w ff 9 i TTTT ? r.MAii.iv \ 1T.V .1 V\flA.lV 17 Itfflfl HUMMER AMID THE BIG HORNS Wyoming's Newly Born Northern Metropolis Steadily Forging to the Front , BUILDING WORK UNCHECKED BY WINTER Oinnlia MIMI nirnUh Much nf Ilia Whcra- wllli Wnlrr ItlRhUlii Colorado I o- nminl fur Wyoming Kiinrh Properly - erly Notvi of tlioVct. . Snr.mnAN. Wyo. , Jnn. 13. [ Special to TUB nr.KWhile ] this tlmo of tlio year finds IwlldltiK at 11 sttinilstill and real estate transactions - actions slow throughout the country , ShcrlJt dan Is an exception , and while the cast Is siifTcriiiB from cold wcuther our brick masons arc working every tiny. Ilrlck nnd frame buildings are being rushed rapidly to completion. Stores are rented as soon as the foundation Is started nnd rents range from $ T)0 to | 7"i per month. Ainonp the principal htillillnRS In course of erection and about completed nro the following : The two-story brick of the Sheridan Drug com pany , George U Smith has completed his now bullilliiff nnd the stores are occupied ; S , A. Lcnmlon ft Co. are Just finishing a largo two-story brick ; the block known a * the Hank block is receiving its last coat of plaster nnd the painters arn nt work. The Sheridan Milling nnd Mercantile ) company will start their mill In a few days capacity 100 br.rrcls n day. The Sheridan County Commercial company is erecting a warehouse on the side track. The Continental Oil company will break ground next week fora warehouse ) and Htorago tank. In addition to the nbovo there nro twenty-live dwellings neat-Ing comple tion. Omnlm Investor * . Mr O. W. Iloltlrego nndiCaptam Palmer were this wr > r-k attending the minimi moot ing of the Sheridan Land company. The fol lowing ofllcrrs were elected : II. C. Alger , president ; Thomas L/ . Kimball , vice presi dent ; II. E. Palmer , treasurer ; C. II. Orin- nell. secretary. Trustees Thomas Tj. ICIm- ball. Ocorgo W. IIoldrcRO , II. K. Palmer , K. A , Whitney , C. II. Grlnnell and II. C. Alger. Among the many eastern capitalists who have become Interested In Sheridan nro Michael Cudahy .Iohn Cudahy , P. 15. Stearn , .1. M. Mctcalf and C. N. Ulutz. These mon are well known In Ilnanciitl circles , nnd only servo to convince an observer that Sheridan will bo ono of the best towns In the north west. J A. I.Ider of Max Meyer & Co. was in the city a few days this week calling on his many customers. O. U Thorp , who represents Raymond Bros , of Lincoln , makes Sheridan every sixty days.Mr Mr George Parmltcr , formerly of South Omaha , has purchased : i building site from the Sheridan Land company and will build n Htoro room , putting in a line of harness , saddlery , etc. Ground lias been purchased from the Shcrl- don Land company and a Catholic church will bo erected this spring. The following denominations nro represented nt present : Haptist , Congregational , Mutuodist , Kplseo- pal and Catholic. Htock Iiitcrrfttn. Whiles the city of Sheridan rapidly grows , the county is equally prosperous. The win ter has been so open that farmers have not been compelled to fee-el , and fat cattle ) are being shipped to eastern markets. A. II. Uoblnson will ship six cars of fat cat ties to Omaha this coming week. The readers of THE 15nn in this section wcro surprised to read tin interview with n traveling man. * as to the condition of the range In the west and particulars in regard to 'Wyoming. Now. if the above ) mentioned gentleman chanced to I'ldo over the Union Pacific and saw ncores of carcasses lying on the plains , lie Hhould not take it for granted that $ ho further north tb'o worsei It grow. It Is snfo to assert that in all this section there hasnot been tlio loss of ono head caused by exposure or sovcro weather. Since January 1 qulto a number of persons from tlio cast haves been hero looking up locations , preparatory to moving In the spring , and the prediction is made that the coming season will sco "tho Denver of tlio northwest" show a growth that will aston ish the oldest inhabitant. Irrigation DjcUlon. The district court of'Weld county.Colorado , has rendered a decision of considerable Inter est to owners of irrigated farms. The suit was'forjun ' injunction Drought by the Cache-la- Poudro Irrigating Ditch company against the Dry Creek ditch , the Larimer and Weld Irrigation nnd the Larin\cr and Weld Ueser- voir companies , to restrain them from using cejf tnin waters claimed under prior ap propriations , but which had for years been flowing In the canal of the plaintiff company. The real point at Issue was whether n now company could buy up old water rights and turn the water from the old into the now canals , It seems , to note ono of tlio specific cases mentioned in the opinion , the Larimer and Weld Irrigation company bought three .shares of stock ifrom ono Midland of the Cacho-la-Poudro company , which shares en titled him to one-eighth of the water flowing in said ditch , and that said water was dl- verteel from the Cacho-la-Poudro canal into the Larimer and Weld canal. Against this inversion of the water the court granted the injunction naked for. Ilnncli Property in Drmuml. The Cheyenne Sun notes an active elcmand for Wyoming ranch property by eastern in vestors. AVHhln a few days a deal was closed for the largo ranch of Andrew Gil- chrlst , a Kansas City man being tlio pur chaser. The sale includes 4'JS1 acres near Silver Crown and UHX ) head of high grade cattlo. The ranch is n line ono , being fenced , and lias tiion | It substantial improve ments In the way of Irrigation ditches , buildings , etc. The consideration received by Mr Gilclirlst was f 10,000. N \r uf thn VIVitt. The Carban , Wyo. , coal mines have boon closed for a few days. Sand clouds on windy days inspire gor geous word pictures in Laramie papers. Tlio privilege of running a saloon In Metved , Cal. , costs Sl.fiOO per month , In Ind vance. dIn Ono frontier Industry has been ruined In Idaho , Horses In that new state are too cheap to steal. The Pennsylvania Oil company has tapped a gushur near Casper , Wyo. It flows several hundred barrels per day. The trial of the Wyoming raiders at Chov- onno seems to have lost its grip on public Interest. Participants are obliged to leave their guns at homo. Tlio lYfttlimmliil * Published on behalf of Hood's Sarsaparllla nro as rellalilo and as worthy your confi dence as If they came from your best find most trusted neighbor. They state only the slniplo facts In regard to what Hood's Sarsu- parilla has done , always within truth and [ reason , _ _ _ Constipation nnd all troubles with the di gestive organs and tlio liver nro cure-el 11by Hood's Pills , Uucqualcd as a dinner