Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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Wul - i Bftrker'n Erporinnce with a Finn of
G'o'ii ' H Jllnfla' ' Lawyers ,
llnir thr Co.utibtliiHiit Wn.i Held IIt | nnd
Iloliliril , it * tin Alli-KCH , liy nil Rnlrr-
IHliInc Trio of lc-ul | Slitirplt iiy
l ) -vcliiiiiiciil | § rrontltrd ,
A il/htnlnx rod agnnt and n f'oiun U Bluffj
nttomcv have Inaugurated n ! l ht In the dis
trict lourt which promises to reveal many
brce/.y thinir. * before It in completed , unless
Indications are very much at fault. William
Barker , an agent for a well known lightning
rod firm of this city. Is the plaintiff In the
fljUaml ; the law firm of-Mynster , Llndt it
Hwrtl Is named M the defendant. Barker
becaiim Involved In a serious difficulty In
Fulton county. Illinois , nearly two years
affo. He was arrested on a charge of ob-
tailing money under false pretenses , nnd ho
engaged the defendants to act as his attor
neys Limit did most of the negotiating
with Barker , and , according to Barker's
Hlatrmcnts , commenced lo declare dividends'
on Barker's pile with monotonous regularity ,
at the rate of from j'00 to ? T > 00 per
divvy He told Barker thai he would have
to Have .VXI to commence with. This was
given , imd Limit went to Illinois to make tir-
rangi mmls for the trial. On coming back
he nnnoiiiiced to his cll'-ntconildentlally that
he had paid the money to the county attor
ney of Fulton county , for the purpose of In
ducing him to make the prosecution as light
JIH i > osslble , consistent with his i'loas of pro
fessional etnics. He claimed to have won
the prosecuting attorney over to his way of
thinking h > the force of his arguments , and
was verj much encouraged over the outlook
for scdiring an acquittal for Ills-client.
Another demand , Parker claims , was soon
made upon him , this time for the
purpose of buying off the prosecut
ing viftncss. and this , too , Limit
claimed to have done. About this
lime one of Barker's sub-agents was ar
rested in Nebraska on similar charge , and n
requisition had lo be secured to take him
back to Illinois for trial. Barker was drawn
upon for another WOO. and H hen Limit trot
bach from u trip to Lincoln he announced
thai he had paid the WOO to Governor
Thaj or and that gentleman had decided to
take a Intlo trip to Chicago at the time the
requisition papers were Issued. And so
things went on , until Barker now claims
tluit over $5.000 was paid to Limit to carry
on the expense of the trial.
When the case came to trial Mynstcr and
Sweet Limit's partners , thought thai the
prosecuting attorney was pushing , the case
lee hard considering the amount of money
that Limit had paid him. and they inlimaled
as much during a brief recess of court. The
prosecuting attorney demanded an explana
tion , and then , il is alleged , the whole thing
came out Limit , instead of paying out the
"expense money" that Barker had given
him for the purpose of lubricating the
channels of Justice , had shoved it down into
his capacious pocket , with the final result
that tlie channels of justice went unlubri-
catcd unit Barker was found guilty and lined.
As he was unable to pay his line lie was re
leased imilci' the "poverty act. " after serv
ing ililrtj days In the county jail.
He now comes into court and alleges that
the sum of SI.'JOO was agreed upon between
him and Limit as a fair attorney fee. and
$1,000 was to be paid for "expenses.1' As all
this amount was diverted to other uses than
those intended by Barker , and was obtained
b\ false and fraudulent promises from Limit ,
he demands a judgment for 5,000 and costs
) f the suit.
( .nulling for IIU Sun.
Thomas O'Donncll of Omaha called at the
police station yesterday to ask for informa
tion concerning a man who was reported to
have been drowned In the Missouri last
Tuesday afternoon. He stated thai bis .sou ,
Thomas O'Donnell , Jr. , who had liecn living
at Colon. Neb. , for sonic time past , came to
visit him last Saturday , and that after
spending a few days with him he left on
Tuesday to visit his brother , Patrick O'Don-
ncll , who lives at the corner of Fourth ave
nue ami KlovcntiT street , and works In the
Union' * Pacific roundhouse here. Nothing
lit.d brou scon or heard of the young man
since , and ho feared that possibly the young
man hud fallen in the river and been
drowned , ho having Intended to cross the
river on the ice. An Investigation showed
that a man had been drowned in the river on
Tuesday , but thai no report had been made
to the authorities of the fact. The engineer
at the pumping station of the water works
company staled that he saw a man coming
over from ICust Omaha on the ice , and that
when near the Iowa end of the new Bridge
and Terminal railway Iho ice suddenly
broke , and ho vanished from sight. As lie
went down he culled for help , but ho evi
dently came up where the ice was consider
ably thicker , and nothing more was seen of
him. As neir us the engineer could de
termine , from where ho stood and from the
hasty look he had. he was dressed in dark
clothes and hat. He could not give anymore
accurate description , but so far as it goes
the description tallies with that of the miss
ing man.
The car. fill mother always keeps fc'alva
lion Oil handy for cuts and bruises.
A Tlinu fur i\i-rytlilng. :
Now is the tinio .during the eold
weather to keep warm by buying good
furs at a low price at the Boston Store ,
Council UlulTn , la. Our entire fur Httfok
at almost half price , and in some eases
even less.
Don't let the prices surprlso you , for
wo have certainly got them anil just as
advertlbed , as has always been our cus
Me black hair initlTs , 1V ! each.
fH.H.1 black coney mulTs , " ! ) c each.
$1.7. ) French eoney inulTH , DSe each.
8-2.7. ) capo i-eal iiiulTn , $1..15 eaoh.
Three dollar and fifty cent blaek opossum
sum and Baltic real inulfH , $1.1)8. )
Abtraehan muffs from Sl.t'O to $0.00 in
one lot , choice for $ , ' ! . 1 ! ) eaeh.
