Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    H lH > JIMiMilJ fJ
ntir.ivir iir i r\Aiiv iii ? ! ? . ' Mi i m > cfA V TAVlVlliV in lone
Everything Was Wcnker nnil Lower on
'Obungo ' Ytstcrtlny.
< ho 1'rovUlon Crovtd the Orders
from the Outnldo Wire plainly lu
Hie AVny of Mlllnj ; Out
HtocUd nnil llunitt.
CIIICAOO , III. , .Tun. IS.-Kvrrjtliiiift 'as
* cnkcr nnd lower on 'dinrigu today , tlioiigli
thcro xvas some recovery In the llnal tiansac-
In corn Inlllnl transactions xvoio atnallght
( Irrllne , but rallltd ' ( a soon nftcrxxards on
buying by some of the local ctoxvd. Offerings
then became ( julte frretheio being little sup
port to the maikut from the losses rccditly
iiolrd mid xxheat and provisions both declin
ing , coin Bynipitlilml , n-lllng elf fie , tallied
from "ic to Uc , lulod e'aslrr nnd closed xxlth
fromUc to ? ielo s The weather bolh In the
ixest mid touthxvist xxas moro faxor.iblo for
shipping nt interim point" .
Compared vxllh last iilght , wheat Is oft" "ic ,
corn ; , c , oats Sp , pork i7'tc ! ' and ribs 2'ii-
I/aid galm d fir. Liquidation of long stuff xxas
the 01 dor of the day but fomo fresh btijlng
eamo In on the d ( clitic. The llxelUst rallx oc
curred in proxlslons. xxhero Cudnhy nnd I ah-
bnnkHstielrhed forth ( heir hands and lifted
their cpi olallli s out of thu slough.
Thcro xxns KIIIIU demand for xvlirnt during
thu first Inlf hour to ab orb thu offeiIngs , and
Iliadstiiet's report of a decre.iso of ; 059,000
bu. In Iho xlslblu supply on both coasts also
helped toMc-ulv the m.uket 'I ho teport , ho\x-
tiver , showed ilHfi.UOII ; bit Inciense east of the
Jtockles. Cables xxcio easlei 'Iho M emlng
i-etlalnly that the unit-option bill xxlll piss
Incieased the sentiment mid n good many
longs Marti d lo unload. 'I hH Incieased tin1
vvenl.ncssnml stinted fiish telling , and thu
bujliig ( .line to n Hildden halt Iteam.
Nall.crand Wrenn , Inii and llald\xln-rar-
niim vxero nsgie slxo selleis Thev had
somu slight aid In ( lie rasoof Asiatic cholera
repotted fiom M I'aul 'I hu market duiln ; ;
the lust houi ( tuned on the ccneious bu > lug
of aborts to MCUIO prolits llio opening \xns \
tibout ( ho s'lino IIH jestetdny's clo.lng to'iU '
loxxor , but held Ilinily nnd prices xxeio ad
vanced from ifiu to ' ( u , then oecnmo vxrnMr ,
mid prices decliiipd iy fiom the highest point
of llio day , tilled "H ad lor , and the closing ixas
easy , about > ( i fiom the hottom
Oats on Incieased ollerlngs and tlm xxe.ik-
in ss In other gr.ilns , opened xve.ikei and pi Ices
receded % c , rallied slightly and closed quiet
with n net loss of Iir .
Amoiu the provision croxxd the orders from
the ontsldo were mainly In the xxaj of selling
out. faoveial biol.uis xxho were most acllxe In
celling xxeio supposed to bo getting rid of long
HiilT for Armoiii .V Co May poik opened at
flH.10 or 17'Sc below the prlco at xxhlilitt
rlosed jesterday , It dropped fiom2 < tc lo Co
on every > -alo until It leached JIH 20 and after
rallying to J1H30 It lencwed the decline and
kunt It olng until { thu n corded
price. Iaid and ilhs xxeru also xveak , but not
so pronouncedly as pork Just at the point of
extreme xrcaknoss , xxhen oxerjthing appeared
to bo deserted by theli friends , the Cnd.ihvs
sent their brokers Into the perU pit , right Into
the ribs croxxd , xxhero I'nlrhank's brokeis took
, hold of lard and oxeij thing recelxed n llxuly
Kstlmated tecelpls for tomonoxr : ,
inricnrs ; corn , 105 c.irsj oats , 100 cars ; hogs ,
82,000 head.
'j ho leading futures ranged as follows :
XA lie-at No 2
January t vr. w
May , 814
July . . . W 6
Corn No 2
January 43
Ve-brtmrr 41 41' ,
Mny. . 47'J ' M 43
Cnti .No. 2-
February. 32
lima Pork
January. 17 M 17 li'i 17 m 17 M i 10
May 18 40 18 40 is oo 18 274 117
.lanunry. . 10 M ) 10 K , 10 M 10 K i rs
May 10 45 10 W 10371 10 65 I M
January. . . I ) 42i } ' .l 30 n 40 o 40
Mny t ) 4S U ta u n 9 47W
Cnxh quotntlons worn ns follows :
1'i.ouit Strong ; limitations unchanged.
WHKAT-NO. 2 spring , 70e ; No. 3 spring , C3c ;
No. 2 red , 7Cc.
COIIN .Steady : No. 2 , 43c ; No. 3 cash , 39'c ' ;
No. 3 j olloxv , 4'J < ? 42Hc.
OATH-No 2 , 31uCf31' { ; No 2 white , f.o. b ,
BOasOSJc ; No. 3 xxhlte , f. o. b , 33H30c.
JtYE-No. 2 , 5Gc.
HAIIM.V No. 2. C5c ; No. 3f. o. b. . 45S02c ;
Ko. 4 , f. o. b , 38 ® IBe.
PI.A.X feKHi-No. 1 , $1.14'5.
TIMOTHY Si m 1'rlme , J1.95.
I'OIIK Mess , per bbl. , $17.00ai7.12J ! ; lard ,
ror lOOlbs , , Jiu.55 ; short ribs Hides ( loose ) ,
* 9.45O'J.55 ; dry salted shoulders ( bovedi ,
f 9.87'i10 00 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , J10.20
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pe-r gnl , ,
C1.35 ,
HUOAIIS Unchnngcd.
The folloxvlng xxoro the receipts and shlp-
mcn ts for ; today :
On the Produce o\c.hnngo today thu butter
mnrket xx-nsstendy ; cienmery , 23W3e ; dairy ,
21(2300. ( Kggs , quiet nude-iislei ; 3031e.
Noxv York MnrkrtH.
Nr.xx YOHK , Jim. 18. I'touii Kecelpts , 17-
000 pkgs , . ; exports , 1,300 bbls. , 12,300 hneks ;
dull , buyers holding off on ( lie hrenk In xxheut ;
mnrketste-ndy ; Miles , 13,200 bbls.
COIIN MBA is Dull , stendy.
WilKAT HecelptN , a.lK ) hu. : oxporlR , 50-
800 Int. : stilus , 3,300,000 hu. futures , 00,000 bu.
hpot. bpotw modeintoly ne'tlxe , easier xvllh
options ; No. 2 ted , BO' ' sHO 'c In Htoiunndolo-
vutor , SKasiUc U0i } 82/c f. o. b. ; No
1 northern , H4W384V : ; No. 1 hind , HOifffft
0 4c ; No. S mil thorn , 82"Q82 c ; No. 3
Bnrlng , 78ac. Options opened bte.idyntn de
cline of UQ'fo on Millliu. lencted ; 1ftjiie on
a decrease on the I'nclllo const nnd short
cox-erlngsdeclined Ol'Sc on xxenkurcnhles
nnd unloading heiu nnd nt the xxest , closing
Ntendy nt ' . © ye1 under yesterday : No. a leif
rehrunry , HixaSO'.c , closing nt Hiic ( ) : May ,
B37-104iH4i4e , closing ut H3fc ! ; July , 84 0-10
(385Vc ( , closing ut 844e.
HAIII.KV Quiet , llrm ; xxestorn , G04o80c.
UAUI.KV MAI.T Dull : xxehtern , 70M'A .
UoilN-Kee-olpts. 0,400 btlT ; exports , 101,000
1m. ; miles. 780,0001)11. futures.280,000
SwitH dull , loxvcr : No. 2.521/1(452 0 In elox n tor ,
oHUflfSU'iC nllnat ; No. 3 , 53c ; ste.uner mixed ,
62ltil62 ( c. Options xxeie modorntely tictlxo.
wealc nnd Jtc loxver , ns folloxxlng xvhent aim
the xxest. rebrunry. 5254lii53Uc.
OATS-ltecolpts , 47,250 bu. ; exports , 7,000
tut. ; sales , 45,000 bu. futures , 50.00O
fpot dull and easier : options dull , loxxer nnd
wenk ; rebrunry.30a30'ecloslngnt3'Jei ; jj , , . .
80 , ( a34 ie , closing nt 30JiC. Spot , No. 2 xx bile.
43c ; mlxi'il nnil xxestern ,
@ 4Hu ( ; No. 2 Chicago , 40o.
HAY Oulet , steady.
HOPS jloderutu demund : stendv.
HunAH Knxv , tlrm , dull ; refined , quiet ,
MOLASSES Noxv Oi loans , stonily nnil In fair
Eis- I'resh , loss nctlxo and rather easy ;
western best , 39c. Kecelpts , 1,515 packages.
