Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 09, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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Story of the Life of John Oonnell , the Blind
Poet anil Bingcr.
Why tlio KiiRltMi Krcp tn thn Left In
, ItlitliiK Trilk Henry lrtlii& 1'lujcd
on iTcntijsoii Scottish
I-OMKIV , Dec 27. [ Correspondence of Tun
Ilr.n.An ] eminent German author and in-
self Mstlctl Faiilngford House , Isle of
Wight , the homo of the late Ixn-d Tetinjson.
n few mouths bcfoio the poet's death. In
his later jcars , the lauieate , forglvably
enough , iccoivcd this soil of tiibuto latlier
chai 11 } , as ho had somehow become pos
sessed of the odd suspicion tint liteiai.V
pllgiims sought his cellar , famous for tlio
odesU ) and tliolitst portwlno In England ,
miner limn for oppoitunlU \voishipping
at the ntnino of his pctson.ilily
Wo found him among the shrubbery which
luxuiiouslj hides the quaint old place , wand
ering in the verduio and blossoms like an
unseasonable bt Ntcholts inasnuciading bo-
ncalh a frowsy slouch hat. He received us
kindly enough , but with hinsquo familialIty ;
as though wo had been linpoilunate tenants
coming to insist upon lent i eductions , and
led usdiicf tlto his study 'Iho ono man
servant of the place instantly appciicd ,
with the air of a country inn seivltor await
ing a dubious order from question ible guests
The poet simply slid , "Tvvol" with
n dcpiediting gesture ; motioned us to a seat
upon an ancient leather-coveicd settee ;
tossed his slouch hat into a coiner of the
study and sank wcaiily Into his capacious
easy chair at the study table , as if about to
undcigo an unpleasant oideai
Tcnn } son 0 } ed my Get man filcnd with
evident mlstiust until the man seivant 10-
tuiix'd with two bottles of poitwine , ghsses
Tor his v Isltoi s , and a lingo dot It-glass , hold
ing at least a jiint , for himself Ihen the man dcllhciatelj put an tnd to convoi-
sitionjiy abiuptly dotliiilng tint ho lull
unable to discuss Geimiin iihllosophj or
Ameiican ) iolillcs , pushed one bottle and
Klasscs towanl us , and held the olher bottle
by the neck as If fearful It might somehow
ilisapptar Impiticntlj motioning us to pir-
tnlco , heat once helped himself to a good
lialf plntof v\lnc , to v\hich wasaddcdhilf
ns much told water This was lopoitcd.
until in it half hour's time Ins own bottle had
been cntiicl.v emptied Wo said some pleas
ant things and came away.
llou Ili'iu } Ir\lng I'ooli'il TcnnjHon.
My Gei man filend vvas fuiious ; moio fmi-
ous over the quality of the wine that had
been served to us , than the pool's appaicnt
antipathy to the philo.opliles of his countrv-
incn. The sime ovcnmg in Ixmdon , while
wo wcientillin compuiy together with a
few fliteiary fi lends at a Covent p.udcn ic-
soit.Uhu Geinuin autlior Indignantly related
Iho Incident. The entiie pat ty laughed mcr-
lily at our discomiltme , and one , a well
Itnown actor , flnalU said :
"Ilemy Irving is the only poison who over
really got the best of l oul Tonnjson icgaid-
ing his famous poit wine. IIo was \islting
liim about two since. When the des
sert came on the poet left the table ami le-
tiicd to Ins study with living. Hero
u bottle of Ills f.noiito poit , a
glass for Irving , and the suno
huge dock-glass , with a pitchei of water ,
ivausct boloio him. In a few moments
Lord Tennyson fell asleep living gentlj
disengaged his hand fiom the neck of the
bottle , took it to his o vn side ol the study
table , and leismelj diank its cntlio contents
bcfoio the poet awoke. The lemainder ol
IrvIng's visit was distinguished by cxtiemo
hihuily on his put , and a well defined cool
ness on the put of the l.uucato ; but living
has Liccn ecstatic over this achieve
mentand possesses thoe\tiaoidiiiai.v distinc
tion of being the only man living , aside from
the laureate himsell , who over ically dianli
an cut ho bottle of Loid Tennj son's i.uo old
poit wine.
In foieign tiavel , as in some other things ,
wo aio of ten the victims of our own opique-
ncss or piojudico. In I mdon and othei
British titles , the Ameiican will notice
little signs at stieet coineis , in ciowded
nairow thoioughfaies , In paikvvajs , and at ,
all Sudden tuininga tiaveiscd by vehicles
reading , "Keep To 'I he Loft. "
Komo .vo.iis ago when I Hist noticed this i
wonled mo I wanted to undcistand it , am
like a tiuo Ameiican , pcihaps piotcst abou
it a little. I , ipj > ioaclied .1 London police
mail with the c.uncst mquliy :
"Beg pudon , oillcei , but might I ask why
hi Ixmdon , eveij thing goes to the lefU"
LUcoono ol Mis Jarlei's liguies his heai
moved statuhly , Ileieg.uded mo ono aw ful
olllci il moment w llli contemptuous pity. His
head mov ed b ick again Then w ith w ithci
ing scoin ho answeied :
"An1 w'y in 'ell shouldn't it ? "
I h id nov ei thought of that. After observ
ing and thinking a little I s iw that the Eng
Hah aio light in hcepingto the left Uiheis
being seated at the light , there is absulutolj
noolhor way in which to ntiliro cveiy inel
of a ciowded sfteet. In keeping to the
light , asith us , no dm or cat
safely judge distance , when meolinj ,
1 or passing other vehicles Heio whcie
the diiveis' heads piactkally come
together over theii wheel nubs vvlion meetIng -
Ing or p.issin , . ; , fin gicater speed is sex ured ;
\\hiledaiigorandloss fiom clashing w heels
mo almost wliolli laoided. 'I heie is wisdom
In discarding a bad custom for a good one ,
wheiover wo may llnd the latter.
llou Kiigllril Arlittnn.iry'luui'ls.
