Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Bhort Wheat Was Bought In Yesterday
While Much Long Was Bold ,
Corn Was Drcldrdly Strong Mont of the
8e lon Wright Lost Heavily on That
C'rrrnl Hut Kvrncd Up
on Wheat.
rrniCAoo , III. , Jan. 16.-A vast amount of
thortnhcnt was bought In today and nn Im
mense quantity of long wheat was sold out.
The realising on long stun WM done chiefly
nrotiml b3c and over. The price at the close
was substantially the same us on Saturday
Bflnr selling Ic higher. Corn Is jc and oatH
from IV to 1 ! ( n higher for now delivery. I'ork
In26c , lurdGc. and ribs lOc lower. Whll the
first sales of wheat were at some decline , the
feeling early turned bullish and there was an
ndvnnceof Hie from the low point. Cables
wi higher , ahd the weather both hero and on
the contlnentwas repotted cold and unfavor
able for crops. There were also Indications
that the visible supply would show about n
Mand-on" , and this was taken as nn assuianco
that the decieaso would bo about as rapid as
the Increase has been. There was actho buyIng -
Ing both on outside account and by local par
ties , with the offerings after the llrst half
hour quite meager until near the close. The
northwest was credited with some buying.
Wearo was a heavy buyer from the start , his
buying absorbing , It was thought , fully 1,500-
OOO bu. Hoyden , I'nrkor , Lester , Kiunsoy ,
Llghtner , HrhwurlMHlpcc , Logan , Iteniii anil
Iliibanm were also good buyers anil there was
n nervous , uneasy feeling among shorts which
kept the mnrket'feverlsfily strong. The mar
ket during the lasthour was weaket on llueral
realising sales and the disappointment In the
visible supply. At ono time It wns regarded
nscoitaln that there would bo a decrease of
over 1,000.000 bu. hut a correction from
Milwaukee left the net Increase 204,000 bu.
It was reported that I'ardrldge had covered
freely piohably 1,000,000 bit. Itloom nc-
Know'leilued having sold out about 1,000.000
bu. and Ileam and Mitchell weio also cllers
on n considerable si-ale.
I'urn nils decidedly strong most of the ses
sion. Wrlghtwasan iit'gresshe buyer. It Is
fcald he has carried a huge line of corn from
nbo\o 50c down to 45c and has taken advan
tage of the buoyant feeling In wheat to even
Up and get out. Ho was a hen\y buyer of
calls Saturday , taking , It was thought , over
1,000,000 hu. Ills stand on the market made
fhortH nervous and the io > orliu was fieo ,
llaldwln , Weaie nnd Ilrhmil sold freely on all
} he Hi in spots. The market got weaker dur-
ngthe last hour on free selling and the In
crease In the visible. Opening trades were at
n trlllo advance over the dual quotations of
Baturdiiy. nnd. after selling oil' a fraction , ad
vanced within various reactions a full cent ,
outside buyers' ordeis being numerous and
local "shorts" covering freely on the up
turn. At the top offerings were greatly
Increased , large concerns selling liberal quan
tities , under which the price yielded We , but
{ allied ? gC coon after , ruled easier nnd closed
* Ith from ° , c to He gain for May , and from ' c
to } { c for July. Ilalitwln-Karnum disposed of
ebont 800,000 bu. at from 4Uc down to 4B'ie.
Oats were llrmer In sympathy nlth the
trength In corn. There was a liberal general
{ rado. 1'rlce.s closed at about the top , with n
Hot gain of from > to ! .
gc ( c. Trading was ul-
piost entirely In May.
Hog products were neglected nnd weaker
and trade about featureless , except for de
cided lack of support. Local speculators , as
Troll ns outsiders , seemed to bo giving their
Attention to grain.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
880 cars ; corn,205 cars ; oats , 156 cars ; hogs ,
4.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Wheat No 2
January. . . 7 77K 77
May. . . . . .8 * BH 82 < 4 77m
July 81
Corn No. 3
January. . W
February. UH
Way. . . . . . IsH
Oats No. J-
Janunry. . am
February. 814 m > > JH
January. . 18 TO 1770 18 40 18 69 18 ( IS
M y . . . . 1900 18 03U 18 70 la eo 11) ) OJ
January . 10 76 10 BO 1071 1075 1086
May 10 70 1070 10 KM 10 70 1079
January. . 9 70 0 73U 0 80
980 9 82 ) < 9 70 id
Cneh quotations were an follows :
FLOUII Firm ; nominally f520c higher
than at the close of last week.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 7777'c : No. 3 spring ,
6GU _ < aG8j c : No. 2 red , 77C677WC.
CoiiN Higher ; No , 2 , 41c : No. 3 , cash , 40J }
C40Kc ; No. I ) yellow , 4242 ! < { c.
UATS No. 2 , 31K82c : No. 2 whlto. f. o. b. ,
B2 ! )3VHc ) ; No. 3 white , f. o. b. , 34ii@9GlC. ;
RYE No. 2 , use.
. MAULEY No. 2 , G5c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 46 < 347c ;
Ho. 4. f. o. b. , 3G4Gc.
FLAX 8Eni > No. 1. J1.12H.
TIMOTHY aEBl > rrlme. 1.5G1.57.
I'OHK-Mess. per bbl. , 17.0@17.C2 } { : lard ,
per IHO Ibs. . J10.76 ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) ,
IO.G6 < au.76 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
I9.87K10.00 ; short clear kldes ( boxed ) .
Sun AH Unchanged.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
The following were the receipts and ship
ments today :
On thol'roduco exchange today the butter
fnnrket wasllrm ; creamery,22M4J32MC : dairy
242'Jc. Kggs , strong ; strictly fresh , 32334c.
Now York Market * .
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 1(5. ( KI.OIIU Hccolpts. 17-
674 pkgs. : exports , 3,33H bills. , 32.G21 sacks ;
( airly active , millers asking 10&lic ( advance :
yales , 31,220 bbls.
L ( JOHN MKAI < Dull ; steady.
AVliKAT Kecelpts , Sfi.GDO bu. ; exports ,
JU.J sales , lO.Cl&.OOl1 bu. futures ; 72,000
tin. fcpot. Spots stronger with options modor-
Rtely active ; No. U redB2c In store und
Dlovator ; H2c atloat : 82 82J c f. o. b. : No , 1
northern , HCQ8i"/c ; No. 1 hard , OlHc : No. 2
northern , 82'fc ; No. 3 spring. 70 ; < c. Options
Vero active , evclted , Irivgiilnr , and closing
fct H © ' < c nilvunco and weak. The opening
was strong and 11 > | C higher on hlghercahles ,
firmer wext , general covering and a dccreaso
In the visible supply , declined UGSie on a
Binall liu-HMiM ) In tnu India shipments , moro
favorable ciop news from I'ranco and a correc
tion In the visible supply making nn Increase
nnd together with reiill/lng rallied H ® c on
totter late cables , declined He with Chicago
jiear the close. No. 2 led January , 8l4JHl c ,
closing at ale : May. 80'8G c. closing at
65Kc ; June. HriJjSHG c , closing at 8Qic ; July.
8&4418G'e , closing at HOV.c.
Itvi- : Nominal ; western , MffiGlc.
Stocks of grain In store and afloat January
J4 : Wheat , Ui.HOl.Glu im. . , .Orn. 1.J53.G34
| m. : oats , 1,074,271 hu. : rye , 127,270 bu. ; bar
ley , 110,22(1 bu. ; malt , 2I.2&7 bu. ; peas , 2.G33
llAHLKV Quiet , firm ; western G080c.
IlAiu.r.v MAI.T Dull ; western , 70c ; Canada ,
ii.oo < ai.o& .
COIIN Receipts 24.000 bu. : exports , 59,080
1)11. ; sales , 2.UH.OOo bu. futures : 141,000
lii. spot. Spots fairly actlvo , stronger ; No. 2 ,
fJ3(4i&3ic ! In elevator : 54 > 4if&4Hc ( afloat ; nn-
Kradeu ml.\Cl D4ao31c ( ; No. 3 , 02ic ; steamer
mixed , fi3itf ( > 4ic. Options were moro actlvo
und opened stiong und advanced l'iO , do-
cllned ? ® ' , rallied iadtJlc , as Inlluenccd by
lvheit : , and the market closed firm at \ & * > v
overHatuidiiy Januarv , 53 3-lGO53 } < c. clos
ing at f)3i < c : Maich , [ ) : i',54 = , c , closing at
t > 4UCl May , DII l&-lGfJ4' ! , , closing at 04UC ,
OATS Uecelpts. 84.000 bu. ; exports , & 0
tin. ; sales , 45U.OOO bu. of futures , 11,000 bu.