HIDES Qulot but steady
I'OIIKQulot and easier ; old mess , $17.50 ®
17.7& ; noxv mess , tl8.2MI618 W ) , Cut meats ,
innctlxonml stiong : middles , quiet mid nom
inal. Lard , xxenk , closed tlrm : xxestern steam
closed at $11,05 ; sales , 350 tierces nt $11 05
( Ml. 10 ; options mlcs , 2&0 tierces ; January ,
m.OO ; Mnv. 810.70. closing nt $10 90.
HuiTi ii Quiet but llrm ; xxi-stern dairy ,
2Be ; xxesteni eieamorj24Q35c ; Klgln , 3IH < i6
< 'iirrsr In peed demand.
I'ld Dull : American. tl2.7515.50.
UOWKII-- Quiet but llrm : lake , $12.25.
1.KAI > Dull ; domestle . $3.85.
TiN-btrong ; straits , $20.20 ; plates ( lull but
_ _
Onmlm I'rodiico JMurket.
The genornl sltuntlon in the local produce
innrket has not altered mnterlnlly during the
pnst twenty-hour hours. Arrlxnlsof all kinds
of produce continue \vrv light and receipts
moot xxllhpiomptsale. Thoclilof line-rest Is
npflaroiitly settled In the egg imukot. it xvlll
JH ) noted tint liny Is selling loxxor. Ojsters
liuvu imido a still further ndxnnco at the
points of supply.
Ai'i' Stocks are held at $3.50Q4.00 , for
f ulr to choleo stock.
IlAXiNAH Quoted at $2.002.60 per bunch
llKA S-Chole u nnxy , $2.00fiA16.
nuTTKii-The nrilxals nro light nnd the
innrkot hold * . light up lo former prices , ( looil
toll goes nt 1C4I17C. nnd select ut lUUSOc.
CiiANMKiiniKS-AdxIces frenn eastern points
Indlcatuery light stocks and a tendency on
llm pnrt of prlros to ndxtinco. Hell and cherry.
la.tlKlt'J.eH ) ; bell nnd bugle , (10 00 10.50 ; Jer-
oy Capo Cod , $9 5 ( > 1 o ( H ) .
CEI.FIIY fctendy nt35 < 340o.
Kns The prlco reninlns tlut same ns quoted
yesterduy , that Is 32o to33u. Tlio receipts
sliotr hoinu little Increnso owing to the efforts
ofdenlers to bring tbetn In. > hliiinonls hnxti
arrlxed from points Hint seldom ship to this
market. Homocnstern shippers linxo turned
their shipments In this direction oxxlng to the
lilgli prices nnd the fact tlint this market can
IH > rcHche-d xvlth loss risk during the oxtrvmoly
cold weather than thu far easte-rn mnrkoltt.
btlll thu receipts aru very light and no xvlieru
lurgo enough to xve-uken the market.
a Top ouioui , 2CX225Q
prrdofPM liiirHicM Icttiiro , 4O34.V rndMii-s ,
llutr * initll riMilt * , TGiJnrlo " r > 0
HAY The , n nrket I * ox ( tMipplli d mm ilio
host I * selling lit 10 UOftO 5i.ii ( 'I here vrt'i o xlMy
fmiri'iirs In oi > Ihn Klkhorii rtltutt' . Ilivonldnp-
penr Id | M > good policy lo hold hurk * htiini | nts
leu nfen dnxs until Inn surplus 1st lenm n III )
llll U-.V ) . 1 stilled , 4 ' ( e-j No. 2 , 3'u ! flint ,
Cr.Hovn ( lood xxhltpe'loxcr ,
IIA i , AIM lill.U1-Unchanged tit JO.OO per
keR ,
MTU r.iirgclilckoty nut , tl.Ui't blncl. wal
nut * , { 1.25.
OMONS Horne groxvn , II00 per bushel ;
Hjinrilfh , pcrrrntp , * ! OOJ12.0O.
OIMMII.H Brightmrdliim sires , J.I.20 for
single rnso lots , and ( .1 00 foi lots of fix n to ten
cases : rmMilsire 25c per ruse e'lieapei. A dls-
i-oiiii : of 2oc on the box IsnNo mndu foi extra
Inigcortinnllilres , California naxal" , t4.25 ;
Mi\ie > .iiita.f < n.
OlimiiR-It begins to look-n < t If tin ) supply
of ojstcrs xxould glxo out almost cntlluly. A
tplnamm fiom llnltlinoiu suxs : Stnndntds ,
f 1.75 ; selectH , t2.IK ) ; niinnllty limited nt that.
This U an ndxnt.ce of 25c per gallon oxer
formei iiuotntlon < > . Ne-xv York xvlnd In
to nn order from n local house :
up ; no stock todnv ; will ship as
eon us possible. This will cl\o si pretty Rood
till u Of Ion : U viiMurn points of sup
ply. Uniuliti dfiilurs Mill huvo M > iiio slock , lint
mo liu'llm d to hoi'ry saIn * ' of II. Asaiuli )
Iliry nr < ! otilx xlilptilnpnliout hulf of theordois
K uciistoiiici nnliri II I x < > gallons li only Rets
two orlliicc. It l prolriulo thnl for n nhllo
tliL'slilpinunt of bulks will bcillhfoiitlntiul and
only runs vnt out.
I'ori.TitvTJiu iiiiirJ.i't Is ptnrtlcnlly utt-
pluiliVl | > tlilfkrili. OijJH i girso nnil ducks ,
lo .lle : lurUujs , Ui * Siinii llvu poultiy Is
utrUlnr , but tlipdii'suil Is pn-fcrrtd uiultlin
llxo ( son ! ) t.iKcn ivlu'ii nooth'Tls to liu hud
I'm'KIM Only Miiull lots imnliie from
ttoio.pstcin \ ISt'ln.isIci slock Is iiiotfiJ | at
hoc ; t lili : and O'olor.ulo , 00 ; ulmlcu
nntUe , 75flaOc
S IFT l'n MOP'S -Tlirrc nro n few In tno
innrLi-t Mlilrli nit1 ii'llliiK'itifl 5o
V viVcal canes , olinlco , 7c ; lArsP mid
tliln , 3-fific A liiiL-c and thin \c.U calf N
about thu hiidt- tiling on tininaiKcl to dts-
po-jo of
Ki-i'p youi h o at homo until thu inarKtl
an oppoi utility to
Onions , iru sosc.Ud'und hUb that only the
xxenllhy can afford the lu\uiy of nn onion
H Is' , ild thnt tliPic me. 200 curs of polnloes
on side tracks In Chicago c.innol bu un
loaded until thu xxeathei moilcintcs.
The butlerliiD tiust hns ndx-anced prices Ic
pei pound The ndxnnco lu butter nnd lard Is
glxen ns the icasoii for this net Ion of thu tiust.
Cold xxeather still places an embargo on
shipments of piu'liir-o
sii-oepllblu to damage
by fieu/lng , IH'alers an ; looking fern little
spuit of business nse > on ns the xxeathur mod-
The mnnlpillnlors of the egg marl.el , says
the ( lilcago llernld , am lust nt present xvnft-
Ing foi dexi-lonments They nntlclpito that
HID tinde xx III , In x luxv of the high pi Ices of nil
other food staples , M > OII be-como accustomed
lo thi > ndxnm o nnd buy moro freely Kt-cclpts
fiom the Inli'ilor do not Incre.isu as much us
xx ns expected In xlexvot the ilse.
Thooiango men of Klxersldu hnxo formed a
romhlnatlon for thu maintaining of prices ,
and they me milutnlnlng them so xxell that |
bujers hen-do no' appear xery nnxlous to
bundle stock fiom thnt source l.nst jeai
Itlxe-filde shipped the pooiest oianges that
came to this inarl > et , the mnlorlty of them beIng - I
Ing hosted , nnd noxx , nftor killing theli trnde ,
they form n comblnutloii lo keep prices out of
sight , Laid doxxn In this market Klxeislde-s ,
at tlio prices thnt they an ; nsklng for the-m ,
cost mote tlinn I'lorUia oranges , xxhen they
should bo 25i850c under riorldns.
It xxould look as If thcro WITH a splendid in-
x - tmcnt axx.iltlng some capitalist In Omnhu
The produru commission men hnxe fern long
tlmo been discussing the dcslrnhllltx of scctii-
ing some huge block Axheru they could nil rent
stein rooms foi their business unil thus , by
congregating together , m-iko mine of a pro-
dueo mail et The great trouble hns been that
thcro no such block to be had. They do
not lequtiii a I't nlial location , n back street
being just as good for their putposo as any
othui. .Noi do they xvnnt an uxpenslxu bulld-
Ing Ono-stoty buck buildings , ot at most ,
txxo stories xxlth a good basement , Is ull tint.
th business lequlies 1'artles deslilng n safe
liixestment could not find nn } thing better
They could contract xxlth the commission men
lo occupy the block foi n long linn' , anil foi
thu si/e of thu Inxcstme-nl they eould se-cute u
good let tnl.
