Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 12, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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orricui NO iu
Dillrctf d by carrier to ny pirt of the city
I lluslnc s Ofllro. . . . . No. 41
iNlfrht IMItor No. U3
N Y Plumbing Co.
Council muffs I.umorr Co. Coal v
Miss Knthr.Mi Haull of .Sterling , 111 , Is Uio
guest of Miss Slclli 1'allcwon.
13. H. Gardner was given a surpitie party
TuesdaV evening hi n number of Jils friends
The Plllo Hulcl society of St John's Kn.
gllsh Lutheran i lnirrh moots this evening nt
the residence ) of Miss Kinma Klnlc , ati : Ave-
11110 r. .
Mai i lapo licenses wore Issued jesterday
to Chailes UIHIiun Duck of llsscx nnil Helen
( J Dillon of Council Hliiffi. nnd to ItMilicn
Ilr-rnrr nnil llcilhaVullvvcy of Council
Henrj Dolong lias secured the old opera
house building on Hrviint sired , foimerly
occupied hi tlm Salvation nrinv. for his
rnlnn nirlsllan mission , and it is now being
put In shape for use.
Woul IIIIH been loeolvcd In this iitv of the
death of Unman U'alki rat Kenton , O , of
consumption Ho was formerly connected
with the CountII muffs Hei.iltl book biiidei\v
and was.i nephew of S 'I' Walker
A man n mini Miller , while working at the
new hudgo aetoss the Ml souil , lost the cntl
of ono of his ilngeis lu n piece of in iclilwi.v
, \ csteul.i.Ho . Is the Mine man who met
with .111 accident alwut a month ugo at the
IVlis Thomas Metcalf tendered a teecption
M'ucstlaj oventii''to Hev 12V Allen , the
neu pastor of the Cliilstlan ilinu'li at her
lionie , ( oiner of Uluff street anil Willow avc-
rule. 'I ho house was ciovvdudlth gucsls
Refreshments were ser\ttl
Mifl Laura Kessler hasiounncmcil aetloi :
In the tllstikt loint to get a divoico fiom
her husband , Samuel Kessler. to whom she
was mart led ten .vcars ago She alleges
tlic ilefoiulant was clv , eiuel to her. anc
lln.illj il ( serted her entiiolj .She ask * for i
dccicoof divoieoand the custody of their
'lite paih commissioners derided to
reject all bids foi p.irlc sites In the wesleui
part of the city and icadvortlse for hlds , giv
ing the nroporlj owners until M.nch 1 to
Tiinlte their piopositions The advertise
ment will not c.ill for sites In any paitlcular
jurt of the west end. Inasmuch as the piopo
sltlon Unit was volcdon by thu people dli
not make any restrict Ion
Robert and Chillies Limerick weio oael
sent to jail for llfteen d.ijs in police com
\esterdav morning on the ( h.ugo of huc'cnv
The prospects aio that that will not bo tin
end of their trouble , for the Is busy
on sov eral other features of the 'case whleli
m.iy ilo\elop into somuthing inoie seiions
than anj thing that has s.o far been sprung
on them.
Jaeob Koch filed an information apalnst
J.eder it Roluling , who keep the saloon on
liio.idvv.iv known as tlm "Ofllc'c , " cliaiging
them with keeping.i place wheio intoxicat
ing llquois wcic on sale. A seaich \\.iii.\nt
was Ksucd bj .Justice Tield and Constable
.loo Spiuldingsetved it Hoonlj suceecded
in limning down two bottles of vvlilukj.
i\hkh will be eontlsciiteil at the leisuio of
thu couit.
In the supeiior couit jesteidav the case
\\illlam Kiedentopf against M M Mai-
Khnll of Omaha was on tiial. It Is a ease
vvhiih been pending sonic time , and in
which about (1,00001 ( tli of piopcitv west
of Ciescent , on the cist bank of the Mis-
t.ouil iher , is in dispute , owing to a diflci-
< nco In the waj tlie plaintiff and defendant
Imvoin the -'law of aeeictions "
Koimeily the ii\er ran between two pieces
of propeily , one on the west sidu owned hj
Mmsli ill , and the other on thu eatit side ,
owned bSie entopf. In duo time the il\er
switched out of its cnucnt and left both
] > ieees on the c ist side. 12 ich now claims all
of theIand that was thus tiansfciicd to the
cast bank of the rner.
, A llino for Ihcrjtiling.
N w ib the tiino during the cold
weuther to keep wnnn by buying jjood
fins tit n low price at tlio Ho ton Store ,
Council BlulTs , In. Our cntiio fur t-toclc
at almost half price , and iu faomo cases
even le s.
Don't let Uio prices surprlho jou , for
wo liiuo certainly got them and just us
mlvcitUcd , ushtis always been our eus-
tom. .
fiOc block bair inufrs * . I Do ouch.
$1.2.1 black coney muffri. 70c each.
jl.7fi Trench coney muffs , ! )8ueach. )
$2.75 capo seal niuflH , $1.15 each.
Tlnee dollar and lifty cent black opossum
sum iind Baltic beal inufK $1,08.
Astuicban muffs fiom $4,51 to $0.00 hi
ono lot , choic o foiJ.'l.I ! ) each. '
Sai.OOminkcapo , now $22.50.
$22.)0 krlmmor capo , now $14,50.
$12.00 olectiic heal cape , now $0.75.
$10.50 iibtraehan cape , now $11.50.
WI.OO electric heal military capos , " > 0
Inches lon - , now $27.00.
Boston Store ,
Cminoil Blullrf.
C'arl Hurhoin , biirccs-.oi' to IJ. Bur-
lioin , has the only new jowclry stock in
uity. .Many holiday novelties.
Wanted Cash otter foi' ten hhaies
C'iti/on'u State bank stock. Mut t bo
bold. Adiliess 1J. A. Shcafe.
Walter Human and AViilter Bcouo loft last
( ncnhiK for a few dajs' \lslt In Chicago.
Mr. and Mis. A. C. Graluun left % esteidaj
for Floilda to spend the icmaindur of tlic
v inter.
W. B. Lanlus h is poiio to Deiner to enlace
in business. Ills family will follow him
Mr. and Mis S. B. Wadsworth and S. U
Ktniio left last ovenin ; ; for Oiejron , 111.
\\liciolhej will attend the Rolden weddhiR
of the patents of Mrs , Wadswoith and Mr.
H. II. Plnney , son of Dr. C. H. I'lnnoy
of this city has been npiiolnted by Congi ess-
man lUmmiiu and commissioned by the sec-
lotaij of war to a cadetship at West I'olnt
with \V , L Muiphy as alteinato.
P. ,1 , rn\\K \ \ has loturned from DOH Molnes
\ \ hither ho w cut as n delegate from Council
LMI , Catholic' Knights of Ameilca. to thu
coiiu'iition of the lodges of the older. lit
Mas chosen statomesldent and. 1. 1) , T.imlse.i
of Missouri Valley vlio picslileiit. Thu
louiiiilnf this city was awarded the eli
medal for thetouncll showing thu mosl
inipi > o\cment dining the jear.
For wanning jrucbt cluunbcrs , batli
rooms , etc. , our KIH licators are jn-.t
what you want. Look at thorn. Clean
uniiM'iilont , cheap , C , B. Cias and Hlec
trie Llflit Co.
x _
( 'iinilcniiii'il liniinin Ice.
