THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY , ' 18 , 1893. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL , BLUFFS. orncii ! NO. 12 PUAUL STKKKT. Dcllveioil by carrier to tiny pitt nf the oily II W HI/TON , - MAKAOKIt. iril Piit\r < ; I Hiflnrwome o No. 43 . . Jl I/I.I HU.M.b { 1,51,1 , , I.iUlor No. 23 Jf/.W/UV. N. Y Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs Litimtxr Co Coal Born , to Mr mill Mts .Tolin Schrcylcr , Stutsmmi sheet , n daughter Meeting * nro to bo ln-ld every evening this \\ce-k at the Hist 1'ir-sbitcrlftii church. 'I ho funeral of Hosa Scahlll took plnco > estprduj rooming at Ht. IVancls Xiulers Calliollo church AmanliiRo HICDSP was Issued yesterday to .lainos W Vnnattsdcln of Neola and Kallo Dnscoll of Council Bluffs The Hehi-kah Hclief association vv 111 meet at the home of Mis A B Kudciton , ill'.1 'i hlrd strict , toilav at 2 U ) ] > in Ihcio vvdljicii incc-tliiR of the World's Pair tlub nt Ihehomcof Mts K M Osboinc , Will list siM-iiuc , this o\mint ; at 8 o'clock. 'I ho Women's Missionary society of the C' diurih will mec-t at the icsldcnio of Dr Montgomery tod.iy at It ] > in inProf Outwits of Omaha will boat Kstep's tomoiiow evening for the purpose of orciinlzliitf n ilass In the m.itdy ait of Bi'lf- dofpiup TIP | ladles Aid society of St John's Kiif.- llsh l.uthci.mehunh will muct 'I hmsd.iv at i ! p m at thpKsidencc'of Mrs N J bv an- son ti'M rr.uiUlin avenue KPV Gardner of I.alioCitj , la . Is holdint * a Hi-lies of nuutlngs at the vvuv Methodist chinch this week Meetings will bo held e-vi'ri evi-iiiiii : Mis A .1 Stephen'on will entoitatn a small ji.ntv tomoiiow tm-nlng at her home on Washington : tcnuin ( honor of Miss Wlnnlo C'l-ofls of Ucatiicc , Neb The fimual of \ , C Mnkoy took plan- \pstcidav at his late lesldemo on Hluff Htieel , Kc-v H .1 Unbiock of Kt Pauls ihuuh ollli latnih' 'I lie Masons and Odd Follows ulUiulod the services In a body and took that go of the cxcu iscs at the Riavo A meetiiif , ' of the Doelpo UnhtGu.ud will bo held next Mond.uitnlngul ) the nimoij for tht > ) > U'iosiM > f clti tiutj.i Hist lieutenant to tuko the plaioofO S Williams who was ic ei nth promoted to the position of captain B Collins died vestcidav momlng , nRid III jcais , at his liome. 1017 Tomtit a\e- nue , of ills , to which ho has boon subject i'\cr slm o infanc \ Ho was a mcmbei of the Komau Cntholic chnuli Kuneial aiinounic tncnt will be m.ido later Pottawattamle tiilie , No 21 , Impiovcd Oidei of Red Min will mict this eveningat icgular council in their wigwam , comer of Dio.iduHj and M.iin stieet , at the eighth Mm It is eaiiiistlv deslted that there bo a full attendance of the membeis HeHtnii Di-lont ? and his band of mis sion vvoiKi'rs and coii\eits li.ue been linited and aie expected to bo picsent at the Con- Kicgatlimal piajoi iiiLotlni ; this evening It is hoped the Mimbeis of the chuuliwilloe incsnt in Lugo nunibcis to ghu them a welcome tmiur MIDUIMKIC LI.KAIMM ; SAI.I- . 1IIP llostim Morp. Gifut midvvintc-i dealing iilo com- mc'iici-s Satmd.i.v. Fnmmrj-1st , und will continue for c-ifj'lit da.\s. Stoic- will IK eilosud all day FrilDAY maldii" ; piopnuitioiiH and iiKiikiny down fjoodH for the mlo. "Watch the dtiilj papers for n list of pi ices. BOSTON STORE. roilll ltINillAM , WIIITIU-AW .fc CO. , Council Blulls , la. Now that diphthoi in IH prevali-nt'in Council Bliills and Onmhu every family rdiould ho piovided with Dr. Julloris' in- falllhlo diplitheiia piovc-ntho and uuiu. It can bo had df Council UlullH di up- gists or tit 1M01 Cumin ; , ' Btieot , Omaha. Mr and Mis S. Fnrnsvvorth have gone to riorldu to spend two or thieo months. , Mis C W Coker Is hoi 10 fiom nn ex tended xlslt with iclatives In Uurllngtou , Knu. Chillies Oveiton , sou of llov. A Ovcrton of this c Ity , has been nipotuted ] assistant to Hey , C W. Savidgo of the Peoples chinch In Oinnhn. rianUD Jackson of DCS Molnes , cx-scere- tmv of state , but now picsidcnt of the Ho.vul Union Insiuanco company , is todnj the guest of his sister , Mrs A K Urock. Mrs .1 M , Diiimoiid , ' 'Oil rouith avenue , wns called to New Yoilc by the death of her father Her daughter IMlth nicompanled her. She will be absent about thieo weeks lion Spencer Smith left last evening foi DCS Molnes m icbponso to a fiom the hnshipppis of vvcstciu Iowa , asking him to defend them against the officials of tlio DCS Moiuis & Xoi them inllway. who h.ivo decided to 1.1iso tini.ites for shipping haj f)0 per ic-nt nbovo what thc-i niu now * A. T , riiikingiT nnd Kiippiintciidout Koth cit of the stnto school for the deaf , left Mon day night for DCS Monies to attend a meet ing of the stnto cxccutlvo council , nt which the question of allowing the Institution hcio a poition of what is knowuus the "piovidcnt fund , " for thu pin pose of making ic-pahs in the building , \\illbeeoiisHlcicil The coun cil Is composed of the pou-mor , auditor , sec.