, JANUARY 1-1 , isoa. i H BEAUTIES OF ANTI-OPTION of the Bill Make Argument Before the Senate. DPPONENTS OF THE MEASURE HEARD FROM tlr. Illll AcRiiiMMl ofTrllllMC with the I'.nr ' Huh LniiKiinRn In III * Id-innrkii on tlm i.t V < 'ntmla > ' Work In the Home. \VABIII\OTOX , T ) . C. , .Tan. 13In the scnnto fills mnrnlng Mr. Shurmnn of Ohio , from the mtninlttco on forulfcn iclatlons , reported jack to the senalo the bill ( Intro lucctl by him on December 0) ) to uxtoml to the north I'Aclflc orcini the provisions of the statutes for the protection of fur seals nwl othur fur- bearing nnlm.tla , and after n brief explana tion the Mil was passed. In explaining It , Mr. Sherman said that In view of any Judgment which may bo tnado by the tribunal of arbitration next summer In respect to the fur seal fisheries , it would be necessary to authorl/o the president of the United States to extend the present law ( which applied only to Ucrins sea ) to the north Pacific ocean. Tlio McGarraRhan bill was then taken up , and after a speech against It by Mr. Mills , Oemocrat , from Texas , went over until Mon day Iimjj l'i | the Aiitl-dpllini Illll. At 2 p tn the anti-option bill was taken up , the pending question being the amendment offered by Mr. Whlto , to strike out the labt provision of section 2. The proviso is , "that fiuoh contract or ngrpcnii'iit shall not bo made. Bottled for by ilcliu-ry or settlement of difference or by any other mode of per formance. or settlement in or upon any Hoard of Trade , etc. " The amendment was re jected yeas , 15 ; nays , KJ. So the proviso Is retained In the bill. Mr. Vilns , democrat , from Wisconsin , moved to amend the second section by ad ding the words ' 'and docs not , in good faith , Intend to purel.aso and deliver the articles contracted to bo sold and delivered accordIng - Ing to the terms nnd requirements of such contract. " IIo said that the purpose of the nmcmlmrnt was to distinguish legitimate transactions from gambling operations. Mr AVashburn , republican , from Mlnne- 80ta , suggested that the amendment should bo printed and should go over until tomor row , so th < tt ho might have an opportunity to consider ft. He was inclined to tiilnk that its effects would bo to destroy , abso lutely , the whole purpose of the bill. The amendment accordingly went over , nnd Mr Woleott , republican , from Colorado. then moved that the senate proceed to the consideration of the calendar. On that motion Mr. Washbum demanded the yeas and the nays. Mr. Wolcott's motion was defeated yeas , Oj nays. HO. As soon as the vote was announced Mr. \Vashbutu said that on rollcction ho was satlsllod as to the effect of the amendment offered by Mr. Vilas and would , therefore , withdraw ills proposition to have it go over until tomorrow. Mr Mitchell , republican , from Oregon The senator is not in favor of the amend ment , is ho' Mr Washburn I am not , because it would absolutely destroy the force of the bill. Mr Vllns I should like to know how it would do that. Mr. AVashburn It Is a provision that would certainly bo evaded. I regard it as absolutely disastrous to the effect of the bill. Opposed by Pulnmr. Mr. Palmer , democrat , from Illinois , spoke ngainst the bill generally as n prohibitory measure which , unless some careful restric tions wcro placed on It , would bring within Us net a numerous class of persons. In reply to a remark of Mr. George's that the bill only applied to a few articles , Mr. Palmer said that onoof its advantages was that it did apply to so few articles , that if it was moro comprehensive it would bo worse than a pestilence. Mr. Vilas spoke In explanation nnd sup port of his amendment , and denied that it would defeat the object of the bill which wan to suppress iniquitous contracts , not legitimate contracts. Mr Voorhecs , democrat , from Indiana , Bald that the troublesome point was as stated by Mr. George , that all the trans actions on the exchanges were said to bo " worn.1 , Mr. 1 ugh , democrat , from Alabama , re marked that the testimony taken by tlio committee established beyond question that at least W ) per cent of the "futuro" contracts madu in Now York nnd Now Orleans during tbo last twenty years wore fictitious sales ; and yet they would -bo protested by the pending amendment. Mr Hill , democrat , from New York , asked Mr. Pugh why the question of intention should not bo passed upon by a court and jury in these cases , as in all other cases , Mr. Pugh replied that in every case where that Issue had been made the testimony showed that the intent to deliver existed and enter ' into the contract. Mr. Voortiees roplled.to Mr. Hill and said that it was trilling with the English Jangungo to suggest tlmt , while SOOOU,000 bales of cotton wcro sold when only 7,000,000 bales were In existence , the question of In tention In such cases bo submitted to a court nnd Jury. \Vi'iil < noflH of Voorheen * Argument. Mr. Gray , democrat , from Delaware , pointed out , as nn illustration of the weak ness of Mr , Voorhecs' argument , that a day's transactions in the money centers of the country aggregated n hundred , times moro silver and gold dollars than wcro in circula tion. The name reasons that would apply to cotton and \\hcat would apply Just as well to monoy. After further discussion the amendment went over without notion. Mr. Wilson , republican , from Iowa , offered a resolution , which was agreed to , calling on tlio secretary of the treasury for a copy of tlio opinion of the law otllccr of his depart ment , under which ho is disbursing the -6,000,000 souvenir coins in aid of the Colum- olnn exposition , conditioned on Sunday clos- nff. , . Adjourned until tomorrow. t _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IN Tin : ii 011.41 : . 'llepiiblleaii MomlxTH Itcxort to Fllllmntorliif ; TuctlcH fur n Wlilloj WASHINGTON , IX O. , Jan.'l'l. In the house today Mr Richardson , democrat , from Ten nessee , from the committee on printing , re ported n concurrent resolution for the printIng - Ing of 00,000,000 , copies of the report of the Agricultural department on the slice ) ) indus try nnd on the diseases of cattle for distri bution by senators and representatives. Mr. Hielmrdson had read by the clerk the following slip , which , ho said , was inserted In some of the books bent out by the Agri cultural department : "This book is mailed to jou by J. M. Husk , secretary of agricul ture " Congress had passed n law prohibiting heads of departments from .sendhTg out the publications of their respective- bureaus with their "compliments. " This net of the sec retary of agriculture was mi Invasion of the law The resolution was agreed to. Mr. Ueltzhoover , democrat , from Penn sylvania , moved that the house go Into com mittee of the whole fpr the consideration' tlio private calendar. Hut the republi cans resorted to illllbusterlng tactics , The llrst pages of the calendar are full of war claim measures and the republicans not wishing them considered , refrained from voting and left the house without a quorum. Hut on roll call a quorum appeared , nnd by a vote of yeas 60. nnys 8 , Mr. HelUhoovur's im ) t Ion was agreed , The republicans again resorted to llllibusterlnR tactics and left the liouso without a quorum. After a couple of hours consumed In n vain attempt to get n quorum to vote on the bill the democrats became irritated and Mr. Knloe , democrat , from Tennessee , the cham pion of the Johnson measure , attempted to force an adjournment. The effect of this Mould be to vacate the night session for the consideration of private | > onslon bills. The republicans then came to aote , and with the Help ofono democrats defeated the motion to adjourn. The liotiso then took a revess , the evening eesslou to bo for tbo consideration of private pension bills. _ by thu 1'rfnldcnt. WisiiiNcnox , D. a , Jan. JU. The presl- Our Entire Stock of Muslin Underwear Him boon rocolvotl and placed on solo. BottorvnluoB thun ever Doforo. Black Jackets , $5.00. One lot of 'blaclc cheviot fackets , all wool , fast color ; formerly $8 and $9 ; these until sold , $5 Black Jackets , Made of fine cheviot and clay diagonal cloth , half lined , 34 inches long ; these formerly sold for $11 , $12 and $14. Choice of the lot $8 each. Black Jackets , $9.98. Fine cheviot and imported clay diagonals , some half lined others lined throughout , none have sold under $15 , the most of them being $17 and $19 qualities ; sale price now $9.98. Cheviot Jackets , $9.98. Fancy mixtures , reeff.r front , also with Russian effect , short belt across back , formerly $15 to $18 , how