no nddrossod till1" to dcllrored on the rcsontatlon of the ohocla < SITUATION fWANTED. \ WANTI5D , YOU.MJ-MAN , POSITION AS Vbookkeeper or general onico work. Ilcst of rot- ronccs. Ilex 7TO , City , Mild V -SITUATION WANTHI ) HY YOU.NH MATf s3 iyonrsof nzo , stranuor In rltyj have some ox * orleneoni salesman ( clothing proferredl , salary o object to begin with. Address II. U , I3.W N. I7th t. JU" > * \-SITUATION IN A WHOI.KdAtK ItUUdK IN V ny line Address W 4J , lleo. M 3K1 2U WASTKfT. rosTrio'TAS iiotsKKrr.pKUi : i-wlrtow of 3I | good references. W54 , IHo. .MH3P ! WANTED MALE HELP. | > -SAI.AHY OH COMMISSION TO AOKNIM TO i 'handle the I'ntcntChcmlenl Ink Kmslng Pencil "he most useful nnd nnvol Invtntlou of the ntte erases Ink thoroughly In twn spcondi * Works like nmitlc , 2lOtuC Opnr cent ( irntlt AKents tnnklni ; W per week Wealiownnt n ecncrnl nKcnttotnko ImrKO of territory nnd api'-'lnt ub agent * . A rarn hanra to rnnko money , Wrltii for tormsnnd n sam- ile of t-rnslnt ! . Monroe KraslDtf 51 TK' Co . V Jt. I , 'ros e. Wl < 7W | " > -VHJ PAY SAIiAHV WKKKhY TO OOOI ) 'ncenls. Kxperlonco unnecessary Apply Slnzcr nice. M512JJ ) DVANTKl ) , A PKW HK1.IA1IM : SOMCirOHS JJln Nobrnskn for the Union Central l.lfo Insurance anco company of < Inclnnnll ( lood territory nnd Ibornlcontrncts to the rlxht men Address J M Mtulslnn , Utata Aeont , rooms 4J , 40 and 47 llurr blk , Lincoln , Not ) . MSIU J30 11-WANTKI ) , A ( JOOI ) IIAllNisaMAKICll : AT IJHendernon , In. T. 11 Curry. 186-T1' B-YOUNU MAN AS bTKNOHUAPIiniti ONI ! who can lisa typewriter , rtatoaeo and axpcri- nco. Address W 4i , lloo. m 18' B-WANTHI ) , I.AnoilKUH toil II A M. KXTKlT lou to Spoarllsh. a Dale. , call at WO 8.10th at. dii 2J B-WANTKI ) . A MAN TO ATTEND TO nnco nnd work nrouncl house , must hayo city references ; apply'JIU Douelas , 351 13 - ) . 8ALHSMKN OV TUB IIOAD TO sell advortlflnir curds and calendars on comnils Ion direct trom the nitniifactnrur Can mnkoMO porwiek. Adrorttslni ; Specialty Co. llulfnlo. N Y. M 331 I0 B-$2,000 CO TO K 000 00 A YKAII KOIl A L1PK T1MH to active men nlth or without cnpltal. We ulro full control In n Inrrfo territory of the best lelllnu article In th worll Iluslnota leoltlinato Address at once , Corporation , 178 and 180 L'omranrclnl street , Lynn , Mass HS3Jf B LAIIOIIKH9 AND IIOCKMKN FOU TIIKH A M ett'nslon In South Dakota Steady work eopiKH Kramer & o Honrn Labor nncncy 303 bouth llth street. m 973 W WANTED FEMALE HELP. C -YOU.SO LAOIid CAN SOOV ACQU1HK A worklne knowlcdito of shorthand and typo at Van SantViU N. Y. Life. M.W C -WANTKP , LADHS : OH OUNH MEN TO take light , pleasant work at their own homos , IKOto J300 tier day can bo quietly mnde ; work pentbymtll.no canvassing tor particulars nd- drcssUlobo Mfg to , lloxfLui. Boston , Mass Ks- tabllsliod I8 0 ' J1IJO 119- C-JKNBUN'd DANISH AND RWKDISII KMl'LOY- ment olllce , corner Idth nnd Douglas , upstairs , all kinds of help always omlmiul , W need girls for general housework , 182 HO * C-A 1111)1)1K AKD WOitAN TO KKKP HOUSK for a family of four , Herman preferred Ad- dross. 1' O box 313 , Ulalr Nob. 2 > 0 IB' C-110DDINOTON JVCADISMY OPEN MONDAY. Jan. ! ) , ladles aru taucht tlio art of dressmaking , haitlntrundflnlsliInK ; cnnMArkon their own droises while learning. It Ml , Drowiiilk , cor Douglas & li.tli 7 111)31 ) MJ C-WANTHI ) , < HKL KTIl C1ENEUAL HOU8K work. 1819IoavonworDat. ) M335 lil * C-WANTED , OIHL tOltlJflUSEWOHK IMMKDI- atclyI4J1lr iikllnBt. * fJ7i ! Ua III * C-WANTKD. ONK PKH3ON ( T11'KWIHTEU ) rocolvo Instructions , * * Keep books , wholesale bouse. J. 11. Smith , 617 hhCIr , ( block. i3bj ! 16 C-WANTED , GIltL , HtfVMlK AVENUB . , . " $ { ' „ . * C WANTL'I ) , GIIIL TTOH GBNEHAL HOOSli- work or small girl to toke care of children , at nwcor. lith and Uarnor ; entrance on Harney. -WANTUD , oiHL toii TioUiii.wuuK"wirTH out wnshlnK. 