'JhcNuxx Yoik Trndo bulletin sajs of the
egg mniket- The stock of held fiesh , Icehouse
nnd limed eggs Is inpldly disappearing , and it
Is only n quest Ion of a short tlmo now \\hcn
the entliu country xxlll bnxu to depend upon
tliudally iiiodiictlon for t'lelrsupplies , and
xvitli tlio exticmo eold xxentber pruxnlllng ,
xxhlch keeps the hens from laying. It Is becom
ing a sei Ions question xxliat the trade will do
foi eggs In tlm near future. Thu inurkot , hoxx-
exer , Is on xeiy dangurous ground. The prcs-
( nt oxtiemo pi Ices ha\o cut thu de-mnnd doxxn
to tbu loxxest possible limits , und it certainly
looks noxv ns if pi Ices xxould hn\o to go still
higher. The demnnd xxill bu limited to such
Mintll lots us tire moit urgently needed , nnd no
matter lioxx fast prices adxanco they xvlll ho
apt to decline more rapidly and moie sud
denly und -,01110 nru bound to surfer suilous
losses , and xxestcin operators cannot pursue a
too cautious policy.
I'ggs aio noxx selling In this market higher
thnn they haxo for a good many jeurs. Last
jearattnls tlmo they sold ut J2C'-3o , nnd
continued nt about thnt prlco until thu 1st of
latui they Mild at Ibc , and by tlio mlddlo of
the month worn down to ICc. The downxvard
course xx .is continued until .March , when lli-c
xvas the price. A good many of the eggs that
xxeiobhlpptd In last jearon a 2HQ30C quota
tion sold on in rival at 18c. The adxuncu last
j ear xvas duo to nxeiy dlfTurent cause fiom
that noxv alTectlng the market. At the time of
thu bulge thu country xxas full of eggs , but the
xxeathci coming off xxarm , left the country
loads' In such bad shape that the farmers could
not get Into innrkut with their eggs , and the
tempoiaiy M'arclly thus produced bioiiKhl
ahouttlio bulgu In pilces. with tlio Improxe-
montof the loads the eggs poured In from
c\ory direction and the niaikut xvent ull to
J. Mayxvood has bought out A. A. Ciandall at
Sirs H. L Tree's mllllnciy stock at Urd xxas
damaged by lire.
SI. TerkoKon , In the retail cigar business In
Omaha , Is closing out.
W. A. I'orsyliie , general merchandise at
l.oomls , xv 111 discontinue.
T. W. Pmllh , a Ileatrlco commlsbloii mer
chant , has discontinued business ,
0. P. Johnson's racket stoio at I'lattsmoutli
has fallen Into the hands of the sheriff.
Avomlet A. Kelsor , Omaha tailors , have dls-
solxed.Sh. Kelser continuing the business.
Iloioxxlack llros , grocers at Columbus , ha\o
dlssolxtd , J. I' . lioroxx lack continuing the busi
ness *
benator Paddock Is the authority for the
statement that Tootle , Ifosca A. Co , thu bt.
Joseph xx holesalo dry goods people , are nego
tiating fora building for thu put post * of openIng -
Ing up a laige diy goods house In this city.
Ontq. . Neb , Jan. 18 [ Special toTtthllrr. ]
-V. ( . ' . Kerr has sold his Interest In the liard-
xxnru stoic to his partner , II. Jeyn. Chirk A.
Seiislnlg huxo sold their drug stock to Corbln
.t Hnnson. L. U. .Mai tin lias sold his gioccry
store to Martin A Martin. J. O. Miutlii has
Mild his Interest in lumber and Implements to
Mcl.aughlin & McConn.
J. W Dean , formerly In the grain brokerage
business lu this city , but moro lecently of
Kuiisus City , has mndo nrrnngoments to open
tip nn olllce In thu uxchungu room of thu Hoard
of Trndo building. Tlio members of the board
foi some tlmo been complaining that
tlieie xxeieno markets to be had at thu board
looms and that there xxas nothing to attract
business men thore. Tlm question of securing
the maikots for the hoard xxas seriously dis
cussed homo months ago , but nothing xxas
done as It xxns the opinion that thu expense
xxoulil bu moio than thu boaid xxould bo Insti
lled In meeting. 'Ibu president of thu board
jesterday signed an agreement xxlth Mi. Dunn
nlloxvlnghlm to put u desk In a coiner of the
( "xehango loom and entry on a grain brokerage
business. In ieturn .Mr. Dean xxlll paj the
honidftlOO per month and furnish a continuous
mnrkot repoit from thu leading grain and pre > -
xlsloii maikiits of the countiy The markets
xx 111 bo posted on thu board xxfieru nil xlbltors
cmi huxu access to them ut any time.
.St. I.uuU Mnrketu.
SV I.0 , . . ' . " . , " . l8--I' ' < > Ull-"nchnliRedi
j'oiiK-Old. 11800 ' : nexv. 1000i lard , f 10 CO.
ItECFUTS-l-'loiir. 6HX ) bbls : whe-ttt , 28,000
bu. : corn , 107.000 .
bu.j oats , 20,000 bu. ; rve
nnd hurley none.
Mlli'ML.\TS-riour. 4,000 bbls. : xxheat , 32,000
' ' ! eorn , 73,000 bu , ; oats , 0,000 bu. , rjc.
3,000 bit , ; barley. 1,000 bu ,
CulTeo .Market.
NEXXYOIIK. . .Inn. 18.-OptJoiis opened flrm
J'rlA'ir''P'1' ' ' ' ' t ° 1" t > olnts up : e-loVed steady
ut fx < tl5 points up. .unks 41,250 bugs , includ
ing Junuary. * 10,65 ilO.)5 : I'ebriiary 14 45
May ! > , 'i ' < , n,1.irftSl..V:3.0 . ) ® . : } ! ; Soptemliei. ? AIT"V. U0.15 ' ( < 3t ai020 < l.20
l.St7I'lrKr' -j * C.104tlo.lo. bpot Itlo Urini No
Noxv York Dry GuoiU Market.
n. Vo"K'Jl1"18.Thoro , , were. oicncc
iipreasliiif Inturest In dry goods through th o
bujeri * liCthu innrkot , ulthounh no
progrt > ! i bus yet been reached n
ictuul Irunsactfous for thu luturo nc
count , fcxcrything is looking raTOraWe. Tin
ciiiiilllhiii if ( he hint-kit ns n whole keeps
about xrhero it xxti * a month ngu xxllh blocks
not iliuil ni.U prices llrm
Oil Market.
Nnr YOHK , .tnii -PrrriinuuM There
was norhiinge to bu noted In the rprllllcnto noted today , dtillne s nnd.stagA .
nation being thu only features Ci rllllrnlcs
xx'etiM'iitlrcl ) negheted nt lhr > Stockexchaniro
ngiiln , xxhlle nt the e-onsolldnleil boaidonly
OooohhU xvero dealt hi at 6340 , closing at
that bid.
T U.I OH- Light supply i strong ; cltyJ2.00 ( for
pkgs i , 04c ; nomtnni ,
Itost.s Dull hut Meady.
Tl'lii'liyrlMJfillet but fir lit at 343l'/r.
t OTTON SHEII on-julut and eu y ; crude.
42c : jclloxv , 44i47c. }
LONDON .Ian , la - TLIUI-K.NTI.NK Sctiurs 23s
1'Jd ' purcxTt
Kt.vsAsCiTV , Mo..Tan , 18. WIIKIT Loxxer
nnd falrlj actlxe ; No , 2 hard , 07ej No. U soft ,
( 'oil.v Lou or ; No. 2 mixed , 35'5c ; No 2
xrlilte , 3M30'tf.
OVTS-Weaker , No. 2,30V&3tO ! No. 2 white ,
: intia32c.
r.HM-Acll\e ( , firm ; 27i ; < il2flo.
ItiiTKii-llclit ! , donriml.ilull nnd unclmngcd ;
cic-imery , 25 < ifc2Pc ; dairy , 17ft20i' ( .
Ill Chi ITUVhoat , 77000 bu. ; corn , 14,000
bn ; onts , l.OOObu.
xuicut.NTS-tt , 85OOIbtl. : corn , 10,000
1)1 ) ! , oats , d.OOObu.
Mxerpool .Murlicts.
LlVHll'OOl , , Jan 18.- WIIKrriim , dc-
mind fnlrj lioldurs olTei moderali ly .No 1
( nllfornln , Gs l'-4d3Gs 5 > id per cenlnl , red
xxestciu , prlng , Us llid < Gs'id ' : No 2 led , 5s
COIIN 1'lrin , demand full ; mlxud xvestern , 4s
8d percental foi old ,
1 - -.i I'llmu xxCstcrn , 5 Is per cwt
.Mllxraiikre Ornlu Mnrltetx.
Mn.xxtiKhc , \VIs , Tan Ifl Win AI-Steady ;
Sl'iy , 72'\i' , No J spline , 08c.
( Oils-Quiet ; No 3 , 42c.
Ovis-Si.-aily , No. 2 xxhlte , ncc ; No. 3
xxhlle. 34'irf35c.
llAlli.l.Y (54'ie. '
Cotton M.trlK-t.
NF.XX OUI.VANSI , La , Jan 18 - tendy ; mid
dling , 0 fj-IOc : loxv middling , 8 15-nc ; good
niilliKiy , 8 7-10c : net receipts , 5,010 , gloss ,
5,0ul : exports , co istxxlse , 2,304 ; sales , 0,000 ;
stock , 35aOuO bales. , '
'I radrrs * Tulle.