only $9.98. Third floor. dent has sent the senate the following nomi nations : Postmasters Illinois G. II. Snco'l , ncnton ; T. II. Bangs , Clmtsworth ; A. S. McDowell. Clayton : J. P. Moss , Rogers Park ; Josiiih Baker , Sheldon ; Caleb Hoops , Sum- nor. Iowa Samuel Mnync , Bancroft ; J. J. McWilliams , Charter Oak : Evan Givens , Dyersvillo ; Henry Kuttell , Grand Junction ; Leonard Miller , Hartley ; A. C. Walker , Northwood ; J. .1. Claries , Urlmghar ; John Knapp , Parkersburg ; G. V. Spence , Holfoj W. D. McCunc , Huthven. Nebraska C. W. Hunter , Wakeiiold ; W. W. Hopkins , Oak land ; W. D. Smith , Lyons. "SOCIAL 1JVIM. " - It 1 * I'ropoieil Tlmt They Ho Investigated l > y Con rc9n Washington Notes. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 13. Tlio estab lishment of u commission on the subject of "social ovils" is contemplated iu a bill Intro duced today by Senator Fryo. A committee of five persons is to bo created whoso duty it shall bo to investigate the social vlco In all its phases , its relations to labor and wages , to marriage and divorce , its connection with pauperism , crime , etc. , also to Inquire into the practical results of legislation for the suppression of the evil in various states , Mr. Morgan today 'introduced in the senate n resolution which went over until tomorrow without action , when Mr. Morgan will ad dress the senate on the subject. The resolu tion instructs the committee on commerce to report the advantages , if any , that will result from the building of the Nicaragua ship canal. Oil tlio Subject of r The subcommittee charged by the house commerce committee with an injuiry Into the advisability of amending the interstate commerce law so us to permit pooling , have agreed to a bill which will bo reported to the full committee on Monday by Messrs. Patterson of Tennessee nnd Storer of Ohio. its framcrs. The bill Is moro guarded lu its provisions than the senalo bill and has tluo approval of the Interstate Commerce commission and of inliucntial rail way men. It provides that ] > oollng shall continue to bo unlawful , but may bo per mitted on such terms as the commission may approve , whenever , It its Judgmeut , pooling would'buto the interests of the public. If the commission llnds tlmt Its approval should bo withdrawn it may do so after reasonable notice and pooling shall then again become unlawful. Tlio Coimiliir Srnl System , Tbo cabinet today discussed at some length the question of suspending the oper ation of the consular seal system on Canadian railroads. The attorney general gave his views as to the power of the president in tlto premises , and , it Is understood , held to the conclusion formerly advanced by him that the president could not suspend its pperation. that power being reposed in congress. There were oth ers uho differed with him , the argument being - ing advanced that goods from Japan and China , which come in under the consular seal system , wcro clearly not from contigu ous foreign countries , and therefore not en titled to the privilege. It was also pointed out that these goods , on entry , wcro treated us foreign imxrtations. | Thu Immigration subject was also discussed. TulUod of thu Sit mil Ion In KniiHitit. Speaking on thu Kansas situation Senator Peffer said today that ho did not believe there would bo any bloodshed , except such as micht ; coinu from llstlu lights , or that it would bo necessary to resort to the militia In order to give tlio populists possession of the house of representatives , but said the populists ucre in earnest and the. militia \\ouhl bo used if the republicans did not give up the hall. Ho thought there would bo UNO senators elected and the contest would then bo transferred to the United States senate. The republicans and demo crats together would elect Ualloy Wagoner , a democrat , nnd the populists would proba bly elect Hricdcnthnl , the chairman of thu populist state committee , or Judge Dossier. AViiHliliiEtiiu Motet. nakcr of Kansas introduced In the house n bill for the free coinage of silver , making it unlawful fur any person to rnako any con tract , note , draft or bill payable In any spec- iio ! coin or currency. returns will show that there THE MORSE DRY GOODS COMPANY. Great Sacrifice Sale. Ever.y Garment a Bargain. From now until