Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 15, 1893, Part Two, Image 9

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On Monday wo start the second wcolc
Of our great linen salo.
Ilavo you seen our bargains in towels
Iho pnst wcokV Well , on Monday wo
make new additions on our 60 counter.
You will find damask , hunk , duck , crepe
and glass towels , would bo cheap tit lOc ,
nil go Monday nt Co onch.
Now lot of Turkish towole added to
Our lOc counter.
Those big all linen twilled towels nt 16c
ftro n big surprise nnd are going lively.
\V111 also ndd 60 dozen nil linen buck
towels to this lot on Monday , si/.o 21xlii ,
nnd then you want to look over these
new borders in that fine all linen dam
ask towel , knotted fringe , at 16c each.
There Is not n single towel in our lOc
lot but what would be good value nl 25c.
On our 25o tallo you will llnd ever 20
different makes of towels , the best value
ever oITorcd by Ilaydons. Wo are nlso
hewing a handsome line of fine towels
nt GOc , 7Go , $1 nnd $1.25 each.
Blenched or unbleached all linen
crash nt Cc , Co , 7c and 8c yard.
Wo place on sale on Monday CO pieces
Of 21-inch wide extra heavy all linen
unblonohod crash nt lOc yard , a dccidod
bargain. Also German bleached dam
ns k toweling nnd all linen Scotch twilled
cm Eh nil nt lOc ynrd. . Alto 20-inch very
flnonnd heavy glni'stowollngntlOoynrd.
/V.ny of these towoilngs are worth 15c
yard. Fronting linen , butcher linen ,
embroidery linen in plain , crepe or
tnomio , blenched or half-blenched , in
great variety.
The past week our sales on table lin
ens were largo , but wo expect still larger
lalce this coining week , uu our stock has
teen increased by a shipment just re
ceived. Hero are a few bargains added
to this enlo :
C8-inch nil linen dlco nt 25c ynrd.
C8-inch nil linen blenched or cream
flnmnsk nt 40o yard.
Rod bordered damask , 35c , 40c and
CO-lnch nil linen blenched double dum-
ftsk nt COc ynrd , worth 7Gc.
Big assortment of fine dnmask at 76c ,
OOo , 81 and $1.2.5 yard. Napkins to
patch ; most of these in 5-8 or 3-4 sizo.
2i-ynrd wide damaskl.fiO yard , extra
bonvy qunlity.
Glass cheeked doylies , 25c nnd COc
Large size Turkey rod doylies , 81
, dozen.
3-4 all linen blenched dinner napkins ,
SI , $1.25 , 81.60 , $1.75 , 82 , $2.25 , $2.60 , $3
dozen and up.
C-8 size blenched napkins. COc , 75c , $1 ,
11.25 , $1.50 a dozen and up.
Our stock of linens never wns as largo
as at present. Our increasing trade the
past year has encouraged us to lay in
this largo supply , nnd buying In s'uch
) arge quantities has enabled us to obtain
touch lower prices than horotoforo.
A largo assortment of lunch cloths ,
Crcssor scarfs , tray cloths , napkins to
tnntch , in plain whlto or fancy colors ,
colored bordorb , oto.
Extra value will bo offered in fine
Crochet -white bedspreads at Doc , $1 ,
fcl.25 , $1.35 nnd $1.60 onch.
i Lnrgo rilw Whlto spreads at COc , 05o ,
"JCc , and S8c < iach.
Hotels will profit by taking advnntngo
fcf this sale.
11-4 size mnrjoll'.os spreads nl $1 cnch.
Better ones at $2 , $2,25 , $2.60 , $2.98 each
&nd up to the finest.
11-4 slzo fancy colored mitcholino
pronds , best mndo , eight colors to se
lect from , nt 81.08 ouch. Last season
those spronds told at $3. Colors recom
mended to us to bo fast.
Wo have nddcd 14 shades to our largo
Jiasortraont of folt.
AH the different widths in both linen
nnd cotton diapers.
Dress Goods
40-inch nil wool Gorman Henrietta ,
old everywhere for $1 , reduced to G9c ,
40-lnoh storm serge , worth Ooc , re
flucod to COc.
64-Inch nil wool henvy flnnnol , worth
65o , reduced to G5c.