City I'h.vslclan Jennings has called tin
nttentlou of the Hoard jif Health to the ha
purity of the iio In Uake Manawa , which ills I :
now bvhit : haiestcd for city use next bum
incr , and has HUKgestcd that thoculthi ) ; IIuf
Ice for general use from this lake should In
prohlhlted , us in his opinion the fu'tvliiK o [
water does not oleanso It from Impurities
The Board of Health has atcoidlngl ) passi-i
* icsoliitlon notify IIIK nil p.utles cuttlnK ic <
at Manawa that they will not bo allowed to
dlspobo of It for any nuriKiso CMVptliit ? fo
i old storage 01 for coolliij ; food or bo\ crape
wheio they do not como Into contact will
the U e. This precaution Is belnp taken w it th !
n A lew to pie\cntlii | ; any posblhle attack o
UuiU'iu next Hinnmer , and all the nicasurc
of the Hoard of Health will bo enforced wltl
o\en inoio than the
'I'lio MIOW and cold weather does no
diminish the demand for acreage in tin
Kk'iu tuiet , 2) ) miles ea t of the poht
olllce ; 1100 auros yet for t-alo in from on
to ton ueio tfiiolu , otiltublo for fruit am
tfaulen , Daj vv llo , ayontu , III ) Pear
_ _ _ _ _ _
Joou , want to MI\O one-fourth of you
mil bill ? JfbOiihu Kuiil-niwr. Uowui
of imitation. Got tliotfenufuoof '
ict'Ci y'l 1'cai'l bticot.
vi iifii rnmi'Ai'wi'ii ni nrro
Stub rROM lOlMlL BLlrrS
Very Singular Situation That Oonfronts the
Park Ooiimissionors nt Present.
Wright .t Undhrln Willing to Ilrnp the Tulr *
tiiniiiil l' rk Hidt If Tlii-y Cnn * lot
Thplr 1'Hj-nill A k fnrn
Sppilnl levy >
The city just now finds Itself In .vpecullar
sliuallon with refcienco lo the case of Jason
AVallieT against Iho city of Council muffs ,
heller Known as Iho ralimount pnik case ,
This ease has been pending lu tlm United
Stales eouit for several je.tis [ ml , Iho linn
ofWilght& Haldvvln hiving succeeded In
throwing a cloud on the llllo of the city to
the puk linl , which Ins nhoidy icsulted
lu ii gieat dell of e\pensa lo the city At
Ihe last lonn of the sapromu com t a couple
of decision j wore handed down In slmllai
cases , which weie brought hi other claimants -
ants , In favor of the city , und time.
It was given out bj the .ittoinr s vvhi icp-
rescntc-d the city tint their case in the
\Valkerlltlg.illonvvas so mil h better than
In the stills illicitly decide I , the iu lion
of the -uipi erne < out t praetlcallv decided Iho
WnlKer case as well , and that the cltj might
now lest on Its oils In the blissful conscious
ness of knowing lhal theio would bo no
inoio litigation.
A little meeting took place Tui'sil ly even
ing at Ihe close of the mloumed ] incollngof
the puk coinmlssloneis the pullcuhirs of
which these who pulielp.ited hive taken
tlu > most stienuous effoits to keep In abso
lute secicsy l > ven the icioids of the secic-
tarv of the connnlsslon weio ouleied kept
under lock and Uev , cspoclilly when tcport-
ers weio aioiuid At this meeting weie the
mcinheis of the Ihnnco cominitlce of the
louncil Messis Van Hi mil , Pace anil Jen-
nlugs , In addition to thu puk eoimnlssloiieis
and Atloiney rinley UutKe
Mr Huikchis icpicscnlcd Iho cllv In the
path lltlg.Ulon together with Judge Trimble
of Ifcohnk. Supp A * I'usoy and Ooigo A
Holmes of this eilj Mi lloliiny h is already
iccelved ST > 00vhilo \ Sappi-V. 1'use } have been
paid JIMW
At the mooting Tticsdnv night Mr Hmko
pie-senled n bill of * oOiX , ) lor himself iii.d an
other for M.OOO for Judge Tillable. Iio
stated that lie hail hid n confeieneo will
Wiight itHahlvvln , whoiepiesenlcd Walkei
In the suit , and they had agieed to dismiss
the suit provided Ihe altoinevs for the city
would chip In and piy them for nil the
lioublo and expense lhc.v bad been to in
keeping the cilv in hoi water for the pist
lire j cais Just how much they claimed was
not stated , but liuiko und Tiimble weio pei-
fectli willing to shoulder the lesponsibllily
of seem Ing a dlsmlssil of Iho case if the city
would give them $10,000.
AVIll Ask n Sprrl ll \c\ ) .
The suggestion that iho citj pay Iho al
lot nevs for the prosecution would bo a soveic
shock lo an oullnaiy citben , but if it over
shocked the members of the llnance commit
tee of the eitcoum , II the effects had vvoin
off Thev asked tlio puk ( Oiniuis'iioiieis to
ask the counill to ask the ellircns to ask the
council to lew a 1 mill tax for Iho ne.\t Iwo with which to piy the costs of the
puk litigation Ibis would amount to just
about Iho J1U 00(11equiied. ( WlIglit As Hald-
win hail , in cRcct , lalked like this :
"Our client isn't woith a cent Wo look
Iho suit on shaicswllh him , and if lie doesn't
get a Judgment against the cit.v wo shan't
get aiij fees Ifthccitj won't piy us the
lees that wo inisht have got from Walker ,
we shall go on with the lillg.ilion and put moie expense. Cut
down expenses by paving us what wc ask. "
This kind of nigumcnt has had Us effect
with the finance committee. The com-
missloneis did as they weie asked and
passed a icsolullon icquesting Iho council
lo hubmlt Iho project of voting n tax
of 1 null for the ne\l two .vcars to
Ihe people at the coming election. If
this pioject Is earned out it will make
the eltj's total expense for the lltlga-
lion $15,000 , the sum of ? T > ,000 ahead ) having
been appiopiiiled. The atlornoib for Ihe
pioscution olToicd some limo ago lo dismiss
suit upon Iho pajment of fTi,000 in cash , and
Ihe ofler w as i ejected.
Not u Popular Plan.
Theio is to bo a nicctingof Iho city council
nqxt Monday evening , at which Iho resolu-
llon adopted by Iho puk eominisbloneis will
bo biought up and aeled upon.
Some of the aldermen do nol qullc relish
the Idea of bujing off the alloinejs of the
opposition from making any further light ,
but so far the nullcalions aio that this is a
oiio-lioined dilemma. Wiight At Baldwin
have it in Iheir powei to make the city u of tioublo and expense iri pro
longing a litigation which must some limo
icsult in favor of Ihe city , and the altoinovs
h.i\o Iho advantagoinasmuch as they will
bo out nothing hut the time which It lakes
to Illo aflldiutls. motions for continuances ,
demutiers , and other devices for killing
time The onlv question now befoiotho
council is , what plan will bo least expensive
and whatever plan that m.iv tuui out lo bo
will probably bo adopted The fuluie de
velopments will bo waUhcd vvilhagieat
deal of interest by thu ta\p ij eis
Do you hinokoV Ilnvo you tflcd T. D.
Kin : & Co.'d Purtaga-t ? It's u clmruicr.
Just light one.
Oi tic i fit Now IVrloilii IIH.
The tiustees of Iho Young Men's Christian
associalioii held a meeting Tuesday night at
their looms All the membois of the bonid
wuio invited eaily , and a supper was laid bo-
foio thorn lo stienglhcn them for thuli
diilies They Ihen met for vv oik , and de
cided lo add to Iho block of pciioillcals now
lo bo found in Iho touting loom the follow-
Ing pape-is aud magazines : Cenluii , Ouling
Rovlowof Hoviows , Noith Aincilcati Review
Cosmopolitan , SI Nicholas , Puck , Hatpin's
Weekly , I.esllo'H Weekly , Public
Opinion , Scleiililic American. The leading
room is lo bo made a special feat mo of tin
, association woik , and will enable the patron
to pass a many pleas ml horns. The
. lioaid further decided lo loinlu Iho service
of iho nsslstanl sect clary , A L Tiiiner , foi
another j car , and lo pmchnsu newhinn
, books for use lu Ihe meetings.
