Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1893, Part Two, Image 9

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January Linen Sale.
Our annual linen sale .starts .Mon
day , Jan. Mil , 18U. ! )
Our increasing business and our
past experience lias placed us in
position to buy larger stocks and in
consequence obtain butter and low
er prices than heretofore.
We call particular attention to
our line of bleached and cream
damask \vliicli we shall oiler at oOc.-
yard as being better value than
ever olVered by any House in the
Our line of bleached dinnask at
7.rjc yard is well worth and would
be cheap at $1.
2 1-1-yards wide bleached damask ,
German make and all pure linen ,
nt $1.50 yard.
Full Ihveof Turkey red damask ,
l'c ) , 2oe , Itf flOc and 50e yard.
Red honlerJiT Uauia.sU , ! 25c , ; J5c ,
40c and 5c. )
Fancy colored damask at < > 0c yard.
Hand loom German dice table
linen , the sale of which we control
in Omaha , at ( ! 5c , 75e , 85e and $1
yard , with napkins to match. The
most honest goods for wear ever
sold in Omaha.
(10-inch ( wide red checked damask ,
manufactured expressly for Harden
Itros. , at < ! 5e yard. This is a bar
gain and will not be found in Omaha
except at Hardens' .
Our stock of napkins and doylies
is large ; we can suit you in price ,
quality and quantity ; 25c , 50c , ( iOc ,
75c , $1 , $1.20 , $1.5 ! } , $1.50 , $ l.iS ( ,
$1.75 , $1.5)0 ) , $2 , $2.25 a dox.en and
up to the finest made.
Lunch cloths in great variety at
75c , 8Sc , $1 , $1.25 , $1.115 , $1.50 ,
$1.5 ( ! , $1.75 each and upwards.
2-yard lunch cloths with doicii
napkins to match , $2 per set.
Finer grades in proportion.
Turkey red , cardinal and red and
green table cloths , oil colors , best
goods in the market , all si/.es and
prices to suit all.
Special towel sale on .Monday in
center aisle of building. If you in
tend buying any towels this season
it will pay yon to look over our line
on Monday at 5c , IOc , 15c , 19c , 25c
HOc each. Hardens * prices on towels
are well known to be the lowest
and our reputation during this sale
will not sufler.
Also a big line of Turkish towels.
All linen crash toweling , bleached
or brown , at 5c yard.
Cotton toweling , 1 * l-2cyard.
Fine toweling at 8c , IOc , 12 l-2c
and 15e yard.
Hatcher linens , embroidering lin
ens , fronting linens , etc. , in great
White bedspreads , a full line to
pick from , 5ic ) , Ii5c , 75c , 88c , ! )8c ,
$1 , $1.25 , $1.5O each and up to the
linest line of imported Marseilles
Handsome line of chenille table
covers to select from , all colors in
table felt , high colors for fancy
work ; a better assortment will not
be found in this city.
Cotton and linen diaper in all the
different widths.
In fact tills department takes second
end place to none in tins city , as we
carry the largest stock , have the
best selection and make the lowest
Our stock of blankets Is too largo and
must bo reduced.
Flno while blankets , 7oo pair.
5i-pound heavy white blankets , $1.25
10-4 white wool blankets , wore $2.25 ,
now $1.50 a pair.
Best whlto blankets ever shown in
this city for the money at $2 , * 2.50 , $3.U8 ,
$4.85 , $3.75 and $ UH8'n pair. *
Largo line of California blankets In
white and fancy cole .
Gray blankets , 68u. 05c , 7."n$1 , $1.25 ,
$1.60 , $1.00. ? 2 , * i'.23 , Si'.ftO and up to
the best made. Our assortment is still
largo ; prices reduced In order to reduce
Another sample line of blankets just
received , no two pair alike , 4(1 ( pair inlet
lot , mostly whlto , some arc slightly
soiled ana musbod at about halt prica ,
on sale Monday in our blaimut depart
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
From Sheriffs-Sale.