1W5 Knrnnui 370 3D * -WANTKD , KXPE1HENCED OIUL AT RI7 8. JzStU t. 37S 18 C WANTED , A GOOD UIUL TOIl GKNKHAL bouse work. Inquire 2416 Jones between St. Mary avo. and Lcavenworth. M 379 21 FOB , BENT HOUSES. DiFOIl IU5.NT , No 2413 CAPITOL AVENUB , modern. Thu O. V. Davis Co , 1505 Farnam st. 707 Dd RENT. HOUSES IN ALL PAUTS O1T city. TuoO V , Davis company , 1693 Inrnamst. TV-FLATS. DWELLINGS , COTI-AGES. IN ALL J-'parts of the city. Kilkenny & Co , 232 Karbach 710 D NEW7-IIOOM COTTAGES , MODKUN , IN Stanford circle. Convenient for business men of Omaha and South Omaba , C. 8. Klcutte' , 2U4 Ueo building. MISS D I fEN-HOOK MODEItN IIOUSIC , COIl. 1 TU and Mason streets. Call at 607 Ilronn bide. M884 F4 D-FOIl UENT-1 STKAM HEATED FLAT : 0 rooms ; Union block , Utli and Mason streets ; la coed repair. Inquire at 917 In the block. Jo in Hamltu. agent. MKl ) D LAIIGE LIST PAUU 1WJ5 FAUNAM bTltKKl' . WI4UZ7 * D-FOIt KENT , TWO B-IIOOM COTTACJES ON motor. Cell at southwest cor. 9th and Douglas. 171 TV-KOU RENT , A TEN-IIOOM HOUSE. ALL -L'newly painted and papered , with modern fur- nnco , bath room and witor closet , hot and cold wnter , situated In ono of the finest resident neigh borhoods In the clly half block north of Farnam street on J > 6th street. Inquire of Home Investment Co , third llojr , I'm ton bulldlnc- 223 19 * D-l'On KENT , 8HVEIIAL NICE B AND 0-IIOOM houses , with all modern convenience ! , near Hanscom park. Inquire of Goo. N. Hicks , act , HU5 N. Y. Life bldg. M.H5 22 TWO 7-HOO.M COTTAGES. CKNTHALLY LO- cnted. all modern Irnprovcmcnts. only f& Ftoro building on North 34th st ; excellent location for moat market. 116 per mo. HUollty Trust Co , . 1703 1 nrnain. J72-27 FOR BENT FUBNISHEB BOOMS. E-NIAILY : tuiiNisiiicn FUONT UOOM ON Farnara near i'W st , with heat : board If desired sired ; references required. Address T 63 , Ueo 201 19 n E-WCK HOOM8 , BTKAM UKAT , 172U DAVKN- liort Btreet. mm 88 * -KUKN1SHKU UOO.M3,1118 DOUGK STKKKT. 41281 21' - NICK I'LBASANl1 ItOOMS , WITH OH Vfll 11- ouv board iWJ Douglas. MT13 2I E- 3 ; Oil 4 IIOOMS tUllMSHKl ) tOUHOUSU keeping 23U3 Douglas. MJ31 23 * E-TWO FUONT UOOJW , ' 1313 LBAVEN\VOHTH 355 23 J7URNISHED ROOiSs AND BOARD. F-HAMSOMBSOUTU' POMS WITH HOARD. Itoferencc * . 1822Cblco oitruet. , i3II ! 21 * J7-TIIE DOLA , 209 ANr > ,2H N. 1PH 8T. 711 F - YOUNG WOMEN'S HOMH UNDKIl CAllB Of Woman's Chrlstan association. 111 So. 17th it. _ 1 7-FHONT UOOM KOIl'TWOt ALSO HINGLU . south rooms , 2J09 tarnatu strfet. M314 21' Tji-liAUUH UtOST BtAM HEATED UOOM J- with board Table boarders also accommo dated. Tbo Hlllsldd , uoVthwost corner ISth and Dodge. JU78 21 * J-milMSHED UOOMSlWITH klHST CLASS .L board , 1724 Dodge strctfi/oor. 18th and Dodge i-M I3 ) JO FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS G 3 UOOMsTTu ; TllOOMS f3 , 252 N ? UTHs"trcet 2aH8' FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. T-tOIl IIBNT.THK 4 STOUY IIIIICK I1UILD1NG , Itiia Farnam st. lha building has a ilreproof cement - ment basement , complete steam hoatlnflxturos ; ( 'ateron all the floors , gas , oto. Apply at the omcoof Iho Ueo. 910 T ONK FOUItsrOllY IllIiCIC UUILU1NQ2J KEKT Inule. 1407 Harney > t. 714 I-FOU HK.ST , A VE1IY IIB3III illLB IIUILDIXd lultablofora warehouse , with sUblo la conac- tlon , 'tractago front and ratr. Address K. A. larinlchsel care of McCord. llraly & Co. 215 1-OKtflCEd W1THNELL ULIC , CKNTUAL AND L cheap. 