Coal und wood ; bust and ohoapo
, Mlhboiiri hiird wood in thu city ; piomnl
dullvoi-y. H. A. ( Jos , No. 4 Main.
Votruum Iiihtiill Ollliuii.
The Union Veteran Legion , cncampmcn
No , 8 , and the L idles' Auxiliary Installci
their ofllccis lust evening. The hall dooi
vv cio open to n number of Invited guests
and after the ccicnionics of Iho oidcrwcti
gone lluough with some of them dollvcrci
addi esses Among Iho speakers wen
Captain 11 W Illghl , who .u ted as niaste
of ccicnionics , Colonel 13 I D.v\I
, of Omaha , Hcv. 1'ntiiik Smith
pastor of St. Xnvicr s Cathn ,
ticihmch , Hev. t ! W , Suvdcr , Ilov .1 11
Davis and L W Hess Miss Colby and th
ln\\ti' high school iiiiulct | fuinishcdexcclleii
music , and n number of hongn w cio sung b
the veterans In their usual enthusiast low a)1
Among the vlsitois were suveuil membeis n
cncainpmciit No. l'j | , of Omaha , with lliei '
ladles. After the progiam hud been llnlshci
thu vvholocompiiiy sat down to an oxcellcn
Miinper which had been provided by th
if ladles of the auxiliary.
d . Crown and other ] ) htnos.
Ciimn and other organs.
At Homichm' , lit ! btiithimin btrcot.
llmitliiiloii--All ii.
Chailes L Huntlngton U to bo nuirled tc :
day to Miss Mary Allen of Orange , N. J. , 11
thof the homo of Iho bildo's uncle , J , 1C , lioinlni
Roy. Dickinson of iho Ilnptist church of thi :
place onlclatliig , The groom Ib the son of i
Huntlnglon , of this clly , and U well know
ot heie , ho having made Council H luffs hi
homo all his life until about ihrco jears agi
10t vv lieu ho loft for Orange , K , J , to take
t- IxjsUlon with the Wells-r.irgo Hxuicss con
IIO p.iny , Ho has been with this coiniuny eve
id binco , and icpuntcd prouiotlons show wh ,
success hu Is ireetliig. His many friends c :
lend congralululions.
An Apron Puny.
iu Oiuiu , Jan. 11. To thii IMIior of THE BBI
L'll Per the sake vl charily I ask jou to glv
publicity to tUU letter. I would like to u
range for the holding of nn apron gath (
erlng party , the proceeds obtained there
from to bo given to < v charitable society ,
l > vcrylad > or gentleman who Is willing to
spend n small sum of money nnd have n
very en lo ) able tlmo should take part In this
enlcrlnlnment H Is espcclall ) Interesting
to .voting people who inn , after doing some
pleasant work , enjoy n dance. All ladles
who ma ) be Inclined to help this wrorlliy
cause along will please send their mines an I
addresses to the undersigned , and so soon
as suniclent have slirnllied their intention nf
Joining , arrangements will be made for hold
ing n meeting. Mas O. '
S. S , l.niijon' * Apptli.itlon Tiikrn 1'p nnil
The Hoard of Tire and 1'ollcc Commis
sioners met last evening to consider the pro-
tcslcd license cases A considerable amount
of time was waslcd bcfoio the license mill
begun operallons The defense puisucd Us
usual shifting , evasive tactics and was un
willing to come to a dli eel Issue on an j but
two of the contested cases
Mr Simeral , ns atlorney for Mr Rosewater -
water , stated that he was read ) to take up
nny of the eases ou the question of circula
tion , but thu WoiId-Herald icllrcd behind
its old subtci fnge of icfusing to enter the
lists unless It was permitted to present the
combined lotals of Its morning , noon and
evening editions as the bon i llde circulation
The board lllially decided to take up the
case of S S Lnirvon , who was an applicant
for a druggists' license at 280J Tainani
street Mr Shnoial sitd thai ho was ic.iilj
lo proceed , and after sotno preliminary ob
jections on Ihe pirt of the defense Iho hear
ing of ev ideiico was bosun
The ilrst wilness Icsttfied tint he was In
ranvnn's phariniev at about II o'clock ou
the foicnoon of December 1C > . Ho asked the
ilerk for a drink of brandy and the clerk
took him behind the picsciiptior case and
iucommodated him with a glass of the
liquor , which ho i > oiiroil fiom a bottle
The nest witness stated tint ho had vis
Itcd the drug stoic In question on Sund.iv.
December 18 , In company vv tth a fi lend. At
th it tlmo a lady was In elmigo of the stoiu
Ho asked for a glass of brand ) and the
woman poured the liquor into n glass and
handed it lo him without objection Ho piid
15 cents for tlio dram and no questions weio
asked. Ho was not loquestcd lo regisler
and Iho cleik did not Inqtilic his name.
The next wilncss was his companion , who
testified lo having heaid Ihe pievious wit
ness call for brand ) and tecclvo Iho liquor
in a glass Nothing moic was slid , and no
questions weio asked by the woman vvlic
acted us cloth The witness was asked il
ho had over investigated Sunday liquor sell
ing before , and replied that ho had once done
so while employed on the Woi Id-Herald , under
dor Mr. Hitchcock'orders. .
Ihen the nttoincjs got logether anil
agreeil lhat the evidence as to the ciicula
lion of TUB Hir and Woild-Her.ild taken ii
the Stuht case bo offered as cliculatlon
evidence In this case in order to save time
The boaul agicedand Ihe evidence was so
titkcn down by the stenographer.
Good faith on tliepaitof Hie applicant w a
next taken up and Joe Goddaid called as a
witness Mr. Goddaid teslilled lo having
hadaconversition vvitli Laii.von about Hit
license fight , who admitted having icceivoi
a cop.v of Ihe resolution p isscd bv the bean
declining TUB HIE to bo Iho piper having
Iho largest iliculalion. Witness fin the
said that Lanjoii hud declaicd that thi
notL-e didn't amount lo mi ) thin ? Whei
Mr. Hall commenced cioss examining th
witness he started in on his old tactics o
hoisoplay , and was called down by Alt
Clcoige Gellcnbeek swore that be loft .
notice at Umvoil's stoio , which wasapunte <
cop ) of the bo.ud's icsolution
linvon on the stand denied having re
ceived a copy of the nollco and slid 111 it he
thought the Woi Id-Herald the piper having
the mtgest Limitation. He did not , how
ever , make any inquiry about TUB Bnu ciicu-
lallon loeiify bis conviction.
It might bo mentioned lieio tint Lin von is
an agent for the Woi Id-Herald and bolloved
In Mr Hitchcock's giiaiantco.
'Ihe case will bo taken up agiln tonight
and decided.
After some talk between the attoincsnnd
Iho boaul it was decided that hereafter cases
would bo taken up and tiled in the order of
the filing of their applications. Saloon cases
will be given Iho picfcrcnce Tonight Iho
cases of P. Pinzcnsham , ! 102ii Hamilton
stieet. and Joseph Schmidt , 2402 Cumlng
slreot , will bo heaid.
AilJustliiK Losses liy Hccent rircs I.lfe
Unilor riters' Hnmiiiot.
Special agents of iustiranco companies
' 'caught" for losses In the iccent big fires
hero are rapidly adjusting tlio amounts and
it Is expected that by the end of the week
the agenls vv ill have completed their vvoi 1 : on
the Continenlal and Orch.ud losses.
