WESTERN PUBLIC BUILDINGS Eeport of Progress Made on Nebraska and Iowa Postofflccs. CONDITION OF THE OMAHA STRUCTURE Jlow tlm Approprlntloiin Ilnro IJcen RK * Thin I'nr nnil Irnrccnt of Fit turn UetelnpmrnU In Number of title * . ' WASIIINOTOX , D. Cl , Jan. 9. [ Special Teleof gram to Tim Bnn. ] In his annual report just ninilo to the secretary of the treasury , the supervising architect speaks at length of the status of the work upon Omaha's new federal building and the accounts re lating t It. IK'nays : At the date of the last report the flkatch , plans and detailed estimates of tin- cost of the building had been approved by the secretary of the treasury and inte rior and postmaster general In the manner required by law and the working drawings nnd specifications wcro .then being prcp.ircd for the general excavation and the basement nnd area walls , etc. Subsequent to the date of the Inst report the drawings and spcelll- cations for the general excavation were com pleted and November M , IS'JI , a contract was cuti-red Into for said work , which has been cntlroly c-oinplctcd. February \ , 1SU2 , n contract was entered into for the stone masonry , cut stone nnd brick work of the basement , etc. , which work Is Hearing completion. May S3 , 1S'J2 , a contract was entered Into for the eon- ttlruetivo Iron work of the principal llopr , which work Is bring supplied as the progress of the masonry requires , The drawing and BUeeilleations for the dtlTorent branches ot the work yet to bo done arc being prepared , nnd when they shall have been completed compolitlvo proposals will hu Invited and contracts entered into therefor so as to su- cur.o the continuous prosecution of the work , r'urlliiir ICstlnmti'H Mmlo. Bills were Introduced during the last ses sion of congress to provide for increasing the limit oC cost of this building , and In cnmplt- nnco with requests thlsolllco submitted esti mates thereon to the committee on public buildings anil grounds January ' - - , ib'.U , and had certain correspondence in connection therewith. It was stated in the last rei > ort that a further appropriation of 100,000 was asked in the estimates of appropriations lSy--Vt ) : , under the limit of cost prescribed by net of congress approved January 31,1SSU. The not of congrc'ss'iipprovod August fi , 1SU3 , inatlo an appropriation of $15)0,000 ) for the con tinuation of the building muter the present limit. A further appropriation of $200,000 will bo linked In the estimates of appropriations 1MKMM , in order to prevent any interruption of the continuous prosecution of the work. Total amount appropriated J800,000.00 Amount expended for site and In- Khh-ntal . - . ti.xpensi-s -100,000.00 llulltllng lidor to September 80 , 181)1 1.-177.07 Itulldln ? during thn year unillng Heptombt-r 30 , 1802 77,087.73 Total fXpi-ndituro 470.-1G5.00 llitluncu InlruaMiry 3U0.084.0U llalancu on bands of disbursing iijjont 460.21 Amount of contract llahlllt lus -13,040.00 Amount actually available Sep tember 30 , 18'J'J. 270,093.00 Other Nebraska Fcilrrnl Itulldliifr * . Supervising Architect ISdbrooko has this to say of other Nebraska federal buildings : Fremont postofllco , December 5 , 1801 , the department nuulo payment of the purchase' inonoy for the property. 'The sketch plans nnd detailed estimates of cost of the build ing were approved April 20 , 1S92. TJio drawings and specifications were thereafter prepared ; competitive proposals wcro in vited , and May 17 , IStfJ , n proposal was accepted for the general excavation and temporary drainage which work has been completed September 7 , ISOa contract was entered into for the erection and completion of the building except Interior finish , heating apparatus and approaches , under which work lias been commenced and Is being prosecuted. Thcdrawings and specifications for the interior finish , heatingapparatus and approaches will bo prepared , competitive proposals invited and contracts entered into for these branches of the work at the proper times. Appropriation for purchase of site and commoncomrntof building t25,000.00 For completion of building undur privsout limit , 35,000.00 Total amount appropriated 00,000.00 Expended fur hlio and Incidental ex penses 0,10:1.81 : I'or building ( luring the your undlnz ' Kimeiiibor30 ( , 1802 3.500.00 Halanco 111 treasury 48,320.29 llalanco Inhandofdlshursln aKont. 2,000.00 Total balance September 30 , lbt)2. ) . . 00,320.29 Amount of contract liabilities 23,1'JG.OO Amount actually avallablo Septum- bor30 , 1802 27,133.29 It was stated In the last report that the attorney general had rendered an opinion in regard to the validity of title to the prop erty selected as n site for the building , anil that the department was taking action in regard to making payment of the pur chase money. Other AVnrk Pushed. Beatrice , October 10 , 18'Jl : Payment of the purchase money for the property was made ' nnd proper action taken in regard to obtain ing a survey of the site and certain Informa tion needed in connection with the prepara tion of plans. A proposal was nccepted November 19 , Ib'JI , for the general excavation and tempo rary drainage , including sewer connections , and said work has been completed and paid for. April U , 18W , a contract was entered into for tbo erection and completion of the building , excepting heating ap paratus , and n supplementary order was given thereunder August 20. 