Theio is oneinstoni of thoUiitish gently
and nobility , as old us the English i.illwa.v
system , which can never , s.uo in a modified
way , lima its cotinteipart e\en with the
most oircnsi\el } recent accessions to out
Ameiican "aiistocraey. " That is for n gun.
tlcnian and his wife to occupy a liist-class
compaitinent of n nillway cauitigo , appaiv
cntly for the better accommodation of theli
lap dog , wjillo their clilldieii and senantt
an o ciow ( ITO and banged about in n second 01
thhd-i hiss umipai Uncut of thusamu tialn ,
Vcihaps this custom was no\er quite st
unpltMsatitly liiipiessed upon mo us when
i-otuinlng to London fiom York o\er tilt
GicatNoithi'iiualh\ay. 1 happened for n
tlmo to hu the sole occupant of a Hist class
compaitinent , and had fallen asleep. I ur-
tleshad entoicd unknown to mo , mid I was
uw.ikencd just , is t lie IvOiidon subuibsweii
reached ! > } an unusual coiniiiollon ,
A plump English lady , past 10 , with wlli :
oycs and , i Uiugr smooth-shin en upper lip ,
wan Btiugglinglth the inn lion of li
tiny , white I'oito Hlco lap do , , ' . Opposite
lier , on the n line seat n burl } Ijngllshmai :
was pleading with iho suno tinlnial , whlcl
had sot Ita teeth with much peisistent liim
nebs In iho trndeicst poitlon of Its master' !
nose ,
Itas n } oimg ludy dog. Its ilnglots lint
been HO t > ho.ued as to gl\o it tlm aiipcaranci
of a lleico Numldlan lion. H was exceed
Ingly nervous and oxi'lt ible , and its nustei
had nagged the treatuio "Deiby , " mo
iiounced Dili by , It was called until it hai
retorted by grabbing the putsy gent's nps <
as though it had been a rat.
"Hod Dlcos my soul , IJ.ub.vt O'o l.nov
y'o mu ntiro quite , i.ct botwccn } orpiotti
Ilttlo teethA / [ iiiilot t\v.iU by Daiby. I sa.\Daibjt Daiby thoio' '
n diiilliifrl ( iod 'ulcsu me , but It's a bi.ui
gitll [ Another emphutio tweak. ] 1'rcelou1
child1 thctcMiow ! Mludje , U.irhy uenr , l'\ ' (
no notion of te.tiing .uv.iy ficm ye , Daiby
God blesb me , Daiby , I ' .ntn't sucli i
thought. Oh , no , pictty cuatinel Hut
( Jud bless me , wlfecawn't } o'ow , j <
Itnow , ontlco the he ist uwayl r\o bcci
very cool ah , Darby , Ilium's a dearl bu
'pon me wind , I'm fast oxh.tubtln ; ; , Wife
VOiaanl hhow ll.uby the ucitnisi 'Eav'i '
'c'lpine , hut this is a go , though [ 'A\u i
cie.iuilarbyj do ! Theie-'s a dear , though
God bless juo , but the cicains did It
though 1"
U'Jioy rcalli had done. It. Darby had bcci
shoun some Fient'h cir-ams , of which h
was \evy fond , and e\ldenlly piofoiied Uior
tohermastei'Biioso , 'Jhopins } gentseemei
lit for : in apoplectic ) htroko on in coiiut of ilia
organ , whkli hiul MiiTeivd no inouj than
good plt.cli ; but the l.ul.\'s niD.uiliiys at th
posalliillti of U.i i by'a ncnous sstom li'ivln
j-ccclvcd tooAMcro a shoelc , wei-o bomotliln
i piteous ituliHI ,
" ' As wonlluhtcd at Kind's Crosa statlot
aftermlloid. milady nnd Darby had bee
f teiujerly heslowod In u handsome bruughatt
U transpUiid thut the man and wifn's ih
ohlldien , two maids aud the other mls clliu
i , all of whom Hud which ha
hnrcd n thinl clans compartment with as
mnnj uncouth Yorkshlto jokrls , vvcro left to
each homo as best tlioj could by way of n
raging London "pcnnj" 'bus ,
In IMIiilmrRli Toirn.
