ggMM n - jr - THE OMAHA DAILY BEK : MONDAY , JANUARY 0 , 1803. * 8PECIRL NOTICES. VOIl T1IK9U COt.UMNB A1ITKIITI9KMKNTH nmp.m. : for tlio cr nlna nnd until 8 M v , m. for the morn Inn or 8 titular odl- No inlrrrtl etront l k n for less thin MccnH for 111 * flmlln frllon. All nfltprtl'rTnpnlii In tlipta column * m cenlt n word for thn nr t ln prUon nnrt I cent n word for ench ub pqnrnt ln ertlon , or-HJU t' r line per month. 'Icrms , cnoli In nilrnnco. InlllnlB. ngiires , ] rmbil , etc . CKeli count ns n wonL AJ ortl e- mnntKnniiit run conoccullfclr. AilrcrtUcru , t > r ro- < iuc llnit ( i nnrnbcrcil chock , can h o thn letters ritilioicit to n numbered teller In f ro of THE llr.r. yVn noin u nitilr > ed will to cUllTcrecl on Iho | ire enlnllnn of thn cliock. _ SITUATIONS WANTED. - VOUM1 KNHLI311 WOMAN WITH A A-A wants plnco where she can work for board Apply lo Her C. W. fiarldxe , cor. Lcatcnworth anil 2 th avenue. MU ! " "A - niH'O CI.KllK WANTS I'OSITION. AUK Si. -i Vsorcn yrnrt town nnd countrypsporlrncu. nee- litered , Al references. Address. J , W. Mnnn , C hadron , Nell. MI03 " - WANTKI ) . SITUATION IIY YOUMi MAN , oipcrjenced stonoEraphernnd trpewrlter. Ad- diois I. . C II. , 305 NY. . l.lfo Illilir. MI2I-1I WANTED MALE HELP. - CO.MMIHS10N TO AflKN'M TO handle Iho Patent riicratral Ink Krantnu Pencil. The most useful und novel Invention of thoane. I Erases ink thoroughly In two fcconds. Works like manic. VO Hi no per cent profit. Agent * making ISO per week , Wrnltowant a general ngpntto taku chsrgo of territory and sppc > lnt > ub r.cents. A rarn rhanroto tnakn money , wrllu for loimsand mani ple of erasing. Monroe Ktailtig Mfg. Co. , \ 3' ! . Ln Croaae.Wls. W _ Tj-AfJKNT.S WANTKI ) , P11LDICNT1AL LIKK Jilns. Co. . Kood pay. Apply room ! 0. Krontor block , oppo P.O. Ml.OJIU * U-WK PAY HALAHV WKKKLY TO ( JOOII -IJagents. Iliperlonco unnccossnry. Apply Singer olllce. ' MHWJ20 IJ-WANTKD , A FKWUF.MAIII.K SOLICITOUS J 'In Nelirnskn for the Union Centr. l l.lfo Iniur- nncn company of < Inclnnatl. ( lood lurrltory nnil Jllioral eontrnnla to the right men. Address J. M. Xdmlston , Stnlu AKent. rooms 5 , 4U nml IT llurr llk. Lincoln , Neb. MSiO J30 IJ-LUMIIKH riALlwMAN WANTUII TO SBLL Jrcdrrdnr shlnglnson the Bldo. < ! oed commls- Klon paid per car. Mutt bo a well po toil man on thorond thnt ban n good tnulo. Address A. U. , rare of t/io Puiiol Bound Lumberman , Tacoma , Wash. M71IJ 11' ' | > AOK.ST : ) WA.VTKI ) EVKHYWHIillK FO JJKomdhlnK entirely now. A fortune to rnch who nupllcsln lime. Dcnna Supply company , Lacrosse Wli. M83U d * - , SIX OH KIUIIT KUIST CLASS B-WANTKD : stcnily work , good wages. Men with fHiiillles preferred. J. H. llancy It Co . . Host Ings , Neb. . M U-WANTKI ) . A HOH5KSIIOKUOHUKNKIIAL JJblacksmlth. J. Nuichy , Ncola , la. U30 12 1J-WANTED. 8ALKSMEN KOIl NKW YKAlt. JJAddress with stamp , giving present nnd formrr occupation , Sumatra Clgnr Co. , Chicago , 111. USUMt * - ) . KIIIST CLASS KXPKUIKNCKD shoo salesman , munt hnvouniloubtod At refer cmces. Apply lloslou Store , Uiimhn. " > U iJ --lllttliHT I'.YKS , " A CIIANCK TO MAKB JJ money fnst nml nnny. Wo waat nn agent In ovcry county In Nebraska , Iowa , South Dakota , Wyoming. Colorado nnd Hainan to Introduce our wonderful medical discovery , "llrlgh t Kycn" Is the most rcmarkablu discovery of the ugc nml Is pos- llvoly guaranteed to rclloiu and cure alt complaints of the eye. It removes liiilunintlon , strengthens vreak uyes. cures nero ones nnd adds brightness ami beauty to hi'nlthy ones Liberal terms to agents TJo money or deposits required In advance. Write Tor territory at onco. "llrluht Kjoa" llemedy Co. JS'o. VU north CnpllolSt. . Washington , 1 > . C. luOSI.U T > -OUTTKIl WANTH1) WHO WILL WOItK AS J'tallor , fOO.OO per month , steady work , K. Mar tine , Wcutboio , Mo. M1UH3 * WANTKI ) IIA11NKS9 MAKKUS Tu THY B ollcto of Iron , best In market. Agcnto wanted .Aildresi , with slump , Amcrlcnn ManufncturliiK company , Cmnlm , Neb. MlUii 16 * . AIIVKIC1 1 I isollcllors on the olllclul publication of the " ' " tlrst classmen "World's Columbian Kxposltlon. Only men of good address need apply. . Conkoy Co. , U L.huw AdvV. Mgr. , 341-n.i1 Dear. horn street. ' lili-ngo. Ml IB 10 * -MOUI.OI5IIS ANIl HKI.Pr.ll3 WANTKI ) AT 33 Klmball ilros. Klovntor Works , Council UltifTs. 600-7 33B -WANTKI > . IMMKDIATKLY. YOUNG MAN B receive Instructions bookkcci | r : ono lady assistant mid typewriter ; one youim man as hill clerk , all for same house , early In Kotiruary. .Ap ply to J. 15. nilth , oxpcrt accountant , 517 rMieely block , 9M 7 * -HOY WANTED TO TKNI ) OKHIUU 1IVUN INUS and Sundays. Dr. lloewatorUco building. -INTKI.LUIKNT MAN OK NI5AT AI'IMCAIl- anco for outdoor position. Apply i.t 40.1 lleo building , .Monday between 8 nnd 9 a. m. MltO 9 WANTED FEMALE HELP. -YOUNd LADIKS CAN SOOV ACQU1IIK A working knowleilEO ot shorthand nud type writing at Van Snnts'313 N. Y. Lllii. M'-Ut C-WASTKL- , I.AH1KS Oil YOUNU MKN TO take light , pleasant work at their own homes ; fl.COto Si.lX ; ) ner day can bo quietly made ; work aent hy mall : no canva-slni ; . Kor particulars ad- dieasiiloboMfi ; . Co. , lioxttUl. Huston , Mass. KH- tahllshcd IBM. M4'.m 119' C-WANTKI ) , mill. KOlt OKNKUAI. 1IOUSK- work ; peed cook , wustior and Ironer , 21J ! Cap- ! tel nvenuo. M1'1 * * ! i-WANTKI ) , OIIIU KNKItAI. I1OUSKWO1IK , C small family , coed w Kes ; HUrf South Jlst. 902 CG - L WANTKI ) AT Ml 1'ItANKU.V STltKHT. ; Two In family , SIKH G -WANTKI ) , IN AN. INHUIIANCK AND ItUAL citato otllro n conipotonl stcnoKraphor nnd itrn- ornl elerk ; lady preferred. Aildress In own hand- wrltlnu stntlntt uxporlcnco and salary wanted Wli , lice. ilUll U * CWANTED. . A NHAT Olltl. K 'It ' SI'.COND C work In smalt family ; waves tl | > cr week. 3110 Douglas. Mi)38-ll ) _ -Clllll. KOlt QKNISIIAL HOJJ3KWO11K. MOJ ( H. 13th Btsoot. JliKHI 11 * _ -WANTUH , A GOOD GIIll. KOlt UKNMIATi honsawork. 5001 Karnain street. JllI'.il'J FOB BENT HOUSES. Kim ItKNT. No. 2113 CAI'ITOI. AVI5NU1C , modern The O. K Davis Co. , IMS Knrnntn tl. 707 -fOlt ItKNT , MODKIt.N lU-HOU.M HOUSK , All , conTonlcncps. tlvo nilnutes' walk postouico , strn t curs pass the dour. Nathan tiholton or K r ) . bkliiner. 1UI t Karnain t. 7UJ D-tOll HKNT. HOUSES IN ALL I'.WITS OK city. The O. V. Davis company , I5lo ( I'nrnam st. - . DWr.LLlNOS , CUTTACJKS. IN ALL D-KLATH. the city , Kilkenny . "c Co. , 'ia Karbuch 710 - OK 11 1IOOMP , ALL .MOIlKIlN CON- D-HOUSU . pleannntly located near bu > lne-s cen ter. Apply Itwi thlcnKo at.or L S. bkluiier. IUI4 Karnam. 