January 3ist every garment in our establishment will be offered at a big reduction some 25 , some and some 50 per cent. It means a big saving to you. Better buy NOW. Tweed kids $9.00. Scotch Bannockburn mix tures , belt across back , very stylish , formerly $15.00 ; . the price now only $9.00 each. Ladies'Jackets $3.5O. Scotch heather mixtures , all wool diagonals , thoroughly fast in colors , have been $5.00 ; now $3.50. $5.OO. These come in assorted tan mixed cheviots ; latest cut and neatly finished ; were $8.00 ; the price now § 5.00. $6.48 and $7.48. Tans and grays , Scotch mixed cheviots , strong and durable , made of best wool , perfect fitting , reduced from $12.00 and $15.00 to $6.48 and $7-48. LADIES' $10.00 , $11.50. $15.00 and $18.OO. A lot of about 35 odd new- markets with full military cape , tan and gray mixtures , for merly $16.00 , $18.00 , $20.00 , $22.50 and $25.00. Third Floor. was a gain of 7,000,000 In the collection of internal revenue for the six months of the present iiscal year over the receipts of the corresponding period of the last llsc.il year. The Treasury department today purchased 407,000 ounces of silver at $0.&iW@0.8-100. riho purchases for the month aggregate 13,837,000 ounces. Invitations have today been sent out through Cojonel H. C. OorblnU. , S. A. , to the governors of all the states , inviting them and their staffs to participate in the inaug uration ceremonies. Tlio senate today confirmed the nomination of George W. Dartch to bo associate justice of tbo supreme court of the territory of Utah in the place of Judge Anderson , whoso resignation was demanded by the Depart ment of Justice. 8CNI > AY CLOSING. More Arguments Itliido lloforo the Cougres- 8loiml World's 1'nlr Committee. WASHINGTON , D. O. , Jan. 10. The World's fair Sunday hearings went on again this morning. Hov. Dr. Doney , who said that ho represented the cities of Scranton and Wilkesbarrc , P.i. , presented petitions sixty- five feet In length ng.iiust Sunday opening. IIo read a letter from Governor Pattison ex pressing his hearty approval of Sunday closing. Uev. Dr. Oor.,0 i''icld , secretary of the American Sabbath union , said that the statement that the method by which 13,000- 000 people had been counted as against Sun day opening involved duplication was incor rect , Thcso lists were not manufactured , but actual verities. Thomas Morgan , chairman of the special committee of tlio Chicago Trade and Labor assembly , took the Jloor for the other side. Ho s.iid they had only four weeks in which to work and had received responses from ; t7."i labor organizations , representing almost every city in the United States , all favorable to Sunday opening. In addition ha repre sented the Great American-German Turner- bund , which had petitioned. 185 congressmen through district organizations , and also the Gorman Saloonkeepers' association of Chicago cage Mr. Morgan denied emphatically that the clergy had any authority for the statement that the workingmen were against Sunday opening. The whole of the clergy outside the Catholic church hero and in ICngland were arrayed against the workingman and could not speak for him. Mr. Askew of Chicago said the labor as sembly there had by its eighty organizations voted solidly against Sunday closing. Ho could got many moro with a little time. Hov. Dr. Thomas of Chicago argued that the matter of going to the World's fair on Sunday should bo loft to each person's con science. Sunday opening was a desecration of the Sabbath assumed btho other side. The fair was a school and a church for the exhibition of nature and man's progress and appealed to the intellectual and moral life of the nation. If the products of any slate wcro not good onougtt to exhibit seven days in the week , lot that state close on Sunday. The hearing is now closed. WATiUWAYS : CONVENTION. Appointment of an llxreutlvo Committee and tlin TnillHiictIon of ( ither UiiBlnrflK. WASIUXOTOX , D. C. . Jan. 13. At tlio morn ing session of the deep waterway convention a plan of permanent organization to carry forward the work was adopted , The work ing i > ovver of the organl/ation was located in an executive committee of ilvo and a board of control , comi > osod of the president of the organizations in states nnd territories. Resolutions demanding