$ 'l.'l.00iuink cape , now &JJ.50.
$2l2.oO krimmer cape , now $ M.iiO.
$12.00 electric seal capo , now ? 0.7ii.
$ l.i" ! ) > 0 astrachan cape , now ifll.0.
MII.OO olcetrio t-eal military capes , , ' 10
inches long , now $27.00.
Boston Store ,
Council BlutYs.
AfliT n Mlnilrnltr.
Heurj Pleper. a prominent merchant of
Mlnden. a small town In the east end of
Pottawattamte county , was made defendant
In a damage suit which was commenced In
the district court yesterday bv Dorothv
Bojart. also a resident of Minden. In the
petition the plaintiff alleges that last August
she was decoyed by Piepcr into his store
under the pretext that his wlfo wished to
see hi-r , but when she got inside she found
that Mrs. Plcpcr was not there. She
further alleges that Pleper thereupon made
indecent proposals to her. and attempted In
every way In his | mcr to commit a criminal
assault upon her , so that she was compelled
to use all her strength to resist his advances.
For the physical and mental Injuries she
suffered as a result of the encounter she de
mands a judgment of $10.000 damages.
Tlio snow and cold weather does not
diminish the demand for acreage in tlio
Klein tract , 2j miles east of the post-
oHieo ; 1100 acres yet for Mile in from one
to ten aero tracts , suitable for fruit and
garden. Day it Hess , agents , II ! ) IVa'-l
Do you smoke'/ Have you tried T. D.
King \ Co.V 1'artagas , ? it's a ehiu'inei.
Just light one1
Wiitoriimn AKUIllu | | > City.
F T Waterman Hied his petition In the
district court yesterday In the suit which
was mentioned some time ago In Tun BIK : ,
to compel the county treasurer to collect the
taxes on three institutions which , by act of
the i-lty council have been exempted from
all taxation ever since they were located
here , four or live years ago. The exemption
mun taxation was a part of a bonus which
was given to the firms , but now Waterman ,
who wu a member of tuo city council
lit tli > tlui. ' this licit.m nf PI . r\ i.i mi-it
\f , : ' . t.lkrtl I'd.i' ' " Into ' i > , | " .ml is is It
! 'I. . -iv i hull ! ! li'H I it'i 1 I i I1 r isur < 'l'
W 11 H Mi ' . .r.t'MVl MU s'-n . | I..Ward
tltori'l ' h. . , , of tin1IM fin-tli < .c ir.s tss'i ,
IMKItin I I 1 I. which IllVi- it I rr lily become
'I he three hixllliill jn * which
mim i-l > co-tlnfenilntiln with the tru.isuror
nnd the city lire the Council HlmTs Canning
company , Ki-vn Bros. , and the CV'dun Iron
mirks , the tiitul amiuint nf tnclr In wic-h nf the thixHt years utithtr
consideration 'wltix uliiut ( II.OM.
Dr. Hull's CofcKhl yriip IN tli'n best In tlio
market. A single bottle will convince jou
if Us excellence. . Try It.
Mni | for theVeinaim. .
Encampment No. S , Union Veteran L.'plon ,
has just received from Thomas L. Casey ,
brlpidlcr ijai'.aral chief of engineers at
Washington , a lot of imp * ami charts la
colors , showing tlio positions of the union
and con federate forces In thn principal bat-
t'es of the Into war. The acquisition was
secured through the assistances of Con
gressman Bowman. Tlio following Is n list
of the charts : Military map slum in ? the
marches of the United States forces under
command of Major Gonernl W. T. Sherman ,
U. S. A. , during the years Ibti'l , IStil. ISW ,
Slego of Vicksbiirg , Tlio Wilderness. Toto-
potomoy , Spottsylvanla Court House. Do
fcnscs of Richmond , Pcterslrirg and Five
Forks. Petnr.svlllo and Sailors Creek , High
Bridge and Fnriiivillc. Harper's Ferry.
Krederlcksburg , ( 'old Harbor , Chancellors-
vllle. Bcrmuila Hundre.l. Appomuttox Court
House , Gettysburg day. Gettysburg
second day , Gettysburg third day , b.ittlo-
llcld of Shlloh. battlelleld in front of Nash
ville. North Ann.i. rebel line of works at
Fort Bbikelev , Fort Fisher , plan and sec
tions ; Fort Fisher , sketch of vicinity.
If you do not lisa a whole bottle of Cook's
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne ut once , a
rubber cork will keep il for days.
For warming guc.-it olinnibi'iM , bath
room * , cti ; . , our ga < huuturx uro just
what you wunt. Ijjjkut thorn. ( Jluun ,
eonveiiit'iit. tlu'iii. : C. U. ( Jin : m 1 Kloo-
trie Light Co.
lti'inirk ; UUi I'liinlly Kounlun.
A remarkable family reunion , among the
participants of which wow several well
known residents of this city , took phco at
Ulrica , Mich. , on Christmas day. at which
time and place Mr. and Mrs. llurlbert H.
I'lnney had the pleasure of having with
them for thn first time in thirty-threo years
all their children CanM. . . wife of Hon. U.
G. Ilorr of the New York Tribune : Laura
M. , wife of Key. S. Alexander of Council
Bbiffs ; Allen W. Piimey. Dr. Charles II.
Pinnoy of Council Bluffs ; Ausou E. Plnney
of Ithaca , Mich. , and John A. Pinney of
Akron. Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Piimey have
reached the ages of 81 and y i and have been
married Jlfty-nino years. Daath has not
broken a single link in the family circle.
They were both Iwrn In New York and were
among the pioneers of Ohio , where they
lived on one farm in Lor.iino county for
thirty-throe years , moving from there to
Michigan in IBM.
