Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1893, Part One, Page 7, Image 7

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LHtlo Doing After the Bound of Christmas
and Now Tear Gayeties.
Tow People Krcp Open llntur * .InniinryS
Tlin lliirnV Hrrcpllon Sinnll I'unclloni
of n Vrrjr Quint Wcrk Clint
About 1'ropto You Know.
From the gayety of the Chrlntmas boH-
days to the pall of the iwst-hollday season
Bcems hut a.stej ) , thopaeosct by the swell
wdrld the past fortnight evidently having
been Just n bit too fast.
The youngsters who dominated the holi
day week have gone or are going to their
Rovcral schools. and until long after Easter
the older hcadft will ache from the round of
social light and life. There Is llttlo prom
ised for the immediate future and as Ash
Wednesday comes so early this year society
will hardly awake from its present torpor
until after the Eastertide.
Tlin Iliiyinnml iltrrppllon.
many beautiful homes In Omaha ,
nnd their nutnbnr Is being constantly added
to , sure Indications of growing wealth and
refinement , hut thcroaro none that command
more general admiration for excellent archi
tecture and perfect appointments than the
handsomn house of air. and airs. C. S. Hay-
tnond , III South Thirty-eighth avenue.
Thoroughout the best and most modern ideas
in house construction have obtained ; the
rooms are all airy and open llnoly Into the
largo central hallway , which Is quite * a big
Blzcd room in itself. The rooms are true poems ,
grays and browns predominating. The par
lor , library and dining rooms are gems In
decoration and the pictures on the walls
bring out all the beauties of cove and
arch , nlcho and embrasure.
And this house of ono of Omaha's most
popular nnd successful business men was
thrown open Thursday uvcning to a very
Iirgo number of guests. At times the pres
ence of so many people called together by
air. and airs. Kaymond amounting to a crush.
The rooms wore gay with lloral garniture ,
with ropes of smlla'x and evergreen to setoff
off the gorgeous color scheme ,
The orchestra was stationed on a small
* ahi > ; iy built out for the purpose from tlio
second landing in the hallway and screened
tram the guests by a particrro of spruce and
pine. And hero under the direction of air.
Burt Butler the band played concert music
until after 10. when dancing began.
air. and airs , ttayinoiul received In the
north parlor assisted by aiiss Shattuck anil
air. Bert Ifciymond , who wore the uniform
of Shattuck school , airs. Raymond was
beautifully gowned m pink and white satin
hrooado with rullles of pale hliioombroidercil
aiiss Shattuck , Mrs. Raymond's sister ,
were a pretty changeable sillc of pale green
and white , trimmed with crystal passemen
On' tno hall , at a table artistically deco
rated , aiisses Bcssio and EQle Uaymoml
served orangeade , the former gowned in
cream satin , with overdress of mousselino
and the latter in nun's veiling , air. am
Mrs. Charles Squires and air. ami
aira. Colpetzer assisted throughout the
airs. Adolph aicyer were a beautiful gowt
of wlno velvet edged about the corsage with
airs. N ; B. Falconer graced ono of the
handsomest gowns seen during the evening
it dark green changeable silk and velvet , the
whole sot off by a green airgrotto.
aiiss Nina Marshall , a very pretty am
graceful girl , were an exquisite costume o
white silk witli yellow stripes.
airs. Kennedy were u lovely yellow am
white satin trimmed with white lace.
aira. J. K. Baum appeared in a gray sill
and-yellow satin.
airs. Jennie House Wcrtz was in white
silk , dccollcto and entrain.
' Mrs. A. B. Hudson was beautifully cos
tumed in black lace "over black satin.
aiiss" Grace Hudson wore a sweet gown ol
white silk and net over white lace.
aiiss Lynn Curtis were a light blue sill !
gown made empire stylo.
aiiss Kathcryn Barker , a handsome white
crepe with green velvet sleeves.
airs. C. E. Squires , who is always a bcau >
tifully dressed woman , on this occasion wore
a rich creation of cream brocade and green
velvet , 5Coua-c jacket , diamonds.
aiiss Tatum , green faille with preen vel
aiiss alary Duryca were a pretty llgurcO
crepe with pink silk.
ailss alargarot aioore , a lovely pink crepoi
and chiffon.
Mrs. II. B. Lockwood looked particularly
well in a gown of red crcpo , decollete.
aiiss Pearl Hartman , light blue silk tim
mod with pansles.
airs' . Joseph I ohner were a handsome toll'
ctto of heavy white faille and chiiTon.
aiiss aiainio aiooro was in yellow crepe.
airs. Estabrook , black lace nnd orangi
airs. J. F. Coad of Fremont , were an of
fectlvo costume of black velvet , relieved b ;
yellow satin , and very beautiful diamonds.
Refreshments were served by Balduff litho
the third atorry oft the billiard room , the ta
bio being rich in its decorations , a Drcsdci
lamp occupying the center , with pink rose :
scattered over the cloth.
Carriages sot down heads west and tool
up heads east from the side entrance on tin
Now Yi'iir'H Itoc-ciptlon.
Following a custom which they have oVi
served for years , air. and aira. Samuel Burn
gave a lovely New Year's reception aionda ;
from n to 0 and H to 11 in honor of air. am
airs. O. T , Eastman , aiiss Ixuler and ails
Old residents of Omaha , Mr. and airs
Burns have a wide circle of friends who loo' '
forward with pleasure to these annual Ne\
Year receptions , a custom which is growing
moro's the pity , less popular with sociut ,
people every year.
While the decorations throughout th
house were not elaborate they were nl
touched with the holiday cheer , evergreen
in long ropes hulng suspended from the coi
HITS of the rooms and festooned to tlur ecu
tnil chandeliers. Smllax and holly gave a
added effectiveness to the rooms , which wcr
all canvassed for the occasion. And th
lights shaded by pea green shades gofo
r.oft , mellow light that was wonderful !
Mr , and airs.Burns.air. and airs.O. F. East
man , atiss Ivo/.ierand alias Burns , recolvet
whiUi throughout the rooms they had th
assistance of it "rosebud garden of girls" nn
the fairest matrons in towns : airs. Dr. Cof
man , Mrs. Chase , airs. Dan Wheeler , jr
airs. H. B. Smith , airs. J. C. aicKell , air.