CmrAOO , Til. , Jan. 18 Counsi'lman A. Dcy
to Coi-krcll Itios Commission compiny : The
gtnliimiiiketsnll took a xxeak til ino\x ing to liq
uidation lulluenci d by loxvur cables , receipts
linger than tlm estimates , small cle irancus
and morn fnxonblu xxeathor. There xxns a tibseiieu of nexv outside oideis , oxxlng
j' tlm pri dieted enrly p issage of the null-op
tion bill , and to this cause thu 3jC due-lino In wus due. Corn xxns stiou nil day on
heaxy buying by Noxx Yolk The fluctuations
folloxxed xxheat sllghtl > Consldei ihlo shott
Inteiest In xxheat and coin has accumulated
ilmlriL'tho Hoelc , and both ate ready fora
sharp rally xxhen thu ciuient of sentiment
changes. Piox Islons declined sharply on stop
orders nnd liquidation by commission bouses
Mny polk touched J18.00 tliieu times , but
llcd on local shorts coxerlng Laid xvas foa-
tureluss Hlbs declined 17'C and ii-coxe-red
lOc on some packers coxerlng short sales foi a
tin n. Wu think on any good rally hog stall Is
a sale.
Clltc'xno , 111. , Jan IB. 1fl. . Logan .S. C to
Duncan , Holllngei A. Co : J'ho xvhe it market
opened xxeak this morning at8l18c , sold up to
82'c ' , as loxv us 81'ic ' nmlcloic'd ut 81'aC Wo
still holluxu thai quick profits aio on thu buy
ing sldu If bought on declines around 80c. All
xve-athur contingencies ute In fax or of higher
priced There has he-en consldei able liquida
tion on thu de-cllnu from 8Jc to 81'iC , much of
It on stop ordeis Wo aiu at a loss to make up
our minds xxhat effi ct a good January thaw
xxlll haxo should It occur Wu Incline to think
It xxould Inlluencu prices doxxnxxaid Un thu
other hand should the exliemo told weather
continue It xxlll assist an-idxiince I'oiclgn compile itlons xxith thu dllTcie-ut l.ti-
io | > eau goxeinmonts xxlll bring an actlxe spec
ulation In xxheat at thu piesi-nt xaluo Wu do
not look foi any suilous dllllctilty xvlth K/ypt
and Ilrltaln , s-tlll It Is on thu cauls 1'oielgn
cables nre steady I'luctu itlons Incoinliaxo
been In sympathy xx lib xvhe-al The business
( linio xxas not heuxy Tor the llrst time lu
lOino xxe-e-ks theio Is tlio promise of Increased
o ulpts. This means loxxoi pilces If conect.
'hu cash demand Is loxxer at about the prices
if yesterday Them Is no featuiu In oats. I'hu
justness In them is light. Ho , ; product has
) i > un xxeak on fair selling by pickers , xxlth few
myers outsldo of the locul piofeislon-ilshoits.
letter receipts of ho snio piomlaud and , \lth
his loxvor pi Ices.
Cilicxtio , 111 , Jan. 18 Kennett , Hopkins A.
3o toH A. McWhorter : 'II o most potent fnc-
or In todny's markut lias luen thu fear of thu
anti-option bill , many truduis not haxing
lotlccd thu fact thnt tfid xotoon it had been
) Ostponud until next Tuesday. Thu icsult
xas free soiling by pirtles xvno hnxo been tall-
ng onto operations of alleged clique. H.irly
soiling of xxhuat xxas qtilto heavy butxxo can
seu nothing to shoxv mucli of It xvus done
or the account of the most piomlnent longs.
L'liu Hradstreets shoxxed a net decre-uso of
j 18,000 bushuls , but this hud no effect on the
11,11 kot , lleforu the clou this maikut shoxxod
Ittlo reaction from the break , and wo noted
somu good buying thnt xxu think to bu for long
account. Corn nnd oats opened quiet ami
firm , but sold off In sympathy xxlth xvhoat.
Thuro xvns good selling by the icculvlng
louses , nnd the xvcnkness encouraged some
, ulllngby bears , xxho coxeicd their shorts on
ho bulgu of Monday and today. ' 1 ho Kcne-iui
trading xxus not lurgo und presented no noto-
xxorthy fentures. Provisions hnxe been active ,
riiu country has been a laigubu ui , u\un In
ho face of thu sharp dccllnu.
Trailing In the Street Yesterday Wai Again
Full of Confidence.
NKXV YOHK , Jan , 18. Notwithstanding the
illght HOtbiclc glxuu to the stock niaikct
yesterday by the liberal reall/lng and thu op-
01 atlons of the bearish traders the sticet today
xvus ntnln ; full of confldunco Kxe-u In the
.liroatencd outgo of gold on Saturday the in-
cicaso In the note Issue of the Hank of I'r.inco
is expected to facilitate the mov cincnt of gold
lo that center , nnd the scarcity of commei clal
jllls here prcserxesu stllTncss In cxchango
rates xxblch keeps the maikot up to the ux-
Ijoitlng point , or nearly so , all the tlinc. To
jITsot thcso Inllucnccs there Is u lomarkiibly
easy money ninrket , xvlth practical assurance
of Us continuance for a long tlmo
o come , nnd rates aio already doxxn to
an oxtrumoly loxv figure , call loans being ef
fected today ut2ij pur cent , xxhllo the feeling
.hat gold shipments are Imminent , prevents n
'urthcr decline. A light demand uxists , modi-
led somoxxhat by tho.ictlx-Ity In Wall street ,
jut leudors are noxv seeking customers. Thu
stock of sllxoratNoxv York hold on certificates ,
uis been reduced to less tluiii 700,000 ounces ,
the otfi lings to the goxeminent aru small and
llio pilco of the comnlodlty .shows decided
TluPstdcU market today paid little attention
lo ndxciao lullucnces nna the com so of prices ,
xxith some foxv Interruptions and exceptions ,
xvus almost steadily upxxnrd throughout the
session. The bullish feeling xxns ngaln pro
nounced at the opening , when prices xxere from
U to ' per cent hlghui thnn those of last
night , London bulng.i buyer of those special
ties sold so fieely jesterday , nnd the hopuxxns
Indulged that those sales xxlll not make any
exchange. Thofeatuius luthucaily pan of
the day xxeru Manh-ittan and Sugar for
sttength and Dlstllluis and Nexv England foi
xxeakness , but uxuu thcso failed lo i cumin for
any great length of tlmo , and the formtr , on
good lusldu buy Ing , scored a llnal gain of 1 per
Thopnjolnlngof the registration of the nexv
Issue of $ J,00)00 ( ( ) bonds by tlm Noxv England
xxas made the basts of an attack upon -xhlch
forced It off l' ( per cent , but lenuxxed talk of
a possible contest for conliol betxxeen Messrs.
I'm sons and McLeod It up somo-
xx hat and most of thu loss xx as legalned. The
operations among the Industrials xvero again
piomlnent for the deeldcd support given and ,
while Sugai xxas strong tliioughout , closln ,
xxith a final gain of 21 ! pur cent , Coidago bo
eamo u siieelal fcaturo % erv Into In the day ,
but xxas lifted ll put cent Manhattan , under
the stimulus of thu leported new pilxl-
leges to bo granted again , lluctuatod
rapldl > . rising 3 per cent , but dually
re-acted from Its loxxest point and vxas main
tained upon a considerably higher level than
that of last night , Its llnal gain being only 1
cent llouklng Coal recoveied n portion ol
Iier lo > s and Noxx York & Northern preferred
continued to adxance. Among iiillroad stocks
there xxas great strength In Loulsvlllo X Nash-
x llio on purchases by London , and In Northern
1'aclllc preferred , nfilch wasudxanced on thu
coxerlng operations of a piomlnent loom oper
ator Their gains xxcio from If pnr cent to ly
per cent respt-ctlxely. The effect of the
threatened outgo of gold xxas only to restrict
trading In thu general list , and oxen the utTcci
disappeared as soon as the temper of thostrce
madu Itself felt The opening advances xxero
adhered to but slowly until late In the day
when tin ) upward movement beca'no moro
pronounced and oxerything mined forxxard
the ploso being nt the best prices of the da y
Thu 1'ost's llnaiiclal xxrllur sajs. London
Interest today centeied In tin ) giangers , the
udxanco In bt. I'aul being on account of foi-
ulgn buying London Is inclined lo put em
phasis on thu news fiom Washingtonpartlcu-
larli as regards the possibility of thu passage
of thu lilll legalizing railroad pooling. Mich n
bill Ills said would help the ginnger roads
most of ull. The reports from London nhoxx-
liis a moro buovnnt fiulliunnd that the ac
tivity was sloxxly spreading lo thu public xvero
well received. Wall street has resolved that
thu outlook for somu legislation about thu
Sherman net Is fnlr and ( hat the general opin
ion of the country Is fax oralilo to tlui sound
ness of ull things American. Thu Inlluence
upon thu market of thu probability of long
continued ease In monej Is not to bu oxer-
looked.hulher wo call Itlnll , tlon or lack
of confidence In Investments not well known
the effect of an overplus ot Idle currency Is
toward higher prices , un effect to be checked
; It nmy 1u > by large oxporinof gold whenoxcr
' Mich occur ,
i I'ln-following nnntrti closlmt quotation * of
the I Aiding Htoolis Illi1 llm Noxv VorkHtock t't-
hmitto todiiyi i " '
Atcninon , . , , , * ' ( MiMlhi'Mi (
A prcp . . . Irt ) i do prof err cd , . .
