CITVimAv TAVrrAl > V in 1QV1-CI Y'p.MNrn A 43 DAYS YET 'REMAIN IN WHICH TIME ROTHERi Any sacrifice to get rid of the goods will be made. Over a quarter of a million dollars worth of dry goods , cloaks and carpets go in this G MUSLIN Onderwe'r , 55c,75cl. | . Our cntlro HtooU ol muslin underwear , over 80t ) dozen , just arrived , bought for this season's buslrcsa before wo Had do- cidcd or oven thought of going out of business ; they must nil go with the rest ; the entire lot at 55c , 75c nnd $1 each. Don't miss them. Corao In tomorrow. LADIF-H1 Chemise , 18c. 2,000 ladlos' chemise , not i cost , 18o each. MISSES' MUSLIN Drawers , 15c. 2,000 pair of misses' muslin drnwors , worked button holes. 3 tucks , nl 1 sizes 8 to 16 years ; remember those nro misses' sizes only ; i price , 16c pair. LADIES' CORSET Covers , 19c. 600 Indies' cnmbrio corset covers , trimmed with lace nnd ombroidoryhnvo nlways sold nt 60c , choice of entire lot lOc each. LADIES' AVI11TE Aprons , lOc. 1,000 Indies' white aprons nt 1 price , lOc each. ECHOES FROM THE ANTE ROOM Doings of the Week in the Lodge Booms of the Oity. VETERANS HAVING A MERRY WAR OF WORDS Ono of tlio Now Organizations In Denning the Qualifications of Us Members Arouses the Indignation of Other llravo Men The Week's Shoulng. A communication In Thursday's EVENINO BEE , speaking of the Union Veteran legion nnd its objects and time of the meeting , has nrouscd an antagonistic feeling In the breasts of some of the veterans nnd members of other organizations. The following reply Is made ; OMAHA , Jan. H. To tbo Editor of THE DEE : Referring to an article which ap peared In your issue of the 12th instant re garding the Union Veteran legion , which states that "this is truly the veterans organ ization , as no short termers , drafted men , substitutes , bounty Jumpers or deserfcrs can become members of the union. " I would like to ask the writer of the article If ho knows of any organization which docs ac cept such a class of men , knowing them to have been such. For the Information of the writer of the article nnd the public at largo , I would like to state that the Regular Army and Navy union docs not accept any person who cannot produce an honorable discharge from the United States service , nor do I bollovo the Arand Army of the Republic would accept nny person who could not show nn honorable discharge for service rendered during the .war of the rebellion. I cannot state what the qualifications arc for admission to the ranks of the Sons of A'cterans , but believe they have a clause In their constitution which draws the line on the son-in-law of a veteran. AVhllo the writer of the article above re ferred to has his pen in the ink , will ho kindly Inform us how the newly organized encampment of the Union A'otornn legion ac cepted n person who served In the regular nrmy from IfeSS to Ib03. when the application blank furnished by tno Union Veteran lo- clou distinctly states that no person shall bo eligible to membership who did not vol unteer for service during the war ? If tills man enlisted In 1S53 and was discharged by expiration of term of service In 18C3 , how could ho have volunteered for service during the war ? To u man up n tree It would appear that encampment No. 121 will have a hard time In "gaining a foothoU In Nebraska" if their In tentions are to cast reflection upon other organizations , and In trying to make the public think that "wo are the only people.1 JOHN D. Hews , Commander of Garrison. No. 54 , Regular Army nnd Navy Union. A second communication has also been re ceived , ami it Is ns follows : OMAHA , Nob. , Jan 111. To the Editor of TUB BUB. In an article which appeared In your most valuable paper of Thursday evenIng - Ing , January 12 , in regard to the Union Voternn encampment No , 121 , setting forth tno quallflcutions required to Join that organization , I beg leave to ask through r your columns If thn person who furnished your paper thatnuiclo will tell us : First. According to the blank applications for membership , It distinctly states that the a | > - pllcnnt must ho "a volunteer soHler , sailor or marine , that on the day of , I8& , I enlisted as n in company , regiment of volunteers. " At the bottom of the application U dis tinctly defines who shall become members. First. Soldiers , sailors of the army , navy nnd marine corps , during the war of the re bellion , who volunteered 'or a term of throe years ( excepting those a