Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 10, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    ITTE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TmnAY , JANUARY 10 , 1803 ,
Delivered liy cnrrlorlo any part of tlio city
TFI rtMinvfu I IlmlnwiOfUce. . . . . . . . . No. 43
TEM > I IIOM.H f NlRlll , . ; ,11or ( jjo. 523
N. Y. PlumMnp Co.
Council Bluffs Lninwr Co. Conl
Pay your water rent today aud got dis
A mnrrlnpn Hoonsc was issued yostorJnv
too. T Hifreitia find KIHu M. Mott , both of
Hiinlln township.
Tin fuiit-ral of Mrs. Wolfjrnnff will take
- ' ' ' o'clock fi-om tlio
plra-o tills iiftciiinon nt - : : ! )
First Hap' 1st iliinvli. Hcrvlcc'suro bclnjr In-Ill thin work
nt the , -K uiul I'lvsli.vtoriau I'linivh , ooinerof
Hart n.nv anil Iiojran streets.
\V K .lo.i.-i was arri'&lod yesterday afternoon -
noon for bi in- ; very ilr.iulc ami ti-Ahif : I"
llKlit tin oniivr vvlio tolil liiinofil. Ho was
eliiii-tfi.'d uitli ri'.slstlniM i olllrt'i- .
Tlic democrat. * of C.'oiincil lUnffs i-elc-
br.ili'd Andrew Jiickiun's iluy b.v ilaiu'lnito
Ills ini-inor. ' , last livening at the Masonic1
temple. 'I'licro was a laruo crowd pn-sr-iU. .
Tlio county auditor lias just. HnlsliMi tab-
nlatliiK tiio expenses , for tliu past ycur and
llnils tlin total oxpi'iiillturi's to lm\e been
J,1 17 , ! > , as cointmiHlvllb 'rs.lSKU'J durliiB
ia .
A suit was eomnifwod by Mrs. Barrio'slorday In tlio district court to
enjoin parties In Nrola from rnmiiii' ' a si- ;
lonn Ai-tlun1 Hipp. .John Mrl'aulcy . II.
I'heeno.v anil V. M. GnrJuei- lire named as
rAIrs .1. D HnywooiU'ticd Sunday evening
of lioavt. IKC , iitfed 00 years. Tlio fum-rat
will lake place tomorrow niorniii } . ' at 11
oVliu If from her lalu 1-osideneu , four nillis
cast of this city ou the Mosquito cixcl : and
tlio Kcj ? ereck road.
Tin1 mcolliips at , the Uroadway Molhu-JInt
nliuivli las * wrelt wrrc very suritbful ,
flighty nlno piiifctisliif ; cimvciHinii. Tin )
largest congregation of tlio > vonk assr-mliled
Hundiij nirlit to hear the nurinuu by Uvan-
i'llst ; Kllro. Meetings will ho held every
nlglil this wck.
J M. Uuwden , tlio Xeola mail who waxav-
resled nnd hound over to the grand jury for
Irving to run tlio telegraph oflleo at Ncnlii
while another operator was at tlio kny. WIIH
released yesterday tiioi-niiifr , bond having
been secured by his wife , who greeted him
In the most effusive iiiiimoiMvhen : be came
out from behind tin1 bars.
A large delegation from the convention of
Implement dualers In Nebraska , which is
now belli ! * held in Omaha , wore In Council
Bluffs yesterday , guests of the Orand. hotel.
They made a round up of the various job
bing houses during tlio day , renewing the
acquaintance of the proprietors and buying
their spring stock of goods.
Al lloyci1 , charged with assault with In
tent to do preat bodily Injury , took a change
of vcnno yesterday from police court to that
of .Justice Ylcn , and his case wus ; continued
until next Monday. Ills victim is. still re
ported to bo unable to get out of tfoors , and
bis inability to appear against Uoyer was
the cause of the continuance.
A number of well known citizens arc in
terested in the lien Hur Mining company ,
and they arc Just now congratu
lating themselves heartily on the
outlook. They own ten claims , seven
of thorn in the richest part of Gold and
Olobo hills , and are working three claims
which promise a wonderful future. The
Council llluITs stockholder * arc very Jubilant
because the.v feel sure that thn enterprise
la no longer an experiment but au assured
A novel insurance loss was paid yesterday
that not onl.\ shows the liberality of the
company that paid it. but that imij become
valuable as a precedent. W. ( I. ICnepher , a
crocerymnn , had an insurance policy of the
National Mutual of this eity , covering his
stock. A lire broke out in the cellar and the
fire companies came and Hooded the cellar
with leo cold water after smashing out the
windows. After they put the lire out they
went away and left the windows open and a
pile of potatoes and squashes in the cellar
froze. Judge . lames , president of the insur-
unco company , concluded that the loss was
duo to the lire and paid it , although it was
the only damage done to the stock.
The Limerick brothers , who are to have a
hearing this morning on a charge of larceny ,
have been the occasion of much charitable
eolieltudo on the part of a number of liberal
pursed citizens. The elder Limerick came to
this city from the cast several months ago ,
and with a largo family on his hands , awl
without any work or means. The sympathy
of Fourth ward neighbors was aroused con
siderably. Subscriptions were made , the
family furnished with clothing and food , and
the man helped to work , for which ho
seemed very ready. Later his brother
Joined him hero , and the family moved to the
eastern part of the eity. Their arrest causes
much surprise. _
No Antl-Pyrlno in Hroino-Solizcr.
Cure-rail headaches. Ulc. a bottle.
To Implciiu-jit Drillers.
The lloosier Drill Co. has cbanjrcd
its plneo of transfer from II. H. Van
Brunt to its now ami commodious quar
ters Nos. ia04 , 1800 , ims and IIHII Main
itrcol , with the Union Transfer C.'o.
All mail must ho undressed lo the
Hooslor Drill Co. . Council lilull's , In. .
In order to rocuivo prompt Jit'.cntion.
Respectfully ,
L. C. Hurt' , Malinger.
Do you want to * s.ivo one-fourth of
your coal bill ? If so use Konl-spnr.
Uowuro of imitation. Got the Ronuino
of Junsaon & Grogtf , 37 J Pearl street.
. I'.llt.Kllt.ll'IlN.
Hey Campbell loft last evening for Fari-
bault , Minn.
