THE OMAHA DAILY 1WE-WllAY : : , JANUAUY 0 , 1R93 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bull Cliques in "Wheat and Provisions Wcro Working Like Beavers. i liOG PRODUCTS CONTINUE TO ADVANCE * l ( Wicnt Wsii revrrlili friiiii Stnrt to 1-MnUli I'f nnil After an I'.nrly IliilRo Clotcd Nearly One Cent l.o er Stork * ntul Itomls. CHICAGO , III. , .Ian , G.-The bull cliques I" wheat nud prot talons wore working llko beavers toilny. The provision men succeeded In squeezing many lurlil expressions and much moiipy nut ol tin- shorts , but tlio cliques In wheat were not wi fortunate. The latter bought , heavily early In the day , but the gov ernment crop report wni too much for thorn , nnd nf tor an curly bulge , the markoC closed Sc lower than on tlio duy befoic. Corn Is ! < c lower nnil oats neinly ? ic below their ycstor- ilny'n l vcl , Hog products ate a ny up , pork G7'iC , laid 20e and ribs 32'ic. Wheat was feverish from start to Iliilsh. The Insldo openings were from Vc to ' ' .R lower than yesterday's closing , hut the market rallied and prices were advanced ' < ' , ruled easier again , and thu matUol closed from " c to ! jc lower tliiin ycsleiday. Tim government 10- IH > rt which was made public Into yesterday cuv 11 the lower opening. Inlluuneliig larger ofrp.Kgsand inoiodlspoIIIon to sell. The re- txirt rondo IhoiMopnf 1892 nearly 510,000,000 liii. In thu report ] hti department Intimated that DID crop would not e\ri > o < l 5in.OOoOO ( ( ) 1m. , and ll was this caress of 10,00(1.000 ( bit. which riealed Iho weaker feelings. Hut thoto win ptetly good buying at the durllne. enouKh to cnuso n inaction. Tlio buvlng , It was claimed , wits iliinn niiilnly by Urn hull * In the Interest , nf supportlntho miirket and pre venting further decline. It was iimmrked that at the/advance the olVorlngs were very free nnd that .nine one was feeding the mnr- kct. If the latter | i tine Ibu mm let ; held up pretty well roiKldcrlin ; that , cables wore Ir- rogiilnr and gcncially lower and that llrad- Blreol'a stocks shotted n fairly good Increase. The Cincinnati 1'ilce ' ( 'uncut says winter whentls gcneially tiioleelcd with snow , few regions exposed , and low temporuluio threat ening late sown portions. In corn Initial liailes wens = , ' ' under the dual figures of the pievloussesslun , the government lonort being eon.strned us heaflsh by aeon- fddcrahlo ulement , who sold accordingly and the pik'o worked down another He. The In ego stocks and llheial offerings al country millions also tended lodeprcs < thepilco. At the decline a number of htiy Ing orders eame in and on uxcrtilIng tlio same the market was ndvancwl Jfi * , a good deal of changing going on between May anil July , Iho pi Ire afterwards reacting ? c ruled steady and closed with Ue loss. There was a fair trade In oats at a lower range of prlce.s. The Koveiiiiiient leporl. was regarded as beatlsli , as It placed the eiop much larger than oxpci'lud. at 001,000,000 Int. The buycisof yostoiday were frou. .sellers and tliomarket opened weak and prices he lower nnd declined a u. This brought In liberal buy ing ordeis and a rally to opening prices 10- sultod , and the market rinsed easier , at nearly thu bottom wllha net loss of 'lie. The main .support to the piovlslon market was based on the light supply of bogs and the advance In prices therefor , with rumors that a report will lie Issued In n few days' . Indicating a.smaller supply for parking purposes during January aim 1'onr.tuiry ' than received during November and December. Speculative olTer- Ings were quite liberal , but Iho demand was bilsk from miscellaneous sources and tlu > y vroro readily ubsorbod at the advanced prices. Local speculators and maiuiFaetuier.s vvcro credited with quite liberal pin chases nnd the buying orders from outside parties weio larger than for some time past. l-orolgn advices lndlcat' ' < l consldrrablo sttenglh In that quarter a further advance of from Od to la In bacon being reported. The market opened excited at : i material advance on thu closing pilces of Weilne.sday , and the compe tition for thu olTorlngs suddenly forced pi-Ices up qulto lapldly. About the middle of the session there was u llttlo pressure to soil anil u weaker feeling prevailed temporarily , with prices gradually set tling back all around , During the latter part of Iho .session a stronger feeling was again de veloped and prices rallied , tlio market In : i general way closing ruther linn. N. M. Iteani was credited with being an additional adher ent of the bull clique. IvtUmated receipts for tomorrow : wheat 025 cars ; corn , 200 cars : oats , 145 cars ; hogs 23.000 bond. The leading futures ranged as follows : JUrriCl.K. * . tll'I.V. Illllll. LOW. OI.OSK. VKST'l When' ! > o- ' January. . . 72)4 72Hi Mar. . . . . Juljr 77K Coin No.2- Jaminry. 4IU 40H OM 411 : February. 43 42' ' < 42i ! Way 4. ' 111 41) ) ! : Oats Ko , y January. . r.0 ! ( 30 ! { SO Fcbninrjr. 81Mi ! 3IH 3I' < M SI J Way 3IH 34J | Hess 1'ork January , . 17 SO 17 45 17 17h i ? 42)4 ) JlHy . . . . 17 60 17 b7J : 17 SO 17 85 17Ji Lara- January . It ) 75 10 80 10 ro C2U May IU 23 10 35 10 JOg 10 MI ! ID Elioi-t nibs- January. . U50 9 40 g 'M 9 40 9 Ifi May 1) ) M 9 U fiO CaBh ( inotations were as follows : Fi.otm Firm ; holders endeavoring to ob tain slight advance. iiac . . OAT8 No. 2. 3lQ308c ( ; No. 2 white , f. o. I ) . 84 < rc3-l fo ; No. 3 while , f. o. b. , 31'/i < 23 ic. KYI ; i > o. 2. 52ic. ! lIAHMiY No. ' - ' , C5c ; No. 3 , f. o. 1) ) , , 3407c No. 4. f. o. b. , 30 < tt45e. KI.AX Hinn-No. : 1. 