Harry aicCormlck , airs. Arthur Uomlngtoi :
Mrs. Newt Barkalow , ailss Dodge of Com
ell BlulTH , ailss Nash , aiiss Chandler , alia
Dundy , aiiss lilchards of Wyoming , Mia
Peering , alias ICmlly Wakeloy. ailis Curt !
ailsi aiills of DCS aioincs , Miss Helen Smltl
ailss Hlbhard , ailss Sharp. Mlsa Ida Shari
Miss.aiargarcl Williams , aiiss Grace Illmi
baugh and ailss Tad llaloh , And the beaut
of H all was that this army of pretty wome
tnado up a house party , remaining throug
until midnight.
airs. Burns appeared In a handsome govv
Of black velvet trimmed with rare pdh
.Mrs , . Osgood F. Eastman were her \ve <
ding costume of white corded silk trlmiue
\Vilh duchesso lace.
- Mlsi lazier , a bright , Interesting youn
woman , dark compltuloiiRxl , suggestive <
'tho ' ftouth land aud moonlit nights , wore
pretty lavender crepe , made dancing longl !
trimmed with exquisite lace ,
ailss Bums , fresh from her it
umphs and destined to bo nulto as populo
ps her sister , wore white silk with rulllca <
nllk and tnco.
airs , Cofftmm , who always < 1 reason wit
tusU ) , on this occasion were a beautiful gow
of black chiffon , diamonds.
Mrs. Chase was in pink , a color which all
wean most gracefully.
Mrs. Wlieolor Braced a lovely pink crepi
Mrs. Smith ana airs. aicKee both \voi
black ,
Mm. aicCormlck worca wonderfully ofTci
tivo costume of blue Mlk faille iK'oolloto/
Mrs. Ueuiingtou , a qualut brocaded cow
of yellow.
Mr * . Barkalovr , a brocd xi white satii
dUwoud * .
aihs Dodfto were n costume of pink striped
Nnsh was very lovely In n Paris gown
of yellow crcpc.
ailss Chandler , ono of the prettiest of the
society Rlrls , were an empire gown of black
niousscllno do sole , her beauty enhanced by
n black aigrette.
aitos Dundy , n pretty green taffeta , largo
sleeves , made after the best accepted models
of the empire.
aiiss Richards was in pink crepe.
ailss Dccring , blue India silk trimmed with
ailss Emily Wakeley , light and dark blue
silk with opalllno velvet trimming.
ailss Curtis were n corded white silk gown
with immense sleeves.
ailss aiills , n pretty gown of red crepe
trimmed With red velvet.
ailss Helen Smith were white chlfTon.
ailss Hibbard , yellow gauze over bronze
ailss Sharp was In black , while her sister.
aitss Ida Sharp , appeared In yellow and
black emplro creation.
aiiss Williams graced a swcnt gown of yel
low nnd white , relieved by black laco.
aitss Himcbaugh were shrimp pink bro
cade , tlio waist of crepe with brocade.
aiiss Tad Balch , rod crepe.
Refreshments were served below stairs
and during 'tho ' hours of the reception the
honso was crowded with coming nnd golmj
guests notwithstanding that many Invita
tions failed to reach thuirdestinatlon through
the carelessness of the company intrusted
with their delivery. _
The Y. .M. I. Iintltute"omrcr .
All event highly worthy of mention hap
pened at the Young aicn's institute parlors
last Tuesday ovenlng , the occasion being the
installation of ofllccrs for tlio year 1803. Tlio
ceremonies were very Impressive. The hall
was decorated In pleasing splendor , suitable
to the event. According to the necessary
ceremonial discipline tlio old ofllccrs marched
Into the hall and assumed their respective
places. A regular meeting was then called to
order , and business was taken up in
regular form. At the proper time President
aicGinnls delivered the gavel to the install
ing olllcer , llov. Father Carroll , who de
clared the ofllccs vacant and dismissed the
onicors of 181U. Then followed the installa
tion of the now ofllcora , who 'marched into
the hall , and formed In the center a liv
ing cross and anchor , they were duly placed
In their proper positions. Tlio following
are the oftlcers elect : President , George J.
Klephnor , by proxy : first vice president , F.
H. Kocsters : second vice president , Thomas
Swift ; medical examiner , Dr. Hcogh ; re
cording secretary , Thomas Noonan ; corresponding
pending secretary , W. H. Moran ; financial
secretary , C. B. Dugdalo ; treasurer , . ! . J.
Hiley : marshal , Daniel Leahy ; inside senti
nel , J. J , Young ; outside sentinel , Daniel
Brady ; executive committee , James Kirk ,
U. P. aiulcahy , P. C. Heafey , Benjamin
aiclncrny and James Dugdalo.
At tlio conclusion of the Installation cere
monies ox-President aicGinuls was surprised
by being "caned" at the hands of W. H.
aiulcnhcy , who made the infliction , accom
panied by a neat and eloquent address , ex
pressive of the thanks and appreciation of
the members for tlio faithful manner hi
which air. aicGinnis fulfilled his duties as
president. "Tho instrument of torture" was a
finely-wrought , gold-beaded ebony cane , air
aicGinnis was deeply moved at being
the recipient of this token of appreciation
and responded with feeling andthanks in a
befitting address.
A surprise was also In store for Rov.
Father Carroll , the esteemed chaplain of the
institute , who was presented with a good-
sized purse as a token of regard and respect.
A well selected musical program was
presented , prominent in which air. Hughes
of Council Bluffs gave several very amusing
character sketches.
I'ovrrly Social.
A poverty social would hardly seem to hold
out any glittering promises of thorough en
joyment , but the one held at the residence of
aiiss Stella Singer , 2TU Howard street ,
Thursday evening , was quite the reverse of
quint ness which ono might expect. In fact ,
it was the jolliest sort of a function , because
people instead of putting on their best ' -bib
imil tucker" were the oldest garments they
had on hand , the ladies appearing in calico
gowns. Tht > following rather unique rules
and regulations obtained.
