THE OMATIA DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY. JANUARY 8 , 1R93-S1XTEEN PAGES. sex 1 ALCONER S GREAT GASH SALE Commencing tomorrow , Monday , January 9th , and until February 1st , a reduction of from 10 to 50 per cent will be be made on every piece of goods in our store , excepting E. & W. collars , spool cotton and spool silk ; these we are under contract to sell at a given price. We make this great sac rifice in order to lighten our stock previous to inventory. ( No extra discount will be allowed to dress-makers or to the trade during this sale. ) i 0 per cent off all millinery. - at a fraction of their value. Sheetings at Net Cost. go at 29c. Extraordinary Discount , The Greatest Silks go at 49c. Dr Jaegers Underwear. Yelvets and Plushes go for 49c. all Hosievy. Sacrifice Sale Scarcely Bengaiine Silks go at 65c. all Woolen Underwear , Discount off all Notions , ff Gents' ' Furnishings. We Jlaue fiii Micle Discount off Every Book. Underwear at almost Net Cost , vl Cent Discount off all Gloves cent off Infants' Wear , vlr in BIB Cent Discount off all Corsets. cent off Art Goods , Per Cent Discount off all Laces , per cent discount on Soaps , Selling Per Cent Discount off all Ribbons per cent discount off Perfumes. Blankets and Flannels go at Net Cost , 20 per curt off Dress Trimmings. For Hie Tremendous Reductions in Draperies 15 per cent off Umbrellas. - LADIES' ' AND CHILDREN'S ' CLOAKS , SUITS AND WRAPPERS AT ABOUT HALF PRICE. HOUSEKEEPERS , VISIT OUR THIRD FLOOR , INSPECT OUR , BRIC-A-BRAC AND CHINAWARE YOU'LL BE SURE TO BUY. The purchase includes the extensive landed estate. M. Pruahommo , having been asked to vriitein a fiicnd's album , wioto this : "I cnv.V bichelois for their libeity , love women for their pootiy and man led men for their Inisfoitunca " Little GcncraV Mahono is yet rcgaided as tlio most picturesque Ilguio in AVashington life. The same old style slouch hat , stock ings which never cost him less than $0 a u pair , and tiouscrs cut largo and gathcicd in plaits at the waistband , distinguish his "make-up. " One hmulrcd and seven alleged heirs of George Hupp , founder of the Harmony com munity , whoso leader. Father Henrici , 10- cently died , are ready to break into the society with legal crowbais and ritlo it of its millions , amounting , by the thrift of tiicse simple ICcuuomitcs , to pel haps $20,000- , 000. 000.D. D. O. Mills of Now York is said to bo v01 th over $10,000,000 , which ho made prim- nilly out of gold and silver mines and rail road piopeitics in the far west. Collia P. Iluiitington is believed to bo worth twice as much , his foituno being the result of the cx- truoidlnary development of wcstcin rail roads. The Mutual of Omaha reports 000 shares of stock subbulbcd in the twenty-ninth BOIies. The annual mcctiiiK of the stockholders of the Omaha will bo held February 1. Among the mattets coming up forconsldeiatlon will 1)0 Unit of inci casing the capital stock. The | nescnt limit , $500,000 , has been reached. Ko giput is the popularity of loan nnd Imlldlug associations in Ohio that they are railed "tho peoplo's banks. " A country league has been formed In Hamilton county. Among the rules adopted was ona j > rovidtiir ( that associations may loan money to each other at a uniform i.Uo of ! i per cent. Later icports show that the collapse of the lit itishsoclty , which caused wide spicad illstiess , was clouo to forgery und embozzl- iiient , A Una of lonttactors in collusion with the manager robbed the society of d'J.OW.iKX ) . It I strilling consolation to un- Joi Innate \lctlins to know that the courts will deal vigorously with the thlovcs. It is qullo certain the present year will Witness radical reforms and betterments in the methods of Nebraska locals , Most of thorn aio opcialliig under antiquated sys tems , and lmo not become as popular as In the east w heiu modern ujstems are In opera tion. The hoilal plan is giving way to the ncimuncnt , bolter known as the Daj ton plan. Tlio past year has been a prosperous ono for loan ami building associations throughout the country. Ne\v associations incorporated Averaged llf ty a month. All the larger tow us mid cities am well tilled with these societies , but in the smaller villages and eountiydls- tiicta theio is > ot a great Hold for their de velopment , and a rapid and continuous jrrovv th may IMI expected In these localities. The thlity-IIrst