Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 TIT13 OMAHA DAILY HUE : WuniSHAY , JANUARY / > . 1803.
In TThsitt Thaw Was Mora Activitj Than on
Motonunt In Corn WmOnltr lh Ic\er ! < e of
That Wlili h Hill rroMillod fur Sinno
! > } * l'n t , Higher 1'rlcei
o , III. , 4. The nnnouncomcnt
that the BOX crnmpiit crop riportfor January
xxould 1m Issued this nfloinonn rnlhcr un
hinged Iho gialn markets. With regard to
wlicut.theio xxnsno decided opinion foimu-
luted concerning Ihp 1-ppiiil , 1)ttt ) tr.idets in
coin nnd oats concluded that , ns rcRiinhlhiMO
nrtlcl < " , It iniHt iipcp mlly help HIP bulls
Wheat closed nbout " c lower Huoi Hio diy :
liofoie. Coin Is > , { < ' higher , nml oats fioin SC
to ' e higher. 1'roxNons xxere si ions , awl
hhnxxt ilthe bull cllqui ! to lie still In absolute
conliol. Al Iho rloso polk xxas lOc hlglici ,
Inidand ribs each 17 So.
ll ! wlit nt thoio xvu * more dolni than ypster-
iliiy. The opening nbotil from UP to "ic
lo'xei than .xoitotdny and prices eiied olT 'in-
other ' c in so , then bivamo steadier , but
nR.atn fell back Later nstiotupr feeling de
veloped mid prices adxanced fiom 3 < o to V' ,
became easier , mill 111" closing about mid
way between Iho high and low points of the
tiny. Tlicio xxno pietly fi OP otrei Ings during
llior.uly purl of Hie session , xxhli'h caused the
WI'-IKIRSI , but the ndx.aiire In rortt ami t > io-
visions In-lped the unit km. Cables xxeio fnxor-
nblp , theinolptM In the noithxiest weto
llghtm limn they h mi been of lute , but to
until the elo-p came modcialo , elllng by some
of the piomhient local opcr.itois nnd some
long xxhcal also n polled lo haxo men
Mild , Local riniti ii'txof \\lir it xx'eie iepoilt ( I
lit 5557,000 bli. , HKliltl-,1 5,500,000 bit. the
prpx Ions weel >
The moxemon ! In corn was qul'o the roxprso
of that which Iris pieMillitl foi * oinu daxs
past , higher pilees nilliig , xxhlcli wi'to falily
well MiM.iliiul up to Hi"lose The hetlt i
tiiini was duo hugely to tin acll'in ' of pio-
vlMoiii and lo a | iiospecthi > bullish Kovein-
inent icpoit The opening w is wi'il. at fioin
; e to ' tlei linn fiont llin lUutos of jestei-l.iy ,
the lec'dplsof 704 oxen milling the estlin lies
ronsldeiably , h.ix Inj ; no liilliu-iicc , but the de-
iniinil vtidii lniiinxpl | ( Jind ' < old ii ) ) \vlth llttlo
rencilotis , a full Ic , loccdlnj ; latoi \c , rilled
fit ( mix * and closi d w Ith fioin ' : < to 'j' ' ' c ilu. A
pioinlni nl local spciMtlator xv is ciedlted with
inodciate pinch ise , and in.iiix of the sinallLM
hhoitx inoxldod foi outstanding contracts on
the adxance
A liitjro tt.ido x > as transacU'd In oals , and
there xvas a Iliniei niaiKet , due larRely to
sympathy with othei Kmlu- , and : iKo to the
belief that the KoxtMinnent leiiintoiild bo
bullish. I.ess dNposlllon to soli r\lstpil , and
the shot Is shoni d nioto iineaslui M and boiicht
freely. I'llces adxanct d 34c , and the
closed steady at noaily the top II jinosxith a
grain of fioinc to ' , : c.
The lopoil of the stock of ptoxNIons on
band wasa stlniubitlnp feature-tho
Batc supply bohiK less than 3J per ctiut of the
Htoclis on liiind onu ye.u IIKO. This featmo
miido shot Is honiewhat uneasy and cncour-
nKedinoio oideison outsldo accounts on the
buying sldoof the maikot. At the same tlmo
local mannfacturcis and sotnn of the leading
local ( -peculatois weiealso Inclined to inn-
t'hase lathei fieelx'oftho moro dcfeircdde-
llxeiles. Uoiints ] fiom Iilxeipool indicated a
light slock on hand , with afuilhei adxaiicoof
Is In lard and bacon , The tocelpls of pio-
( luctsweio lathei llf:1il , ami Iho shipments of
all Kinds xxoiuiiultu laiKo and pilot" , xxoto ad-
vaucid hhaipljih \ \ consldeialilo competi
tion fin the ollcilnis At the oMiomo llKines
reached theiowasa lltllo moie piossiuo to
fcC'll , and pilces settled barK slUbtlx' .
Kstlmated tecells | for tomoiioxx : xxhoit ,
280 cats ; coin , :10U : cais : oits.170 cais , hoi- , ,
D3.000 head.
The loading futures ranged as follows :
A11TIC1 L" , Ol'KV Illllll IOXX. CIOSK XIS1Y
J 7J 72
78' , 7Hsf
70V 77' ' {
41 W
42' ' , i' < 42
40)1 IWGJ6
30M 30SH
35' f Jl'li
ir r , III 77K. 111 2' . Ifi 71 IB I' j
11 ! 70 17 25 Id 70 17 17 10 75
Jnnunry 10 70 10 75 10 my. 10 fSl
Mny )0 ) OJ' 10 17ii 10 tf > 10 19
Hliort Illba-
Jnnmry. . 8 'Al n in 8 ! > 0 9 15 8 J
Mny . . . . U UJ B 22 0 01) ) 9 IiU DOd
Cash ( iiiotatlons xxero as follows :
Piouit Steadier , holdeis asking 105J15c ad
vance on the bettor gi ados ; bakei > not sharing
In the upxxaid tendency.
AVllCAT No. 2 spring , 7210 < ? l721 c ; No. 3
Hprlng , ( ) OV2iff02'jc ' ; No. 2 led , 72'Bf ' < ( .72'/c
CHUN No. 2,41 V ! No. 3 cash , J ( , ' < ii3b'Uc.
OATS No. 2. 30 > ' . < Mle ; No 2 ixhlto , f. o. b ,
33' i34'Sp ; No. 3 xxhlto , 32&32"sc.
HYK-NO. 2. 53c.
1IA1II.KY No. 2 , G5c ; No. 3 , 10308c ; No 4 , f.
0.1) , 35'f440c.
TI.AX fep.F.i > No. 1 , $1.09' ' $ .
TIMOTHY SPMI Pi line. ? 2 02T(2 m.
POIIK-MPSS , per bbl. , no ( )2'310.75 ' } ; lard ,
nnr 100 Ibs. , till 70 ; shoit libs , sides ( loose ) ,
} < ) .12'5T(19.15 ' ! ( ; dry salted shotildeis ( boxidt.
fH.37'i'a8.5 ' ( ) ; shoitcloai sides ( boxed ) , fJ.&Offl
9 00.
WHISKY Dlsllllcis'finished goods , per gal. ,
SiHUH Unchanged : cul loaf , O'5'c ;
granulated. Op ; standard "A , " 4c.
The folloxxing xxoio the lecelpls and shlp-
inentb today :
Vork .Itnrkcts.
S'r.xv VOIIK , Jan ! . I'i ouu liccolpls , 05.
107 pkgs. ; exports , 3,533 bbls. , 2H.725 sacks
inodoiato dpinand , t-lionk' ; sales , 11,100 lili
' ' '
4.75 ; lyonilxtu'ips. t'J.lll' ) .