AHon , T II , . * l < ( 1' I' Don Adult . .
do prcfcrrml
Aincrlenti Kiproii iHi pro for red . . . . 1(5
Inlllinuro l A Uhto .V. V ( cntrixl . , . , lr.l ( ) (
M'i Y A N K MM
ulliorn f'lF'Cnlorln , v Wolcrn.
> ntr l r rlrlc. la.'h Orcijon Imp .
.lips .V Ohio , . . X8V Orritnn Snv. . . . . . 81
'hlcc o Alton Hi | 0ru. * UAU N . . .
C II .t Q IUIH I'nclllo Mull . . . .
hlcfun ( Inn f ' ) ! I'eorln , live. \ K.
'onsuMdatril Om. . . JJGU PlttabnrK IM
' . . ? * . I * AV * I'ullmim I'nlncB. . . . 1W
oltnnOII Cert 'HiMi Ken-Unit - - . .
Icl Hudiun . . . . U'-mclimumrierinliml VV
) K A W. . . IMHI do preferred 3d
I ) A It O pfil. , * ) Itlo tiramlo W 21
II A U K to. 67I I ilo preferred HI.
nttTcnn. . . .
Krlo 'St. ' I , AH. F. lit pfil
( to preferred. 69 is.t. 1'nnl
I itoprvforrcd Kl
( It. .Sorllirrn pfd. . St. Paul A Omaha . KlSI
( \ AK 1 | ild . 101 do preferred. . . . . .
locking Vnller. . . Southern Pacific. SI8M
Illnoh CentrAl , . Snirnr Itlflnery.
it I' ul A. DulutU Icnn. Con ) A Iran 8M
inn. , V 'Ic * nfd. . . . Texan Pacific , . 10 <
.nko llilo A XVcst . Till. A O Cent. ltd. 78H
do prcJerrcJ. . . . Union 1'riclllc , Wl
nko Shore. U r * . Xiprpsi (11 (
,3nil 'Iruit . . . . . \v st i. x r . . . .
OIlU \\lll > li . . . do Druff rrcil.
.oiiln A .New Alh'jr XVoils In run Kxp. 111
M anhattan Con . . . XVStern Union .
Mi'inplils A C. WlH'i'Mni : A I , K .
Mlcliixnn ' Central luKl do iircfere-il
? illmourl ! I'nclllc Kl Minn A St. I
Mobile A Ohio . I ) A It O
Nuilifllla rimtl 81 ( Icncrat Klectrlc , 1I3U
NnllonalOorUiKu j Niillonnl 1 Insoed . .in
do prof < rreit C. 1 ue-l A. Iron I.Z'f '
J Central do pro eirod . . . 105
Norfolk A V. pf l . , fTJ ( llous A Tux Cen 105jt ( ,
North American Co "k
ex dlv.
The total sales of stocks today xvero 306 000
sh'iies , Including ( hlcagoOas , 0,300 , Lacka-
xaiina , a.blKI. Di.nxer.x. llio Otande piefened ,
0,700 ; Distilling , 01,300 : L-iko Kile .X. \\est-
in,4,2)0 ) : Like llrlu .X , Western pnfeiied ,
4,200 : LoulsxIlle.vNashxIllu. 7.900 ; Manhat-
an " , 12,500 : Nexv Lnglaiid , 14,000 : Northern
"nclllc piefoire-d , 2H.HOO : Hendlng , 45,200 ;
\\est I'olnt. : l,800 ; Uock Island ,
l.-IOOi "t. I'.iul 8,500i Sllgai , 57,000 , Union
aclfic. 0,900cstern Union , 5.400
London 1 Inniielil Kexlpxv.
| rorfih ) | / / ( I JMUijj/Jrtmei / ( TonoilJennrlf.l /
l.o.NDov , Jan IH ( Nexx Vork Heiald C.iblo
' peclnl to I'm , IihKl The stock markels
rloso xxllh n bettct tendency all 'tound nnd
Ituliu the last hunt business In dlrec-
lens has shoxxn moro animation 1'iinds are
lirilleied , xxhllo Indian rupee piper Is ' , d
ilghei. loielgn goxeinment sieurltles
ire toleiably Hunt aflei having been
leprussed : moro steadiness xxas lepoited
n some parts of the lionise Homo rallxxajs
ipe-ned dull and beinme gr.idu.illy loxxer , but
u the comse of thu nfteinoon a distinct tuiii
.01 . the heltei took place , and thu closing Is
Inn. The market foi Americans piesented
inlle in animated nppcnr.ineo during the lat
er part of the afternoon , Nexv Voik becoming
strong , xx 1th the result I hat a decided tlimness
nox.ille'd at the close in Denxei pieference.
.onlsvllle X Nashville In conspicuous ( le-
iiiinil and closed about 1 pei cent higher
Missouri , Katis is 4 Te\.i , Ohio & . Mississippi
ind Chlrago.xv Mllxv.iukeulmpioved 'i percent ,
I'lilladelphia & liu.idlng Impioxed ! , percent
ind most other-i .ill but lecoxeied tliee.irly
lecllne. Canadian lines xxero also bid for at
he close. Can ull.iu Pacific and ( Jiand Trunk
ssnes turned Into the adxaneofiom > > per cent
o \ percent Theio XTasnarcely any Inquiry
'or money Shoit loins xveru fruily olleiedat
' pei cent to34 pui cent. Thu discount niai-
, xvas also quint , txvo and thieoinonthb bills
ixere quoted .it l\ pel eent.
New Vork Monej Ji irkct.
NL.XX VoiiK.Jati 18 MOM \ ov CAI.I , Hasv
it 'J to 3 pet cent , last loan 3'S , closing olleied
it 2'i percent.
I'ltixtt : MKIIC ANilt.K rAt-Pii G'ffflG'4 pere-ent.
' inti.iMJ KxcitjfUKQuiet but Him , xxlih business In bankers' bills at $4 ao foi 00
: lays and $4.b7i foi demand.
Ooxi'iiNxtiNi IIONUS Dull andislcady btato
bonds neglected
The closing quotations on bonds :
U d MM Nurtticrn Pinnils
IT M 4i . eoup N XV Consols . . 1.17
L' S 04.1 re-u N XV Deb Ss . . . 1W (
I'llClllCIB Of M S I * A. I XI ( , en As IK )
ulslniia at lied ta VI H I , A s b ( ioll .XI
1'eiin nuir set ( jj 102 St Paul Consols .
Jcnn row set 6s 1U1 , t p e A. p IMS
Perm no > r set Is I' . P I. ( . Tr. lie-Is
nndnSu tnds lP ! . ( . Tr. Itcts
ten 1'ticlllc Isls . Union Pacificism . 103IA
1) A II I , lata . 11714 VV'O't hlroro
I ) A It O < B . . . . fi7 i II (1 XV. l ts
Krlo "nds . . . . A till. 4s
M 1C A r ( .un ta . Atcli 2lB , class A 57
M K AT Cen f. . U It AS A nmtCs 07
Mutunl Union M. . . O II AH A 5s . . . 104
N J. C. Int Cert II A'I.C. s 105V.
Northern 1'nc IstB 11.AT C ( Vnx ( 1111
llostou Stock Oiiotutlous.
HOSTOV , M.iss , .Tun. 18. Call lo.ins , 4ift 5 per
cent ; tlmo lo.ins , 45J4' { per cent. The follow
ing aio the closing stock quotations :
Atchlson &Topelia. llostou A Mont. . . .
llostou & Albany. . . Calumet A llocln. . .
liostuni- a Inn , Irnnklln , . . , .
C' . , B .VQ Kcnrsape
Knitern u It , Ts . . . 1111)1 Oncoola
HtcliLnrgll. K . . . . ( Julncy . las
F. A. P. it pfd < nnlft Fo Copper . , lasi
( Can C. tt.\0 1 > 7s Tamarack
l.lttleKotkAFt. S. PI2J Annlston I.nmt Co , 22
Muss Central 2J Uostnn Land Co . . ,
.Mex Cen coin . . . . 2JU "an DIOKO Liiuil Cox
VAN. Knjilanil. 6UI , x\ est Unit I.anil Co , 22'H
< k > 7 ROM , Doll Tele-phono. . .
Old Colony li ) ,4 Water I'oxvor
XVI o. ( e-utrnl com 15UJ C. M 'H
Allouci it to ( ncix ) UJ n &B Copper
Atlantic luiU ( ion El
fan FrnnclKco Mlnlnff Stocks.
SAN TIUNCITO , Cnl. . Jan. 18Tho
closing iiintitlnns | ( for t.ilnlng stocks today
xvero as folloxxs :
Alta 21) .Mono 15
Ilulwcr IA Ophlr 150
llclcher lit ) I'otoM 175
Dot A IH'Icher Hi BaxaKO UJ
llodlu Consolidated hle-rrn Nuvaila luO
Chollar Union Con 101 ,
ton Cal A X'a 260 D.ah 15
Trotrn Point 40 Volloxr Jacket 70
Could .V Curry 80 o o
Halo A .Vorcross 73 N. II. I 10
Moxlcun 14 J
Xcxx Vork JMlnlnt ; Oiiotulloiis.