quarterly statement of the Mutual of Omaha presents somu interesting [ Iguros , 'I ho association is seven j ears and ten months old , and has 1,102 sluucs In forte , of which 717 aio pledged for loans HKgtegatlng * Mi,555. : The total receipts Hinount to SSUVEU Stock In tliu llrst soiies , pn which ninety-tinco monthly payments lunu been madu , show cainings of 71.70. The Mutual is undcigolng an experience similar to that of ihoOmaha in providing for Ihn llrst series , which w ill inatuio this j oar. Too muny shuies remain unpledged , rcnulr. Ing a largo sin plus to take care of them w hen they reach par. An old bfilal association in Chicago has adopted the Dajton or non serial plan , with additions that will bo appreciated by bor rowed. Under the Dayton plan no stock is issued in series , hut abates are issued nt any tlmo ab applied for , and nro matured and paid oft as soon as the Gainings und the money pain in on that paitlcular stovlc aio sufficient to briug the ehaies to par. If tlio stockholder - , holder w ishos to p ly in his money faster ho is peimlttiHl to do so. The additional fenturo adopted by the Chicago association la that it will issue its statements each alx mouths , at v hlch time- the share of the borrow ing mem- IH.T will bo mxlited w ith the amount of In stalments paid In ( loss premium ana inter- r-st ) und on the u .t six months the borrow er wil ( pay premium and interest only upon the balance so that the amount of his loan upon vrhich hopujs premium and , interest Is ro- flueed each ix uioutUa. TUU reduction Is given in lieu of sharing in the profits , and is a great deal moro satisfuctoiy to the boriow- ing member , as ho alwajs knows precisely how liis loan stands , and ho piys for only just wliathobonows ; his premium and in- tcicst is i educed each six months , and ho canalv.ajs ha'vo the piivilego of i educing his loan at any time to any amount and thereby save piemium and interest to that extent. Tl/H.Vl.0 JJOHW JCllB IIIQ aUiS. Chicago Mail : The slogan of the Murphy- itcs is : No Cleveland Interfcicucon No Piosident elect Domination ! ! ! ! St. Louis Republic : Every clog has his day , and it seems that this is to bo a great year for the Now York T.uileis. Washington Post : Mr. Murphy is now engaged in punching the. bag , and his trainers claim ho will win in the llrst round. Now York Tribune : It looks today as though the democrats of the legislatuio in their choice of United States senator would pay no attention to the udv ice and not ask for the consent of Hon. Grover Cleveland. Philadelphia Inquirer : Mr. Cleveland's pelsonal allusions to Mr. Edwaid Muiphy , jr. , will have ono result : they will keep the president-elect solid with the mugwumps. Perhaps that is all they w ere intended to accomplish. St. Paul Pioneer-Press : Cleveland wns elected w ithout New York , say the fi lends of the platitudinous prophet , and now if jou but watch the hour you will sco the w hit 11- gig trot out ono of its icvenges in the elec tion of Mmphy without Cleveland. Buffalo Times : Before Mr. Cleveland's next tcim of the presidency shall have ox- piicd no member of the United States senate will ho moro welcome at the white house , In consultation for the successful carrying out of the plans of the administration and the uiahi'.s of the national democracy than Hon. Edward Murphy , jr. , of Troy. John L Sullivan mitrht go to Dwlght and have some much needed icpalrs put on his mind. It is natural that Potter Palmer should faiilv fioth at the use of his wife's picture ona beer ad. Browcr Murphy of NowYoik may have been led to suppose that the ship of stateIs only a schooner , Mr. ftudyard Kipling Is called upon to con template the fact that his own daughter Is a native born American. The fact that It Is no longer leap jcar will probably not deter Mrs. Lease from making up to the United States senate. Mr. Shun : will never scoio a hit as a moral serpentine dancer until after his political tights shall h.i\e seived a tctin In a laundry. The Now YoikSun thinks Mr. Cleveland is a vIrtim of bad advice. This is the Hist admission by tlio Sun that Mr , Cleveland would ever condescend to take any advice , P.uloiowski has ariived In this country again and has brought hick with htm that same wondciful display of hair that ho hail bcfoio. But Padciowski Is u great musician and In his bo.irch for good Ameilcan dollais is very cat of ul