1603 , for substituting sandstone for pressed brick for facing exterior walls of the building , etc. , under which the work has been prosecuted , BO that.tho masonry is now up to the llrst story , and the iron columns , girders plates and beams , cto. , are in position. The draw ings nnd specifications for the heating ap paratus will bo prepared , competitive pro- posul ? invited and a contract therefor en tered into nt the proper tlmo. A bill was introduced in congress at its last session to provide for the extension of the limit of the cost of the building from $00,000 to $ 1,000 nnd for n further appropria tion of . * . " ) , ( KM ) under the proposed extension of llmitof cost upon which thlsolllco submitted a roiKH-t Juno 0 , 1B92 , showing that saiil sum was necessary to secure the tnibstltutlon of stone for brick facings for exterior walls of the building. Act of congress approved August 5 , 1892 , made an appropriation of Ki.OOO for thi ) completion of the building. Total amount appropriated 100,000 00 Expended for Mtu mill Incidental u.xpiuiMH 10,141 74 Tor Ijtilldlnt ; during the yuarcnillni ; Hoptt'lilhi-r 30 , IbOl ! 6.763 30 Total uxm-ndlturo 20,805 O4 llalancu In treasury 36,002 10 Hnliincu In hand * or disbursing nscnt U.olU 80 Total balanfu.Soptcmhor 30. 1U02. . . 44,104 00 Amount uf contract liabilities 40,840 07 Amount actually uvallablu Bcntem- bur30 , IBO'J , . . , , , . ' 8,204 20 At Nohrneku City unil Klsowliore. O Nebraska City court house , postofllco , etc. ] ! Ill accordance with the statement made In the last report the small balance of the ap propriation remaining available after note completion of this building was carried to thu surplus fund and covered Into the ry during the last fiscal year , Ottumwa , In , , itostolUco : In accordance with the statement made in the last report the small balance , of the appropriations ro- malulng available after the completion roof this building was curried to the surplus fund and covered Into the treasury durlnir the last fiscal year. Council lllutTs , postofllco , etc : In accord , unco with the statement inado in the last report the small balance of the appropria tions remaining available after the comple tion of this building was carried to the sur plus fund and covered into the treasury dur ing thu lust fiscal year. Bills were introduced during the last ses sion of congress to provide for the payment to the city of certain amounts for paving streets adjacent to the building , and iu compliance - plianco with requests a report was uiado from this oftlco March U , 18V. , thereon to the committee on claims. "RulilyV Ijiti'it Caper. Mlnnlo Grey , an Inmate of the resort kept at 110 North Ninth street , appeared at the police ktatlon yesterday afternoon to fllo a complaint against Ix > uls Goldsmith , whom she charged with an attempt to kill her. Site said that she had been Goldsmith's mis- tresi for some time , but lately they had quarreled. Ho came Into the house Sunday night nntl caught her nlono In n room where ho drew a revolver and would have killed her but for the Interference of other In mates. > 1'crfcct fiction and norfcol h en 1th rcsul from thti usoof DeWltt's Little Early Uiscrs A perfect llttlo pill BOARD OF TRADE. Director l * Organize anil Klcct Officer * Lively Hoard MdPtliiR , Yesterday the new directors of the Hoard of Trade mot and organized by electing W. A li. Gibbon president , W. N. Babcock vice president , H. F. Cady second vice president , and S , A. MoWhortcr treasurer. I'rior to this election the old directors had a short mooting and did a llttlo busi ness of no publicInterest. . It was decided that the election of a secre tary should bo put over till another meeting. Standing committees will bo announced at the next meeting of the directors. Secretary Nnson was Instructed to notify delinquent members that unless their dues were pnld within thirty days their memberships would bo advertised for salo. Last night the regular mooting of the board was attended by about scvcnty-nvo members , the largest number that has been out to a monthly meeting in so long a time that none of the members earo to say exactly when so big a crowd was present , President Martin , In retiring , made it clear , concise report of the work uuiiu by the board , during the last year , nnd some suggestions for the future. The reports of the secretary ind treasurer were road , uud , having been endorsed by the auditing committee , wcro adopted. President Martin Introduced President Gibbon , who in his