60-inch heavy bonvor cloth , worth
' $6 , reduced to 82.60.
38-lnoh shepherd plaids , worth GOc ,
reduced to 35c.
40-inch till wool French bongnllno ,
worth $1.50 , reduced tol.
44-lnoh Priestley's silk wnrp honriottn ,
the best goods mndo , regular price $2
reduced to $1.60.
40-inch silk wnrp honriottn , worth
81.25 ; reduced to Wo. )
38-inch cnmolotto clolh , worth G5c , re
duced to 4c. ( !
40-inch nil wool Gorman hcnrlottu
worth 7,60 , i educed to SCc.
28-Inch nil wool llnnnol , worth 29c , ro
ducod toIc. .
U5 pieces nil wool fancy wonvos , worth
tip to $1.50 , reduced to 050.
40-Inch mohuir , worth G5c , reduced to
45o Colored
Dress Good ;
Great reduction salo. Evorvthine in
vool dross goods polng nt "loss thnn
wholesale prices. Nothing reserved
\Vo must have room for our spring
40-Inch all wool plaid , stripe , chev
ron and mix goods , worth GOc , nil go a
ono price , 37lc.
42-inch ciuno\'B \ hair serge , extra value
Worth $ , reduced to 75c.
60-pleeos of bedford cords , worth
to 81.20 , in all colors , reduced to 6oc.
40-lnoh all wool nnnnels , in till colors
worth GOc , go nt 85c.
42-inch chevron suiting and iinal
chock , worth H , reduced to COc.
64-lnoh nil wool llauuols , worth 76c ,
reduced to 55o.
40-inch nil wool gray plaid and darl
ttrlpo , worth 49c. reduced to 25c.
SG-inch part wool stripes and pliiide
Worth : reduced to 17c.
CMnch Scotch mix goods , worth $1.2o
reduced loSJo.
la-inch nil wool flannel , worth 30c , re
to 21o ,
White Goods.
White checked and striped nainsook
n mill remnants , only 2Jo ynrd.
Bookfold ulruckod nainsook , Cc ynrd.
40 inches wide , very line plnin India
inon , slightly soiled , at lOcynrd , worth
Fine satin checked nainsook nt 15c
'tird , worth 2oc.
Remnants of fine Victoria lawn nnd
ndia linen nt So ynrd , worth double
what wo ask.
Cream colored lawn , lOc ynrd.
Palo pink and bluqjbatislo at IScyard ,
L bargain.
Berkley fine cambric , lOc , 12Jc and
Long cloth , a fabric becoming very
lopulnr with our trade , at lee ynrd , or
"il.fiO for full ploce.
Now goods nro coming In dally in this
ino and will bo pluced on sulo as fast ns
Wool Dress Goods.
Wo are always the first to show the
atest , on Monday wo place on sale 100
lioces of "Japanottc , " a now English
"nbric made in Manchester. Colors
uaranteed to us to bo fast , n beautiful
selection of styles nnd coloring , no two
patterns nllko , enoh picco dillors from
he other , all soft shades. They tire
x > und to become popular ; entirely dif-
oront from anything shown in the west *
3ress goods , suitable for evening or
street wcnr. Ladies invited to inspect
them on Monday.
Now ndvnnco style in 32-inch wide
/opnyr gingham at 20c ynrd.
Fine line of dross style gingham lOc
Zephyr gingham at 12c and 15c yard.
Salines in demand. Wo place on
sale 60 dilToront stples of navy blue
ground on Monday nt 25c yard , An
other htindsomo line nt 15c yard.
Now assortment of fantaiso chevrons
10c yard.
Dress gingham nt 5c nnd 8c ynrd.
Special sale on remnants of Armenian
; ergo , satin chevrons , giant cloth and
eng cloth , nllntCo ynrd , worth from lOc
: o ICc.
Indigo blue calico Cc , Gc , 7c and lOc.
s *
Dress Lining.
Wo carry the largest stock of dross
in ings in this city. All colors in cam-
jric , solisiu , porcallno , paddinp , wiggins -
gins , crinoline , wadding , canvas , hair
cloth , etc. , Tnt Haydon's popular prices.
Choice of nil our colors of quilted
entln only COc n yard.
Outing Flannel.
The demand Is on the increase for out
ing flannel.