- icitinv mid ticiisuic-r of state It is stated that Mr rilcklnger has nssur.ineo of about 18,000 bolng allow i d for the p\uposo lu baud The HUOW and cold w outlier does not dlminiHh the demand for acic-ago in tlio Klein tiact , iJ ! miles east of Iho post- olllco ; 1100 aeies jot for wile in fiom ono to ten nuio tiartH , miituhlo for fruit and gulden. Day k He-si , agents , 'll ) IVarl bticot. For warming guest ehambors , hath rooms , otc1. , our gas heaters aio just what yon want. Look at thorn. Clean , com tmlont , cheap. O. U. Gas and Kloo- tlio Light C'o. Itrsnll ofu IVIon. Cluirles Piobstclo , the hainess maker of this olti , wns t.ikcn to St Joseph some time ago for tieutmeitt for a soio hand The trouble hceme-d to ho a felon After hoar- live-it nt the hospital ho wns toldthat ho would have to have his thumb amputated This xvas done , but the icsults did not seem to bo nltogetber satisfactory Vesterdaj Mrs Probstc-lo icrclve-d a le-ttpr from her husband stating that the phjstcians had de cided that theio would have to ho another amputation , nnd ills fc.ired thit : his whole hand will have to iflinooll The oilglnnl causoof the soio was a small punctilio of the skin while ho wns working at his trade Ube Koal-Spiir ! A 2. " > o piu-kapo save- So per cent of jour ocal hill , husidos ether com foi ts , and i Millloient to tieat ono ton. For tale hy Jansfc-n < fc Gic- ; , No. Il7j Pearl street. Doyonmnok.e ? Have \outrleilT.D. ICinj , ' fc Co.'s Partujjusy It's a charmer. Just 1 iyht ; one. AViirxuiuil Mure nt'It. * iho trouble nt the meeting of the school board clove-loped moro and more as the hour of midnight drew near , and n-nuuks which might e.istlv luivu been taken b.n . sensltlvo pc-isou us intcndc-d to bo of a | H.-rsotml niituia \\cio i-Mhuiiged frcplj on both sides Mr Wells , in his vvinth at President Wftlte. an iiounccil that Iho missing link which oe-cu- I lea so iuiMutuut ] a | ilnco in Darwln'.s ovolu- tiomuy theorj had at last been found , nnd that U nowexvujilcd the picsldentlal ohulr ofthoboaid Ir Wnlto le-tortid hv ralling Wells a Jacicnss tutd n mule No blows xvero btruc-k , and the meeting wns hrouxht to an nlrupt end hi the departuioof Mr. Wells. Ccal nnil wood ; best and Missouri haul wood in the city ; piompt dolUery. II. A. fox , No. 1 Main. . Ciovvn nnd other jiiancw. Ciown and other organs. At UourlchiB1,110 Btuteinuu btreet. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS [ nclignation Caused by a Transaction of the Council Tinauco Committee. TS EXTRAVAGANCE IN BORROWING MONEY \ \ lib n Snriiliu of 84.000 In tlin Trrimn f It NlX'itlutri it I.OKII uf KOr.,000 - Oneeif the Mmitirn " ' " an A great deal of attention hns been called iccciitly to a llttlo tiausactlon of thellnniieo comniittco of the citj council last week , and a strong cfort has been mndo to show that the ndiiilnlstintlon has been guilty of some thing underhanded The tiansactlon ic- fcncdtols the loan of 03,000 , whlih was negotiated at the Cltl/ens bank for the pur pose o' paving off bonds to that amount vvhiih had iomp duo while thcic was a sur plus of JM,000 In the elty tir-asui \ , which , It was claimed , might have been used lu paving off the obligation , and thus save the Inter est vvhiih will now have to be paid to the bank Stieet iinuois of Indignation have be-on plc-utv and the chaige of coiiuption took dellnlto form nt the nicotine ; of the eoumil .Moml.ii , evening , when Aldc-iiuan CSraves demanded hi the name of his con stltuents , an e\plau.itloii 1 his explanation us given bthet mcuibe-is of the lluamii i omtnitti'p , Is lu pffpft , that foieveial je-ais past it has been the custom of the tieasiuei to tuiusfi-r fiom ono fund to another au.v sin plus that might be on baud , hi older to pav off obligations in funds whcietheie was n ilejliiincv , 'Ibis , it is i laimed , is entlielv Illegal , ns.the statutes stiktli foibld mi } siu h ti.insfei. As theio was no moiic-i on baud in the paitii ulai fund fiom which the "i ( MX ) should h iv been di aw u the llminco lommlttic , not eating to take the icsponsi- bllitv of mi illegal move , made aiiange inputs vv ith the hank to n-deeiu the bonds , amlthciitv will have to paj a handsome laleof intetest for it Uhlle the cftott to show lonnptlon has been entiteh a Il/i-le , the talk that has been indulged hi has wotked up a feeling that will probabh icsult in suing the iit\ quite a sum of iiumev the next time that ansimilai i aso .inses Theiit\ has heietofote been in thi habit nf allowing the banks wheto the funds ate kept to h.ue the use of them with out paving aninteicst for them , or other- wisu iciipiouittng for the benefit of It t\ing so manv thousand dollais on liatul without expense to itse-lf Some of the aldetmeii think the bank should bo willing to agiee to todieni all bonds as fast as tliej uime due , without chaining am inteicst The deposits in the vaiious banks to the ilti's ciedit usually tango , fiom $ ? r > , ( )00 ) to JllHI.OOO 01 moie , and it is thought that when it comes to a choice between taking the mono. ) , witli thesoi t of restii ( t'on ' mentioned abo\e , and not taking it at all , their is not a bank in tlie lit ) that will tefuse to como to teims Aldeitnan Jennings of the linatico ( ommittce announics that he intends to make a light along that Hue < .iti\r \ \vNriu : C- Tlio Iliixtini Ston- . Ou-at midwinter ' f-alc cloiuiiif , - coin- iiiom-i's Siitnidax , .lanuiuj il-t , and will f' > ntiiiuo for uifjht days. Stoio will bo clo-ei nil day FRIDAY nisikititr pioparations and inaikiny ; down { , 'oods for tbu jji eat sale. Watch the dailj papeis for a list of priced. F.OSTON bTORD. ForinntiNunvM , WHITILA\V& : Co. , C'onncil Blnlls , In. Itt sollltllMM ( ll 1SCH | ) ( ' ( t At a meeting of the local biatuhof the Aniient Outer of Hibeinians held last e\en- ing , the follow ing lesolutions were adopted \\heiias , Aliiilclity Rod IIIIM , In Ills Inllnltu wisdom , iimovcd bj tin hand of death out be- IoM > d pnstoi , I'atbei It 1 > .Mi'.MLiioinj j tluuo- fore , lit ) It Iteiohed , 1 bat while up. submit In obedleme to the nil ) of tin' Most Illgh , jet \u ; cannot hut ( k plnit ) the leinoval from our midst ( if one who lias tnlear"d ! ( hliiiM-lt anil won thu csttcin and conll cncoof all clasbtis by Ids dignity , tum- iii-ipd nlth sweetness iiiif Kc-ntli-ness. by a