CHUN Mr\i < Hull'steady ; jolloxx xxostern
"Wlll'AT JJecolpIs , 21,700 bu. ; exports , 82-
201 bu. ; sales. 1,185,000 bu. futuics ; 88,000 Spots Itimoi , xxllli options moderately
nctlvo ; No. 2 ied,80o In stoio and eioxatoi
bO'fcalloat , 70'80irc f. o. b. ; No. 1 not thorn
H34c ; No. 1 haul , 88V' ; No. 2 noithoin , 7UVic :
No. 3 spilng , 71c. Options opened xxeak at
M < iiV c lUclIno on hugo lecolpls xxost and
weal.ness theie , and ailed dull ns axxaltlng
the goxpinniPiit lepoit duo todav , closing
BtPildy after adx ancliig Jo54C on shoi Is coxei-
Ing mid folloxxlng thu xvost. No. 2iedJanu-
my.78ia > 78'c ' , closing at 784c ; Maieli , 80
fColc , closing at 80'tc ; .May , 82UG8J 3-10c
closing at 8ic. :
llYi : Nominal ; xxestcin , 58JJ59c ( ,
liAiu.r.v Dull.
40itc ; stPiimur mixed , 50c ! ; No. 2 xxhlto
03c. Options XXPIU dull and anP higher as fol-
loxvlngheal and the xxost ; 1'obinary , 60VL"
fiO'ip , ploslngiit50 c ; May , OHi02Uc , clos
Ing at 52ic | ,
OAlS-Upcelpts , IB,300 hit , ; ovports , MOhll.
MllCN , 150,000 bu , futuieH , 100,000 bu. spot ,
bpolw , llnnor , modeintoly aptlxi1. Options ,
qulot , stioiiKoi ; rplnuaiy , 37t > St-l8lii' , . clos-
Ing at 3Hiep.May ; , aUfj73'J ' , c , closliiK at 3U .c ;
spot t , No. 2 xxhlte , ! 2J4c ; mixed xxoslein , 37fto
"xx'hllo xxobtoriTTl"iH'e'i ( No , 2
\Y-Qiilnt , Moadyj bhlpplnif , OSo ; good to
cholco , 7f'f Ullc.
Horn Dull , steady.
Kdlis Qulot , xxpakPi , nnsptth'd ; xxpstoin ,
2Hixxpstpin hilogathoied
| , , -Sis ,
I'OHKQulol , stionserj old mess. $15 50 ; noxx-
ino&s , J10.20 ; o\ttapilmo , nominal ; cm. meats
ui'tlxp , stioiiKPi ; iilcklcd bi'llieUjftoU c ;
middles , Iliiuci ; hlioit clem , S'J.'JO. I , aid.
( inlet , titioiiKor ; XXPMOIII stpam closed at
< 1 1.05 ; Miles , 200 tloicpsat nt.OII. Options
wiles , mine ; January , ill.U5 : Muich , f 10.00 ;
Way. J10.-10.
lltn Kali- demand , llrini creaineiy , 2014
S2o il fucloiy. l&W23c ; nicln , 321,0.
I'IIKIM : I'alilyactlxo , Ilimer ,
I'm IIION Dull , hteadyj Aineilcan , $12.755 }
10 Oil.
Coi'i-rit Qulot , iinchiinxcd ; lake. 112.20.
I.IAD I'nchanKcd ; domestic , s'.i.HS ,
TIN rirm. htialts. 41U.75 ,
r-L'U.Xll ' Quiet and thin ; sales. 100 haxv
iiiUM'ox'ado , HO test at ilc ; ipllned fairly ncllxo
und linn ! No. 0l 4 7-lC. (
Jloi , Xb i.sNo xx Oi leant , , fair demand and
1 all * demand nnd steady ,
-Munrliriiler ( Viiunu-rrhil llpxluir.
MANriu.sim , JnnI.Thu ( Jmudlan. In Its
roinnieiclal aillclp , says : "lluslnoss huhiiot
yet In I'll fully icMimi'd , The miiikvl , hoxxoxer.
Is ( llsliiu'lli IInn. > elh'is looking foixxtml
xvlth I'onlldi'iico to higher prices. Their u\pec-
lutlon In based partly on Iho Important cur
tailment uf production nnd thu hUh cost of
yams nnd cotton und partially on the fact
that In the near fuiiuo thorn ttlll bo an In-
< -rcaso lu the foreign demaiul. There haxo
L\ buuu few talcs of bUlrtluKs. Thcio b rather
more Inquiry for flnlfhlnjrloths | Medium ind
rominon tirlntliiKrlolhsnro very llrtn There
nrc liuiiilrlcs for hcnxy Moxlrnn coeds homo
nlcs liti\o IK.-PII nrrntiRpd for ( hlna. There
has been more business In hr.ixy pooiU
for t'onsfnnlnoplo and the Mediterranean
jxirts The traniarlions In yarn tire confined
to the home trade. The biHlness | of n retail
rliniiictur nnd goods nto taken for early do-
llxory. "
Oniah i 1'ioiliico
The ipcelpts of nil kinds of prodttco ncre
llKht , hiltnt thpsnmn tlmo the demand xxns
correspondingly llsht nnd the supply xvnt iiif-
HclPiiily InrRO con ldprlna the slnto of thn
niaiKet. The market drnjtpod nil day nnd the
only reason for ovprythliiR helm cleaned up
xvns tint the olTerlims xvero no Inrizor. Drnlors
conurallv' tisslan I Inn cason for the moderate
demnnil to thu fart that the liotldnvs nro Just
and people aru content xvlth n
Intst hill of fa 10 nftor this feasts of
Christmas nnd NexxYear's day. llusldcs
Ihero Is nlxxnys mom or less of poullty
and oilier kinds of pioduru held oxer after u
holiday In the hands of eonslimeis If not by
dp.-ilers. II ( jpnerally reiiulK-s sexornl daxs to
reotoio the demnnil to Its noinial condition ,
I'lk'ps jpsiprday did not shoxv much change
Tlm egg mm ket Is very Hun usxxlll bo noted
fiom the quotations plxcn beloxv.
AVi'i.m Blocks nro hold nt J3.50at.00 for
fair lophnlco stock.
iS Quoted nl J2.fKVW.BO per hunch.
- riioio appeals to bn plenty of but
ter on the maiket and jetthviecan not be said
to bo any gn-it suipltis. HlinUht packagesot
counti > loll go hiigelx nt Hie and selected
lots at 17iMSi awloivaslumllx-20c Is touched.
Did nnd Inferior stock Mould haxo to sell ox en
beloxv Iflr.
CiiA.Mii.imir.s-Qunlnllnns me : Hell and
cliPtiy , J8 50 pp | hhl i hell nud bugle , JO.OOIJJ
HUM ; Jersey Capo ( oil , 1Q 50.
Crt.i nx Pei do ? , hum lies. ale.
Kdds-Tln. siipplj iseiy light and the mnr-
kot Htiong. Tlie demand Is , ho'xexer , xeiy
limited and It does not lequlio many to supply
It , As-ndealei lemaiked , a case of eggs goes
a longxxay m the pics'nt pilces. Consiimeis
xx 111 not buy llbei illy so long as i jigs command
such Him pilces. The genet il mm ket foi
slih Hy ficMi sto'kxxas geneially 2 > c though
theio xxeio so called fresh egga to bo had
at 2 IP.
'I ' xxiii--qulirels ' mo almost unsalable and
hardly xxorth shipping at the present slnle of
tlm nniket. .Lick inbblts HIP genurilly
quoleil lit Jl 50 and small l abblts al 75c.
Jlosi.i Hood xxhltocloxor Is quoted all the
xx ay fiom ITOp < |
lilixioss Quotations me J-LnOJl.'j 00.
MAI.ACIA ( liixi'i.s-riichanged at $3.00 per
NllrsL.ugnhlekoiy nuts , 31.0. ) ; black xv.U-
niits , M.2" ) .
Oxsrr.ns-Pilccs at Omaha still temnlii at
I3ift..luc pel pan.
UNIONS-Tho maiket Is quiet Home gioxxn ,
Hup pur bushel , nnd Spanish fl 00 tiereiulo
OIIXMIM-The iiimkol Is sllll suppll-d xxllh
rioilda oiaiuesonly. Ililghls me quoad at
M 25 foi sin.-le case lots and MOO fet llxo to
ton casi ) lots Itiissets me 2oo plu.'iper.
Per WHIN 'I ho tt.ido Is llmlud to the sale
of small lots fiom sloics. Westein .Nebiaska
stock is quoted at 8Uc and Utah and Colmudo
a l 01V.