711 iS-KOll IlKNT. B-HOOM COIINKI ! KLAT.8KCONI ) .1 Jlloor. rnnto .V other conrcnlencei. Cloucrblk , 701 S. Itjili * t. , 140. Klngnult llros. . llarkcr hli < ck lrU4 J13 NKW MIOOM ClVrrAUKH , MrtDKHN , IN Plnnforil circle. Convenient fur buslne-s men of Omaha and South Omaha , U. S. Klgutter , 2UI llc i bulhllntr. M4S8 T\-KOIl IlKNT TWO NOUTIl HOIIriKS OKTIIK .1/iloiHlcrion block on Citorulu nvenuo. Apply Itooius 35J and r > 52 llad llulldlng , J. M. hlmoral. re ceiver. C72 - UMlflK LIST 1'AUU ICOiKAHNAMhTItKK'rT MU10J27 * IIOIWK , ( IAS , IIATH , nillNACH , liarn , onu block froiii motor. Inquire W. I Klcistuail ul Daivvy \ Stouu's , RS2'9 . " TKN-UOOM MODKIIN HOIISK , COIl. liirTl nnd .MubonIrceta. . Call at 507 IJrown blrtit. MM4 K4 TT\-KOlt IlKNT-l HTKAU HKATKI ) KLAT ; B X-'roums ; I Uitiin block , 11th and .Mason streets ; In Bond rrpalr. Inijulra ai V17 In the block , John flamlln. agent. MV93 _ " eli HUNT MTOHK IIAV1.NO 1IKKN OCCU- D plcil for.s yriirsm well pnylni : grocery un Khrr- I , nyi > . ln < | iilrn IU.M r-licrnmn nm , Mvai H rv KOIl IlKNT , KKAIl HANriCOM I'AIIK. llrlck house , tlKlitiooini.No.Swj I'opploton ate. . corner I'opplBtun ava rndThlrtyspcond st , , south and rait Iroi.t , nntthcd In oak. Mlth bandioiug mantels , bath , splcnitlil lurnaci' , brick cellars , etc. , 150.00. llrlck house , el ht rooms. No. 1140 South Thirty- aecondst. . ink Iliilib. with pica bath , lurnacy , city watur , clttcru , gas , aoweraiic , trick collars , etc. , Ki.tC. Klciisnt brick house , NO. tOOi I'uclllc st. . ono of thn Unfit tlnlshcd amlco le t dcht-rooni homes In the city , with all luodvrn convi > uli > iii'e > , Includlnt elouunt porcolaln butli tub , hot and cold Watur , stationary laundry tubs , etc. , no nnor location lu the city. fU.OO. Tha above houses are all on pared ttrcets , con Trnlont to motor lines. In pcrfactly healthy lor * tlouan.t pleasant uelghboruood. Goo. N. Hicks HUl.NewVotkl.lfi > , FOB , BENT FUBNISHED ROOMS. " " - CKL\rKllltNI8Hl I ) ItUOMsTALL MOPKIIN jconvanleuces , terms reasoiiiblo. Call at Mi KorthWrd. KIT-U _ 1-ONB LA ItOt ! BINULF. UOOMt HTKAM HKA1 rU jclercuco'rcqulrJ. 310 gouth I2ii'l itreot. 7SS E WKI.T. VUIIN1SIIK1) fUONT ItOOUs ] S North l th itr i t MiH < IV ' - ItOOMS , AN ! ) 110 1'Kl 'jmonlli. 034 B. Utti it. 1K8 V E -4NICKI.V KUIINI81IKD UOO1IBQU LlQII'l housekeeping , llttvrvnce lequlrcJ. SM4 St Mary s v . U53 t _ 17-rOU UKNT. NICELY KUUMBHKU VKOM J Jroouit uiiulera 4if4MtU4M4M , rMoaabla tent I1H lt ru r stie t- MIK lu FOnNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. IOLA , 1W AND III N. 1 TH 8T. 71J 1-JIO SOUTH WT11 STIIKKT. 1' SOT _ Tj'-KIJItNISHEIl. 8TKAM 1IKATKI ) ntX > .M8 X with lioard , aluo tabld bonrdors accommodatedt centrally located , The Illllsldo , N. W. cor 18th and l.oaitc. 67J 10 * _ 171-MCKI.Y KUHNISIIKI ) "SOUTHKAST VltO.NT .1. room with nlcovo and bay window ; all modern conveniences ; private family ; bonrdt ttl H , ztitb street. .83i 9 - AND llOAttl ) KOIl TWO ( IKNTMCMKN J. S.W per week each ; 5M North IVth street. iliC.1 _ I.-IIOOM AND ItOAUI ) KOIl 8INOLK ( IBSTLK- J man , J5.0J per wpckt modern conveniences , 513 North 33d street. MU71 10' V ? i-il ASISO.MK 801'TH ' IIOOMS WITH ItOAItl ) . 1 lleferonces. 1872 Chlcaxo street. M977 1I UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G KIIIST FLonn OK COTTAUK : IIATII AND gas. 2072 Howard st , M'JI6 V FOR KENT STORES AND OFFICES. 1 - Mill HUNT , THK 4-STOIIY IIIHCIC 1IUILDING , .lti0 ! Knrnam st. The building has n fireproof ce ment basement , complete steam heating fixtures ! water on all Iho Doors , gas , etc. Apply at the oincc of The llee. 010 I-ONK KOIMtHroilY lllliCK 11U1LD1NU2J VKET Lirldo. imilnrncyst , 711 1 KOIl ItKNT , A VKItY DKSIIt.VIILK. IHIILDtNO , .1 suitable for a wurchause , with stnbln In cnnoc- tlon , 'I'rackago front and retr. Addrou K , A. Carmlchnol care of McCord , llratly & Co. 215 r-OKKlCKS WtTHNKLL ULK , CKNTUAL AND I cheap. US2J77' AGENTS WANTED. T AOhNTS WANTMII. KITH lilt BK.V , TO 8KLI , Mho F t nf "Clause , lircnil , rake and ( taring knives ! " also "Clauss carver. " Wo pay big wages. Thu Clrvujs hhonr Co. , box SCO , Kansas City. Mo. WANTED TO RENT. X WANT TO HUNT IIUILDINO FOll PHOTO gallery , near center ol city. Address , Illanch aid , 311 N.-llith street. M1J7 tl * STORAGE. M sToitAon ciinAP. ULKAN , WBLLS , mi Karnain stroct. . 715 M-STOItAf.K-I HAV13 I.KJHT. AIIIY.OIIOUND llooretorugnrooms ; btigglas stored for "Sopor month. Uco. W. Ilolbrook. 'lei. I Ml , Kit Patterson block. 472 M DON'T 8TOIIIS IU1USKHOLI ) GOODS W1TH- out seeing our storage department. It Is the best. Omaha Steve Itcpitlr Works , 121)7 ) Douglas.7M 7M WANTED TO BUY. TV WANTED TO 11UY , BOMB 8 I'KH CKNT 1 > llrst mortgages , llcol & ijclby , 331 Hoard Trado. 71(1 ( N--K1I18T MOIITA(1HS ! ON GOOD KKAL KS Into. II. A. Arnold , U3 Ilea bulldliiB. M742 FOR SALE-FURNITURE. O I SKfOND HAND SQUAHt ; PIANO IN (1OOI ) repair , for anlo cheap. ISOl Corby street. M814 0 FUllMTUUK OF 2 STKAM HHATKI ) FLATS cheap : onnor leaving city ; all rooms rented. 514 N Itnli "U , Hat C. E'JI 11 * 0-FUKNITUHK OP MINK UOOM HoUSK FOR enlc. n bariinln. Olio third cnsli balance on time. nddruBH W 15 , lice. MlUOil-10 FORSALE HORSE9 , WAGONSETC 13-KOIl SALIC. A NKAIILY NKW DOUIILB L tirlnitflxprosa\Tazon.horio.liarnoBs | nnd bUKu also n nearly now c > t of cronmry tools , consisti of butter worker , churn , Hovvu ucalo. truck , otu. , nil Mill be * oltl ntiivror. ' Bacrtdc ? . Address O. 11. 'Jrsclnick , lleoolllco. or call at.UH Mlama utroat , wheiOKOOdscan bo scon. MOM P-ONKUAYMAUK. S YBAlli OLD , WKIOHI ahoutOJU. elegant driver , must bo sold at once- llooiu 4 Wltlinoll IIIk , Fidelity Lena & Uuaruutoo Co. ti'JU "FOR" SALE MISCEIJLANE'O'US. Q-KUII 8ALK , CUBA P. A 35-HOnSK PO\YK1 antomntlo eniiliio ; alno ono M horne poworup rl lit eiiulno , both In Rood repair. Inquire of Fcsf iicrl'rlntlue to. , 1307 llowurd street , Omaha , Neb 717 SCCOKD-HAKI ) 11AMJ 1'OWKU EM5VATOI ! Q fornale. 121W HonnrU. 1II5J Jl'J' fVx THK STAtj'DAUl ) OATThB CO. HAS CON Vx stantly on haiftl baled uay , for ealu on track at cb. J15GU Q-KOll BALK. TIIOUOUOIIIllUCl ) JKHSKY coir , frash , nno milker , $75. W. M. Rogers. Iffi" Karnain street. J1E85 Q-JIAND8SOMK LAUGH YK1J/3W HKAI ) I'All rut anil c.ine , Eooil , prlca. $ Z.r > .lK ) ; Harts mountain canary , n.UO. I''l North IBtli , room 7. 053 I3 -F-Il HALK. THK IIUICK THAT IS TAKKN out of the County hospital. Inquire of the foreman at tlio hospital. MWO -fl.UOO KOIl AN OLD COIN. SKNI ) Mo FOI cataloRua of 000 datna wanted , C. 1) . Tliomp BUD. 313 Kurbnch blk , Omaha , Neb. mI17.ll MISCELLANEOUS. I" ) HAVE YOUIl OM ) CAUl'KT WOVKN INTO JI Vhnauttfnl rutrB' AUdfeBH Omaha Carpet und Itu factory , 1M1 Loaveuworth Btrout. MtiUt .1 2i * 1J WANTKI ) , HAHNtlSSMAKlJUS TO THY -Ivolelto of Iron , heat In market ; send 2 cents for prlco list and description. Agcut wanted. Amer ican Mf'K. Co. , Omaha , Nob. MBtiS 10" 1KOK KENT , 10 ACHKS NHAH SOUTH JVOinnlm for Harden. Iho O. t' . Davis Co. , 1605 Karnarn Bt. 'JM 15 CLAIBVOYANT3. S -Mits. 