Wo have just received the entire
took of a shirt manufacturer from Us-
ponard street. Now York , comprising
Uomut flannels , trh-ots , fancy broad
cloths , black , wool Mirgea and cochocoes.
Thuso blilrts will go on sale Monday
morning for loss than price of material.
1 OAbO of fancy domet flannel shirts ,
pleated bosom , and well made , only 3oo ,
regular price 60e.
T case of t'ontb' fanev jersey knit
shirts , trimmud with allk coal , and well
worth $1 , sulo price COc.
' 100dozen jenU' funny jersey knit ovor-
shirts , OSo , 75o and l)3c. )
1 case of gents' fancy ovorshlrts , come
in ulala and neat fancy stripes ; your
choice of this lot only $1 each.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
( + T T . T
Trade in this department has
grown so large that our entire shoe
stock has to be mo veil anil rear
ranged. TO jn this we cut prices
right and left. Lot.s of
Fine Goods
Have to Go
At a Sacrifice.
Take advantage of the
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Read the prices. Every pair war-
Ladies'kid button pat. tip $1.50
shoes , ! )8c. )
Ladies' kid button pat. tip $2.50
shoes , $1.)5. ! )
Ladies , ' line kid hand welt $3.50
shoes , $ ' 2A5.
Ladies' French kid Rochester
make $5 shoes , $ : t.75.
Ladies' fine $1 felt slippers G5c.
felt soles.
Ladies' Hue hand-turned $1.50 felt
slippers 80c , si/cs 2j to H- ,
Ladies' fine hand.tiirned $2-felt
slippers $1.25 , si/es 2J to4 } .
Ladies' line ha ° hd-tiirned$2. 0felt
slippers $1.50. si/.es 2 } to 41.
Ladies' ( Joodyuar buckle arctics
_ Misses' Goodyear spring heel arc
tics ( inc.
Child's Goodyear spring heel arc
tics 5c. ( )
Child's fine turned dongola $1
shoes 7c. ( ) si/.es 5 to 8.
Child's line pat. tip dongola $1.25
shoes SKSs , si/.es ( J to S.
Child's line pat. tip dongola $1.35
shoes $1 , si/es 8 to 11.
.Misses line pat. tip dongola $1.65
shoes at $1 , si/es 12 to 2.
Men and Boys :
.Men's 1 buckle kip $1.50 working
shoes $1.
Men's .veal calf $1.75 congress
and lace sliou.s $1.25.
Men's line It calf $2 congress and
lace shoes $1.50.
Men's line calf "cleuant" $ ! ! shoes
$ ' 2.10.
Men's fine hand-scwed calf $4
shoes $ tf.
Men's sheep's wool felt booibOoc.
Men's double knit German
sox 1l5c.
Men's Goodyear airctlcs H5c.
Men's pure gum roll sole arctlca
lioyV line It calf $1.75 button
Itoyu * best sheep's wool felt boots
85c.Mail orders carefully filled.
Dry ( ioods and Shoes.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Colored Dress Goods
Monday wo will have on sale the great
est baigain of the season. Flannels and
heavy goods must go to give us room for
our immense spring block.
40 inch all wool homespun worth OJG ,
reduced to 41c.
54 inch all wool Scotch mix , heavy
goods , worth $1.25. reduced to 85c.
54 inch nil wool flannels worth 5c ! ) , re
duced to 43c.
40 ioeh all wool suitings worth up to
05c , reduced to . " 7e.
40 Inch all wool imported bedford cord
worth u ( to $1.25 , reduced to 7.C.
30 Inch part wool plafds worth 2oc , re
duced to 12-ji ? .
50 inch all wool broad cloth worth
$1.2-3. reduced to 8'Jc. ' *
54 Inch all wool heavy French serge
worth $ I. : ) > , ' reduced to 'Joe.
