Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 08, 1893, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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Stockholders of Sioux City's Embarrassed
Institutions Make Serious Charges.
Affair * of the Orcntil/iitlon Said t < > Iliivr
llrrn .MntniRnl With n VP | T of
I'roiniillnif the IntrrrMn of
n I'IMV Indhidimln.
Slot's CITT , la. . Jan. 7 , [ Special Telegram
to TUB Hun. ] William Gordon , representing
the Sioux City stockholders In the Ix-eds
I-mil and Improvement , Sioux City I and ,
I eeds Annc-x and American Security and
Trust companies which went to the wall
yesterday mndo an application in the courts
today for the api > otitmcnt ! of a receiver for
the four companies. Ho alleges that the
Boston stockholders In the Leeds company
conspired to get control of the management
and then subverted it to push sales of lands
they owned surrounding Ixjcds and In which
Sioux City stockholders have no Interest.
lit ; also makes sped lie charges against John
I , Hrooks of 1)081011,1110 financial agent , and
accuses him of raising * HO.XH ( ) by sales of
the company's bonds and of misappropriating
tltt.OOOof that amount. Hoston stockholders
who also hold some of the mortgages bonds
oppose the apiKilntmclit of a receiver. The
question will bo llnally determined Monday.
Today V. C. Henderson madi'.an additional
attachment of..VI.XN ( ) . Sioux City creditors
today discovered that hen the Leeds com
pany executed Its trust deed to secure the
mortgngo It left out of the description two
blocks of forty lots each and twenty-eight
lots valued $1,000 each , located between the
factories , which it proposed to donate for
factory sites. Tills property was free from
all Incuinbnincesami was at oneo levied upon
In the same order for the same amounts as
given yesterday. This discovery Is assurance
that local creditors will como out whole.
The Fidelity Loan and Trust company of
Sioux City , trustee for this local bondholders ,
tonight instituted a foreclosure suit against
the Leeds company on $200,000 worth of llrst
mortgage bonds past duo.
G. W. Felt , Sioux City , filed an attachment -
ment against the Leeds company tonight
for &il,000. ( Total claims no\v lllcd tigin-o-
gate O8lTi. ) :
lown Murderer * to linn ? .
CIMUU HAIMDS , la , , Jan. 7 , [ Special to Tun
BKI : . ] Iowa has had fewer legal hangings
perhaps than any other state in the union
Not since 1837 when Chester Bollam was
hanged in Floyd Bounty for the murder of his
hieco and William Schmidt , was executed
in Fayetto county , for the brutal murder of
the aged German couple who had adopted
him , has capital punishment been resorted
to. Within the next few months , however ,
two murderers will have paid the extreme
penalty for their crimes. At Corning.
January 10 , James Dooley will be hanged
for one of the most brutal murders over
committed. Ho .is a young fellow about
twenty years of ago. .Ho worked for a
farmer named Coons. One day ho took
offense at Mrs. Coons , Ho seized a hatchet
and hacked her to pieces , He then turned
on her innocent little daughter and dealt her
a fatal blow , then took a horse and ( led but
was overtaken by a posse and capturedand
narrowly escaped being lynched.
In 1& > 8 J. 1C. Cumberland killed James and
Jasper Hobortson for their money. Cunibcr-
Innrt had worked for the Hobertsons and
when neighbors missed them Cumberland
said they had sold their farm and gone to
Nebraska. Ho afterwards moved to Mis
souri , and there , long after the commission
of the crime , was arrested. Ho pleaded
guilty at ills trial , but is now trying to get anew
now hearing.
To Settle thti Content.
MISSOUHI VALLEY , la. , Jan. 7. [ Special
Telegram to Tun IJr.n. ] The county scat
contest between Missouri Valley and Logan
has been under consideration by the board
today. February 7 has been llxcd as the
date when the board will count the petition
and remonstrance.
Injurrtl While C'oustlrifr.
OTTUMWA , la. , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram
toTiir.Br.r. . ] Jakio Ncwmark , a 10-year-old
boy , had a leg torn off by a street car while
coasting today.