pill. lliilUlliiK IVrmlU. The following penults to build were Issued yesterday : II , O , Mpp , cottage , 4014 Drown street t 600 . Minor permits 100 Total. xio A Chllil Kujofs The pleasant fuvor , geutlo action and sooth ; ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need hof u laxative , ami if the father or mother be costive or bilious , the most gratifying results follow its uset so that it Is the best family rcmexly known and every family should have ft bottle. Millie to llecovur I.oit Wngei , The docket of the county court has bo- coino burdened with the papers in the suit 1)0of Dora H. nnd Wiltna A. Drlggs against the proprietors of the Diamond saloon and | eel > l room * . In the petition , which U verified by the plalntltTn who nro wife nnd daughter of James A , llrlffKV It U alleged that the defendants - fondants are the proprietors nnd operators of wmio gambling roonm , They further al lege ) that between the month of May of last yi-nr and the beginning of the present year the husband and father gambled away fAV ) of his earnings. It U to recover this amount that the plaintiffs have brought the suit. N'oiiTii Ouvp.iTe > x , Tex. . Jan. 10.-Tho modern convenience- gex > d architecture ) comprised in the Imlustrlal hotel of North Oalvcston seems to Inellcnto n good deal of confidence In that thrhimt.vounffclty. The owners have evidently built wltli n view to the coming Improvements of North Galveston - veston , OMAHA'S HEALTH AND GARBAGE Dr. homer * Spunk * of Until in 111 * Animal Kepnrt. Mayor Ilemls presided at the meeting yesterday afternoon of ttio Hoard of Health , and for tlio first time in many months all of the : members were present. Dr. Somers read the annual report wlilch ho prepared anel will lire-sent to tlio council. The report Is a lengthy review of tlio year's work and Is very minute la detail. In It Dr. Homurs says that until a garbage sj stain can bo conducted at tlio clty/a expense , with thorough supervision , the present ono of dis tricts , with licensed haulers responsible for each , seems best suited to the noe-ds of the e-lty , ami the dumping , at least , is much more easily ceiiitroll . Since February 1H of last year the health commissioner bus located IfiO low lots and madort'comineiKlatlotJS as to tilling and grad ing. According to the * rojwrt a elitch for a sewer in the north part of town has drained many wells In the vicinity , showing the charaetortif tlio water contained In them. Ground air and land water in the houses have n great Inllncne-o In poisoning the human system , nnd pnrtie'iilnrly ' favor ty phoid fever , cholera and diphtheria. Well water is the most active agent in distributing contagious disease , milk being second. The Ice supply has received frequent at tontlon. A poor quality of ii'e was ' late In the season , but it was used princl pally for storage purposes. IIMtalcen from Cut-OIT lake Is unlit for human consumption. This question it is promised will receive par ticular attention. In commenting upon the probable visita tion of e-bolcra to this country Dr. Somers says It is evident that the greatest danger lies in that part of our city occu pied by squatters. This is where the lloatlng elrcgs of society are most likely to sow thi ) seeds of disease , and where it is most likely to flourish. It Is expected this meiiae-o to health may bo arrested before the season is advanced. In the report is includee the reports of the various inspectors tine shows the number of deaths , with the causes and diseases named. During the ye-ar there occurred 1.UK ) deaths. Dr. Somers e-alleel attention to the fact that Immanuel hospital Is too far out to bo accessible to the nceels of the department It Is impossible to use it for emergency cases and the e'ity pays for three heels wlilch are not cemtlnuously used. A rate of actual oc eupation was recommended. On motion o Mr. Howell the commissioner was Instmctee to request the hospitals in the e'ity to submi propositions for the caring of the patients o the city. Dr. Somers made a number of recommenela tiems relative to the course to pursue in th health department. He urged that partle ular atte'iition be palel to the locality Unowi as the bottoms , where tlio lowest classes ar to bo found and which is a hotbeel of disease The doctor also recommended that steps b > taken to close Cut-oil lake as a source of ie < supply. Ho also rccommeneled that as cnrl.1 as Juno an order bo served on the Board o Education requiring them -to provide nil equate ventilation for the High school build ing and also several other of the eUder school buildings. Tlio report was ordered spread upon the minutes. Chief Seavey renewed his annual motion to request the mayor and council to call a special election for the puriwso of bonding tlio city in the sum of S75,000 , to erect an emergency hospital : also to request the council to immediately purchase a team and ambulance to carry sick and Injured persons to the hospitals Both motions went over until the fate of the charter amendments is known. Mr. Ilowell's bread ordinance was read. It provides that a standard single- , loaf of bread' shall weigh sixteen ounces , and a double loaf thirty-two ounces , and that any violation of tlio orellnanco will subject the offender to a flno of $10 for each olTcnso. Mr. IIowoll also presented an ordinance prohibiting the circulating or distributing of circulars , dodgers , etc. , upon the streets anel alleys of the city. The ordinance was hardly wlelo enough In Its scope to suit Chlof Seavey , and It was referred to the city attorney for action. Ignorance of the merits of DoWltt's Little Early Uiscrs Is a misfortune. Thcso llttlo pills regulate the llvor , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious ness. BHOBTENED THE HOURS. Shop Moil of the Union ruclllc System Af- feetoil by tlio lintrenvliiueiit Order. Over 7,000 shop men employed on the Union Pacific system yesterday felt the iirst effects of the "retrenchment" inaugurated by the management of the roael some tlmo ago , A reduction of ono hour in the day's work has been made , cutting It down to eight insteael of nine as formerly , and sovcn hours to constitute a day on Saturday. Every man on the entire line employed & the shops is nft'ecteel , and the company hopes until such time as their earnings in crease to maUo up in part by the reduction n portion , nt least , of the decreased income. .Tlio order reducing the hours and neces sarily cutting down the wages of the men wasNiot entirely unexpected , and while not 211.a pleasant surprise , was accepted without complaint , the company agreeing to return