THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JANUARY 10 , 1803. I STORY OF A PHANTOM HORSE Ho is Scon Standing as a Statue on a Bluff in Nebraska , TRAGIC END OF THE UNKNOWN RIDER How tlm Trenthrroiu ( JillcIoiniiilK nf the 1'liittn Ithcr Swnllowril l > | > nil I'nfor- tunnln .Mull Allioxn I'liiintiiiii Ilurni ) AuulU lll Itc-liirn. Durlnf ; leisure moments , William S. Wil son , former secretary of the NobwsU.x L > Ifo Underwriter association , ilorotud himself to literary work Whllo pciformliij ? the ardu ous duties of general manaffer of the United States Life , ho wrote some very clever nkctches , seine of which have found their way Into eastern maiazlnes and jounils Last month Mr. Wilson loft Oinnhii to ic- turn to his homo In Kentucky , wheto ho will porrnancntlj icsldo The following sketch was fqundon his desk after his dciuturo | hy O. H. JelTiIcs and icjd to the meet ing of the association It was wilttcn on Mr Wilsons return fiom a business tilj ) through the state Midway In the state of Xcbrpslta at a point on the plains between Oi.ind Isliuul and KC.UIICJ , pjssenifeisoii the Union I'a- rille trains hu\o oeuislmmlly neon whut Is UnoWn to the peoples of section as tlio "phantom horse" Not tlm mli.ijo nor the appeal.ime of w.iter In tbo ihi nrrojos of Now Mexli o , nor anj Illusion ion liivo over seen Is so realistic as this hmso phost It appears al\Mtjs on tlu south side of the i.ill- ro id at thooxtiemo point ofision , where the hc.mns and caith BC em to meet , and \our ( list linpiession is nslnnlshnicnt at seo- Ina a hoi se , life size , distinct and in nppim.uuo. so fur away Thcnjou wonder wbellicr it is standing on the earth or out lined upon tlm sky , and befoie.\ dc- cido the ( iiicstlon it \.inishedorjou h.iVo passed the point ofiu \ \ I do not at tempt to explain this phenomenon but de scribe the phantom as 1 sait and t'l\o the Btoiy as 1 beaid it Some jears aio , befoto that preat ovot- l.tnd ionic , tlie Union IMtlflo rallwaj.was constiuetul , at a time when the whoop of the Indian , the bellow of the buffalo and the liowl of tlio lOiotoeio not uncommon sounds on the piaitles of Nebiaska , a h.ind some , cultured man riding a well-bred liorso andovldcntij ficsh fiom tlie states , acioin ] > anied by ono of these familiar charaetois of the west , of binnzcd and su.ntliy com- ploxlon , weaiiiif ? n somhioni nnd tiding n hrouu ) , loft thu main tiail and tuined in the illioction of the I'latte Within half an hour they lelnud In their boiacs on the nottli hank of that ml lit.N stieam of sand The ri\er appealed then as It docs todttj. a mile or moio In width , stiatf- KlitiK streams of shallow water and numuious islands of sand Tor u few moments they Kiucd upon the south bank , then c.unestl\ debited the question of ciossinp Tncro was a difference of opinion , but the matter was boon settled bj the handsome stianjjcr lidliif ? stniiKhtway Into the bed of the il\er At llrst ex erythliiK seemed to fiuor his de Islon and ho hid pioteodcd ono-thhdof the way across The other \ciituicd to follow him and was llftj * jaids from thobink when lie noticed the tracks in tbo sand made b\ the Hist hoiso had tilled water Ho called loudh to histompanlon and tinned back to the shoio The wainhiK woid was given too late The hoi so was struggling In sand and w'atcr to the depth of the b.idulo skills At . this moment his rider stood eiect nnd leaped upon an Island of white , dry sand lie landed upon his feet , but was nnklo deep In the s ind a few steps fotwatd nnd thosind was to his knees Ono deapciato striirtflo ho made to bung himself upon tbo BUI face , but tbo effort eai- rlcdhlm _ waist deep Ho seemed then to realirohij ) tuiilblo position , and litthiK up h solco K-no u message to his honor stricken coiiipinlon.stilviiiB by word and giisturo to mike him cpmpiohcnd It , but without success , The cteeplnf , ' , Insidious , devouring sand was now to his shoulders Ho had taken from the Insldo pocket of his ( 'opt What seemed to bo a package of papers , ami-holding U above his head was oUdontly tiding to impress upon his companion the inportanco of their preset vutlon , but his \oleo was silenced by the ciuol sand In his throat. A moment moio and It had closed over his head , entombed alive In that far uwiiy , desolate spot , and the Island of sand presented the simo smooth , diy and appatcntly linn surfaco. A small damp spot and near It n package of papois was all to Indlc.ito that out a moment befoio It had trcaehciouslj engulfed n human being. The man UIKMI the bank , transfixed by the fascination of hoiror , garcd at thu spot ho knew not how long As ho tuined away fiom the wlord , mjsteilous river , ho saw a shoit distance down tlio stieam , a ildeilcss hoi so still struggling with the sand and water D.ick ho rode to the main tiall and eastwaul on the trail to the , Hist settlement. Theio ho told tbostoi.\ . the man lost in the .sand Ho was himself ono of these hudy spliits of thu plains who as guide or scout was ready ( or any enter- piiso that piomlscd niUcntmonnd life In the open air. Ho know naught of the lost man had been emploj ed as a guide to take him to ncoi tain settlement I" the South Platte country. Who the stranger was , from whemoho came , and the purpose of his lonely jouiney , nro seciots held by tlio quick sands of the I'latte. unless repealed bj the iiackago of papcis left on the sand , which , it is hinted , weio afteiwaids secured by ono Aho heaid tlio guide's story , and that large and very \alimblo landed propeity Is wrong' fully held bj irtuo of the possession of that package of papers. Theio may jot bo an In teresting sequel to the guide's story of the tlio lost stranger , with whom the sottleis as sociated the lllusoiy hoi se , for over theio Ixsjend the IMutto , opposite the point whom thu ciosslng was attempted , to this day at intervals of tlmo appears the phantom hoi so in an attitude of patient waiting , perhaps fora phantom ildcr. OMAHA'S CUSTOM HOUSE , Hair