Sumo of tlio heaviest ojal iMiisuni'jrH
in town uro using K'wl-xpar to good nd-
vnnlago. Every cojinmical family
should USD it. .lanssoii fa Oegg , . ' 17'j
I'curl Htreot.
\ VoilllllllSnlrhlr ,
Helen Ross , who came to this city some
time ago from Dakota , is now confined In
Hie Insane department of St. Bernard's
hospital on the charge of iimnity. Slu- has
shown her insanity principally by her
melancholy manner , without anything of : i
violent nature accompanying. On Thurs
day , howover. she suddenly became violent ,
and , seizing a butcher knife which she inan-
aged to get hold of. she aimed a blow at her
throat. Fortunately one of the sisters hap
pened lo be present , and.spriti'jriiiif upon her ,
took the hnlfouwny before shtulld herself
any damage. Slio has hail an examination
before the commissioners of insanity , and
they have declared her Insane. They nro
unable , however , to decide whether she is a
resident of Pottnwattamio county or not ,
and they have accordingly postponed a llnal
decision us to what shnll bo done with her
until the question can bo decided.
Wanted Cash olTor for ten shares
Citizcn'ri State bank otouk. . Must bo
sold. Address K. A. Sheafu.
( Joal and wood ; host and choapc&t
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
ik'livery. Jl. A. Cox , No. 4fain. .
I'or Wlllllpalllll Itll.llllf.SS.
A dee.l was filed with the county recorder
yesterday by which eight lots Just west of
the Northwestern depot on Broadway were
transferred from M. 13. Uohrer to L. H.
Htinscom and L. A. Dovine fora building
site for a new Implement house , which
these two gentlemen are to erect in the near
future. The proposed deal was mentioned
in Tin ; BKE several dajsago. The strip of
ground is 'JUIx'-.M feet , and the consideration
mentioned in tlio deed was * IOr > 00.
First National Lean olllcc , No.100
Broadway. Largo stock of forfeited
goods for Mtlo. Money to loan oh
watches , etc.
Miss Kittio Billiard is homo from a visit to
Pierre. S. U.
I.eo Bennett of Chicago is visilitif , ' his rein- '
lives and friends in Council Bluffs.
Fred C. Flickingcr , who Is in the employ
of the Indian department , arrived last evening -
ing from Pierre , S. D. , for a visit with his
brothers , A. T. and I. N. Flickinjjer.
Crown and other pianos.
Crown and other organs.
At Bourieius' , 11(3 ( Stutsman btreot.
Mluur Mention.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. Coal
This item is written with 0110 of L. C.
Brat-keifs new pencils , No. it , which ho Is
distributing ntnon ? the rcportorlal stall's of
the various city papers.
Kd.wln S. Gerard and Miss Eva Hildreth.
both of Council Bluffs , were married Thurs
day evening at the residence of the bride on
Keyenth uvenuo , Uov. C.V. . Browcr oflici-
athi ) , ' . "
Maud M. Butcher , widow of W. T. But
cher , who died some months ago while In
the employ of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St.
Paul , commenced a suit yesterday in tlio
district court to recover Sl.UOO on a life in
surance policy which her husband carried In
the Switchmen's Mutual association.
M. M. Stephens commenced a suit In the
district court yesterday for a divorce from
her husband. J. F. Stephens , to whom she
was married in Beaver City , U. T. twelve
years ago. She alleges Intldcllty. cruelty ,
and threats to kill , as the grounds for the
divorce , and asks for the custody of her
three children.
Judge 10. K. Aylesworth commenced a suit
In the district court yesterday to recover
' from thollrmof l-imphere A. ICennedv ,
meat "scalpers' ' at the South Omaha Stock
jaiils , for his services in a criminal suit
which was Instituted in one of the Justice
courts on this side of tlio river several
months ago , In which they were ctiarged
with belling diso.iscd meat.
James Coyle lllcd a petition in the district
court yesterday asking for damages from
Norn Murphy , who , ho alleges , has been cut
ting Umber 'off * H sixty-eight-acre piece of
land owned by him west of I ike Manawa
and east of the Missouri river. The same
old question that has
been brought up so
2 DI U u , or Snlmmlni ; lu the He d , Win j' :
; : J' * ' " ; U Spun , , at lh SloinuU , psn. | In \
' "V ' Gr"el
- , UbtumatUm , etc.
* lx ef
. pill will BO r.ct
, la and r mot lb ciait , U < niu < triac no '
more uarUulhia wind , po ! on- !
oat and nuiloui poun , and oui.lime. i
i unnholxom * load , i
Of all drueslits. JTloo SB wnta a box. !
Now York Popot , 3M Canal St.
I n > Hints of Into thnt of mrrcllnnii rntivrn
in' i t' ' b'tli the partii s fliunillii ? thr
hind Hi' 1 1 11 1 ni ! ) thr timber Khr linn i it
, ItlliOllllls In Vlllur tall.riOU. atlil hu SViilltit II
! jinlcnii-nt fur Hint ntiKHint.
( ' ( ' . Taxlor I'oiniiH'ni'cil n milt In UIP tils
trli't oniri .xoHtoHiiy for fK < . whluh hi-
the Omiihn iiiul Council HluiTft
and Itnllwuy romimn.v owes hint for | MIVIIT |
n front of hi * house on lower Miln : stroi-t.
Krukinn Vnrner , who lives at tln > corner of
Tivi'iity-fourth stiwt anil Hroiuhv.iy.xviiH iir-
renteil yentenlny on the chntve of lUHionlnjr
ot inortifiiRcil iirojMjrty. 'HIP Information
Wi ! llleil by Mrs. N. Si'litiK , who I'lnlms thnt
the ilefoiidtint sold 11 lot of horses which hi
hnil mortanRed to her. The rnso will be
tried next .Monday afternoon at ! i o'clock be
fore .Instlco Vlen.