Ni.xv VOIIK , Jan. 18. The folloxvlng are the
closing mining quotations :
C'rnwn I'olnt . 41) I'lymontl ( A
Con. Cal nnil Vo . . . 2.V ) Slerruovnda 1 0
Dcadnooil . KO r-tandaril llj
Gould anil Curry. . . . 80 Union Con 10 !
llule onil .Norcross. M Velio w Jacket . . . . CO
lloraustake . 1200 Iron Silxer 30
Mexican . 130 Quick Mlx-cr aw
.North Star i > h do prof erica 1800
Ontario 1200 lluhfur 15
St , r.ouU Mining ( Jnotatlons.
ST. Loins , Mo , Jun. 18. Maikut easier.
Quotations :
Stocks Did Asked stoiks lllil Asked.
( Irtnttc fl 50 f i.OO Am. .Net t .W
lllmct.ilHi. . 9 00 9.25 Klliatieth .40 .45
Adams 47M . . I' . Murphy .03 .00
I'inaiirlal Notes.
IxASRAsClTV , Mo. , Jan. 18. Clearings , $2-
I'Aius Jan. 18. Thrco per cent ionics , 95f
7'icfor the account.
Ni.xv YOHK , Jan. 18. Clearlngs , $155,452-
679 ; balances , 3.019C:07 :
ItAl.HMOliK , Aid. , Jan. IB. Clearings , J2.209-
702 ; balances , $404,041. Kale , G put cent.
I'lili.uiri.riiiA , I'd , , Jan. 18. Clearings ,
110,40,2.821 ; balances , 41,728,231. Money , 4) ) ,
per j cent.
MiMi'iiiR , Tcnu . Jan. 18 Now York ex
change selling at # 1.4,0. Clearings , { J7(1,7'JO ( ;
balances. $104,907.
OMUIA , Jan -Clourlnss , { 1,250,088.
Same day last xxeeji , Sl.500,335 On Tuesday
of thu pie-sent xxeuWf f.l9J,475.
NMX Om KANH , Lrt , Jan 18 Clearings , ! 2-
004 , ( > 89j Nuxv York exchange , commercial ,
Jl.&O per $1,000 ; bank1 , * 1 per $1,000.
ST Louis , Mo , Jan * 18. Clearings , J5.174-
( > 93 ; balances , $032,112. Monuy , ( julut at.b'i/.T
per cent. Kxchungo on Nuxv York , 50o pre
mium. ' '
BOSTON , Mass. , Jnn. 18 Clenrlngs. $18,900-
879 ; balances , $1,743,082 Money , 3ft3)i ) iiei
eent. i\chaiiBOOH N.OXV York , 10ffll2'ii : dis
count , if
Ni.xv YOHK , Jan. 18 , [ Special Telegram to
TUB ItrBl Kxchancv xxas nuoted as follows :
Chicago , 50c dlscuolit , ; llostou , ! O12'iC ills
CniCAno , III. , Jan. 18 Clonrlngs , 119,251-
951. New York exl-hango sold at 50c dis
count , hturllng oxuhango dull ; $4,80i ( for
sixty-day bills , $4.88i ( forslght drafts. Monuy
easy at 0 pur cent. - -
Cnltle Trndo Actho nnd I'alrly Slemly
HogH llrrtik Oirriilly 1/5 UcnU
OXIAIU , Jan -Heeelpts so far thlsi wool
' ' '
a xxi
sheep YhVlTrst hiiif of last week.
'Iho general cuttlu mnrket xxns a tilde un
exun. with the best ripe IHef steers In good do
iiiuml nt about steady prices , xxhllu the mc-
dliun to Inferior giades xxero sloxvsalo am
anyxx hero fiom steady ton dlmu lowur thni
Tuesday. There xxas a good Inquiry fron
shlppuis , but they xxanted to buy thu cat
tlu loxxe-i. It xvas the samu xxay xxltl
thu dressed beef buyers , but the actlv u compt )
tltlon maintained prices on thu moro deslrubh
ollurlngs. xvlille Iho undi rgrndes , being in un
u unlly liberal supply so far this xxe-uk , nut
urally siiirured somu decline , t liolco cattle
\UTU conspicuously absunt.ibut the fnlr ti
good 1.1611 to l,3H-lb ( ) lieoves sold readily u
from $4.25 to M.80 , with poor to fnlr stuff u
from 3 00 to { 4.00. Tlio market rather weak
I rued nlong ( imard noon , ' ) iit hy that ( line the
I big bulk of the en tlio hud rhithucil hands
Thecow inaiKcl xrus fnlrlyhclhu mid ii-i- |
rnlty fully sternly , In some I-IIM-S ilenlers
rrporlcd prices u trlflo slrotiKer nn the
nero deslrnhlo grades of enxxs mid
H'lfern , whllo other snlestncn iiuoted ouslei
irlce for miythluit grndltig less Ihnii good ,
llies of fnlr tu good tocl < xxero Imgely lit
mm > 2f)0 id3 25 , xvltli nn extreme ningenf
romrl.uo to $ .1.50. Hulls , o\on mid sings
xere mibsinntlnlly iinclimiged at from $1 no to
305. Tlm offerings of e'nlxesenIUht.iml
irti-es fully steady ut from f'J.OO to { 5 60.
There xxns u scnrclty of stoekers mid feeders ,
specially of the moro deslrnlilo grndcs , and
pe'culators reported .in nollxo linUlry | from
ountry buyers for the right kind of Mix-k ,
rrndlng xrns naturally limited , hut prices
tiled llrm nil mound , lleprt-sentntlxu snles :
i III Kl' .
Ml. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
1 900 3 f.O 20 1103 4 10
1 760 3 00 20 1312 4 10
4 8HO 3 fit ) 95 1201 I 20
7 1077 : i oo 19 101'J 1 20
1120 3 00 23 1110 4 25
1 10HO 3 00 18 1137 4 25
3 13,18 3 00 3 .1040 I 25
5G . 1)97 ) 3 00 13 1123 t 30
G 915 3 00 39 1007 4 30
8 1002 3 l > 3 40 I'JOO 4 : io
0 ! )18 ) 3 70 15 1100 4 35
8 1121 3 70 1073 4 35
4 Hlti ! ) 3 70 23 .1044 30
2 - 1020 2 70 12 , .12J2 4 40
OHO 3 70 150 .1212 1 10
925 3 70 20 11.11 4 40
1080 3 70 13 1251 4 40
8 . 982 3 80 32 1180 4 45
8 9'I2 3 80 17 1180 4 00
4 981 3 80 15 TJOO 4 00
0 3 00 20 1210 4 00
4 892 3 05 18 131 I 4 1)0
'l . 1)32 ) 4 00 83 1'jin 4 ( > 0
1 700 4 00 1224 4 dO
4U 102,1 4 00 27 124 H 4 70
U 9,15 4 00 41 1221 I 70
JO 1IIIH 4 00 21 1200 1 70
7 1050 4 ( K ) 1050 4 hO
J5 10J4 4 OA oo 118.1 4 bO
11 1038 4 10 19 1358 0 05
HI \M > hM'OllT.
1 . 740 3 05 17 1202 00
7 11H5 4 00 32 1237 00
Ul 1170 I 10 20 1225 70
40 1120 4 10 13 13.VI 70
40 1179 4 20 20 1321 85
J8 .1191 4 40
.1020 3 40 2 1148 3 00
. 730 1 50 .1000 2 05
000 1 75 25 1053 2 05
. 8)5 ( 1 00 11 89(1 ( 2 0.1
.1010 2 00 0 . 772 2 05
. 1)13 ) 2 00 23 9.11 2 70
040 2 00 13 710 2 70
. 020 2 00 14 1)12 ) 2 70
Hill ) 2 00 10 . 01,9 2 70
870 2 OO 10 017 2 70
781 2 10 12 . HOJ 2 75
844 2 10 24i 804 2 75
8b2 J 10 , i 080 2 70
810 2 10 04 . 802 2 75
701 2 10 4 1032 2 75
nor > 2 20 1 ( > 812 2 75
8 ( > G 2 20 19 ' )02 ) 2 80
1100 2 25 13 , 005 2 80
H02 17 8H < ) 2 80
127'J 21 20 . 920 2 85
OKI 2 25 3 107G 2 85
1120 2 25 17 . 870 2 80
1 100O 2 25 10 . 1094 2 85
1 , ' ) ( , ( ) 2 25 42 . UJl 2 H.I
1040 2 25 10 .1140 2 80
1 . 020 2 25 10G 1020 2 85
1 eco 2 25 G . 041 2 90
3 920 2 25 3 1023 2 OO
0.10 8 1112 2 90
5ti H72 21 1045 2 90
ti 743 2 25 0 1095 3 00
1 10CO 2 25 10 .1040 3 00
2 . 000 5 25 2 ' .1000 3 00
J.IU 785 2 1)0 ) 17 lOOt 3 00
U 7U ! 2 30 19 . 8.TI H 00
10K 800 2 30 10 . 91b 3 00
K ; 0.15 2 35 20 . 017 3 00
11 . 079 2 35 l > . 917 3 00
Jl . 85H 2 35 27 091 3 00
8 .10.1r ) 2 35 t ) .KMl'i 3 OO
' 050 2 40 17 97. ) 3 01
'I 1100 2 40 2J H50 3 03
, 10)0 ) 2 40 Ti ) 1040 3 (15 (
2 ! ) 83b 2 40 .u 100J 3 10
812 245 3o 1000 3 10
J. ) 8 ( > 7 2 45 o 1080 3 10
1000 2 r-0 1 1102 3 15
1017 2 50 1 080 3 10
1 080 2 00 3 111,0 3 10
18 090 2 50 21 9.11 3 15
1 .1000 2 50 20 91I > 3 JO
0 804 2 50 5 1170 3 20
802 2 50 10 1013 3 20
080 2 00 10 1087 3 25
OHO 2 00 1i 1200 3 25
900 2 50 1n I'JQO 3 25
3 . 880 2 50 n 1120 3 25
1 . 810 2 50 8 lOdH 3 25
10 1107 2 05 40 001 3 20
JO . 81)0 2 dO 31 , 804 3 25
18 . b33 2 GO 1 1210 3 25
18 . 008 2 GO 11 1009 3 2.1
12 . 803 2 00 12 , 1010 3 30
J.I 017 2 ( .0 0 103(1 ( 3 30
Jl . 8D8 2 GO 3 1130 3 35
JO . 879 2 ( > 0 3 10GO 3 35
J4 1001 2 00 7o , . 985 3 30
12 . 933 2 GO 7b 1210 3 40
31 . 870 2 G5 b 130' ) S 45
1(3 . 880 2 05 1 , 1420 3 00
1 1000 2 GO 27 9GO 3 50
GO .1038 2 05 0 1012 3 50
21 . OJ5 2 GO 1 . 1200 3 00
44 . . 955 2 G5
470 2 25 7 . 730 3 10
000 2 25 4 . 840 3 25
010 2 75 1. 810 3 25
10. . ; ; 4GG 3 00 24 . 870 2 25
CAI.XI1 * .
