Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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Estimate of Amount of Clash Which Will Ha
Available at the End of the Year ,
NerFMltjr fur ttfcrlMiiR Strain by Which the
( iovprniiiriil'd Horriinri Cnn Il In-
, rrini > d Plnnn rr i | > cil A
WASIIINOTOX , D.C. , Jan , 10. The subcom
mittee of the ways and means committee on
the Investigation of the treasury expects to
receive the latter part of this week a largo
amount of Information from the treasury ex
perts , showing the receipt. ' ) and expenditures
of the government. These ofttclnls , under
the direction of Secretary foster , have been
nt work steadily for throe weeks , and their
worlt is expected to throw a great deal of
light on the state of the government's
ilnnnces and the problem which Mr. Cleve
land's administration and the democratic
party will have to meet the next two years
It can bo said that the statement will not
Bhow a deficit In the treasury or the proba
bility of ono dunng the ptcsont fiscal year ,
but a close analysis of It is expected to show
that Secretary Foster at times had a hard
task making both ends moot , " and that his
micctsfinr will be likely , unless relieved by
legislation at this session raising additional
revenue , to have even a harder task with the
pensions steadily Increasing.
l > tliimt nr rmnU Atiillnlilr ilulj- .
Secretary Foster has Informed members
of congress that there will bo an available
balance in the treasury July t next of $20-
000,0K ( ) . This balance , however , includes
nothing fur the sinking fund , of which the
annual requirements are S .OOJ.OOO. Demo
cratic members of congress expect to show
that there have been times when a deficiency
WIIH prevented by a policy of not paying any
thing today , the payment of which couid bo
put off until tomorrow.
Not n single new public building has been
provided ior durlnir this congress , but there
Ktill r > iialns | over 811,000,000 to bo expended
on account of public buildings and $11,000,000
ngainnl which there are no outstanding
i-onli-ults. There are also other matters In
wblch the government revenues made it
necessl ry for the treasury to "go slow" for
fear that , for the ilrst time in many
years the balance would bo on the wrong
fllilo ol the ledger. Added to this state
of iifjitlrs is the heavy increase for
pension payments , which next year will bo
manj millions greater ( unless the grant of
new ( tensions is diminished ) , inoro thai
eiiouEli to wipe out the $ 0,000,000of expccte <
Hiirpliis on Juno 1.
Th/se / things are giving the party about to
conn1 into power considerable concern , and li
unit1 that the now administration may go
alon smoothly. It is considered highly do
Billll IP that the treasury should have a good
worl ing balance of foO.OOO.OOO more. Secretary
tary Foster will probably bo examined or
this ( lolnt , and on the means of raising thi
money. In ills annual repbVt the secretary
Sri-rctiiry Potter's ItrrninniiMiilntloii.
"The receipts of the current and the nox
fiscal year are not likely , if present condi
lions continue , to fall below expenditures
Yet , in view of the fact that the surplus foi
this year will bo small , with the probability
of a falling olT in receipts , I think the rove
lines should bo so increased as to enable th
Treasury department to maintain a gold re
nerve of not less than $185,000,000 to main
tain a comfortable working balance. As n
general revision of our customs laws is no
probable , t do not fool like suggesting any
special method for increasing the revenue
tnough 1 should otherwise think that ui
additional tax on whisky , which could be
collected without additional cost , would fur
nish an easy method. "
The result of their Investigation will de
pend upon whether or not the ways and
means committee will recommend legislation
increasing the revenues at this session.
Owing to the nearness of the end of this con
gress , the probabilities are against any
actual legislation , though the facts may de
velop so strongly ns to necessitate Immediate
action to force both parties to worl : together
the republicans in order that a deficiency
early in the coming administration may not
bo laid at their doors , and the democrats to
maintain the credit of the incoming adminis
tration. At present the plan suggested ,
which is regarded as most expedient , is the
Increase of the whisky tax. The Increase
would raise over SlTi.OOO.OOO additional
yearly , if the law could bo so framed to af
fect whisky In bond.
Must llnMnt Some Time.
It Is considered possible that the distillers
would meet the increased tax by talcing
whisky out of bond at the present rate. It
Is pointed out , however , that the largo
amount of immediate revenue would give the
government a working balance for some time
to come , and thai after a few months the in
creased tax would begin to bring in more
revenue to meet the increasing pension pay
ments. There are many persons who prefer
to revise the whole taxing system nt once ,
but against this course it is urged that the
trouble over the withdrawal from bond of
whisky because of an increased tax will have
to bo mot some time , mid it had better bo
mot now , so that there will bo more revenue
from internal sources to meet the increase of
expenses , hence , at a time when the cus
toms revenues will bo falling off In advance
of u probable now tariff law.
What thu outcome will bo is of course un
certain at this time , but matters may soon
develop by action on the part of the ways
and means committee.
Fiivnrx u llltirr | Tux on WliUky.
Kepresentatlvo Scott , Illinois , is the
father of the proposition to increase the
whisky tux tofl.'jrm gallon. Ho has Intro
duced a bill on the subject. When asked
about it ho Ilrst disclaimed any Intention to
benollt the whisky trust and said : "The
point about my bill is that it would give
additional revenue to the government with
out a cent inoro of expense in the collection ,
even on the theory that those persons who
say that the government would not get the
Increased tax on the largo quantity of spirits
already manufactured , the bill would give
the government n considerable amount of
monej at this time when the treasury needs
nil the revenues It can get. There might bo
less whisky taken out subsequently , but cer
tainly the increased tax would produce the
revenue now. l\'o ono can toll , of course ,
just what will happen In the next few
months , The whisky trust , like any other
institution , would make all the money it
could Congress can't always refuse to
legislate because that body is going to specu
late on legislation.