Tlioro is n quaint Ilttlo inn of Edinburgh ,
mrd by St. Andrew's Square , in which I
eve to make my homo when in "Aulil
Iccklo ; " for while It is but a few steps from
he rltj's peerless I'rmress street It is still
vlthin thopiccinctsof ft line old residence
llstrlct , trnde famous by the haunts of n
eoio of the great literary Scotchmen of
other dajs ,
Much going and coming between this inn
and central city places brought mj notice to
ho fact that every pleasant sum-
ncr night when the hush of evening , had
'alien ' unon Iho town a nmrvTlous singer of
he tcndcicst ballads of Scotland came that
va > . stood for a quarter of an hour or so in
ho quiet entrance to St Andiew's sticct
mil at Intervals to the accompinlmcnt .f an
accordion snug sw eetlv for those w ho tan led
At ehanco glimpses of the singer and his
egular evening audience I noticed , too , that
the man never solicited alms Ho stood
quite still in the middle of the stieet , and
tow and then some one of Iho ciowd , in the
i.iuses of his singing , would slopquietlv up
0 him and place a coin within his hand
I'lieso wci o copper coins ahva.vs. and they
icaih alwajscamo from the pockets of poor
icoplo. rin.illy , the songs and the scene
oiuhhig in ) own hc.iit , I went and placed a
oinln his hand , as olheis had done before
ne Then for the lltst time I saw that the
nan was blind 1 saw , besides , such a
face as will haunt mo all mj lifetime. I
cannot tell j on what pilnter 1ms put most
if hopeful patience , exalted loslgnalion
mil sublime faith into iui.\ ono faeo upon
canvas Hut heio was a face that instantly
lovealed them all. 1 went hick to him. I
old li tin I would llko to know him ; asked
ilm if I could como to his home , or if ho
could find his to my lodgings , and in a
moment mote we had aiianged tor a meeting
it the little St Andrew's sticct inn for thu
11101 row.
When ho came his first words put us both
is watinlj in touch as though our he.uts had
been open to each othei for a lifetime.
"I knew voice " ho said
by i our , sadly ,
"ion SAW thiough nii sightlessness. An'
wo blind folk .tie mair eanni at bcein' than
\ think You make ihjmes. So do I. "
Ibis dopiecatingly "God knows my hcait
Is sair t' sing vvl' ' a pen. tool"
So I knew ho hut ahe.idy sung "wl' his
pen , " and made him theio and then icpcat
Ills ih.vmes Heie was another limns in
i.igsand obscuiiu. Suieli this is MI. Uhen
1 went with this blind poet and singer , John
Council to his home , No 13 ! , Gibus' entry
( second flat ) , Nicholson stieet , Euinbutgh ;
awaj up among the dcnselv inhabited wjnds
and closes ol old town. What was theic ?
Just so m.uii ehlldicn ono could sc.ucely
count them or icmcmber their names , a
kindly-faced w . and tine ; a health-
side us baucn of the comfoits of this life as
the face of a stoim beaten ciag4 but with
faith , hope and imf iltciing love enough
within it to seed for suing an entile lace.
Ihestoiyof the man and his bitter stiug-
gle is a shoit one : becauco of his vocation ,
his poveitj , his silent sufTeimg. Ho was a
mechanic once , w ith boundless hopes for edu
cation and advancement , neiiiaps with
dieains of fame. The blindness came That
the wife and biiins might not staivo he
must sing upon the stieet Then a passing
giand ladj heaul him smg. She sent for
him and gave him an audience. The
old holies flamed anew. To make
her husband piesentablo the soft-
heaited wife g.uo all their sivings and
pledged all their little belongings for cloth
ing and new accoidion. "The puir
body nini find favor ! ' the fond wife pi.tjed.
lie did until ho told the giand ladj pioudly
of his good wife and baiins Uhen she bid
him good day and her servant showed him
Iho door , EUCIAU lj WAKEMAN.
I.VST it soum
_ A In tlie VVnb mil I'anite.
The short line to St. Louis and quick
est route south.
Only 37 hours to Hot Springs.
Only 39 hours to Now Orleans.
Only 38J hours to Atlanta.
Only 52 hours to Jacksonville.
With corresponding fast tirao to all
points east and south. Round trip
tickets to Hot Springs , New Orleans ,
Lake Charles , Galvcston , San Antonio ,
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran
cisco , MobileJacksonville , Tumpi , Ha
vana , nnci all the winter leborts ot the
south and west. Reclining chair cuis
ftoo to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit.
Pullman bulTot sleeping cars , on all
ttalna Baggage cheeked from hotels
and prtvtito tosidences to destination.
For tickets , sleeping car accommodations
and fuithor information eall at Wabash
ticket olllco , loOJ Farnatn street , or
\vnto , G. N. CI-.VYIO.V ,
Agent , Omaha.
i.owit.xn : i\cLis-jiox.
To Houston , Ttv. , anil Kutiirn.
lucsclay , .luntmry 17th , 1893 , my fifth
special juity will leava Omaha , bound
for Houston , Tex.
The talcs for the round tiip , iirst
class , will bo cheaper than you can buy
of any railroad company , and I will give
von lifteen days to go in , lifteon days to
como , and until Juno 1st , l&'JJ ' , to return.
Fbi' further information as to land ,
climate , cost of living and all particu
lars as to piirchnso of your ti.ckot , call
on or address R. C. Patterson , 425
Ruuge building , Omaha , Nob.
A Contrast.
Omaha : Thermometer 2 = below ; wind
blowing ! > 0 miles an hour ; ice and snow
o very w lie re.
San Bernardino : Thermometer 70 °
above ; no snow ; no wind ; flowers ovory-
vvhoi o ,
To exchange the discomforts , ot the
one for the comforts of the other it is
only necessary to purethase , from thu
city ticket agent of the Burlington
Route at 12U.J Karnam St. , a round trip
ticket to the Pacific Coast ; eighty dollars
lars will do It.