to the old schedule as soon as circumstances would | > 3rmlt. The number of men employ ° d in the com pany's shops ut Omaha" liST : , and while they were the la&t on the system to feel the olTects of the general oreler for tlio curtailing of expenses , It fortunately came at a time when half a loaf Is consulcreel better than noon loaf at all. The move is made necessary by the gen eral unsatisfactory e-omlltion of business on the main line and branches , several of the latter , notably the Omaha & Repub lican Valley , the Denver it South 1'ark and the Manhattan , Lincoln & Colorado rado , not earning their llxed charges and oper ating expenses , the earnings of the main system going toward paying the interest nn the Ixjiuls of these roads , which , while neces sary , are "dead weights" to carry. sre Heads in the transmissouri country re generally e-omphiinlng of reduced earnings f , grain Is tied up at terminal jwlnts , elevators are full and there Is no market for cereals. In Washington und Oregon half the crop of 1893 , about 4.,000,000 ) bushels of wheat , is still in the hands of farmers , and naturally the rail roads fear the depression as much as the producer. To counteract the Influence of elecreased earnings tlio Union Pacific do- elded upon a general redue'tloii in the workIng - Ing hours of its shop men , rather than kIn laving oil any of Its employes. The conditions for the year just beginninfi give every indli-ation. that the reduction will lie at worst hut ono of short duration. The order reached the other departments of hove road some tlmo aeand It Is thought the- move of yesterday will bo the end of its uffejot , POVEBTY'S NUMEBOUS VICTIMS. S.ho Several Suel Cases Yi-xterilujr UriiiiRlit lo tlio i Attention of the Poomunter. While waiting her turn to tell her story > to the county superintendent of the poor yesterday , Mrs. M. II. Shannon , weak from hunger , was overcome aiulfell fainting on the tlexr of the olilco. Her story was similar to many others , a sick husband and a family of llttlo ones to care for. Yesterday morning she loft her homo at Thlrty-ilxth and Won- do streets , weak anel hungry , to apply for aid , but the long- walk was too much for her , Kcstoratlvcs were administered ami after she had recovered she was taken home and coal and provisions sent. The wlfo of Hcncrelch Denelrs died early - - ' - , leaving three small children in extremely destitute clrcuin&tdiie-e * . Her husband has been sick for several months and the county was obliged to take charge of the remains. Omnhu' * Freight llniliir * * lor ' 03. Chairman J. W Mldgloy of the Western Freight association hns Issued his annual report for 1UU2 , showing the business done y the > upvoral roaels in cnstlxiuuel local and roURli frc'l ht from Omalm. From this statement the following synopsis s made : CUM. l. fiO. h.iiilcd elurlmt year . O.uni ' . MHI. I' . < V 40 \AN.\V . fi.riHT ' . 1C. I. SiV . * . 8.07'J .st.r.M.&o . OM Ml.V . 7 \ . e' . II. ft St. . I. , and K. & N. W . 452 Mi > ! ) . I'ae-lllc . 1.001 Yabiiih . . 0'-3 Total local truffle ; . aa.'JO'J Constipation cured t > y UoU'ltt's Early Jlscrs. BOABD OF TBADE COMMITTEES. Tln-y W rn Appnlnloil nt W toriliiy' * Meet- Int ; eif the IMrcc'torneither llii lne' < i . Committees for the year were apiwlntetl at the meeting of the directors of the Hoard of Trade yesterday afternoon. The ellree-- tors were together nearly two hours , and a .real many matters conticctcel with the work of the Hoard of Trade were discussed. No action was taken on anything of im- portanco. The committees are arrangeel as Tollenvs : Auditing Messrs , P. C. Ayres , E. E. Hrtico anel H. 1C. Palmer. Gram Messrs. A. B. Jaqulth , James Walsh. F. E. White and .1. U. Christian. Arhritation Me-ssrs. S. A McWhorter , James Walsh , Henry Miller , A. U. Jaeiulth anel W. N. Xnson. Appeal -Messrs. 13. P. Pevk , F. E. White , II. C. Miller , L. U. Cottrellaad A. W Clark. Live Stock Messrs , , T. A. Hope , W. N. Babcoek , J. S. Kuox , George \ \ . Masson and A. II. Netyes. Manufacturing Messrs. D.inlel Farrell , H. S. Coely , W. E. Clark , F. D. Cooper , Joseph Garneau , Jr. , John Grant and Fred Kriig. Membership Messrs. Max Meyer , George Heimrod , Henry Pundt , C. O. Lobeck and ' Edwin Davis. Memorial Messrs. C. S. ChasO , John Evans. 13. II. Wheeler and .1. M. Woolworth. Meteorology Messrs.'John ' Evans , William Fleming , H. F. Clark , C. F. Goodman and J. B. Kuemy. Property Messrs. J. A. Connor , C. II. Fowler and F. C. Ayres. Provisions Messrs. A. II. Xo.ves. Goorgc W. Masson , W. W. Cole , James II. McShano anel J. A. Hake. Ways and Means Messrs. W. A. L. Gib bon , Max Me-yer and S. A. McWhorter. Supplies-Messrs. H. F. Cody , W. A. L. Gibbon and E. E. Brue-e. Judiciary Messrs. J. M. Woolworth , J. J. O'Connor , John C. Cowin , Charles II. Brown and C. S. Chase. Transportation Messrs. W. N. Babcork , John S. Brady , John S. ICnox. Charles A. Cole , E. P. Peck , A. T. Rector , Euclid Mar tin , Thomas Kilpatrle-k , C. B. Havens , II. F. Cody , , Benjamin Gallagher , 11. T. Clark , Daniel Farrell , U. E. Bruce , Jeff W. Bedford and C. M. Deitz. The board has a keen appreciation of the necessity of encouraging irrigation in the western part of the state , anil after some discussion a resolution was adopted direct ing the president of the board to appoint a committee of seven to co-operate with the people of the western counties in obtaining such legislation during the pre-sent se-ssion of the legislature as may bo neuvlcel to promote the building of canals and protect the farmer and investor from extor tion and Imposition. The committee nameel by Pri'sidont Gibbon Is as follows : S. 1 > . Wiley , John A. Waketleld , James Stevenson , Euclid Martin , George W. Lininger , Dr. George L. Miller , Henry T , Clark. These interested in this subject should corre'spond with the board without delay , as prompt action is necessary , and the boarel desires a concensus of opinion before acting. Mr. H. B. Howell , n gentleman much inter ested in the subject , has been appointed ns secretary of the board , and to whom all com munications should bo sent. You don't want a torpid nver ; you don't want a bad complexion , you don't want a bad breath ; you don't want n headache ) . Then use Do Witt's Little Early Hisers , . the famous HUlo pills. Marriage The following marriage licenses wore issued by County Judge Ellcr yesterday : Name iinel aelelio s. . ARU. I Charles Aelains , Omaha . 21 j Jusslo l'uriualiUinalnt . 18 j Santo Carelainomi , Omaha . 31 I Kosa C'iil/.o , Omaha . 17 j HcnrlckSnuoi'lnircrMllhircl , Nub . 20 1 Kmma DoUchor , Mllliirel , Nub . 