Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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of Congress Assamblod at Wash
ington Ready to Resume Business.
tjktr. Cliniiillrr'n lltll to.Sn | > rml Inimlcrntlnn
fallrd Up In tlio Soinitr Thn Anti-
Option Illll Also
In thn
WAMIIXHTO.V , D. C. , Jan. 4. The senate buslni'ss toilny , at the close or Its
holiday rcooss , with n lair show of Industry
and nn nUanrfnnco of n few tnoro than n.
quorum , Mr. Allison , republican , of Iowa
tnndo his first this session , Imv-
ItiR been ahscnt hitherto us a delegate to the
International monetary conforcncu and had
an opportunity of adding to his knowledge )
on the subject of gold nnd silver by listening1
to a speech by Mr , Stewart , republican , of
Nevada , 111 opposition to the bill introduced
by Mr. McPhcrson , democrat , of New Jer
sey , to suspend the purohaso of silver bullion
under the Sherman bill.
Sonio progress was made on the anti-op-
tlou bill and Mr. Sherman , republican , of
Ohio took occasion to stuto his vlows on the
subject of that measure.
'i'ho session of the senate was opened with
prayer by the chaplain , special reference
being made therein to the dangerous illncs
of Senator Konna of West Virginia , nnd the
trust expressed that his useful Ufa may bo
The certificates of election of presidential
electors from th < 5 states of Pennsylvania ,
llhodo Island , Mississippi , Iowa , Nevada ,
Vermont , Idaho , Virginia , Massachusetts
nnd West Virginia wore presented by thu
vice president and were placed on Hie.
To Keep Out tint Cholera.
After the Introduction nnd reference of
sundry bills and resolutions , Mr. Chandler ,
republican , of Now Ilnmpsblro , moved an
order that on Friday next , alter the routine
morning business , a ml on Saturday , If there
was no opposition , the two bills on the calen
dar reported by the committees on epidemic
diseases and on immigration , having regard
to the danger of the introduction of cholera
Into the United Stales , shall bo the special
orders and have exclusive consideration on
these days without otherwise displacing the
present "unfinished business. "
It seemed to him , ho said , that If any bills
were entitled to preference , they were urgent
in their character. They represented differ
ent methods of dealing with the apprehended
cholera ono a. total suspension of immigra
tion for ono year , the other increased quarantine -
tine powers to the executive branch of the
government , Ho understood that the execu
tive , oven without additional legislative au
thority , proposed to issue within a few days ,
regulations concerning quarantine that
would have an imx ) > rtant bearing on the sub
ject. HoMr. . Chandler ) was willing that
the quarantine bill should first be considered
and dtaK ] > scd of.
Mr. Harris , democrat of Tennessee , who
had reported the quarantine bill , quite
agreed with the senator from New Hamp
shire that those two questions were of the
highest importance nnd that action should
bo taken upon them at the earliest daj
Mr. Washhurn , republican , of Minnesota ,
recognized the Importance of the measure ;
referred to. but thought that the uutl-optior
bill was still more important. "If an agree
incnt had boon reached for a vote on It , wt
would not hesitate to grant the request ol
the senator from Now Hampshire , " ho said
Mr. Harris , democrat , of Tennessee , dk
not think there was n disposition anywheri
to defeat action on the anti-option bill. Hi
caw no reason why the senate might no
como to a vote on It.
After a colloquy Mr. Chandler's rcsolutioi
was agreed to and. at the suggestion of Mr
Teller of Colorado , the McGarrahan bil
went over until Tuesday next In the mornlm
i Htnwnrt'H Silver Argument.
Mr. Stewart , republican , of Nevada , callei
up Mr. MuPhcrson's ' joint resolution , Intro
tlucod December " 1 , IbW , to suspend tin
purchase of silver bullion under the Slier
man act , and gave notice of an anicndnicn
to it , being the bill introduced by himself 01
December IS , with the third section modi
lied so as to make its closing sentence read
'And all silver bullion belonging to tin
United States shall bo coined as rapidly ai
iwsstblc , without delaying coinage , for do
posltors. "
Ho proceeded to address the senate in ai
argument against the repeal of the act o
IS'.K ) nnd in favor of free coinage. The peopl
at the last election , ho said , voted for n
principle , but change. The republican
would not agree to the change. The dome
crats promised to change tariff schedules
The voters decided that no change couli
bo for the worst ; any change migh
bo beneficial. Over 1,000,000 voters , withou
hope of success , protested by voting fo
Weaver. Others stayed at homo in sympath ,
or disgust , but enough voted to defeat Han
son nnd elect Cleveland. If the democrat !
party would romonetizo silver and give re
lief its lease of power would bo Indellnitt
Hut if it failed nnd the corner on gold wa
maintained both the old parties would b
overwhelmed at the next election.