\Vo place on snlo bn Monday 50 pieces
of flannelette , dross style , Cc ynrd.
Now spring style * in outing flannel at
8c , lOc , 12Jc nnd ICc yard.
Baby flannelette , lOqyard.
.Fast turkey red printod-'outing flannel
at 12Jc yard.
New style of outing flannel foi" dresses
for street or housa wonr , only 12jc yard.
Full line of white wool flannels.
Special bargain in rod or navy blue
twilled flannel ntSoc.
Striped o > - chocKcd or natural colors
in shirtlnf flannel at nil pricos.
Pink or blue mixed flannel , ICc , 18c ,
20o and 22c yard.
Flannel skirt pattern's reduced to 75c
Choice of nil our French flannel , dress
styles , etc. , nt CUc ynrd.
"Whito shaker llnnnol tit 4Jo yard.
Bed Comforts.
Wo are going to reduce this stock ;
35c nnd COo comforts out down to 2oc.
Full size comforts , 75c enoh.
Largo size white cotton-filled comforts
reduced to $1 , $1.25 , $1.60 and $2 each ;
every one of thorn n bargain.
Special bargain in sutino-covered com
forts at $1 onch , worth $1.60.
Down comforts that were $0.75 and
$7.60 now $4.50 each.
Now is the tlmo to buy your blankets.
Whlto blankets , slightly soiled. 11-4
size , 5 to 0-pound weight , tbntsoid , at
$6.85 , $5.00nnd $0.60 , reduced to $3.75 a
Whlto blankets that sold at $2.25 and
$2.60 , now $1.60 pair.
10-4 all wool rod blankets , $2.60 pair ,
cheap at S3.50.
All wool natural wool blankets re
duced to $2 a pair.
Gray blankets reduced to COc a pair.
Wo carry the largest stock of blankets
ots in the west WO hnvo too many ol
them. Wo have reduced the prices nnd
expect to reduce our stock lively at the
reduced prices.
Muslin and Sheetings
Although the prices nro still advnnc
ing wo nro going right abend nnd sell
ing nt the old prices , and on Monday wo
shall otTer the biggest bargain of this
Five cases of mill remnants of the
best bleached i\nd half bleached muslin
full yard wide , worth 7jcvSc , 8o and lOc
ynrd , nil in ono lot on Monday nt Cc
ynrd ; tnko your choice nftor 9 o'clock
Monday morning nt 6c yard.
Ynrd whto unbleached muslin , 4Jc , 6c
Go , 7o and 80 yard.
Yard wide bleached muslin , 5c , Gc , 7c
80 , 8)0 ) and lOoyard.
42 and 45-inch pillow cnslng , lOo ynrd
Double width sheeting , 15c , lOo , 17c ,
ISo , 19c , 20o a ynrd nnd up.
Wo expected the ndvnnco nnd made
largo contracts some time ngo , nnd nro
now in position to supply your wants n
old prices.
Cotton Flannels.
Unbloaohcd cotton flnnnol 3jc , 5c , 8c
ICo. 12jc , 15o , 18cnnd20o.
Blenched cotton flannel 5c , Gc , 7c , 8c
lOc , 12Jc nnd ISuyard.
Lnrgo line of single and double Inced
cotton flannel , fancy figured cotton flnn
Miol , ranging in price from lOc to 25c i
A beautiful line of 30 and SO inch widi
cretonne at lee yard.
Chenille Table Covers
We have opened 00 now spring style
of 0-4 ohenlilo table covers , bonutlfu
patterns to select from on Bale Mondaj
at $1.98 each. 4-4 eizo only 91.00 aecli.
The largest stock nnd the best nssort-
cd stock In this section of the country.
Sheeting nt Cc , 8c , lOc , 12o ! nnd 15o
Cottonndo , jeans , denims , ticking ,
mnts goods , cordurov , etc. , in greater
rnrioty thnn you will find elsewhere.
Good clonn white cotton balls 4 rolls
or 25c. \
Snow white cotton batls 3 rolls for 2oc.
Chcobo and dairy cloth Cc yard.
It will pay you to look ever our stock
nnd got our prices if you nro in search
of bargains.
Monday is always a rod loiter day in
, ho notion department. Wo oiler for
Brook's best spool cotton , 2CO yards ,
worth 6c for Ic.
