TITEOMATIA DAILY KEE ; SUNlUffi.TANlrAUY 15 , 1803-S1XTLWN PAGES. - - tr-rr- FALCONER'S GREAT CASH SALE. Silks , wool dress goods , winter cloaks and ready-made suits , blankets and comforts , Chinese pottery ware and bric-a-brac , will receive our special attention this iweek. We arc over-loaded in these stocks. We must reduce them. The prices we quote below will appeal lo every economic buyer. Reduce your expenses for the jboming year by buying now , while this great cash saving sale is going on. Send this paper to your out-of-town friends. It will pay them to come hundreds of miles to buy now. Don't neglect this chance. Don't put it off. Read every word of this ad. Not an offer here that is not bona fide. A Grand Final Effort To close out all fall ami winter dic3 goods regardless of jpolor , quality or COST. Wo want the .space and vv 111 hac It , fcvcu at a terrible sacrifice of our profits. Our Loss is Your Gain , An NOTK- An Tliese prices may seem a stretch of the imagination , but to con- Actual ince yourself come to this great Actual CLHAltING OUT SALKand jou Fact will he satisfied that this is AN Fact ACTl'AL FACT. HUH ALL AT 4c. t In order to clear thoni In u dur. under this tirlco wo cUu you thn oliolco of I'AIIOV China Vases , 1'ancy China I'omndu , 1'ln or I'owdor lloxos with II K I'nncy Hoip Dishes. I'liney Ulilnn I't'pper and baits 1'ancy Horry I'litus , &nd nil othurt at 4 cents ouch , uud worth from JO to5 cunts. nrrcsted and fined ISO for resisting an offer " triicro Is In iimuy localities a stion popular Impiesslon Hint few aldermen would bu guilty tif such an olfcnsu. ItorltcMrr Democrat : The reason the piano is bitch a s > mpnlhutlc Instrument It. because It 6 giuutly totalled mery tlmo It Is played YonUer's Statesman : Thorn Is ono good Oilns to bu s ltd In connection with the season for irood rt solutions : It comes nearly six liionths ahead of My tlmo. ' . Washington Post. Ourslnrnro sympathy Is. Iioriihy t"cteiiilt d to Mr. 1'otTturolthz Votch- icoroltcli of Kudum. Hobburs entered his liousu the othct nlKhtand cartled olt every thing but Ills mime. ' Atchlson Olobo : AVlion you hoar a woman of a pitrc'haso she lias lust made , In line cases out of ton you will hoar hur say : 'Tho pi Ice nas S3. 50 , but I got It for g.2.00. TOUCIIFS A TPNUCH Sl'OT. Of "lovo In a cottaso" thoro's many a lay /VH blithe as HID sour of u linnet , Hut thu son } ; of todiy \ \ III morn reason display If tliocuttiiRu IIIIN plenty of co il slowed awny nd pluntj of weutnor strlin In It. Dettolt I'reo Press : A boy ono day last wonkt'ullod on u .TolTerson munuo merchant eonceinln a pi ice. ' " 1 want an ollico boy , " ho tmld In reply , "If I tan iri-t the i Ifiht kind of u one. Do j ou want fljob ? " "Vrs sir , " responded thn boy , "but before I f nko It I'd lIKii to know If them IK any chance pf promotion " " \Vull , " bald thn murcliant. thoughtfully , f'tliat dupemlson the boy. The l.is.1 ono wo liad hum ouncd the \\lioln plucu bufoiohu had teen with IH l\ly days. " A ( ivMiuru'rt I.OVK I Itod nrn her lips , an' NO'S llm color w'ou slio lluslips : Ilei dyes mo black n * < sloes An' sp irl.lu w'en bho blushes. lllack are hcrcyobrnns , too ; Ooiil hliirlv her hair. I suar ; An' thesti here In-In' her hue , I cills her " " "roiiRo ot nolr. slflintu C < m ( ( ( ti < ( < m. Wo'ro a-froozln' an' u-Mioozln' an' a-wlicczln' lit to 1,111 , AII'IO il h isioached the color ot a grconllvo dollar bill /Vn' / wo'll BOOH bo burnln' o' the bricks' an' warniln' bv the stones , It's thu toiiKhoit tlmo wo over stiucK , from Itllh illo clean to Hones ! O , for onu breilli o' summer across the Icy bills , I'o warm the rheumatism an' thaw the frozen \ Mills' Won't never wiy , 'This woathor's hot ! " for I liilinstiino would bo nlco [ V'Oii sldr d this KmuxhhciIn' spoil o1 Georgia an let1' omo on , O bl.izln' sunmicrl Jes' licit your oven Inn Throw luihliiis o' rod popper In the bUzln' whlr/m put' Tor wo to fit < zln' an' n-siicozln * an' a-wheozln' lit to Mil An' co il b is r Mi'liod the editor of a green tlo dollar bill Kiln 117if ( inicor f Iiii < t ) > tn < lnt. Stramht thtoush my liomt this fact today llv Trutli'Monn h mil U drhoiu God nmur tuUesonn tliliigiiway Hut somothln uUo l-tUen. I did not Know In onrllor > oars This law of lee and Klmlnoas ; Hut wlihuut hope through blttor jeara , I mournrd In borrow"s tillnilneaa. And in or follow Imjoncli n'srot 1 or somu dt'partod treasure. Mr nnd replnln liourt was mot With unexpected pleasure. I thought It only li.ipponect so. Hut tlmo this truth bus tntiKht mo : Ii least thhiK from my llfo can go Hut boiuutlihu else U luft mo. It Is thn law. complete , su > llmo. And now with faith unMmUcn , In p itloni'o 1 but bldu my tlmo \\hen any joy U taUon. No mutter If the oriishliiK blow. May for the moment doun mo : BUM buck ot It waits lo\t > . 