The best overland train Is the Bur
lington's No. H , which leaves Omaha at
J:50 : p. in , daily , making connection in
lonvofetho next morning with all
Trans-Continental trains via the sconlo
lines to thu Coast.
Proscolntr and Intorlordocorating , design
sign- ) and estimates furnished , Jjotny
Lohmmin , 1503 Douglas Btreot.
r O
'Ifit D.I > H' I'linsiiro
For very iittlo money besides a per
sonal knowledge of that remarkable
state Toxas. A special party of busi
ness mon fiom Omaha , and vicinity to
Galvuston nndother , points In Texas
and return , will leave Omaha Sunday
ovonlng January IS 1893. Don't mihs
this opportunity. 'iicKots for the trip
can only bo obtained fiom F. F. Wll
hams , room fi22 Fhst National Dunk
Building , who will furnish full particu
lars upon application.
Real estate.
Uargalns only.
My word is gooil.
W. O. Albright.
621-iI-S N. Y. Llfo bid" .
See the celebrated Sohmer piano at
Ford & Oharlton Musics Co. , 1608 Dodge.
Improvement Manifest In fiook-Mnking by
American and English Publishers.
KvIU of tlio rontrnct Sjstcrn AVliy There
Arc in .11 any One-Hook Authors A
New l.ltcrnr ) Mniiln 1'cr-
noiinl Gossip.
YOIIK , Jan. 0 [ Correspondence Of
Tun Urn ] The most Irritating icllcctlon or
tlio pist jcar. in u litci.iry sense , Is , I think ,
\\hcn one looks back upon It , that the t\\o
gieatest books of tlio } ear have como to us
from English nutliots 1 refer now to Thomas
Hardy's "Toss" ' iit'd Mrs Humphrey Ward's
"Duld GiiooVhit \IA\O \ onr Ameilean
aulhois glu n us toapproaehthesotwo books
as Impiessho pieces of llter.ny work ! Uoth
hooks 1110 umiucstlonabl } great of their kliul ,
no m.ittcr from what standpoint ono \iows
either of them. Absolutely nothing has
come to us from an American pen wet thy to
bo classed in the same eategoiy with these
books *
"And yet , " said a II Unary man to mo a few
evenings since , \\o\\eiotalking on this
subject , "our authois aiobusv allthetlnio ;
our editors aio aetl\ej our publishcis aio on
They nro undoubtedly , and It Is a question
whether thcio Is not too much acthlty to
pioduco good woik. Consider for a moment
the lltciary methods under whlchtvgieat
majoiity of the books or stories of the
piesent day are born 1 An editor goes to an
author and ho si\s : " 1 want n novel fi am
jou for 18'Jl. It must bo 100,000 voids long ;
not shoiter and not longer. Let It tt cat as
much of modern society and social life as
possible. The latest date for copy is Mav 1
next. " Then the barteiing of teims
begins ; this _ \\holo trans.ii.tion is
a commercial one , and the only
thought between editor and author seems to
bo tlio question of the highest price tlio
author can get and the lowest pike at which
the editor can get Ills tioph- . The author
sits down with thico things prominently
JKcd in his mind : "lam going to got W,000
foi thisno\el ; It must bo 100,00.0 , woids ; he
wants the manuscript b } May I'1 Then he
begins to s iw out the stor1 , 1 Now. I ask in
all faiiness , how can a "Tcss" o\er .lie writ
ten under such clioumstain.esJ And jet ,
these aio the methods employed ! Inspira
tion h.ibii't a chain o for existence.
It isn't a question of whether a thought
may possiblj como to foim the nucleus of a
gioat stoiy , but it must como , for the ton-
tiact is sijrncd and the story must bo done
bj a cci tain time , and theio must be a cer
tain number of words in it. It's all must , ,
and that's the kind of books so many of our
authoisaie tinning out.
J.IUu.uj Competition Growing Keener.
What the new-boin } car will do for Amcii-
can literatuio is , of LOUISC , an umevcaled
scciot. But lltciary competition is not giow
ing less , and that means moro foicedoik. .
Our authois will undoubtedly wiito much ,
but how well they will write is another ques
tion. The fact of the matter is that the
Ameiican dollar maik is doing more mischief
with our llteiatme than many know or sup
pose. The t ontiact clement eiitcis too mm h
into authoiship , and so long as that exists ,
good woik is impossible Wheio a man
wntcsfor the dollar , his woik im.ui.iuly
shows the caimaiksand thrsoaio thetiaces
all too appai cut on so many of the books of
Oneicason why wo ha o so many one-
book authors is that the wiiteis aio not
gnen a chance to wiito anj tiling conscien
tiously bojond their ( list book. An author
makes a success , and bo is immediately laid
hold of by all the editois and publishcis in
the country , fabulous oftcrs dazilo him ,
and he quicUlv falls into contract woik ,
where thu mind is foiecd to its woik.
One piospect is pleas int , in this connec
tion , for the piesent new j ear. The Woild's
lair excitement , it is gencially conceded by
publishcis , will be a serious drawback to the
i eduction of many books , and hence the
prossuio upon the authoi will , tosomo ex
tent , bo icmo\ed Lcisuiois undoubtedly a
giLater factor in good hteraiy woik than
aught else , and someofom authois , judging
fiom their woik , can stand u goodly amount
of leisuie.