volunteered for a term 01 two years , prior to July. 22,1861 , ) and wcro honorably discharged for any cause , after a service of at least two continu ous years. Provided , said enlistment was previous to July 1.1663. ThU exception in to cover cases of a largo number of two yean regiments in Now York QUILTED Satins YAHD. All our dollar quilted satins half price , COc yatd. _ CHINA Silk 39c. Our entire stock figured Chlnn Silks not hnlf price , 39c yard. U110 CADE Silks YAltl ) . All evening shades. SUHAH Silks 35a All our 50o nnd 76e surah silks now 860 yard. COLORED GROS GRAIN Silks 59c. . . All our $1 nnd $1.26o olorod gros grain silks now 6'Jr.ynrd. (1.00 SILK Velvets 50c YAUD. and.othcr states that were mustered into the service of the United States prior to July 23 , 1801 , as volunteers. TliirJ. Will tJAO gentleman please inform no how a jxu-son enlisting ( not volunteering ) in November , 1858 , in the regular service and discharged in November , 1803 , Is eligible for membership , especially as that person did not again enter the service until over cloven years after the close of the rebellion. Fourth. The presumption is very patent tome mo and nny fair minded person that there was no disability arising from this person's discharge in 1803 , on the contrary it was at the expiration of his term of service nnd there were certainly no obstacles to his volun teering , ns ho enlisted again in the regular service in 1870 , "after all danger had been passed. " The person that I am now speak ing of is a member of Encampment No. 121 , and I distinctly state that , in no sense of the word , Is ho cllgablo for membership , as the only exception made in the case on the appli cations , Is for the two-year heroes who vol unteered , in the time of danger to the be loved stars and stripes , and not for men who enlisted in the regular service in 1858 , and who were compelled to remain until the ex piration of their term of service in 1803 , nnd then gave their country the cold shoulder until the danger line was passed. I will also state for the Information of the gentleman that I am eligablo for member ship , having enlisted May 12 , ISOlr as a vol unteer , and discharged September 28 , 1803 , and immediately volunteered again in Octo ber , 1803 , and mustered out in 1805 , and I think the gentleman is very inconsistent in his remarks in stating that no short termers , drafted men , substitutes , bounty Jumpers , or deserters , can become members , when such a case as I have stated is a member of his organization. Hoping to bear a reply and a most satis factory ono , before I Join his organization , I am very respectfully , VOLUNTEEII VETEIUN. i Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Grand Master A. II. Weir has returned to the district system formerly In vogue , and has divided tno state Into n number of dis tricts. Each district is In charge of n doputy. grnnd muster , who exercises n general super vision over the lodges In the district. District No. 1 is the largest in the state , and is composed of cloven lodges , located In Omaha , Soutli Omaha , Paplllion and Platts mouth. Grand Representative F. B. Bnyant is the deputy grand master for this district , and ban personally Installed the officers of State lodge No , 10 , Keystone No. 155 nnd Omaha No. 2. The ofllcers of Omaha lodge No. 2 are as follows : N. G..J. P. Henderson ; V. G. , C. D. Neal ; secretary , O. A. Patterson ; treas urer , F. B. Bryant : chaplain , John Evans. The ofllcers of Hesperian encampment in stalled Thursday evening , January 12 : C. P. , J.R. Gillian ; it. P. . Mr. Disbrow ; S. W. , Harry Jackson ; J. W. , Mr. Durbln ; scribe , C. A. Patterson ; treasurer , F. II. Bnyant. Apollo encampment No. 22 of Fremont has Installed the following officers : O. P. , Fred L. Ncsblt ; S , W.jEIof Nilsson ; J. W. W. C. J. Coo" flrst O O second Speav C. Jensen. Jr. ; O. S. , Chris Thoms'cn. The following officers of Golden Rule lodge , Rcbokah degree , No , CO , of Fremont , were installed ut the last meeting : Conk M. Coddington , noblu grand ; Nnllla C. Shlvely , vice grand ; Mrs , J. L. Relnard , right support to noble grand ; Mrs. S. Livingston , left sup port to noblogrand ; Mrs. C. R. do la Matyr , ward ; Miss Maud Murrull , conductor ; Mrs. J. A. Van Anda , chuplrln ; Mrs. F. L. Nes- bit , right support to vice grand ; Mrs. W. W. Fish , loft support to vice grand ; Emma Chrlstenscn , Inner guard ; Nolsoq. outer Suard ; trustees , C. H. May , George J. Cod- Ington , F. McGlverin. Tbo Lyons lodge installed the new officers at the last meeting. A largo number of vis itors were present from Oakland , Tokamah nnd other towns , and a rousing meeting was hold. The now ofllcers installed are : T. E. Hall , noble grand ; Tim Calnon , vice grand ; 0. F. Bock , secretary ; A. C. Rogers , treas urer ; D , McMonies , C. O. Shumway. C. W. Orr , trustees ; J , R. Ifadgin , warden ; O. W. Orr , conductor ; right support to noble grand , D , McMonies ; left supjwrt to nofiin grand , C , O. Shumway ; Inside guard , J. G , Mawson ; outside guard , L. G. Shumway ; right support to vice grand , Fred Redlg ; left support to vice gmnd , Frank Olson. J. M. Hard , district deputy grand majter i I'LUHH Cloaks $10. 80 ladies' finest quality seal plush encquos , in small sizes , 82 nnd 3-1 , that have sold nt $20 nnd Si-'A , choice of lot $10 ouch. Our entire stock of ladles' , misses' and children's ' cloaks nt half price. Now is the time to buy n. good winter garment ; it will pay you to buy now for next winter. UUA.VCK Shawls $3.50. 65 bonvor shawls thnt hnvo sold nt $5 , $0 nnd $7 , nil nt ono prico. They must go. Choice $3.6Q onch. LADIES' Fur Capes $10. Our entire stock of ladies' fur capos , which sold nt $15 , $18 , $20 nnd $25 , nil ono nt price. They must nil go. Cnoico $10 each. LADIES' Corsets 50c PAIR. 1000 Dr.-Wnrnor's Cornlino cornets , in white nnd drab , also all our French woven corsets , worth $1 nnd $1.25 , All at ono price , 50c pair. ' MEN'S UNLAUNDKRED Shirts 23c. Friday night , Januiry 6 , installed the ofllccrs of Table Rook Lodge No. 33 , at the now hall. The following are the ofllccrs in stalled : Dr.-F , II. Broylesl-N. G. ' , A. M. Fuller , V.G. ; E. A. Peck , R. S. : J.G. Fisher , P. S. ; C. H. Norrls , treasurer. The lodge is in a nourishing condition , and two candi dates were initiated. - Centennial lodge No. 59 of Fremont [ has installed the following orticcrs : N. G. , B. J. Dunn ; V. G. , George J. Coddington ; secre tary , J. M , Shlvols ; treasurer , E. Schur- mun ; R. S. N. L , Dan Miller ; L. S. N. G. , George Easier : R. S. V. G. , J. AV. Andrews : L. S. V. G. . J. T. Robinson : conductor , F. M. Claflin ; AVard ) , Loren Hanson ; R. S. S. , Chris. Nelson ; Li. S. S. , JosephPasosc ; I. G. , Jacob Rogers : O. G. , A. F. Cherry. At the regular meeting of Harmony lodge , No. 81 , qf David City the deputy crand mas ter installed the following ofllccrs of the lodge for the ensuing year : J. AV. Mare- check , noble grand ; AV. C. Bell , vice grand ; E. B. Taylor , recording secretary : L. G. Berdrow , permanent secretary ; John Harper , treasurer ; G. P. Martin , inner guard ; J. P. Becker , outer guard ; T. E. Campbell , war den. den.Tho The following ofllcers were installed for Edgar lodge , No. 80 : Noble grand , C. E. Cook'vice grand , A. Knocker ; secretary , Joseph McNnlly ; treasurer , J. AV. Bodcn. Mrs. G. C. Lambert , district deputy grand master , installed the following ofllcers for Deborah Robekah degree lodge of Norfolk , on Saturday evening , Jnnnary 7 * Mrs. Lydln Sprecher. noble grand ; Mrs. Carrlo E. Doughty , vice grand : Mrs. Emma S. Kuhl , secretary ; Mrs. Elsie H. AValker , treasurer ; Mrs. Ida Foster , warden ; Mrs. J. H. Logcman , conductor ; Mrs. II. L. Spauldlng , chaplain ; Mrs. S. Boymor , inside guard ; Mrs. G. AV. Attwater , outside guard ; Airs. Laura Chrismnn , right support to noble grand ; Mrs. I. M. Macy , Icft supix > rtto noble grand ; Miss Laura Law , right support to vice grand ; Mrs. Clyde E. Elseloy , left sup port to vice grand. Friday evening , January 0 , J. M. Hurd , district deputy grand master , installed the now ofllcers of Table Rock lodge No. 83 , as follows : Dr. F. II , Broylcs , noble grand ; A. M. Fuller , vice grand ; E. A. Peck , r s ; J. G. Fisher , p s ; C. H. Norris , treasurer. The lodge has moved into the now Knights of Pythias hall and the old hall Is to bo entirely renovated , The ledge Is In a flourishing condition. District Deputy Grand Master L. Mc- Kcndrick of Logan , la. , installed the ofllcers of A'alloy ledge No. 170 , of Mis souri Valley , la. , Thursday evening of this week. The ofllccrs Installed are as follows : J. A. Startln , M. G. ; C. F. Fllklns , V. G. ; G. AV. Burbank , secretary ; James Laughcry , treasurer ; R. McGovren , R. S. N. G. ; J. S. Roscnbaum , L. S. N. G. ; M. H. LockwoodR , S. V. G.jOwen Farnsmith , L. S. V. G. ; AV. D. Skelton , AV. ; Carl Mills , conductor ; Jc- rome Filklns. R. S. S. ; L..B. Merrill , L. S. S. ; Frank Clisbee , I. G. ; AV. H. Campbell , Knights of I'ythlin. Thursday evening. January 5 , Triangle ledge No , 64 Veld their annual installation of ofllcors. The following is the roster for the ensuing year ; R. E. AVorthing. past chun- ccllorjM. AV. Foster , chancellor commander ; A. H. Double , vice chancellor ; G. C. Vnllen. prelate ; II. J , AA'ells , keeper of records and seals ; C. Boyer , master of finance : A. L. AA'olfT , master of exchequer ; F. Snyder , nmstcr-at-arms ; A. E , Reynolds , inner guard ; T. M. Stuart , outer guard. The in coming ofllcers wcro installed and charged by Dr. H. R. AVobor , deputy district grand chancellor , assisted bvJ. Donnelly , Jr. , grand mustcr-ut-arms and Harry J. AVolls , grand prclato. It being a public gathering the Castlu hall was lllled by a well dressed audl- cnco who followed the charges of the officers with thu most wrapt attention , all duo to the feeling and Impressive manner in which Dr. AVcbor handled the subjects In his charge. After the ceremonies were over the floor was cleared for dancing , which occu pied the attention of all present until 12 o'clock , when a most elegant supper was served to all in attendance. After supper dancing was resumed and kept up until the woe suia' hours. All who had the good for tune to be present were loud In their praises of the generosity and hospitality of Triangle ledge No , M and good wishes for its future prosperity. AVednesdny evening Nebraska ledge No. 1 , the pioneer Pythian lodge of Nebraska , In stalled the following onlfers : Past chan cellor , J. AV. Mulono ; chancellor commander , | M. IkRooder : vice chancellor , AV. C. Van Gliderj prelate , E. M. AVrl htj master of MADAME TOY'S Corsets 75c PA IK. LADIES' Silk Hose 59c. Over 1000 pairs ladies' pure Bilk hose , In solid colors nnd fancy stripes. They como in nil the evening shades , nUo dark colors. They have sold over our counters nt $1.60 , $2 nnd $2.60. Choice of entire lot now 59o n pair. CHILDREN'S Wool Hose 20c. 200 dozen children's fastblnok nil wool hose , nil sizes , 0 to 0 } . Not half price 20c n pair. CHILDREN'S Wool Hose 35c. Our entire -stock of children's finest quality cnshnvoro wool hoae , fast block , ha'vo sold at 60c to 75o. Choice now only half price , 35c pair. They must all go. OPERA Flannel 15c YARD. 48 pieces ecarlot onorn > flannel , nil wool , worth 60c , only 15o yard. exchccqucr , II. B. Ircy ; master of finance , M. II. Hoorner ; keeper of records and seals , C. II. Cook ; mnstcr-nt-arms , E. S. Flynn : inner guard , AV. Boucho ; outer cuard , David Day. An " entertainment "Committee com posed of J. E. Knowles and C. E. Dickson , provided an enjoyable musical nnd literary program , -which was given after the installa tion ceremonies. Ono first degree nnd two second degree candidates were put through. Nebraska lodge Is prospering nicely and Its members nrc active and deeply interested in the work. Roj-iil Arch .Hasans. The following ofllccrs were installed by Damascus chapter , No. 25 , of Norfolk : W. II. Bucholz , H. P. ; E. H , Tracy , K. ; S. G. Dean , S. ; S. AV. Hayes , treasurer ; George L. Tics , secretary ; G.V. . Box , C. H. ! G. T. Sprecher , P. S. ; Augustus Sattlor , U. A. C. ; J. B. Barnes , M. 8d V. ; B. T. Dunn , M. 8d V. ; C. F. Elseley , M. 1st V. ; J. S. McClary , sentinel. Hastings chapter No. 21 , has Installed the following recently elected ofiicers : W. S. McKinney , H. P. ; A. B. Van Sickle , 1C. ; AV. II. Marshall , S. ; J. W. Harris , 'secretary ' ; P. A. Stewart , C. of II. ; Henry Lehrman , P. S. ; J. F. Heller R. A. C. ; C. L. Alexander , yd V. ; M. L. MoWhinncy , Sid V. ; J. W. Houseman. 1st V. ; B. S. Merrill , sent. On Thursday evening the following were installed ns ofllco bearers of King Cyrus chapter No. So. at McCoolc : Horace H. Eastorday , high priest ; Justin A. Wilcox , king ; John It. lloxby , scribe ; Samuel L. Green , treasurer ; Thomas J. Uees , secretary ; William Anderson , captain of the host ; Hugh W. Cole , principal sojourncr ; Joseph D. liobb , royal arch captain ; Edward E. Lowman , master third vail ; Sylvester Cor- deal , master second vail ; Lewis C. Wolf , master flrst vail ; E. J. Hall , sentinel. The members of Vesta' chapter. No. 6 , Order Eastern Star , of this city , will give another dancing party at Masonic hall. Wednesday evening , February 22 , which will no doubt bo one of the most pleasant social events of the bcason. Saturday evening , January 28 , a largo number of the nobles from Tangier temple , Mystic Shrine , will go to Kearney und con duct twenty-eight candidates through the mysteries of the Temple of Shrhiers. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Nebraska Masonic Homo will bo held at 3 o'clock on Monday , January 23 , 18'J3 , at Free Masons' hall , Omaha. The annual mcetlnp of the Nebraska Vet eran Frefa Masons will bo held at H o'clock on Monday , January 23,189.1 , at Free Masons' hall , Omaha. There will bo no dinner. modern Woodmen of America. Ivy Leaf camp No. 480 of Crete installed ofllccrs for IBVJ Tliursdjay evening xncy _ are s follows : V. O. . D. B. Zook ; W. A. , E. S. iritchlleld : C.y W. L. Lovell : E. B. , E D. lurkett ; ; E. , MM Alford ; W. , Fred Yant ; S. , A. BurtweU. A banquet followed the in stallation , to which 125 ladles and gentlemen sat down. Tho-music , which wns n marked feature of the evening , was f urnlshcd by the Adelphian quartet and an Instrumental band from Doano college. Visitors were present from Pleasant Jlill , Dorchester and Spraguo. The camp has olglrty-onu members. A lodge of Modern Woodmen -was insti tuted in Archer last Thursday night by State Organizer ) Dr. A. O. Faulkner of Lin coln , The following ofllcers were elected : Vcnernola consul , William Wegncr ; worthy adviser , S. N. Guniey : eminent banker , A. W. Widdtlleld ; cleric , E. II. Gurney ; escort , H O. Chapman ; camp physician , C , E. Barnett - nett , M.D. ; watchman , O. Reynolds ; sentry , F. W. Sampson. The fourth annual entertainment of the Woodmen camp of WIsner was held Tuesday night , which was participated in by the members of the camp and their families to the number of 150. After a few dances the following ofllcers were installed for the cn suing year : F. C. Evans , venerable consul ; L. S. Strain , worthy adviser ; W. Armstrong , excellent banker : L. C. Kringcl , clerk ; U. Ulchardson , escort ; F. J. Malchow , watch man ; O. V. Owen , sentry ; A. It. Olcson , manager ; C. C. McNish , delegate , and F. W. West , alternate. An elegant banquet was then enjoyed , which was followed by a num ber of addresses by members of the order. Adjournment was then taken to the dancing hall , where the orausemeuts of the evening were prolonged into the small hours of the night. The Woodmen is the strongest und most prosperous fraternity in the place , und its yearly entertainments are tno leading social events of the place. Thursday orcuiob' the following officers LA I ) IKS' Kid Gloves $1 PA IK. 68 dozen Indies' Mousatiotniro , Alox- nndre , 0 nnd 8 button suede kid gloves , in grny , tnn , brown nnd black ; htivo never sold for less than SI.75 nnd $2. Choice of entire lot SI pair. LA Dins' Cashmere Gloves 15c PAIR 28 dozen ladies' fast black nil wool cashmere gloves , less than half price , 15c n pair. DENT'S Underwe'r 35c. 800 dozen men's nnd boys' all wool scarlet shirts and drawers loss than half cost 35c each. ANY MAN'S Collar lOc. ANY MAN'S Sox 10cI5c,20c , , were installed at the regular meeting of Fairmont jlodgo : H. N. Webber , venerable consul ; George Jackson , worthy advisor ; 13. A. Vanslyke , banker ; G. D. Maxileld , escort ; W. O. Ross , clerk ; E. Pollock , watchman ; A. Z. Posson , sentry. Army nml Navy Union. A public installation of Jho newly elected ofllccrs of garrisons No. 13 and No. & , Regu lar Army and Navy union , occurred Satur day evening , January 7 , at the hull of the General John R. Brooke garrison on Fif teenth street , the national vice commander , Henry Shindlcr , of Leavcnworth , Kan. , who is also an army correspondent , acting as In stalling officer. Over 100 comrades were present with their families and friends. The following arc the ofllccrs installed : General John R. Brooke Garrison , No 51 Commander , John D. Howe ; vice commander , Frank P. Thornton ; deputy commander , Williams. Kelly ; adjutant , II. E. Shaack ; paymaster , James H. Johnson ; quartermas ter , John L. Ehlman ; officer of the day. Henry Falvoy ; officer of the guard , MalachI Kerwnn : officer of the watch , John Burke ; ensigns , W. II. Shoup and Henry Solinger. Abraham Lincoln Garrison No. 13 Com mander , David F. Driscoll , vice commander , George Lclflcr ; deputy commander , Joseph Stuhl ; adjutant , GeorgeScobcr ; paymaster , Michael Coady ; quartermaster , James Forbes ; chaplain , William L. Howe ; officer of the day , John Gladlnlch ; officer of the guard , Charles A. Covert ; officer of the watch , Michael Wilson ; ensigns , Sovcrt Olson and David Ball. After the ceremonies speeches were made , army songs rendered us only these who have followed the guidon can sing them , the best of good feeling prevailed , and all present pronounced the nfl'uira thoroughly enjoyable ono In every respect. / nclcnt Onler of United Workmen. At the last session of Nelson lodge No. 78 , the following ofllccrs were elected for the ensuing year : II. W. Short , M. W. ; J. B. Howard , F. ; S. L. Baker , O. ; E. D. Jackson , recorder ; W. A. Hunt , Fin. ; F. J. Patehlii , Rcc. ; F. A. Disbrow , G. ; J. F. McEndreo , I. W. ; F. Coleman , O. W. J. W. McKibbon steps from tlio master workman chair to the past master workman ; Drs. F. J. Patchin and J. R. Buillngton were elected examining physicians , Hastings lodge No 43 installed its officers Tuesday night , II. M. Carpenter , D. G. M. , acting as installing onicer , ns follows : B. B. Hicks , P. M. W. ; August Berg , M. AV. : R. Yost , F. ; Frank Palmer , O. ; 10. J. Parker , R. ; J. Woostor , F.j J. A Rose , Re. ; Al Dull/ , G.jC. D. Palmer , I. W. ; Ed Mead , O. AV. There are 215 members in good standing and every meeting is a royal Intellectual feast. AVcdncsday evening ofllccrs were Installed in Edgar lodge No. Si us follows : P. M. AV. , C. A. Wofheesj M. AV , , J. O , Lyne ; R. , J. G. ProsserF.F. : C. AVhittlesoy ; O. , J. Sugdcn ; G. . H. F. Moore ; R. , O. N. Edgar ; O. AV. , J. AV. Basey ; I. W. , J. A. Haydcn. The newly elected ofllcers of Norfolk lodge , No. 27 , have been Installed. They ore ns fol lows : P. M. AV. , J. A. Hornberger ; M. AV. , J. M. Covert ; F. , JohnSpollmnn ; O. d. , R. Benedict ; financier , M. L. Ogden : recorder , AAr. Rish ; receiver , Frank Kroner ; G. , M. Robb ; I. AV. , J. A. Brown ; O. AV. , Frank Farrcll. The O. 1' . II. l.'iitrrtiiliimrnt. The oyster supper given by the O. P. B. on the evening of Tuesday , December 27 , ut the now rooms on North Nineteenth street was quite a swell affair. Tuesday evening being the regular meet ing night n short business session was held , but soon adjourned. Tlio members were then escorted to the dining room. Toasts were indulged in for the flrst half- hour , then nil fell to the delicious spread before them. After supucr they occupied the parlors , being entertained by piano , violin und harmonica until 12 o'clock , when nil retired feeling highly pleased with the success. Among these present were : Messrs. J. Miller , F. Berlin , H. ICuno , T. Moo , E. Fried , C. Althaus , W. Willis. A. Coon , W. D , Counsman nnd many others. Uiilttnl Order Trua lluiul. Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the grand lodge of tlio United Order True Bund will assemble in this city ntFort Omaha , and the convention will remain In session for two days. The grand lodge Is subordinate to the Carpets and Curtains AT Nirr COST AND HALF COST. Now IB tbo tlrno. Don't . delay. Huy your cnrpots nnil curtains for pprlnir. Every yard of cnrpct , every pair of eurtnins must go , cost not considered dnrinir this big closing out snlo. 101)0 ) best quality curtain shiidcn nil opnquo , mndo best sprint' llxlurus , only 2ic ondi. Not ono-hntf prieo. All our lluost Irish up nt on po Swiss , Tiunbour and Brussels net luce curtains nt nearly half p.'ico. Everything must go , ns wo arc positively going1 out of business. I ) AM ASIC Towels 39c. Over 000 dozen of the finest quality , satin damask towels , knotted fringes nnd drnwn work. They comprise our cntiro stock which has been sold nt COc , 7/5c / nnd $1. Your choice now only ono- hnlf price 39n each. This is the great est towel bargain over olTorcd. Cost not considered. They must all go. don't miss thorn. I1UCIC Towels 5c , 7c. 9c. 6000 dozen satin damask and huck nil llnon towels nt 6c , 7c , Do , 123c , loc nnd 20o each , only half prico. MARSEILLES Bed Spre'ds $1.00. 