tlio Value of Imports Hag Increased of La I ii Yen is. Prior to the beginning of the fiscal jcar IbSO the total duties collected ut the Omaha custom house , coeiing a period of sixteen yeais , wciofyt.4ll. Under the opeiatlon of Immediate trans | > ortatlon pihlleges , which weruconfeiicd upon Omaha in thu latter paitof fiscal jear IbbS , u'teipts from cus toms ha\o gieatly incix-ased In IbUl facili ties f6r watehonslng wci-o added , au ex- nntlnatiJii room , with neccssnj senlco , was pro ; Ided , at nu annual rental of 400 , and in all proper ways the usefulness and scope of the ottlio have been cnl.ugcd Tor the llscal year ending Juno l0 ! , Ih'J. , colleutlons o\ciian CVJIHOOO. Omaha people are hardh luvuro of the extent to which some of the manufactuicis and mer chants bine been recently Importing. During the twelve months ending with December , Ib'JO , tbo Cudahy Packing cem- pany has Iminntcd ditoctli into Omaha o\cr 4,000,000 pounds of tin plate Iliu l co Claiko-Andrcescn Huiilwuru conip.UL ) ' and the Kector fi Wllholmj eompaio ha\c re ceived nearly 760,000 pounds of terno plate , or roofing tin , 'Iho wholesale civckerv merchants , Messis , Catch .t I.iunian and M f II. Hliss of Omaha , and W A. Maurcr ) ff Council muffs ) m\o lmi > oitcd , directly , p- wftnN of liOO crates of oarthcnwaie , or more than forty car loads. This docs not Include a grcMlquantltvof glasswato and art goods vrlilch these Jlnns and Mr Samuel Bums have brought to Omaha from abroad. Al- mo t jhcXiXX ) ) pounds of ten ln\o been linixirt- e > i Into Omaha by Paxton & CiaUaglior. McCord-llrady company , Nebraska Cold Stoi.tgo coiniuny , D. M Stcelo & , CV > . and W M. Ilushman. These gentlemen have wade Omaha a \ cry conspicuous tea nmi ket. Another - other branch of trade which has been gieatly devrloiVd In tliiscltj Is lhc < handling of fancy iiioklrsuud pivsencd > egetables put up la KiiRhind , Hanco and ( icuininy. The McUord Drudy company has had six full car loads , Piston & Gallagher live , anil Ixith houses have taken out Mimllrr ln\nltos at various limes. Knrrell & Co. hay o Imported several car loads of maple hugar from Canada , though most of their supply comes from na tlvo sources The Omaha-Grant Smelting company got hundreds of car loads of Mexi can ore , quite a good deal of which comcb di rectly lo this port. 11.In The Max Moi or companies paid 13,000 In duties on clgara nnd musical Instruments alone last j ear ; H. Kosenstock fi Co. , nearly W.OIH ) on loaf tobacco ; the Sioux Fulls Linen ; company , Houth Dakota , over fl.OOO on ma \chluory \ from Irelaiid ; Uollu & n , F'rank Itamgc , Llndqucst. llnrrctt and J. Peters of Counr 11 HhilTs , fi : GOO on woolens | Messrs Her it Co , Grotto , Itllev Uros , Pilck & llerlwrtKintcht , George Krug , M Quint ) , Koeschmann. Gladstone , Darst , Stern of Hastings ami others contributed several thousand dollars on wines nnd liquors The Morse Dry Goods company , Kllpatrlck-Koch company , S , A Orchard , Albert Calm , Obcr- folder , IJrow nlng. King fc , Co , Palconcr , Ilaydcn Hros , nnd two or thtco otheis 1m- ixrtcd liberally In their respectlvo lines of laces , silks , hosiery , linens , etc , pajlng a good many thousand dollars Into the treas ury of Undo Sam. The Hammond Packing company Drought the largest shipment of salt Ijvcr Imixirted hot o twenty car loads The Richardson Drug company brings quantities of dtugs , brushes , meats , extracts , etcMilton ; Hogers it Son all kinds of tiles : IConnard Paint and Glass company , carload lots of window glass ; Aloe & Pen fold company optical instru ments , Collins Gun company , frequent In voices of Kngllsh guns and matcrlil , Plod- man it Co , the Swedish American Publish ing company , Shontleld , and HoslcKj. books and ptmphlcts , C S Kijmcmd and A H llubeiman , heavy invoices of diimonds nnd watches , and there are frequent importations bj piivatc p.uties of jilctures , china , wines , linens wealing app.ucl , etc. Thentheroaru the florists and seed men , Casper , Parker , Poster , Phil Slimmel and I'meison Seed company. Quite a number outside of Omaha Imiwrt through this olllce , notably the Ox- nurd nnd Norfolk Ucot Sugar companies , Calm of Gland Island , and quite recently the leading club In taut Like City leplen- isbed its sideboard voiy liberally with wines and liquors No attempt Is made hero to glvo nil the names , nor to fuinish all the flguies which ate available to the public in the collectors olllco , but enough has been given to show- that Omaha is of si5iiio impoitanio in for eign markets and that Colleotor Alexander nml his assistants have not been idle duilng the past tineoicars A icccnt leport ftom the supervising spe cial agent of the Ticasing dcpaitment shows Omaha to bo seventh In importance among the Intel lot customs distiicls.nnd the tbiitj- llfth among the vv hole 118 ports of the United htatcs It alsobhows that the Omaha olllco collected Its revenue with less expense - penso to the goveinmcnt than any other Intel lor poit , nnd , with the two ex ceptions of Now York and Chicago , less than ani other customs office in the United States The i.Ucs on $1 in these thico ( ities woic , Chicago iOUJl , Now York $0IW1 , Omaha $0 0-Jli Tin co ycirs ago the rank of the four chief customs districts in the Missouil valley was Kansis City llrst , Denver second , St Joseph thhd , Omaha fourth l-'oi the thoj stand as follows Kansas City , duties collected $ lb'JH5 ' ( iil Omaha , duties collected I'.N 073 118 Denver , duties collected bil 'J1 J IK ) bt. Joseph , duties collected 75OJ5 00 . > Piles of people nave piles , hut DoWltt s Witeh Hazel salvo will ctuo them. JIOOKt AM > I'KltWllW 11,1. InthoNoith Ainoiican for .Tnmur.v the place of honor ii given to , x tltnclv article by Scn.itoi Chandlei of New llampshiii' on tlio Immipiation question All Chandler urges sti indent icsttiction for the sake of the Woiltls f.iir Piof. James Btjce , AI 1 compaicsin : i mastcrlj mnnnei 'Political OigantVations in the United States and Knjr lanu " benatoi Alaco tells tlie story of uni veisal snITrago in I'tatiLO , and Senator Dolph ot Oiegon discusses the buining ques tlon of tlio A.