Mrs. M. L ) . Wheeler tiled yesterday morn-
inx at ! USn : o'clock ut the resldSlico of her
son. D. O. Urown. of dropsy , nged 71 years.
af Icr nn illness of nlno months. Kho was n
member of the Methodist church. She
leaves three sons , 1) . O. Hrown , O. U. and
Asa Wheeler. The funeral will occur Sun
day afternoon n t'JtlJO o'clock at the residence ,
8-IU lleiiton stret.
verltuble family medicine box , Ileecham's
J-'on rut : .i .ur.
I.NI of ( MrlliKr of Impurtuiicr III thr
ItPKiilur Si-rvlcu Vrstrriliyi
WAdiisoTOsi D. ! . [ Special Tele-
pram to Tnr. HUE. ) The following army or
der ; , were issued today :
' Special orders of December til , directing
Second Lieutenant William H. H.iy. Third
. to report to Major Samuel M. Whlt-
slde. Seventh cavalry , president of the exam
ining boart at Fort Ulley. for examination as
to his fitness for promotion Is revoked.
So much of special orders of Docember'i'Jiis
relates to the detail of First Lieutenant Leon-
mil A. Levering , Fourth infantry , as Indian
agent at the Sisseton and Wahpeton agency.
S. I ) . , Is revolted. Captain George W. II.
Slouch , Third infantry , and First Lieuten
ant William D. McAneny , Klihth cavalry.
are designated to perform and execute the
mitten of Indi'in agent , the former at the
Sisseton and Wahpeton agency , S. D. . and
the latter at the Fort lielkirtp agency.
Mont. The ofllcers above named will be relieved
lieved- from their press-Mil duties , and will
proceed to and Like clmii i of the respective
agencies as above , receipting k > the persons
now In charge thereat for all public property
in their charge.
Leave of absence for ten days from and in-
eluding Janimr.v ' . ' ( ) . ISiiH. Is granted Second
Lieutenant Milton S. Davis. Fourth cavalry.
The extension of leave of absence granted
First Lieutenant Samuel 1 { . Diinlop , assist
ant surgeon , Is still further extended to in
clude January ill. The resignation of First
Lieutenant Samuel It. Dunlop. assistant sur
geon , has been accepted bi the president to
take effect January ill.
The leave of nbs'cnco on account of sickness -
ness granted Second Lieutenant Frank M.
( 'aldwell , Third cavalry , is extended one
mouth on account of sickness.
The following named officers are detailed
for special duty in connection with the
World's Columbian exposition and will re
port in person to the commanding general.
Department of Iho Missouri , for duty ac
cordingly : Second Lieutenant Gu.\ Preston ,
Ninth cavalry ; Captain William Balrd. Sixth
cavalry : First Lieutenant Mitchell H.
Jamar , Thirteenth infantry.
MiiKiilllcriit lr ltiiH lor l.iidle.t' ( 'intimu'i
OlVrrcd Tor MILAidclug. .
Nr.w YHIIK. Jan. IS. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK Bnn.J This is a wonderful age and In
o other way is it better shown than in the
policy of magazines and newspapers. It
really appears as thouuh almost anything
could be obtained by subscribing to high
class periodicals. There has been a series of
most liberal offers , ranging from match .safes
to musical scholarships or even houses and
lots. The publishers of the New York
Bazaar have been so inundated with in
quiries from all over the country as to how
accurate patterns of the various patterns
figured in their colored plates could bo ob
tained that they have decided to open a new
department , and have Just completed ar
rangements for the most perfect pattern
system in America. In order to thoroughly
Introduce these patterns to the public , free
of cost , they are prepared to scud to the first
MX ) applicants who apply to the publishers
the pattern of a-iy 0110 of the elegant Worth
costumes portrayed in the magnificent
colored plates issued with the February
number of the Now York Bazaar , which has
Just been published here.
Noti > H of Hie fold UYutli r.
W. V. , Jan. 1 ! ! . The ice
gorge extends from two and a half miles
above this place to lock No. U , nnd is four
teen to twenty feet thick , The river is be
lieved to bo frozen to the bottom. Below
the city the ice is piled thirty feet high in
places. Tlio snow is thirty-six inches deepen
on a level.
Pa. , Jan. IS. Uiver men fear a
repetition of the great Hood of 1SS4. when
the thaw comes , accompanied by a great
loss of property. Twenty towboitts and
hundreds of coal boats ami barges are frozen
up In the harbor.
GAI.KXA , III. , Jan. 111. Last night was the
coldest for fifteen years at this place. Today
the mereuryiiover * rose to the zero point.
Kailroads have been blockaded since yester
day's business and business suffers.
SAX FiiAxcisc-i ) , Cal. , Jan. li. ! A letter
from Honolulu says that on January n
resolution of lack of couflilenco in tlio
Hawaiian cabinet would bo passed by the
legislature and the cabinet would resign.
The iue | n is said to be in sympathy with
this movement and when It is consummated
will appoint at least two natives to the
It was intended to keep this move secret
until after the Australia sailed for San
Francisco. The correspondent s.iys thai , an
hour after the steamer sailed the legislature
would be called together and the resolution
Auotlior Strllut rriilmldr.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. lit. The trouble
between the Wubash railroad nnd its operat
ors is by no means settled. ( General Man
ager Ilajs has replied to the demands of the
committee appointed by th operators for
an increase In wages and a revision of regula
tions , but did not address the reply to the
committee. The reply was sent to the
operators nnd agents . individually. Mr.
lluys refuses to accede to their demands.
II is not improbable that a strike will follow.
.Sinnllierrd Her I tally.