Mr. Allison , republican , of Iowa , who ha
Just returned from the International silvo
coinage convention at Urussels , and wh
today made his iirst appearance in the sci
ate chamber at the present session , rcinninc
in his scat while Mr , Stewart was spcakin
and appeared to bo paying close attention t
bis remarks ; but ho did not seek the lloo
when Mr. Stewart closed and the matte
went over without action.
Anti-Option Illll T.ilioa . Up.
The senate at Up , in , took up the antl-o ]
tion bill as thu unfinished business. A
amendment was offered by Mr. Washbun
republican , of Minnesota , and agreed to , 1 :
sertlng In section 3 the words HO us to mill
the proviso read : "That uch contract <
agreement shall not be made , settled for d
livery , or settlement of difference , or by an
other mode of performance , or scttk-inei
in or upon any board of trade , " etc.
Mr. White , democrat , of Louisiana move
to Insert In section ! l the word ' 'Hour" us 61
of thu articles referred to.
Mr. Washburn. republican , of Minncsot
( mid that ho would make no objection to tl
proposed amendment.
Mr. Sherman , republican , of Ohio sal
personally , ho stood neutral in regard to tl
bill , as ho did not bollovo It would nccoi
pllsn what was expected of It. Still ho wi
disposed to vote for it in deference to tl
opinions of loading agricultural societies ai
individual farmers. The farmers of tl
country hud got it fixed strongly In the
minds that the sales condemned by the b
depressed the miirkots at critical period
when they sold their products.
Why .Mieriniui I'livors tlin Illll ,
The senator was disused to vote for tl
bill , so IIH to secure the farmers ami pr
ducors from unlawful contracts andcombln
tlons. It was very doubtful , howove
whether it .was within the constitution
power of congress to regulate contracts ai
to make things lawful or unlawful , mile
they entered Into Interstate or foreit
commerce. But ho thought that co
Sress ought , in seine way ( if it cou
o so upon the jiowors conferred to
by thu constitution ) to sccuro to the farmc
the fair and just market price for their pi
ducts. He , therefore , thought the object
the bill was rlk'lit , and that it ought to be ,
liosslblo , carried Into law In some constlt
tlonal way. There was now less than U
months In which to discharge all thu 011
nary duties of the session. He , therofoi
hoped that the senate would proceed to
speedy vote on n bill which was intended
stop or mitigate gambling In thu products
the country ,
Mr , White's amendment was agreed to.
Mr. White , democrat , of Ixiulsiana , mov
to strike out thu proviso at the cad of st
tlon 3 , and addressed thu senate in tidvocii
of that motion. Thu vote was taken , aft
further discussion and resulted , yeas , 1
nays , 10. ! As u quorum did not vote thu n
of senators was culled. Korty-four senate
( just a quorum ) answered to their nami
but without further action on Mr , Vi'hlti
amendment the senate went Into executi
session and soon adjourned ,
In tliu lluutp.
WAUUINUTON , D. O. , Jau. 4. The sueab
called the house to order at noon with a sl'm '
Martin of Indiana called up the private
pension bills on the calendar as unfinished
business ,
Hlanit of Missouri Intorpoicd an objection.
Ono bill wns llnaliy passed and then the
house adjourned for lack of a quorum
All A > lie Obey HIP I.nw Porclven Thplr l'i t
WASIIIXOTOX , D. C. , Jan. 4. President
Harrison today Issued the following procla
mation :
Whrtcas , conere1 * , by a statute unproved
March ttii. IttMt , nmlby statutes In further
ance nnd ntiH'iidment. thercforo defined the
crimp * of hlcntny , ) > ely nmy nnd unlawful cohabitatIon -
habitatIon In tin ) territories and other itlncr- *
within thooxc.luslvo jnrlsdlcllou of tin ) United
Slnti" < , nnd prescribed a penalty for such
cilineii and ,
Wlii-rcas , On or about the C.tli day of Octo
ber , 1HOO , tin- Church of the I.ntterDny Saints ,
c.nmtmmly known as the Mormon church ,
through Its prcslileiit , Issued a manifesto , pro
claiming the purpose of said church to no
lonner sunr.llon the practice nt polygamous
marriages , nnd ciilllni ; upon nil mcmibor.s nnd
adherents of snld church to obey tlio laws of
the t'nlti'd Statci In refcrenco to such subject
matter ; and ,
Whereas It Is represented that since thn
date of snld declaration of luembnrs and
adherents of said church havn generally
oboyrd Mild Inws and hnvn abstained from
plural marriage * and polygamous cohabit
ation : and
Whereas , Hy n petition dated December 0 ,
1891 , thennirlnlsof said rhurrli. pledging thii
membership thereof to u faithful ohi-illenee of
HID laws against plural marriages and utilnw-
sul cohabitation , have applied to me to piant
ninnosty for past olTi'iise.s against snld ln v * ,
ami which n vury largo number of Inlhientlal
non-Mormons residing In the territories have
strongly urged : and
Whereas , 'i'ho t'tah commission , In Its report
boarlns datuSeptember 10 , IH'J'J , rrconiiiRMid
that thu said petition bu grunted ami said
ilium-sty proclaliniMl , under proper conditions ,
as to thu rut tire olxervnnei1 of the law , with a
view to HID i-iicouragiMiient of thosu now dis
posed to hecomu law-abiding citizens ! and
Whmcns. During tin' pust two years such
amnesty has been granted to Individual ap
plicants In n very largo number of cases , con
ditioned upon tho- faithful observance nf the
laws of thu United States against unlawful
cohublntliii ( , < and thnro are now pumllnicnmny
iiioii ! Mich applications.