.HAlLltOAlt WOttKEKti DKFKATKl ) .
Houth Dakota Legislators Manage to Score
Olio A iilii8t Monopoly.
PIRIIHE , S. D. , Jan. 7. [ Special Telegram
to THE HER. ] The city is nearly deserted
The legislature adjourned until Tuesday anil
nearly all the members except these fron
the Black Hills have gene homo for Sunday
Much amusement has been caused hero as :
result of the spcakership light. Charley Me
Coy the principal antl-Pettlgrow leader ii
South Dakota , ] ust after election made :
deal with Surveyor General Sullivan , nisi
antl-Pcttigrcw , to put In the Hold for speakci
Kvcrctt of Huron and I iwson of Abcr
decn , apparently rivals but in ro
allty both pledged to McCoy
A very hot light ensued. Whei
Pcttigrow men arrived McCoy and Sullivai
both appeared to bo backing lOverott hard
BO Klttredgo and Phillips eagerly backet
Lawson. ISrcrott pulled out and Lawsoi
was elected. Kittretlgo gave it out as lili
"victory and promised all his friends fat com
mitteships. lie made out a list and in
Btructed the speaker to name them. Tlu
latter said nothing , but appointed McCoj
men and Pettigrew men > vero loft out in tlu
cold. Klttredgo Is an attorney for the Mil
waukco road and purposed to control tin
railroad committee in the interest of rail
roads. The speaker appointed a committee
all farmers and all howling anti-monopolists
This is considered the smoothest polltica
11 play over made in this slate.
The govei nor has decided on the appoint
mcnt of the railway commission , but th
announcement will not bo formally mail
until late next week , Joseph Green , chair
man of the republican state committee , wil
bo chairman and Frank Conklin of Clarl
will bo a member , but John Hrennan o
Kapld City will not bo appointed , desplt
the work of thu solid Black Hills delegation
Thornby. the senator from Fall Htvcr , feel
confident that ho can secure the school fo
the fceblo minded at Caster. Such Instltn
tlon is urgently demanded to relieve the in
sane asylum. Ho claims that the air an
water alxiut Custer are moro suitable tha
In any other part of the stato. The bill wa
referred and will como up In a fortnight.
KUHIMIS : OF TIII : rorui.isTs.
They Mnlcu n Oiii'-Sltli'tl I'rnpoHltlon to tli
KIIIIKIIH KrimhllntiiH.
Tui'EKA , ICan , , Jan. 7It Is said that 11
populists intend to try and have all persoi
whoso seats are contested excluded from tl
Hour of the house pending a decision In the
cases. If they can do this It will give thci
control and the organisation , This will ui
bo submitted to by the republicans , and
now seems probable that there will bo
split , and that ttio parties will separate an
each house sot up for Itself.
The supreme court handed down a Inn
number of divisions this afternoon , amoi
them being the CofToy legislature contcs
wherein iiicu , populist , asked that the cai
vasslng board l > o reconvened and issue tl
cortlllcato to him , heretofore awarded i
Ballinger , republican , as a result of lot on
tlo voto. The court holds that It has i
authority t < < reconvene the board. The d
clslon thus favois republicans.
L. U , lAJwcllint ! . populist governor-elet :
will bo inaugurated on Monday , and dial
man Hrcldcnthal of the ixipaltst sta
central committee will bo master of ccr
monies. A reception will be hold at the sta
house. In the evening. There will be i
inaugural ball ,
tliiviTiior Itoutt Di'lht-m 111 * .MI'S UK ' .
DEXVEII , Colo. , Jan. " . The leglslatu
mot this morning , but the only buslne
transacted was the appointment of a coi
niltteo whose business U was to notify tl
governor that the two houses were ready
receive his message.
At'-Mli this afternoon Governor John
Houtt anpeaixnl before the assembly and i
llvcrod his message.
At the conclusion of the reading of tl
message both houses adjourned until Mt
day.The muln topics reviewed in the governo
inesiiago uro the finance * aud tUu uiauaj
mcnt of the slnto lands and public Instltu
lions. A World's fait appropriation of $100 ,
ODD Is recommend oil. The- message suggests
an amendment to the state ballot law , mak
ing It possible to vote for persons whose
names are not on the ballot.