heaity ncipihst mo In all inoM-mciits for the iiiiielloiatlun of the community , KcsoHed , ' 1 hat the A ( ) II. Mistalnsnsoveio loss In the-diatli of I'alhci leMenoiny , and our iltj loses an Iionoiabjo , upilKht aiuf enei- K > tleelti/in , onu who UIIH unsparing of his time and mi ans In any object that uould tend toad\aii ( e the Inteic-sts of the city and In- i K use Its piospe-ilty ; les ! < il\ed , ' 1 hut e tend to his rilitltes our heaitft ll sj nipathy , and commend them foi consolation to the nil \vlso God , win docs all things foi tilt ! best. Ite uhed , That these re"-olntIons Lo pnteied on thx nilnules of our proc ( edlngs , and that a copy of thi ) xiime bo foi naidid to the iclath is of oin deceast d p istor and to the dally papers foi publication Itublx it ut Crfxceiit. A man i ailed at the police station Monday night In considerable haste and wanted some ofllceis to go with him up the Noith wcstein lallwax. and catch a couple of thio\es who had Just sucicoded in getting away with some o\cicoats , axes , and other pioiteit ) from his house a short distance noith of Ciesient. The two men had been woiklng for him , and when they left on Monday the ) helped themschcs to an.\ thing the ) saw that took their fancy As soon as the theft was dsco\eiul ! he boauled a tialn for Council Bluffs and on the load passed the two thloMS , who had taken a tie piss for the same point When tno victim and a couple of polk i men \isited the spot the\ failed to lind an ) traces of the tlno\es , although a thoiough seau-h was made of the lounti.v between hero and the plai o w hero the ) weioscen One of the men was lec-og- nl/ed fionu the desciiption as having been lonllned in the cit ) j ill hero one night last w celt. DlssnUod thu Injiinetlun. Judge McCJca lendcied a decision ) ester- da ) in the case of William Sledentopf against M M Maishal of Omiha , In which a motion to dissolve an Injunction was aigued and submitted a few dajs ago 'lite injtmction was issued oiiginally for the puiposeof 10- stiainhig Maishal from inteifeiing with Siedcntoiif's tenants , who have been living on land claimed b ) both had IIred Sledcntopf's tenants and torn down the house in whiih they lived , while In the tiial of the case was involved indiiectl ) the own- eiship of WOXK ( ) vvotth of piopeit ) In mak ing his decision .ludgo MiCleo took the giound that the Injuetlonshoidd bodissolved on the giound that Maishal had done the acts with whlih ho was chatged bet\\ecu the time. v\hen the vviitof injunction was Issued and the Unit ) when It wassened 'I ho dicislon In no waj affects the final 10- sult of thu tiial \Vnrl < of thor ir. ' 1 ho ofllclal i-oi > ort of the Chtlstlan homo for the j ear Just closed show s the follow Ing amounts i eei-hed and disbursed month b ) month. Pxpcn- Ii-celptR. clltuies Juinnuy . ! l3 ( ! OH $ OHT oa rcbltiai ) . Olia H3 7W ) Oft .Mlllc'h . 700 0 7J4 fi ( ! Aptll . -104 10 07H 05 May . fil'J 70 817 H5 June . H4'J ( ,0 &r.7IS Jul ) . 3H.ri H 439 & 7 AllKllst . I'll Hll 004 HH September . . 777 3.1 740 30 Octolx-r . D.I9 32 71300 November . . 4U3 00 4.r > 5i ! Dc-cemboi . 3,07025 3,035 'J3 Totals . tll,37i ! 29 Wanted Cash olTor for . ton C'lti/en'h State bank btt ok. Must bo. bold. Addrcbs K. A. Shcafo. Oago has been in the cit ) for the past few atis In close communion with the attorney vvho are Interested In the Klmbalt Champ litigation U will be remem bered that several months ago" ho got into homo trouble b ) trtng to take with him to his home In the east about f.U.OtX ) worth of titx'Ui Itii'A that were claimed by the receiver for the Investmant i-ompaii ) at this end of the line A writ of Injiinetlun was Issued and Mr ttago was oveihauled just as ho stepped Into Iowa at Pacific Junction by an oftlcer from Council HlufTs , 'Iho consulta tions of the last few daj s w ere for t lie jmi pose of uuuklua satUfautory lettlcincut of tiie dlniculty and thrattornp\s for the other sldo announce that this nettlement was inado In a way that suited I'Veolmd ) Mr ( luge ic turned to the ens t last evening IN DIRE DISQHACE. Collrcthr Clmrlcn . Mdlnnitl short In 111 * ( nili A < count. Clmiles McDowell , a collector for the Cad ) & Gray Lumber company , was arrested by Sergeant h Ha/o ) esterda ) on n charge of en.- 1c bezrlcment 1 prefenx-d b ) the company H Is claimed that McDowell Is shoit on cash tol- lected to the tune of about &HX ) . In police couit McDowell waived examina tion t and was bound over to the district court tI in I the sum of 51WO ( An effoit Is being made b 1 ) the .voung man's friends to obtain ball and this will ptobabl ) bo accomplished today ti t In the meantime McDowell lemalns in i custody at the cit ) jail. . Sergeant Hare , chief of thoiity detective fotce , claims that then1 is a woman at the bottom of McDowell's troubles and that the prisoner has spent more money than he could affoul on the woman 1 lie chief detective claims that Maud Taj - lor , who lives near the comer of fifteenth and California streets , is the female who has helped the dcfaultlne collector spend his inoncj Accordlngto the detective siecotds the-pall used to meet at Mine Kellj's u-soit , riftienth and Hint stieets. and injoj life Mr McDowell is complete ! ) btoken down h ) his finest and the displace , bulls being i heeled up ba number of his friends , who called at the j.ill ) esteida ) afteinoon to see him ALPHA CAMP'ENTERTAINS. Woodmen < if I IIP vVnild innj : | the It ill t.ivrn b } It. The lolois of the Woo linen of the World made a vcrv attiacthe dicoiatlon for Wash ington ball 1 ist evening , when Alpha cam ) ) No 1 g.ucits annual bill 'I