Soimtoi-H AC" I n ll * 'ii H I ho Antl-Optliiii Hill
OlliiT Multont Coimhli'rrd.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 10. Three pre
pared speeches wore read in the senate
todifyi The Ilrst was by Mr. Merrill , repub
lican , against thu McGarraan bill ; the
iccond by Mr. Peffer , populist , in favor of n
constitutional amendment limiting the presi
dential ofllco to ono term , and the third by
Mr , Call , democrat , in defense of the consti
tutionality of thu anti-option bill.
After a quorum was procured as the result
of a call of the senate , some considerable
progress was made on the anti-option bill.
A. motion was agreed to.iflxing July 13 , IS'JS ,
is the time when the bill is to go Into effect.
The resolution offered on Saturday by Mr.
Wolcott , republican , instructing the commit
tee on foreign relations to inquire as to the
expenditures in and about the construction
of the Nicaragua canal since the accounts of
oxpomllturo rendered two years since , was
agreed to.
The McOurrahan bill went over without
f The Joint resolution Introduced by Mr.
1'clTcr , limiting the president to one term ,
was taken mi and Mr. 1'of.or addressed the
Bcuato In supiHirt of it.
Mr. I'offor Had not concluded his speech nt
0 p. in , when iho anti-option bill eamo up as
the si x i\l : order , and he gave notice that he
would ivsumo the argument tomorrow
Mr. Cull , dunuxTut , read an argument in
favor of the bill , the question being on the
amendment offered by Mr , Vitas , democrat ,
intended to confine the venal provisions of
the bill to purely upeculativo transactions ,
A short argument in favor of it was made by
Mr White , democrat , and then Iho veto was
taken. The amendment was rejected -yeas ,
12 ; nnvs. 83 ,
Mr. Hill , democrat , was paired with Mr ,
Irby , democrat , otherwise ho would have
voted for the amendment offered by Mr.
Wnshburti , republican , to change the tlmo
for the act to take effect. July ill , 1803. was
nprccd to ; also an amendment to section ! ! ,
to the effect that the act shall not apply to
any agreement to pay or deliver a part of the
product of the land as compensation for worker
or labor to ba done or to bo done on the land ,
The nmc'Admcnt offered by Mr. Daniel ,
democrat , to strike out section 10 was de
feated yes , lit ; nnys , ! J2.
Mr , George , democrat , moved to amend
the bill by striking out all after the Ilrst
three sections and inserting in lieu thereof
the flulratltuto proixjsed by him last July
( omitting the Ilrst three sections ) .
No action was taken on Mr. George's sub
stitute , and the senate adjourned.
Ill thn tlniiic.
WASIH.NOTON , D. C. , Jan. 15. Coming over
from the former suspension day was a bill to
settle and adjust claims of Arkansas and
other swam" land grants suits.
Mr. Multao , democrat , from Arkansas ,
stated that the amount Involved was about
All- . Tracy , democrat , from New York ,
argued that directly or Indirectly it would
lead to an expenditure of at least VWO- ) (
( XX ) . It might bo that Arkansas was en
titled to the money claimed by It , but It did
not go nliout claiming it in a creditable
manner. It had sought to bring in a log
rolling bill which , by Inserting the claims of
other states , might gain In strength.
There was a lobby hero in favor of the
measure , and lie hoped it would not pass.
Mr. McHao answered In an impassioned
manner , declaring the statement of Mr.
Tracy , that this was n lobby measure , to bo
untrue. It was an unmanly statement and
was an unwarranted attack upon a Just
measure and one that must have been in
spired bv some one interested In the defeat
of this bill.
The bill was lost yeas , 13'J ; nays. 85 not
the necessary two-thirds in the ntllrmative
Mr. Chapman , democrat , from Michigan , ,
from the committee on piviMentlal elec
tions , moved to suspend the rules and pass t
joint resolution providing for the election o
senators of thu Uniti-d Slates liy a populai
vote. After some filibustering on the par
of the republicans the motion was agreed to
without division , and the house adjourned.
Ucport < > T the Spi'diil lnvo < ll , illii ! ; Com-
inlttco of'c > iigr n NVnsliliiKton Nutr * .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 10. Messrs.
Coombs and Patterson have practically
completed their report to the special com
mittee of Investigation into the Kondlng
coal combine. The report asserts that the
aim of the combine Is to drive out inde
pendent coal miners and to gain complete
control of the anthracite Industry , and it is
sought to do this by llxing a liiuh freight
rate on coal so as to make it prolitablo for
individuals to turn in the product of their
mines to the combination. The report will
recommend the passage of the bill , hereto
fore agreed upon by the commerce commit
tee , which gives the Interstate Commerce
commission power to keep down freight
Mr. Do Armond , democrat , from Missouri ,
introduced in Iho house today a bill to sus
pend during the ilrst year of each presiden
tial term all civil service laws , insofar as
thov restrict or interfere with the free ex
orcise by the president or heads of depart
ments of the power to remove or appoint
officers or employes of the government. A
preamble to the bill says that no adminis
tration can fully and satisfactorily carry out
its policy if a large portion of the subordi
nates are hostile to such policies.
Mr. Cummings , chairman of the committee
on library , which is conducting an inquiry
Into alleged favoritism on the part of the
Department of State In furnishing copies of
archives to certain persons and refusing it
to others , has received a letter from William
Henry Smith in which ho states that ho is
unable to appear before the committee and
ho will go before a commissioner and make
affidavit as to his testimony. Until this is
done the committee will take no action.
