8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; SUNIMLY , JANUA11Y 8 , 1803-S1XTEEN PAGES. BOSTON STORE LINEN SALE jtynr Annual Sale of Linens and Muslins to Bo the Greatest ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH Demonntrntliic Tlmt thn lloilon Stern I * Ilonnil lo IliiiiU Tint In l.lnrns nnd iln it * Well HI nil Other llellnhle Mcrclmndlse. Months of preparation Months of careful gathering Montlis of stupendous efforts combine to make this year's llnon nnd muslin solo not onlv tlio greatest slnglo sale of its kind , but greater than till the others uut together. TABLE DAMASKS Extra quality , oil turkey red table da mask , warranted fast color , 18c worth 40c. Alexander uolohrntnd Scotch turkey rod table diuniuk , tlio bast on earth , 35o worth ( We. CREAM DAMASKS. White's silver finish , nil llnon Gor man damnsk ? , sold the world over for GOc , go nt TOc. The widest , all llnon cream Scotch damns ! : , made to retail nl Toe. go at G3e a yard. BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK. Full hlonchod table damask ntI8c u ynrd. This Is nn extra Iciulor nnd wo will Boll only two cloths to a customer. Win. Llddell & Co. , Hoi fust manufac turers , best 8-1 table damasks , which sold regulni-ly ut $1.00 u yard , tomorrow OOc. OOc.Wo nro showing the tncst complete lines of table damask with nnpkina'in 8-1 nnd C-8 to match , at Soc , OSc , $1.23 nnd $ l.fiO per yard. Hotel keepers nnd economical houso- Itcopors should lay in u supply of these linen bargains. DINNER SETS. Pine pattern cloths , in all sizes , with i nnd J napkins to match , from the cele brated looms of Andrew Hold Ss Co. , etc. They nro the very latest designs nnd heavy double satin damask. During this sale \vo will sell 8-1 at $ ! . ! ! ) . 8x10 nt SKIM. 8x1 2 ut $2.0. ; ! "We have nupkins to match all these Blylcs. LUNCH CLOTUS.- All Inion. fancy border fringe cloths at GOc , worth 78c. Largo assortment , rod border , nil linen and turrfcy red fringe cloths go at OOc , worth $1.00. Tho'largost assortment of styles over shown In two to four yard cloths , all In ono lot , ut 03' ' ! . worth fiom 81.60 to $1.83 LINEN TOWELS. All llnon towel * , 3c } , worth Gc. Fine damask towels , Cc , worth 12Jo. At 1/Jc , the llncst nnd largest assort ment of 25c and 30c hujk , diimask and moinio nll-linon towels , all of which go ut lee caoh. At 2iic wo will sell yon a flno damask totvol , S of a , yard wide and 1J yart long , und u Knotted fringe damask towel , worth up toISc , tomorrow 25c each. TURKISH TOWELS. Largo plain white Turkish towels lOc , worth 17c. Extra hqavy double thread Turkish 'towels ICc , worth 2oc. Immense size full bleached and un bleached Turkish butli towels -oc , worth COc. COc.WASH' WASH' CLOTHS. COO dozen Turkish wash rags nt 20e per dozen. Only by the dozen and ono dozen only to a'customer. ' CRASH AND TOWELING. Full bleached nil linen crash toweling Sic a yard. Plnln brown Irish crash and .red checked glass toweling , 7H' , worth"l2c. Extra , heavy full bleached Barnsloy crush , just the thing lor roller towels , nt 12e , worth ISo. BED SPREADS. Full size , 11-1 crochet bed spreads a 70c , worth $1.25. Very flno Marseilles pattern spreads OSo , worth $1.60. 12-4 imported Marseilles spreads , worth S1.7r > , go at $1.00. Tlio finest quality imported bed uprcad , $1,08 , $2.47 and &UU. All guar anteed worth double. BLEACHED MUSLINS. Five cases of yard-wide , line quality staple brands , bleached muslins , go at Co ti yard. 10 cases best grade , Fruit of the Loom and Lonsdnlo blouchud muslin at Sic u yard. 1 case LuiisJalo cambric nt Oc u yard. THE BOSTON STORE , ' W. W. Cor. 10th und Douglas streets , ' , < > . K. Svollulil. i Closing out cloaks. ' $3.00 cloaks for $2.00. $8.00 und $0.00 clo.iks for $ o.OO. $12.00 nnd $1I.)0 ! ( ) cloaks for $0,00. $10.00 and 318.00 cloaks for $12.00. 