TTTTC OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. JANUARY / > . 8PEG1RL NOTICES. V tlTKItTISBMKNTM KOU TIIKSB COLUMNS J\Wllll < i taken Hnlll IJ-Hp. m for the evenlnn rind until S .fln ra for Iho inornlnuor Sunday cdl tlnni No advertisement taken for ICM tlian ZSccnti for th rlr tln > f lon All dvorll emont In thcfO columns Is cent ! n word for tlio nnt InierHon nml 1 cent n word for ouch siihpcijncnt Insertion or SI .0 per line per month Terms , ca h In advance. Initial * flRnrra , symbol * etc , pneli count ns a word Advertise tnrntsmliAtrnn conv.cntlTCly. Advertisers , by to- qucitlnK n numbered check , con have the letters mldrottrrl to H numbered lottrr In care of Titr llrr. Answer * no addressed nil ) to delivered on the presentation of the cltrck SITUATIONS WANTED. " ' -.t.Ativ'srKNOOIlAI'lIKII. HVB VIJA11S KX' pprlcn" ? , rtMlres n petition Itoforenco from present employer. Address T.H llco Ct 4' A - KMl'l0VIKNT MY YOUNH MAN KVKN- .A Ings , some knowledge of honkkcoplnff. good reference , Artdress Meek , IWi Douglas et. 82V < WANTED MALE HELP. ? > -SA1.AHV ( lit COMMISSION TO AflUNTd TO Dlinmlln the 1'ntrnt Cheailrnl Ink Krntlne I'encll Tlio mo't imoful ntul novel Invention of the nee iri ci Ink thoroughly In two cconrti Works like rnniilc. 2W ) to HU per cent prolll. Aitcnl * making JW per wrck. \ \ o nlio want n itonprnl aitent to tnko rlmrgenf territory nnil appoint sub .Kent * A rnro hancc tn make money. VVrltn for tptIDSnnd nrain pie of crnsltiK Munroo FraelnR Mf Co , Y V . La Croine , m < . 700 p-Aor.N-isWANTHD , rTiuiiKNTiAi. MKK JJln * To , Kood pay. Apply room SO. Krenior block , oppo I'.O .VHTOJIO' fj-VMI "l'AY SALAIIY VVBKKLY IO CJOOD JagciilB Hxperlcnco unnecessary Apply dinner olllto MSmso . 'lnNobrni'k'vfor tlio Union Central J.I fa Innur nnco compimy of < Inclnnall ( loud territory mid llhr-rnl contrnct * to the rlifht men Addrcai I. M. I'dmlatnn , Stain A Kent , rooms 4j , ID nml 47 llurr lilk , Lincoln , .Sob MMO J30 T-It'MniSH riAI.iSM\V WANl-HII TO BULL J'redridnr MilnKlinn thn nldii ( Joocl conimls- Mon pnM per car Must bon well punted innii nn the road Hint bus n peed Undo Adlrosa A II , nro of tno 1'iiL'ol Hound Lumberman , lacoinn VV MTl't ' 11' " H-SAI.K MAN VVANTKD 1O L.UJIIMCAT- .I'lnu oils to the consuming trndo In the tnlo of iNOhrnskn I'rovlou * experience In oil not o on tlnl , but evidence of ijood Bollltm ability required 1'prmnnent position nt KOOI ) pnr fur the rliilifman tupottunlty for Interview will IPO irlven deslrnblo nppllcnntn nbout Jnntiaiy , ! Uth Address. KlvlnR nite , previous experience nntl references , Vncuuni OH Co , Itochfstcr , N. Y Mi820 IJ-SWMKN IOKAUKANHAH. IICNNUSSKB AND J > LoHlidn-in , on Kovornmoct work. Kramer A , O'llenrn Labor ARJncy..TOIHouth llth st. M8I6S' -rj-AHK.VlS WAN'IKD UVintVVVHISUK KOU JJnomctlilnK entirely new. A fortune to each who uplines In time Dcnnatiiipply company , Ln < rosso. Wit MS.W * fJ-WAMUD. HALU'iMKN VISlflNO M'OllB .Dtradoto sell ( Bide line ) n staple article In de mand Mnrgln very liberal : snm.ilo small. United Htatcs Manufacturing Co , Clueland. . O MW7 ' ) ' -'lAlLOllH-l'IKCH ( lOODrf llhl.OVV COS ! ' Anynunnllty Unbcl thoTnllor , IMS 1 nrnnm et MbOS ( , ' u HOYS iv LAHHB is I' tnbllsbmonts to collect cincclled atnmps for tnoi iooil pny Addrusi nt once ' 1 6J , llco ) -WAN'I 111) ) , A ASS COOK AT ! U23 'CumliiK Blru.l. 870 ( , ' 31-VVAMii : ) CANVA SI'I18 TO hBLI. PIANOS > ln Omnhn nnd Council lllulls. Apply ntreet. 8711t 11VVNTK1) , A H1OU1 HOY AIIOUT1STO VVO11K Din store Apply with city reference only 172 ( Doiluc , hafnrn IU n m 87S 5 IVVANTII : > , 9Ai.i > viAV ON TIM : UOAD TO I 'sell ndrtrtHnx cnrda and cnli'ndnra on cammls hlon direct from the manufacturer Cnn mnko SW per week Adiertlaln aptclnlty Co . lluttnlo N. Y. J 8)7 ! 5' WANTED FEMALE HELP. C -YOUNO LADlnS CAN SOOV ACQUIUB A wntklnK knofflcd o ot shorthnnd oml tjpo- nt Van bniiU' SU N V Llfu M.'UT C-WANTKf , LADIFS Oil VOU.M. MEN 'll lake llKht , pleasant work nt tin Ir own homos { 110 to ISO ) per duy cnn be cguletly mndo , nor cnnvnsalntr her particulars nd ( UesMlIobo MfK Co , lloxSJJI , Hoaton , MPHS I'a C-VV.VN'IBI ) , ( llltr. l-Oll ( JltNKHAL HOUjB work ; good cook , wusher and Ironer , JW2i Cnpt tel n\unuo MiiM ? C-WANTI'D. ( .1111. I Oil ( HiVLHAL IIOIISK nork In sumll fninlly. I357 .North I'Jth at.M7 < 3 -WAMID : umr < 1-011 CK.SKHAL HOUSK- work at X W Cor. 15th and Hurncy , .Id lloor . .n-WANTHD-KIIlST CLASS Olllti ( Oil 8I3COND svJwork. No other need apply. Mrs John AI. 'riiurston , M3 I nrnnm. M310 WANTIID (1OOD ( (1IIIL I OK OKVKHAL housework. 1511 tihermnn nve. cor cirncu ht , 85.14 * -PLAIN Hl'.WlNU OIUL , HO9 I'AUNAM. 831 4 * /"l-dllU. I'OIlCiUMIUAI , 1HHIS1.WOIUC , 11311 8 VVIIst at 8I'J fl -JlltL Klt r.K.NKKAI , HOUri\\OHIC. NO wnshlng. bleep at homo If doalrcd 724 Soutti 10th ol S.M ! , ' 0-VVAVIii : > . VOUNOLADV AM ) CUV1LKMAN to "rile Addrenn In jour m\n linnil nnd cncloro Coin Btnuipa for coireapondoncc. T5U , lieu. C I-VVA.NTID : nunKOU HOIJ KWOIIC. : MIIS. IV. VV lllnklinin , 811 South ll.tli t MBivi b' VVA TKD. S rKNiiUUAl'II V-'cr to work from 8 to IJ each mornlnv : atnto or iiorlenco nnd enlnry wanted. Addroaa r 10 , Hoe 871 ( > \A TKII IMXII'DATKLY , ONK J11DDLK- IIKCI ! Indy and two youiiK men , receive Inatriie- tlohf. ki ep hookH , January > 0 , pny mo I ebrnnry L J. II Hmlth. 517 bheely block. 877 5 * C VVAMTD. A NKAT , CLKAN OIHL rOUOKN. crallionsonork In n email family at 1023 Turk avenue. 8J5 C * -WANTI5D , A GOOD COOIC ATM ) 201 MIIITU 18th street 87' ' 6 VVAM'LD. A NKAT NUItSK OHIL. ONI5 who cnn nsnlst III up Malm wort , waives tl 00 per week , 2110 DouMaa ntreet H b15 * FOR RENT HOUSES. ' FOU HUNT , No 5111 OAl'llOL AVI'NUB , modern 'IhoO. 1' . DnvlaCo , 1WJ5 Inrnuniat. , 707 D-tOH IthNT , MODIIHV IO-110OM HOUSH , ALL canranlcnros. II\a nilnnten' wnlk postollleo , ntrei t earn past thu ilm.r Nnthnn bholton or K a , riklnncr , 1014 hnrnniiist. 