0 Till ? OMAITA DULY IJKKIVUI.VY : ! , .1ANTAKY II , 1H03 , C0115IEHUAL AND FINANCIAL DLaip Bulge mid Oonsiderabb Bxcitomtmt Mnrkcil the Close in Went. SHORTS SHOWED MUCH NERVOUSNESS Homo rrninliirnl llnilrr < , uppiurd to lip iiK for the Clliitr | , Hiinuht I'rrrly on \ViMik.Sput4iitid .Sold on Italllcs. Citic.xno , 111. , .Ian. 13.A iharp hnlio and cotitlilciMblc oicllcment mtirUed ( hccUiso In the wheat pit today. Thu cast- with which prices for wheat hai been advanced dm Ing tlic last few daysnmllhoalwncoof nny decid edly bearish news U-inl to make a strong mar ket. thotts hhowed a pwrt deal of Nervous ness and xvero dlspoieil lo cover whllu the scalp elementfaxnr the hull side. Thete was comparatively llttlo wheat for .salo and the compotltlonnmons buyers wasshaip. Home promlnfiit btokerssupiRHcd to bo ael- Irigfor ( ho ollqlie bought fieely on all weak fi pot ian 1 1 though they sold somu on the tallies It wat Kerieifilly iliouvhl thai the nggrogntt1 of tlielr puii'hascs r\eeed > 'il their Hales and that tlio clique was Rradnally Incieaslns Its hold- Inits. Cables wert-Mimewhat easier but re ceipts In the northwest were smaller and theie wureagieat many repot Is from the country that much of the wheat was bare of snow with theiicci . 'ary 103 below /cio and damage tea led. The receipts of wheat nnd Hour for R\\ \ months weie lepoited at lon,0)0MO ( ( bu. , or at the rate of IHJ.OHII.OOO bu. for ( he year As the total oxpoits last year were only 'J'Jli- 000,000 bu. this was iiilto | a showing ; the forclRii demand this year has been siitpils- InKlygood. The failure of N. 0. Orfli'sbv k fon. "niall tradeis In wheat , was announced til noon. Th" falluio had no etrecl on siiu market. Wheat tecelpls at pilmary points today weie only -I'lO.ODO bu. and the uhlpments only IjR.UOO 1)U. ) The Mlnneapiills Market Ilieoid elves tin1 roun try i'li' a tin slot si if wheat In the iioilbwest at 'Jo.OOO.dlio bu. , : iKiilnsl about 8,000,000 bu. esdmaled reeelpts. Opinlli , ' prices weie al 'je deellnu on hea\y Im-al le- celptH nnd the aihei-se cable news , but the maikel soon advanced from V' to V. leeeded lo the full extent of the eai ly advance , then Imptoxed , e. i uled liieguhir , rloslng .tionir , evaclly lealxive the low point of the day for May. .Inlv delhery , which sold oil ' V ye-fr- ilny , was In better ( linmind today and adxani'ei to within > , c of Maypilce. It was claimed that St I.ouls P'irtles weie accountable for tlm aihance , they having sent In buying oidurs for about 1.000,1100 for .Inly delivery. In coin business was not cnnllned so much ns of lute to local opetatois , nnd evidently loaned to Ihn "long" wide. OpenhiK trades were at yesterday's Una ) iiuotatlons , lint MHIII became aetlxo and advanced V upon buying said lo bo for the southwest and New Vurk : thn market aftervvatds leaeledsllghlly , bnljied fc and closed at Ic gain. The Mionir feeling In the cash maiket alsoexertedsome Inllnent'e on speculative x allies , but Is due In a measnie to the le.slrlcted movement owing to the fttormy condition all over the west. ( JITerlngs of oats weie not huge and on fair buying by stiong parties and In sympathy with other grains , pilces advanced ije. I he markiil elo-ed sleadv at about the top llguies. The provision maiket felt the Inlluetice of only 1 8,000 hogs ha v Ing been lecel veil , wheieas 15OO ! ) Had been expected , and theie was an Immediate demand for alt thu chief at tides of hog products at a consldeiabhi advance. The Miiall estimate for lomoriow was iiKoa factor. 1'otk , though averaging strong and closing at a decided advance , was In an unsettled state owing to continuous scalping by both laigo anil small opcratois. nstlmaled icceiptN for tomoriovv : Wheat , HlOcarn , coin , 1"0 cais ; o.its , HO cms hogs , 11.01)0 head. The loading futures ranged as follows : lll'EN. 111(111 LOW. OI.OSK , YI.SIV I 75 71 ! 7li iKfi-M ; r. ' gllffct. M iKfiMWl BUIs BUIsmt VI mt 42 421 f 4IM 42H tm H wl 3'W ' 30M 18 M 18 4.1 18 'H 18.1) ) IBM iv w 18 8U ) ' . ! ( K ) 18 C.7 ! < 10 75 10 to 10 75 10 M ) 10 CA It ) Ul 10 7JJ6 10 IW I072 > 10 S2ii ! 9 171 , 9 hJ Cash ( imitations xxero as follows : Dull hut firm. WIIKAT No. 2 HiirhiK , 7fi VffO'Gc ; No. 3 spring , C KftGOe ; No. 2 led. 75-U < Tf 700. COIIN- Steady ; No. 2 , 42'ie ; No , 3 cash , n8a c : No. 3 yellow , 4O34'ic ( ) OATfl-No. 2 , ni'432oi No. 2 xvhllo. f. o. I ) . , 80'i@37c ; No. 3 xvldto , f. o. u. , 32Jiiaa&5&e. & KYI : No. 2 , SO c. 11AHI.KY No. 2 , C5c ! No. 3 , f. o. u , , 45358ijj No. 4 , 37BIOC. KIMX BKKII-NO. 1. 81.11. TIMOTHY BKKII I'rlmu.tl.O.Vftl.Ofi. 1'OllK Jlosh , per bhl. , 517.7O7617.7u ; lard , per 100 His. , tlO.M ) ; short rlhs hides ( loose ) , $9.0KTt,9.05 ( ; dry salted .shoulders ( boxed ) , $9.75a9.87'i ' ; shot t clear sides ( boxed ) , 110.304610.40 , \Vni8iiv DlsllllciV flnlsliod goods , per cal. , tl.35. EUOAII ITiirhniiRpil ; cut loaf , 5'1J5V" ' , granulated , fi c ; ( jtnndard "A , " 5o. The followms XVUIQ the roculpts and ship ments today : On ihol'roduco e\ehanso todiir thu huttcr nmrkut xviiHstiotiK ; creamery , 20Ii33e ; dairy , aajttao. KBBH , llnner ; Milcdj fiesh , 3023K- . New Vtirlc M NKXV YOIIK , Jan. 13. ri.oun Hecelpts , 18- 200 pl.KS. ; oxportH , 4,200 hills. , 2,000 .sacks ; modulate dumund ; vuiy llrin ; sales , 23,000 bills. I'oiiN MnAiOulot , steady. \ VllKATIteeelpls , 13,200 mt.i exports , nonu ; RiilCH , 2,325,00 ( > hu. futuios ; 1,000 bu. spot. Kpotn llrmor , iiulet ; No. 2 red , SO C'bO'ii : In store and elevator ; Hl'i'tlHPje alloat ; T.l'&t H2'P f. o. IM No. 1 northern , 85iia85J4c ; No. 1 haul , 9l ) > , o ; No , 2 noilhern , 83He ; No. 3 ( .print- , 7H'e. Upllons opened steady at ! jU cleollno on xveauor cahles and foielKii soiling : , reacted Wit > ! on llnuurest and leports of cropdatnaKes , toisul her with shorts eovorlnB , deolltied V' on teallzhm and closed linn at ' CC' ' e over ye-terdav , with trading moderately netlxe ; No. 2 led , ftarrh. 