Now , the ru ton ; , I , llunainlu ) Harrison , pres
ident , of the United States , by virtue of thu
powers In mo vested , do hereby declare-urn !
prnnt n full amnesty and pardon to nil persons
llablo to thn penalties of said act , by leason of
unlawful cohabitation umlor thu color of
polygamous or plural mnrrlagn , who have
slneo November l , 18'Jl ) , ab-,1 allied from such
unlawful cohabitation , but upon the express
condition that they shall In the futiiro faith
fully obey the laws of the Pulled Slates hero-
Inlmforo named and not otherwise.
These who ( .hall fall to avail themselves of
tin ; clemency hereby oflVred , will bo vigor
ously prosi-cuti'd. HKN.IAMI.V ll.vitmsoN.
lly the president : JOHN W. KOSTT.U ,
Secretary of State.
Important Vrovl-dons of the Proposed Now
I.nw ( ilven.
WASIIISOTON' , D. C. , Jan. 4. Senator
Chandler has introduced a bill to restrict
immigration. It designates four new classes
of excluded persona ; provides for in
formation regarding immigrants , the issue
of certificates by United States consuls , the
requirement of more cubic space for Immi
grants aboard vessels , and a now natural
ization clause , requiring sixty days' notice of
application. The excluded classes are addi
tional to those persons excluded by the pres
ent law , and uro as follows : All persons physically capable and
over 12 years of ago who cannot read anil
write- with reasonable facility tlmlr own
language , except that an njjod per.-on not so
able to read anil wrlto who Is the parent or
grand parent of an admissible Immigrant , may
iiccomjinnyor bo .sent for , by Much Immigrant.
Second All persons not provided , In addition
to means of reaching thulr liiml destination ,
with .snlllclent money of thnlr own , or of the
heads of their families , for their comfortable
support for two months lifter their arrival ,
tin1 amount to bo required not to exceed $100
for each single person or head of a family , or
$25 forcnch member of n family accompany
ing , or pent , for by mich head of a family.
Third Persons blind , or crippled , or other
wise physically Imperfect , so that they arc
wholly or partially disabled fiom manual
labor , unless It IM nniruintlvely nnd satis
factorily shown on special inuulry that Mich
persons nio sure of an abundant support and
not likely to bccoma . \ public charge.
I'onrth Persons lio'ouglng tosocletles which
favor or justify the unlawful and criminal
destruction of property or lite.
The section of the bill relating to space on
shipboard prescribes a minimum air space
on the main deck , or the deck next below , of
200 cubic feet for each passenger carried
( double the present requirement ) , and on
the second deck of 1200 cubic feet instead of
ISO feet as at present.
No passengers shall bo carried on decks
more than ilvo feet below the water line ;
berths arc required to bo placed fore and
aft , and a largo addition is required in the
closet accommodations and ventilation.
About Public Itulldlng-t.
WASHIXOTOX , D. C. , Jan. 4. Congressman
Owen Scott of Illinois today introduced a
resolution railing upon the secretary of the
treasury for information regarding the pro
gress of public buildings in various parts
of the country , for which ap
propriations were made In 18UO.
Mr. Scott said that of soventy-flvo buildings
for which appropriations were made in 181K ) ,
contracts for the erection have been lot for
only llfteen. Thcro have been partial con
tracts made for ten.