11.09. TIMOTHY Si : -Prime : , $2.00. . per bbl. , * 10. ; > 5fl > 10.37t ! ; lard per lOOIb.s. . ilil.OU'i : Hboit ribs , sides ( loose * 9,37it9.40 ! ( ? ; dry sailed shoulders ( boxed f8C.2'i < iiti.75 ; short clear sides ( bo.xedj , 110.0 . WIIIHKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , 71.30. BOOAH Cut loaf , 5ma5"ic ; granulated , 5)ic ) standard "A , " 5c. The following were the receipts and ship iiicntN today : Omaha 1'roilueo .Uurket , Apparently there were no now features dt voloped on thu produce market yeslerdir I'rlce.s and conditions generally rcinalur about tlio HIIIIIU IIH for thu day before. Hi celpts of most kinds of produce contlnu light , but fully u to the demand. AITI.K.SSlocks are hold at J3.502i4.00 fi fair to choice stock. HANANAH-Quolod at } 2,002.50 per bunch. HUTTKU--TIIU fact that custom and houthet innrlictH n ro In luetty good shape creates Bhlpplng denian d that , keeps all surplus sloe on this market cleaned up. Htmight package of country roll sell largely at. I Co. and sulet lots at 17''ClHe ' , and oven as high as 20V. CiiANiiiniMis-iiiotatliiis : : ( ( tire : Hell an cherry , 118,50 per bid , : hell and bugle. $9,50i 10.00 ; Jersey Capo Cod , J9.50. C'KI.KUY 1'er doz. bunches , 35c. Kilos- The supply continues very light 1111 the market sluing. The general prlco ft strictly fresh stock IK 25e , I'HKMi Yr.di.TAiu.r.s-Local growers in urliiglng In a few fresh \cgulahlo.sof ) iothoii < growl li. New onions , 20ai5i ! per ilo i bunches ; lettuce , 4lKy 15c ; radishes , 5IH- . UAMK ( ' ( iiilrrels nro almost unsalable at luirdly worth shipping at the present state i the market. Jack rabbits nro geuurall quoted at iM.50 nnd small rabbits nt 75c. HOM-.Y liood whltu clover Is quoted all tl way from 1720c. I.IMONS ; ( , > uolitlins ; ( are $1,007(5,00 , MAI..UIA liitArid-Unchunged : nt $9.00 p NUTS Largo hickory nuts , 11.05 ; black wn uulN , $1.25. Ov8TiitH : PrK'CN at Omaha titlll rumaln ; 13 < Qi35cpurean , ONIONS The market is quint. Homo grow 8Go per bushel , and Spanish $1.90 per crate. OHANOES The market Is still supplied wl Florida oranges only , llrlghts nro quoted 13.25 for Minflui'Hsu lot.s nnd if3.OO for tlvo ton case lots , HII-.SUIK nro 2f > o cheaper. I'OTATOKSTho trade Is Ilmlled to the sa of bmall lots from stores. Western Nohrasl stock Is quoted at 80c and Utah and Colorm at. 90c. I'oui.TUY Chickens were In the best demiu of luivthliig In the poultry line and good KO. coulil snfely bo quotodat 7ft8iUood turl.e weio not very iilenty nor v > nut ho demand u > largo at 124012'ie , Huckti and gecsoe if. etendy at Hfwo. BwKKTroTATrtis-Tlio ftupply Is very UK nnd they nro held at $4,25 , Vi.AifVeal calves , cholcn. 7c ; largo in thin , UJfOo. A largo nnd thin veal calf about Iho hurdest thing ou the miirkct lo d pose of , Now- York Jlarlicts , Nisw YOHK , Jun 5. FWtill Kecelpts , 2i 000pkg . ; oxporls , 10.41H ) bills. , 12.1OO sacli iiuidumto demand , sluing ; billed , 10,000 bL CoilN Mr.At. Dull. steady. WHKAT HecuIptH , lU.COO sacks ; exports. 0 000 Uu.i bales , 3,005,000 bu. futures : kin dulllower with options ; No. U rod , 70)ic ) store nnd elevator , Oc nflr-at , 7fl''itfinV ' f o b.i Nn. 1 northern , 7'i'i % . No 3 prlnc , 74'jc tiDllotii ( rilrly a'-tlvt , very Irrrifii- lar and rloirrt wpjiV , the opcnlne wa hravy and V'l'io ' lower on the tfovrinmcnt repott of lint nlghti rnlllcdrfo He on Inijrlntt by the bull clique nl the west , which cnu od f lightened shorts to Cover here , deellnrd 'ift'icon largo receiptweit , free ft'llliis west of the Heckles clo.'lna iiBi' c below yesterday , .lainmry nnd July most nrtlvei No. 2 red , .lanttary , 7B-a78'i ( ! , cloilni ? at 78i ; Mav , 8a' ( < asa 15-10p , closing at 82' < e ; July , d3 Tti4c. closing nt 83\C. Urn-Weitorn. 583b9e. IIAtU.r.v-Qulct. HAIIUV : MAt.t-Diill. ( 'on.N--Hecelpls , 35,0001)11. ) ! export * , IC.OOOj bu. ; les , 470,000 bu. futures ! 136.000 bu. spot. Pilots fnlrly active , easier , closlniz stendy ; No. il , 49'ic In elevators OdVi ; tilloat ! No. : f , 40c ! ! steamer tnlxed , 50a50c. ! Op tions wore moderately active and opened weak at Ufl'irt dfcllnu tin the Rovernment report ; reacted 'ifrNe with wheat and declined H nry , oo'ior-.ouiic1 , closln 5'Jiie , clotln ? nt 51 ? c. OAT9-Kccolpts , 45,150 liu. ; exports , 70,000 Int. ; MrtM , 'J30.000 bu. futures , 77,000 bu. Cairo , 3Hc. HAY-Hull , deady ; shipping , C5c ; good lo choice , 7f > H'JOc. Hoi's -tjulel , slendy. St'iiAit Haw , dull but , firm ; refined fairly active and Ilrm ! No. 0,4'H4 7-10e. MotAHSPS-Now Orleans fairly active and steady ; open kettle new middles , 35'3,30c. ' DKIS Ilrm , ( pilot ; receipts , 3,370 pkirs. 1'oiiK ( julet , stronner ; old mess , if 10.00 ; new mess , } 17.00fil".37'j ; : cut meats , llrmer ; ploklcd bellies , ? ! ) .75lil.00 ( ) ; pickled shoulders , { 9.OO ; pickled hams , } 1'J.50 ; middles , llrmer ; short clear , J9.35. l.tiril. llrmer : western steam closed at til.10 asked ; sales , 775 tierces at Options sales , none ; January , M0.05 ; March , if 10.HO ; May , $10.00. IttnTlHi-rirm. fairly active ; creamery , 'JOB 3'JHc : fuctorv. 15'' ; KlKln , M'JVSc. t' : : ) , fair demand I'm IIIO.N ( juic-tsteady ; Aincrlciin.tia.'JOO 15,50. t'oi'I'lilt Quiet , steady ; lake , $112.20. I.IAIIDull : ; domestic , i\ : . > . TIN- Steady ; Straits , 410.75. SI. l.niiU Mnrlteli. PT. I.otJis , Mo. , .Ian. 5. it.ouit Un- changed. \ViiiiT-'ln ; ( < ed "s'lt'iic " ' under yesterday ; cash , U7 , e ; May , 73 r167-l i July , 73V' . I'olts t'losed JCipJuC below ycsterdaj- ; cash and January , 37jc ! ; Kebruary , 3Bc ; May , . OATS -Cash , Mild lilnher ; by sample , May , lower.ehiilm ; al 34ic ! , UVIlitKher , 57C. HAIII.KV Qiilul ; sales , Iowa , 55c ; Mlnnctola , Olc. Iltjrrr.n Unchanuod. . Ktliis1'lrmer ; V21i ! ! forcood. I'OIIKNew. . # 17.75 ; laid , , flt.0'JS. ) !'fsI'lour , 3.01)0 bills. ; wheat , 28,000 bu. ; corn , 155.000 bu. ; oats , 'J8.000 bu. ; rjc , 3.000 bu. ; bariev , 4,000 bu. Slili'MBNTS I < 'fotir , 7,000 bhls. ; wheat , 21,000 hu. : corn , M.O'.iO . bu. ; oan , Ja.OUU bu. ; rye , 4,000 bu. ; barley , 2,000 bu. Oil Atnrlccc. Nr.w VOUK , Jan. 5. I'KTIIOI.KUM NeRlectcd ; I'ennsylvanla oil , spot sales , none ; Kubruary options , sales , none ; 53J.e ( bid ; 54c asked : Lima , oil , sales none ; nominal ; bid , 27e ; total sales , mine. COTTONSKKII On , Firm ; crude , 43c ; yellow , 47c. 47c.T.u.i.ow Firm ; city ( f'J.OO forpkgs ) , 5ic ? bid. bid.HOSIN HOSIN Dull , slendy. Ttiiit'iixTiNi : tjulot , steady. LONDON , Jan. 5 , l txsr.iiu Oir. 19s Id per cwt. 22s4Jd ! per cwt. Kansas City Markets. KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , Jan. 5. WHEAT About steady ; No. 2 hard , C4j ! < 2G5o ; No. 2 ted , 09 © 09'ic , Cons Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 32'j ' SSo. OATS -Steady ; No.2 mixed , 