Chicago ,
MAY- Quiet , steady ; moderatodemand ; firm ;
jixid to choice , 75 l)0c. )
HcilAit rirmei , tanged more active ; fair le-
flnlng , 3 l-lic : centrifugal , ! ) G test , 30-10 ®
( I'tc ; leflned , steady , iiulet.
Jloi.A8"Ks New Oilcans , steady : fair de
UiciUooddemand , firmdomestic : extra , 3Vi
CfiMc : Japan , 4 < ' , l\c.
Kll - Hmall supply , higher ; western , 38 ®
D'Jj ; western , Into gathered , 304i3Gc ; ro-
celnts , 1,207 pkgs.
_ IllDLH-ynlet , steadier ; wet salted New
Orleans selected 45CO Ibs , 67c ; Texas
telected , Ibs. . 6 .7c.
PIIOVIHIO.NS- Pork , firm ; cut meats good de
mand , firmer : pickled bellies , 1717 c :
lilcklcd shoulders , OViilOc ; pickled hums , 14c ;
middles , ( inlet , firmer I.nril , stronger , quiet ;
vestern steam closed at $11.20 ; old 250 tierces
on private terms ; option sales , none ; January ,
11 10 ; May. * U,60 asked.
lUirrr.u-ritrong ; western , dairy , 1810c ;
vestern eieuniery 2324c ; western factory ,
10Q24c ; Klgln , 34U34)c. ) |
CIIKKHK I'limer ; fair demand ; part skims ,
Btute. lOc.
Pin luo.vHteady , qulot ; American , 112.76 ©
II 6,60.
Coi'i'EUQuiet , stonily : lako. 117.05.
I.KAD Dull ; domestic. $ l.H7 > i.
TiN-rirmcr ; Slinlts , (20.2(1. (
Cottue .Murkvt.
NEW YOIIK. Jnn. 10. Options opened steady ,
11) points down to 6 points up , closed irrm
b'ulunj&,750 buga , lucludluu :
ber. ( l6.HOWOOi Ilceonibor. l6.80ai.00.
Hpot Hlo , llrmori No. 7.$17.13' ' { 17.26 ,
Itto JA.NKinn , Jan. 10.I'lrst ordinary , 12-
460 roll per 10 kilos ) good seconds. ll.OOO
reM. Kccclpti during the wrrk. 06,000 bng !
purchases during the neck , 27lKK ) tings ; ship
ment * to the t'nltcd 8f tc.i , 10,000 bags ] stock ,
174,000 bags.
ANiiif * . .inn . 10 , arxw nvcraRe , 11,400 reU
per 10 klloit receipt * during the week 7HKX ( )
hags ; purchases for the United States , 0,000
Fmg * ; Tilpiiiciilsto the United State * , 46,400
bags ; stock , 207,000 bags.
Omiiliii 1'rodnco Mnrkoti ,
The receipt * of country produce were very
light and the market was from necessity quiet.
It could not bo said that there wns much
chanRo In the market prices. Oysters have ,
however , advanced as will bo noted below.
A ITI.OT- Stocks are held at I3.noa4.00 for
fair to cholco stock.
HANA.VASOuoted nt J2.OOift2.riO per bunch.
IlKANS-Chnlco navy , ttJ.wa'i.l6.
HtJTTKK-Tho market Is about steady , the
bulk of country roll going at lG17c In
straight packages. Select lota bring lettlOc
and oven as high us 20c ,
CitAMiKliltli'.s Advices from pastern points
Indicate very light stocks and a tendency on
the part of prices toadvanco. Hell and cherry ,
tH.5oaO.00 ; bell nnd bugle , 10.0010.50 ; Jer
sey Capo foil , i'J.OOS 10.00
CKLKIIY Steady at 35S40o.
Euos There are almost no fresli eggs on the
market and prices 1110 very high. Strictly
flesh stock Is quoted at 30c. Omaha Is not the
only market that Is short o' egss , but the
same complaint comes from every market In
UIVLI'lllllIJi Chicago , MIlwauKei ) iimMlaltl-
more quote eggs ut 'lOr ; NL .
Philadelphia , 32e ; Kansas Oily , 2G27c ; til.
Louis. 21M1.27C.
VKIIKTAIII.ES Top onions , 2OH25c
per dozen bunches ; lettuce , 40Q46C ; radishes ,
( UMU-Smnll rabbits , 75c : Jacks , $1.50.
HIDKH-NO 1 salted , 4 c : No. 2 , 3 > ic ; flint Gc.
IIOSKY ( Iood whlto clover , 19&20C.
UiiAi-KS-Unenanged at J9.00 per
NUTS Large hickory nuts , $1.00 ; black wal
nuts , 81.25.
ONIONS- Homo grown , 81.00 per bushel ;
Spanish , pen-rate , J1.0OT12.1K ) .
OitAMics Ililghts , medium sizes , { 3.25 for
single case lots , u'ld I3.0H for lots of live to ten
cases ; russets aie 250 per case cheaper. A
discount of 25c on the box Is also made for
extra largo or small sires. California navals ,
$1.25 ; Mexican , J3.50.
OisTiiits The conditions prevailing at Haltl-
more , which prevent the obtaining of fresh
stock , continue as detailed In Tint llKKof u
day or two ago. A good many Ilaltlmore
houses are unable to fill orders for oysters and
are practically out of the market. All that
the ii.ost foi lunate houses can do Is to ship
very spailngly to their customers. As a result
prlceson bulk standauls lii\e : advanced at
Iliiltlninro toil.IH ) . At Chicago the prlco has
Snielip loSfl.G& , and ut Kansas City to ifl.80.
ystersuro now selling at Ilaltlmore COc per
gallon higher than they did Just befoie Christ
mas. There Is no telling wheie the advance
will stop If the cold weather and the consequent
quent Ice blockade continues any great length
of time. Omaha oyster houses weio nlieady
selling at u loss uefoio the last big advance ,
and they have been compelled to put up prices
here. At pie.sent tbo quotations range from
20c to 42c per can. Hulk standards are quoted
at only M.GO , which keeps this-market still
much below other markets. _
I'OCI.TIIY Tim supply continues very light
and prices are firm. Chickens are selling at
8 < iUuc fordiessed , and 7Hc for live. Turuoys
go at 12@13c and geese and ducks nt 910c.
I'OTATOKS The trade Is limited to the saloof
small lots from stoies. Western Nebraska
stock Is quoted ut 80c und Utuh and Colorado
at OOc.
SWKIIT POTATOES There are a few In the
market which are selling at $4.50.
VEAI Veal calves , choice , 7c ; largo and
thin , 3i35c. A largo and thin veal calf Is
about the baldest thing ou thu market to dis
pose of.
Fcott , SnlTcl & Co. , grain and stock dealers
at Utlcu , have dissolved.
Oreer Hros. , general merchandise at Coad ,
will discontinue business ,
\V. H. Huchmelr , Implement dealer at
Ohlowa , has negotiated to sell out.
Campbell .t Son have succeeded to the meat
market business of Campbell & Hensor.
Diinhaugh it Anderson , grocers at Seward ,
have been succeeded by J. ! ' . Anderson.
E. I'oolo & Co. have sold their lestaurant
and grocery toV. . A. Gordon at Johnson.
H , Iloltgrewo has succeeded to the Imple
ment and haidwaie business of K. II. Burr at
John Simpson has sold his Interest In the
firm of Homewood & Co. , millers at Kulr-
Thornton & Jones , geneial merchandise at
Eddyvlllo , have dissolved and Mr. Thornton
will continue the business.
A telegram to U. G. Dun it Co. announces
that Edward llrlor. general merchandise ut
Hurley , S. 1) . , bus sold out und that the
stock lias been attached.
Cotton Market.
New ORLEANS , La. , Jan. 1C. Dull and easy ;
middling. 0 5-lGc : low middling , 8 15-lGc ;
good'ordinary , 87-lGc ; nbt receipts , 11,547
bales ; gloss. 11,949 bales ; sales , 1,100 bales ;
stock , 840,715 bales.
NKWiYoiiK , Jan. 10. Clapp & Co. , say of
the cotton market : The various and varied
estimates of the crop seem to hava had their
effect on values , as well as thu dying Hatch
bill and the delayed reopening of thu Luncus-
termllls. It seems to requite a constant stim
ulant to maintain values thalhavo uppaiciitly
only been bolsteied by rehashing stale bull
news. Crop reporters have managed to get
much fieo advertising on statements that wo
would have much less than 0,000,000 bales.