thu passage of house bill 'JS3 nnd extending sympathy to Mr. Dlalno were passed , Efforts wore made to secure an endorse ment of thu Hennepin canal and Ohio and Lake Erie canal , which met with consider able opposition. The whole matter was finally covered by a general resolution in favor of the new waterway from the Missis sippi and Ohio rivers to the great lakes. HecOss At the afternoon session an executive com mittee was npimlntcd consistinir of President Ely nnd Secretary Thompson and Mussrs. Graves of Duluth , Seymour of Sault Sto Marie and Whcolor of Albany , N Y. After the passage of the usual resolutions Ladies' Jackets $1O , $12 and $15. These are cheviot cloth , black and tan assortment , trimmed with full shawl collar of black oppossum and astra- chan fur ; former prices $15 , SiS and $20. Misses' Newmarkets $10 , $12 and $15. Made of tan cheviots , mili tary cape , detachable , just the garment you want for bluster ing weather , fornerly $15 , $18 and $20. ren s $5 , $6 , $7 and $8. Detachable : cape , tan and gray mixture ; ' the most use ful and serviceable garment made ; have , been $8.50 ; $9.50 , $11.00 , and $12 ! ' ' * " Third Floor. of thanks , etc. , the convention adjourned sino die. _ To InvcxUKiitu tlio WlilHky Trust. .v , D. C. , Jan. 13. Representa tive Burrows of Michigan today introduced in tlio house a long preamble nnd resolution reciting the newspaper charge that the whisky trust is making spirits , high vines and alcohol for use as beverages by the use of adulterants ; that the adulteration is affected by the use of poisonous drugs , of which fact the retailers nnd consumers are in ignorance. The resolution asks that n special committee of ilvo members of the house bo apH | > inted lo investigate and report upon thq subject , and especially what per sons are connected with the trust. Tlio "No. 0" Wheclor & Wilson , with Its perfected tonlsons. upper and lower , is the only lock-stitch machine that makes an clastic seam. It is the dressmaker's favorite ou that account. Sold by Geo. W Lancaster & Co. , 514 South Sixteenth street. TALKED BUSINESS TO THEM. Itev. S. Wright Ilutlor Lectures Some Commercial Catlngo Ntiulonts. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock Itov. S. Wright Butler , pastor of the St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church delivered an address to the students of the Omaha Com mercial college. Every seat in the largo as sembly room was occupied and the students listened attentively to the reverend gentle man's remarks. Uov. Butler talked for some time on the advantages of a good edu cation , especially an all 'round buslross edu cation , lie said it was necessary for the young people of today to have an insight into business life nnd methods and for those who could not attend one of tlio famous universi ties of the east the next best thing to do was for a young man or woman to take a course nt a business college. The speaker told n number of amusing and instructive anecdotes about school life and about some of tlio blunders made by people every day while transacting business , The moral of most of the illustrations was , of course , to urge the young people to keep posted in business matters. Considerable good advice was given the punils and at the close the speaker was loudly cheered. Hull Coiu'n.ilod AVrupnns , T > ast evening the pMMjo took Dan Skinner nnd Harry Ackloy m'out of the cold. A charge of carrying concealed weapons was Children's $3 and $5. Detachable capes , dark col ors only , no better garment made for service ; the price heretofore $5 and $8 each. Ladies'Suits. Bigreduction in this branch of our business even greater than in cloaks. Our stock is too large , we need the space for other goods , and have cut the prices right and left to ef fect quick sales. We have them in black and colors for street and house wear , newest fabrics and latest cuts. An early examination will be prof itable to you. $3.25. These are made of French satine , also cashrqere , and come in black , navy and car dinal. Better be quick on this lot , as our stock is limited and the price is just half what it was. The balance of our stock , complete assortments of plain , changeable and fancy silk waists , have all been remarked regardless of former price or cost. cost.Third