20 I Isaac li. VoutiK , Ile-atrluo , Neb . 23 I WI1IU W. Wyutt , yeittth Omaha . 21 Don't be deceived by ignorant , unscrupulous fakirs and confi dence men , assuming to offer " Indian Kemedics , " and who pretend that their nostrums are inado by the Indians. KICKAPOO nnd other Klckapoo Infllaji KeniciUus are THE OMiTUKXU. i. > K i.MHAX JUMKDIKS : JIADE AM ) SOLD IX A3IK111CA. Tlio word"Klcknpqo-'lscopy. righted and they duro not steal that. Be siiro yon get "Klcknpoo Honicdles , " nml ice that erry bottle or pacLigo bears thli tac.ilmllo signature thus : DtgtrlbiiUiiK Agenti , 021 Oronil Avo. , Now Ilkvrii , Ct. Tliesu gcniilno Indian Itfiueilles s.r * not iicclelleil but are iold ut nil ilrn stores. ( T O P K T Kftl(1 ( ihrtt 2esUrapii to piy jiojU rmstasSi te ! , uud we will mall ) ou free > thrilling ami lnt nsIy Intrrestlnir bonk of 173 psKes , untltlPd "UtK AND SCENES TIIK KICKAI'OO IMIIANS. " Te'U all about the lortliaj. IT IS NOT WISE T-HI COST WHEN YOURIO HEALTHIO Wouldn't It cost loss to CURE You now than ON ? At 7011 value your llfo don't neifloctoonsult- IIIR tome inie /rhoso ailvlco nlll boot value K you consult It will euit you CHRONICAMI AMI PRIVATE DISEASES Blood , Skin and Kiduejr Dikuimoa , Fotunlo Weahttosaos , Lout Mauliooil CURED. PILES. KlSTirr.A , FISSL'UE. permanently cured without the use of knife , tenure or eauitla All maladies ot * private or elellcale oalure of i'ltli r s x , positively curl , Call on or address , with sltinp for Circulars. Free Book and ll clpii. dr SfinriN s .VnriP1 ? " * 2 ° uth lsth 8traat Ul. OWJIIW 0 OuUIKjO , O/nu/ia. .Vol . liexl Uoor lo I'eitatUct. ( III SDUI'II Vln tlioVnl > n Ji Jteinlr. Tlio short line to St. rJi.nlu unil quick- owl rmito south. ; , Only . ' 17 hours to HoUHjH'lnp. ' . Only . ' 17 hours' to New OrlcuiH. Only > ' 18i lioui's to Atluiitn. Only " > 2 hour.s te > Jiie-khSonvllle. With correspond I nt , ' ' ftist tliuo to nil ] Kluts oust and soutlil Round trip tlokcts to Hot Springs , " ; New Orli-nnsi , Lnku Chiu-kM , GalvoHtotj , Sun Antonio , City of Mexico , Los Afiifvlcs. Sun Fran cisco , Mobile , .Jacksonville , Tiuupn , llu- viina nnd nil the wlntor rcMorts ot the south und west , liccliiilti" ; chulr curs free to St. Louis , Toledo nnd .Detroit. Pullman bullet nlccping curs on nil trains. BajrKtitfo checked freim hotels nnd prlvnto residences to destination. I'or tickets , sleeping ear accommodations und furthe'i' inforiuation call at Wubush ticket olllce , ISOFarnam Htreet , or write , G. N. Or vYTON ( Onialm. flutter * i > f fter lliiin itr trti umlrr , fifty cent * ; turn < \ < Mtlli ntl tine ten cent * . Kr.rmtSTiiN-Mrs. : A. M. . at O-dcn , U. T. , Q.liiiinnrr 11 , 1S03. Intornient will titl.'e place from the liomn ot tie-urea K. I'oi-l ; , Nn. 1348 North Twentieth Mireet , Uiiialia , January 17. .Davenport and t'leston , la. , papers please copy. TIII : KIAI.TV INSTHIT.MKNTS placed on record January 10 , 18U3 : WAIWAXTV D-ear Quick to A F I.lnelouM , lots 1 , J , and 3 , block 1 , lot I ) , block 3 , ( Jtilck's.imrk I 200 David Heller to 11 A Allenspiicli. lots 1 anil i ! , bleiek 4. I'otter & Cobb's 2el aelel to South Omaha 20,000 I.cavltt Htirnliam midwife to K J Kul- Icr.lot 1block 8 , Itnrnliam I'lnce. . . . 050 Miles k Thompson tei K K ( J on 111 , lot 0 , ! > le > ek 12 , Orchard IIIII 700 Chicago Lumber company to 1'rank e'olpct/er anel 11 ! ' e'mly. lots 5 to 8 , block 100 , lot 4 , block la-l ! , Unialiti. . 1 QUITCLAIM DCI'.IM. .1 I , Ilrltlon and wife to ( M ! llarlon , lot 11 , block "S."Slilim' ' lM add 227 IIKKDS. O O Onleler ( special master ) tei O K I'ord , lots 13 to 17 , block 12 , llrliin 1'laco 3,335 0 A llennett < lie-i'HTj to I. II Knlinert , e < i lot 13 , Mock 5 , Lincoln I'liie'e. . . . 220 Panic lo ( ( ' llnruin , lot 11 , block "S , " Shlnn'i M nelil 1,300 Total amount of transfe-is . J 3J.583 Sweethearts race ( hat's my wife's you know wears a cheerful , life-is-worth-living expres sion , ever since 1 presented her a box of She is always recopunendingKirk's soaps to her friends says she is through with experiments has just what she needed to make labor easy , and ensure perfectly atlean clothes. She knows what she's talking about ' ' ' ' " don't forget it. JAS. S. KIRK & COr Chicago. Dusky Diamond Tar Soap JAlSl'&f&Sfc. "Improvement the-Order of A Trial of the Smith Premier i Will Cost You Nothing but will eleuonstrntn all wo claim. Wo will place the Smith I'romlor boslelo nny writing maoliluo on tlio murkot ; It will apenk for It- sol f. Itfielurablllty can no lonzor bo questioned Wrlto or cull on us for cutalORiio , tonns , ata M Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sts. , Omaha , Neb t ) Telcphono 1381. E. II. HAYI1EW. Mnnaeor. RH1LWRYT1MEGRRD Ixinvai | ( JHICAeJ'i llf KI.INiJTON * ( Arrlvo Omana | Depot Iptli anil Minim 8ti. 4.tip m ChlcaEO Yeitlhuli ) e.IMn m ' .1.50 u m Chlcaxo Kxpress ! U'Jn m U.iOn m Chicago Kxprosi 4.25 p m 6.X p m . . .Chicago * Iowa Local BOO p ra Leaves I IIUHU.Nd I'UN , t Ala ItlVtilt. ( Arrlvj Umaha | Depot lUth aiM Mmon Sts , f 10.1.S a m . Denror Kxpross 4.ui p m 10.15 a in . . . .Doadvrood Kxpress 403 p m J.M pm . .Denver Rxpress 935 am Ija p m .Denver Limited 12.30 a m 6.60 pni . . . . . . . . .llastlnRs i.uuni. . . . . . H.I7 ; p m 8.15 a in . . .Lincoln l.ooixl ( KxcoiitSnn ) . II. : * ) H m Loaves K. C. HI' . J. A C. II. Arrives Onmha Depot loth and Mason Hts. Omalm 3.W ft in ! . . . .Kansas Clly Day Kxpres'i . . . eiUU p m 0.4S p in K. CNUht KIII , Tin U. I * . Trans 0)0 n S SMSpm ] St. Louis Bxpress 0.10 a m eiolliK I CHICAUU. II. I. , V 1-ACIF1U I From _ _ K t. I Union Depot 10th A .Maroy Hts. I Kast. ram ( lolnti [ ( JiUeJAilo , u. I. iTAOlKIO. From" West. lUnlou Depot 10th np.'l Murcr Hts. I West. 1.90pm Denver Limited I 4.30pm H.Ms in . , Kansas l.'ltr ( Kxopnt imday ) . . | 7.05 p m leaves UNION I-AOIl'lu I Arrives Oninhn I Union Dnpot 10th and.Miircy Sts. Omaha 7 .53 a in Heatrlcd Kxprusir ei.'AJ p m f , W n hi . . .Denver Kxprinr ' 4.0J p m 2.15 pm . .Overland Flyoit T.oo p m 4.15 pm . .HoatrlcetStrm bx KioxSun ( ) . U.M p m D.4Q p in I'acltlo Kxprosv , . 10.13 A m fi.30 p m , , .Den v e r Va * t t.'JO p m cavflu T Omahal IJ. I' , ilapot i > nii Mnrcy gu. I Oiimht T.Oi pm | . . .Chleauo KxpfesI' IU..U a hs.m 11.CO ami t'hio gOKxpro _ s. . . . . . 