he attendance was huge and the danilug continued until earl ) moinlng Seveial bundled couples were on the lloor when the suppei was seived dining the In tel mission in the claming ptogiam He- sides the membeis of Alpha camp , man ) Woodmen from other loial camps and fiom out of town points wenpiesint Thomas- tei of ijCiemonlis for the evening was (3eoige J Fox , and the committees weio as follows Floor W N Doiwaul , Jeff Se.vmom.l1 A Hi own , Phil Mueller , J J Cole , C M liawltrcr Heieption 1'ieil M Youngs , M 1 Haskell , M J Hudclcv.W H Walker , W W Moslo ) , D H Stout Aiiangements W X Dorvvaid.chaiiman. Geoigo.I Pox , Tied M ric , W P Caile- ton , I'lc-dM Youngs Hi.uniit loiti.u.tMS. It Will Itu fair and Coldrr riiniiiKliont HID State 'locluy. WASIIINOTOV , D C , Jan. 17 For Ne- biaska Fair , cold , noitltvvesteil ) winds be coming v.niablc. For North and South Dakota Fair , colder in eastcin , w aimer in westein pot lions , noithwesteily winds , becoming v ntable For Iowa Fair , eold , noi Unvested ) wiiu's I.ncil ( iccord. Otrici : OF TUP WL\TIIHI Ht IIRAV , OMAIIV. Jan 17 Omaha iccoid of tempciatuio and i.ilnfall compaicd with coiresponding da ) of past for jcais ° 180T 1892 tfi'l ) 1HOO Maximum teinpeiatiiie .11)3 ) 23 51 11 Mlnliiinm temper ititte 23 7s 243 43 Avpiagi ) tPinuuratiirc Id * 43 ! 1H3 83 t'liclpltiitlon T 07 00 01 Statement showing the condition of tem- pc-iatiiie and preclpil ttion at Omaha for the da ) and sinio Maieh I , 1892. Normal ti muerattire 15 = IXeess for the d iv 1 ° Dcllclcncy since March 1 3H73 ISotmal picclpltatliin . . . . .02 Inches IK'tlclency for the day ( 2 Inches Dellclcncy blnce March 1 3,13 Inches GLOHOL. U Ht NT , Local Foi ecast Onicial. I'edrntrlaiiH street Italluiiju. An inteiesting decision on the liabllit ) of thehtieet lailway company in cases of col lision was rendeied rcccntl ) in the supiemo couit of Pennsv Ivania in the case of George M. Khrisman against the Haiiisbuig Cit ) Passenger Hailvva ) company. The rule was heio laid down that an ) pel son who is'about to cioss a street i.illwa ) ttack is bound , on leaching the track , to look in both diice- tions for an approaching car , and failuie to do so is negligence per so. In his decision , Judge Paxton among other things said : "It is necessary to delino as neatly as may bo thoielativo duties of sticot car companies and citizens at sttect crossings or other places. Steam lailroads h ivo the exclusive light to the use of their tracks at all times and for all puiposes , except at load crossings Street ialwas ! have not this exclusive light Their tracks aio used In common by their cais and the tiav cling public While this common use Is conceded , and is unavoidable In towns and cities , the lallwa ) companies and the public have not equal lights Those of the rallwav companies aie superior Their cars have the uglit of vva ) , and it is the dut ) of the citizen , whether on foot or in vehicles , to give unobstructed passage to the cars 'lldsiesults from two reasons- First , the fact that the car cannot tuin out or leave Its tiack ; and second ! ) , for the convenience and the aiiommodation of the public On the other hand , it is the duty of the companies to see that their motorincn shall bo on the alert , not only at stieet crossings , but ovei.v- w hero upon the tracks , to see tint citbons aio not tun clown and injuied. When , there- foie , a citizen attempts to cross a tiack , it is his dut ) , when ho reaches it , to look in both dliections for an approaching car and listen ; and his neglect to do so is negligence per s > o " Gcoigo B Thompson was elected assignee of the defunct linn of West & Ftitiher , wholesale and ictail dealeis in The business w ill bo closed out at ouie The walls of the Otchaid building on Douglas stieet. the see-no of thciecont big tire , weie Inspected by Hutlding Inspector Tilly and several Insurance adjusteis yester day A rcpoit will bo made duiing the w eel : Another ono of Ed Cullenano's foi god checks turned upjcsteiday Ibis time it was Hadcn Hros who had been caught for $50 the cheek was signed Kd Callahan , and was supposed b.v the Havdens to be good Contiactor Callahan claims that the paper Is a forgery or vis rr.isit i r. Dnmmtlr. \\hltolaw Hold will spend the balance of the winter In California John Mcl'ee of Indl inapolls , Intl. , a promin ent lavvjer , Is a defaulter. James ( ! . llnrlon of Kans is ( ' , Mo , wounded ( ! < 01 go T Hones \ \ \ Ice In a di-spcrato atti nipt to kill him b ) shooting. It Is authoritatively denied that Aichblshop Con lenn has pintc-Mcd against the relnstatc- ini nt of Ue1)1 ) McOlynn In the Catholic chinch The- announcement thut Canada would re- iiuivci the dlscilmlnatliu tolls ( harmed on her canals to American vessels etc a ted nosinprlso at Uashlngton. A Kieat bcnsiitlon has tu en create d InVash - liiRton , I ) C , by thetconfc-sslon of Kliouls.lio for man ) } c-nts p ist hnvo been stealing coipses from the Initial ( 'rounds of Unit oil ) . The IminRurntlon of Charles Kendall Adams , te'centl ) president of Cornell university , as tiic-sldent of the I nlversltv \\lsron-Jn at Madl-on , took place In Library halt at thu unlvi Joseph /olRler , a saloonkeeper of I.eaven- vvorlh Kan , shot his wife In the head last UMidnK and then eoiiiiiilttcd hiilcldet bt , ( nd- liiK a bullet through liUoun brain Mrs /.ilir lir \ < lll recover Mrs John \\Viit mixed sdino "ItoiiKli on'Hiits with ImcUvvheiit lloui to exterminate- nits \ made thu Hour Into bin-Uuheat inlie-s , Imvlm : forKotten that sbei bad ml\ed iiolsou nlth It John \Vest \ , Stc > phen Haphac'l and | fn mid two children