Pot'l/iiiv Chickens xxeie In the best demand
of anything In tlie poiiltiy line and good slock
could safely boqiioledat Tysc. Uood tin keys
xieio mil xei i v-nlenlj nor x\as the demand xeiy
, at U'iTU'J'.p. ' ' Ducks and geuso xxcie
steady al Hit'Jc.
bxxi t.T I'oi xiors-Tho supplj Is xeiy light
and they mo held al 4.20
ritrsii IAIII.I s Local gioxxpis mo
hilnglng In ti fovf fiesh xpgelahlps of hothouse
gioxxth. Noxv onions , 20W.'J3e per do/on
biinclios , lettuce , 40fj,4' > c , ladlshes , Otic.
Vuvii Veal calxes , cholcu , 7c ; largo and
thin , ntfOc. A Inino and thin xeal calf Is
about the hmdest thing on the. m u ket lo dib
its' ) of.
I'HOnUCI ! I'OISlKIl * .
W. 0.1'eny , a xxell knoxxn Om.iha produce
salesman , left 1 ist ux-enlng foi Chicago , xxheio
ho xxasc illud by thodan uioits illness of an
An Omaha commission IIOIHO xxrites tholr
shlppeis : \\e lm\e Ii id uet v stagnant poul-
tiy maiket foi some xxiuKs and pilces haxo
been unusually loxx , hut Iho mtukel is about
pie ued of h ld slock , and > oii can noxv look
for much bettei piicci unless xxo should haxo
a spoil of xeiysoft x.cather. Do not ship llxo
poiiltiy for It Is un-alablu. llandlo join
poiiltiy nlcelj ; take gieal pains xxilh It and It
xxlll piyou. .
A gieat many people , says Iho Produce Bul
letin , are of Iho opinion that thu iiissott
oiango is a distinct xarli ty , xxhllo olheis un-
deistaiul that Insects puncliiilng the peel of
tlio blight oiango glxo It tlio daiKi olor. Itotli
of tlieso Ideas me Piioneous. The inssett
orange gioxxs on the oulsldn of the oiango
tiee. It gets Itscoloi from the sun's lays , The
rtibsott Is sxxeeter thin Iho 01 in.'u xxhlch
gioxxs in the tins xxhuio It Is protected from
tliusun , for the luasoii that it matiues moio
quickly , as It Is xrcll knoxxn th it the sun's
lay is the giealest lipuncr of fruit of any
kind. The inssett oiango Is butter Hiin tins
bright foi many leasons In mot Instances
the peel Is thinner and 11 alxv iys h.ib moiu
jutco In piopoitlon to the sl/e.
lltlrilMss llllll.js' .
II. N. I/ord xxlll gooutof the hotel business-
at Donlph in ,
Allies J. Lumhird , in the grocery business at
Hastings , has failed.
P. 1' . Ilutloi , a confectioner at Petersburg ,
xxlll remoxu to Klgln.
W. J. lleatty , in tlie hotel business at Orch-
ird , has sold out to John Angus.
J. W. Moore has succioded Mooie & Sterner ,
i.lints and xxail papei , Omaha.
H. Illancli ird has succeeded to thehardxvmo
nislness of llhinclimiKt Anderson atausa. .
Thu Him of Stein & Kiugman , agilcultural
mplemont dialuis at nioomlleld , has been
aicceedcd by hloln , Ki ugman > \ , Co.
biHCKViu.P , Neb. , Jan. 2. [ Special to Tin :
lii\-Tho : ] annual meoling or the stock ;
millets' of tbo riontlur County Itopubllcan
jecuircd today. The ippoitoftho sccrotmy
mil Ircasuiersboxxs tlio tlnancial condition of
the piper to he In good shape , and a steady
groxxth since the _ lirst Issue. The folloxxlng
> | ] | LOIS xxeio elected : Piusldcnt , A. Wllsoy ;
vlco ptcsldent , J. O. Oamiiilll ; diieclois , A
nilsoy , W. II. McCoxxin , L. O. Ulchardson. J.
C. Uammtll , L. H. C'honoy.
St. Louis Xlnruls. !
FT. Lotus , Mo. , Jan 4. I'f.ouil Un-
, li inged.
\\iiixi : Closed about as jpsterday ; cash ,
C8c ; I'oln , li'J'ic ; May , 74'sc.
Cons I'liilslied a aboxo jestuiday ; cash
and .Lummy , 37'jc ; rebiumy , 38'0c ; Maj ,
\Vs-Cash , dull. 31o bid , May , lilgher , 34 i
v i I | C.
Kx i. ' caice ; linn ; 50c.
HXIII.IIY bloxv ; loxxaand Minnesota , bmall
sales , 02c.
Koc.s Unchanged : 22c foi ax-erago.
I'oiiK J10.00 foi old , laid , <
KiCl'll'TS riour 10,000 bbls xxheat
, , ; , 30,000
bu. : coin , 25,000 1m. : oats , 14,000 bu. ; rxc ,
4,000 nn. ; b u ley , O.OOObii.
riiiii'Mii.MS I'foiir'J.OOO bbls : xxlieat , 21,000
bu. ; coin , 3'I9,000 Im. ; oils , 38,000 , bu , ; ixe ,
13oOObu ; baijey , 1,000 bu.
Oil MnrUet.
onened , O.Pje ; hlgliest , 5 IP ; loxxpst , OS'fc , and
closing , 5Ic hid. Pennsylvania oil , spot bales
noini ; I'obiiiaiy options , sales 20,1)00 ) bblH. nt
53"a51c ( ; Lima oil , siih'i , none , 27'Jo bid , 30c
asked ; total siles , 20,000 bbls. United closed
54c hid foi i ebiumy.
UorroNstKi ) On. I'll mui ; criido , 43c ; yel-
loxx' . 47c.
T\MOXV riimei ; xxanted ; clly ( $2.00 ifor
pkgs ) , 55-105J5\o.
UOSIN Qulol , steady.
Tuni'iiMiM ! Dull , steady.
LO.NDO.V , Jan , 4. Tuiii'i.Nri.SB Si'JiitTS 22s
poi cxxt.
Kansiis C'lly Markots.
ICXNSAS CITY , Mo. Jan. 4 , WHIHT Steady ;
No. 2 haul , Ol'ittO-ie. .
CIWN-NO 2 mUed. : U'i33o '
OisHteady ; No.2 mixed , 2G'5c ,
HB ritm atOlc.
HUITI Unchan0'ed ; ciuamory , 25a28c ;
dairy , 1718c.
Kims Actlxoat22'sP.
KhCUll'irt-Wheat , 70,000 bu. ; corn , 8,000
bu. ; oals , 2,000.
Siui'.xiiiMS Wheat , 11,000 bu ; coin , 1,000
bu ; oats , lOUO :
C'olU'it Market ,
Nr.xv VOIIK. Jan 4. Options opened steady ,
10 to 15 points tin , closed baiely steady , 0
cembei , $10,80. bpot lilo , dull , steady ; No. 7 ,
Liverpool Markets.
TiiVKitrnni , , Jan , 4 , Wiu\i : riimi ne-
mand fair ; holdurs olfoi inodiiiately ; mil
xxestorn spring , Os pji cental ; No , 2 rod , 5s
Cons I'Mrin ; demand good ; xxestoin , 4s yd
HMO.S Long mid shin l clear , 55 Ilu , IBs
poiuxxt ; long clear , 40 lln , I'JsOd pur cut.
i'p drain Xlnrltot.
MIIXXAIIKIK : , Wit. Jan. -WIIKAT Steudy ;
Mny , 70 , c ; No , 2 spi InG'JC. .
( JOHN Qulol ; No , 3 , ! Hi.Fe37c.
OATH-Actlxo ; No. 2 xxnlto , 31ig35c ; No. 3 ,
lUlll.KV OlC.
Cotton .Market.
Nnxx OIII.KXNS , La. , Jan. 41'lrm ; mid
dling , 04oi loxx middling , U'.oj good ordinary ,
8 ? o ; not iiTolpts , 0,810 hales ; gioss iccelpts ,
7,22'J hides ; tixjioils lo I'laiico , 4,200 bales ;
coastxxUe , 2,552 bales ; Miles , 7,000 bulos :
stock , 3511,170 bales.