John Gunn , mayor of Lexington , Neb. , Is
the guest of L. li. Cousins.
Judge II. Ti. Trimble of ICcokuk Is In the
city , the guest of his son , Frank Trimble.
Miss Agnes Ulanchard has taken a situa
tion as clerk in the olllco of County Ho-
cordor Shepard ,
Judge Smith , accompanied by his wife and
child , loft last evening for Clarlnda , where
lie will open the term of district court.
Mrs. William IJuo and niece , Mias Lyon ,
will leave today for Cherokee , where they
will visit for a few weeks with relatives.
* . . _
- - -
r-i- - - - |
I'llesi of people nave piles , lint Do Witt s
Witch Hiizol salvo will cure them.
For warmlntr uost chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our qua heaters are just
what you want. Look at thorn. Clean ,
convenient cheap. Cv 13. Gas and Kloe-
trio Light Co.
Carl Burlioru. sueeepsor to K. nur-
horn , has the only now jewelry Block in
city. Many holiday novelties.
Tiunprrriltltli the Sufr.
J. C , Hlxb.v's establishment In the Mer-
rlam block- was entered by burglars earlj
Sunday morning , They secured entranci
through a cellar window and passed up r
stairway to the onlco. They drilled Into tju
safe , but did not succeed in doing anything
but ruining the combination. Some of the oc
cupants of the building heard them at worl
Imt p.ild no attention to them , thinking thin
some of the employes of the ost.iblishmcnl
were making tlio noise. The thieves wen
frightened uwnj before hocurlng anything
of value. The safe contained a smal
ninount of cash , built w.m there when tin
place was opened up la the inoinlng , the out
side door still remaining closed ,
You don't want a torpid liver ; you uon'l
want a bad complexion , you don't want n
jaJ breath ; you don't wjnt a hoid.ichu ,
Then use DJ Witt's Liltlu liirly Ui-OM , th :
' littlci pfils
V.'antcd Canli oiler for ton Bharoi
Citizen's State b.inlc atoolc , Must bt
told. Address 1C. II. Shuafu.
Do you ijmokoV lluvo you tried T
V. King & Co. 'e Partagas ? H'a i
uhurnicr. Just light onu.
Urtghtor than gas , cneaper than oleo
ti in light mill us beautiful as a uroam-
uew url lumps at Lund Uro * .
Claims of the Oity Against the Motor Com
pany Remain Uncollectecl.
They Think the Time Itnn Co mo tor n Set-
tlrmrnt , mid Are Dctlroui Hint tlio -
C'n o IIo 1'iisliril A LAFKO
Amount Involved.
Why has not the city collected from the
meter company Iho $ StKX ) duo for paving iho
tracks at the street Intersccllonst Thai Is
a conundrum asked by many citizens , and to
which no very satisfactory answer can be
found. Private cltl/ens with like claims
have sued and got judgment , and yet the
city's claim Is apparently not much nearer a
settlement than It was four or live years
at'o.City Attornov Hiuelton was asked aliout
it yesterday. Ifcs.ildthal ho was willing
to thke the restonsblit.v | ! ! on himself for any
'deln.VB thill had occurred since he had been
hi oHloo. Tin1 case was sel for bearlnjr nl
Ihe last term of court , but wa.s continued ou
the mot Ion of the motor company. Since
then it has been continued by nprccnicnt
from time to Iliac and Is now sol for
Ihe Mill. Mr. Hart-lion said further , that
hu was under ho personal obligation
to tin-motor company , not even to the extent -
tent of a pist. : : Hi.-wanted It distinctly un
derstood , also , that .ludtfo MHSeo of the sit-
porlor court was not in any wni responsible
for aii.v delays In the innlter.
An.v attempt to throw the responsibility of
delays upon Judfrc MeOico dors , in fact , seem
nonsensical , because sim-o the petition was
filed he has held llftecn terms of court , at
any one of which the litigants could have
pressed for a hearing if they had been very
anxlnun to try the case.
Mu.vor Lawrence sujs that , over since ho
cannt Into ulllcc holias been doinjr wluil he
could to seruro a hettleinciil of the case. IIo
has n : > fault lo find with .liuVo .McGee , and
Rays that the cliy attorney has Vsbiircd him
from limr to lime lhat , he was proceeding as
rapidly as. pwsiblc with safety t the city's
interests. In fact , hu did not , thlnU that any
one was at fault , and expected that ere lonj ?
the case would hi ! reached and tried , aii'l
liuit it would llnalli result in the city's
The case Is now set for January li. ( but
whether H will really ho tried even then ,
however , is a matter of KOIIV uncertaintyfor
now the utriaha & Onm-ll Uluffs Kailway
and Bridge company of Iowawhich is named
as the plaintifl In Ihe suit , claims to have
assigned all its rights and interests in the
motor line to the Omaha & Council Ulna's
Hallway and Urldgo company of Nebraska.
This , although a mere .technical quibble , Is
very likely to necessitate the tiling of an
amended potllion and a'nothcr coiilinuance.
The citizens and taxpayers , however , are
waking up lo Ihe siluation. and no less than
nrrco committees have called on the mayor
to (1ml ( oul what was being done , with a view
to urging on the work of prosecution . If
there is any further delay they will take it
upon themselves to ascertain who Is at fault.
New Hospital ( IIMi-cTrt.
The regular annual meeting of the trustees
of thn Women's Clirisliiin Hospital associa
tion was hold nt the hospital yesterday for the
purpose of electing oftlccrs and a hoard of con
trol for the ensuing year. Although it was
an extremely cold and disagreeable day ,
icarly all of the ladies interested in the
vork were present , and the liveliest interest
vns taken in the selection of oftlccrs. (
Mrs. George T. 1'helps , of Ihe 1'rcsby-
erlan church , was chosen president ; Mrs.
Thomas Metcalf , of the Christian church ,
irst vice president ; Mrs. Charles II. War-
cn. Presbyterian , second vice president ;
Mrs , Dr. Montgomery , Congregational , third
vice president ; Mrs. Kobert MclJride , First
Methodist , fourth vice president ; Mrs.