15.50 pm Leaves T aiiJU.X CITV A l-AtJlFiej lArrlvtti Omahal Dopoi , loth and Marpr 8ts. | ein lia T.10 nml Sioux I Itr 1'nssoncer illl/JUp ra kj > jPml _ _ .St. I'aul Kxpreia. . . . . . . lO-UU a inm leaves I sfbiix CITV * " fA jf'R' | A > rlveT Qmahal Dciiot , I51han3 We'tTinur Hts. | Umaha ; f > ,45 pm | St. I'uiil Lliiillod , . , . . . _ . .j9.ii n m Leaves | o M A H A" & ST7 . Arrives Oniaha.U. I * , Depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sts. Omaha 4.00 p in' ' St. Louis Cannon Hall 12.35 p m Loaves I C. , St. I1. , M. \ O [ Arrives Omah | nopot litti nl Vfcbsler jts. | Omaha _ _ fl.10 a in Slonx L'ltr Acoumiuodatlon. . I U.Oi p m I li prnlSluuxUtr Kxprei'ix.Sundarll'.O ( ) p mS ftpml St I'aul .mltod . . . . . . . 1U1 a S 115 pm.llancrott 1's.ssenner ( Kx. Hund yi ! 8.11 p m Loaves F. B. A MO. VALLKY [ Arrlvas Ililiaha Depot 16th anil Webster Hts. Omaha UOO am .7. . . .Deadwood k'xpresTT. . , . . p > m P.OJ nmuKx. r < at. ) Wyo. Kxp , ( Kr. MOD. ) I4.W prr. i 5.30pm , . Norfolk eK Hnndayl . 10.M nm . j.lijim' ' . St. l' nl Kxprets . . . ; 'J.tt a DI " Leaves I'H 1C AUOTNO lltTl W US YiTllN ArrlTL't Omaha V. 1- depot , loth and Marcy His. Omaha r 7.W ft m ( Kx. tiun'yi I'nrroll l' Dger. D.W IM 10.10 a m e htca o Kxprvss ifli p m 4.01 pm Vostihulu Lliallvd 3.BI a m T.eUpm Kastern Fljar , 1.15 p m JiaUpm Kx Sun ) Chin. lUss.Kx ( Mon. U.30 a in LeTv es l Ml sHoUllTTA C'TT'TC [ Arrives _ Uinaha Depot UUt nnd WehstorHts. I Oinahs. 1 10 p m . Ht , IxDuls Kxprets 7.00 a hiani 1000 p ml St. Iritis Kipress. t 603 nim NetrsiH Loc l. . . , .M km 8PE01RL NOTICES , DTKUTISI MRNW FOIl TIIK'ti fOU'MNS taken until IJ3Uii.ni for Ilia ovcnlnil and until SHU : | > . tu. tor thn morning or Munilnr vdT lions , Nn advertisement Uketi for less than 35 cents for Hi * llrst Insrrllnn. All aelvortl > ements In these- columns m cents n word tor the tlrst Invrtlon nnd I < Vnl n word for each pulisniuent Inicrtlon , or IIio per line per month. Terras , cnsh In advnnca. InltluK figures , symbols , etc. . each count ns n word. Advertise , menln must run consecutively. Advertisers , by requesting questing n numliered check , can havu thn tellers addressed to n numbered letter In care of Til K IIKK. Answers so Addressed will bo delivered on the presentation of the che-ck. SITUATIONS WANTED. A - WANTKI ) , YOUNtt MAN , POSITION AS okkrcpcr or general otllco work , lle'tofrcf crcnces. Dux 770 , 1'lty. HIM an * A-SITUATION WA NTKiTllY Vel7Mi .MAN lie ) VVjroarsof ngn. slrnnger In clly : hnvo some QV pcrlcncons salesman ( clothing preferred ) , salnry no object to la-Kin with. Address 11. II. , IHM N. ITIh St. M.U1 a WANTED-MALE HELP. 1SA1.AHY OH COMMISSION : TO AeKNrTO I'handle thn rntcniriiomlcnl Ink Krnnlnir I'encll The moil useful nnd novel Invention of Hie aue Kra es Ink thoroughly In two se'conds , Works like ninnle. ZUOtotlMper cent protu. Agents making f 50 per week. We nl o wulil n getiernl iigcnl lo titktj ch.irgc of territory nnd nppMntsnb ngetiti. A rnro clmnco to mnke money. Write for toinisimd n sain- | iliof crnslng. .Monroe Knislim Mfg. e'o . Y W. Ln e'rosse , WIs. ? 0e ! 1-AY HALAUY WKKK1.V Te > eJOOD Kxporlonco iiiinecessiiry. Apply Sinner Olllce. MJI2.IK ) i > WANTKI ) . A FIW HF.UAIIM : HOLICITUIIS J'ln Nebraska for Iho Union Celilr.il Life Insur mice company of < Inclnnatl. ( lood territory and lltionil contrncts to the right men. Address J. M. Fdmlstnn , Stale Agent , rooms * J , 4G nnd 47 llnrr blk. Lincoln , Neb , MM'J ' J3D B-WANTKI ) , TWO tiOOD llAHNK SMAKiiSS : : sternly employmonti work by the plrco. Sclnnlli A 1'iinhorst , Wyniore , Neb. K-l 10 1)-WA.NTKD , A C.OOD 1IAIINK83MAKKII AT JJlIeiidcrson , la. T. II. e'urry. lSe-H ! p-IIAKKIlWANTKI ) , FlllST-e'LAMf.ON IJbrenil nnJ cnkds. Carl Hoth , llohlrck'O. Nob. HWANTKI ) , 1IVNKII FOH INSIDI ! AND el'T- ) tide work : niusl nlso understand plnnililint : ftond > y Jeib : reference retiulred. U. I' , olmstod & Co. , Wnyne. Neb. .Mli'7 18 H-9AI.KSMHN FOIl AN BASY HKLl.INd AHTI- cle ; lihernl pay. F. D. Wend , llilh nnd Douulns. _ MK'i : ) IT II WANTKI ) , AN A Net. 1 I,1TIUKIIA1'II ! TIIAV- 'ellnu solicitor for town , Nehrnj > kn. ( inkotii und Hotcrn territory. Aildre < a Stephens l.ltlio. nnd Knt e\ > , St. Louis , und nccompiny It with proper credentials. .Mir.'i 17 p YeU'Ne ! MAN AS STKNOCIIAI'IIKK ; ( INK I'who cnn ii o typewriter. Unto njje nuel enperi- ence. Address W < : , Hue ) . Ill 18 H-"f2.1UO 00 TO Ki.OOO.OU A YHAII rtH A L1F1 ! time" to ncllve men with nnd without OMplt.il. We ulve full control In n Inrijo lerrltor > of the hest scllliiE artlrlu In the world. lliinlni B leultlmnto. Adilressnt unro forporatlon , 178 und 180 e'omiiier clul ulret't , Lynn , Muss. M..IW 17- H -WANTKI ) , SALKSMAN ON TIIK III ) A D Te' I .sell , ndvertlslni ; cirds : und ealemlnrA on slon direct from tlio ninnufucture.r. Cnn innkoT.HIIX ) per week. Auvertlalni ; . * peelnlly Co. , lltiirnlo. N.V. MIUO IT- WANTED FEMALE HELP. C 1-Y4HINO I.ADIKS CAN yeKV ACXUMKH A \rorkliif knoivlcd n ot thortlmnd and type- wriiini : nt Van Smits' 51U N. Y Lite. Mart fANTHP. . I.ADIKS ell ) VOl'NeJ SIKN TO V take I'cht. ' plensitnt work nl their own homen : fliOto } : i.icj per day can bo quietly ninilo : woik pent by moll : no cnnvnislni ; , Kor pnrllcuInrB aU- dicKseilohu MfK Co. , llox SJJI , Iloslon , Mn H ls- : Inbllshcd I8SU. M4Ki J19 * ( ( JliNHKN'S DANIsiM AND SWICDISII ISMl'I.Ov" V incut onfco corner Itith mid DotiKlnv up.ealra ; all kinds of help always on hand ; Ml b'ood ilrli lor Kcucral houjonork. IS' . ' F10 * f 1 WANTKI ) . I.ADIIM AND O1IILS TO DO OUlt v-'new work for us nt home ; f.l to W per wock easily mnde : no palntlnitor cnnvnanlni ; . t-cnil salt nd- dresseel envelope , l.'cho .MnnufacturliiK company , J Liberty equnrc , IHiston. Mnss. 2IS-1C' /1-A MIDDI.15 AOBl ) WOMAN TO KKKP IIOUS13 v > for n family of four , ( lernian preferred. Ad dress , 1 * . O. box 219 , lilnlr , Neb. 210 IS * p DUDDINOTON ACADKSIY Ol'KN JtOMDAY. V'Jnn. U : ladles are tSualit the art of dressmaking , bnnllni'andnnlahlnit ; cunworkon their ownUresse whllo learning , HiOli Urown blk.cor Douplus & icth M 11,111 FB p-WANTBI ) , LAUNDIIKSS ; NONM HUT KX vvports need apply. Wogcs 15 per week. Room 303 , lleo hulldliiK. 333 17 * C -WANTKI ) , (1IIIL FOH GKNEUAL 1IOUSK- work. 181'J I.cavonworth o ( . M.135 1U * FOB , BENT HOUSES. D - HUNT , No2413 CAl'lTOL AYI5NU15 , inodorn The O. l'Uavls ' Co. , 15J5 Farnam St. St.7U7 7U7 -l-Oll HKNT. HOUSES ' D IN ALL 1'AUTS OV etly. , The O. K I ) Tls company , IOOJ I'nrnum at. 70'J - ? , DWHLLINelS COTI'AejKi ) D , , IN ALL parts of tuo city. Kilkenny i Co. , 202 Knrbnch 710 D-NKW7-IIOOM eOTTAOKS : , MODKUS' , IN Stanford circle. Convenient for business men of Onmhaund South Omaha , U. S. Klgutter , 2iU Uco hulldliiK. D-TEN-ItOOM MODKH.N 1IOIJSK , COlt. 10TII and Muson streets. Cull ut. 607 llrown blcla. MM I Ft -KOU 111SNT-1 8TRAM HEATED FLAT ; 0 rooms ; Union block , lath nnd Mason streets ; In cond repnlr. liuiulru at 017 In the block. Jo m llamlln. agent. M'JJ.I D I-LA HO K LIST I'AUL , 1005 FAUNAM frTKKKT. M640J87' D-FOIl IU5.NT , TWO 6-IIOOM COTTAGKS ON motor , Call at southwest cor. 9th nnd Douglas. 