Chap. t. Every woman Icnms must wear a
kalakurdriis apron or Mimtlilii ekerly upro-
Chap. 2. All men must wear their ole elo *
and llannll Khurls. I'coiml what wears blled
bliurts ! tr a who keller wll lo hol-Uotted.
( 'hap. 3. 1'ecpul what don't do what this
sayx wll bo tackst ten cents ukstra.
A vet of thanks will b fc'ln tu the wust loklii
tl\f \ In the runic.
Thus lluls Must and Bhal 11 O'lJad.
Theo hill Posbnl IComltn wll Interdns.straiiKrs
and lok aflor bashful fellers. Them wll h
bpekln and slnghi and gains. Hum wll Kom-
iiK'iis at a li. m. Vlttiils v.'ll bo ( llsphunscd with
frum U to lU ; Koffro-J scuts : It wll cost u H
Scats to to git In. 1C um And Iluv Hum I'lniii.
It was a very enjoyable occasion , particu
larly as the raid on the "poverty" table
showed the presence of peed , strong appe
tites. Prizes were given Lulu Hornbcrgct
nnd aiax for the " "
Ueichcnberg "poorest" cos
The guests present were :
aiisscs Fannie Brown , F. Brown , Florence
Brown , Alice Heller , Carrie Kcllncr , Grace
Marty , Uulu and Minnie Hornbcrger , Hoai
and Emma Levy , Fannie Fruehauf , Horn-
stein , Natalie Singer , airs. Brown , Carrie
Sclilesingcr , aicssrs. E. F. Hesok of I-orain ,
O. , S. Bloom , A. Bank , W. Wlgmnn , ai
Wedclcs , ai. and L. Uelclienberg , E. Hcsscl
berg , ai. Hipins , Dr. Kosowatcr , Win. Singer ,
Hylvestor Night Tarty.
For centuries the Jews , Germans , ani
other foreign nations have eelebratet
New Year's eve , or Sylvester night as it is
called , today after Sylvester I
wh'o is said to have baptised tin
emperor Constantine and ono o
the saints in the Catholic church. The cclc
bratlun partakes largely of jollity , of som
ami dance , and upon the stroke of 18 every
body with glass in hand toasts the ncv
born infant.
I ist Saturday evening In keeping with i
universal custom the members of the aictro
polltan club assembled In the clubhouse am
danced the old year out to the music of tin
Union orchestra.
Among those present were : air. and airs
aiorltz aioyor , air. and airs. Adolph Meyer
air. and airs. J. Lehman , air. and airs
Wollsteln of Chicago , .Mr. and Mrs. Wil
Harris , air. and airs. Bloom of Cincinnati
air. and airs. Sol Bergman , Chief and airs
Soavoy , Mr. and airs. Leo Rothschild , air
and airs. A. Heller , air. and airs. A. Haas
air. and airs. A : Calm , air ; and airs. D
Sllboratoln , air. and airs. E. Seligsohn , air
and airs. I. Oherfelder , Misses Wollsteiu o
Chicago , Hannah Frank of Sioux City
I izarus of Koclc Island , Stella Hellinan o
Cheyenne , Eiseman of Sioux City , Heller
.tolly ) Polack , Addle Newman , Dolly Itnscn
ttook , Flora Adler , Addle Becker , Tillli
onmmill. Flora nnd Nettio Rothschild
Hattie Obcrfcldci'j Mlmilo Lobman , Carri
Goldsmith , Sadie , w chlrslngcr , Mossra. Juliu
aioyer , Gus Delehes , Fred Seligsohn , Phlli ]
M. Rose , Henry Langstadter , Ed Wcsse ]
Eniil Strauss , Ben Uoscnthal , Jerome Kaul
man , Charles Wise.
The iMlniH'l Diim-liiR Club.
The aiinuct Dancing club gave the fifth o
s its scries of parties at Prof , Chamber :
Dancing academy , Seventeenth and Faniar
streets , Wednesday evening. A most enjoj
able evening was spent , fourteen number
and three extras being danced ,
The following were present : air. an
airs. J. B. Porter , air. and airs. K. K
Bryson , Arthur English , Julius Kcssler
Hi Murray. Mr. and airs. Amelia Burrouglu
Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Bailey , air. nnd airs
Eugenn Montgomery , E. H. Perfect. P , A
English , ai. G. Perkins , H. C. Brown , J. I !
White , N. W. 1'cters , J , W. Dunmoro , U. .1
llunlug , aiessra. W. Donvnrd , J , T. Crowe
W. B. Burroughs , John L. Clarke , r
J. aillcstouo , J. U Baker , M. 1
Pattyrson , E. W. Burroughs , I1. Muellei
F. L. .McCoy , T. O. YanBuren , P , D. Foi
syth , F , ai. Beach , Charles Aspinwall , F , A
Carroll , M. J. Barren. P. T. Mi.-Orath.IL A
Joplln , J. S. Joplln , W. K. Wovcl , W. O. Vai
Gilder , aiisses Peacock , Phillips , Goodsel !
Slator. Hamilton , Campion , Lautry , aiik
Ktono , Bridcnbeckor , Seaver- Dale , Lcouartl
and aiesdamcs Butler , Applcton , WIs , ; C
H. T. Heipen , Solver.
iit the Old Yrnr.
ailss Hanna Troslcr entertained a numbc
of her young friends at a chhrmlng daucln
party New Year's eve at the pleasant res
dcnco of her parents , Captain and ain
Trosler , 4323 Farmiin street.
The spacious rooms were beautifully do <
orated with holly and evergreen. The bl !
From the foremost New
York makers , choice quality
of gloria silk , frame and finish
exactly right , assorted sticks
and handles ; four qualities
that will please you.
Ladies' Umbrellas , 98c
Black gloria serge , solid
frames , silvered crook handles ,
26 inches , 980.
Ladies' Umbrellas ,
Black silk gloria , paragon
frame , ivory-tipped English
furze , crook sticks , 26-inch ,
Men's Umbrellas ,
28-inch black gloria , Eng
lish silk , strong solid frames ,
sticks in knots and knobs in
great variety , $1.35 each.
Men's Umbrellas.