George ICcellnc. ICpiscopal. llfth vice presi
dent ; Mrs. 1. C. HonhainTrinilj Methodist ,
sixth vice president ; Mrs. W. C. T.oviclc ,
Ucthuny liaplisl. seventh vice president ;
Mrs. J. H. Davis. First Baptist , eighth vice
iresident ; Mrs. W. A. Strong. Temple Hap-
.ist , ninth vice president ; Mrs. M.
3. Oaines , recording secretary ; Mrs. J.
B. Atkins , treasurer. The auditing com-
nitteo consists of Mrs. I icas , Mrs. Hohrer
mil Mrs. Hoss. Devotional committee Mrs.
\j. \ W. Tnlleys. Commissary department-
Mrs. Oshorne. These ladles , with the addi-
LionofMrs. Gravalto , Mrs. Bellinger and
Mrs. Mayne , constitute the execulivo board.
Mrs. Mary Wynants of Omaha was
selected as superintendent , Mrs. Wilson , the
former superintendent , will go to Ularindu
Lo take the position of matron of the state
institution for Ihe insane
A Tlmr fur ICviTylliin : .
Now is the time during Ihc cold
weather to U op warm by buying good
furs at a low price at thu Boston Store ,
Council Hlulls , Li. Our otiliru fur
slock al almost half price , and in scmo
cases oven los .
Don't lot iho prioos su.'pris i you , for
wo have certainly gel them and just as
advertised , as has always boon our cus
60c black hair mulTs , lc ! ) each.
$1.2" ) black coney muffo. 7e ! ) each.
$1.75 French coney mull's. 9Sc ouch.
S2.7o capo seal mulls , $1.-15 onch.
Thrco dollar nnd fifty cent black
opossum and Baltic seal muffs , SI.OS.
Astrachan muffs from 1.50 to SO.00 in
ono lot , choice for $3.1 ! ) each.
SHU.00 mink capo , now $22.oO.
Si.'ioO U rim tn or capo , now SM.oO.
$12.00 electric seal cape , now $0.75.
$10.60 astrachan capo , now $11.50.
$ . ' 13.Oil oleclric seal military cape , 30
inches long , now $27.00.
Hoston Sloro ,
Council Hlufls.
Diini ) III 1'olli-u Court.
Charles Kerns , Ihe alleged Wabash grain
thief , waived examination and was bound
over to the grand Jury. The police claim to
have evidence that will show that ho and
his gang sold $1-0 worth of stolen oats to ono
dealer In Omaha , and they estimate that at
least 000 bushels of shelled corn were stolen.
Frank Andrews , Implicated In the same
deal , was granted a continuance until this
Charles Limerick was arrested yesterday
morning ou the charge of stealing .some pro
visions from Uradloy'K store , assisted Iry his
brother Hubert. Both will have a hearing
this morning.
Frank ICgan and George Jloyt , charged
with vagrancy and lagging on the street ,
were given half an hour to leave town. They
I Vter Peterson , who spjlt Nels Olson's
head open with a hatchet , WIIH bound over tu
thu grand Jury on the charge of assault with
Intent to do gieat bodily injury , Nels Olscn ,
who had been unvoted on Peterson's com
plaint on a llku charge was discharged.
Want to 1'iiy Thrlr Debt.
The members of the Bethany Baptist
church are making a strenuous effort to pa >
off the debt on tlu-lr church building , located
on High street , in the southern part uf tin
city. The building and left on'which it stands
cost them 11,51X1 , and although they are vcrj
weak lluanclallv , they have managed to paj
about s M , in addition to keeping
up the pastor's salary and tin
othey' running expenses They havi
to raise ? ; > 00 of the remainder , and havi
succeeded in raising one-third of the amount
among themselves. They are itow soliciting
assistance from The citizens al largo. Thl ;
Is iho Ural llmo they have over asked hcl |
from outiililu , there being no subscription.
requested liven on dedication day , The or
ganlzation , under Its pastor , Hov. W , C
I.tivlck , is doing a good work and dcservci
aid. It Is three-quarters of u mlto from unj
other church and in a well buttled locality
The church now numbers sixty and tin
Sunday school sixty.
l.nnmNVunu l.okcr.
P. M. Ixiomls , formerly of this city , turm
out } o have been a comparatively heavy losei
by the m-ciit lire in tno itcpublican bulldlii )
in Omaha. IIo Is cngjigod in the publlcatloi
of the Implement World , a monthly magu
ziuo devoted to thu jobbing trade ; und i
directory of the Implement firms of Council
Uluffn and Omaha , showing the pint c where
the various kinds of Implements arc for sale
Hoth of these were In the hands of the
Omaha Printing company , nnd had been put
Into shape for circulation , when the fire de
stroyed the building and its conlcnts. None
of the loss was secured by Insurance.
Impaired digestion rejialred by Beechnut's
The snow nnd cold weather does -not
diminish the demand for ncroapo in the
Klnin tract , 2 } miles cast of the post-
ofllco ; 300 acres yet for sale in from ono
to ton ncro tracts , suitable for fruit nnd
pardon. Day & Hess , agents , 39 Pearl
Arn-fttcil Tor A * i\ult.
T. W. Dimkle , a prominent young lawyer
living near Crescent , was arrested yesterday
afternoon on Iho charge of attempting to
commit a criminal assault upon a young
woman al Itlnlr , Neb. An ofllecr from Hlalr
was in tlio city. Ho bad been looking for
the young man for nlimit three weeks and
finally located him at his home. After mak
ing the arrest ho look Uunklo lo Iho county
nil , where ho was slated with being a
fugitive from Justice. Ho will bo taken to
Hlalr for a hcarine as soon ns the necessary
papers can be obtained.
It gives Immediate relief wo mean Salva
tion oil , the great pain remedy. Price- .
Crown nnd ether pianos.
Crown nnd ether orpans.
At Bouriclus' , 110 Stul-mian slrcot.
Coal nnd wood ; best , and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in iho city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox. No.1 Main.
Now Church Ollln-r * .
Oftlccrs of the Second Presbyterian church
( ol which S. Allexander Is pastor ) were re
cently elected for 1SKI ! , nnd are as follows :
Killers , U H. Kliine. IX II. Huston and U. N.
Men-lain j deacons , Hnrburt Van Do Hogart.
J. J. Armstrong and A. M. Ilutehinsoii ;
Irnstecs. lo llll vacancies. William W. Hnker
and M. V. n. Snyder. M. D. ; timidity school
superintendent , A. M. Hntehinson.