61 inch camel's hair stripes and plaids
worUi.Sl.Slrcducod ( to'Jje. - *
38 incli all wool gray plaids worth 40o ,
reduced lo 2oc.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
All broken lines to bo closed out at
about i our regular price. , i
1 lot nursing corsets , worth $1.25 , ro- >
duccd to 50c.
Toys and Fancy Goods
Everything in the way of toys , dolls
nnd fancy holiday articles must bo sold. '
Not a single item will be carried to an
other season. Now is the time for bar
Books and Stationery
Thls'lino is moro complete than ever ,
both in juvenile and standard boqks , * ,
nnd all at cut prices.
All kinds of stationery at loss than
half usual prices. . . -
500 solid gold baby rings. 8c ench.
L-idios1 bolid gold band rings , OOc ,
worth $2.
Lndios'solid gold sot rings , 98c , worth
3 2.60.
Gents' sollu gold seal rings , $1,93 ,
worth $4.50.
Wo nro Btill in Lho load on low pi-icos *
Elgin , Springlleld , Waltham and C'oH
umbus watches , in solid gold or filled
cases , at half jewelers' ' prieo ? . '
Nlnklo alarm clocks , ( ! 3c.
Elegant cabinet ( solid oak ) eight-day
cloctko , strikes hours and half hours ;
Gent * ' $3 rolled plate chains on Biilo at
Ladies'$2.50 , $3 and 93.50 beat rolled
plated chains , with beautiful charms ;
on saloat $1.50.
Gents' best rolled plate patent lover
cult buttons , worth 50c , 7ou , $1 , on sae |
at 2oo.
Odds and ends in silverware butter
dishes , cream pitchers , cake basket * ;
plcklo castors , spoon holders , sugar'
bowls , napkin rings , etc , , etc. , to cloap
at half nrlco.
Watch nnd clock repairing at half
jowolors' prices.
Bed Comforts.
toG.60 down comforts reduced to close
$ -1,50 each.
$9.60 down comforts reduced to eloso
to $7.50 each.
$7.50 bilk covered comforts now $5
each ,
Fine comforts covered with saline , and
French serge , chintz , etc. , medallion
center , etc. , filled with white cotton ,
81.00 , $2.25 , $2.60. $2.75 and $3 each.
Fine comforts wore never offered at
such low prlcos as at probont at Hay-
dons' ,
Just In order to close , comforts at 25c
Full fllzo comforti at 75o euok
\Vo arc showing a nice line of im
ported English shirting flannels , will
not shrink , at oOc yard.
Largo line of Atnana society flannels
in fancy styles , natural colors , etc.
Extra heavy 8-ouiiv.o skirting flunnol
reduced to oOo yard.
Navy blue nnd rod twilled all wool
flannels at 23o , UOc , Me10c and oOe
White wool flannel , loc , 20c , 2 > c , 30e ,
3-w , 4Ue , 45u , 50c , GOi : , 75c , 85e and $1
Shaker flannel , fie , 8e , iOc and 15c.
Pink and blue mixed flannel , loc , 18c ,
20o , 22c and 2Jc yard
Special bargains in all wool skirt pat
ters to close.
Windsor Ties.
Monday wo will olTer 100 dozen all
silk Windsor lies in plain colors at 15e
each. These goods are worth 23c each
and are full lengths and widths and all
'good colors.
1 Wo also offer a" special sale a flnolino
of felt aud plush table scarfs and square
Very flno felt table scarfs at 32c , 33c ,
89o.lOe , 50c , 72c and 78o.
\ Fancy square covers at 25c to 79c.
I Buy your cotton and bilk threads on
Monday and save money. v
luslin Underwear.
Mu.stin underwear from Now York
100 dozen ladies' night gowns , nicely
trimmed , and well made , only 50u each ,
would bo cheap at 75c.
' On Monday wo will make a specialty
'of a lot of gowns , all at 93o each , many
worth as high as S2 o.ich.
li 1 case of children's muslin pants , 1 to
4ycars old , 12Je per pair ; 6 to 8 years
old , lee po.m pair.