Mr. Scott says the contracts for public
buildings have been systematically hold up
because of the depleted condition of the
treasury , and it appears to have boon the
policy of tlio administration to avoid every
step that would require cash from the gov
Crccnlmrliri IIH Iln-nili-rH of Dlin.ixp.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jan. 4. Kopresenta-
live Outhwalto of Ohio has taken up , and ,
In view of the danger of cholera Invasion ,
will press vigorously at this session of con
gress , a proposition for the frequent exchange
of soiled money for now notes. Investiga
tion made nt his suggestion has shown that
tlio old greenbacks and bank notes contain
the germs of disease to an unusual dugrqo ,
und that there is reason for apprehension ol
them us a producer of disease. Fifty thous
and dollars Is appropriated to bo immcd !
atoly available to enable the secretary of tin
treasury to hurry into effect the provision !
of tlio act ,
. Docs Not ItrcoKiiIzo tlio Vatican ,
WASUIXOTON" , D. C , , Jan. 4. The action o
the commander of the United States trainhif
ship Monongaliela yesterday nt Lisbon-
falling to accord oftlcial honors to Archblsho ]
Jucoblnl , papal uuticto to the court of Portu
gal , Is easily explained at thu .State am
Navy departments , The government of tin
United .States docs not rccognl/o the vatlcai
and , consequently , Archbishop Jacobin ! luii
no ofllclal standing iu the eyes of the Motion
gahela's commander.
Aimed ut tlio 1'InUrrtoni.
' WASHINGTON , D , C. , Jan. 4. Senate
Chandler Introduced a bill today making I
unlawful for any body of men to the nnmho
of ten or more to bear arms as a mllitar ;
body , unless called forth by the properly ail
thorl/.cd civil or military officers , and make
it the duty of the president to disband am
disperse any such organization , This bill 1
nlmud at the Phikertons and scml-milltar ;
anarchist organliutions.
Appointed IciOlllce ,
WASHINGTON , 1) ) . O. , JauI. . The prcslden
sent to the senate the nominations of fliber !
A. Pierce of Minnesota , to bo minister ti
Portugal ; George W. ISartch , associate jus
tlco of ( he supreme court for Utah. Post
musters : James H. Morrison at Soymoui
la. ; Frank C. Corvoy at South Superloi
Wls , ; Frank N , Hooper at Kureka , S. D.
I-'or tln < KiiHpea > liii of Mlvnr rnri'linii * * ,
WAMIIXOTOX , D , U. , Jan , 4. Heproseutu
tlvo Hanoi1 of Ohio presented u resolutloi
in the house today for the suspension o
silver bullion purchases until tin iutcrnatlonn
agreement , Jlxlng thu valuation of alive
bullion for coinage , shall bu reached , luclud
lug ut least Great Britain , Germany , Prune ,
and the United .States.
How tint Kirk Are Dulnj- ,
WASHINOTOX D. O. , Jan.I , Mr. Blain
was feeling us well at 0 o'clock this ovcnlii
as ho felt earlier in the day. Dr. Johnsoi
his physician , says there Is no p.irtlculu
reason to fear a change and that no dangc
Is apprehended from another relapse.
Senator Kenuu is still u very sick mat
but a trifle uioru coiufortablo.
How a Lincoln Oity Councilman Lort a
Valuable Instrument ,
Soinn of the Knotting Ones Pretend to tin-
ilerntnnil thn Situation Pnwnbrokort
UcQitniitcit to Vltlt tlio Pollen
Court ,
Neb. , Jan. 4. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] A woolc ago Councilman Webster
was entrusted with an ordinance which ho
was requested to introduce , nnd which
granted n franchise to the Metropolitan
Elcctrlo Lighting company , a now corpor
ation , which proposes to "buck" the present
mouoiKily. When It came llmo to Introduce
the ordinance it could not bo found. Since
then It develops that several per
sons have been permitted to see the docu
ment , which Is said to have somehow
drifted Into the bauds of the old company's
ofllcers. People who claim to know assert
that Mr. Webster has been selected as the
next republican candidate for mayor by the
lighting ring , and that the ordinance was
merely to test tlio feeling of the council. At
last night's meeting Mr. Webster asked and
was accorded the privilege of having a spe
cial committee appointed to Investigate the
disappearance of the ordinance , which he
claims was taken from his desk.
Pollen Court Nown >
Warrants were sworn out today for the
arrest of M. Adler , II. Ooldwatcr and U.ivid
Nefsky , three pawnbrokers who arc alleged
to have violated the law requiring from them
a dally report of all articles purchased by or
pawned with them. The pollco incline to
the belief that some of the pawnshops are
operated as fences. Adler having neglected
to report the pawning of a lot of diamonds
by a hotel bell boy , and which are believed
to have been stolen.