Third Floor. . ' placed against thorn. Skinner had a big revolver and his pal was carrying a dagger with a blade about a foot long. Both men have been hanging around the union depot for a couple of days and are good people to keep locked up. How to , Vllo Doctor Bills. Clitcaao Datlu Calumet. Many a doctor's bill has been saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy. The uamo is a household word In many parts of the country. Chamberlain's medicines Imvo an extensive sale in the World's Fair City any many people testify to the merits of their dlftercut remedies. CnnMilcrlng ; Water Pressure. Yesterday afternoon the Fire nnd Police commissioners , the city engineer , tlio council committee on Jlro and water and the chief of the fire department held a meeting to con sider the question of water pressure and the better equipment of the tire department for the fighting of big ilres , The meeting was the result of complaints that the pressure at the lire fn the old Ko- publican building was inadequate. Tlio matter was inquired into and the cause located in the fact that the water main on Douglas street from Sixteenth to the bridge Is a very small one and that it would bo im possible to get the necessary pressure to light n big llro unless tlio mains from other streets could bo tapped. The feasibility of purchasing additional engines for use in emergencies was discussed and several other plans considered for the betterment of the service. It was finally de cided to await the arrival of the now water tower and to then make a thorough test of i tlio service in different portions of the city. i If the use of the water tower docs not obvi ate the necessity of additional pressure it is probable that an increased levy will bo asked to enable the commission to purchase and equip uddiUonnl llro engines. Another meeting of the Joint committees will bo held after the tcstof the water tower lias been uiudo. With nerves unstrung and heads that ache Wise women Bromo-Seltzor take , lOo , llrnr Iiroiilit on n Huttlo. Daniel Bartsehnrt was held to the district court yesterday by the police Judge for as sault. The .Sght in which the prisoner was interested occurred down on the bottoms some time ago , and was the result of taking u little too much beer. Constipation cured oy UoWltVs Early Risers. 'SMOKED , FOR OVER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. Blackweil's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco Has been popular with smokers every where for over twenty-five years. It is Just as Good Now as Ever Its FLAVOR , FRAGRANCE and PURITY have contributed largely to the growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is growing in favor because finer , sweeter and better tobacco can be had in this form ind at much liss cost than in cigars. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CJ , V DURHAM , N. C. J Seal Carats , Only a few left from of- large business ; these we do no. , wish to carry over to another season. The price has accord ingly been cut to a third off our former price , We carry no shoddy or trashy goods every garment we offer we guarantee to be the bast London dyed , Alaska seal and made from se lected skins ; we also guarante a perfect fit or money refunded § 12 Finest 1m ported Cheviot and Clay Diagonals length 34 and 36 inches , half lined , piped edge , side slashes ; have bien ; $18.00 ; during Ihis sale we have remarked them to $12. Our assortment of styles , sizes and prices has been greatly broken and to effect a speedy clearance we have tak en a third off every one of our remaining garments. Third Floor. IT IS NOT USE T--H , COST WHEN.YOURIO HE ALTHlO Wouldn't It cost loss to CURE You now than LATER ON ? As you vnluo your life don't nosloctconsult- IIIR name "tie ffhoso ndvlco will boot value If you consult It will cost you -nutlilnif Blood , Sliln null Kidiioy Disoanos , Female AVoalmcssos , Lost Manhood CURED. PILES , FISTULA , KI9SUHK. periuunontlr cured without tUe use of knlfu , llKfituro or caustic. All umlnctles of a iirlrats or Uellcntu nature , of either rex , iiosHlveljr cureil. Call on or nddreti , with Uninp for Clrculprs , frco Book and Iteclpca , Fir < ? onrl ( > s 7 < ! 