6 T11K OMAHA DAILY HEKr-MONDAY , JANUARY 0 , 1803 , RAILWAY DISCRIMINATIONS IK. IK.R A , J , Qustin Makes a Ringing Appeal to tliu Intcrstato Commerce Commission , POSTAL RATES APPLIED TO TARIFF SHEETS Condemnation of Srcri-t Itclmtr * , I'IIMI-S nnd Wholc-mli' llrllirry A rru-Snw- pic Hiitrs Some Vntiinlilo tdrn * un Itnltuny TrnimporlEitliin. KrAnxr.v , Xch. , .Ian. -Special i [ to TUB HKI : . ] Mr. A. .1. Oustln of this i-lty has nddrr&scd the following loiter to the Inter state Commerce commission. Hn says : It coming to my notice , through the dully press , that yet ; were soliciting suggestions touching Iho fifth Bcollon of thu net to rcgulalo commerce , prompts the following comment nnd suggestion * , respectfully sub- mittcil. The paragraph stated that a call wasmado for opinions "from prominent rail way men" and "mcrctintllo Interests. " The opinion of u staff of generals in a campaign Is essential , but the disposition and pcrsonc ! of an unity , whether made up of freeman lighting for liberty or mercenaries for plun der. Is material to plan of nctlon. Helng tin Indirect pa.xcr of .frcleht and Interested ns nu atom of our nation one slxty-flvo mil lionth - In all data fonnil. conclusions reached nnd nctliui tain 11 by your tis Iho writer l > cllcves. one of the most Important of today's natlmial departments. Is my apology to , vo for the tender of this line of thought. .Starlinir from Iho promises that nnj ami every citizen or locality of our cominnn- wealth Is entitled to all the right's , oppnrtiv iilltes In labor icstilts. and business conimr.ni- cation enjoyed .by any other In agencies ore- ntcd by rights of eminent domain ; tliat the laborer Is worthy of his hire ; that ho who demands equity must give equli\ ; that so long an rail and water transit Is operated by corporations having vested Interests they nro entitled lo an Income therefrom equaling thai on governmental securities , based imon the nmountacutally Invested therein : llmt criult.'iblo business intcresls in Icaitliiiato transit will survive speculative Interests nnd aid In smelting the dros-'s of specula tion , watered stock , jobbing and com petitive elements from Us make-up ; that condemnation of wrong done direct or Indi rect payers of freight by agencies of transit needs no apolopy , oven although the eon- tlcmncr bo oliseuru nnd the condemned noted nnd powerful , no attempt in this is made to Idss the blarney stone nor excuse opinion contraryto that hold by any 0110 else. Believing that citations to sworn state ments of railway managers , after having passed your inspection and the compilations of your statisticians , are worthy the notice nnd acceptance of the people and of railway committees of congress , notwithstanding the undoubted disreputable defiance shown to law and equity by such railway managers , authors of wild sworn statements. It is desired - sired to draw particular attention to findings of fact on transportation from .grouped iind iiationali/cdor JKxdcdistandpoints. Kcalbhig that modern transit js of transit of earlier nges ( since eivili/.ed trade lirst brought transit into being ) what the electric light is to the pine Icnut'nnd tallow dip ofllio past , nnd that it has been evolved to its piesent wonderful results within the past sixty years , would explain growth of applied me chanics In tranMt beyond lhat of ideas in commercial freedom. ICquilibrimn now do- , nmnds analyzalionof all elements at interest In transit by the best minds wo have , for the public on ono hand and Hon. Aldacc V Walker and managers of transit on the other. Now referring to tlio Third Annual Heport on statistics of railways , page 1' ! , in tabu lated groups wo Unit the average gross rev enue per ton per inllo for the whole United States to have been nlnu and forty-one hun- drcdllis mills ( .0-11) ) . On page fill , same re port , tlio average haul per ton is shown to bo one hundred nineteen and seventy- two hundreiUhs miles ( ll'J.V.1) ) . Multi ply gross average revenue by average haul and wo eliminate distance and classification. This shows that if ono dollar nnd thirteen cents ( SI.lit ) jier ton , or live and slxty-flvo hundrcdlhs Veals ( .OSKi ) per hun dred weight , had been exacted from all ship pers , the samoas-ecuts per ounce is exacted from senders of mail , the roads would have obtained the same gross income they did and every citizen , commodity and locality would have been treated alike. It would mean a "protective tnrlfl" to the "small man" with no inducement to "cut rates" to the "big man , " with free trade to all. and a recip rocity clause between legitimatetrans.lt and its patrons , the consuming , public , building up industry and business enterprise , limited only by man's capacity lo work. It will make practical the claims for just recom pense for labor , by those who are bravo enough lo llghl for equal rights , and Just enough lo allow all others like consideration. The writer disclaims any attempt of dis courtesy or Impassioned refcrcnto in this lo any such manageis of transit as arc really desirous of protecting themselves from im positions by surrendering opportunities to impose upon others. Noting the "grouping" of this country into ten divisions reminds one of the conceding of rights to potty dukedoms by a monarchy , and denotes a progress in freedom of commer cial intercom so closely .analagotis to political evolution. Cause for making llieso divisions Is sot forth to your body as marking various physical influences in operative service , but which , to ono no better posted than is the writer , seems to have been drawn largely from such "physical" ( ? ) forces as were ex ercised by the Into lamented Mr. Juy Gould nnd present promoters of traillc agencies In after dinner speeches , "long haul" competi tion and the liko. But accepting Iho divisions as made , and the facts as reported to your honorable- com mission , using the postal basis or general gross average of reasoning , based on facts shown on pages 12 and r > : ! , wo find that the gross revenue from each Ion transported Us vertigo distance was us follows : Croup. I. Oross per ton average haul was . ,9f > II. , l.ross jiur ton average haul was. . . , KO HI. . l.ross per ton average haul was. . , ,84 IV. lirosN perion uvuiago haul \\IH. : . . 