ItulU Hntlipr Controlled tlie. Sllnutlon thu
( IreaU'r I'ortlon of ( lie Day.
Ni.xv VOIIK , Jan. 4. The temper of specu
lation at the Mock excluui o xxas bullish dui-
lng the giontor pnrt of the day , but dealings
XXPIO bomoxxhnt butter distributed tliun of
luto. Among the industrials American Sugur
Hollnlng xvns the special cmd , selling up from
112 % to 115 for the common uud from 100 to
10l < for the prrfcrred Manhallan dropped
f ruin I fi 1 4 to 1 13 t nnd n'Hi'Kly rose to I'M
The xvestcrn rnllxT.w slntres xtnre stronger ,
moro pirllcuhirly tliix Cnlou I'm'lflc' proun ,
xvhlch ipcured advances of 1 to'J't pprpenl.
the bonds of thn I'M Ion 1'nrlllc and I'ltllcd
titatps subsidiary coinpnnlfs at the samp tlmo
maklntt material ndx.uues iinder Incronsed
demand. The reduction In thn Llilon
I'ftclllo collateral nnd ovldencps of a sub
stantial ImprovrniPtit In thu llnnnclnl
condition of Iho comp.iny hnvo Pro-
tiled n vcrv biilllMi feulliift on tlmt
lo"k ns xvell its on Oreffon Short Line
mid Orcgnn Naxlgntlon. In tin1 Into afternoon
trndliutho rUe xvns checked by u sudden
break in DUHIIInn nnd Cattln reedlnz fiom
OO'x toG2'i on heaxy sales , Industrial : ) ; ym-
pitlil/cd to the extent of 'J' on Sugar mill I'i
In Chlcni o tins At the snmo tlmo the coal
Htoeks xvero subjecled to a sharp pressure mid
jlplded 1't Io2 iorcent , oxcppt for Delaware
& Hudson xvhlcli remained steady. The Ron
ornlllsl icnctPd U < to 1 per renl from tlio
highest , but the nun lut : 'lined llrmatn small
" 1 ho one ohx Ions continent called for hy the
Stook etchatuo lit the opening of the noxv
} ear"says the financial xxrllor of the hxcn-
liii ? I'ost ' , "Is that It shoxxs noslgtillleniit alnrm.
Trustxxorthy ciltlcsiizteo , hoxxux-er , that the
ctincncy is ihtentenid xxlth s
lions , and unite , ns n rulu , In Iho opinion that
only horolu measures ran iivcit somothlng
Ilko u ci Ills
"Tho stidilnn convulsion xvhlch sel/pd Iho
nriiket December 10 nnd continued for
iio.u ly a xxeek , xvas peculiar , In Unit llxxorked
out Its oxxn cure It loft behind It higher
money rntei. turned tlm Intern ttlonal inoxo-
inent of ciedll In om fat or , and checked nb-
uiptly the noxx ontragempiit of gold foi expoit.
1 o fm It xxas clemiy u lestorntlon of the
in irket to piiiilllbiliim. Met , b itiMy a fort
night has p is od and the local moiipy mtirket
Isgiaxltathu hack topvnctl.x the position oc
cupied before the lieaxy gold shipments
began. Allouln'f foi thosliliuency incidental
to the Januaiy pijmcnits the loin mmket
stands lualn on a lexelof xeiy gieat case.
Sletllng p\ch HUP Is haidenlng and imports
shoxx no sign of falling on * . Wlillo st length
111 the stock market U'ider silchi'licumslances
Is tematkiible It Is not sntpt Mil. , * to thosi ! xxho
haxosiudled Its tendency ilnihig Iho last t xxo
months ,
"Hnllng , pel haps , the feellm ; of tincom -
meiclal coiniiinnlly , I lie tlnancial community
has u fused to look upon the cinipuc ) situ
ation as n distinct inenncp. Tills Is lai cly
duo , of coilise , to the contlliu nice of a stiong
Inxesimeiit demand foi Ilisl-elass seciiillles
and mi unusually laigo supply of money ,
xxhlcli can bo controlled by market cll < | ips |
Intel csted In adxam in oi malntalniin ; pure- . .
Thelssiioof IIPXX sllvei om toncy , at tin * i.itc of
91 lO.OUO.OOOot inoiPii JPIII , has-conttlbnted to
this second factoi , holn dltectly , ( hioiuli the
manufaciiliei of nexx money , and Indltcclly
tin ninth the const iii | Mil ilepiessloii of In iciest
i. UPS. I'ln ) giaxo iiupsllon , tlien. Is xxhithei
this sixelllng of the money fiind xxlth sllxer
notis Is actually and of Itself fet ( lint out gold ,
and Ibis Is Hie pioblem xxhlch the noxx year
must xory soon s'llxe.
'il'biis I ir the xxlntergold exports luxo had
a pai tlal explanation In thu exceptional de
mand fiom Atisli la. Kxon last xxeek's shlp-
nipnt xxas dpscillied as an old oidei coiiltacteil
for xxhllo the Austrian goxeinmoni xxas slill
In Iho maiket Hut Aiistilanbld foi gold Is
noix xxlthdtaxxn and fiituiu opuiations In stei-
llng must be based on * the general mcilta of
the MI , u ket. "
Tlio folloxx Ing are the ruislna uitotallous of
the leading stocks on the Xoxx Yoik stock o\-
change today :
The total s lies of stocks today xxeio :174OUO :
shares. Including ! Atrhl-on , 3,700 ; Clilcajro
(5us , 7.00 ; DIsUllliij ! . ao.HOO ; I.oulsvillo &
Naslu-Illo. 4,000 ; Manhattan , 6.100 ; Mlssouii
I'lCllic , 8,000 ; NexxDiclanu , 5,200 ; Notthoin
I'aeltlo piefeired. 4,400 ; St. I'aul , 0,80M
t-n/ar , 4HOO ! ) ; Union I'aclllc , 34,800 ; iVestein
Union , 0,000.
T.ciiicloii Holmv.
[ Copi/i / talitcdS37ij.r / < ime < ttnrlnn nennrtt.l
LONDOV. Jan. 4. [ Now Yolk Ilciald Cahle
Sperlal to Tins Hbi.l : Apait ftoin a foxv se
em Itieshlch mot \xltli .oino anionnt of spec-
ulatlxo attention , business xxas xeiyonloton
the block oxchaiuo While the dense toy that
pnxeloped Iho city the Kreatoi nartof the day
has been icsponslhlo tor the ahsoncoof many
inoniheib and outside opoiatois , the in irkots
noxeilholess , h'ixe not been ncxoid of Inteiest.
'Joiisolsato nnchanned. Indian iiipeo papur
Is only 'o < l easli-r. rotrJlKii KOX eminent MOOHI 1-
tles closed decidedly stionsor than they
opened , a hotter tendency hein tonoitod on
ontlnental , mum p.n tlcul.ti Iv. Theio
lias hepii SODIO evcltenicnt In llilKhton
ilefciredhk'h has heen lai ely
dealt In , and i-lo-ed H > 4 per cent hljihei ,
ipot.itois linxuKoiio In foi the dlxldendof 7'j
iet cent. ( Jtliei doscilptions haxo heon In-
ilnenced hy dlxldend antlc'lnallonb. Noith-
oastoin linpioxod IU POI cent and others aio
up to'f PUI cent. Scotch lines , hoxxoxcr , ate
i.ithoi dull. Aiiioricans , after haxhitf hcon
lull the Mcntcr P " t of the day closed In bol
ter tone , hut prices haxo iccoxend only
sllKhtly fioin their xxorst jiolnts A dccllnoo't
"i perrent xxas Pstahllshcd In I'hllailelphla Ac
Keadlnirand'8 to 3U pel cent In niostolhers ,
but nil linpioxemont of ) ( to JB per cent Is
inaiked In Denxi-r piefeionco. L'entral I'aclllc
and Canadian lines nio soinoxxhat
Uianil Tinnk inofeiPiices luxo also Ixei
xxay 'B to " iiei cent. Money Is almost ndtiu.
hoitlo ins haxo heen easily obtained at 1 pci
tent. The discount maiket xxasiiilol | ; tuoand
UUCP inoiilhb bills xxeio quoted at lj ( lo lj ?