28inch paragon frame ,
double twilled gloria silk serge ,
crook hazel sticks , $3.50 each ,
extra value.
100 Plush Leather Photograph -
graph Albums at exactly
half the original price.
Ladies' Scarlet Vests ,
The balance of our stock , a
few garments only , best grade
of wool , medicated dye , the
sorts that have been $1.25 and
higher goods , all go in one pile
at 5oc each.
Feather Trimmings ,
25c a yard , worth 750 to $2.
liard room on the third floor was transformed
into a ball room , which was occupied by the
merry dancers. The music was rendered by
Hans Albert's orchestra. The programs
were printed with gilt letters on cardboard ,
representing a holly leaf , and consisting of a'
series of twelve dances. At 11:80 : delightful
refreshments were served by Ualduff.
The invited guests were : Misses Ada Gilmore -
more , Maud Aspinwall , Anna Shields , Lizzie
Shields , Grace Pelton , Kate Clark , Anna
Thornton , Gertrude Thornton , Nettio Hav-
erly. Edith Nash , Minnie Berlin , Huttio Ber
lin , May Koran , Hattie Chcsboro , Lulu Bell ,
Andresen , Jcnnio Hunter , Hattie Cady ,
Mabel Coe , Helen Gray. Mamie Millard , Sue
Colpetzer , Gertrude Phillips , Bessie Hudson ,
Irene Johnston , Murio Parker ; Messrs. Ed
Free , Charlie Aspinwall , Charles Whitman ,
Fritz Marty , Doc Newman. Julius Dahl ,
strom , Clyde llatekin , Frank McConnell-
Frcd Coin-id , Lou Larulergren , Will Coates ,
Buchcr Betty , Harry Stevens , Bedford , Ed
Woodard , Ernest Haverly , Gus Seifkin ,
Frank Potter , Halph Hichardson , Ed Swobo ,
Dwlght Swobc , Morsemaii , Irving Crowdcr ,
Bert Nason , J. " Cully , Will Mack , Hnllio
Stoutenboro , King , Charles Fury.
In Glioxtljr Italmont Arrnycil.
In honor of their daughter , Miss Minnie
Lobman , Mr. and Mrs. J. Lobman , 2403 , St.
Marys avenue , g.ivo a very enjoyable
l > liantom party Thursday evening.
The house was beautifully decorated with
evergreens , ferns and potted plants , the
mantels being banked with vrlillo
pretty candelabra hero and there gave a
particularly pleasing effect to the rooms.
The front and rear parlor and the dining
room were canvassed for the occasion , the
orchestra being 'stationed in the hallway
under the wide stair case. Dancing began
lit I ) o'clock and it wns quite 2 before all the
guests had said good night to the host and
hostesses. Delightful refreshments were
served by Baldutt at midnight.
There were present : Misses Dolly nosen-
stock- Carrie Goldsmith , Ncttio Kothschild ,
Flora Rothschild , Addio Newman , Hannah
Frank , Hattie Becker , Flora Adler , Dolly
Polack , Stella Hellinan , Tilllo Sonnehill ,
Hattie Obcrfelder , Claw Schieslnger , Sadip
Schlesinger , the Misses Woolstoin of Chicago
cage , Misses Ella Honor , Bottle Haas.
Messrs. P. M. Kose , Julius Mayer , Gus
Doiflies , Ben Hosenthalt , Ed Wessol , Alex
Wessel , Henry Langstadler , Iko Buttonstoin.
Fred Sellgsohn , Jcromo Kaufman , Emu
Strauss , Dr. liosowator. Franklin , Moses
Trauermaii , Sam Wank , Jim Bergman ,
Harry Auspachcr , Landsberg , Hugo' Baui-
bergor. _ - _
A > 6\r'lY r'n l'nrty.
One of tlio plensantest parties ushering in
tho.Niw . ) Year was that given by 'Miss Sue
Huntoon , only daughter of S. A. Hu'ntoon ,
the well known agent of the Pacific and
United States Express companies , at their
charming homo , 1125 South Twenty-ninth ,
In honor of her schoolmate , Miss Sadlo
Dayls of Council Bluffs , who , with Miss
Huntoon , returned Thursday to resume their
studies at Ferry Hall , Lake Forrest , ill.
Refreshments were served and with danc
ing , music and cards helped to pass away
only too quickly a most enjoyable evening ,
Among thaso present were : Misses Fanny
and Louise Coggoshall , Grace Vandervort ,
Nellie Kiuuiall , Mono- Martin , Mablo Hake
Edna Williams , Edith and Grace Waterman ,
May Condon , Adelyn Condon , Lidlo Harp-
stcr , Julia Henderson , Myra McClelland ,
Sadie Davis of Council Bluffs and Lucille.
Cannon of Chicago : Messrs. Frank Powers ,
Lou Hough , Paul Forsytho , George Martin ,
George Eason , Keed Hake , MurryCogge-
shall , Howard Tilden , II. Mowers , S. Free
man , Dan Harrison , Hall Ewing , S. Brown ,
W. Heed and Will Wallace of Council Bluffs.
A rink Luncheon ,
In honor of her niece , Miss Burke , of Salt
Lake City , Mrs. John A. McShano gave u
pink luncheon on Monday that was particu
larly pretty and enjoyablo. The guest cards
were decorated in water colors , Japanese
designs predominating. The table decora
tions were in pink , the candelabra being
shaded with pink shades. The guests who
enjoyed the pleasures of the afternoon were :
Misses Burke , Cribb , Colpotzer , Nash , Mary
Nash , Creighton , Emma Crelghton , Mo-
Shane , Mary McShuno.
I'Uyrtl High I'lve.
The Walnut Hill High Five club was
royally entertained Now Year's eve at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Coryell. After
the usual number of games refreshments
were served and music and dancing enjoyed
until 18'J3 dawned.
Those participating in the entertainment
were : Superintendent and Mrs. Fitzpatrlck ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Brome , Mr , and Mrs
Coulter , Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Johannes , Mr
Children's Kosiery ,
These are French cashmere ,
ribbed and plain , double
threaded knees , heels and toes ;
also French cotton hose , ribbed
and plain , guaranteed fast
black , sizes 6 to 7 . Not a
pair has sold under 500 and
many up to 85c.