05J J77 * 7-FOU IlKNT bTOUK UOOM NO. 142 UPPRK llroadway ; new ; site 22x100 feet , with tholvlng and counters ; desirable location for dry goods and general inerchsndliu. Day A Hess , agents Lounctl IlluOf , U. M M7 ai AOENTS WANTED. t WANTKH. AOKN IM > Xll ) A NKW KAST SKLIi- ' Inn tuonpy ninklna artlcloi oror Mfxn n ctny bring ldi tatnpln nnil torinn froo. Aililross K. K Wo- hoskr. Prorhlpooo , U 1 M1IS 3U * T-WANTKD A MVK M\N Oil WOMAN' Itf ' crcr ) cnuntr "hero no liavn not nlrenily so * curoil nri > prui > entntUn in ell our ' Nnvniln silver" Holltl Mclnl hnlrp ) Korku ntul Spoons tocniKiim , er i n BOllil mptnl ni nhltona ullrori no plalo to wear olTi Eowls Kunranteel to wear nllfctliuoi co < t about ono tenth that of sIlTi-r : the rtinnro of n lifetime : nitantj nrornno from KQ tofluupor wrok niul moot with rca If > nlc orcrywharo , to firent lultioilpmnml for our bollit Metal llooiH lircrfHr. > JOiH ) worth of tfooli In dnlly u o Cn > oof oniuplon Iroo Bt.inJarU Sllvorwaro uompanr lloi- ton , Mats. Ami K13- WANTED TO BENT. K Vf ANTKD.8UI19-HOOM MODEUV twppii DoilKOnml Ilitwiinl , ami Mh ami 33lh - llesptinnlbla cottlej. Itonl rca < oii.iblo. W 4H lleo. K -WAXTRI ) , OltltM A VTKAriir.lt. 11OA 111 ! AND loihtlna In n family nlth chllilrcn to loom Kn Acklri'i.3 M. llco. < STORAGE. M -STdllAHK CHEAP. CLEAN , WKLL9 , till Farnam street 71) M DON'TSTOHB HOUSEHOLD OOOD wirii- out seeing our Btoriizo dopnrtiuent It Is the best. Omaha btovo llcp ilr Works , I-'Jf Douglas. WANTED TO BUY. T-WA.NTKI ) TO 1I1JV. SOUK 8 1'Klt CBNT I first mortgaKos. Heed A Solby , 'HI Hoard 'Irido. \r-riH3r MOHTIi.UIIW ON (1O HI UIJAI. Kd l > tulc. H A. Arnold , tMt UoJ building M7U " -WAXTKU TO HOY STOCK OF OUOOKItlKS- Ilex 1015 , Dos Moines , la. 2IU 1'J * N-1 UiKI ) oTAMl'3 H0CM. . CITY M2.il ) M3 -VT-WANTKI ) , A 8HCOXD1IAVD KMSVA'IOU , I * lanio onoiik-h to ralso a fuim XTason N II. ( Tloson , Jonsin , Nub 2tii 3.1 r-WANTKI > , HOUSi : AND LOT IN' KOUNTZU ilacc. Ueo Paul , 1UJ ) Farnam st 351 IS * T-WAM1ITO HUYA SAriJCHISAr. A 1CU- I helm , Jowcler , loth and Dodt-e M3l l 19 * FOB SALE FURNITURE. O - HAND SQUAUK PIANO IN GOOD ropMr , for sale cheap. 1601 Corby utroot. M8U 0 WB HAVK UKKN MAIC1NO A 01IAM1K LV our onicourrniiKonienti anil hare connlderablo lumbar and partition for snlo clump ( "nil or nil dress. Great Western lypo Foundry , 1114 Howard utreot. M a it ) FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO I-KOU BALK. A NKAIU.Y NKW nouurjB spring express wagon , horse , harness anil buuitr. also a nearly now set or creamery tooli , consisting ofbuttrr worker , churn , llovro scale , truck , oto , nil will bo void at a trroa * sacrifice Address O 11 Tiachuck , HoooRIca or call at UK Mlania street , nhora Raoila can bo seen -M63J 1F011 8AI < K , TWO I'INi : MATCHUI ) SOHUGI , L drlvliiR horses : nlio uno bar mnro and ono blnck here All olCMimt drlvora Must bo Bold at once Hdctlty Loan and Guarantcu CoHoom < , Withnollbldit POB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-FOIl SAI.13 , CIIEAP. A .15 HOI IS IS I'OWKIl nutomatlo onelno , nlso onn3lior ! o power up- rliibt pnulno , both In Kood repair. Inqulro of Ken , ucr 1'rlntlne Co , 1J07 Howard street , Ouialm , Nob. 717 Q -SltroND HAND HAND POWBH ELKVA1OII for sale 1209 Howard M43J JIU- Q TUB bTANDAUD CA1TLE CO HAS CON- : stnntly on hand baled hay , for sale on track at Ames. .Nob MV7J Q SALK. TUB 1IIUCK THAT IS TAKKN out of the County hospital luqulro of the foreman at the hospital Q tOll SAI.K-A JUDOMKMT roll Jl fii.1 73 AND costs agnlnit William W Munsoll and William I , . Conley ( Miuiioll , t Co ) obtained In the Kent , Mich , circuit court ( ! IJ < IS collected thereon ) AUo anmall farm , cheap. Albert Maxtor , Muskegon - gen , Sllch N2J.J 20 * QtOll SALE OH K A I' , POOL TAHLK. HALLS cues etc , good order. IW2 bouth lOtli street. 19 * MISCELLANEOUS. } > HAVE YOUIl OLD CA11PET WOVKN 1N1O XXbeauttful runs Address Omaha Carpet and Kuz factory , 1521 Loaronworth street. .MiiOl J 24 * CLAIRVOYANTS. S 1 MHS. NANN1K V. WAUHI5N , CLA1UVOYANT , : reliable business mediumflfth year at 119 N. ICth. 713. S MltS.DH.M. I.EOIIAVK , PrUH'HBTKSS. DEAD trance ; clairvoyant and llfu readur ; tells your life from cradle to grave : can be consulted on all affalrsof lire : hu tbo colabrntod Kityptlaa breast plate to unlto the separated and causa marrlaita xrlth ono you love. Conio ono , coma all and bo con * Tlncodof her rjmarkabla powers Otllca and rasl- rtenco 417 8. llth Bt , hours 9a.m. to V p m , Strict life chart and pnoto of vour future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for $5 00 , chart alone tl 00. All letters containing 4 ooau la stamps promptly answered. 