\y \ , 'Does the Republican Paity Nrrd Keorgani/atlonf" There nro two sucntiiic attielos ono by Alvon G Clnik , the iiinstiuctoi of the tdebiated tcliseopo in the LUIcobsenatoiy , on the " 1'osslbilities of tlie Telescope , " and the other on a sub- jcttof perhaps moie general interest , "In somnia nnd Heient Hjpnotics"by Dr Hammond mend , the well known ncuiologist In addition to these the number contains a "Bible Lesson for Mr Ileibeit Spent ei" bj Gail Hamilton , a paper on "Fliiting Wives' bv Amulla U Uarr , n delinltion of "Iho Limits of legitimate Discussion" nccotding to Bishop Colcinan , and nn account of the methods and pm poses of Now Votk's "City Vigilance Leaguo" by Dr Paikhurst. , ' 1 ho Hovlevv of Ho\ lows lias established it self as ono of the bi ightest of the monthlies It fills n gap and has a distinct linn of Its own The Hist number of the new jcar maintains thu icputatlon of the mag.-uino as a llrst class all'lound informer ofwhat is going on in the world , politically , scientific ally , and socially In view of the muttcrings of civil war in Alexico the Cluraeter Skotcl on "President Diaz and the Alexico ol Today" vv ill attract special attention But there mo other articles of nulto equal Inter cst There is an attractive sketch nf p Alaiion Ct aw foul , the novelist , with portrait trait , an illustrated aiticlo on the univcisitj extension movement , and the story , told by herself , of an American girl who offeied herself to Pasteur and HafT- klnrj as the llrst woman who daied submit to the eNpciiment of being inoculated by the new method at Pasteur institute for Asiatic choleta The whole numbe , ns usual , ispiofusely lllustiatcd , and pcihaps exceptionable loadable Current Literatwo is btimful of Instmo tivo nrtioles , all on cut rent topics Jay Gould , the Briggs heicsy tiial , the politica'l turmoil in Trance , the Buissels monetarv confcienee , national quaiantino and Hawai ian annexation mo amontj the multlfaiions subjects considered One of the features of this month's number is the Intioduetlon of poitialts of Jay and Gcorjjo Gould , of do Lcsscps and of the membeis of the late French ministry. Altinsoy's Alagazino has a six-page niticlo on "Alountain Itailroad Engincc'ilng , " con taining much information on a subject of in terest to most people. T U Craw ford vv i itcs on the "Novv&iMpcis of Uuropo , " and Dr P. 1 ? Chambcis on the "Advance of Alodoin Suigcry " The Tiench aitlst Dctaillo is the subject of an intcicsting Httlo sketch , which is Illustrated with fine icproductlons of some of Ills most famous paintings Ladies' Homo Join lull for Jamiaij contains two ni tides of special intoiest to leaders of a lltciai ) turn of mind N.Uhaniel Haw thorne's "Lltcraiy Alethods" mo giaphic- ally deseiilxd by his UauBhter , Mrs. Koso Hawthoino L-ithrop , and Bay aid Taylor's widow tells what It means to l > e "ThoVife of a Literary Alan " The Homo Journal has arranged with Christine Nillsson for"AStmlj of the Voice , " an aiticlo which will no doubt contain some valuable suggestions onoii o culture As a joianal of Auictican histoiy the National Alaga/ino has no rival I'Yom the Januaiy numbci wolcain.inanj of us for the Hist time , that the clmracK'Hstic institu tions of this country were derived not fiom England , but .from the little Dutch republic from which the Pllgiim fathers set out on their voyage in the Ala.v flower A now light is east upon the famous Boston massario by a paper by Air Liudsaj Will Carleton con tributes a i > oein entitled "Thico Scenes in the Life of Columbus " AV U H. LecKj. the Hnglish historianhas vviittcn a letter of congratulation to Doug las Campbell for his book , " ' 1 ho Puiitan in Holland , nngland and America. " Air Levity sajs. "Tho chapter on the hiah-bcotch es- peciallj inteicsted me , and contained miuh which vvus < iuito now to mo. 1 own , I think that iour anti-English feeling is stronger than jou seem to suspect , and that it bus lent a good deal of lather exaggerated color to jour narrative , but the Dutch would bo verv ungratofulif thcj did not welcome jour book with enthusiasm " - * - 1'cifect fiction and pot-loot health rcsul from the usuof DeWlttS Little Early Hisers ct little plIL It Cures Cold * , Ccufhj. Car * Throat , Croup , lota. Hi * , Whoof iar Coujh , Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain ear * for Cocsuraptioa in Artt states , and a inr * rtlitf in advanced stagtt. Use at enc . Too trill lit the tiotll.nt tffwt after Ukbf the > . . . . , . . . . . - . - - .n.---ifijijfc Both tlio method and results "when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio taste , and acts gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers and ones habitual constipation. Smip of Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptuhlo to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in GOo and 81 bottles by all loading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on bapd will pro cure it promptly for any one who \\islies to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FnANCISCO , CAL. LOUISVILLE , KIT. HEW YORK , N.