3 . . 320 2 75 2 . 100 4 00
i . . . 420 3 25 1 . 140 4 50
i. . . . . 70 4 00 , 1 . 120 5 00
i . . . . 80 4 00 1. 130 6 25
3 . 1GG 4 00
.1280 1 00 1. . 1400 2 GO
.1240 2 00 1370 2 0.1
. 740 2 00 1 1'40 2 70
1120 2 10 1 . 1300 2 75
1500 2 20 1 1050 2 70
1030 II 25 1 . 1020 2 70
I'JtiO 2 25 1 . 1C > 10 2 85
1570 2 25 157.1 2 8.1
1220 2 25 , 1520 2 90
1100 2 25 1 14')0 ) 3 00
1050 0 25 , .1170 3 00
. 1300 2 JO 1. , 1300 3 00
1255 2 35 1 . . .moo 3 00
1110 2 40 1 .1320 3 00
1113 2 50 1 . .1300 3 00
. 1210 2 50 1. 1440 3 10
. 1440 2 50 1 .1700 3 15
IbHO 2 50 1 . . 070 3 25
. 1470 2 50 1 . 1120 3 50
1275 2 50 1 .1020 3 0.1
1403 2 50 .1040 4 00
. .1G10 2 05
ST.XG * .
, .1400 2 30 17 1701 3 75
17. , .1490 ' 3 GO
7 405 2 10 1 5 tO 3 00
4 452 2 00 405 3 00
1 780 2 00 . 003 3 10
1'J 571 2 GO . 00 t 3 10
7 3G4 2 00 . 090 3 10
700 2 05 14 . 010 3 25
430 2 70 5. . 922 3 30
090 2 85 34 70O 3 40
057 2 90 3 . 9JJ 3 40
812 3 00 0 . 910 3 0.1
, 980 3 00 10 JO 3 GO
973 3 00
Hods The market experienced the first soil-
ous brealc It lind slnco the hosstait ) ( don
their ii e'ent boom. Conditions xxeio much the
s.imo as on Tuesday , he.uj reeelpls , beailsh
castoinadxle-esmid flttlo 01 no shipping or
speeulatlx o demand I'l Ices i nled iinox en , but
fully lOuloxver than Tuosilaj'n iiNoraco tintlo
lOo loxxer than the elosu mid all of 20o loxvei
than the opening , liood to choleo buteher
xveli-ht and heaxy hops nold at from $7.40 to
J7.00 , 1'iilr to ( food light mid mU
ostly at fiom 17 35 to7.40 , xxitherycom -
on under weight stun" as loxv as J7 25 mid
7 30 The best bales xxero intido early and the
close xxus xery xxeaU , although about exeiy-
tliliiK finally cliungud hnntiH , tlm bulk at from
17 40 to 17,45 , HfMln&t at from t7 00 to t7.0o
just as much as a
sick and uillnc one ,
needs Or I'iorco'i
Favorite Picscrlp-
tlou. That builds up ,
btrctiKtliens. nnd In
vigorates the entiie
female system. It
regulates and pro
motes nil the proper
functions of woman
hood , Improves diges
tion , enriches the blood , dispeU aches and
pains , melancholy nntl nervouine s. brings
refreshing sleep , nnd restoies health and
It' a powerful restorative tonlo and soothIng -
Ing nervine , made especially for woman's
needs , and the only gunranfteil remedy for
woman's weaknesses nnd ailments. In all
"female complaints " and irregularities , if it
ever falls to benefit or cure , you have your
uionoy back.
A great many medicines "relieve" Ca
tarrh In the Head. That means that Its
driven from the head into the throat and
lungs. Cut , by its mild , soothing , cleaning
and healing properties , lr Sago's Catarrh
Remedy perfectly and permanently cures.
& * .
the Vtom IlOl tr anil tout If. purl-
fy the tilood. n- sale w > il unwlual I (
thu twit mrdlclne kiioo n for blllauF-1
new , cumulation. dyM * ! * ! * . iuul {
timth , licwlarlio , heutl urn , ttfatl
api tltc , u-diiUl dcpreMlon , | lnfuI *
Ui vtU tn pimples , k&llnvr rcraplrx 4
lonndcTeryUI > * efMiiltluk-froin
.re tlond.or a f jur | liy the * toaau li , U ; r or lo '
in lo perform tholr proper functions I'trMiuJ
ViTeo too/fr * lln ? r Kncfltdlj uklotf ciicafur
; hra * l l. b in.ll.lirro , lI.jnT..U < ; . J
, ill r Ana
ft 40 last
pins XM > uonni.
BO l 70 ( ) ( 145 0 75
bl ) 0 00 1 340 7 12'i
' Heeolnls xvcru meager nnd the qiril-
IIv common llio d < maud continues t-ooil
for desliahlu millions and fi edcrs at
fully steady prices Pali to good nn
llxes , } l75 < ii500 , fall to ( rood xxc terns ,
$ .1 6tKil 75 , common and stork shepp , JJ 25(4
3 50 , ( rood to choleo 40 to 100-pound lambs.
$4 OOiJ.5 60. lieprese-ntutlxos lies :
No Av. Pi.
80 mixed nallxe- . 89 H 70
HrcrlplN and IllMpiislllon of Stock ,
oniclnl u-ci and disposition of stork as
shoixn l > i I hi- hooks of tlii'l nloiiMook Vaids
coiiipiny foi Ihu txxrnly-foiiis , ending at 6
o'clock p m .Itinuaiy 18,1H9J :
Slight ( ! In Slioxxn for \\cckOxcrtlio
Olio L.iKt I'li'xlmli.
CINCINNATI.O .Inn IH - [ iieel.ilTeleKi.imlo
Till. Ill I..1 Tomoimix's 1'ilee ' i'liiient ulll
six. Western p icUliiK foi the p.istxxiek xxns
'J'JJ.OOO ho 's , against UUO 000 lust xxick mid
030,00(1 ( lust year. maKliu a total of n.17J 000
slnco Noxember l.aKtilnsI ri,7b6,00 ( ) n jear
IIKO. I'romlnent points comp.iro as follows
ChlciiKO I.lxo Xlurkcl.
CJlilCAno , III , .Titn. 18. l peclitl Telegram to
Tun lln.l : Today's run of cattle xxas the
largest recorded for dnjs , nmountln/
tonbotit 17,000 A piottygeneial srflenlngof
prices xrus lookid foi as a lesult , but sellois
xxero agree-ably disappointed lu that icspect.
Wull fatte-d c.tttlo of nil xxelghls xxuro In nc-
tlx u demand and sold tons good ndx nntngo ns
on the preceding dnys of the xveek. Poor nnd
common grades did not faio qulto as xxell , gen
eral ! } selling .1 Httlo weaker than on jester-
day. They also moved freely , hovxoxor , as
theio xxas a good ( U in ind fiom all elasse-s
of bujers. bnlos xxoro fiom fl.&O lo 11.75 foi
thin old coxxs toiG OJ foi o\Uii stcets. I'rom
8WHTS SPECIFIC Is totally unlike any
other blood medicine. It cures tliseasi e of
thoblood and skin hx reinox Inc the poison ,
and at the same time supplies KO < M\ blood to the
xx-astcd parts. Don't bo imposed on by substi
tutes , xvhlcli are said to bo just as good , it n
not true. No niodlcino PM TUT " "
has purformcd as many BIU 1 UL
xxomlerlul curesor rclluxed so mueli sutlerlng.
