THE OMAHA DAILY KKK : S.VTUliPAY , .lANl'AKY U , 1893. SPEOIRL NOTICES. KOK TllrMH COLUMNS AinTllTIHKMBNTH II ! > . m for the evening nml unllll jOn in for the niurnltu or fununjr cut No advertisement Iskon for leu llinn 36 conti for the first Inmtlton All no iin m nU In thesn columns I' wnUn ward for Ilia lint Insortlnn nml t rent it word fur ouch mibir juent Ir.inrtlun or It 10 per line per month at mi , each In ndvnncu. Initial ) ( luiircn , ymb < . * tic each count nit n word Advertise inent * mutt run e jnseciitlvcly Advertisers , by ro minima n numbered eherk ran have Inn loiters fdilrcmcdto n numbered letter In rtiro of 'I UK llrr Answi-rs no mtilre'iPd will to delivered on the presentation nf the clii'ck 8ITUATfo NS WANTED7 ' \VANTKII IIV A ( IKIIMAN MAN AI'OMIIOVVANTKII ! . hotel or re tn rnnt. references AdilrcsVW , Hoe - \TION IIV HKSTCLAS-S IIOOKKKKl'KIl A-81TI ctpcrlencn ! bent reference Hooka Opened nml closed , Address IW , llec. M2M 15 * COJII'I'TKVT LAOV ( JKttMAV DHSCKNT , wtshe * poilllon n hoiisjkopper In respectable family. b l of referencei Call 1101 North 211 h "t. ' , YOUXO MAX , 1'OSIIION AH bookkeeper or general onico work Hunt of references orencos llox 770 , City 2U * llloilOliait miSINKHH WOMAN Wl'Ulr'S to remain In Oinnhn few months Capable till Ing positions of trust. Hrst clnns saleslady or nurse Jim Hmltb , 3101 South Uth streol WANTED-MALE HELP. COMMISSION 'IO AdKNT'f TO 11SALAItV ( ) K .I'hnnrilo tin ) I'ntcnU bemlcnl Ink Krnslnu I'oncll The most nvoful nnd novel Invention nf thonire Krnseslnkthnrnuidily In two recondKorkn like lunulc SUI teX ) per cent prollt Aecnts mnkltiK IW per week \ \ o nl v ) want n Kcnornl nk'cnt to tnku chnriiu nf territory and iipnlntsiib nKcnts. A rnro Chnncoto mike money \vrllo for lonnsnnd n sam pin of ornslnit Monroe LIUBIIIK MfK Lo Y .1" Ln Crosne , \ \ Is 70il PAHALAU \ TO agents Kxperlenco unnecennry Apply Hlnircr onico 1 } W'ANTI.I ) , A H'.W UKL1AIILK SOLICITOUS JJIn Nebraska for thu Union ( entrtl Life Innnr nnco company of ' luclnnatl ( > oed territory and liberal contracts to the Hunt men Address I .M I dmlston "tatn Agent , rooms 4j , It ) and 47 Ilurr blk I tncoln Neb MJIU .l.W KYK8. " A Ml AM II 'I O MAKK JlJ roonoy fart and tasy \\o waat an-aecnt In every county In Nebraokn , town outh Dakota , Wyoming lolorado and Knnini to Inttodilro our wonderful medical dl co\ory llrlght Kyes" Istho most rematknhle discovery ofthonKoand Is poi lively Ktiarnnteed to relief n anil t mo all complaints nftliecjro It removes Intlamatlon strenijthenn \renk oyis ctucs ere ones and iidds brightness nnd lipaiity to hi-allliy ones Liberal terms toauonts No money ordeiioslts reciulrod In advance \ \ rllo for territory nl onre 'llrluht l'os llomcdytii , No 22inorth CapltoIStnaliliiniun H I' mi)31 ) 14 TJ WANTKDIIAH'TSS M/TKKKS To TUV J ) olleto of Iron , best In market Audits wanted Addcess , with stamp , American MamifacturliiK company , Omidia , Neb MIO * ! 15 * US lOUTHNNH SiH. : AilkANSAS AND on pirornmiml work Kramer A O'Hcaru , Labor AKOIICUJj houtb llth street .M 11916 * l ) WANT hi ) . OOOD HAKNis' : < MAKiil ON IJheiivy work rhthtaway J < > 5) per set , 6 to Inch J C intunoM rnliiirrn , Neb irj II * " " WAN ! Ill ) TWO liOOD HAKNLSSMAKKKS sleady employment , work by thu piece t-chiultz A rnnhorstVymoro , Neb 1U 10 ' ! > WANTLI ) , A (10011 HAIlNKdSMAKKK AT IJIIonderron , In T H Curry IbOZt' i > WAMPii TWO Miibr orAHs HAKNKHS I'mnkors Dtotily workulMW per "fit Men with fnmlllon ( iri'forrail Ailrens J. 0 Smith , V ( n , Kenriipy .Nob 137 14 _ T > -iiAKiit WANnsi ) , riusi-ri.ASb , ON J ) hrcn < l and c.lko ! Carl Hoth , HolilroKO , Noli ) WANII'lHKVKHAI. ( lonl ) MI..N TO bil.I. DlubrlcntlnK olln Kronno iinil oil nppclnltlcs on cnminlmlon N'oolijcctlon to cnrrylni : olhcr KOIXI < < Addrt' H thn I i\vri > ncu Oil cuinpiiny ! 2n't buperlor direct ( luralnnil , O 1M U * - ' ) TIN'MJll I OK INslDI ! AM ) Ot T B-WAN'Ihl sldownrk. must also nnileisliml plumbing , rlnndiy Ion reference required , K 1 * . Olmslod & Co , Wayne Neb .MIH7 IH T ) -WAN 1 HI ) A ( ! OOD MAI.K SI ICNOOUAl'HKII l > ImvliiK excellent buslneasublllty t L Loomls , 100J rnrnillli Jllll 14 * - A (1OOI ) IIKOOMMAICUU. AD dress ( I 11 \ \ rlxht , tharltonja 211 IS T > WAS'IT.D , bl'liCIALTV ITOl'LII 'IO JOIN JJthoatrlcal ciiinpany Address wa Hoc 517 13 * WAN'llin MKN 10 Tit A Vm. , IW TO * ' 0 1'Ell month , fclonu \VollliiEtun , .Miulljon. W Is 15 WANT K . NO 1 IIAItNirSbMAKKIl ; &T13ADV .Ojob lo rltfht man ; miiHt hnvu tools , stntu wnuca itxpcctetl Addrtss , ulth Btiimp , Lhurlui Deppv. ImoKOno. In 215 15 * 1 > - wAM'un , boiitcirou TO womc UP NKW Jbninp | s In clly nml nurtdnnrilnf odiinlry townn. ' l.xrorln clear $190 In Udnyn. novleon us high r.s i'jl llrnt cek Chiinco forrUht pnrty to uet control of n KOOI ! t > islne a Hpeolnl Intluco- mcnt to nentloniun nr luily of Inlcnl. Stourty work throiiKliout the yenr A few vnenncloi In other cllicit ; n'Ho In rural illHtrlcts Wrllo Immediately to Mnsl , ( rowell & Klrkpatrlck , Deportment II" Bprlniillelil O. M25I U WANTni ) , HAI.IISMKN ON Till : 11OAO TO soil uilvurtlsliiK cards untl calundnra on comrnlR' lou direct fiom thu manufacturer Can mnka IJt per week AdverllBlni ! jpcclnlty Lo. , lluRalo , N V T > "i TO 5 THOUSAND A Yl'.AH ' 1OII A 1.1KI JJtlnia" to active men vrlth and nlthout rnpltnl WoKlvofnll control In n Inrito territory of tin lient nellliiKiirllcle In tlio world Iluslnons lORltl nmlu. Addieis nt once , Corporation , 178 mid 181 louitnorclnl utrccl , Lynn , Jlusn M2IH 14 * CYOUMI LA018n | CAN 8OOX ACQUtlllC A worklnit knonledxa ot shoithand and typo wrltliiK ut Van Sauls' SU N Y Life MAZ ' " "WANTHI' , LADIUS Oil * iOUM > MUN 1C tnko light , pleasant work nt t'aelr own homos , f 110 tn 1,100 per day can bu < | iuUly made , worl caiivnsslnir her particulars ad ilressfilobo Mfu Co , Ilex , ' < JJI lloston , Muss Fs tnbj shod IHMJ M4W jlO * C WAMHO. ( IIIIL OKNKKAlj 