820.00 cloaks for $ l.r .flO. $23.00 cloaks for $18.00. $30.00 cloaks for $20.00. SWi.OO nnd $40.00 cloaks for $25.00. Sale commences Monday morning. This is u ruro opportunity to buy now clonks , choice styles In host materials at prices way below actual value. O. K. SCOPIELD'S Clonk Store , Furnmn street , opposite N. V. Life Building , Thd now Douglas county map com piled by Robert H. Willis is now ottered 1 , for salo. Mi * . Blast ; is authorized to Holiclt I' ' v in Omahti. Only JK ( ) printed. Price $10. Lndlos artistic huirdrcsiingjdoullliiir Store , Karbach Bl'k , 200 S. lo. , Tol. K 1018. French hulrdrossur in attendance. Real ostato. Bargains , only. . My word'is goo J. W < G. Albright 621-2-3 N. V. Llfo bldj. Dr. Campbell , honuuoputh , 808 N. Y. Llfo. Froscolncr and interior decorating , ao- eitftio nnd estimates furnished. Henry Lohmnnn , 1SOS Douglixa street. W. T. Soimin\vi : : oi5 : mid carriages HAST Oil SOUTH Via HKI W | HISI Itniite. J The short line to St. Louis nnd quick- eat route south. Only 37 hours to Hot Springs. Only 30 hour * to Now Orleans. Only 38i hours to Atlanta. Only f > - hours to Jacksonville. With corresponding fust time to all points east and nouth. Round trlj 'tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans , Luke Charles , Galveston , San Antonio , I-V City of roxico , Loa Angeles , Sun Pratt' Cisco , MobileJaoksonvfilo , Tatnpn , Ha < „ f vanaand nil the wlntor resorts ol the f south anil west. Reclining ohalrcan " "free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit , Pullman butTet sleeping cars on all trains Baggage checked from , hotels and private residences to destination. . FqruokoU , sleeping car accommodation ! id | further Information call ut Wabiisl ticket oftlst , 16013 Fnrnam street , 01 jjrrlU , G. N. CLAYTON , Agtnt , Omaha. COOK'S ' CLEARING SALE , $50,000 , Stock Pinest Shoes at 20 Per Ocnt Discount. THERE IS NO RESERVE-EVERYTHING GOES Orrntrnt Uonl Fill * IlFnnnt ClonrlnR S ln of Tlno Shoe * Kvrr Held In Omnlm. Co mo In Quirk nnd ( let Tlicfte ALL-GOODS MARKKD IN PLAIN PIOUUK3 ; Cook's 10 ! per cent discount shoo sale atlll continued on every shoo In the store. This is our .January cut price sale. Monday wo will place on sale 71 ! p.ilrs ladles' line kid shoes with pntont leather tipa ; our regular $3.00 shoo , but on Monday they all go at 'M per cent oil , $2 40. 81 pilrs ladies' fine kid button $2.50 shoo , 20 per cent , goes at 52.00. This ia a line dross shoo , anU worth $3.00. Wo will olTor one lot of line kid welt shoos , patent leoathor tipa and heavy bole , suitable for winter wear nt $2.00. This is 11 $3.00 shoo and a great bargain at S2.UO. This week wo will oloao out 120 pairs of line cloth top welt heavy bole $ -1.00 shoo at $3.20 u pair. Any shoo you ask to BOO In our entire stock you can buy this week at 20 per cent discount. Wo are giving tills discount to every body. body.Wo have the largest stock of boys' , misses' and children's shoos in Otnalm and all goods marked in nlain llgurcs. This week wo will olTor 180 pairot boys school shoes , sizes 2 to 0 } , at $1.20. Tliis la very cheap. Please ask to see this shoo. Olio lot of misses' school shoes , straight grain goat stock , sizes 11 to 2 , widths A to E , will close this lot out ut $1.00 a p.ilr. the reculai- price all over the city on this shoo is $2.00 , but wo want to make u test nnd see how many people read this advertisement. Will sell this shoo at $1.00 and they cost ua at the factory Si.00. Wo will now olTor our entire stock of shoes at a general cut in prices of 20 per cent oil from our regular marked sell ing price , which is in plain ligurcs. We do this to reduce our iinmonso stock. January is bore and wo find our stock la too large and wo are bound to reduce it at onco. Hcmumber , wo always do as wo advor- lise , and you can now cotno to our store and select any shoo you want nnd our salesmen will give you 20 per cent dis count without you asking for it. Come and'sco us and bo convinced. Tell your friends and neighbors. Uemembor , you will not bo asked to buy any old truck for wo haco none , but you may make your selections from the largest and finest stock of shoes in the city. LADIES. This will crivo you Our $7.00 hand made shoos at $3.60. Oiu-$0.00 shoos at $1.80. Our $5.00 shoos at1.00. . Our $1.00 shoos nt $3.20. Our $3.50 shoos at $2.80. Our 83.00 shoes at $2.40. Our$2.00 shoes at $1.60. Our $1.60 shoes at S1.20. 81.00 shoes at 8Uc. GENTLEMEN. Wo will sell you J. S. Turner's fine patent Itfathor $7.00 shoos at 85.CO. Our $7.00 shoos at $5.00. ' Our $0.00 shoos at $4.80. Our $5.00 shoos at $4.00. Our $4.00 shoos at $3.20. Our $ ' (5.00 ( shoes at $2.40. Wo propose to irtuko this the greatest shoo sale over held in Omaha , because you can buy just the shoe you want and save 20 per cent in buying them of us. Now , this sale will not last long , so come early before the beat styles and sixes are gone. gone.G. . W. COOK & SON , Cook's old reliable shoo store , 203 and 205 So. Fifteenth street , Kuroach block. Ten Days' 1M ensure For very little money besides a per sonal knowledge of that ramarkablo state Texas. A special party of busi ness man from Omaha nnd vicinity to