Monday we give choice of
the lot at 250 a pair.
Ladies' Hose ,
Also an odd lot' ; fast black
cotton , stainless dye , double
heels , toes and soles , have
been 2oc , tomorrow i2j c a
Children's Underwear ,
Odd lots of merino all wool
and fine cotton vests , pants
and drawers , qualities we have
sold all season at 450 to 650 ;
pick of the lot tomorrow 250.
Ladies' Merino Vests ,
White , sizes 30 to 36 ,
formerly 750. If you are in
terested you had better be
early ; none of these lots can
last over one day at' these
Ladies' , : ; , ' ,
Combination Suits , $1 ,
Made by tlie American
Hosiery and Ney/1 Britain com
panies. Finest $ ods ; $3.50
to $5 qualities. V
For Monday o'rily $ i eac h.
and Mrs. Tcmpleton , 1\ff \ , and Mrs. Ben
White , Mr. and Sirs. En'gene Montgomery ,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erfgllsh. Mr. and Mrs.
M. B. Perkins , Mr. and Mrs. ' Brink , Mr. and
Weeks , Mrs. It. W. Bailey , Mrs. C. M.
Walker , Mrs. U. "Pagan' ' , Miss Warring and
Miss Alice Brome. Prizes were won by
Mrs. K. W. Bailey and Mrs. L. F. Weeks.
KntortnliK-d Ills You UK Friends.
Mr. Harry Gallagher entertained his young
'fiends at a very delightful dancing party
Monday evening. His homo Is peculiarly
well adapted to this form of entertainment ,
Hid the music , flowers and refreshments
were in keeping with the surroundings. As
one of the young lady guests expressed it ,
the party was Just largo enough to bo per
fectly enjoyablo.
These present were Miss Kinsler , Miss
Gibbons , Miss Meyer. Miss Creighton , Miss
Emina Creighton , Miss Cavanaugh , Miss
Creighton , Miss Etta Creighton , Clara
Creighton , Miss Bradley , Miss Kato Brad
ley. Miss Sinnat , Miss Nellie Gallagher ;
Messrs. Buckley , Murphy , McMahon , Kins-
lor , Coad , Crcighton , Gibbon , Murray , Brad
ley , Frank and Clarence Gallagher.
Itldo lind a Dilnco.
Mr. George Mercer and his guest Mr.
Stuart gave ono of the pleasantest sleighing
parties of the season Tuesday evening. After
calling for the guests and enjoying a lovely
moonlight ride the happy party returned to
Dr. and Mrs. Mercer's residence where an
orchestra was found in waiting and the
rooms canvassed for dancing.
The guests who enjoyqd the evening chap.
eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Council and Mr , and
Mrs. Ford were : Miss Burns , Miss Lozicr ,
Miss Nash , Miss Mary Nash , Miss Sherwood ,
Miss Mary Brown , Miss Chandler , Miss
Helen Smith , Miss M. Hibbard , Miss Yates ,
Miss Johnson. Messrs. Pierre Garneau1
Earl Gannett , Charles Kountze , Augustus
Kountze , Net Hall , Luther Drake , Crofoot
air. Kulph Council , Mr. Quay.
About Well Knoivn 1'coplo.
air. Carroll Carter left on Sunday for Har
The Misses Morse leave today for Utlca
N. Y.
Mr. Ralph Richardson loft for school Wed
Mr. and Mrs. S. N , Kohn are now at home
at SI122 Famam street.
Arthur Carter leaves today for St. "Paul ;
school , Concord , N. H.
Mr. Ward Favorite of Chicago , lias beer
in town for a week's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. William Howell rcturnei
Thursday from Des Motncs ,
aiiss Susie Huntoon has returned to schoo
at Ferry hall , Lakq Forest , 111.
airs. Joy Morton anticipates returning tc
her home in Chicago totijjo row ,
aiisses Mary and Adeline Nash returned
to aianhattanville last Tuesday ,
aiiss Richards who hastbeen.aiiss Dundy'a
guest , has returned to Cliadron.
air. Augustus Komitzo rend , aiiss Gertrude
departed for the east on'Friday.
airs. Martin Calm hasiieea , ? very ill will
peritonitis , but is now slightly better ,
aiiss Hannah Frank } flUio , guest of Mi
ami airs. Ben Newman qupodgo street.
aiiss aiills , who has'x/jecn / vlsltin g aiis :
Curtis returned to her homo Wednesday.
Miss Brown of Chicago was in town las
week ; the guest of Mr. ntul airs , Hussey.
Rov. Lee ai. Franklin1 } ias returned , afte
a pleasant visit with relatives in the east.
aiiss Daisy Doano left Monday for Cincin
lint ! , whore she will visit. JJio Misses Thrall ,
airs , Alfred James Lunt has returnee
from a visit with her mother In Racine , Wis
airs. Wheeler , who lias been with he :
parents B. Slaughter , left aionduy for Lin
air. and airs. Paul Charlton are happ ,
over the birth of a son Saturday. Decent
her 31.
aiiss Sabra Sargent , who spent the holi
days with airs. S , W. Niles , has returned t
airs. S. C. F. Thondlko of aialono , N. Y ,
is visiting her brother and sister , air. am
airs. G. I. Gilbert ,
aiiss Stella Hellman of Cheyenne , a nice
of Mr. Aaron Calm , U visiting the latter o
upper Farimm street ,
Miss EHO ! Hart and aiiss Gertrude Sat
gent of Kansas City are visiting Miss Shor
of 153J Hanioy ercet.
The next party of the Saratoga Lychui
company will bo a masquerade Wednesda
evening , January 11 ,
Mrs. C. N , DIotz gave a beautiful lunchco
Wednesday for Miss Crlbb and Miss Co
pctzcr , the other guests being ailss Cudj
Previous to the inventory
we shall , from time to time ,
offer special lots of comforts
and blankets , which we do not
ntend to carry another season.
This is an opportunity for
lotcls and boarding houses.
People who can use a quantity
of them will find a saving of
moneybesides getting the best
: * oods.
At $1.35.