1 know , \ \ 1th bouiu now elft to crown mo. you Imvo piles DoWltt'n Witch Hazel S.lvo will sui-oly cum you. OurallKsnlo is in full blast. Novur hoforo , at this tlmo of year , Imvo our silk sales run us high. The goods and prices must bo scon to ho appreciated. Next week , and for the balance of the month , wo will offer heavy dress ellkH , in colors nnd hlnck , nt a fraction of tholr ical valuo. livery lady in Omaha , intending to purchase HllUs cannot rtlTord to mias this opportunity. " 4-iuch heavy rich faille , in colors , nt SI.25 , sold everywhere in the east tit $ -5 ; 21 pieces to select from. 2-1-inch lusttous ullk bcngtillno the choicest dross fabric to ho found , at SI. 17 } ; splendid value tit 8225. Another heavy bungalino nt $1,17 , worth $1.76 , beautiful line evoninir shades in this number. Coloied bonpallno ut ICc nnrt 03c , worth $1 nnd $1.25. SilU velvets tintl plushes at 1'Jo , worth 75c to SI.60. All our crepe do chono silk in o\oning tints ut 05c , former prlco 81.25. 81.25.A A great many biokon lots of hiph crado bilks , in plain nnd nov elty weaves , to bo closed out nt 4 their valuo. Every yard of goods in the silk department nt Kroatly reduced prices , volvctH Included. Mani'hostor serge , former prieo 35c , sale prlco 25c , drest , pattern of 7 yards $1.76. English cashmere , former piico 45c , sale price 33e , dross patvorn of 7 yards 82.31. All wool llannol , former price COc , sale price 37c , dress pattern of 7yaidsS2.u3. All wool Cheviot , former price 05c , sale price 47c , dress pattern of 7 jards$3.29. All wool bedforu , former price 75c , sale price 53c , dress pattern of 7 yatds$3.71. All wool diagonal , former price 81 , sale price 73c , dress pattern of 7 jnrds 85.11. Silk warp honricttn , former price 81.26 , sale price S'Jc , dress pattern of 7 yards $0.23. All wool eurah royale , former price 81 5 , snio price 81.0D , dress pattern of 7 yards 87 03. Silk warp princotta , former price 81.75 , snlo prlco 81.-10 , drcsa pattoin of 7 ynids $10.43. The ubovo will show you nt n glnnco for what a small amount von can get n really haudsomo black dress pattern. ALL AT 53c. In order to clear thoni In a day , under this prlco we clvo you tlio choice of bomooxduislto China Ore un and bugnr bets , Cblni'looth HriiHli and Soup hots. Delicately Tinted Oups nnd Siuccrsand 1'anoy Howls , all at KJ cents , and worth up to $1.53 oaoh ALL AT 6c. In order to clear them In a day , under this prlco wo ulvo vou thn clioico of I ancy I Ivo O'C'ook or Invtlld Teapots , I'nncy Ilorry 1'latpB. I'lsb 1'Iatcs , Uups and Siucois , I'owdor lloxos with lids , and ctbora , all nt G couts uud worth up to JJ cents FOR THE MURDER OF COLE Mrs. Anna Mason of Hastings Arrested for a Kccent Orime. , Tr _ . . _ , * DEVELOPMENTS IN A SENSATIONAL CASE Said to IIuvo Jludo n Confession la Whlah hho Admits Knowing Iloir tlie Victim Cnmo to HU Ui-uth. HASTI.NQS , Neb. , Jan. 14 [ Si > eclal Tele gram to TUB BER ] It is evident that the old proverb , "When thieves fall out honest men got tholr dues , " has iccelvcd n power ful exemplification in this city of Hastings todaj' Anna B. Mason this afternoon con fessed to Deputy Sheriff Al Boyd and de tailed her experience and know ledge of the inuidcr of Dclavan S Cole. Cole was a wealthy citizen of Hastings and an old settler On the night of August 1 last bo left his homo at about 10 o'clock nnd stated that ho would go up tp Cole's park , a couple of bundled jards away , to see if the deer confined therein weio secure , Ho did noticturn. The ne\t moining ho was discovered Ijing shot in a hovel 150 j-ards away from his homo in a totally different dhcctlon The case proved a puzzlo. At once Mrs Mison , a sister of Mis. Hlckm in , was suspected , as it wasrumoied that she had been la illicit communications w 1th Cole The coroner's Jurj' mot hi secret session n half do/en tlmcs"and finally brought In a