Galvuston nnd other points in Toxus and return , will leave Omaha Sunday evening January 15 1893. Don't ' miss this opportunity. Ticicots for the trip can only bo obtained from F. F. Wil limns , room f > 22 First National Bunk Uuilding , who will furnish full particu lars upon application. If you want money on real estate don't fall to see Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam strnot. Iteeclver's Kale. Scaled bids will bo received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock , noon , of 27th January , 18'J3 ' , for nny part or the whole of the manufactured and unman ufactured stock of Koblnson & Stokes company , at East Omaha , consisting in part of n full 1 1 no of the celebrated "Buck skin 'sbr.md of pants , shirts , overalls and duck clothing , together with ollico f urni- turo , lixturcs , part.itlons , sufo ( Halt ) , about 100 sowing machines , and all tables , shelving , tools and appliances , including ono bnnd cloth-cutter , used in suid factory and also including one 40- hoi-iopowor bollor , ono 35-liorsopowor onglno , dynamo for instalation of 2SO incandescent lights , together with the t building and appurtonanccK the latter to bo sold subject to any rights of East Omaha Land Co. therein. The inventory , stock nnd above arti cles may bo oxtimlncrl on the promises. Kach bid must bo for cash or its equiva lent , accompanied by a cert tiled chock payable to my order , for 20 per cent of amount bid. The right is reserved to reject any or nil bids. Dated January 0 , 1803. KixiAH ZAHUIHKIK , receiver. MONTaOMIillYOlIAULTUX & HAM , , Attorneys. - runic Among tha DrntlatH. This is. the reason teeth extracted for 25u , full sot of tooth $5. All work at just half what other dentists charge. Call and bo convinced. Dn. WmiKKS , Dentist , 1th lloor Brown bile. . 10 & Douglas St. Entlro stock of clothing ot the Misfit Parlors will bo sold , beginning : Tuesday morning , January 10th , by the Insur ance company. A. J. Meyer introduced gonuinu Pea cock coal with Mount & Grillln , 213 S. 14 , lUlill.ltorn nt the I'ulr. Have you soon The Illustrated World's Fair ? The only publication Illustrating the progress' and every pluiBo and feature of the great exposi tion from start to lluifih. It's the linoat and most attractive publication over published. Endorsed by all World's fullolllcial. . Tha lOU-uago dedication number ( second edition ) contains com plete list of American exhibitors ; price , $1. Subscriptions can begin with llrst issueIB numbers (3 ( volumes ) now ready ; $2.60 n year ; 25 cents a copy. Big pay to local agents ; write for par ticulars. Jowoll N. Ilalligan , general manager , Chicago. W , R , BENNETT CO , They Open Another Now Department 0 < ra- stantly Increasing Facilities. THREE CAR LOADS OF FLOUR JUST IN Prlro on flour Awny Ilon-n Wonderfully I.onTrlee * In All Dcp.irtinrnln Don't Target Our 1'renli flutter New watch nnd jewelry repairing de partment , whcro you can got your watches , clool-s or jewelry of any kind repaired by a thoroughly competent and experienced workman at iv very low price. How often do wo carry our watch when it is really of no use to us on account of its gaining or losing or slopping , simuly bccauso wo are sure if wo took it to most jewelers wo would bo told that it would cost $1.50 or $2.00 lo put It in good shape , when in reality wo oughl not to pay tnoro than 60c or 75o to have it llxod and guaran teed. Wo propose to do all work on- Iruslod to our care in n faultless man ner , and guarantee the work in every ahr.pc , at BENNETT'S POPULAR PRICES. Bring In anything you havu to repair in this line nnd lot us eslimalo on it for you ; it won't cost you anything to do this , nnd wo nro sure wo can save you hipmoney. . Our guarantee goes with every job. In this department you will also find an elegant assortment of jewelry - olry , watches , clocks nnd silverware , and our prices nro right , every time. Now Is your time to buy crockery , prices nro down and quality up. Tea cups 35c sot. Plates 5c each , or 40c a dozen. Chamber sets , 0 pieces , $1.98. Tumblers only 3o each. 3 CARLOADS OF FLOUR Just received. Prices are away down. 75o for a 50-lb. stick und all grades guaranteed. pur butter department is booming ; prices are very low. No oleo handled by us. Our eggs are all carefully candled and are the best to bo had In the citv. OUR MEAT AND FISH DEPT. is doing wondrous. Low prices and fair treatment is what does it. No seconds sold by us , till our meats nro the best. In stationary wo offer 25nico en