0nrlOQ lt8 s ° utn istu struct Ul. ODUllUO U ubllllDd , Oimirm. ffol > . Nflit Uoor to I'osloniro. To .1. II. nontello , Mlko Votaru. ( Jullmrluo Loclilln , M. Huveren Sorcnson. A. I1. Clirlsto- liliorson. Olura I'ord , O. It. Kllswortli , John Mohr , George. 11 , Tz&cuch , James 0. Nelson , Peter Uohl , Walter L. Sulby , James O. Allen ! You aru hereby notified that tlio undersigned - signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Oniahii , hove been duly appointed by thu mayor , with tbo approval of thu city coun cil of Mild city , to assess tht > Uanmcu to the owners respectively of the property declared by ordinance uecossiiry to bo appropriated for the use of snid city , for tbo nurposo of opnnliiK and oxtendlnK Sixteenth street from Vlnton street- thu south city limits. You aid further notified , that having ac cented said appointment , and duly omillllcd as requlreil by luw , wo will , on tin1 30th day of Janimrv , A. I ) . 1HU3 , at tint hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon , at thu olllco of T. II. McOul- locli , room B412 , Now York Llfii building , within the corporate limits of suld city , meet for thii purpose of considering and malting the axscss- nient of damage tothoowncrs icsp'-cthuly , of bald property , by reason of MJOI | taking and iipnioprliitlon fhureor , taking Into considera tion special beni'llts , If any. The property buloiisrlntf to you , proposed to bo appropriated as nfoiosald , and which has homi declared necessary by tlm council , by ordinance , loupMioprluto to tliensoof the city , tHiliig situated In mild city of Omaha , In the countv of Doii'dus , itnd Ntalo of Nulna&ka , U described us fDllown , to-wlt : S 20 fool of WHO feat of lot 40 , S. U Hocers' plat , ( JUnhoma ; w 10 feet of lots 10 and 11 , Mottor'H mibdlvlslun of lot -1H , 8. 12. ItoenrV plat , Okahomu ; wtiQ feet nfMihlot 1 , tax lot i > 0 ; w 24 feet of lot 1& . Oak lilll No. 12 ; H 7 fuel of w 'J4 feet of tot 10 , ( ) : ik Mill No , 'J ; w Hi foot nf lots 0-7-8 , Motlor'sbUlHllvMon of lol4H , H. K. Rogers' pint , Olj.ilioiaa ; u UK ( ) fuut , w 00 feet of lot 4U. H. 12. ItoKurV plat , Ukabonm ; w 10 feet lot li : , Jloltor'HxiilMllvNIoii of lot 4H , H. K. 1 topers'pi n I. Oknlioniu ; w 30 feel of snlilot 4. tax lot 20 ; w in fret lot 0 , Mottor's sulidlvl- Hlon of lot4H , H. H. Holers' pint , OUnlionm ; w ' ! . ' ) feet , except H 7 feel , of lot 1G , Uuk Illll No. 12 ; lot 14 , Mt > ttor'H subdivision ; o 243 feet of lot lif ) , Klsclcs subdivision. You uru not Hied to bo present at tlio time and place ufoiusnlil , and makn uny objections to or HliitcimmU concerning said proposed ap propriation , or assessment of damages , us you may consider proper. T. 11. MrHTIJOOII. JOHN I' . | . ' 1A'K. JAMI2S STOUKIIAI/n. Oiniiliq. January 0. 1HU3 , Jfl-d'JOt A. H. DYER , iiovtttnrrurrlioiuun : , litctory unil all work requiring u thuroiiKli unit pructlcul kiintvlrilico ol eoiutructloii mid l raut rliili , "penally , r , U. Uux 331 , Ireiiiont , Neb. Our Annual Snlo of Muslin Underwear ID now In progress. Our stock has been carefully gone over during the past fc\v days. Here and there we have found an odd size a sin gle garment an odd lot of pants several odd suits a few overcoats , broken sizes all have been piled on two ta bles and marked at a fraction of our former prices. 50 Assorted Faiit Suits in light and dark colors , plain and mixed cheviots , cassimeres and fancy worsteds , sack and cutaway styles , 14 to 18 years , formerly $10 to $20your ; choice $5 a suit. Boys' Three-Piece Suits short pants , about 45 suits in all. In this lot will be found some of the finest black and fancy cheviots , fancy dark worsteds , stylish cassimeres , and new designs in tweed5. Sizes 10 to 16 years , best workmanship in cut and fiin- ish. Price heretofore from $9 to $20 ; we give you choice now for $5. This is a lot of boys' Sher wood suits , three piece suits ; nothing can excel them in quality and finish , fit or pat tern. The sizes of these range from 4 to 10 years and the former price from $8 to $12 choice now , $5 per suit. Shirlir S.ilo. Under nnd by virtue of nn execution Issued by Frank II. Mooren , clerk of the district court within nnd for Douglas county , Nebraska , upon a judgment rendered by said court at 1th September term , A. D. , 1892 , In favor of the Merchants National bank of Kansas City , Missouri , nnd against