13. G. Davidson , who claims to bo a com
mercial traveler 'for ' Colgate , the soap man ,
was arraigned this morning for the larceny
as bailee from a fellow traveler of a $15 gold
locket which he sold to the hotel bootblack
for 50 cents. An unpaid boardblll at the
Lindell also stares Davidson in the face.
John Henderson and George McGulro were
given sixty days in the county Jail for the
larccncy of a gold watch.
City In llrler.
W. S. Parnoll , a Burlington switchman ,
fell under the cars today , but luckily es
caped with only a broken leg.
The sanitary commission Is having a rocky
road before it. Its corporate object is to
strengthen thodoviouschanuclof Saltcreok ,
and the. principal impediment is Kendall &
Smith's big mill. Tlio commission awarded
them fl,500 , but as the proposed channel re
moves the creek a half mile from their mill ,
they appealed today to the district court ,
and an injunction to restrain the commission
is threatened.
William Werger , keeper of a billiard hall
at Sprague , was up before Judge Urown
today on the charge of selling whisky and
beer at retail to Itoclc Island graders without
the formality of procuring a license. Ho
will have a hearing tomorrow.
The Gruetter & Jeers Furniture company ,
a now Lincoln corporation , tiled articles of
incorporation today. The capital stock is
$ r.u.OOO , with H. P. Lau , A. T. Gruotter and
C. F. Jeers as stockholders.
.T. N , Wilson was bound over to district
court today on the charge of having crimi
nally assaulted Mary Maltha , an elderly
German spinster , who resides with her
brother on a farm six miles northwest of the
city , where Wilson was employed.
W. P. Hendry , a restaurant man , is look
ing for a man who ga\o the name of M. W.
Cummings and who secured four meal tickets
and $1'J cash from him on a check for $ -5 on
the First National bank of Omaha , purport
ing to bo signed by Li. G. Reynolds a saloon
keeper of Omaha. The latter repudiates the
check as a forgery , and Cummings , whoso
real name is said to bo Buckmastor , has dis
appeared. Cummings brought , Mason , Smith
and two other "rat" printers from Omaha to
work on the Journal , and it was for them the
meal tickets were purchased.
The Burlington and Union Pacific railroads
have submitted a proposition to the city
council to build a viaduct over West O street
if the city would maintain it. The Union
Pacific will erect a double decker depot if
the scheme goes through.
The attorneys of Gorhutn Belts , now under
arrest and in jail under indictment of the
grand Jury for complication in the frauds in
the management of the state insane asylum
today , made application fora writ of habeas
corpus for his release.
Another Victory for lioyd.
In the case in which the State Journal
applied to the supreme court for a
writ of mandamus to compel Governor Boyd
to pay a printing bill out of a fund not set
aside for the purpose , the supreme court to
day declined to issue the writ. The decision
of the court was that the governor may In
his discretion use the contingent fund for the
purpose of stationery needed by the state ,
but ho can not bo required by mandamus to
approve a warrant against It on account of
books and stationery ordered by him.
Tim Plain Truth
Is good enough for Hood's Sarsaparilla
t hero is no need of embolisbment or sensa
tionalism. Simply what Hood's Sarsaparilla
does , that tells the story of its merit. If you
have never realized its benefits a single bottle
tle will convince you it is a good medicine.
The highest praisolms been won by Hood's
Pills for their easy , yet olUeicut action. Sold
by all druggists. Price > cents.
Colonel Piixtnn , , ) r. , HUH His I'lrrtt rtomiil
With u Hotel Ill-lit.
Mr. William A , Paxtnn. jr. , was taught n
now wrinkle In the hotel business yesterday
and his lesson cost him only $112. A Knsslun
who called himself Peter Pindikowsky has
been stopping at the Merchants for the past
live or six weeks and represented himself as
an agent of Nieollot Bros , of Mln
ncapolls. Consequently when the gucsl
ran out of money and mlldlj
requested Mr. Paxton to cash 11
small check tlio latter was only too willing
to accommodate him and passed over n per
lion of his patrimony In exchange for i
worthless draft on a Minneapolis bank.
1'axton was not long In finding out that he
had been swindled , but the bird had llown
Ho hurried to the police station nnd had ; :
warrant Issued for his arrest and telegram ;
were sent to fie authorities of several othei
cities to intercept the thlof.
How to Siivn Dortor II11U.
fCMwja Dullu Ctiliunet.
Many a doctor's bill has been saved by the
use of Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy. Tin
name Is a household word In many parts o !
the country. Chamberlain's medicines have
an extensive sale In the World's Fair Cltj
and many people testify to the merits 01
their different remedies.
I'liriui-i-H Protective Axoorlntlon.