5 bales of satine comforts ,
full size , choice patterns , and
filled with pure white bat
ting , $1.35 each.
At $1.78.
5 boxes of satine and silka-
line comforts , extra large
size , all selected styles , pure
white filling , $1.78 each.
At $1,98.
S dozen figured and plain
satine comforts , largest size ,
French designs , and fillec
with best cotton batting
$1.98 each.
Better ones at equally
great reduction.
White Blankets , $3.5O
100 pairs 10-4 and 11-4
sizes , wool blankets , $4.50and
$5 qualities ; in one lot and at
one price , $3.50 pair.
Horse Blankets , 98c.
35 full size , fast colors , wool
blankets , $1.50 quality , for
Horse Blankets , $2,5O.
40 all wool horse blankets ,
bright cherry colors , black pat
terns , 76x81 inches , and fast
colors ; $3.50 is the getting
price around town.
aiiss Alda aiills , aiiss Hlmobaugh , aiiss
Burns , aiiss Lozier , airs. O. T. Eastman.
aiiss Clara Palmer who is attending aiisa
Graham's school , spent her vacation with
friends in Elizabeth , * N'T.
airs. G. L. Stonchill of Chicago is visiting
her parents , air. and Mrs. Newman , Twen
tieth and Douglas streets.
air. Fred Rustin , who has been quite sick
during the entire Christmas vacation , re
turned to Yale on Friday.
aiiss Charlotta Downs returned Wednesday
from St. Louis after a three weeks' visit
with her aunt , airs. Brown.
aiiss Balcombo loft last Sunday for Fort
Porter , Buffalo , N. Y. . where she will visit
Lieutenant and airs. Truitt.
air. and airs. Henry Ittncr and children
loft on Thursday for Florida , where ttioy
will spend the balance of the winter.
A concert and musical entertainment will
ho given at the parlors of the Young Men's
Institute aionday evening January ! iu.
Jay and Charles Brown , who have been
with their parents , Mr. and airs. J. J. Brown ,
returned to their respective colleges on
Colonel Forsyth ; Seventh cavalry , and his
daughter , aiiss Bcssio Forsyth , spent the
holidays with Colonel and airs. Bacon ol
Fort Omaha.
airs. Newton Barkalow left Tuesday bul
expects to return in about two weeks for t
more extensive visit with her mother airs
O. ai. Carter.
aiiss May Hamilton loft Thursday for
South Bend , III. , where she attends school
She was accompanied by her uncle , air.
Frank Murphy.
aiiss aiattio Ford of aiaryvillo , aio.
who spent New Years with her sister airs
J. G. Gaddis at the aicrrlani , > retu'rned home
Thursday evening.
aiiss Jessie H. Millnrd and airs. Jessi <
Barton Rollins left via Northwestern on
Thursday for Washington , D. C. , where thej
remain for a month.
air. and airs. II. A , Snyder have taken on <
of airs. Savage's houses at 410 North Twenty
second street and have commenced the pleasure
uro of housekeeping.
airs. Alfred Millard and child arrived yes
tcrday from a year's tour of Europe , haviiif
como over in the Burgoyno from Havre , air
ailllard met airs , aiillard in Now York ,
The Young aien's Christian associatiot
reception aionday from 4 to 10 o'clock wai
unusually pleasant , over 2,000 visitors at
tending during the hours of the reception.
The dwellers at the Mcrriam gave an enJoyable
Joyablo fancy dress party aionday evening
The unmasking occurred shortly after 11
o'clock and was full of pleasant surprises ,
airs. Arthur Smith gave the first of hoi
Thursdays at homo lust week. She wa
assisted by airs. W. S. Popnloton , airs. J. T
Duryca , aiiss White and aiiss Bcssio Yatea
aiiss Colpctzcr. aiiss Cribb , atlss Haiti
Cady , ailss'cs alary aiorso , Florence aiors
and air. Will Cowm nro among the youiif
people who leave today for their rcsnectivi
air , and airs. M , Wollstcln of Chicago , tli
aiisses Wollstcln and air. and Mr.s. Willlan
Harris of Wilwaukeo are guests of air. am
airs. E. Seligsohn , 510 South Twenty-scconi
Mrs. Woolworth will give a reception Jan
uary 11 , from > ) until 0 in honor of Mrs. Wortli
ington , wlfo of the bishop of Ncbraskii
which will bo followed in the evening by i
soiree dansanto in honor of aiiss Woolwortli
airs , H. ai. Caldwcll , who has been visit
Ing in the east , returned homo yestci
day , accompanied by her sister , airs , aillloro
Cnrllslo , Pa. airs. M. C.Nichols also retuniei
with them after an extended visit in the cast
airs. S. D , Barkalow entertained ver
charmingly on Thursday for airs. Joy aioi
ton. The pleasure of the afternoon wa
greatly increased by several vocal number
given by airs. Cotton , aiiss Poppleton an
Miss Bishop.
The young married people of Walnut Hi
gave a very enjoyable Blnlghlng party Tuei
ikiy evening in honor of airs. K. A , Shopar
, of New York , who was spending the hoi
days with her parents. She returned to he
home Woddesday afternoon , accompanied b
her son ,
airs. George B. Lake entertained at luncl
con yesterday In honor of Mrs. Joy Mortoi
Mesdames Denlso Barkalow , Joseph Burtoi
Phillip Potter , 13d PeckTheodoro Ulngwal
Waddcll. Keller , B. B. Wood. F. H. Davli
Ellis Blerbower , Charles Deuol , ailssc
ailllard , Wakeley and Popploton.
Wednesday evening the members of tli
Clifton Hill Social club were entertained b
air. Clark Buchner and air. Robert Johnsto
at the homo of the latter. The members ai
Ectnblod at the usual hour to 11 ud that tli
gentlemen of the club had made arrangi
incuts .for a four-horso "carryall" to lw o
hand and until 10BO : o'clock p. m. all cnjoye
a loiig sleigh ride through the aelghboriu
Feather Boas , 79c.
50 of them ; all we have left
of several hundreds ; $2 has
jeen the quick selling price
icretoforc. We want to sell
them in an hour Monday
morning and have cut the
price down to 790 each.