In covering her 0-wceks-old baby to pro
tect it from the
cold early yesterday morn
ing , Mrs. Edward McKinney tucked the bed
clothes about the little one in such a manner
IIB to cause it to suffocate. On arising the
baby was found dead by Its parents. Tlio
family lives in a small cottage at S10 North
Fifteenth street.
1.0 < l IIU KlMHOII.
siorx KAI.I.H , s. a , .inn. ia.-p. a. n :
Hage , who was overcome by coal gas several
weeks ago , is able to bo about the house , but
has lost all nnmory of past events. Ho can
not oven remember the names of intimate
friends. Physicians hero believe Hago will
not recover.
- * -
lluil u Tciilii | > 4liiiui4
SAN FiuM'i co , Cal. , Jan. 1 ! ( . Steamer
I ord Templar has arrived from Liverpool.
She was long overdue and had been given up
for lost. She had a terrible experience dur
ing the voyage , and was badly damaged In a
seven days' storm.
Went Out nn u strikp.
AI.HI vi Kitqi-n , N. M. , Jan. 1 ! ) . All the ma
chinists on the Atlantic & Pacific railroad
went out on a strike thib morning for an in
crease In wages. A committee is now in
conference hero with Muster Mechanic
English. _
Short In IIUITIIIInH. | .
CIXCIXXATI , O. . Jan. IS. "Count" yon
Konsky. in charge of the Weekly Volks
Freund of this city , Is missing. His accounts
are short probably # > , ( K)0. )
_ *
-Vrrcslfil for Itohl.liit ; Hi , . Mull * .
CIIATTANOOSA , Tenn. , Jan. ll. ! Frank
Cushman. brother-in-law of Senator Perkins
of Kansas , has been arrested for robbing ,
the mails.
iinNrisi rn nti'M > t.nsi > r.uir |
thus who. thronull the tJU jrathPlTr. tuppb
the money appropriate * ! . .
The tate hwncmlrtW ( provliled Itoolf
with rharltiiblc Htid c.lii-itnnU : lnitltutloni. !
Thc.ip should neltlipr 'lti/hltlpllo > l nor en-
larx * d unless the domaiid for the same b. <
elonrly shown. All iwlmnten for thrlr mnln-
tcnanco should b rl i.lly'.Wiitlnized ' and cut
down to the minimum ' 'A' ' Vlosa appropria
tion enjoins the prai'llci'hf ceoinniv. A too
lllwral one Invites extr.ivag.ui * c ana permits
fraud and dishonesty. ll"cent developments
have raised the question whether Imnrularl-
lles and fraud have not alro.idy found their
way Into the coulnct of affairs of some of
the institutions. Whether further investiga
tion snail establish their existence or not ,
the fact that the charge Is made should
servo as an additional warning that a too
rigid scrutiny cannot bo exercised over the
management of these Institutions.
Throuch Its committees and bv the aM of
experts , if mvestiry , the leglslaluiv sh'iuld
thoroughly cxamim1 Intn their management
and If wrongs lire found , let the guilty be ex
posed and brought to Justice. Corrupt men
may be found In any party , but the party
may not be responsible for them unless It
undertakes to shield them.
Oiiritlon ol' liullroad Itiitm ,
The geographical position of Nebraska
remote from markets the cheap char
acter and immense tonnage of its product ,
make the question of cheap railway
transportation one of llrst Importance to
the state. No other question has agitated
our people more. Old parties have divided
into factions and new ones havo. formed
largely on account of It. It has. for years ,
been ( a constantly recurring subject for con
sideration at every political convention and
at the meeting of every legislature , and It is
to be regretted that the proposed amend
ment to the constitution , providing for a
board of ralhvViy commissioners to be elected
by the people , submitted at the late election ,
failed to receive the requisite vote. To inch
a bo ml , cho cn with reference to their llt-
nes ! ' , Invested with sulllclent authority , di
rectly representing and responsible to the
people , all matters ivlatiim to railway legis
lation might have been referred with a
reasonable < assurance as to the justness of
their conclusions. Having failed , the sub
ject returns to jou. Your authority to con
trol these railways is undisputed , and you
will \ stop short of your duty if jou fail to dose
so if occasion demands it.
SIfl Complaint has been widely expressed thai
freight rates are unjustly high. The press
has repeatedly declared it , and it was pro
claimed from the rostrum in nearly every
precinct of the state. One of the leading
political parties said that "the great railway
corpora lions do now and have taken by un
just freight rates from the people of Ne
braska mlllrms of dollars annually , " and
nearly seventy thousand , or alxnit one-third ,
of the voters who attended the polls last fall
hc a measure expressed Ihc-ir belief in the
charge by voting for the candidates stajiding
on the platform. k
So grave a declaration , thus deliberately
proclaimed , should only bo made upon a
proper understanding of the facts , and those
who inudo it may ba reasinably called upon
to supply the proofs in support of it 1 need
not say to you that these corporations not
only have no right to unjustly take millions ,
but they should not be allowed to take an
unjust dollar from the people.
ItnllriKidi llavn .Siiuio Itlghts.
On the other hand railroad property de
serves the same consideration as that ac
corded to any other. While the roads should
not be permitted to confiscate the citizens'
property , neither are yon warranted in con
fiscating the roads.Ve have already in
this young state between 5,000 , and 0,000
miles of railroad and must have many more.
We have invited and encouraged them in the
past and should encourage them in the fu
ture. . More than anything else they have
contributed to the wealth and development
of Nebraska. The many millions of dollars
thus added to our taxable property have
been placed hero under the implied under
standing that it would bo Justly dealt with.