641-K3 * S-KNOWLEDGE 18 POWEIl. I'/tOK. AND MMB. Arnold , business o'alrvoyants ' , palmists and as trologers , have wor'.i wldu reputation for their oinrvolonsand ' .ondorful power In reading the past , unuillng the future , give Indispensable ad vice , bringing success and happiness to thousands ; tolls the business you should follow for greatest success , If your lover Is true an J Intends mar riage ; restores lost love ; removes family troubles and through their wondrous magic mirror show picture , toll name of the ono you mnrry. Satis faction given Consultation , fl to f2 , full reading by mall , 12 ; send date of birth. OOlco 218 16th street , near Farnam , 2d tloor , room 4 Hours Ida. m to 8 p. m. 11387 37 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETO. MA DAME SMITH , 1324 CAPITOL AVKNUK , ltoom 3 , JJ Boor. Massage , alcohol sulnuur and sea baths M269 20 * fll MMK. CAHBON , 1121 DOUGLAS 8THEET , 3D J.rloor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and tea baths 233-19 * PERSONALS. U ; YOUNG LADY WANTS PUPILS TO TBACII on the piano , 1613 Loavenworth. 858 30 * MUSIO , ART AND LANGUAGES. . . . . N.W. 1 cor. 15Ui and Harney. Uarnay street untranco. VII r-GEHMAN AND ritENCH CLASSES , KOI ' 'Douglas. M 310 30- MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. r MO.NKY Ttl I.OAV AT LOWI'ST IlATKi The O. F. Davis Co'M'i I'lirnnm street " 1 > \\r-LOANSON IMPIIOVED AND UNIMP11OVED i city property,83 000 and upward * , Oto 7 percent. No delays \Y. Farnam Smith & Co , loth and Harnoy 7 JO r-C. F. 1IAHH1SON , 012 N. Y. MFE. 731 W-ANTHONY LOAN AND TUUiT Co , 318 N. Y. l.lfo. lends at low rates for choice tocurlty on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. property.7.H T\r MONEY TO 1XMN-I HAVK ABOUT f4,003 to loan unimproved Omaha property , prlvato funds , In ono or uioru loans. Aadreis T 111 , lloo ofllcu , iuj 1\T M O .V BY TO LOAN UN OMAHA AND COUN- ' ell lilufTs real estate and Nebraska and Iowa farms at from 0 to T per rent Interest , with no addi tional charges for commlsilons or attorneys fees W. 11. Alclkle , 1st Nat'l bank bldg , Omaha7UI Wi -MONEY TO LOAN. SUMS MOO 03 AND UP. Georgol'aul , lias Farnam. Moil J27 * Tir-UMNB' * 0. Q WALLACE , JI3 UIiOWN/1I.K. JV SOT \\r-7 I'KIl CENT MONK Y NET TO IJOnilOWKHS on Omaha city property No extra cliartrcs of any kind. Why pay liluh rates ? Money Is cheap You can got full boneilt of low rates fiom Ulobe I/ouu and 1 rust Co , loth and l)0 ( ] o ja \\r-MOUTOAOK LOANS I.HS3 THAN 7 I'KIl M cent. Including all charges. Charles W. llaiuoy Omaha Nat. bank bldir 721 -J AND2YKAU LOANS ON CI TV AM ) VAUM mortitages- Heed Atiolby , 311 Uoard of Trade. 73U W > iO.NKYTOUANATI/WKHTIUTKSONIM pro led and unimproved real estate , ! toiroars. fidelity Trust Co , I7W l < nrnam st 70J \\7-WANTED ATONCK , IK1AN3 OS IMIMUJYKII II Omaha prnporty ; low rates Fldsllty Trust company. IWJ taruaui st. 7U3 \\r-LOWKST IIATBS. HDll.lrV TltUSf COM ll pany , 171W Furnam street 7 < l \\f-Oll A HA HAYINGS HANK MAICKS LOANh II on ru | r tate al loivust market rates , l.oaus made lu small or lurxu sums for 'iort or lonx tlmo. No commission Is cbartfld and theloans ari not sold In tint east , but can always bn found at tbo bank on thu corner of UlU and Douglas itronu \\r-lMUVATK MO.NiV. : 1ST AND Jl ) MOimlAHK it IOBUS , low ratoa , AlexMoaro , lee ! uhU m _ _ _ \\r-SIONRY TO IXAN OX IMI'IIOVKI ) CITY ll property , low rate. A , C. Frost , Douglas t > lk. 727 W-CENniAl. LOAN A TUU3T CO. 11KU II [ .Da 7M \\r-l CAN I'l.ACK 1/OAN8 AT I-OVYK31'HA1 KS ll on business or ether choice property In Omaha Ix > ans of t.eoito HX ) wanted for foreign pixrtlas J. 11. Wheeler , 411 Karbach bluck. M 32 A\r-WANTJl ) . I.OANd. HOIISBS TO HK.NT AND Insurance solicitor , tioo. W. 1 > . Coatri. 