-Mail Orders Promptly Filled
If you want a Black
Silk Dress you can buy it
now for a deal less
money than the same qual
ity will cost you : 60 days
Hero Is a list of good reading matter
at loss thnn wholesale prices , viz. :
Dickens' completes works , Illustrated ,
In 15 volumesonly $3.
. Thackeray's complete works , illus-
traton , 10 volumes , f2.1).i. )
Scott's complete works , illustrated ,
12 volumes , $5.
Ttuskin's complete works , illustrated ,
12 volumes , $0.75.
Shakespeare's complete works , JU.05.
Chamber's .Encyclopedia , 9 volumes ,
li P. Roe's works , per volume , 50c.
"Tho Savage World , " a riomploto
n-ttural history by J. W. Buol , $1.85.
A full line of juvenllo books always in
stool ; .
Commercial note paper , 20e per
Irish linen note paper , 16o per pound.
Envelope * , flu , 6c , lOo nnd 15o per
School tablets , ! tc , 5o , IOc and 15o.
A complete line o [ olllco supplies al
ways on hand.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Black Goods.
Its Inch jill wool cnmollottecloth worth
7oc. reduced to 41c.
40 inch blauk and white stripes and
plalda worth 0c , reduced to 33c.
40 inch all wool flno liniuh German
honrletta worth t9u ! , reduced to55c.
40 Inch all wool Imported henrlotta
worth 81.00 , reduced to 70o.
60 inch heavy beaver cloth worth 45 ,
reduced to $2.95.
40 inch all wool heavy storm serge
worth 05c , reduced to SOe.
40 Inch mohair worth 05c , reduced to
30 inch honrietin worth 50c , reduced
80 inch English caehmoro , extra value ,
Domestic Department
Prices on cotton goods are advaneintr
daily. Wo conlincted with custom
mfiiiufaoturers for hirgo quantities to bo
delivered this month and they nro now
arriving and placed on sale as fast as
they come in and wo ave thus enabled
tn continue soiling nt our old prices as
long as they last.
I'ard wide bleached muslin , oc , Oic ,
7je , 8Jc and IOc yard.
Yard wldo brown muslin , -He , 5c , Oc ,
7e and fie yard.
12-inch bleached pillow easing , 8e
and IOc.
43-inch bleauhcd pillow casing , IOc
and IL'lc ,
S-l , 9-1 and 10-1 blenched and un
bleached sheeting at same rate at old
prices. '
Brown cotton flannel , 3c , oc , Sc and
lOo yard.
Bleached cotton flannel , Oc , Sc , IOc
12c } yard.
Large line of colored cotton flannel in
plain shades ; double-faced cotton flannel -
nol In plain colors and fancy printing ,
beautiful patterns ; now styles of outing
cloth , spring styles , just opened , at 8c ,
IOc , 12Jc and 16o yard. The handsom
est line of patterns and colors ever dis
played by any house you will ( Ind at
llaydens' on Monday. They are bound
to bo popular again this season , as ihoro
have been great improvements made in
cloth both in btylo and finish. Particu
lar attention is culled to the outing
serge made for dresses for street wearer
or hoiiiio wrappers at 12Jc van ) .
Old-fashioned blue striped ticking ,
also now colors in fancy striped tickinir ,
denims , bhirting , check or stripes , all
styles of ginghams , dross styles or
ap'ron checks , calicos of every descrip
tion , wash dross goods in great variety.
Our stock of dross lining is comploto.
Our domestic department is the larg
est you will find. Hero Is where you
lind the stock in sight to soled from.
Buying those goods in larger quantities
than any other house in this section of
the country places us in a position to
give you a bettor selection and make
you lower prices than any house in the
trade. Examine our stock and judge
for yourself.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Special Sale.
On Monday we will offer at special
prices , for one day only , the following
articles :
Brooks' best bpool cotton , 200 yards ,
Ic. worth 5c.