70S Del . . . . IlKNT. HOUai'8 IN ALL I'AIHB OK city. The O. V , Davis company , 1603 I uriinm at 7W Dr.A OWILI.IMH , COITAGHS. IN ALL parts of the city Kilkenny .V Co , 3OJ Karbnch D-HOUSK Ot 14 IIOOVIS , ALL MOD1CUN TON- vonlvncea ple Minlly locnted near butdncts cen ter. Apply IHx ) Chicago at , or K U , hkliincr , Kill I arnani. 711 f -tOll IIK.Vf. B 110OVI COItMIlt I LAT , HKCONI ) .1'lloor , rnnt'o , v other con\onlencoa , Clouiirhlk , 701 r ! lull t , JW. Itln walt llros. Darker block , JVt J15 T\-NKVV7.1tOM < O1TAUKS. MODH11V , IN JVblnnford circle. Convenient for business men of Omaha nnd South Omaha , U , U. Klgultor , Ml Vto biilldlng K4M TV-rO'tHVl' ' . AN ICI.KO A.ST HOUSB , MODKIIN , JU locution hi'et. It C. ratturson. ulj fV'l-Oll HUM' TWO NOltlH IIOIIdRS UFTIIK J lliniler < on block on I.eorKliv uvonne Apply ) tooin WO mitl .IJJ Ileo IlullclliiK J. M. titmernl , ra colter. t7'J D ' , -LAUUi : 1.131 1'AUL , I'M ' KAlt.SAM KII.NT.MY IIUUSK. KL'ltNlSHKII , IO I 're8poii lblo party for 0 months or year 2IOS I IloiiKlas BlfJQl. MDIT 7 * TV T7)U ilK.S r SKVKIIAIi I'.LIKIANT MODKItN -I' 1 > ullli > lKht room huiiaes , near Hansaom I'ark All couvenluitu Vtodvrato rcnta Apply to ( .eorue N , Illck. , .1)5 ) N. Y , Llfo Ihllldlnc. .MTSJ 7 D-ONK 3 I1OOM I'LAT , OM : LAIU1I5 HI.NfiLl ! room ; stvara heat ; rofcroucB required Bit ) bontli r.'nd street 13S Tv iii' " " not'HK , IJAH , UA-IH , VUIINACB , .l-'uood barn , one block froi.i motor. Inquire W. 1 Kleralrad nt Dewuy \ tftono . 6S.-V * n bTtOM TlOlJbK NKAIl HAN8COM 1'AHKj Jall Improvements , larnoyard , stnblu , torrent ; furniture for rule chrapj uwnur lituvlnu city. Ad- llariinln.TIl Nuw i.itk Llfu llulldlnif , MMI I , ' I ) TI'N ItOOM MOD1C1IN 1IOUBL' . COlt 1'jrll end MIIIOU streets. Cull at 507 llrown bldi ; JFOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. J ? - rLUMSlinil UOOSIrt , 1118 DODUlt KfHKKT , WbOB T 17-VKUY lAKOIt KLKclANTI.Y hUllNISHKU -I Jfront room with tlrnt class nccouimodatlons of a I'llvato family tfi N SM. bJU' I IIKOIIOOM.SIKAM 1IICAT , AT 1Mb .ireel , Hat K. WJ 6 * HKt\rT TTKhlUAIILB If uTtMHHljD JJrooina , furnace heati upply ini Capitol ave , opposite Trinity cathedral , M b * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. DOLAJ * . ZW AM ) 111 N. If HI UT. F- t\0 \ bOUTIl bTUKET. J87 F1 1 LAIlllK MOUTH tUONT ItOOM WITH loardi refernncet. Kit krnui. XIIW7 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. CYmUnuot. l-KurtNi9iinTi ! VTKAM HBATBD HOOMS I with hoard , ale table hoarders accommodatpdi centrally located. The Hillside , N. VV. cor 19th and I ortiie 878 10 * 17-N1CKLY H IINIS1IKII SOUTHKAaT UtONT JL room with alcove and buy window ; nil modern conveniences ; private family : board , HJ3 i run i. tree < I \ Ml U UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G 1 UNI tillMSHKD 1IOOM9 IN II.KIl HLOCK , cor Ittli and Jacknon i > H , steam lieat cai > , hnth , rcfercnco required. Inquire 613 S , IClh st , top Door 674 ft * BOARDING. H P-A KKVVMOIIK TAI1I.K 110 VKUKIIS CAN UK accoramoilMoil nizra N Ituli. 6D U * FOR KENT STOnES AND OFFICES. i" ot'"KNriiKsToiv "iuct IU10 t-nrnnm t Tim building li n llrcproof co incnt Imicmcnt , coniilcto | ntcnm tiontlnit nttiirm ; \tnloron nil tlio lloors , tins , etc -\il | > If at tlio olllco of Tlio lite. 010 1-ONi : KOUIIH10HV lllllCK 1IUII.UIM ] SJ IKBT J-TrUli. UU7 llnrnuytt. 711 _ I roil IIK.ST , A VT.IIY DKSIUAIlljK IIUI1IIN ( } , I ullnlilo fnra wnroliuuso. with stnbln In cunoc- tlon. 'Irncrnitu front ami roar AililrosJ K A , inrmlclinel enroot McLoril , llmljr V c'o 215 J-OH-10K3 WHIIMSM * 11I.K , Cl'.NTUAI. AN1 > L cheap. CW JJ7 * -ou l lilcnKO , MID btcniu licnlcil I room tint nil cniurnluncn , In new tluwrr block llobcrln Iiil3 ( lilonyo ulrcct MS03 T' _ AOENTS WANTEDJ "f-rANVASSBllS VVANTKI1 KOU "SCKSK8 ' rrnin K cry 1 nnil , tlio Iiouk of tlio contnry , livorWU iiiiiitiiillcciil pliutucrniililo vluwn. f If o lUd \ ll'Inclicn Introduction tiy dun. l.cvr Wnllncu , nutliur or lien llur , iltxcrlptlonn by Kiltrnnl Kv tiott llnlu , 1) I ) . UiiBsoll H. Cnnnclt , I ) ) , \\iiflilimloiililniMcn. I ) I ) , llnmlllon VV Mnblo , I.Ull.I.ltl ) , lion Win O. 1' . llrccklnrliUo , nn other tnlenlc 1 wrltors Alicnil of nil Inrnr vlows , liner iiliolocmiilii , twlco nnmnnyof Ilicm mnrn IniuHonu'lr liotinil nnd lonur In price , BOlta ill ftlitlit to people wliii no\cr Ixinulit n book In tbelr liven. nconln of other hooka tlironltiKtliolruut Ilia n ny nnil bcculne for territory ; 8 ( ainplolows Irro , nbMolntu control of HuM , Roods on crvillt til to IA ) n dnyrcidll ) cirnuil * siucoss eiinrnntixjil Mint , Crouell & Klrkpatrlck , ' | irhisncUl , Ohio , iiolo piltilMborn MS5' ' ! fi * WANTED--TO RENT. ' " WAMI5D , I'l.KASAM' 1IOAHDIM1 1'LACIC knear Hherrann nronuu car line by > ouim Indy rnrklnK all dny Itolcrcnccs oxchnniicd. Address I'OI lice M889 6' STORAGE. r-SlOUAOli ! CHEAP. CLKAN , VVBLI.y , 1111 Lfnrnnm street. 713 M -sroiiAnn-t HAVB I.IOHT. AIHY. nuoUNO lloor ntoratrn rooms , bnxitlos stornd for 75c per month , ( ice VV. llolbrook , 'lol. I3it > , 10.'J Pnttorxon block. 4j M ; DON'T S10IIK IIOUSICIIOI.I ) ( JOOIX VVITH- out Keclnitour Btornco department It Is the best , Omaha btovo llcimlr Works , 1207 DoUKlan. - o WANTED-TO BUY. N VVANli : ! ) TO 11UV. 8OV1B 8 PBlt CBNT llrst mortKDEOs KccdXbolby , Ul Hoard'Irnilo 71G S--l HtST J10HTAiS ! ( ON ( IOOI ) UKAIj US tate H. A Arnold , Ul ) Iloo bulldlnR M7I2 T WK I1AVB A CI'S10Miil 1 OllkO AOHI'S Ol * I Rood Irnd nlthln 100 tulleaof Omahnllllania i. .Mlttnn , McCiiKiio bulldlnK opposlto po tolllcc Sj5 4 INSUItANCK HUalM' > 8 WANTl'D Il\ 1\ perlonced rtlnhlopnrty ) who has cnih to buy llrnt clnss pnyliiK biiBlneoi. half Interest preferred V aul'nttcn s llualncss KxchnuKe , Hoard of 1 rndo H8.VI U- FOR SALE FURNITURE. 0-SKfONl ) HAM ) ggUAUH PINO IN OOOl ) repair , for sale cheap 1601 Corby street. M314 0-10 I BALIS CIIBAP. lUHNl'lUIti : , STOV'BS , etc. nt2riil Dnvunport. FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETC 1)-hOlt 8ALU. A NKAItLY NKVV DOU1ILB BprliiKOTpreMa\vaion liorsu , hnrnoHS nnd bti iry ; nlso n nenrl ) noiv set of oronmery tools , consisting or butter worker , churn , Ilowo scile , trucx , etc , nil will bo sold lit n grea nacrlllca Address ( i 11 'iZEChiick , Ucoolllca or ctll atJI37 Mluma Btroct , here goods can bo accn "IJ-ONB HAY VtAllC. 