velopes only 3c. Good note paper 3c per quire. Toilet paper 3c per pack. Toilet paper oc per roll. School pads , tablets , slates , pencils of all kinds. Picture books , etc. , etc. All at Bennett's popular prfcos. Get all your goods of us from our gro cery department , tea. coffee nnd spice , hardware , cigars and tobacco , dry goods , notion , and ourdrujrdepartments. Look for bargains in alf of the above departments. In drugs wo can save you the most money on anything wo carry in this line. line.Wo Wo are still serving free , clam bul lion , beef bullion , cherry cordial , beef extract , all as free as the air you breath. Call in and try any ono or all for a week or go free , and see if they don't benefit you. It won't cost you anything1 to try and it may give you a new lease of life. W. R. BENNETT CO. At Wonderland. Mr. George Wcssells , the eminent New York actor and Miss Nellie Elting are the latest addition to the stock company at Wonderland and Bijou theater. They make their initial bow to an Omaha audience ut this house tomorrow , in Mrs. McKco Han- kin's celebrated play , "The Golden Giant , " , and if press criticisms are a criterion , are hound to ut once become favorites. They are both very strong actors , full of fire and dash and exceedingly versatile. Their support is excellent. Miss Dora Ix > wo is another new member of the company and will divide the juvcnilo roles with Miss Gypsy Itarlow , who remains. Mr. Harry Bar low , Mr. Jack Hull and Mr. C. E. James , all old favorites , will also ho in the cast.The Golden Giant" is a strong emotional melo drama , bordering on the sensational , and wherever presented has proven a tfreut plcascr. For its production at the Bijou every detail to make it a success has boon attended to ; now scenery is now on the scene frame and ninny now effects will bo introduced ; the costumes will bo elaborate , those of Miss Elting ulono costinc her over $ ! ) ,000. The specialty program will also bo a winner. It introduces a host of clover per formers , among whom will bo Le Petit Freddie , the wonderful child artist. Tilts is his third week , yet his specialties will all ho now. With sueli an excellent program the box ofllco receipts should be largo next week. Siimoset .Meeting. A meeting of ' 'Samoset" is called for Monday evening , January ' . > , nt 8 p. in. , for the i > urM > so of election of ofllccrs for the en suing year. Members' attendance particu larly requested. GEOKQU W. SIIIKI.I ) ? , .lonx T. EVANS , President. Secretary. James Brown of 3015 Dickson street , St. Louis , was run over by a butcher wagon at Leonard and Eastern avenues on Monday last and had his log broken. I'minpt Settlement. OMAHA , Nob. , Dec. SI , 1892. Union Llfo Insurance Company , Omaha , Nob. , Gentlemen : Please accept our thanks for the promptness with which the claim of $5,000 under policy No. 3488 , upon the life ol Samuel J. IIowoll was paid , your draft being received upon the day on which the proofs wore com pleted. Wo tnko pleasure , In commend ing your company for the courteous manner in which wo have boon treated in the settlement cf this claim. In be half of my mother , Mrs. Annie E. How- ell. Yours very truly , ElMVAItn E. A Contrast. Omaha : Thermometer 2 = > below ; wind blowing ! > 0 miles an hour ; Ice and snow everywhere. San Bernardino : Thermometer 70 ° above ; no snow ; no wind ; Ho wo re every where. To exchange the discomforts of the ono for the comforts of the other it is only necessary to purchase from the city ticket agent of the Burlington Ron to at 1223 Farnnm St. , u round trip ticket to tiio Pacific Coast ; eighty dollars lars will do it. The , best overland train is the Bur lington's No. 3 , which leaves Omaha at 4:50 : p. m. daily , making connection in Denver the next morning with all Trans-Continental trains via the'sconio lines to the Coast. v Peacoolc is the best- soft 03:1 : ! . Sold only by Jones , opocnlto postolUco , Look Out for tiolil Wt-ntlier. But rldo insldo of the electric lighted nnd steam heated vostibuled apartment trains of llio Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway and you will be as warm , comfortable und cheerful as In your own library or boudoir. To travel between Chicago and Omaha in these luxuri i- it ously appointed trains IB a supreme sat tit isfaction ; and , ns the somewhat ancient advertisement used to read , " ir see small bills , " Small Is Erticulars once , too ) will bo accepted r passage nnd sleeping car tickets at I 1601 Fftrnam itroot. BOSTON STUB