The annual meeting of thu Farmers Pro
tcctive association of Douglas county , Mo
braslct , was held In McArdlu bchool housi
on Monday , January 'J , 150:1 : , at I ! p. m , Tin
onlcors elected for the ensuing year weioai
follows : President. Patrick McArdlo ; vlci
president , IClljah Allenj treasurer , Carstei
I'iiKhlcm TolU Wlmt Color to Wear.
"Brilliant red with black trimming , is pop
ular , " Is the latest decree from Paris ,
All light colors , as yellow , ornngo or plnii
can ho easily colored a brilliant red will
diamond dye- fast scarlet. A package of thl
beautiful tlyo , sufficient to color two pound
of goods , can bo bought for ten cents at an
drug store. H will nee fade or crock , an !
soapsuds only brightens It.
tlohwer ; secretary , J G .McArdlo. The as
sociation starts thencHpyoar In n flourishing
financial condition. Slmw the organization
of the society some fqui ; years ago , potty
thelving has almost entirely died > out In that
part of the country.
U. U , IlnMIc Wniitcilr
Company Tor CroViWbil Trnnanrtlntis.
The Cudahy Packlngi'conipauy has very
urgent business with IXJl , Hnstlo , who has ,
for the past year , hnJ chat-go of their pay
department. As Mr. Ifasllo is not particularly
larly anxious to intorvi'biy his Kite employers
the latter have so far been unable to lay
their hands on him ,
The officers of the company claim to have
discovered that Hastlo Is a defaulter for a
largo amount. It Is not stated just how ho
succeeded In defrauding thorn , but It Is sup
posed that It was accomplished by means ot
fictitious pay checks , and It has been discov
ered that hl.s gleanings from their revenue
reached as much asjaoo a month.
Tuesday night the Omaha pollco were noti
fied of the facts , but uotliutll after Hastlo had
taken the alarm and made good his escape
for the present. The detectives visited his
lodgings and ascertained that an American
District Telegraph wagon- had called for his
trunk. Tlio number of tlio check was ob
tained from the driver of the wagon nnd at
the depot It was lenrned that th" trunk In
question had been checked for Chicago and
had gone over the Burlington at 4 : fiO that
evening. Telegrams were Immediately
sent to the Chicago pollco asking them to
arrest Hastlo when ho arrived.
.iTr of .1'fr a it.INT.
d. U. Nordic of Lincoln , Xob. , After n Hip
Sllro'or Xow Mnilvo'n Territory.
SANTA Fc , N. M. , Jan. 4. An Important
claim has been filed In the court of private
land claims by J. O. Needle of Lincoln , Neb.
The claim Is made for tlio Heath laud grant
of 100,000 acres In southern Now Mexico.
The grant to Heath was made under the law of
IS'il , which was the most liberal colonization
law of Mexico. It was passed during the
short reign of Iturbido and was In force
only a few months , and for this reason not
many grants were made under It. No
case under the law has ever reached
the supreme court of the United
States , but the courts of Texas have
several times sustained the law. It Is regarded -
gardod as one of the most important suits In
the court and seine now and interesting
points of constitutional as well as inter
national law arise in the caso.
Air. Needle is ono of the Heath heirs. Ho
made several trips to Mexico and Is assured
by his attorneys that the claim is a good one.
St. I.oiiU ItrmviTH lln ngo In n Hot Fight
for Tnulo.
ST. Louts , Mo. , Jan , 4. Thcro Is a boor
war on between the brewers' trust of this
city , known as the St. Louis Brewing asso
ciation , and the now breweries , which In
clude the American National , Columbia ,
Home and Oberfs breweries. The war will
also Involve the Anheuser-Busch and Lcmp
Brewing companies. It is principally
directed , however , agalhst the now brewer
ies , which the trust Is trying to freeze out by
cutting prices.
The association , at a meeting last night ,
ordered the price eut to 4 a barrel , which is
almost , if not quite , the cost price to the
breweries , so all local 'trade that is doneon
that basis Is done at a loss to the breweries.
These engaged in the light announce them
selves as determined to tight it out , and beer
may yet bo given away.
A CIillil Knjoys
The pleasant favor , gentle action atid sooth
ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need of
a laxative , and If tho- father or mother bo
costive or bilious , the most gratifying results
folio wits use ; so that It is the best family
remedy known and every family should have
a bottlo.
Arclitilibop Ircliiiul In Chicago.