Mr. McLcnnon , treasurer of the war divi
sion of the treasury , who has had charge of
the preparation of the exhibits showing the
financial condition of the treasury , as re
quested by the Springer subcommittee , hfs ;
broken down and Is suffering from n/rvous
prostration as a result of his labors. Ills ill
ness delays the completion of the st/.tement ,
and it will bo several days before litf ilrst as
sistant , Mr. Quard , will get the details into
.Mr. lUtilnn'H Condition ItomnliiH Unrl
4 KrportH From the Doctors.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 10. Mr. Blaine
passed a good night and rested well. Dr. John
son visited thb patient at 10 o'clock and re
mained much longer than usual. Ho stated on
leaving the house that Mr. Illaino's condition
was unchanged. Ho added that the
physicians would this afternoon give out a
statement as to Mr. lifeline's condition ,
which would bo fuller than those heretofore
Mr. IJlaino's disease remains a mystery to
all but the family and his physicians. The
latter decline , without the express authority
of the family , to divulge the nature of the
complaint which has now kept their patient
continuously in bed for four or live weeks ,
with constantly diminishing strength , and
frequent "sinking spoils'1 threatening im
mediate dissolution.
It was hoped today when the doctors an
nounced that at a specified hour they would
bo prepared to issue a tullcr statement on
tills subject than had hitherto been given
out , that some facts would bo allowed to
trunsuiro which would satisfy the natural
desire of the public to ascertain the truth of
the illness of one of its most distinguished
ettUcns , and at the same time stop the crcp
of contradictory and sensational rumors pro-
Tills nnticipatio'u was not realized. There
was a delay in the issue of the promised
bulletin , and when it did appear it contained
nothing but what had previously been
An honest pill is the nohlest work of the
apothecary. DoWltt's IJttlo Early Kiscrs
cure constipation , biliousness and sick head-
KIIIiMl IIU Father.
LKIIAXON , Ky. , Jan. 10. George Wells shot
and instantly killed his father , Ron Wells ,
at Hollertown , in this county Saturday oven-
ing. Young Wells was drunk and securing
a pistol went to shoot a neighbor's dog. His
father followed and pleaded with him not to
shoot the dog , as it would cause snrious
trouble. The old man's actions only enraged
him the more and turning quickly , Ho shot
him dead.
Nothing Certain About it Being Held This
Year ,
pnr It Will Krpp Some I'noplo Awnjr
from tlioGoltimblnn I2iinnltlin |
tlou to lo Ilrllnllclr
.Settled Ted * } ' .
U.NCOI.X , Neb. . Jan. 10. [ Special to Tun
DEE. ] Will Nebraska b\vo : a stnto fair this
year ? Is otto of the cuipstlons to 1x5 decided
nt the mooting of the Stnto Hoard of Atrlcul-
turo , which begins In this city tomorrow
afternoon. The mutter has not been dis
cussed heretofore , but from the sentiment of
the members who have so far drifted inthere
promises to be u very lively debate over it.
Some of the members are quoted as saying
that it would bo a losing venture to hold n
fair In Nebraska this jear when
the World's fair will undoubtedly
draw thousands from the state who would
otherwise attend the state exposition. Still
others contend that if liberal sliced prem
iums are given and a general cfCort made to
secure good horses , there will be no lack of
attendance , and the iifirlfultural displays
are sure to proxo as good as ever. The rail
roads nro also divided in interest , the
Uurlitijrtrm being strongly In favor of one
and the Uock Island and one or two others
being against it. It is impossible to sa.\
what will be done , but it is one of the "burn-
ing questions" to ba decided. U. II. Henry
of Columbus will succeed .lohn Jensen as
president. The corn exhibits were being
plared in display position today , but the
sliow will not be open until tomorrow.
Court House N MVS.
Joseph Aeken was arrnlsncd before Judge
Hall this morning on the chargeof contempt
of court. Komo months ago Mrs. Acken
brought suit for divorce , alleging among
other things that Joseph hail threatened to
take her life , anil asking that he be enjoined
from interfering with her in the pursuit of
life , liberty and happiness. The injunction
was granted , but Saturday night Joseph got
drunk , and proceeding to the family domicile
threw one of the daughters out of the house ,
and tried to do the samii with his wife , lie
was llnally gotten rid of. but an attachment
for contempt of the court's order was made
out , and ho was nabbed. This morning lie
promised never to do it niraln. and after a
lecture the court discharged him.
The old Dawson will case , a stilt famed in
Nebraska's iFgal lore , was the cause of n
damage suit tried in county court this morn
ing. Sarah Campbell had pmvhased a lot
from Thomas Walton , who had derived liis
title from the widow Dawson before she
remarried. When the heirs finally won
their ease they dispossessed a number of
propcrty.owners in the southern part of the
city who had purchased their holdings of
the widow. Among them was Mrs. Camp
bell , who now brings suit against her war
rantor , Walton. If she wins it will reopen
some decidedly interesting litigation.
From I'ullci ) Court.
C. li. Wright made complaint this morning
that Daisy Wilson , a shining light in the
dcmi-monilo class , hud robbed him of $70 by
the old style "rolling'1 process. Daisy , how
ever , has not yet been found , and probably
won't. Wright wanted to see the sights
last night and an accommodating hackman
helped him along. Ho was tilled up with
drugged liquor , robbed aud thrown out into
the street , where ho was picked up by an
The question of whether Lincoln men will
bo allowed to further indulge in the luxury
of a Sunday shave will bo decided by Judge
Waters Wednesday. Charles M. HurU , pro
prietor of the Capital shop , is the victim of
the test ease.