inaugural placed before the board three proK | > scu remedial measures. Of these thu first contemplated the sale of the building and the division of the proceeds among the members Second it ' , was proposed - posed to organlxo ns a stock company. Third , It was proposed to continue the board under Its present charter , reduce the dues to $ \ " per y.oar , make necessary changes in thu bylaws , and organize a chamber of com merce under control of the board. General discussion of the propositions re sulted In a determination to submit the mat ter to the members and sccuro un individual expression from each , to bo acted upon at the next meeting. After passing a resolution , not without op position , favoring the passage of a bill by the legislature to pay u bounty of $1 per tenon on sugar manufactured in the state , adjourn ment was taken. A Child llnjoys The pleasant favor , gentle action and sooth ing effect of Syrup of Pigs , when in need of a laxative , aim if the father or mother bo costive or bilious , the most gratifying result ! } follow its use ; so that it Is thu best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Attend Haydens' special linen sale. CHABTER AMENDMENTS. Xonrly Ready to 11 o to tlio I.rlslatiiro | with thn Hill Now. The charter amendment committee held a meeting yesterday afternoon in the council ' chamber nnd nearly completed its labors. All amendments heretofore proposed and sub mitted wcro again gone over and adopted , and the work of the committee is nearly * oady to bo submitted to the council. A meeting will be held this evening at 7:30 : o'clock , prior to the session of the city coun cil , and the work of the committee will bo closed up. It will then be submitted to the council. Perhaps the most important change made yesterday was that governing the Board of Public Works. The old section is com pletely done away with and an entirely new plan has been adopted. The powers of the board are about the same as heretofore , and there Is no material change in that regard. . Under the new order of things the board will consist of a chairman , who will also act as secretary of the board , at u salary of.'J,000 per year , and two other members , ono of whom will he sewer Inspector and the other street commissioner , each of whom shall re ceive 82,000 per year. They shall bo ap pointed on the llrst Monday in May this year , and hold until the first Tuesday In January , ISM , and the term of ollice of such members shall bo two years. The mayor possesses the appolntattvo power and the council the power of confirmation. A small number of other minor amend ments not published heretofore were adopted by the committee. How to Suva Doctor Kills. Chicago Dally Calumet. Many a doctor's bill has been saved by the use of Chamberlain's Cough Itomody. The juuno Is a household word In many parts of the country. Chamberlain's medicines have an extensive sale in the World's Fair City any many people testify to the merits of Attend Hnydons' special linen sale. Iiell vuu College Doings. "Zip , boom , bah , " and like sounds rose on the evening nlrof the sleeping valley last Monday evening as the train drew up at the Bcllcvuo station. It was the arrival of about sixty students for the winter term of the college. By the next evening the num ber had swelled to eighty. Nearly ovury one of the former students nro back ami fifteen now ones. The college buildings are full to the rafters. The Omaha representatives nro Misses May B. Ncrnes and Amy Watts , Messrs. B , B. Cor liss. K. G. Cramer. A. C. Lltherlaud uud C. J. Cheo. Uov. E. C. Uay , D.D. , of the Chicago ; Board of Aid for Colleges visited the college Wednesday. Ho mot the students at noon > and delivered a half hour address of very Kreat interest and inspiration. Ho expressed himself as highly pleased with the work of the college. 3m A committee of the students waited upon the doctor anil appealed to him for help to : erect now buildings , so much needed. They > received the premise that ho would try to : sccuro $5,000 fAr the college this winter. Tbo students were given some pointers as to how to rrilso $ "i,000 more. Mr. George Longsdorf , who has been at the St. Louis law school , has returned to his studies , Hellglous services were Held at the village church ovury night last week , with deepen ing interest. Miss Blanche Davlcs , class of ' 02 , visited hero over last Sunday tmil went to Spring- Held , whom she began teaching on Tuesday. The public school resumed work on Tues day. Mr. W. B. Lower of Omaha baa been It Took Trouble , Hut Ho ( Jot It. About two or three months ago I pur chased from you a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Kemeuy , put up in Dos Moinus In. Such good results were obtained from its use that I enclose $1.00 and ask you to send mo two bottles by express. J. A. Scrlven , 18 E. 15th street , Now York City. To II. H. I ano , druggist. Peeksklll , N. Y. Mr. Scrlven is president of one of the largest shirt factories In Now York and widely known in business circles. When troubled with a cold , give this remedy a trial , like Mr. Scrlven , you will want it when again in need of such n medicine. 