\T \ > Any one whose Watch has a bow ( ringwill ) never have oc- casiontonsetliistinie-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot * be twisted of ! the case , and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and oilier watch cases stamped with this trade mark. Ask your Jeweler for a pamphlet , or Bend to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co. , PHILADELPHIA. II BAY STATE" GUITARS. v * MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS. AND DRUMS. We make a variety from lh _ _ cnEAt-rsT to the MOST ELKOANT tndcosTiY Initrumenti Iliery IiKtriiinent fully \\iirrniitvil. OUR LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJO , Endorsed bj Ih3 BEST Players. Send for Catalogue and mention the Instruments you tliiill , of purchasing. JOHN C. HAYNES & CO. MA * No Failures No Mistakes Arolmido . liy these siifforlnT nnd hopolcs v.ctiiia ui Nervous. Chronic or" Private Diseases Who pi nro thcinsolrci inulor the nble , cxnorl- OIKCU , sclcntlUo nnd skillful truatiiu'nt of nintTlca's luust cUtcd and successful s > no- lists , Neither are there rtnx failures or mlst&Uos In the itporuvoil modern methods of these masters of medicine. Thojr atauil iiiiefumled In tholr chosen oullln ? , und their sucuossos nro aniopKthu nmrvelous phonomanu of the nite They have reached thu highest , plnnaclo of fnino In the treatment nnd euro of all dlsMsesof a prlvnto , dolicnto or sexual nutnro , they etiuul imrlvalnil , nndSTyonrtof unlntorruntod sucoims jiUcua them far above all othors.oven the n vrho arostrlvliu for tlio top round lu tholuddor of fume as nhlu and successful special Ihts. If jou are allllctod It Is your duty to see tlio o Klftod piyslolans. without delay Send < contt to pay postage , anil rccoivo. frcoacopy of thulr valuable now boon of 12J paces. CONSULTATION TUCE. Oall upon , or address with stamp. 119Sonth Utli St. , Cor. Douglas St : , OMAHA. NUIJ. RIPANS TARULtr. ct tnft tomacblher na bowel * , purl * : fr tbo blood , HLte nad elfMtual | J ithe be t raralclneknowDforbilloui * ? aeM. constipation , dyiiicprt * , f ulj brettb , b Adacie. Lctirti'urR , Inia cf A arpeUlo , iceuul a pnwdon , painful n , plmplu. Mllovr rnmpUx o i . . lon.anloTcnralMKUMrMultlngfromc { In-purti blood , or a fullare by the Horn * r . llrrr or In trntna * to perform titlr proper functions. IVnKiri A Vglvtn toovi rrattnirarp benefited by U king one tftcr * XfacbmMil lrltw hv mail , 1 gruin , ixi t miT . 150. 1111'ANS CUhMfCAL COVll 8pn > c bU. e 150.York 1 NERVOUS _ ANIJ LOST \ 1TAL1TY. wnakne B s. etc , permanently cured In men 1 will send ( sealed ] HIKK the reclpo that cured me when everything else failed Addren with stamp. V JI. llUILinc , Uox 147 , Mftrthall , .Vllch. SPEG1RL NOTICES. A DTKUTISKMKNTrf fVS THKSr ! COLUMNS WHIM In taken until 17 Tfl > - m for the evening Knit until 9 30 u m for tbo rooming or Sunday cdl lon . . . No ndvcrtlnnrnent token in less than 23 cents for ; he first Innrrllon I' All Brtrertlnomontu In llic o roliiruni m ccnti vorrt for tbo tint Insertion nnd I cent a word for rnch subsequent In rtl0nor II to per line per nionlli ' ] i < rm , cnnh In advnnco. Initials figures , symbols , etc each count.tin A word Advertise pent * mint run rontcciilltl'ly Advertisers , by re quettlng n numbered clvifJii can Imro the lotion iidilrosied to n mini be roil U Her In-cnro of 'I lit II KB. Answer * n addressed wll | bo delivered on the irrscntntlon of the check. * , SITUATIONS WANTED. AWANTKI ) . YOU.NO MAN , POSITION AS bookkioper or general olllco work lies' of rot rencos Uox 770 , ( Ity Mltil ai A"WA.NTBI > . rosntos nv \ot'.N(7 MAS .Asgo 19 , In fhoo store , with > omo experience , references Address VV ij , Ilic M.flJ lu' A COMI'KTKNT LADY. ( IHUMAN DKSCCNF , ' 'VwlshcM'osllIon ns housekeeper In reappcnblu 'amlly ! best of rjfcrencos lull 1101 North 2illi t 23(1 ( II * WANTED MALE HELP. - ALAUVOU OMMI 10N TO AtlKNIM 1O bnmtlu tlio I'nlcnt Chemical Ink Krnslng Pencil Iliu nioit useful nml ncncl ( mention of the ngo Krnfen Ink thoroughly In two fecund * Workdllko innulc. SWJtoMlper cent prollt Agents making IWperweik Wo nl o want n n-nernl ngenttolnku chnrcc ( if territory nnd applntMtb agents A rnro clinnco to tnnku tuonor Write for terms and n snm ploof criming Monrou Krnslng Mfg Co , V J > l La .rosse. VVIs 700 T > -VV K VAtAi.AiiY WIIKKLV 10 < iooi > J'nuuits l.\iorlonco | unnecessary Apply Sinner olllio MSUI2U l > -WANTii : > A H1.W Itni.tAIILH SOLICITOUS J'ln Nebrnkn for the t nlon Central Llfo Insur nnco rompnny of < Incliinatl ( iooil territory nml liberal cnntrndti to the rUht men Addrcsi I M 1 ilmlstori Stnto AgL-nt , roe us 43 , IU nml 47 llurr blk. Lincoln Neb M5M J30 O-WANTKD , 'IVVO UOOI ) HAllNK-'SMAKIIUS , 1'iti'uil ) employment , work by the pleco behmlli A 1'onhorst , Wymore , Neb 1W 10 1J-WANTKO. A 0001) HAIl.NKfeSM VKPU AT l > IIeiileron ( , In T 11 Curry ISD K * B-ll.VIvKIl WANTKI ) nilST-CLASS OX bread and cikos Cnrl lloth , HoUlrege , Neb 1SJ I7 B-WANTKI ) . 'HN.NKIl VOH 1NMOK AM ) OUT Ida work , must nlno understand plumbltiR , Mcndyy Job , reference required , 1 ! I * Olmslod A. Co , Wnync Neb Mlli7-18 B-WANTKI ) WOLAHOHHIIS 1 OH Bl'HAllMSH , bo I nkota , ship Tuesday , 10 a m CnllntCCO toutli TLiith street MJI2 ll > * B BAI.FSMKN FOIl AN HASY SKIlINi ( AHTI- clu , llbcrnl pay. I' . L ) Wend , ICth nnd Donulas M Jj 17 * li-WA.NTKnAN A NO 1 LlTllOOUAI'H 1 HAV . .1'cllntlollcltor for lown Ncbrnskn Dnkotn nnd ncilcrn tprrltory Addrois blepheni Lltho nnd 1 nil t o , st l.ouls , and nccoiiipauy It with proper crodontlnls MJ'iS 17 BWAN1KI ) , OOOI ) lIAHNUiRVAKKIt ON In nv ) work rlshtawny fli 5Jpcr set. 0 to Inch J C Cniuboll l'abn > rn Neb IIU II * H-VVA.NTKI ) ' 1WO Ultsr CLASS 1IAIIMWS milkers stonily worknto59 per set Men with fnmllloi preferred Address J C Smith .V Lo , Kenraty , Neb 137 11 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. -YOU.NO LA01K3 CAN SOOV ACQU111K A working knowlcdKo ot ehortlmud and typo ut nn snnts JUKI \ Life M.W C-VVANTLL , LAD11.H Oil iOUM. Ml-.N 1O tnko IlKlit , plcnannt work nt tbelr own homes , tHO to Iduu tier dny curl bb quietly mndo , work rent by mill , no cnmnnslni ; tor pnrtlculnrs nd- drensCilobo Vlfc Co , llo\iJJl lloaton , Mats 1s- tabllshcd I Sol ) M.H ! J13' / 1-.1K.N3IC.N SDAMsH AND SVV KDISII BMl'LOV vyincnt olllce corner litlinnd DoiiKlns , upstairs , nil kinds of help alwi\s oil hand , Ut Kood Klrls for general liousunork ItU HO' C-\VAN'1KI ) , 1.AD1KA A l ) ( .1111.9 ' 1O IO OUK new work for us at lionlu. SI to { jper week easily made , no pnlntlnit or cah asslnff bend self nd- Orcipetl envelope Kcl o'-'Mnnufacturliift ' company , 4 1 Ibcrty square , MoMonj-Mnss 'IB 1C * C-A MIDDI.K AOKIA WWMAN TO KKKl1 1IOUS1J for n family of four ' ( itrinnn preferred Ad ilrosn , ! O box 213 , lllnlr , Neb .JIO 18' -WANThl ) , A Nli QlUIj 1011 SUCONl ) u 220J l'6Uio ( * Jli(7 18 C-WAN ! 