20'ic. KYI. Firm ; No. 2 , 51c. HUTTEII Unchanged ! creamery , 25 < 328e ; dairy , 17lHc. KIHIS Active-at 22'5c. HlX'Kll'TS Wheat , 78,000 bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; oats , 2,000.bii. Sliii'Jiu.vrs Wheat , 00,000 bu. ; corn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. Liverpool Markets. Livr.ui'OOt , , Jan. 5. WHKAT Quiet ; holders oll'er moderately ; No. 1 Califor nia , Os 3Jil'flOs4d ( pur cental ; red western spring. Gs lidTtOs i'sd per cental ; No. 2 red winter , 5s 'Jd5,5s 10(1 percental. CHUN Firm ; demand fair ; mixed western , 4s lid per cental. IIACOS Long and short clear , 550 bbjs. , 48s Od percwt. CmiSK : American , finest white and coloicd , G3s Od per cwt. Itualncss ISrlcTs. W. 0. Fisher , grocer al Kim Cicek , has sold out. Llpplncott It Ncriid , drugs and liquors al Tobias , ha\o dissolved , John Gla s , the liny Springs druggist , ha ; been closed by the sheiitT , Closson & Taylor have succeeded W. G Clossonin the grocery business at Lincoln. ( Jniln .Murltct. Mn.wAtiKiii : . WIs. . Jan. 5. WHKAT Kasy May , 70a i' ! No. 2 spring , 05c. CdllN No. 3 , 304f.37c. OATS-NO. 2 while. 3323 IUc ; No. 3. 31 ? , H.UII.r.V 04C. ! HYU-57C. Ctilt'ee . I NEW Voni ; , Jan. -Options onencd bard : steady , 5 points up to 5 points down , closln ; steady , 10 points up to 10 points down , halt's 35,500 , bans , Including January , tIO.00 ; 1'eb riiarv , ? 15.H5S4 15.05 ; Miirch , flfi.Hfifftl&'JU " May. Jin. 70215.75 ; July , $15.70 ; September $15.70. Spot Hlo , steady ; fair demand ; No. 7 $17.00. I'liibnlvlplila ( iraiii . I'llli.ADKi.i'iilA , I'll. Jan. n.VHIAT : Maria- was weak : No. 2 red nnd January , 704rf,77o. ( CiiN--riteidy ) : under moderate offerings ; No 2 mixed and January , -17Vt4'Ji' . OATS -In car lot.s , ruled Ilrm under llglr ; No. 2 white , 41sc. ! MliinciipiilU Wheat Market. MlNNKAroi.iH , Minn. , Jan. 5-ood ! deniam for cash wheat ; No. 1 northern , OOc ; No. ! northern , 02c. Heceliit.s , 200 cars. Close : May 71 0. On track ; No. 1 hard , 07l < ic ; No. : northern , 05 lie ; No. 2 northern , OKitOSe. t liieliiiiatl .Murlietii. CINCINNATI , O. . Jim. --WIIIJAT Fit-in ; No. red , 70c. Cons Kitslor ; No. 2 mixed , 41 141' . OAlH-Aetlvo ; No. 2 mixed. 34 31 0. WHISKY In fulr demand at J1.30. Cotton Market. Nr.w Oitw.ANp , La , , Jan. 5. Firm ; mid dies , 9 ll-10c ; low middles , U 3-10c ; Kood ordl nary. 8 ll-10c ; net , receipts , 9,007 hales ; Kro * reeilpts , 0.017 bales ; sales , H.100 hales ; stocl 302,655 , bales. Toledo liriiln TOI.KDO , O. . Jan. 5. WIIUAT Dull lower ; Jnnuiiry.73c. CORN Dull ; ? . ! ) , a cash , 40Jc. OATS Quiet ; easlY 35c. r TrnderV Talk. CniCAflo , 111. . Jan. 5. Ivennett , Hopkins , Co , to S. A. MoWhortcr : Mr. Dodgu saw prope to give out yeslenhiy the government tepoi which he usually Issues on thu HUH of Hi month. It Is stated that thu wheat crop wa about 510,000,000 measured bushels , or 500 , 000,000 weighed bushels. Traders saw propi to consider this ostlmato as bearish , allhoug It wan not dlll'erent fiom his former estimate ! and they sold Iho market down to 7c ; oncurl and II leached 7H4C ! , nt which It opened Hi ! morning. Cables havu not. shown Ktrungl today and closed ut u decline of aboi 1 penny In Liverpool , Today's matl.i lias been falily active , with nn cash undeitoiio hut the hull contingent still cat llnuo thi'lr purchases which was sutllclcnl t prevent any coiislderablo bieak. The M celpts at Minneapolis and Duluth were Ugh only 37H cars. Hradstioul'.s icport of avail : bio stocks showed nn increase of 2,180.00(1 cai of the Hocklcsnitd a decieaso of 880,1)00 n the 1'aclllo slope , The load Is certainly heavy one. but wo sen no sign of weakening o the part of largo holders. The government n port showing a corn crop of 1,028,000 w : considered bearish and has Jed lo freu sellln by both local operators und outside commli sum houses , Thu trailing In both corn an oats has been llgnl and without specli reunite. Hogs opened at thu highest price yi reached for many yeai.s. The icsnlt wi unexciting nni | very nctlvo piovlslon nuuko The win Ids supply of lard shows only 111,01 tierces , against 297.0UO tierces January9 ! It wns , therefore , not suiprlslng that shor worn alarmed and bought heavy , and mai outside operators weio buying sinIV for lot account because thu prlco of hogs was so nun higher than tliociiricnl market for provision \Vo cunnot advlso buying for long nccoiin but would avoid the short side as ( langrioi even on tne picscnt advancement , Cmi'.u.t ) . 111. . Jan. 5.--F. li. Logan & Co. Duncan , llolllnger A-Co. : Wheat opened a tlvo at 78V , Mild up to 7B' c and closed i 7H'i ' ( ! lild. Thogovuinnivut report was consli cicd bearish and Inlluenced some of ourloc holders , who sold out at about 78 ! ic. STOCKS AM > IIONDS. Securities OieniMl | Irregularly with Only I'i'W Linen Dealt III. NEW Yonic , Jun , 0. The stock mark opened Irregular with only a few Mocks den Iu during the tlrst hour. The. most actl weio suutirTrust , Dlhllller and Huadlni ; . T. K'uillng active shares nei o strong on the car dcalluua on coverings of tbo thorta put o ypitorday nnd > 1 ri'Uiin.'r'd from 112i to toll-l , [ lutlllr-rs ( nun i > i . t < > ! < nndHcD.d- Init from 4H' ( to' , ( ) ' Manhattun , which hid sold nt 155V. drupped to lit on reported gold shipiM"iits. Tim other weak features wrro North"in t'li'dllo ptefcrred , and Missouri I'a- rltle. Toward noon a fractional advance was held nn the INI , but later the market aaiilil dropped and nt noon wns fairly nollvu nnd heavy with mini stocks slightly changed from the opening figures except Chicago ( las which was heavily picked for sale , declined from 88S toms'i. The market wa t tllsihtly lower aflcr 12 o'clock , and Iho changes were only fractional , even for thn fractional IiidiHtrluN , which , wlillo showing a tendency lo advance , failed toiecover much of the previous lo s , The presiuro on Kuaillng , however , wn * lifted , and It rose to 51 ngalnst 40' ( nt the opcnlni ; . Northern I'aclflc preferred showed most weak ness , and at 4J'k was down 1 < ( percent , but no other stock dropped so badly. The uncer tainty as to gold exports served to slop the dlspoiltlon lobtty