5 YHAH- , OLD , VVBK5I1T I about 'ifl clocnnt driver , must ho sold at once lloum 4 VVIthnoll Hlk , fidelity Lonn & Uunmntoo Co b'jy FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q -l Clll faALB , CIIKAP , A dollOltSB POWKIt nutomntlc enclne ; nlso one. 1. lior o power up- ht tiiKlne , both In Kood ropnlr. Inquire of 1 cat ; ncr 1'rlntlnB Lo , UUi Howard street , Oinalia , Nub 717 Q-SKCONDIIANH HAND POWUll BLBVAIOK for sale IWIHorrnrd JIIS1 JIJ Q-THB &TANDAUI ) CATPLK CO HAS CON utnntly on hand baled hay , for snlu oil tracK at Ames. Neb V15CU Q-THOUOUIHllltBl ) ST. lIBltNAItl ) , MAT.U pup , S months old , mnrl.3 perfect Addre < sT ! u , lice M847 8 Q-IOIt HALL' , 'JllOllOUGIIIlllUD JhltHlCV cow , frenh , Hno milker , { 75 W. M. ItOfcrs I'l.'l 1 arnnm street Mfc8. > -1011 BALK. I ALKiUAl'H 'I Vl'lSVVHITl'K IN k'onil tcinillllun nt a bark'Uln for cnnh. Aildrem ) 'I IIlco otllco A18S1 7. MISCELIiANEOITS. 1 > HAVK YOUU OLD CAUr'hT VVOVKN IMO IXboiiutlfnl mils Address Omuhn Curpot and Hue factory , l.2l Loavonworth street MUM J 24 * 1J WAN'Iii : ) , HAIIMCSavtAKl.llS To THY IXololIe of Iron , heat In market , send 2 ccnta for prlco lUtnnd description Agent wanted Amer ican Mf K Co , Omnhn , > eb J1SWJ 10 * ? CIiAIBVOYANTS. S MIIS NANNIH V. VVA UHB.N , CLA1IIV OYANT , reliable business mediumHfth rear nt 11U N. loth 718 S\i trance clairvoyant ana mo reader : tells your llfu from crudlo to Kravo , cnn tiu consulted on nil ulTalrsof life : has the celebrated Knyptlan breast jilato to unlto the acimratca and cnuso marrlaKO with ono you lovu Come ono , coma nil and be con vinced of her remarkable powora Olllco nud real- dcnco 417 b. llth t , honra tl n. m to V p in , btrlct llfu chart nnd pnoto of vour future wlfeorhus band sent throiiKb ninll for ? S DO , chart alone ti 00. All letters contalulu.4 ceiiu In utnmps promutly answered. M3II 111 * MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. rp MA DAMi : SMITH , U-Z4 OAl'llOL AVKNUK , JLIIoom 3. Jit tloor. MasanKO , alcohol suluhur and sen baths M7U ! > JIM 1C. CAIltfON. 1U1 I1OIIGLAS Sl'IIKKr , 3D Moor , room 7. mnaiaiio , alcohol , sulphur nnd io bill In ilM ( 5 rp-MMB riroWK , MACiNHllO HUALK1I. ) i 4 Doiulas block .111 : 1) U" PERSONAL. I r KISKLIi T. , COMK HOMK AT ONCK AND U no will foriilvu nil. ' J. J. 11601 b * MUSIC , ART AND LANaUAQES , V O. V.OKLLISVIIKCK.IIANJOTBACHKII , N.VV. ' cor. 15th and Hurney , llnrnoy .street entrance. .ill MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. T MONl'Y 'lei LOAN AT LOWKVT ItATHA 'Hie O K , Davis Co ,1601 Karnnm street. 79) v\r-i.u\vK8r UA'iKs , riniun TUUBT covi. M pany , 170. ' arnani street. 7JI \\T ANTIIONV LOAN A.MI'IUIHT Co . J18 N , V , iv l.lfn , lends nt low rate * for choice mturlly on NobriMkaor lowii farms or Omaha illy property. Iti \ -CK.N'111AL LOAN 4 TUUST CO IIEK III.IXJ. \\T MOHTOAOU LOANS LES1 THAN 7 1'Bll IT cent Including all chnrues. CliarhoW. llniiioy , Omaha Nut bank hlilu. 734 \\r-MONKY TO LOAN , LAND TO HKLIC , M home's to ront. ( Joo. VV. 1 * . Conies , loll Farnam ; ir 1 AMUKAIl IXANSOVCH'Y AND KA11M t mortgagesUcodSBelby , 311 Uonrd of Trade Htl ir-MOVKY TO IXAN ON IMl'UOVBD CITY i property , low rate , A. U. Frost , Douglas blk. 737 \\r-7 1'Kll CKNT MONKV NKl'TO IIOUKOWBItS 'i on Ouaha city properly. No extra charges of auy kind \\hypayhluhrotes ? Mniuy la cheap. V on c n kU full benefit of low rates from Lilobe Loan and Iruat Co. . llth and Dodgu. 7Vtj \\rOMAHA HAVINGS HANK MAKK3 LOANS 'I on real estate at lonest market rates. Leant made In aiuall or largo sums for short or Ionic time. No commitIon Is charged aud tholoaus are nol aold In the e'ast , but can always be found at the bank on tlio corru rut I81h and Douglas streets lei \\r-LOAN80N IMIMIOVKD AM ) UNIMI'IIOVKO ' ' city property , f I.COJ and upwards , 6 to 7 per cent ho delays. W , Farnam bmllh \ Co . 1Mb and llarney TW Air-O. V. HAUUI80N , VU N. Y , Ul-'E. W MO\HYTOIXJANATIXWKSTUATBaoNIM proved aud unimproved real estate , ! to i years. UdelllyTruit Co , 1714 farnam st 703 W WANTBI1 AT ONCK. LOANa ON 1MPHOVKIJ Omah property ; low .ratas tltfeltty Trust DOtupany , 170) taroam II. 7W MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE \\r I'llIVATK MONKY IHT ANDID MOItTUAUK loans , low rMes Alex Moore , llee bids ; 731 \\r-MOM5YTO 1XAN-1 HAVK AIIOlTT f I 00) i to loan on Improved Omnhfi property , prlvnto fnnds. In oneor more lonns. Address T 10 , lire odli co. > 503 a Vtr MONKV TO LOAN , SUVI3 I5UO.OJ AND UP. ' Ocorgornul , IHOSrnrnnm MOII JJ7 * r MOSKVTOI/JAHIW OMAHA'AND COUN- ' ' ell Minna real pttMu nnd Ncbriskn nnil town farm * nt from n to 7 per cent Interest , with no nddl * tlonal chnrcc * for commission * or nttorneys fees VV. 11 Mclkle , 1st Nat I bank bid * . Omnha 7VI ( AV-I/OAN3. O. \\AL1.ACK , SU'lHlOW.N HI.K. > 81.7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. xCALb ATT11I5OH-1CK Or' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i OMAHA MOUTOAan 1.0 VN CO. | : IXCOHl'OUATKI ) , : IK YOU WANT MONKY. Von can horroiv on 110USKI10I.D HlllNlTt UK AND PIANOS , HOIISK .WAUONS AND CA Kill AOK-S VVAHBIIOUSh 1IKCKIPT * . MBUCHAMMdR on A.N i'oriimt aniuuiTv VVo will lend you any amount from 11000 to II tw ONTIIKDAV MIUASK tOUIT. .without publicity or rcmuvnl of property You can pny thi > money baik In nny niminnts you wl h.nnd at nny time , nnd cnch payment * o made "III reduce the cost of the * loan Iteincmber Hint you lm > o ( lie inonf both the property nnd the money nnd pny for It only us lonirniyou knup It there will be no cTpcns ] or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive Hie full ninotint of the loan llnforo borrowlnu olaewhoro cnll nnd eo us nnd yon will tlml It urenlly In rour niUantajjo OV1AIIA MOIIKIAIIK LOAN CO , .Wit Mil III 11,1 It SlltHICT , llrst tloor nboiu the street. THKO1t > isr. : \IUIh-tT AM ) ONLY INCOU POUATKDI.OAN COVll'ANV IN OMAHA _ Y-DO V.OU WANTMOM3YT HIK I IDlil.11 Y LON ( JUAltANT UK CO , KOI IVI 4 VVITHNIILI , IIU1CK , yoUTii I5i HAIIM : ' . ST. YOU \ AMT OR \ BMAUs\ \ DOLLAR9\ \ UP- VVIC .MAKK 1.OA.N8 ON rUH.VIl'UUK , UAHIUAIirS , VVAIIKIIODSK UKClSIPTt ) Olt 1'lCIt- aONAI.l'UOl'BltlYOI'ANYKIM ) / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /YOU /ON /UB I1U3T / fQO. / OUH 'IIIIIVIS WlI.Ii MIIHI' VOUU APPHOVAL Yon cnn pny the money buck nt uny tlmo nnd In nny amount you wish , nnd inn * reduce the cost of carrying the lonn In proportion to amount you pny ll < VoUowo nbnlnnroon ) our furniture or other personal property of nny kind , wo ulll pny It off for yon ntid carr > It nn lonjr UN \ on duMro \OY CAN IIAVIOUIt ! MONKY IN ONK HOUIt HOMTIIKllMB VOU VtAKB APPLICATION No publicity or removal of proporty. so tlmt you ( jet tbc use of both money nnd property 714 Y WILL LOAN VIONBY ON ANY KIND OK 8B- .Acnrlty , strictly coulldontlnl A. i ; . Harris it' Knrbnck block 70 , ) Ar MOM5Y-30 , CO. 90 IA\8 OH1CAP HA'l FB jvnnd may pn > mcntn on turnltnro , plnnOK , ll\o stock , etc , without iluln ) or puhllclty , cash on hnnd Dull ( Ircrn , room 8 , llnrbcr hluck 7ln V MONHYLOANBD-ON Cll ATI KL COL1.AT- V prnl or other pcraonnl propurty. nt rcnsonnblo rak , 1 to 0 months t lalins botinht VV. H Davis , lloom JOJ , AlcCiiKUo bhU 5M.li2 X I-PllirCIIAIlD , 61 DOUGLAS lll.K lOilJOIWllt 737. BUSINESS CHANGES. \T UL'SINKSS OPUNLSr. NO CIIAIIO15 1O X buyers bend ntanip for prlutod list V nn Put- tcnot Omaha , 31T7 JII' \r-WILIj PAY ALL CASH 1-OU bTOClCS OF L dry Rood * , clothlni ; , hoots in I nhoo crocorlos No commission Alex .Mooro , 401 Ilco bhlKMI30 MI30 \r fcOMBTHINO LtNUbtJAL. PAVINt ! DllUO i store offered for nnlo nt a discount VVrlto to day VnnPntton , Omahn 077 4 * \ -1011 SAL1I , NOf TIIADB HOThL ANU 1 block of groccrlei Addioss T 3J , llco 5 * \r-STOK OK CLOT1I1NO , HOOTS AND SHOIJI. V hats caps nnd cents1 furnishing goodd , nil In good Hhnpcand Kood opportunity for rljjht man DNiUTeemont of partners the reason Invoice fl2,000 Anawcrboic 12 , lecunmeli , Nub M753 ! Y VVANTKU-A KKSPONSlllLH KNUltGiniC druRKlstis stnto nxcnt In Nebri ka for Dr Hut- ton's 1 anilly Umcrnoncy Medicine. Chest nnd Hankbook vvrlsconsln , Minnesota , North and South Dakota nro already nold Address T. J. HuttunCo , Capitol block , let Paul , Minn M7C510 * \r-THEVVKaTBIlN IIUSINiS : A(5BNOY , 31UN. X Y. Life , conduct ! n izonoral business oxchnnKO List of Eood business Unmeet In nil parts of the country on application. lluMnoss positions secured cured M7Wi 11 r-WANTHI ) , A PAlirNBH WITH NOT LKS9 . than f 1,000 Address T & 7 , Dec 8&U 4 * FOR EXCHANGE. Z-4SO Adllld OF CL1SAU LAM ) IN ONK OF the beit winter wheat districts In Kansas to exchange change for 10 or iO acre tract near C'mnha city limits Will pay cash dllterencu IK property It good Address , giving prlco and locution , O M , Ilco olllce -'Jj CJ.KAIl OV1AIIA IlKAIj KHTATK TOIt MISB , Z actual valuation.Money to lonn llox51S.Oraaha f $ lr > 000 CIHV MiiilB. , CI.I.AN AND MUST Jclasa , oud town , one-hnlf cash , hal good clenr land In eastern Neb or Inwn HOOOJcen nnlso.tlrst clasJ , one half cash , bill , clear Income Omnlm property. } 2 , * > 00 hrlck hualness block , KOOil town eastern .Sell , Incumbrinco 17500 ( i per cent , net Income como fl , 500 , eqult ) for clear hind In Neb KO acres near fcrcsno , lal . (55 ( acres benrlim raisin vlnoynrd , line Improvements , f0,000 ; nlll oxchncsu for Oiuvhn Improved proucrty. K V. lllnRer. 151U rnrnaiu. U73 4 Z-I HAVK VALUAUL13 IMIMIOVKD AND Utt- 5O Improved farm lands to oxchnnKo for South Omahn or Omaha propurty or for farms within 60 miles : of Omahn. Have ono of tlio bast of stock and urn : In fnrmn , 1,300 ncios , half In winter wheat anil rye 1 , nndZjJ head of line Block , all clear of encum brance \ , to ox'hnnKDfor rnnl ejta.T an-l mlulit pny aomo cash dllfercnr-o fordoslrnblo property. Do serlboyoar property carefully , prlco , oto. Address T 01 Ileo 701 U < /-IOVVN 100 KAIIVIS IN NHIIIIASICA , KANSAS f-l A Dakota Will soil cheap oroichango for radio , horses A. enttlo Add box 70 , 1 raukfort. Ind 775 rCLHAN 81OCKOK CKNI.HAL M'D 8'lt , VVILI Utnkurenl estate & money. llox . ' 'A Irnnkfortlnd 775 y-80 ACIIKSOKLANI ) IN WISCONSIN , CLKAIl , 'Mar Omaha lot or lots I'rlco of land , f 1,500 , or will tnko a lurucr farm In f < obraska , wllllums 4 Mlttan , Vleln.'uo building , opposlto postollleo rI'AYINd LUMlinilYAUD l-Olt SALU. IH5AL /J estate , fTOO Address L T. llrooklni ; , tunk Neb MbliJ 8 rton SALK , IVII'LKMHNT bTOCIC AT 1S10 fJgone Address ' 1. J , Uogers , IUIOKOIIO , la 674 PS * y A CLKAIl LOT IN ALUItUiHTS CHOICU , A/Sonth / Omaha , for a Rood pluno. Address Tlil , lieu olllce AIb8'J ' 7 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. narAND KOFT LOTLOVVls pnymcnm. 3jO , worth II.WX ) . O. \\nllaco.SI2 Drown lilk , Huh nnd DouKlns B087 T70U BALIS OU ' 11IADK , 2 (10OD LOI3 IN MT I11'loasant addition within 2 blocks of motor line Will take good upright piano or will neil equity In lots very cheap. Address at once 11 , Hoe otllco 715 110 ACUKS IN HAItLAN O UMV , NKIIUAHKA. S Lmllea from Orleans , 11000 per ncro ; > IOO cash , balance monthly at 7 percent Williams & Mlttnn , McCuKuo building , oppoalto postotllcc. b5l & Ij'Oll MALI ! . ItKHIDKNCK 1'ltOl'BllTV IN COUN -I ell lllulls , ti 000 Incumbrnnce : lensod for 5 year * atlUUO. I'rlco J'.UXI , If sold luiuivdlatoly. h a , llee. iI8I5 7 HOMICH , IIQ PBIl MONTH , NO INTUlUCrtl' Money to loan , n Q. Wallace , JI3 J , J , Jlrown blk. , 10th and DouitUs , Ki 1 -1V llarKalna onl'y , My word la Kood. VV. U AlbrlKht. 5JI2-J IMJW 1 ork Life. 749 II-f 1.500 1'LACK KOIl OA8H. > I Wanted house for clear 1 ota nnd cash. VVunlud fJ Wl on llanscom I'luco houa . Wanted house for clear Hnnicom 1'laco lot. VV anted houto for io\vo nvenua lot. VV anted farms In Douglas and Mnrpr countlei. V\ anted uood biulueat property for cnsh C' . K HAltltlSON/JU New lork Llfu M843 6 - ) ! ACUKS DOUciLAS TO , M'jOO ' J HO acres near cimaha , tM IWJ. HO acres , Sarpy Co , f Ii per acre. HO acres , Uorrlck Co , tfl pur acre. I a ) acres near Omaha , M pemcre 170 ncreiM'.oar Onilhn. I5 per acru. 60 acres near Omaha , 11,200 ISO acrea , Cam Co , f J5 per acre. 112 acres. Otoo Co , tit per acre. IUI acrea , Valley lo , 110 per acre 1W ) acres , Fremont Co , Jo per acr * . ICO acei , Hitchcock Co , 110 pur acre. C. r' . Harrison , Wi N , Y , Lift ) MS41 5 10 00 ruit AC11K 1O11 NICK LAND IN 1IOONB SPcountyNub.oloiuto town , 110 coih , balance 1 lOeiirhyearat B per cant. Williams A Mlttau , McCaguobullaiurf , opposlto postatllco. B54 S O-IIOOM HOUSB , M FOOT IXJT.COIlNKlt , Y MILKS Ofrom postonicu , t0 ! pur month , no intereit. 