"My blood was b.idl ) poisoned last > car , ixhlch
cot my xx hole fcj stem out of order diseased and
a constant source of nulTerlni ; , no appetite and
no eiijojinent of life. Txxo bottleof " * " ' " ' "
brought mo rl lit out. Tliero la no
better remedy for blood diseases. -
"JoiiN GAVIN , DajtonOhio"
Tieatlso on blood and skin diseases mailed free.
SWHT Sl'I.CiriO CO. , Atlanta , G'4.
til rtO to $ .1 r > 0 boimlit most of llio eoxx < lififeri
nnd bulls mid fiom $ .1 M ) to n T * was tlm
rangp of prices nl xrhi , h Ihe' bulk of the Mrcrs
xx-ero xVeliflKd i\lrirox : > mnl helfi-rsMild us
ldilins.UH > mid something fniiiM in siours
' xxinild m ) doubt lmx bioiight ( o U ) t < ifo in ,
'Iliulnqulrj for good feeders contln n-s ae'llso
undgiNMl slookets am nl o In deiumid Tlm
general market ( luted xrenk
The hogmntket xxasi Miumnly xv ( uU imlay ,
nllhottgh tlm fieili leoelpls weie tiiodrrnte ,
Thonggtegnte supply xxas fully 47H ( ) < lho4 < ,
rather mc-i1 tlinu I7,0 ( > t > Imxlng been left oxer
from yesterday. I'hero xxns u decline of lee
early in the day mid there xvns no subsequent xxlunsnhs icoold bu innilo to nny bellrr
ndx nntngo Diiung tin' moining there xxns
Minin iicttxlty lu tinde , but nfler > > lilp <
pers' orders had been tilled salts
xterex olo.x. Closing duotntlons xxero
fiom $7.25 to$7 55 for poor to pilmo light nnd
fiom $735 to $7.80 for mi ilium nnd luaxy-
weights.ory fexv prime hi-nvy hogs xxcra
olTercd nnd sales nt bottei thnn i"7u orrt
scnttotlng. The grenter part of the"xtulT xxus
xxelglud nt from $745o755 ( for Unlit mill
from } 7.r > 5 to $77(1 ( for medium nnd hcnxy.
Culls sold nt fiom fl 50 to $7.00 , A good many
liogs lemnlncd unsold nnd the close xMisdulI.
Trade mission lu sheep. Kirly prle'rsoii
the good grndoofterliigs xxero not mnlerlnlly
loxxer but tin gunernl tonuofthe 111:111,11 : xxas
Inclined to xxeaknes4 mid during llio later
hours thonmrkol dniEgednt from no to 10o
( lecllne. A siting of 2H2 t'holco loo-lb fed
Dakotns " .old nt $525 ngnlnsl $ S 30 foi thn
prexlous dny The Inmb mnrket pirtookof
the general weakness , prices lecidlng film
lee to lOc fiom the opening xnlucsof the
xxeek. Patioy Inmijs xxern iiiiotnlilu nt 10,25
hut the bulk of sales imigedat from $5 V.5 to
( ( r.vtin untlxe muttoiH sold up to $5,50 ,
xxhllo fair lo good landed nt fiom $400 to
} 5 25 nnd culls nnd lou gtado mixed nt from
$250(04.25. (
Keeelpts Cnttln 17,000 head hoas , 30,000
head , sheep , 9H)0 ( ) hi < ul
Tin' I'.x en Ing Join nal mioits
( Ald.nItecelplt , IH.oon head , shipments ,
4U)0 ( ) bond ; prlmo heaxy stiong common
grades , Ihsl5i-lower ; best slit-is. } . ' OlKiK , 00 ,
medium. $ l.5.it5 ( ) . 25 : olheis , f.i75t > l J'j stocK-
is , $ I 25.I 76 ; feeders , $1 00rf I J5 . oxxs , $ J 50
® I75
Minis Keculpts. 30000 , shlpiiu-nis 0,000.
Alaikel I5'320c ' loxxei ; mixed and pickers.
f7.i1 : < 77 50 : prime luaxy and biilchets1
xxrlghls. $7 0irt7 ( 75 , inline light , t * 4lKi7 75 ;
olhei lights , f7IO 7.35
Mil I p-Herdpts , 15.0OO lie-id vhlpments ,
l,500hoad Market slow , 10i(15c lo-tei , Inmhs ,
15a25c loxx-ei ; nntlxcs. $ lnaJtr J5. xxi steins ,
$5O5S52ri ; jenrllng xxctlieis , $525t550 ;
lambs , $5 5030 JO.
Kuiiftits Cll > I.IxiMink Market.
Kss\s CITY , Mo , .Pin IH \rrin Ko-
celnts , 5,500 head ; shlpnunts 1 5OO head ;
m.iikel dull , choice catlh slendj , othi'iH Hv'ij
UV loxxei , shipping steers , t. ) 3Kif5 55 , btock-
ds and ftedeis , JJ 15f(4 oo.
lions Kecitlts | , 11 MOO hend , shlimeiits | ,
1 lee hoad. m irket 2OlJ' ( loxxei closing d--
inotalbcd All giadcs , $0 OWfl,7 05 , bull. , $7 J5
< S7 45.
Mi 1.111 Hecelpls , 2,400 he-id , vh.pnients ,
noiir ; market dull and 1031t > clovxt r , nnitioiiM ,
i I JOS5 00.
St. I.null l.lxo Moi'lt Mnrkot.
Si I.otn , Mo , Jan is.-Ctrri.r Keielpts ,
3HOO head , shipments , 1,300 head .Market
steady on natlxin n shade oil on Lingers ;
iiatlxesti uis , $ J 25Q 1 ( > 0 , fed Texas sleeis ,
JJ 11X81 30.
HousKecelpts. . 11.900 head : shipments.
4.200 head. Market lOj&'Jdc lowei , henxy ,
$7 20ft7 00 ; packing , * 7 00it7 40 , light , $7 URi
SMI ci' Itccolpts , 700 head ; shipments none.
Market strong , n-itlxe-s , $300 175 , choleo
muttons , $500a5.40.
Constjimtion e-uiotl u.y Oo Witt's 1-arly
If Your Cistens
Is Out of Order
or Soji Water is scarce ,
don't worry yourself for a moment
go right ahead and use hard water with
and you'll never know the difference ,
The clothes will be just as white- ,
clean and sweet-smelling , because the
"White Russian" is specially adapted
for use in hard water.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Diamond Tar > t Ul
Dusky liSS ,
Union Stock Yards Company ,
lle't Cnttlo Ilo anil bl niurkot In tlio not
Y/ood / Brothers.
Llvo Stock Commission Mcrclmnts.
Soutli Cmalin Tolcphono 1167 Chicago
JOHN I ) UADISMAM , I. , _ . .
- - - -
WAI.THIl U WOOD , fM „ *
Mnrkt-t Reports by mall and nlro choarfully tur
nlshoU upon application
Manufacturers' and
Morse-Coo Shoa Company ,
Howsnl Mroit.
factory eornor lltli ixml uoujlm Stroa'.i
Wenroraaklni-clo'O prlo to caili btirorj. anJ are
aulllcu ucl.iu of Buoili which I , ve-ry
with uicrchanti
Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COMl'ANV Wlioloialo SIIOKCO. booH.slioei
infra a onti lloit'in anil rulituruuoili. IJJS-
llubbur Sliou Co I10J- 1J1U Harnu ; st
HUl-llUi. llarnoj St
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornice Works
MMK TO , hard and toft Mfri valranltal Iron
coal , 8 K eor lub ami curnlcn , nlniDw C4p > ,
Douglas Sts nietalllo skyllifhtt , etc
M , E. Smith & Co. , Kilpitrici-Kocli Dry
Dry Koorts , notloni , fur- Notion ) K8-JU' farnUh-
nlililntt ooils , oirnsr InjKOoli.cor lid and
lllhund Howard Ht . Htrnay Sts
Omaha Upholstering Beelw & Runyan
CO , upholiterel rurnl- lUHN'ITlWU CO , Grace
ture , I1J211UI Mtliolai
Bl Wholeialo only , and Uth Sti
Rector & Wilhelmy
Dealers In harilwnro and
Corner 10th nmtJackion mi-clianle * tuoU
rtlr ujtJ HU ( Duiiulan t.
W. A. L. Gibhon & Co. Omaha Safe and Iron
XVliolcsnlo WOIIKH
lints , c | u , straw itoorti Fnfe vaults Jail work.
gloves , mlllent , tli Iron itiutton anil tlrooc
and Ilarnoy Sts Liipi's Anilreuii A ( Jar *
nst t , HUi anil JncHon.
John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Lea ,
Inipurteil Ainurlcinl'ort Ilaritwool linuUar. wool
limil Dinvnl , Allwan ! cnrputf in I pirq lv (
lee commit aniKjuluo/ llonrliiK
nnltollu.o Otli uu.I .
Impirltri ml Jobs
at mlllliornotia
Stjxll or lar * pr ouipl.
1001 farnam SL JW-2US lith bt.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Cany n full ( lock nf
printing , wrapping an t UoflDod and lubricating
writing papura , euril
paper , eta. elli , in la treato , etc.
Omaha Stove Repair M.A.Dlsbrow&Co.
WilUK4. itoTO repair * Mnnnfnolurdrs of lash
ami water attaohment doors. bllii'H n
for any kind of ilura mouldlniis , brtncubf
mid , IOT Douglai 61. fic , r