600 Marseilles bed quilts worth $2.00 only Sl.OO each. supreme lodge , and embraces the Jurisdiction of Nebraska and Iowa. Its membership is mndo up of Germans , nnd it i-.n secret benevolent organization. The delegates In attendance will number twenty-six , nnd rep resent a membership of nearly 1,000 , distrib uted In the following different towns where lodges exist : Nebraska Omaha four lodges : South Omaha , Plattsmouth and Stanton ono each. Iowa-Sioux City , Charter Oak. Council Bluffs , Dennison and Malvcrn ono lodge each. 1 ho greatest feature of the True Bund Is its plan of insurance. A ' death policy of $700 is issued to the membc'r nnd one of $200 to the wife of the member. A weekly sick bcneilt of i , > is paid. Annual sessions nro held and the coming one promises to bo very interesting nnd re sult In the accomplishment of some good work for the order. .Mntlc l.rtflim. Hon. J. B. Hartwell , supreme councilor , installed the following officers in the Hast ings Loyal Mystic Legion last Wednesday night , doing the work in his usual Imppy manner : J. It. Ilursch , W. C.Wes. ; Mont gomery , W. V. C. : S. C. lieacox , W. S. ; J. M. Hemsher , W. T. ; O. II. Eckles , W. P. : J. F. Doremus , C. E : M. Huyncs , C. P. ; J. W. Clark , F. A. : John Snyder. F. I. ; .1. U. Pen- Held , F. J. The legion is in line shape , with 275 members In good standing. Sixty claims , amounting to $ lOSo.04 , have already been paid. _ Hod .lien. Wednesday evening of this week Ynh-Nun- Dah-Sis tribe No. 2 , Improved Order of Hcd Men , will give their second annual ball at Washington hall. The dancing will commence - menco protnptlyiat 8:30 : , and the best music in the city has been engaged for tho.oc- cnsion. Supper will bo served In the hall by the ladies of P6cahontis : degree. The Yah- Nun-Dah-SIs tribe is in n flourishing condi- tlon , nnd nearly every Monday night } hey adopt und scalp six or eight pule faces. Tiiiloipiul | < > iit Order rorcHtorx. Court Eelinso No. 107 held n regular meeting in Gate City hall , Thirteenth and Douglas streets , Friday evening , January 0 , and installed the following ofllccrs : D. Ham ilton , C. K. ; . Long , S. C. H ; F. L. Weaver , U.S. ; W. W. Gillcn , F. S. ; G. Stclnhnrt S. W. ! P. Kirby. J. W. ; G. Malckums , J. B. ; D. Priseneun , S. B. U'omcn's ICrllof COTJIH , The following ofllcers were Installed in Women's Relief Corps lodge No. 122 of Edgar : President , Mrs. M. R Castcrllnc ; vice president , Mrs. E. Beck ; Junior vice president , Mrs. C. Wno'dhoad : secretary , Mrs. C. Stover ; treasurer , Mrs. L. Trent ; chaplain , Mrs. A. Trent ; commander , Mrs. M. Walters ; guard , Mrs. H E. Bradley. HVILDlXll .lAftOtf/.ino.V XOTKh. Englewood , a suburb of Chicago , has nn association with 1(1 ( fi75 shares of stock in force and over $ .VKXX ) ( ) in Joans. The asso ciation aided In building -100 homes in that Urn 11. The eleventh annual statement of the Grand Island association , "serie ! . D , " shows receipts for last year amounting to f 2SfJ3.0U. Of this sum i34OtU.0 was loaned to mem bers. The gross jirollts for the year were ? J,002.r M , nnd the expenses $ . ' 3.Hi The association has loans amounting to 1 ,000 , and ( HO shares in force Shareholders In building and loan associa tions should mnko it a point to attend an nual election ! ) nnd vote in person instead of by proxy. Trio proxy system Is Indefensible. Prosperity often depends on the election of capable und trustworthy ofllcers und no or dinary cause ought to pruvcnt members from giving this imiiortunt matter their personal attention. The growth nnd popularity of building and loan associations in Chicago Is amazing. About ! WU associations report assets aggre gating ( ,000,000. , Their importnnre as financial Institutions is such that the Illinois legislature Is exacted to enact a compre hensive law for their government und pro vide a thorough system of state supervision. Effective supervision is ono thing Nubinekn Is sadly In need of. In largo cities , where building associations are numerous , borrowers make a practice of submitting their securities to several asso ciations and patronizing the ono which will loan the most , This practice bus become an I-ONdDAL E Muslin 63 VAUI ) . 3fl INCH Muslin 41c YARD. 0 cases 30 inch unbleached muslin 4 ! o yard. ALMOST GIVING AWAY Notion . Coats' spool cotton -Ic. Silk Arrnsono 8c d 07.011. Silk ribbosono 16c dozen , Rope silk Ic skein. Embroidery wnsh silk Ic skein. _ . Linen ilosH Ic skein. Darning cotton Ic roll. Silk lacing cord lo yard. Silk corset laces I5c oautt. Macrame cord fie ball. 6000 skeins zephyr 3Jo skoin. Suxonv yarn 8Jc skein. German knitting yarn ! e skoin. Pozzoni's face powder 30o. Carbour's nnd Marshall's linen thread Oa spool. All our fine rliohing now 16c and 2oo ynrd , „ t. , Only half prico. Everything must go , ns wo are positively L'OillL' out of bualnnxft. evil In Clm..atl ! : which tlio recently organ ized clearing house will