One of the most Interesting portions of the
message Is that relating to Colorado coal
mines , as follows : "Tho enormous growth
of our coal mining Industry must challenge
admiration. The total production of coal In
1873 was less than 10,000 tons , while for
the current year wo have the grand
total of n.770,000 tons and giving employ
ment to 7.MH ) men. About one-third of this
vast amount of Is shipped to other
states , thus bringing thn revenue of about
UWX , ) tons annually. H will , with proiwr en
couragement , within a few years bo ono of
the greatest of/all our Industries. "
PKIM'Altl.NU I'Oll A STIC.U. .
Wjiintlng loiiHirrnl Determined to Htrct n
( lulled States Soir.itor.
CIIF.YKXNC , Wyo. , Jan. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnr. Hen. } All the members-elect
of the legislature and the two state senators
from Lar.imlc county , In which Cheyenne is
situated , had notices of contest served
on them this ovcnlng. All eight are
republicans , Democrats claim that It
has liccn dona in order to prevent n
steal of the legislature by the republicans
who have a majority In the senate. They
say It Is only a precautionary measure and
the contests will not be pressed If the re
publicans do not begin a wholesale slaughter
ing of democratic senators. Hcpubllcans
look upon It as a scheme to insure the elec
tion of a democratic. United States senator.
Legislators arc coining into the city on every
train in order to look over the ground before
the tiRsomhling of the legislature on Tues
day. The crop of senatorial aspirants is
dally Increasing and each appears to have
some little strength. It Is Impossible now to
oven guess who will bo Wyoming's next
c.viti.isi. ! : . > sincisso ; : it.
Miiny Ki-iitlirkliinq llrslroilt of OctMIi | ) IIIK
111 % rhtccln theSt-imtc.
Lot-'isvii.i.n , Ky. , Jan. 7. The I oulsville
Courier-Journal announcement that the Hon.
John G. Carlisle will accept Mr. Cleveland's
ofl'cr to go into the new cabinet as secretary
of the treasury has brought out another can
didate to succeed Mr. Carlisle as junior sena
tor from Kentucky. It is now said that
Judge T. F. Hargls , n prominent law
yer of this city , has decided to enter the
race. The following names have been men
tioned as probable candidates to 1111 Mr. Car
lisle's prospective vacant seat , and out of
them no doubt the Held of starters will
come : Governor John Young Brown , Hon.
W. C. 1' . llreckinrldge , Hon. Casslus M.
Clay , Jr. , lion. J. Proctor Knott , General S.
U. Unckncr , Hon. .lame's B. MeCreary , Hon.
W. J. Stone. ICx-Judgo William Lindsay , Mr.
Thomas II. Shcrley and Hon. I. P. Good
night. Many others have been incidentally
mentioned but the next United Stater sena
tor is probably somcxvhcro in the group
South I > : llmu's ( Klcctornl Volt * .
PiEitiiE , S. D. , Jan. 7 [ Special Telegram
to THE Bin : . ] Monday was the appointed
day for electors to meet and vote for presi
dent. They arrived this evening and < [ uali-
llcd and will meet at noon Monday and cast
the vote for Harrison and a special messen
ger will depart for Washington with the
AVyomliiK'n Klrctoral Voto.
Cunvr.xsi : , Wyo. , Jan. 7. The electoral
college met here today and cast the three
votes of this state for Benjamin Harrison for
president. W. H. Kilpatriek was chairman
and J. II. Ban-on secretary. At a session
Monday n messenger to carry the certillcato
to Washington will bo designated.
Filed Their lloiuls.
EKA , Kan. , Jan. 7. The bonds of four
of the now state officers were Hied today.
State Treasurer-olcct Biddle is sick , but it is
expected his bond will bo realty Monday.
itmaf. tr. I'.tit.Miit.i i'11 a.