Kxnx-novn ( .t
Nioim.vuA , Neb. , .Ian. 8. To the Editor of
Tim linn : In his decision of the Norton
Krnso contest , .linlgo Maxwell seems to have
overlooked very important historical data.
When ex-Senator Sauntlcrs' bill to
' straighten the northern boundary of No
braslm" became a law , March 28 , 1SS2 , it
look a slice from Dakota territory north of
the ICoyu Pnhu and Nioliraru rivers east to
the Missouri river. The bill provided thai
il should not become a part of Nebraska
until the Indian title was extincl. At the
special session of Iho legislature In May ,
IbSJ , the slnlo fulfilled its part by accepting
this annexation. In 18TI1 Iho boundaries of
Knox county wore- set apart with Hie pro
vision that it should not take effect "until
the president of the United Stales-.shall , by
proclamation , declare the Indian lille to the
unorganized territory transferred to Knox
county by this net extinguished , and until
tlio majority of Ihe legal voters of Knox
county give their assent to the transfer of
said unorganized territory in the manner
provided by law , " which it did. ( Sec law
of Nebraska. IbSI ) , page "J01. ) Holt county ,
however , failed to accept the transfer as re
quired , leaving the only unorganized terri
tory atlaclied .lo it a small piece between Ibo
Niobrara and ICeya Palm rivers , known as
Turtle precinct.
Turtle precinct has always been a part of
Nebraska , and there is no question as to
Holt county's jurisdiction over that. Hut
Boyd county forms a largo portion of terri
tory that belonged to Dakota territory , ami
not a purl of Nem-uslat until the president's
proclamation issued October 'J ; ! , IfeK ( ) , which
declared the Indian title oxtincl. Knox
county bad a county division on hand that
fall , and Niohrara's eiti/cns were very par
ticular regarding that vote prior to the re-
celpl of the president's proclamation , and it
would never have been voted without it.
As it was , the case which Niobrara espoused
at that time was lost , continuing the county
as it always has been and now is.
School districts 87 and 88 are in Boyd
county , numbered from Knox county dis
trials in rotation , but were established by our
j county superintendent , and these two dis
tricts are included In the state npportlon-
I incut from Knox , it being apparent that Holt
, county never owned its new offspring , except -
| cept Turtle precinct , which has always been
i in Nebraska.
By loouing at the old maps prior lo 1SS2
he Iruo boundary of Iho slale can be seen ,
the Hoyd county strip having been put in
ifter the Saundcrs bill had passed , and one.
is liable to forget how wo used to look.
ED A. Fur.
The new dramatic company under the di
reution of George Wcssels opened with i
matinee at the Wonderland and Bijou thea
ler yeslorday afternoon. Mr. Wcssels es
tablished himself in the estimation of the
audience as all that had been claimed for
lilin. Miss Nellie Elting as Bet also made
her initial bow at this house yesteiMny and
demonstrated her ability as an actress of
merit. Miss lilting ably divided the honors
with Mr. Wcssels. She is a pretty , winsome
little lad.v and is snro to become a great , fa-
forite. Miss Dora Lowe is another new ad
dition to the company and an excellent ac
tress , and r.o Pulit Freddie as young .Tack
displayed his ability to speak lines as clev
erly us ho does his specialties. Of the old
slock Mr. Harry Barlow. Mr. Jack Hall , Mr.
C. 1C. .lames , Mr. J. F. Matthews and Miss
Gypsy Barlow remain , and with such sup
port Mr. Wessuls and Miss Elting will be
able to produce a new line of melodrama
heretofore impossible with the old company.
The play , Iho "Golden Giant , " is from Iho
fluent pen of MclCco Hankin and lolls a
bountiful story of right and wrong. Full of
comedy , pathos and thrilling sltuallons. The
specially program is also excellent. Gus
Garholl , equilibrist ; T. J. ' Murphy , Irish
comedian and dancere ; Sadie Dunbar , a
clever vocalist ; Uardlc , contortionist , and
I.o Pelit Freddie's new specialties make up
the vaudeville program.
Constipulion cured oy DoWilt's Early
Marrlui ; * ) l.lct'iisi-s.
The following marriage licenses were
issued by County Judge Eller yesterday :
I'umn and : ullrc-ss. Ago.
j DulbeH A. lluck. Omaha . 41
" ( Mrs. Kll/abelli Itlce , Omaha. . ; . -10
j .In mi's lleslu , Omaha . 24
I Ilurhara Jlukuy , Omaha . , . 'J2
j I/yiimn Scarl , Omaha . 24
I Ulara. Mitchell , Omiilia . . . . 23
i Kreil Iliirtlni ! , Uniulia . , . 25
i Crchccntea Hermann , Oiuulia . 22
I Thulium M , flattery , Houth Omaha . 24
I l.'orunK. Cress , South Omaha . 23
1 1'eler Kraiimci'iid , Omaha . 24
1 Annie I'tMiU.Omiiha . 20
Will lluvo nn Aiil < > py.
A number of colored people prevailed upon
the county attorney yesterday to order a
posl mortem on the body of Cluudlo Manifeo ,
the woman who committed suicide in her
own house Sunday morning. Dr. Somera
will perform the autopsy today. Hendrie ,
the lover of the woman , who was with her at
Ihu tlnia the of shooting , Is still in town anil
yesterday purchased a lot In the cemotry ,
where tlio body will bo buried at 0 o'clock
this morning.
u \Vorlil-\Vlilo llcputatloii.
( 'mined IttuffH , la. . .Yonjxirtd ,
Chamberlain Medicine Co. of DCS Molncs
is an Iowa manufacturing inslllution ami
one In which the residents of the state looli
upon with prido. Chamberlain's Cougli
Kcmcdy has b'-como national In reputation
and is known in nearly every household Ir
the state ami throughout the great west. It ;
inurits are becoming established in all parti
of America.
lliilldliiK PrrmlU.
The following permits were Issued ycster
day ;
W. J. Muni , repairs on il'.vollln 210
South N'lmitcimlli Nlreot. . . . . . . . . . tl.BOC
I.lnhiKor .V Mutcalf Co. , liciU , Sixth
und I'aclllc. . . . . . . , . , . 1,00 <
Total permits Issued
Story ol'u Wiiiimn'HViinti ,
Xew l"iifc Iknilil.