3-rooiu bo u D , GO ft lot , aauio terms I room house , half lot. Clifton Hill , same terms , I room iiouso. & 0fi lol , IK miles out , 115 per month , no Interest. a. U. W ll c ,31J llrowo blk. , Ktb and Douglas Mj T MY WIFE SAYS SHE % llCAN'T \ GET ENOUGH OF KBtCo. " CHIGH&O. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Owiltiiiiol. \VANTKI ) , lOUIl Oil 1 IV1 ! lir.ltMANS WHO ' ' nndorsitntid Krowlnir einiill fruit nnd voida blc , to buy the cholco ten nnd twenty nere trncts I nm otTcrliiK for sale on nuch onhy term * Jmt outside thnclty limits ( ] co N Hlcka , room MJ New \ ork Life ! bulldlnic. .M9t | TV1OW IS THh T1VIK TO IHJY A NICK IKS'Oil 1 > twenty aero tract anil ttnrt fruit anil vegetable Kanlern If you knowhow to cordon It I cnn fell yuu ten or twenty acres close to Omnhi nn such ensy term * nnd longtime that you cnn't nttordto mlHI the chance ( if securing n nice tract. ( eo N Hlck , r Join Mt Now York 1.1 fo bulldlnit. MS91 9 LOST. OST A A PAIIl OK l'li.CTACLK3. PLKASK leave nt Ileo countlnK room IM L OSl' , fOLl ! > PllNDANT 1NIT1ALKI ) "P T M " Jam ! cold chain ? " > reward will bo paid on re turn ot aamu to 172.1 Davenport street. MU'JO & ' tua SlHA\ii ) , 1 UOM S2K1 KAHNAM , JANUAHY 2 , norrcl inro with white fnco nnd largo near on right ' front t foot , reward for return to nboro nU ilre s. MSli I. ' FOUND. fPAKKV UP. A HKUKSHIIIB MAI.K I1OO. J OwiiorXnn get It by calling nt my farm , three miles wuat of Huser's nnd plying clmruos JnnioJ Vorc OZ3 J 4 11 1825 * PAWNBROKERS. IL IIKNHY LVP1DUS HHVIOVBI ) KUOVl 209 bouth Thirteenth st to 1121 rnrnamst M3I49 * A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing but will denonstrnto nil wo claim.Vo will place the Smith Premier < bosldo any writing machine on tlio market ; 'It will spu.ik ( or It self. Its durability cnn nn lonior bo quoattonod. Wrjto or call on us for catalogue , terms , etc. Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sts. , Omaha , M. Telephone1S81. . E. II. MAYIinW. Mnnagor. ( 1 DEN SJV3 SiO ORE OREThe Best in the World. MAGEATH STATIONERY 00. 1304Farnnm St. , - Omnhn , Neb Tin : HKAI.TV MAIIKIT. : INSTItUMKNTS placed on rcoonl January 4,1803 : WAIUIANTV nnin C n Holmes ami \ \ Ifo ID .Tnlin .TeiTriei otnl. lols'Jl lo'J4 , block 100 , Dtin- ilrol'lai'o . . 2,700 \V 11 rornhenil anilvlfo toOOOi-orKO , lot 13 , bloclc -Teller's nrtil lo South Oniiilm. . . . . . 1,100 K \VllIlnmsniulv\lfo to A Knob- lor. lots 14 ami IG.bmlllul Williams' , mill , 1,200 8 ] j Johnson anil Imsl ) mil to 1' 1' Cur- tlsnn 7ir10no m > , anil lots 2 nml 7 In 12-15-0 , s 25 acres lot 0 , ami s , > J so so 1-15-0 . . . . . 7,000 Jlniy M Itecdct nltolK'iitMJtKtii lot Bl , block i ! , Kt-ed's 5th adil 2,500 Lowe Avenue Ti-rnco Itullillm ; asso- clallon ted Ij Tlslier , Into , block 7 , ami lot 11 , block H , I'oniilrton 11.11 K 3,100 J 0 llollindand wlfoto b Jl well , lot 2 , block 2 , JIayno's Gild iidtl 3,200 A Iilliul lo , oO\130 fcut nl n point 140 foul sot nw cutnur lol 00 , Itodlck'sadd . . . 1,200 00 llousclotal to c'lmilos I'ontcv , vv ' , lot H , block 352 , Oiniili i . 905 Jltiici'iito I'.itilck I. mil coniiiaiiy , lot 5 , block 111. . Uiimleit I'liiL-o . . 1 S une tos nnu , lots lo to 18 , block 112 , r A Sinllli nnillto to .simo , lot 15 , blook 124 , sump . . 1 J P lou ! man nmlIfo to h une , lots G tind 7 , bloe-k 114 , s.imo. . . 1 T llJonos to s.imo , lots 1 , 7 to 21 , blook lOG.sami' 1 nnu to s line , all block 70 , s.imo . . 1 II M 1'ollov lo s.imo , lots 0 , 7 nml 8 , block 109 , same. . . . 1 Simo , lot 2 , block 23 , s imo 1 Suno to bumo , lotb & .mil 0 , block 117 , simo 1 0 I ) How in in and lfo lo h imo , lols 10 mid 11 , block 121 , s imo . . . . 1 S imo tos inio , lots 1 and 2 , block 09 , s imo . . . . . . . 1 r I Dutch to same , lols 3 , 0 and G , block 10.J , s line . . . . 1 S imo i lo s.imo , lols 3 , 4 and o , block 101 , same . . . . . . . . . . 1 P-imo to b imo , lot 21 , block 10J , s.imo. 1 Sumo to s line , lot 22 , block 10-i , Mime. 1 fcamo to , lots 19 and 20 , block lOJ. fc.imu 1 F Gtndcrwoodaml ulfu to h.imc , lot 12 block 115 , 1 Ji S.Matt lion sand wlfo tos unt1 , lots 17 and 18 , block 115 , Mime . . . . . . 1 fcunio tuonmo , lots 5 to B , block 110 , stnio . . . 1 li" It .Mootn tosinio , lols 1 to 10 , blook 124 , same 1 FAbinllh and wlfo to s.imo , loth 10 and 20 , block 99 , same 1 to same , lots 1 and 2 , block 114 , sumo 1 S imo to amo , lots land 1'J , block 111) ) , 1 S imo to same , lots 6 nnd b , block 99 , 1 S.imo lo same , lots 1 and 2 , blook lit ) , same , 1 S imo to sumo , lols3 and 4 , block 11. ) , .same 1 Same to H uno , lots 17 and 18 , blook une . J. Same to t > imo , lols 7 and B , block 99 , same 1 S.imo to , lots 12 and 13 , block 121 , simo . . . 1 S imo to s imo , lots J and 4 , blook 113 , same . . . . . . . 1 8 imo to same , lots 17 and 18 , blook 99 , simo - 1 Same to same , lotb 10 and 11 , block 120 , same . . . . . . 1 gimo to same , lots ID lo 20 , block 113 , same . . 1 W. T. Seaman and wlfo to Dime h.iv- IUKS bank , lot I , block 7 , Giammt rcy l'.uk 7CO QUIT CfAIM IIKKIH. Herman Coiintro and wlfo to C II , Jirown , undlv Ii nw no no 15-10-13 , . 235 DM its. J. W. Ilobblns ( special master ) to T. . n. Holmes , lots 21 to 24 , block 100 , Dundee. I'luco . . 