the Metropolitan Cabin Kiilhvay company of Omaha , Nebraska , I have levied upon the following described property as the propel ty of the Huld , The Metropolitan Cnblo Halluny company of Omnnn , Nebraska , to-wll : "Track and road bed , including rails , ties , plates , frogs , bolts , splices , wires , switches , poles , trolly wires , cross wires etc. , etc. , nnd everything pertain ing to bald track nnd the operating thereof as an oleclrlo motor line of said Tlio Metropol itan Cable Hallway company on .10th street and on Dodge btreet In the city of Omaha , and on Dodge -ittoot us extended , Woodman nvo- iiuo. Underwood avenue nnd Wilson avenue or street In Dundee I'lii'1" or adjacent thereto in the county of Douglas and state of Nebraska. " "One car house ( frame building on posts or blocks ) located on lot 14 , block 68 , Dundee 1'laco , Douglas county , Nebraska. " "Two motor pabscnger cars numbered respec tively two J2i , and three (3) ( ) " "Record book , stock certificate book nnd seal of said com pany , " and also "the franchise gianted to mild company , which Includes all tlio rights and privileges secured thereby , " and I will jan the 17th day of January , A. u. , 1H03 , commencing at 1U o'clock n. in. of Mild duy , nt the east front door of the comity court house , In the city of Omaha , sell said pioporty at public auction to the highest and best bidder or hidden ) for rash , to satisfy mild execution , the amount duo thereon being foity thousand , four hundred forty-six : UK [ 01-100 dollars ( f 10,4.10.01) ) ludg- ment , and sixteen and 3H-10U dollais ( $1(3.38) ( ) rests , with Interest ou said amounts from the 10th day of Heplembor , 1H9J , nnd the necruliijj Costs on .said judgment nnd execution. CKOUCIK A. IIKNNKTT. Shorlff of Douglas County , Nebraska. IjAiu : , HAMILTON , t MAX\VII.U Attorneys Omaha , Nebrosku , January D , IHUII.J . J M mini NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OP DAM AGES FOll GRADING. To the owners of nil lots nnd purtiof loM on Mtth street , from I'lorcu street to Woolworth - worth uvonuo ; You are hereby notified that the under signed , tbroo disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have Ijooii duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of thoolty coun cil of snld city , to asses * the damage to the owners respectively of the property ntTootod by grading of said Htroat. declared necessary bv ordinance No. : i.w7 : , passed Doe.0 , IHU3 , un proved Doe. 24 , 1882. You are further notified , that having ac cepted said appointment , and duly qualified na reijulrod by liw. wo will , on the I'tli dny of January. A , I ) . Jh'J.I , at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon , nt the olllco of Uhrlvor & O'Dotiohoe. Itai Kitrnam street , within the corporate limits of unld olty. moot for the purpose - pose of eonshlorlng nnd making the inont of dnmago to tha ownorn respectively of said property , affected by said grading , taulni ; Into consideration special benetlta , If any. You nro notlllod to bo present at the tlmo and place aforesaid nnd make any objection to or Htatotnonls concerning said nsso-tiinont of damages as you may consider proper. W. ( LHIHirVKU. (1KO. J. I'AUU JAB. STOOKDALi : . Omaha , Jan. t , 1801. .l..UlOt rropimuU for ( i Sealed proposals will ho received by the un dersigned until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. , January LlHh , 18'JJ. ' for ' ' grading 'Hli atroot from Dodge Htrect toGnss street : Jaokson street from With sticottoOTth street nndTlionlloy In block I , ICoiinUo's 4th addition. Ill the elty of Um iha. In accordance with plans nnd Rpoulfluntlons on ( lie In the olllco of the board of publlu works. Hid * will bu made on printed blanks fur nished by the board , and to bo nconmpantod with a certified cheek In the sum of IV ) ) , pay able to the city of Omaha us nn ovldoncoof good faith. The board reserved the rliht to reject any or nil bids and lo wulvo defociM. I1. W. IHUKIIAUflKji. Chairman of the Hoar I of I'ubllu Wort's. Omaha. Not ) . , January 0. ltf.il. JO-7-13-U DR. McCREW THE SPECIALIST. Is tmsnrpasnod la the treatment of nil PRIVATE DISEASES and nil Weikneiiiiru and Disorder ! of MCfl IS roars taporlonco. Wrlto for circulars ami qucntlon lint free. 11th nnd 1'arnnm tile * Omaha , Neb.