and .Mrsest nero iniidelolently III bj eiitln thocaKcs. The ivvelve f'hlnniiien vvho were arrested on u canal boat In New Voik In an eirmt to Mie-ulv Into the count rj have lixntrhd at I'latthburg , N . . and > nine have been KC-II- ti'iiced tothlrt ) diijsliiiiiilsoniiient.iind when their terms e-xplro will bo deported to Lhlna The other thieo Count Johiinn Kruslcks , a me > iulM > i of the upper housntf thu Austrian I'arlhinie nt , e-om- mltted huicldo In Vienna foj JumpliiK from a hotel window. Tliu Itnllun hteamer t > ntr Marco unit the frenchhtiBUier Ageslan cullldid In tin htialli. of Messina , llothesseU mnU lu u riill of thecollUlon TwoM-aunu bclonglni ; to the Atiblau ncic drunucd , ARRAYED IN IIIS'\VAR \ PAINT Oity Trensnrar Bollu iU After Sorao of Mr. PnllmanV Oash. i i MONEY AND NOT CAR'toHAT . ' IS WANTED .Sutler S.r r < l on tlic t'oinpaiij'x I.emit A Rent to Turn Ou-r.MI fUli/nftlic llonlin In till Po'irvilmi In I lie < l'tj , j > .1 Cltj Tic.isurcr Bolln Is dctcrininod to re cover from Sir George ; Pullman tlio $10,000 In personal taxes which that king palace car owner has failed to pour into thu coffcis of the ticnsurc-r. Yesterday Mr IJolln liucliled on Ills iinnor anew and went out In sc.ire h of available property of the Pullman company upon which to luvj llo was sucvessful in his so nch , and his efforts wcio not unaviill- lllU' lllU'The The follow hit ? notice was seived upon .1 P Hli'h.ndbon , the Oin.ih.i siipc-iliiteudcnt of the 1 beg to Infoi in jou that tintiies of tin' I'lilliniin I'ulacu C'ur coinp inj for thu jours 1880 , 1887 , 1HHS mid IMb'J n-nuilii unpaid , and would c.cll jour attention to voctlon 143 of cliapti-r l\\vll of the cotnpilcd statlite-sof Nc-- .i'-Kii foi 1891 , and In nrcuriliinrn ltli thu samejou mo liotobj iciiuostid tcipiyovoi till monos now In jour possession in nioni-js that inaj h-u > aftc'i conn1 into join hands liu- to s.ilil iomp inIn the-amount of the st iti'inint hereto attai'lied , maiUed "i\lilblt : , \ " You aio fuitlu-r notllli-d th it on nonconipll- am with HIP above > ruiuist j m will bo pro > e- c-utid accoidltiR to I ivv Hi Mil Hoi i v , Oily Ticiisuii'i. Mr. Itleh irilion WIIH llrokc. The notiic was served late in theafteinoon upon Mr Kiclmidson , who stated that hi-had ill c-ady deposed of the mone.vs of the com- pauj. He pi ondsed to e hi wile with his chiefs In Chicago and this moiiiing will e-oinplj with the demands of the tieas- ui or and said he would tuin over to that odleial iiionehe h is on hand Tieas- uier Uollnispiocecihm : instill t accordiiuco with the laws of the state and is ailing upon the adv lie of Mr Contiell The section lefeued to in the notice of the ticasiner pi ov ides that notiiom.ij be served Uion ) the agent or icpiese-ntativo of anj nou- tesldent coipoi.itiou or coinpanj doing busi ness in the countj , and that nionej In tlio hands of such agent or icprescntativo niaj be g.iiulsheed and must be tinned into the hands of the tieasuior to tippli upon the pajmeiit of anj deliiuiueiit taxes duo the cit.v Tlio fuiluie or icfusal of the agent to compl.v with the demands loiitaiued in such u notice is designated a misdemeanor , and is punishable by line Sumimir.v Action Maj He Taken. Supei int"iident Hii'hardsou will either tuin over to Mr Bolln mone.vs belonging to the conipain that he has In his possession or mala- himself liable to irlii'st If ho fails to do with the de-maud made upon jcsteidaj the treasuier will procivd against him in the e-ouits at ome , ami as the citv is cletet mined to collect the flO.OOO back taxes fiom the is piobiblc that a M'i\\ \igoi\ius piosecution will follow a failuio on Mr Hicliaidson's put rorse\eiMeais the lompinv has success- fulli dodged the piv mint of its taxis upon 0110 piotext or another , and slnee IHSs" it has been shielded by a tempoiaiy injunction gianted bj thefedeial ix > uit , and whlcli foi homo ic.ison was ncM'i heard It lemained uiitoucbed upon the calendar ho inanj jcais that its piesenecbeuamo so offensive to Judge Dundj that ho throw it oveiboaul a fewdajsago This ljft - > uo hauler to the c Itj proceeding in the collection of the taxes due , and no time bas.ibecn lost in pushing the claims and endeavoring to toice thecom- pauj to make a settlement. A few dajs agoTteasuier Bolln attached n Pullman dining car mid a touilst car and Is still holding them for the ta\es Unless the company pajs the taxes within the next three dujs the tieasuie-r will nd'eitisc the for sale and the pioee'eds will bo ap plied to the payment of the bum now duo the citj1. The cash , however , is wanted if it can be gotten hold of. s Trimble H. BOSTOV , Mass , Jan. 17 D.n id Kuox & Sous , manufacturers of shoo machinery m Boston , IUMassigned. . Both liabilities and assets aie large. Lim.R HOCK , Aik , .Tan 17 McCarthy & Jovcc , plantation supplies , luuo failed , lia bilities , $14M)00 ! ) ; assets , $210,000 MPMI-IIIS , Tenn , Jan 17 Fuller , Thorn ton &Co of this citj have assigiinicnt. Assets , noiiiin.illy , f.U)0,000 , liabilities unknown ST Lot is. Mo , Jan 17 The C II Mekel Stamp and Publishingcompauj Imsassignccl Assets , 150,000 , liabilities not known. Di'li'llilitnt In H Hit orcn CIIKO. DrN\Lii , Cole , Jan 17 J 1C , \vhoatonc time gcncial agnnt for the Coloiado Midland i.iilrond , and who some time ago created a sensation in Chicago in connection with pi otested checks , has been made the defendant in n dtvoico suit It was tiled jestculaj bj his wife , Julia T Water man , who chaiges adultciv , and names Llllie Boonc of Chicago as theco respondent o Doctois ? Pshaw I Take Beecham's Pills "Mrn. Ct'iirrill