1.43 v. liross per ton average haul was. . . 1.14 VI. ( .loss , per ton average haul was. . . 1.40 VI ) . ( ! io-.s per ton avurngu haul was. . . 2.27 Vlll , ( irohsperton average haul was. , , 1'J'J ' IX , liiois per ton average haul was. . . 2.9'J A , Oross per ton average haul was. . . 2.20 And a total average with transit national 1/cd In a pool for the wholu United States , ( l.lii per tun by thu postal system. In group II , 80 cents per ton , or 4 cents per hun dredweight , produces their gross Income from freight service , Does any ono who payo u larger rate of freight In that territory on his goods , think ho can stop up to the "Stock exchange. . " or three card iiionto "freight lines , " and pick out the Jack ! If the roads of the nation had been "pooled" on freight service and had mtidu n C-ccnt postal rate , their gross Income would have exceeded thu amount gotten bysf-ll- , 600,000 , had the same amount as was ox- landed in boliclling freight und rebates been thrown away. If postal rates ruled , the shipper would buy his freight stamp as ho now buys tils postal card ; ihcusur seeking the means instead of the reverse. ( ! oed railroad authoiliy has staled that freight und passenger wars cost the roads f' uo- , 000,000 a .year. To Illustrate , discriminations : In group VI , which comprises Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa , the northern peninsula of Michigan , that part of Missouri lying north and cast of the Missouri river , and lhat part of Nnrlh and South Dakota lying north and east of the Missouri river the average gross income average haul was ? ! . ! ( ( per ton , or 7 cenls per hundred weight. Com nites from west bide this group , say- Council IJltiQ's , la. , to Chicago. are 10 cents per UK ) pounds , or Sl.bl ) per ton , as against nn average gross charge on all tonnagoof Ihc nation of $1.111. It is safe lo eav that the farmer and slockraUer are dis criminated ngalust to the tune of 400 per cent , us the rate on other cpmmodltlcs will raise the uverago. lu group Vll , which comprises Nebraska , Wyoming , and that part of North and South Dakota lying south nnd west of the Missouri rlyer , and Colorada lying north of a line drawn east and west just north of Denver , the average gross charge is . ' .57 , or just 'double the average gross charge for like ser vice over Iho nation. The llrsl-cluss freight rate from Chicago to Kearney Is 81IS per ICO pounds or fci7 a ton , Hoots and shoes , huts and caps , cloth ing nnd dry iroods malto living expenses at tat a ( on in ai fruitful couutry. when the ywago cunrgo yer Um of lU uuliou U | 1.1U. . s , Mich n * mnny kind * of groceries In Carlo's ( western rlnxslllcn- tlon ) , nro $ S a ton from umnha to Kearney , ns ngalnst $1.13 n ton for the tiatlon , and the gentle men who control transit say wo are "calam ity howlers" because our subsidized or hypnobalcd state ofllccrs nro venal enough to glvo us no red ) ess. U I * simply patriot- ] Mm and want of full comprehension of the I magnitude of our commercial and Indnttrlal j wrongs that prevents nihilism from growing i on our prairies Instead f.f the Cereals that In dustry and fertile fields in-oduco to feed the world. Had hlnps possi sued the wisdom and Jus tice of the < ombined people a republic \\onld never have existed. King John nnulo Unlit against Mngna Chnrta , nnd had the people relented , that nor the bill of rights would not have resulted , nor will a step toward commercial lights result now If wo relent , and to your honorable body and congiess wo look for 110.fullering. The public Is learning faster than lire railway malingers , itnd moro schooling Is not amiss lo either , Hliud , bit ter and cunning opposition , step by step , to efforts of cnual treatment to the publlo Is mr.do against any control of transit , nnd a Bull Kim la close at hand for the people. A Vlcksburg and "March to the Sen" will follow. The railway managers and Ihclr attorneys nro the smartest , most con genial men wo have ; but they are not wise nor Just , and to them the temple of justice Is a "Stock exchange" with gambling table und option booth lln allar. Their aim Is gralillcaliou of personal power , instead of the development of an agency as necessary lo present commercial llfo as Is air and waterIhewrivltiiigofa road Is tih legitimate witli them as building one out of the subsi dies .of the public , and national aid means personal stealings through corporate cats- paw , as In the 1'jidllo railways , nnd tin will result again it national guarnnly is made iho Nicaragua Canal com pany. The Ani'M-lcan puhlii ; Is fair and houc < t , and scaled in the public mind anil heart is the standard balance and yard mi-abure , as carefully' ns Is sealed within llio Ilouao of Commons the standard measures of value for Kngliind. It Is the autocratic eltt/cn. protected with debauched legislation , who cries "stop thief1 ! while robbing the public and crippling rrnnmrtrclal progress as did kings retard political free dom. They who sec the surface only , never below It , notice the court decisions , as In the Councilman case , and It lowers their respect for law and tends to criminal acts of com mission. That a man can avoid consequences of crliuo by confession that his oath would incrim'iimle , and lie thereby escape and make nugatory plain the intent of law , is beyond the average man's com prehension of legal lore ; but that docs not increase the public respect for , nor is con fidence in the railway manager's veracity not iceable. The railway manager's promises and performances nro made good after per formed bul never beforo. This is ono rule , to which , when conllicling interests Inter vene , there is no exception-and