Let that faith bo respected. Disregarding
the importunity of sclf-lntcrest on the one
side and the notions of extremists on the
other let your treatment of the subject of
railroad regulation bo such as to commend It
to that great body of fair-minded N.Y."f
who constitute the great majorit. , of our
But il Is not my purpose , nor is ihis Iho
occasion for mo lo discuss .or refer to the
several matters which may properly become
the subjects for your consideration. The
law ! requires of my predecessor that ho sub
mit to you a statement of the condition of
the t affairs of state , tog lher with such sug
gestions as ho thinks appropriate. His mes
sage is before you. If deemed sufficiently
important by me lo emphasize anything HO
lias said , or to call attention to other mat
ters , I will do so by special message.
In concluding these brief remarks , gentle
men , I desire to express ttio hope that the
most cordial relations may mark our inter
course. Although representing several po
litical organizations , for the term of our
service together let us all bo Nubraskans ,
inspired by a common desire to advance the
welfare and glory of the stale in which wo
all have such a just pride.
llmncsU'iul roNimliiK discs.
PiTTsmmo , Pa. , Jan. 18. The court room
was crowded at the second day of the trial
of Hugh Dcmpsoy for complicity in the
rtomcstead poisoning. Most of the forqnoon
session was taken up witli the examination
of men taken ill while working at Home
stead and their physicians. The latter all
expressed the belief that Iho men had been
poisoned. The defense objected to the
physicians' testimony. The court said the
proceedings were somewhat irregular , but
if it could bo proved Unit the defendant was
guilty of furnishing poison , the evidence
would bo admissible. The district attorney
said ho would show this fact and tlio testi
mony was admitted.
rcarniiin'H Clrrnx.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. lit. [ Special Tele
gram to TIN : BKI.J The "third house" met
this evening In the hall of representatives
and Frank Wilson unloadud nearly 8,000
verbal chestnuts that the squatter governor
had gathcro 1 together during the past two
years. For a list of those present see the
lllcsof Tin : BEB for January 18SH5and a
score or two of recent importations.
Greene of Kearney touched up the squatter
tor governor and the republicans. W. G
Whitmoro of Douglas was elected United
Stales senator. The house and galleries
were crowded , and there were several ladies
and their escorts in attendance.
\VI11 llc.llnrled with Military Honor * .
IXIWKM. , Mass. , Jan. lil. The remains of
General Butler arrived ' ( his afternoon , cs
carted by Butler Post , ft rand Army of the
Hepubllc , and were taken to the general's
late home. Tha body wil > bo given a mili
tary funeral und will llqin : state In Huntington -
ton hall. All the mills ) vjll close on Monday
the da.v vf the funeral , aud all business wll
be suspended. ,
BOSTON , Mass. , Jan M.--The legislature
adjourned until Tuesday ( is u mark of respect
to the memory of Cionc.ral Butler.
Ulll Vlilt/thn l-ulr.
ST. PAI'L , Minn , Jan. 113. A Dispatcl
special from Pierre. S. D , , says the members
_ _
My ilorior ays It acw penlly on HID ntonmrh.
llvfrnnd klilnevn. and hnplcnmnt lasathe. Thli
drink la iDHde/rom licrM. and l.i prepared for me
. Ills called
Alldruc2lnrn8fllltat5no. undtlaparlcaRn. If you
rannoti > t ll.nend your ndilren lorn fret ) umple ,
I.nne'i funillr .tlcillrlnu niorrii Hut LoHtli
01U.TOU r. W001MVAKU , LK llov , N.Y.
! "f Mn'iiv viill pri'b.iblv leave fur
? ( tin IK-.I . tom.iiriw ni'Toinir ' in mspc' t the-
\\"iMsiilr Ki.i.mds and the South Daluda
biilldliK- 'J'hisiil ivmaln Ihrre over Sun
' da.\ and Muiidiis. and. nn returning , will
meet Tues l.ievcnlii' / The railivftdR will
be exiHH-ted lu furnish their triins | > ortatlon.
mill tuo nttitp will then be put to ver > llltle
CXlH ll ! e.
Wiiltcr Kn ippTrrrlldy Injured In .111
Kli'vidor Slt.t ft.
Walter Knapp. a bVyoar-old boy. empl yed
In the oflleo of Dr. Cjnklln.jr In the Douglas
block , corner Sixteenth ami Ujilgc streets ,
was seriously , and It Is thought fatally. In
jured , about noon yesterday , being crushed
by the elevator.
The wire guards enclosing the ele'-ator
shaft . had been remove ! lo permit painlvrs
to work and young Knapp , while standing
on the edge of the shaft gazing at the usi
( ending elevator was struck by the one com
ing down. His head was cntnrht between
the cage ami the Iron ralllm * surrounding
the shaft on the inside of the stair
way. As quickly as passible the car was
slopped and the boy released.
' . It was found his Jawlwne bail been broken
and a terrible gash laid open the llesh down
the entire left side of the face from the e.\e.
Ills I wounds were dressed and he was t'lken
to his home , 'J01U Charles street.
i'd C.4ilaln | Oirnrick.
Though noble efforts often go uiirownii'o ' I.
the gallant services of the late Captain Cor-
maek of lire truck company No. t ! have not
been forgotten. Captain Corntneh's widow
was yesterday presented with SlfiO by Man
ager Samuel ( iambic of the Continental
Clothing " house , In the mime of S. W.
.oomls of the
Frceland-Loomls company , as
i substantial token of appreciation of her
lusband's work at the recent lire. The de-
eased fireman caught his fatal cold whil
ndenvoring to extinguish the bla/e in the
Continental block.
Mori1 Trmililn llt'iidtM'siin.
Two complaints were tiled In police court
oslcriliiy afternoon charging II. M. Hen-
ersoti with forgery. It is alleged that on
line 1. Ih'.ri , Henders'in forged the name of
he Henderson Investment company to a
heck for I 'i and again on October 'JS Jwy ,
i check for. * r"i was forged. The cas ° is nn
dd one and Henderson served a .short term in
he county jail recently for n similar offense
mil was only released the other day. Ills
aso was set for hearing January ! iY
Dividing thr School Apportionment.