The woik of adjustment on the big flic is
naturally slow , owing to the numbar of
Hins interested nnd the pioper determina
tion of the actual damage by sinoko and
water Uvidcntly Iho eomplines' agenls
, hcio on business have become lalher l.iken
with the people , Judging fiom expressions tea
a Urn tepotter , in which , eco of them s lid :
"I have been sent to a gicat mail ) cities
and have had dc-ilin/s with hundicds of
business men while alien .ling to the busi
ness of in ) coinpuiy , but I have novvhcic
. found nierclmnls and piopcitv owneis so
unifounly fair and squue in their dealings
wilh the iho insui.inco companies as in
Omaha. Of coiuse , Ihoy insist on having
full indemnity for their losses and wo
sowotiincsdisigrco. lhat is business and 1
do not look for any mnn to sicniico his In-
tcieslsout of sheer cleverness. ThcaO kind
- of men i.ucly have an ) thing lit toinsme ,
though the ) might h ivo pleat ) of things lit
only lo bum. Onuib i business men , so far us
I hive seen , want only iho bcucllls for
- which tho.s insuicd and don't ospcct loinako
, : i big profit out of the unfoiesuc'ii Hcjouil
, tlio usual dinicultles ot dclcrinlnlng Iho
losses , special agenls'havo pi ally lah h tiling
hcio. Omilia lias a splendid ropulaliou in
the east , which is plainly demonstrated by
the fact that many very 'paitieular' companies -
; panies are doing business hero and are not
unwilling to Increase the number of i isles
! the ) have assumed. "
'I ho arrangements for the Lifo Insurance
Underwriters' association banquetha\obeen
< ompleted and from indications the invita
tion limit , which was placed at 101) ) , will
l have to bo oxlendcd. The list of loasis and 1
responses gives promise of a "veiilahlo How '
of wit and wisdom , " Governor Jj. Cromibo
having accepted iho invitation to icspond to
the to ist of "Nolnaska. " Lieutenant Gov-
einor Majois Is also on the list Hon. Gcorgo
P. IJcniis will expound "Omaha , " and
thiough the enlito lUt is a notahlo ariay of
is billlianl and clover .iftor-dinner talkcis ,
, Piom lettcis icieivcd it ib evident that
ted many agents from westcui points and
d hioughout the state will bo picscnland i
to leading insurance ollli i Us w 111 grace iho oc
cits casion Altogether it promises to ho u nota
tsU ble event in the iccoidsof the Life Insurance
, Undeiwiileis' association ,
. CTo the admhcr of an extra dr ) wine ,
Iio look's Spaikllug Impeilal lommcmlb itself ,
lit ts boquet is lino. It's naturally fomented
Woilil'N I'alr Kxhltilt.
'ir CniAii lUrins , la , Jan. 11 , [ Special to
cd Tin : DEI : . ] Iowa peoploaio making ariangc-
nt meiils lor their exhibits at the Woild's fair ,
ho The educational exhibit promises to bo one
of Iho leading features. J. W. Jarnlgan , IOf
thodepailment of education and line aits
has been ofllclilly notlllcd by Sellm SlI.
Pcabody. chief of Iho depai Iment of liberal
arts for the World's fair , that Iowa has beer :
assigned 1,700 feet of space foi > her cduca
tlonal exhibit and ! KX ) fcot for the exhibit uif
flat the state not inal school. The geological ifs
at hlblt w 111 bo a line one. Among the feature : of It w 111 bo the line specimens of graultt
at from Huchmmn county.
atK. The coal Industiy of the ntato is becoming
K.Ml a niOHt important ono. The people 31a :
its Otlumvva , which is in the center of thu mln
itso ing district , are at woik to make the mlnini.
a exhibit a notable one. A nilnlaturo coal
am Valaco will bo ono of the fcatuies. Tin
mer grain exhibit will bo a most novel one. J
lat stidlcato has purchased of the low a com j
IX.- mission the privilege of making this exhibit t.
They solicit samples of grain from oven
farmer hi the state , and only the 11 nest vvll
bo taken to Chicago. This w 111 bo oxhlbited
in a miniature glass house , built after th <
stjloof thoslato capitol. Tim live stock [
Ivo art and other exhibits will all bo of the tor' '
ur- ilucst.
ll r *
Oitj Treasurer Bolln LJes on a Dining Oar
mul n , Tourifct Sleeper.
t ;
H '
DI mU nl nf nn ( Mil Itijnnttlnn < ilt Opt-in
tlmVnj for Ait Ion liy tlio Cllj -
I'ronipt Steps / tukrii l
lm Olnhn.
A few das ago Judge Dundy dismissed a
number of eases thai have for .veal's bur
dened the records of the federal court
Among the cases dismissed was n tcmporiir )
injunction secured by the Pullman Palace
Car company restr.ilniug the city of Omaha
from collect Ing delinquent tases due from
lhat eompiny.
The temporary restraining older was
Issued In ISM ) , ami thehc.uliig ou the per
manent Injunction was postponed from time
to time and vvcnl over from one lerin of com t
to anolher
When It became known lo the clt ) ofllclals
that the ) Injunction was dissolved
b ) Judge Dund.y throwing It out of couit
it was decided to iimuedlilel ) take the
neiessar ) steps to collect the delinquent
tases ft out the Pullmin coinpan ) Tieasuier
Uollu was instiucted by the eouni 11 to pie
cccd at once , and the custodian of the clt.v's
wealth lost no lime in coinpling with the
Lr\ldl on Tno Coirlim.
Yestcidav he called in consultation Clt )
Allotney Council nnd Ihe gioiuid was
thoroughly gone over , and everthing
done up in legal shape The
necessary pipciswcio prepueii , It having
been decided to attach some of the rolling
stock of the Pullman company Tieasuier
Uolln Issued a dtsticss wairant , and , in pet
son , atl.iched two cais belonging lo Iho com-
piny The cars weie in the Unloi. Pacillo
repiir shops , and no dllliculty ex
perienced hi locating them When tlio ted he left as a memento ol
his \lsit tlio following notice , vvilllen upon a
sheel of paper , which ho pisted on eich car
Thlseai Ins been ntt icheilby Ihccltv
uier of Oniah i , Neb , for the delinquent city
taxes , Hi Mil HOI.I.N , Tie.iiiuei.
'Iho cars attached were undcigolng ic-
pills. One is the cleganll ) appointed ani
luxuriously fin nishcd dining car 'St Liw-
icnco , " valued at WO 0110 , and Iho oilier is
touiist car No. lh l , and is worth about $ li- ,
000 No other lolling stock belonging to the
Pullman coiporatlon was lying atound lese ,
and the tieasuier was compelled to content
himself with the sei/uio of the two cars
His rcgaid for the comfoitof the traveling
public piovciitcd him attaching an ) of the ,
many Pullman cats passing through the cit )
The distress warrant was served by the
tieasuier upon J. F. Ric.h.udson , the com
p in ) * s superintendent , who has an olllce ii
the linked Stales National bank building
Mr Richaidson staled that the pipers am
the fuels in the case would ho foi warded lo
Iho general ofllces at Chicago last night Hi
expected to icceivc instiuctions by Fudav ale
lo what couiso to puisne , and until th it thin
Tieasuier Llolln w ill iqtain his nold on thosi
pilaco cars , and ho doesn't pioposc to let gi
either until the delinquent tixcs aio paid , o
the courts slep in and onlcr hands off. Untl
thoPullnuncompany iji heard fiom the tieas
uier will not adveilisOlhe rolling slock fo
silo to salisfy the claims of the eitv. Ho ha :
ten davs In which to commence advertising
and after thiily davs' notice Iho eats m.i )
be sold at public anclion. thi ! I'nlhn-iu C'ompnnj Owen.
The Pullman company has neglected an
icfuscd to piy any peisotial tax as levied b )
the city since IbbO , and the temporal-
stiaining older issued that ) ear has pto
vented any of the city treasureis fiom at
templing lo collect the taxes since that date.