their fer tility in evasion is unrivaled. This data can only bo accounted for on the theory that "tho king can do no wrong. " This paragraph is based on present fact , Blaekstono , Chilly and gray-whiskered precedent. Par ticular reference is made to the board of di rectors and Us presiding genius that con trols majorities in stocks. lymphatic dis claimer is made to any reference lo the hon est , capable and hard-working employes in all or nny department of operative transit. These facts are recounted , not because it is thought you are not cognizant of them , but because .you should know they are becoming generally known , and public opinion , that supreme court and sovereign power , beyond which thorn is no appeal , is being shaped on lines of ii Doelaralkm of Independence in transit. ll is an open secret that secret rates exist that transit agencies in roiling stock lines and waterways permit discriminations that law cannot prevent any more than prohibi tory laws can prevent drinking or stealing and that if permission to pool is given under ton perniilo rates , it will mean corporate combination to exact with discriminating facilities greater thTiii now held. In Nebraska , public ofllcial life , executive and legislative , state and county , is debased by passes. This insiduous liberality ( ? ) in transit permeates the courts , the secret society leaders , the Christian assembly leaders , and every social and political divi sion likely to shape selection of public ofll- cials. cials.With With distance eliminated and a. general average charge on transit , It would bo un- nrolilable to railways to transport even a pure (0 ( citizen without payment. Grant power lo regulate ( ? ) agencies based on false prin ciples , under ton perniilo rates , even as teas as honorable gentlemen as yourselves , in volving principles of possible exactions as now held , and "time and tide" of changes ill youi , commission will shape Its personal from a Judge Coolcy to a Judge Tanev , and will make Iho nation cry to God fora Kcd sea to swallow up the hatchery of railroad bacteria. Under as rigid control as railways , should lie placed lake and river transit , sleeping anil dining car service , terminal and depot facilities bridge companies , and warehouse and mining agencies a part of transit. So- . alled "fast freight" or private rolling stock lines , those agencies of wheel-in-wlicel schemes , whereby the malingers and their iissociate Interests rob Doth the minority railway stockholdcis and the public , should bo made to show their hands above the table with sleeves rolled up. Express com- [ tallies should bo subjected to control as railways are. It is a remarkable circumstances that the government is called upon lo pay railways upwards of fci.OOO.OOO moro for transporting mail tonnage than is paid for expiess tonnage to railways by ex press companies under exactly the same con ditions and service , while express tonnage exceeds that of mail tonnage as twenty to ono. ( See page C/J in Third Annual Statistical Heport in lame of earnings and income. ) The failure of any agency of transit or any of iis departments to report as demanded by your regulations , in detail , within reasonable time , should subject such agency to forfeit- tire of Us charter to the nation , subject its property to ( oudeinimtion and appraisement as in rights of eminent domain and at public auction. This would put the In corrigible little fish inside of tliu big llsh , easier to bo kept under surveillance , while allowing the law-abiding minnow to seek food with safety In Us native water. And If Iho big llsh don't play fair , wo will hold a national banquet , und serve It up to an after dinner speech. Theme : ' 'The saddest words of longue or pen. " "Wo might have been raiting the clover of milk and honey from the public ; but wo handle Ihe shovel of regret , and two cents docs for UK ) pounds of freight , wlmt two cents did for a letter. " It Is ton per mile rates and competition that means discriminations that force brain , skill and muscle lo trade and manufacturing centers , that when corralled may the easier bo forced lo pay homage to the court of com bination , where crowded surroundings help vice and consequent misery to feed on labor's physical and moral liber. Would it have teen desirable to bring about moral peace In heaven by allowing Lucifer to usurp God's prerogative , which prerogative meant peace and justice tu allt If it would , then listen to the siren song of patd allorncys , after-dinner speeches , and Iho lobbyists for railways , but In Iho namu of consistency abolish all scni- blauco of restraint , that their , sensalivo souls may not misjudge ur nor bo worried with consciousness of guilt in secret rate or rebate making. The uno central poinl of corporallvo railway management Is to wring a no limit contingent amount from publlo necessity In transit , and ton per mlle rates from that standpoint makes It selllsh busi ness sense to call lo Us aid any agency , mi- gcllu ur dl.iholical , as will bring , at thu manager's sweet will , the speediest results , and both agencies are of tenllmcs blended. .So long as ton per mile rates aru made and competition exists , so long will stock-water- Ing and jobbing exist , which means gambling in birthrights. Transit should bu permitted to pool , and competition as lo rates should no wore enter Into ihelr calculations than should lighting and Jealousy exist between members of ono family. Hut so long as postal freight service is not nnulo us no screw known to ingenuity of the people should r.o turned back on thesa agencies one thread , and every Impulse uf pairlotism and sense of Justice should bu Invoked until , as must eventually mine , ludcpcmlcnco in commer cial intercourse becomes peer to our present political independence. The rail way manngeis ask lhat they bo allowed tu pool as a protection lo themselves from themselves , but not for purposes of granting equalities In opportunities to all pa trons and localities. 