ver dict of murder bj' paitics unknown Tbo theory of those bclloving the Mason family to bo the murderers was somewhat like this Mrs Mason and her husband , Ward Mason , weio known to have scpiratcd about two joais before the tragedy , and It was alleged that Mrs Mason's infidelity was the cause It was futlier alleged that Mison had agreed toiotuinto his \\lfo on condition that she get lid of Colo. A search warrant issued shortly after the murder resulted In disclosing n revolver of the simo size as that which inllictol the fatal wound. Dmnnnded llusli Monej. It was known , or nt least suspected , that she had wiitten blackmailing letters to Cole , in fact , the murdered man's attorney , M A. Hartig.in , tonight stated that ho had In his possession a letter ftom Mis Mason , dated December , Ib'Jl , In which shedeliboialcly de- ma tided hush money. But no evidence was collected which would wiuraut an arrest , jot the attempt to Hnd the murderer was not abandoned. The governor offered a reward of f.'OO , to which Colo's family added f500 , to go to the person who succeeded in solving the mj'stcrj Three officials , Sheriff Crane , Deputy Sheriff Bojd and Chief of Pollco Wanzo'rloft no stonu unturned to Hnd the murderer About 4 o'clock this afternoon Mrs Mason was nr- icstcd on the charge of murder , and was ta' ' < en before Justice LT S Hohror for exami nation , she bj- her nttornoj' pleading not gul'tj She was remanded to the county j-iil without bail , and was bound over to the dlstilct court , which assembles in March Thu puhliooftlclals mentioned are vorj reti cent on the subject Iu fact , they frankly say tbej'd rather keep what information thuv have to themselves Shei Iff Crane denied that a confession had been made , but in the very next breath said that when the cell door closoi on Mrs Mason she collapsed and seemed penitent ; unite willing to take the consequences of her act. Ho further added the information that they had the murderer and they did not want any ono else Deputy Sheriff Bo.vd remained up town nnd Chief Wauzor kept pretty much out of sight. Concerning the confession thcro cau ba no doubt , us tlio fact of its bolm ; made was ( I SPECIAL. SPECIAL. A 10-4 white blnnkot worth $1.00 , for 05o A 10-4 white blnnkot worth $1.25 , for S5c A 10-4 whlto blanket worth $1.76 , for 81.00 A 11-4 white blnnkot worth $3.00 , for $1.76 A 10-4 white blanket ( wool ) worth $1.50 , for $2.75 A 11-4 white blnnkot ( wool ) worth SG.GO for $1 75 A 10-1 groy blnnkot woith SI.00 , for 05o A 10-4 prey blanket worth S1.2 * > , for 85o A 10-4 prey blnnkot ( wool ) worth 93.60 , lor $2.75 A 11-4 prey blanket ( wool ) worth $1.50 , for $3.25 A 10-4 Bcnrlot blanket ( wool ) . , worth $1.00 , for $2.75 A few soiled blankets regardless of cost. A full size comfort filled with while cotton .worth $1,60 , for 08o Extra good eatino covered .wotth $1.75 , for $1.00 Very fine Billtnlcon covered .worth $2.50 , for $1.76 Full size fancy figured French sateen worth $0.00 , for $1.CO Full si/o pluin colors French sateen worth $12.00 , for $7.50 Full sio fancy colors French sateen worth 815.00 , for $8.00 Full sizef'mcy colors silk worth $25.00 , for $15 00 Full si70 fancy coloissilk "runied" wotth $15.00 , for 827. < J0 One-third Off of Every Winter Cloak in the House. All Goods Marked in Vlain Figaros. Onc-third of the 1'rico Deducted from Kadi Hill. Our J5.00 Cheviot Roofers now $3 86 Our $ S.75 Uox Coats now 5.80 Our S12.GO ] { usslnti mouses now 8.00 Our $12.00 Fur Trimmed Coats now ROD OurSiaOO Long Ulsters now 10.00 Our 818 00 Astrnchnn Capos now 12.00 Our $35.00 Monkey Cnpos now 37.00 All our Muffs one-third loss than regular price. All our imported Novelties nro Included lit this clearing salo. WE ALSO HAVi : AHOUT 35 F 1-3 OFF. Our $25 00 Plush Coat now $10.07 Our $30.00 riushCoat now . * . . . 