The Chronicle , Hridstreol's and others , con
sidered dlslnteicstcd In values , allow about 10
per cent higher estimates. The movement ,
compared with past seasons and more or
less similar crops , practically conllrms
these views , Indicating u yield of
about 0,000.000 or 0,000,000 bales. 1'nrulgn
markets ami merchants show a halting dispo
sition und moru Inclination to icallzc or ex
amine Into icpoits and iccords than to Jump
In and buy. and icllect afterwards. The
Liverpool mat kot touched Its highest point so
far on thu ciop last week. Wo did "that
thing" hero November 25. I'lanters are now
on the e\u of planting and securing fertil
izers , and awake to hopes of 10-cent cotton In
stead of only o\peeling G-cent cot ton ns uyear
ago. This will likely insiuu a largo acreage
and prevent Increased consumption , and act
as a stimulant to ere long market the last
halo fiom the plantation , which can now bo
done at 50 per cent advance over prices last
March. Wo admit : i speculative bull clique
can always advance prices , to thu dlsgustand
cost of the bears. Why splnnurs will buy
and stock up with u vlslblo supply far In ex
cess of averages Is beyond our comprehen
sion. March cotton sold ut 10.21 November
21 , and wo liax ) felt over slnco that the
speculaIvo fever had culminated. No doubt
our letters have letlectcd this sentiment.
St. I.otil Market * .
ST. LOITIPMo. , Jan. 1C. 1'i.ouit Unchanged ;
cholco , * 2.25' < t2.35 ; extra fancy , J3.153,25 ;
patent , J.1.45Q3.GO.
WIIKAT Cash , firm ; No. 2 red , 71c : options
closed ? sC below Saturday ; May , 76 } ( t 7G.iC ? ;
July , 77c.
Cons ' 4c above Saturday ; cash , 39c ; January -
uary , 38 c ; May , 43W43'ic.
OATS Cash llrm at 33c ; May closed a shade
olT at 35U035C. !
ItYK IluidiitOOc.
ItAiiLKY No sales.
Hinniju--Slow ; creamery , 2531c ; dairy , '
Kiios Steady at 27c.
1'oiiK Quiet ; M8.50 for Job lots of old ; lard
lower. 110.75.
IlKCBil'TS 1'Iour , 5,000 bbls. ; wheat , 01,000
bu.j corn , 189,000 bn.j oats , 01,000 bu , ; rye
nonu ; barley , none.
Sllll'MKNTS riour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 26,000
bu. ; corn , 188.000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. ; rye ,
4,000 bu. ; barley , 1,000 bu.
Oil Market.
New YORK , Jnn. 1C. I'Kritoi.EUM The mar
ket shows no change from its condition of
stagnation and apathy , and while 5,000 bbls.
changed hands at the Consolidated exchange
at 53Vfc , piaetlcally unchanged from the last
sale , the commodity was entirely neglected at
the Stock exchange.
COTTON SKGUUII. Quiet , easier ; crude , 43c.
Y. How. 47c.
. -Sciuce , Inactive ; city (12.00 ( for
pkjts ) , ( Hie nominal.
uosi.v Dull , steady ; stialned , common to
Tiwi'iM-iNi-l : > nlI ; flrm at 3457,34Jc. !
LONDON , Jan. 1C. LI.NSKKII Ou18s 10'id
CALCUTTA IINSIID : : 10s Oil per quarter.
SI-KIIM Oil , -i'45 IDs per tin.
Tuiii'ii.STi.MiSi'iniTS 23s t'id porcwt.
New York Dry ( iood * Market.
NKW YOUK , Jan. 1C. lluslncss In dry goods
dUcr0l sjmptoms of Imiirovlng at first
hands , although developments seem likely to
bo a little slow In consequence of the oxtiemo
cold weather and hindrance to tralllc from
snow and Ice There Is consequently rather
an Ineieaso of confidence Iliiin otherwise.
Theio ucio no now doMdopmcnts today.
llrltUh ( iruln Tradu Kevleiv.
LONDON , Jan. 1C. The Mark Lane Impress In
Its weekly review of the llrltlsh grain trade
says : Kngllsh u heats nro unchanged. Only
ti'J,200 quarters were sold , The average prlco
Ilowiho Allnlcilur'n I'umlly i Olothoit.
It is wonderful how the mlnistct's wife in
one of the small towns near Omaha manages
to keep her family in KOOU looking clothes nt
small exiKmso , Her secret Is said to bo that
she uses diamond dyes , those llttlo uioncy-
savcrs that the druggists soil , nnd by dyeing
nnd making over , everythingts worn to noth
ing. She say nuy woman can ccouomi/o in
thb way uud yet dress ulcgaiitly.
WR * 4 below Hint of No. 1 t'ollfornlft , com-
tmrod with a dllTerotiro of In 111 In 1802 mid Os
lnlOUl. Hence , though price * f ro loner.
the y nro not excessively ilpprrwcl ronipnrril
with those of fnrPlun markets. Tlicro ha * bcrn
n fall ofId In fori'tan wheat * In most markets ,
but trade In vnluen nt 0 < l In advnneoover
these prevailing nt the end of 1HU2. Tlin
Mirlne corn trade him been flrm , Iho demand
bowing n Infri'iialnc price , Despite the new *
of nn iiUKinentcd visible supply In the United
States tliu largest markets have been mont dif
ficult to move , there lint been ROIIIO ndvaiice.
At Liverpool prices hnvo gonu up 111 pur
cental ,
Knimnn City Market * .
KAHSAS CITY , Mo. . .Ian. 10. WHSAT In
strong demand , higher ; No. 2 hard , CBci No. 2
rcrt , 7Sc.
Conx-IIIplicr ! No , 2 mixed ,
OAT8-lllRhcrj No. 8 mixed ,
Urn-Klrni ! No,2o7c.
IltTTTEK Dulj ! creamery , 25O29ci dairy ,
Eoos Artlvp , .Irm nt 2&327c.
IlKCEll-TH-Wlunt , 31,000 bu. : corn , 8,000
bu. : oats , nono.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 72,000 bu.j corn , 10,000
bu. ; oats , uonc.
l.herpool Market.
Ltreni-oot , , , Jan. 10. WIIBAT Steady : de
mand poor ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1 ,
California , Gs 6d@G * 5d ! per cental ; red
western , Gs 2dQCs 3d ; No. 2 red winter , Gs ®
6s ! Jd ,
CoiiN-rirm : demand fair ; mixed western ,
4s 7d per cental.
TALLOW I'lnu American , 30s per cwt.
MlnnritpiillVhciit Market.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Jan , 10. May wheat
sold high us 75c. Cash market , strong .and ad-
vanced In prices ; No. 1 northern , OHWaOHV ;
No. 2 northern , G5ItOGc. Itucelpts , 370
cars. Close : January GStfc ; May , 74He ; On
track : No. 1 hard , 70'fc ; No. 1 northern ,
Gfl ? c ; No. 2 northern , 65ttCGc.
Milwaukee Ornln Market.
MILWAUKEE. WIs. . Jan. 16. WHEAT Easier ;
No. 2 spring , 70c : May. 73 ic.
; No. a , 4OIi41c _ _ . _ _ ,
UATS-1'lrin ; No. 2 whlto , 36S3Cc ( ; No. 3 , 3-1 ®
llAltl.BY G-lc.
Ilnllltnoro ( irnln Market.
UAt/riMoiin. Md. Jnn. 10. WIIBAT Strong ;
No. 2 red , spot and January , fllHl' < c.
COIIN HtroiiRi mixed , spot , 54c bid.
OATS Firm , No. 2 , white western , 41O42C. (
Traders' Talk.
CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 16. Connsolman < fe Day
to Codtrell llros. Commission company :
Corn and wheat were big swinging markets
today. I'ork and oats were comparatively
neglected. May wheat holders bought heav
ily below 82'4c early , reall/ed moderately at
Ic advance and weie buyers again at the close.
Wo still udvlso put chases on weak spots. Corn
advanced on buying from the niovlslon crowd
and by local shoi Is. The -May holders lealbcd
heavily at Ic advance and foiced a He setback.
If the market opens lower we ndvlso pur
chases. Oats weio ( Inner with other grain ,
but had no noteworthy fcututo. Sample lots
of corn und oats were active at about Ic ad-
vunce , und cash lots of wheat were llrmer , but
buyers hesitated to pay moro than Saturday's
pi Ices. Provisions showed the lack of substan
tial support. Outsiders seem to haul cattle
all they want until their holdings show enough
profit to wurianl additions , In the mentlme
the packers hold nothing oil the market , but
sell us fast as the product Is made. All look
for a serious collapse sooner or later In the
whole line of hog products.