Xeu Voik .Mnii4iy .Xlurl.ut.
NFVV YOHK , Jan. 4. JOMV ! ; ON Oxi.i
Kislerat I toO pet cent ; hist loan , 4 pui cent
clonlitKollciod at 4 pui cent.
I'IIIMI ; Mlll : x rll , i I'AI-I it H0porcent.
brKiti.iM ) n\ciiAMii : I'll in , xvith actua
business at tl.H& QI.HC for sl\ty day bill'
and ft.87' : foi deniand.
The closing quotations on bonds :
U. a. 4 rui { IM .Surinam I'.io. 'mlj
U S 4 rou p IU V , XV. Consols , , .
. N. XV , Dot ) 5s . .
1'ntlllooa of "J'i . . lOi st K ft I XI ( ion ft *
I ounlnnu bt'pud 4s. JS st h A HIII r < ; xi
Mbitoiirl iis . . 10J rit I'aul Console , . ,
'loan now hot da . liJ ) st I' IJ .V l > Inn. .
'lona non sutaH , , . too r. r. i. o Tr. itctj.
'li'nn now . toont 1' . I1. II IJ , Tr Ilcts.
CunuilaSo L'udi , , , 10JK Union I'uu , l ta . . .
On. I'acllla lets . m \Vc t Mmro
II \ II ( i. lbt > . . . . 117H u. < ; xx' ,7
I ) \ II. I ) 4 , . . . . . . 81 Atcll 4i T. . ,7B.Ji
Urlo Jmls . lui8J Atch i'-v , L'Ia A. . 48 }
xi 1C. A T , ( Jon 1.1 , 8J ( i II. .Vti Si 104
.M. 1C A. T ( Ion 5s . (1 ( II , t r ! .M 5a . . KB
Muliinl Union im 111 II XT. C. 5 11)1' ) ' . ,
N J , 0. lilt Cert . IUI II XT , C. tons re. .
Northern 1'ne Uli. 115
lIllSlOll M ! ! < ! ( ( > lllt itllMH.
HOSTOV , Mass. , Jan. 4. The
thocloilin ; stock- quotations ;
Alclilsun x 1'upuka. a I'i ItOStOII iX XIlH.t . , JJ
Huston X Allmy. . Ciilumet A. llocln JJK ! )
lloston X Malna I'riinklln IS' '
C I ) XJ ICouraurco 12
Kimtcrn II U Os . Oircoln : isi
HH'llburu . . . . bj yulncr 1.11' '
rllnt X I' . M | ) fI . 71 IW
K.y bt J XUIIIilDn Huston l.iuul Co . IW5V
121 Hun Dk'vi ) Lnml Co 5VU
Mubi. Central . . XXent I nd Lima Co. i ;
Mcx. ( Vn coin . . loin UeUTalenliono. . , . 205
N V X N KiinlBiiil. l.unnoii hlori ) y . 1SI {
do * . . XXatur I'oxxor . , . ,2 , j lu
Did Colony 1bll C , M , B
Untbindcom . It. k II ll'f
Alloin * M.Vunuw ( ) ( it'll. 151 , ,
Now York .UlnliiK Ouit itiom.
NPXV VoitK , Jan 4. The fulloxvliig uro the
loslni ; inliiliiK quotations ;
Tin tmiul .NiMi'ii.
KANSAS Our , Mo. , Jan. l.-cioarlngs , 12- ,
New Oni.Kixs , In. , Jan. 4-Clcarliigs ,
I'Aitis , Jan. 4 , Thrco percent rentes , 09fj
82c for the account ,
Ni\r VOIIK , Jnn. 4-CloariB8 ] | , I214,440,142i
s 8
VOHK , Jan. 4 , Gox eminent bonds
bteady ; btale bonds nculoctvd
HAI.TIMOHK , Mil. , Jan.4. Cleurlnss , J4.310-
305 ! balances , M04,2 J. Huto. 0 per cont.
Misui'1118 , Tonn. . Jan. 4 , Clonrliii > , J042-
088) ) baluncos , $80,647. Now York Bxchango
belling ut par.
far. Louiu , Mo. , Jan. 4-OIcarlnBs , 5,810-
(111) lirtlnnccs , IfilPJly. Money fitlM ut 0517
Sctv ork Jbopremlutn
l.oxiio.v , , Inn 4 Atmnitit of liulllon xxltli.
drawn from the tt.uik of Knglnnd balnnco
rent ' No\x \ York fvli ingp , " cue Yitcinliitii"
l'lpntlnn ,
lliiiMN , Jnn 4.-lTiirUtnlPinont of Iho Im
perial Ilank of HcrMny shows n docrenso In
-pei'Io of 23,040,001) rn fks.
HOITON , Mnw , , lMy. t'lrarlnc" , ! 20,10fl-
127 ! bilnni-ps. ? 2.n7ff,597 Money , Oprroentl
oxclmnttoon Nex VotU 8iI5o dUconnt ,
Nr.xxYOIIK. . Jtin..AASJppclnl [ Telpfrrnm to
Till ! IlK.ii.l lAchaiiKU \ > as quoted at folloxxs :
Chicago , 05o preinluffj ; St. l.ouls , 70o pro-
iiililiu ,
Olltruio III , Jaiv'neiulnRq , J20.637 ,
080. Noxv York Dii'liainjp , Ooiprpinlilni , Str-r-
IliiK OTchaintp , steady at f4 8il foriKty day
bills , and J4.88 for sUht drafts , lotlpy ,
stonily ntO pur cent ,
ONMI.V i.ivi : STUCK nuuur. :
Kccrlpls Continue of u llulldny Clnrarter
Snpplj of C.ittln . Quite .Short.
OxiAilx.Jmi. 1. Receipts contlnuo of a boll-
dav characlei , but for the llrst htlf of this
xxeck comp'irpd xvlth the corresponding tlitee
days last \xppk theio has been mi 1 net ease of
nearly I,00eiittler ( ) > ,00oinus mid 1,000 sheep.
The supply of cattle of nil kinds xx us oxer
1,500shoit of last Wednesday's inn and of
then ? not much oxer a tlilid xvoiild suit the
dressed beef mon Them xxas u xery lespect-
nbleilemmid both from slaughtotcrs and spec
ulators and the good to choice cattle xxero
easily moxid nt steaily tostioiig nrh'es , 1,20' )
tolIOO-lb cattle of tills class celling at fiom
$4.10 to ? 4.i,0 tn ) unj thing not Mi Icily
good the market xxns sloxv and IIIIPXPII
xx IIh n loxxpr tendency , lliixeis xxere Indlllei-
pnt and selleis foiinil It illlllcult ( o Induce
them to lake medium to Infei lor cattle exeunt
shaded pilces ' ales of this latter elasM xxere
hugely at fiom $ .100 to . .W ) . The fait to
good handy 1,100 to 1,200-lh. sleptx , xxhlch
made up the hulk of the olTeilngs , sold mostly
at fiom $3 7r > to $1.1O , ci nt siihsiiuiilally
steady pilccs and about exeiitiling llnally
changed li'inds.
The tiade In buteliPis1 stock and panneis
xxns on the basis of talliei Mumper pilces ,
1 heio xxasn llbctal tiiiKiunt of mixed slock on
stile , and the demand xxas good fiom all
soiiiee-i. Poor to fall coxxs sold foi canning
puipo-es nil HID \xay fiom fl.OO
to J-MOj buteheis'
- SHUT hugely at
fiom $ J.25 to J2.75xllh good
to eholco cinxs and heifers aiound } 3 00 to
I.I.ID. liood ID choice fat hulls , oxen mid
stags xxeie In nolixo demand and stronger at
fiom $2.73 up to 3.80. The gem-nil inn of
bulls , lioxxexpi , sold mound 120(1 ( tot2 TiO The
supply of calxos xxas light. ( Jood toi-holcp
xeals sold at fiom Jj oo to 43.00 , common
1m-to calxos and joatlln's at around $ J.OO to
JJ 00.