1(2 > laroaru. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. X -CAM , AT T1IK OK KICK OF t OMAHA MOUTOAOE LOIN CO. : INCOIU-OIUTKIV \ oil ran borrow on IIOUSKIIOI.O tmiNITDUK ) I'IA.N'03 , HOIl K > < .WAIO.SSANDCAHUIAt ( K-i. WAIIKIIOIldK IIKCKIITH. Oil ANVOTHKH SKCIMU'V Wo will lend roil atirnmomil from HO 00 to f I uw ONTIIKIAOUA9KH1ltIT , nltnnut publicity urrcmoral of property. Voucnn PIT thiiinonerback In nnr nmonntt you irlsh , and ntnnr tlmo , and each payment so made will reduce the cost of tlia loan Uemcnilicr Hint you Imru the usodf both the properly niul tint money , and pay for Itonly AI loiiKntyoniicap It 'Iliorn will be no ctpciui or chirjo kept out of llio nmount wanted but you will rocolvj the ( ullnmoiint of tha loan He fore borrowing oNewhpro mil and sco us nnd yon will II ml It ernitly to your advantage. OM VIIAIOinIAdh LOAN CO , . M < our 1 1 i rn STUKKT , Hrt Moor nbcro thn ntn-ct. TllIiOMIKST , LAItfllHl * AND ONLY INCOtl- rOKA'IKDI.OA.N COMPANY IN OMAHA. 7T.1 X - DOOU WANT MO.SKYJ ' 'TIM : nnni.iTY I.OVN UITAUANTKH co , \viTii.Nit : < ij ni.ocic , SI9M1SOUTH 1STI1 , OO11NKK HAIt.MC'i ST. LOAN BUM LAUOB rnoM \ TKN WK MAKK LOANS 0V KUII.NMTUIIH. , UAUUIAI1KS. WAUHllOlHi : UIXKIIT.- ) Oil I'lCU- ao.SAi.i'uoi'iuivuK.\NV : KIND _ /YOU / WlLb / DO WELL / TO / ) ALL /ON /OS FU13T / rOU. / OL'll TliKMii W1I.I. JII3KTOUI ! AIM'KUVAU > ouenn jmjthomonoy bick n' nnr tlmu niul In atCll amount you wish , nnd thiii reiluou the ecut of currylnit the loan lit | iropurtlun tonmaunt 7011 pur \OUowo nbulnnco on j-our ( urnlturoor other IH'raounl proporlr of nnr Mini , wo will pay It otr for you niul carry It an lonff nou ilolrit UIVKAN IIAVi : \ liil MONKV IKON'lf HOUIt UtOMTIIK I1MR YOU MAKK AI'I'I.ICATIOV No publicity or removal of property no that you Rut the use of both inonuy mill propurly 731 V WILL LOAN MONIY : ONAKV KIND OK su- jVciirlly ; strictly conlHlonUal A. K. Harris 2'jJ Karback block. fOJ X-MOMSV-30. CO M DAYS C1IKAI' HATK8 nnd ca y pi mcnt9 on furniture , i > lnno > , llvo stock , etc , without ilolay or publicity , cash tin hnuil Dull Croon , room 8 , llarbur block * 3il X \IONIiVLOANKD-OV OHATTKl * COLLAT- ornl orottior portoitnl property , ot roiisonubla rates I ton months Unlrns bouglit W II Dnrls , ioom : X -1'lllTCUAllD 91 DOUGLAS ULK IC&DOIKili 737 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y - WKdTKIlX lIUSlNlls-S AGICNCY , 310 N. Y Life , conducts a Keneral business oxctinnKe List of Kood buslnusa clmncct In nil parts of the country on application Iluslnoss positions secured cured M7bU 11 V-1" < " 1 SALH , IlltTAlL M15AT MAIIKHT , L ilrst clnss location , cash aalos US per day Ad dross W7 , lioo JI310 y-SALOONs UIISINKSSKS , , farms , mlnliiK stocks' lots Address I'lonoer IliiBliiess AKoncy , tiherldnn , Wyo 211 18 * Y-frOH SALK lll ( ] CIIANCKTOMAKKMONKY $3,000 DO drug stock In lire town dnlnircnih busl- nes j o f J J 000 Uu a year Itcison for iHillini : . Imvo other business that needs uiy nttentlon Terms , cash , or pnrt cash , and secured paper. This will bear Investigation Address Lock box .No 3SJ , Ashlnnd , Neb I'll ) si ) y-WANTKD , A LADY TO TAKK A TIIIIll ) Oil s. half Intcrnst In n millinery buslnoss In a llvo town In Nebraska Addiess 22.13 lurnnm streut Omaha , Nub. M31'J ' IV * Y' FXCICLLKNT IX5CAT1ON VQll DOCTOIl COll respond with M T Hill , Stall * . Neb MI18W * \r-roil SALK Oil TIIADK. STOCK DHY -L Koods and millinery Invoice (1.00U or $ 1.700. Address Ilex lol , llonuillct , Neb M3 81' -toil SALH , A Jo.OOdOO bTOOIC OK MMII- chnndlKO In a Rood town In southern Nebraska : Rood cash trade cstnblUhod , present owner cannot give the business personal attention A nplondld opportunity to start In business with an estab lished trade No trades considered and stock Is not for sale at a sacrifice V II Trimble , Hustings , Nob. MH7 21 \7 I'AHr.NKIl Wllll fl.lXW WANl'KD ' 10 IS\- J-enBOln themauufnctiiro of a stnplo nrtlolo by a new process. 