Charles Drown , alias Williams , was bound
over this afternoon to answer in district
court for the robbery of Andy Bayliss'
house. Both parties are colored , and some
months ago Williams broke into the dwell
ing and was ransacking it when Andy , who
was temporarily absent , returned home. Ho
taeklcd the man , but got the worst of it , and
WlUitims got away , but not before ho was
recognized. Ho wandered back to town and
into the arms of the police.
Some time last night burglars broke into
the hardware store of C. M. Loonils. U0r > O
street , and carried away cutlery and silver
plated goods to the value of $150. No clew
to the perpetrators.
The City In IJrlcf.
At a special meeting of the local lodge of
trainmen yesterday afternoon , resolutions of
sympathy with the striking printers were
adopted , together with others placing a boy
cott on the two papers which have refused
fair wages , and branding.tho printers' pro
tective fraternity as "a body bound together
by organized capital to degrade labor when
the opportunity presents itself.
The annual meeting of the Lincoln Board
of Trade has been called for Thursday even
ing , January 'M.
The Lincoln Typographical union , at its
mooting yesterday , adopted resolutions con
demning the action of the Board of County
Commissioners in ignoring their protest and
awarding the county printing to the Daily
Call , a "rat" sheet , and declaring It to be a
direct slap at organized labor , of which it re
quests the other unions to take cognizance.
Ttio state council of the Junior Order of
United American Mechanics will bo held In
this city beginning tomorrow afternoon.
Sessions at the Lindell hotel.
Harvey S. Carper of 1'Jlmwooil and Hosa
Sehlotman of Missouri Valley , la. , were mar
ried by Judge \Mi\g \ \ today.
Thomas Ballou , a painter , was arrested
this afternoon on the charge of securing
from George .Masters , a restaurant keeper ,
on a worthless cheek. Ballon claims to have
scoured it from ,1. A. Johnson and the police
arc looking for Johnson.
Agent Hobert Ashley of the Wlnnebago
and Omaha Indian agency , crime up today
with a largo number of his wards , who will
give testimony to the federal grand jury as
to suspected eases of liquor selling to the
red men. Ho is accompanied by an Indian
deputy United States marshal , Louis Hamil
ton and Two Buffalo , Slow Walker , Fluting
Water , Yellow Smoke , A Snu Hugur , Co
liar and a number of braves similarly
equipped with names for homo consumption.
Salvation Oil , the people's liniment , is
guaranteed the best. It will euro you.
llurlril In u Wrecked llulldlni ; .
Pnir.AHin.i'iii.v , Pa. , Jan. 10. The building
nt 5.1T Commerce streoi caved in late this
afternoon , and u munberof people are buried
in the ruins.
- * -
1'ile.s of people nave piles , but DoWitt s
Witch Hazel salvo will cure thorn.
and are A Fact.
by the use of poor smoking tobacco.
The one tobacco that has held its
own through all the changes of Against Time
time and against all competitors is
Blackwell's Bull Durham Smoking Fears Nothing
A Question WHY ?
Because it's always pure , always Unchanging
A Great Record the same , always the best. Such a
record tells more than pages of Talk's Cheap
"talk. " It's ' hist
as good to-day
For You as ever and it is tbe tobacco toryou.
If you smoke , you should smoke
Good Advice Bull Durham
A trial is all we ask ,
- PUr.HAM , N. C. -
- . Oupclitnil A SliPmril' | ' < lpinrou | Tormi
llrhitr tli Trontmpif ( ht Alt Onrnhle
llH > n 04 Within thn .Meurn
That lrs. Copolnnd ft tnoimrd hnvo for
yours past boon doliit ( a viut amount of coed
throii 11 tbelr thorotiRti mastery of Catarrh
mid other chronic malhdlu * . la known to all.
That tliolr system Is Urn mutt aiu-conirul now
In uio It candidly admitted oven u ninny of
tbolr nbli ! lcomiJotUors. HuiHnitendot uskln *
tlit hlitl. fees Unit tlielr ; oiUlno ) 8k111 nlcht
uislly command , their rncmtlily ruto Is reiilly
lets tlrin ono-nunrtor tlia UVUIMKO charges
Mr J. M. llnrran Is a neil known pimencer
conductor ot tlm llurlliiKton .V Missouri Klvor
railway , whoso run l between I'ltittiinoiith
and UiiKtlimi on the fun train. Nearly ovnry-
l > who traxeU on this line knows Mr. Hur-
ron , nml will , therefore , bo Interoitod In ! iln
personal imrrutlvn of nn eAiiorlunco Unit lie
has rocontlv uu < < 4nd tliroiiu'li. Mr llnrron's
hour,1 U at liMStlnirs. Said hu-
MH. J. M. IIAlillON , IIA-TI\iS ( , NEH.
"The uniform low fees of tlio physluliiiis of
ho L'opoland Mi-dlcal Institute nro n crent
juon to the slol < , not beciiiiso It secures thuin
iiudlcal tri"iiinnnt , but because It secures
hum the IIKST ni-Ulcal truatincnt I wont to
hum for vatarrli , not hecnuHO they olmr.'od
nit $ . " > n month and f u rnisho I tnuill Inua fri'c
I wont to them buciiusu everybody was say *
111 ; Ihulr system thu BIOS I.
"Jiomo j'o'irs ago on account of exposure I
ontraetecl catarrh of thliond und thro it. I
md severe lioailnclief , uinovliig touring nml
m//.lnit nolsu In thu UIUM , sorn.lliroiit und otli-
or eaturrhal symptoms iieuon.panlod with u
ovqro cough.