171 D-5 11OOM8 IN IIUICK FLAT ; IC09LKAVBN- worth street. 21J 17' I -FOll ItENT , A TKN-UOOM I1OUSK , ALL -1'nawly painted nnd papered , with modern fur- nnce , batli room nnd water closet , hot mid cold Winer , Stunted In ono of the Uncut resident neigh borhoods In the clly hnlf block north of Fnrnnm street on i > 8th street. Inquire of Home Investment Co. , third llojr , Tuxtoti hulldliiK. 223 19 * - ' 11KNT , HKVKIIAL MCK 8 AND fl-UOOJl houses , wllh nil modern convenience * , ncnr llnnsoom pnrk. Inquire of Ueo. N. lllcks. net. . : IU5 N. Y. LIIobhlK. MHIi 23 FOB BENT FURNISHED BOOMS. E-NHATLY rUllNlallKD FIIONT IIOOM ON Farnam ncnr 22d si. , with heut ; board If desired sired ; rotercni-es required , Address TM , lleo. 2U1 19j 1-IKSII'.AI1LI : KUIINISHKI ) IlOl'SIION PAL1- J fornla street Inquire room 31 , Douglas block. AI3iG 17 T ? NICK IIOOMS , 8TICAM 1IBAT , 1723 DAVIJN- J.J | > ort stroot. 1I2SJW 17I-FUMN1SHED 110OJ18 , U13 DODUI ! 6THKUT. Jij JI281 21 * T ? WKMi flJIINlSHKD FIIONT IIOOMS , W ) El North 19th street M328 IS- " CUUAI * FltONT HOOM , KUItM.-llIll > , ( JKN- llonian nnd wlfo or two ladles. 2135 Hnrnor < ilreot. Modi lt > * -NirK I-LBASANT IIOOMS , WITH Oil WlTlT- t oui , board. 2303 Douglas. M3i.1 : 'li' E 3"oil 4 lUIOMS UMlNlhllKI ) KOI11IOUSB keeping. 2308 Douglas. M334 24 * _ ' FUBNISHED HANDSOMK SOUTH IIOOMS WITH HOAUU. Itefercnces. ISM Oh lento street. M3SI 17' Ij'-THE DOLA.1 , S03 AND JI1 N. ISTlt ST. 7IJ 7-YOUNO WOMEN'S IIOMK UNDKlt OAIIE OF - Woman'i Chrlitan association , 111 Ho. 17th st. . - ! ! L 17-FOll HK.NT-Kl/llNISIIKI ) IIOOMH WITH J flrst-clau board , stenm heat. Utopia , 1721 Dav enport st. 2MMG * /-FIIONT HOOM FOIl TWO ; ALSO SINOLK south rooms , 2209 Furnam street. Mill 21 * l.-LAHGK KHONT BTKAM IIKATKD HOOM I with board Table honrdors alsn accommo- dalcd. The Illllsldo , uorihwest corner lUth and ( : . . _ . - . MV79 21 H--1100M AND I1OAIID FOIl TWO OKNTLKMBNI 1 | 3.uu per week each ; 52J North IDth street. street..M.HW 18' FOR HENT-UNFUKNI8HED BOOMS G-3 UOOMS (10 : 2 ItOOilS O , 272 N. 15TII slre t. 2W-I8 * FOB BENT-STOBES AND OFFICES , 1KOU HKNT , TIIK 4-BTOIIY IIHICK IIU1LD1NO. U16 Furnam si , Ilia building has a fireproof co- nient hnsement , completosleum healing fixtures : water on all Ilia Doors , gas , ela Apply at the oniceof The lltfo. 910 i -osFKoUit sronY 'hiuciruITLUINO 2 FKET ; -Lwlda. 1IU7 lUrnuyst. 7H I -KOItllKHT , A VKHY DB3IIIA1IUK IIUILDIVU i Jsullalilo for a warehouse , with itoblo lo conec tlon. Trnclage front and rear. AiMress K. A Cannlclmol care ) of Mcejord , Ura'Iy ' A Co. 214 WITUNKI.L HLK. CKNTHAL AND cheap e 2 i7 -FOlfllKNT-WAIHSHOL'aB WITH THAI K i will build to suit ttinsnt. 'I rankaga lots llth uif lisrd (6 leMe b. a. Curtis , 303 d. Uth st st20SIT AGENTS WANTED. on i' nvcrr county whore wo liavn not ulrtndv set. cured K ri-prctcntalMc to sell our "Nevada Mlver' Hollil Me-lHl Knlvs Forks nnd Speions te > consum ers , n solid metal as white ns sliver , no plain to wear elli goods inulnnterd f > wear ft lite Ilintii cost ahniit our tenth thai of silver : the chance of it lifetime ; at'inls avrrngn from HO lolPJUper week nnd meet wild ready sales every w hern , n grt'nl Isthpdeinnnd for enir Holld Mctnl eloods , Over f LOOOAiO worth of good * In dally usr. e'asn of samples free. Standard sllvorwnre Company , Hus ton , Mass. \mi KI3- I -WANTKD , AI1KNTS FOIl A NKW FAST-HULL- ' Ing mon making nrtlcleovorTiMM 17 ovorTiMM ] n dny being sold , sample nnd terms free. Address F. K We hosky. rrnvhlciiCJ. II I .Mm 20' WANTED TO BENT. KWANTKIMOUlMtOOM MODK11S IIOU H IIB twcen Dotliteinnd lleiwnrd. and ' 'uili nnd . ' , > th llcspon-ilble paillea. llenl rettsonahle. Address W 4'i Hen. 31:1 : STORAGE. M llil tnrnniti street 71't \ fDON'T sreiitK iioisKite > i.i ! ui > oi ) . < wrrii- I'lmit leelMK our Morntu ili'imrtuiont. It H tlui best Oiiinim More itennlr Woric . Ujr lotljlft [ < . . WANTED TO BUY. llrnt mortgages Hood A. Sclby , Illl Hoard Tritde. . J > r-KlltST MdllTliAdKS ON OOOI ) ItllAL IIS I tale. II. A. Ar.iold , HJI HOJ building. M74J _ " "WANTKII Til 111 V. STOCK Of el IIOl'KHI KS. llnx 10li ! , 11's Mului'i , In. VIO 1' . ) ' -WANTKI ) Ti ) HIT. A SMAliI , SAK.f. . UiililulT , Itith nml Inpllol nvo. 2.10 111 - _ 500.0JOUJKD STAMl-d. 110X . , C1TV. .M'i.VI I'D' \r-WANTKI ) . A JilH-OND-lIANI ) KI.KVATeilt , - Itirno euntnih to rnlso a tuiiu uncoil. N. H. 1'rleson , .Innsen. Neb. ffi y.\ \ I'AiiTv wno wir.i. INVKJT fvtxw cn'li In nioilern n-rooni cottnKi' . ou t of 2ttli : anil between St. M ry' utiil Diivenpart. Alex. Moore , 4UI.aa \ linlMlriK. MI' . ' , 17 FOR SALE-FURNITURE. WSKI'OND HANI ) Sljl'AIlK IMANO IN OOll ( ) /repair , for silechoi | > . .ftJI < orbv slreol. M8II 1KOU SAI.K. A NKAHI.Y NKW DuUHMC I * | irlnuoTiro | < iwaOii. IIOMU. Innnm and huak'yi nlno n nearly IIUIT set of crenni Ty touls , consUlliu ofbiitlrr worker , eliuril. lUnT" < e.ale , trim * , cte. , nil will U-j sold nt u Kreu sncrlllc ) . Aililroi * eJ. 1) . 'I/-elinet , lleo oIllL11. or c.ill nlllir .Mtuinii street , wliere ; eoN en bu seen. - MfJUl 1J-KOK SAI.i : , TWei KINK JIATCIIKD BOIIIIKI , I driving hordes : : iUii one buy innro and ono black lioro. All ele .int drivers. Mint bo Mild at once. I lilullty I.onn mid ( itininnteu Lo. , llooin 4. Witbnell bliK" . M Ki FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-KOlt SAI.K. C'llKAt1 , A W-lleiltSII I'OWliK nntoiiiutla eniflnu : iiNii one 1 : ! lioro power u | | . rltfht engine , both In KOOI ! ropnlr. Inqtilru of Test : nor I'rlnllnit Co. , l ; < 07 lluwurel slieet , Omnlm , Neb. SttroND-IlAND HANI ) I'OWKH KI.V.VATOIl forxnle r.W llow.inl. .MI3J JI'J- Q-THK HTANDAUI ) CATTI.K e'o. HAS eON- : Htuntly onlmud bilod : liar , lor miloon truck at Allies , Neb. M.W.I Q-K-It tfAI.K. TIIK Illlli-i ; THAT la TAKIi.V out of tlio County liuspltnl. Inquire ) of the roremnn at tlio hospital. .M''O Q -IF YOU WANT 1H 11IIV e'HKAlIOTATOKS at wholesale or retail , call t J.'l Soiilli lenth Btrcct. Onmli'i. .1. M. CuoU. AI2UJ US- Q -BLACK IIII.LS cieii.i ) eiitu si-Kcisinxs e-AN be obtained for * I.UO by luldrcBstni : to 1-rof. Win. lro ! iie , Lead City , S. D. 241 Q FOIl KAI.H A .It.lXJMH.MT KeK Jl.r.ii 75 AND coita ak'alnat William W. Munrell nnd Wllllnin L. Conlcy ( Munsell & e'o. ) obtained In the Kent , Mich. , circuit court iJlil.l'i collected theieoni. Also n small farm , cheap. Albert Hatter , Muiko- ( fen , Mich. HKl ' . 