The existence of Hie itijunclion , however ,
has not pievented Ihe assessors fiom mak
ing reluins and Hie Pullman compiny has
had laxes piling up icgularl ) each ) car. 'I ho
distiess wairant issued by Ticasurer Uolln
shows lhat the following sums arc due for
) cats named :
Tax 1830 $ 2,40200
Interest188G 1,71)544
Tax 1887 1.1252J
Intoiestl8S7 85500
Tax 1888 2,75850
Interest 18b8 1,517.18
Tax 18SU 3,842.211
IntciestlSa'J 1,05430
Total J1G.G7484
No notice is taken of the laves of 18'N ) ! ) l
and 'UJ , and they aic not included in the
amounts the tieasurer is seeking to. iccover.
The tax foi those tluooeais Isery insig-
nilii ant , as the legislatuic of 1880 emoted a
law cmpovvciing the slalo to levy and col
lect taxes upon the lolling stock of suh con-
ceins as the Pullimn company. As a conso-
qnc'iicc tholnvv made by the cit ) for these
.voais is ver ) small and aiuounls to but a few
In the past the Pullman compinv has re
sisted the pinient of taxes upon the giound
lhat its entile rolling stock is assessed in the
stale of Illinois and lhat the tases mo paid
tlicic , and as a consequence it is not liable
to assessment in Nebiaska This was the
claim set up when the temporal ) icstraining
oidcr was granted in Ibb1) ) .
What the compiny will do in the picsent
hist into is not even conjcctuicd. The city
has del.i\oil as long us it proposes and in
tends to push the CMBO and collect Iho de
linquent taxes if such a thing Is among the
For hoarseness , soio tluoit and cough
take Dr. Hull's Cough S ) i up , the spccltlc fo
affections of the and chest.
Appeals ( if Self-nil , VH-tlnilUt ] > hlnc OIs-
nilHHi-il t Ic Mollies.
Dr.s MOISKS , la. , Jan. II. [ Special Tele-
giam to TUB lire j The Methodist church
judicial tribunal disposed ot two cases
today. That of Rev. G. II. Snedloy of Jen
nings , la , charzed with defrauding Rev , 13
J , Lewis In a land deal , was remanded ,
which is equivalent to .1 dismiss il of the
caso. The charges against Rev. II. L Fifor
of Dubuque , accused of taking advanlago of
an expulsion from his chinch on account of
his own Indiscretion to establish a church of
his own , wcroiead and his appeal not enter
tained , on the giound that ho had foi felted
his light to appeal , 'Tho ' appeal of Hey
Thomas Stevenson was taken up The
chaigo against him Is liuliscicut conduct un
becoming a Clulstian.
The spcclllcatlons rccilp that ho descried
his wife and child 'Pchiuary 25 , ib'Jl , and
biislalncd improper iclatlons wilh a Mis ,
Miller , now of Mound City , ICan , Ho was
tiled In March , IbtU , and appealed Ills ap
peal , dated South Aubiikn , Nub , sajs that
ifo was not duly notifil'A of hls.tilal and his
solo impciUnit witnc1was absent ; the
, testimony adduced was incompetent ; ho can
iiiovo thochaiges to hd ulleily untiuo , and
his objection and icqncst for tlmo topiopaiu
a doforiso was Ignored1 , S ha
Is fiom Helvldero , Not)1nn . that us a result
- of poor health ho lift's for ihreocars been
/oreed to sustain supenunicraiy } relations
with the chinch His llnanccs provenluj
f him from unending Jhls tiial on so short a
notice. It was voted to-bnlcrlaln the appeal
. Ilrniitlfiil feature of I'rolilhltlon ,
CKIIAH RAi'ins , la. , Jan. 11. [ Special tc
Tin : UFK. ] The Jigurcs given out by Doput y
- Intcinal Rovenuu Collector Howe of the
not thorn dlsliict of Iowa do not Indicate
- Unit the prohibitory 1UW Isenfoiccd , I'oi
the ) ear ending Juno 'M , ifeftj , there wen
Issued In the northern district 4,700 licensee >
to sell liquor. These liuludo licenses tc
druggists , bootleggers and all othcis en i-
- gaged in totalling liquors , This number is
much linger than In IblK ) , when the numhci
wabi'JT5 : , and In IbbU , when there weio but
2,758 licenses Issuwl.
Cumllilutcg fur Spill ,
. CEIIAU lUi'ius , la. , Jan , -Special [ tc
Tut IJbE ] George 13. Talor , loloied , o ;
Oskalooba , is being given a lx > oni b ) hh
I for iccorder of deeds at Washington
under the Cleveiainl iidinlstrallon , This h
the position so long he-Id by Fred Douglui
aud at ttio present tluie by ex-Senator H , K
Hruco Mr Tnvlor ts one of
colored deniouatle l > oltians ) of the state
nnd during the last lampilpndld his pirtv
\ahmblo service In organising Cleveland
colored 1 1 libs
Colonel. ! H McConlogue of Mason rit > ,
candidate for sect elary of state In the lalo
elecUononlhe demociatlc Uiket , Is having
n big boom for minister to Chill under the
Cleveland administration lledevcloped un
expected popularlt ) Iu the late c.unulgn | ,
running ahead of the Cleveland electors.
Nntloimt < lu ird As
Crnvn HANDO , la , .lau -Special [ Tele
gram to THE Hrr 1 Oflltei-s of tlio National
Guard association of Iowa were called to
order toditv w lib PV McMnnus ofDaven-
nort , president ot the assothtlou , In the
chair Captain Ij ti Dakcr of Toledo was
made sccix'taiy. Afler the tiansacllon of
general business a committee was nppolntrd
to secure for publication and dUtilbullon
Iowa legulatloiis The propriety of attend
ing the Woild's fair was consldcied at
length The mailer of general altendanto
was noldellnilel ) dtxlded In the aftetnoon
the committee on "Topics' repoited sub
jects and assigned the same for the next
convention A papei was lead by General
Lincoln of Ames tombing the hnpot tnnco of
"Piaetlce Maixhes" together with other
camp duties Another pipet wastead bv
l ieulcnant Colonel Guest of Huilington on
"The Hights and Duties of Oillceis and Kit
listed Men "
The following committee on legislation
was appointed General II H Wiight. DCS
Moines , General W L Davis , Cedal Kaplds
Colonel ! ' W McManus. Davenpoit. Colonel
r W Mahin. lliiilinglon f.ieulenanl Colonel i
Al Svvalm. Oskaloosa , Major John K Prime ,
DCS Molnes
The following ate oflueis for the ensuing
jp.ii1 Picsiileiit , Colonel 13 C Poster ,
Sioux Cll ) , Ihsllic piesldcnt. Gcneial
James Kuss Lincoln , Ames , second vlio
picsident , Lieutenant Colonel James A.
Guest , lluillngton , lotiospomlhur secietai.v
and ttcasuier. Major John 'I' Hume , DCS
Molnes lerordlng secret.uv. Colonel Thomas
T Cook , Algona Dos .Monies vva t decided
on as the place for the next meeting of the
assoclition and Ihe time bet for the da ) foi
lowing the inauguration of Hie governor.
Iowa Agili iillaiUts.
DCS MoiM" , la Jan 11 [ .special Tele
giant to THE Bui : | 'Ihe Slalo Agilttiltural
society this afternoon decided bv a vote of
7r lo 7 to hold a si ite fair as usual jear
Piesldtnt McMnllen icadhlsunmialaddiess ,
mentioning the put tint Iowa ought to take
In Iho coming Columbian exposition and in god
it upon the memboisot the soclet ) to place a
tolled ion of Iowa products in the exposition
that shall bo excelled b ) no other state in
the union Set letar ) Shailcr i o id his annual
icpoit , showing an exccedinglv sallsfaclor )
toiulition of the agiiudtmal inteicsts of the
stale The tieasuior's icpoi t showed a small
balance in tieasur ) , notwithstanding the
exttaordluai ) expenses of the past . v ear. All
the lepotts advocaled close ctononi ) the com
ing ) car. _
Hue Million ImoUnl.