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Attend Hnydona' apodal linen sale. DWT COT THE DIAMONDS Confession of a Young St. Louis Thief Who Made a Rich Haul , PAWNED THE JEWELS IN OMAHA ( Incut * of Hunt * ' Hotel llobticitof Property Vnluoil nt One Tlinunnnil Dollars by A Hell Hey Other Lin coln Now * . LINCOLN , Neb. , Jan. 0. [ Special to Tun BHE. II. S. Stornbcrfior , a prominent merchant of Plqua , O. , nnd Detective Kd- ward Flynn of St. Louis arrived today and identified young Harry Dowltt , the youth who was found with a number of pawn checks for diamonds on his person when arrested for petty larceny , as having been employed at Hursts' hotelt St. Louis , last October , when $1,000 worth of diamonds wcro stolen from Mrs. Stcrnberger. Dewltt was at that time a bell boy in the hotel and going under- the name of Cantwell. Mrs. Sternbcrgcrhad given the key to her room to the elevator boy , John MeGrath , being in n hurry to take- carriage for a drive , anil Instructing the boy to leave it with the clerk. When she returned she foumltho diamonds and a pockctbook containing Jf)0 ) had disap peared. She at flrs.t supposed that her husband , who had frequently chicled her for her carelessness , had taken them to te.iso her , but when convinced , that ho hadn't. placed the matter In the hands of the police. Cantwell or UoWItt and McGrnth wcro nrrestcil , but ns nothing could be p-ovcn agalnt them , they were released. When confronted today DoNVltt bmko down and confessed to the thoTt. but claims MeGrath , who is now In Burlington , had secured the greater part of the stuff. An ofllcer was sent to the ICaglo pawnshop , Omaha , where n portion of the diamonds had been pawned. DoWltt will go back without a requisition , and will plead guilty. Owing to the fact that the Omaha term of the federal court was not llnishcd until late Saturday night , and that a jury was still out this morning , Jmlco ' Dumly did not come down to open tho'tcrin at Lincoln , but will bo hero tomorrow. Marshal Slaughter and District Attorney Baker came down today. The petit Jury reports tomorrow , but the grand Jury Is not cited to appear before Jan uary 10. Cclonratod , Miss Josephine Klchards , daughter of L. D. Richards of Fremont , was married to Al fred D. Scars of Chicago at the Holy Trinity Kplscopal church lit 1 o'clock today. Owing \ to the fact that the county of Dodge has no county judge at present , and no ono empow | ered to issue marriage licenses , the party 1 came to Lincoln. The bridal couple wi'ro ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. L. L ) . Hichards , Mrs. Sears and Howard II. Sears , mother nnd brother respectively of the groom , Mr. nml Mrs. T. P. Lymairof Hooper , Mrs. Alice Nicodemus and Charles Nicodcmus. A brief reception was held at the Hotel Lincoln , and the party returned at 1.40 to Fremont , hav ing tarried in Lincoln .but llfty-Jlve minutes. A reception will bo tendered at Fremont ihis evening , after which the young couple starCfor their Chicago homo. .Mapoou nnd tlio Chiefs. Attorney C. E. Magoon of this city is entertaining four of the chiefs from Okla- loma , all of whom are here to consult with tint in regard to the allotment of lands from ; ho United States government to their tribe. Mr. Maroon wont to Washington in the in terests of his dusky clients some weeks ago ind will represent them until they arrive at i settlement with the government. The names of the four chiefs now hero are White Horse , Paw Paw , White Water and John Cleghorn , the latter being the interpreter. All are line specimens of the Otoo tribe and ire above the average in intelligence. They return to Oklahoma tomorrow. T.ord Jones' Will. The will of the late James Edwin Jones of Wrington , England , has been lllcd for pro- jato In this county , where the deceased owned considerable property. The docu- ncnt is a peculiar one , ornamented with naintnotli seals of her majesty's high court of justice , and is absolutely devoid of punc- Luatlon marks , due to the fact that tlie ICnglish courts interpret a will as it is , not as the testator intended , and u misplaced point might consequently overturn a testator's device. Jacob Biglor , formerly of Sallno county , but now of Imperial , is ono of the executers , and is also one of live Nobrasknns who Inherit an eighteenth portion of his "American property , " which is thought to include notes , mortgages , etc. , as well as real property. The other Nebraska legatees are Oscar A. Mullen , court reporter , llobert Mitchell , jr. , stockbuyer , James Hadloy , farmer , of Lin coln , and Andrew Doro of Cainden , Nob. Their shares will bo in the neighborhood of $10,000 , each. Among his bequests are $500 for a monument to John Locke , the English philosopher and