which the general bullish feeling on the sheet encouraged , and traii'-ae- tlonswero gradually restricted , wlillo wldo lluctuatlons dlsatipaaicd front the market en- tlri-ly. The hist hour again developed tenllz- Ingsalei , and t'lileugo lias was lelolTtoBO , while changes In other stocks wuto conllncd to fractional amount ! ' . Thoelo e wasiiulet , but. heavy generally at or about the lowest llguros of the day. i The I'ost says : In splloof the confident ex-- IicctalloiH to the eontiary. It was nmilu known today that $1,000.000 specie and probably moro would go out by Saturday's French steamer. It Is well kninui that Hterllng exchange - change Is at present below the normal gold shipping point lower , In fact , on actual tales than at any time In the lust two months when gold had been shipped. What has , however , inateilallyaltered the situation Is the steady decline lu Paris exchange on London. It Is more than a foitnlght. slnco these rates went below the gold shipping point , and yet not a penny ot specie- has bi'cn reported as shipped lu the meantlmo from ( Ireat llrltaln to Franco. Tlilsslngiilar fact makes plausible tlio theory that the projected shipments nreln their nu- tuie a "triangular truiisin'llon , " the trade In specie between New York nnd 1'arls being eventually cleared In London. The follow Ing arc the closlna ( imitations of the leading stocks on the New York Stcct ex change today : London I' 'UbijJimef ( Jonltn fi.'niiiU. ! LONDON , Jan. 0. ( Now York Herald Cable Pncclal to TUB HIK. : | Speculation on Iho Stock exchange , except In a few special se curities , has been quiet , but high class Invest ment stocks were lu good demand. Kunds were unchanged , \\lillo Indian rupee paper has given away UdFoiolgn government securi ties closed Hat on reported dllllciiltles on the Paris bourse , The feature was a fall of lai percent In Spanish and French bonds. Rentes have given away fiom ' 5 to 1 percent , and all other International slocks ! to fj per cent. With one or two o.\ccptlons , homo railways cloo linn. Ilrighton deferred lluctuated con siderably and leave off 'j per cent higher. Ureal Kasternnnd Northeastern have been In marked rciUL-st | and close ' to li per cent higher , respectively. Americans have shown more or less depression.- Norfolk & Western nreferonco has fallen 5-9 per cent , Northern I'aclllc preference , I'nlon I'nclllc , Wnbash preference , Wabash debenture and Chicago & Milwaukee fell ' , per cent , and a few other.- declined ' to U percent , but Atchison Income bonds nnd l.oulsvlllo & Xashvlllo aro.still ! 4 percent lileher. Canadians mot with a moder ate amount of support and a tillling Improve ment Is established In Canadian Paeilic am Grand Trunk picfercnce. Money was agaii ( | iiltea drug. Short loans were easily obtalnei at 'i to 1 percent. The discount market wa ; ( | iilet , two nnd three months bills wore quotci nt 1 to 11-10 pur cent. Discount houses ro diiced their allowances for deposits to 1 poi cent for call and IH per cent on notice. New York .Money .Market. NEW YOHK , Jan. 5. MONCV ON OAI.L- Steady at 5 to 0 percent ; last loan , 0 percent closing offered at. 0 per cunt. I'IIIMI : MKIICANTII.K i'Ai'Kit SftGper cent. STHIII.INO KXCIIANUI : Firm , with actua business at W.KOIit.KOJt forsl.My day bankers bills and S4.87'4.87'.i ' ' for demand. Tliu closing quotations on bonus : riiiiutclal .N KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jun. 0. Clearings , K 412,733. NuwYOHK.Jiin. 5. dealings , J159.808.50 balances , If 7,920,179 , NKW YOIIK , Jan. 5. Government bon Htiong ; slide bonds neglected. llAl.TiMOiir. , Mil. , Jan 5. Clearings , 13.411 329 ; balances , { 493,000 , Hate , 0 per cent. I'llll.Alir.i.i'iiiA , I'a. , Jan. 5. Clcarliu f 17,325.628 ; balances , l,0'ja,351. Money , jiercent. Nuw OIII.KAKS. La. , Jan. 5 , Clcarlm 12,050,178. Now York exchange , eonimerch 50c- per * 1,000 discount ; bank , tl.OO per1,0 < premium , Nuw YIIIIK , Jan , 5. The Denver k I ( Irando Itallroad company has declared dividend ot 1 percent ou thu preferred , pa ulilu February 20. ST , Louis , Mo. , Jau , 5 , Clearing * , | 5 , < J4 OQ'Ji tialnttoos , JSChOj Money quiet nt GSV7 per cent , exchange on : Si w York 40c premium. MrMrius. Venn. . [ Jun > , C'loarlug ' * . $570 , 3'Mi hnlnni'p' , " New York exchange selling nt | CINCINNATI. O. . .Inn. S.--Money , I'H0 ' per ernt. New York cil-ltanse , 33ltSoe premium , clearings , J3.329.9oo , NKW YortK. Jan.'rtf [ special Telegram to Tin : Bnn.l Kvrhanso was quoted a" follows : Chicago , i ( > (67ui' ( pretntiini ; lloMon , l'J'i"ll5o ' discount : St. LouK 40c iironduiu. I'Atit * . Jan. 5. The weekly stalemcnt of the Hank of Fiattce.'Oiows a decrease of 4,227- OOOf gold and tvJfiO\iOot \ sliver. Tluco per cent ictiles , 9If .Tft-iir the Account. Cittr.Afio , 111. , Jnn 5-Clparlngs , $22,947- 139. Now > ork cTfhnngo , 7OTi75c premium , Sleillng e.xchauae , .quiet ; sixty day bills , J4.HO ; demand , J4.88. Money , strong at 0 per cent. llO'Tox , Mail. . Jnn. 5 , Clearings. 119,908- 518 : balances. 12,325,179. Monev , Gneroeiit ; e.xcliango on New York , , \2'M\tn' \ ' discount. Call loans 0 & 7 per ceril ; tlnio loans , 5'i ' < SO percent. LONDON , Jan. C.--nulllon In Iho Hank of l.ngland decreased i'25,000 during Iho past week. The proportion of the Hank of Kng- land's reserve to liability , which last week was 44.97 per cenl. Is now 35.21 per rent. Amount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank of Kngmnd on balance today , i'2,000. * I.IVIJ STOUK MAItKKTS. Cnltlo Trade Knlrly Aetlvr HOKS Sell for .Seven Dollars. OMAHA , Jan. 5. Hecelpts are not by any menu * heavy , but Iho four days' supply shows an Increase on the same four dav.s lust wee1 < of 7,0011 hogs and 800 sheep. Cattle tecelpts me about the same , nnd less than 10,000 head. It was u bullish day throughout , hut the In terest centered principally In ths hog trade whete the t7 mark was reached , 15o higher than hogs over bronahl before on this market. . 'I lie supply of cattle was not largo nsto qitiiuiliv and nothing extra'as to < | imllty. but \\llhllglit iecelpls , stronger eastetn markets and a good speculative demand buyers were not Inclined to bo too captious or exaellng nd : sellers had no trouble In working olT anything useful at substantially stronger prices than won > the title Wednesday. 