Tiatle xxas dull In the stockpi and feeder
line but tills xxas more on account of the lim
ited supply than ttoin liny si ii'kiioss in the
demand. The meagei ficsh ipcolpts xxpro
fieelj taken at good , sliong piices and the
maikut Is iiiotably | stiong. Kopioiontatlxo
sales :
i > ia r m rr.
iS'o. Ax- . Pi. No. Av I'r.
,1 . . . 780 $300 21 . .1011 t3 75
12 . . . . saa 3 25 it ) . rj.ia 3 75
2 . . . . 885 3 25 10 . IOJ2 3 HO
' 1 . . . 8f > ( ) 225 25 . .1080 3 HO
4 . . . a7f > 3 30 4 . .1178 3 SO
10 . . . 045 335 40 . .1151 a DO
1 . . .1010 300 13 . 1250 305
0 .1133 3 DO 21 .1108 3 95
2.1 . . 005 3 00 2 .1210 4 00
25 . . . .1158 365 2H . .1187 410
24 . . . .111 ! ) 305 20 . .1.IOH 410
3' ) . .115H 3 ( > 5 3H . .1228 430
3 . . .1100 3 70 42 . .1300 4 50
5 . .10GH 3 70 72 . .1307 4 55
2 1425 3 70 18 . . 1358 4 00
40 . . .10CO SCO - 1 . . . .1400 375
20 . . . . 771 280 - 17 . . . . 958 340
21 . . . . 7UO 3 03 -
that iccolpts so far.thH xxeok shoxv a slight In-
crea o , comparedjWlth thu llrst half of last
xxeok. Kaily s.ileiixvyio at baiely xesteiday's
pilces , bill xxlth all buyeis , packerH , fresh
meat IIIPII , shlppoib'and speciilalois tnkliiK
hold fieely the matket Improxid rl ht uloiiK
and thocloso XXIIH ill jiilcosu Mmilo to 5u
lilchur than Tuesday. The iniiKu of prices
xras the same as ypsterdny , cominon undor-
xxelhl ) sluir soiling as loxv as $ G. ( > 5 , and cholco
butcher and heaxy loads nt } U.H5. Jly 11
o'clock the pens xxoro plearcd , thu maikot
closing up > eiy stionk' . 1 all lo food IIOKS of
nbontall xxiilKhtssold atfiom 0.70 to (1.80 ( ,
us a aliibtt0.70 to JO.7.1 Tuesday. W.-IO to
4(1.50 ( ono xxt uk IIKO , and JJ.70 to 4J.75 0110 year
niro. Iteiuescntattxp bales ;
to ( rood xvesteriis , $ l.'J5fM.50 ; common and
olu.'ep , $ peed to choice. 40 to
Iambs , f4.002iG.00. Ueprpscntatlxo sales-
Av. 1'r.
14 mhpd J4 00
l)3ml\ed ! ) 4 20
20 mixed 4 10
ni3tn\ul | ( 77 4 30
KrcclpM mid DNpo ltlon ofStnck.
Hocelpts nt HIP Union Sloisk Vaids , South
Oiiiiihn , Neb. , for t enly-fciiii hums
at 5 o'clock p m. January 4 , 18'JJ :
Oprnitlnns Continue on n Krliillxolx * Mimll
Iliists Coinp 11 i'KiliH oT rroinlneiit I'lueex.
< 'I t x , ( ) , . 4.-Special [ Telemamto
Tin : III h 1-Toiiiorioxx's Vilco t'nneiil x\lll
saj : \\estein pieklns opeiallons contlnno
on a lelatlxelv small basis , the lotuins
Indlcatliu ; u total of 210,000 for the
week , astalnst 270,000 last week and 375,000 MMI , making u. total of 270.000 > .lnee No-
xemhei 1 , iiiinlnst 400,000 last jear. 1'ioiiit-
nont places coiupato as follows :
cm is. I It-M I
ClilniRti I.Uo Stock Murlirt.
ClllCXUO , III. , 4. [ Ppuclul Tclofinini to
Tun Hi r.1 KtiNlnuss on the ciittlo iniukut
opoiird mtlii'i ' .low , llli hnjorslooklni ; OMM
I lie stork nioio ci II Ic.illy for MIIIIO dnjs
p-ist. I'lloi's , pi'ilmn-j , inny not IIUM > mloil
any lower , hut the xxlio oilRithut Mish up
on Jlond.iy xxasnot as koi-n today 01 ji-Mi-nl.iy
on cootl to clioh'p sltors. Mo tof the ilriiluts
qiiotoil pi li'Ps steady , MIIIO ) xxiMk , mid olhois
loxxoi. 1'ilmo co\xs and lu-lfors .old iihoitt
sto.ulv nnd there .n : i fait tit m mil xxlth
steady ] ) rlcos foi stoukpisiinil fpcdpii.
I'i let's for ho \xpro oasloi foi a shoit time ,
hut latpi on tin * Kunoral m.ukot chi- < l
and although the top pilco xxas not up to
yesteid.iy. pilces on all giades tilled fully as
sttong and xxe again quote lougli at'fiom Ji > .73
to JO 80 ; good mixed and pickers at fiom
$083 to $0.90 ; pi imp hoax v and uleher
xxeighls at fiom f ( > . ! )3 ) tot ? 10. Theiexxasa
biisk demand foi pilme light soils at fiom
JO 80 lo 46.00 ; other lights , ut fiom f0.00 to
The sheep nrnket xvas sloxx and Inclined
to xxcaknoss Kecelnts > XPIO so 1-ilgo and
xx Ith tlio outside demand still xeiy lim
ited HIP supply pioxed oNCPsslxe. Only Iho
best grades of mutton stock xxoro
steady pilces and the mox-ement of Mich
guides moio dilllcnlt than on prexloiis
days this xxpok. ( . ' 0111111011 to fair grades of na-
tlxo and Texas stock , xxhlch foi m a considei-
able portion of the supply , met , u Ith no fax or
at the hands of biijots and tiado diagged
throughout at fiom lOc to 15c decline. The
lamb m n ket xvas also Inclined to xxeikness
Choice to prime lambs sold nt fiom fO 00 to
6.25 , and the to fair good giades from $5 00
1oJ5.75. Hestn itlxo muttons nro quotable at
fiom $300 to5350 , good to cholco xxesteins
III m at $4.90 to SO 30 , fair niKod natixooxxes
and xxeathers at from $4 00 to $4.75 , and culls
and thin fcdders at fiom $2 50 to 83 75.
Hpeeljits-C.ittie 10,000 head ; hogs , 30,000
he id ; sheep. 11,000 head.
The Kxenlng Journal reports :
C'Ann.K Receipts , 15,000 head ; shipments ,
4,000 head ; market sloxv , baiely steady ;
piImo toe\tra stools , $4 OS'&S.SO ; others , J3 70
® 4 85 ; stockeis , $3 0033 O'J ; coxxs , $3 000,3 GO.
Hoes Keeolpts,30,000 head ; maiket steady ;
rough , f6.75Ub.60 ; good mixed and packing ,
tn.H6QG.90 : pi Imo heavy and butcheis'
xxelghts , $0.907.10 ; light , lG.G030.90.
SHIFT Hoeolpls , 11,0(10 ( head ; shipments ,
1,500 head ! market lOgjlOc loxxet ; nntlxps ,
t3.865JIO.2D ; xrcMeins , $1.9020.10 ; Iambs , * 3 80
(3.0 ( 00.
' Xew Vork Il < > Stock Aliirkpt. *
Nrxx VOIIK , .1 in. 4. Hrr.vrs Uecelpts , 1,012
head , Including 44 for silo. Maiket
opened a shade IIImpi , closed steady ; nallxo
steeis , $4.10fT ,0,10 put 100 Ihs : Texans , $ ) 70P
3.75 ; bulls and coxxs , * 1.00'ii3.25. Dressed beef
steady at 8S9'jc ( ' per Ib. Milinnentb todav ,
300 IK i'\es and 020 quaileis of beef.
OAI.VI'S Hecelpls , 1,08' ) headj maikot He
poi ll > . loxxeicals ; , ? D.O03H.DO per 100 Ihs" ;
is , $2.20(22.0J'2c ( ; xxestoin calxos , SJ.OO
l' AND I/XMIIS Hpcoints , 5,125 head ;
sh.ep Him ; lambs , ' ( c pel Ib. hlghei ; shtep ,
} 3 OOQO.OO per 100 Ihs. ; lamhs. fO 20itt0.70.