Ollllort" Mimics Ailln. | Mis. Aniiio ToiChii Floroiic-0 , widow of the Into \V. .T. Florcnco , was inurrle-d in Now Yoi k hist w cok to Uo\v aril C'oonoy. . Mr. ( 'o\onoj is an uctor of considc'r- able ronto ) in England , where ho blip- ported Homy Irving for fout- yours , llo c.unc to Now York fiom ftondmi in 188 , " ) , und jihiyed foi three he-ui-ons w ith C'luiu Moi i is. Ho is the author ofoveral pluj'h , ainont ; which arc "Golden Ciaft , " " ' " " ' ' "C'lnihtinub CliimeH" and "Pluvnu. Ho is \ery jouns looking1 { fcntloman , iihout fi foot four inches hifjh , andnithcr slim in build. lie speaks with u decidud nn < ; li > ih lie-cent and does not look to bo over IiO j eui s of a o. llo is a member of the Lambs and Anthois c-lubs , While in EiiL'land ho had qnltoaiopn- tatiim as a Shakespearean actor , having taken part in many of the poet's plnjs. llo is now arrunfilnff'to tithr for himself. In speaking of tlio wedding , ho mid : "Yes , our omtsluv was lather ro- mnntio. Yon too , J v Tloienco and im- elf weio friends loijlofoio } { his death , and at the time of his.tjjckne-is I waswitli him a gi eat deal , f tor ho dletV I called on Mrs. Floienco fveyuently. Mj calls beeiimo moio fieciuunt until at last wo becaino engaged. TJiis was in r'nlimd. " \Vlien hlio letm nod to New York vvo i-ori esonded ] untilitpy iirrhul on the Umbriu , tlio trip ljfoio her trouble. When wo talked mutjtois o\or wo do- THE MOST STUJIBOliN Skin and Scalp Diseases , the worst forms of Scrofula , all blood - taintn and poisons of every name and nature ure- , arc utterly rooted out by Dr. Pit-rce's Golden Discovery. For every disease caused by a torpid Iher or impure blood , it is the only remedy bo certain and effective that it can bo guaranteed. If it fails to benefit or cure , yon have your money back. Ec/.cma , Tetter , Salt-rheum , Ery sipelas , Boils , Carbuncles , Enlarged Glands , Tumors , and Swellings , nnd evoiy kindred ailment , arc com pletely and permanently cured by it. t'lde-d that the sooner wootv marrli'il I the bitten It would IK , and not nuliift to hau'iin.v pnbHcltj ou > i It vu told onlj our most Intimate friends' , in fact onlj the > .e' who wore puxcnt last moiling. "Wo hiiM. made1 no tk-llnito plans u t. % hut on our rot urn from our hontla > i n trip wo will decltlo upon something " tlcvrr t'o.voton Ucn Curler relntos that whili ) out on his recent deor-huntlnir trip ho wit nessed the inannor in which eo.votos I'atoh a iiibbit , m > s the Nevada Stale Journal. He was sitting on a pile of nick overlookinjr a little vallej po-slhly a mile nci'o-s stalking u drove of deer which was expected to issue through a narrow uiviiie near by. w hen his attention - tion was ealled to two little objects which dashed over the brow of the hill and into the valloj nearly a mile away Looking through his Held glass ho descried them to bo cojote-i in full clia o of a jackrabbit. The nibblt was about llftj yiuds in the lead and was covering the earth as onlj ajaekiabbit can , e.\- J eeptlng a cojote. By and by ono of the coyotes laid down. Tlio others followed the llceing bale , and in tlio coui o of titno suc ceeded in luinlng him bade on his couiMj toward tlio ono Ijlng down. When the labbit was quite elobo this one uiised up and toc'k up the eliase , while the other laid down. The unfortunate rabbit was again siieeessfnllj tinned back , and tlio Hist vojoto once moio gave elwe. The thiid time worked the ( harm , and bunnj. con-eloiH onlj of the fee , ] ) nrsning , passed * o near his crouch ing ' antagonist that bo was sol/ed. 'I hit I'loiierr iiiKlicr. : . C'liiistophor Benson , ' 'the pioneer en gine di her of the United States , " as lie is called , is an inmate of the Philadelphia hospital. Although a sc-ivant of the iailrnads for liftj-nine je.ns , he N now dependent on chin itv. Ho is eight-six years of age , and still enjoj fair health The PhiladelphiaTelegiaph deelaies that bo hold the throttle of the Ilrst en gine' ever brought into tliiseonnti the "John Bull.1' That was on Mav 1 > . l li'i ' , and ovei the Albanj Scbenectadj mil- waj. This engine was a cttinl ciome piece of meclianistn , with wooden vvlieil It was laid aside a vear Intel for the llrst engine manufactuied in Amei ica the "Do Witt Clinton".vhich was diuen over the -anie iiiihond for the lh- tinn b ) Be-nson on August . ' 10 , 18'iO. Ills V.i.Kenlle. . Kick. A Washington man who devotes a gooil deal of his time to economic piob leiiH , sajs the Star , htepped into a tes- tauiant. "t want ado/en law ojsteis. " "Ho got them and leeched a check for a quarter. "This is teniaikiible , ' ' he said , aftei sonic thought. "Unless I am mistaken the pi ice of an oj ster stew IK a quartei. " "S'es , sir. Nothing stiango in that. " "Yes , theie is. 1 cannot , sir. concent of a health ) stale of allaiis nuclei which the law mateiial costs quite a& much as the finished pioduct. " as usual at the next school election but for many candidates. They give a unanimous vote every day in the. week in favor of WHBTE RUSSBAN because they know it has no equal as a labor and temper saver on wash-day. The "White Russian" is a great soap to use in hard or alkali water. Does not roughen or injure the hands is per fectly safe to use on the finest fabrics. JAS. S. KIRK& CO. , Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap. 