81 , ( aH2c , elosln at H2o ; aMny. 83Vi84 7-lOe , closlaK tit 84'ic ; July , H4i,851e1 ( vIoihiK at 85ac. HVK Nominal ; western , 585'Jc. lt.Mii.KXKali - dnniand ; llriu. llAtil.KY.MAi/r Dull , I'OIIN lieeelpts , 07,200 hu. : o\porB ( , 100- 000 bu. ; sales , 4hOOii ( ) hu. futures : 51,00(1 ( bu , spol. Spots linn , dull ; No. 2 , 5134' 5'Jo In oluvutorjbUu alloat ; No. 3 , 5le. Uptlons xvoiul dime higher with the west , and on shot Is cov. t'lliiKi'lo-i'tl hlionx ; triiilliiKiinlnt ; IVbrimty 62 , > 53e , eloslii ) ; ill 53e ; Mnreh , 52aQ53kil closliiKiil 53Uc ; May 52 ll-loa63He , closlnji ut & 3SC , OATS Hecelpts , 08,250 hu. ; exports , 250,00(1 ( Ini.jhale * . 251.000 bu. of futuios , 08,1)00 ) hu bpot. Hpots llrmer , dull. Options HtioiiKer nulet1 lolniiary. aiKTiauUi * , closjnu at 3'le Sliiy , UU"ffc40e ( , closing ut 4Oe ; spot Nt ) . . Willie , 42ii40 4'e. ) ; mixed xvestein. UHi.tR.-tOc whim xvestein , 41lt'iM01lc ; No. 2 thlcaKo 811 kC. HAY Qulel , steady ; shipping , COU > J5c ; KIHM to choice. 7ViOOe. lloi'H lletler deniand ; llrin ; stute eommoi { riL'Inllce , 2IMi.2le ; I'aellle eo.ist , 20I/.23e. Hi'dMi Itavv , quiet and llrin ; rellned , Ihn nnd fah'lV uellve. MOLASSES Now Orleans , stonily ; fair do iiuind , Kilt : rirm ; KOOI ! dumand. KuilH Small receipts : Him ; western best flSv'i westein , lalo iriitlii'ifil,32&3ac ; recolpU U35 pKits. Minus Inactive and steady. Wool. I'lrm ; modeiale demand ; domes ! ) fleece , 32ni33c ; pulled , 2V323c ; Texas , 155 1 ! If. I'noX'lsiONS 1'orK , nntet. steadv ; old nies * $17.fO ; new mess , 117.5vaiH.7& ( ; cut moat uctlve ; pickled bellies. lOiU llc ; pickle hams , lt i.li'ii' ; ; middles. htioiiKer ; shot clour , } 10.50. l.ard , dull , llrmer ; wester Hteain closed at * ll.-0 ; sales , 250 tierces a VI 1 20 ; option sale.s , 25O tteives ; Jaiinun tl 1,0(1 ( : Mtuvh , * 10.05 ; May , Ml.OO askeil June llO.&O. HfiTKittjiilet , thin ; western factory , 15' ' 017c. t'liitr-si : Oood di'inand ; tinner , part skim KifHV. I'M InoN-Qulot , steady ; American , J12.75 < i ' 115. j ( ) . Poi'i'UIl Dull ; lake , 112.00. I Quh'l. steady t doinohtlc , 13,67'i. Tir < I'lrini Straits M'J. hi ) . Oinullil I'rodlU'e .Vliirlict , IilKhl receipts , a moderate demand and hli : pi Ices contlnuo to ho the main features of III local produce market. There Is not hint : of In IHirtiilico to IM > addedon this subject. Txer ) thltiK received Is sold leadtly , thu doman Jjoln fully up to the supply. A ] ! ! . ts : Stocks 1110 hold ut M. 503.4.00 ft fair to cholco stock. IIANANAH QliOtUd Ut $2.0O3 > 2.50 lll'pllUllCl ' 1II2AN8 t'holco navy , I2.OO4C.M5. U The uiurkot In ubuut steady , tl Ini'i ' , n rouMry roll K' ' lint i\l IM 17 < - in nliivl.'hi | ni > krtiei/i ; Sflci'l luls dtllift tN'Ul'Jr ' ami e.i mis hl h n 'JOi * ( iMNiiKlltitwlvlri'i from emlern pnlnli Imlli'iili x-ery Unlit HiiH-ks nnd n tendency on HIP part of prlc'i't toiidvnnre. Hell nml i-hcrry , 8H.riVttl'.i' ' " ; b ll and bimlo , tlO.OOftloOO ) , Ier- py Cape Cod , JQ.MrftlO.OO Oct'KiivHletidy nt 3Mlt(3. ( ) l.'nni * The iTeelt | ) are very Unlit. And there rue ii"tenonith In lo o uionnd timoinf the tliule. t'rpKli lix'k wns generally held at 'J I'nwii V'HiiCT.xni.r.H Top onion * . 2 < a'J dii/un 'jillichi's ' ; Iutturu,409l5ct . ( l.xvir The market N steady ; smull ruhhllti , O.V ; Jacks. M.M ) . lllliKANo 1 - mlled.l'c ; No. 3 , 3'ic ; IllntOc. IIOXNV d'oiiil xvhlto clover , 19ft9Uo. lKVIO.N'fttl.OO I.oO. MAI..XUA UttAi'm UnciiatiKL'd nt $0.00 per kCC Nl'iPLarge hickory iiulu , Jl.O" ) ! Mack wal nuts , tl.2fj. uvrtTiiit' * Pi Ices at Omaha Ntlll remain at 13 ® 35c per can. UNIONS -Homo Brown , ( I.OO per litishel ; " 'patllsh , pcrciate , * 1.9tli62.OO. ( ) ll\Mitrt ; HrlKlito , medium sl es , 1325 for single case lots , a'nl M.ou for lots or llxu to ten cases ; tussels ate 25c per case cheaper. A discount of 'JOior thu box Is also made for extra - tra lantc or small sl/es. I'ori.Ttiv-The supply continues very IlKht and pilces aiu llrm Chickens are selling at Hfjiloc foroiessed , and 7ftHc for llxe. Turkeys pout 12fr3c | and Keese and ducks at UiilOc. I'or.XToiis-Tho trade N limited to the saleof small lots from stoics.Vestetn Nebraska stock Is quoted al HOc and ITtiJi and I'olotado at DOC. SVVIIKT roTXior.sTheiij are a few In thu matket which me selling at * t.5o. VHXlr-Vcal calxes , choice , 7c ; larpe and thin , I1H.V. A lame and thin ve.il calf Is about thu hardest thin ? onlhu matUjt to dis pose of. ( \ 1 1. I'ovvler , a publisher at Steele Clly , has sold out. J. J , . Cieenlee , a imbllsher Jt Hed t'loudhas sold out lo U. 1 1. Tinman. H. J. llerry. l-i the hotel business at Syracuse , has been succeeded by J. C. Miller. St. I.OII- . ST. Lot'ts , Mo. . Jan. 13 , ! ' i.otm-llad an up- vvnid ti'iiduncy ; no advance madu. \VIIIXT ; Closed V" ' e above yesterday ; cash , 70'c : .May , 70'c ' ; .July , 77c. COIINt'losi'il ' , 'c abdvo yesterday ; cash , IMc : I'ebrtiaty , 3H\i" May , 42'iff 12'ic. O.X'is Higher ; cash , 33c , asked ; May , 35'ic. HVK Illelieriit 50- . 