F. D. Quinly is a guest at the Dellone.
J. E. Ong of Genoa is at the Merchants.
Warren Pratt of Kearney is at the Paxton.
II. Hawthorne of DCS Moincs is at the
James Martin of North Platte is at the
W. L. Handy of Chadron , is a guest at the
George A. Hickok of Fremont , is at the
W. C. Beer of St. Paul is a guest at the
F. J. Brownficld of Grand Island is at the
B. F. StaufTer'of Fremont is a guest at the
J. J. Melntosh of Sidney is registered al
the Paxton.
Louis Loeb of Hock Island is stopping al
the Murray.
Albert Holtberg of Creighton , is registered
at the Arcade.
Theodore Muycr of Schuylor is registered
at the Millard.
J. A. Kchoe of Platte Center is registered
at the Dellone.
C. M. Martin of Ilartington is stopping al
the Merchants.
Hon. A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln was at tlu
Paxton last evening.
Gcorgo Schafer of Mnscatine- . , is regis.
tered at the Murray.
H. W. Flsk and wife of Grand Island art
guests at the Murray.
Judge G. W. Ambrose has returned from a
business trip to Detroit.
Dr. Gcorgo F. Kelper of Pierce is in the
city stopping at the Paxtou.
Hon. K. D. Webster of Stratton was amonf
last night's arrivals at the Paxton.
Miss Corcnno Sinnott of Oswego , Kan. , ii
visiting relatives at 3. > 1G Hamilton street ,
S. A , Ferguson of Oahilold , arrived in the
city last night and is stopping at the Arcade
Henry T , Oxnard of Grand Island arrived
in the city last evening and Is stopping at the
Frank Morrissey came up from Lincoh
last evening and is stopping at the Dcllom
over Sunday.
Congressman Meiklojolm came up fron
Lincoln yesterday and departed for Ills hoijn
at Fullerton last night.
Asa Bartlett Wood , editor of the Geriiij
Courier , and Kd Shearer , assistant treasure
of Scotts Bluff county paid TUB BEK a cal
last night.
At the Mercer : W , A. Watcrbury , Kov
York ; W. A. Glover , Pcoria. III. ; M. Bos
worthTopeka , Kan , ; H. M. Jarvis , Corlnnc
Utah ; Mr. and Mi's. Seymour , Colorado
W. K. AValton , Genoa : Frank Campbell
O'Neill ; G. 10 , Haskell and wlfo , H. C. Hrinli
Fremont ; A , B. AVoods , ICd W. Sayct
Gering ; G. C. Terwilligcr , Wayne ; Jas. San
ford , Sioux City ; W. L. Carter , New York ,
C'IIIOAOO , 111. , Jan. 7 , [ SpecialTelegram t
TIIK Hr.n.1 Nebraska arrivals : Brevoort-
II. Glenin , Omaha , Grand Pacillf A , 1
Holmes , L ) . B. Stewart. H. A. MaeAliiste
and wife , S , Frank , C. K. Harnum. Omahi
Great Northern-H. S. Ford , P. M. H. Taj
lor , Omaha. Palmer Mrs , C , K. Colcmaii
Omaha. Iceland H. D. Brownlee , Lincoln
C. J , Jones , Omaha , Victoria Joseph .
Morsman , 1C. M. Mon > man , jr. , Omaha. Aud
toriumV. . Halfonl and ono , Council II hi IT :
I.K'f ,
The following marriage licenses wci
issued by County Judge Idler yesterday :
Nanuuind address , AKI
I \Vlllard Ilani'V , Sarpy county. Noli 'J
I liiTtrmlo Decker , Harpy county , Nub. , , , . ' .
i Husimis Jt'nsrn , Onmhu ' .
1 C'hrUtlna Johnson , Dimiha ,
David I. . I'rlot' Lincoln Xi-h. ' .
i Jlo/lu Miirsli , Lincoln , Ni-li ]
; o
Charles A. Mason , Omaha
10 Ida-Jl. Heard , Illulr , Neb :
Will Hunt Out the Toiler.
re Secretary Smith of the Board of Fire ai
' , * 1'ollco Conuiiissloiiei-s will write today to tl
le Halo Water Tower compa ny urging the h
to mcdlato completion of the tower ordcri
souio time ago. The two recent destructl'
I. . fires have shown the rimunisblon thu ncci
lo- sity for such a tire lighting machine.