2700 John Hood , , administrator , to O. H. Hlbbons , , w ' , & lot 8 , block 302 , Omaba GOOD Total amount of U.uisfuM . . . . JJ2.182 Mndellno Merit , the now star vv horn almost everibody has hcnidof and rc.icl bo much about , will 1m the nttraotlon at Bond's theater - ter on Fridaj and Saturday next , with Sitii uidny nratriico. The hill on Fildai ovonlng and Satin day afternoon will ho ' 'Frou- Fiou , " nnd Satuiday ovenltif ? "Caniille. " The sale of scats for the cntito cntragcmcnt w 111 open at U o'clock this inoi nintj. " " " " Doyd's theater vvlll ho datK tonight , A special attractive hill U announced at Hold's now theater on Sunday night next , January 8 , when James T. Powers and his comedy company will present MoNally & Mitchell's , success , "A Mad Dargain. " The pleco Is a farcical comedy In three acts The climaxes aio both Ingenious and clever. while tlio iiiclclcntn and .situations aio ludicrous In the oxtiCHID. Mr 1'oucrs 1ms tlio asslstanco of J'etcr V. Daly. Hose Cooko. D.iII.i Htauy , Itiehel Hoolh , Lillian Chaiiloro , Dollo Jiu ksonV. . W. Allen , frank M Kon- Irlok l''ianklfouaiil Hic-luu-d , , CarloChaiIcs I' . Alonibon ancl othc'is , Special fcatuics of Ilio peifoiiuiiiico are tlio liuli > s < | iio on tlio "scrpenllno" dance Introduced by Mr Powers and Mr. Daly's p.uoclle.s of later day boiiKB. Anolhor extrcrnoly dlvort- iut ; fcaturo is the dancing of Miss I.COIIQ Koncst , The cnK.iKciucnt at Boytl's extends till Tuesday ' Bouecicatilt's mclodr.tmatlo 8iiccrss"After Daik , " which Is Ilio ntlnicllon at the Far- iiam Street theater nil next vveek , commenc ing with Sunday mallneo , January 6 , is romantiu and plctutcsquo ; It has u plot buf- llclcnlly inltiicstinx to command the ah- boibed iitlcntlon of Intelllu'cnt audiences , without being so complicated as to tax the mind unduly. Mutiuco Wednesday and Saturday , The coming visit of the Whitney Mock- ridge company moans n rnro treat that nil our muslo-loving | > coplo nro certain lo lake ndvnnlago of nt Young Men's Cliiistlan ns- soclation hall tomorrow ( I'ritlny ) evening. Seats uio nu\v ou snlo at Cliaso & , Uddy's. it Took Troulilr , Hut II" Col It. About two or three months ngo I pur chased nom you u bottle of Chambotluln's Cough Hemcdy , put up in DCS Moines la. Sue 11 good icsultsvvrro obtained fiom its use thai I rntloso ll.UO and ask \ou 10 send mo two bottles by express J A. Scriven , 18 K. 15th street , Now York Cltv. To H II. Lmno , druggist. Peekbklll , N. Y. Mr. Scrhcnis president of ono of the largest Bhlrt fnctories In Now York nud v\ldely Ituounin business circles. When troubled with a cold , give this remedy a trial , like Mr. Scihen , } ou uill want it when again in need of suoh u mcdlciuo. CO cent bottles for sale by druggists. NATURE BOWS TO MAN'S ' Will Successful Efforts of a California Genius in Reducing Refractory Ores. INVENTION WILL BE A BOON TO MINERS I'tnli'ii ' AVonlth In Onjx nnil Vnrl-t'olnroil Trouble ItriiMhiR Itaturrn Hid nnd Ampnlioi Si Orncrnl WcMtTH Now * . A Stockton , , ponltis Ins produced what promises to hoof. HI much to tlio mining Moilil ni tlio Hcsicmor pro- co < < \\.ts to tlio Iron tr.itlo. .Tlio iu\ontur Is .1. U. Monitt , Ho cl.ilmi to ha\o pcrfootoil a perfectly fc.isllilo nnil ( inictlealitu inotliod of wet king the most refractory anil icbcllious otvi fouiul in tlio Slcira No.ul t. If tliU bo ttuo , sajs tlio Han Finnclsco Clironlclo , tlio ilfecmory mlds untold militant to tlio value of the mining properties In tills stntc. As mining men ami prospectors all know , there arc humlrotls uiwn hundreds of mines nml cl.ilins unuoikcd ttxlnVt although rich in precious metals , hcc.iusc thcio hns hetn no known process byhlch the gold could Ijo economically taken fixim the ijuitt ? . In nnuy of these mines a < sijs have shown that the ores tun even as hi h as J100 a ton , .mil jet the propeittes lunobceii ab.imlonctl. Theiocio \\.ija to get out the ; old , but they \\ero labor.itoty methods , and ear expctlunco pioved in usiiiB them at ho mines it cost moie to fieo the metal than he cold \ \ iaotth when concentrated into lullton. It ia claimed for this process b\ hose \\ho seen it applied that It \\iil , \oik at a jirollt the most lefi.ietoiy otcs , \cn tliotigh they urn not more th.ui W to the on. All imlinn Mm Slamp Monitt's machine is so Uitally unllko any- . heietofoio made for woildiiK ores m ono would t.iko it to bohat it is. 1'ho stamp mill is douo away with alto- pother. The ore , broken into pieces as ar o as walnuts , urns into n ciiishlnir u.ichiiie , inliioli roiiRh steel plates tub ono auother. The 010 comes out 'n pit tides like rhcr sand. JHncis umlcr- that these lebollious oies contain or- llnnilly no fico sold whato\cr. Ono can ook at this sand as it comes out of Monitt's tusher without aoohiK the plittei' of pold or .n ) thing to Indicate that there is a bit of hoellow , metal in It. The gold is held lit 'oinbhmtions , and such combinations that ) iily the most costlv chemical processes h.ivo icietofoio been able tosepuato them. 'Ibis md-liko oi-c is led into the ' oxidi iiiR" ma- 'bine , the most impoitant p.ut of iolUtt'a iiventlon. Kxtein.illy this "oxidizing" inncliino looks : iot unlilco a Iwiier with some cog-wheels at ) iio end , a pipe at the other and a llieholo unduineath A prcssmo blower in connected . \itli it. Intel-Mill ! v the machhio is quite : omplleated. Within the outer casing theio no twoc\lindcts , 0110 rooh mg within the ) tlicr. 'J'lioi to volvo in thosamo ditection , ijul the inner ono much faster than the other. Wood is fed into the iheholo and bums in iueli a manner under picssuto that it bo- romcs ch.iico il bofoio being llnally consumed ind so ghcsout an intense heat. This ilro lt ) ings the outer Under to a The cinslied 010 is fed into this ej Under , and is , of course , heated with it. I'lno I'olnU oT tlio li IK pis. Here the Inner c.\lliuler sets in its work , t has score1 ? and scores of blow-pipes upon Is sin face , and air is foiocd Uuough them it a tremendous talcby the piessuro blower vhich connects with the inteiior of the cylinder. As the outer heated cylinder slowly revolves the ore drops on thoblow- > ipcs and thus gets the full benefit of the > last. So much oxjgcn ib furnished that ov CT.