13 , J.ADY AU1 , TS IN KVKHY TOWN to sell Indian and children nprpiifi , underwear , wrappers , cto , to prlxfttp , IioraCa , Oood WBKCS Send self nddre'lsod , stntnp d onvetopo for partic ulars VildrcHf , 'Iho WouiUbs Apron Co , SOU Mich Ignn nvonuo , ( .lilcnKO , 11L 2J'J U * CWANTKI ) , GOOIJ Ullllj. 3Jli DUUOK ST. 231 II FOR RENT HOUSES. D FOK 11K.NT. No 2113 CAl'lTOL AVISNUIC. modern. 'Ibo O F. Unrli Co , l'J& I'arnuru et 707 D , -tOIt HHNT. IIOUSK8 IN ALL I'AIllS or city. TheO t. Davis company , 16Q3 turnam st 70S k-HjATH , OWKLLIN09 , Cori'AOBS , IN ALL /parts of tbo city. Kilkenny & Co , 203 KarbncU 710 D-NhWT-HOOM COTTAUKd , MODKItV , IN Stanford circle Convenient for business men of Omaha nnd bouth Omaha , 0 , B lilguttor , 201 Uoo bulldlue MISS D rfcN HOOVl MODIiltN HOUSK , COIt 18TI1 and Masoo streets. Call at 607 Urown bids ? .MS8I H D-tOll IlKNT-1 8TKAM UKATKU JLAT. rooms , I tuton block , Uth and Mason streets , In ( .ond rtpalr Inqulro Bt D17 lu tlio block lo in Hamlln agent MOJJ V-LAItGL'LlsT I'AUL , 1605FAIINAM bTUKUT. t MII40J27 Dm HUNT , TWO ft UOOM COTTAnES ON motor Cull at southwest cor Cith and Douglas 171 I ) 1-6 UOOMS IN IHtlCK FLAT ! NXWLKAVBN worth street. 2U 17 * JKOIl KENT. A TKN UOOM HOUSE1 , ALI -I 'newly painted nnd papered with modern fur nnce , bath room nnd writer closet , hot and cold water , situated In one of the ilnost resident nclKh borhoodsln tbo clly halt block north of tarnum street on I8th street Inquire of Homo Investment CO , third llojr , 1'nxton building 223 ID- D- UU.NT , M5AII HAN3COM 1'AHK , l.'rlck house , clirht rooms , No 1203 I'opplcton nre corner 1'opploton nvo ind Thirty second st , , soutl nnd east iront , llnlbhcd In oak with handsome mantels , batb , splendid furnace , brick collars , etc JSOOO llrlck house , cluht rooms. No. IHO South Thlrf- nccond st oak tlnUh , with nice bath , lurnnce.alty water , cistern , gas , sonerace , brick collars , etc Meeant brick home , No 3005 I'nclflo st , ono of the tlnist llnlabcd nndcoilcst eight room houses In tbo city with all modern conveniences , Including elcgnnt porcelain bathtub hot and cold water stationary laundry tubs , tte , no finer location In . Iho nboTo houses nro nil on paved streets con vcnlent to motor linen , In perfectly healthy locn tlon and pleasant neighborhood. Uoo N Hicks UOJ.Nuw Vork l.lfo Ul II FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. E-NUATLY 1UUNISHKI ) FItO.NT UOOV1 ON Farnsm near 2.'d el , with heat , board If do slrnd , referencoa required. Address T68 , lice 201 ID 3 E-DKHII'.AIILK KUUNHH151) HOUSK ON OALI- fornla street Inqulro room 21 , Douglas block i 17 T-N1CK HOOilS , S1KIV1I HKAT , 1723 DAVKN -Import street , M2832S' -tUUNISHICU UOOMDMHS UOIK3K STHKKT lj ,11 A12SI 2I FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. If-HANUSOVlH bOUTH UOOMS WITH IIOAIH ) Itefcronces 1832 Chicago street. 17 * I7- TUB UOLAM , 2VJ AWJ.Z11 N 1PTH HT in f 713 17 YOUNO WOVIKN'H KOMK UN DICK OAUB 0 A ! Woman ii Cbrlstaaaisftclallon , HI Ho 17th st 1 > 210 F-lOIl ItlS.NT FUltNISHKD UOOMB VVIII flrst clais board , Bteatidiont Utopia , 1721 Da v < ni > ort st , . , 2.0 ( 10 Il'-FHO.NT ItOOM FOlf ffWO. ALSO 81NOI.K south room" , 2201) ) Jnrnivnl strfCt. M31I 21 * -I.AHUK HIONT Bl'WAM HKATEI ) 11OOS 1 with board Table bpurdprs nlsn accommo dated The Hillside , nohlmoit corner 18th and Dodge J1J78 FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS G -3 UOOMB f 10 , it HOOlIb (3 , 222 N. UTH street 2W 18- FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES 1-rOU IIEN1" THK IHTOIIY IIIHCK IIUILD1NO L'J14 l-urnum st The building ha n fireproof cement ment basement , complete ( team healing tlztures water on nil the lloors , gas , etc. Apply at tut oltlcoof The lleo 010 I-OM : rouituroitY niiiCK 21 HKT vtlde. IIU7Harney > t 711 T-FOH UK.NT , A VKII Y DKilltI1LK IIUILDINO -i suitable for a warehouse , with stable la collec tion. 1 met ago front and retr Addrax H A. Carmlchiel earn of McC'ord. llraly * Co 215 CKNfllAL ANT ) cheap OU J17 T lTJll HKNT-WAIIKHOUSK WITH THAI K J- age ; will build to suit tenant. Trackage lots llth and lisrd to loan b. d CurtU , 208 d. 15th it 24311' AGENTO WANTED. -WANTKI ) A MVK MAN UlT WOMAN IN " every county wherowo hare not already up- cured n rrpruirntntUn to pour | | Nr-rada Miver" Solid Metnl KnlvrK rorku and Hpoons toconnum. CM , n nolld metal ns white an ullvpr no | ilnln to wenr offi Roods unnrniitecd t ? wear n lire time : cost about ono tenth that of ullvcr tbo rhnnco of n llfotlmoi agents avemgo from f tcifUKJpor week nnd meet with ready rnlo * cvrrywhori' , so gre-M Isthodeiunnd for our Solid Metnl lioort' tivr-rJI IXW.tMJworlh of good i In dally use Cnmiof snmplra free Btandurd Silverware Couipiny. llos ton , .vims. M2II Ml * I WAN I KIN AOK.NIM toil A NlTwT'Avr SKMi" 'Ing money miking nrtlctp over 20 OJ ) a day being old , sainpln and terms free Addri s F K VVo losky. I'rovhlcnCJ. It I M2I5 20 * STORAGE. M -STOIlAnK 11IKAP , CLKA.Y WKLLS till Knrnniu street Tli M-DON'T S10IIB HOUSK1IOLII ( JOO1H W1TI1- otit ccolnsour Btorn/o tli'pirtmunt It Is the cut Oumtia KIOTO Ucpnlr Works , l.'Jf l > outtln < WANTED TO BUY. NrTr TO nin OVIH s pnit CKST llrst iiiorth'iKus Ik-i'il \ Si'lbr'HI lloiird Irmlo 710 V-HII9T MOUTIJAHIH OS OOOl ) UK VI. IIS i > Into H A Arnold W ) Iliu billklliiK M7I1 -WANTKII TOllt V STOCK Of UHOCKHIKS > Dm [ 010 1)09 Moltu-n In 'ID ID' V-WAN1KI ) 10 IIUV , A SVI Vl.L SAH { W S 1 > llaldtiir , ICth nnd lapllol nvo 33d HI Lr-50tfOUO USHI ) oTAMl'S 1IO.Wl , CI I V M2ii ( H3 A SIIOM : > HAs KLV VAIOII , ' lnrto niiouuli to ratio n fnrni MIIKOII N 11. trlcten , lunscn , Neb 2rj 23 V'-iiA\tt I'vury wiio WILL ISVI : T f > ooo 1 > rnsh In mo I6rn d room cottnm * int of .1 th ntut bi'lweon st Mnrjr i and Divunport Alex Mooru , Ul I'oo hulldliiff M."I7 17 FOK SALE FURNITURE. \-SK'ONl > HAN'I ) bQtAlli ; I'l VNO IN (1OOI ( ) "roimlr for mint lioin iSIl ( orbr itreot M8U FOR SALE HORSES , WAOONS.ETO p-FOH SALE A NKAIUiY NHW DOUIILI' ' ! Jf | > rlnKoiiroB | > wagon , liorso linrno s nml buK-iyi nlso n nearly now set otcronuicrf tonla tonalatlnj of butter worker , cliurn llowa culo trtielt , ole , all will bo rolil nt n gran sncrlllos Ailitrun ( > 11 Itrcliuck , HBO olllco or cill nt 113 ; 41li ua ntroot , nboro K'ooils inn bo eeou 11-1-O11 8ALF , aVVO 11NK MATCIli : ! ) hOHHhL I ilrUliiKhor'i'i , also ono tnr mire nnd ono blnck lioro All olc'Knnt drlvori Must bo sold nt onto I Itlcllly Lonn and Uuarantoa Collooml Witlinellbldi ! 