At 20 Wanted to get engaged Did
At U5 Wanted to gel married Did
At 80 Wanted to got divorced Did
At 40 WunicU to get married again-
fcoNtixt r.n nuiM rinsr rAnr..l
dea that Thuratoniifi > o Iho lucky ninn ,
and Hint is why ho M ftfiMiltn.
An IndcDendent member said this after
noon that he would -supiwt n republican If
t was Itniwsslblo to secure the election of an
ndepcndent , as ho w'as'Sii'k anil tired of the
democratic crowd , Jl < t jthought that the In-
Icpendents ns n body were getting onto the
lemocratle scheme , and would refuse to acl
iny longer as n cat's. pa\v to rake out chest
nuts that contahiedl'morc democratic- meat
than anything else. . . _
Tlirj'ro On HIP .lury
United States court 'convened bore this
afternoon and will furnish a pretext for the
presence of scvcral'of ' > the members of the
legislative lobby who would otherwise be at
very much of a loss for an explanation. A
glance at the panel of the grand and petit
Juries discloses the fad that quite a number
of the oldtliners have been thus drawn , bill
whether for the purixiso of giving them an
cnciiso for being on earth at this time or to
help them out In the way of meeting current
expenses can only be conjecturen. Certain
It is that the Court has a way of convening
and staying convened during a good portion
of the legislative session , and the hangers-on
manage to put In two hours In assisting the
lobby for every one that Is occupied with
court business. United Stales Marshal
Slaughter , who arrived this morning , said
that the grand Jury had been drawn from
I mcaster county for the purpose of saving
expense , and thought It very probable that
some of Iho members of Iho lobby were in-
eluded , although such a thing was , of
course , unintentional.
I'rIUrr Hn4 t'lnni.
W. S. Felker of Omaha has returned from
a short vacation at home , and In speaking of
the Jacksonian b.mquel Saturday evening ,
said that "tho atmosphere was lilled wilti
God's love , repentance and all such line
things. " Touching the Douglas county con
test , lie said thai what ho wanted was a re
count of the votes , but he didn't care a
continental atxnit Iho scats now occupied
by ihu republicans. Ho Is very much In-
leresled in getlinjr a job for Con
Gallagher , and says he has recommended
him for United States marshal , internal
revenue collector , postmaster at Omaha and
minister to Chili , and ho now thinks thai if
he can secure the election of Gallagher to
Ihc United States senate he will have Iho
Ihlng llxed jusl about ns he wants It ,
The news of the death of Hon. K. B. nub-
bard of Brock was received hero this morn
ing ! Mr. Hubbard was one of the. repub
lican nominees for Ihe house from Nomalia
county with Church Howe , bill was not
elected. The announcement of his death
was received so late thai Mr. Howe was un
able to gel back to Brock to attend the
funeral , which occurred there this afternoon.
Manner In Which Miinlti > l > n Settlers < ! i > t
"Not many years ago I was in the
wholesale matchmaking business , " said
an ex-olliccr of the army to a Washing
ton Star reporter. "It was uiatchmak-
intr of the matrimonial kind. At that
time , in 187 ! ) and 1880 , Manitoba was
being opened tosotllcment and thcru was
a rush of colonials thither from Ontario
and Quebec and from Great Britain.
The settlers were mostly men. Some
of them had families and would bond for
them as soon as they pot somewhat
fixed , but very many were bachelors.
They were making homes for them
selves , and naturally they found thai
they needed wives. Not a few of thorn
were sons of Entrlisli farmers and nearly
' "all wcro-respcotablo and hard-working
"Ihey could no't afford to go and got
wives , and so helpmeets bud to bo im
ported for them. ; Yqung women , guar
anteed ns to . respectability , were
brought over from Kngland in great
numbers , and this business rapidly
grew to bo an important branch of Iho
immigration tralllc. One philanthropic
lad.v in F.ngland devoted her .attention
toi'xpul'ting hombjess but worthy girls
by the ship load to. Quebec , wtienco
they were forwarded to Manitoba.
Trains would coino inlo St. Boni
face , across tlio river from Winnipeg ,
bringing two or three car loads of
available wives at a lime. They were
chaperoned will ) duo regard to propriety
and were consigned to the land and
mining agonls , where suitable quarters
were provided for their temporary ac
commodalicn. The accommodation was
very temporary because they were soon
disposed of.
' The settlers who were bachelors ap
plied for the girls as fast as they
were brought In. Their applica
tions were not considered unless they
were properly guaranteed as to charac
ter and ability to support a wifo. Few
of them came to Winnipeg from li
shot-tor distance than 2oO miles. Most
commonly they worn cortlllod by letters
from land agwits staling lhat John
Smith , for example , was located on suuh
and such a tract of land , was the owner
of 1COO horses , wiiHiiound and kind , and
so forth. On making formal applica-
llon for a wife John Smith was
asked what sort of woman he pre
ferred whether blonde or brunette ,
lall or short , plump or thin , etc. Hav
ing slaled his preferences ho was inlro-
ducod lo ono of the available ladies ,
whereupon matters were quickly ar
ranged. A remarkable point was that
no suitor had over to bo introduced to a
second girl. Invariably ho was content
with the Urstono and immediately mar-
ied her. Apparently the men consid
ered that when they had gone BO far as
an introduction they had committe
themselves irretrievaoly.
' In this way , by a process of artificial
selection , myself and ether persons of
ficially in charge at Winnipeg made
matches by wholesale. The young
women were given free transportation ,
of course , the object being to iimko
homos'in Manitoba and thus secure the
Eottlomont of the country. Incidentally
the natural increase of the population
was provided for. I remember ono
man who drove over 700 miles to got a
wife. IIo was prebont when a train
load of girla arrived and spoiled the
young woman ho wanted oil hand.
Within seven minulcs after Iho train
came in Iho pair were united in malrl-
mony and tlio bridegroom started away
with his bride in u buckbourd wagon. * ;
On Ihu School .Mit'llIIIK.
Dotroll i'Yoo Prbtin : "I Invo boon
worldlier nil day llko/u / Trojan , " said Ihc
young lady lotichcr . 'to her pupils , "and
I wish you wouldifpliow my example. "
Up wont the luui d i of the biggest bo.y
in the class.