BARGAIN TRAY Every Department in the House Will Have Special Barg n Trajs Tomorrow , CONTAINING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Worth of DrilmUlo ( Intuit , lltlng All the * llrnUrn I.ntNOrt < l nml Kml , nnil Sln- Ble Article * Which Wo Have I'ouml.Since Tnklnc Sloclt. Atid which wo have decided to close out immediately. BARGAIN TRAYS OP HOSIEUY. An 1 in in on so tray of ladles'and misses' , nil wool hosiery in seamless and full regular mttilo goods , all worth from 35u to 60c , go for Ifio a pair. Odds and onda in children's all wool ribbed hoao , 5o a pair. UAKGAINS-LADIK'S UNDERWEAR Lnrgo tray of ladles' heavy rlbbud tin- ucrwotir , high neck and long sleeves , loc , worth COc. Ladles' naturnl wool underwear Sloe , worth 7Cc. Children's natural wool underwear Oc. MEN'S UNDERWEAR BARGAINS. An Immense lot of over 1200 do/.on moft's ' camels' hair , all wool , gray-scar- lot , flno merino and fancy underwear , worth up to $1.00 , go at Sou. Ladles and children's pure silk , warm mittens , 20o. worth $1.00. 1,000 dozen children's muslin drawers and ladles' corset waists , lOo each. Ladies waists with shoulder straps worth $1.25 go at 40a 10,000 yards of 3-inch wide flno Ham burg embroidery 60 a yard , worth up to 2oc. 2oc.An An immense lot of fiOo embroidered silk chiffon handkerchiefs , 12Jc. VELVETS AND PLUSHES. . All our odd pieces of silk plushos and velvets worth up to $1.00 go at 2-5c a yard. A big lot of real camel's hair sergos , 10 inulles wide , in navy , brown , gray , greens' rods and blades , 'worth 7oc , go at 29c yard.YARN YARN BARGAINS. All colors o ( best split single and double zephyrs , Ijc a lap , worth Gc. White hemmed handkerchiefs ready for use , Icouch. Largo Turkey rod handkerchiefs , 2c each. Largo soft gray blankets , 7oc each. Best laundry soap , IJo for largo bare , worth Co the world over. Best cocoanut oil toilet soup lc. worth lOc. 1,000 dozen dress buttons , plain and fancv , 3c a dozen , worth lOc. CLOAK BARGAINS. Wo will refund you in good solid cash ino-fourth of the entire amount you pay us lor any cloak you buy in this Kilo. Wo have reduced prices a half , ind give you a quarter of that naif bo- ides in cash. BOSTON STORE , ' Whore also the great bankrupt Omaha shoos are being sold. N. W. corner 10th and Douglas Sts. A DciiutlCtil Gift. Any one or all of the following books will be sent free "to any address , by mail prepaid , for 10 cents in stamps or coin to cover postage and packing. Satis- "action guaranteed or money refunded. Was H.Suicidd'r1 Ella Wheeler Wil- cox. 102 po. Pooms-and Yarns-By James Whit- comb Rilcy und Bill Nyo. Illustrated , 230 pp. An English Girl. , 'in America By Tallulah Matteson Powell. 160 pp. Sparlrs from the Pen of Bill Nye. 1C2 pp. People's Reference Book Million facts. 208 pp. Health and Beauty Emily S. BOM ton. 288 pp. Social Etiquette Emily S. Bonton. 288 pp. Looking Forward An imaginary visit 10 the World's fair , Chicago , 1803. 250 pp. Cut this out and mark the books you wish sent , enclosing 10 cents for each book. Address O. P. McCarty. General Passenger ' senger Agents , B , & O.'S. W. R. R. , Cincinnati , Ohio. Entiro.Btock of clothing of the Misfit Parlors will bo sold , beginning Tuesday moraine1. January 10th , by the Insur ance company. Money to loan , lowest rates. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam street India ml the Kust Inillnna. The citizens of Omaha are offered a rare treat next Tuesday evening to hear Frank H. Hobcrson in Ills illustrated "India and the East Indians" iirtho Young Men's Christian Association hall. The fact that this is Mr. Uobcrson's third appearance with "India" before an Otnuhu audience , and that crowded houses have heretofore greeted him , Is sufllc- Icnt indication that lie will bo wall received. Mr. Itoborson , though still u young man , has probably traveled farther and seen more than nny man of his years in this country , "India" is the partial result of n three years' trip encircling the tflobo and visiting Austra lia , Now /.calami the south seas. lie gives a } perfect picture of India as it was and is , by the aid of 100 of the finest views of cities , temples , people and palaces , and leaves a clear and lasting impression iliwa the minds of his audience. . Truths briefly stated mingled with flights of fancy portrayed in all the enchanting witchery of the word painter's art holds one for an hour and a half as garbed in the quaint costume of an East Indian prince ho tours through the country. Kct8 : ) on sale at Chnso & Eddy's and Young Men's Christian association olllce. You don't want a torpid liver ; you ilon't want u bad coinuuiitlon , yon don't want u bad breath ; you idon't want a hcuducho. Then use Do Witt's Littio Early Uiseru , the famous little pills. . ARlifiirUIGctHii Nmv Trlnl , James Ashford , who was sent to the pen itentiary two years ago to do a seven years' term has been granted a new trial and lias been returned to ttiie Douglas county jail. The man was charged with burglary , but when the ciiso wont up to the supreme court , the verdict was set aside und remanded buck for trial. 