11OU.SKWOUIC small family , irood wnKes ; 11311 South Jlst V03 000 JHIL H ) it GUNIJIIAI t 'work at IIU m 13 * _ 7"l"\VANTHl > l A (10011 ( illtr. I Oil ( IKVKUAI v. uousowork , rofurcnco rvnulrcd GU.No 20th Ml'JJ 14 * f 1-JKNSKN'S DANISH ANII8VV1 DISH KMI'I.OV V mt'iit oltleo eornor Kith nnd Duuului , up stain , nil kliuU of help always on hand , bj coed ulrl < foi Kenonil housunurk 15J 1 1J' ( 0VAV1 hi ) . l.ADUWAM ) OIIIJ.8 TO DO OlTT now work for us at homo. M to ti per week eaoll ] ninilHi no pnintlnit or caimi HlnK. bend suit nil ilrcvsed envelope 1 oho Manufacturing company 4 Libert } square , llof Ion , MIIBK 'is II,1 S WAN'I I'.ll , l.ADV AllU.Vlb IN iVKK'IOW" v to soil ladles' nnd children aprons nnderweir wrappers , fie , lo prluitu homes ( iood vraves Ht nil self ml lre soi | , i > lnmped envelope for imrtlc ulnrs Adiln > < % Ilia Womans Apron Co , 300 Mich \gan \ nvuniu * . LhlcnKO , III 23J II * i-A siniDi.n Aii : > W.OMNTO ICPKI' nousi V for n family of four , ( ierninn preferred Ad ilreai , I * O box . ' 16 , lllulr , Neb 31019 * /"I WANTKIMill. ( . 1011 ( JKNKIIAI , llnu-lt V ttorkatn n cor of litli and llurnoy els j en truneo on llarnoy 2'H 15 * f \ \VANTKI ) , HOOD 2J4 14 / 1 WANT1MI , A NIAT ; ciui , boitltr.coM V. work 2-.WI Doilgo. 5U)7 111 FOR KENT HOUSES. - HUNT No 2113 CAl'IIOL . l-v UK , A.VK.SUI ! 4modern. . 'llioO I HavU Co , IWi 1 arnam st st7U7 7U7 _ tlOlt ItKM7 HOI'Al-H ' IN ALL 1'AHIS Ol -lA'lty IhoO K ! ) Is company , 1S01 tarnumrt 7IM TV-H.AIH. OWIU.LISCS , COTI'AC.KIN AM JJparts of tbo city Kilkenny \ Co , 'iti luirlmtl J'lTii IlKNT , B KOOM ( OUNKIl ! LA 1' rangu A other conveniences , dottier bU tOl a aib st. fji. lllniii It llrot. llarker block 3-J4 J15 DNKW7 ItOOM COlTAGrW. JIODKKN , It Manford circle Convenient for business nun of Omaha and t-outh Oumhu , U el r Icullor , 'fl Vro lilllldlnir .V1S8 D V toll 11KNT-1 SI'KAM IIHATKI ) H.AT. -'roouii , I Inlon block , 13th nnd Mason stre'els Ii nod repair Inqulro at 817 lu thu block Jn i Jlnmlln agent M5J.1 : L1S I'-l'AUU IWifAHNAM > THKK/I pD _ MtiOJ D I OK KKNr.NnAKHANSCOM I AHK. Urlck hou > o , cUht IOOIIIP , No 3m Toppleton nvc eornor 1 uppleton nvo md Thirty cond si , soul and easl iroul , rtnlihcd In oak. with linmliom ruantols , balb , plciidld furnace , brick cellars , etc Urlck house , olghlioom * No , 1140 Smith Thirty second st , oak dnlsh with nlcu btlb , furnace , clt water , cistern , gas , sttterajv , brick cellsri etc II\U ) . T lilcannt brlek home , No JOiJ 1'aoltlcst , ono o toe niu'it nnlslmd nndcoilest eight room houses I the city , with all mudi-rii co eulences , Ineludln e-HiiBiit porcelain bathtub , hot and rolil Maloi stationary laundry tubs , * to , no duer locution 1 the city , fii.W. Tbvnbovo houses are all on paved strfet * coi renlf nt lo motor lines , In perfectly ucalthi lucr lion ami pleasant neighborhood. Ueo. K Hlcki 01 Now York Life. Hi u _ _ _ B-IO-HOOM llbUSK tOK IlKNT. ALL 'NODKtli cpuvcnl nces. Ho , 1114 Chicago street I- I /orJ. an life building MS03 IS "H kolt UK\T , TV > OIIOOU COTFAdUS Oi J-'mulor. Lallat southwest oor lu aod OougUi _ P-6 KOOM3 IN 1IUICK ICW LKAV8 wottb strost. JU IT * UOUSKB. n-ttill IlKNT. A TKN lUKitt IIOU1K. ALL J 'newly jialnlixl nml papered with moflern fur nac * Unth room and wMer nonet but ndrolil wnter sllnalixt In nna of I'm finest resident nclgn liorhoods In tbo clly hnlf block north of rnrnnm nlreetonHRIh nlrt-ct Inqulm of Homo Inrfslment ( o third Hur. 1'niton building Ml ID * FOB , BENT -rUBNIBHEP BOOMS. 1 ? WKM , FUIINIHIIKU KIIONT HOOMM , &J1 I-I North lath street MUJ U < | ? Tt'UvHIIBf ) I100M9 ! fS ANl ) 110 I'KIl l-i month 001 iouth 17th VfV \ FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOAIID. ii-HAM ) eMi : oirrit uooM-i WITH uovuii 1 ( Itpfcrcnccs IWJ Chicago direct. MSOI II * IL UHJH yiHITH KIIONT IIOOM WITH Al L'co vc , wllhboard IVJUlapltol avenue. I -THK DOLAN , VU ANII 211 N. 1I T11 8T. I -YOUNO WOMKVS IIOMK UNDKIl ( MUK Olr' -L Woman's Uhrlitnnniioclallun 111 So Ktliat 210 I i TioOMANI ) llOAItl ) foil TWO IIKNTLBMK.V 1 M W per wuek calli , 6.'J North IOth Btri'ot. M < 2VJ 15 FORBENT-UN-FITBNIBHED BOOMS /I 3 KOOMB tlO , t HOOMS 13 , 3i2 N 1JT1I street - LNKUKNHIIKD ItOOMf , bTKAM HKAT , G-S bath iA ) S loth St , Mat II llefcrencc < M < M 15 * FOB STOBE8 A ICEair _ 1-KlIt KKNl.THIJ 4 - < roKY 1IHICK 1IUILDINU , 11)10 ) Fnrnamst The building has n lire-proof co muni basement complete steam honllnz HTluros , water on all the Moors , ims , etc. Apply at tlio olllcoofTho llec 1)10 ) -ONTcTolMlHroilY IlIlitK iFuLOINUZl tKET JLurido HU'Hnrneysl 7U f I'7)u"UKN"r A \ 'KIIDnSIKVlll.K IlUILDINl } I ultahlo fern warehouse wllh atahlo In cjnoe- tlon 'Irnckntro front nn I roir Artdrosi I ! A ( .armlchucl care of McCord Urn ly \ co 'M AGENTS WANTED. I \VAM F.t > A I.IVK MAN Oil WOMAN IN il svory county whorowe have not nlroaily BP curoil n rcprt'senlatUo to toll our ' Novnila sll cr Solid Metal Knlvos 1 orks nnd Hpoona to column- cm , a solid metal an whlto an nllvor , no pinto to uoar olt ; KOotU ( iinirnntoucl to wear ullfutlmo * tout about one tenth that of silver , the chance of a llfotlinoi BKunf ) nvcrnito from f50 totluuper ncokaiKl meet with ready Bales everywhere , no Krcnt Is the demand for our fcolld Metal Coeds O ur fl OUOUUU worth of good ) In dall > line Canu of mimplcs free Standard sllvcrnaro Company lloj ton , Mais MJ44 1 13 * I WAN1EU. AfJHNl-tVOU A NHW I'Abrsi.LL < 'Hilt laoiiey niaklnit article overJO.OJO nilny bolng Hold nampfo nml ternm free Addreaa I' K Wo- hosky l'rovldonC3 , U I .V.215 2U * WANTED TO KENT. K-WAN'IKI ) , I'MJASINt 1IOAUDINU I'LAt'K near Slii'rnnin nvonuu hy yoiiuit lady carries luncheon Uofcronccs oichanited Ad.lresi W 31 , lleooltlto MS57 ! ! > STORAGE. r-sioKAOH ciir.AiCLKAN , WKLLS 1111 I Knrnnm street 715 DON'T STOIIK HOI'snilOM ) OOODWll'lt - M out fiepliitf onr Btornuo Uepiirtmnnt Its \ the litst Omaha Mete ItcpalrVorks , r.'OT