never to let nny of his hair get Into his ejes. John L. Sullivan has been uproailously diunlc for two weeks , If thu Associated pi ess dispatches are tiustwoithy , This news is becoming so monotonous that it ceases to La Interesting , If Sullivan over gets sober , how over , wo trust the pi ess associations will bulletin U promptly. The C.rowlli of Omuhn. Kf < irtity Hub , THE BFE'S review of the business and growth of Omaha dui Ing the j car just closed is most llattciing to that city , ami U at the same tlmou source of piido to every lojal Nebraskun , As a matter of fact therohas been nothing moro rumiukablo in the history of western davclopment during the last decade than , thu progress of Omaha from a squalid overgrown tofcn to a metropolitan city that takes llrst rank among thodtles of the west. And the growth of Omaha , so fur from beIng - Ing nearly done , has baiely commenced. A half-million people for Omaha in the next ten years may seem like un predic tion , but the writer expects to sco that llg- uro reached within the tlmo named. There Is u great territory Ij lug back of Omaha that whcrvfairly developed will pio- duce that veiy icsijlt. Lincoln mav at the same time reasonably expect to double her population , and while that is being done Keauiey will easily i each out to the 50,000 , with the other towns of the state pulling up in fair propnition. And while all this is going on Omaha will bo the dealing house or the state , the. pulse denoting the condition of its trade and i.v dustiics , and the b.uonicter to denote the rise or fall of financial temperature. The growth of Omaha mustalwajs be nn index to the growth and development of all of Ne braska , and for that leabou the Hub notes now and at all other times with pleasure any evidence of her growing greatness. A Public Misfortune. St. Louts Globe-Democrat. Itis alwajs a misfortune when a court is called upon to rev low an election and decide disputed points which involve partisan con siderations Judges are human like other men , and their political opinions and aflllia- tlons may bo exiwvted to govern them in dealing with political questions. This was strikingly illustrated in the momentous Hajos-Tilden contest ; and other examples have been repeatedly presented. The effect in all such cases is to weaken pop ular respect for the judiciary. It is a well known fact that the decision of a court upon a subject of this kind is satisfactory only to the party which wins ; the other feolb that it has been cheated out of its lights by a perversion of the rules of justice to strictly political uses. If the November - vember election had been a close ono as to the ofllco of picbldent , these state contests would have assumed national impoitanco , and might easily have led to gravely danger ous icsults. The country gives them little attention , because they relate entirely to local interests ; but they tend to establish a picccdcnt which may biing us much ttouhlo in some futuic contingency. It would bo in- ilnately better if the com Is could bo kept frco from all participation in the settlement of conlllcting election claims of every des cription. Kew Yolk H'orlcl. The Wioming democrats inaugurated their campaign in an able manner by nominating for governor a man who had the net vo and pluck to thwart the plans of the icpubllcau senatorial bandits. * * laramie ( H'l/o ) RepiMlcan , Wo don't know when a state has had less occasion to bo proud of a now governor , re gardless of paitisan feeling , than has Wyo ming over the Induction of Osborno to the executive ofllco. His whole course since the election has been so wanting in dignity and judgment that for the next two jcnis his of llco will j-ato no higher in the icspoct ac corded It by the community than that of a poundmastcr In a country -village , U Is a humiliating thing to look forwaul to , but it Is tiuo , novel theless. Osbotno is at last the govwnor and wo presume ho and the demo cratic leaders aio satisfied , but how ill they have satisfied the people by tlio methods by which ho was placed in thlsoftlco , will bo ap- pniont two j ears hcnio. Our I'oor Itlitli 1'ouple. IltiltlmoteAmeittau. Give the i loll people their dues , During the past ten da > s there have been notable Instances of gcneioslty , After all that was bald of Jav Gould it was p.uasant to lead of the act of his favoiito daughter , Miss Helen Gould , in giving hundreds of little glils big Christmas dlnneis and Christmas presents. Mr. Armour , the Chicago millionaire , gave Chicago a big industrial school. Mr. Rocke feller gate another million to the Chicago university. In all cities Christmas gifts from lich i > ei-soiis aio reported. In Balti more some of the wealthy people made glad many poor homes , /.I.WKAT UP llll ! .UiXlOUH. Another vt'ar has drugged lu Icneth away , Anothur milestone on the roud U passed ; The earth llci mourning In It.