512JI [ J-l-OllSALK.TKAM Ot ( .OOI ) , SMALL 1IOUSKS1 L clienp K L Looiuls , 1W. Kiirnnm st 231 II * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-HOlt SALK , CIlL'Al' . A 3S1I0118I ! I'OWKlt nutoinntlc oiiKlno , nlno ono U liorso power tip lit i iiulnn both In k'oocl ropnlr Inqulro of I ott , ucr I'rlntluic eo , UOi Howard atloot , Oiunhn , Neb 717 Q -SKCONI ) HANI ) HAM ) roWKlt KLKVAIOIl forsnlo IZOD Howard JII33 JI'J * Q1K \ \ brAMAHI ) CA1TLK CO HAS CON- Bluntly on hand baled Imr , for sale on track nt Ames .Neb MSO Q-l ll HAL1C TH1'1IHI'IC ' 1HA1 18 TAKKV out of tbo County liospltnl luqulro of the foreman nt the liospltnl Q -It YOU WANT TO lltJY C'lIKAl' I'OTATOI-S at wholesale or rctnll call at JJ1 South lentil street Omaha J M Coots MAb 13 * Q BLACK HILLS OOLII O11I3 SI'KCIMHNS CAN bo obtained for tl W bynddrestlog to I'rof Wm Ilronne. I end City S I ) . ' 11 10 * -IOU SALK-A II IHJMKVII' Hill $1 Kt 71 AM ) costs against VVIIIIniuW viumell nnd William L Conley ( Vlunsoll & Co I obtained In the Kent , Mich , circuit court ( till 15 collected tborcon ) Also n small farm , cheap Albert Ha.Uor. Mii'ko Bon , VI Icb NW3 ! A ) ' MISCELLANEOUS. R IlAVB YOUIt OLD CAlll'Kl WOVK.N INTO beautiful rugs Address Omabn Carpet nnd Hug factory , 1521 Lcuvonwortu street ilwJI J 21 * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MUS NAN.N1KV WAKHBN , CLAIIUOYANT , reliable business meilliiin.ilftli year at II'J ' > loth. 718 S-MUS PH. M LKOKAVK , 1'UOI'HIC TBSS. DKAI ) trnnco clairvoyant nnd life reader , tolls your life from cridlo to grave ; can bo consulted on all aRalrsof llfo , has tbo colobrnto 1 Kgyptlan breast pinto to unite the separated nnd cnusu marrlaga with ono you live Come one , coma nil and bo con vinced of her rjniarkablo powers Olllco nnd roil- d ( > Dco417S lltb st , hours On m to U p in , Strict llfocbart and pnoto of your future wlfoorhns bandacat throtmb matl for 13 03 , chart ftlono K 00. All letters containing I cents lu stamp ! promptly answered. M8I1 III * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. , -Lltoom 1 * 3d lloor. Maisago alcohol aulDhur ana sen baths M2iJ 20' rp-MMK CAHSON , 11J1 OOUOLAS STIIKKT , 3D A floor , room 7 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and ton baths 2J3-11) ) ' MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. \7-O V. OKLLHNIlliCIC.llA.N IO TKACHiil , N W ' cor. 15th nnd llarnoy Hnrnoy street entrance .ill MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. r MONKY TO LOAV AT LOWIHT HATK3. The O F Dnvls Co , IWi rnrnnm street 72J \V-LOANSON IMI > IIOVII : > AMI U.NIVIIMIOVUD ' city property f.1 COO and upwards. B to 7 percent t\o delays VV. Karnam Smith A Co . 15lh und llnrnoy 7JO \T C. V HAIllllSON , U13 N. Y. LIKlt 731 \V ANTHONV LOAN ANI ) THUS r Co , 118 N. Y , > ' Llfo lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property "W MONI5V TO LOAN-I IIAVK ADOUT ? l 000 ' ' to loan on Improved Omaha property , prlvnto funds , In ono or moro lonns Addreis T It ! , lloa ortlco. Wj \\r-MONKVTOLOANON OMAHA AND COUN- ' ell Illnff3 real ostatu nnd Nobrnikn nnd Iowa farms nt from ( ! to 7 per rent Interest , with no addi tional cbnrces for commissions or nttornoysfees W. 1) MclKlo , let .Nnfl bank bide , Omaha 7IU MONKV TO LOAN , SUMS fJOOOO ANI ) Ul' . GeorKOI'nul , ItOSfarnam MUI1J27 * r-LOANS U. G. WALLACU , JI2 UHOWN ill.K. 807 \\r-7 I'Kll CKNT MONIIY NK1 TO IIOUIIOWEIIS on Omahn city property No extra charges of any kind VV hy pay high rates ? Money Is chonp Voucanuet fnll benetlt of low rates from Ulobo Loan and'I rust Co It th nnd Dodge 7.J3 \\r-MOHTOAOK LOANS L153S THAN 7 1'Ell ' < cent. Including all charges Charles llniney Omaha Nat bank blrtj 721 7" 1 AND2 Y1CAII LOANSON Cl 1 Y AM ) KA11M mortgagesIlcoJ ASelby , 311 Hoard of Trade \V MO.NKY10I.OANArLOWKbTllAlKSO.NIM ' ' proved nnd unimproved real ostuto 1 to6 years Mdollty'lruot Co , 1'U Inirnam st 70J \V WANTKI ) AT ONCK , LOANS ON IMIMIOVKI1 'i Omaha property , low rates Hdollty Trust coinpiuy ms Mrn im st 70J _ _ \\r-lAWKST ) 11A1K3. HIIIUIV THUB1' COJ1 ' pany , 171B rarnam street 1H \\r-oMAIIA SAVINGS HANK MAICKS LOANS M on real estate nt lowest market rates lxans made In small or largo sums for short or long time No commission H charged and tholoans uro not sold In the cast but oin nlwnys bo found nt tbo bank on tbo corner of Uth and Douglas ntrueu ir-i'ltlVATK MONKY. 181'AND 3D MOItrOAUK i loans , lovrratos Aler Moore , lloa bldg 733 ir-MONT.Y TO IXJAN ON IVII'IIOVKI ) CITY ' property , low rato. A , C Front , Douglas blk in -ly-CB LOAN A TllUST CO. 1IKK IILDO \\r DO OU WANT TO IlOllltOW MONKY ON 'l real estate , city or farm property ? Wo make loans In sums of $500 and upwardsi low rates , no delay ror particulars sea U torga J 1'nal , Ifi roinnm street J1JUJ 17 \V-l CAN 1'LACK LOANS AT 1.OWK8T ItATKS l' on buslncts or other choice property In Omaha Lonns of 12,500to 150 UOO wnnted for foreign parties J H Wheeler. 