Douiclai WANTED TO BUY. ' - ) TO IIU\ , bOMB 8 IM5II CUNT N'-WAMKI llrst mortURKca lleotl , V belbjr , u.11 llounl 'Irtila 7t ( . S'-MllSr MOIlTdAC'M ON (1001) UK VI , IIS Into II A Arnold , OJ1 lioa bnllillni ; : ' WANTHI ) 10IIUY STOC1C Of GUOCKItirs Ny , , , xlUIS , Uo Molnci , Is. 21019 * AT-WANTKD ' 10 IILY , A SMALL SAl H W 8 1 > UnldulT , loth and lapltul nvo 230 ID \r-Wl"0 U3EI ) BTA.Ml'S 11OX ( j-JS , CII Y 1 > JU6S F13 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. O , -SK.rONI ) HAND SCJUAKB 1'IANO IN (1OOO repair ; , for taioclioip 15JI Corby street MSII FOR.SALE HORSESWAGON8ETO , , 1J rail BALL' , A NKAIILY NI5W DOU11LK sprlngoxpresswagon ho o harness and buggy , also a nearly now eel of ercnmery tool * , consisting of butter worker , churn , HIIWU scnlo , truck , oto , nil will be sold nt n urea sacrllloj Address O U 'Ixschuck , lleo olllco. or eill ut U77 Mlama street , whore goods can bo seen M03J | > -Kill SALK'I KAM'oYdOOn , SMALL HO1HKS , J , chouK | F L. Loom 1.1,1IXJJ rurnam st 221 14 * 1) tOlTaALH , TWO HNK MATCIIil > SOIHIKT t driving horses , nlso ono bay nmro nnd one black here All elegant drivers Musi bo sold al once Hdollty I.onn nnd Guarantee Lo , Itoom 4 , WithnoltblUg M22I Q-toit BALI : , CHEAP , A ainousi : POWKII automatlo ongliit5 , also ono 14 horse power UP' rlgbt engine , bath In good repair. Inqulro of Fcst , ner Prlntlug Co , 1JU7 Howard slroet , Omaha , Neb , -SKCOND HANI ) HAND POWUll KLKVA1OII Q for sale 1203 Howard M482 JU * - bTANDAKO CATTLK CO HAS CON Q-TI1K Bluntly on hand bnled hay , for saloon trncU nl Ames. Neb. ] M5fJ - LAUG1 ! YEL1X1W HKAO I'AK Q-HANDSSOMK rot and cage , good talker , price fi3 00 , Hart ! mountain canary , f. ' 00. UI North loih , room 7. tin n * - - BALK. TIIK llllICK THAT 18 1AKK * < Q-P-ll oulof tlio County hospital , Inijulru of tin foreman at the hospital MV < 0 -IP VOU WANT TO 'IUV CHUAI' I'OTA'IOK1 at wholesale jr retailcall at J71 Soulh lentl slroet. Omaha , J. M Coots. 31JI3 IS * fULACK HILLS OOLI ) OKI ! SI'KCIMKNS CAJ VViio obtained for (100 by addressing to 1'rof \\m. Ilrowiic , Lead City 8 O. 211 lu' MISCELLANEOUS. ItAVK YOOIl OLD CAlll'KT WOVKN 1N1C R beautiful rugs Address Omabn Cm put and IUu factory , 13J1 I citvenworth street MbOl J 21 * P IUII HUNT , 10 ACIIICS NKAK SOU11I -IVomahnfor Kiirdon 'llio O. K. Davis Co , 130 : 1-urnnni st 'J3.i IS OL i AIIIVOYANTS. r ' - NANNI1S v S rellablo bJslucsM uiedlum.ilflh year ut IIU N ll > tl. _ 71S S-MUS IIU M , LKr.llAVB , IMlOI'HK.rK-'S ' DKAI trance clnlr\oyant and life render , tells join life from cradle to grnvo , can be consulted on all nrfalrsofllfo has the celebrated Kgyptlau bruasl pinto lo unite the separated nnd cnuso nmrrlagi. with ono you Ivo Comu ono , toma all nml bj con vlncod of her rsmirkttbla powers Otllce nnd raal ( Unco ( IT B llthat.hours Da m to 1) p' in , Slrlcl life chart and pbuto ot vour future wlfo or hits band sent through mnll for SJ 00 , chart nlono I.'OJ All letters contnlnlng I cents lu stirnpi nroinoll ] .inswcroit MSII IU * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. " J3l CAl'lTOr AVhNUU ± llooin j , M tloor. ilnssigo , nlcohol sitluhur and sen baths ; \U * > J 20' 'P MMrTl'AllBON , llll DOl'dLAS 8TIIKKT 31 1 llnor , rcKim 7 , niaisiigu , alcohol , sulphur nml bei baths i'JJ I'.i- PERSONAL. U-i.MLlMKNI ! | . \OULOVtiV UN AN DUII.L' send your address to the American Correspond Ing club , Clarksburg , W Yu ( ' . ! ] } MUSIO , ART AND LANGtTAi S , \ ' - ( ) V. ( IKM.UNIIKCK.UANJOTKAIHKII. N W < cor 15th and Hartley Hnrnoy slruet entrance I'll ' V-rillVATK DUAWINOLKaSJNa IN 1'KNCIL > crayon , pistel Margaret Arwot , 11UI N 'J7ili street. MJal 14 * MONEY TO LOAN-- REAL i ESTATE \\r-.MONI-Y ' 111LOAN AT LO\\Ksr KATBi 'i The O r. DnvlaTJo , IWj ( arnam slrecl Tii \\r-UWEbT ItVlbb 1 IDU.U'V TUUdV COM < l pany , 17V. ' fnrnnm ulreel Ut \\r-rKii CKNTM oNBMtrTo HOHUO\VKII > I on Omnhn city property Nu uxlra charges o any \\hrpnyhlehrates ) Money la clionp u can gel lull benotlt of low rnlei trom cilobi Lonn and Trust ( .u , loth nud Dodge 7.1 AX' OMAlTA"sAVINiTs TuNK MAKKd LOAN ! 'I onrealNlale at lun sl market rates. Loan iiin < lo In mmll or large sums for short or lam time. No comml i Ion Is charged and tholoniis ar nol sold In lheen l , bul cm alwn > s bo funnl a tlio bank on lue corner ot Pin and Dentlas slreeti \\r-IAJANS ON IMl'KOVKI ) AM ) UMMl'KOVKI 't city properly , 13.000 and upwards. Bio 7 parconl No delays W tarnaiu smith A Co . lith and Harne 7 JO \\r-C. F HAlllllbO.V , HUN Y. LIr'K. ' ' 731 AY ANTHONV 1.OAN ANIITIIIMT Co . 318 N. V I Life. lends at low rates for olioloo security 01 obr k or low.furiusor Omaha city property IXAN-I HAVK ' to loan unimproved Omaha property , prlvat funds , lu ou ur mure loans. Address T Its lie onru. _ _ _ _ [ ui UT MONKV TO IAAN ( IN OMAHA VNH COt'.1 ! ell lllultsreal estate auil Nebraska and low farms at from fl to t per rent Interest , with no addl tlonal charges for commissions or attorney * f ec < W U. Mtlkle , til Nat 1 bank bldg , Omabt. ' , uJ MONEY TO LOAN REAL E8TATE. CondMiinl \\r MOIITUAHH IXS LKS9 THAN 7 I'KIl ' riMil. Including all rhnmei Charles W llnincy Omaha Nat lianklildg 711 \\r-i ANoiiiit LOASHON CITY ANII KAKM mortgages ll od * f elby , 811 Hoard of 'Irnde. \V ' iiroTKt Kml tinlmtiroTp-l real OAtato.l loSjrurs TW rarnnm t TU1 ATOXl-K I ANSN IMptOVKI ) M Omnhn properlri l w rntoj Hilclllr Trint roinpitif ITllI rnrntm it 7U TO 1.0AV. rJUMi ( MJN AVI ) III * ' Oeorgo 1'nul. lHOltnrniiiii Mllll J7 * 1T-I.OANS U. O WALLACK JlJ IIHOWN "VPUIVATK MONKV. 