"I'lio dlsuaso was very painful to mo nnd I
rlcd uvory way that I know to ( jut rid of I * . I
vtis iinmiccusiful and thought I would have
n siill'ur nil thu rott of my lift ; , lint by
/ood fortune I was directed to the Copuland
Mcdlc'il Institute
I begun the treatment , nnd although I was
innblu to tal.o advunl nro of Iho olllco trout-
neut very often. y t I begun lo Imurovo rlxht
iwny and I now fuel lllto : i new man.
" 1 iiiivi * g.iiiuxl ton | > ' , ) iiniU In wolKht mi-
Inr tlictr triMitiiiriit.
"I know of no bolter testimonial than my
imroneoJ wulzhi ana improved hu.-ilth. I can
licurfully lucoinmcnd thusu pliys cluni lo all
vhoailiror with Chronic Ciitarm. "
Why They Advertise. _ ,
Drs. Copohunl and Shcii.ird advertise be-
nu o they can roach a greater number of piv-
lunts by so doing , and by suoiirlni ; this truat
inmbur oT patlonts they eiUHtlord to tr at
hem at : t nominal r.ito. which could not ntlier-
vlsobodone. This is Hie Mciotof their ad-
vuriMlnz , and scaruoly utmvn within u radius
ot HUD miles of thl3 city hut has Its quota of
urntotiil pitlcnts who dally attest to their
'rlenili nnd the public the beneficial results of
heir tro itmunt lis. C'npuland und Shupard
mow that they nro doing Komi in this coni-
ininlty , Ills tnuslck and unfiirtnuato neoplo
hey aim to ro.icli und iMuiix * * , not physicians.
Tnelrsiiccess has been won by honest , hard
vork , by Kcnulno methods , by undivided nnd
lovotuil study nnd expurionce. This Is the
record of thulr training ilml experience , this
ho evldencoof tholrskllli They nro h < ; ro < o
euro sicU people , und that ilioy do euro thorn ,
oven utter the ulTorta of ethers have proved
loworlcs" . Is atloitoil by thu numerous stato-
aents published oncli wioU. !
A-Word tojVldil patients.
Those who tuko mall troitliiont arc entitled
: o the low rates for nil dlsuasos , us wull us
hoio wlioupniy ailhc ofll > 'u per onully. Drs ,
'opuland and Miopard have so purfcctod tliolr
Vhtom of male or homo ti'u.Ument Unit they
ucceed qiiitons well In this wnv as they do In
their otllce practice. All who rosldo at a dis
tance fiotil the city , nnd c.innot conveniently
cull ut tlm olllce , should wrlto for symptom
ilnnk. Questions about nil uhronlo troubles
cheerfully answered.
Nervous Diseases Cured.
Skin Diseases Cured.
Catarrh Cured.
ItomiiH : ill mid : il2 NIMV Yurie I.Ho
Iliillilln ? , Oiiiiilm , Ncli.
O. S. SIII&LWItU , M. D.
fepoclultles : Catarrh and till diseases of the
Eye. Kar , Throat and Lunss ; Nervous I
Ka4. HKln Dlsoiiaos , Uh-onlo Hl oases.
Olllco Hours U to flu. m.,2 to5y. til. , 7 to 8 p.
in. Sunday , U a. in. lo 13m.
If Dr. Schonek's troilmont an 1 cure of f'on-
sumption were somotlun : now and untr.eil ,
people might doubt : but what has proved It
self through a record as old as our grand fatti
er s , moans Jusl what It Is
A Specific for Consumption
and for nil diseases of the Lungs. No truat-
inont In the world can place so nmny perma
nent cures of Consumption to Its credit as Dr.
Hchenok's. Nothing In Nature nets so directly
and ulToctlvoly on the lung membranes and
tissues , aud so quickly disposes ot luhorclos ,
congestion. Inllamnmtlon , colds , coughs and
all the seeds of Consumption as
Dr. Sohenck's Pulmonic Syrup
\Vhon all else falls it comes to the rescue. Nut
until It falls , nnd only after faithful trial ,
should any ono despond. It baa brought the
hopeless to life und health. U has turned the
dospnlr of ton thousand homes Into joy. It
Is doing It now. It will continue to do It
throughout tnu agos. Dr. tScli'ncIi'a I'nictlcnl
Trcitttteon ( 'nnsidnntian , Liv.rttH'lstumach Dts-
taten ni'ifkil/rce t all dppUcititx.
Dr. J. U. Selnnck < fc 6'on ,
IH unmrpasnod In the
treatment of all
and. All Weakness iiru
and .Disorder * of intrl
id years expcrienco
\Vrito for circulars
[ rail question list free ,
MUi nail Karnam BU. ,
.Omaha , Nob.
Wollcome und Imrn thoin firnmlno.l lir our optician
rcrof rhnriio , uncl. If nofo ry.tlll8 1 with apatrnt
our'TISUKhl.'TJUN" Hi'KUTACt.TSor KVK t'l.AS *
hK HmboMln Iho worM , If jrouitnnot n ui ulft fm
wo will loll TOU nomi'lnlvho yiu winit to do. ioD |
M'KCTACl'lW or KVK tiLAsalW KKOM tl.'l ) Ul' .
rialn. nnuike , tine or vrliltoKin ' < : , lor i > rutoutlux tut
' ' . lroai&Xiiialr .
'ji' ! | up.
Max Meyer & Bro. Co
Jewelers and Opticians.