Silk Gfinips ,
5c , IDC , 150 and 250 , worth
just double.
Pearl Buttons.
2 ilozon on n card , 5c. Juat half prlco ,
Metal Buttons.
Fancy styles , large assort
ment , one and two dozen on
each card , 150 , worth $ i to $3
a card.
Embroidery Remnants
Every short piece , odd piece ,
soiled piece of embroidery , has
been weeded from our forward
stock , remarked at a money
saving figure to you and thrown
into our remnant pile. Great
picking here for the next few
At SG , 7c , loc , 150 and 200 ,
we guarantee the best value
in the city.
Matched Sets.
An elegant assortment of
embroideries in edges and in
sertion ; new patterns ; no prices
lower than ours.
Silk Dress Shields , 2Oc
We offer our stock , all sizes ,
at 2oc ; many worth 500 and
6oc a pair.
Chiffons , 15c ,
250 , 350 and 450 grades , all
go at the uniform price of 150
a yard. Notion counter.
country. .On returning to the house the
quarterly business meeting was hold , now
onieers being elected. After the business
meeting a bountiful oyster supper was
The dinner given by Bishop and airs.
Newman Monday afternoon at the aiillard
was participated in by about seventy guests ,
the Methodist ministers of Omaha , South
Omaha and Council Bluffs being largely
iredominant. Speeches were made by Dr.
itoo , Dr. Shank , Dr. Foote , Dr. Anglin , Dr.
Icndenning , Dr. Beans and Tilden.
air. and airs. J. H. Vaughn entertained a
select party of friends at their homo at 10013
Paul street last Wednesday evening in honor
of air. Vaughn's Kid birthday. The eveninc
was passed very enjoyably with music and
cards , and a palatable repast was served.
The music was furnished by aicssrs. A. H.
Rinsland , William Norris and F. W. Ha'/.en.
air. George aiorcer's paper on the great
Panama swindle , which appeared last Sun
day in Tun BKB , has attracted widespread
attention as the best general statement of
the history of the canal liasco that has ap
peared in print , aiost of the information
contained in the article was gleaned by air.
aiorcer on the isthmus during his voyage in
the South seas a year or more ngo.
Richard W. Carey , a well known South
Omaha business man , and Miss Florence L.
Baker , will bo married on Tuesday at Seneca
Falls , N. Y. , the homo of thobrido's parents.
After an extended wedding trip they will
make their homo in this city , aiiss Baker
has for several years taught in the city
schools and only resigned her position as
teacher at the Castellar school at the end of
the year.
airs. A. U. Wyman received the sad In
telligence yesterday that her sister , aiiss
Evelyn Sanderson , died In Washington ,
D. C. , during the early morning , aiiss
Sanderson had been quite sick during the
summer , which later developed into rapid
consumption , causing her death , airs , Wyman
has the sympathy of many friends in Omaha
over the bereavement in her family , but a
week ago attending the funeral of her uleco ,
Miss Emma Hoagland.
aiiss Kountzo gave a red dinner on
Wednesday ovenlng , which was followed by
a theater party to see "Tho Hunchback. "
The dinner decorations were red , the favors ,
American beauties , being worn by each
guest , The guests were , air. and airs ,
Arthur Smith , aiiss White of Boston , aiiss
Chandler , aiiss Mary Popploton , aiiss Nash ,
aiiss Bcssio Yates , Miss Johnson of St. Joe ,
air. Herman Kount/.o , air. Thomas Davis ,
air. Ltuhain Davis , air. Gannett , air , Ran
dall Brown , air. Charles ICounUo , air.
Augustus Kouiit/u ,
The P. E. O. society held its regular meet
ing In the Royal Arcanum parlors .Saturday
afternoon. The ladles have taken up the
World's fair course of study IIH outlined by
Mrs. Woolgcr and nro very enthusiastically
searching for World's fair liotes. Electricity ,
forestry and the polished stone ago have
been completed so far in the course , anil
tapestry and the line arts nru to follow. The
ladles are to give several social entertain
ments later in the season which will bo of a
novel order. A very pretty gift of a tea
service to ono of the hospitals of the city
was the last gift of this society in a char
itable lino.
air. Harry Click entertained the "Fellow
ship club , " at his residence , SW23 Ersklno
street New Year's evening and everybody
had a most delightful time. The first part
of the evening a musical program wan i on-
dcred after which ref rcshiiients were served
and the rest of the evening was spent In
dancing with games and cards. These jtros-
cut were : aiisscs Blum. Harris , Schlank-
Nathan , Kallsh , H. Click , J. Gllck , Stock ,
man , Haggcn , aicssrs. Kalbh , Harris , Bank ,
Bernstein , Grcenblott , Lessor. < J. Abrams
E. Abrams , J. Stockman , II. Stockman , F ,
Stockman , Ginsberg , Kului , Klein. Haggcn ,
Gllck , Blum.
aiiss Marlowe and "Tho Hunchback" at
tracted a very swell audience at Boyd's
Wednesday evening , Some of the boxes
were gay with color and the theater never
looked so well , aiiss Ifountzo entertained
In boxes D E and F the guests oho had to
dinner. Box A was occupied by Governor
Boyd and family , Box B by Captain Day ,
airs. Worth , Miss Hughes and air , Berlin.
Box C by air. and airs. Warren Rogers , aiiss
Deerlng , Miss Richards , .Miss Dundy , air.
Cut-tan aud air. Saunders. An upstairs box
was taken by air. and" airs. Harry aicCor-
rnlck , aiiss Batch and air. Heed , while on
the other side .Mrs. Burns chaeroned aits. *
Ijodor. Miss Burns , air. Kelly and air ,
Monday evening airs , Cuinlngs entertained
for aiiss May Hamilton. The guests were :
aiisscs Florence ICilpatrlck , Helen aiillard ,
Alice Drake , Gretchen Crounse , aiarlo
Crounse. Gentle Yates , Sue Colpet/.or-l'Ycd-
erika Weasels , Geitrado Kountzo , Edna
( Jovln. aiuy aiorso. Helen Wordcii , Fay
Cole , Fanny Cob , tiiauia Sherwood , Leila
flcrn-papts of
Dress Goods.
lilnck , colored , nil wool , Imported , do-
( nestle , phi in and fnnoy. the ontlro no
cumulation of our unusually Inrpo busi
ness , ha boon piled on ono counter In
our center nlsto tnnin Moor.