1 ! Mil.in Quiet ; .Minnesota , 5ITJ57C. llfrrKii Unchanged ; cte'amcry , 27S30e ( ; dairy , 18 27c. lions- Higher at 'J3W2.VSC. I'ottK-Higher at $18.50 for old ; 118.50 for now , l/xnn-IIUher at J10.75. IlKCIIII'MI'loiir , 2,01)0 ) bids. ; wheat , 3R.OOO hu. : coin , 113.OOO Int. ; oats , 1H.OOO bu. ; rye and bailey , none. Silll'.MKNTs Klour , C.OOO libls.i wheat , 12,000 int. : corn bl.OOl ) bu. ; oals , 17.0UD bit. ; rje , 3,0to bit. ; bat ley , 5,000 bu. Oil .llnrlcct. New VOIIK , .fan. 13. Pirrnoi.KirM The market was again neglected ; no transactions whatever occurlng on the Hock exchange while only 3,000 bids , XTOIO lrmlc.il . In nt the Consolidated at last night's llgiiies. The mai kcti shows no tendency lo Impioxu either Inncllvlly or pilcus. C'Tio.viiLiiOii-riim ( : ; crude , 44c. Yi How 4H. 4H.TAM.OXV TAM.OXVScarco.strong , city ( $2.00 foi pkgs , ) 0 > c. ItosiN Quiet , stady. . Tt'lll'KNTlNiScatco : ; firmer at 345i34'5c. | ' Lix'Kiii'ooi , , .Ian. 13. TAI.I.OXX 1'lno Ameri can 2'Js , Oil percwt. Trni'iiMiM , Si'iniTS23s , Od pcrcxvt. LlNSKiu > ( Jii-19s Ud percwt. LONDON , Jan. 13. Tuui'KM'ixn t > i'iiUT3-23s Od per cwV. Kansas City .Marlu'U. IxAN'SAH CITY , Mo. . Jan. 13. WIIKX.T Steady ; No. 2 hard , l , ( > "jTG7e ; No. 2 led , 71c. C ( > n.v Iiill ; No. 2 mlxud , : UU3l'ic ; OATS-l'Irm ; No. 2 mixed , 2S2.2tl4c. . ! . Kvn-riim. HtTrmi-t'iichangcd ; creamery , 25Q28o ; daily , IflfiUKc , Kims-Weak ; 2G327C. Kl.CUll'TH-Whual , 59,000 btt.j coin , 0,000 hu. ; oats , none. Hnii'.viiNrs-\Vhcat : , 52,000 bu. ; corn , 11,000 hu. ; oats , none. Liverpool MurlcnM. LixTlirooi. . Jan. 13. \Viiix-r-iill ; [ : hold ers olTer fi eel > . liecolpts of wheat dining the past tin on days , 85,000 centals , Including 07,000 American. COIINrirm ; demand fair : mixed western. Is 6'id per cental. Itoeulpts Amui'lcan coin the past three days , G'J.OOo centals , It.xi'ON Long and short clear , 550 Ibs. , 63s. t'lli'.Ksi ; American , finest vvhlto and coloiod , 55s pur cwt. Cotton Marlcct. Nnxv Oitr.r.AN * . La. , Jan. 13.Quiet : mid dling , 9'jc : low middling , O'BC ; good ordinary. 8 ic ; nut lecelpts , 5,853 bales ; gross , 0,036 bales ; exports to Great 111 Haiti , 7,150 bi.Ies ; to I'rancu , U,0,8 ( bales ; to the contlnonl , 1,081 hales ; coastwise , 3.0SO balus ; oalch , 2,450 bales ; block , 335,219 bale -MartiPt.- Mir.urttiKr.n. WIs. . Jan. 13. WHEAT Firm Hay , 72J'e ; No. 2 spring , GG'zC. CoilN-I'lim ; No. 3 , 40c. OATS Higher ; No. 2 xvhlto , 3SSJc : No. 3 xvhllo , 33i. 41"tc. I1AIIM.X04c. - 04c. KVU GO'iC. C'ofli'eMarket. . Nr.xv Yonn. Jan. 13.-OptIonsopencd steady , unchanged to 10 pointsdown , closed steady 5 ® 15 points up. Sales , 25,750 bags , Including January , J 10.1 Oft 10.20 ; IVlmiarv , $15.90 ® 10.00 ; March. ! 15.Stvn.l5.)5 ! ) ; May , $15.05 ® 15.75 ; yoptember , 15.0071,16.75. Spot JJIo , ( inlet and liimer ; No. 7JlG. 7'i. ' T.ondon rinaiicliil Itoilrir. ns'j7oi/.ran' LONDON , Jan. 13. INew York Hurald Cubic Special to rue IlKK.l Thu Mock market pro- senled several features of Interest today , and business as a wliblo him been nioio active , but a good deal of 11 has been bet weon Insiders , the public still holding aloof from specu lation. In the seltlement no dllllculty has Declined. 1'onaols aio 1 1-lGd 'hot- lor for money and Indian rupee paper 4 per cunt. lYnolgn gox-einment secuil- iles xxeto more or les Him all day. Among homo railways Brighton defei red has almost monopoll/ed attention slnco Iho iiiinonncu- tncnt of the div Idend. Theiu has been vry free hnylng toclosu bear accounts , resulting In an advance of 3 pir cent. Northeastern has ilson 2' JUT cenl on dividend rumors. London Is \ per cent higher and most olheis i ( to " per cent. Americans melwlth lather moie attention They haxo shown consldeiablu IlLinness , but at inn c.\- tremucloso | irlcosi"isi > ( toir a lltllu fiom thu'r ' best points , due to fuw icall/atloiis. Howuver , a genural advance Isoslabllshed , Including l'.t percent In Atchlson Incomu bonds , ! ' „ pur cent In Louisville * Nashville , and ) i to " 4 jicr 'cent In otluir.s. Canadians , though qnlot , followed the course of Ameilcaiis , Canadian I'acllh : having advanced 'j percent and ( irand Tiuuk Issues > 4 to ! , percent. Muxlcan llrst prefeienco has given way H pel cent , and second end iircferenco and oidlnary U purcunl. There was a moderalu demand for money. Short loans have been obtained at 1 to li < pur cent. The discount maiket has been slightly easier ; two and three months bills wcru iuolcd | at lit to lf puroent. STOCKS AM ) KONDS. l.'liial Clmngos In Sornrllles" Vo tcrdiy : AVoro Almost Inxailatily Xlutrrliil ( i.ilns. NKXV YOIIK , Jan. 13.The stock market loday showed a matked Incieasu In Iho "mount of business donu ovur the large busi , ness of yesterday , whllu a distinct , broadonlng tendency wiis seen , and the Una ! changes were almost Invariably material gains. Ono xv-uak spot xvas Distillers , which xvas nailer pro.snrc throughout thu enllio day , but received sup port enough to hold H above yesterday's'low est llgnre.s until the close. The Impression which provalled up to loday was lhat the outgo of gold by