L'nicAon , 111. , Jun. 1C. K.O. Logan it Co. to
Duncan , Holllngcr & Co. : Wheat opened from
82 ie to H2 jc with good geneial buying. It
sold at B3 tc and closed at 827.C. Wu should
have some llttlo set back from today's price ,
but this may not come owing to reports of
clumnge to tii im > \ \ Ing crop In this country
nnd France. We still favor the buying & on
nil weak markets. The coin market Is rather
disappointing. The selling for May Is by
houses who do u lecelvlng business , who no
doubt ; uu selling what Is being cilhbcd. May
opened at 4ti'i : did sell at 49'Bc and closed at
48',4 < R48 ? e. The offerings of oats were
very light. Theie Is moro disposition to buy
than for some time past. Hog product was
weak , packers meeting the demand , which was
light. The market acts weak and with any
Incieaso In lecellits pi Ices will go lower.
CuiCAH ) , III. . Jan. 10. Konnett , Hopkins .t
Co. to S. A. McWhorter : Wheat was active nnd
strong with an unusually large volume of
trade. One or two considerable lines of long
wheat were maiKeted ut the opening , but were
readily absorbed by a hostof smnllordersfiom
the outside. The news was decidedly bullish
from Kansas , Missouri und Illinois , saying
that In many places the ground Is bare
of snow and the growing wheat Is
being Injured by bitter cold weather.
Cables luivu been strong all day. Theio has
been good local realizing , and It would not bu
strange If wo hud a llttlo set back , but thu
course of the market Is upward ns trading
broadens. The Increase In the visible supply
was about as expected. Corn and oats have
been strong and active. For lower grades a
sharp demand Is reported. Shoits have been
heavy buyers , and the market has been as
sisted by good buying orders from the outside.
Provisions have been dull and have tended to
weakness. Outsldu orders teem almost unl-
ver.sully to sell out long stuff , and there uro
either few shorts In the market or they aru
taking matters i euiurkably easy.
I'lmmchil Notes.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 10 , Clearings ,
PARIS , Jan. 1C. Three per cent rentes , OSf
G2ie ! for thu account.
NKW YOIIK , Jan. 10. Clearings , -888,222-
044 ; balances , $ G,1GG,3G3.
OMAHA , Jan. 10. Clearings$1,505,117 ; same
day last week , 81,543,030.
NEW YOIIK , Jan. 10. Government bonds dull
and steady. State bonds dull but firm.
HAI.TI.MOIIE , Mil. , Jan 16. Clearings , 82,299-
280 ; balances , t3G2,500. Hate , 0 percent.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. . Jan. 10. Clearings ,
811.7.IG.435 ; balances , $1,204,012. Money. 4i !
LONDON , Jan 10. Amount of bullion with
drawn fntin thu Hank of England on balance
today , 4,000.
MKUt'illi * , Tenn. , Jan. 10. Clearings , 8383-
520 : balances , 808,131. Now York u.\chango
selling at par.
NEW OULE\NS , La. , Jan. 16. Clourings ,
81,518,238. Exchange , commercial , GOc per
$1,000 premium ; bank , $1 premium.
ST. LouiH. .Mo. . Jan. 10. Clearings , 84,845-
513 ; balances , 8731,748. Money quiet at GS7
per cent. Exchange on Now York. OOc pie-
HOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 16. Clearings , 817,184-
312 ; balances , $2)52G28. ! ) Money. 3'/t4 per
cent ; exchange on Nuw York 10S12iic dis
Nuw YOIIK. Jan. 16. [ Special Telegram to
TUB llEi : . ] Kvchango was quoted as follows ;
Chicago. ( > 0c premium ; Boston , 1010e ! dis
count ; St. Louis , UOc premium.
CHICAGO , 111. . Jan 10. Clearings. $21,027-
523. Now York exchange , 50o premium. Ster
ling exchange , oulot ; sixty-day bills , $4.801 } ;
sight , $4.88(4. ( Money firm at 4 per cent.
Wall Street WIIH In Oiilto it Ilulllsh Humor
NEW YOIIK , Jan , 10. Wall street was In a
bullish humor today. Outsiders , for the tlmo
being , have taken the course of prices out of
the hands of the trading element , who , having
completed their deals on the long side , are
now working for n reaction. In this design
they woio aided somewhat by sales for Lon
don account , but the volume of trading by
or no oll'ect upon the market. Inllnentlnl
commission houses were unusually active In
the buying , and their purchases followed the
market to the highest points. The market
bioadencd still more , the distribution of busi
ness being most excellent , while all the actlvo
stocks participated In the upward movement ,
with ono marked exception Manhattan. A
fentuie of the day's operations was the In
creased animation nnd strength of all the coal
stocks , and ( tending during the forenoon w as
qiilto heavily traded In at advancing prices
and finally seoied a net gain of Hi percent.
The olhcrcoalers neie , howocreven stronger
on a much smaller volume of business , and
Jeisey Central after recovering Its dividend
at the opening scored a further advance
of about'-'i percent. I > clawaie& Hudson and
LackavMinmi weie but llttlo behind nnd the
last named after a reaction of 1 percent closed
with again of \ ' percent. The pressiuo upon
Distiller * was relieved , the story of the stioet
being that an older to sell 75,000 shares had
been executed within the last few days , Theio
was no prossiuo on the stock today at any rate
nnd Instead of the usual drop of about 4 per
cent nt the opening , a substantial advance
was established , which gradually Increased
durJng the day until It amounted to 4'i per
cent , the closing prlco being the best of the
day. The other Industrials were strong
thioughout , but the advance of 2 per cent In
sugar was not stu passed.
The only \\eaU spot \uisfouml In Manhattan ,
In which liquidation still progressed ; from 171
It retired to ItiG. At this point , however , not
only was a substantial rally oil ected , buttnort
was it marked falling on In the amount ol
business done In the stock , nnd the Influence
was that nil stock likely to como on the mar
ket nt present pi Ices hub been sold. I'roin 100
It rallied to 109 , nt which point It ns only I * ,
per cent lower for the day. The grnngers wen
qulto uotlvo and stiong and alt hough reports o
stock blockitdcs on their lines nnd conscqiieni
Interruption to business somewhat In.orierei
with their advances , prominent houses nlde (
their market Inteiests both by purchases UIK
argument , nnd Hock Island , Iliirllnglon am
HI. 1'uul showed material gains for the day
Among thu specialties the bituminous coal
ers werv prominent , butowlngto the reportec
hitch In tliti negotiations for n combination
their prices did not advanco. Now York .v.
Northern pieferied advanced mnterlally early
In the day , but fell back later. Louisville
Now Albany nnd Chicago followed the sami
courso. The general murketidioHcd n healthy
expansion , and utter opening advances o
fractional amounts , further gains were scut
nil over the list. The movement wns unitorn
but not lursu , the icallzutlum. ou the advance
nlrrndy ncored cliecklna the unwnnl move
ment ( ou considerable nxtent , but the news of
thodny wn * not Cj < fiil\ted | to give much en-
courngenivnt to tln rirnrn nnd the bullish feel
ing enrrled nil bom-urn
The following lire the closing.ituolntlonsof
the leading MocksVul'tho NOW York Stock ox-
Atchlion ' x.'i'lNorthern I'acino. . . IOI
Adntni Kxpreii , . . . ' Northftnl'aclllcpfd I7M
Alton. T. It . , . . . 31 I1. Don. A ( lull. . , 18
do preferred IM .Northwostrrn
American I'.xpross , . do preferred . . . . IM
Ilaltlmora A Ohio- . .V. v , Central IOVM
Cannda 1'aclfle N. T. AN. K wi !