The two old steam fire engines now lyii
10 idle will be overhauled and placed In scrvi
11- to be used when thu water pressure U wea
r' Piles of people nave piles , but DoWltl
; o > I Witch Iliuel uulvo will euro them.
California Athletic Olub Has Not Settled
With Young Murphy for His Draw.
Tliilt mu tinItruVtill Ho Didn't put Mm
rinUh to Tommy U'liltr In Tlirlr
HITCH ! ( In Other S
.Mnttrr * .
YOIIK , ,1mi. 7. In n dispatch to his
manager In this dty , Hilly Murphy , tlio
Australian featherweight , gives his reasons
for not starting for this dty when ho 10-
cclvcd his cxpcnso money last week.
Murphy declares that the California flub
has not as yet paid over to him hlsisharo of
the purse for which ho fought a thirty-round
draw with White , and as soon as this organi
zation gives him his money he will leave
M'Yisco fur her Immediately.
Heftardinj ; his draw with White and the
poor' showing ho mndo Murphy says : "I
could have done much better , and per
haps 1 would have whipped White easily ,
only that my % ht with Grlnln made
mo act carefully lest 1 should in jura
my hands. 1 would not talio any
reckless chances and I think ,1 did right.
There Is much moru at stake for mo with
Griflln and a greater reputation in vlow. I
am waiting patiently to get my money and
] \ist as soon as I do 1 will start for Now
York. "
Murphy Is to meet Grlnln February H before -
fore the Coney Island Athletic club for a
purse of $0,000 and the championship licit.
Killing Ilinls In tlin Oiilil.
The llrst event on yesterday afternoon's
shooting card at the new grounds across the
river was a live live bird race , WOO entrance.
The score :
11. Hurt . , . 'Jill 1 5
I' . Kim-hurt . laoto 3
.1. I' . Head . 11202 4
.la mi" ! Sineail . . ' . . . 12 II 1 5
I'riink POUR . 1210:2-4 :
( ii'iiiW MIINV . 12120 4
W. II. S. Mill-lies . 11212---5
The second was a blue rock race , seven
birds to the man. The score :
. .l.Kiml . 20012 11ft
.l.SllUMCl . 1101U 11 ( i
II. Kurt . lll'JO 120
I' . Point . 21210 21 ti
1' . Ktncliurt . 22222 112 0
W. II. S. Hughes . 11211 11 7
Hughes won llrst on straight score. Smead
and II. Head divided second on shoot-off ,
Miss and out , $2 entrance , J. Head won
after killing nine birds straight.
A special match for a small side bet'and
price of birds , was then shot. The score :
J.O. Koail . 11111 11222 02212 11210
II. H. Pill ker. . 11 111 21012 00020 22111
The same race again , Head to allow three
kills for three misses on' Parker's score.
J. 0. Keiul . 21112 21112 11021 12221
12212 24
II. II. Parker. . 10122 02000 12022 (11112
01001 15
Parker had nine birds fall dead out of
bounds , a shooter's luck. Head shot excep
tionally well , as the birds were very fast
and hard.
SIOHflon Out with a CluiII < tiiK < * .
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. " . George F. Slosson to
day challenged any billiard player In the
world to a home and homo match game of
billiards under terms governing the recent
contest for the trophy emblainatie of
the world's championship , for $1,000 a
side , the llrst match to bo played in New
York City at the fourtccn-Inch balk line
game , of only two or three nights duration.
not more than 800 nor less than COO points to
be the limit of each game. The second match
to be at cushion caroms. 400 points up. The
entire stake money , $2,000 , to be deposited
llfteen days prior to the playing of the lirst
match , the winner to take -ho entire receipts
of the house after all necessary expenses arc
defrayed. He has deposited jl,000 as pre
liminary forfeit motley.
lit Now Orleans.