'N A'NNUS . VO'VANT , rcllublo business inuJliim. fifth year ut 119 N. llith. . _ 718 S IIUS. Dlt.M.LKOItAVK , I'llOl'HKTKSiS. DBAU trnnco clairvoyant anil llfo reactor ; tolls your llfo from crudla to Krnvu ; can bo eonsultod on all alTalraof llfo ; has the cohibratoil KKyptlan breast pinto to unite tlio separated and cause mnrrlaKO with one you lovu. Como ono , coma all and bo con- Tlnt'Cil of her rouiarkahlr ) powers. Otnoo aud roil * denco 417 S. llth nt. , hours 9a.m. to 9 p. m , Strict life chart nnd pnoto of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for M.OO , chart nlono M.OO. All loltura containing i rents In stauipi iirnmnilr jnsnered. 11811'lli * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. qi MAOAMIS SMITH , t : l CAl'lTOTj AVBNU15 , JLuoom 3. : ) U lloor. MustuiCD , alcohol eululuir anucca tiaths. Mum 13 * rii-SIAlTT. C.UtBO.V. 1111 UOIKJLAS STlllilCT , .11) JL lloor , room ; . mtujao , alcohol , sulphur anil 801 but In M'jii : lii' rp-MMK. 8TUW1C , MAGNKTIO HUAl.Kll. S03 JLouilas ] ) block. uiJ.W'J- MUSIC , AHT AND LANGUAGES. ( j.iiioNHtKnANo : ] ; cor. 13th and Hnrnoy. Humor struct entrance. UU \f-ritlVATJS DUAWIM1 I.KSSON8 IN I'KNCIL , 1 rniyon , pastel , Mantarut Arnot , 11)0) ) N , lith struct. MUSI H MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \\rMONKY TO LOAN AT LOWHST KATES. > > The O. K. llnvls Co. , 1505 I'n run in stroot. 72 ! ) \\r-LOWKST IIATICS. KlUIl.ITY TllUBT COM- 11 puny , 1707 Kurnam street. Til \\r ANTHONY LOAN ANDTUIBT Co. , 318 N. Y , vl l.lfo , lend * at low rates f or cboloe security on Nebraska or Iowa farms or ouiaha city property. LOAN & TltlJST CO. 11KK II 1.1X1. 723 r MOHTOAOK UANS LKSS THAN 7 I'Kll 1 runt , Inclurllui : all clmraoi Charlcd W. lluiuoy Omaha Nat. bank bldg. 721 MONKY TO LOAN , LAND TO SKI. 1C , hou u4 to rout. Goo. W. I' . Coatos. 1014 Karnam. 723a If I ANI ) . YKAIl LOANS ON CITY AM ) KAIIM ltcojir > olby,3tl Uoaril of Trade. 7211 ir-MONKY TO I.OAN ON IMI'llOVISI ) CITY y , luw rato. A , t' . fc'rost , Douglas blk. \\r-T I'KH CKNT MONKY NKTTO UOllllOWBita \ I on Omaha city properly. No extra charge * of any Mud. Why pay liluh rates } Money Is cheap , You can got fnll benefit of low rates from tiloba Loan and Trust Co. , ICth aud ( lodge. 728 \iroMAHA SAVINGS WANK MAKK3 LOANS 11 on reul estate at lowest market rates. Loan * made In small or largo sums for short or long time. No commission Is charged and the loans are not oId In the cast , hut can always bo found at tuo bank ou the corner of nth and Douglaitrrots. . Tjw _ \\r-LOANSON IMl'UOYKDANI ) UNIMI'IIOVKD 11 city i < roperly(3.000aodupwards,6to 'percent. No delays. W. Kamaiu tfmlth 4k Co. , lilh andllarney TM \\r-0. V , JIAHUI30N , 1I N. Y. LIKE. ' ' T31 A\r-MONKYTO 1.OAN-I IIXVK A1IOCT $1.000 11 to loaa on Improved Omaha property , prlvata fuiidj. In one 01 more Joans. Address T 111 , lloa office. 6uj \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ( IN OMAHA ANI ) COUN- II ell IlluB.real estate and Nebraska and Iowa farma at from 0 lo I pur cunt Interiut. v/lth no addi tional charges for commissions or attorneys/oos. \V. IL Melkle , 1st Nat'l bank bldg , Omaha. 763 \V * ONKYTO1XAN AT LOWEST ItiTKSONIM 11 proved and unimproved real estate , ! lo6 years. yidelltyTtust Co. , ITta Karoam it. 701 \\r-rilIVATK MO.NHY. 1ST ANI ) IU MOIITUAUK 1 > loans , low rale * . Alex Moore , l ) a bldg.TO MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. Cnnlfmiot. \V WANTRII ATONCfJ. IXANS ON IMPHOVKD 11 Uroaha property ! Ion rates , fidelity Trust company , ItlfJ Karnam st. 7U3 \\r-HONKY TO IXAN. SUMS tWO.OO ANI ) III * . neorgel'aul. 1005 Karnam. MBit Jt7 * \\T LOANS. 0. O. WALLACK. JIJ IIHOWN fll.K. V > 807 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. xCAM. . AT THE OFPICUC OP j OMAHA MOUTOAOK t.OAN CO. j ; INCOnfOttATKD , i IK YOU WANT MONKV. Yon cun borrow on IIOUSRIlor.II fllllNtTIIIIK iiNII PIANOS , . , WAUKIIOUHK HKUKII'Tt' . MKHCII ANUIdK OH A-SVOTIlKIl 8KCUIUTY. \Vcwllllenilrou nnrnmount from llu.00 lo I l.oou ON TIU : KAY VOUASK KOIl IT. without publicity or removal of property. Ton c n | > nr Hie money bnck In nr nmounti you wish , nnd nlnn ? time , unit each paynionl 00 made will reduce Iho cent of Ihu loan. Hcraomber tlml jrou tm o Iho uioof both Iho proportr niut thomoner , nnU pny forltonljrat lonuiviiroii koap It. There will bo no oxpcnm or clurjo kept out of the amount wnnted , but you will receive the fullnmnunt of thelorm. llcforeborrowInK ol enhcro cnlt and see HI and yon will llnd It Broatlr to your adrantauo. OMAHA MOIlTMAdi : I.OAN CO. : w yotjTii mm STIIKKT , tint Ituor nhoro the Mrect. THKOt.tlKST , IjAIIUKST AND ( INI.V INCOll- 1'OKATKIl LOAN COMPANY IN O.MA1JA. _ V DO YOU WAN MONEY : T11K KItlKI.lTY LOAN OUAUANTEK CO. , IIOO.M 4. WITIINBMi 11I.OCK. 3I9 SOUTH I1TII , COHNKIl HAIINKV ST. WILI. \ IXJAN \ YOU \ AMT BDM \ LAHOB \ On \ SMALk\ , \ FBOM \ TEN \DOll.AU3\ \ \ UP. WK MAICI5 LOANS ON FUIINITUIIK , HOltSKS , UAltHIAUKS , WAIlKllOUdH KKCKllU'B Olt I'lilt- SONALl'llOl'Kiri'Y OK ANY KIND. / WILI. / DO WELL / TO / /TOO /ON / / / IAU.ON /OB FIRST FOB. OUll TJ31WIH WILL MKICT YOUIl Al'l'HOVAU You can pay the money back nt any tlma nnd In any amount you wlah , nnd thus rcducu the cost of carrying thu loan In proportion to amount you pay. ll'YOIJowo nbalnncoon your furulturunr other pernonal property of any kind , wo " 111 pay It on for you and carry It ns long ns you desire. YOY CAN 1IAYI5 YUUK MOSKY IN ONE HOUIl FIIOMTIIRT1MK YOU MAKB Al'l'LlCATIO.V. No publicity or removal of property , BO that you get the use of both money and property. 731 V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KINO OF 8K- Acurlty : ftrlctly conlldcntlal A. U. Harris , 293 Kartmck block. TO ) X MONKV .TO. CO. 00 IIAY9. C1IKAP HATK8 anil eaiy pa > mcnts. on furniture , pianos , lira stock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cnsli on 1mml. Dull ( Irecn , room B , Harbor blofli. i3 < A' MOM5YLOANKU-ON CllA'ITKlj. COLLAT- V ornl or ether perional property , at reasonable rales , I to Oruontbs. Claims bought. W , It. Dnvls , Mourn CW. McCnuuo blilK. ' x- . Bl DOUGLAS lll.IC 10 & DOWIS ! 737. BUSINESS CHANGES. Y IIUSINKSS OPKN1N(3S. NO CUAHOIO TO buyers. Send stamp for printed list. Vnn Pat ten of Omaha. 