\ thing in the oie but tlio precious rnctais and a soft , poudery ash is binned in this cyclone motion. The force of the blast is such that the iKhtcr particles of rnclal and ash .no foiced upward and piecipitalcd in a tank of water ibove Iho revolving e.vlinders. The heavier urliclcsaro blown downwaid and foiced into anolhcr lank of water. Nothing is lost. If what is left of the 010 at this time is examined the ash w ill bo found to bo glisten ing with bits of gold , Iho rnclal h tving been released from the rebellrous combinations which held it. Tlio process docs not stop here. A spiral Icceps gathering up the sediment in the tanks and mixing it with quicksilver into an amalgam , ready for the rctoit. Thus the ere is put into the machine in chunks and comes out amalgamated. It Work * Ituplilly. Tests hive shown that one of these ma chines will treat a ton and a half of refrac tory ore an hour , w brie larger machines of the same pattern wrllhavoa correspondingly greaicr cap icily. A plant of them could be tun for compnatively litllo money , as ono ijootl engine would furnish power for a num ber of the machines and prcbbino blowers , the only other expenses being attendance and the wood or coal wood prefer red used in the oxidizing furnace. Another advantage is that the machines weigh less than a ton and can ho taken apttt , no patt weighing over ! ! 00 pounds. 'Jherefore they can bo easily transported over any mountain trail that a mule can traverse. Thoorc at thoUccvo mine at West Point , Calavcras county , is said to bo the most re fractory known in Califoinia. A ten-stamp mill with a chlorinalion plant was tiled at the mine , but it could not earn expenses. Uxpcits who have seen Monitt's ' machine work say it chews up thootoat the rate of a ton and a half an "hour " and tutus out fjfl in gold for every ton. The discovery has already created ( | iilto a flurry in adjacent mining comities , and , in fact , wherever the piiticulais aio known. The old man declatcs that hois not selling rights or lerritory or any paitof his patent. Wlicn Mnflltt was asked where 1m got his idea he referred to Iho story of the gold that disappeared fiom the mint. Ho iiald that IMK ( ) In gold wabonco missed fiom the San rrancisco mint No ono know whcro it had gone , but finally bomohody thought of gathering up the soot on the buildings around. The soot was treated and $10,000 of the gold was recovered Mollltt fi.ijsho thought tli it would bo a good way to smelt ere , and so tried it in his m ichine. MAKHMCS ANI OJ VX. Vulimlilo Ou.irrloH of Until DUcovcrnl anil A\orl - < l In llt.ili. AVithln a conip.uatlvcly short period theio has been developed in Utah , and at several points thi'iehi , very considerable deposits of slngulaily line variegated marbles , and also superior qualities of tbo onyx-marbles. While most excellent qualities of white and blue marbles hitvo been for u long time known to exist , the unusu tllr beautiful sam ples recently displayed at the rooms of the Polytechnic society , siyH the Salt I iko Tribune , have created a deeided interest In what now bids fair to become a valuabJo at tlclo of exjwrt and for homo use. The character of the Ut ih onyx Is identi cal with that from Mexico found In tlio stnti ) of Pueblo alone , whcro them ate now nine establishments solely engaged in iimuu- factuiing ornaments of exceeding beauty ftom this material. Since the Mexican Southern rallrotd from Pueblo to Tecomav aca was opened not less than IjlXKltons of onyx have passed over it , The onyx of Mexico , like some of that of Utah , resembles amber In appearance , but thosoof Utah have a vastly gruitor diversity of colorations and can bo hail iu slabs of urn- sldurahlu size , so that they can in tor into the decoration of interior walls In many wajs not yet adopted and at a u > st vastly less than hitherto known. 1 ho quarries at present opened in Utah exist near Igan In Cache county , atl'clican Point , and another on the west side of Utah lake , while still another IH found on the east sldo of this Itiko adjacent to the town of Springvlllo. I'rom all ol thcso have been taken a most cxttaoidluary vatictyof maiblesaml onyx of unusual beauty and all susceptible of teeelv- Ing the highest degieo of polish , The vein of the rnino near Ix > gan is nearly perpendicular and Is being worked In from the outcrop on the line of the Htnl'o by moans of a tunnel. These on the west sldo of Utah lake have adlpofbomu sixty degrees from the hori zontal and are being woikod onquairy face , so that large piccca may bo taken out , while those near RprinRvlllo nro Just now uncovered In n variety of vvav , The term onv x-mr rblp Is the proper ono Id Rlv to the products of these claims anil this term : , as elsevvlioro , serves to distinguish I hem from onyx proper , which Is almost Identical with the agates and praotlonlly only I suitable for Jewelry and the smaller ornaments. orn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alionl the SlKuliiMio lti' or\ntlcin , The second commission appointed to treat with the Shoshone and Arapthoo Indians fora reduction of the reservation is not meeting , with flattering success liopom from Kinder , W.\o , iudidato that tbo nego tiations have come to a standstill because the Indians decline to negotl tte. Thev are sore because the terms agreed Uxin | with the lli-st commission a jear ago were not accept able at Washington The Arapahoes no\v siy that they w 111 cede no land , and the Sho- shonessiy they have no land to cede 'Ihu 1 Uter wcto placed on the Shosbono reserva tion only by pet mission of Chief WashaUo. 