Nnw Oiu.cAXs , La. , Jan. 7. The attend
ance at the races today was very large.
'Weather splendid ; track fast. All of the
winners except Don wore long shots.
First race , selling , llvo furlong : Don , 3 to 1 ,
won ; lltihcrton , B ton. second ; Jim Kucd , 4 to
1 , third. Time. 1:05' : $ .
Second race , hulling , flvn furlongs : John Oli
ver , H ) to 1 , won ; Viola , G to 1 , second ; Joel , 4
to 1 , third. Time , 1:001 : , ' .
Thin ! nice , soiling , six furlongs : ' Whlltler
( Rte 1) ) , won ; Wsiutnnga H.10 to I ) , second ;
llo Addle (7 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1IH : .
Fourtli nice , selling , ono mile : I'omfrot (15 (
to 1) ) , won ; Gendarme ( li to 1) ) , second ; Nathan
Frank (10 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:47. :
Fifth race , handicap , sUvcn furlongs : Gen
eral .Murmadnko , ( H to 1) ) , won ; Alnhoti'.e. (4 ( to
1) ) , second ; Horcalls (7 ( to 11 , third. Time : 1:3'J. :
liny IINtrlct Meeting Cloned.
SAN FHANCISCO , Gal. , Jan. 7. The fall
meeting oC the Pai'lfic ' Blooded Horse asso
ciation closed today.
First race , one-half mile : Irish Fllley won ,
Gypsy Olrl second , Charmer thlid. Time : &H.
Second race , seven furlongs : Alms won ,
Santa I'u second , .Mabel Ihlrd. Time : 1:30. :
Third race , ono mile nnil twenty yards :
Centalhi won , Sheridan second , I'essador and
Uttlo Ksperan/o tied for third. Time : I- ! . " ) .
Fourth Hide , seven furlongs : St. Crol.v won ,
Stoneinan second , Charger Ihlrd. Time : 1:05. :
Fifth race , live furlongs : ttlpsolta won ,
Jennlo Mlnebor .second , Little Tough third.
Time : 1OS. :
Have Signed the l'n | > rrn.
NEW YOIIK , .Ian. 7. Alex. Grcggnins
signed articles today to tight TciJ Pritchard
before the Crescent City Athletic club for a
purse of $0,000. The date named in the
papers is April 4 , hut may bo changed to
March 7. Should the Englishman prefer the
llrst named date the chances are that Hall
and FUzslmmons will have a few weeks
moro to train , for the club proposes to have
both lights as near together as possible.
Jnek Aslitiiii'x Funeral.
Nnw YOIIK , Jan. 7. The funeral of Jack
i Ashton , the pugilist who died yesterday In
Bellevue hospital , will take place tomorrow.
Tom Flynn received the following telegram
this afternoon :
KVIIACUSI : , N. V. , Jan. 7. Im everything on
earth for my old pal. Jnclc , and any thing I can
( local ! on me. JOHN l < . SinI.IVAN.
Want * Money on the Side ,
TOIIONTO , Out. , Jan. 7. In regard to the
challenge recently Issued by Wallace Hess ,
ICdward Hanlon In an interview today said ;
"If Kichard 1C. Fox will put up a purse ol
$ -J,500 with his cup I will bo only too willing
to row lioss. 1 cannot afford to row simplj
for a bald-headed cup.
, Kt'imol ( : lul > M
The Omaha Kennel club will hold its Ili-si
quarterly club meeting for Ib'.Kl on Tuesday
January 10 , at B p , in. , at Dr. Whinnery'f
ofllco in the Hrowu block , corner of Sixtcentl
and Douglas streets. The annual meeting
for the election of officers and directors wil
bo held February II , 1C. I. . . MAHVION , Sec.
Itrpulillnill Sold.
SVIIACUBK , Nob. , Jan , 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Hr.K. ] Republican , 2 ; HI 14 , \\-ai
sold yesterday by his owner , G' . W. Heach o
this place , to James Ladd of Beatrice , Neb ,
the owner of Labasco. ! l:10 : > f. Consider
ation , * 8,0 < X ) .