417 Karbncli block M 358 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. - l)0OU ) WANT MONKY THE FIDETm LOAN OUAIIANTKK CO , Itouvil WirilNKM. IILOCK , SU > < 4 SOUTH I5T1I CO11NKII HAUNKVBT. WILL \ LOAN BUM \ L Alton I-UOM \ TKN WK J1AKK LOANS ON lUKVIfUlr ! IIOUSKS , LAItltlAllFS. WAItKHOI'rih : IIKChll'ISOK 1'EH- SO.NALritOI'liltl V OF AN\ KIND / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /YOU JALLON /ua rnisT / roil. / OUll TKHMS WILL MKhT YOUIt AI'I'IIOVAL. You can pay the inonoy back nt any time nd In ny amount you whli , and thus reduce tbo cost of carrying thu loan In proportion to amount you pay Ir'Vol uwo abaluncu'jii ) uur furnlturoor other persoual property of nny kind , wo will pay II ulf for you aud carry It as long ns you deilro YOY CAN IlAVB ML'll MONBY INONI5 IIOUK HIOMTHK'UMK YOU MAhK Al'PLICATION No publicity or removal of properly , so tbat you get the USD of both monuy and propurty. 131 MONKY TO LO -CHATTELS. . OlMltlllKvl. ' -CALL ATI HKOKHCK OF : OMAHA MOUTUAOK LOAN CO , ! : iNcotti-oiiATisi ) , : % IK YOU WANT MOSKY \ou cnn tiorron on IIOURR1IOLI ) HJHMrtJllKtNI ) PIANOS , iiimsK * WAGONS \ MrAiiiiinr.4 , WAItKHOU K HiUHI'rMKIKMIANUIdR : Oil AorilKH SKCUIIITV \\cirilllpndyon nny amount from 110 DO to ( I ( U ) ONT11K DAY \OUASK Hill IT , without publicity or remurnl of property lou can pay th money back In liny nmonnti you wl h , tittd nt any time , nnd ench pnyinonlfto mada will reduce thu co.'t of the loan Henieml > rr that you Imro the Ilsoiif hotli llin property 'iiul the money and pny for Itonly ai lonii n you keep It There will In 'to cxpenni or chino kept tint of the amount wanted but you mil reeelro the full nmotint of the lonn lloforo borrowing iilowherti call nnd t po us nnd ) on will llnd It urotttly to your odvai OMAHA MOKIMAtli : LOAN CO , llllll llr t lloor nbcve thenlnet TiircoM > K < r. t.\it > , K4r AMI ONLY INCOU POItA'IKDI OAN COMPANY IS OMAHA v wii.i. LOAN MOMONA.SV : KI.VD oi HK vcurlly strictly conlldentlal A K Ilnrrls ' Knrtinck block 705 V MONKA-TO , ( X ) 80 IIAIMIICAP UATK8 -i nnd iaiy pn > nionti on furniture pluno.i , llro tock itc nltliout delay or iniMlcity , cash on linnd Dill ! ( .reen room S Harder block ' 'It ) - MOSI'LOANKIIOX \r- - CIIMTKI * C.OLLA1- - V ornl or other personal property nt ronviinnblo riles I to B months claims botuul W 11 Pails , liooin SM. Jlcl iiu bldi ; f.'v . ) U. X -TiiirciiA"UD , 6i iiouuiiAslujTlii * iioliiTiT 717 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y"111fi \VKslTllN lltHlM'-'S AOKNIlli N A Llfo condncti a unernl buslnosi oxttinnia * Lint of KOOd tnnliuHi , ell incea In nil pirts of tlio ro u n try on uppllcntlon lluMno'i iioiltloni HO cured MTMH -1' " " ' AL15. Hl'.r.VlL MIIAT MATT K K1\ tlrgt clnsn locttlon cnuli itnlo I.'j per day Ad driss W 7 , lleo .M04D ' , \V IIOLI'SALKHUJIT O' , 1 ronffctlontrj nnd roininli ljti bnilniHS orlf Olio in city Snmll capital reciulriMl 'Hum will bo "Itli npprorud pocurltl Host of rcnron * for HoxiUT , frroiuont , Nub MIW Hi * \r-l'OU' A1.13. < JKVKHAI. < , TOlK01 MKHC1IAN- 1 ill otore bulldlnv , corn crib , unit shod nnd nice residence clump , iloln n I > U biulnuiis nlsj pontolllte In connection Itood elmnce for dcino crnt Otlier binlnoen nocdlnK luy nttcntton Henry HnrLson Dnvoy Neb VliJ 10 Y -SALOONS ! imsiN-nsbi : , I > AUTMUSHU : > , fnnus , mining Mocks Ion Address IMoneer Hil liH" Agency , blicrldnn , Wyo .Mi 18 * -l-Olt III (1 < HANUI'IUM vI II OU ) UO druK Mock In llo town doltiK c-i h busl nens of JJOODOU n yeir Itcnuon for felllni ! bnve oilier bii'lncM tbivt nocilV my ntlontlon Icnin cnph , or part cnsh , nnd secured papor. llila will bcnr InTintlKiitlon Addreji Lock box .No W , Aithlnnd , Neb SCU 2U \T-WANTI5I ) , A L\1)V 1 O TAklJ'IIII1H ) Oil 1 hnlf Interest In n mllllmry btislnesn In n llvo town In Ncbrnshn Addicas * JS tnruntn hireot Oninlin , Neb -M.ll'J U * Y KXrl'LLlINT LOCATION I-Oll 1)001 ) OU COIt lespond with M T Hill Stell , .Nob MJ18 Il WILMIUl A I restaurant , iucomont prcBent JjOIW pcn'n ) ox- ponae > $ 'iUU Can bo mndo to piyf.'jOUO loHiUUO pur month with careful luaua etnent Addrois W JS lleo .M.'TU Hi V-ALL UKADY FOII IIUSIXKSS iiirrciinit 1 shojiand nil necosinry tUliiro Kent Ion in qtilro .Nelherton llnll JQjSo 13th Btreet VU79 10 " \r uLstVhss oi'i.xiN.s ( NO ( iiiton rio Xbiicr spnd stn jp for printed list. V'nn Pat ten of niniliH 8(7 , IU * FOR EXCHANGE. f/-n.KAii miAHA HIIAL KSI'ATC i au MIISB , /jnctuul valuation Monojr to loan lloxSld.Omnlin 7IJ r/ I OWN 100 FAIIMS IS NUIIKASICA KANSAS /-J k Dakotn Will gcll cbeip or exchuiiKO for ludsc , horses ,1 cattle Add boxTJ , trnuLfort Ind 77S Z CLICAN SlOCKOr CKMiltAL M'l ) S K , WILL tnko rcnl estnto V money Uox & , Frankfort Ind . 775 rloll SALK , IMI'LEMKNT STOCK AT 151O AJgono Address r. J Rotors , Iinogono , la 871 KJ * WILLTHVDIJ CI.KAIt LOT3 AT MANl'lOU , ' - > Cole , for clear Nebraska Innd or itooj oqulil < Addrc3 8 J Itlcburds , Dor 1903 , Dunvcr , Cole Mill IT ) ' y 460 AUIKS OK CLUAH LA.VI ) IN OSK OT /Jtho best winter wheat districts In Kansas to ox thniiKO ( or 1(1 ( or JO ncro tract near cmnha city limits Wilt pay cash dinercncu IK property IK KOOd Address , ulvlni ; prlco nnd location , CI li , llao oil ! co J)5 ) UAISIN VINKYAHDKOUSALI ; / oroxcbatiKo for uoodlucoinu property , elxbty acres , hhihly Improved In full bjarliu , Kreat vn riot ) of fruits , Kood bulldlniii , nil kinds of tools and machinery nmplo water Hunt , located cloii , to largo city nnd food market , In llnesl urapo prowtnx district In tbo state For particulars address VV . ' 7. llooollico. -COOIIKAUM IV SOUTHKIIN HOLT COUNTY to Irnrto for Omaha property , prlcaZDOU , inort- I'M. What have you ? Address W II Dee SUlil 10- rr TENUKAUnujr.soiJTii i IIONTSUIIUUIUN /J lots on motor line , clear a d good Improved property lor good rental property , will assume Alex Moore , ( Ul lleo building .11217 17 y-VOIl U.\OHA.NCK , CLKAIt LOTS I Oil IM provol property W T Clrnhnm , Jlol agiio bid K 181 II //-roil TltADK , & 1 IT 0 UOOM IIOUSK ON t-t .VI Hilary nve near Hamilton st Will sell cheap W T ( Iraliam McLiiKUubld K Itil II HOUSloN IIISM YST TO Ux for smillor house Urntiim , AloCaKuo nlldlni ; 181 11 _ y-40ACUKd 0 StILIW UtOVl OMAHA , NliAll AJSouth Omaha , to exchange for tmpro\od city property Clrnham , VIcCuKiio bid g lal II 1OB SALE REAL ESTATE. DO YOU yVANT A NICK TlOUSK toll WHAT you aronow pnylne rent , and still not llro In the suburbs cl VL Nattlnxer , CbiiuDor of torn murce. 