1'nlr to very good 1,100 to 1,300-lb. stcer.s sold at from $3.75 to $4.55 , with poor to fair stiilTfrom that on down to S3.00. Business was moderately active throughout , and a good cleariuico was ef fected. Cows Mild sliong Ion dime higher al nil ex treme langeof from 75c to J3.50 , although U.OOto V0.50 bought the bulk of the fair to good stun" . Hulls , o\en and stags were gen erally active and unchanged nt from $1.50 to 13.00. Calves Ilrm at J2.40 to5.UO. Alight bii'.liii'j.s was transacted In slockers and feeders , but prices ruled strong on all suitable otlorlngs. Country buyers weio M'tireo , but the regular dealers had orders they could not IIH , the cattle not being here. Quotations are unchanged. Hepresentatlvo sales : Hoes Itecohits wore ny no moaim heavy although 2,500 heavier than a week ago , in Increase In four days over the first four day of last week of upwards of 7,000 hogs , As i rule the hogs wore pretty good , tellers had I all their own way , Hoinn of them started ou asking from 5u mlOc higher than yestorda' for their hogK. liliyora readily tiuld this ad vance , and by thujilddlc | of the forenoon wer glad to get thosanJo kind of hogs at fiom 10 to 15e advance , Thlifo was no change in th situation and although hogs have touched $7 which has been Iho mark set by MIIIIU o the wildest bulls , Ih'nro are no fully I'ovelopci ' bears In the yiuIs ( now , and the only iiuesfloi now Is how high- are they going. Tin now mark Is variously placed at fiom $ H.O to S10.00 , There wii 'a shorta'o : of over 1,0011 OOO liogs at the fuife loading markets In 189 and thu way this year starts out there will b a still greater falling olV in the marketing n hogs this year , ittlt'n'st ' for tlio coming four o IIvo months. In thyjiieantlmo a 250-lh. hog I worth nearly half iltnnuch as an average Nice and the farmer wlj i hogs or brood sows see no terror In thn mortgage shark. Fair to goo butcher and heaty hogs sold today alfO.u and $0.90. with cnnlco to prime loads up t ifT.oo. Fair to goodJight and mixed loads sol from } 0.80 to tO.OO wllli underweight stuff : i $0.70 to ifO,75. Tholpens were cleared by th nilddlo of tlio forenoon , the bulk selling u from fO.HO to tOJ'JO against 10,70 lo iG.H Wednesday and $0.45 to 0.50 on last Tliiin day. Hogs are now 33,15 higher than one yen ugo and It Is also a noteworthy fact that the are selling 10c to 15c higher than at K 11111,1 City. Kepip > entatlvo sales : No. Av. Sll. I'r. ft'o. Av. Hh. i'r. 90. . .187 200 } 0 70 68. . .202 100 { 0 90 G0. . .258 280 0 75 55. . . 300 HO U 90 85. . .172 40 0 75 00. . .250 2HO 0 90 29 .251 200 0 80 09. . .204 120 0 90 82. . .245 200 0 80 20. . .349 400 0 90 73. . .238 100 0 80 80. . .315 80 0 90 00..211 240 0 BO 72..270 80 0 90 She Used to Wear U to School. A Now York lady who is visiting frleiu iu Omaha , when highly complimented on lu stylish Jacket , said ; "I'm really proud of that coat. It was n old gray Back 1 used to wear to school yea atro , hut u dip into some fast seal hrovi diamond dye transformed it into this ban some Jacket. Now Yorkers use lots of dl inond dyes , for a ten cent packugo will null tiu old dress as good us new. " 42 244 120 ft flO f.5 P.M 240 0 10 07 L'R'I 000 0 HO 77 24'J 120 0 TO 07 247 120 0 HO 07 2V ? H > 0 0 00 H4 200 2OO 0 80 07 2HO ItfO ( I DO 70 219 240 0 SO 07 237 8O 0 90 82..212 200 OHO 04..310 .120 090 82..221 nOO 0 H2H 09 . . .218 80 090 4..253 0 H2'4 7U..U3I 0 PO 80..225 100 0 B2U 05..235 SO 090 03..191 40 0 82 59..330 SO 090 7.1. . .227 120 0 82U 59..247 120 090 30..199 80 0 82 > , l 70..2.17 100 000 71.,229 120 0 8'4 08..257 80 090 00..248 400 085 72..2.12090 73..202 120 085 82..223 030 04..2.19 100 085 OH..U53 120 090 49.'J.II 40 0 H5 03..300 240 090 01..240 120 085 10..241 090 57..310 GOO 085 58..254 090 84..234 80 085 01..248 200 < ? 90 70..230 280 085 05..280 0 92'J ' 51. . . .243 40 085 71. . . .203 80 0 92 < i 04..200 120 085 57..287 120 0 92'i ' 09..239 120 085 50..30H 40 095 77..251 280 085 55..250 210 095 GO..259 200 085 55..317 28O 095 72..235 80 085 00..307 120 095 83. . . 197 40 085 80..27.1 120 095 0..201 Ji Hfi 01..289 120 095 75..254 200 T > 87 ! { 48..301 700 71..234 120 0 90 1'tOS ANDItOUOtt. 107..100 80 0 23 S mip : : The three loads received were billed direct to Swift & Co. nnd nolulTorcd on the market. Desirable muttons nml feeders con tinue In aetlvii demand at stn.-xdy to strong prices. Quotations are as follows : Fair to good natives , $3.50iM.75 ; fair to good west erns , 13.25144.50 ; common and slock sheep , J2.253.3.50 ; good to choice 40 to 100-tb Iambi , 845030.00. Itrcrlpt * and Disposition of Slock. HecelpN at the Union Sto k Yard * , South Omaha. Nob. , for twenty-four hours endlns at 5 o'clock p. m. January 5 , 1893 : ( Mileapo l.lvo Stock . " \Inrltet. \ OlilCAno , 111. , Jan 5 , [ Special Telegram to Tun llii.l ; : 1'rlce.s for catllo were trenerallv strong today. Choice shipping steers were In scanty Mipply , and while .omothlm ; strictly prime would no doubt have sold well up toward JO.OO , there wore e.\cccdlimlv few sales over $5.25. I'rom fll.50 to H.H5 imitKlit most of the .steers , and from $2.00 to $2.75 was th' ninpo lit which the largest part of I ho cows and bulls dimmed hands. 1'rlce.s for hoes touched $7.35 today , which Is 20e. above the blKliest iipuro previously paid. The gen eral market shows a less pronounced advance than Indicated by the above figures. Cliolco to extra grades made n greater gain than aid the best sorts. The averate Improvement In hozswasa big 15o. Sales were largely at from 87.00 K ) $7.20 , $0.05 to $7.10 for medium weights and from $0.00 to $7.05 for light. Scarcely unythlns sold below $0.85 nor were there many sales at better than $7.20. The buoyancy of tliomar ket continued to the close when quotations storid at from $ fi.90 to $7.10 for common to choice llnht and at $7.30 for poor to choice heavy weights. The sheep market continued to weaken under the burden of supply. Upward of 4,000 head were left , from WiidncMluy'.s stock of 12,520 bond and fresh receipts which were asialn very liberal made a total supply of about 15,000 head. Trade was dull and heuvy from the start , lluyers demanded further concessions from Wednesday's reduced prices nnd pithily tilled all orders at from lOc to 15c decline. Choice to prime lambs sold at from $5.75 to $ fi.lo up to good grades at from 15.00 to $5.00 a ml light feeders at from i-I.OO to $4.00. Quotations for sheep ranuo at from $4.75 to $5.80 for good to choice native mut tons , $4.HO to $5.It ) for choice to prime west erns , J3.80 to $4.00 for fair to good mixed stocK and from $2.00 to $3,50 for culls and thin to fair fccdora. Uccelnts-Cattlo. 