theologian , at his birth place near Wrington , and an equal sum for a monument at Eppiiig Forrest , where Locke died. I'ollco Court Kowi. Fred Young , the fgllow who was struck with a hatchet last evening by John Ililzer , was not hurt as badly as was at first thought , although ho will not bo able to bo out for some days. Hll-scr was released on $500 bail this morning to appear Wednesday. Frank Fnuler is in the city Jail charged with larcciy from the person. Frazier an swers the description of a chap who buncoed Walter M , Ware on a passenger train which was standing at the Hock Island depot Sat urday. Frazier is the star bouncer and re puted husband of a notorious courtesan , and the complaint alleges that ho asked Ware to change u &JO gold piece and when the latter had counted out $11) ) Frazier grabbed It and leaping oil the train escaped among the box curs. John Carroll was sent to the county Jail for attempting to stab Milt Vance , a hostler at Ensign's barn. Ho didn't succeed , but was badly used up with a sharp-lined pitchfork in Vance's hands. George Winchester was accused of secret- lug in his rooms in the Hull-Lansing block , J. T. Campbell , a young man whom the po- llco unsuccessfully searched for to answer to the charge of forging Plummer , Perry & Co's. name to u 00 check , but had his case con- ' tinuod for ono week' . City In Ilrluf. Relatives of Fred Ersklnc , the young man who unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide In Omaha yesterday , went up to bring the young man back today. The young fellow's father Is well-to-do , and resides at the cor ner of Sixteenth nnd 1C streets , The report of Health Ofllcer Bartram for December shows thirty-two deaths for the mouth , exclusive of- live still born children. Typhoid fever was responsible for the do- mlso of seven , Mark Jennings of Klsing , a student at the Western Normal , fell on the ice this morn ing and broke his loft thigh bone. The boy has been u crlpplo from birth , and will betaken taken homo as soon as he is able to travel. A local council of the Printers Protective fraternity was formed In this city yesterday. The men comi > osng ! it uro employed ut the Journal and Cull ollices. John A. Forbes' bam , at Seventeenth and H streets , was destroyed by lire last night. It is supK [ > sed to bo of incendiary origin. * Ignorance of the merits of DoWltt's Llttlo Early Risers is a misfortune. Those little pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys l- pepsia , uad breath , constipation uud bilious- Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOUUTIEILY PURE AFFLICTED ALL BIS LIFE a OATARRIIAL ABSOESS Ako DEAFNESS Chronic Dltclmrgrii frotn the Ksri , with lc rnois , J'ntlrclr llrrtl d bjr Orntlo , Toattmonr of n Well Knotrn I'Dting Mnn of tliti Ailrondcd fgrmnt catarrh is soon In cuses ulion thcesrsillselcirsolpii 'nnil the hoarinz li Impaired. Such ca ua ore Imi | ( 4lblo of cure , it ) tminlly troatod. ' It require * faultless tnotliods and oxccedlnK cure to lio.il the ulcers. chock the Dow nf matter and restore the lionr- Inz. Thli notable nnd hhpny result wns nt- tainotl , however. In the ijaso ot Mr. Karl Co- burn , with Ackormnn ltfn. & llclntr , and llv- Iniixtsroollrlstol stroot. with his father , J. W. Oouurn. contractor and bulldnr. I ho facts In this notable cuso tire given by the patient , as follows : EAUIi COI1UHN , 2rofl HKISTOIi STUEKT. "Kvor since lnfanor--akout twenty yours nco--l have boon utlllctcd with ulcorous. run- nliiK o.irs. At 1111105 , front colds or olbor causes , they would cutherunil hrnai < : but ill- ways , and over , tlio ulcerous matter would cs- nape , and wassoolTonslviuis to ho intolerable. AloiiK with tlio dlsclrir o of pua I stiiroroJ uir- ; achoaiulpahiMln the hoatl uflPiuist at nlirht. Tlionaturaloiroztoftho cui.irrluil ulcoratlon ivns to m ito mo diiuf , and fet years I could not iionrorillnary conversation , anil became , lln- ully , Insensllilo to nil lint the loudest noises. It was plain to mo that the chanuo * In my oars , jironuciMl by adostrnotivo eatanh of so inaiiy years' statulhiK. muse he soriotiM , If not Inuur- able : und when relief hccamoiin uriont neces sity It was a mattorot much tlio unlit , fill con sideration ' how and where I should Unit It. > 'rom pars-mat knowledge of what Drs. Uopo- anil ) ind Shopird had tlono for friends , 1 fell Rurothcy coul > l cure mo If such a thin ; were losslhlo , and tin ; rosultof tholrtreatmouthas Justllled my conllilonco In them. The ulcora tlon Is honied , the dlsclmr n of matter IMS on- tlrclv ceasetl , and my ho.irin wonderfiilly Im proved , and Is now no.vrly perfect. It Is still BOttlni ; bettor rlsht a'onj ; . U It stniiRo If I feel llko cIvlnB words of earnest pralsa to tbo physicians who have Mono so much for mo ? The treatment has been mild nnd with out pain , and has decidedly benefited niVRcn- oral hoalth. 