'a'Ss iS8" Any one whose Watch has a bow ( ringwill ) never have oc casion to use this time-honoi ed cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted off the case , and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. Ask your Jeweler fora pamphlttor send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing nml doming done In Klin hUlinst style of tlio nrt. 1'iuloil itnil t itnod fabrics mule to I on I. us KOO I us now , \\UIK \ promptly ilanu mil dollvurol In nil parts of the country , bond fur jirluo list. C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor. Ilrcudwiiv no irVorihwjuorn Oa ot /J ninfit , in. Anheuor , Budwotsor , Tnust nnn Pule HKKKS , EITIIiu : BOTTLP.D OU IN KKGb , can leave eiders at No. 213 Main Street , Council Ululla , Iowa , or Telephone - phone li'-'lt. Gooda dolnercd promntlj' . sou : AGINCY : FOIU nNHiUSln-BUSCr ! Bfewino JUSU 0181. LOUIS , HO. Work 5- C. A. SCHOEDSACK , Proprietor. Olounn < r uncl OF ( JOODS OF iVLItV : UnSCKI Onmhu ollico , IV21 rurnuin St , Telephone 1521 Counell Hiulls oMlco and vvorlca cor. Avo. litlth St , i'olephono ,110. Send for Irouhirs aiul prlco list. S. F. HENRY , SEG'Y AND MD'R. 520 PEAK , ! , ST. , Council Blulls , la. Telephone i > 00. Special Terms to Agents - rill5 Ladies1 Perfect SYRINGE 1 lie only perfect vaulnsl ntul rectul > > rliik o In tlio world It IB the only Srrlnxo uv rr Im pnti il ty nlilili vtiKl nal Icijictloni run Im ml UllMlJUTtJ Wltllllllt K'lk 'nttniul solllnx thi ) cloth hiK or ncieinUntlii ) ; the lui-of n vi'ne-l ftiul nhlch en t nMo be iMPil foi rectal Injpclloni 01 IrrlcnUcin MH'l lit Illicit IH'1,11 AMI II A 11 I ) HLIlllKIl bill I.I. Fr'ce ' $3.00. Mnllorc1ir M > llolteil ! IheAloe&PenfoldCo , , llitli S > rroof , I M'\i ro ioioKi in : l' | ] > lclTn | irc < crl | > tlnn nCLUinti'ly | in puieil ul low urlcuj "Absolutely ilie Best Made , " "A Delicious Medicated Con- IVctiou" for the relief of Cougln , Colds , Hoarseness , Sore 1 hroat , a for clearing the voice. Tor talc nil Dniggists and Confectioners. Packed in full two ounce packages , " Price fi Cents. If you are iniabli : to procure the Pomom Cough Tablets from your dealer end us 8 cents in E stamps and rccei\e a box by mail. Mode by the manufacturers of the celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & GO , , Council Bluffs , la. PMJITS Money I.onncd on DlninniidH , Wnti'Mis , otc , t ( K b.irgnlnsln unredcuincd plcMUis Improvaj Safety Elevat3n , KIMBALL BROS. OMAHA orncK 1014 DOI-C.I , vs STIM : Cor Oth it and 11 Ave , I utincll tlliiir . Special COUN3II DLUFFS. AliSlllVCiannil loans Kami ami city proparty bouuhl ai > U told I'ussy & 'lliomn , Council IlluiTu 0-CIIOI ( K loin In Mnyna a Mltloa near m t en 1 ( 'of tbu new InliTsliUn hrldite Will sell In Uunchvi ( ir Uiily ( Juar J .Ut-ilf Olunall IHuITi G AHIIAfJK remotn.I o npoali vault * mnl clilmnoy * cloinol K I ) llurke city bid ; I OIIHAI.KOH HUNT W ) farm nine mlloi I i 't of Council lllnlTi well linpniviil , bulldlnni anil femes til u w Aditron or call ou II T Italn or II IlaxK Council lllullt. 040 ACllK farm 10 mll from Lincoln , J > li Im prorcil I'ru e > only 119 per ucre i If taken at oniv Johniton A Van I'p.tlcn 1/Olt HAI.KMy lUery builiiend In thli city or will trndo Block for K oi | tliar property John Do liany , Council liludi yoo ACHES 4Vj miles from Oakland itood ilatoof culllvallou , tevcn rnoin hoii'c orc.lmril corn crlti ami trunarlvi ill ) > II far 110 un acru Ureenildelili MchoUon.lto 631 IttuailHajr 'PlIllhK room uoiuoon Hjnlli ISIcruntli ! roct I clear of Incmiiuranca to e < cliantii < fur up town rHulUencu Will tiar dlfforvneo In cai'i ( jreen hlfliln , Melioliuu Aio noilHK wanted In eichanxo fur lut between llroailtajr and now brldxu dreeuthlcl ill , Mcti olfoii 3Ho \\rA.STKI-Two fnrnliliril roouii nell llithtrd * > and heated , nuar buklnm part ofluucllf Addrett 1 * 17 , lice ortlcp \\TAN'J Kl-erl ) | for general liuuiewuik 11 ri 'i Uougtieil/ Eoulu lit ( licet. WAUUKN SMITH WII < IIAM M tonkins. Do la HUMS. Uiitliri no K. llo bs Nolsnn II buoliror. litlin O I' I.qh- in inn M iry S Sum lor- ) l < U/iti W Muu'l in KOJ. Demi n ok Hook A mil Vimilonbur ? dcMir o II hlculc.I llury I. Hunt l > , ( Mo ir Hurt * in. in Mlihlciui Miitunl Ijlfn Iniurini'i * Ouii.- iimiy. tlmirne M Mooly , \ \ llll.un O Whltu- liriul. I'lbrliKo I.uwtot " "oloy Y M neil , DatldM tiro. A ' Lulchti.t IMirlilirn h IVT- ton. Ijidoo A I'onull M.cllldii Do Urolsollo , iinn-naldonts : Yon iiro lioruby notlllol thut the umlor- BlKtiod tlirun dislnteroDtocl friioliulilun of tli oil ) ut Uniihn. linvo boon duly apim nlod by tlio inutiir wltli the Hpuroviil eif the City council of Hilil city , to nsseis tlio il niueu to Iliu ownori lusiicitlve ! v of tliu uroiicrty declared by onlln in o nuoi'ssnry to bu iipnro * nrlilcil fur tlio uio of "ilili-ltv for Iho iiur- POPI > of oii-nlni | nnd i\tinl ( ux Now ton street from liiiwnporl'H subdiv Islon to HtliHtrcot i oiinrofnriliornotlllcil.thnthivliiKiiocoptod suiil | io ] nttiioiit , un I clnlv iii | illfloil us ro- iliilrod uy 1 HT , vvu will , on thu VUhdiy ot Jintiirv.A I ) Hill , nt tli" hour of 1 o'oloclt In tlin .cfturnoon , ut the nil ) o e'f ( ! oo .1 I'nill , iVi.ri ( 1 .irn un btrcct. vvltl in the corporutii lliu- Ha - > f s ilil > Ilv , niuut fur the | ) iiroso | of eon * Blduihu und in lUIn : thu nssi-ssiuonl of dim- IIRC to the owne-rs r"iui'll\olv | ) of N'vld pro- porty. bv ro sun of smh liking and iipuro- prlntlon thi-ii-of tiKluj Into consldoriulon spoul il liunoflts , If .my Iho property liulonirlnc to yon , proposed to lo apiiropilnto I us uforis lid , und whlih h IR Liiua deulurcil muossiry by tlio council by ordln iniei. to uppioprlato to tlio use of the oily , boln situ mi In H ild cltv of Oman i. in iliu county of DoiiKlns , und Ktxtc ot Nchr i"l ( ' . Isdescrll'i'd H follows , to witco ( -co Wirrcn bmlth the soiHH'7 HJ feet of lots o , ,17. .H. . . ' . 