tomorrow's stcamurs would reach at luast Jl,50O,000 , hut thoru _ wiis no fnrthur stltrenlng of exi-hange , and early In thu day It becamu known thai nonuof thu shippers would send any. ryi'ho encouraging featnte ot this was the Im proving demand abio.ul forAmeilcaii bonds and thu Inference was that enough exchange would be madu by this moans to prox-ont fur ther shipments. The dliect effect ot this waste to stimulate the prevailing bullish sentiment and the demand for stocks Incicased In urgency as the day wore away , running the Iransacllons upio a llgure which has been seldom seen In Ihelast two years. The rail wail list developed u strong tenet t Ight at thu opening and buying for both sides ts of the account kept prices moving upvvaid In < ! spite of the heavy loall/atloas on the high rt prices atlalned. Amnlm onconrn lng fcatuie rtni was the wldo and uniform dlslillmtluii of the at business and xvhlle large gains vvero Hindu In only a few stocks the fact lhat the Improve ment reached all poillonsof tin-list , slnmp- t Ins-advance as of greater stability than wa-i reallv supposed. Industrials , on thu whole , shared ( n tin is , strength , hut no maikod gains were scon In them , and had It not been for the enormou- transactions In Ulstllleis they would have ro- celxod a supporting position In the miiikel Thu piossiiro upon Dlitlllcrs WHS ngaln ox- traardlnaiy , and fiom ( > I > j last night II oiilckly descended lo 5H. A rally to 51) ) ' . xvui followed by fcveilsbnoss and al the closu It xvii * again at thu lowvst tlguro. Migar faicil somewhat. iH'tier. and ufler rising to 1-01 closed at 12O , and with a gain of 1 pur cent. Iiun Manhattan still remained the special featuri n- if tint mm kut. and was still further lifted tn agnlnst 10714 last evening , and llnally closed at 174 , with a net gain of li'4 | .i i cent. The con ) utiM'ks , with the ox'ceptlon of Head' Or Ing. madu no show In the miirkei , lint all wen strong. Now Kmtland and Now York A 'h. Northern preferred were prominent , following 'h.hu the rUe lii.Miinliattun , thu last named showlm hu a if&lu of 3 fc pur cunt larger than any other rail rend lei k \iiiMiigiiiln , inlllr * < " 'i'1 ' laird | fl'i t < > T I' | M r i--nl ( l > nt the reit nf th Ui vn'tf iiintcnl with it ilns rifnitlna up J per en ! Western 1'nlon beciitui' th'- bull nifd nf he nflernoon. anil ( In- other tloitld Mio.-k' * fnl- iivreil at n ilNliini'e vxhllc the Ktlenzlli ill the ( runners nils- not wi piononiiced Hsdut-lnn the last few day * The Hading extended lo an mii'imlly larao number of Meek . one of the 'iillltiK conditions of n itcnerally liulll h scull nent , and all xpeclnllles xvero ut hlghvr limn their lint recorded sale. f The I'oit i Hys : A Inrgo part of life ran ncted ttKlay came through coniml ilon iou es which have not been lilvtilllk'il with the inoxements Inspired hythe clhiucs nnd the execution of thesu orders Indicates u Illume In Ihe general 'plilt nnd that an tin- portant eleiiirnt that has hrencon plcuous for i long period by Its nbsutico has made Its up- learanco. ; Thu following urn the elpslint nuotntlonsof Iho leading stocks on thu NUVT York Stock ex- cliange toduy : i.111mm : i.rie , ioi n : tvnnsas > I exas.-J.nuoj l.onNvllle A Nashville , lil.OOl ) ; Maiiliattan , Jl.ilUII ; .Mlssciiiil I'lu'lllc , Hi.iiOH : Northvvest- Nev Vork .Aloney .Markrt. NEW YOHK , .Ian. ID.-MOMIY D Kusy nt 'J tO'l percent , last loan 3 , closed offered at 11 percent. I'niMB Mi.arxMii.cI'Ai'iiti .1'Tt-7percent. ' * STIJIIMNO KXCIIXNOK I'lrin hut , ipilm , with actual business at Jl.bll for CD day banUers' hills and $4.HH for demand. Tlie closing iiuotatlons on bonds : riimnclnl > 'utes. IC\N < AS CITY , Mo , , Jan. 13. Clearings ii,523,412. HAI.TIMOIII : , Mil , , Jan 13. Clearing * . $2,331- 273 ; balances , H20.770. Katu , G IKT cent. LONDON , Jan 13 , Amount of bullion gone Into thu Hank of England on balunco today i'l 1.000. l'nuxiKi.i'iiiA , I'.i. , .Inn. 13. Clearings. $10,107,720 ; balances , $1,730,102. Money , 5 per cent. CINCINNATI. O. , Jan. 13. Money , 417,0 per cenl. Xuw York exchange , 25c premium. Clearings , $2.009.000. HnsTON , Muss..Inn. 13. Clearings , } 20,5I9- 141 ; balances. { 1,095,050. Money , 4 percunl ; exchange on Nuxv York K > 5il5c discount. NKXV YoitK , Jan. 13. Goxeminent bonds dull and steady. Stuto bonds neglected. Clearings , ? 130,414,40S ; balances , iO,855.GGI. ST. Loins. Mo. . Jan. 13. Cleurlnz- , , # 4,242- 810 ; balances. 1520,598. Money quiet at tt7 per cent. Kxchango on Noxv York , 90c pro- mliim. CHICAGO , III. , Jan 13. Clearings , J17.490- 084 ; Nexv York uxchange , HOC piumlnm. Sterling oM-hange , ijiilet : sixty-day bills , $4.80' , ; dejnand , $ l.88'i. ' Money bteady at ( i per cent. i.ivi : STOCK si ; Cnttlo ' ell Strong ami Slightly Illglu-r HORN T.iko Another Illg ri > er\ Ovi MIA. .Ian. 13.There was somewhat of a lut up In locelpts loday and the markets vveru better all uionnd. So far this week supplies foot up 1H.188 cattle. 