1H Flavoring
Vanilla Of perfect purity-
to Lemon Of great ttrength-
tok. Orange Economy In their ute.
Rose , lc.
and dcliclouely as the fresh fruit ,
Clearing Sale of Fall and Winter Goods !
' *
For the v Next Three Weeks Previous to Our Annual
We shall give a discount of 20 per cent on all Fall
and Winter Goods in our establishment.
We have always adopted this method for our annual sale , as it insures our cus
tomers the exact reduction advertised no scheming , no deception , that so-called
marked down sales are capable of a big profit on some lines and a small loss on
others but an actual discount of 20 per cent on our entire stock of fall and winter1
goods , this discount to be taken from the low prices to which our stock was recently
reduced and in no instance will these prices be changed. Everything marked
in plain figures. Please note that this discount does not include muslin underwear ,
linens , cotton goods , or dress trimmings.
Serges ' i
Whip Cords
Railway Cords i'i-i _
Storm Cheviots , ,
Bengalines ' . "
Fancy Weaves . "
Valour Epinglines
Camel's Hairs . :
Ladies' Cloths
Party Shades in
Nun's Veilings
Silk Veilings
Etc. , Etc.
OUR ' Cloaks
Dress ANDWraps
Newmarkets and Jackets
TrimmiMs Plain and Fur Trimmed , All our Clildren's Cloaks ,
Of which we still have a large assortment
of the most desirable styles.
Whicir includes all the novelties of the
Of which we have a large variety.
Oorarnencina Monday , Jan. Qtfi.
At our sale of linens and housekeeping Roods this year we offer some of the best bargains ever shown in Omaha. We have just received a
large importation of the best Irish and German linens , which enables us to show thu choicest things the market affords. In addtlon to this wo
have made some big cuts on certain lines of goods that we are overstocked in , making an opportunity to buy linens , that you cannot afford to inis $
The following are some of the SPECIAL THINGS :
Wo offer during this sale our 72-inch bleached damask that have been sell
ing nt $1.25 and $ .37 } for $1 per yard. There tire about eight or ton pieces
and all beautiful designs.
3-4 napkins td'inatch ' at $3 per dozen ; former price $3.75.
I > u
0 pieces G8-incJi'bleached damask , our 90e quality , all good patterns , dur
ing this sale 76c po/yard ,
5 pieces heavy''German ' damask , unbleached , our 85o and P0c quality , splen
did goods for common use , for this sale 75c per yard.
We have accumulated a lot of extra fine double damask napkins , They are
all odd , nothing to match them , but they are the finest goods wo carry , and will
be placed on our counter Monday at a great SACRIFICE. In addition to this
Jot we will put in all odd napkins and cloths of cheaper graades. They are great
In all the desirable furs.
Our entire stock of Ladies' , Misses' and Children's
White Blankets ,
Red Blankets ,
Gray Blankets ,
Comfortables and Flannels.
Ladies' , Misses' and Children's
Cashmere and Wool Hose
Ladies' , Misses' Nand Children's
Cashmere , Wool arid Merino Underwear ,
Men's and Boy's
Cashmere and Wool Hose.
Men's and Boys'
Cashmere and Wool Underwear. <
Men's and Boys'
Heavy Lined Gloves and Mits.i
Wo tire overstocked on towels and consequently offer some rare bargains *
Wo will soil 100 dozen of our fine largo 25c buck towels at 21c each.
HUCK and DAMASK TOWELS $2 Per 7/Jozen.
100 dozen huck and damask towels , worth 20c oacb , they all go in this sal
at $2 per dozon.
Q cases fine crochet hod spreads , extra quality and size , beautiful Marseilles
patterns. This quilt sells at $1.50 the world over. For this sale $1.25 each.
We have about 25 or 30 extra fine Marseilles quilts that sold at $5 ; we have
put them in this sale at $3.75. These special bargains will be picked up quick *
Como early ,
Our Annual Sale of Muslin Underwear Still Continues ; .
Special Prices on Housekeeping Goods and Sheetings.