'I hey were to bo removed as soon as a reservation - ervation could bo pwcutvil for thorn. t o\\r thosecix'tar.v of the inteiior PIMJIOSCS to rcc ognUo the Arapihoes as Joint owners , and tin Aiapahocs seem tlctormlned to push their claims for a reservation. In tlio VV c t. The Orcat Northctn built i\VJ miles of road last vear Ulllon , Mont. olTers ninety acres of land and SlO.Wi ) to seouto tbo state tun mil school. Ninetj thoiisind actvs of producing land in the Sacramento \allej is coveted with water. A poaiiulter in flroit Tails , Mout. , quit the business on teeelv Ing a legacy of WXK ) ( ) fi-anc.s A slono llnecr was found in Id-iho fifteen feet below thosmfaco The llmlor Is looking for mote. Kivo lingers are about his sle. The opal llehls of Idaho should not hn comrounded witli the diamond Holds. The foimcr aio In the southwestoui p.nt of the stale Thegovcinor of Nevada advises the people ple of that state of smallest and decreasing population who have found silver mining un profitable to tut n to agilciiltuto 'Ilie land must bo artillci ill.v it i Igatcd , but there mm abimdancn of water which can bo utilised. It is said that the state can sustain a largo population. An eslim ito of the amount of timber tilb- utary to the Skngit liver in Washington places it at 1,000,000000 feet. Obstructions in tbo channel have caused the business along that stteam to du hullo very much for several jcats. Now the river Is to bo cleared out , and WKK,0X1 ) ( ) ( feet w ill bo taken out from that section dm ing tlio coming i ear. To show how exorbitant freight rates operate against Califoinia commeico , the ban-rum isco IXaminer instances tlio ship ment of seventj-llve tons of merchandlso from Omaha consigned to a San rt.incisco merchant "It went by rail to Now York , v\hero it was taken on board a vessel and catrled around Capo Horn to this poit. Tno distance is Just 17.H)0 ( ) miles , and jot the fieight late , after allowing for intpiest and lemsmanee , was so low that the importer was enabled to make this tedious.rounda bout trip and sue munes , vvliuli ho did in prefer once to shipping ovei land " Growth mill VroHporlt } . The wonderful growth of Galveston , and speciallv that porlton known as North Gal- cston , duiing the ) ) .ist has been no not only to local Impiovcments and the atural icsult of i.ipid settlement and capital ' 'hci.ilh invested , but also to the rapid rowthnf manufactiuing indusliles which ere llnd an unusually prolltnblo Held. Thus \oiindacombiimtlonof condilions for con- Inual giowth that is unsmpasscd in any llier portion of the country , namely , a genial nd hiMlthful climate , nn imlustilil giowtlt , i | ) iblo of suppoiting a lingo population and attractions that cannot bo ex- : clled. The opiwitimilies aio Just as good at hepicsciit time for making money , cither n citj propcrtj or small fiuil fauns. The liter class of farming alwnjs results in .irgo prollts lo Ihoso who have been for-tu- , raio enough lo invest. The proper tr of the Noi th Galveston asso- latlon cannot bo otheiiso regarded than .solTeimg . splendid inducements alike to lomo-seekcr and inv estor. Tlio fullest In- estigation of this propcttyls LOtdlallv lu lled. 'I ho association is reprcsenled by ' 1ranklin F. AVilliims , Omaha , Neb , who Alii be happy to furnisli all information do- hed. The address of tlio general olllco is : The North Galveslon Ass'n , llox \ > 6'J , Minno- ipolis , Minn. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. enc'ral Smith SuciruilH .limllcn 1 1 rnd Icy Air. Hrrllii'H Itvtlruiiuint. The old Hoard of Counly Commissioners idjomncd for all time lo como at last night's ineoting. Very lllllo business was trans- aclcd. Justice Hradloj 's resign iiion vvas accepted mil General George S Smith appointed to succeed him. The oniciil bonds of C. W. f ing and D iniel C. Daly w or o approved. After the rouiino business was dls- ' ) > oscd of Judge Slcrnberg toso ami j , iiid that tlio board should oxtciul | Is lhanks lo tbo ictlring chairmau , t ,1. S. IJerliii for bis uniformly fair i tilings , nml courtesy while presiding over tbo dellb- ' jmlions of tbo commissioners Ho BKku | ) j ligbly of Clmiiman Derlin'u manly qualities , r ilecl.aing tnatas chairman , ho lent addi tional dignity to the board In conclusion , j in the name nt thocount.v onicers and em- j .Ho.vcs at the court house , ho presented 1 Uhairman Hcrlln vith a line , open-faced gold 4'\ \ watch , cncravcd with the name of the chairman - \ \ man and ( Into of presentation. J Mr Berlin , in accepting the gift , appeared both Hinprised and gralliled. ' j " 1 have tried to do what was right , " ho 1 slid , "and I am glad that > ou think so well ; | of my efforts. " - > ; Ho had alwavs believed ho had many friends in the comb house , and the tucsenta- lion of the watch was to him additional ovl- j dencooftha fact Mr. Herlin rofeued to * , the harmony that had existed among tlio mcmbci.s of tbo board , but said that until the j existing comity cede is changed the labors j of tlio Douglas ( ounly lommlssioners will I never bo wholly satisfactory. The chatter , ho slid , is amondcd every two seals , ovei \ thing being touched except the > law govcinmg counties Douglas comity , ho thoughl , hail oulgiown tlio old cede , and tlio j laws should bo alleicd lo meet the needs of i tlio now conditions As to the waluh , ho ) said that it just ho wanted. , Mr , Herlin intends to eschew politics and I go into business The now boatd cnteis upon Us duties next Tuesday. .Mulling VVorlil-VViili ! Imputation. Cintiifll JHiifft , lit , , fii > iiini M , Chamberlain Medicine Co , of DCS Moincs Is an Iowa manufacturing inslltution and ono In which the icsldcnlsof the Hlalo look upon with piido , Chamber Iain's Cough Hcmedy 1ms beiomo national In reputation and is known In nearly every household in the state and throughout the great west , Its met its aio becoming established in all pints of America. Ton DIIJ K' For very little inonoy bosldos a par- soriiil Icilowlodtro of tlmt raumrluiblo fatuto Toxirs. A Buooial purty of busl- iioas man from Omaha and vicinity to Galveston nml other points in Texas and return , will louvo Omaha Sunday evening January 1.0 1893. Don't ' inlna this oiiportunlty. 'IlouotH for the trip can only bo obtained from F , LWll - hams , room 622 First National Bunk Building , who will fiirnlah full particu lars upon application. II AM SO HAPPY- 3 BOTTLES OF _ _ _ _ _ Kclicved me of a severe Dlooc ! trouble. It lias nlso caused my lialr to grow out again , as it had been falling out by the handful. After trying many physicians in vain , I am so happy to find a cure in S.S. S. O. H. ELDiiiir , GalvebtonTex. S CURES fei ayxa : J2 { 37""It l entirely UKClablo and uanuleip. STieatlso on Illood and fililn mailed f roe. t tiwm Sr-hcwu u > . ( AtlauU , 0 * . \ , J