507 Jll * \r-STOCKOFCLOTIIING. nOOTfl AND 8IIOKP. X lintB , caps nnd KontH * furnlahliiK goodd , nil In good Bhapo anil Kood opportunity for rltfht man. lllsnjTo''iuuiU of partners thu reason. Invoice fIS.UUU. Answer box 12 , Tecunisoli , Neb. M733 Y WANTED A IlKSPONStllLK KNISHRKT1C driu.'Klsta.s utatoaEont In Ncbrnsiiv for Dr. Hut' ton'a Family Kmcrgoncy Mcdlclno Chest aud llankbook. Wisconsin , Minnesota , Nortli and Houtll Dakota are nlroady sold. Call ou lit Hutton , Paxtou Hotel. MiM 10 * Y-TUC WHSTKIIN 1JUSINKSS AOKNCY , 31U N. Y. l.lfo , conduct * a Roncral business eiclmnBO , List of good buslnois chances In all parts of the country on application , llualness positions so curod. MT80 31 \r-KOH SALIC , TWISNTY-K1VK HUNDIIKD JL dollar stock hardtraro , bo t totrnlnlowa. Ad < lrc W. K. CruuJO. I'aauinn , lown. M'Jll ' 13 * V DUNDKK PLACK DA1UY FOU HALK. 54 Jllmt clnuM milk eotrit , with cam and tank ; S miles from postolllce , on or near Dodge st. 927 9' Y-KOK SALE. HETAIL MUAT MAUKKT ; Hrst-clasn location ; cash sales liii per day. Ad dress W 7 , lioo. SI940 YfflOO-STOCK OK GKNKUAIi IIHRCUAN dlso In live county sent town , sales last year 15.000.U ) , reason foraolllUK. havu not eapltaf enough to tnko caroof the steadily IncrcastUK bus- Iness. will sell for cash only , nnd IIXJ cents on the dollar This Is u rare business opportUnlty.Ad dress W 8 llco. 959-13' V SPLKNDll ) CHANCE. COLD STOHAUK , 1 butter and ORJ , ' business at n most doslrnblo point In Nebraska. See \Vcbtcrn Uuslnosn Agency , 310 .Now York Life. WT 9 MKAT MAUKKT. ONB Ob'TUB nKST OUT tits , with established paying buslnos * In Couucl Itluffa. Moflurnto cnpltiil required. Cloaest Invcs tlgutlon solicited. Western llnelncss Agency , 31 Men York Life , Omaha. U37 9 y' FOUSAL1 ! AT A IiAK.GAIN.SM VLL UOIiL steam llourlnc mill , In Dallus Center , Dallas county , lowr. Address Lock UoxClli , DCS .Molnes , la. Ml > 3U 1U Y-ONK OK THK 11UST PAYING NKWSI'A. p rs In southern Nebraska , located In u peed llvo town , county scat : only democratic paper In the county ; established ten years ; Kood patron- BKO ; $ : I.6UO ; good terms , or nllt consider Rood clear land , ' for particulars address Henry C. bmlth. Foils City , Nob. MW1 0 Y" WANTKI ) , I'AUTXKIl FOK A SALOON AN ) wine room. Pays good , Addrons , W 20 , lleo. MIZS1I * FOR EXCHANGE. "IN ONI off f-l\\m \ \ best winter wheat districts In Kansas to ox < choiiRO for 10 or W aero tract near oinnha city limits. > VIII pay cash illlTcrcnco In property I Kood. Address , giving prlco unit location , O 'K , IIo onicc. 20 ! > f-CLKAIl OMAHA KKALKHTATK KOIl MDSK. . jnctual valuation. Money to loan. liox5l8.Omnha. 7XJ r/ l HAVH VALUAHI.K IMl'HOVKI ) AND UN- ' -Jlinprovcd farm lands to oxclianiro for South Omaha or Omaha property or for farms within 5' ) miles of Omalm. Have ono of thu bent of stock and Kraln fnrnir. l.ajO acios , half In winter wheat and rye , und2jO hoadofllno Block , all clear of cncum * brance , to oxchunpo for real cdta , < } an.l mUht pay BOino cuili dltliironco forUaslrnbla property. lu- > crlbo your property carefully , prloj , utc. AUdrou TBI lleo. tua 12- y iovrx ino FAUMH NHIIUASKA , KANSAS fJ A Dakota- Will soil cliuip , or oxclmnco for rudso , hornua & cuttlo. Add. box 70 , Frankfurt. I nil. 775 rCLKAN STOCK OK ( IKNICIlAfj .M'D'S'K ; WILL Utake real estate & mo nor. llox ' . " . ' 5 , Krankfort Ind. . 775 Z 1'AYING LUMIllSKYAItl ) KOlt BA1.U. ItKAI , ostati * , JTCXJ. Addruss L. T. llrooklni ; , Kunk. NcLi. II803 U * IKOlt 8ALB , IMl'LKMKNT STOCK AT IMO- /-JjODO. Address T. J , lloiiors , IIIIOKQIIU , In. y-LOT ON I'AVKI ) HTItlShT , LIUHT KNCJUM- /Jliornnco nnd cash , to trade for other uroporty ; will UBSumo , X.lttlo , llrown blk. MDI7 r/-KOIt SAI.K Oil KXClIANdK KOIl C'lTY I'HOl" /Jerty or lands , thorointhbred trottlnir and run- nlnK hordes , all prliuo , Ural-class strain * . Kor par- UculnrH adilross 1'hll Knno , Oolwuln , la. JIU78 10 ESTATKAN ) soJi CAHHTOTHADK Jfor clean stock of iirocurlen or Koncrnl luuri-lmn dlso , Muit bea trjll cstablliihed builnvss. Or will rent store room In good town , Addron L. II. , Marshulltown , la. M9U79 * I/-STOCK OK ( iKNlCUAL MICIICHANDISK OK AJ4XO ( to exfhniiKO for home In Omaha anil (4UO cash , titiiro Is runnliiK. Alex Moore , 401 IJoo bhlti , IIIUT'J y STOCK OK CLOTHING TO KXCHANdl ! KOIl /Jmodorn house In Omalm. Alex JUoorc,401 lleo bldg. MI07 U y-HOTKL IMIOI'KKTV IN COUNTHY TOWN ; /-idno business opportunity. What have you to onerfcritt Aluxiioorn , Mlleo \ bldn. MIUI U FOB , SALE REAL ESTATE. FOIl BALK Olt TIIAIIK , 2 OOOD LOTS IN MT I'loasant addition wlihla 3 blocks of motor lino. Will take good uprlidit piano or will sull multy In lots very cheap. Adilross at oncu i I , lloa ottlca. f OIl SALK-OYKIl 1,000 KINK IOWA ANI ) NIC- X braska farms , raauy exoolleut bargains , laud rapidly advancing. IIO.UO to dU.OO per acre now. Call for particulars , lloggs & . Hill , liua Karnain st. st.nyi ) Kt II1My . KbTATK , " My word l good" . W. O. Altirlnht. _ 4J12 1 New York Life. 740 TOOW ISTHhTIMKTO UUY A NICK TUN OH 11 twenty acrn tract and start fruit and vegetable gardens. If you know how to g-rdon U I can doll you ten or twenty acres clomto Omuli * . on such easy terms and long tlino that you can't adord to mis. the chancauf securing a ulco tract , ( ieo. N , Hicks , room J01 New York l.lfo building. MB'JI V NKIIHAHKA. ISO MIL S WKST OK J i tuaha ; clear of oucuruboranc > ; good aoll : grass anil water ; f 10 per acre ; souia Improvoniouts : will sull , lease or exchaugo. Henry U Buitth , Kalis City Nab. ayji 9 yOU SAIJ5-W-HOOM HOTKL. SOUTH OMAHA X near U. It M. track , IIC.OXI ; SlxIW feel lu Klrst ward. Oinaha , near II. & M. track , vxcullent wore- hou or oncmvnt property. CI8WO ; 81 acres lu .Douglas . unty , along llttlx 1'aplillou. IK miles from Oui bs , niO per aero. II. 11 , ltav u,37 liarker tluok or South Ouiatia. iliwi 111' FOR BALE R"52LL ESTATE. 1'Olt , , (1AUIIKN l.'A.m TKN ACIIKS OK the finest In DotiRlas eonntri T rnllns from I * . O. , easy drivel will soil chosp\r II tire office. _ _ _ Mi-OT 10 , HUL'SK AND fOVT } AYtlfjnVfR"S ADD. . KASY payrnentii , MX ) , worth IfJiX ) . ( I. O. Wallnco.ail Brown blk. , inth nnil Donm ji. 8037 TTOME8. IIO I'Kll M O N JT \ NO J i. Money to loan. U. U. Wallsco. S12 J. J. llrown blk. . If.lh nnd Diiiigl.n. 609 7 O-IIOOM IIOIMK , M KOOT LOT.COItNKli. MII.K3 Olrom postonico. 110 twrTrmnth , no Intorjst. 3-room hoiup. u ) ft lot , nine terrss. 4. room house , half lot , Clinon Hill , same terms. 4- room house. 50ft lot , IM miles out , lit per month , no Interest. " * " O. U. Wnllace,3U llrown Vlk. . ICth and Douglas ina 7 . _ _ . _ _ _ _ LOST A A 'MH OF ' sr'kcfAClKs rLKASK leavont lleo counting room. Ml O8T A LADY'S 8 KALAK1N MUKK : KINDKll will ho suitably rowarited on Icarlnit samn at omeoot llostun Store. Umahtt. CM 9 _ DRESSMAKING. APADKMYI Ol'HNS MONDAY. J'Jnn. 9 : where Indtrs arn taucht the art of dressmaking - making , basting and ( Inlnhlng. I.aillos can work on tbrlrown droircs while learning. Itoom Ml. Urown blk. , coiner Doiulas and IVIh , MIU'J K ( ! SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. OMAHA COLhKaUOKSHOUTHANl ) A.NDTYl'K wrlllnit. A , C. Onit , A. M. , 1'rlnc , lloyd'n New theater. SUMfl' PAWNBROKERS. II HKNHY LA IM IUS ItK.MOVEI ) FIIOM 103 Eoutli Thirteenth st. to 111) ) 1'nnmmi-t. MFI4 V * SM ORE DEN TYPEWRITERS The Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY CO. 1304 Fariiam St. , - Omaha , Neb "Improvement the Order of the Age. " A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing but will deMonstrate nil wo claim. Wo will plucotlio Smith Premier bosldo any writing imchlno on the inurket ; It will apoalc for It self. ' Its durability cnn no IdhRcr bo qiioitloncd. Wrlto or cull on us for catalogue , terms , etc. Cor. 17th and Farnarn Sts. , Oraalia , Neb. Telephone 1884. E. II. MAYllI W. Mnnazor. SherlfTs Siilc. Under and by virtue of un cxf cutlon Issued by Krnnk E. Jloores , clerk of thu district court within and for DoiiRliis county , Ncbraskii , Missouri , nnd : i alnst tli > , iMotrnoiltan ] ( ; nl > Itallway company of ; ( jjnahu , Nubraska , I have levied upon the following dehcrlhi property as the nroiiQcty of the wildj The Metropolitan C\lilo : Hallway company' of Omnnn , NubrasUn , to-\vll : "Track and roul- ; bcd , IncludliiKrntH , tes ( , plates , froirs , bolts , hpllccs , wires , switches ) , poles , trolly wires , cross wires , ate. , etc. . , and everything pertain ing to suld track and tho- operating thereof as nn elect rk ; motor line of said The Metropol itan Cable Hallway company onlOtli street and on Dod o street In tliu city of Omaha , nnd on nodgo Htroot as extended. Woodman avenue - nuo , Underwood nvenuo and Wilson uvonuo or slreut In Dundee Place or adjacent thereto In the county of Douglas and state of Nubraska. " "One car house ( frame building on posts or blocks ) located on lot 14 , block 88 , Dundee I'lace , Uoujrjiii county , Nebraska. " "Two motor passciiKor cnra numbered respec tively two < l , and tlireu (3) ( ) " "Itecord book , stock certlllcalo book and .seal of said com pany , " anil also "thn franchise granted to said company , which Includes all tlio rights and privileges secured thereby , " and I will on the 17th day of January , A. U. , 1893 , commencing nt 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , at thu cast front door ot the county courthouse , In the city of Omaha , hell said property at public auction to thu highest and bidder or bidders for cash , lo satisfy said execution , the amount dim thereon being forty thousand , four hundred forty-six niMlOl-lOO dollars ( $40,440.01) ) jndg- mont , and sixteen and 38-100 dollars ( f 10.38) ) costs , with Interest on said amounts from the lUth day of September , 1B'J2 , and thu accruing costs on said judgment and execution. GEOHOK A. JJKNNETT , Sheriff of Douglas County , Nebraska. LAKH , HAMILTON & MAXWKM * Attorneys Omaha , Nebraska , January 0 , 18UII.J . J 5d intin TOOKORQE WAkKEN SMITH , WILLIAM M. Jenkins , Delia Davis. Uuthorlno K. Holibs Nelson 11 Swoltjor. John O. if. Ioh- munii. Mary H. a.iunJor.s. Lizzie W. McUl us toy , Domlnlok Hook. Anna Vandonbnrg Qoorgo ll.Hleok.Ellery L.lleuolc.Oscur llart- iniui , Mlehlean.Mutual Life Insnraiico Ooiu- Iinny , Uoorxo M. Nicely , William O. Whlto- Iioad. ElbrlOKo Lawtoi o olnjr Y. MnBon , David M , Ure. A. V. Lotehtui. Blbrldgn Lawton - ton , Ladoo A. 1'owell Matilda DD Urolsullo , non-rustdonts : You aru boroby rotlllod that the under signed , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have boon duly appointed by the mayor , with the approval of the uity council of smld city , to assess the dumaee to the owners rospeetlvuly of the uropurty declared by ordinance necessary to be appro' printed for the of said city for Iho pur pose of opening und extending Newton street tram Davenport's subdivision toMth Htreot. Younrofurthornotlllodthat ha via ; accepted said appointment , und duly < ] u.tllllau as re quired ny law , wo will , on the Zithday ot January , A. D. 189. ) , nt the hour of : i o'uloolc In the afternoon , at the ollleo of tier ) . J. Paul , I0 > : > Karniim street , within thn corporate lim its of sulil city , meet for the purpose of con sidering and niiiklng the assessment of damage - ago to thu owners respectively of said pro perty , by roiKonot fiueli taking and npuro- prlatlon tliercof , taking Into consideration epoelil boiiollts , If any. Tlio property bolonelru to yon , proposed ) Do upproprlutod us nforcsiild , and which tins bean declared noeossury by llio council , by nrdluanuo , to appropriate to the usu of thu city , belli tsltntte In said cltv Of Omalm , In the county oHJouirlas , and Htito : of NchntBk-i , Is described nttollowii , to wit : Goo. Wnrren i-rallh 'I'Jni south i,85 ! feet of lots : m , : i7 , ; . ; jv , 411,41 , 4i/tland ; , 44. William M. Jenkins-Tim south" feet lot 45. 45.Delia Davis nnd Catimrlno K. Hobbs Tno south yj.Ki feet lot 4 . imt Nelson II. Swltzor Thn.tiorth'JO-l.'ifeol lot S3. John O. ! ' . Lchmiinn Miirtli 1M.15 fojl of east BH.tti feet lot & 9. ( . .Mary B. Haundors Noritli " 0.15 foot east M.8) COt lot 111. J , ' Mzzlo W.MoCluskoy JSnrth 20.15 foot lot 0- ! Doniinlck Hook Norti O.1. % feet lot ( it Oscur Hartman North,2il.l. , > feet lntU5. Michigan Mut. Life Ins. Co. North-0.15 fuel west H lot cil. , . , . , , 11 oo. M. Nlceloy NortUV'iJ.l. " > foetof mldJloH loiwl. , ; , , , William O. WUItuheai\f-Northi.M.n \ foot east HlotfA . 'i , ; : Klbrldco Luwton NottliSfl.15 feet lot D7. Scoloy M. Mason and D.ivld M. Uro North 10.15 feet lot OH. , , A.O. Lelghton-North iVa5 ) feotldtO'J. . ElbrldituLuwton NorHir , > l.l ) lot71. Ludoo A. Orowotl NorlU-il'i foot lot 7.1. ( leor/o It. .Hiuck North-M.15 feet wuit 41 feet of north \-tf- \ feet of lot M. , Kllery L. Ilouok-SouthST.SJ feet south ! ' , ot cant ( i uf lot ' > ! . Anna Vandonburg isouth2r.85feot of north V of south ! t of lot 17. All In Ulso'j addition In said city , county and utnto. You are notified to tie prosnnt at the time und place aforesaid , und make uuy objections loorstHlemonU concerning said propo > ud all- prourhillon or usiussiuout uf dumunuj , us you may consider proper. , EOJIAU U.V. . QUIUON. WM. U. HlllUVKR. Omaha. DccamborlT. 1M. , IKM.'Qt _ Nutlet' . Notice U hereby given thut the annual meetIng - Ing of tlio stockholders of the Omalm Union HeiMit company will bu held nt the ollleo uf thu Union Depot company , ut thu hfadnunrtew of thu Union 1'aclllo Hallway company , In llm city uf Umulm , on thu Oth Uuy of January , 1B03 , ut 3 o'clock p. m. , tor the election of d- | n-ctora and transactUtn of any other btislnes-i thut may legally como luiforu Iho meeting , T. L. KiMUAI.ul'rcsldont Owauu , December UU , IdU'J. DJld'JUt Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs ia tnkcu ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the taste , nnd nets Eintly yet promptly on the Kiduoya , ivcr nnd Bowels , clcansca the sys tem clTccttmlly , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers nnd cures habitual constipation. Syrup o Figs is the only remedy of ite kind over pro duced , pleasing to the taste nnd ac ceptably to the stomncli , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy nnd ngrccnhlo substances , its 'innny excellent qualities commend it to nil nnd hnvo mndo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for enlo in 50c and 81 hottles hy nil leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to try it. Bo not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO , CAl , LOUISVILLE , KY , H W YORK , N.t. "HYSTATT _ _ _ GUITARS. T" MANDOLINS , BANJOS , ZITHERS , AND DRUMS. We make a vtrlftv from th ciiKArrar lo the MOST ELEUANT ml COSTLY Instrument ! . Kvrry Iti > triimcii g OUR LATEST AND BEST THE LEWIS BANJO. Endorsed bg thi BEST Players. Stntl far Catalogue and mention the Instruments you think of purtltatlny. 