Kvory ploeo mnrkotl In pltxln figures
nml prices undo tluxt must malto thorn
disappear rapidly.
And so it is all over this big
store the brightest and cheer
iest business house in Omaha
-opportunities stare at you
from in front , behind , to left ,
to right , wherever you turn
your gaze. Piles and pyramids
of dress goods particularly at
tract the attention.
We quote a dozen opportu
nities :
34-inch Chevron Suitings 15c ,
Hogulnr prleo 2oa
34-Inch Half Wool Plaids 20c ,
Uogultu' prlt'O ! 15o ,
38-inch Striped Wool Cheviots 3Gc ,
Regular prlco GOo.
38Mnch Wool Camcletles in plaids
and stripes 39c ,
Regular prlco 55o.
38-inch Diagonal Cheviot * , all wool ,
correct colors , OOc ,
Regular prlco 05o.
38-inch Bedford Cords , all wool , 67ic ,
Regular prlco 81.00.
48-inch Bedford Cord , French
weave , comhed wool , $1,25 , ,
Itogulnr price SU.GO.
40-inch Electric Cord , fashions favorite
fabric , 76c ,
Regular priso $00.
64-inch Mixed Cheviot , heather
mixtures , Scotch goods , $1.00 ,
Regular urico $1.2.1
04-inch Scotch Tweeds , blended
color mixtures , all wool. $1.26 ,
Ro julnr prlco $1.50 *
46-inch French Serge , royal shades ,
fashions choicest weaves , 76c.
Regular price Sl.Oft
40-inch Silcsicnne , party shades , sea
foam , pink , lilac , cream , cardinal ,
chamois , $1.26.
Carter , Fannie Gilhert , Bessie Peck , Helen
Peck , Adclaino Nash , aiiiry Barker , Loulso
Squires , Knight , Sadlo Bauin , JTuu-
nie Uuryoa , Blanche Kinsler , Lncllo Plnnoy ,
Tallin Schenok , Birditi Bulbach , Lilian aiooro ,
Annlo Shlvorlck , aiiss Cribb ; the young gen
tlemen were , Fred Nash , Ed Morscman ,
Paul lAidinglon , Hussell Bnrt , Weir Colt-
inan , Arthur Carter , Fred Hartman. Clarence
enco Thurston , Gcorfto Pritchett , missel
Wilbur , William Hughes , Kighter Wood ,
Frank Plnnoy , Leon Sherwood , Ezra aiil-
lard , Sam Bums , Moshcr Colpetzer , Gus
Doano , Fred Lake , Ualph Klehardson ,
George Gilbert. Joe Barker , Burt aiorso ,
Sam aiorse , Will Cowin , DwlRht Swobo , Ed
Swobo , Italph Connell , Karl Council. James
Wallace , Asa Shiverick , Howard Tilden ,
Alfred Barker , aiillard Hopkins , Will Gard
ner , Irwin Gardner , Gcorgo Purvis.
The duchess of Teck has contributed no
less than S.MX ) articles of clothing for the
poor to the Ixmdon Needlework Guild dur
ing the year ,
Some of the native women of Australia
have a queer idea of beauty. They cut
themselves with shells , keep the wounds
open for a long time , and when they heal
huge scars are the result. These Bears are
deemed highly ornamental.
A German woman. Frau Dr. von Wftt-
steln Adds , spent three months as n com
mon factory hand at Chemnitz and in the
neighborhood , working in live different fac
tories , gathering material for a work on the
subject of women textile workers.
A lady writes to say that as a dally ex
perience she can ies sixteen pockets two in
her divided skirt , four In her waistcoat , flvo
in her indoor jacket ( which by reason of
their contents weigh Juat Jive pounds seven
ounces ) , and llvo In her outdoor jacket.
"airs , Noble of , Washington" reminds her
self of social and other engagements by
writing them out on a postal card and mulling
it to herself twenty-four hours In advance.
She bun invented u H.VHIPIII of abbreviated
notes Intelligible to nobody clso and as a
result of bur unique plan she never falls to
meet her appointment.
Tlio. French newspapers tell of a very
interesting match that came off In Franco ,
Two women la good Hodcty challenged cadi
other to talk fast. Each wan to nttor as
man's wonts as possible in a llxcd time ,
ICach woman talked three coimccutivo h6urs.
Ono uttered WKJ.WX . ) words. The other won
tlio match with litM.OSU words.
Tlio Engliib nowRpapcra say that Lady
Henry Somerset , whoso ardent , not to s.'iy
furious , advocacy of tcmperanco principles
is well known , la herself tliu owner of four
teen public houses. I/uly Henry is nccimod
by ono writer of being "void ofronsclentiouH-
ness and morality to iuu'causo" because she
is alleged to have utilized the proceeds of
the sale of'that cursed drink" to defray the
oxpoiiRcsof hi'r lour as an llinorant do-
nounccr of alcohol.
Mary IVnibo McLmi hlln of Cincinnati ,
whoso paintings uro now on exhibition , is u
foivlblu refutation of the assertion that
women nro not original ami inventive. Be
sides the Kookwond pottery , unique
beauty Is evidence of Imr originality in de
signing , and In whoso discovery nhu was in
strumental , a further proof of her creative
power Is found in tlio fiict that at the Paris
Exposition Universello the managers found
It necessary to creatu a special clans for
her decorative work on metal , for which she
received a silver medal. Her American
faience , decorated porcelain , nml wood earr
ing huvo attracted much attention from
good judges , andjrOw aim is painting under
Uuvcnbcck ,
Mow to Savii Doctor IIIIU.
Chicago Jallu Cntumtt.
Many it doctor's hill has been saved by the
usoof Cliainburlain's Cough Hemedyi 'Tho '
name la 11 household word In ninny parts of
the country , Chamberlain's medicines have
an exlonalvn sale In the World's FalrCHy
any many people testify to the merit ! ) of
their diflX'ront remedies.
Today , Hatinoo and Night.