1IU pro Ills. Western lluslnosi ngoncr , JIB N. Y. Llfo AI3I7 W VT FOU BALK , AN OLD KSTAnLI&IIKD OltO- Xccrr store , stock about I1.5UO , dolnic a splendid business , located In one of the best towns of.Ne braska , H. & Al. construction and roplr ttbops there : reasons for sailing , have inoro Important Interest lu another town. Address W 43 , lloo. Y VOIl tiALK , IIAllNKSS STOCK AND TOOLS , n bout 11MX ) ; dwelling nnd lot , 11,500 : southeast Nebraska ; good town and good country : splendid trade. Cleorgo W. U'Mcnt , Crab Orchard.Meb M.IG1 20' V-tJOU 00 W1LI , NKTI45 00 WKKKLY. HOWK'8 IN- J- fallible handlcappInK system on eastern races. Second successful year : references to subscribers Sato , conservative , practical ; for terms and pros pectus 1891 Address C. 1) . Howe , I' . O box 137 , llrooklyn , N. Y. JIS3 * IB' Y-KOO KOIl ON15 OF T1IKI1KST PAYING OH. 1CK businesses In Ontnun ; owner must leave city Immediately. Address W S3 , Hoe. Jl 134 2J' FOR XCHANGE. Z-CLKAIt OMAHA IIHAL KHTA TH FOIl .MD3K , actual valuation. Honey to loan. llox5l3.Omiha 7J3 Z-IOWN 100 KAUMS IN NKHUASKA , KANSAS A Dakota- Will sail cheap or eichnuKO for mdse. borsos & cattle Add. box Til , Frankfort. Ind TTi Z CLKAN BTOCKOK UKNKllALM'D-S'Ii ; WILL takareal ustito.V money. Ilox2J5 , Frankfort Ind. SALK , ISU'LBMKNT S1OCK AT 1SIO Address T. J. Itogors , Imoguno , la. 874 F3 Z WILLT11ADH Of.KAIl LOT3 AP MAN1TOU , Colo. , for clear Nebraska hind or good oqultlns. Address B J. Klchards , HOT IWt , Uonyer , Colo. MIM F9' V-48U Atlllirt OK CLUAlt LAND IN ONUS OF f-ltlio best wlntor wheat districts In Kansas to ox- chnuKO for 10 or * ) aero tract near Omaha olty limits Will pay cash difference Iz property Is good. Address , airing price and location , u Jl ) , Moo otllca 2)3 Z-OALIMMNlA ItAlSIN VINKYAUD KUIIUALK oruxchnnue for end Income property ; eighty acres ; hluhlr Improved. In full boarliiKi itrent va rlety of fruits , KOOI ! bulldlniis : all hinds of tools and machinery ; ninpluwutcr rlnht : located close to larxoclty nnd need inarfcct ; In llnost Krape rrowlnx district In the state For particulars address w 27 , Dee oillco. 211 SO' V \\ANTKD , II ) KXCHANQK LAND I Oil /Jstock of agricultural Implements or stock of pcnoral merchandlio. Address 'ihos Krrk'or , No IlKh , Nob. Z-T11ADK. HOUsK AND LOT , OMAHA VlKW ; 7roomi , prlco fj.TO ) , onciiuibornnco fl.ayo , to trade for farm or city lot ; would assume nomnen cnmbornnce. Address W6I , Dee onice , .M < 77 lu * _ FOR SALE REAL E"STATE T\O YOlf WANT A KICK HOUSH toll WHAT .L'yon are now iiaylnn rent , and still not ilvn In th' ) suburbs. O it Nuttlngor , ChaniDur of iVm iiioi co. _ 110 ua T01t HALK OVKU 1,000 KINW IOWA AND NK X tiraaka farms , iuau > oxcullont barRalns land rapidly advanclnit , (10UU to buOUpor ucru nu\r Call for particular * . Hoggs A. Hill , 140J farnam st giS FtC _ C HOICK IIAHUAI.VH IN MU I'H OMAHA UKAL rstato. Tlio Mldwnr Investment Co TI7 N V l.lfo bldit. _ ill'O HO EKALKS1ATK , llargnlnsonly. My word Is Rood W. I ) . Albright. fi.'l 2. ) New \orkIJfo 7(0 OtOACIlKIS SECOND IliNCH LAND , W VHIIINIJ- wtonlo ; good bulldlncs and Imiiroremt'nts , 117 per acre ( ! . F Harrison , 913 N. V I tfo. .1)018 OW ACllKSOiCH IN ELAND , LINCOLN COUNTY Ojii per ncro.wrlto for particulars C rHi > rrlion UU N. Y Llfo. 310 | _ 80 ACHES NBAIl OMAHA. HNB LAND , f40 Pl'.li aero. 0 , F , Harrliun , UU .N. 1 l.lfo 33) IS WASTRI ) , A LOAN , WOW. 1 I'KIl CUNT. Wanted , lot. Hli and Uojjfj Wautocl , house , 11,500 cn li Wantsd. 