1'erfeet action and perloot h calth rcsul from the usoof DeWItt's Littio Early UIncr A perfect little pUL Xutleet nf five Itnaiar hit wultr tlili head , fifty tcntt ; tack additional tint ten centt. _ AI/lVl'ADT To Mr. mid .Mrs. t'liurjes U Alt- htudt u tun mid u half pound daughter , on January 7 , 181)3. ) An tlnqitnlinrd Surer * * . The Immense favor with which our great 40-ccnt sale hns boon mot , has in * ducod us to continue it for Monday and Tuesday. No one can afford to miss this un- cquallod opportunity , for it in an un questioned fnofc that no such bargains as wo are offering during this sale have over been offered before in Omaha. The counters of every department all over the store will bo covered with re liable merchandise of every description , the articles ranging in actual value from 7oc to $2.00 , all bolng sold at the uniform price of .10 eon ts. Co mo down to The Hell Monday and see what -10 cents will buy. THE BELL DEP'T. ' STORE CO. , Dodge and 15th st ? . CITY MISSION ELECTION. Itoporls oT Olllrrr * on I.mt Vr.ir'N Work Very Onitltjliifj. The members of the City mission met at the Young Men's Christian association build ing yesterday afternoon for the purpose ot hearing reports from the ofllccrs upon the work of the past year , to adopt a constitu tion and elect a board of trustees. Secre tary Clark read his annual report , mid Treasurer Alfred Kennedy submitted his re port , both of which were adopted by the association. Iho treasurer's report showed that something over $4,003 had been con tributed toward the support of the mission durpig the past year , and the disbursements Incited Will of being equal to the receipts , leaving n simp sum in the treasury. Dr. li T. Allen , chief of the medical board , read his report. The report was interesting and comprehensive. During the year twenty- eight reputable physicians had given their services in regular turns to the relief work of Iho mission , which consists of prescribing for poor people in ill health at the dispen sary and visiting the homes of the indigent sick who are under the cave of the mission. Dr. Allen said that the physicians who had so generously donated their time had worked together in perfect harmony , although they represented nearly every school of medicine known to the profession. The twenty-eight doctors had made -Ml visits to poor people at the request of the mission during the year , and had dealt out VMH prescriptions. There had been no deaths in this line of practice and no epidemics hud been encountered among the poor people treated. The phy sicians requested the mission to retain charge of the dispensary rather than to turn it over to the Associated Charities. The report of the committee on constitu tion was next taken up. The new constitu tion was read , amended in soniu few particu lars and adopted1 The following board of trustees was elected : Colonel Charles Bird , John Dale , J. O. Phlllippi , A. P. Tukey , Phillip Patten , Alex Charlton , E. Wickstrom , Cadet Taylor , Dr. E. T. Allen , C. A. Starr , Mrs. J. U , , lar- dine , Mrs. A. P. Hopkins , Mrs. A. S. Potter , Mrs. Graham Park , Mrs. C. O. Lobcck. llovlv.il Services This Week. Revival services will continue at Trinity Methodist church during the coming week. There will bo pi-caching every night. Fol lowing are the subjects selected by the pastor , Uev. AV. 1C. Beans , for the discourses of the week : Monday , "The Ono Thing ; " Tuesday , "The Accepted Time ; " Wednes day , "Excuses ; " Thursday , "Brought Homo : " Friday , "Indecision ; " Sunday morn ing , "Tho Brazen Si-pent ; " Sunday evening , "The Great Salvation. " Unit I'd rre t > ytrlitn Church. Central United Presbyterian church , 118 North Seventeenth street. Morning services at , 10:1)0 : ) a. , in. Preaching uy Uov. W. H. Patterson of ies Moines , la. Reception of new members and sacrament of the Lord's ' supper. Sunday school at 12 m. Omaha Young People's