25,440 hogs and 4,311 sheep us against 11,922 cattle , 21.U7O lings and 2,2(13 ( sheep tlio coricapomtlng ttvo ilnX * last xveok. Iteeelpls of eattlo xvero about the same us on Thursday , and a few bundled htax ler than on last I'rlduv. Almos't any kind of callto couhl Und a ready pnrchaserat fully us much money as they would have brought yesterday , whllu some of the more desirable giados brought a little heller prices. In genoial , ptIces for fair lo good hoof callle tilled 25c to 40c higher than Monday and thu trade xvas ncllx-o at thu adxi > ce. I'letty giHid 1,15010 1,400 Ih. stoeis .old fromfl.50 up lo t.05 ; fair to good 9OO to 1,200 Ih. steers from J3.75 to # 4.25 , with poor to fair Mutr from t3.l > 5down. lluslnuss was lively Ihioughont , and about everything had changed hands be fore dinner. Cows and mixed stock sold strong to a dime hlghei than yusteiday nnd the movement xvas voiy fieu fiom star'to llnlsh. I'oor to choice cowsiind heifers-sold all the way from } 1.75 to $3.50 , with tin- fair to good stun xery hugely at 12.50 loM.25. HtilN , oxen and stags xteie In good demand and stiong al Jl.7 tiiH.oi ) . Common large c.il i es and ycai lliife-s to choice x cats sold fiom $2.25 lo5.25. Mivkein and feedeis sold freely al steady to strong prices , Thu demand xnis good both lions Hogs open6d fully 15c higher than Thursday , mid thu oaily market was a good leal of a scramble on ( lie part of buyers , lie- elptsxvure only moderate , and thu quality lardly as good as Thursday , hut the demand xvas veiy urgent fluid Mho hogs ijtilckly hanged OH tiers. Good to choice butcher and leax-y hogs sold largely at S7MJO to-47.05 , xvith Talr togood llghtand mljuud loads mostly at J7.50 to $7.65. A few common llghtand nn- lerwelght loads sold at * 7.40 and J7.45. row-aid the close the maiket rathcreased off mil u few loads icmalned unsold. Sales xvero largolv al J7.55 and $7.00 , as ngalnst $7.35 to J7.45 Vrlday. and $7.00 to f7.0& lasl r'llday. Kepiesenlallve sales : VI US AND llOlinil. 1..400 - 075 1..2CO - 700 Sniii' ; : None xvero recelx-ed. There Is an acllx'o demand for dcslrablo muttons at stroiiK prices , ( jood feeders are also xviitited at satisfactory flKint's. TalrtoKood nanvo.s , S3.75 < a5.OO ; fair to pooil westerns , f3.50J,4.75 ; connnon and stock sheep , $2.25 3.50 ; oed ( o Cholco 40 lo 100-n > lambs , S4. O Keeelpts mid I > lHpixltliin | orStnrlt. Olllolal receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the hooks of the Union Stock Yards company for twenty-four hours , oiidlng at 5 o'clock p. m. January 13 , 1893 : o l.lx-n Stock . Market. I'liirAflo , III. , Jan. 1,1. fSpeclal Teloaram to TUB HKK.ICnttlu vve o tlrm today. I'oor to extra cows , holfois aul | hulls xveio taken at from Jl.50 to3.75 vvlUl the Kiealer part of the sales ut fiom i2.4Q Jto J3.25. Stockers and feeders were In demand at from } ' _ ' . .l.r > to } I.nil. the latter price belnc for lloshy steers axeniK- Inirfioin 1,100 to t 20O Ibs.ales to shippers weie on a basis of from J3.5O to jfi.oo and the sorts that j.rn to dressed beef 111 ins ueie iiuoted at from i3.25 to f5.75j thoiiiih the most of their purchases \\oro \ within a ianto of from i3.Oil to * 5.0i > . Add another nlckol to the value ofthehox and he Is vvoi th JH.llO lier lee Ihs , He sold as liluh as ? 7.05 today , | iir 5c above the highest price piev loiisly pafd < It was not a choice nttlcle that broiiKUt .lhat lluie. . hut It was Ihoinrht thut somelim ! ( : fancy vvnuld have poor to choice medium ami heavy vveiL'hts. Thi'ic were soveial trades at .i7.9oand at least two at $7.95. Culls and llttlo pls ; were salabli at fiom5.OOto$7.oo. Theie xvas slrons lone In sheep , the. bulk ol the supply conilstlnjr oftfood urade wesleii muttons , met with u ready sale of fiom .V u lOc advanci' , and the medium grades of ml\ei stock at llrin prices , lle-l Blades -.old at fion 40.OO to fO 25 nnd fall In Kood at from if.ri.25 li $ "j.7.V sheep have m.ido a net advaiii-e ol from Ifito 2c ( ) , choice to prlmenatlxe milt- tons lii'ltiK tniotable toduy at fiom 5.1O ti ? , ' ) . , ' ) ( ) . con : ! 10 prime vvesteri.s at fiom t5OO ti J5.4U. fair mixed natives nt fiom ) I.4D ti 4.hl ) , and Inferior culls and mixed MooU-a fiinn K.50 IOJ4.25. Hecelpts : Cattle. O.dOO head ; liiys , 20.0IK head ; xlieep. 5.OOO head. , The Kvenlns Journiil n'porls : I'ATII.KHecelpts , ti.oou head ; shipments 3.3OO head ; maiKet strong ; sloi-kcrs hljthei steers , J3,2MiO,0 ( ) ; stockein , f3.3J4i3.bl ) ; cows 1 00f3 05. lloos-lti-ceipts , IH.OOO head ; shipments 0,5OO bc'ud ; market lower ; conimmi , Q7.30fl 7.IO ; inlM'd , J7.O. > ft7. ( ' > 5 ; prime l.fiivy am butchers , I7.05U7 U5 ; IlKht JilKs. JO.KKTt7.05. ( SiiKta--.lti.cc.lpts , 4.1H.K ) head : shlnmenls 1.40O IK-IK ! ; market Ilrnii muttons , IU. Ul lambs , J4.UlKilG.20. DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK Reports of Further. Gold Sbipmoritfl Do Not Seem to Affect Biniuoss. TRADE CONDITIONS GOOD EVERYWHERE I'liittrrlnt ; Outbuilt for the ( 'oinlnp Ye.ir Itppnrt * from tlm Vurlons Cities Very llneoiiraKliigstaple I'rodncts In ( Joint Demand Ilittlncsi Nnvv YOHK , Jnn. ti ) . K. G. Dun .fe Go's. Weekly Uovlow of Tnulo snys : In splto of reports that more gold wilt RO abroad nnd In splto of uncertainties regarding legislation on the money question , the business world seems inclined to bellevo that there xvlll hone no serious flnnnclul cmburasstncnt , especi ally ns the ilreraifo or commercial Imlebt- ncss' Is rcmnrlcably low mid failures have been comparatively Important. At. Uoston orders for boots nnd slices hnvc been larpc , the factories nil busy nnd Job bers' stocks Hjjlit. Cotton and woolen mills arc fully employed. Rales ot xvool xvcrcil.ol- . ! ) f > 00 pounds and fi.Oao.OOO . pounds xvero de stroyed by