1'ostal rates will pro tect them and nr.iku the contingencies of I > rollt lu building rather than wrecking in diffusion , net in concentration , Through you to thu public press to the publlo sense tif reason to the railway man agers themselves , 1 appeal for a consldcru lion of postal frolght system. Continue aBfc'rcsslyo lu all re- otrlrtlvo measures In order to effect rcil proclly treaties ; stipulating the-lr surrender of power to discriminate nnd oppress others ( such ns ton per mile rates anil classifica tions ) . Then p.iss measures protecting them as apnltist themselves and against the nox ious elements of ournntlon that have bred In the fields of secret traflle rates , rebates , passes , terminal rates and bribery. So dc- scrlbu boundaries of groups ns now laid out that no Confusion or niUumlrrstiimllnp , in tentional or otherwise , can result - ton- nigp : reports required , etc. Ktiuct the maximum tariff rate for any group to bo that rate shown to he its gross average ralo made , ns per your fourth sta tistical repot t. Provided , that single ship ments shall he charged at tariff rates sub ject to a minimum charge of SB cents for the entire shipment. Knact that Inler-gronp rates shall not exceed the maximum average gross rales shown In year fourth statistical reports to have been realized on the average tonnage of all the groups , a minimum charge of i ! . > cents for ; the entire consignment , in case tariff rate for the weight consigned docs not rcs * _ . In a greater charge. A. J. An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary. DoVYItt's Uttlo K.irly Ulscrs cure constipation , biliousness and stole head- ache. A FLORAL BELLE. A riorljt DlacniirM-K nil I'eoplnVlio liny The conservatory belle ptir excellence this winter is Mmo. Caroline Tostont , n French llowur Unit has put uvory rose out of countenance except the unri valed Amorlcan Hotuity. Tlio now blos som is a thoioughgolng nrlfctocrat , being extremely fragile in appearance , with line staying qualities Unit will oullttHt many of iho cabbage variety , says the Now Vork Sun. "Candidly , now1 reinnrUcd a casual purchaser , ' 'la their any ono with cash enough to huv of youV" ' Our best customers are nlain-Icntnrcd women and riuh young mon , " roplic-.l tlio llorist , gently spraying u plaque of intiidunhuii * ( urn und lilies of iho val ley. "All Now Yorkers buy Ilowors , " ho continued , "hut the two I mentioned are the clans on which wo make hit ; money. They think no moro of pitying for or chids than you do of picking popples in a wheat Hold. Wo (111 ( something like fifty regular orders n day for cot-sago bouquets of violets , und without excep tion the bills are sent to homely women. They scorn to nravo beauty In some form , and then thcro is always the elmncoof creating the impression that an admirer sent the llowcra Another harmless but very amusing dodge prac ticed by ugly or passe ladies is to have ti box of roses directed to themselves at home.Vo nro told to write 'gentle man loft no curd' on our businesa ticket , and after enjoying the romance of re ceiving an anonymous gift they como around and promptly but privately suttlo up for charges. "Tho average Now York man will spend more money in a week sending Ilowors to his women friends than u Londoner will in ten \cars , " remarked the loquacious proprietor. "I have kept shop in both towns and know. English men will buy growing plants , tiud never grudge money for pardoning or conserva tories , but they think cut Mowers an ox- tritvuganco , and except for boutonniorcs rarely purchase them. Hero the men are regular plungers in ( lowers , and you would open your eyes to BOO the size of some of the bills wo collect Ono rich young fellow who deals with us has for eighteen monttiBhad jistnndingschedule of blossoms sent daily to n lady ho ad mires. On Mondays wo intiko IIP n. box of daisies , buttercups and lemon vor- bontis ; Tuesdays she gets Duchess roses and smilax ; Wednesday's supply de pends upon the Bauson whether tulips , chrysanthemumsor lilacs are blooming ; but Thursday she has American 13eau- ties without fail ; on Friday violets , Roman hyacinths and maidenhair ferns , while Saturday wo always send Jacqueminots and a sheaf of lilies. Fashionable men depend upon us to square up one-half of their bocial obligations. A box of llowcra is supposed to condona for broken engage ments , belated duty califl , or neglected notes. About once a fortnight over worked dandies como in with long lists , ind as they chock thorn off we can toll to a nicety how they feel toward each recipient. When in love with the lady they fuss like old maids , demand roses with stems a yard long , violets fresh from their beds , nnd our highest-priced orchids. Then they usually insist on seeing the package done up , and make our heads swim giving directions. For the others it is-c.'Oh : , anything will do. Fix up a box for a couple of dollars , look out her address in the directory , and chuck in my card to clear oil that last theater party. ' Wo do quito a nice business in husbands , too. When a gentleman cornea in nnd takes a long. Limo to soleut his ilowcrs , tears up a lot of cards before ho is satisfied with what lie writes , addresses them to his wife and orders 'homo immediately , ' wo know it means something sot-iou ? . Flowers have their mission and are po tent'peacemakers. . " America Good Kminch. "America is good enough for mo , " said a young woman who re cently returned from Europe. "Wo slopped in Paris for a fortnight's shop ping and I really found nothing ut all that 1 cared to buy. Everything that waa desirable was so exorbitantly dear and at the cheaper places I found , ua I say , nothing that suited mo. "So I just gave up the idea of clothes entirely and spent a delightful time in visiting all the queer places that I had never seen before and picking up some bits of bric-a-brac for my room at homo. "Meanwhile I looked at my friend's ' ' the lint modus clothes , got 'pointers' on from the best places , rondo up my mind ns to what would become mo. and on my arrival homo went straight to a clover little dressmaker who has made my clothes for years and is devoted to me , and ordered a couple of gowns from her nt onco. "I never saw any ono so delighted as she wiis ; to tliink that I Iind brought nothing from furls and had como back to hur pleased and fluttered her tre mendously. 