Christian union at GUO : p. m. , preaching at 7I0 : ! p. in. Coino and bring a friend. Ignorance of the merits of DoWitt's Littio Early Risers is a misfortune. These little pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad breath , constipation and bilious- Victim of Ills -\\iro-K Wiles. Joseph Roberts , who was scut to the peni tentiary from this county a couple of years ago has been pardoned. Upon the trial ho was called to face the charge of criminal assault , his wife being the principal witness for the state. The case was clearly against him and a conviction followed. A lifteen years' sentence was imposed. Some time ago it developed that the whole a flair was put .up by Roberts' wife , who a .year or more ape eloped with ono of the witnesses for the state. When these facts were called to the attention of Governor Boyd a pardon was issued. o An honest pill is the noblest work of the apothecary. DoWitfs Littio Early Risers cure constipation , biliousness und sick head- acho. THE It KA I/TV MAKICKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record January 7 , 1 U3 : VrAllIlANTY DKKII3. J > nvlttHurniiii : nnd wlfo to O 11 Tzscliuck , lot 3 , block - llurnhaiir 1'luco . $ 650 G II Tzscliuck and wlfo to M K O Youngs , MIIIIU . GOO J A llini : > lt to John Clifton , lot 0 , block 2 , Dollonn's add , lots 'M , 31. 42 and N'J ' Ioti2 : , .Stewart I'lnco. o'i ' lot 10. block 1'J , Hlilnn'ti add.umllv ! i lot ? , Nulson'H add . 1 G H Harris to sumo. lot 0 , block 2 , I'Vril Dcllnnu'H add . 2000 J ] { Harris und wlfu to same , lot. : I4 , Snnnysldu add , lot. 21 Hliiwart. I'luco ' 1 John Clifton and wlfo to W II Harris , lot 20 , 21.1'J , 31 und s'/ lot fl'J , Ntmvurl I'lnrn , lot ! ) and 0 , block 2 , Ih'llono's add , lot III , Simiiysldo ml < l vt\'t \ lot 10 , block 12 , rllilnn.s add , ' iliullv'j lot 7 , Nelson's add . 1000 A'H Iliifrunu and wlfo to I > li : tll- Inndor , w V lot : ) , block ! J. yiilmi's add . . . $ 1,000 IlrnJ Ci-lllt'iiilcii loSoplila Uallow , lot 22. block 4 , Nnrlhllulil . 160 J K f'liu'k and wlfo to I'M llanilliij- , lot 3 , Hack's hub . 200 , KA Ik'iison , trustee , to K M Johnson , lots G and 7 , block G7 , llenson . 000 C.I t-aiiiuelson and wlfo to K A 1'oKtil * MI-OIII , lots I ) nnd 10 , block 4 , llovd's 3,000 A N Smith and wlfo to H K Sjiatiliflnx' , lot-1. I'luck'H M'l ' ) . 3,000 H. K Adams and wlfo to Ili-nimn Thlclku , lot IB. block 3 , 1'olter & Cobb's 2nd add to South Oiiiulm . 1,000 QUIT CLAIM I : IDH. Gco MeKcnzIo and wlfo to Kluanor McKi'ii/.lu , s ! i and o3 acres of n li nusw no4-lfi-13 . 1 U A Illnicy und wlfu to .1 O Illrm-y , H 24 feet lot -I , block 78 , South Oiualm , , 1 lj K French und husband to bamo , Klllue . 1 Melville Illrney and wlfu to bumc , Hiinni . . 1 II 11 lllrnoy to sanio. humu . 1 KS Pundyjr ( master in chancery ) to I'uKsiiiniisIc Knvlnitx band , lots 23 24 , bloek 113 , Diuideo I'lnco . -1,944 .Sanio to I'orthiuoutli Havings bank , jut , 14 , 1'ulrmonnt I'luco ' . 3G1D I ) 11 Meicer ( same ) to Central Loan und Triikt company , trustee , lots ( I and 7 , block 3 , llogh'H und Hill's 2nd mid . 4,9'J1 ' Total amount of trunsfcrs . * 2'J,85B * If you have piles DoWitt's Witch Hazel salvo will surely cure you. CES aking owder Hie only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum , in Millhas of Homes 40 Years the Standard. AlinndnnMt Ity IIU Chllilrrn. Frank Itadill tiled ycsteiilny nndvns burled by the county , Jil.i cliltdrcn , two Ki-own Rons , refusing to pay the ftincrnl ex penses , notwithstanding the fuel that they nrc in comfortalilo olrtniinstniu-es. The oM mnn wns the father ot Mrs. Siiefcnefc. who was murdered by her husband n i-ounlo of venrs IIRO.Vlien the dniiRhtcr died she left tlOO to her father. This money ono of the sons secured , and then drora the old man into the streets. After that nnd until his death ho made his homo tvlth Uratdo , at 1809 South Fourteenth street. Slnllliy > \Tttlt.tlici1ury. , Thofflsoof Maltby against the Modern Woodmen of America , which 1ms been on trial in the United States court for n number of days , went to the Jury ycstettlrty. At 'ono time Mnltby wns a deputy i-onsul in the order. Uwn | being rcllorcu ot the oflleo ho hnUKht suit to iwovcr fi tier cent of the Kcncntl funds of the order. In addition to the commissions that were agreed upon. AMUSELMEXN'TS. -L ' KTEW - BOYD'S TONIGHT THEATRE TONIGHT Jan 8,9 aiifl 10. Toiothor with tlio Hnpur.irol il Coinndy Coin | > : niy In Atnm-UM , l'ro Kcntlni : for the ( list tlino In Omalm Uio