Chad wick's best spool cotton , 200
yards , worth 5c for Ic.
Black or whlto linen thread , worth Cc
'or ' 2c.
Black or whlto linen thread , worth 7o
'or 3c.
Black linen thread , worth 80 for 4c.
Black , white or cream linen thread ,
3nrbour's , worth lOo for 7c.
All colors carffst thronds , 2 skeins
'or 5c.
Silk threads , best quality , worth lOc
'or 4jc.
Silk twists , boat quality , worth Cc for
c.H. . B. Crochet cotton. 2 balls for 5c.
Clark's O. N. T. shaded crochet cot
ton , Cc.
This Sale is for One
Day Only.
Silk garters and hose supporters.
Our stock of these goods is the largest
n tno city and our prices the lowest.
Babies' hose .supporters , worth lOc ,
only 6c.
Misses' hose supporters , worth 12c ,
only Cc.
Ladies' hose supporters , worth ICc ,
only 5c.
Ladles' iiose supporters with bolt ,
worth 20c , only lOc.
Ladies' fine silK garters , very fnncy ,
worth 30c , only 19c.
Lndles' very fine silk gnrtors , worth
GOc , only 39c.
Lndics' very fine silk garters , silver
jucklcs , worth G3c , only 40c.
Remember thronds cheap on Monday.
Babies' Bibs.
Wo have a large'stock of these goods
on hand and will uinko special prices
for Monday , viz :
Honey comb bibs , good , only 3c.
Honey comb bibs , heavy , only 4o.
Quilted bibs , 9c , 12jc , ICc and 17c , .
Stamped linen bibs , only 12jc ,
Verv heavy rubber combs , only 60 ,
worth 20c.
Ruobcr fine combs , 2 for Cc.
Heavy horn fine combs , 4c , worth lOc.
Largo size white fine combs , Gc , worth
Solid wire coarse combs , only 8c.
Horn coarse combs- stool back , lOc.
Gents' pocket combs , in case , 3c.
Gents' pocket combs , in case , Gc.
Gents' pocket combs , In case , 8c.
Children's round combs , 3c , Cc , 7c
and lOc.
Our thread sale lasts one day only.
Art Department.
Felt and linen goods cheap.
Felt tnblo scarfs 32c , worth COc.
Felt table scarfs 33o , worth GOc.
Felt tnblo scarfs 39c , worth 70c.
Felt table scarfs 4Uc , worth 80c.
Felt table scarfs GOc , worth OOc.
Felt table scarfs 72c , worth $1.00.
Felt taolo scarfs 78c , worth $1.16.
Job lot of stamped linen tidies Cc.
Job lot of stamped linen splashers Cc.
Job lot of stamped pillow shams 60
100 dozen all silk Windsor ties , full
length , plain colors , 16o oaoh.
Buy your threads Monday and save
Hero is a list of good reading matter
nt loss thnn wholesale prices , viz. :
Dickons' complete works , illustrated ,
In 15 volumes , only $5.
Thackeray's complete works. Illus
trated , 10 volumes , $2.05.
Scott's complete works , illustrated ,
12 volumes , $5.
TJuskln's complete works , illustrated ,
12 volumes , $0.75.
Shakespeare's complete works , $2.05.
Chamber's Encyclopedia , 9 volumes
E. P. Roo's works , per volume , 60c.
"Tho Snvngo World , " a complete
natural history by J. W. Duel , $1.85.
A full line of juvenile books always in
Commercial note paper , 20c per
Irish linen note paper , ICe per pound.
Envelopes , So , Cc , lOo and 16o per
School tablets , 3c , 5c , lOo and 15c.
A complete ling of otllco supplies al
ways on hnnd.
Mail Orders Promptly Fillec
Corlains !
Now spring stock of curtains of every
Lace curtains for 60o , 7oc , 85onnd $1
per pair.
Luce curtains 31.60 to 13.00 per pair.
Chenille curtains $4,00 to $5.00 per
' Silk curtains $5.00 to $8.00.
A great bargain in curtain scrim.
Some short lengths for Ho per yard.
something very fine for 60.
Advance Spring Styles. .
25 pieces choice designs at 39c yard.
* 50 pieces extra nice patterns at 49c yard.