'U' Q l SAI.K C1ILA1- < HI , TAIII.i : . HAILS cues. etc. ; tiood order , lli'- . ' Soiltli loth street. MJ1I III * MISCELLANEOUS. T > IlAVK YOUU OLD CAUI'UT WOVICN INTO IVbeniitlfiil ruga. Adilrcss Omnhu Cnrpot nnd tins fnctory , 1021 Lcnvonworth street. MG04 .1 21' CLAIRVOYANTS. 3-MHS. NANNIE V. WAIIHUN , CLA1HOVANT , reliable business niodlnm.llfth roar at II'J N. lilth. 713 S juts. nit. M. LICOIIAVI : , I'lioi-nisTusH , DKAO trance clairvoyant and llfo reader ; lulls your llfoirom oraillc to grnro : cnn baconsulted on nil affairs of life : has the celebrated Hgypllim breast plate to unite the separated nnd CRUSH marriage with ono you love. Come one , coiiio alt nnd bu con vinced of her rjmarknble powers. Olllco nnd reil- denco 417 S. llth st. , hours 9a.m. to y p. in , Strict llfochart nnd photo of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mnll for 15.03 , chart nlouo 8J.O ) . All letters containing 4 cents lu stumps iiroimilly answered. Mlji'.i-2 : ' * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rp'MToAMU SMITH , 'f.B4 CAl'lTOI , ' AVKN7jK | -LUoom 3. , ) d floor. Massngo , alcohol sulphur and sen baths. M25J 'M' rp MMK. CAUS1.1N , 1121 DOI'OLAR 8THI5I3T , a J. floor , room 7 , luassago , alcohol , sulphur and &ou baths. 2,13-11) ) ' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. \ 7 G. V. OELLKNHKCIC.IIAN.IO TKAC1IBII , N.W. cor. 15th nnd Harney. IlHrnoy street eutrauce. JI 4 V-OKHMAN AND KKKNC'II CLASSKf , 2C1 Douidan. M3IBoO- HONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. Vir MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWKBT ItATKA ' The O. F. Davis Co. , IWi Fnrnam slreet. 720 \\rLOANS ON IMI-IlOVKn AKD UNI.MritO\'Kn vi city property , J.1.COO anil upwards , ( I to 7 per cent No delays , w. Furnam Smith & Co. . 15th and llnrney 7JO \\r-C. F. lIAltlUSON , 912 N. Y. LIFK. JMJ 731 \\r-ANTIIONY LOAN AND TnUST Co. , SIS N. Y ! li Llfo. lends nt low rates for choice security on Nebraska ur lotva fiinns or Omnha city property.TO TO \\r-JIONBY TO l.OAN-I HAVi : AllOl'T 11.Ml ( ii lo loan on Improved Omaha properly , prlvntn funds. In ono or more loans. Aeldroji T 10 , lleo olilce. IVjj Ur MONKY TO UAN ) eN O.MAl'lA AND COUN- cll DliitTs real ostntu nnd Nebraska nml k.wu farms nt from ( I to 7 per cant Interest , with no luldl- llonnl charges for commissions or attorney * fees. W. II. .Mtitle , 1st Nnt'l bunk bldg. Omalm itil \\r-3 > NKY TO l.eAN. SUMS fcOO.OO "AND VI' . ; corgo I'aul. Iti'Jl Farnam. Miill , l7- \\r-LOAN3. G. O. WALLACU.312 1IUOW.N I1LIC. 11 i ( j7 \\r-7 I'KIl C1TNT MONKY NUT TO IIOKHOWEUS ii on Omaha clly properly. Nu exlr.i chi'rges of nny kind. Why pay high rates' Monuy Is cheap. Youcnn get full benellt of low rntcs from eilnbo Loan nnd Trust Co. , Itith nnd Dodge. 2i \\T MOIlTCAdK LOANS I.KS3 THAN 7 I'Ell li cent. Including all charges. Charles W. llatnuy Omahn Nat. bank bldg. 721 \ \ rAND2 YKAIl UANS ON e''ITY AMI FA11M ii mortgaecsllcod &Sulby,3ll Hoard of Triule. " _ \V-MONKYTOLOANATLOWKST IUTKSONIM ii proved and unimproved real estate. 1 to 6 years. FhlelltyTrust Co. , 17W Faiinam st TU3 \V-WANTKD ATONCB , LOANS ON uii'ifovHD ii Omnlm properly ; low rales. Fldollly Trust company. 170. Kurniiui st. 703 \ \ LOWI'.ST a.vi'K8 FlDIi.fl'Y THUH1' ColT ii pnny , 1702 l'nrnuin slreet. 741 \ \ - ' HAYINfJH IIANIC MAKKS UUMlS II on real estfllo ut lowest market rates. J < oans e In small or large sums for short or long time. No commission Is charged and thul onus uru not sold In the east , but osn nhrn > n Im foil ml nt the bank on tbo corner of Uth nnd Douglas street * . 7--J \\r-l'ltIVAT MONKY 1ST AND 21) MeillTU AIK ii loans , low rutei. Alux Moore , Doe bldg. 7.11 \\r-.MONKY TO LOAN ON IMl'ltOYKD CITY ii property , low rale. A. C. Fro > l , DoiiKlus blk. \ \ -C15NTUAL LOAN A THL'ST CO. 11 KB 11LIM i M 72.1 A\r 1)0 YOU WANT TO IIOIdloTv "MINKY ON ii real estate , clly or farm property'Womako / loans In sums of f.VM and upwards : low r.itei ; no delay For particulars sea ( liorga J. 1'n.il. ITO.I Faiuam street. M.IO.I 17 * \\r-l e'AN I'LACK LOANS AT 1/lWKrtT IIATICH il on buslnets or other choice property In emali . Loans of H.'Mlo f.'iU.CXW wanted for foroltu parties , J. II. Wheeler. 417 Kuruaoh block M 33 8HOKTHAND AND TYIEWKITINO. 0 MAIIA Coi.l'KeitiOFaiiOHTllAND AND TY1-W wrltlnr. A U Oni , A. M. prln , lloyd's llicntiir. JUWfJ * MONEY TO LOAN -CHATTELS. V-WII.I. IAJAN MONUf ON A.N'\ KIND OK 8K curlty : strlctljr cuntiaentlal A. K. Harris , fit Karbnck block. 70J V-JIONKY 30 , c6T 90 DAYS. e'llKAl1IATK8 and ea4v patmontt , on furnltnre. tilanjs. live mock , etc . wltboul daisy or puhllclt ' band. Dun Ureeii , room d , Harbor bloc V-MON15VLOANKD-ON CHATlKU COLLAT- - oml or otheir perteiDAl propurly. at rensonublft ratei , I to amonlUt. Ualmi boujlit. W. II. Duvli , 11 oo in 'Jin , McCng-e : > blely 5.M .IK V I'lUICHAHU , 61 UOUULAH lll.U la i HOIK ! 1C * JJ7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. V i OMAHA MOllTelAdU MIAN IX ) : ixcoiii-oiiATKi ) , i IK YOU WANT MONKY. You can borrow ou IIOl'SRIIOI.I ) KIHNITiilK ) : ND PIANO * , 1IOHSKS , WAOONS AND CAUIIIAIIK" . WAllKlltlL'SK IIHIIKII'IV. MKIlfllAMlUSIC tll ANi'orilNIl Slit'l'lUTV \Ve will tend yon nny amount from MUfAHii JI.IU1 , ON TIIK KAY YOOAPIC Mill IT. wllhoiitpubllrlty orremiirnl of property Von cart pny the money back til nny nmoiinti you l < li. niicl ntuny limeniiilenrh nayineiitiii ) mnde will reduce I lie cost of I hi' loan. llemembcr that you IIKVO the imneif luilli Hm properly mid the money , and pny for II only it * Unix ns you keep It. Theintlll in ) no etpi-nn or chtrjn kept out of the itninilut wiMited , but you will rt'dUTJ llu full amount of the lo.in Hefore borrowing elsewhere f-nll nnd ACQ u mid > ou will tlud It irreally In your ndrniitaju , OM MIA MOII'IMAUi : LOAN e'O. : | XOI-TI1 IBTIi STIIHKT. llrnl Hour nhcve the stieet. T1IKOI.DK.SI- I. VIlllUSC AND el.N'I.V IMOU- 1-OllATISDI.OAN l-UMPANVIN ei > IAII\ Til X \elt ; WA.Yf run I.-IDKI.ITV I.OVN IICAUANTICK ro. IIOiiM I WITIINKU , lll.orl' , SOI Til l.U'll.C'Hl.NKIl IIAIINI" . SI1. WIl.t , \ UAN HUM \ LAUUn rnoM \ TKN WK MAKK l.e\NS ) I'N nMINITl'ltK , llelllSKM , t AUIIIAOKrtVAKKile > flK KWKMM'M Oil I'ICtl. MU.NAlil'IIUI'KII I'V HI' ANV KIND. /TOD / WlLli / IK ) WHMi / TO / uix / ONus rnisT / row. / OUl TKIIMM Wll.l. MKKT Voflt Al-I'ltuvU , You rnnIHJ \ - the money ImeV t uiiy tiuni nml In nnjr nmoiint you wish , nml Hum reduce the eent at ciurylnn . the lunn In proportion toiiiiniiint you pi\y , ' H. YeU'oHO nlmtrinre on your finnltureoi otlmf pi'Momi ! properly of nny klii'l. ' wo will pny It off for you nml earrjr II n luntr n you ilc ! ro. \eiV I'AS IIAVI1 Yiil'll MOSir : INOS'K llot'll 1 Ilo.M TI1K TIM 15 Veil' ' MAKH AI'l'l.le'ATI' ' N No publicity or reinovntot pn > | > i > rtr. ho tlnil you pet tlh-1191 * of bnlli inoiiey an I prt > p.'rly 71) ) BUSINESS CHAiMCES. V -I'llc : WK.