Knorincms Comedy smcos-iof tlie 1 lioitrloiil ; Sciisnti , T. The Wildest. Maddest nnd Merriest of Karoes by Jnlin , I MoN'nily nnd Ju lian Mitchell lulling it Story of l.uillerotiH Ml.sHkos nnd lllustvnUiiR the I'lclurcbiino Kucentrlcitlca of Llfo In Now York rials. Also Introducing UB.ONA RORJRR.ST C.Tlio most unique , original and ucwlldcrlnly fascinating dancer on the American Mngo. , AMONG THEFEATURES : . Mr. I'oworsln Pantomime. Mr D.illny'sSon. , "Cnlntn- hui. " Thn National ( .liuirtl Muriili. Mr. Powers ! nurnuntliio Dance llur.csiiuc. Mr. D.iilOT1 * Latter Uiiy I'arodlca. Now SOURS. Now Unnces. Thu sale of soiits In now open at iho followlnj rates : Klrst floor , Me , 7i > o and tit balcony. Mo nnd Too : Kullory , 'i" > c. WONDERLAND AND BIJOU THEATRE. Corner IMh Street and Cnultol Avenue , Omaha. A Ciaatjgc KNEWGOMPflNY Week of of Prograiji Of Capable Players , in The Greatest of All Sim-jational Molo-Drauias. First Appsarance of These Stars supported by strong com pany , also mi hour of The California The Eminent Actor. specialties by Fnvorlto. The Novelty Transatlantic Vaudevilles A Contin-ttous Sliow from 1:00 : P. M. to 10:30 : P. M. JPOPULAR PRIGHIS * Matinees ( dally ) , all parts of the houso,20c. Evenings , Balcony 2Oo. Parquet 3Oc. Sholild go lo fchis EpnirtcptViolinist , CONCERT. Gopnpapy of Artists. VUViich will toe tVie fill- Hnnie Louise TannerMJsin , cst Vlusical The American . Nightingale. Eveptofthe Seasop. In.os IP arm enter * , ; . . . Mc.7. ( ) Soprano. Prices , IPiei ? Deleisco , llisso. : $1 , ySca-pdSOc. EX cl weird RESERVED SEATS AT Solo FORD & CHARLTON'S , IN A PROGRAM OF SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. JSth apd Dodge. WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 11 Don't Fail to Secure Seats Early. o & Tkeafcre * Q 3 NIGHTS 3 COMMENCING "S NEXT CD THURSDAY t MATINEE * L SATURDAY. Cp Hoyt's ' § Trip A gO CD - To gBJ BJ Chinatown Ul AS PLAYED et- OVER 4XDO CONSECUTIVE NIGHTS AT HOYT'S MADISON hi SQUARE hiO THEATRE , O NEW YORK CITY. The sale of teats will open Wednesday moiulag at tlio following priori t . FIHBT J'UKHl-Mto Wo and 11.00- . . . llAI.CO.NV-SOo huil T5o. . OALLEItY-250. v. JVT. c. . Tuesday Eve. , Jan. 1O. ' I R , IN 100 nmRlflcont vIovTH of clllo.s. tcnii | cs , p la ccs iiml ponplv. . . t Ucsurvoil no ls. * > 0o ut Chnso Si Kdily's ana Y ( JI U. A. ofllcn. Now on sale. ' FftRNAM St. THEATER l.lko lloniu nil MomU luml to tlio lluiiin nl Iriucccig. WM. A. BRADY'S ' See the Rlvor of Iloal Wntar. Wednesday and SaturJp.y 5 ! Tim . lUI'OHTEQ II AllTX SKIIJTAIN I'.V.NAItllCS fuinmcnclntf , Wo will rocelY HID lint lot Jnnimry Ulli. Tlier * ' will l > r liunilrcilH of i nnnrlo * to BL'locl ( roruj boliiK iii'rfvctlr * nA tlinrouKhly tmlnuct ln y will b * tlinbnilnt tliu > niuuu , Dceprollv ItTlll uliuniio with Mri 't h JUKI IOIIK iHllli. Wu K 'full ' flllifncllon oinl ulilpto Ipolnt liy ojirc | < Hli iaio I'rlco "III I'D ' f.l M t-m'.i nuil eitrri * II mi iciloctoil tlnuurn ll.W. to * . Geisler'sBlrdS ' 400 N. 10th St. . Omaha , " ' ' NtocUllolilmV HaullitK , 'j The annual nicotine of tlio nlouliholderi of , Thn ! > ( . < > lliilldlnR ( 'u. will be lit ) ( I In tliooffldb ' of Tlio Uuiuha lieu , Oinalia. Nub. , ut. 4 o clooK u. in. , cm Tnosduy , Juiuiiiry 17 , 1H , fur tha oloutlon of < t boiird of dlrroturx lor Hie ensuing .voirnnd : Iho iriviiiuulloii lit Midi ntliur butU. iiuss ns may cmnu before thu inucllu ; . lly order of the rrcil'loiit. ' N. I' . I'KIU Hocrotarri Omaha , Nob. , Uccoiuliorlll , Ib3i d'.MaiSt Moi'l < li < ililer ' Muotmif Union f.inl : : Com jinny. Notice In hereby slyoii Hint tli'o itnnuk iioullii4 of tlio slocklioldoiiot | liu Union Land oiimiany , fur lh election ot Uvo dlreuton uud Hiioh ot lit-r butluiiHH ns way prouor y oonio be-i fore tliti mooting , will boliolilat tlio < illlceol John M. Thnruton , Union 1'noilluJuilldlux. Id thuultyof UiunliH , Nub , , upon Monday , tbp lilh day of January. IW. nt 11 o'clnxk n. m. if AMiX MIM AIt , Kecrotar * lloalon.MuBS. . , DueeinbCf IS. lm. . rtJIdHU Notice , ' Thi ( niinunl incctlnB of ( he _ cUholders pi the Mldluiid Uiiaranluo & Tiust Co. ( , fo > tha cK-ullonof uboanlof dlrcclpni mm fur . sueu . other liusliicsn as inny conic before Iiliu iiioet In ; ' , , will Im held at llio roniiiny'i. | : pllk-o , 161 * I'm mini stri'd , Oiuulia , V.i d . , on T ) ! i.sduy , th Kill day of Jiuiuury. 18'ja. at H ( iVlr ; ( n. , in. Till 13 Jlfl > IAND urfAllANTKK * ' iUfrr CQ , Attest , A. F. IIOSCIIB. Vk AuiUUnt Secretory. Uift W ,