One thing which , if not directly literary ,
has no\ctthclcss a pleasant healing upon
maga/ino leading in general , will , I think ,
como to pass duiing Ib'.U , and that is a shai p
icaction m legald to the quantity of ad\ci-
lising tallied bj our inoie poiular | maga-
yiiiLS This has for some mouths been a
glowing feeling with those most competent
to judge in such matters That this ic.u tion
was bound to come , has long boon antici-
p itcd. Like most things wo do in this coun
try , the thing has been oveidono , and the-
Until of this is beginning to bo felt. The
leading uublic has been patient , the news
dealer has molested against the weicht of
the magazines caused by the enormous num
ber of advei Using pages , w hich mean noih-
ing to him ; but now the .uUeitiser
himself is tinning , just as the pio-
veibial woim QTho quantity of business ad
mitted , he claims , is disastrous to his adver
tisement ; boc.uiso it is practically hidden
awaj. and the public to which ho appeals is
appalled at the moro than gem-ions banquet
olfeied it , and will not eat. In shoit , the pub
lic is "skipping" the ad\ertising pages ,
wheic , with a lesser number , it used to read
them assiduously.
Mini } Authors to Iteuil from Their Woiks.
That this a conectiow of the matter , no
ono who has studied the question can deny.
In the last issues of "Harpci's , "
' " and the " " the
Sciibnei's" "Century , high-
water mule was reached , and oven fjom
these issues , se\eial legular ad\eitiseis
asked their agents to see that their business
was omitted. In ono of these mag.uincs , for
example , theio wcro ghon J70 pages of ad-
ertlsenlents. Now , it stands to icason that
people nio not going to'wado thiough such a
mass of matter which , after all , has but in
direct inlet est to them. When the
highest number of pages i cached
ninety-two in a single issue , which tineo ago , the limit should been sot. IJut competition is keen , the
business managcis aio envious of ench
others success , and the thing has giown be-
jond allnoimal piopoitinns. Nou , the 10-
action has como , and it is well. AdvoiUsing
is Intelesting , but thcte Is such a thing as an
oseidoso of all things , With the adveither
on the defensive , the question bci omes a
practical ono , and heed will have to bo given
to his clamor. And the leading public will
benefit by it.
Another thing which the now jear will
sco is a larger number of authois leading
fiom their own winks on public phitfoims.
The idea of an author leading his own pro
ductions lias now been well tiled , and that it
has piovcn pleasant as well piotltablo to the
majority theio is no doubt , . Eugcno Field is
the latest addition to authpr-ieadeis ,
and theio will bo otheis. Thomas
Nelson 1'ago , Geoigo W. Cable ,
James WhiUomb llllci , Mai ion Ciaw-
foid , Sir Edwin Ainold all have numeious
engagements , and w ill bo seen and heard In
nearly all the huge cities At ono author'1 }
leading , to bo given in Now Voik next week ,
Charles Dudley Winner , F , Hopklnson
Smith , Edwaul Eggleston , Kobeit Grant ,
Will Carloten , ( Jcrti udo Atherton w 111 all bo
heard on the same afteinoon , During Lent
Sir idwin Arnold and Mai ion Crawfoid will
alteinato in a seiies of moining loadings In
Now York. Eugene Field stni Is out in Feb.
ruary for quite an extended tour , Every
prcssuio is being biought to brar upon Mr.
to givu u touiso of leadings , but
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S u 1 I , , Powder
0I llie only Pure Creaui of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum
Id in of Homes 40 Years the Standard ,
thus far the mos jnllurlng offers have fulled
to tempt him unhumd Clarence Stedman
will also bo heardtthts jcar. Mrs Cutter Is
now n pronounced feadcr from her w i Itlncrs ,
and has had n nnrfiber ofdates" made for
her. .Tool Uhandltr Harris , I understand , Is
also going to try- his luck with "Uncle
Hcnnis. " And so M-O shall not have n lack of
author-readers , on oppoi Utilities denied
the o who nro Interested In the personali
ties of the writers'whoso books they admlro
to sco the men who write them ,
Now M mi la fur Trench Hook * .
"Almost all phases of the mania for book
collecting have hocn named and defined , but
there is still ono phase tint , as far as 1 can
see , has never been touched on by writers
about hooks , and It Is n very Inteicstlng
jihaso , too , " isald a prominent Now York
book-seller to mo the other day.
"It Is a peculiar minla , v hlch I , as an ex
tensive dealer in lare books , am in position
to sco n gieat deilof Icalllt'Frincoinanl i. '
and it lofers to tint class of book-bitIng
which is content with nothing but Fiench
books and Fi until editions This prefotenco
Is biscd on good , sound sense , for the French
ptibllsheis lead the vvoild In boohmaklng
'J hey dlspla } the greatest , the most exqtiis
Ite t isle , they bestow the utmost pilns and
the } expend the Ingest stuns , in the pi hit-
Inir , manufacture and binding of books The
reputation they have obtained ninonv book
\ oei s for their supci iorltin , all that poi
tains to bookmaklng Is Justl } earned So
gicit is it that the best one eati say of a
handsome English woik is that it is equal to
the Ficncli , and It Is only occasionally that
this can ho said.