50 pieces handsomest styles at 59c yard.
We carry the largest and finest assortment
of Pianos and Organs ever offered for sale in
the west.
Our stock consists of ten different makes of
first class pianos , embracing the -world famous
Our'prices defy competition.
Call or write for catalogue and prices.
Pianos and Organs fen rent.
Violins , jBanjos , Guitars , Mandolins , and all
kinds of small musical instruments , band
music'and band supplies.
, „
A Real Slaughter gale of
Fine-- Stylish garments.
Splendid fur-trlmmbd reefers nnd
jackets , worth $9 , $12 , reduced to $3.75.
Worth $8 , reduced to $3.60.
Worth $7.50 , roducoo to S3.
Worth $18.76- , reduced to $9.
Worth $10 , reduced to $7.60.
Surpassing Reductions In
Children's Garments.
Cloaks worth $7.50 to $10 reduced
to 85.
Cloaks worth 80 reduced to $3 , $3.50
and S4.
Tea Gown s& Wrappers
at 81 25 , at $1.50 , at $1.75 , a } $2 , up to $9
each ; actual value $2.50 up to $ ia
Cashmere Cloaks
At 95c , at $1.25 , at $1,50 $ , up to $10 ,
Closing Out
Fine ostrich tips at 15c , at 17c , at 25o ,
at 35c , worth 50o to 81.
Infants' winter caps nt 2oc , nt 30o , nt
35c , at 5Qc , nt G5c , less thnn half makers'
Children's school hats at loss than
half usual prices.
Ladies' winter hats nt 60c , at GOo. at
75c , at $1 , up to $3.50 , actual value $1.60
up to $10.
Dolls nt loc , 17c , 25c , 35c , COo , G3o , 75c ,
87o up to $2 , worth 60c up $5.
Albums , !
Iron Tovs ,
Fancy Articles ,
Wagons ,
at less thnn one-half actual value.
Wo hnvo nddcd nnothor floor to our
furniture department. The enormous
business of last year has sanctioned this
move. Our buyer has been gone since
the 1st of January ransacking the fac
tories of the east for the host goods that
can bo secured for cash in carload lots.
Wo intend carrying nlinor line of goods.
But our prlco shall bo governed bv the
same principle that has caused this du-
partmont to a proud and grow , nuraoly ,
the lowest possible.
Hayden Bros , carry furniture. They
hnvo always marked goods in plain fig
ures. It Is not a now departure with
them. Their furniture department Is
the youngest , healthiest and best place
In the worfd to buy all kinds of furni
n. t
100 dozen ladies' night gowns , divided
into 3 lota , f 0c , 75c nnd 98c ; special vnlho.
1 lot of gents'camel's hair and Spanish
mixed wool shirts and drawers , worth
OSc each , reduced to OOc.
COc shirts nnd drawers reduced to 2."ic.
1 lot of gonts1 jorboy knit overshirts
Bilk cord in front , worth 9Sc , reduced to
Gents' natural wool \ hose , worth 2oc ,
now liio.
100 do/.en ladles' nursing corsets ,
broken si/es , worth $1.25 , reduced toDOc.
1 lot of Indies' corsets , II. & S. , worth
$1.00 , reduced to 50c.
Ladies' fine black Jersey ribbed wool
tights , worth SI.75 , reduced to 9Sc.
1 case of children's wool hose , 15c per
Ladies' 5-liook Vincent kid gloves ,
$1.00 per pair.
100 dozen gents' Blnckstono unlaun-
dorcd shirts , Now York mills muslin ,
double back and front , only 50c each ,
the best shirt made today for the money.
Ono case of Indies' natural gray and
camel's hair underwear only 50c , worth
fiOO 20-inch snteen umbrellas , fnncy
handles , only 51)c ) each , worth $1.00.
Great Fish Sale ,
In mackerel wo have the Norway
bloater for lOc per ppund ; Black Island
mackerel , 12Jc ; the finest French macKerel -
orol , 15o per pound ; eight nice Holland
herrings for 25c ; the finest Norway her
rings , bix for 25c.
George's bunk codfish , the flneht , 15o
per pound.
Acme brick codfish , 2 pounds for 15o.
Black wood boneless sturgeon , the very
best , 17jc per pound.
Round mioro smoked whlto fish , 15c.