13ut the fun of it was whou I lln.t appeared at a coming-out ten , nil the girls lloi'.kod around me , oxclniming what a lovely French gown I had on and how nice it was for mo to have boon nblo to gut all my winter oullit in Paris. " MuIm ( iirU IIiilNt. Frau Helene Lange , according to the Berlin papers , has como forward willi a Bomowhut startling proposal. Tills is nothing moro nor loss than the demand for the ono year's eorvloo for girls. She suggests that juat as Gorman youths are compelled to spend at least one year in barracks , so their sisters should bo com pelled to spend a year in kindergarten , creches , people's kitchens , hospitals , factory uitls or servants homos , to which they should give their services. Of course these institutions must bo greatly multiplied to glvo work to all. As youths may uhooso tholr garribon and troop , so the girls might bo allowed to choose their branch of service- . Cer tificates could bo granted at the end of the year flu to work and conduct , Those who desire to stay on , and show the necessary talent , could bo promoted and allowed to direct the ono-voar recrulta. Fruu La n u'o considers that this year of service would form nnd strengthen tliu character of girls as no family , school or social life could. She deplores groutly the way in which Gorman girls of the bettor classes spend tlitlr time in "en ergetic or lazy doing nothing. " ITOIERCIAIAND ; : FINANCIAL Yesterday Was Atfo\her \ Lively Day on the Chicago 'Board of Trade. PORK OPENED WITH AN ADVANCE i 111 n ttrnfcrr * Were InHlnod In I'rcdlrt nn Open- hi | : I'rlco of Nine-iron Dollar * u Iturrcl lor Monihij Morning Stock * ntul Honda , CHICAGO , III. , .Tan. 7.-I1 was another llvrly lny on HID Hoard of Trade. Muy pork Mild up to J 18.75 , tlic fancy pilot ) of aliaru'l nmlrhivcd stronc n ( } 18.70 bid. llKikui-i net ij In sonio onset htuily enough to piTilli't nn opi'tiltis pilcoot flO.UOu h.nrel for > ijoiiiliiy tumulus. As tisinil , tlic country wti4 bullish iind .ippio- tMntliiB tlio fact tluit pork Is teuico , they sent , n their orders curly. When tlio licll tapped Hie bruUori .lumped for pork iind tin1 intirkct oponi'il lit ( lfl.60 , lOo ibovu lust night's ( 'luting prlou. Cmluliy WHS i henvy buyer mid thu nmrl.ol uilviinoed wllhln u few inlnutr.x to JlH.Td. Tlicru was u irlef rospllo and I lieu the turn whu had loaded tip" yesterday bt'tfai' to. tell. Tim pi U'o dtoppc'd to flH.2fl In shoit oi-dor under tlio heavy si'lllnj : nml "Charley" Wilclit was iiimiiip thosurlio rcull/cil on tliu pur- chiisuaof yesterday. As soon u i ho IOIIRS had "evened up" tliclr lenls , tlio old clliiut ; ninth1 Its presence felt mil sent the prices up to $18.75 aniiln. During ihu eloslns hour thn iiiiula't WHS linn , mill hero was litthi Inellnutloii to .soil slioil. l.uid Is 1 < V higher t him liM : iilslit. Kllis nru unchanged , \\llh only 13,000 IIOKS at Iho yards , nnd tin iv\ilted soranihle for them at iinollivr ir > ito 2iiij advance over tin. t.rivi'illiiB iltiy s price , uti < l ether fentures of the hog njoveinent of a no more jertsMirlng t'hanu'tt'r. nhirm unions short sullor.s In.porl ; was not nniKlerftil. 3Tho week's i rrelnls WBIU JOOH'i8 head , rom- paied with 'J4-l-IOi ! on I hi : uoriiouiln | ( ! : week i year apo. and imrUng to datu Is UO'J.OOO huad. ngiiluM 1,1)21,001) ) ) for thu similar period of tin ) pre\ Ions .season , Whciit hltiitril ipilte strong , with eafolns a shade butter and some of tlio lilu provision operators In tlio pitas liiiytiri. lint tlio Imll- oatlons pointing to another liificase In thn visible- supply , the selling mien hiv.im ous and prieescradnally weakened. One of thu chief cantos was tlio discovery [ hat I'udnliy und uthei * of tlio clilio ! | woio tuuliiK lulviinliiKO of the curly strength to nmiKut largo amount. * of wheat. Thoeiowd inlokly tailed on. Tlio opunln wis : about ! iu lilKher-tlian yesterday's clo.slnK. eased oil' Uc , and then advanced ) < e , but sitbieijtii'ntly liu- came easier and prices dcollnecl Jc , anil tlio closltiB was about 'jc hiner than yesterday. I'orii was sensitive , Tlio opunliiK was tlnn at ye.itorday's final ( imitations , and remained MI for a while , shorts being thu principal buy er * mid support to tlio Munition ; but later on Hie cilTi'rlnis were greatly Increased , the coun try selling as well asusual. . Corn sympathized with pork to some. o.Ment , sctllnj ? oil from ! { Rte to ? ic , rallied from ! c to > ic , ruled steady , and : losed with \c \ to ? 4i ! loss. Receipts ovornm the predictions , but thu estimates for Monday tic somewhat smaller. In oats there was a moderate trade within Lfc range , atjil closing prices worn at slightly bulow ye.stenlav's. Operators were not dis posed to take eltlierslde of the market with my ilpjjieo of freedom , and this kept thu mar- jet , narrow. Kstlmatcd receipts for Monday : Wheat , 2&0 earn ; corn , IBo cars : oats,170 curs ; hogs , 30.000 head. ! Tlio loading futures hinged as follows : AHTIei.CS. ri.llHK. YEHT'V Wlit'at No 2 January. . . mt May July T7H "H Corn No. 2 January. . Kubrunry. mi May ! > { < 16.4 Wise Onto No. 2 January. . sow 30H so * KcMuary. sm May Mosil'ork 70"H ' January. . IS 17H 16 ' 35 18 17H IB X > 1807 .Vay . . . . 18 CO 18 75 IB K 18 70 13 17W t.nrd January . 1085 10 M 10 81 10 90 ID 80 May 1005 10 WJ < 10 77 10 Short Itlbv- 10t Jannary. . t SJK May . . . . U 75 9 15 9 ) . V 70 S 70 i nuotnlioiis wore us follows : l''i.ouR Strong at tlio , late advance , but not much doltis. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 72jc ; No. 3 spring , GOaG2c ; No. 2 red. 72 > 4'c. Cons No. 2 , 41 Me : No. 3 cash , 37c. OATS-NO. 2. 