20.00 Our $15.00 Pluoh Coat now 80.00 OUR KXTIKI : LIXI : OF Ladies' Ready-Made Suits Such as Kuton , Russian lilonse. To red or and 3-1'ieee iMnrlow Suits. Our $12.00 Ulouso Suits now 8 aOO Our $15.00 Eaton Suits now 10 00 Our $18.00 3-Pleco Mat-low Suits now 12.00 Our $25 00 Russian Blouse Suits now 10.07 "We have decided to rid of the remainder of bric-a-brac The remainder of our superb plocos of brio get our - - famous a-urao In Wires fcatsitma In ruro , Aldru. Vases. Klota Koso Jnrs nnd , otlior Jar- and china ware at a price that -will clear it in a day. We do this rather dlnlcics.etc. of Oroiun , Hucur , nil arid goat 1'ais a sacrlllco for $4.83. , buporbsou than pack it away. VVe offer nothing but -what is useful in any part of the house and all are genuine Japanese or Chinese wares. * ALL AT He. ALLATISc. In order to clour thorn In : i day , under tills In order to clear them In a day , under this prleo wo give jou the clinloo of many bounti price wo clo you the choice of a lar > ; o lot of ful Vases , all color and Hliupes. Hamlsoina hoaiitlful China I'lntes , Qu ilnt I.lttlo Hose llerry Howls. Ollvo Dlsliox , Individual Tea .Inrs. Ohlni buj ir SliakorsChina Harry Howie , pots , Iltno China I'l itns , and others , all at 11 Olive or 1'lcUlo Ulsheft/L'onpoU of the fancy cents and worth up to SO cunts. blue , and othgrs , nt 1J coiits each , worth up to 50 cents ani moru. " ' dropped before the officers concluded to keep It concealed Cause oT the Confession. J'lio principal cause leading up to the con- fosslon was doubtless a suit for divoico begun by Kawaid W. Mason , January 4 , in which the Mr Hnrtigan mentioned above figured as attorney for the plaintiff. The petition allepcs that Mrs Mason was guilty of inlldclitduiing a period beginning on May 1 , Ib'Jl , and ending August 1 , 1802 , the night of the murder. Since such a public exposmo of nor shame was made , it is alleged that she has been acting In a very cmbtrrasscd manner. She w as morose and wanted to commit suicidor and in popular language "tried to get religion , " frequenting revivals and manifesting all the symptoms of a sinner w ith a very troublesome con science. An extraordinary cffoithos been made to bring affairs to a focus , advantage being taken of Mis. Mason's dlstuibed frame of mind GencialA. II. Bow en , who was en gaged as her attoi noj , snj s that if the con fession was made It docs not imply anything , as she has been ciazj as a March hare for more than a jcar This aftcinoou the confession was made to DeputjBod Tills being the case , the question naturalv ! is. who else , if anjono , does this confession Implicate ? The con fession was not generallj known , but there wcro a largo number of rumens afloat. Sonic of the Humors. The most popular one Is that MM Mason has admitted that she was incscnt when Cole was murdered and that she accuses her husband of being the sluj or Another story is that she has acknowledged doing the deed alone Mason was in town this after noon and lould easily have been appiohondcd hnd it so boon planned , but ho left tow n without icstraint By mnnj It is believed that the confession seemed does not satisfy the oftlcials ; that they believe she Is holding something bick , and are endeavoring to elicit fuithcr Information mation ftorn her Thir , however , ismeiely rumor and must bo taken for what It is worth. Mis Mason Is a woman of about 2."i years of age , short In stature , well formed and verj1 pippossossing In nppearaneo. She has Innocent blue e\cs , and a frank , loundcd face that is almost child-like in its simplicity , jot she can put on an indignant expression and nmko her , shy , blue eyes snap with appalling vigor "What an actress that woman is , " is the expression used by o\eoone who knows her. She cer tainly ran a cold bluff on the public , and her nervoonlj deserted her when she sought to get religion. ( inint > 'o Notes. GRANT , Neb , Jan 14 [ Special Telegram to TUB IJin ] The county commlssloneis last night purchased court house property at Giant. It is icgardcd as a anal settle ment of county seat mattcis. Giant is the county seat of Peikins county A great big row seems to bo blowing in the Congregational church hero Uuv. Mr. Hampton ha\ing been elected county Judge b.v the independents , icsigncd his pastorate and Hov Mr Brett was appointed , but Hampton continues to bo oftlcious and thcie aio prospects of a church trial. Buiglars entcied the stoio of Kcnnv & I. } on bj the i ear window last night Thov w cio surprised by Mr LJ on uud driven off without seeming anything nit HI * i.IP nrr. STANTOV , Neb , Jan 14 [ Special to THE BUR ] Uobert Barr was auestod jesterdny on complaint made by James Kinney , charg ing inajhcm , In biting off the lip of one Perry Kinncj. Mr Barr is a prosperous , well-to-do fanner of this countj , and was un- f 01 tuna to In getting into an altercation w Ith Kinney Funeral nf