HoosKecelpts , 0,979 head , consigned di
rect. Jim ket nominally steady at iu.40ffi7.00
100 Ibs.
KnnsnH Clt > I. h stock Xlnrket.
v Ctrv , 3Io. , Jan. 4. OAT II.K Re
ceipts , 800 head ; shipments , 1,900 he ad : mar
ket dull ; HtoPis , lO&lBc loxxoi at 30dOO ;
LOWS , 510 ' IOWPI atifl.75B.4.0 ( ) ; stockoib and
feetlois hte.ulj to hliong at * 2.90'J3.75. (
lloosKocoipts , 11.5OO head , shipments ,
2,300 head ; maikel falily act he , steailv ,
stiong , cltis-lng 5o lower ; all Blades , < 5,25W
0.75 ; bulk , ib & 'uBO.G5.
SHIIIItOLelpts ; : , 1,200 hond ; shipments ,
300 liuadiROod r-lipciihcmco , nomln illy htiong ,
othois dull , xx oak : muttons , $3 75 ( .4.85.
St. I. mill I , Ivo Silicic Xlurlti't.
ST. Loins Mo , Jan. 4 , O.ITM.K Hocelpts ,
3,200 head ; shipments not ropoited ; 111,11 ket
steady ; natlxu steeis , } 3.10ii5.0Uj ( 'inss fed ,
HddS-ReceliitR , 1 1,200 head ; shipments not
ippoited ; inaiUot easloi ; hoax-y , fll 5OIiG,90 ;
packing , JO.30itO.85 ; light , J0.4080.7B.
riliFFi1 Hecolpls , 1,000 head ; shipments not
ippoiUil ; nallxos , $3,00\t 5.00 ; cholcu mut
tons , W.75aB,00.
It Cures Coldi , Coujhi. Bore Throat , Croup , Influ.
en , Wliooping Cough , Broncbitli and Aithma.
A certain cure for Cooiumptlon In flrjt etaget ,
and a lure relief In advanced tltget. U > e at once.
You will ice the excellent elfect after taking the
cut rloie , Bold by dealer * everywhere. Large
bottlei JO centi and Sl.OO.
Union Stock Yards Company ,
South Ojmaliai
Hett Catllo Ho and Elirup mnrket In tbo wet
_ _
Wood Brothers.
I , Ivo Stock CommlsHlon Mcrchunta.
South Oiualm 'Iclvphono II5T. Clilcapo
JOHN II WAPIXM AN , I. , . , ,
„ „ „ „
XVAl/riCH K. WOOII. fMuD8ktre
Market Ilcporti t > f mull and Mlr cheerfully tur
oliUed upon application
Tou Would Pay \
to a doctor who guaranteed ( o euro
your Kidney Trouble , Nervous Debility ,
Rheumatism , or remove that dreadful Scrofulous
humor from your system. Now , reflect ( JMOO
will purchase a bottle ; of the celebrated Cpl"77"
Kickapoo Indian Sag-wa
Nature's own blood purifier. Simple and harmless ,
made of roots , barks , and herbs. We will pay
OOO to any person
t\J\J\J who can prove
that this remedy will not re
lieve or cure the troubles
above mentioned , and that any
of our testimonials regarding
the cure of these dis'eases are
not absolutely genuine.
IIK.U.V A DIOEI.OXX' , AKOIIIS , Scxllnxcn , Conn.
Kickapoo Indian Oil 1 00 a. bottle. 11 Pure Blood ,
a quick cure 31 icnts. for all pains , All druggists. Perfect Health. "
Instnntly stops Iho most orcrnclnllni : rmlm H nexcr fulls lo clvo cnfoto Ilicsultorcr It Is truly tlie cr
mil lm ilono morn itnuiltlinn nn ) known romvilr Tor Sl'HAI.SS Illlt ISI.HAOIlACniC , I'nln ID
1I1H ClIKsl1 Oil SIDKS , HKAD.XLUE , TOOl'llAlMli : , or uiiy other oMornut 1'AIX , n few npillca. |
trkli n ll v null ) ' . ( ' to 10 tlrot i > In liilf n tumbler of untur.
Wltli llAlWA 'd I'lI.I.b there Is no boiler UM112 or PKHVKSTIVI ! or KKVUI ) OH AQUK.
tolit b ) All DriiKKlsts Wo per bottle.
Omaha Tent-Awning
v.vv :
Mil Kiirn.Tin at.
Bemis Onaha Bag M. 0. Daxon ,
niporler-i anil minu fra lllcyclcs told on monthly
fluur aack ) , burlnpj ,
pnruoiiti 12J N iJth.
Morse-Doe Shos Company ,
Howard Stro3t.
Factor ? corner llth and llouslisStrooti.
Wonro maklnnclo o priors to canh Iniyors. nnl nro
colling n class of Koocti whlclili very suloiblo
xvllti merchants
thi Itrd SI ll ten M irilil' * * > Ho.
In tne circuit court of ilia United States for
Iho district of .Nebraska :
Algernon S. I'attlck vs. llrwln Davis No. ! , = )
Public nollco Is In pursu
ance and by xlrtuo or mi alias order of court
Issued out of above n lined court In aboxe en
titled ciiiso , I , Iliad I ) . Hlanirhter , United
blnles marslml foi the dUtrlclof Nebraska ,
xvillonlho eighteenth day of lanuaiy , A. 1) .
Ifc'H ' , at the hour of ten o'clock in tbo forenoon
of said day , nt Iho front ( north ) door of the
county court house of Knox county. Nebras
ka. In the toivn of Mobrarn , Knox county , No-
biUikn. soil at public aiiollon , as ihe laxvdl-
roetB , to Iho bUliist and best bidders all the
right , tltlo and InlorcHt of the xfornsald Drwln
Davlii In nnd lolho folloxxlng lands mid teno-
nicnts , toxv t :
N i of heel , txvp II , north of range 'I , xvest :
nnd n It n o 't and o 'i ' a o ' 4 of see U , and the
s xx'i of seo'Ji. In txvp U , north ; all of ranso .1 ,
xxcsi of tlio Mil p m , und t Iioo'of sec III in
Ixvp ' . .V , north of laiiKoS ! , xvest ; and the H 'i ' of
thu H xx U of see - , and the n 'i of the n xv 'i ' of
MO II , and thos xv 'i of tlio 8 xv 'i of BOO II , and
Iho n o ' 4 of soc 1' , and Iho H xv > t of t > uo I" ) In
Ixvp.ll , 1101 tli of imigo'J. xvobt ; and Iho a o ' of
soc .JO. and the xv ,4 of s xv 't of buo.'Ki , and then
xv'iof HCOT > , in txvp .1' ' , north , allot rniuo L' .
xvest : and the n ' 4 of sco 19 and the H xv ' 4 of
( no 1 ! ) , and then w'4 of sco LU ami the xv ' .of
boo Is , and llm no U of see .11 , In txvp Jl , noith
of ratuo.l. xxest ; mid tlio s o ' 4 of > > ou 5. and H w
> 4i > f sou 4 , nn I Ihs n < ) 'iof scoi' . and tlio n o U
of H w 'i. and tlm xv 'i ol n xv > t of soj : . ' , and the
n xv ' 4 of soU ofoo - , and Iho n 'i ' of a u 'i ' of
seaII , In txvp L' i , north uf i ango .1 , xvosl ; and the
H 'i of see r > , und tbo n xx i , of ii ) VI , md llin n
Ii ofsxx ' 4 , and then 'Jot ' n o 14 of soo' . ' . ' , In nvp
ill , north of rnn u I , xvost , and the o / of HOO K ,
In txv.tO | ) , north of riiii0xxest : and tlio w'J
of n xv > , nnd thexvii of a xx ' , of bouitl , In txvp
: it , north of ningn - . xvost ; and the a > / , of fco O ,
Inlxxp 0. north of i.iiuo' ' , xxest ; nnd nil of HOO
U' , In lxvp.ll , not ih of ran.'oJ. . xvosi ; and the n
xv 't of HOO 7 , ixxp 'J > , range , l , xxosl ; and
the s'i of soc. : ti Intxvp .W. north of nn o
: i xveal. and llioxv'i of too. i'tl.aml the B'/I of soo.