lire , making thu demand for \x-ool stronger. Iron is wcnlc nU'hllndrlphlii nnd scarcity ot cars nffeets thu co.il tr.ulo. At I'lttsbtuv pig1 iron Is xvcak and slow of sale. sale.Tr.ide Tr.ide nt Clpvelund is ( 'no.l , xvith Improved demand for rolled lu-oducta , and money close , collections being not so good. Orders for spring Roods arc , moro liberal tit Detroit and money in Htrong demand. Wholesale ordois at Chicago thus far ex ceed last .u'tu-'s , there being n heavy de mand for winter elothiiij , ' . Spoculalion has raised pork to the highest price in seven years , and inonej Is strong. Milwaukee is preparing actively for thn spring trade .ind heavy snows have helped lumbermen. At St. Paul and Minneapolis the lumber and Hour trades arc llrmer , but collections are slow. Trade nt Omaha is good and also at Klou : ; City and Kansas ( ; it.v , when ; receipts of cat tle are liberal , but of hogs light. At St. J juis mone.x is strong , but tboro is a grain bloelmdo from a scarcity of ears. At Louisville prospects are bright and nt Ixnoxvillo trade is improving. At Memphis trade is dull , at Little Hock fair , with more hopeful tone , and at Atlanta good , with satisfactory collections. business nt New Orleans is only fair and in some lines dull , but sugar is very strong and uetivefcljvlillo rieo is quiet and weak. In the Iron Trade. What people mean by depression in busi ness is .shown in the pig iron output. : i'Jtt ( tons xveekly , or loss than - per cent smaller that December 1. with a slight increase in stocks , and 14iiri : tons smaller than n year ago , but with stocks much reduced. The out put in 1MKJ was V , 100.0(10 ( tons , only 1WUKX ) less than the largest ever known , that of INK ) , and the consumption xxm > probably the largest ever known. Prices arc weaker. Bessemer pig is only * l.r : ! > < ) at Pittshurg , and Alabama iron is offered at the west at lower prices , but there is a better movement at Philadel phia.The The structural iron trade is dull , and bar weaker nt SII.M. and rails are still inactive. On the other liaiul , textile mills are crowded with work , nnd sales ot wool are the largest known for many weeks. Speculation In cotton has been liquidating , the price declining a quarter , although re ceipts this wi-ok are -lO.OOO bales less and exports -HUKM more than a year ago. Larger estimates of the crop are noxv sent out. Wheat has scaivol.v changed in price , though corn and oats hnx-o risen ly ! cents each. Western receipts of wheat In four days have been a.fiOO.OOO bushels , and Atlantic exports only Tl.'lfOS bushels. Pork 1ms advanced * ! per barrel , and at J18.ii5 is far above the ruling prices of recent years. Receipts of hogs at the west are still light and prices higher , and coffee and oil are practically unchanged. The treasury has been disbursing freely since January 1 , nnd very large returns of money from the interior have cnnsed lower rates hero. But foreign exchange advanced and 'further exports of gold are expected. Merchandise imports continue fully up to last year's llgHres , while exports from Noxv York for two weeks have declined 5oUOO,000 , or over 30 per cent. The business failures occurring through out the country during the past sex-en days number 1500 , For the corresponding week ot last year the llgures xvero MO. HKAi > STitiiT's ; IIHSIM > S icivnw. : Trad * * lit tint .South anil KIsevvhiTo of n Siitlilaelory Nature. NKXV YOIIK , Jan. lit. Bradstrcot's tomor- roxv will s.iy : A striking feature of the business xveek includis a Binding of pis iron prices at St. Louts , together with a fin thor reaction , in print cloths , cotton , rye and li\-o cattle at Omaha , while sugar is higher , noticeably at Nou- Or leans ; leather at St. Jjouis , whisky at Cincinnati nnd Louisville , tobacco nt Richmond , Philadelphia and Liverpool ; the li\-o hog market , together xvith wheat , corn and oats all show gains in price. The extreme cold at the west and northwest while helping sales of heavyweight woolen clothing , shoes and hats , serves to restrict the movement in most other lines of staple goods. Noxv England cotton mills are largely sold ahead , but stocks of print cloths at Fall Uiver are only ' .1,000 pieces , ngninst 20,000 pieces n year ago Baltimore jobbers , xvho deal extensively all through the southern states , report a most active demand for clothing- and shots , to gether with what may * bo classed as dls- tinetively spring goods. Collections there are above the average and prospects for tmdo are good. Hichmond and Nashville are .sending - out commercial travelers through the south. The ci'i ' first , named announces that collections on sales of plug , chewing and cicnrettes have been dull through the south , wheio the weather Interfered. The movement of merchandise at Memphis and Charleston has been moder ate xvhlle at Atlanta U is satlsfactoiy , being in excess of the. volume of one year ago. This is also true at Birmingham , xvhile nt Now Orleans easier cotton und rlco prices have been offset by stronger sugar and an in creased merchandise trade , followed by preparations for a large movement of xvheat in that direction. Facilities at Galveston for the export of xxheat have also been In creased and largo exports from that port are promised during Ib'.iM. Trndi ) In the West. General trade is of moderate volume all through the west At San Francisco grain