CEDAiiKvi'ins , la. , Jan 11. [ Special Tele
giam to Tun Urc ] The indications now aic
that the famous Hover conlcst will bo set-
lied out of court. Some tlmo ago K C
Bcvcr , the pioneer banker of tills city , died ,
leaving an estate worth $1,000,000 , the bulk
of which went to tluco sons The two
dauu'hteis biought suit lo bicik Ihe will , al
leging that then father was of unsound
mind vv hen ho made his u 111 , aud that he w as
undid ) influenced in m iking it In his sons
' 1 he case c uno up in distiict court .vcblci day ,
and thib forenoon was taken up in the bccur-
mg of a jury Hut at thai the case tested ,
as the opponents made the cnnltslants a
proposition which thov aio now considering
A111 CIOKC tillVV'O I 1(1.
Siouv CITV , la , Jan 11 [ Special Tcle-
giam to TUB BBC ] Ted ly iho nianagcinent
of iho SiouxCilyslovo worKsshut down
because of the stiiko of sevenl-live moldcis
) estciday and announced that H will con-
tintio the lockout until the moldcis consent
lo make the faeloiy an open shop for botti
union and nonunion moldcis.
Snept 1 > ) a llllr/urcl.
Sioux Cnv , In Jan. 11. [ Special Telo-
giamlo Tun BI-E. ] A bli.iid set in at I )
o'clock this afteinoon lluoughoul llns scclion
and by 5 o'clock Ihe thei mometer had fell
20 = . DriCting snow is Inter feting with
lalhoad tiafllc and willtanso a blockade if
the stoim conlinues lluough the night.
Piles of people nave piles , but DoWitt s
Witch Hazel s ilvo will cmo tliem
Knati'rn ItlrriK I'ro/cii Solid Uiith and Suf-
fi'rliifj fi 0111 tlio Col < l ,
NEW Yonu , Jan 11. No such Jam of float
ing ice has been seen in this luuboi
since the gicat blb/.ard of lbt > 5.
Foiiyboats aio tin iblo to got to their
picis at man ) points , and the fellies
and steamer tugs aio fast in the ice in the
bav and will bo nnaUeto get out till the lido
turns this afternoon , can ) ing Iho ice toward
the Niinows Then m my of them aio likcl )
to bo srnoshed or dihen ashoio
Flushing biv is fioicn over out to the Hast
nvcr , for the Hist time in m inv .vcais A
niimbei fabt in lloeb fiuther
up Hie bound
In Iho Mohawk valley the w either ton
tinues severe At 7 o'clock this moining the
tlieimometer registeted 11 ° below /cio in
Amsleidim and 12 ° below up the valley
AIO o'tlock lliis evening it lo istoied at
701 o.
It was the coldest , day in central New
Jeisey forcars , the thcimometer falling lo
zeio The Delawatc liver was fio/cii solid be
tween Lamhcitvillo , N. J , and New IIopo ,
Pa , and teams and pcdestiiaiis aiociossing
between these points.
Fiom I'ennbvlvania como reports of con
tinued cold. The passenger train on the
Downinglon Lancaster , w hlch lofl at 5:20 :
.vcslcrday afloinoon , i.ui inlo adiiftlivo
foot deep just east of that place. This plato
Is only sixteen miles fiom Lmc.iBtcr , butlbo
train did not an i\o until 2 o'clock tonight.
Iliopissciigeis sufToicd soveicly fiom the
At Philadelphia as far as can bo seen both
up and down the liver , in fiont of
the city , iho i her Is picked with ico. N.ui-
galion , as far as seagoing and coistvviso
vessels are conccincd , is at a standstill.
Fovv vebbelb 1mvo left the poit.
I'ro/r In Di-utli.
DOOMS , Mich. , Jan , 11 , James C. Ueed ,
agent of the Amciican I3xpicss coinpan ) at
lids place , was fio/cn lo death ono inllu west
of Uirengo ou tlio Michigan Central railroad
Uncle this morning. Ho had been dilnking
duiing the afteinoon and took the tialn for
Mnishall , fiom wheiu hoelthcr took an eaily
tialn for Albion and fell off or started back
on foot.
Caught In un lt l'li .
IlAvinuito , Jan 11. Ten steamships were
sighted oft Ciuhav en toil.i ) ns they drifted
eastvvaid in the midst of enormous Ice Hoes
All had steam up , but were appaicnlly help
less Onl ) the Get man tank steamship
Paula , C.iptaln Hindi , was mognked
.Vlotorim u I'lc-c/d III PllUbliri ; .
PiTrsiiuiui , Pa , Jan 11 Last night was
the coldest for six ) cais , the theimomeiei
reglslcilng = below zeio at the signal ofllcc
and fiom ti lob below atmoio oxposud points
All the ilvcis are fie en solid from batik U
bank and for the first tlmo lu liftocn )
V ' * < - - ' * " * - N' * ' * * ' * ' * " * * / r < - - t
S i&Vv A beta of
eonttitutvs a
family niodi-
- /Hrfc lltatt.
arhe , Urtik
/t/ortirir/i ,
JjOt * Of ill
jMtllr. H lint
anil I'tiinlx
tlirbtomaeii ,
. . , , , - < lld < Hnrn ,
l'iMnMitiictlllntl n/termratil > ltiinrti , _
Drowtinmu , O.M ( TiUU. tluiMng * of
limit , hhortnrfi of llrcalli , Onilti
IHotthr * on tin A/dn , / > lluiy. ( < xl .
and nil ii rvoiu ami < rri Hii ( ; inua-
ttoni are relieved by utlny tlute I'llli
Covered with a Taitelen and Soluble Coating , '
OfilldrnrfUU Proe | 5 e.nli 4 boi.
Mew Tqtk LMpoi. set raual HI.
people vrpro u hijr the ilvcr In teid of
the btldfre * rifteen eleiliii' niotormen
vvcr * ' compelled to quit tholicavt on ncvount
of the eold One niotonnnn wns-wi bndlv
ftxven tint bo had to bo onrrled from th
cnr. Manv chooM vfcrw fonrd toeloieon
iiecouut of Ihe shortnge of pns
Abnnliiinptl In I'ci
I'll , Jnn. 11Tho worst storm
In innnv , jeais has been raging for nbout
twenty bom's In the niouiit.ilns near liben-
lung l isl night the pi < s < > ciiqeis on the nhen-
btjiv bianeh train \\lili-h vv.isditfted Invveio
hold there nc.uly nil night In the
open i nnd mnn > of them nearly
pon\h icd Ir the eold The Ir.iln pot stuck In
udint Ka.vlers , vvhcie the IlnRtlngs
branches off. The dilfts hnd eoveiiMl the
engine and smothuted the drafts
so that tlio tlies went out und
the machine was useless 'I he engineer vvns
disabled and talien lo iho coach and
given the best treatment possible under the
chvumslancos Passengers proOwed food
vv lib much dlnii-ully 'Iho sioim mged till
night , and with Iho thermometer nt nluiost
Jt ° below /ero it was .1 tr.vlng tlmo for all
Toilnj the engineer was remoxedto the near
est faiinhouse , and tonight he Is iciwrted to
be lu a dangerous condition The Ir.iln hud
to bo tibandoned and tlio passengLis man
aged to ic.ieli the main line dm lug the du.v
Soini' Knilorn Mr itlu-r In South
Uttinv , S O. .Ian 11 'Ihe heav.v snow
ind wind stoun which set In Ibis nuunlng Is
still iu progi ess Tonight the wind Is blow
Ing from iho north nt : i velocity
of foitj miles nn hour .mil Iho air is
Illlcd with snow Ti.ilns me fi-oiu two to
live hours late nnd telegraph commmilcMllon
Issoiuewhat inleiuiptod 'Iho storm Is ie-
potted ver\ heavy hi the easl and south
eastern poi tlons ol the stale.