Canada Southern. . . Ontario A Wcitern. . it *
Onlral I'nclUo Oregon Imp I8U
Cnei. A Ohio. Oregon NaT. . S3
Chicago Alton HJ Ore. B. U A U , N. . . . 31
C. II. A Q 107 < ( I'actne.Mall > 7
Chicago Oa I'vorla. Dec. A K.W \
ConiolldatodUas. . . 1'lltiburft I IT
C O. O A St. I , I'ultman 1'alace IW
Cotton OllCqrtr. . . Heading M
Del. Iludionr. Illchmond Terminal Vf
D , K A W " lltcbraonil Tor. pfd , 87
II. A 11.0 , pM "K IlloQranrto 21
II. A P. K. Co * do preferred 62
Knot Tonn llocklBlnnil 87H
Krlo St. I * A ! ) K UtpM. . 7 *
do preferred St. Paul Si * *
Fort Warno 161 do preferred H4 * <
( It. Northern pfd . . 131 St. Paul AUmnlm. . f"l > $
C. A K. I. pfd. I DO do pfd 119
llocklnu Valley. . . . Southern 1'aclflc. . . Sin
Illinois Crntrnl. . . r Hennery I2IH
St. I'nut A Duhitli . Taim. Conl A Iron . IWVI
Knn A Tex. pM. . . . Teins Pacific. 10H
Lake Krlo A Wet . Mol. AO. Cent , pfd a ; <
do preferred 8J Union I'ttclllo 4l s
l.nkuHlioru O. H Kxprem )
Lead 'fruit \V. St. I * A I' IIW
Loilln A Nash do ureferroil S H
I.nuli , , \ .New Alb'y. Wolli I'trno Kxp . . US
Manhattan [ Con . Woitcrn Union . . . vm
Memphis AC M WlivcIluK A I * K 21K
MlcliUnn Central. . 104 do preferred K >
tllmourl 1'aclflo. . . . Minn. ASt I IB4
Mobile A Ohio II. A 11 O 17H
NfiBtiTllIe Chatt . . . Si ! Ocnernl Xlectrlo. . . . 113V ,
National Cordage. . 1.181 * National I.lnnoed. . . SH * <
NlN do preferred lll'i C. Fuel A Iron ( I1H
N. J. Central I'M do preferred 104
J Norfolk A W. pid. . 37 ( ! Ilotll. ATex. Con. . . 6
North Amerlcac d Ill *
ox dividend.
The total sales of stocks today were 495,600
shares , Including Aleutian , 4,700 ; llurllngton ,
6,600 ; Canada Southern , 7,400 ; Chicago ( las ,
13,300 ; Cotton Oil , 5,700 ; I.nckawnnnn , 9,200 ;
Delaware & Hudson , 6,800 ; Distillers , 91,300 ;
Krle , 5,100 ; Hocking Valley , 8,100 ; Louisville
V Nashville , 7,400 ; Manhattan , 0,800 : Mis
souri Pncltlc , 8,000 ; New nnglnnd , 11,800s
Northern 1'aclllc preferred , 18,000 ; Heading ,
en , ; Klchmom ! k West Point. 11,500 ;
id Island , 11,800 ; St. Paul , 3t,300 ; St.
Paul ft. Omaha , 14,500 ; Sugar , 3,400 ; Union
Pacific , lfa,900 ; Western Union , 21,700.
New York .tloney Market.
Easy at 24@3 per cent. , last loan 2'i percent. ,
closed oireied at 2 percent.
PIIIME MEiioANTli.El'Ai'Elt 5 > { < a0'5 per cent.
STEHLIMI KXCIIANOK Quiet , but firm ,
with actual business at J4.8G for 00 day
bills and $4.87J4 for demand.
The closing quotations on bonds !
U. H. sroK ll.i' ' > urlliern IMC. ainli IM
U. H. 4s coup H.1'4 ' .V. W. Con ol . . . . 1.17
U. 8 4K roK 10) N. W. Del ) Sa 108
I'liclllclu of 'VI'P . . 105 St. U A I. .M. ( Ion Aa 87
I.onslana nt'pcd 4i ( > 7 St 1. . A San K O. M. lO'J
Tenn now eelKa. . . Itt'l St. I'aulCon eli K'l !
Tonn nutr net 5s. . . 100 St. I' . C. A I' IBU. . Ill )
Tonn. new tisl.IB. . , "K I' , f. I O. Tr. ItclD. 78H
CanadnSo. 2nd . . . 1' . II. ( J. Tr. Iteti. Wl
Cen. I'ncltlc lutg , . lion I'no. Uts. . . . 105'4
I ) . A H. (1. Uli 1184 ] Wont shore 10 ]
I ) . & K. O. is MH < It. CV 1st 76K
Krlo Until 1U'JilAtch. 4s 81H
M. K. AT. Oen. bs. 80H Atch. 2 , Clais A. . . Kti
M. K. AT. lien is. . M-j ! ( } . H. S. A. Hi . . . . 77
Mutual Union Cs . IIJH ( i. H. 8. A. Zd 6s 103
N. J. C. Int. Cert . . . 110 U. A T. C. in I03H
Northern I'ac. If In. , 111H II. A T. C. Cona ( In. . 100
Ilnston Stock Quotiitlo'ns.
BOSTON , Mass. , Jan. 10. The following are
thecloslng stock quotations : Call loans. 4& ! > c ;
tlmo loans , paper , 5c.
Atclilsun Krankllu l.i
lluiton A Albany . . 21.1 Konrsnrao l.iUN
llojton , v Mulno . . . Kl ) Oiceola W ) ,
C. , H. * g I07 > - 189
Knxtcrn U. 11. ( .5. . . . 11SH Santa Fo Coppor.
KlU'lilinrif It. II. . . . 19 Tamarack .
Kllnti. I'ereM. pfd. TB AnnUton l.nnil Co. Z2
Miim. Central 20H Boston I.nml Co. . . 63 ! (
Mex. Con com > U San Dlepo Land Co H
N. V. A N ICnglnnil < M , West Knd Land Co.
Old Colony ) W Hell Telephone .
Kiltlilnnil coin . . 3 Lntnaon Store B. . .
WU Cunt'l common ,1B'J ' f\Vat * r INiwcr .
Atlouui M.ColnovrtX)1 ) Centrifugal .
Atlantic 10 N. 11 A.T . cu
lotion A Mont. . . ( lj II. All . cun
Cnlnuiut A Ilccla. { 93 Gen. Ul . 113H
Catnlp-t II."i
Nonr York Mining Oilontlons.
Nrw YOIIK. Jan.lO.-rTho followlns are the
closing mining ( | iiotatlohs :
Irown 1'olnt W i'lymontli ( > i
; on.Cnl. and Vn. . . . Ilk ) fclcrni Nevada 13i
tead < rood 120 Standard 1(0
lould A Curry 85 Union Con 110
laloA Norcrox. , . . 80 Yellow Jacket 70
loinoitake 120(1 ( Iron Silver < 0
tlexlcan I'M Quicksilver 7i
Ontario 1VK ) do pruf'd. . . 16:5
JpUIr ! 7& Ilulwcr SO
* a'ked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. I.ouls Mining nutations.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Jan. 1C. The ofllclaljclostng
quotations on the Mining exchange today weru
is follows : .
Stocks. 111(1. AokeJ. blocks. Did. ABkcd.
Hope 4.10 l.tU Am. Nut. . . .VU .25
Oranlto M. t.tO 6.00 Murpliy. . . .05
ISIIt'b'th. . .10 .43 llontroso. . .03 ,07 > i
Illmoflllc 9.25
London riniiiirlul Itpvtew.
[ Copyrighted ISM Iiy Jnmen Giinlun Hewlett. ]
LONDON , Jan. 1C. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUB Hii : : . ] Consldorlng the de
pressing Inlluenco of the weather the stock
markets have been particularly well main
tained , but the amount of business transacted
was considerably less than on Saturday.
Consols are unchanged the foreign
government secuiltles show some degree of
irregularity , but the tendency at the close was
not unfavorable asa whole , except Hilghton
deferred nnd Noitheastein , which have
given way \t per cunt. Homo railways close
flrjil , Midland has risen l' per cent on divi
dend prospects. Americans have been
dull the greater part ot the day but In the
course-of the afternoon showed a butter ten
dency , Now Yotk hav'.s come In as u buyer ,
but In the majority of cases the eai ly decline
was only partlnlly recovered so that In most
Instances n fall ofi \ to ? i percent was estab
lished. Atchlson Income bonds , however ,
mark a rise of 'S to U Per cent. As regards
Canadians , the fcatuio was an advance of
? i per cent In Canadian 1'nclllc. (5rand
Trunk Issues were comparatively steady.
Mexican ordinary profeioneos have Impiovcd
J4 to 1 percent. The demand for money was
exceedingly slack. Short loans were easily
obtained at 1 percent. The discount market
was also quiet ; two nnd thrco months' bills
were quoted nt l' { percent.
\Vcolc Opens With n Very Healthy Tone to
OMAHA , Jan. 10. Thu week opens with an
uveriiKU run of stock of all kinds and no Kruat
changes In the Kcncrul condition of the mar
There were plenty of cattle here , but In ad
dition to thu usual good local demand thu
favorablu condition of eastern markets led to
active buying by speculative shippers. In
cnnsequenco anything Kood unouKlL to Invite
competition sold fully as well us Saturday , If
not better. I'oor to fair stutr was rather
neglected and sold u trlllo lower on account of
the liberal offerings. Unu bunch of cholcu
1,320-lb. steers brought } 5.o ; > , und fair to
good 1,100 to 1,300-lh. steeis sold
at from 8-1.20 to $1,05. I'oor to fair
grades sold around 83.25 to J3.75. It was a
fairly bilsk tradu throughout , und an eaily
cleauinco was ellected.
iluyers staiti'd out to pound the cow market
early , but thu trade closed strong. Some of
thu early sales of the medium grade covseie
at u 5c to lOc decline , but the best stnlV and
the poorest kinds were strong throughout.