Airs. A. W. Hall. LOUISVILLE , Neb , Jan. 14 [ Special to TUB Hen. ] The funeral of the late Mrs A. W. Hall took place licro yesterday. Mrs. Hull was one of the oldest settlers of Louisville. She was highly respected and had many friends in this community. I'nplllliiii'a Now ( School Iliitldlnc , PAHLLIOX , Nub , Jan 14 [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The now public- school building was dedicated yesterday School will ho held In the now building on Monday The now building , costing * 17,000 , is furnished with all modem improvements Hon George A. Maguey of Omaha and Judge James Hassott of Pnplllion delivered addt esses In the presence of tUo se.holars and pations Ad'ims County TlilniM. HASTINGS , Neb , Jan. 14 [ Special to Tun BEE ] For some time past the citizens of Hastings have been greatly bothered by a gang of petty sneak thieves who have laid hands on about ov crj thing poi table. Chicken houses have been raided , sets of hat ness stolen , a pawnshop was molten into a couple of nights ago and numbers of mci chants are losers of tobacco , fruit , confectionery and similar articles which have been stolen by the gang. Tor three or four days past the thefts have been pretty thoroughly investi gated , anil as the icsult , some twenty-live bojs ftom nine to sixteen jears in njjo have been Invited to call at police headquarters to bo searched Some thio\cs the other night drove up to the corn ct ib of a farmer living a short dis tance not tb of town and audaciously stole ninety bushels of corn w ithout being dis co vcied. Ira Pcarsall and a son of Jacob rishor , aged each about 13 , were shooting by the fairgroundsjcsterday afteinoon , when the Peaic-ill boy was accidentally shot The bullet of ! ! 3 caliber , sti uek above tbo bladder , glanced down the left femur , and thence into the pch is Young Fisher whenhcs-iw that his I'oimado was shot , wanted to Kill himself , but the injuted lad persuaded him to give up the weapon Peats ill. injuiod as bo was , managed to walk to Mr Fisher's homo , o\er half a milo , but there bis sticngth loft him Doctors ha\o not been able to find the ball This motning the patient was resting easily , and while the wouml is sciious no fatal lesults arc appio- hcnded unless an abccss sets in The lads were the best of friends nnd the shooting was purely accidental The libraiy of the city Young Women's Christian Association lias been donated to the similar Digitisation of the joung- ladies at Hastings college Tor Shooting a I'rlHnner. Neb , Jan. 14 [ Special to THE BEE ] The case of the state against Joe Lamina was taken up In the dls- tiict court jesterday Ills the outgrowth of Deputy Sheriff Lamma shooting a pi is- oner who was trying to escape The cor oner's inquest exonerated Lamma , but ho was arrested , charged with murder in the llrst degree Tito onlv witness so far exam ined is George Hummel , wbo was a piisoncr at the sumo time Kumlnel s testimony was damaging to the defendant Ho stated that bo informed the depun the morning of the day that Hogois hud said ho was going to tri and escape , and also stated tnat ho asked L imfna not 10 hurt lingers , but to place him in a cell and that the deputy replied - plied , "Let him tri It , I would like to got a shot at him " ' This testimony was not given by Hummel bofoio the coroner's Jutu Gia.it Interest is feft and the court room Is constantly crowded. T.uft Homo anil rrlcnilD. DAVIII CITV , Neb , 'Jan. ' 14 [ Special to Tin : BEE ] Wednesday afternoon Hattie Fitlcld , aged 15 , loft the city without the know lodge of her pareuts , , taking her best clothing and Jewelry , She took the Sioux City train going not tit iu company with ono of the train hands. Notes found In her loom Implicate both the conductor and brakeman in the scheme Yesterday ono of the citizens traced her as far as Columbus and could mid no evidence of her having stopped at that place. Today pressure was brought upon the crows of both trams and Information Is now In the possession of her friends which leaves little doubt that she was taken to Sioux City by the brakeman who yesterday diew his pay and took a lay off. Her parents and family are highly iespeeled. riro at Uuuliur. Dusiun , NEII , Jan 14 [ Special to the BEE ] A frame dwelling owned by D JCruso and occupied by the family of II .Jjhultz caught lire The house was quickly Ctlrfitlcd