At ITS v S 1) , Jan II A wind and snow
stoim Is inglnsf hcio tod.i.v 'Ihe wind Is
blowing llft.v miles an hour No daniago 10-
poi ted
Salvation Oil has cuied iniiu.v of iheuma-
tU ivino > i" r > n liMfuii I'-l-jii'
My doctor nay * It ct Kcntlj nn tlic stomach ,
liver ana kldnrv , ruirtlinplfawiMl Inxithr 'llil3
drink li undo fnnn herhi nnd ! nripared for use
- , nmlllnimrkOKc If vou
cannot prt It , send your address for n f < co
I.nnc'n hninllr llrillclno niovox ic |
cnrhclnr. Inordprtnbohpnltliy Ililsts tin-i-wur\ .
Addresa OKA roll r. VV OOUVVA11K I.v- lldj > .V
A nawinj complete iroatmcnt , con lsthij > of Sup.
p < isllorlJ9 , in i.ipiulj , . else la but an I
I'llls A po'ltlre i uro lor r\m nl Inicrn il , lllln I
orllluedini ; Itthhik' , chru ilo llecoit or lluruJltiry
1'lloj llils rjjiab has m i > r boon kno\itu fall
1 po. box , b fur > r sc it b > m ill VV'iij a lu-r Ira a
thta Icrrllile die iorhuci a wrltun cu irantoo 1)
| ioltlvcly klvoi ll > i U ii iri or rjfan 1 t u m i > sj
fno' ' Liiro-l bu 11 IMI , > CO.frj ) nviijlj ( iu i- .
uojl ( iU3l by ICa I I V J.lrujU.i uij a < Jiui
rnur i > i > i MM nn i u SID
. . . . . .
llnonu Koniilne nltliout brain IHlUius ) our Into
mprovpil Htylp , N n HOllil uiafco hftn deep llaniro
strong lust hliih lirnto nnd c'osns ' perfectly Hcbi ;
BBTCS .11 I or cent iiutrltlom olpniciits 1 nil iu'-
tcrlptlvo i irculir OT mipllcntlon AOIIJs Fi WANT
Klnu\crrcoiintr In tliotr1Ailrtr. . KB 1'llAltl.lM
bLHLI.I'lll'I-8 4) N Miln 't I'oiinc'l ll'nlti In
All kinds of Dyuln : and Clcanliu done In
Bh liUho-a style of tliu art. Padcd anil
-Unod f.ibiles mideto tool : as sooJ , is now.
\\oiic promptly done ml dullvurol In all
) .irts of the country , bend for piles Hat ,
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
1 read wav.noarXoithwcatorn Do ot ,
Comic-// /f/illIK , In ,
-liw. ! I'n
tloj In tnu Htato und
federal courts. Itooins 00-7-8-'J ,
block , Counull DllHTi. Iu
Special Notices.
AliSI H VcTIH mul loaru. farm nnil illr propgrlr
liouiflit uiiJ uj | 1'unay & 'llioiuM , Council
50-CIIOICK loin III Marno Idltlun no ir uunt onil
of Iliu nutr Inlor.itnlii brlitno Will neil In bundle *
urBlniily ( iuork'J tlutotir , c'oiinull III nil ) .
155 > CIUJ farm In Neb ii room liousi > , ntublo mul
nlicilH , 70 urrt'i III ( iilllvutlon I'rku UU ) per
ncru. 'lermscuir Jolinaton A Van I'mtcii.
VJclilmnoyj cleannl Ii II llnrku i llr lildt
A\r.Virr/.D-COMI'KIK.NT ( llltl , IN FA.MII.VOK
11 I no Inquire y ; . ! Mmtli smontli elm I.
'TO lll'.N I I urnl lii < l rooiui , wltli nil moiloni
-1 contcnlenicK o.'U ' I lut nvu
WAM'lID-l.Irl to duKxneral lioniuwurk Oood
Kniiui In LUiiiptU-iii Klrl Mm Itclkmun , IU
fcoutli 7tli street
I < ) -il llratrn pumutllli itcil clnup , rnnlalnlnit
Jii bill , blHUBLii llnttunliHiiur > ollliu Mild M n
Ion n inait iimrkut. lltlurn in III k ollku nnilub
lulu rewHnl ul unu-half cuntunti
1'UIIMS 1' I USD IIOOMrt lor mil attt \ Keturitli
nlreel Uuoil bouril next iluar
\VA.S I KIl-A capatlo hlrlTor iiviifral liomowork
< i lu fniully of lliruo VV A , Cnulli-r. IJJ Cilen ftvu
WANTKIl < < end girl for Kuneral homework
Mr VV. W. VValUcv , J7 lllu
of ImnrovMiionta
Dr. riprcoV * n m.
ant IVlloto. TCI
Ix-glii rrith , tlitj'r *
the unnllot , nnd
the M'lrvt to take.
They're tlnr ,
Micor-cofttnl ntl
bilious Rrinulpg ,
ncnreoly larg r
than miiRtnrd
tce < U. Kvry child
Ii ready for them.
Then , nftcr tliov'ro toltcn , Instead of ll .
turbliiR nnd shocking the njstcm , thpy net
in n mild , easy , mul natural nny. Time's
no chunco for any reaction nftcrvrnnl. Tlielr
bc-lp In'tt Constlivitlon , luillRfitlon , Illllous
Attncki , Biek or Itlllous llradachm , nnd nil
derangements of Uio liver , ctonmch , nnd
bovreh nro promptly relieved nnd ferman *
tntly cured.
Thcy'ro put up In Rla a vlnls , which keep *
tliem nltrnys fro h nnd reliable , tnillke the
ordinal y pills In ivooden or ] x vstcbonrd
And they're th rhtavesl pills you can buy ,
for tliey'ra jrunraiilffa lo giro rallsfactton ,
or your money Ii ivturned. You pay ouly
for the good you get.
"Absolutely Ihe Best Made. "
"A Delicious Medicated Con-
IVu'Uon" for the relief of Coughs ,
Colds , llonrseness , Sore Throat , and ,
for clearing the \oice. Tor sale by
ell Druggists nnil Confectioners ,
rarl.cil n full two ounce packages ,
I'ticcf ) Cents. If yen are nimble to
procure the Pomona Cough Tablets n >
ftoni your dealer FCIH ! n1 ! b cents in 3
stnmpi nnd icccivc n l > o < c by mail.
Alnile by Ihe iiianufaclnrcrs'of the
celebrated Pom oil a Fruit Juice
Council Bluffs , la.
M. .Innktiis , Dolln IHvls. n.
lloliht Nelson H Swoltrur. John t ! . I' . Loli-
i. Mary H S uiiulora. MzzioV , Mucilus
Dom'nlok ' I look. Anna Viuidonlmr
so II Sluuk.KMnry I. llunokOcar llnrt-
nmn , Mlohlitan Mntiuil Llfo Insnr inco Ooir.-
piny , Ueorno M. Nloolr. VVIlllim O. Whlto-
heail. KlbrlilKu l.iiwtot " "olny Y. Mnaon ,
D.ivlil M. Uro. A. C. l.uluhtor. liibrldco Luw-
ton , hide A I'onoll Mnlllda Do Urulsollo ,
non-residents :
You ire liorabv notlllod that the niidor-
slcnod. tliroo ilnlnlorosUul frnulioldnra of the
city of Umnhn. lia\o buuudnly upiu'ntod bv
thu innviir. nlth the 'iiumivil uf \tlio city
counull nf salil city , in assess Uio ( luintita to
the on non rcsnoc'tlvoiv ot the uroiiortjr
dcc-1 iitil liy oitlln into noocssary to bo nppro-
url itcil for tlio USD of said ell v for tlio pur-
posu of opcnln ; nnd extendlnx Isuw ton street
troin I > i\niiiorl'd | niilidlv Islon to , Will slrout.