The fair to good cows and hel'ers sold largely
at from $2,5O to 83.OO , with choice fat stint as
high as $3.G5 , and nothing of any consequence
at under 82.00. Hulls , oven and stags sold at
good stiong prlces..ull the nay from $1.6(1 ( to
1.1.85. Cholco veiuca es sold us high as (5.50
with common lurgotutf as low as } . ' .35.
Considering the .limited otlei Ings , business
was brisk In the flnckur and feeder Him and
prices ruled stiong. sales eio hugely at
from 82.75 to Ji.i.rij'irnl ; : thiee times as many
cattle would liuVO" sold readily nt the samu
good llguros. Itoprmntutlvu sales :
imtlftKn IIEKP.
No. Av. l'r * ' i No. Av. Pr.
24 . 844 83 2fl71. . .1184 4 20
10. . . 08'J 3 4IF" 30V .13(11) ( ) 4 20
H. . 821 3 on 10. . .1175 4 2G
10. . . 740 3 ( id 21. . .10U5 4 25
3. . .1003 3 GT 1. . .13WO 4 26
0. . . 743 3 CMP 21 . .1143 4 26
40 . .10D1 3 < M" 0. . .1220 4 25
1 . .1100 3 75 71) ) . . 1238 4 35
1 . .llfjO 3 70. 21 . .10'JG 4 35
ti . .1020 8 7D 65 . .1075 4 35
G 1(100 ( 3 75' ' 64 .101)5 ) 4 35
46 * 1111 3 80 21 1141 4 40
3. . .1023 3 80 19 .1075 4 40
14 946 3 "I ) 14&U 4 60
Which nature la constantly ( jiving in the shape
of bolls , pimples , erdptlons , ulcers , etc. These
show that the blood Is contaminated , and some
must be Riven to relieve the trouble ,
Is the remedy to force out these poi
sons , and enable jou to
" I have had for years a humor In mj blood ,
which made mo dread to shave , as small boll * or
pimples would IK ) cut , thus causInK thoshayinrjto
1 agrcat annojanco. After taking three bottles
Wtf'W9 my faeo U all clear and smooth as it
HfeXfeBCfl should bo- appetite splendid , sleep
B 4UE I well , and feel Ilka running a foot
all from the use ol B. 8.8.
CHAS. HEATON.73 Uurelst. PMla.
Tieatbo on blood and skin diseases mailed free
SWlll 81'LOFIO COAUauu. . Ga.
7 1003 s no 4 It H.I r > n
41 0.10 3 on 11 MO CO
10r 077 4 00 .0 . UM6 f.O
10o I OHO t 00 ao 1'jtn
o 1UH 4 10 10 1205 S3
cornfcd ni < trrni
ftlttl'I'IMI .
AND r.xrollT.
1 1000 3 60 . . 810 n 05
27 . . . . .1117 3 7C 2t . . .1047 4 10
10. . . .1023 4 10 42. . . .1323 4 26
40 10(11 ( 4 20 . .1320 6 05
14.,1.1000 4 UO
SI 1148 4 60
13. . 833 1 05 0. . 003 2 70
8. . 850 2 00 SO. . . 813 2 70
. 720 2 00 3. . .1227 2 70
12 ! . D20 2 00 O . 990 U 70
1. . 710 2 00 Oo ! ! .1100 2 70
1.B' . 880 2 00 10. . . 808 2 75
B' . 890 2 10 16. . . 810 2 75
. 020 2 10 40. . . H20 2 76
o . OGO 2 H ) 1. . . 900 2 76
2 .1005 2 15 4. . .1030 2 76
10. . 855 2 15 1. . . 780 2 75
11 1012 2 15 1. . . 880 2 76
1. .1140 2 25 H. . .1287 2 76
2 . 000 2 26 3. . .1220 2 75
8. . 005 2 25 22 ' ' . 074 2 8O
8. . 000 2 25 20' . . 910 2 HO
1 . GOO 2 26 11) ) . . . 992 2 85
1 .1130 2 25 10. . .1013 2 85
. 705 2 25 10. . 2 95
. 015 3. . . 9113 3 00
. . . 940 2 25 11. . . 9Hl 3 OO
2. . 1175 2 25 10. . . 835 3 00
17. . . H35 2 30 4. . .11H5 3 00
14. . . ! U)4 ) 2 30 4. . .1030 3 00
8 . . 922 2 30 0. . .1050 3 00
15 . 720 2 30 17. . .1079 3 05
11. . 745 2 35 6. . .1108 8 05
21. 903 2 35 10. . .1000 3 05
! . HGO 2 40 18. . .1(101 ( 3 10
i : . 972 2 40 5. . .102H 3 16
3 .1000 2 40 20. . . 879 3 15
21. . 000 2 40 0. . . 1 125 8 20
10. . 002 2 45 2O. . 1032 H 25
. ' 50 2 0 7. . .1028 3 25
IH . 1)90 ) 2 50 20. . .1140 3 25
19. . 010 2 50 12. . 1170 3 25
. 1110 2 50 1. . .100O 3 25
2 ! . 930 2 50 .1215 3 25
.1020 2 50 19. . 973 3 25
. 982 2 50 30. . 05 ! 3 3(1 (
. 070 2 50 14. .1107 3 30
2. . 920 2 60 3. .1040 8 30
10 . , . 931 2 65 28. , . 915 3 30
0. . , . 900 2 00 7. .1140 3 30
28. . , . 8(10 ( 2 GO 11. 1042 3 35
15. . . 954 2 05 19. .1171 3 60
10. . . . 071 2 05 , .1300 3 50
18. . , .1012 2 05 IH ! , .1141 3 06
. . ,911 2 70
, . 730 225 3. . G33 8 00
, . 520 2 30
0 . 310 235 1. . . 100 5 00
2 . 240 3 25 1. . . 100 6 00
8 . 233 3 50 2. . . 120 6 00
1G . 200 3 50 1. . . 160 5 25
G . 103 4 2.- ) 4. . . 100 5 25
3 . 140 4 50 1. . . 1GO 6 60
UUI.l.t ) ,
1 . GGO 1 60 1. .1070 2 60
1 . 8GO 1 76 1. .1320 2 60
.1205 2 00 1 .1400 2 00
. 900 2 00 1. . 720 2 70
.1500 2 00 1. . 420 2 76
.1300 2 00 1. .1120 2 75
1040 2 15 2. . 1430 2 75
2. . , .1490 2 10 3. .12hO 2 80
1. . . .1250 2 20 1. .1340 2 80
1. . . .1100 2 20 1. .11(10 ( 2 85
1. . . .1400 2 25 1. .1820 2 90
1. . . .1100 2 25 1. .1000 2 90
1. . . .1170 2 25 1. .1900 3 00
1 . . .1340 2 20 1. .1090 8 00
" .1300 2 25 1. .1030 3 00
i" ! .1450 2 30 1. .1540 a 15
10. . , .1370 2 35 1. .1000 8 25
.118O 235 1. .1340 3 25
2 ! ! ! .1480' 2 35 1. .1770 ' U 85
2. . , .1200 2 35
1. . . . 740 2 10 1 1000 8 00
2. . . .1105 2 10 1 BGO 0 50
1. . , 1G10 3 25 1 1450 3 36
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
3. . . 570 2 30 8. . . . 700 8 10
13. . . 3DO 2 35 4. . . . 837 8 15
.1105 2 35 18. . . . 912 8 15
. 450 2 40 11. . , . 790 3 25
5. . . 400 2 G5 7. . , 917 3 25
0. . . 440 2 05 0. . , . 918 3 30
12. . . 021 2 76 12. . .1022 3 30
2. . . 840 2 75 205 . . .1024 3 30
. 085 2 76 22. . . 870 3 30
1110 2 76 P ' . 891 3 35
. 070 3 00 , ' . 85 ! ) 3 35
29 . 671 3 00 13 . ! .1218 3 40
" .1020 3 00 ' ' . 820 3 40
2" . 830 3 00 4 ! ) . . . 902 3 45
22. . . 809 3 10 .1100 3 60
27. . . 731 3 10 " . 700 3 60
17. . . 772 3 10 39" 3 60
1 cow and calf.20 00 1 cow and calf.30.00
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
2COW1..1050 2 25 98 fdrs.1000 3 40
C COWS..1010 2 25 48COHS. . 970290
31 fdrs.1028 3 05 27 sirs..1079 3 80
1 stag. . 960 2 25 ' UJcows . 902 2 00
24 sirs. .1241 4 00' 2 fdrs. . 980 2 50
91 f ( Irs. . 1029 3 40
Hogs There was not very much of u maikct
today. Hecelpts weio too light to attract out
side buying , haidly heavy enough , In fact , to
Interest other than thu fiesh meat trade ,
1'rleos ruled from steady M 6c lower than Sat L-
urday , the good heavy and .butcher weight
hogs ut $7.00 to $7.70 showing the most de
cline , while the ordinary light and mixed hogs
at $7.50 to $7,00 were not agicat deal dlllcrent
from Saturday. With a butter inn there would
undoubtedly have been u much better nmiKct ,
As It was , undo was slow , but the pens were
practically emptied by the middle of the foiu-
need , the bulk of the hogs selling at 87.55 to
$7.G ( ) against J7.55 to $7.05 Sat in dav , and $7.25
to $7.30 last Monday. Kepresentatlvo sales :
No. Av. Sh. i'r. INO. Av. i.- I'r.