"Hut. at the suno time , these Franconiani
acs push their preferences too far It is like
e\ciy cure fiom a llxed do\otlon to ono ob
ject a man soon comes torcg.ud ever\ thing
else as worthless The English publisheis
and American publtsheis improved
steadily dining late in the art of bookmaking -
making and now mamifaetino beautiful
books , and to sco ono of these rabid Fianco-
manlacs elevate his nose In contempt o\er a
d.iiut } and genuine ! } aitlstic sunple of Entf-
lish oi Anieitean bookmaking is absolute ! }
exasperating. If they icallv had good taste
they would iccogni/o a cieditable picco of
woik at once , no matter wheio manufac
tuicd ; but they have noieal tiste , no dis
elimination , no independent judgment , oi ,
if they once had , It has become complete ! }
vv.uped and stultllled by the ei.uo , the
mania to which they have fallen \lctims.
'Ihclrciccd is simply. 'Theie is nothing good
but Iho Fi ench '
1 Th's ' mania takes a curious and amusing
foim. Iho victims insist upon having their
English classics in French , or , at least ,
Fiench editions. Now. I Know of soveial
cases of my o\v n cxpeiicnco w htn the so cal
led Fiench editions , weio printed h } English
woikincn , on piper of English manufaotme ,
and { Unstinted by English ailists ; hut Itboie
a Fionih impiint , so the Fiancomaniae was
satisllcd. You .no familhr , of course , with
btcino's 'Sentimental .Tomnil,1 nnd } ou
Know what a delicate , exquisite specimen of
English litcr.ituie it is. It isgicatly admired
by tlio Fiench as possessing the pccutiir
ch.uni and giace of stlo which eh.uaclcii/es
their own litoiatmo. Well , a custoinci ol
mine w ould not buy th it w 01 k until I obtained
for him a Fiomh veision published in Palis
This is only one of man } examples I
could give of the cuiious cxtiernes to which
Fiancomania uigcs its victims.
Enw.vr.n W. Boic.
If you will cull at our now stereo
\ \ ill nrcsuntyou with ill copy [ of u boauti-
ful piece of music. Ford & Charlton ,
150S Dodgo.
Wy dortor mys It nets centl } on the stomncii.
llv er nnd kMnc > n. nnd Imi pleasant Iaxntl\ 'Hits
drink l i : aile from herbs nnd la prepared for uao
aseisltjnstca _ lib called
e. Ifjou
rnnnotget It , oenil yonrnililress for u free sample.
I.nne'M l nnilly ledlrlnc IIIOVON Iho IMIVT IH
enrlidny. Inordertnhelieiltliythlsl'inercsBnry
.AddressOUA'lOKr.WOCJUVVAKl ) l.i Ilov.I .Y
vvimuui THE
it is easy to steal or ring watches from the
pocket. 'Hie thief gets the \\atch in one
hand , the chain jn the other and gives n
short , quick jerk' the ring slips off the
witch stem , nnd away gijrs the vvatcb , leav
ing the victim only the ctKin.
This idea stopped
that little game :
The bow has a groove
on each end A collar
runs down inside the
pendant ( stem ) and
fits into the grooves ,
firmly locking the
bow to the pendant ,
so that it cannot be
pulled or twisted off.
Sold by nil watch dealers , \\ithout
cost , on Jas. Boss Filled and other
cases containing this trade mark
Ask your jew clcr for pamphlet.
Keystone Watch Case Co. ,
Afey fionx ?
Aru NKVril HolU
The Mercer.
Omaha's Nawest Hotel
tO Iloonn nt IW per AH.J.
MllooniB ntnOUiier ditf ,
CO Uromi with Birth at U 0) per dir ,
W llooint with Dull at 13 il to II S ] per Uir.
Motlurn 111 Kvpry-llimpert.
> vl ) rurnUlioU Throneliout.
C. S.IERB. Prop.
TO TIU : owNKiwor MA , LOTS on CAUT-S
of lovs on "H" street from Utli bteuot to lth
Von nro lioieby notinod thit the unilJr-
slKiioil. tlirooilUlnturpsted froplipiders of ttig
city of Umiihti , lm\olJuun duly appointed
liy the major , nltlitlio nmirovnl of the city
council of bilU oltv. to asscsj Iho Unniiuo to
Iho owners respectively of the property uf-
feetcd by the Kradloz "f " ' * tool fro n Utli
street to 17th strooU dccliirnd neecssiry hv
oriilnaiu'o No. aJSX uassod Doccinbor Uth , 160 , * ,
npnroxjd Dei-ember 10th. ISJi.
Vou uro further noHflod that havliu no-
copied suld npnolntinont. nnU duly nuiillOod
ns required Dy law. o will , on the l.'th day of
January. A. I ) . JS'JI ' , at the hour of .1 o clock
In the uftornooii , at tlio oflU'o of Goo J , 1'aul ,
1 " 4 1'iirnani btrcot. within the cor-
Iioi utollinlu of sild eltv. moot for Iho pur-
po e of ooiuldorlni ! and nmkliu the HSSOM-
moiit of drtiiiasio to the owners rospectlvoly ot
iltl propei ty alToctoU liy vuld urado , Mkltu
nto consldoratloii spooUl bononts. If niiy.