- , brown and , gray : A cllrgu U chanted by the winter blast. So slow they pnsH , those leaden-footed years. Like halting iillKrinis , weary of thu roudi Each hour a chuptfi written down In tears. hach day thu record of a gron Ing load. So slow I cannot well abide tholr p tea , Oh. how I long to wo thu Iniiiny day When I bliull incut ( I. Uluvtilund face to face. And touch him for an olllco that will pay. HOW SWISHER MAKES RAIN His Apparatus and Chemical Compound In spected iu a Lancaster County Court. POSITIVE THAT HE EARNED HIS MONEY Charts of tlio State University Weather Huroau Indicate that Other Forces Are Responsible for the Precipitation on that Occasion. LIXCOLN , Neb , Jan. 7. [ Special to TUB BEB.I The hearing of the inquiry into the mjstoriesof the art of ralnmaking , via the legal route , was continued in the county court today , befoieaiiappicciativoaudience. Dr. Sw isher , the rain wi/ard , was on the stand the greater part of the time , but after the attorney for Mr. McMurtry had found out that theio were several ingiedlcnts in the chemical compound , two of Babbitt's metal and sulphmic acid ( four being solids ) , the other side objected , and the court de cided that the doctor need not disclose his secret. The cuiious attoinoy , however , had the doctor nut his appainlus together , and it picsontcd a ludicious appearance when ready for business , The chemical compound was supposed to bo in the two big milk jars or crocks , over each or which was placed an inverted funnel. To each funnel was connected - nected a few sections of tin pipe , resembling speaking tubes , with a miniatuio elbow on each upper end. The elbows , the doctor explained - plained , weio inserted in the chimney , through which the powerful chemical was Injected Into the outer air. Ho sometimes used a galvanic battery , but did not do so in bringing the rain last July. The doctor swore positively that ho brought the rain , but when asked how ho know ho replied because ho did it , and know ho did It. Mr , McMurtry , from whom tlio doctor wants | 300 as per contract for the rain , sots up us a defense that the doctor didn't bi ing this paitlcular storm , and called ono of the state university weather bureau attaches. Ho vvascnulppcd wlth.jcuaps which showed that two da.vs previous lp the arrival of the rain which Kwishor cUilns as his , lalnhad boon piedlcted for that data by the signal service. Ho also showed jTiom charts that the rain was not conimcd to Lancaster count.v , but fell In several states , and was caused by the conjunction a curicnt of hot alrfiom the cast and a tv > istor fiom Dakota. The case will bo concluded Monday with citations of authorities. ) i City In HVlcf. ' ' Tlio rooms of the Sla'l'o Agricultural so ciety In the east wing of the capltol building weio entoted some time tjio past week and about 100 pounds of sugar and some cotton do ih taken. The sugar rtfts a portion of the exhibit of the Grand Island fat tory at the iccent national farmers' congress , while the cloth came from the ICeojjiy cotton mills for the same purpose. Isaao Hakes of Nebraska City was ar rested this afternoon for. elllng mortgaged proportvdown In O too county. It appears that Hakes got into trouble down them for undue familiarity with another man's wood pile , and to square the matter was com pelled to make monetary compensation. To get tlio cash ho mortgaged his mules , and nou the charge is that ho sold the mules vv ithout the mortgagee's consent. The Metropolitan Klectrlo Light company , the now corporation , is now ilguilng with a Chicago linn which offers to put in the Fahnojolm BJstern with a capacity of 1,000,000 cubic feet of gas per day and twenty miles of mains for ! 