"What IB a Troinn , Miss B. , and how
hard does it worl ? , ploaBcV"
"A Trojan IB i's , u ; why , a Trojan ie
you look that uj , .Bjlly. . for yourself
then you'll remember It. "
"That was a I'm-Uilan shot , " siid : tht
principal of the buhoul who overboard
the dialogue. ' '
"WhoroV Where ? I didn't hear anj
shot , " oxclaiincdJMIs3 B , rousing horael
from a trance of inoditatlon.
* _ 'N6 ? " replied'tho principal with t
caustic accent. "Suppose you look ti |
.ho . meaning nt Iho phrase , then
remember It , "
"There's Kolnnd for- Oliver "
ft foryour ,
remarked an assistant toaohor.
Then ho r face paled and she rushed
out In search of nn encyclopedia , ot
ihrnses and fables before some ono
should ask if she knew the meaning and
origin of the illustration she so flip-
jmntly quoted.
A Shower of .MomU-r Mall-dour * < rrnr In
The recent hall storm near Gay HH1
accurred about 4)0 : ! ) p. in. , Tuesday , nth
Inst , , says the Galvcston News. About
2 p. in. heavy clouds appeared in the
west and ns they slowly approached a
roaring sound was heard , such as usu
ally indicates a coming hall storm.
Llghlnlng , accompanied by dlslani
thunder , suggested an unusual storm.
About six mites distant from my
uf observation Iho clouds divided. A
light-colored cloud passed from the
inoro dense cloud townri ? the soullroasl ,
while the latter continued its course to
ward the east. This cloud brought with
it a deluge of rain , but far above it at
a high altitude was another cloud of a
pinkish cast , which moved also toward
the cast.
A few minutes after the rain com
menced small hnilstoncs fell , and each
moment larger ones foil than the pre
ceding , until they re ached iho si/.o of
small hen eggs. After falling for about
fifteen minutes the hail and rain ceased
for probably two minutes. Then it com
menced again to rain heavily and con
tinued for probably ten minutes , with a
higher wind , and it was during this in
terval that the wonderfully large hail
stones fell.
This remarkable hall fell in largo
lumps , ranging from thrcu to six inches
in diameter. 1 hoard of ono piece , eight
inches in diamuler , which weighed four
pounds. They woro'as a rule , spherical
in form , but some were somewhat Hat ,
nnd nearly all woo : covered with oval
knobs. Thay fell in small areas about
two foot apart , while in ether places
only ono would fall in a space ot Uvont.\
fool square. The average under my ob-
sorvallon was abmt ono hailstone to
every throe feet square. The earth wan
thoroughly saturated with water , and
some of the largo pieces ponotralud the
ground in soft places about thrcu inches.
I gathered about a bushel ot the larg
est pieces after the rain ceased , and in a
very little while I placed them In a sack ,
which I put in a box and picked hay
around without special care. Some of
the pieces I exhibited in Bronham , for
the reason thai I preferred to give ocular
demonstration in proof of the slatomonl
I made in relation to the size of Iho hail.
Aflor fqrty-lwo hours several of the
pieces wore seven inches in circumfer
ence. At this date ( eleven aays after it
fell ) about a quart of the hail remains.
Its donsily is so great thai I believe il
will keep if you should wish a sample.
A most remarkable fact in connection
with these largo hailstones is thai some
of thorn have particles of dirt in Iho
conier. The question is : IIo\v \ did they
got there ? .
Shrcxvil SwliulliTH.
The Posloflleodopartinenladmils lhat
II is making no headway against the
most important of all frauds which are
conducted through the mail , namely ,
the "greon goods" business. In fact ,
this nefarious industry seems to bo grow
ing rapidly. From lime lo lime ono or
more of the criminalsongaired in it maybe
bo arrested but those few are only tools
employed by big swindlers , against
whom no convincing evidence
can bo obtained. ItJ is posi
tively known that the whole of
thi0" fraudulent enterprise , which extends -
tends its o ; orations all over the United
States , is conducted by a single gang in
Now York , iho head of _ which is a some
what notorious sporting man. But so
artfully are mutters conducled lhat Iho
workers who act as agonls have no ac
quaintance with the chief , againsl whom
A remedy which ,
if used by Wives
the painful ordeal
attonilant upon
ChlUI-blrtii , proven
an Infallllilo rpecl-
the tortures of cou-
( Inonicnt , leaccnlu
tli ( dangers thereof
to but li mother anil
child , hokl by oil
dniKK'316. ' Bcntby
cxpreea on rocolpt
of iirlcc , S1.6J per
liot tie , charges pro-
Wouldn't ft
cost loss to
You now
As yon valno
your llfo don't
nozlcct consult-
In mine IIIIK
whoso advlco
will boot value
If you consult
It will cunt you -niitlilni ; .
Blood , SUiu nud Kidney
Fomiilo 'WcaluiOHbOH , Lout MaiiUood
IMI.K8 , nSTIM.A , FIPSlIltH , pcrm nently cnreil
without Ihu in > u nl knife , llniilnru nr t-auitlo.
All lunlaillua uf a prlvntuor dellcato imturo , ol
cltbrr sex , pOKltlvely ciireil.
I nil on ormlilrdM , trltli tunii | fur Clrculurs , fret
Hook unit llc'i-lii- | .
" " 8 South isth street
nr Confine ? "onrloo
111. oGQIICo 0 OcOIHjS , Uinnlm , A'
Nnjt Hour to I'oitntllre.
All Idnds of OyotiiK und OloaiiliiK donu li
Him hltthost styln of iho art. I'udud am
t-ilnuil fabrics mailu to tool : as KI > Ous no /
WorK prumiitly done nn I dollvoro 1 In ul
purls of the country. Bund for price list.
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
llicudwnvnourNorthWL"iturn Da ot ,
Comic'llluft * , lit ,
thov could not Rlvo ovldonno If they tlo
slrctl. Ho stands in Iho sanio roli'itlon
to tlioni ns the "promotor" of n counter-
foltlni , ' guhonio , who U unknown to these
who pass the bad ro.-noy , his part boinp
that of capltiillst nnd backup. To calon
him la nltuojt out of the quosllun.