4 JOHN G. HAYNES & GO. llt'.S'l'O.V. STRENGTH , VITALITY , MANHOOD TV. TJ. VAltKEIC. M.I ) . , No.4 Uulllnch t. , HOSTOK , MASS. , clttff consnllitia nhyitctan of tfie 1'KAKODY Jll Kill OAIjINaTlTUTJCto whom waa awunlcil the aoi.D MEDAT. hy the NATIONAI. MKDICAI , ASSOCIATION for the PHI/E KSSAYon JCzhtiutlcil Vitality , Atrophy , XrrroitannA I'/iyslcut liel/tllty , nnd all JJtstait * nnj Wtakne t of Man , tliej/o n7 , the mUillr-uned nml olil. Consultation In perron or l > y letter. i > rospc'ctus , with testimonials , FUE13. . SCI I2NCU OF IjIl'K , < ) K S3JLF- I'llESKHVATION , SOO jip. , VJ3 Invnlunblo pro- ncrlptlons , full gilt , only $1.00 hy m.ill. waleil BUREAU. SUES & CO..Solicitors , Bee Building : , Omaha , Neb 4 years Examiners U. S. I'at , Ollleo. Advice free PENSIONS ! GUiMS ! RH1LWRYT1MECRRD LOAVOS UHICAJIIUKUNdTO.N ( Ac Q. Arrlros Omalia Depot 10th and Mason 3H. Omalia 4.4J p in ChlcaKO Vuitltiulo B.U'I ' a m 9.50 u m Chicago lOxprcss D.nn m KMOH m Clilcnco ICxproa 4.Z > p m 6.50 p in . . .Chicago A loiva Local 6.UJ p m Luarai .y & MO. ItlVrtll. Omaha Doppt lUtli i > T.l Mmon Leaves K. C. 81' . J. .t li II. | Arrlvoj Omaha Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha 9.50 a m . . . .Kansas City Day Hxprcis . . . i.UU ; p m 11.43 p m K. C. Nluht Kip. via U. I' . Trans II < 0 a B 9.45 p m Bt. LouU ICxprass 0.40 n m Uolne I CHICAGO , It. 1. & I'ACIKIO I''rom Kast. I Union Depot 10th A MaroySts Knst. ( lolnic OlIIUAUO , It. I. Irotii West. Union Depot 10th and Mnrcy StB.I Wost. 1.VO iiinl. . . . . . . .Denver Limited I 4.ti : p ru KM n niHn | | HH City ( Kxeopt Sunday ) . , | 7.0'i p m Leaves [ Arrives Oaiaha Union llopot IQlli and Marcy 3ts. | Omaha 7.55 am I . . . . . . .lloatrlco Kxprusi. U..M p m fia am ! Denver Kzproo. . . 4.0J pm ' . ' .15 p m .Overland Klyor. , 7.U ) pm 4.15 p m Sn'kM JtStrmsbj l ; xexdun ( ) IWJ pm ( U'J p in . . , * , . . .I'aoltlo Kxproai . 10.49 am ( i.IiO p m . . . . . . .Donvor Kast Mall . 4a ) p m lxavu "I iHitAO ! ( ! , Ml7k.trJ'.l'.UII. ! . lArrlvo OniQlial U. " ilopot and .Marcy ftn. I Omaha 7.05 p ml IMilcaito KxprosiVM \ u m I.1U ttiu | . . . . . . . .Chlcnito Kxpran. . . . . . . | i.59p _ ra Lcavo ) ] HltJU.V UITY& 1'AOIKIO I Arrtvoi Omahal Depot. 10th and Mnroy Hts. I Omalm 1ta ami Sioux city I'lissonuur llu.VOp ra 0.33 p m | St. 1'aill Kxprom. . 110.01) ) a in LcavoM I hlOHX CITY k I'AUIKIU. lArrlvos Omahnl lleiiot. 15th oud Wuhster MU. I Ouiaha ; .ri. < 5 p mf..ti..Bt. I'nul Limited I 9.ii am Loaves I OMAHA A MT. LOUIS. lArrlvos OmahttU. | I' . Depot. lOtli anil Marcy Pis . I Omaha 4.01) ) P ml ht. LouU Cannon Hall | i : , : pm Loaves I C. . Ht. 1' . . .M. .V O | Arrlv3s Omaha Depot I5lh ana Wubitor . I Omaha Leaves I MIMSOU11I I'ACIKIC. lArrlvos oinahal Depot 15th and Webster Hts. I Om aha 1.10 pin I . , , St. I.ouls Kxpross. 7.00 a m 10.LO pin , , , > t. Louis Kxpre-ss , 1.0.1 p m 5.10 p m | Nobrnskii Local , . U.20 a m OMAHA &HT , LOU I. " . I Arrlvoi Union Depot , Council I Transfer ; . . . . .M. Louis tiniun Tiall 112.15 pm 1 eaves I HIUAU ( ) , It. I. A I'AI.'IKKJ. Arrives Transfurl Uuion Depot , , Council Ulull < . Transfer cjii p m 7. . " .T.VNlithT'l'.ipross T. " . , , . . 8.t'J : a m 10.2U u m . , . , , , . Atlantic I'.xpresj . . fi.53 p m 4.53 p ui Yuntlbulo Lluiltud 12.50 | i m Leaven j K. I' . . ST , JOK & U. II. I Arrlvdi 'j raiuifor Union llopot. Council Illuffi. ITr.insfo 10.00 a ml , , .KansasCity Day Express , , . . I 5 , ' i p m 10.15 pm . .Kansas City Nluht Kxpress. . . O.rJ a m 10.15 | im | , ? 1. l.uuli Kxpress. I li.g ) a m ves I I llll.'Alii' . IIUIIL'N \ QUINCV.I Arrlvni Tra nsfcrl llnlou llopot. ( . mincinilulTs. iTransfer lO.U.'i a m . . . ,1'lilciniiY'KxiJicss I fi Opm 10.15 p m . . , . . , . , .Chlunifo Kiiireis 11.25 n m 7.UJ pm , w..Crc'j.ton Local. . . .jlUiO a in , Tiibux CITY \ I'AciKit. . j A rrlves" Transfcrl Union Depot. Council tiluas. I Transfer 7,45 n m | . .Hour City Accommodation.IIOW pm GUI pm ! Ht raulKxi _ > rcss. . , . . _ . _ . [ tf.40 a m Leaves ( ( JHU'AUO & NOKTHWKMTKItN i Arrives Transfcrl l.'nlon depot. Council lllufis iTrajifer " * " ' HJiiiam . . . . . . .Chicago Kipren li'ta p ru 4.W put Vvstlbulo UmllBi ) 9.00 a m PUI . . . . . . . Kastern Klyer 1 JO p ru 7.W ill ( Kx b'UD ) Atlantic Mall ( Kx Moil ) 8.1S a m 7.45 a m KX 8u > ) Carigll fats. ( Bl bun ) 9.SJ pm WAS SllIlOH A SURPRISE ? Possibly for tlio Oonfoilcatos , Not for the Union Anny , GEN. SHERMAN'S LETTERS TO HIS BROTHER The .Stirring Tlme < ol War Pirltirnt liy n I < . Mini- MR rnrtlrlpiiit.lFtl.V4hurK : umi'iiM The rlrt Mri'nl of Honor i to t . The Jnnunry Century uuhlUhca another - ether batch of wrtr-tuno correspondence ) between the Shorinnu brothers Gen eral W. T. nnd Senator .John Sbormnn. Roimlinrr | Iho question of surprise nt Hhlloli , the gonorul wrote : HiAiiqrAiiTiitj : , CAMP Snn.oii , April 22 , ISO1.- Dear Uwtlu'r : My linnil Is still vorr sere , but I inn able to vrlto HOIIIO. The news * papers came Imck to xis with mvmmls of. oil iwttlo of thf nth nnd Till lust. , us usual niailo by people who ran nway iintl Imil to oxcnso tholr cowardice by chursltii ; 1 * " ' nmimiciiieiil on the part of loaders. 1 sio that we woi-o surprised , that our men were h.iyoiietetl in their tt-iits , that o Ulcers had not liud break * fast , etc. This Is all simply false. The at I uck did not bi-pln until 7 . " > ti. in. All but the worthless towards had had breakfast. Not a imtn was bayoneted In or near his tent. Indeed our hriifiulo surgeon , Hartshorn , has not yet soon n sinr-lo bayonol wound on a living or ( lend subject , The regiments Unit professed to have been surprised lost no oflli'ors nt all , and of the two that llrst broke In my division , the Fifty-third nnd Fifty-seventh Oliio , the Fifty-third lost no oftteors , and only seven men , the Fifty- seventh , two ollloors and suven men. Some of my Ohio raiments that did ll ht well lost us many as forty-nine and thirty-four , but not a bayonet , sword , or knife wound , all cannon and musket ball. These of my brig ade held our original position froni7-)5 : ) a. in , , when the attack began , until 10:1(1 : ( n. in. , when the enemy hud passed my left and Kot artillery to entllado my Hue , when I ordered them to fall back.Ve held our second IKJSI- tion until . i > . m. , and then fell bade with out opiwsition to tlto third ami last position , more than n mlle from the river. As to surprise , we had constant skirmishes with the enemy's cavalry all the week before - fore , and 1 had strone ( guards out in front of each brigade , which guards were driven in on the morning of thu battle , but Imoro the enemy came within winnou-rarsgoof my posi tion every regiment was under arms nt the post I had previously assigned to thorn. The cavalry was saddled and artillery harnessed up , nnlimbered , and commenced llrlng us soon as wo could see anything to lire at. * * * . The eiiemv did not carry either of my roads until ho had driven I'routiss ami got in on my loft. * * * Whether wo should have been on this or that side of the Tennessee river is not my business. 