14,000 head ; hogs , 25,000 head ; sheep , 10,000 head. The Kvenlng Journal reports : llATTi.u Receipts , 14,000 head : shipments , 4,000 head : market lOJ-'lSe. higher : host steers , ? 5@rjGO : others. M.25'34.85i ' stockers $2.0033.5' ) ; cows , $1.75 .3.25. Hoes Kecelpts , 20,000 bead ; shipments , 11,000 head ; market excited 10320c higher ; packers mid mixed , } 7.007.10 ; prime heavy , 57.20SV7.35 : prime lights , $0.95(547.05 ( ; butchers , weights. $0.057.10 ; light , $0.0030.00. SHKIP : Hecelpts , 7,100 bead : shipments , 11.200 bead ; market weak ; ewes , $3.85 to 4,10 ; mixed. 8 4.25 < Ii4.75 ; wethers , $4.75W.5.25 : wer.t- erns , S4.9O3i5.15 ; yearlings , $5.75 0.00 ; lambs , $3. 5UC.75 ; natives , $3.855.25. KaniHJi City l.lvo Stock Mnrln-t. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Jan. 5. OATTI.R Re ceipts , 2,300 head ; shipments , 2,200 head ; market active and strong , generally within 510c higher ; shipping steers , $3.254.40 ; stoekors and feeders. $ 'J.4057i3.85. Ilooa Kecelpts , 9,700 bend ; shipments , 2,900 head ; market active and 5S10c , mostly lOo higher , closing strong : all grades , $1.50 ® 0.85 ; bulk. JO.65ttG.75. Snnr.1' Receipts , 1,000 bead ; shipments , 100 head ; good sheen , strong ; others weak ; common muttons , $3.05B,3.75. St. Louis l.lvo Stock Market. ST. TiOUis , Mo. . Jan. 5. CATTLE Hocolpts , 2,000 head ; shipments. 1.000 head ; market ilrm : native steers , S3.00K5.00 ; shipping , $4.0535.00 ; grass fed range sleer.s , $2.20 .3.00. lions Receipts , 7,500 head ; shipments , 4.300 head ; market 105l20c higher ; heavy , $0.00a7.10 ; packing , $0.50 7.00 ; light , fO.003 0.90. Sunup Receipts , 500 head ; shipments , 600 head ; market steady ; fair to choice natives , range J3.00S5.00. Now York l.lvo .Stuck Mar lie t < NEW VOUK , Jan. 5. Hr.nvia Ilecolpls , 227 feeling llrmer ; no trade ; undressed beef , steady at HftOijC per 11) . DAIVK ? Receipts , 80 head ; market steady ; veals , . } 5.005.80. Smii : AMI LAMIIS Recoint-s. 0,300 bead ; sheep Ilrm ; J3.OOH5.25i lambs , $5.50TtO,87'/j. Hous Receipts , 2,227 head ! market steady at J0.40a7.00. WANTED Total l niHS of CITIES , COUNTIES , SCHOOL _ ' rJISTRICTS. WATER COMPANIES , ST.R.R.COMPANIES.da CorrrEponilcncn solicited. H.W.HARRiS & GO PAHY.Dankers , 163-IGS Donrborn Street , CHICAGO. IS Wall Gtroot , NEW YORK. 70 State fit. , BOSTON. s o uTff QMf1 rrA > Union Stock Yards Company , South Opnaria. not Caltlo Ho and fclicep market In the west. OOMMISSiail Wood Brothers. 1,1 ve Stock Commission Mere-hunts. fc'oiith Omaha Tclcpliono 1157. Clilcairo JOHN I ) . DAI11H.M AM , I | > . \VAJ/1'UU K , WOOD , flllina Market KcporU by mnll and wlro cboarfully tur nlbliud upou uppllcatlon TO TIIR OWNKKS OK AM/ LOTS OK I'AIITS of lots on "U" uiruut from lUth stceot to 17th Klreot. You are hereby nntlflod tint the nndjr- Blunod , thrcodUlntore tcd ( roiiholddH of the city of Uiiiuha , have boon duly appointed by the mayor , with ilia approval of tan city counuil of Maid oily , to asms * the dainaso tc Iho owners rosiectlvoly | of the pronurty af fected by the Kr.idliU of "H" street fro n Mill utreol to 17tli Hlrout , declared nouoss-iry bv orillnanco No. ftlS , nussod Doccrnbor 13th , ibl)1. ) apurovod I ) comber luth. IB'X ' . Von are furthur notlfloil that h ivln ; ac cepted ald npuolntmont. air.l duly ouiillllod us required by law. wo will , on the r.'lh day o ; January , A. I ) . la'JI , at the hour of ; i o'cloul In the afternoon , at the ollleo of ( lee J. 1'uul KU.'i Karnaiu struct. within the cor porate limit ) of said oltv. moot for the pur pose of considering and inildn ; thu ussuav munt of daniago to tlio owjiorn ruspuotlvely o said property affootud by said crude , taklu ; nto consideration npuolal bonellts. if any , You are notified to bo prcsunt at the time and pluco aforesaid and make anv objection- to or statements uoncurnln s\M ussessmon of damuses 119 you may consider proper. 1-iKO. J. I'AIIJ ; . W. O. KlIUIVKIt , JAf. bTOOKIlAI.R Onmha , Neb , Hoc , 27th , Ih'Ji. ( I''J-dllil SKWKU PROl'OSALS. Scaled proposals will bo reculvu'l by the un crslKnco until lai : o'clock n. m. Jniiuary "ml INIU , for tlio construction of a sewer In dutrlut No. 177. In the city of Omaha , ns'pu ordlnanuo No. ; crJ7 , accordlni ; to plans an hiH'Clllc.itlonson Illo In thu otlbo nf tno i. ot publlo works. I'uch proposil to bo inadoo printed blanks furnlKliod by tlio board , and t bu uccompnnlol by a cei tilled cheek In th hum of J.ViO , jiayablo to the oily of Omaha , a II an ovldunco of tfood f.iltlu Thu heard reserves the rUbt to reject any c all bids and to walvodcfocts. I' . W , HIinCHAUSEU. Ciialrman lloird ot I'ubllo Works. Omaha , Neb. , Juu , Oth , la'JJ. 16 7 D H OMAHA Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Directory AWNINGS AND TENTS Omaha Tent-Awning CO Ml * A XV. NORSK COVKll ? , tin Knrnftin St. Berais Oraaba Bag /M , 0 , Daxon , CO Ml * A XV. Importer * nml UMnufM. lllcrcloi olil on monthly tlmir &cki , burlap ) , tnlno. p jnniti ISJ.V.t.Mh. BOOTS \HD SHOES. Morse-Coa Shoa - Company , llonnnl Sliest. Knctorj corner lltli itnil Oou lrn Street ! . We nrn nmUni ; COMI | pile > i to o ? ! \ Imjor < . nn I tire telllr.j ncl.191 of eooj whlrri If Tory llh niorclmnn. Kirkendall , Jones & Amsr. Hand-Sewed I'OMl'.VXV. Wlioloinlo B CO. , bnolM > ! io9l rafrii. nuu'nti Huston nnit rubber ittioils , I'AJi- lltibber Shoo I'o. . 110.