To rrrtpnt Ticket Scnldnc. |
The daktu raph , or thutnb-wrlllou
tlckot , Is the oilU'omo ot u Detroit
genius' olTorts to dufy tlio scalpor.
It is wull known that the lines in the
cutlolo of no two thumbs nro nllko.
The inventor of the now tlckot Likes
nilvnntngo of thia ( nct'by rcqulrinp the
purohusor of n coupon tlekotUo innko n.
print ot his thumb in n blank sptico nt
one und reserved for this puruoso.
The o.xtroniliy of this space , \vhich is
about three Inolicri lonjj , is LMimmod , so
thalaflor the thumb slu' made
Ihc end of Iho ticUnt may bo folded over ,
hiding the siiiialuiH ; ) from viow.
On thu return jovirnev Iho conduotor
opens the gummed end , exDo iiu ; the
imprint of iho Ihumb , nnd requires tlio
holder to make another imprint of his
thumb alongside the Urst for hlcnllflcn-
Thu conductor is exported to carry a
lilllo ) ) ad of culoriii mnller to onab'.o
Ihe pis unjjorlo porforin thi : < duty.
] i Is not stilted whether tlio railrond
company will require its representative
to carry n wash basin ' * ' the clen.uiiiK .
of Ihe lluimb nfler boinp used 114 u
Doiir.iiiil r ir Soiivi'iilr Stunip" .
I'hiltulolphla Hoeord : Postmaster
General Wanamaker has already found
his ( lepnrlment deluccd with ordoi-H for
Iho new souvenir Columbian stamps ,
which were put on sale nt all Iho posl-
olllccs the day atior Now Year's. All
iho stamp collector * and their niinio is
loerion are oilier to soi-uro the hot , for
Iheir eelliuiUons. The eomplolo sot ,
which includes a 1-i-eiil , iicentconl ! ,
1-cont , 5-eent , U-eent , lO-i-ont , 16-eent ,
I'O-eent , CU-eont. tfl , $2 , W , $1. and M
stamp , will cunt at pai$1U.2i. ( . No
doubt many of the stamps will bo sold
nmoiiK purchasers at hiirh premiums.
As thu sale keeps up for the whole year ,
every inhabitant , ) f Ihe land who wishes
ono or inoro of iho slump * niii easily
eatlbfv his wishes.
J 'lil ? > : ! t A &PJN-.D L > J
j > Complying with general re- *
Squest , <
gwill in future for the United
States be covered with
A Tasteless and
Soluble Coating , |
{ completely disguising thcg
} taste of the Pill without in any
52way impairing its efficacy , k
Ji Price 3 5 cents a Box. < J
f N'cw York Depot 565 Canal Street.
If von liiivononiipctltc , Iinlltrstliin ,
\ I'h'it iilflic. ' , SlrU-lIi-iiilache , "nil rim (
ilnxvii" or losing Ili-sli , tale
TIirytono < U > tlio i-iU : toiuiuli : and
luillil up the llii hiK " 'niTsli't. ro.
"Absolutely the Best Made , "
"A DcHciOJis Mcdlcntccl Con-
fccdoix" for the relief of Coughs ,
Colds , Iloarscness , vSore Throat , nnd h
for clearing the voice. Tor Eale by
nil Druggists nnd 'C o n f o c t i o n c r : ! .
Packed ri fnll l\vo ounce packages ,
Price 5 Ccnls. If yon -nre iinnblu lo
procure the Pomona CoujjU Tablets
from your dealer rend us $ ceiils in
stamps and receive a box by mail.
.Made by the manufacturers of the
celebrated I' o in o u a Fruit Juice
Council Bluffs , la.
federal courts. Koonis ajfl-7-b-O ,
block , Council IllulTd , la.
ilnono K'Jnnlnn witliuut linn * IIIUiiKi' ' . nnrlnlu
miirnvcil ntyli ! . n millil railko. IIIIH iluii ! | llaiixo
§ tnini ! lint lilKlinrnli' . mill vlu us i < err i-tly ll nl ;
rnvci M l > oient niurllluiM uluiuunlii. 1 nil ilu-
ncrlptlvui'iri'ulir on npiillrntlun. AUKNTsl WANT ;
l < : i > In uvvry county In tlnilJ.H , AililrL-mi.CIIAUIjK t
BCHUl.TUi'.liH. < ) N.ltlti : bt. . Cunncll Ululli , In ,
Jly rim tor wys It new KI inly nn the stoinnrh ,
UVM nml ktiliipvv.nml Mn plenum l.-XTiulvp. This
ilrlni It maile from lii-itn. nml is | iii | < nriil tat lu
n < wily ns ion. UHrnlliM
. \nilnicclfn It nt frV. nml 11 njxicKncr. . If ton
rsinuit KI I n , 'mil your mlcli ni for n free KAniplc.
l.nnrN I'limlb .lli'illi'lnr inmr-i the lm rU
rni-li IUM . Ihiiri.ortt t MlU'.iHhy thKHitroossMT.
AlMi 4 UHA'mU ! ' . WOOU\VAHI , I.I , Uov.N.V.
Tli * OooJ Sonurit'in. 20 Yca 'EptlD(0. (
> im OK msuASUs ov ainw AMD
DMUH. rnuritiiiTou ov TI
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the llcml , Throat , nnd Lungs : Dl * <
cuiFcsof tlio Kj-caml Knr , Fltaaid Aixiple.xy , llomt
IXicosu , l.lvcr Complaint. Klilncy Oomitlulnt ,
Harvous Dobllity , FVlontnl Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Semlnnl
Weakness , nini tc" . Bright a
flrtiipo , uTicimmtlsm. ITrnlyfiK , Wlilto Swelling ,
Ecromln , I'cver Sorts , Cancers , Tunioro
and Fistula In nno rcmovod without
the Unlfo or drawl nu n drop ol
blood. Womsui with IHT ilcHooto orpi-.ns re
stored lo hcnltli , Drojisy cured without tamnng.
Special Attention glvon to private
and Vonorcnl Diseases of oil kinds.
8.UO to $300 forfeit for nny V'otioroal Dla
onso I emmet cure without moroury
Tnxj ) Worm' ) removed In two or three hours , or no
pay. HeinorrlioMs < ir 1'llca ciitnl.