freights are nominal and moro vessels are loading on oxvners. There are siMjsix ves sels there , with 110,000 tons regUtri. suita ble for grain carriers , hut without charter For the second tlmo in the history of the port a ship has elearc.l for Now York in bal last. last.Bank clearings aggregate $ li7 : ( , IMKXI ) ( ) ( throughout the United States , nearly li'ij ' per cent moro than in the preceding xveek , but a trllle over 2(1 ( per cent less than in the second xxeek of January of last .xenr. Hoports to Bradstrcefs from 1C ! > rnllxvn.v companies furnish an aggregate of j."iOsrJ.V ( ( MH ) gross earnings in Ih'j,1 , about I 7 per cent more than their total gross earnings in 1VJ1 when their gam , as compaied with 1VJJ was J.ll per cent. Granger roads report , rclntm-l.x , the : IBTMr. Mr. Michael Iliggins , Belcher The Taylor Agricultural Tool Co. , Cliicoriec 1a"-si Mass. , writes : "This company 1ms used ST. JACODS GIL for years for their men for burns , cuts and bruises , and VJQ AVC knoxv of nothing _ . that compares with it. " Ecilual' Irirnpsl Incrrfi'.tMn IMr'.ia -r irni- rnlironiU nnd I IK niii f.iii. MnK xvith , tniim of ; ' t .f lent ic p < - < t Koiitlipni filllhudsi I'lcreiiscl I'.irir oiifiiln ever ? | , H iiv : i I per cent nml ParliU * riilhvax * Mnillarl.x , xvhllo central \vp term irnlnc'l ' JO tier cent nml trunk lines only 'J.i JHT cent. ' 1 IIP t'olilvonthor Inia cut oft fnniu'iV dellvorlpi of xvliont , ns show n i > v upoclnl ivtxirts u > boat-da fixnn xvp k-m ftn'l tiorthwontPiti In- tprloriiolut .nn'l ' IH-ICOH xxlth Improved , ind homo ilotntiinl nruliiglier for xx liotit , corn nml oat * . KxpovtH of whont from HIP lTnltPil Rtnlcs , both coasts , durlnjt tlio six ila.vs otn'rtl Janu- nry 1'J. initial ; j , : < N > , ; irr Inishols , n cnlu of Id pqr cent "AX It hln n xvoclt , but Wrnt \ pent low nii ir In- fludod ) lliiiti was sunt nbi'o.ul In the xvcek 01 n year n 'o. Out1 telegraphi cublo ntlxlcca show the larjfcnt stocks of wliont In the rnltuil States , Cninuln nml alloat for I2urop and Aitatrallii In January ex-pr i-cccrileil , the total bcliiR ISI.'IT.aK ) bushels , or J. ' OXIKH ) bn.shplsiuoro than one year SIRO , and 'W.tn .ODO . buMicla mure than tn the iiriv.lnco of OiJtarlo lolibliij ; of sprlmr uocxlfl is only of fair proportions tlius far , but prices are gcnei-.illy lh-i ; higher Prices ilom.imU d for xvheat cluvkitu de.il- llll.'S. ci.iAriNi : iiorsi ; si'.vinxi i\rs. Omaha's flguics fur TliU UVelt More Than S-itltlnctory- < | inrti I mm Other L'lllrs , Ncxv Yoitic. Jan. lt. : The folloxvlm ; tahlo , couipiloil by niMustreot's , fives tin ; ck-arlnj. ' house returns for the week umlint ; .tiui- uai'y 1'i , isy.1 , and , the pcrcentapo of In- eroaao or tlocreaso , as compared xvith the corivsponding weel : last year : rto-liij fllliiri' nf lint iiniM , , rrtmno i "Id , iliy woiili'r i Kiii'd M . r ur- * ife fur -Inly -.litr1- * la , < vi-r Till- tailed Mm . .li.nlin . iniylii' \ - , u tr < Mill I1-i > prices niltnnccil v I'KIXO ' yi i rd.iv i lale l ilunio * nml doted uMhet'ip It lm M ni IhoilKh the bull * hnd lMorhi < d - . . . | | . ) pill May wliPiit to WV before thecln.- < .111 . iidvmircd nlmrply mi bnvlnit by In ' Ni w \ ol k hnutoa , xvlmncn folhuved liy l " i limit xviill slicolvpi-ciihitiii'4 'liu liiiliii-t tl > < iii i-t the hh'iil crowd to r > 'lnsiiiti < Hu ir Inn % - . .Hi . out yoilcrdny nnd chwil Ic up Oils wuo xciydull bill xrry flMii iMilyln Hi' si SM.III . and quickly u > sHinded | lo hluln-i pi i t . in other eetvuU. . I'unlsJntu vvero inn'lc r ilely active under n renewed Inij IniMlom mil fr < nt outsiders. The loral profcs'lon ils wlu ) iNinxht on the weak pn | lvtii dus'i.-o vveru lii'ddltiiKont thi-suiir ciuilon ly mi t > , had sot | today , l.lke the farmer's \ - | | nit hod yoke of oxen , tint country U wlllliu- t > . arry the whole toad and the packi'M uu u.limtf they should. Cniuxoo , 111. . Jan -Kennett. . U , p'n Co. to S. A. .McUlniiter : The otn nd „ vval rather xxeuic on hiruo receipts nnd siunrflsU cable , but brokers supposed to be a. . itm ; fern tliuliln holder bid ill ) Iho mink , t n I . .ioU u modeiate profit on their scnlplm : „ 1 he e\poi ts ot xvheal and Hour dm Ine the n.i tliimnllis have hi-en about lli' , i > niliiOO. a nlnst I'JT.fiOO.IiOO for the VIM. . time lu : je.it. The ratoof oxnoilallo.i has heen ntti > sldeiably smaller of Lite owing i , , lihcr \ lit Ices , which fen > lgii ! < rs aic uowil lnj { to Jiay. The Mlnneap.ills market ico- ind e\poses a glaring error n Itr.uf. street's visible supply. The hitter esii.o.ited countiy olexatorstoi.i e In tlm miribwesi at H.I totmo. ) ( They linn out to In-'ii.oiiD.ooo. Iteeolptsof xfheat at Chlciiaoaie Inert aslnjion account of our relatively bljjhi r pi i , es J'or the past llvo da.x i thov have lift n I1' < H)0 ) , aisaliHl 3"iOlH)0 ) fo'i the- , line da.x I 1-1 xeaf , Clo-.lnif cables me dlsappohiilt. lv won If. Theie seems to be m > liiilllxh inthii-i -i. nay- xvheie outside of Chicago. < mni.ml . ai h ix-o been stioiixer on Inij In by pitit Uli.ii -pi , al' Istsand for New VoiK acco.ini. In p , . \ --ions the tiadlni ; has been mainly for KII'-II | rs and the market has been htton--c on . oni iini' < l litfht lecelptsof boss , Nevx Yurk l.lvo Slot-It Xlnrlcot. Ntixv Vonic.lan. 1.1. Htrviu : li'celinmil head , Including 49 cats for iie | : nnri | t a. live and lo.4 per Itm Ib" . hUhei : iiuti\ < Alters , 53.r)0TI.5 ( ( ) per Inn UK. : hullin.il ctnvs. * 1 4)4J ( ) a/Joi dressed beef sd-ndy at > ' . ' , . pi i Ih. Shlpmcnls tinnoriovx , ' 7IJ beeves , and tviiOU iiuartets of beiif. C ll.XMWItoeolpK 331 head : nun kelli nd > i xe.ils.fri.llOiiiH.OU per 100 llj-t. : we.H I -alvcs , MIKIJI * AND l xtiM-lieceinis 3,0117 head ; ni.likel llrin : sheep , tn.oij { . > . ! in pot Inn 10s i lambs , fii.aoa7.l5. HODSReceipts , tMO head , Inclinliin ; 2 i ur- lo.iils for halu. Jliirkel llrin ut $7.nooT < 'O pur 100 Ibs. * Oily l.iv stock M u-lif t. IC\N < IAS < 'ITV. Mo. , Jan. l.l.