1I.OUO ] iUconu ( tra < ie ) Wanted , farm rearOmnbi. Wauled , VI aeres uuir OmiUa. Wanted , W.OWloan April J. .Tiu H. u K Ifiirrlson. 911 N. Y Life. OUY ACUK I'KOl'fcUTY J > A splond'J ' chnnco to obtain a Hlooflvu or ten acre tract rlovi to Umahn 1 CAN oi'FUU t OH ijulclcsalo during tha coming nook' HVK ACU'.S. WvslOsiiha , elcvant tract , only HVHACU153 Juit outside city limit. , with cot' ' TI..N At'UKri , nrar new fair crounds , West Omaha , with small ruttatre , only V > UK ) TXU.NTV ACItKh , njilindldly adopted for small fruit , only $ .171 per acru. FOItTt ACIIKS. tiili-nilld tract , only Uro miles from postoRIco , fliLi per ntru THU IiAM ) Is uplciidlilly local M 10 rocolvo tha benotlt of Omaha s riituru urowth , It Is only twi'nty.tlvo minutes'drtxn from the gottottlco and Illtenu mlniitus' drive froiiiMiutli Oi'inlia. HVH OK 'i UN , M.llKf > will fill ) you n nlco homo , support your family , and If properly ( ak n care of , In fruit or vonetnole K rdenlug , nlll pay unch tear more tbantuo salary uf thu bust paid niirbnmotn Omaha. Yoiicanwnrk In town and fnrnUh your children pleasant and profitable employment rinlit al huroe , nnd whllo you arn dolnit Dili the rlty Is growtne steadily , and thu first ihlnir rou know your acres will dlvdlo Into lots that will brlnK fJOO toliuu oucb Any onn nnnllnv a tlKbTCl.AhS IN\hrtT- MKN for splendid pinto for h.XIAI.IHtUll' AM ) VKIKTAHIr ( ! OAUDK.SINL. will do wall to call and sec ine at ones. < ! co N. nicks. . Y. Life llulldlne. FOR BALT2-REAI. ESTATE. iron SALIC on TIIADK. i ( KNtl ) IATS IN MP I Ptraiant addition wltlil t blocks of motor line Will taipuood uprlithl plitnu or will soil equity In lots very cboap. Address al ouca J I , lloa oraoc \ll\t IN WYOMINll 7 MltitH KltOM ItAIIi- way , ! W acres half timber ! Irrigated ! wholnor half , rioneer HuMnosj Aeency , Miorlditn iVyn SIJ IS" 1WACUIW 111HHT Cl.OSU TOOMUIA , HSKLY Improved , | U per acre. C , K llarrtti n , lilt N Y. Llfo. lu , II 100 ACIIKS SKAll OMAHA , F1NKLY IMPIIOV Kll Inu.ll.i . tof soil ) J2.UW barn. BOIH ! huui > i > 7 < X ) hearing apple trees I MOW worth uf Improvements , IM per acre. O. F. Harilson , UU N. Y. l.lfo. A\I 19 T(0 ( ACHE < 4 IMPHOVKD LAND OKNTI1AL NK- J braskaat Muopor acre. 1100 cash bnlanro to suit , ( I per com. Also ono nt ftt & ) per aero. HOJ cash bal ance flee every year 0 per cent , and olio of V0d > acrps atlliOU per nctp , to Oporallvo Ijind A lot Co. , Ml N , ir.lh stroll. it 119 011 SALK-WK 01 KKIl A HM.L UIT AT TTU and Arl > orsts , right for grade , for fl.Mi worth twleo that Also a bU bnrgnln In fiulh Cmnhii property , n Jl.luu lot for ? r0 , WxIM. tldellly 'Iruit Co. , ItW Fiirimm. 37 } 27 i IIUY T\\O LOIS \\OIITH l7IMUi ) . ro on grade , iioir motor. Terms easy , owner coins away \\lllli\uisi llltttin , AlcCaguo hulldlng , oppoiltn postonicu. , .27 18 LOST. I OST A A PAIIl OF SPECTACLE * PLEASH Ulcavo al line counting room. AH T O T-KNOLI-iH MASTIKF , AllOI'TU JJolrt. hasn lar a collar and lockpt ; rooalvo ro < viird J M Mi-ele. jlllllhlc-iiiost , M3ilJ20 IO1T-PUG DOIJ OSKKAI1OLD UKTt'UNTO ill * ; N ICth street nnd recelvo ruw.ird Mat t.l'lslor I8S02I FOUWD. 'PAKBV UP , A nnitK imiK YIAI.K 1 Owner can Ket It br callliu at my farm , thriu miles nest of Hu'or'o r and palnK charin1 * .Inmei Yore ilM J 4 II I8'ii I.'OUND-A 11LACIC SI'AMyit 1'UI' . OWNKIl L can haxasamo by pnylim for this advertisement. 