CHICAGO , 111. , Jan. 4.-pA.rchtylshop Ireland
has arrived In the citjy and has taken up his
headquarters at the Grand Pacific. In
answer to an Inquiry as to his opinion on the
Father McGlynn incident , the archbishop
firmly declined to express any. "It is no
business of mine , " said he , "and any remarks
that I might make would be entirely out of
place. "
With regard to the forthcoming papal celebration
bration the archbishop professed absolute
ignorance as to the steps to bo taken in this
country. "Tho most important functions , "
ho said , "will take place in Homo. Thcro
will bo some attention paid to it in this
country , but nothing has yet been arranged. "
Ignorance of the merits of DoWitt's Llttlo
Early Risers is a misfortune. These little
ju'lls regulate the liver , euro headache , dys
pepsia , bud breath , constipation and bilious
Oono to Ills I-'rlcnd'H Kniicnil.
Bishop Worthington received a telegram
on Saturday announcing the death of Gov
ernor Baldwin and ho loft Sunday night to
attend the funeral.
Governor Baldwin was the senior warden
of St. John's church in Detroit , to which the
bishop went as rector soon after his ordina
tion , and where ho remained until elected
bishop of Nebraska.
iVftcr the funeral the bishop will attend
the meeting of the board of managers of
domestic and foreign missions in Now York ,
as ho is ono of the fifteeu bishops to whou :
this Important business of the church is in
trusted. Ho w bo absent about ten days.
" 'Brown's Bronchial Troches' are excellent
for the relief of hoarseness or sere throat.
They are exceedingly effective. " Christian
World , London , Kng.
Otit of Order
or Soft Water is scarce ,
don't worry yourself for a moment
go right ahead and use hard water with
and you'll ' never kijqw the difference ,
The clothes will be just as white ,
clean and sweet-smelling , because thf
"White Russian" is specially adapted
for use in hard wafer.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , Chicago.
Dusky Diamond Tar Soap , " "v "JOStSf " '
of lots on Howard strdut , from "Otti utreot to
28th streets
You uro liuroby notlflod tlmt tlio under-
slRnod. three dUlntereitod f roulioldun ; of tlio
city of Omali-i , Intvo been duly aiipolnteil by
thu mayor , with the ipnrovulnt the city coun
cil of sulil olty. to ussess the daniaKO to the
owners respectively of the property ulTuoted
by the grading of So ward street from L'Otli
atroet to Bth Htroot , declared nocobsary l.y
ordinance No. XH ! , passed December IM18'JJ \ ,
approved December lUth. 1SJJ.
You uro further nutllloJ that havliiK no-
copied ald uupo.ntment. and dulr nttailQed
us roqulrud bv law. we will , on the 12th day ot
January , A , I ) . , 18'JJ , ut the hour ot 4 o'clock
In the afternoon , av the ollico of Coo. J ,
I'aul. If.-'S Karnnm street , within the
corporate limits of said city , troet for tlio our-
liosoof coiislilernn nnd nriklnr the ussim-
IIIDIIt of ( lanmjo to tlio ownerd respectively of
said property. ulToctcd by said crude , tak-
iniMntouonslUorullo" Hpoulal bunollta. If any.
\aunronotlfluutouo present at the tlmo
and place uforuiald , mid initke any objection *
tooritntomunts conodrnlnq nuld usjosiiuunt
of damage * us you m iv consider proper.
C1EO. J. 1'AUU
JtliN V. Vl\OK.
O.imha , Nob. , Doe. 27tU , 15-2. D.-J-UlOt
Wilt euro You , la a trnc stntctncnt of the
action ot AVER'S Snrsap.irllla , when
taken ( or ( lUoa < ios originating In Impure
blood ; lint , vrhllo tlila assertion Is true ot
AYKH'S Snrsap.iTllIn , n.i tliouiniuls can
attest , It rnnnot bo truthfully applied to
otlior prcparnttous , wlilcli un Titiclplcil
tlcnlnrs will rccoiumctiil , mill try to Im
pose upon you , ns "just ns Rood as
' " Tnko ' nnd
Ayor'n. Ayer's Sarsaparllln
Aycr's only , It you need n blood'putlflcr
nnil would bo benefited pcrmnncittly.
This'nicillcliic , for nearly lltty years ,
Ima enjoyed n reputation , nnd inndo a
record for cures , tlmt tins never been
cqttnlcd by other preparations. AYEK'S
Snrsapitrllln crmllunto.i the trtlnt of he
reditary scrofula and other Mood dis
eases from the system , nnd It 1ms , deser
vedly , the couflilcnco ot the people.