-i'ATri.n Itn- col | > l > . 5,000 heail ; shipments , l.nou hcvd ; ; Rood eattlo generally steailv , oihers quiet , Heak to Klij lower : feedersste.iilx . shlpp iiu .steers , $3 5035.2 j ; stoi-Kers and feedi rs , U 40 fttn.70. lloiis-Kcrulpts 0,100 head : shipment ? . 1.3(1(1 ( ( head ; netlve. 5Mfie. mostly Ine hlRhnri all Kiailei , 10.fiit7.7-J' ( ) ' ( : hulk , if1JO.71.0 SHUIIIterolpts : 1,7OH heail ; -.lMnicnts | , 100 Mead ; KMIiUlier foi' oed iiiuilonniliuM dull and steady. .St. l.uuU 1.lstorlt M irltet. ST. Lotus. Mo. . .Ian 13. UVTri.i : licrrlpts. 1,0011 head ; .shipments , 700 head ; market slinnv ; native steeM , f3.1Oifl.75 , < hoico .shlpplim' . SO.OOTtfi/JO. lines UecclptH , 0,00(1 ( head : shipment * . 4,10dliead ; market OTMOe hlchei : ln-a\y $7 411 ® 7.00 ; paeklns , i7/J5ft.7.05 ; 11 1)1 ) , 7 3 . < o7.00. Sinir.f Hoi-olpts , 20J head ; shipment ! , , 300 head ; nuirkut strong ; nallxes , 3 choice to extra muttons } 5.0kt5. ( Id. You don't want u torpid liver , .sou don't \ \ . \\.intab.idi-oiapluxion don t uant a had breath ; you tlun't want a he.ulatho. Tlu'ii UhoUo Wltfs Little U.irly KISITS , the fr.mons little pills. J5O YOU OO wlioii yon liny siloes tor clothIng - Ing ? Don't you p-0 to the place ( If you en n liuil it ) whoie they tell you that you * * ' . ' " * msywwu [ > tl10 u\ ---i > n-L i \ ] W2JT 1 A ni lick's out , N ' ' I " 'and then , it you're not satisfied , they'll refund the money ? Why not do the same when you buy medicine ? Dr. 1'ierco's Golden Medical Discovery h sold OH that ] ilin. : It's lhr- only blooit- purificr EO certain nnd cH'ccllvo that It can hu guaranteed to bcnclit or cure , In j every case , or you have your money hack. It's not like the ordinary spring medi cines or sarsnpaiilliia. All the year i omul , It cleanses , builds up , and invigorates tlm system. If you're bilious , rim-down , or dyspeptic , or have nuy blood-talut , noth ing can equal it us a. remedy. SOUTH Union Stock Yards Company , S oxi til Opnaria. lloslC'aUlo Ilo anil Sh"Cj > murkot 111 the vrcst. COMMISSION HOUSES. Wood Brothers. 0 Iilvo Ptook Commission Mcrchuiits. South. Omaha Tulypliuno 1157. ! ? 1 , 'M.n.wr- ' Market Hcport by mall a ij wlro oliejrfiilly Jur lnliod upon application OMAHA AWHIHGSAND TEIITS Oraaha Tent-Awning COMl'ANV. 1IOII8K roVBIM , 111.1 Knrnnni St. BAGS AND Bemis Omaoa Bag M. 0. Daxon , I OXIl'ANV Importon nnilmtnufri lIlcyciGS told on monthly Hour aackl , burlapi , tVTltlO. imymoitt. 12J N.Hlh. BOOTS \ND SHQtJ. Morse-Coe Shoa Coinpiny , Howard vtrot. 1'actory corner lltli ant Uoiulni StrooH. \X'oaroinikluclOjiilO'a | to cull bnreri. ant are elllnB aclanof tfjoili whlrhlt very tale iblo wllu iiicrchanl ) . Kirkendall , Jones & Araw , Hand-Sewed COMl'.XXV xviiuloiitlo l ! CO , bucil mfrfl. nvinl'i Ilis : > ri and rnbtier Koo llubber nhoo < 'u 110- I.IIOllarnuy St 1IOI-IIOI llarney rtl. COAL , coir. C01NI3E , Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Cornlcj Works MMB CO , hard anil uft Mfri unlvanlzel Iron coal , h i : cor lOtli an I cornlc.ivlitiwr o.iis , nielillto nlvllu.'ita , ulu IIID-1II- . ' D.nUJSt , DRf GOODS. H. E. Smith & Co. , Kllpitrlck-Koul D/y IJ Dry Koodi , notloni , fiir- \otloiii uunU * furnlili- nlihliik' uuu'H , iriur tn jed i , u Jr. lit' ) and lllh mill II ivnrjH. . llariiuy * lt FURNITURE , Omaha Upholstering & Runyaa CO. , H | > MoUti roi | furniture HHNITUIII- ; tureIIJJ II'JI ' Xlcliula * f.l.VliuIe < nlu unlj- nn'l ' Utli .St < GROCERIES. ORUQS , ETC. D. M. Steele & Co , , Blake , Bruce & Co. , 1201 lOtunna Homey SH , Omaha. Omnti * . MARDW\R \ . Rector & Wiltielmy CO.XII'ANV , Dcalern In hardware and Corner 10th and Jnc'i-on itu'cliantc tooU .Sir ooti H'JI HATS , ETC , W. A , L , Gibbonfi Co. XVIioloaalo Ilnl' , cnpj. Btr.uv K nlovcB. mllluns , 'Hi and llarnuy Ma. LUMBER. John A. Wakefleld , Charles R , Lea , liii | > ortui | , . Xniurloanl'urt HardvrooJ lutn J3rroo land P.in int. Mll , iu- carpet * an t p ir < | i3L kojcuuiunt nnd % ! > iliiiy Hii'irlnu. wnilullniu. Dili und Do.iKl-n. UQU033. I _ _ _ MIUINSflY. Frick . .OjarfeldiiMo myjrtiri nn I jobt > XX'bolcsnlollquordailuri of mini 10 rt notlo Mail or lor * or o rnp * . KJOI Knrnara Bt UtU St. PAPER. I OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , Curry a full "luck of prlnllnK , wrapping nml ItoHno.l and lubricating wrllliu pupjr * . i.itr.1 uaper , oto ell , ( iila urcinu , uto. PRODUCE COM.YIIS3I34 , Branch & Co , , Jas. A , Clark & Co. , Produce , frulli of all llutlor , flu ) - < e. < < gi > , iiuultry anil uuttio , klniU , ( lyelon. 6i : M IHiI STQVE REPAIR ? . . I SASH. DlflRJ. Omaha Stova R3pilr M.A.Dhbrow&Co. XV illKJ , itoro ropilr < .vuiuf.ioiurjr . < of utti nnlwilor atmlmuHl Uoor , bitnti na for any klnd'of itJirj iniiiMlnn branou of do , UtU a LtUarai