County Superintendent of Schools O. W.
lill has prepared a semi-annual statement
bowing the apportionment of school funds
n the county districts. Of the total of SRI-
83.01 , of which the state contributed . : M.-
. 'JS.04. ' liquor licenses WS.'i8.i7 ( nnd yJ'S.7 : ( >
ollected from lines , one-quarter is divided
equally among sixty-ono districts and the
Kilanco divided pro rata acconling to tlio
lumber of children in the districts.
NIMV York i\cliniiKi' : < ) notiUJoiis.
Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. lit. [ Special Telegram to
I'lin Hci.l Exchange was quoted as follows :
Chicago , bO cents premium ; lioston. 10 to 15
cents discount ; St. Louis , iK ) cents premium.
H. B. Wnhlqnist , editor of thn Hastings
Nebraskan , arrived in the city last evening
mil is stopping at the Pnxton.
L. C. Humphrey of Lincoln is a guest at
1m Pnxton.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Haiglit and Miss Edna
lalght of Salt Lake City are guests at the
.lllliird. .
Henry T. Oxnard of firaiul Island , the beet
ugar king of the west , is in the city , stop-
ling at the Millard. .
Mrs. T. C. Bower and daughter of Colnm-
ms , Neb. , are guests of Mrs. J. Bccher , 617
North Eighteenth street. .
At the Mercer : Hurry C. NoyesVash -
nglon : W. A. Denny , Cnlcago ; II. C. Cook ,
jloux City ; F. S. Cartwright , Grinncll , la. ;
Mrs. J. C. Thorn , Kansas City ; W. J. Thorn
mil son. Buffalo , Wyo. ; L. Jacobson. Lind
say , Noj ) . ; Newell South , Humphrey ; A. 1' .
Jndburg , Stromsburg ; II. M. Kokjer ,
Clarks ; J. S. Shudennin. Lincoln ; L. E.
lallowell , Columbus ; G. II. Mills. Trumbull ;
W. L. Spear , Geneva ; E. A. Becker , Sioux
CIIICAOO. 111. , Jan. in. [ Special Telegram
o THE Br.n. ] Nebraska arrivals : Palmer
jeorgo Milton , Omaha ; L. D. Hawthorne
ind wife , York ; Owen C. Murray , Lincoln.
Urand Pacific lit. Hev. George Worthing-
; on , B. A. McAllister and wife , Omaha.
Nr.w YOUK , Jan. lit. [ Special Telegram
to Tim Br.n.J Omaha : J. A. Whalen , West-
ninster ; O. C. Sherwood , New York ; G. M.
i'lbbs , buyer for M. E. Smith & Co. . Plaza.
Of perfect purlty--
Lemon Of great strongi'u-
Economy In their usft
Flavor as delicately
and dolleiouslv as the fresh fr'f - \ -
If Dr. Solioiieli a tro.itniunt iin I oma of Con-
sHinptlon worn something now and untr o-i.
people inlcht doubt : but. what lias ( irovu.l It
self tlirou 'li u record us old us our prand fiitn-
crs , niu ins Just what It Is
A Spscific for Consumption
and for all diseases of tlio l.nn s. No Iri'iit-
niunt In tbnorldcnn pluco HI many unrma-
ncal cures of C'diiNiiinutlon to Us credit as Dr.
Hi'tit'iicli's. Nothing In Nntnro ai'ls ' -odlrc'i'tly
nnd eireclivoly nn tlio loin inomiir ines nnd
tissues , und so qnielily dUpixoj of tn'.iorc'ui. '
cniiireitioii , on. colds , pen < ; iis and
nil lliu seeds of ( Juniiiinptliin
When nil clso fitll iteoino to tbn tesi'iii' . Not
until It fulls , und onlv after fultbfnl trial.
shtiuld uny ono despond. It lias litnuKlit the
hopeless to litu an I health. It hus turned the
despair of ten ihuiisund liiiincs Into j y. It
U doliu It luitv. It will crmttiuiu in do It
throuliont tno aziis. lit ; S Ifnc'i't 1'iurtlcul
Trtatixf nn ' nnsu niill'in. 1'vr'in ' I t , in : < ch lHn-
caaa inaileilfice 1 1 nil ( injfir in' ' * .
Dr. J. II. Srh-nelt itSo . I'll ladtlitlita , 1'n.
A IIS \CTsnndloim I'irm nn'l city | irop3f.x
linught and > t > IJ. jTliumn , Cuimjli
, -Q-CIIOK'K lots In Murns a 1 Illlon c ml HU I
'Jot tno now intvntAla brMvo. Will toll In bunc.iui
urjlnjj. ( iojr j .IJtivlf. Co j.nil llliili. :
165-X'ltK fariu In Nul > . . .Vruoiu hoimu , Alalilnoul
ohciln , TO crruH In rultlratloii. IVli-a tlM pur
acre. Toriui t n y. Julnisl.iii , v V n I' ilteii.
GAUIIAOH le.uurol , caii aDli. va ilti mil
rldinnayi cloinil. K. D. tlurk > . cltr 1)11 [ .
\\'AKlTKli-c > oTu > KTB.NT OIHI. IN I'AMII.V OK
'i t o. liHiilro' | ' . ' ; MJU'II Sofd.illi street.
' | V > IIKNT FurnlnliiMl ruunii , with nil modern
1 cunvcuU-ncvs cut 1 Irit nvo.
\\r\NTKIl ( llrl toiloicner l liouiowork. ( jooil
wnKe > to cumpetant tflrl. Mr > . Itc-Uuian , ,11 ;
fouili 7lh slraet.