check. Hereafter the names of all applicants for loana-nill submitted to the clearing liouse , thus nro- vcntlng the hawking system. The stockholders of the Grand Island Uui ding and Loan association at their an nual meeting hold on January U , 18'J3 , elected the following1 onicera for the ensuing year : B. C. Howard , president James ; Cleary , vice President ; C. W. Brininger , secretary , nnd H. A. Kocnifr , treasurer. Directors- Henry ? Tayir' U' 9' ? Iillcr' " Tj' McMoans , C. If. Handy , D. Ackorman , A. 0. J dormnn , and ij i.beor. J ho annual rtpo't of tlio secretary submitted shows assets over $ U > , ( HX ) . with un undivided not proilt ot over f.'fl.OOO. The association is in a highly prosperous condi tion and is doing a safe ami conservative business. An Important decision was rendered by Judges Irvine and llopowoll nt the district bench in this city n few days airo. An action wns brought by the Nobr.iskn'Build ing and Loan Association of Omaha to fore close a mortgage given by n defaulting borrower. Tlio mortgage was given prior to the passage of tlio art of I Ml I , consequently the question involved \\-na determined under the homestead act of 187.1. sections fWO to 802 consolidntcd statutes The main question was as to the validity of tno law of 1873 in so far as it seeks to exempt such trans , actions from the operation of the usury law , The contention of the plnlntllT that the trans action was not to be regarded as a loim but rather in the light of an advancement by the corporation to the defendants of the ultimate expectant value of the stock , was not considered by the court , for the reason that the supreme court of the state held , in Lincoln Building nnd Savings asso ciation against Graham , that the transaction Is n loan nnd subject to the operation of the usury laws as they stood prior to 1873. Under the general Interest law , the court holds , the claim would bo usurious , but the law of 187'i protects the plaintiff unless It bo in conllict with the constitution. The court discusses this point at some length , citing the state supreme court which In the cuso above referred to did not nold the law un constitutional. The special provisions of the constitution which It is claimed the act of 18711 infringes uru in the opinion of tlio court ' 'prosp'jctlvo in their opar.ition and do not apply to or affect the validity of existing statutes ! " But the court , whllo discussing tlio act in relation to theconstitutlon of 1875 , does not regard it as special legislation. "Courts of high authority hold that lolslu. ; tures hnvo power lo classify clti/cns for pur poses of legislation , nnd where such cl.isslfl. ration Is not arbitrary , but based upon con ditions rendering legislation peculiar to such classes necessary , legislation of such char acter is not special hut general " In con > elusion the court says : "While the consti tutionality of the act of 187U remains sur rounded liy much doubt and dlllloulty , the weight of authorities in support of the doc trines alxno statiid und tlio\\cightof reason * Ing upon their side ai'esuch as to Indolata clearly what courts of the llrst ln > stuncc should adopt. A law supiiorted by so much authority nnd such good reason should not iiy this court ho held unconstitutional. " Judgment was rendered for the plaintiff. Kecpliiff Tlir P Ilinrle . It was In n street car that n pretty girl In a brown velvet hat gave the public some Idea of thn work of personal reform she was about to undertake for the year She was telling her friend the number of Christmas gifts she had received " 1 had three lovely diaries for the now year , " bhe said. "One was in inorocco.witli my name stamped in gold , nnd ono was In black seal , with my initials In silver. Th other was the prettiest thing you oversaw , bound in gray iiiard .skin. " "Hut what on earth nro you going to do with the thrco diaries I" inquired hereout * panlon. "Oh , I guess there'll bo no trouble about filling them. Why , it took thn 'January 1' of all three und tlio 'January U' of two of them Just to put down my Now Year's reso lutious ! " a The report that Harvard had ordered at ) aluminium shell from Gulunaugh in t'hlla- dclphia has sot Yule mrn to thinking. OaU annugh offers to guarantee that this shell will bo ten seconds faster than a cedar or a paper boat. The metal Is only oiio-twentloth of an inch thick , and the shell will be about flfty pound ! lighter than ouo of cedar or of paper.