50,000 and taking SO per cent of the capital stotk. The company is liberally backed and the prospects for cheaper ias and elcotrio light are excellent. John Hiluy was airested the other day for cjirjing concealed weapons. Ho had a choice assortment of hardware on his person which fonespondcd with some taken from thestoio of Atkinson & Lord at Dubois , Paw neo county , last Sunday night. Today Sheriff Sloan end Mr. Atkinson came up and Uentilied it as a portion of thu stolen prop erty and IlHey as a ehup who had been hang ing around town that day. Ho icturned to Duboia tonight with the sheuff. Samuel Giangcr was to have been tiled in a Justice couit.vestei day afternoon for illegal parentage/but he escaped fiom the ofileei and skipped the town Detectives who have been invcbtigating asseit that Granger biibed certain unnamed poisons to allow him a little fieedom , of which ho took advan tage. The man had been allow ed to leave the couit loom without any bail being re quited. The girl in the case is a half-w ittcd creature. The piohibltionists are arranging for a big confeicnceof state woikeis to take place In this city Febumry 23 and ! M. The state Women's Chi istian Temperance Union w ill hold a meeting for women the day piovious to the oiganUation of the confctenco , and Mrs Mary A. Hitchcock of Picmont , the state president , was in the jcity today ar ranging for the gathering. Calvin B. AVoodboiy asks judgement in the disti let com t against the Builington rail way for $52. Ho says th it on the 24th of last November ho boaidedn Burlington tiain at Wymoio to go to Washington , Kan. , but while cmoute , by the caielessncss of the conductor , bib thumb was caught in the Jamb of a closet door , and mashed. FOP the agony , expense and loss of time connected theicwith he asks damages A special service for iailroad men will ho held in the Young Men's Chi istian Associa tion rooms at 4 o'clock tomouow aflcinoon , w hich vvil' ' bo addressed by J. II. Waterman of the Buillngton. I'rrmont .Nmvs ISutrs. FUEMONT , Neb , Jan 7. [ Special to THE Bur. ] Homo time since the nikhorn com pany sent a detective hcio to Icain who was stealing coal fiom their cais dining the nights. Ycstcidny In police court John Hatcher was convicted and lined $0 and costs and David L Booth and William Sager weio each given $ ! t and costs Hon. G. W. 13 Dorsey has sold his beauti ful three-story biick bank building on the cor ner of Main and Sixth stiects to the Fanners and Mci chants National bank. It has been decided to hold a scries of union revival bci vices in the building le- cently occupied by the Fiemont Department Store company in this city , commencing the llrst of next month , to be conducted by Rev. Mr. Wilson and w Ifo. The latter is a sister of the late P. P , Bliss , the gospel singer , and is a vocalist of considerable note. hmldmi Doutli lit homiril , SEVVAHD , Neb , Jan. 7. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] A , A. Cubbeily died suddenly at the Commercial hotel about 8 o'clock iestciday mnining. Ho lotuniod hero iccontly fiom California , and went to woik for the Singer Sowing Machine company , hut was ills- ' haiged a few ilaj.s ago. He went into the hotel ami' cloun on a chair , when snmu onu noticed that he was about to tall over Ho was laid on a longuo , and died imme diately. Ho was a hard drinker , and had been diinklng heavllv for several dajs. It is thought by some , that ho had taken an oveidose of morphine or opium Ho leaves a wife and one son in poor ciicuuibtances. Frniiiiint's Woman1 * Itflli'T Corp * . FUEMONT , Neb. , Jan , 7 , [ Special to Till ! BKK , ] McPherson Women's Uollef Corps hub Installed the following onlccis for the. ensuing tciin. Piesldent , Mis. B B Smith ; senior vice , Mrs. F. Stiles ; junior vice , Mis. A , Smalls ; secretary , Mrs. C. Hughes ; ticas- uior , Miss K. Guy conductor , Mis , D. Williams ; assistant conductor , Mrs. M. Hanson ; guaid , Mis. S. Swartij assistant guaidMis. N. Wanisley ; captuln , Mrs. H. Holmes ; delegates , Mrs. L. Huff , Mrs. S. SwarU. To Secure a Telephone I.lno , GiuNi ) ISLAND , Nob. , Jan , 7. [ Special to Tim BKB.J Piesident Yost of the Nebraska Telephone company was in the city lust night and at a mooting of citizens explained the proposition made by him some tlmo ago to connect Grand Island with other cities In the stato. A committee was appointed to solicit the icquired amount , f 100. , Kiilcrtiilneil ut the Heights , DNoiiKoiK , Neb , Jan. 7 , [ Special to Tun BEE ] The residence of Hon. A. J. Durlund in the Heights last night was the scene of a most enjoyable gathering. The occasion was a duplicate w nisi party given by Mr , and Mrs , Duilaud , A laryo number weio pres ent , and honois wore evenly divided. After he ) games a very nice luncheon was served. on the Sulijnct of llollglon , BrmncKjNob , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bni : ] Mrs. Elizabeth Welcome was today adjudged insane and nken to the asy lum at Lincoln. She was a icsldont of this city , is quito aged and has gone insane on the subject of icligion. Sinnll Hlare ntSclmjlpr. SCIIITI.EH , Neb. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele- giam toTiir.BEEDiakcs ] Brothels' slaugh- tei house was dcsli oied by Hi eat 0 o'clock last night. Being out of icach of the hose lines nothing could be done. No one had been near the house since 4 o'clock. The loss is $500 , not insured. SOUTH OMAHA'S MARKET. Gmtlfjliiff Showing ; Made by the l.ocnl Stock Vnrds und I'nrklng ; Ilouites , Live stock market , talk is pr-culiaily inter esting just at piesent , principally on account of the cxtiaoidinary high puce of hogs and nolle , mid incidentally because of the blight piospccts fora bettercattlemaikct thin has been cxpei lenced for several j ears. The dis cussion of present prices and future pios- pects is alwavs .1 fiuitful theme of conveis i- tion among live stock dotleis , but It Is es pecially so when a limited supply in the country urns pi ices up to un uncommon liguie. Usually stockmen me not slow to express an opinion as to the futuioof the maiket , but It Is not often they agieo so unanimously us at the piesent time. The onlj thing they agioc upon now Is that thoj have not the slightest idea how much higher hogs will go befoie the tinning point shall htrvo been i cached Another thing w hlch has caused a great deal -of comment is the favotable showing for the South Omaha mat kct , both in receipts and prices paid , as shown bv stock yards and packing house statistics in ipcent ropoits of the i car's trans ictions The fact that South Omaha is the only one of the four leading markets of thu country which shows an in- cieaso in the icccipts of all kinds of stock , over tliocar IS'.II , is sufllclent excuse for laudatory ( ommcnt on the growth of business at this point. It is tiuo that .Chicago iccclnts of cattle show an increase of ! lltViO ! , head over last year , and It is also true that Kansas City ie- colvcd 201.OIM moro cattle in lb'h > than in Ih'.U , which in the case of Chicago Is a 10 per cunt Inciease and of Kans-is f'it.v an incicaso of 17 pur cent , but South Omiha romes In w ith an incicasc of over " " > per cent. St. l nls fell away behind with an increase - crease In numbeix of ± i.HI , or less than 4 percent , 'llto fallins ! off at St. Jxiuls Is re markable. In IH'.U ' the iccelpts of cattle at the St. Louis y.uds ui'io : u,0K ) ( ) gicater than at South Omaha , while in 18'JJ tlu > y weio over llll.MM ( ) less than at thcHo yaids. In leceiptsof hogs South Omaha has the proud distinction ol bolng the only inaikiU showing nn incieaso over leceipts of IB'.ll , Chicago shows a deciease of SSI70 ( ! ! he id , Kansas City'JD1tl'li lieaid. or an aggicgato falling off of lUSSXrj ( head at the two gieat maikots lunii'd. while South Omaha shows an liuTciiso of "t.'M ho s over iccoipts of IS'.II. IS'.II.Tho aggregate increase of i feelpts of sheep at Kansas City , Chicago , St. Louis , and Omaha was only ) 'J,71-J , ! head , and vet this market alone shows a gain of lHT i head. ilguies which have been published and can bo refilled at any time , AiueiulliiK the Cltj Charter. Opinions are somewhat divided on the question of amendments to the city charter , or lather on the propiioty of asking for needed changes , as all are agreed that many changes aio desirable to meet the icmuk | * able progress of the city. Some favor press ing the claims of the city for every amend ment needed , us suggested In aiueditorlal In THE IIru a few dajs ago , while others are of the opinion that if too much is asked nothing will he granted. Among the latter class I.s Hd Johnston. In conversation with a DISK rcjwiter he expressed tlio opinion that the present chatter lacks only in not touching the needs of a goahuud city like South Omaha , being duilcient only In degree und not in failure to cover all polntn. He is In favor , however , of an amendment raising the salary of the city attorney to $1,300 and ult > o to pro vide for the opening of stieeU oil petition < tin co-fifths of the propel ty owners , same to done at their own o\nenso In case thocl , , Is not in a position to pay for the Intoiso ( ' tion. Mr. Johnston claims that our propo tion of the load fund which is about fcl.GOO. w ill all bo needed to clean and repair paved sticets nnd put in crossings and no pat t of it should bo used foi grading. On the other hand , cilv attorney Van Duscn is in favor of asking all amendments really needed and being content w ith what the legislatuio will give us. Ho thinks wo must askif wo would icceivo , and If icfused wo would bo no worse off than at present. The matter will prob ably end in drafting a number of the most Impoi tant amendments , the s imo to bo iutro- > duced when the pioper time comes. . . j Magic City Notes. A son 1ms been bom to Mr. and Mrs. Frank King , 1012 North Twenty-seventh sticet. County Judge Ellcr has licensed Willis D. Beigerand Miss Anna Irene Coulter , both of this city , to wed. Lily division No. 8 , Uniform Rank ICnlghts of Pythiis , has caids out fora giand ball to ho given at Knights of Pythias hall next Wednesday evening. First Baptist chinch , comer Twenty-fifth and II sticots Kcgular seiviccs at 11 a.m. mid 790 p m ; joung people's meeting at OMn. meetings are now in progress. Pleaching soi vice at the Methodist Epls- top-il chinch this morning at 11 , and this evening at 7 .10. Revival mooting will con tinue duiing the week. Se"i vices every even ing at 7-0. ! ! First Chi istian cliurih , corner of Tvvcnty- thiid and 1C stieels Morning sermon , ' What Must the Clnistain do to bo Saved1 ? x Hvenlng text , ' -What is Man ? " Evangelist & J. H Speck , pastor. | The extension of the civil sorvlco to In- , elude all free delivery postofllccs , Instead of | being < onflned to ofllces having llf ty or uioio 5 cmploves , caused some of the carrlois In this 3 city to fear they might have to walk the \ plank. The rule , however , does not apply to \ can lei s or-elorks employed before tlio law went into effect. Muster Clifton Carpenter gave a party to his .voung ftiends .vc-stisrday fiom 250 : ! to : > : : ) , bv way of a celebration of his Oth birth day The little folks In attendance were Mabel Fianclsco , Henry Sloano , Perry Wheeler , Muious Adams , Cecil Francisco , Hiuy Hall , Jumi-s G. Phillips , Fred Scott , Isaac Brayton , Johnnie Hltclihart , Blanche \ Boi rv , Johnnie Uobeits , Grant Caughoy and Italph CrcHsoy. * ' m i How It liei iimn ropiilar > j When people llml an article much superior 4 to anything of the kind they have over bo- 5 foio iiscil. thuy am almost sino to toll their ft lends about It , and especially If they know of Home fiiomls needing tmch un article. J Di-aleis also soon loirn the true value of tlu'lr goods , and when they have an uitlclo , of unusual met It they will almost Invariably mention the ( act to their customers. This , , aciounts in a gtcat muasuio for the largo J sain on Chiimbci Iain's Cough Homedy , Hero 3 is an instanceW. . L Ni-cdlmm , u momincnt cltl/en and business man of Orrsburg. Mo. , has boon Helling Clmmbcrlnln'H Cough Hi'medyfor novel at years mid recommends it to his customers , because In hs | expeiienco it has proven to bo the best for colds , croup and w hooping cough. Ho says it in the most impular modiclne that ho handles , and given Iho best s itlrifactlon , CO cent bottles for sale l > y druggists .Nciv Kuln for Attorneys , Judge Jrvino held yesterday that an attor ney could not act as the agent for umortgagco and at the same llmo , as u notary puhllo ac cept thu acknowledgment of the parties ox- coining Ihuinoitgutiu. A case of this klud lias been tiled In Judge Irvine's courtwheroln it was sought to "foreclose the mortgage. In handing down his opinion , the judge held that thu muitgago was void. It Took Trouble , Hut Ilo Hot It. About two or three months ago I pur chased from \oua Iwttluof Chamberlain's Cough Keniody. put up In DCS Molnca la , Such good lusulls weio obtained fiom its use that I enclose fl.LK ) and usk jou to send mo two bottles by express J , A. Serlvon , 18 K. Ifith stieot , Now Yoik City. To H. H. Lane , druggist , Pcekbklll , N , Y. Mr. Scilvun is president of one of the largest shirt factories in Now York and widely known in business circles. When troubled with u cold , glvo this remedy u tilul , like Mr. Scrlven , you will want it whim again In need of such n medlcluo. U ) ccut buttle * for sale