1 will qladly vcrlfy.to the letter , this interview , nt any tlmo. and I hoiirtlly recommend I Irs. Cooolarid and Hliopaid to'my " friends. /-Word to\na11 patlc-pts. Tlioso who tnko mall treatment arc entitled n the low rates for till dlsoasos , as well ns hose who aiinly uUhoofllco uorsonully. Drs. 7opoland und Shop'.ird have so purfcctod tliolr sy-stem of nniti or Homo troatnjcnt that they siiccci" ! iiulloiis well In this way as they do In their olllcu prneticc. All who ro-ildo at a dls- truico from Ilin "Ity. and caunut uonvunlontly call at tlio ollice , Hhould write for ; < ynittom blank. Questions about all chronic iroublos cheerfully unswerod. Nervous Diseases .Cured. Skin Diseases Cured. Catarrh Cured. $5.00 A MONTH. . Catarrh trentod at $5.00 a month medi cines free. For all other dfaeasos the rates will be low and uniform. Patients ataclis- tanco successfully treated- Send for sym- tom blank. E itooms 311 anil : il Xe - York 1.1 fu IIillUlliiK , Oiiiiiha , Neb. \\T. I-I. OOPBIUAKD , M. D , O. S. SHEE'JMiD , M. D. Specialties : Catarrh und nil diseases of the Rye , Kar. Throat anil liUUKs : Nervous Dls- o.'iso ; . Sliln Diseases , Clionlc. Diseases. Ulllco Hours t ) to 11 a. m.Uto5p. in. , 7 to 8 p. " Sunday , la a. m. to 12 m. Y A Powerful Flesh Maker. A process that kills the taste of cod-liver oil has done good service but the process that both kills the taste and effects par tial digestion has done much more. stands alone in the field of | at-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part ly digested before taken. Scott's Emulsion checks Con sumption and all other wasting diseases. Prrparod by Hcott A Banna , OhemliU. ftew York , tiom by clru ifislii var/whero. A noirnnd oomploto treatment , consisting of Snp- posltorlos , Olntrnont In Cnpsuloj. olio la box nnd I'llls. A patltlvo euro for Hxtornal , liucriml , llllnil or HloodliiR , Itchlnic , Chronic. Hocoat or Hereditary 1'llei. Thli remedy bag noror boon knotrn to full. 1 per box , B for lir sent by mall. Why sulfur from tlili turrlblo dlioaso wlitm n written euaraatoa U poeltlroly nlvon wltli ( I baxat or refund tlio maaaf fnotcurod/ Hunt ! itamp for fraa aimolj. ( Jusr- Iiloat > uo4 \ > f Kull'.l i io ! , . ilr.l jliU , jo | nioil rnor 15tll ' atrojtl ln\lii. ) : Neb , Dlt E. C.\VU31"S NKUVK AND IlllAIN TUK\T- ment , n epecinofor Ilyiterln. Dliilnoas. Fill , Nuu- rnlflu , Hoa'Jaclie , Norroii ) I'robtrntlon cnuied by liquor or tobacco , \rukof iilneni. Jluntul Dupresilou , boftnots of tint llraln , cautlHK iiiinnlty , lutiary , ilo * cujr.di'atbPremature ' Old Aup < Norvousuoas. losi oif 1'ower In ulUiornor , ttnpotuuoy , J/uiieorrhw nnd all KamaloVo kncs oa , Involuntary l jiaoii , Sporran- lorrlieucauieil ' by ovor-oxortlon'of tliu tiraln. A iiiontli'Htrontmcntfl ; U forJ5l : > y mall. Wo guar anteed boxei to euro. Kacli , orilor forit boxo irlth fi will ona written guarantee' t-of und If not cured. Guarantee lt uu < l only by Tliood6ro F Lowli. drug. Klat , BOloanont , touttioaat oornar llltli uuii Faroaji trouu. Omaha Illuv Habit Cnreo In OPIUM BE iV * .No ' ' * > > MU | iUt u * . TO THE OW.VEUS OK A'Wvl.OTS ' Oil I'AUTS of lots ou "U" street from Uth utcout to 17th street. Vou are hereby notified , Jhi : BlKiioil. tlirco dldlntoro'jted freuli oily of Urnahtt , have boon' 'duly appointed by tbo mayor , with tlio iipprovnl of the city ' council of said olty , to nssos- * the danuuo to the owners rospoutlvely of the property af fected by tlio grading pf "II" struot from Uth street to ltli street , declared nooossury by oruliKinco No. 3J3i , pussed Docouibor lUtli , 1BU3 , upurovod December 1'Jtli. ' lbO Vou are further notiliod that Irivliu ao copied said appointment , and duly < i null ( led na required Uy law. wo will , on the 1'Jtfi duy dOf January. A. I ) , IH'Jl , at the hour of u o'clock In the uf tornoou , at the olUcu of Goo J , 1'iuil , 10U5 Farnani titreut. within the il.r porato limit ) of said oltv , moot for the pur pose of considering and umkliu thu aston- ment of duiuajru to tu < ) owners rospoatlvoly jDf said property affcctoU by said grade , taking nto conaldorutlon upoolul bonefl K any. Vou uro notified to be present , at the time and pluco aforesaid and make any ohjootto to or statements conrurnini said asses at of damaiios uayou may conaldor proper , Hio. : J. I1 A ( lib W. O. BIIKIVKK , JA ? . STOOIiDALE Omaha , Neb , Dec. 7tu , Ib'Ji U''j-diot AMUSEMENTS. a.t 8. on , WHAT A HIT i JAMES T. .POWERS And ono LOUR Laugh In A. A.MAD MAD 13AJ2GAIN. Pee Powers flirt nt the ball , Hoar HiiUeyilni : "Columtmv" Hue Lconn Forrest's gro it kick. 1'rlcps Klrst floor. Wo. TSo and JI.OO. llnlcony , Wo nnd "So. Oullorjr , 2.V. GET A 000D THEATERGET THURSDAY , JAN. 12 , Mntlnoo Saturday , ATO TO As plnvod ovor400 coniooutlvo nUhU nt lluyt's Mudlsou Miuiiro tlinntur , Now York TboRnla of scats will open Wcdncsdny morn- ln lit. llio following prices : 1'lrat llbnr. Ale , 75o mitl tl.OOiJjaicony. Wo unil'iot gullory. 