90. , .185 320 J7 30 70 . 230 40 $7 57'4
3. . .2BO 7 40 01. . .212 40 GO
5. . .330 120 7 40 09. . .220 40 00
7. . .197 7 40 72. . .229 40 00
4. . .175 7 60 78 . .207 280 00
5 . .200 7 60 110. . .243 120 GO
58. . .255 80 7 50 70. . .25H 200 GO
7 , . 223 7 50 83. . .179 40 GO
29. . . . 180 7 50 G2. . .293 820 GO
10..244 7 65 70 . .225 GO
12. .232 80 7 60 80. .210 1GO 00
69. .229 280 7 55 G..270 7 CO
74. 222 120 7 55 85..241 120 7 G2'J '
G6. .224 200 7 55 70..255 40 7 112 ! i
70. .200 40 7 65 70. . .255 40 7 05
0. . .213 7 55 08. . .253 200 7 05
70. 240 7 55 02. . .281 00 7 G7'/i
68. 80 7 55 GO. . .270 7 70
35. . .272 280 7 55 78. . .258 80 7 70
5. . .240 7 60 69. . .309 40 7 70
4..185 120 G 65
SHEEP I'our loads on sale. The market
active and linn. Quotations are as follows :
Tnlr to good natives , J3.76fe5.00 ; fair to good
westerns , (3,5 ( ) ' > t4.75 ; common nnd stock
sheep , & 2.25&3.50 ; good to choice 40 to 100-tt
lambs , $4,00fc.5.50. ICepresentatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr.
059 Mexican mixed 75 J4 20
281 yearlings 58 420
1'nckrrH' I'urrliUNrs Ilist Week.
KrrelptH unit ll pisltlon oTStouk.
Ofllclal lecoipts and disposition of stock as
shown by the books of the Union block Yards
yv& w % vw * ty wovin VMytaA .
j vyv * r * - _ iww w wv \ -r * - - J ;
' [ Covered wttha Tasteless and Soluble Coating. I
ire a marvellous ] !
r'ttuU *
Nlomnch ,
* i
etl Liver * . <
- - -
eCtfolllj , ;
, lUoto l ) eipecfilly efflc clou anil rcmtdUl ,
by roiAi.K srrrr.KEiiH.
i' ' Of alt drucRlstB Price 2R cent * a box
New York Depot , aM Canal HI.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
Soutb OrnaVia.
He > t Cattle IIo nnd Bhcep market In the
Wood Brothers.
Live ptook Commission Merchant * .
South Uuiaha Tulophono ) l ! > 7. - Cblcano
Market Hcporti by mall aad wlio cuujrtully tur
DltUvd upuu
roinpruiy for fnrly-rltlit | IIOIIM , ciullug nt 0
o clw-k p , tu , January 10 , IBUU
nrcni'ti" .
KIlnKI' , | llt > mn A MLS
( . ' [ llfmrt Cart. I Head I CAM. Head
117 l MM 4 | llo | I 8
Chicago Ihe Stuck Mnrket.
Ciitt'Aoo , III. , .Inn. 10. [ Special Telegram to
i IIB 1IEE.I Cat Ho were In iictlso demand to-
lay nnd buyers were willing to pay strong
irlces for anything that suUeillhem. ( Jooil to
holco cattle In the several clashes geneially
old slnmeer than last week and the least de-
Irable of the olfcrlngs wensaleable at ptoI I-
) iis limitations. Very common to good d leased
icef and shipping steels sold at funn J3.36 to
fu.OO , and choice tocMtu giades were minted
it from $5.60 to $11 fill. JlinchciM and dinners
stock , which Includes cows , helfeis , bulls and
oliii-inti mlMMl lots , weie wanted nl former
ilgh m Ices , oral fromjl 6 Mo { 3 85 for poor to
> \lra.
There was more than the usual uneveiiiiess
n iirlces In hogs today , but the a\erniro was
slightly higher than at xitimlay's close. The
tuck Island illusion showed the most
sticngth , the range theie being about 6c
i gher still. The highest paid was no
uglier than Saturday's outside ( imitation ,
from J7.90 to $7.95 taking the best sorts. The
lemandwas acllvcat fiom $7.4O to $7.76 for
' lootto prime light , and at from $7 611 to 7.95
'or poor toeMra medium nnd hca > y weights.
While that was the lange of limitations theie
was not much trading outside the limits of
from * 7.G5 to 17.H5 , Horn $7.05 to J7.70 buying
ho bulk of the light , and fiom J7.76 to J7.85
icing the popular prices for medium and
lenvy. The llrst estimates of the'iccelpt.s
iiadclhcm 33i > i ) ( ) , but a recount cutthellg-
urcsdown to 28,1100. The close was steady.
Business wns brisk In the sheep pens fiom an
eaily hour. ( 'holco fed Te\as muttons sold at
fiom 16.00 to $5.15 and good to pi line westerns
it from If5.Id to J.V40. Theie wns also good
lomnml for thrifty feedeis and the medium
nl.M'd stock sold unite ns lendllyas at any
time last week. The pens weie denied of
vervthlng desirable In good season , pi Ices
milling up well to the i nil. The demand for
lambs continued moderate hut the supply was
small and good grades sold at llrm prices.
The hulk of the fair to good lambs went at
from J.VJ5 to $5.75 and choice to pi line giades
it fiomfG.OO to { 0.35.
Kecelpts : Cattle , 10,000 head ; hogs , 29,000
lead ; sheep. 8,000 head.
The llvcnln. Jointial lepoits :
I'ATTl.n-Hceelpts , II.OIK ) head ; shipments ,
4,000 head ; market strong ; best stcurs , $5 ( III
( il5.6 ( ) ; fair to good , fl.5OT { , 1.1)5 ) ; others. f.l.6'ib ' )
4.5O ; cannersfJ.OOff2.6O : cows , VWI/Jfi.
lidos liecelpts , 30,000 head ; shipments ,
6KMi ( head ; mnikct ncthe , closed falih'
steady ; mixed , JG.7OH7.5O : prime hem v nnd
uitcliers' weights , f7.MU87.U5 ; sorted "light ,
J7.il1r ( ( < 7.G5 ; pigs , } 4.6Kii.20. ( (
Sunr.i1 liecolpts , 9iOO ) bond : vlilnments ,
! , ( ) oo head ; market steady to stiong ; Te\ans
; I.GO ; good westeins , Sf3.10.if5.35 ; Iambs , $4.00
( iiO.25. i
KaiiHas City Ll\e Stock .Market.
KANSAS CITY. Mo. , .Ian. 10. CATri.K-Ue-
celpts , 2,700 bead ; shipments , 2,900 head ;
narket active and Io < ftl5c higher ; shipping
steers , J3.255.60 ; stockeis and feedeis , $ J.55
® 3.75.
HodS-liocelpts , 5,300 bend ; shipments.
iOO head ; good hogs active nnd stiong ; poor
steady to weak ; all grades , ? 4.7627.76 ; bulk ,
I7.35fi7.0 ( ) .
SiiEKl' Hecelpts , 800 head ; shipments ,
900 ; choice sheep were Innctho and the de-
nand SttlOo higher ; others -teady.
St. I.oillH l.l\u Stock Market.
ST. Louis , Mo. . . Jan. 10. Cvrn.B Uocelpts ,
2,900 head ; shipments , 400 head : market
stronger ; natho steers , $ ; ) .1OTI.75 ; choice
shipping. $4.H5i.6.25 : rangers , i3.OOlff4.OO.
HodS Kecelpts. 4,600 head ; shipments ,
4,500head ; market lowr : heavy , J7.40S7.70 ;
packing. * 7.2t-f.7.GO ) : light , 7.2 ( > ic.7.45.