1 did not apprehend an attack from Ueaurctfaril , because 1 thought then and think now he would Have done bettor if ho could have chosen ground as far back from our stores as possible.'o arc bound to at tack him , and luul wo run out of cartridges or stores or got stampeded twenty miles back from the Tennessee the result would huvo l > eun different from now. But wo know the enemy was in our front , but in what form we could not loll , and 1 was always ready for an attack. 1 am out of all patience that our people-should prefer to believe the horrid stories of butchery , ridiculous in themselves , gotten up by cowards to cover their shame , than the plain natural reports of the olllcors who are responsible , and who saw what they describe. .My report , with all the subordinate repents of brigadiers and colonels , with lists ol' killed anil wounded and missing , went to General Grant on the 'J'he enemy is still in our front ; wo can got a light the hour and minute wo want it. Hal- lock , Buell , Grant , all in authority are nowhere hero and responsibility cannot bo shifted. The common soldiers and subordinates ran away , and now want to blamu the command ers. Your alTectioimlo brother : W. T. Siimoi. N. In the two following the general gives credit to whom oroclit is duo : WALNUT HII.I.S , ViCKsiiuito , May ii ! > , 180.1. My Dear Brother : I received a few days since your most acceptable letter of May 7 , " which mut mo hero. You will not have u fair understanding of the whole inovo thus far. The move by way of Grand Gulf to secure u foothold on the hills whorol'rom to assail Vieksburg appeared to mo too risky at the time and General Grant is entitled to all the merit of its conception and execution. * * * [ Not signed. ] .JACKSON , Miss. , July 10 , 1803. My Dear Brother : The. fall of Vieksburg and consentient ntient capitulation of Port Hudson , the open ing the navigation of the Mississippi , and the driving out of this great vulloy the only strong army that threatened us , complete as pretty a page in the history of war and of our country as ever jou could ask my name to bo identlllod with. The slmro 1 have personally berne in all llicso events is ono in which you may take pride for me. You know I have avoided notoriety , and the. press , my standard enemy , may strip me of all popu lar applause , but not a soldier of the Army of the Tcnnesseo but knows the part I have berne in this great drama , and the day will como when that army will speak In a voice that Cannot bo drowned. * * * In the events resulting thus the guiding minds and hands wore Grant's , Sherman's and Mcl'herson's. all natives of Ohio. * * * Your brother , Vf. T. SIIUUMAN. Gottyiiliiiri ; 311 Colonel John P. Nicholson , secretary of Uio commission appointed lo provide for the erection of monuinunta to Gen erals Meade , Raymond und Hancock on ilio Hold ot Gettysburg , has miido an in teresting report to the tfovornor of the progress of their work. With so com petent und painstaking nn executive oillcor na Colonel Nicholson , says the Philudolphla Times , the public will not bo surprised that two months time liua " been devoted to "traveling nciirly 7,000 miles for the inflection of ] ) rominoiil moiuimonts throughout the country. II Is the desire of the state to have the best monuments erected to thu distin guished Pennsylvania generals who uro insopnrably connected with the memor able Hold of Gettysburg , nnd the ell'orts miido by the commission to acquire the best possible information on the subject ( rives ntsuranco that tlio responsible tank will bo well performed. The appi'opriittlou made for the throe monuments was SIOO.UUO , and only ono of tlio three hasulroady been contracted for hy the commission. That is nu equestrinn stntuto of General Hancock to bo furnished by Frank Kdwin lOlwol at the cost , of $ ' .ii2,000 completed and placed upon the pedestal , and the entire contract to bo fulfilled within two years from the Urst of January next. It is oxpecto'l that during the coming your the contract will bo executed for * tlio oi-ectlon of a like statute of Genera Itlcndo and that will be followed by ono of Reynolds. Some idea of the labor of the commission may bo formed whoa it is stated that H.hus received 3,1121ottora on the subject and written over fi.OOO. With ouch returning year public in torcst has been quickened in the Gettysburg burg battlefield. It was the decisive battle of the war ; ns decisive ngainat the confederates us was thu triumph of Cicsur on the plains of Phnraalia for tlio imistery of II mo. Although , u gunoni- tlon has come nnd gene since thut dos- nerato conflict , visitors to Gettysburg increase every year not only from our own peoplebut from intelligent tourists from every part of the world , and it should bo made the most attractive as it is the most historic battlefield of the war. Not only shoulu every union general - oral who was prominent HI Iho conllict ho ronrcsonted in the stitluo , but the south should bo permitted to nluce on Seminary Hill the stutuo of Lee , nnd Longstroot und Plckott would upproprl- ntoly adorn a place whiro Pickott'a line was formed for the disastrous charge that inudo the bloody ntitflo immortiil. The Gettysburg bitttlelleld should bo miido complete in its historic decora tion , uud the tltuo tnuet eoou cuuio when not only the Amorlcnn poonlo of ovcry foctlon , but the people ot the world , will expect to BOO upon it statues ot the great loiulora ot both the blue and the gray. Won HIP 1'lrnt Mrtlul of Honor. The proud distinction ot having ro * colvod from the congress ot the United States the first medal ot honor for "dis tinguished conduct In the presence ot the oiiomy" was enjoyed oy Captain John G. Merrill , acting assistant doorkooppr ol the United Stntossonnto , whoso death from the effects of wounds received in battle occurred In Washington Decem ber 17. In licnarul Theodore K. linden * bauph's very interesting book appear * what 1ms boon styled * 'tho picturesque report by Sorgcnnl John 0. Merrill ot the First Minnesota infantry of the first battle of Hull HUM , " which closes with u letter written by Hon. Alexander Itnmsoy , secretary of war , transmitting to Mori-lit the llrst medal ol honor , the inscription upon which roads : cosiniKss to Knimr. .lotix (1. MmmtTT , Company 1C , First Minnesota Volunteers. This medal