2jci FflRlI rsriHEflTER , " " I.lka Home nil lluails lend to tlio Homo at Success. WM. A. BRADY'S See the niver of Heal Water , Wednesday and Saturday Matliioa. . o. A. Tuesday Evo. , Jan. 10. B , 100 iiiasiflctint vlown of Chios , tQinplos , palaces - cos sinil people1. Husurvpil suitsfiOc : nt Ohnsn & Eddy's and Y. M.C. A. otllco. Now on sale. _ ALL THIS "WEEK. W GOLDEN GIANT " " " " " " ANn TUB Novelty Transatlantic Co. LESS THAN POPULAR PRICES. EXPOSITION HALL , FRIDAY , JAN. 13. OVIDB Ad U SIN The Celebrated Violinist and His Company of Artists. Annie Louise Tonner-isln , Inez . Pormenier , Mezzo-soprano Pier Deiosio , - - - Boss A Delightful Progam of Enjoyable Irlusic. DO NOT MISS IT. Popular I'rlccs $1.00 , "Sc. flOc. Kusorvod scats on sale Wednesday morning at Ford & Cliarlton's , DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stocking- Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , Syringes , Atomizers , Medical Supplies ALOE & PEHFOLD , 114 S.15tli3t. , Next to Postofflee DR. RflcCREW THE SPECIALIST. Is unenrpnnBod la tha treatment of all PRIVATE DISEASES and nllV'/oakne SL and Disorders of fil 18 ycara oxpericnco. Write for circulars nnd question Hat free. 14tli nnd Farnam BU. , Omaha , Neb. RIPANS TABULE6 regulatog tu0 stmnach , lleranu bowi-ls , purl-y tj the blood , are tale and elltclual 1S | tlie beet mcmclne known for blllou * . ? nutu ) , constipation. dysprpEla , foulZ breath , headache , hturtiiurn. Ion of { appclltc , K.ental Ooprc6lon , painful & dlitfttlon , pimples , sallow cnmnicx. Ion.and every diwftw resulting rein 0 I Impure blond , or a failure hy ( ho utonuch , llrer or In- * twtlncu to perform their proper function ! . 1-criousv ffiren to on-rent UIR are iKinefl ted bj taking one after * each moAl. Pi leu by mall. 1 frrovt. li t uuiipTd , tic. KII'ANrt Clir.UIUAL CO.TlO ( < | jrucoEt..NciT yorl : J To .1. H. IlnntPllo , Mll < o Votara , Callmrlno J.ochlln , M. Kuvomi Sol-onsen. A. I * . ( Jhristo- pliorr.on , Clara Ford , O. II. Kllsworth , .lolni Mohr , ( Jonrj-'o It. Tzscticli , Juntos O. Nelson , Voter Dohl , Walter I , . Sulhy. Janms G. Allun : Vou uro hnruby notlllcd Unit tliu undor- filKiind , ilircn dlslnlcrcslud fri'eholdura of tlio city of Unialni , Iiuvo Ix'itn duly ajipolrileil by tlio mayor , with thn approval of tlio oily coun cil of halt ! city , to asscsy tliti daninKu to tli owners respoctlvoly of thu property ( luclarcil by ordlnanco iit'cossary to lie appropriated for tlio use of snld city , for tlio nurpusu of oiienlnt ; and nxtcndliiK .Sixteenth street from vlntou street to llio suiitli city limits. Vou aru furthur notlllcd , tliat having ac cepted bnld appointment , mid duly nuallllcd as required hy law , wo will , on tlio ! )0tli ) diiy of January , A. D. 1H03 , at tint hour of 11 o'clock In the forenoon , nt the olllco of T. II , JIcOul- loch.room 8-l'JK wVnrk hlfobulldlimwithin thu corporate limits of said city , meet for thu purpose of considering and making the assess ment of ilanmgii to thu owners respectively , ol said property , by reason of such taking and apuroprliitlon thereof , tnklnt ; Into considera tion hpeclal bciit'llts , If any. The property huloiiirhiK to you , proposed to ho appropriated as aforesaid , and which has boon do.'larcd necessary by the council , hy ordinance , toapproprlntu to tliousoof thoclty belli ; ; Mtuatcd In Hald city of Omaha , In thu county of Douglas , and Mute of Nubrasla , is described as follows , to-wlt : 8 20 feet of w 00 fret of lot 40 , B. R. IlojtPrH1 plat , Okahoma ; vv 10 foot of lots 10 nnd 11 Mottor'H MilidlvlHlon of lot -18 , H , 1C. Itnxors plat , Okalioina ; w 00 foot of Hiihlot 1 , lav lot 20 ( w24 fuutof lotlf , Oak Hill No. U ; H 7 feet of w'J-ifi'otof lot 10 , Ouk Hill No. a : w 10 feet of Jots 0-7-H , Mottor's subdivision of lot 48 , H i : . Hours' plat , Okahoma ; n 200 feet w 00 feet of lot -4ft , H. K. UogoH1 plat , Okahomaj w 10 feet lot 13 , Mottor'x siibdlvUlon of lot 4M , B K. ItoRors' plat. Okahoma ; w 30 foot of tmhlot 4. tax lot 20 ; w 10 fi'nt lot 0 , Muttor's Hiibdlvl- Klonof lot 48 , H. K. ItdKurs' plat. Okahoma : w 23 feet , except H 7 fi-fl , of lot 10. Oak 11111 Ko 2 : lot 14 , Mottor's subdivision ; o 243 feet of lot 25 , Klsuloxhuhdlvision , Vou nro notllled to bo present nt the tlmo and place aforosnla , nnd make any objections to or statements conrcrnlnK said proposed ap proprlatlon , or nhsosiiiicnt of dumaKOs , us you may consider proper. JOHN R l-'hAC'IC. JAMKa riTUUICDAM' ; . Omaha , January 0,1893. JU-d20t More kinds of cheats In shoes than in anything- else that you buy. You can't detect them. Goodyear and Wardwoll welts parade as hand sewed split leather as full stock-oil cloth as pat ent leather-American calf as French-and a late wrin kle adds the smell of Russia leather to a piece of calf tanned by some enterprising1 yankee down east. Your safety lies in buying1 of a house that you can trust ono that will give you new slices or your money back if your shoes don't wear as they should. We do that very thing- -vpay back your money if