Chadwlck's best spool cotton , 200
yards. Ic , worth 5c.
Dragon's best spool cotton , 200 yards ,
Ic , worth Sc.
Black and whlto linen thread , 2c ,
worth 5e.
Black and white linen thread , ' 3c ,
worth 7c.
Black linen thread , 4c , worth 8c.
Black , white and brown , Barbour's ,
7c , worth IOc.
Carpet thread , 2 skeins for 5c.
Silk thread , best quality , 100 yards ,
4Jc , worth IOc.
Silk twist , best quality , 10 yards , Ic ,
worth 3c. N
11. B. crochet cotton , 2 balls for 5c ,
worth 5c each.
'Ihoso are the best bargains in thread
ever offered in the city.
Ladles' flno silk gartera , 20c. worth
Ladles' very line silk garters , silver
buckles , 40c , worth ( IOc.
Ladies' very flno silk garters , silver
uclclo-i , 50j , worth 03u.
Babies' hose supporters.5c , worth IOc.
Mhscs'hososupporters , So , worth 12c.
Ladles'hoso supporters , Su. worth loc.
Babies' honey-comb bibs , ! ! c , worth 5c.
13 ibles' honny-eomb bibs , 4o , worth Sc.
Babies' quilted bibs , 9c , worth 15e.
Babies'quilted bibs , 125c , loc and 17c.
B'ibUts' stamped linen bibs , 12c. }
Fine combs , 2 for 5c , worth oc o.ich.
Heavy lubber flno coml , 3e , worth oc.
Extra heavy rubber line combs , 4e ,
worth IOc.
Whlto celluloid line combs , 7c , worth
Extra hoavv rubber coarse combs , 60 ,
worth 20c. This is our londor.
Solid wire course combs , He.
Horn coarbo combs , stool backs , lOo.
Gents' pocket comba , In ca-so , 5c.
Gents' pocket combs , in case , Be.
Children's ' round combs , 8c , Ce , 7c nnd
Wo are solo agents for the DOMESTIC
Remember that our thread sale lasts
one day only.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Home Industry.
Wo nro anxious to Introduce to our
customers one of Nobraska'ri great en
terprises which Homo of our readers
hoar of for the tlr t time , namely , a
perfect sowing machine , made In Ne
braska and guaranteed as good as any
machine on earth. For the purpose of
introducing thobo gouds we shall put
them on sale ut the very low price of
$18 for a few days. A written guaran
tee for 5 yours accompanies each one.
Third floor.
Our spring purch.tisnof window shades
has arrived and wo have some genuine
bargains among thorn.
Wo desire to close out some short
lengths of brussels and ingrain carpets
to make room for spring goods wliluh
are arriving dally.
Wo have reduced the price of a good
quality of floor oilcloth to 25 < : per yard ;
only a few pieces loft. Third floor.
Pianos 1 Organs
The largest and most attract
ive stock of strictly first class
instruments at the lowest prices
ever offered to the public in
the west.
Eight different lirst class
well known make of Pianos ,
including the world renowned
Every instrument sold by Hayden -
den Bros , is fully guaranteed.
Crockery , China
and Glassware.
Once a year wo take all of our oclda
and ends wo have , put thorn on a tubld
and hell thoin cheap.
Those odds and ends are parts of din-
no r bets , tea sols anil tollot eels , It is all
decorated ware. If you want to match
up a dinner sot or totlut sot you can do
60.Wo have just unloaded a car load of
crockery and as tlioro is another cue
load duo next WCCK , wo arc going to
make prices that will indnco you to buy
whether you need thorn or not : wo must
liavo room.
Unhundlcd cups and sancors 29c per
Handle cups and saucers , 3c ! ) per set.
Wash bowls and nitchora , 20o per sot.
Chambers. 2oc each. „ „ _
Plates , 2o , Ic ami Gc oaoh.
Slop jars , COc ouch.