Will eave life and hundreJa o ( dollar * by calling
ou or Uiinpr
Tlio only I'liyslrlan wlio can toll what nil *
a IUTMIU wltlioitt asUliiR ll qilOHllon >
All cnrrcsponilenco strictly confldentUI.
pout by uxvreej. Adduta all letlera to
685 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Special T\foilces. '
ALSTIlACTSiimlloiini. Farm nn-1 city property
lnuiKlit und told. I'nsey A 'i'lioiiuii , Cuunoll
_ _
nO-CIIOI'i : loisln Mngrno n-lilllliiii nunr oi : t onil
< Jof the nuw lntur.ititu : brMzo. Will mil In liuncliei
( ieark'J .U.'tciir. Cmuiull llhilts.
- farm In Null. , . ' .room lioufo , atublo mul
bhlMK TU iiurcs In L'tiltlvntlon. 1'ilco W.UU pec
nc-ro. Torins uniy. JuhnHton X Van 1'iittun.
AltllAdK romnvcil. ( ' ( ' .i)00n. | ! vnnlti
G chimneys cloinol. K , I ) , llurkii. ultr liidj.
fnxisiuso aoo.Mrf ioiiUKNraui'.viiKAVii
nut )
\ITANTIU-CttMl'BTeXT ( tlltlj IN FAMILY 01
it tuo. luqulru 22J Suutli Sovyntli htrect.
u ( lots nn Sowurd sticol , flout 'JGtli Htruottc
You are lioroliv notlfluil tlmt tlio .
i > L'iioiI. thi-i'uillsliiturtstuil fi-oaliiililois of mo
city of Oinnli i. linvu liuun duly anpolntoit by
thuinnyor , with tlio ipnroviilof tlioulty uoiiii-
t-ll of sulil ulty. to usscm tlio iliunuMO lo Iho
ownura rospi-etlvolv of tlio uropi'rty utroutoil
by Ihu u'l.iiUir of .Sowmil HIIV-DI from "Ctli
Bliool lo ; 8lli Hlrucit , < loiiliii-ui | no chsory l.y
orilliiaiu-o No : cis. ' . p IKSUI ! DuuiMtihur l''tli , IS0J ,
nuprovoil llo-einlier luth , 18.J. )
von arc further nutniuj thai , liuvlnc no-
eeptoil ialil aiipo'iitniuni ' , nn I duly qnalllloil
u-j leijulruil bv law , \vu will , on tinith ituy ol.
January , A. I ) . , 1H.I.I , at tlio hour ot 4 o'olocll
In the afternoon , at tlio olllco of Goo. J.
] ' : iul. ir > T > I'aniMiii Ktrcul , u-IUiln tlia
co'iinrnto limits of bulil eity. n out for the purpose -
pose of considering anil nuililn : thu ussuss-
niiuit of ilitina'fn to the ownor.s rnspueilvuly oC
Hiild proporly. atriiulud by hiild L-rudo. UiU- .
itiitlntocoiihiilttnulo" spcuuil bonollta. If any.
Von are notlllui. to uo presunt at the tlnia
nnd place aforuiald , nnd inaUn nny objootlon *
to orstatoinciits conuarnlnx Bald iihsusi
of ( In.nmie3 : as you in ly lioniidnr proucr.
QKO. .1. PAUL.
JOHN l < ' . 1'bAUK.
Oinahn , Nob. . Dnc. 37tli. ISJ- . l'iil-dl
To tlio owniirs of nil lots or parts of lots on
alluy In Itllcy's and Ito oi-c , ' niilnllvNIon , bu-
twoiMi Vtnton Ntrfiaaiid Iho north linn of lot
H , Ko orV sub , and 17th and IKth H ! reels.
on n ns hitniby iinllllcd that thn iniilor-
sluni'd , thrco ilNlntuii-sti'il froeliolilursof thu
I'lly of ( Jinaha , liuvo biti'ii duly appolnli'il by
tlio'inayor , with tlio approval of the elly i-iiun-
i-ll of hiild ilty : , to iih-ithS thn ilamaxo to Hut
nwnci-s ri-spi'Cllvoly of the property nlTi'ott'il
liy thu Ki'inlliiKof hahl alloy , ilri'lariid nei'rs-
( iiry by orillnatn-o ! ) ,3UI ( , nnssi'il Di'Odnilii ! ! ' 'JO.
JH- ! ) ' , appiovi'il IK-coinbi'i-til , Ifi'.l'J.
You are fiirthitr nolllli'd , that liavlnu'no
ri'pli'd Mild appoliitiiii-iil , und duly qiiallllvil
ii K ii'uiilii'il by law , wo will , on ihu t wmflh iluy
of January. A. H. ! ! ) : ) . al ihu hour of two
iiYloi-k In thiMiftnrnooiMit tlioollli-n of ( Ji-orxu
.1. I'aul , 1003 Kariiii'ii hlri-ol , ullliln Ihoitir-
lioralu limits of Mid city , incut , for thn pur *
jtosi ) of consldnrlnn aid niaUInx Hi IIHSUIH-
ini'iit of iliiiiniK'u to Ihu owni'i-s ri-spvutlvuly , ot
salil propi'rty , iiiVi-iiicd by Mild Kriuhi , tiiulii
liitoroiislilfiatlon | ) i'ilal ! lii-nHlls , If any ,
You n rii nolllli-il to hu pi-csunt at ihu limit
ami plai-o afori'.sald and iiialt.i any obji-ctlom
lour Mnli'im-ntH i-ont > oriiln said iis-scs
of Uamau'i's , iii : you may ionslihupronnr. .
( JKO. .1. I'AIJI/ .
W.M. I. suiti\vi-it ,
Omaha , DiTcmliur ! > H , IH'JU. ' l)3Uilt ) ( )
Morosold th-xn till othopj oam'jlnjl Djmtbj djajlval by ( m'titorao * btf'
these claiming lo huvo almost as good a maohlno. Hny only Iho SANDWICH
CORN SHELLBR nnd bo prolocled by direct guarantee from rolliblo miuiufnc-
urers. You can always depend upon our repnlrd buln ? knot in Btoulc by nil local
doalora Apply for our ngonoy. Sender catuloguoi and \irlo33. \ SANDWIOfl
MANUFACTURING CO. , Council Hlulld , Iowa.