1ST AND SO MOIITOAOK > loans low rnlos Alex Moore lleo bide 712. . _ \r-MONKV TO I-OAN OS IMl'llOVHIJ CITY ' properly , luw rate. A C. Frost , Douilns bk _ V-CI5N1KAL LOAN A TUUST CO I1KK HIIIU > 7J1 "MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. "V"-lO YOU WANT MONKV * TUB FHIKMTV LOAN HUAKANTRK CO , ItOOM 4 WITIINKLL 11LOCK. 319H SOUTH 1VTII , COUNKIl IIAUMIV ST. WILL \ LOAN BUM \ LAnan raosi \ TKN WK SIAkK IA\NS 0V 1-iniVllUltK , OAHI11AOKS , WAIIKHOUSK HKCKH'IS Oil 1'HH- aONALI'UOl'KltlYOFA.NYKlNII / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /TOD IALLON /OB F1H3T / FOlt. / OUlt TKUMi WILL MIJKt1OLlt Al'l'IIOVAU \onculi imy the inonuy bitk at urijr llinu nml In nnr nmoiinl you wish , nml thin rciluco tlio cost of carry Ink'tlm loan In iiroportlon tonmuunt jrou pny 11 MH onru nbnluiifu un jour furnltarBor other pcmoniil prupi'rtr of nil ) Una , wo will i > ny It off fur you nrnl carry It in loni ; us you iloMre \OV CAN 11AVBOUII MOSKV IN ONH HOUll 1HOMTIIK 11MB0tl MAKKAI'l'LICAl ION- NO publicity or rcmovnl of property. BO tlmt you Rot tlio usooi both nioncr "nil property "Jl , r-CALL ATTIIK OtHCK or : OMAHA MOHTOAOE LOAN CO. t t INCOHl'OUATKO , j IF YOU WANT MONKY. \ou can borrow on iiotisniioLo i uiiNiruiiK ND TIANOS , HOIISKS. WAHONS ANII OAllltl AO KS. WAIIK110U8K IliUICH'Tt : > . MKlU'HAMJldK ( III AN OTHKU BlICintlTV. Wo will lend you any amount from flUUU to l OUU ON Till ! HAY YOU ASIC I OH IT , without publicity or removal of property ton can pay the money back In any itiuounti you wish , and at any time , and each pa ) mentao uiado will reduce the cost of the loan Homember tint you hare the use of both the property and the money nnd pay for Honly as lonKus you keep It 'Ihorowill bonootpensl or clmruo kept out of the amount wanted , but > ou will rotelvo the full amount of the loan Ikforo borrowing elsewhere call and see u and yon will llnd it uruiitly to your ndrnntaio OMAHA MOIlUIAdK LOAN LO , .wosourn lorn KTIIKLT , Ilrit tloor abcvo the slrctt. TIIKOLDICST LAIllllISI'ANO ONLY 1NCO11 rouATun LOAN LOMI'ANYIN OMAHA7T.T 7T.T V WILL1OAS MONin ONAN\ KIND Oh 8K- > Vcuilly , Ktrlctlj tontUlentlnl A K Harris 292 Knrhack block 70o \r-MOMY-i . CO 00 1)ACHKA1' HATKS JVnnd easy payments n furniture pianos llvo stock , etc , wltluiut delay or publicity , cath on hand Dull dreen , room S , llnrber block 73b X MONIIYI OANKO ON CIIATTKU COLLAT- crnl orothor pcraonnl iiroporty. at reasonable rules 1 to G months I lalms bought. W 11 Unvls , Houm.lOi McCo ca blilit 6V ) ) rt X I'UUCllAllU , 51 DOUUI.AS 11I.K 737 _ _ BXTSINE3S OHANGES V ML'SlM.bS OI'KMNdS. NO CllAlHJIO 'IO JL buyer ! ) bend staniu for printed list Vnn Pat ten of ( linalia. 807 JI4 Y - TUBVHoTKIlN HUSIMISS AOUNCY. 310 N \ l.lfe , conducts n Kcnernl business exchange List of KOOU business chances In ull purtu of the country on application Uuslnoss positions so cuied \I7S 11 AT * Oil HALn. UKl'AIL MEAT MAKKKT , J tlrst class location , cash sales 123 per day Ad drc U 7 , Uee. MOID OV OH A I , JIKHCHAN- JL dlse In llvo county seat town gala * last year 3 > UOO.CO , reason fur sol Unit , have not capital enough to take euro of th , itoiilly Increasing tua- Inessv 111 eclt for cash only , anil IUU cents on tlio dollar 'I Ills Is u rare business opportunity Act dress W fl lice y KOIlSALK , W HOLES ALT ! KltUIT , IMIODUCR , J confectionery and commtH lDn btistneas orly ono in city , binall capital rrqulrud , Tlmo will bo Klvcn wlih approved ociurltr Host of reasons for nulling. llox7U7 , tromont , Nob. MIMIC * " \r KltaALK , ( JllNKHALbrOClCOFMKKCHAN- L cllso. fcloru bulhllni ? , corn crib , salt sited and nlco residence cheap ; dolnx a big business , uUo postolllco In connection ( lood chance for ilcniO' crat Other business nccdlne ray attention Henry Harkson , Davoy , Neb -VU'J 1U V HNK STOCK OF M UN'S L tlxtures , will Invoice about , $ JUUO. a great barKnlnlf taken at onco. Call at Davis ,320 N IfUn all oat 10315 * y-ON ACCOUNT OP DOMKSTIC AFKAI1IS 1 1 will soil the best paying railroad online liouio , restaurant nnd lunch counter on the Paelllo coast No oppoultlon prollts over fCOUUU nor month In vlto the mott searching Investicatlon Price fl,5POUU Address C. b Uratton , 15 ; N Oth street , Porlland , Oro. * M'25 15 V A HiiYooons CHANCE ov MONDAVJAN 1 nary , UIb'J.I. . n JlU.ltO stock of dry KOOdi will bi sold lu tlio highest blilder for cash , at Kearney Neb , known1 an the 11 XT Storu JJ1 16 Y-SALOON'S. IIUSINKSSIIS , PAIITNKH SHIP , farms , mining stocks' lots Address IMonoci lluslne s Agency , bherldnn , Wyo. Sit 18 * Ar-iiiniKi IK uju IIAVI : rsooo. CLKAN 1 oral merchandise and want good deal , (12,000 or JI.'iWM , Ut mo hear from you , strlctlr conll dcntlal a. W. It Mcnt , Crab Orchard , NobM219 M219 I5 EXCHANGE. " -CLKAItV\IAlIA HKAI. UHl'A IK toil MISB , Z aclunl vuluallon. Money lo loan UoioliOmnlm 7JJ r/-Kll KXCIIANfJl ? CL1JAU IXFS FOll IM /Jprovul property \V T Oraliam , Mcl'uguo bld'g 131 II y I OWN 100 FA UMS IN NKIIIIASKA , KANSA' 'J A Dakota Will sell clionp orexrlinnge foi uul e , homos \catllc Add box7ii , Iraukfort Ind _ _ _ 775 rM.IJAN 81OCICOF ( iK.NKIIAI , M I ) S'K WILL /-Jlhku real estate \ money , llox"Jj , irrankfort Ind 775 /-Km TUADK , M IT Ii IIOUM IIOIJSK OS / Military nvo near Hamilton st Will sell cheap W T ( jrahini , MLLaKiui bill g 1SI II ry-IOll SALK , IMPLinilJNT STOCK AT 1MO tJfeao Alclress 1' . J llo urj , luioxuno , la 874 F I * / WILI.TUADH I'LKAl'l LOTS AT MANHOl' ' > Coin , for clour Nebraska Und orunad oqiilliim Address U J lllclmrds , Uox I.W , Denver , Cole Ml 4.1 FU * Z MODUIIN llOU i : ON IIINNBV SI" 'IO i\ . elmiiKe for auiullor housu. ( iruham , McCuguc ullillng * " 181 14 Z4"iU AUll'S OF ( l.KAH LArtl ) IN ONI ! Ot the best winter wheat district * In Kama * to ox chiingo foi lu or . ' ( ) acre tract near Omaha oils limits Will pay cash difference Ig propurty | , good Addresi , giving price nnd location , u K , Hoc olllce 2J5 y-40AcnKS n MILKS HIOM OMAHA , NHAH /-'South Omaha , to exchange for Improved cltj property t.ralinm , McCaguu bld'g HI 14 ' / - CAI.HOIIN I AA I N VINhYAIIDF.illbALl rJ orcxchanuo for iroodlncnme properly , elghly acres , hlKhly lmpro\ed. In full bearing , great vn rlety of Irults. good buildings , all kinds of tooh > nd machinery ninplu water right , located