4' ' , 41 4. ' . 41 and 4t William M. Junklns- PhD huuth 27 kj fecit lot r. Delia Dnvls and Catherine L Iloblis Tnu on tli Wfttfoct loH'j ftulsDii li Swllzor flin north " 0 15 fcot lot 8. John I K. I.cliiiiunn North 'JU 15 fo-t of eiist R .H4.1 fi'Ot lot fi'l niiit > 8 Sumacrs North M 13 fc-ot east 05 SJ cot lot Hi. . l\it \ oV McCluskoMirth 20 Ti fi-ul TotoJ DiiininleU IIooU North i < r > fecit lot III Oscar Ihirlni in North 'M l" > foot lotCVi MlohUun Mill , I/fo Ins. Co North 0 13 feet \\i-st lot Gil. CJoo M N coloy NortlrJO f > feet of inldllo.'i lot ul Willlim O. Whltcho id-North 21.11 foot oust H lot ( I I. l.lbildco L ivvton Norlh 20 n foot lot fi" . ' coloy M M isop and 1) ) ivld M. lire North 2) fi ut lor H A l ) I.olirhtonNorlh 2U ( * > foot lot 63. Elt > rlilojiii-ran | North SO n Iot7l. I , [ id ou A. Clint oil North -M.1' ) foul lot 71 ( liMir 'o II Sifult North :0 fifout west 41 f03l of north I V foot of lot .V ) rCllory IA lloiiuk-bonthSr.Sj foot south ! ( ot cast 't "f lofil. Atinii Viindonbuiz ' "Oiitlr.'r.S" foot of north ! i of soutli " , of lot 1 ? All In Ulse'i addition In said city , county nnd stuto Yon .ire notified to bo present nt the time nnd pluco nforoiuld. und iniiUo uny objoetlont to or itnteinoiils eoneernln , , ' K ikl proposed up * proiirliitliiii or usjojiiiiont ot Oinn.i0d , 119 you muy coiiblclcr proper properJI.O J. I'AUU n w. aiiibov. wji t ) mtitivnn. Omaha. DcceinborlT , IS1.1 DJUIWt To J H ItPtitcllo , Mlko Volut i , C.ith-irino l.oolilln , M Sovc'rin Miic-n un A 1 > Chrlsto- iiber.on. ( 'I ini I old d II KINnoi Hi , .loliil Molir , drorgo II I'/si-nrh , .luinc" * C Nelson , 1'i'tci Dohl. WallPi ISidhy , , l.iini sO Allen : You mo hereby nollliiil Unit Iho unilnr- hlKiied , throndlslntc'ipste-d fiiiiholilm nf the city of Uniuliii , li iv o hi e-n eluly appointed by tint mayoi , with tlio uf thu city loun- i II of hiild clly. to assrss tli" it iniuun to the ovviiprs ri-spevll\c'lj of Iho i > puity di'ohiri'il hj ordln incei iu'i-i's > . , iry to lip uppioprlatt-d for tint usei of said city , foi the tun pose of ope-nlns and extending SKiiMiitli httei-t ftoin Vlntou Kill Pt 10 till ! SOIItll Clly HlllllH You : iin fnrllier notllli'd , ( hut having , ic- cpptid suld uppnlntiiii nt and duly nn.ilKled : iHruiihed | by law vvi > nlll , on the 30th liny ot .laiiuuiv. A I ) 189 I , ul Hie bom of 11 o'clock III tlio lore-noon , at HIP ollli o of T II Mi ( Jul- loe-li room HIJ , New Yoi I , l.lfo bnlldlim. ttlthlu the1 rot per ito limits of said citj meet fen the pin posoof ronslileiiri and making the UHM-SS- nient of d linage ) to HID ouners lesjiectlv ely , of slid proiierly , by u-ason of siu li tiiUInc unit ippioprlatlon then of tnUlns Into e-onsldpia- tlnn special bune-llts , Ifiinj The property bolon lnto you , propoiod to bo upproprlati d as aforps.ild , nnd which hni IJPPII ( le-i-larpil ncipssary by tliu i ou irll , by ordlnuiico , tonpproprl ito to thi'UKpot lioclty , lieinu'United In sild cit ) of Oiimliu In Ilio rountv of Douglas , and state of Nebinsku , la dpsi i Un d us follows to-wlt h M fi-e-t of w Ob fe-Pt of lot 40 , S K Honors' plat , UUuhoini , vv Hi feet of loin 10 and 11. Mottoi's subdivision of lot 4H , H K Holers' plat , Ok.ilininu , VT liii feel of hiiblol , 1 , tax lot 20 , vv Bfi'itof lot lr > DiK Hill No U , s7 feet of w4 feotof lot 1U OiU Hill No ' 2 ; v 10 feet of lots (1-7-H ( , Mnttot'8 subdivision of lot. 48 , B. i : I towers' plat OKuhoina ; n00 foi t w 0(5 ( fi 1 1 of lot 4i > , s L Ko ei-.1 jil it , Ukulionia , vr lift nt lot 1 I , Mottor HHitbdlvlslon of lot 4H , 9. 1 Holers' plat Okuhoin i , w 30 fec-l of Hiiblot I , tax lot 'M ; w 1 ( > fei t lol ' ) , Motlor'.s siilidlvl- slon of lot4H , 4 I" Ho i'iN' plat , Oliuhiiinu , vv 'J.1 fei t t'xi ' npt H 7 fit > t of lol II ) , O ili Hill No , J. lot It. Mottor's subdiv Islon , ei ' .Mil fcutoflot 2r > I'lsolcs subdivision You am notlllud to bo present ut tlie ( line and pliiec ) afoipsulu , and niako any objtctlona to or statements c om i-rnlnK ild proposrit ap * proprlatlon , or asspssinpiit of duniiiKes , ua you may eonsldci pioier | 'I1. It McMJI.r.Of'H JOHN r . Oiniilia , January G , lb'J3 Jb-iUOt ie II omul ury Hnrvoy iiiulMim iiimitH. Dri-Aii TMI .NT or THE INTEIIIOII , ) Uinurnl 1 und Ollluu , > WASIILNQTON. li o Decein lorlia. 'C2 I Sealnd will bo rerolved ut tlio gen eral land ollico. WHinlmton , D O , until J o'olock p m. oa Siturday. the Sith duy ot Jnnunry , IH1J , for Iho unrvov und mur.dnir by Bidtib'e ' inoniinionts , of tint pnrtlimof tba boundary line between Ilio tuto ot Nobrnalca und HIP Hlalo of bouth I ) ikota which lies went of iliu Missouri rh or , us aiithorlrcd bv the not of conerosn. aunrovo I August F , IH/- . in lUlna Hpproprlatlon for snrrevlni ; tliu pnhllo land ! I'unilililot Stitntus ut lt\tgo , It'JI-liM , p. JTJII also for Iho fiirnlHhlnK of stone monuments to be pliu'i ) I nt Im f-inllu Intorvnli on gulii boun dary The bids for tlio survey nnd for tha monuments must bo soptrute. wl h the prlvl- ICKU to the bidder that If ho is uot uwurdcd thu contract for both ho will bo bound to con tract fur iioilhor. LoplcH of thespeellloutloa * may bo bud upon i.pplluntlon to this olllce. limb bid must boaccoiiiiiiinlod hr accrtlflod cbocU for tVJ The rlsht to rojool any or nil bids Is reserved. 1'ropoimls mult bo molonoJ In c-nvelopot HOHlotl und inarkod "I'mpotnli forsnrrny nf bonndury butwoan Nabrnaka nnd sonth Uiikoid , " mid "I'roposils for boun- duiy ninnuinonts " and adilroisod to the Po 11- mlssloiior of the Oenorul l-.ind Ufllue , Wiiah * liizton , D U. ISlnnod ] W. M. BTONB. UJJ2U