your shoes g'Q back on you too soon. We sell shoes for what they are. Wardwoll welts are Wardwell welts ; Goodyear welts are Goodyear welts and our hand sewed shoes are sewed by hand , every stitch. .Wesell shoes thatwcar. That's the llrst point we insist on from the men who make our shoes -wcarltlvity. Its dbne more to build up our shoe business to it's pres ent magnitude than any other ouo thing1. Our early spring- purchases of shoes are here today in the new shapes as well as the old standbys. The working-man's shoe at one twenty five , with solid leather insoles and counters. The solid American calf made with g-onuine Goodyear welt. at two dollars and fifty cents-the best shoe for the average man ever made. The dressy three ninety shoe-made of the finest of selected stock-Amer ican calf the equal of six dollar any shoe shop shoe ; the gen uine , every stitch by hand French onlf at live dollars and a half ( two dollars under the shoe stores ) . All these and many more kinds of shoes are here today in lace and congress in all sizes in all widths in all styles of lasts in all toe shapes from the peaked point of the dude to the wide toe of a best girl's dad in plain or tipped : Also swell shapes'in enamels and patent lea ther tips. Of course yon expect to save on your shoes' by bay ing here , same as yon do in your clothes and hats. AND YOU WIL L. ' We close at 6:30 . . p. m. Saturdays IO p. m. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , | For Thirty Days only \vo will olTor our otitiro stock of DlivimnJa and Christmas Jewelry and Slh'oi-waro nt , loss th.iu m.inuf.icLurar'd Fourteenth and Farnam Strssts- Will rnovo Jnn. 1. to N. W. Cor. ICth and Farnam. SAFK3 I'OU SA rwnrss M'inri i 1813 Doug/as Street , Omaha , Neb. t-orreaponilBiico. . Alodlclno or Iii8tnimmit J T ; , lnr",1 ? ' "llabl to T'"t ' rae m r uj troitot nt ho.no . br content.or aoi.Jor. o , oper.onnlint , rvlow nrerSrrm ? 1 ' . .nV'M " ? ° ° "r ? > ' PMVoJ , uo mirks to ImlloiU Hour Mniiy PEOPLE ar ° Puttl B OFF THE BAY Intending soon to consult a luccessful > peoialist ll'/IV 'S Chronic , Private , Nervous mid Siirionl DiKonsos CURED. Lost Mniiuootl , Fomnlo Woulmossos , Etc. , CURED. CONSULTATION FREE. Trontmont by Mall. Address with Ktnmp for nartlculars. iriiloh will bo sent In u pliiln onvolnpo , C. W. WILLIAMSON , M.D. KoojnsS , KM. 0. OJJ , 110-118 S. 15tli Street , Omaha. We will fen J ynq the mariiloni French l'rer ratlon CALTMO3 I'rrr. and a ItKal uuirantn' thill CAl/1'HOS will IlmlorK voiir aifiillli , Mtrcnirlli uuil Vlpor. Vie itandfayifialitjitd. Addroso VON MOHL CO. . Holt iuiriiu UtoU , UmlnDiU , OUlo. The Mercer. Omaha's Newest Hotel COR. 12TH AND HOWARD 8T3 , 40 nooins at f2W par day , 60 Itoonia at tl.OO par dny. to Itcomi nltli liatli at 13.03 per day , SO Itoouii with liatli at )3.oO lull C. . ) par ilty , OFENEID AUGUS r Isb Modern 111 Kvi-ry Ituipi-nt. > i > u-y | { ' uriiUliod TlironKliout. C. S. ERB. Prop. Metropolitan Hotel , Hroaihvay , corner Prince St. , NISW VORK OITY. Itoflttoil and renovated under now nniniiifo- ment , on Knropnuii pliin. Koum rato.it ! a day mid upwards. Uostaurunt oifiiul to thu best In ( hu city at modoratu r.ituH. Btruet car * from all R it. stations and uloainhout and ferry landlni9 im s the door. HILDHETH & ALLEN , Proprietor * . WINTER RESORTS. T iE lIHI'.V.SU'IO/f , G.I. A I'Kiirr.irrVINTIK iti : t > ifr norii : , Opun > Jan. 4. Hond for circularKnraoui fo liealllifulcllmttu. balmy Dai air , pluof oit t , tin UrUei und aquallo and Hold ipurti. WARREN LELAND , Jr. , Wlonngor. Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. Tlio only perfect vaginal nml rc'ctul tiyrlnifo In the wyld u U tlio only SyrlnKO err - ( * r Irivuntcil by which vaijl- nnl Injt'CtloitH call bo ad lulnlati'ruil ' wltlinut lonlc- lniniiil HullInK tlin olotli- IIIK or iii'cuBiltiitlnK tb ineof n vus5dand which run ulio bo used fur ructal Injci'iliins or irrlKntlon. flJr-r HUIHIKI' 1IUI.B AND HARD iiuuuiui Mnlloniora BOllcltoJ. TlioAloo&PenfoldCo , , Kith NKXT 'L'O I > U.1TOFKICn I'liynlcliini' protcrlplloni otviirately prepared at low urlcui. Natiopal U. 8. IJIil'tt&iroKV , OM.WIA , A'JJW. l-tipitnl $1I,00 ( ) ( ) ( ) Surplus . $ ( (5,000 ( Cifllcora and Dlrccton-IIimry W. Valet , pro lilan t It. C. CuililiiK , vlco pretldunt ; c. H. iliiurloj. Vf. V Mornu.Jolm 6. Culltiu J , N , 11. I'alrloXi , * d lluvit , caslilur. THE IRON BANK. II Li 11 I U l/WAnd all tlio train of KV1I.8 , WKAKNK8SIW. DKIIIMl'V , KTtt , that aa cmiipuny Iliem In luun gi'K'KljV mid I'KRllA- * MKNTlA UUKKU. Killl ttTIIK.SUTIl and tonu Klvt'n ( u ercry part of tin ) lioily. 1 vrlll tand ( no curely picked ) KHUUtu any nuifaror tUo pruicrlp. llun tliat cured maof tbu e troublui. AJ4rj , U A. UltAlH.liV lurrLii C'11 UK if , Hicii. A. H. DYER , jitvatnr ; , wuriihuu u , luulury nml "II mirk riiiilrlnir | u tliuruiiKli und pruotlciil knutrluduu < > r urinmriiutluu uud ol iiiuturluU. u Kiioolalty , 1' , O. llux am , Fruinunt , Neb ,