Ul In Ixxp : il noilh of rmiio .1 Hunt , and the
alt of Hxx'4 , and Iho ' ' , of MI' of too. i. and Iho
nii of soe.7. . and HXV' ' { and no'4 ' of f > vo. 'J1 , nii't
thonufi and swi4 miU sou of sue , 17 , ull In
Ixvp ill. norlh of r ini.'o.l xxosl ; anJ tiio n'/i of
nxvU of boo , 4 , and no'i ' of HOC. I. and n'i of nxv
! t of HOC. H. and no' > of SOL' 1. , and nu'i ' am ) sw
Uofkco ll In txvpJ. . noith of riiiu-o .1 west ,
and o'.J ' of aw1 , mid xv' ' , uf Ho'jof see 9. In txvp.
: il. nonli < lf lange J xvost , till nod In Knox
county , NohiaHka ,
The HIIIIIO havliuheon hcretoforo levied
upon by vlrtmiof u xvrltof ntt tolimeiil Uinod
out of the dlstilot court of Knox county , Ne
braska ,
fiild nile Is 10 Hillary a Judgment of a ild
I'lilled htattb circuit court obtained at IU
Jiinmry term , IfO ) , In favor of AlgoinoonH.
1'utriuk , und iiUHliiKt tlio mild I > xvln Divls.
ItltAl ) I ) . hlACUII 11.11.
United htutns Mughal. Dislrhaof Nobr.isku.
JOHN L. WKUSTEH , Atlornoy for idiilntlir.
M. .lunklns , Dolln Davla. Outlier no i : .
lloLbs Nelson U Hwoltzor , John V. K. I.oh-
insnn. Miiry H , .Suumlom , Uzzio W. McOIiu
iiy , Uotulnlck ilook , Auuu Vuuduuburs
Rector & Wilhelmy Lobeckft Linn ,
Dcnlcri In li-irdnnro and
Cornet I0th nndJackeon mcclmnlci' tooli
dtr eotj 11JI
W. A. L. Gibbon ACo.
llnta.caps , utriw KOOilJ ,
vloTun. nillloiu , 'Mi
nnd llnrnoy Ms.
John A. WaRefleld , Charles R. Lee ,
Imiiortoil.AmcrlcTnl'ort Ilnrdivood lunilnr , wood
Inn I uJiui'nt , Milwau c.'uiicti in I mmuob
kee coinunt lloorliiK ,
white lliuc. Oth and Uuuglas.
Frick & UariHrt , I. Obarfaldw &C o
Importjri an I jo b b
\Vholcsalollquorilcalorj of mllll lor/ , not lo
Mall ordorj pro m tit.
1001 rnrnnm St. 2J3-J12 t ! . lllliSt.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
Cnrry n full hloi'lt of
lirlntliiK , nrnppln and llollnol nnd lubricating
nrltliiK pnpurn , inrd
mi per , etc oils , nxlo ( .runic , etc.
Branch & Co. , Jas. A. Clark & Co. ,
I'roJuco , fruit ] at till Hnttor , choaso ,
lioultry nnil Kiuno ,
klnils , oysters. JIV H. I Ith st.
Omaha Stove Rapilr
W.UKJ , ntnvn ro > ilri \t i rifnn'.nrjr.i of .inn.
na I w itar [ itti"'un31 d o o r i , b 11 n 11 un
for any U iJ of st im ilillh < j I ) , * null of
undo , 1J7 ! Ilo ] , IH'i i nd Uurd 3
Ooorisn II.SIeok.TIIlory L.llonekO , c ir IFnrt-
man , Mloliluaii Mutual Mfo Insnr meo Ooir.-
pany. Oeor o M. Meoly , Wllll un O. Whlto-
no id. r.lUrlun1' 1'iwtoi * " OPV | V. Mason.
I ) ivld M. Uro , A.C. l.ol/hti.i H brldtto I.IIXT-
ton , I , idooA 1'oxxoll Matilda Do Uiolsollo ,
non-roHldonts :
Von are liorohy notUlod that thi unclor-
dlunod. three dislntoroitoil froiiholdors of the
city of Oinairi. Irixti boon duly appo.ntod by
tlio inavor. xvlth the appioval of Iho oity
tonne ! ) of slid elty , to ussois the d'liniiL'o to
tlio oxvnors roHpoctlvo v of the uroporty
declared by ordinance noeoss.iry to bo appro
priated for'tlio mo of H.ildollv for tlio imr-
pose of opcnlns and oMondiiu Noxvlon utroot
Irom Daxenport'fl Huh'llx-lslon lo.Dth alroot ,
Bind appolnlmont , an I duly nualllloil us ro-
nnlrod Dy law. xvo will , on Iho'Hlul.iy of
Janu iry. A. D. Ih1) ) ) , at tlni hour of J o'olook
In the afternoon , at tlio olll o of Ooo .1 , I'aul ,
llin Knrn im street , xvltl'in ' the eorporato llm-
Ita of aildcltv , moot for Iho purpose of con-
sliioiliM imU nnkliiK tlio assoBJinont of dam
age to the CXVIIUIH rcspoottvo'y ' of H ild pro
perly , by roibonot snoh inking and appro-
pr'atlon ' thereof taldiu Into tonsldoratlon
upool il lie n oil Is , If any
Tlio property holoiuin : to you , proposed
to Uo approprlutol na afores ill ) , unit
xxhleh has been deolarod notossary by the
coiinull , by ordlnan'O , to appropiluto to tha
ni > o of the oily , holn r nltii no In H ild oltv of
Omutiil. In thd uoiinly of DoiuhiK , null utato of
Nobiawk i , U described IIH folloxva , to wit ;
Oeo. Wnrron .Smith Tlio Miutli " 7,83 foot of
lots. (1.117 ( , . . ! ! ' . I' ' . II , U. 4lan > l II . . . .
William M. JonHna-Tho sjiilh 'J7 &i foot lot
Della Davis and Oatliorlno r ; llobbs-Tno
Eiintli iiTKifuut lot II . . . . , . .
Niilhou II Hwlt/ur-Tlin north S1 n foot lot M.
John U. K I.ehnmiin-Noitli W 15 fo l of oust
B3.BJ fool lot 00
.xlary S , HaunderB Noi th 20.l > > foot onstGO.B ?
I.U/lo W.MoClinltoy North Mil feutlotOS
Dominlok Hook North U II feet lotdl Hurl man North 'JH.13foel lotfi'i.
.Mlchjaan Muu X-ifo 1 . CO.-.NOI lh 'JO 15 fool
" " ' '
"ffoo "Mi'Nic'eloy North'-'il n foot of inlddlo } i
\Vifllam \ O , North SJ.11 foot east
l.lbr'lik'o J.mvton Nortlr-3.l1 foot lolOT.
Hculoy M , M.iauii and David M. Uio-.Nortr
" '
A o' l.oUlitmiNorth foot lot 03.
KIUrldzol < iwton-North 31 n Iot7l.
I.adou A. Cro.voll-North iJ.n ! faut lot 71
( Jeer a II Hcolc North M I j foot xvoil. 41 foot
of north I > ' foot of lot.Vj.
Kllory lloiik-boiilh-7SJ fuotHouih H ol
Aiinii Vandoi'iburSouth27K5foot of north
\t \ of south > / of lot 17
All In Uh > o'4 addition In said city , county
nnd staio.
Vou nto notified to bo prosimt at the tlmo
and plnco uforosulil. unU niiilio any objootton *
to or utulenioiiu conuornliu i ht proposotl up-
jirourlatlon or iiHsussinont of danui oa , us you
may con.ldor proper.
IUV. . U111HON.
\VM.O. H11H1V12IU
Omaha , Daottuborl ? , Ib'JJ.