2JOII Donglns st /Ot'ND-LAD\'S COLD WATCH AND CHAIN. ( all nt Dee and pay for nollco. MW M' SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. OMAHA COLLKIinOKSHOIlTHANDANDTVI'M writing. A. C. Ong , A. M , prln , Uoyd'a thrntrr. DEN SW1 ORE The Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Farnnm St. , - Omnlin , Neb PATENT BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Boo Building : , Oinalia , Neb S. Tat. Oillco. Advlco free "Improvement the Order of the Age. " ATrinl of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing lint will ( lot innstrnto all wo clnlm. Wo will plncotho Smith I'romlor bosltlo any wrltlns nmohlno on the market ; It will apoak for It self. Its durability can no lonzor uo quoitlonol Wrltu or call on us for ciitnloijuo. torniB , oto I Cor. 17th and Farnam Sis. , Omaha , Neb Tolnjiliiino 1381. fl. n. MAYIinW. ManagT. LADIES , Nebraska Made Flour Is the Best. LOOK FOR THE Association Label ON the SACK. RR1LWHY TIME GHRD UIIICAOO nuiti.iNdrov .v ( j Arrlvo ( hnahn Depot 10th and Maion HU. 4 45 p ui Chicago Vestlbulo , , . 8 DO a m V&Un m , , * , , Chicago Ezpruss , . . . 93Ja m 1240H m ClUcngo Uxirc | i. . . . 4.25 p m b50 p ui . . .Chicago A Iowa Local CW pin . . . .u. IliUlU.tMirovl & xtu ItlViiilt I Vrrlfj Omaha I Depot lUt'i an I MmoT ritt I Onihy 10 15 am , . . . Denver Hipross . . . < U ) p in 10 lit a m . . . . Deadwood Kxprjns , . . < 4 05 p m 4 . ' < 0 p 1)1 . . . . .Denver Kxprusi . . . . . n15 n in 4 U ) p m . . .Pguvur l.lmltwl . . . U.ai am 6.U ) p m HastliiKs Local . . . . iL 17 p a 8 li II 111 .Lincoln Local ( KxcoptHtin ) II i ) ajn Jjoavcs K. C. HT J & C. 11 Omaha Dupot 10th and ilason tits. Omalia 9W nm . . .KnnsiH I'lty Dor Express . . . ai/J p m K 15 p m K I ) . Mi ; lit Bxp. via U P. Trans Kti ) r 3 _ OISjm . . . .St Louis Kxpriiis . il u a in t.olng I OHH'AUO. U 1 A PAI'IFIO Frotn Kast.UnlqD > DapotJplb A Msroy tits. _ Kaat. 10IKJ nm .Atlantic Kx lid ) p m 4 10 p m . Vestibule IC 1 10 p m I p m . * Itfht H W am ( Tllln'K I DlHUADO , II I A l'AUlr'10 "From West. I Union Dupot IQtliand Marcy ats West. l.AJpml . . . . Denver Limited . . . . , . | 4 U p m 800 n in ! Kansas I Ity I ICxi opt Bnndayl I 70 p in _ _ _ - . . , . - - " Oninha ItTnlon Depot 10th and Marcy Sts. | Omaha "Mninl , , , Ileatrlca Ki | rest . . . * p m tUI ami , . , UoriTiT Krprou , , . , 401 p m 2.13 piuj . Overland Hlynr . 7UI p m 4 11 pm . Uoatrliu.1biriusb { rtxoxSun ( ) , I IJ p m C 40 p in . PaolllQ lUpron . 1040 a m LJliJl > - JniiDenvnr _ Fast Mall . . . . l4Jln m J7e v5ri ClTiTSAin"Sirn. A rtJCTTOL. TArrTvo" Omalml 1) 1' depot and laroy K . I Oiimln. . " 7ujpm | t hlra a Kxprjst . . , .1.1 U rT m ExprnM. _ . . . . , J5M p m SIOUX I ll'V ft I'Al'IKIO ( Arrival Omslinl lloixit lOtli and Marcy Hts. I Omaha 7. ? ) ami . . . . .Mloux < Ity ' . : . . , . . . | ) ) m JiM pm.i..St.J | > aiiI Kxprun. . . .tllUUOj * ni Li-aren I BUJ.\ " | Cm"ATi'Atlr I0 lArrlrus' ( liiiuhal Depot. IMIi an I XVobstiir Hts | Omaha. fe 45 p"iri ( . . . " .at Paul l.lroltud . _ . „ . , . | U2ti m Iycavo j O xT.C HA STbTTLOU Is. ' ( Arrives" lniahaU | 1' Depot. lUth and Maniy hts _ . _ | Oiiialin jUflji m | _ . . K l.oiiliiiuiiolT Hall . . . . lljjt pm Ixinvus j riiit. I * , it. , V O lArrlvci * Oiiialial ' Depotlith _ and Wiibil8r8t _ . | O-nalia K ID'iuml cluinc i | ty ACOJIM uolatlon . llTOT p m 1.15 pmldloiixOty Kxpr # MK . Sunday ) 191) p in i.npiii | Mtl'atil .mltod I lUi n m ! > li p iinHaiicriift I'nssoiiitur ( Kx.Hiind'yll 8 4ip _ m I itvos I K , II " * MO V'AM.KY T lirrlvos" _ _ Omiilml Depot 1'ith nn I Wnbitur _ Ms. _ I Omaha 5l ) nm . . . Duadwood P.xpreK. . . . 61J p m til nm ( Ex. Mat. ) Wyo Kxii ( Cx. Mon.l 5W niK nU | > ni . . . Norfolk ( Kx Sunday ) . , luai a in S 13 p m . . nt j'aul Hxpross . . . . . 0 a a in leaves lUHIU.XI.O.V .SOUTH WKNl'Kll.N lArrlrus" * Omalml I ) r. ilopul. 10th and Maroy His I Oniaut 1JU a m ( Kx. Bun'y ) Carroll I'.iiioii/er , l > V ) p m 10 40 a m i hlciuo Kxiiruii 1 1 p m 40J | im Yesllbiila I.tmltod ) am 7Wl > m , . . . . Knilurn r'lytr , , 115 p m U'JU itjn ( Kx Hun ) thin l > a s ( Kx Mon.l _ U.20 ant Arrives" cinalial Iiopol 1Mb and Wubstiir His OmiUa 1.10 p'mI HU I/oulTTxpruss , . . , . 700 a ra 1UUU pm M. Ix > uls KxpruM i , , , , , . I.M pm ( .ID p m Hubraska ) Jjc l , , . .