close ti large city and KOcid market In llnost grape growlni district In Ihe state lor particulars uadrem WS7 lleoolllco 2li fi' y-Kll SALK. Oil WILL K.XCHANOK , 6J7 ACIll * l farm near lluiuboldt , IttchardHOn county No lirnrks , fUui per BCI , mortgagn SI. : < OOUO nt 7 pc cent , two house * * ull tinder fencoi timber am water. Will sc ll or exchange for cattle , stuck u tannin or , possibly , other good propurty. Hcnr C. bmlth , tails City. Nebraska 1JI 15 y-SOMB ( , OOD HKNTAL PllOPKHTV ( LIIAI fJlor IIJ OJO or 115 OJO general morchandlno ! slrlctl ] contldeutlal U W U Ment Crab Orchard Neb FOR SALE -KEAL ESTATE. _ \\rANrKI ) , FAIIM ICAU OMAHA Wanted , homo ami lot , II.WJ c sb. Wanted , house for ( J UUU ( no trade ) Wanted , house for clear loti and cash Wanted IIIKXI loanIlausiom Wanted business properly forcuso. Wanted , arresKO for farm Isnd Wanted , farm In Iowa for cash , \\unliMl , lot neartOtb and Dodge. ( X t Hairlion.VUN V Life 18313 DO0lf WANT A NICK HOIJSK Klt WIIA1 > ou are now paying rent and Hill uut llvo U lh suburbs U JL Nalllnger , Chamber of t'om nie-rce. 17'i HO l01l HALK-OVKH I.OW HNK IOWA AND NK J brnska farms , many oioallent bargains , lam raiiiaiy advancing. 110 UU to to5UU per acre now Cal for particular ! Hoggs & Hill , 14Ui Karnam it.b'fl b'fl F < rillOICK HAUOAlNtt IN ttOlTlH OMAHA III'.Al V 'estate The Midway luveilmtmt Co. . TU N V Uf _ blJK _ MIJJ FIU 1JU SALK Oil KXlHANdK TWO lITBAll LOI ! -L lu Kiddles' subdivision to Council HlutJi. la want llvo stock Address J IL , Perry , room M , U W > blogtoa St. , Chlosuo , 11L MII IT * FOR SA.I.1B--inrAL ESTATE. Ciinllniidl. IJOn HAI.K 100 AUIKS U.OBM TO OMAHA I Junt outudo city Ilinlti Thn llnp < t tract of Innd nrounil thn oily rlitht In the wny of the future growth of Urnulm and fonth Omahn the bit Improvement * twin * niido by the Ka t Omani llrldgennd ItnUrnnit Cm , nnd tun Inrntlon of the 1'lnttn Itlvrr CnnM Co n great wnter power west nf the city , will lend to make this tract of Innd Tcry valuable ( nn oner nt IHJO per nore nnd tnke psrt purchase price In llileiro residence or nptrtment house property , ( iruouil Nebrnska wild Innd Addre ( leortte N Hicss HoU eit Ho nnrt n.TO't mont Agent , room 90) Now York Ulfo hul ding , Omaha Neb , , MI6I 15 AC11KS NEAU OMAHA IIQPRIl ACIUC 81 inoncren rlnaly Improvol fJJperncro. 4TI acre I'am Co * nor afro IJUacrc * near Omaha fllparncro UO acres near o Ouiahti , f.'Jpor aero , in ) ncrcs near Omnhn , IIU per acre. 21 cre * near Oninhn , f "C per acre 240 acres Washington Co , 117 per no re 213acre * . Otoo Co , fl ) par ncrc 8AOU acres Lincoln o , CJ per ncro. C K Hnrrlsrm..UI N V Life. I3M3 KICALKbl'AlK. Mv word Is gcxid \V U Albright. C2I 21 New \orkLlte 17011 SALK nit TUADK. 2 (100I > LOTS lMf X1 Pleasant nddltlon within 2 blocks of motor line Will lake good upright plnno or will sell equity Inlets lots very cheap Address at once -41 , lloo onico 1HO ACKKS SAKl'Y COUNTY , 'JO MILISS VHOM iduinbn. ouemllo from Hprlmtfleld. W OOObarn , fair house. Inrgo nrchnnl nnd all kinds of fruit ; smooth land ; JM pnr ncro Kn'y tcrnisi no trade C K Hnrrlson I3 N Y l.lfo 213 14 181 LOIS : IN von KiO BACH KASILY J north to retail niithn present market tlOO each 'Ihls I know to linn bargain The Into nro clesr and Inies piildC _ _ J'.JInrrli-oiiJilJ N Y Life ! T1113 IN W\0 M1N < 1 M1LU3 FIIOM KAIL FAKM .Wrier en half timber IrrlRntnd , whole or half Pioneer lluslncss Agency , bherldan tVyo 2IJ 18 * 17011 SALK OK E.\OI1ASOL' , 281 Al'llKS NKAK A Dawson , Itlchiirclson county Neb , ' . 'J ncres culll voted , , J aores Umber , nbont 100 npplo trees , f3 ZUOUOniortgngo duo November 18JI Will sell or take an 8Jni part pny , or stock of gooili or other Boodpropcrty , f28iK ) per nrrohnl have > ou'1 Henry C bmlth , 1 alls Lily. .Neb 2J1 15 LOST. - A PAIll OP PKCI'ACJ.K3 PLKASH LOST-A Icnvo at lieo countlug room Q2500 ItKWAKI ) WILL UK PAID TO ANY ONIS jpwhocan pro\o nho stolecow from Thos ( lilies pie , South Omaha. 115 15 * LOsI. ULACK. NHVVtCUNDLANI ) DOU WITH nhlto strip on brcait answers lo nano of "Orovor" Howard paid for return to 2023 tnstol larst. 2J7 14 * DRESSMAKING. AI'A1)1MOPHNS ) ! MONDAY. BlUHItMilON Jan U where In lies nr laught the art of dress * mnklng , basllng and llutshlng Ladles can work on their own dresses while learning HooinWI , Drown blk . corner Donglm and MWW H > SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. COLI.TTil3oTsHOUTUANirANI : ) TVI'IJ OMAHA writing A t Ung , A M. , prln Hoyd B theater M12lf7 ( * DEN SM TYPEWRITERS ORE OREThe Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304Farnam St. , - Omolm , "iprovement the Order of the Age. " ATrinl of the Smith Premier Will Cost Yon" Nothing lint-will dononitrnto nil wo claim. Wo will plnco tlio biultli I'romlor boslclo nny writing inachtno on tlio market ; It will sjjoak forit- EOlf , Its durability cin nn longer Lo quoitlonod \Vrlto or cull on us for eutnlneiic , terms , oto Cor. 17th and Farnam Sis. , Omaha , Neb Tclfpltono 1'JSI. U IF. MiVYIlF.W. BOSTON FIREMAN SAVED Rescued on tlio Shadowy Shore of Spirit Land , His Frlonds Summoned to Hlo Dy ing CoOaldo All Mope Aban doned-Tho Doctors Said Ho Could not Possibly Llvo Then Klckapoo Indian SnQwaCurod Greatest Triumph on Record. ( From the lloston ( llul > c ) Tlio ctrong anil jiosltlvo Riortlona of tlio 0rcnt curntUc vnluo ot Klr'nnpoo Iiullnn Sugwu arc easily susceptible of proof. Wonderful euros rlpbt bcro In Kow Knt'lnnil which hnvo boon wrougbt by this famous incillcluo of the Uod Jlcn- feaRwn attest to Its value. Tlio following tostlmoulnl Is the unsolic ited Indorse- in o n I an d grateful trlb. / ute of an old JO//A' C.l .l7AOTOA' . lloston flro- man , Mr. John C. llnrrliigton , no living in lirocKton , Mass. Under dnto of Oct. ! 