- iill ; ) llnrnoy St. HUI-lllHj It-irnoT - Bt COU-CQ't. ( C03NI3E. Omaha Coal , Coke & Eagle Comics Works 1.1MK CO . li il nivl auft KUvniiliol ! Iron ronl , S i : cor. liitli ua vrl'iilv ' o s Sts. kyimUn ! , 11UMIU DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith & Co. , Kilpitrlck-Koch Dry coons co , Dry Kooils , notion * , fur- N'otloni. itrnts' fur'ilili- nlililni ; nooil" , o.rn r I InuuooiK.ror. lltti unit llthmiil lljwnr.l M < . | Hartley sn. FURNITURE. Omalia Upholstering Ruuyan CO. . uplioUtnrpil furni KUHN1TUUK CO.linico ture , UJi lint Nichuhn t. U'holcanlu only. nnil 13t'i Sir GROCERIES , DRUGS , ETC. D. M. Steele & Co. , Blake , Bruce & Co. , iOMOJ.lonos St. , 10Hi nud Hamcy Sti. , Ouiaha. Omaha. Wlllioutnionej.tndnltlioiit prloa. To the You are not well , and have no money oi'tlmo to soo.i ihw.or. Cutout thu iiiinio printed \\ota. \ Itll'ANri CIIGMlUAlj CO. , NIW YOUic 1'astolton a postal onrd , \Vrlto your own niimuon tha other si loof Ihoc ird ; put It lu the 1'ostOllleo , and by ruturn mall you will got a lotlor and komemodlulnu thut will dovou poo.l. Try It and toll ycur friends. .Sheriff's Sale. Under and by vlrluo of an e.\ccutlon Issued by i'rank K. Mootes , clerk of the district court within and for Douglas county , Nebraska , ipon a judgment rendered by said court , at ts September term , A. I ) . , 1892. in favor of the Merchants National bank of Kansas Clly , Missouri , and against the Metropolitan C'ablu aihvay company of Omaha , Nobnislia , I ave lovlod upon the following described property as the property of the wild , The Metropolitan t'ablo Railway company of Omana , Nebraska , to-wlt : "Track and roadbed - bed , Including rails , ties , plates , flogs , bolts , splices , wires , switches , poles , trolly wires , cross wires , etc. , etc. , and everything portalu- ing to said track and ( ho opertitIng thereof as an electric motor line of said The Metropol itan Cable Uallwny company on 40th slreet. and on-Dodgo street In tlio city of Omaha , and on Dodge street as extended. Woodman ave nue , Underwood avenue and \Yllson avomt. > or street In Dundee I'laco or adjacent , thereto In the county of Douglas anil stale of Nelira , ka. " "One car house ( frame building o po > lsor blocks ) located on lot 14 , block 88 , Dundee Place , Douglas county , Nebraska. " "Two motor passunger cars numbered respec tively two (2i ( , and three (3) ( ) " "Kccord book , stock certlllcnte book and seal of said com pany , " and also "Iho franchUc granted to said company , which Includes nil the rights and irlviii'gc.s secured thereby , " and 1 will on the 17th day of January , A , I ) . . I8Ut : , commem'ing at 10 o'clocka. m. of said day , at thcca-l front door of the county court home in the clly of Omaha , sell said property at public aii'-don to the highest and best bidder or bidders for cash , to satisfy said o.M'ciillon , ( lie amount duo thereon bulng forty thousand , four hundred forty-six iimiOl-lOOdollarscf 10,4-10.01) ) luilg- ment.and sixteen and 38-100 dollars < $10.3H ) costs , with Intciest on said amounts from Iho 19th day of .September , 1892 , and the accruing coats on said judgment and C.YCCUI Ion. ( JKOltOK A. HKNNETT. FhorllTof Doiiglas.C'ounty , Nebraska. TMKI : , HAMILTON & MAXWKM , , Attorneys Omaha , Nebraska , January 5 , 1893.J . J 5d 13lm NOTICE OP ASSKSSMKNT Ob1 DAM AGKS TOU GRADING , To the owners of all lots , n.irls of lots andto estate along O.iinoron street.fiom''lthstro sto the 4U-iicro line or the center of ' . ' 7' trout produced. You are hereby notified that the nnaor- slgncd , thrt'O dlslntoreUt ) < fruchohlurs of Iho city of Om.ih'i. irivo boon duly appointed by the inuyor , with the approval of the city coun cil uf said olty , to assuss the damaito1 * to the Dwnors rcspuctlvely of thu property iiH'ontod by the grading of Oamoron tUroot from Jllh fltrout to the Ij-acro Mm or the center of ITth street produced , declare..I necessary by ordinance No. 3'J8i : , tutssod December IDtli , IB'J. ' ' , approved Dacemuor IDth , 1MJ. ' . You are further notllloil that bavin' ! accepted - coptod said nppolntmunt and duly quall'luil as roiiulrod bv law , wo will on the 7th day of January. A. D. 1391. at the hour of II o'clock In the forononn , lit thoollloa ofT , II. McOnl- louh , room hi' ' Now York 1/Uo building , within the coiporato limits of said city , moot for Iho mirposo of consldonng anil making thu ai- -8iiientof damauo to tliuownnrs rospouth olv of Hiild property aireuted by the grading , taking Into consideration upoclal hunollls , If anv. anv.You are notlflod to bo nrusont at the tlino and place aforosald and make any objection to or Htatomonls concornlni : s.ild usios-jinuiit of darun OJ as you may ( mushier proper. T. il. MOUUM.OOII , W.M. O. SllltlVnit. aio. : j. I'AUI/ . Omiihn. Doc. KM. IS02. dv'IdlQt i'KOPOSALS FOR GUADING. fiualed proposals will hu reujlvucl by thu un- duislgncd until \'M \ ; u'ulouk p. m. , January llltb , IB'A for grading \Voolworth uvunuo , from ! ind atrool to ( lib strual. In the olty of Omaha. In aecordunco with plans ami bpvc llcatlons on tlio In the ollleo of the Hoard of I'ubllu Works , Ulils will lie irmdoon printed hlan' < a fnrnlsli. cd by the board , and t > bo accompanied with a ourtilled check In Iho Mini of * ' ; piiynliln to the city of Omaha , as an ovldunu'ot good faith. The boar.l reserves the rUlit to reject any or j Ohalrman lloaid of I'ubllo Works Oinalitt , Neb. , Ducembur Mtli ) , 1 'J. ' ' . .SKWKU PROPOSALS. Sonlod propoiaU will bo reco ved by the un dcralgnud until J:3'J : o'clock p , m. January lath , ihiKl , for the construction of sowi'M In sewer dlstnuts Nos. 17A nnd 170 , In Iho olty of Omaha , us pur ordinances Nos. ; ix > 5 and .1171 , rfSDOJllvcly. aucorJInx to plai s and specKlui- tlons on II o In tha ollleo of the llourd of i'ubllo Works. Kituli proposal to Uo made on printed blanks fnrnlahuil by the hoard , and to bo ac companied by a cert Died chock In thepum o ( } VJO. payabla to the city of Omaha its evidence of good faith. The bo uru reserves the rlfht to reject any or all bids , and to waive ilofecu. I' . W. IIII1KIIAUSKU , Chairman of the Hoard uf I'ubllo Works. mah a ( ! ! > . , DucouiborUUlu , IbO. . UJ3-31-JO-7 HAROW&RIE Reclor \Yilheliny \ LobecM Linn , COMPANY , lc lcr In hHrdirnre and Corner 10th n ( uu'chnnto' tools He ootj. UJI l > ou l.