Chicken hnlibut. 15c.
The finest Columbia river salmon ,
12jo per pound.
Whlto fish , lOo and 12c per pound.
Como lioro for smoked mcnts and ham.
The finest cured bologna , 5o.
Head cheese , 5c.
Liver taubago , 5o.
Tripe , Co.
Pigs foot , fie.
Sugar cured bacon , 12o.
California sugar cured hams , lit : .
Prcbbcd corned beef , 7jc per pound.
In butter wo are the leaders.
Country butter , 14c , Kic , 18c , and 20c.
Creamery , 22c , 24c and 20o.
Always fresh from Nebraska dairies
and creameries.
Wo have always on hand a full line of
domestic and imported chucbo.
Wisconsin full cream , 80 , lOo ,
nnd 12jc ; eastern process THIVO cream
cheese , 14o and IGc ; brick , 12jc , 14o and
IGc ; Limburger , 12o and loc.
Mince moat 7jc per pound.
Apple butter , 7jo i > cr pound.
Russian caviar , 20o per can.
Hamburger eels , 25o ] > or can.
2-pound can corned Iwef , 15c.
Remember it will pay you to buy
everything you want here , everything
Cuurunteed or money refunded.
Trade in this department lias
grown so large that our entire .shoe
stock lias to be moved and rear
ranged. To do this we cut prices
right and left. Lots of
Fine Goods
Have to Go
At a Sacrifice.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Take advantage of the
Read the prices. Every pair war
Men's I buckle kip $1.50 working
shoes $1.
Men's veal calf $1.75 congress
and lace shoes $1.25.
Men's fine 11 calf $2 congress and
lace shoes $1.50.
Men's line calf "elegant" $3 shoes
Men's line hand-sewcd calf $4-
shoes $13.
Men's sheep's wool felt boots One.
Men's best double knit German
sox 05c.
Men's Goodyear arctics 05c.
Men's pure gum roll sole arctics
Hoys' fine B calf $1.75 button
shoes $1.20.
Hoys' best sheep's wool felt boots
Ladies'kid button pat. tip $1.50
shoes , ! )8c. )
Ladies' kid button pat. tip $2.50
shoes , $1.)5. ! )
Ladies' line kid hand welt $3.50
shoes , $2.45.
Ladies' French kid Rochester
make $5 shoes , $3.75.
Ladies' line $1 felt slippers (55c. (
felt soles.
Ladies' Hue liand-turned $1.50 felt
slippers 80c , sixes 21 to / / . .
Ladies' fine liiind-tiirnud $2 felt
slippers $1.2S , 2j to 4 } .
Ladies' fine liand'turncd$2.50 felt
slippers SI.50 , si/x-s 2) ) to/lj.
Ladies' Goodyear buckle arctics
Misses' Goodyear spring heel arc-
tics ( inc.
Child's Goodycai spring heel arc
tics 5c. ( )
Child's fine turned dnngola $1
shoes 70c , si/.es 5 to 8.
Child's line pat. tip dongola $1.25
shoes l)8c ) , si/es 0 to 8.
Child's line pat. tip dongola $1.35
shoes $1 , sixes 8 to 11.
Misses fine pat. tip dongola $1,05
shoes at $1 , sixes 12 ( o 2.
Mail orders carefully filled.
Dry Goods and Shoes.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Crockery , China
and Glassware.
Oncoayenrwo take nil of our odds
niul onils wo linvos put thorn on a tnblo
nnd soil tliuin cheap.
Tlioso odds nnd ends uro purls of dinner -
nor sots , ton sola and toilet sots , It Is nil
decorated ware. If you want to nmtoh
up n dinner sut or toilet sot you can do
so.Wo hnvo just unloaded n ear load of
crockery nnd as there is nnothor cnr
load duo next WCOKvo are going : to
mnko prices tlint will induce you to buy
whether you need thorn or not : wo inuat
have rouii ! .
Cups and suucoi-s , 27o per sot.
Wash bowls and pitohors , 2Uo per sot.
Gliiimbort ) . 26e ounh.
Pmtcs , lii1 , In anil Co oaoh.
Slop jars , ti ! > e each.
Tumblers , 2o ouch.
Hanging lamps , with extension
springs , $1 Oil onch ; worth $5.