is awarded to you under provis ions of \VarUepartment \ for gallantry la the battle of Hull Unit , in July , ISOl , where you were wounded while in advance of your regiment , Doings oT Xrlirn-hil I'osta , The now olllcors of the Grand Army post at Campbell are : G. S. Oretitt , post commander ; Joseph Elliott , sotlior vlco commander ; Andrew Gibbons , junior vice commander : A. Scott , quarter- muster ; U S. Miller , chaplain ; U. O. Uttrt , oillcor of the day ; James McCoy , oulnldo guard. The Woman's Relief corps of Camp bell elected the fo'.lowlng olllcors : Mrs. W. C. Hurt , president ; Mrs. I * S. Miller , senior vice president ; Mrs. Osbornu , junior vide president ; Mrs. Joseph Ell- loll , treasurer ; Mrs. Gibbous , chaplain ; Mra James McCoy , guard ; Airs. A. M. Lumlon , conductor. The following olllcors were elected nt u rcgulnr mooting of the Garflold post No. 80 of Rod Cloud : Post commander , James Murray ; senior vice commander , S. 13. ; junior vice commander , Wesley Street ; quartermaster , II. E. Pond ; Hurgoon , G. K. McKooby ; chap lain , S. West ; olllcer of the dr.y' , A. II. Vandorberg ; outside guard , It. Turner ; trustee , C. Weiner : delegate , L. Mini * sol ; alternate , S. Day. The ladles of Sherman circle No. ! l of the Grand Army of the Republic of Rod Cloud chose tlio following ofllccra : President , Mrs. Nnvilin Unylis ; senior y'co ' president , Mra Nettie Ueaver ; junior vice president , Mrs. Elonora Hold ; ttensuror , Mrs. Cliirn , Marsh ; chaplain. Mra Mary MahalYoy ; con ductor , Emma Murphy ; guard , Martha Wilson. How It Itcrauii' 1'opnhir. When people Jlml an article much superior to anything of the kind tlioy have over be fore used , they are almost Hiiro to toll their friends about it , and especially If they know of some friends needing such an article. Dealers also soon loam tlio true value of tlicir goods , and when they have an article of unusual merit they will almost invariably mention the fact to their customers * This accounts in a great measure for the largo sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Hero is nu instance : W. Ij. Needham , a prominent oiti/.cn and business man of Orrsburg , Mo' , has. been soiling Chamberlain's Cough Homi'dy. for several years nnd recommends it to his customers , because in his experience it has proven to be. the best for colds , croup and whooping cough. IIo uays it is the most popular medicine that he handles , and gives the best satisfaction. 50 cent bottles for sale by druggists. Dclluntu Oiinstlon fur the Cliiilrmun of the Western raeaniiKcr Aicweliitlim to Settlo. CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 7. A little unpleasant ness seems to bo brewing in the Western Passenger association. It will bo all right 1C Chairman Caldwcll decides that the Chicago Great Western has n right to make short line rates from Chicago to Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Pipe- stone , Minn. , but otherwise there will surely bo trouble. The Chicago Great West ern asked permission to put the rates In the Chicago rate uhect lo bb applied via St. Paul. The other northwestern roads ob jected , whereupon the matter was appealed to Chairman Caldwcll , who now has tlio cuso under advisomunt. The Chicago Great Western oftlcinls are indignant that any objection should have been raised , and they now declare that the rales will bo put into effect whatever may bo the decision of the chairman. They declare - clare that tliu Chicago & Northwestern is quoting Uio regular llrst-chiss rates to the points named by way of St. Paul , and that thfjy are not willing to allow the Chicago & Northwestern a different ! ' ' -m that trnfllc. A call has been issueil I ) Commissioner Doland for a meeting ol til passenger de partment of the Central' . . .iillc association next Wednesday , January 11. - I'liriiiiioiihi , At no time iij the history of the country has pneumonia been so prevalent as during the winter months of the last two years , lu times past a common cold was not consid ered at all serious , but of late years the great tendency of colds to result In pneumo nia lias made pcoplo apprehensive. . The trouble is Unit colds are not always properly treated. No pioparatlon containing opium , wild cherry or chloroform should bo used , as they have a tendency to dry up n cold , where as it should bo loosened and the lungs ro- lloved. It has been observed that when Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy is used thu cold never rcsultn in pnoumonin. The reason is Unit this remedy nlimulalcs the mucous membrane which lines the throat mid lungs to a healthy action , causes a fruo expectora tion , th ro wing olT the poisonousjjiattcr , and counteracts any tendency toward pnoumoniu. For sale by druggists. c- iri.vr.s A nni For IlYi'imtlilK II Miirclrrrr tlio IJllltml Htllloi Wilt III ) AtiUl'd to Tiiy W 1,000,001) , ' JiiHSKr CITV , N. .1. , . Tan , 7. Charles Pcshall has prepared a petition for presentation to thu United States government , through tlio British consulate at. Washington , asking for nn indemnity of $1,000,000 , for the killing of Edward Ilalllngcr , a Hritlsh subjcot who was lumped December iid for the mur der of Mary Peterson. Pcslmll s < ild : "Hulllngor was not oven given a chance to speak for himself when brought before .ludgo Worts and sentenced the last time to bo banged , Another curious thing I have heard is that Iho onlelr.1 record of Hulliiigor'ti nimlcncing and his execution is scratched and marked. For instance , that imrtlon which writes that the condemned mini lias been asked whether ho had any thing to say why the mtntcnco of death should not bo pronounced upon him. hnubeon omitted In the corrected record. That fact beam out my statement that Kulllugur was led out like a dog , placed before Judge Worts and sentenced to tlio gallows wltjjput being ( itfordod the opportunity to imiku a state ment or protest against the sentence , Kuuh u method of proccnduro is contradictory to all law and precedent. " . . You don't want a torpid Jlvci'i you iloa't want u bad co'mploxUm , you don't want u bad breath ; you don't want a hoadaclio. Then nso Do Witt's Uttlu Early Ulvjr < i , the famous little pills. . i . . - i < . w As Clump i > 8 Watur , ST. Louis , Jan. 7 , The boor war ha * taken another turn. The retailers demand uro- batofrom the open price of M per barrel and , it is understood , that It will bu grunted. This will nut the price almost In half again. und $3 bacr will bo thu result. An Independent bruwer discussing the situation today said that ho would not bo at nil surprised to see the liquid at $1 per barrel before the termi nation of the present wnrfaru. Incidental to thu war the .bonds of the St.-x I/niis association are dropping rapidly , bphipc now down to $80. Perfect action and perfect h calth rcsul from the tmoof Do Witt's UUle Uarly A perfect little pill.