of UH contents , but ow ing to a lack of help tbii names could not bo extinguished. The building was valued at about 11,000 , Insur ance tuOO The loss to Mr Shultz from breakage Is considerable. ALL AT I8c. In order to clear them In adny. undur thU prlco wo K'lvu you tint choicnof u limit rum.irlc- iiblolotof Hc.iiitlfnl i'uiicy China I'latus anil Hc'iivllv Ooojruti'd I'latus Tatii-y Oilvo or 1'lcklo Dishes itud Oulory Dishes Thiso are super ! ) articles antl will not last moro thin half nn hour. Tlioy go for .1 fuw cunts 18 each and uosltlvoly worth up to TJ cunts. TWO LINCOLN FATALITIES Suioido at the State Insane Asylum and a Convict Killed. CRUSHED TO DEATH WHILE AT WORK Sudden Conclusion ofn I'onr Yrurs' .Sontonco of n Mndlsou County llurfil ir Kosult of n Dcspernto Klglit Lin coln Nous Notes. N. Neb , Jan. 14 [ Special to Tun BEE ] J E. AV. Strong , a pitient at the In sane asjlum , committed suicide by hanging at an oaily hour this morning. The last seen of him alive was when the watchman passed his room at 2 o'clock this morning , when ho was noticed sitting In a chair in his loom. Appaicntly ho lowcicd the window in his loom , and attaching ono cn'dof the bed clothes ho had wo\on into a rope around the Mrs outside , placed the other around Ins neck and stepped oft the window sill lie was sent to the asylum a suffeicr from acute melancholia from Nebraska Cttj c.iily last month , but had shown no symptoms of violence pi oviously. lie was found shortly after 7 o'clock dead lie has a brother who is postmaster at Davov , and a sister , Mrs Lee , living in tbo same locality Kklinrd Ash > n , a coinict at the peniten tiary , w.is almost instantly kiHod alxmt 11 o'clock this moiling in the yards attached to that institutioi. Thioo loaded cais wcro being pulled into tuo yard by mule power Ashen , who was cmploiod at odd Jobs about the jards , was standing on the tiacks , and as ho started to get out of the way slipped and fell on the icy snow Ho lost his head completely and rolled In the wrong direc tion The Journal of the fli st car caught him and crushed thu life out of him between It ancf tlio bmk , tbo space being too niirow to allow of a safe passage Ashen was sent up from Madison county last August for burg- lari and had four j cars to servo Cotonur Ciira held an inquest o\or the re mains of both men and tlio jury loturnod verdicts in accordance w ith the fuels. Itoitilt ofu nc-ipi-r.ito I'lKht. Jacob Strohackcr a Gorman ll\ing atsa1 ! D street , was held up last night while on his way homo by tluco toughs Ho refused thc-lr demand and all tlueo piled on him. A des- pcrato battle ensued , and w lien the police aril\ed Stiobackor's face was a mass of cuts and blood was How ing from every ono Stro hackcr numgcd to hold on to two of the fol lows but tno other csuipoJ Thov RUVO tholr n lines as .loo Mtirphj and John U\an Stro- ImckcT was unable to appear until aftoi noon , w hen a hearing took place The men w ci o he-Id to the district court in fTOO bjnds each for assault with intent to rob Stiitn Unltrmlty Note * . Miss Barton , ai t instructor , has received a flat let ing oflt-r from the State univcrt > ltj of Dakota to take that go of work in that insti tution , with an Incie.isu in snlaiy and four months' vacation ao > car Miss Harton has al most finished a statue representing "Young Nebraska at tbo World's Tain" a life si/o representation of a joung runner about to tauo the ilrst leap In a splinting i.ico. Thocadot battalion has icccUed an cntlro complement of new unlfouns and will gl\o their llrst dress parade some afternoon dur ing next week Under the instruction of Lieutenant I'crshlng the battalion has gained u high decree of efficiency. 1'rof Herbert Uites , who lias been se riously ill with tjpboid malaria , Is slowly impnnlng The senior class of Seward , twenty-four In number , under ttie clmpcronago of Superin tendent Hurkott , spent Thursday in view Ing the buildings and grounds Utio ioung Indies In Miss Kate \Vlldcr's gymnastic class aio arranging to gho a publlo exhibition of tholr skill at soiuu date not iet llxcd upon next month. City In llrli I. ThoWoslojan university sues John For- burger in thu dlstilct court for fl , < KK ) , the \nlucifif two lots which John had promlRt'd to deed the unh entity In coualdcratlon of its ALL AT29c. In onlor to clear them In it diy , undnr this prlco