173 KIO \ 7OSALKOVHIl \ \ 1,030 I INK IOWV ANI ) NIC- JL liraska farms , ninny excellent burgalns , Innd rnpldl ) advancing IIUOU to ftuOU per ncrunow Call for particulars HOCKS & Hill , Hud I arnaui st stbi3 bi3 Kl CIIO1C1S BARGAINS IM MlUril OMAHA HhAI , entato Tbo Vlldwny Invoatnient Co 717 N Y Llfo bldg . 5II7U KIU "IJH SALK OK bXCHANdK TVVOCLHAHI.OIS I In Llddles' subdlvlglon to Council llluir In , wunt llvo stock. Address J It. 1'crry , room & ( l , I2ii WnKhhiKtim tit , Chicago III M173 17 * R HALKbTA'lE , llargulna only. My word U good W (1 Albright 6 12 t Now VorkLlfo 710 I foil SALU OU TIlADi : 3 OOOI ) LOT 3 IN MT I'loaiint addition within i blocks of motor line Will take good upright piano or will sell equity In lots very cheap Address at once d 1 , Uoo oltlcn 715 I ? \UM IN WVOMl.NU 2 MILIM HKJM KAIL JL wny S211 ncreii. half timber , Irrigated , whole or half rionoer Iluslnem Agency , bliurldun tVyo 212 IB- LOT 17 , 11LOCIC 3 OIICHAUD HILL , fl 100 10 acres In city limits , | jOO per ncro , 10 acres garden land , HW par ncro U t > . Curtis , SU8 s | 5tb street. 2I.S 17 * BK'lTBIl THAN A SAVLNCIS HANK DON'T pay rent when you can build u nlco honionf six room * , with city water , largo lot , only ono block from motor. In Miundeis , fc illmobaughD nddltlon to Walnut Hill on monthly payments Or we will mil you n good lot In thnt iiddltlon from t'Ml to Jl 000 vVeharo some lota In Highland I'uiknt | ! 00 nnd Mount I'leasant at IlW VVo can glvn you n bargain and make payments cisy In farms wo bin u ono of tbo toil In PougluE county , ten miles from Omaha , at lia per acre , nml u 'M aero tract northwest of city which will luake a eood Invuit wont Omaha Heal Estate & 1 rust Co , room I , Uoo bldg 505 IB JfiO AUIKS HAlll'Y COUNTY , 20 MILKS KHOM J.Onmlm , onemlle fromSprlnglleld , l.'OJObnrn fair houiie , largaorchnrdand nit kinds nf fruit tmootb Inncl , ( ii per ncro Fnsy terms , nn trade C F Harrison 1)12 ) N i i.Ifo 31311 LOST. T OST-A A 1'AIIl OF gl'KCrACLKS 1'LKAHI ! J-Jleavo at llea counting room. lil LOsT , HLACIC NKWKOUNDLANI ) IOJ WITH white strip on breast answers to nanu of "Grovcr" llewnrd paid for return to 202H Lnstcl larat 217 ll OST-L VIS IH.AC1C LKATIMTU FoCKIST book In frort of l-nlcomor i trldoy Hi turn to Dee olllco and reculvo reward 2i > 7 Ii * DRESSMAKING. TJUDDINOTO.V ACADKMY , OI'KNI MONDVY I > Jan 9 | whore ladles are taught the art of dran- making , banting and llnlshlng Ladles can work on their own druisos while learning HoomMI. Ilrnwn blk corner Douglas and 10th MllTJ hn SHORTIIANp AND TYPEWRITING OVIAHACOLLhOIIOl dlloTnilAMrANIt'MPJr writing A IOng , A M prln Uoyd theater MUlitt * YPEWRs The Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Farutvm St. , - Omaha , Net "Improvement the Order of the ATrhil if the Smith l > ruincr ! < Will Cost You Nothing ; but will dm innstritc nil wo rlnltn VVo will pliico tlio Mnlih Premier lio'ldo nny vvrlilnf niucliltio on tlio m irKot ! It will snoVi for lt Bulf. Its durability cnn no loncnr l.oquoulonol \ \ rite or call on us for i at itotutonns. . oto Cor. 17th anil rarnain SisOmaha , 'I rli-ptiiiiio 1 'HI. fi II M \ \ lli\V : Mningor BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Boo Building , Omaha , Neb Iyours Kx unluvrsl S 1'nt Olllce Advice free DR. R/lcGREW THB QPECIAU3T. Is iintiiriKinqoil in the trontinentof nil PRIVATE DISEASES nnd nllWeaknenijrij and Uisorders of rnCfl 18 > onrs exiiorlouco. \Vrlto for clrcnhrs nml iiiip-tlcm list froo. 14th nml Kanmm Hla. , Uinahn , Neb SlH'rlfTH Snip , Under and b ) vltlur > nf an ou'cntlon Issued b ) K Moorvs , ( Irik of tlii > district court within nnd for I'otiKlis ' count ) , Nuhiaska , upon a judgment niidpiud li\ slid court ut Us S'litcinlioi tin in , A J ) , 18'JJ , In fax or of till ) iMrti'hnnts Nation il bink of Kin-its City , Missouri , and against the Metlopiilttan Cabin Itnlluay ( ' (1111)1111)of ( ) Unialia , Nohiaska , I have lev lid upon tlu > following ( U'si-rlhoil propelty as the piopcrty of the said Tlio Metiopollt in ( ibfe Itillnay roiiipiny of Oiiiana ISebi isk i to-vvlt ' l'i ick and 10 id- bt'd , Ini-HidlnB rails lies , p ] itcs frois , bolts , hill | ( os , v\lios switches , poles , Molly wires , TOSH will's , ole , etc , .mil t M-r ) HihiK pcrlaln- liiK tosilil tru-K mil the npi'i itl'U ' Ilieriof in nn elc'i'tilimotui llniMif s ild The Mctiopol- II in C.ililc Hallw ly coinpinv on lOlli htiont and on DodKC street In the ell ) of Um iliu , and on Ioil-i ) ) ( stiuot .is cMcudidooilinui ave- line , Undcrvvooil tivt < niii ) and \ \ llson nvcniio or ntn ot In Dundee l'i ice oi adjacent Ibcreti ) In the county of Douulas and state of NclunsUtt. " 'One ( .ir honsi ifriinu building on no-its or blocks ) loraUd on lot 14 , block HB , nnndou I'lace , Douxlni louiily , N'chrisUa" "Two niotoi p issi'njjt'r caisi iininbi'red icsic- ) tlvul ) luivi'Ji , mil Unco | 3 " "Itcuoid book , Ntock cert Ihcato book and seul of said coin- pany , " and also 'thu fianchlso gianlcd lo bald coiiinany , which Im hides all tlm lights and prhlliv'cssci tired tlioieby/'and I will on tlm 17th du ) of Jitnnai ) , A li.lH'J ) , coniinunclm ; at 10oVliu.Ua m of s ild day , at the t ast front door of I ho county ( 01111 house In the rlty of Uinabii , sull said [ iropuitv at public aucllon to tlio lilRiusl nnd lust blddei oi blddi-is for' cash , to satisfy stld nxfcnlloii the amount duo lliiTcoii bi-liiir foity thousand , four bundled forly-slx (111(101-100 ( ( ( f II ) , lib 01) ) jiliU'- nienl.und s\ticn | and RH-10D dollai-s fjld 3H ) costs , v\ lib Interest on s ild amounts from tlio lUtb day of te | > lomlirr , 18J ! ) , and the accrulnu costs on said judi-'iiient und evu-ullon. UKUUOI : A. iuNNnTT ; , Sliorlffof Dotulas County , Nebraska. A. JlAxvvn.i , , Attonioys Unialia , Nebraska , January 0 , 1H9 ! . JCd 13tm