7 , 1SW , bo writes : "A jcixr ago last Christinas I was tnlccn sick with the Rrlp. A couipllontlon of tioub- los followed whlcb developed Juopsy lit Us \rui8tforin , nud for iiiontba In obliged to Hltlu n. clialr , day and nlalit , nceronco 1 } lnj ( tlowu in lied. Dm Ing tlmt , lon peiiOi' I liad the best mcdlcnl skill obtuliianlc , nnd Buvcn doctors nttvndcd mo nt different time * , but they could do nothing foi inc. / uai tanpeil thirteen ttinei anit they tool from mi in all tcitnty tight gallant oftcattr. The physicians told my wlfo that mlnowno nhopolons case , and told my family to prepare for the worst. My friends and relatives were noti fied of my condition , that they might take a last farewell. A moniony friends -was ono who urged mo totiy KlcUiipoo ImllimSiigwa. I did so and soon ulter I bounn tuklntc it thcro vrns a mm kcd clmiiRo for the bcttot ; the bloat com. inenced tolea\ my bovrols mid the sw cllliig ottny limbs decreased qillto lapldly , iinil In lc sthnnainontb 1 was bnck to my normal sire. < I hnvo been gaining health nuil Btiongtbeer since. TODAY I AM A WELL MAN TH AUKS TO KIOKAPOO INDIAN SAQWA. I tblnlt It Is the best rnodtcltio In existence , nml all ol my friends think my euro nothing 1ms thriii tunlrucle. . . . 111 clmlly nnswcrnnybody scckjnffinfnr. I % \ . rontlon about this great incdlclnc. J.C IUu. itlNOTON , V5 Court uv . Ilrockton , Mass. " Klckapoo Indian Bngwa Is the grandest remedy of the universe. The simplicity of Its grandeur Is the strong. csttlo tlmt binds It to the conUilonco of the people. It Is nature's icmcdy I Nature pie % Ides n euro for every disease of c\ cry living crcnturc. Man In bl3wisdom can best understand thcso remedies , and the Indians wbo bnvo been obliged to depend upon nature alone for thotr curntlvo helps , best understand nature's remedies. That U why Kltkapoo Indian Bngwa is tlio itiKit , tbo Icat and the tureit Lhci , Stoinaob midlllood Ucnovntor the best remedy for all scasons-tho world has oct Know n. Ktcknpoo Indian Sogwa , Indians f rum rooHl < irU antfhrrlia own aothmna anil cut inptiiobtainaHeoranvaruiiyM bottle six bottles jorjli e ilollan. at one dollar per ; Mo Failures No Mistakes vlo ° lmsaof thOSO sutrnrlQ * nnd hopeless Nervous , Chronic or Private Diseases \ \ ho plnco tlinmsolvcs iiiulor tlio able , exuorl- ciiccd , sclontlllo iinil skillful treatment cit mnurlca'ti most gifted und sUcccssTul sno- lUtsi , Noltlicr nro there any fulliiros or mlstaUoa In tlio npnruveil inoiloni muthoils of those niRstcrsof inoillclno. Tlmy stiinil iinoriunlocl lu tliolronosonciillln. , nml tliulrsiiccossoaura ntnonp tlio nmr\eloii < ) plinnomonu o ( tlio ago 'llioy hnvo roacbcd the liMlu-st plnuaclu ol fnrno lu the treatment nnd euro of nil ( lUmsci ol n private , dnlicuto nr soxuat iiaturo. they stand unrt valet ) , uiul7 > our or iinliitufruptcd uuccess iilacos ilium far above all otiior-j.iivon llioso who uiostrl\liiJt for the top round In the ladder of faino us able und Biicrcsstul Hpeclallsts If. ) on are nlllictod It layo.iriluty to see these clftod piyslulaua without ilolay Solid 4 cents to p 17 poata e , and rocoivo. free a copy ut their valuable new buuK of 12 } CONSULTATION I'liTE. C ill upon , or uddrcii M Ith at nun , 119 South Uth St. , Cor. Douglas St : , OMAHA NUM. DEFORMITY BRACES , „ _ _ _ . . Elastic Stocking1 6 Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Of Atomizers , Medical Supplies ALOE & PENFOLD , 114 S.15QSI. , Next to Postofllee BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Boo Building , Ozutvlia , Not lyenrsl mt.ilnersl B I'at Olllr-o Advice fre < i Gums ! INVOLVES THE SHORT LINE Oontmctore Anxious to Know If They Hold Valid Mechanics' Liens. MANHATTAN TRUST COMPANY'S CLAIMS H , I * . Itrynolili A Ci > . ofV > inoro lutrrostril to tlic'fitiiiMir Utj TlKMHiuid llolbtr * Aniitinl > lrfllitf ) of tin- Mute Iliinrtl of j\Krl < Milur ( < ' . USCOL.V , Xcb , Jan 1.1 [ to Tun HEK. ] Judpo Uund > was engaged the greater p.irt of tbodaj In liMrbn ; atxniiRMits of attoino.\son across potltlon in tbooaso of the Miinh.ittan Trust rompiny npntimt tlio Kobiaska Wustorn i.illu.iy. tbo title of tlmt imt of the IMclllc Short Utio located In Kcuraska. Tlio oross iiotitlonurs aio 11 1' HoinoUls & Co. of Wjtuoro , \\hob.i\o d claim of tXOiXl ( ) as suU-ontr.ii-tors 1Unolds &Co were subcontrai-tora under the W.voin- injt 1'ai'lllo Improvement comp my , and hold contracts for building ejubty milt's \\ost from Ooimjton and 0110 for fortj-Uvu miles AccordhiK to the terms of the coiittMct they were to take tbulr piy in stoclts and bonds of the Wyoming and t'.ieillc Improvement compiuv , \ \ hlchero to bo evcluiiigc.iblo for npRoti.iblo stocks ami bonds of the Short Line. They claim that no such Iwnds or stock b.uo over been secured by them , although the other fellows hold receipts for some , but Uej nolds & Co claim the signers theieto veio not authorized biin.xono . ' that the lepieseiit.itions made bv Dii'd McLean , picsident of tbo W.\om- hif ? company , v > ere fi.uululeut , and they lu\o not recehed full payment for their woilc. 'Jho teal ll ( bet etn the cou- tractots and the tt list conumns1 , as the rail- Aa.has . been sold and the mono is noin couit The tt list comp.ui ) s nmrlgapo is for $ J , 100XK ( ) , and tbo < iuestton to be decided was whether or not the conliactois held valid mechanics' Hens on the toad , and , if so , were they supcilor to the trust compiuy's claim Itoiiul of Agrlriiltur Jlrrtinir. The annual meeting of the State Hoinl of ARilcultuie will bo liold in tbo univetsity next Tuesday afternoon and w ill prob ibly last soveial d.ijs In connection with It the annual vt Inter loin exhibit will bo nivcn.and piep.uatioiis for a line display are now in ill-OKI ess This meeting Is the real business session of the board New members aio then elected , the fair premiums arranged , dates of fair IKinl , ofllrlal repoits blinded in fiom all in autboiitj , discussion of vaiious matleis in which the interests of the state aie involved is had , and as the sessions aio opeivto the public ai , \ ono tan p.iiticlpato