Vou are notlllcd to bo prcsont at the time
and pluco nforos ild an4 miiko iiiiT objection ?
to or sUtoinouts coiiiurnln r said assessment
of damugcs un you may c"'ouler | | | ) , AJMr | <
W.'ll' , billUVFMl.
Oniahs , NeU , Dec. Wth. ibW. ddlOi
Mr. William Dean Howells
Will , in 1893 , contribute to
a striking series of literary
articles of an autobiographical
character , wherein he will give
some of the most interesting
leaves from his own life , his
reading in the literature of the
N lP < | g world , and the influences
which have shaped his "literary work and career.
The articles will practically be , in a sense ,
The series will immediately follow Mr. Howells'
new novel of American girl-life , "The Coast of
Bohemia , " commenced in the current Christmas
One Year for Ono Collar J send to
Ten Cents on News-stands The Curtis Publishing Company , Philadelphia
T7ie Grccil JLJvor find Stomncli ttcmccly
Cures all disorders of the Stomach , Liver , Rowels , Kidneys , llladdcr ,
Nervous Diseases , Loss of Appetite , Headache , Constipation , Costiveness ,
Indigestion , Biliousness , Tever , Piles , , etc. , and renders the hy tcin less
liable to contract disease.
U/Vn\VAVS / riljLarn.icnio foi thl-t complaint. Tlioj tone uji thu IntarnU soototlons to
lien I tliy notion , rcbtnri * sttciiKth to the stomncii and on.ililo It topci form Its functions
Prluo 25oi box , bold by all druggists , or mailed by IIAUWAV * . UO.oi VV anon stroot. Now
York , on lecelpl of price.
Compel your Shoe Dealer to supply you with
AND'S. .
the New JeiNey SPECIALTIES , They
lire tine. Notice name ON SOLES.
Dealers can get Price Lists and Dis
counts on application. 1 carry n big
stock and am Western Agent for the
New Jersey Co.
SJoes your system
Need a
Stimulant ?
If so , use
For Sale at all High-class Drinking
Places and Drug Stores. If your
Dealer docs not keep it , write tote
Fiflaocial llclcrcnce : Nat'l ' Back of Commerce , Omaha.
No DICTENTION from btisinoss. No Operation.
Imtstluruooiir Mnthod , Writ ton puiiriintoo tontiso-
lutoly ( Juronll klndxtit UIH'TUURof liothsoxoB.wlili-
nnt the USD of MiiKo or syrluisu , uu matlur of how lout ;
ctnndlag ,
307-308 N. Y , LIFE BLDQ , , OMAHA , NEB ,
Bend for Olroulnr.
1S1O 'Douglas S.troet , Omaha , Neb.
The eminent ipeclaiut In nervoin chronic private blaod , tkln ntid urtnnrr dlseiie * A regular ind
rcUtloredurnauntulnuxNllblno andlplmim and curtlllcatui nhow. Is "till traatlnit with the KfoatOJt sup.
era ) cnUrrli , lot manhood aamlnal weiknoit , nl ht luuoi ourt nllformi Of prlralu | ji" ' .No mjrou ,
rf mod. Nvir truaimunt for lo > of vital poner. I'artlui ucmWo to visit mo inir In troatol nt lioun lir
corrutponduncD JloJIcIno or InttriimonU ont by in ill or otprou muroly pia < ul , no nurln to lailloitj
contentor sundsr. Onapsrionnllulorvlow prcforrot < V > riiiilUtlcmr < , I'orroipinlnioiiilrlctl/
IJook ply tcrl uM.lfo' oiu frjj onicjhour 'Ja lu lo'Jpm dnn4iy > IUn in tolJiuon J ( tun ? torrjplr
3"NorvoSood8 , "
I the wonderful rcmuily
it > old with A vrrll-
ten nuuraiitrr to ruro all IIPIVOUI ( 'Uiojci , uch tt Wenk Memory ,
l/'enof llralii 1'owir , llnuduclia. VVukefulnen , Ix t Msnhood , Nlgbtlr Kiuli.
tlons , McrTOiitnoii. l.msltudc , ull drum and I BI of power of the Uciierallt o
Oman * In rithcriex camel by over erertlon , youtbful f rrur .or tucenlrc
uieof tobftcco. opium or ttlmulunti which noon lead to InUrrallr.Coniuoip.
linn niialiuanilr. I'm up couinmloni to mrrrln reit pocket , ml per pack *
aBahrmuVliOfo'W. With OTorjr U.rrterw dvoaWltm uarant tocun
r/ und t CTnontV Circuit r frtv * Adrtrtst Acr % nf.pcd Co. , ( JblcAffii , 111 *
For Sale in Omaha by Sherman & McDonnell , 1610 Dodge Street.
i yj s iiS StSssj's ' s ? n rTvymfl
coMrot xi ) or
Invalids need no longer dread
to take that great specilio for
consumption , Cod-Liver Oil and1
Phosphates. As prepared by Dr ,
\Yilbor's \ , it is lobbed oi the nau
seating taste , an I also embodies
a picparation ot the phosphates ,
giving- nature the very aiticle re ?
quiied to aid the healing quali'
ties of the oil , an I to re-create
whcie disease has destroyed ; '
This article also forms a remark
able tonic , and will cause weak
and debilitated persons to become
strong-and lobust , Dr. Wilbor's
Emulsion should be kept in every ,
family for instant use on the first
appearance of coughs or irrita
ion of the lungs. Manufactured1
only by A. B , WII.BOK , Chemist,1
Boston. It cures consumption ,
coughs , colds , bronchitis , debility ,
wasting diseases , asthma , influ
enza , scrofulous humois , pneu *
monia. Sold by all druggists ,
How Mnny
nro pultinjj
Inlcudln ? soon to consult a
W//Y THIS 1)151.YV
Chronic , Private , Nervous anil
Surgical Diseases CURED. Lost
Mr.nlioocl , FonialoVcaknossos ,
Etc. , CURED.