30i1t3U'c ; No. 2 while , on track. 3434'c : No. S while , " ' KYE No. 2. D3He. V No. 2 , G5c : No. 3 , f. o. b , , 38G70c : No. 4 , 3740c. KI.AX SEKD No. 1 , $1.09' ' ; ® ! . 10. TIMOTHY HEKII 1'rlmc. Jl.aaai.99. I'OIiK Moss , per bbl. , tlO,87'iai7.00j lard , iior 100 Ibs. , 10.90 ; short ribs , sides ( loose ) , rJ.5DS9.Gn ; dry halted shoulders ( boxed ) , JU.25tt'J.37H ; bhort clear sides ( boxed ) , $10.10 WHISKY Distillers' Ilulshed goods , per gal. , fl .JO. SunAn-Cutloaf. DV'iQG ? < c ; granulated , 5Hc : standard "A , " 5e. The following were the receipts and shlp- tncntN today : On Iho Produce exchangetodav the butler market was llrm : creamery , 22tfl32c ; dairy. 21 < 330c. Eggs , firm ; strictly . ' . . .oh , 28328i ! ! < : . I.IV15 STOCK MAUKBTS. Sensational Starter Cut ) > y the X w Year for the I'ncklng irnuso IVopIo * OMAHA , Jan. 7. If receipts for DID llrst week of 1803 are to bo any Index to the lotal re ceipts for t IIP year there will boa very respect able Increase In the number of catllo und sheep marketed , while there will bo scarcely half as many boss iccclved as dining 1892. If tlio condition of liiu markets the past week Is to be u .sample of what we are going to have this year , packers may as well get ready to go out of business or Into bankruptcy long lioforu the llrst of next year , for It has been u bull week for all kinds of stock , The catllo market closes 20e toI0c higher than last week , while bogs ail : all of 7Dc higher than a week ago , Cattle. Hogs. Hlicup. Ilrcelpts this wcok 14,328 20,035 2,8i8 ! Hecelpts last week 13,30317,170 2,182 Samu week last year 13 B70 00,072 734 The week closes with n good , firm , actlvo market , Hecelpts wcru very fair for a Satur day , about GOO heavier than a week ago but this was more limn counterbalanced liy thu Improved demand from all sources. Prices could hardly liuiinoted aslangllily higher than Krlday but. compared with tboe\tri > muly mean prices paid last Salurdny ( lie market was any- wheru from 20o. to 40u. higher on anything either In the beef hteer or bulchen. ' slock line. Shippers and speculators have shown more In terest In the market tuna for weeks and this has Improved thn demand from local houses. Good to cliolco 1,2011 to 1,700-11) ) . steers sold all tliu way from J4.25 up to $5.00. Kulr to good 1,000 to 1,300- 111. steers sold fronr i1 r > to ( M.'JIi with poor to fair sliiir from } : i.uno > $3.0. It was a good , healthy trade tlirodtflimit and by noon nearly everything at ull''Ueslrablo had changed 1m mis. It was the same way us lo cows and mixed stnlV. There was plenty of It hen * , upward of forty loads , hut ilio demand was good and wbifu prices were ii'lnllo iimmm ( hey were In Urn main fully steady with Friday und from ifie lo tiOe higher llmrt'ii week ago. The trade closed up rither ; weak. Oood to r.hotre cows and helfurs sold frnf2.8D up to $3.40 : fair to good hluir largely nt from $2.2 ! > lo f2.7&llh commim tind canning grades from fur.ri ) lo t-.lO. There was'Hi'good demanil for , and pi-lees ruled stronger on lough MulF liulls , oM'n and stags selling freely at from $1,70 to i3.r > U. Common largu lo ebolco veal calve.- , bold at fully Meady vrlces from $2.2.ri tojfi.00. .Stookers and feeflers have t-old al good strong prices till wi'L'k. OIToilngs have boon somewhat limited. 'Tim ' Inquiry from the country , while not at all o.Mo'iMvo , has boon moro than Milllcle'nt- . sustain values. HUB- ultir dealers mo ch'iiiicd ' nn ubout as close as they dare liu , and fleslrablu olTurlngs bell roadlly al good long llguros , Tlioui was not much going on lu this branch of the trade to day , sales being mostly of odds und ends with regular dealers the principal buyers , KMromo hiilos were from J2.00 to ia.'J.'i , with the liulk of thn fair to good sluir nt from $2.60 to } 3.20. lions- The week has witnessed some sensa tional advances In Im ; ; pi Icon , as wull us In ho ; : products , and tlu < market closes fully 7oe higher limn a week ago , and lo all aimimr- ancostbu advunco Im * boon stilclly leglll- matc , occasioned mainly , If not entirely , hy the short supply , and i-onseiiuent hliong demand for hogs. lfaokerb having boon hoping for In- ereiihed Mipplles af tor thu llrtt of Iho year , but they me doomed to dl.stippolnlmeiit. Itecelpls al Chicago lids woo it weio slightly betivler 'ED ToUl U ur of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ . . . . > , _ DISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , BT.n.R.COMPAMIES , tc. CiirrvipomU'iu-f iollclU > il. N.W.HARRIS &COMPANYBanKers , " BOSTON. tlmn lft llnit fpll 110.000 short o ( thn flr.U week of.lnnnnry lait yrnr. Itpcrlptshcir for the week , while only nbout 0noo liciiUor Hum durlnn HIP holiday week , weiti moio tlmn ntt.nnn Miort ol thf cotre poiiiliH neck lust year , Tlio shorlnno In the i-a .t U o en morn apparent , and cn lciu imrkfrsiinil fre h nient hounes lmM > nil been free buyers tit ncilrrn nuirkrts , ThN add' * to Iho trlliulatlonsof tlio Inral pncKeto. > ( ) that when nil buyers got after the lion \\ltli utrlet ordcti to get vitno nt any wwl , prices tire bound to 'coin mid respond. The market today for u i King rue wan the wildest In the hlttory of thn yaidi , In fact n buyer who ha Iind over flfleen years' e.xpeil- i'ii'-i In the hog markets at Chicago and South ( ) tuiha : , iiys ho never MIW a shin per advaiico of the same magnitude. Opening prices vicro anywhere from it ! > > ! to ; 10 hliMier than I'rldnv's average tunic , nmt Iho hugs went like hot cakes. Alter the flr t excitement had somcwliat subsided thu market weakened , ami iillhmigh .some MieiiRth wai developed at. thpolo-e , the Into hogs failed to sell within Go to lOoof the early morning prices. On the early nituKet fair to good butcher nnd heavy hogs sold mostly at 7.nt ) lotT.'Jft , with u top of J7.