in the pioceedlugs The pto- mimns on coin exhibits are liberal , mid the sugar beet picmlums aio of the same n.ituio Setictary Furnas uiges that as this is the last opMitunlt.v ] b.wlilcb . contillmlious to the Nuhraslc.i exhibit at the Woild's fair can bo made through this channel that a full sbobe made The commission w ill leccivo and care for all impel ishablo exhibits scut them at this meeting I'll } In Itrh-r Manager Upham of the Lincoln Street Hallway company is now in Chicago looking after a smoke consumer for use at the power house The big smoke stack has been tbo lecipicnt of a largo number of kicks in the past fiom lesldents of that neighborhood , and it will bo n nuisance well abated lr C. A. Shoemaker began suit in the dis ti let court today against Uonst.iblo Uinst Hunger , asking foi $0,000 damages for false ancst and lough handling Some time since Hunger luid a wutand attempted to lev.on . \ Shoemaker's , hoise and bugg.whii h action was resented by the slender built physician. In a row which ensued ho was loiighly handled , and iinall } aucstcd for inteiferiug " with an ollicer , but the matter was settled" and dismissed. W C Smith , n Ixiy of 15 , ran away from his homo in lUmlolph , la , to puisuo a few Indians in Nebraska , but was o\oihaulod by h s father and the police today The city of LtiiLoIn confessed judgment in countj couit this moining in fiuorof lj W lUllliigsley , assignee of C C. Munson , for § 400 , for grading damages lion Ileniy W.itteibO'i is IwoUcd for a lec ture nt the Lansing theater next Wednesday ovcning under the auspices of the I'alladian tocioti of the State unlveisity QTho Independout 1'iess association will meet nt tbo Mmlell hotel tomoriow. A full program has been prepared Williun Werger , ihargcil with selling liquor to Hoik Island gradeis at Sprague when ho had no M , u rant in law , was up bo- foio .ludgo Borgelt this afternoon. The case w ill probably last a day Tied Young , the Hussian who reteived several blows o\er the bead with a hatchet in tbo hands of John liil/er , is aou l.d . ) lug. Hiber is utterly callous , aiui although only about 11) ) , is indifferent as to the fate of his \ietlin. A patty of Hock Island ofllcialsisited Lincoln today and took a look o\erthopiop- eityheio It was composed of A .1 Uitt , as sistant general supei intemlcnt , Topcka : W. J. Lawienco , division supeiintendent , Hor- touD ; Huilelgh , assistant supeiinleiident , Council IJlnlTs , and W L Grey , dlspitcher , Tail bury. The llrst jiassenger train o\cr the load will coiuoy a pirty of Lincoln Knights of Pj thins to biiraguo toinonow Blow , bow , blow I That disigiocablo cn- tau h can bo cured by taking Hood's , Sasapail- lla , tbo constitutional icmcdy. - * - Dll il Truni l.iirlc of I'oocl. Alone , helpless , and djing fiom lack of food , old Mrs Wagner was found jestci day by Olllier Itow/cr in n s < inalid shanty in the rear of Kill Webster street. Tbo woman , who was ( i" > j ears old had been sick for sev eral il.ijs , and when loumlut > su fceblo that A Powerful Flesh Maker. A process that kills the taste of cod-liver oil has clone good service but the process that both kills the taste and effects par tial digestion has done much more. sjands alone in the field of fat-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part ly digested before taken. Scott's Emulsion checks Con sumption and all other wasting diseases. , Ken 1 ork. Sow by drusgnti erorywliore. A ncw.laa ooiaulolo ircalmout conditlnif of blip. poiUorlei , Olnlmeat in ( uptiiliM , nl < o In box and Tills A poilllvoouro for Kxturlml , liiioriiiil , Illlii'l ' nr lllocdlng Itching. Chronic , lleuont or llormlllary I'lles. Ihls remely has never beun knoirn to fall I It per box 0 for ( j seutbynitllhysiiHurfroiii this Icrrltiln dlivasu whvn a written uu iranles Ii | positively klvon wit iCboxii nrrefunl tha nianey , ir noi enrol' "en'l stamp for fruj until > iluir- ruler Imn9i b ICuhii V ( ' ) ilnujlitl ilj a onti , Corner l ! > lh and Douulnt itro-jn Omahn Neb * © Q 0 © CD Ifiiil Im\ liiiHi > liollto , IixIlKOH I'lutuliiiici' , SioU-lliiiKliii'lic , "ull , Inl.o llirytfinu iipllio uiuk ktninacli uni liullil ui ) thu llauulnirt iiiOKlm. - . ' ' . the effort * of Hr Sonicrs who bocti onllol. wort ' of no nra II lit unrUiR her Ilfr Htio ill ml dm luff tlio nftciiuMii No oAo MH'itm lo kiin * , * , \\hoor luit she It unit llin iiiuutx will bury tlio rt'iimlim She lm < l IIVWl III tllO ullHIllj \ > , llm < Mil * \\H4 fnuml for iwme tlimi , mill the moilo of her existence wtu 11 punlo to KlMll Ml < rlt I * tlio ( linrnctnrUtlc of Ilontl's Sins iimn-il a , iitul K Is miuilfitt < vl ovor.s d < \ 1" tlu itni IIK nllo CIUOH tills iiK'iU'-ltionmmiiilNlii ' M li uij plils su When * AC M'll n Iwttloof Ho Is to iiiiyu 1-iintoMior - iitr n mi lo see lilin lui'k ngiiln Inn few \uvki nftor inorotmlnx | tlmt tlio fiool 11 milts from n ttltil tMlllr A.irrrtiit rmitluultiK Its u .i * I'lili | hslll\o inrtlt IliHtil'i S.irsnpirilln | > osmsscs ly rlrtuonf tlio jioonlhr eoiiibliiiilbn , MM | H > I lion nml mwcssisod In Its MVIMIIIUOII , nlid byhlclt all tlio of tlio liiKiomouts imtHl h fotalnod Hood's S.irs.i- lurillu Is Ums pci'tilltu * to Itself itiul ubs. < ltitp < uiicitti.illoU In Its itiittcrnin blontl purltlcr. and as n tonlo for bulldliij ; it ) ) tliooalc ana \MMI\ , and giving iicmt alii.mUi IAST : oit \ln thn Waliiifli lluntf. The short line to St. Louis anil quick est route south. Only . ' 17 lioui'd to Hot Springs. Only . ' 17 hours to Now Orleans. Only ItSJ hours to Atlanta. Only .12 hours to .lai'lvMmvillo. \Vith eorioMiHiiullnK fast tiino to nil polnta east mid noulh. Hounil trip tli-koU to Hot SprliiRs , Now Orloaiiti , Luke Clinrlcrt , GiilVcstoii , San \ntonlo , City of Moxii'o , Ijos Anuok" ) . Han 1-Yan- eNco , Mobile , Juekvoiivlllo. Tain pa , Ha- Minn and all the winter resorts of the KMth and west. loelintii { ehalr ears free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit. Pullman bullet sleeping ears on all trains. Mag a o ehooked fiom hotels and priuito lesidonoes to ( lo.stination , For ticket's ' Hleoplii | acooininodations and further iufornuitloii call at Wab.tsh tiekot olllco , 1C02 Karnain street , or write , . G. N. CLAYTON , t , Omaha. 