Treatment by Mall. Address with
Htnnit ) for p irtlcutnrs , wnlcli will bo
Bunt In a plain onvolnpo ,
* UoomsS , 8' ' } . 0 BJS ,
110-118 ! . 1MU Stroot. Oin ilia.
To .1. II , Hontcllo , Mll < n , Callmrlno
I.oclilln , M.r-i'vcri'ii Soioiisen. A. 1' . Chi IstoJ
. , Clai.i I'diil , ( i. 11 iilsHoitli : , John
WlxM.mii IPIIIKO I ) . T/MMicli , .Iniiu'sd. NoUon ,
I'ului Dohl , Walter I > r-i-llij , .laiui'S ( J , Alien !
Vim mo liurcihy nolll.cil that , the under *
M ncil , tliioii ( llsliitcicsK d fit't-lioldc'is of tlio
( Ity of Omaha , liavo lii-cn duh appointed by
HID in ij or. ltli thn .iipruvil | of tliuc lly connell -
ell of Mild ultv , to iisst-s , tlio iliiiniKo to ( ho
onnuit n sic'Ullvc | < Iy of tint piiiiii | ty declared
by oKlliiunco iH'efssiiri In l > " aiipiopil.itt'd for
thu USD of h i Id city , foi Ilio puiiixscof niicmlng
and oNteiidln ; ; hKKcnth hliot.'t fiom vlntou
stuct to the Miutli I'll v limits
You aio fnilhci niitlllul tint h ivliiK ac
cepted said : ipilnluicMl | ) ) , and duly ( | imlllled
as i ( onlied by law , vwill , on the . { Dili day ojt
.lanii.uv , A I ) . IH'II ' , at thclinui of 11 o'olocll
In Iho loic'iioon , at tliu dllliM of'l' II McUul-
loch , loom HI' ' , Now Veil , I. Uo liiilldlin ; , within
thutoipoi ilo limits of > lid city iu" t fur thu
of I'imtililpi Inland inaMnx HID assciii-
ini'iiliif daiinuo to I hit ouii'irs icsp'Clholy , ot
h.ild piopi'ity , liy icason ofMiHi taUIn ? and
appiopil.itlon tlKinuif t f Intoi unsliluru *
tion f-pi'diil Itcnollts , Ifnuj
Thn piopnrty hc'liiiuliu in win proposed to
bo apiroprlalcd | as afoius ilil , and wlilcli hat
I , ccn di eland necessaiy by the ( onnull , by
oidliianco , tiappiipiliilii Id tliu u i ) of the city ,
lieliu hllnate-d In Mild e-ll > ofoiuiliu , In the
( diinty of Ddiulus , and M ito of Nelnusku , 11
d ( scilbcdas followto , wlt :
h 'M feiil of w ( Hi fi ot of lot 1 , h H. Honors'
iilat , Okahoini ; iv Id fcmt of lots 10 and 11 ,
Miittoi'N Milidhlnlon of lot 1H , H K
iilat , OKahoiui ; v > 00 feul of ttiililnl 1 , tax lot
till , w'JI feotof lot 10 Oil. IIIII No ' - '
of n 'Jl fcol of lot 111 Oil. IIIII No 'Jt w 10 fuut
oflols 0-7-N , .Motloi'rt slllxthlsloii of lot-lH , H.
i ; Horns' iilat , Ol.ahoiiini n 'JIM ) fort w CO
f ( t of lot -111 , H K HIUCM' pi it , Ol.ahomu ; w
Hlfeot lot 1 1 , Mottoi'h hiiliilhl lon of lot IH , M.
i : Ito/eix' ' plat Ukiilmnm ; w ' 111 feel of snblot
I tuxlot'JI ) : 1(1 ( fciitlol ' ) , Motloi'rt snlidhl-
slon of lot , It ) , H. 1 ! Uo c'i-i' pi it. Uljihoma ; w
'J.i f. ot , ovcopt h 7 fen ) , of lot Hi O iK Hill No.
J , lot II , Moltoi'H.subdh Won , i ) ' , ' 1 1 foot of lot
i oiShiso
Von aio notified to bo pic-rnt at the tlmo
and plae-oafoiesild , and' any objcetloim
tOOl hllltt'llH'MlH COlll'iM llllU' SUllI plOpOMIll Up-
litoprlatlon , or uss ( .sniunt of dtunacei , us
JOHN r n.Acic.
, /A.MIS : si'jniAin. (
Onuliu , January C , IH'ja JO-d'JOl
In iiiunri > awcd ( la th
t rentniciit of ull
nail nllWrakneif iiru
anil Dltorrtm of Pntrl
13 jrcari oxjierlonc * .
Wrlto lor rlrcnl r
and < | iio llou lint fr o.