-T Clt.i llI'lilNISS MlKNi V , . .IIIT I Y. Life. iMiiiilurti n n nr.il lullln.'n eM'luuu-u. Jiltt ot : oed buslne n ehalU'i' In all pint * < > f thn country on application. MuMiiOM poiitli > n < nu cured. M.I- " > l x'-rou SAI.I : , itiviAii , MIATT : u K in" 1 tlril clnm location ; ciith snlu.t ISA per dny Ail- die i W 7. Hciv Mfl'J Y -SAleK\s J fiiriua. mining Kl < icL.4' lots. Addru n iieor Iliislnens Aceney , Mierldnn , Wyo. Is * V-'nui .SAU : . fiiuTiTVM : u irSTMiH'MDNiTV 1 J.'I.OiltltlO ilnnt clock In live IDVYII dnlni : c.mh IniBl. ness of t..DOJ.tW u > eiir. Ili'ivson for K'lliiiB , Inivi ) other tiUHinesn that iicedn my attention. Tcrnm. en * ] ) , or pnrt ca'h , mid ieciirid paper. Till * will hear InvestUintlou. AUilrcn Lock Lot No .W. ' , AKhlmid , Neb "m W \ TVANT K , \ ADY TO 'PA K iA : r 1 1 1 1 1 1 > e > u 1 half Inlerixt In n millinery Inn I lies In n lite town In Nebraska. AcMlcsj ' . ' 'W Knrnani ntreol Umnlin , Nub. Mili ; > III- V-KXR''l'KNTl.OI'ATIeN ' KOIl llOCTOll e'eill 1 reipond with M. T. Hill. Mello. Nob. MJI8-W * X' H.L-MI-AUTe'ASlI WII.I.IIIJY A riHSTi LASS 1 restaurant ; Inconin nt present Ml ) 0) perI'ay ox- ponien J..VUi ) . e mi be iiiinln to pay f'.VMK ) tofJMJOU pur niontli with cnreful nmnaiteiuent. Addrum W IIJ , llco. MVTJ 17 \r-l' ' ° l' SAI.K OK TIIADK , STOCK DHf 1 k'oodi nnd nilllliicry. Invoice fl.lMU or ( I.7UU. Aildrcss liov IDI , llcnodlcl , Nob. M3il ; ai- : A'-FOIl PA1.K , A f.yiWO.UU bTee.K ell'1 MKIt I ehiindlso In n iiood town In BOtithern NebrnHlini Kood cash trnilo eiitahtlnhud ; pionent owner cnnnnl Klvetho liiislnc.iB per onal attention. A * plomllj opp irtiinlty to Mint In biislne.iH with nil CMnh' IHIiod trade. No trndes considered and slock U not for sale nt n oncrllU-o. Y. II. Trimble , llattiiiiig , Neb. M ; 7 il V 1'AHTNKIl WITH JI.WI XVANl'K > TO Hv I Kaco In the innnufacluro of n ntnplo nrtlelo by n iiiiw prooo i. llln prollt * . Western llmhiiins itKoney.illll N. V. l.Uu .MIU7 ID _ FOPf EXOHANOET ' _ _ rCI.KAH emAHA uuAij 1HTTI'K reit ) Mi > snT , /jnctiml valuation , Monuy to loan. ISo.vMJ. Oumlm. 7.1'J ' _ _ _ y-lOWN 100 KAUMrt IN' . NISIIUASlvA , liANBAH -1 A Dnkotn- Will soil clump , oro.ichmiRO for iiHlse. lioisos \ ciittlo. Add. bor'O , Frankfort , Ind. r/ \N HTOCICOI' ' ' f.'KNKIlAI.M'D'8'I ! : WILL /-Jt j real estate A inpiiuy. Uox 2'A.Frnnkfort Incl. 775 HAIilt , IMI'LKMKNT STOCK AT I.MO A/gouo. Addioas T. .1. llogors , Imogeiie , In. y-wiM.Tit.\i > u CI.KAII i.en- AIMANITOI ; , / / Coin. , for clear Nnbrimkn land or uooil iuiilil | s. AiUlroai U , J. UlcliarJs , Uox 1W8 , Deuror , Colo. SUM K _ y-4S Al-IIIM OK CI.IJAIt I.Ai'fl ) IN ONU Off AJtho best winter wheat districts In ICnmna to o . chmiKO for ID or W acru tract ne.ir I'ninha city limits. Will pay cnsli dllTurencu lit property \ > KOOI | . Address , k'lvliif prlco mid location , u 'M , Una olllce. yn y-CAI.IKell.\lA ) IIA1SIN YIN KV AUD K.llt SA iJi7 /-t or exclmnxi' for BOI | Income propirty. elulity acres : hlulily Improved : In full bcarlntt ; uriiul vn * rlety ot triilts : irooel bnlldliiUH : all klmln of tooli anil mnchlnery ; nmplo witter rlvht ; loc.ited close to Inriic city nnd vood nmrkct ; In HnOBt ijrnpu trrowtnif ellatrlct In tlio ututo. For particulars uddreon \ \ 11 , ileoonco. ' V 1'K.V IIKAI" ) IFULSOl'TH FIIONTHUUUUUAH ft lots on motor line ; clear and good 1 in pro veil ptopcrty for gooel rentnl properly ; will iisuniiio. Alex , Moore , 401 lloo building. M2 > 7 17 y-WANTHD , TO KXe'IIAN(7i7 LAND roil /-'slock of ngrluiiltnrnl Impliiments or stock ot general merchnlidlio. Address Thos. Kryger , No- llgh , Nob. MU'J : si y.-WANTKO 1O TIIADK , A CLKAIl /Jhorso. Address W 47 , llee , _ FOB SALE IBEAL ESTATE" DO YOU WANT A NICK UOU-iK FOIl WHAT jon nro now paying rent , und mil ! not live In the suburbs. ( I. AtNiillliiKcr , OKI ni bur of I'oin- iiiercu. ir'.l FPJ ITOlTsALK-OVKIl l.0 KINK IOW\ AND Nl I brimkn fnrnis , inuny eici'llent liiirgnlns , Inuil raphlly uilrnnelug , ? IUUI to filViiil per ncro now. I.ill for puitlcuhirj. ltufgt\ Hill , IWj l.'nrnnm st stMBJ'I " /HOICK IIAItirAlNS IN MlllTIl"OMAin IIKAL Vvestnle. The Midway Invoi'tiient Co. , 117 N Y. LIJulldg. _ _ MITil I I0 _ 1'Ull BALK oTl lOXCIIAMIi : TWei CLKAIl I.eM'S I In Illildli'-i' hiil > , li\l.oii | lo Council llluir.1 In , ; nnnl livestock. AildrenH , l. II , 1'urry , room .V , I'Ji ) WdHliliiginn M. , Chli'.igo. III. MIT' , IT- > KAI.KaTATK. > Har aln4 only. My word l k'ood. W. ej. Alhrluht. 551-5 .1 New York J.lfo. OlOACIlilh HKCOND HUNCH LAND , WASIIINO. 'ton To. ; icooil biilldlnti * and lni | > ioieni.iiK | 7l per ucro. C. I1 , llnrrlton. HIS N. Y. 1.1 In. X'U IS J7OII SAI.K Olt TIIADK. GOOD ( -OTS IN M P I'lennaiilndilltlon within 2 blockH of motor Mini. Will luke iiood uprliiht plmio or will null o.iiillr In lota very chonp. Aeldress at oticu A 1 , Moo otl < tt * _ _ _ _ _ _ l/AUM IN WVOMINtl 2 SULKS"KIIOM It Ml. " 1 way. Jl'.V nerea. hnlf timber ; IrtlKnlml nhi.ioor hnir. I'loneiir Ilu llio8i AKCIICJ , Mierldnn tVyo I'll \J3 \ AtlUKU IIKIHT Cl.OSK TO ( IMA II A. UNKI.l I Iniprovoil , IW per ucui. C. I' , llnrilun . 'UN V. l.lfe. ; uo 18 i OT n , ill. one : i. ouciiAiu ) iin.i , , II.IDU , Ij 11) ) norm In city llmlla , t.'iJ ( ( ) per IUTB ; lu iicrui l.'iirden land , f 100 per ncro. 8. a. e'urlU , MS S ISth Blionl. VA-IT > ) M ACItKHlir n.NHI.AND , l.l C'hN rOlJN'1' ' if } per aero , wrltu for iniitlculara. U. K. llnrrltna 1N. ! ! Y. l.lfe. Ml ) IN ( & 4'XIOil ' WILL Ill'Y TWO LOTH WOIITII 700.00. iPThoy nro on grade , nour motor. Terms easy , owner going away. Williams A illltaii , McCnona hiillillng , oppnullu | io lolllco. , ,2' , m 00 ACIIICS NKAUOMA1IA. F1NV7LAND , M 1'KIl Oaere. C. F. Harrison , ' .111 N. Y. Life. SOT n ] ) . A LOAN.f2.OtK ) , 1 I'KUCl'iNT. II Wnoleil , Int 1'Jlh and Dodgj , Wauled , house , II.MIcnHli. Wnnteil. t ' . .UOO plncu < H'i Ini.lo ) Wauled , farm nenr OnmliiC Wauled , hn iinrus near Omahn , Wnnti'd. fJ.OOOluun April I . lUH * . C ! ' Iliirrlson. W ) N Y I.I fa. LOST. I OSTA A I-AIH OF I'Ke I'M ! AH II 1 Jlenvo nt Hou ( Hiunllni : roum. DEN SM TYPEWRITERS ORE OREThe Best in the World. MAOEATH STATIONEBY CO. Fnrnnin St. , - Omnlm , Neb PATENT BUREAU. SUES SL CO. ( Solicitors , Boo Building , O in aha , Neb lyours I xniiilnuri I d. I'at uitluo. Advice fra PENSIONS' ' CLAIMS !