-10. Light and mixed hogs went \ery liirguly at } 7.25 and J7.30 , with viimc at J7.15 and 17.20. tntlio lute market It was fT.'O and ( T.'Ju , tuiMly J7.25 , for fair to gooiUioei. About eveiythlnk tlnally sold , thn bulk at 7.-T > to 17.30 , against 17.00 to 17.05 1'rlday and tO.50 to0.00 last fal- ni day. ! ; iliii'"Threeliiiilx : : : of rommonUh westerns were recelxed and lOirercd. The maiKet was ( inlet and prices nominally steady. I'alr to good natives , J3r.OK4.7ri ; fair to good west erns , 13.2534.60 ; common and stock sheep , f2.253.riO : food locholoe40 to 100-tb lambs , . Kepresentutlxestile- : HorrlpU mid l > ls | > < nltlmi of Stock. Ofllclal wulpls und ilKposlilon of stock as shown by the books of thu I'nlon Stock Yards Company for twenty-four hours , ending nt B o clock p. m. January 7 , 1HU3. it IT i : i pin. I'ATii.r. [ iiiiuycs A Ml.s L'nrn.'ltoad ' Cnrs. Onri.illonO Cam. | llcml. Clilrngo l.lvo Stuck Market. ( UiiCAGO , III. , .Ian 7.--Special ( Telegram to Tun IIKK.1 I'attlo ere In very small supply , Miniated at. 1,000 head. They were In unu sually good demand for the lait day of Iho week , and as them are no indlca- lens of cxee-.slvo arrivals for .Monday the offerings were taken at strong prices , iho iverago being a Irllle higher than lor Krlday. 1'ho supply consisted mostly of ImtiMiuro and dinners Mock and from JJ.'J.'i to j.'l.5i ( tool ; the hulk of It. Quotations an ) from ia.'JO to tl > for common to xtra steers , fi.liD to Ji.7."i : for stockers and feeders anil from Jl.DO to JD.76 for cows , heifers and bulls. The hog market pro.-ented much the - > -aiiu ) 'eat ' ini3 as on the preceding days of the week , lluyersereas hungry as before , and with only 100 ! head hero to meet the de- , nand , hellers easily remained "on top. " They held their consignments from I5c to 'Joe above yesterday's prices , md to ihelr surprise found eager buyers at that advance , the arrivals being swallowed up it J7.'JO to $7.75 for very common to extra acdlumto heavy weights , and at. tuna $7.00 to f .G5 for poor to pi line light. Then ) were only scattering sales of heavy hogs below J7.50 and ho bulk of Iho light weights brought from 7.'JO to $7.50. These-quotations are an ad vance on last week's prices of from 75c to H5c ier 100 Ibs. About 1,000 s-lieen arrived for oday's markets. The limited supply con- alned few lotsof desirable quality and the rado wasqulet and devoid of Interesting fea tures , lluyers seemed Indifferent and the few sales -vero made at. about stoodv prices. There was some Inquiry for good standard fed west ern muttons , but ftw at hand were of suitable The land ) market shows no tendency toward cactlon as yet. Trade continues dull and un satisfactory , with thuchnlccM grade of lambs selllni : aiound $0.00 and fair to good ehlelly at from iQ.OO to $ S.tn. Host native muttons aio piotable at from W.OO to $5,40 ; good to choice fed westerns at from $4.'JO in f.r.20 ; fair to nl.\ed natives at from $ -1.00 to $4.00 , and culls mil thin feeders at from t'J.ODlo } 3.70. Ito- eelpts-Cattle , 1,000 head ; sheep , I'J.OOO head : mgs lr > 00hcad. The Kvenlng.Ioiirn.il reports : UATTM : Hecelpts , l.ioo head ; shipments , 000 head ; market dull , nominally .steady ; choice steers , ( r > . ; iV ( ! ! j.70 ; others , ja.'Jj&S.lO ; stooker.sJLVJ5iBU.3D : coWhtl.4r.Ti3.40. ) Hoes Hecelpts , 1'J.OOO head ; shipments , 5,000 head ; market active , loa higher ; rough and common , $0.007.'jr > ; packlmr and nixed , $7.aoj,7.0 ; shlpplngand heavy , U7.40 ® 7.CO ; prlmo lieavy and butchers' weights , "V.SSaV.'iO " ; light , J7.30jJ7.Q'Ji ! ; pigs , 50.5Oiil Snr.EP Hecelpts , 2,000 head ; shipments , 750 head ; market steady at yesleiday's prices ; ewes , i3,854.'JO : mixed , Jl.n07M.7ft ; ill others , ? J.75 5.'J5 ; westerns , H.bS'ijD.lSj anibs. J5.'J60.00 ; natives , . . 'JO ; year lings , $5. , ® tJ.OO ! wethers , $4.764J5.'J5. St. I , cm Is I.H-n Stoclc Murlict. BT. r > ouis , JIo , , Jan. 7. UATTi.R-Kocolpts , 1'JOO head ; slilpnieiits , 700 head ; llrm and ilghur ; natives , 3.005.G5 ; grass fed range bteurb , $2.10S3.'J5. Hoes Itecoliits , 3,100 head ; shipments , 3,500 head ; market 10j higher : heavy , 7.t 07.40j pacUlns , 87.00iJi7.jO : ; light , f7.15'ifi 7.30. HllKKl1 Receipts , 400 head ; shipments , none ; market ( Inn ; unlives , 53.OOfii4.5O ; choluo mut tons , $4.G5G5.00.i iiHas City I.ivo Stuck Market. IJITV , Mo. , .Tan. 7. L'\Tric--Ho- colpts , 2,000 head ; shiiinients , 40M head ; market strong to active , 10c higher ; ft-eders quiet , steady ; shipping steers , { H.SOQS.'JS ; slockers and feeders , $3.3055)3,35. ) lloilti-Uecclpts. 4,000 head ; shipment * . 3,400 head ; market active and 'JOc higher ; extreme range , $5aOfi7.'J5 : hulk , $7.00t7.15 Receipts , 100 hi-ad ; shipments , 4,500 head , market steady lostrong ; common muttons sold at t3.50ffl3.75. OH Market. Nr.w Yonic , Jan. 7. l'irnioi.iiT : > i-Qulet , steady ; crude In barrels packers , 1(5.35 ; criido In hulk , W.815 ; Itellned New Vork , K.40 ; I'hll- adelplilaand Italtlmore. $5.'J5 ; Philadelphia and Italtlinore In hulk , J.bft&'J.OO. COTTONSIK : | ) Oiir-l'-mcr ! ; wanted ; crude , 43'.M4c ; yellow. 48e. TAI.I.OW Strong ; city ( W.OO for pkgs. ) & ! Sc bid. bid.KOSIN KOSIN Dull , steady ; strained common to Bimtl. 