Irarnain and 1'lfloont Street
A. H. DYER ,
ii : nutom , iireli ( > ll ( i" , Inrtnry
Mini mivurk rriiiilrlni ; u tliiirnucli uiul
kuowlrilfo nt riiiinlruvlloii uiul
nf umterlnln , n nirclnliy. |
1' , O. Hex U34 , I''romout , Neb.
Today tomorrow ncxtdtiy from 7:3O : a. m. till
6:30 : p. m. wewill offer on separate tables set apart
for that purpose about a th.imsn.nd suits of clothes.
The bulk of these suits are in very hancUome dark
CQlors in splendid all wool fancy cheviot lined with
heavy double warp twilled linings and thoroughly
made. They are just such suits as have been sold dur
ing the season by the leading clothing concerns
throughout the United States we among the number
fora ten dollar note. There are also among the lot
some splendid all wool fancy cheviot homespun and
cassimere suits in rich dark plaids and checks that
range in value from eight up to twelvetlollars while
scattered among them are one hundred and ninety
double breasted mixed cheviot suits in black only.
Until every one of these
is gone until there's nothing but empty tables left to
remind us that there ever was such a sale you your
friends and your neighbors can choose as you like
take the suit that suits you best in the lot for exactly
five dollars. Never not even at our memorable five
dollar suit sales ot last spring when we were
compelled to lock the doors in the faces of some of our
best friends have we given you so miich for one five
dollar bill as we offer you at this sale. There are all
sizes from 34 to 44 in the sale. If you come before
the sizes are broken you are sure of a fit. If you are
late and your size is gone as we do not make any
alterations it v/ill be your loss and the other fellow's
ElastiCj Stocking
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies'
ALOE & mm ,
114 S,15tiSt , ,
Next to Postofflee
Wo will eeml you the nitim-lnim
French I'rcrur.Ulon . CALTHOQ
f rvo. ni ) a lecal Kuaraiiloe tli < u
CALTIIUS will Ile Jor - jour
UCcaltll , .Strength auU Vigor.
t'st Hand fay ffsatisfied.
Address VON MOHL CO. .
Bolt AmtHfU iRint * , tLnlaa&ll. OUo.
ShlTiirs Hlllo.
Under nnd l > y vlrttio of nn execution Issued
by frank K. Mooret , clerk of the district court
within and for Dou Ins county , Nebraska ,
upon a judgment rendered by said court at
Us September term , A. 1) ) , , 180J , In favor of the
Merchants National bank of Kansas City ,
Missouri , and against the Metropolitan Cabin
Hallway company of Omaha , Nebraska , I
have levied upon the following ( li-scrlbcd
property as the nropcrly of the said , The
Metropolitan Cable Kalluay company of
Omaha , Nebraska , to-wlt : "Track and road
bed. Including rails , tics , plates , frog's , bolts ,
splices , wires , HWltcbuK. poles , trolly wires ,
cross wires , etc. , etc. , and everything pertain
ing to snld truck and the operating thereof as
an electric motor line of .said The Metropol
itan Cable Itullway company onloth .street
and on Dodge street In thu city of Omaha , and
on DodgobtiTct as extended , Woodman ave-
iiuo , I'mlerwood nvonue and Wilson avenue or
street In Dundee I'lacu or adjacent thereto In
the county of Douglas and state of Nebraska. "
"Ono car hou-o tframo building on posts or
blocks ) located on lot 14 , block B8 , Uunilco
I'lnco , Douglas county , Nebraska. " "Two
motor iiusscngur cars numbered respec
tively two ( iil , anil three (3 ( " "Itecord book ,
Mock certificate book and seal of said com
pany , " anil aNo "the f ranchlso granted to said
company , which Includes all the rights and
privileges.secured tbureby , " and I will on the
17th day of January , A. D. , 1H93 , commencing
at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , at the east front ,
door of the county court hoiiso In thu city of
Omaha , sell said property at public auction to
the highest and best bidder or bidders for
cash , to satisfy said execution , the amount dun
Ihercun being forty thousand , four hundred
forty-six andOl-luOdollarscf 10,440.111) ) judg
ment , and sixteen and3U > ii dollars if 10.34) )
costs , with Interest on said amounts from tlm
10th day of September , IH'i-j , and the accruing
costs on said judgment and execution.
( iioUJi : : A. HKNNETT.
Sheriff of Douglas County , Nebraska.
Omaha , Nebraska , January 0 , 18 < J3.J .
J Oil 13lm
rrapoH.iU lor Uiitiiidiiry 11- / > / til i o.i
IIIIMItl * .
Oonoral Kami Olllce , V
WASHINGTON. U. 0. . Deoo mhor l. 'C2. )
Seal nil propnsul ? will bo received at the gun-
nral land olllco. Waflnlnxton. I ) , U. , until 'J
o'clock p. m. on Saturday , the 24th day of
January , Ib'JJ , for the survey und marking by
sulttblB monuments , at that portion of the
boundary line hotwoon the stnto of Nebraska
and the state of Hoiith DnUotn which I Ins west
of iho Missouri rlvnr , as uuthorl/.ed bv iho act
of congress , approve I Aiuust n , IS'U ' , m.iktng
appropriation for surveying the pulillo lands
I'uniplilut Statutes nt Inrgn , MJI-Utti. p. IITOij
also for thu furnishing of atone monuments to
bo plneo l at halt-mile Intervals on snld boun
dary , The bids for thu survey and for thu
monuments must bo separate , wl'h tlio prlvl-
IORO to the bidder Unit If hu is not awarded
the contract for both hu will ho bound to con
tract for neither. Copies of thospuolfloatlona
may bo bud upon application to this olllco.