Vnu.irofurlliornotllodtli ( thavln < ; iiccoptol (
siud itppolnlmunt , an I duty quilinol us re
quired ny Ian , wo will , on tlio ' 'ithdny of
J.inuuv. A I ) . Ifi'H. ' nt tlio hour of .1 o'oloolc
In tha iiflurnoon , tit tlio ollko of ( ice .1. 1'nul.
inn Piirnim btroct , vvitMn thu corporate lim
its of s ild ( Itv. moot for the nni pose of cou-
sldcrln , ; und innUInstho ntsciinunt of o/im-
URC > to iho i.unorb rtspootlvuly of si 111 vro-
porly. bv ro son of such Inking und ivptiro-
prluilon thficof tuklug Into conslilorntlon
sei-l | \1 be nn ( Its. If uny ,
Pho property Uolonir.ns to j on , proposed
to t o approprlnteil as aforcsnlil , and
which has been doolnrcd nocu'-Riry by the
council , by ordinance , to uppruprl no to tlio
USD of the city , liolnr idtuito In s ild oltv ot
Uinnn i , In iho county of Doiipl is , und stnto ot
NcbrnsUi. Isiloscrlbeil nn follow * , to wit :
Ceo Wnrron Smith Tlio siiuth "T.S3 foot ot
lots m. U7. .13 . ! < > , I . 41 , < _ > . 4 1 mul 44
William M Jonklns-Tho south S7.8 > foot lob
Oolln Dm Is mul Culliciicc L Hobbs Tuu
outh . ' " 'W feet lot 41) )
rsolfcon U Snit/ui Chn north Jil fi foot , lot ftS.
.ToliK U. I' . Lohininn North XU1S fet of east
6S.HJ fcot lot M
MiuyS Sannilois OIth'u. . 15 font east CiJ.Bl
cot lot ( U.
Mzzlo W.McUluskoy North 2(115 ( feat lot OJ.
Dominlck IlooU North i > lr > foot lot ( il.
Osciu llnrtiiiitii North 'M 15 f cot lot 01
MJutiUan Mut. f/fo Ins C'a North 15 foot
west V lolBl
Uuo M. Nlcolcy North ' . ' ) H foot of middle > {
lot eil
William O. Whltohoad North 2I.U foot east
H lot UI
UbrldBO f.awlon-Nortli'Jil' . foot lot 07.
Soiilov M M isoii uiiU D ivia M. Uro-North
IB. 15 foot lot uM.
A.O le'lilonNortli ! ' 'il J" foot lot G ) .
Elhrld.-ol , iwton North - ' n lot 71.
I < aUoo A. Urowull-North iM.n fsot lot 71
Oc'or o II ' leek -North JO l' > foot woiMI foot
of north IP foot of lot VJ
Kllery I , Houc'U-bonth27.sV foot south / ot
cust > ' , of lot II.
Anna V unlonburz -onth./.j' ) foot ot north
'i of south ' , of lot 47.
All In ( ilso'j nililltton In s ild city , county
mid stuto
Yon uro notlflo 1 to ! io iiriisnnt at the tlmo
ami pl.tco n for us ild , : in 1 m iKo nny objoetlons
to orstiitoinuiils conconiliiR said iiroposol iip-
prourlittlon 01 us > ussniont of datnu cs , as you
may consider Iopc.r. ,
H VV. ( JlllblJN.
W.M. O. bllUIVKIl
O m n ha. necamliorlT DJIil.'Ot
To .1. II. Jk-nli-llo , Mllio Votnuiitharlno
I.ochlln , M. Sovcii n Sm-iisru. A. P. Chrlnto-
plun > on , Cl mi 1'cnil , ti , II IHSHOIHi ; , John
Mulir , ( iioiKo II. Tvsencli , Jiiini" ) O. Nelson ,
I'otiM Dohl , VValtcii L. r-itlhy , Jainc'sC , Allnnt
Von nru hi'inby nolllli'il Unit the under- '
hk'nul , lliri'ii dlidiitercstcd fu iiholdun of the
city of Oni iliu , limn beiin duly appointed liy
Ihn 111.1)01 , with Hut npproval of tlm city coiin-
ill of Mild clly , lo assess Iliu flnimiK" lo tlm
otvncis K'spi'rilvcly of the pnipi'ily declined
1 > y ordliiiincn nc'icviiiy to ho npiiroiii latent for
tlm usonf s i Id clly , foi tlio mil pose ot o - - - - -
and o\li ndliiK hlxlri-nlli sluitt fiom I n ton
htri'ot to Hi"1)111 h city limits.
You an ) f miller mitllliMl , that having ac
cepted s.ilil appointment , and duly < inallllod
as rciulie | d by luvv , wu "III. nn the .IDtli day of
.liininii v , A. 1) . IHO ) , al Hut hour of 11 o'clock
In thu forenoon , al the ollli-n of T. II. MeUul-
loch , room Hl'J , Nu\vVoi l < I.lfo hiilldliu , wlllilii
tliocorpoiato Ilinlln of h.ilil clly , mi i-L fur thu
pnrpostiofcoiiHldc'rliu and nniUliii ; the assuss-
mi'iilof ( himiiKo lothu owiie-ri , ic pi'Ctlvulyo (
Mild property , liy ro.iHim of Mich liildnjj und
iiniiiirliitlon | thereof , taking Into c onslilc-ru
tlon hpi'i'lul bnnislllH , If any ,
The propi'ity bidiniRliii ; ID you , pioposed ta
Im appioiujatfd as ufoii-ulil , nnd which but-
hern ileclnrc'd niii-hHiiry liy the council , by
ordliiiini it , toiiinioiiluto | | lo tlmusoof thiielly ,
Dnln ; ; hltiiuliil hi Mild clt ) ofOnmlm , In thu
connlvof Douulai , anil Minn of .Nolirimkii , la
ilrsriilii i | UK folloWN , to-wlt :
hUllfeul of vvdOfi'iil oflot'10 , H. 13. Io ( ( irH'
nliil , Olcahiiina ; ID foul of loin II ) nnd 11 ,
Mottoi'h hiilnllvIslon of lot -1H , H , 1) ) HiiK'nrs'
nliil , Dldihoiini : H liQ feet of hiililol 1 , tux lot
i0 ! ; v'Jl fiotof lot 15 , Oik Hill .Nu.'Ji H 7 foot
of Ul fu-l of lot K ) , Oak Hill Nu , U ; vv Hi foot
of lots \loltiii'hsnlxlUlKlim of lol4M , H.
K. Ko.'uin' pint , Ol.aliomu ; n 'JIMI fcitl vv CU
feet of lot ) ( > , S i ; Kiuc-i- , ' pint , Otviihoinu ; w
l ( > fi ut lot 1' ) . Mottoi'h HiihillvIslon of lot-IB , U.
I. , HoKwV phll. OKiilioinui u 'M fielof Hiiblob
4. titInt'Jll ; w III fin ) lot U , Viollor'shiibdlvi
sion of lot-IB , S. i ; KIWIS' pint , oiuhi > mui w
UI ft-iit , DYi-i-iH H 7 ft i'l , of lol 10 Oak Hill No.
2 ; lot U.Mnttoi'HhiilidivlbloiiioUlU foul of lot
'JIJ , l.lhidcshiibilhlhlon.
) ou are nolllli'd ID bo pioM-nt at Ihn tlmo
and plnco afoiesiiln , and inuko any olijectlonu
loorhlattiniuiiiHconcernln hald ptoposcd up *
pruiirliitlon , or assussinc'iit of d imago * , us
you may conMdc'r piopoi.
JOHN P. PI \ ( < K ,
, , jAMiNbiv ) JICDAM : .
Omnliu , Jnniiiiiy 0 , 1HUJ , JO- '
S. r. HENRY ,
520 PEARL ST. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Tclcpliono 200.
Special firms toAgmft