SIIKIIP Hecelpts , 400 head ; shipments , 100
lead ; market steadi ; natives , J3.00S3.75 ;
Western Itcpnrtcr.
Detroit Frco Press : A man from the
west wns doing ji bit of society in the effete -
fete east and hu was cornered by a New
York woman.
"You western people are so original , "
who twittered.
"Yes , wo say thing's sometimes , " ho
"You are very good nt repartee , I un
derstand ? "
"Come again , please"ho paid , putting
his hand over his car.
"You are good at repartee ; getting in
on your adversary , as itvoro , " who ex
'Well , yes , wo ain't slow , " ho ad
mitted , "when our guns is in good work-
ng condition. "
1'roin In the. Track.
The "Diamond Special , " running be
tween St. Louis and Chicago , had a
peculiar experience last week.
Coming up through Illinois the train
stopped at a water tank about 11)2 ) miles
north of Gibson. Three or four minutes
was occupied in filling the locomotive
tender. When the engineer gently
pulled the throttle the engine pulTcd
vehemently and the driving wheels
whirled around , but the locomotive did
not move an inch.
Sand was lot out on the track , but the
locomotive htill stood in its place with
the drivowheols spinning around like
windmill sails in a gale. Then there
was an investigation. It was found that
the overflow from the tank , while the
engine was taking water , had congealed
n Iho trucks of the tender and frozen
the WH ) < PH | fiint to the ti'iu'k The trnln
int'ii cut the lee from the trucks , but to
no purpose. Finally thu conductor
wnlked H inilo nntl u half to Gibson ,
wlicro ho tolctfriiplipil for another loco
motive anil wlii'ti It arrived It Imoked up
npaliiHt the froxcn train and "bniniHid'1 '
It loose.
The wheels had boon to the
track from -J o'clock In the mornlnir.
until 8. Men who have boon in the nill-
road business for yearn say they have
never heard of n train being frozen to
the track before.
Chronic cougliers nro stupid liorcs ntnl
should bo forced to use Dr. Hull's Cough-
Syrup , the only Infallible remedy.
\ riltliijTrlnulo to the Memory of n Din.
tlliKilMied Clll/cn.
Washington 1'ost : It will surprise a
great many people to hear that a statue
of the Into Chester A. Arthur is now
ready to put In place. The custom in
Xew York , when anything Is to bo done
for the bcautitlcutlnn of the city , is to
raise a great outcry In the "uil-tropol'
Itun dallies , " reminding the country ol
New York's enormous wealth and unap
proachable splendor , and c including
with an appeal to provincial credulity
for the means wherewith to beautify" .
The Arthur monument , however , was in
the hands of men who honored that
modest and gracious memor.v too much
to drug it through such sordid mire
The money required for the purpose was
raised quietly among his friends with
out parade or solicitation , and n u the
completed work is ready. It is thus de
scribed in the Metropolis :
"The statue is nine feet two inches in
height , and the plinth six inches. The
statue is to be mounted on a pedestal
nine feet high. The pedestal is to bo of
white granite with oak leaves of bronne
at the top. The intention is to place
the statue in a circular court fort.v feet
in diameter. Around half of the court
is to be a granite wall four feet high ,
with seals cut in the granite. At each
cud of the wall is to bo a statue of a
woman in Uivciim robes. The site for
the statue lias not yet been M'lcelcd. It
N thought that the committee will ask
the park c nnuilhsioneiN for permission
to place the Htatno in either Central or
Kivorsido [ lark.1
The erection of this beautiful me
morial , at whatever point inabe hereafter -
after designated by the authorities , \\ill
doubtless recall to thoughtful men thu
salient features of Mr. Arthur's remark
able career and the singular lollj and
ingratitude of the republican party
leaders. Coming into the presidency at
a time when the republican organiza
tion seemed to be hopelessly dislo
cated , ho succeeded by a \ \ No , patri
otic , clean and liberal conduct of
affairs in restoring his party to
solf-rospcet. to liarmnm , ami to
courage. And yet. although at the end
of his term , he went before a nominating
convention in which thirty-six out of the
thirty-eight states there ropro-ciited had
nnniNtakubly endorsed lii.s policy and
advocated his nomination , ho was re
pudiated by the so-called leaders and
set aside for a man who lost the C'ltiiitry
four months later. lie \\as a bravo and
honest gentleman , a devoted patriot , u
stainless and uiisellish magistrate : but
ihe 1 men who handled the machine in
1881 ignored all this , ignoredtoo. the
manifest ( desire of the. country , and , in
setting him aside. cMiisigned their party
to dNiister.
His memory u ill live when they are
forgotten by respect and gratitude. Mill
ions in the vears to come will ga/.e on his
majestic olllgy. and toll or bo told by
their fcllow-uitizcna that Cheater A.
Arthur was a man of whom his genera
tion , without regard to party sentiment ,
was reverently proud.
If you have piles UoWitt'a U'ltuh Hazel
salve will surely euro you.
; ft1alt Extract
is superior to
nt ono - tenth
itfi cent nnd
without being
It oxnlta the
t energies , ntim-
ulatcs the nu
tritive powers ,
improves the nppotilo nnd tiida di
gestion. It is nn excellent touia in
convalescence , for the weak nnd do-
bilitalod , tiud ; i
Delicious TableBovorago. .
Purchasers are wrrncd against imposi
tion and disappointment. Insist upon the
" Genuine , " which must liave the signature cl
"JOI1ANN1IOKK" on the ncclc Jabcl.
Manufacturers' and
Jobbers' Directory
Omaha Tent-Awning
111. ! Knrnvn ht.
Bemis Omaha Bag H. 0. Daxon ,
Importer ! nnrt minufrs Dlcycloi sold on montldr
Hour lack ) , burUpi ,
twlno. purmaiti 121 N 15th.
Morse-Cos Si03 ! Company ,
Hu\var.l vtron.
Fnctoryrnrnor llt'i anil Doiuini Stroo',1
\Venronnklniolii ) prlou to c.uli biircr * . an1 ro
Bclllcz actual ( iftfooili nhlch It vury H.iloalilu
ltb murclianti.
Kirkcndall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed
COMPANY Wliolotnln
mn HKKU Ilium anil riitit"riiuodi , l\i- \
Itubbcr sliu i i'u I1UJ- 1.1 IU Hnrnoy rii.
HUI-IIOJIliiriioy Ht
_ _ crJALLCOj. ( I CQINHE ,
Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Comics Works
1,1 MK CO.IiarJ itinlnoft MfM itnlvnnltel Iron
ronl , S K cor Itltli ami cornlc < wlTlJW cip ,
lueliilllo mrllKlitn. elo
Omaha Upholstering Beebjj & Rinyan
CO , upliolitcroil furnl- KOUNITIJUK CO , ( iraco
tnro. IIJ2IIUI Nicholas
Ul. Wlioluinlounly. and Uth an
D , M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruca & Co. ,
iOH203JoneiSl. . 10th mid llarnuy 11 ,
Uuiuba. OuiaUa.
Rector & Wilhelmy Lo oi&Liai ,
Doulum hi hardware and
Corner 10th nn.l Jiici on muclmiiluj * ' tools
Air ojtt KJI DoiixlasSI
W , A. L. Gibbonfi Co.
Wliolea.ili )
IIllll. Clip * . RlrUWKlDlll.
( lldveH. iillllua ) . 2lli
ami Hnruuyu. .
John A. WakeOeld , Charles R. L3 ,
Impurtoil.Amiirluuil'urt Ifanlifuo.l In no3f , woi)4
lunil U3IU tut. Alllwati- carpet i .in I uir.iust
kajcomunt lUidQulin/
wullollu'u. Dth unit
Prick & i , O'Ji/fallJ.1 / &C )
In.iirtTi 'in I Jobb
Wtiole aloll < iuorl3jlur4 ut aiiltitrnutlu
Mill or I > ri IIF omut.
1UOI Knrnim st I 'Hi-Hi A lull ht.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Curry n full oioi-k of
lirlnltiiKi vrripptiu " " 1 define I iiiul Itibrlcaliiu
wrltlnii P4ur | . car. !
papt'r , oto ulli , axlu ireu e , etc
Branch & Co. , Jas , A. Clark & Co. ,
1'iodiice , frulti of all Mutter , oh in" , t
iiuultry unit nnio ,
klnil , njHvrt 317 H. Ulh SI
Omaha Stoya Rapair M.A.Dlsbrow&Co.
W'UIK . fliiTO riinlr < MKinifnouirjri of lath
unil water atltiliiiiu 111 it ii u r 4. bllni | < an
fur any klfid of lutrj uiiiuKllniri. branch ul
Bco , U1U aud liarU