wo Klva you u graml choice of Vases , niiry&nntliimum Holdois , Cut 1'lovvor Holduri , Huso J.ITS. Hvury plucu a Ii indsomu orna ment , : ind only ' "J cents , worth up to u doll ira place. locating near his land , but which ho sold to other parties. Anna M Goss , who married William I"1 at Wohoo April 1 , 1SS2 , asks for a dhorco on the ground that ho is an habitual diunkard and 1ms furnished no suppoit W U. Swlshcr , the lain wizard , came out of the county com t this mouiing with Hying color. * ytor considering thu case for a week Jil o Long decided that Snisherliad proven his case nnd found In his fa\or for the lull amount of McMui try's subscilption. The case excited considerable interest be cause oY its no\ city and the point invoHcd iicMurtry's defense was that the lain for which Swishcr claimed piy was not duo to his effoits at pulling down moisture M Adler , a pawnbroker who was accused of haIng violated the ordinance compelling a daily report to the police of c\ cry article purchased by him or pawned at his place , was lined $25 and costs In police court this moining. D Nofsky , convicted of a similar offense rccoi\cd f.1 and costs l l < coigo Bradshaw , \outh . of 10 , was ar- icstcd today on the charge of grand Iniccny , the theft of a lot of cigars from J. S Bar- wick's wholesale house A chap named Polsky was aiicsted some time since w ith a number of stolen cigars In his possession. Ho claimed to have gotten them from IJrad- shaw , and when the latter showed up toda > lie was nabbed John. Adams , an employe at the Capital City pinning mill , had u poition of his light hand cutoff this moining while opciating a jointer lie neglected to take bis hand off the piece of wood lie was woiklng on H Goldwatcr , another pawnbroker , who neglected to obey the law icgarding dally icpotts , was bit to tbo tune of $ Jo and costs in police couit this afteinoon In tbo fodctal couit todaj the case of George Alcott against II E Lew Is and F O Ilamor was tried by a Jur.i It was a suit on a piomissor.\ note , and the Juri found for plaintiff for 1,5-14 dS H U. Uandall , immigration agent of the Hock Island , ictiitiu'd jcstuid.u fiom aislt to tbo now iv opened landb in Texas and Oklahoma , Ho annoutucs the comiunv will ojion a gencial immigration buicaa in chaigo of JobnC Bonncll , founcrlj of Omaha and Lincoln , and hoadiiuaiten will bo estab lished in ono of the cities named Giign County MinurtMorn. Neb , Jan 1 1 [ Special Tele gram to THE DBF. ] The Gage Count } Bo ird of Supervisors concluded Its session this afteinoon The levy for nil put poses for the cnnont jcar was put at $ li3r ! > 50 'l'1Q ' boa HI adjouintd to March U Dnltou ( iiing l'f > i Is Sold. Corrci \ iu K , Kan , Jan 1 1 The effects of the membcis of the Dillon gang , who wcio slain hmo at the time of their last memorable - able raid , weio sold at auction bj the publlo administrator today to sttlsfy claims of dubtois against their cstitos Llvcriinan John Klochr , who did suih offoLtlvo work with His Winchester at the battle in which the Dillons met their fate , boucht Gi it Dillon's hoiso and Bob Dalton s siddlu , paving for them iU.irK ) I'lofcsiionut iclio iiuntcrs bought the oth r Pffo as Bill I'ow- oib' watch bi-ou-'lit ? i"i , Bob U.ilton's Win- chcstc-r yxiand his io\ol\or til The total sum icnlUod by the silo was & .MJt.2o ! , Cooltn 1) mi ml , Tlio second grand ball and binquut of Epicurean collcgo No : i was gh > n at Gor- mania hall 1 ist evening The coljcgo rcpio- scnts the chefs and cooks of the city , and a Inigo number of their friends turned out to help them celebrate the occasion and dance uway the bouts until cat ly morning Tlio supper was an elabointo one and tlio banquet table was decoiated with a numbur of fancy pieces which icprosunted a vast amount of labor and ingenuity Thu chefs demonstrated the fact that they could un- tcitaln as well ns concoct savor ) dishes , and the merry company broke uii with many good w UliC3 for thu success of collctfu No U After 1'ny for IIU l.linl ) . Amos C Kulp has suud the Omalia Street Hallwaj company In an action to recover for the loss of a leg. Hu demands l.r > , ( KM and alleges carelessness upon thu part of tno company. IIUni Out tin. Citn. Ole Youngstr Jin , a farmer from Saunders county , catiio tc the city Friday and put up at the Uiuighton hotel Upon rutlrint ; ho ALL AT43C. In