'A 7A. One of tlio most pronounced lilts of the season has been made by Iloyt's "ATilpto Chinatown , " wtiieh has packed Ho.\d'sthea- lei llio List two nights. Tlio engagement Mill close today. A iii.itlnco will bo gi\cu at 'J " 0 this nftctnnnn , und the regular evening poi foriu.inco ut b "O'Dowd's Nclghliors" will bo the atlrao tlou ut the rainam Street theater next week , commencing wltha iiiatiueo Sunday. J. V Rtrcblg , agent of Ainilo T owls , in "A Nutmeg Mulch. " is in the city Ilia at- couies to Ho.vd's for four nights , ; Thursdaj e\enlngnoxt The sale of scats for the engagement of Mr Joseph llo\Vs theater , com- moneing tomotrow c\cuing , \\111 open this morning at ( I o'clock at the IKIonico of the theater Touunnnv and Moudin oxenlugs Mr Murphy Mill present "The Kom ( Sow , " mid on Tucsdaj and Wednosdaj "Sluiun Hhuo" _ I'lll'llllKHll.l , At no time In the history of the country has pnoumoiila been so pie\alcut as during the winter months of the lastlwojeais lu times past a common cold was not consid ered at all actions , but of late jeais the great tondeno.\ . i olds to ics-ilt in pncuino- nl.i has made people apptohensho The tiouble is that colds aio notalwajs propnrly t to i ted No picpaiatlon containing opium , wildohou.N or chloroform should bo used , IH they ha'uui tendonc\ todrupueold , whorc- as it should bo loosened und the lungs re lieved H has been obsmcd that \\hen ChambetIain's Cough Komcdy Is used the cold uo\cr ivsults in pneumonia The reason Is that this remedy stimulates the miicout membrane which lines tbo throat and lungs to a hcultliv action causes a ftoo oxpoctor.i- tiou. throw lug oil the poisonous matter , nnd comitotactsauj tendenci Unvaic' pneuinonia. For sale by diuggists. o Ton Oiji' I'lciiitro Fofvory little inonoy besides a per- , bonal knowledge of Unit remarkable - state Texas. A special party of busl- ner.s men from Oiualni und vicinity to Gtihoton mid other points in Texas nnd return , will leave Oinulia Sumliiv even ing , Jaiuiiiry 15 , 1SW. ! Don't miss thh opportunity. Tiokots for the trlii can only bo obtained fiom F. F. Williams , room r)2i' , Fiiht Nutional Hank building , who will furnish full particulars upon application. Ifcuo ContlartH The \\celtlj session of the Board of Ptibllo Worlts was held jchtcrdaj aftcriioou Tbo contract for guiding Wooluorth ave- nno from Second lo Sixth sticetaa awarded to John Condon at lilj ! cents per cublo yawl , and May 1 , JKed as tlio time for tbo completion of the - orlc. In this Job tbeio aio 11,710 cubic iards of cut and 0,071) ) cublo j aids of 1111 A contiact for the construction of a sewer in Center street , from Soxctttcoiith to Twen tieth , was nwuided to ICatz As Onindnll. Their bid wasfl per lineal foot on ten-inch , $1 ! Mon tweUe-Incli , and $1 17 on llftceii-inclt pipe On thoconstiuctionof the sow or in Thirl v- suM'iitli sticot from 1'acillo to Luacnuorth , .1 lj Ulack was the lowest bidder. Ho bid W cents on S-inch and $1.1U on I'J Inch pipe. Thcso contracts were let somew coles ago , but were vetoed by the major for the reason that tbo prices were too high. Thcpilces submitted yesterday weioiiS per cent lower than those at the former letting A Chilli l.njojrt The pleasant tutor , gentio act inn and sonth- ing ctlccl of Svrupof Figs , when In nocd of a laxutho , and if the father or mother ho iosti\oor bilious , tbo mostgratif\Ittg result * ! follow its use , so that tt is the liest family rcmcdliiuiuii and enuri family should have a buttle. "Muni it ; < ! ln I-IIHUI. 'llio following maiiliigo llconscs were Issued by County Jiulgo Kller iesterday Nnino and itildress Afjo. j Hoi on Thompson. Ouiiiliu . . 30 I Annli ) .liilin-MiN , Oiualni . UI jAmlicwJ Slriain , Oinitlia ill M liilsli'iia CaiNoii , Oinulia . . . Jl j lullils r\i > iiiiann , Omiili i , I'J I Mm lot InMi'iiM n , Oiimlm J1 Ipnoraiu o of the merits of DoWltt's Mttlo j.nlj Klseisls a misfortune These little pillsrUftulato the H\cr , cuio headache , clya- pcpsla , bad breath , LOiistipatlon and bilious- ness. llnllillliK I'crjnlts. The following permits weio issued bj the supeiiiitcndent of buildings jostorday J I , Hyisi-H , icpiilrs on Continental block , 1'lftiM'iitli und DoiiKliis btici'l $4,000 Four minor in rinlth , . UBO Total $ l/JSO I'eifect iictlon anil iwrfent h rallh rcsul from tbo usoof DeWltt's Little nariy Ulsurs A perfect little pill. TIM : HKAI/IY INS5TKlIMiNTrf : placed on iccord J.inuarr 13.180J. \YUIUANTV IIKKIH. J H I'liiniiKnii fiti'l wlfo \\lllliiin Von KroKii , lot 0 , Miilioiiny'h aild 9 3 J M Swftiiain und wlfu to I'.l Tilling , lots 1 lo 0. Mix U 4 , Tlilrtoontli htn-i'l mid 2,400 J , hCiildnell and wlfo ID A 1'.loliiiion , lot 4 , block 1 KIIIII U ( < add 400 b II Wlnd-oi lo II C I'Uinki-l , utiilh > , of K ' , , lots I and' ! , block lot , Omaha 0,313 Jiilin Jtiitt to .lent , Amli'ihon ono-tcnth Inn n si In ' HKino Qiiiiiiy Iti'simc * " and ( ini'-ti nibInli test In Hiiiliig 1'lai o 300 Miles A. Tlioniiison to .1 I' CilMiia'i , lot U. Iili * k0. Ainlilor I'lacii ' 700 MlchiK-1 Mr-lJiiliu to II A Worliiy , lot U , blocl : 4 , Albrluhl'H Oliolco 4,000 cjun CI.MM IIRI iis J II Iilcl.ry loC KC'rano , lot 10 , blocks , PliiliixlinrKill 25 K U llallou und \ \ Ifo to .Mllno Id 'I boinu- 1,011 , lot 3 , blur-It U , Amliliir Plnco . 1 HI ! ) IH. Q A Honnott. ( .licrlff , to 1,11 JUutoi , lot 20 , lilouK G , Juroino purk . . 1 000 Totuluinount of truuifors . . * > 18,10l Kuddeii chnngcH of wealhercnuso lliro.M diseases ' ) heie Is no inoro cfTc"tual rcnudy for coughs. CGMi. etc , tb.ui llroun's Jlrou- rhlal 'litvlu.b bold unlj lu boxes i'rlc * i. 5 cts.