Tumblers , 2o each.
Hanging lamps , with extension
springs , $1.09 each ; worth $ & .
Stand lamps from IOc up.
Sirup pitchers , Oc ,
Cream set's , consisting of sugar bowls ,
cream pitchers , butter dish and spoon
holder , 19c per sot.
Suit and pepper shakos , He each.
Wine glasses ! ! c each.
Decorated cups and saucers , 69o per
BOt.Sauce dishes , six for IOc.
Albota tea and table spoons , 25o pop
Bet , as peed as silver.
I , ami ) chimneys , Sc each.
Good scrub brushes , Gc.
Wo have a few more 100 piece impor
ted decorated dinner seta at $7.09 ,
worth 315.00.
All our odds and ends in children'a
fine wool and cashmere boso to ba
closed out at loss than cost.
100 dozen ladies' Jersey ribbed vests
and pants , only 6c ( ) each , reduced fron }
08c.Groceries. .
Hayden Bros. ' best 5X flour , 81.25 }
best superlative , OOc ; snowllako , 05o ;
rye Hour , 800. $1 and $1.15 ; Aunt JnmN
ma's pan cake Hour UJcorVjofor 2 pound
package ; Aunt Sally's pan cake flour ,
3Sc or 7jc 2 pound package ; Liob'a
Ryoninjun flap jnclc pancake flour , 3o
or7cfor2 } pound package ; BoH-risinjj
buckwheat Hour 35e or 7io for 2 pound
Finest homo-mado catsup , in bottles ,
IOc.Two pound can corned hoof , lOo.
Two pounds uncolored tea , 85o.
Ono pound Young Hyson tea , 40o.
Four cans French peas , 40c.
Butter , Cheese ,
Meats and Fish.
Country bailer , Me , IOc , 18u and 20cj
creamery , 22u , 2lu and 2o. ( ) Remember
you will nlwiiyj ( Ind both country and
creamery nutter fresh every day , also
our prices the very lowest. The yory
bast Wisconsin full cream ohooso lOo
and 12c ; oanUirn process pure cream
cliocht ) , Ho and IOc ; Swiss choose , l"5o ,
Me and 10c ; IJrlok choose , 12Jc , Mo
and Hie ; Limburger ehooao , 12Jc uud
Hie ; Roquefort imported , 60o
per pound ; p'.noupplo cheese ,
SOcs oaon ; Edam ohooso , $1,25 oaoh ;
Noufchntol cheoao , 71c per package -
ago ; Sab Sago , 80 per package ;
mini'o meat , 7jo jor pound ; npplo but *
tor , 7Jc per pound ; strawberry and rasp.
berry preserves , 12Jo per pound. In our
meat department we bundle the celebrated -
brated goods of the Cudahy , Swift and
Hammond Packing companies. No. 1
sugar cured hams , lite ; sugar cured
bacon , 12jc ; uonolcsa hams , 12o ; drlod
beef , lOu and I2Jc ; salt pork , IOc ; and all
Kinds of canned meats at lowest prlnoa.
C'omo lioro for your llsh. Finest mackerel -
erol , IOc , J25c and J5o per pound : Hoi-
land herring , 8 for 25o ; whlto fiah , lOo
per pound ; brick eod fish , 2 pounds for
ICc ; golden bloaters , 0 for 25o.
California Canned Fruits.
California apricots , 16o per can ; nil
kinds of California canned plums , 12Jo )
California poauhcs , 18o ; California Bart-
It'U pears , 20o ; sugar corn , IOc ; toraa-
toes , 81c ; 2-pound can pumpkin , 'lo , Remember -
member every article guaranteed to b
as roprciontod or inunoy refunded.
Cloaks and Suits. -
Tito cloak department Is showing a
larger and more complete stock than
over before nt this noason. A general
markdown IB made to ineuro quick ealoe ,
Cost cuts no figure ; the goods must bf
sold at any eacrluco , -