TANTKD A CRimblo ulrl for general liouicnorli
In fmulljr of tinea.V. . A. ( 'milter. IJJ ( iluo uro
licii'il Klrl for foneral lioutonork.
.Mrs.V \V. Whllatv. 37 Illun rtrect
. oiriiSTvf Su'tttTnTfarm
-.1- nin iiniui
i'uit ol ( oiincll lllult , wiili Imiirorril. biiUJini ! *
nnd tencrt fll new /ildren or call uu II , T. llaln
or U. HoEit , Council Uluffi.
l1 *
' T | | | < B
We have finished invoicing nnd ore perfectly sntis
fiotl with the result of our four months
with you. As we hnvc not been with you
! We , therefore , to show you our
Have arranged to bcnoft you this year at a sacrifice
to ourselves ; honing thereby , to increase our
A Genuine
GOO pairs of odd suit PANTS culled from suits out of
which coat and vest have been sold. Pants must
go now , and that's why the price is '
$1.5O Tor Pants.
$1 * &t it Fancy Worsted
ami Cassimere
SI 30O of them , from finer suits , the pants alone being
I worth $5 to $6. but go at S2.5O , $3 and $3.25.
2OO black clay worsted heavy weight pants , perfect
trousers , well made , but we bought to sell with
$14 , SIS and S22.5O suits. We close them to you at
! $3.75 A PANTS.
Cor. 13tli nacl Fnrnnm Streets.
520 PEARL ST. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Telephone 290'
Special Terass to flgeaia
"Absolutely iiie Best Made , "
"A Delicious r-To < licilo < l Con-
i' ; ptioi " for the relief of Coughs ,
Colds , lloartcnesn , Soru 'i hroat. and - CDa
for clearing the voice. I'or MIC ! by ain
nli DrugiiBtn ; and Coufcct ioncro. in
1'achcd in full two ounce packages , i-f-
Trice fi Cents. If you are unable lo cr
procure the Pomona Cou li Tablets CD
from your clculcr rend us 8 cents in
stnmrn and receive n box by mail ,
AIuilc by the iiianufacturcrd o.f the
celebrated 1'oiuoua I'ruit Juice
Council Dltiffa , la.
ilnnnti i : . < iiiiliio w.ili i-ii li i H'tii vt O'ir Into
mprnriMl lylo. n n > lit raii' < . IIHH ilcop lluuiie
Iruim hut lilKh urati , mill < " Ol | > orrc < 'lly tutu.
Kurt1 ! ! 1 cur runt uutrltluiM oriniiiilf4. ! Full do-
niTlntlro nrculur O'i niilli'nllun. | | ADl'.NTS WANT-
Kllinovrry ruiuilr In lliul'.S Aililn.-M.CIIAIII.KS
hUHI.'l/l'HKli.-t. U N. M il.i M . Council lllurK. In.
l'"Attnriiayi : t-lnw. I'r i
J tl'ia In tno ttaio und
Icilcrul courts. Itonnn Ul--ti- ) ( ( Hliupurl
blocU.ConnullHlulIS , lu.
Honied proposals will bo loa.'lve I ly ) tlio uu-
dnrslsni'O until fH : : ) o'clock n. rn. Jiinii try 0ih.
IMn , for tno construction of u nuwor In mwor
district No. 177 , In thn oily nf Omaha , ns pur
ordlimiiuo No. : ri'J7 , ucciirdlni ; to plans und
sjuullliMlloiu cm Iliu In ibo otllse of i no i o ird
ol puullo works. K'icli uroiinN it to tin inadaon
urlntud lilunks fnrnlkliod bv tlio bourd , nnd tn
tin iiccnmimiilud by n ccrtlllud uliouk In tliu
Mini of fVKI , pityixliUi to lliu city of Uinaliu , im
nn uvldunco of Kond fiilth.
Tlio iH.iird re 'jrvin tbn rUhl 13 rutoct itny or
ull lildo und lo vrulvu dofoi-ts.
r'nalnnun lluard of I'uliilo Wi.r.iK.
Omaha , .Noli. , Jun Dili , Ih'jj. ' , ' , U u
Hie Coed Samaritan. 20 Tears' Eipfrieiico.
t treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and .unsSi * .
caresof the Eye and ICur I'ltsnid ' Apoplexy , Heuft
llrcne , Liver Complaint. Kidney Complaint ,
Narvous Dobllity , Mental Dopros-
nlon , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Dlubote.- ' Dicase. . .
WonUnoss. Dlubote.Wight's case. St.VltuV
Oiuce ! "mnnatisin , l'araly.i . White Swelling- ,
Scrofula , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawing B drop of
blood. Woman with her delicnto orer.ns ret
Stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping ;
Special Attention given to prlvoto
and Venereal Dlsonoou of all kinds *
Q5O to SHOO forfeit lor any Vonorunl Dis
ease I cannot euro without moroury *
Tape Worms removed In tw.or thveo liourn , or u
J > ay. U laorrholila ur I'llSJ ci red.
Witlravo llfo and hundreds of dollars by calling'
on or ukliift -
nn. c. w. pnscLE's HERBAL MEDICINES.t
The only I'hyitlclan who cnii tell what nll <
u iiurnon without asking a question. J
All cniTCHpondenco strlctlv confidential. Medlolnf
Bout by cziirctH. Addieu uii K-tU-rs to
SBB Broadway ,
Council Blufi's , Iowa
All kliida of Dyt'lnix and Ulutning ilnnu In
tlui hUliust Htylfi of tlio iirt. railed und
tuliiud fabrics undo t/loot : us Ron 1 iiincw ,
U'oru | iroiuilly | donu nn I ilullvorol In ull
purls of the country Hcnil for prlco Hit ,
C. A. MAC1IAN , Proprietor.
I KMhYuv.nourXortliwcuttrii lu ) ol ,
Counvll Itltiffna. .