\sSI , HATS , ET3 , \V. \ A , L. Gibbon < SCo. Wholoialo , . KIOTO , milieus , 2th niul llnrnor > ( LUMBER. John A , Wakofleld , Charles R. Lea , Hnritiroiul lumber , eel Inliit ccm.'nt , Mil IT. ill- cnrt > otin I ' keo ccnuMit n tUuirl wlillo llino. Sth niul D WIUIIURV. Frick & I , Obh'feUlf AC ) Impirt'ri nn I Jh'j \Vliolc.inlollquortloAlors nf nilllliory notla Mnll or lor voiii ri. UXJl rArnnm SU VM-Jli ? < . lUll t. PAPER. OILS. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. , Carry a full mock of ' lirlnllai ; , Itoilnoil niul labrl'catlnc pnicrs | , civnt , eto. ell . atlo croiMp , clo. PRODUCE Branch & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co. , t Produce , frulli of nil Ituttor , cho390 , tioiiltry nrirt uivti kinds , oysterJ. all S. lath S | STOVE REPAIRS. S\SH. D1QR3. Omalia Stove Rjpiir W < 'HKJ , utovo ropalri \UuifiolurJt5 ot j-uh imil Mtor nll'kShm j UI < l o ii r 1 , ti 11 n 11 an fur nny kind nii.iMlnti , ur.i-uh ot m.ulo , \\3i \ \ , Uth .t nd Itard 3 rooroROB WAiutivN SMITH. WILMAM M. .lonlilns. Do'la ' Davis. Outlier no S3 , llobbt Nelson It KwelUur , John ( R I.oh- ninnn. Mary H. S Hinders , lilzr.uiV. . McUlus , < oy. Dotnlnlok Hook. Anna. Vandonburj Georgn II.SIeuk.Kllcry UHuitck.Osoiir llarl- inan , iMIuhluau Mutual Life Insurance Gen > piiny , Ueorge M. Nicely. William O. Whtto- heiul , Kltirliieo L'lwtoi "eli > y Y. Mtiion. David M. Uro. A.U. I.olghtui. K brldgn I.uw- ton , I , nine A. 1'owoll Matilda Do UroUollo. noti-roaldunts : You are hoi'.jbv notllloil that tlio under- Blcncil , three "disinterested freeholders of tlia olty of Umah'i. havu boon duly : ippo ntod by tlio mayor , with the approval of the city council of said city , to RI OIS tlio d'umiao ' to Iho owners respectively of iliu uroporty declared by onlln in ' 0 noJOMary to bo nppro i printed for the iisn of said ell v for Iho pur" iuiio of opening anil extending S'owtou street irom Davenport'- * subdivision to ; ! Hh Hi rout. You are furl lie rnollllodlliitliavliiKaccotod : | ) said appointment , un I duly < | ii.illllou as re quired uy law. wo will , on the L'.ithday ot J.inu.iry. A. D. 101. ut tlio hour of .1 o'oloolt In the afternoon , al the olll 'U of Ooo. , ) . I'aill , Ml.i Kiirnam street , within the corporate ! lim its of siild city , inoel for the purpoio of con * sldorlng and making the uasfisiiioiil of diim age to the owners r'.xpoistlvoly of nald pro porly. by ro son of Mich inking nnd apuro- [ irlatlon thoroot taking Into consideration spoul il hcnollts , If any. The property hu'.miirlnz to you , proposed to to appropriated as aforcs-ild , and which has lieon dculurcd necessary by the cmiiK'll , liy onllinm : u. to npproprliito to the IHO of tlio city , boln r situ itlTlii said cltv of Inialia. In thu county of Dnii'.ilas , > inil state ot tfcbimk'i. is described us follows , to wit : ( leo. Warion Hmllh Tlio south L'V.BS feet ot lots . HI. : i7 , ; H. ; > , 41 , n , 44 1 anil H. William M. JonUlna-Tlio south -7.65 feet lot I. ) . Delia D.'ivls and Catliorluo RIlolibs Tno south " 7.K > foot lot III Nelson II. Hwll/.ur- Tim north 'M 15 foot , lot 58. .lolm U. I' . Iehiniinn North " 0.15 tuH of east Sb.M fcut. lot f'J. ' Murv 8. Siuinaers North 20.15 foot oistCX81 ( not lot 0) ) . Uz/.lo W.McOluskoy North 'Jit.I" > foot lot 01 Dominlck Hook North H.l. % fcot , lot ill Oscar llartiuiin North 1M.13 fout lntft. > . Michigan Mut. Ins , Oo.-.NoHh S.UI5 feet west ! j lot GO. ( Joo. M , Nlcoloy Northil.l.'i foetof mldilloJt lot Ml. William O , Whltuhoad NorlliSI.15 foot east H lot in. KlbrWgo f-iiwton North LU is foot lot (17. ( I Hoolo/ , Mason and David M. Uro North VO 15 feet lot W. A. U LoUhton - Nortn 20.15 foot lot OD. Klbrldcolawtoii-Nortlr'l.l.'Hot.7l. ) ' Laden A. Crowoll North 'JG. IS feot. lot 7.1. Heorgo 11. Sluulc North Jti.lS fout woit , 41 foot of north liW foul of lot , VJ. Kllcry \ . Houck-Soiith-'T.H.'i fGOtxouih ' , ' , ot cast ' /i of lot 61. Anna VawlonliuiM HoutliSf.tyi foot of north JJof south ' / of lot I ? . All In ( Jlso'i adillt.oii In suld olty , county and mate. You mo notlfloil to ! m present al the tlm and placonforusiihl. and inuko any ohjoutlont to or statements concerning hulil prupoioJ ui ) , pronrlallun or UHscHiinuut. of diitiiu us , aa you muy consider It. W. ( JIIISUN , \VM. O , riilKIVUII Oninhn. Dcconilorl7 : , IMJ. . _ TO THK OWNKUH OKU , I.OT.S Olt I'AKTB of lot.s on Howard Htit'ul , fiom'lith Htrout to ss.h itrout ; You are l.orohv nollllo.l that the undor- t-lgnud. threodlsliitercHlod frouholdon of tlio olty of Omalii , h.ivo bucui duly iinpolntod by the mayor , with tlio ipumvulnf thuulty coun cil of suld olty , to limes' ) the ditmago to the ownarn roiButlv | iveif the nropurty iilVoolod by the irr.tdliu of Kuwird : Htruot from "Ctb sttoot to "SUi Ntruut , doidurcil nuci sory l.y iinlliiiuii'O No KM ! , passed Ducumbor lllli ; , IB'JJ , OPprovod Dofornber rjth , 1HW. You arc fiirlhor notlllo : ! that Imvlng RO- vciitud iald anpo ntinunt , and dulv iiiaiflod | | us ruqulrod hv law. wo Hill , on the 12th day ot January , A. D. , I&H nt the hour ol / .j'cloolc In the afternoon , at the ollleo of Ooo. J. Paul. ir , . < r > Karnam street , within tha co'-pornto limits of nuld city , i oot for the pur- poio of considering an > l nrildnc the assuu- inontof ilumasu to iliu owners roiiootivoly | of huld iirnpuity. nlfocted by said u .radii , talc- lin.'liiioconsfiliiratlo' Hjincial bunodts. If any. You mo notlllou to oo piusont lit the tlma and place uforusald , < ind iiiako any objoolloui loorstutoinuiita conoiriilii'4 : xald asiosiinont of dauiascs UK you m iy conaldor prouer. IH.O. J. I'AIJIi. JOHN V. li'liAt'K. JOHN W. H01IHIN3. . Oniiiliu. Nob. . Duo. .Ttli. ISO. D.'O-dl Not lew. Notlco Is licrnliy given Iliul Iho annual meet ing uf ( ho btclliolilcrn : of the Omaha I'nlon Depot company will ho hold nt thn ollleo of the I'nloii Depot coiiiiiuny , at the Jiiiadiiiarter | * > ' of thu Union 1'aclllcllnllway compiiny , In tha . city of Omaha , on the Olh day of .lanunry , 1HU3 , at 3 o'clock p. in. , lor the election of dl- lectors arid transaction of any other buslnes that may legally i-omo before Iho meotlng , T. It , KiMtiAUu rresldont Orauha , December 20 , 1B92. UaidUO *