order to cln ir tlioni In a day , under this nrlco wo invu you the cholco of ii'lnrRii lot of KloK-uit Hose Jars , actually worth J150 , u lltiiutlful LiOt of Hunclsoiuoly Decor at oil Howls.nry lat o Uccoratod OiUo or 1'rult i'latos , Utility Uroatn Oups andHiuoors , 'ind nthors. nonu of which would soil for loss thnu 75conta up to JI.5J each. blow out the gas This was followed with tno ustnl icsult and the inquest ut\s held at the coioncr's oflleo jcstciday afternoon , A coronet'a jmy held ah inquest at 4 p m. nnd decided that deceased came to Ills death by his own carelessness The juiy recom mended that beicaftcr the transoms bo loft open in older that tbo escaping gas may bo detected at once riondlsh Work ol u roiiimjUnnlu Voiuif- ill mi at C'tr tcr. CIICSTCH , Pa , Jan II A tragedy was enacted this afteinoon which will result In tbo loss of two lives and In all probability the conviction of Thomas Kodgers as a double panicldo Kodgcis Is a youth of 21 and the victims nio his father , Thomas Kodgers , GOjrars old , his mother. Martha Ann Hedgers , of about tbo snmo age , and his man led sister , Mis. William Klldny. Thomas sat back of tbo stove in the kitchen of his patents just after the noon day meal , whcro his father lopriinandcd him for his laziness , declaring ho must go to work. Ihomas answcicd"You can't ' put mo out , " and going up stalls sccuicdhlsbrothci- In-law's lovolvor The wife and daughter attempted to save Mr. Hodgcrs , but the joung villain pushed them aside and dcllbciatcly fired two bullets Into his father at short lange The llrst shot ontcicd the thigh mid the second lodged In the In east , while the powder binned the old man's clothing After his father hud fallen to the floor joung Itodgcis kicked him In the facoThe The mother attempted to escape by the cellar door , but n bullet fiom her son's re volver stiuck her in the back and pcnotiated her left lung His sister fled from tlio fiont door , but her biotbcr , whoso bloodthhsty nature bad been thoioughly moused puisucd her In the street , and standing on the door step shot her while she i.in in almost the same placebo hid wounded bis mother 1 he bullet glanced on thu shoulder blade nnd thus saved the joung woman's life The re volver now cmptv tbo would-bo mtudercr ran up the street to un alderman's oflleo two blocks dist nil , and cnlciing locked the door against a largo ciowd which followed Thu police wcio notified and Uoclgcrs was locked up The tinoo victims were taken ta tbo hos pital vvhi'iotho physicians announced that the wounded father and mother could not live until morning ' 1 ho major look the ante mortem statement of the s\ing couple this evening Mi Hodgcis said that his sea had ficiiuentlj thiiMti'iicd his llfo when ho bidpicsscil the joung men to go to work On suvur il occasions the lather had secured bis aricst but wllhdiuw the charges on timnuscs of good bolmvlor Both parontH boliovethat ho intended to kill Ills father and say ho hail not bu n di inking. Young Hodguis said thu attack was the icault ol a familv low and that he Intended to kill the old nun He gavunoicason , however over , for till ) assault on ills mother und sister tor A hearing will bo given tlu > pilsonor Mondaj' , In which four childicn of thoHiatcr wlio wcio picscnl duting the shooting will glvo ovldc-nco against their undo Thcio Is much excitement in the commil nilj and cxtia piccaullons have- boon taken by the pollco to guaul against Ijnchlng Dr-Htrnjtil In llx Infincy , WICHITA , Kan , Jan 11 An older was promulgated by the olilcl ils of the Santa Fo toduy that all of the umplojes of the roat1 must either i esign their positions or with draw from the Older of Brotherhood of Station Men before 0 o'ckx k this evening The local loilgu Is ( lultu ationu , but thu men icalUo that the lu'antllu brotherhood Is not not jut powerful enough to cope with thu lallroaos , so they had no alternative but to withdraw from it Tlioj' forwarded tholr i cslgnatlons to the brulhci hood huadiiuartui s this evening The Crcto Furnlturo & Undertaking com- inny s.iy that Nebraska furniture can not Ixj beat and that there Is a considerable sav ing in fi eight In handling it They go on thu principle that ns the local merchants want thu tradu that mutually belongs to thoin the moiehunts ought to give thu No luaska manufacturers ana jobbers the trade that belongs to thorn.