Kacli bid must hnaocomimnlod by u certified
chock for JJUl. The right to rojwct liny or all
bids Is reserved. Proposals must bo molosoil
In enveloi03 | sealed and mnrkodProposals
for survey of boundary Iratwoon Nebraska
nud outh Dakota. " and "I'ropos'ils for boun-
daiy monuments. " and addroisod to tbn Con-
mlsslonorof the ( Jonornl Land Ollk-u , Wash-
nod ] W. M. STOSF
KVII.SVKAKNI39dK4 , DKUtUTV. KTi' . . llmt M
comimnr Ilium In luun gl'li'KI.Y nj 1'KltMA-
NK.ST1/V LLIltJI ) , full bTUttNUTU anil lunu
Clvvn lu eTiirr partof iliu bojjr 1 "III auaJ ( to-
carulr l icieij , I'llKB tu nnf nutleror tlu pruicrtu.
Hull tbalcurait mo of ttioie iroubl'n. AilJroti , U
A UHAiJl.KV iiAvrLi cneiu , MICH.
Financial llcferacc : Naf I Hank of Commerce , Omaha.
No DKTKNTION from business. No Oponition.
Invusilsnto our Mrtimd , Written cuiiruntou to abso
lutely C'uru all kinds iif Ki'l'Tl'KKof ' liothxQXcs.wltii-
nut iho use o ( Knllu or aynuffu , no n.allor . of how ionic
307-308 II. Y. LIFE SLOG. , OMAHA , NEI1 ,
fond for Cironlnr.
1816 Douglas Street , Omaha. , Nob.
The eminent uppclnllnt In norrnni. chronic , prlvnto , IdooJ , nkln nnd urlnarr ilUoi A regular and
i-Klitcrcd t-rnatuiio In meillclno ns ell plcirnat nml c < ; rUliciloj ulioir , li tlll troitlnu w ith til J tru toJt suo-
cess cnturrh. lost manhood nominal wojltnen. nlBlit loisoi and nil formi of prliratu dtn3ine < . No tnorou-
ryusod. Now treatment for loss of vital powor. I'urlloi uiiublo to vltlt mo nnr bs troato.l nt hon8 hr
corrmponilunca. Modlclno or Initriinionts ont bjr mill or otpron sannr ly piclcu.l , no m. rSi tn ludlait/
lontoiitjoroundor. ( ) iiuiurJonnllntqrviuw | prurorrn I C.iiHiiltitlmi fro t'orruipin lonoostrictly prlrit )
Hook ( llstcrloaof LIfo > ientfroo. Olllculiourj'Jn.m. to Up in. Sun 1,17310 a in. tuUui. 5oaildt mi forrjplr
B"Norvo Sootls , "
J.tho on lnrful ramoilr
, l J '
Es | ? ( > | d With "
4 ! i iriiiirnn'rc to euro All nervous c'.iM'iitus , puch a Wi'ttl : "Mnmofy
I/o.iaof lli-ain 1'owi r. Ifmlnelip. Wnbufulnusa , Ix t Msnhcod. Nlnhtlr UmlV-
fliom , NcrvomncJi. Lussluide , allclriln.i and loss of power of tliolionorail n
r ? " OrRiitH In intii.Tapzcanso'l hjrovermrprtlnn. yniilhfiil f rro nor i'xcp 'lr.
ntfIISL of tolir-ooo , iipliim or htlmuluuta > .hlch 1.0011 lunrl to Inllrmliy. COIIMIIM :
jtioniiiicilnsanUj' . I'm iipronvpnloiiitocnny In vust nnckvt. 11 noronct
B'nMjymailiiUo-f.'i. \\Mth ( > v-ry t .order wn irt < ' ni"rliten guarantee tumii
For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McConnell , 15\G \ Dotlpo Street.
M. Jenkins , Doibi Davis. Uuthurino K.
llolibs Nelson It Swoltzor. John O. l > \ loh-
munn. Mary S. Siunilor.s , Llzzio W. MoUlus
toy. Dora niok Hook. Anna Vundonbur ;
Ooorgo II.rileok.Kllory Hurt-
ton , Lidoo A. " i > owuirMutiid"a"Do"Uro'lsolIor
non-resldonts :
You are hereby notlliod that the umlor-
alKnod , three dislntoroatod frooholdora of the
oily of Omahi. have boon duly appointed bv
the mayor , with the approval or the citV
council of s.-Ud city , to assass the dumago t'o
the owners ruspuetlvoiy of thu uropurty
declared by ordinin"o : necessary to bo appro-
printed for tbn use of said eltv for tbo pur-
posu of opening and o\tundlng S'uwtmi Htrcot
irnm I ) . i vrn port's subdivUlou to.'lith Hi root
You are furt her nntlllod , thai ha vlngaccuptud
said appolntmiinl , an 1 duly qn.illllnd as ro-
qulrod by law , wu will , on the -.Hh day of
Janii.try. A , I ) . ItDI , nt the hour of ; i o'ulouk
In tlm afternoon , at thu ell ] " of tieo. J. I'aiil.
IBU5 Karniim street , within Iho corpornlo lim
its of snld i.'lty , moot for the pnrpoio of con-
sldorlnz and making the assessment of dam
age to the owners respectively of mild pro-
liorty. bv ro sonof such taking and appro
priation thereof taking Into consideration beiiellls , If any
The property bulonelnx lo you , proposed
bo appropriated aa aforesaid , and
which baa been declared necessary by the
counull , by ordinance , to appropriate to iho
use of the oily , boln. sllii'ito In said ellv of
Omaha , In thu county ot Douglas , and Kt.uo of
Ni < braskii , Is described us follows , to wit :
Guo. Warren Smith Thu south U7.85 foot of
lots M. 37. ; H. ; n > , 4' ) . 41 , 41 ! . 41 and 41.