Stand Innip3 from lUu up.
Syrup pitohors , 9c.
Cream sots , cotiBistlng of sugar bowls ,
cream pitohors , butter dish and spoon
holder , lc ! ) per sot.
Salt anil pepper shakes , 1 jo oaoh.
Wino glasses 3c each.
Decorated cups and saucers , 69o per
Sauce dishes , six for lOe.
Albota ton mid table spoons , 25o per
sot , as food as silver.
Lump chimneys. 6c ouch.
Good"Hcrub bruslioB , 6e.
Wo hnvo a few inoro 100 ploro impor
ted decorated dinner sets nt $7.05 ,
worth $16.Ott
To Builders , Contractors , Carpenters , Etc.
COd , COd , 40d , 30d,20d , 10d , I2d , lOd ,
8d , Od , 4d nnilH , Ic per pound. Sliclf
nnd builders' linrdwaro nt correspond
ingly low price ; Got our figures.
Gents' uest rolled plated ohnins , 98o.
Opera glasses in leather . cnsoe , 09c , .
worth $2.-
Butter dishes ( triple plato ) , 79c , worth'
$1.60. - '
Ladies' .best rolled pinto Victoria
chnins , $1.50 , worth $3 to $8.60.
Solid si.lvor thimble ! ) , ISc.
Solid gold'band ' rings , OOc , worth 82.
Gents' best rolled plntod patent lever
cult buttons , 2r > c , worth $1.
Pearl lace pins , lioo , worth 7Cc.
Gold plated hair ornaments , 2oc , worth
Solid gold baby rings , 8c , worth GOo.
Nickel nlarm clocks , first clnss timekeepers -
keepers , 03c.
Slick pins , 5o cnch , worth 25c.
Odds and 3iids in silverware nt half
Ladies' solid gold stem wind and sot
watches. $9.50 up.
Gouts' solid gold nnd filled cnses with
Elgin , Wnlthnm , Columbus or Springfield -
field movements nt the lowest prices iu
the west. All watches warranted as
Watch nnd clock repairing nt hnlf
jowolors' prices. All work warranted
The sowing mnchino trndo is booming1
call and look nt ono of the best ma
chines mndo for $18.00. Made in No-
Carpets !
Our spring cnrpota are now dally ar
riving and wo have the most complete
stock of cheap , medium and fine carpets
ever shown in this city.
Ingrain carpets 20c , 30c , to 45c.
All wool filling ingrain carpets COo
nnd C5c.
Strlolly nil wool carpets OOc , 05c and
76c for the best mndo. '
Brussels carputs 6c ( ) , 55c , Goo nnd 75c.
Velvet curpots OJQ and $1.00 per ynrd.
Hayden Bros. ' best CX flour , $1.25 ;
best superlative , l)0c ) ; snowllnlio , OSc ;
rye flour , 85o. $1 nnd $1.15 ; Aunt Jomi-
ma'e pan cnko flour 3cor7jcfor } 2 pound
package ; Aunt Sally's pan cake flour ,
3jc or 7jo 2 pound package ; Liob'a
Hyeninjun flap jack pan cake flour , 3o
or 7jc for 2 pound package ; Bolt-rising
buckwheat Hour 'ijo or 7lc for 2 pound
Finest homo-mndo catsup , in bottles ,
Two pound can corned hoof , lOc.
Twi pound uncolored Japan ton , 35o.
Oliifpound Young Hyson tea , 40c.
Four onus French psns , 40c.
D e p a rtm © 111 , .
specialty of preparing physician's pro
scriptions and nt lower prices than any
other btoro In Oinnhn from .Uio best
drugs nnd chemicals to bo had. Wo sell
nil kuulB of drugs nnd patent medicines
at Iho very lowest pricos.
P. & W. qulnino in capsules , 2 grnlna
nnch. 10o liozqn ; i ! grains onch , 15o
dozen ; 4 grains each , 2Uo do/on , grnlnn
each , 2oo do/.cn.
Laudanum , lOc ounce.
Tincture iodine , lOo ounce.
Buy rum , 4'io ' pint.
Grnndmii's Wonder tea , ICc.
Gray's vegetable tea , ICo.
4-ounco bottle petroleum , 10o , and
ovorythlinf else very low.