1.32J4 sl.lO. : Ttiiii'K.NTiNi--iiilet. : steady at 30i' , < 23te. LONDON , Jan. 7. hi.Nsiin : : on. 1'Js pur ewt. 1 Liverpool Markets. Ijivniii'oouJun.7. WIUAT : Steady ; demand fair ; holders olTur moderately. l.'oiis Steady ; demand fair. I < Aiiii--l'rlmo we.stern , 54sGd per owl. HKIJK Kxtia India , mess , 7s per tierce. POIt : : I'rlmu mess , western line , H3s Ud per ban el. HACON Long and short clear , 550 pounds , 51s per ewt. ; long clear , 450 pounds , ( is. I'KAS Canadian,5s , Id per cental , man L It you keep at it , is apt to tell upon the liver. The things to prevent this are Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Pellet1) . Take one of these little PellcU for n corrective or gentleInxutiro thrco for a cnthartle. They're the small est , easiest to tnko , pleasantcst and most natural in the way they net. They do jiermanent good. Const ! * pntlon , Indigestion , Dillons Attacks , Sick or I3lllous Headache , and nil derangements of the liver , ttoinncli , and bowels are prevented , relieved , and cuml. They're guaranteed to glvo satis faction in every case , or ytur money U returned. The worst cases of Chronic Ca tarrh in the Head , yield to Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. So per tain is it that its makers offer $800 reward for an incurable case. SOUTir OM.A TiTA Union Stock Yards Company , South OrnaTia. Ilukt Cnltlo Ho unit SUeuji innrkot In tlia west , CO Rl HI SSI 3N HOUSES. _ Wood Brothers. l.lvo Stock CoinmUsloa Mercliuuta. t'OUth Oinaliu Tclt > | ibuuu 1157. Cblcuno. JOHN I ) . DADIKMAM , I . , „ , . „ > , 0r4 . \VA1.TKII JJ.VOOI ) , fMBI > Market Uci > orti tj mull una wire clioerfullj lur uliUud upou | > pllcalloa . { jaWStas noni arrwriiagu I tocwinprpmro | jn rfih ' ' , ' tfey Wontpcsttrnc ; about , Oilin [ .rrajljtmAllPfijoiiffll S i jrrs SPECIFIC / , . ; Matiea , and disease. * tctu'ch proceed from the rhtumatlc dfatttnlf , JIM Ixtn btfora the public jr \ more than clcren y : r.i iitnhr t't.i present jiy > vVV / / ; > , though it was ntcd in medital prac tice for a. mttcJt longer lime. It is the stricHy teknttjio preparation of a medical practitioner itho for iim $ years was eminent as a specialist in rhtumatie troubles. Jt is ab.toluteiy harmless , loth ai to its serf ml ingredi ents ami a.i to their combination. Jt has become n standard remedy and it in , fofar as knoicii , the only real spe. cijlc.for rheumatism and kindred dis orders. Its proprietors were adrised and fully realized that the short tut to NEURALeSAETC. . fortune would be in presenting it as a general blood-purifier , kidney remedy and "cure-all , " but this they originally and have persistently refused to do. They kncic and tie. widest possible eiperience has proved their jiosition tfteit Ath-lo.pho-ros , while it dots of necessity cleanse the blood and act healthfully upon the kidneys , has its oirn true and clearly defined field as a prompt relief and sure cure of Jtheiimatism , jfetiralgia , etc. hi this field ii has no competitor and that is enough. The public should be careful not to accept any substitute for Ath-lo-pho-ros , especially preparations learing an intentionally similar name and deliberately put ant in underhanded ways to defraud the proprietors of Ath-lo-pho-ros and to dec < ite and swindle sujjcrers from rheumatic and neuralgic affections. There is but one Ath-lo-pho-roi ( Prite-mnncr ) . It is sold by all reputable druggists. $1 per bottle ; f. for § 5. Treatise on Jihenmatism for Go. fa .tamps. The Athlophoros Co. , JVfir Jfacen , Conn. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING. " THEN IB GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. OMAHA AWNIHDSAHD TEKT3 Omaha Tent-Av/ning / COMl'ANV. I1OIIBK COVB'IS , 111:1 : Kiirimni bt. BAGS AND TWIN'SRIDDLE5. / . Berais Omalia Bag M. 0. Daxon , COMl'ANV. Jniporlurj nml inimifr. ; < . lllcyfloi "Olil on monthly Hour Hack ) , bMU | > < , tulnu. pajrmanti. IZlN.lSth. BOOTS \HD S 1013. Morse-Cos Shoa Company , Honnnl s-'treit. Tuctory corner lltli anil I > oiulasStrcot . Wonro iiMkliiRcluai pilo's ' to cnsli buyers , iinl are telllr.ii avl.iii of u'loitt wlilcli Ii very Bixlo.iuld wlili uiiircluinti. Kirkendall , Jones & Amer. Hand-Sewed COMl'ANV. Wlioloialo SUOIICO. , l.ooU.alio'H . mfrn. iiuanti llinl.ni unit rubhcrgoo. ! ] , I'.IJd- ItlllltllT MllOD Cl ) . . I1U.- 1U1U ll.irnoy i-t. 11'JI-llOiI Hnrnay St. COAL , nOi. ( C03NHE. Omaha Coal , Coke S Eagle CornicD Works 1,1 MK CO. . linrtl nn'l oft Slfrs. imlvunUo.l Iron eonl , S Ii cor. i unu ccirnlcj. nliul.iw c.ips , nictulllo nkyllKlifi , otc. IliU-lll'J D'M ' DRY GOODS. FURNITURE. Omalia Upholstering Beelm & Runyan CO. , nplioNtiirnit fcirnl- KUIINITUUH CO. , lirnco turn , llfi 1101 Mchului tit. Wliulujuluouly. ami I3t'.i Hu. UROCEfWS. DRUGS , D. M , Steele & Co. , Blake , Brnci & Co. , IVDl-l'-lli Jones St. , lOtli anil llama ? Sli. , Omalia. Omulin. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , OI- Thirty Days only wj will olTi. " ouiontira stosk ol DI vmont and Christmas Jewelry and Sllvorw.u-o at lo th-iri mxnuf.ioturar J ojjt. Fourteenth and Farnam StrastB1 I . ' , und Farnam. HAKIM I'D It HA 1/5. Will move Jan. I. to N.V. C'or IClli < Imnurc Uood.nr a filure hy OMJ rtoma * h. llnrorIn- HARDWIRE. Rector & Wilhelmy Lobeck&LiQ n , COMl'A.VV , Doalcra In hanlnnro an < | Corner 10th Mini Jaclitoii meclmnloH1 tools Ale et . II'JI MATS , ET 3. W. A. L. Gibbonfi Co. Wliulosalo Hats , r.ijs | , 8lr w uoo.l I , tfluvr * . inlttonii , ZLli niiil HuriH.Ma. . LUMDER. John A. Wakefleld , Charles R. Lee , Iniporti'il.Aiiiorlc inl'url' arUwouil bi'iib ' r , wood luii'l conr'iit. Mllvr.ui- cnrpottan I pi kojcuni-MU nnclljtilno/ Itonrlng , \viiltulluu. LIQUORS. MILLINERr. Frick & &Co ImporUri nn I Job b Wholesale liquor ( Ionian of mllllnar/ . neil o Mall orderi prom lit. 1001 Knraatu St. i. II til lit. PAPER. I OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , furry n full nlock nf printing , wmppln anil llcllnoil nml lubrlcntlnf nrltlnx papura , cunt unper , otu. olU , nile tTinuo , eta PRDDUQE COMMISSION. Branch & Co. Jas. A. Clark & Co. , I'roduco , fruit ! of nil Iliulor , cli 11 in , citfl , 110111 try nml KIIIIIO , kinds , nyetor.i. 317 S mil M , STOVE REPAIRS. I S\Si,013R5. : Omaha Slovaltopilr W illlCg. t vJ roi4lri ; Mi nitin'.nrjri of a-tili nn I w.itor : ittn'ril ) HI door * , Ii 11 ii I i na Im nilkl'ul fit in i il linn IIMII'I of llji Utli t ml NFRtfnilSDIKmDERS iTllall UU tJAiid all IU3 train or I'.VII.S WKAKNK84BJ. HKHIMrV. 1ST' . , that con mir lluim In weii QI'liKIV ; nnl .I'KlllU. NK.Vri.Y CUIKI ( > . Kull SrUKNUTH nnd ton * Klvun lo every part of llioboilr , I will § oal ( caroly ric oill KHBB many .uilaror iht i.rBicrlp. lion that curea uiBof tuonu truulil i. AilJrJ < , I * A. III1AUL.KV IIATJIK CUEKlt , UICU.