William M. Jenklns-Tho south 27.8J foot lot
Della Davis and Catherine I > Hohbs--Tno
onth L'7.K' > feel lot la
Nulbiin It. Bwllzur-Tho north 3d 1.1 fool lot V.
John C. K. I.Phnmiin North Hl.15 foil of east
fS.h' ' feet lot M.
Mary H. HaiinJors North .M.IS foot oasl 00.3 !
cot lot ( SJ.
Ililo W.MoUluskoy North Sfl.15 feetlotGJ
Dnmliilok Hook North . 1.1 Teot lot II I.
Oscar llartman North tf > > . | .1 ' " > i. lutm.
Mlchlgun Mut. 1,1 fo Ins. ; " * l th W.I5 foot
west S lot IM.
lieu M. Nicoloy NorlhlM.l.'j tout of middle. ' ] '
lot M.
William O. Whlluhoud Norlh2i.11 foot east
! j lotUi.
Klbrldge Lawlon Norlh M.1.1 feel lot 07.
Seeluy M. .Mason and David M. Uro North
5 foot loH. ( .
A.C.Lolghton-NorlliSfl 1,1 foetloini
Elbrldiiol.awton Nnrtb .UI.1 IniTI.
I.aduu A. ( Jrowoll North -0.1 ' > fuul lot 7.1
( leorgu H. Stuck North 'JU. I j foot west tl foot
of north I.B feet of lol 5'J
Kllory L. Houck-Soiitht'i.tU footHouih Hot
cast Vt of lot ,11.
Anna Vandonburg SouthS7.S3 foot of north
( i ( if south ' , , ' ol lot 17 ,
All In filso'j addition In said city , county
und state.
Von are notified to bo prosmit at the time
und place urores.ilil. and niuki ) any objection *
to or itulcnioutti concerning sUd pronojo J uu-
pronrlatlon or assessment ot damages , as you
may consider proper.
proper.HKO. . J. PAUL ,
u. w. aiiisoN.
Omaha , DecemberlT , IM.1. ) DMd.'Ot
To J. II. llenti'llo , Mlku Votara , Catbarlmj
l.oclilln , M. Soveren Sorensun. A. I' . I'lii'NIo-
iihurson , Clara Ford , O. II. r'lliwnrth , John
Mohr , tieorgn It. T/si'iicli , James I' . Nelson ,
IVtur Dobl , Walter L. Selhy , James O. Alton :
You are hereby notified that thn under
signed , three disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of the city coun
cil of said city , lo assess the damage to Iho
owners respect I vely of the property declared
by ordinance necessary to be appropriated for
the use of said city , for tin * purpose of ojiunlng
and extending Sixteenth street from Vlntori
stieet In the Kuiilh city limits.
You are further notified , that having ac
cepted said appointment , and duly iiuallllod
as required by law. we will , nn the : inth ( jay of
January , A. D. lHit ! : , at the hour of 11 nVIork
In the fnifimon. at the olllce of T. It. Mri ' > il-
loi'b , room H I'J , New York Life building , within
the corporate limits of said city , meet for thu
purposu of considering and making the assess
ment of damage tot lie owners respectively , of
said properly , by reason of such Inking and
appropriation thereof , taking Into considera
tion special benellts. If any.
Tlie property belonging to you , proposed to
bo appropriated as aforesaid , and which has
been declared necessary by thu council , by
ordinance , toappruprlate to theusenf thoclty ,
being situated In said city of Omaha , In tbo
connlv of Dotr-'las , and state of Nebraska , Is
described as follows , lo-wll :
S 'JO feel of w 00 frill of lot 40 , H , K. Hogors'
plat , Okahoma ; w Hi feet ot lots Hi and 11.
Mot tor's subdivision of lot IH , S. K. Rogers
plat , OKuhomu ; w ( ill feet of suhlnl 1 , lav lot
2il ; w ' .it fenl of lot 15 , Oak Hill No. ii : s 7 feel
of w 21 feel of lot Hi. Oal < Hill No. 'J ; w 1 > > feet
uf lots 0-7-H. Mollnr's subdivision of lot | H , S
10. lingers' plat. Okabnmu ; n 'Jim feet w lili
feet of lot -It ) , S. K. linger.pint. . Okahnma. w
0 feel In ) 111 , Mot tor's subdivision of lot . | H. S.
1. lingers'plat. OUalmma ; w 31) ) feet of sublnl
I ) tax lot'jn ; w Hi feet hit 0. Mottor's subdivi
sion of lot -IH , S. K. lingers' plat , Okahiima , w
J3 feet , except s 7 feel , of lot Hi. Oak Hill No
'J ; lot M , Mnllnr'H subdivision ; u 243 fuel of lot
2.r > . KUcles subdivision.
You arc mil Hied to be present at the tlmo
nnd place afnresaln , und make any objections
to Of .statements com-ernlng said proposed ap
propriation , or asscssmcfil of damage * . iu
you may consider pinner.
T. II. MrfTLLoril
JOHN r. n.At'K.
Omaha. JanuaiyO , lu'J3. Jij-dJ'lt
_ _ _ AMI UlVfITAII'l'V. .
wt'tiknQ iiM'ii etc iicriiinrHintly ourcd Iu
nii'ii I Kid noml Dunluil r'UKK tlm roclpo that
enrol mo when ururythlnx alto fulled AUitrvo
with nluinii ,
\t Al. Ill Tiil , Hnx 1 17 , Mnralmll , IMIcU-