"I cnnnot fotbenr to express my joy nt
the relief I have obtained front the use
of AYKH'S Snrsaparilla. I wni ntllictcil
with Iddney troubles for about six
months , suffering greatly with pntns In
the snmtl ot my back , In addition to
this , tny body was covered with pimply
eruptions. Tlio remedies prescribed
failed to liolp mo. I then IIORIIH to tnko
AYKK ' .vsaiiarllla , and , In a short
UIIIP. ' " - , csascd and the pimples
dlsup I : ul vlso every young man
or wn , in CHUG of sickness result
ing from impure blood , no matter how
long standing thu case may bo , to tnko
AYKU'SSarsaparllla. " ILL. Januauu ,
33 William St. , New York City.
1'rcparcd by Dr. J.C.AycrScCo , , I.owcll , Maes.
Wouldn't It
cost loss to
You now
As you vixluo
your life don't
neslout consult
ing Mine "Tie
jflioso advlco
will lie of value
If you consult
Blood , Shin and. Kidney Diseases ,
Fonuilu Weaknesses , Lost Manhood
1'II.B ? , FISTULA , F1PSUUK , permnncntly cured
without tlio use of knlfo , 11 tat tire uicaustic. .
All mulmlles of n prlrnto or ilcllcnto nnturo , ot
eltlicr BOX , positively cureil.
fnll on or ndilress , nltli stnnip Tar Circulars , t-'roo
Hook nnd Kcclpes ,
nr dnnrlno ? Qnnrloo J'8 ' South 15th street
1)1. ) oGQllCo a OuUllDS , Oimi/m.
Next Door to rostolllco.
nicnt , a epaclllc for Hystarln , Dlztlnuug. b'lti , Nou-
rntgta , Huu'lncliii , Nervous 1'rostr.itloxi cnusod by
liquor orto'jaeao. wnkofuluosi , Mental DCDrusslon ,
Koftiu'fH of the Ur.iln , caunlnir luiaiitty , niliory , do-
cay.dontli.l'reiinfaroOld Auo , Norvouinoss. | jO of
1'ower In cither sov , Impotency , l.oncorrhoo nad all
Fomnlo Weaknunses , Involuntary I.OMOS , Sporran-
torrlion cuuHod by ovcr-oxertlon of tlio uraln. A
inontti'H treatment H ; 0 forSo : by tnatl. Wo gunr-
nntcoti uoxoi to euro. Knch order for G boxes with
f.1 will .send written L'"arnntc0 to refund If nntcurod.
( iusininteo Issued only by Theodora ! ' Lorrla , druK-
Glat.BOlonucnl , i-outheist corner liith and fe'nranm
itrects , Omahu.
A nowaml complete treatment , consisting ot Sup-
, Otiitinuol 111 Capsules. Hlso In box nnd
Fcullories ' po.'ltlvu euro fur l-ixternal , Internal , llllnd
or IllocdliiK , UchlriK' , Chronic , llsocnt or Hereditary
I'lles. 'i'lilH ruinedy lius noror boon known to fall.
1 per bat. I ! for * 'ir sent , by mill. Why stiller from
thu tcrrlblo dl.iesjo whim n written guarantee 1 >
positively klvon with t ; boxui or rofuu-J the money
t not cured ! Send stn-n ; > for frjj u-iamlj. ( iuixr-
ntoBlssuoJ by Kulia & io. ! , 'Ir.iiulsU , solo nvanti ,
rncr 15111 . i I l > l u nUJJtl Oail'n. Nob.
To tlio owners of all lots , purls of lots nn clro
ostiito nloiii Oatnoron struot.from''itjia tro
to Inn J'J-ucro ' line or tlio center of 27t
siruot produced.
You arc liuruliy notified tlmt the unaor-
slKiioil , tliroo ( llsliitoresto i fraulinlilora ot tlio
city ot Uinnlri. nave been duly r.ppolnlod liy
tlio niiiyor , with tlio npprov.tlof tlio city coun
cil of snld olty , tousicm the Uumiizos to tlio
owners roinuotlvely of tlio property nlTontoil
by the griullnic of Oiimornn street from 24th
fit root to tlio I J-uoro Hii9 or the cuntcr of7th
street , proilncutl , rloclarod necessary by
ordlniiiiuo No. 3asi : , jmasod Doeumbur
tath , 133. ' , approved Uooombor Itttli , IbOi.
You uro further iiotlllod that Imvlnz no
copied Halil nppolntmont und duly iiualllled
ns required by law , wo will on the 7th dny of
Jniiiiury. A. I ) . ISO ) , nt the hour of U o'oioijlc
In tlio forenoon , nt the nllleu of T.I ! . MuUtil
louh , room nil.1 Now York Life hulldlni ; , withi
the corporate limits of said city , moot for the
purpose of con ldurlni ; und miiklm : the 113-
so'sinnntof tluiuiiso to tlioownnra respectively
of siiltl property nlfuutod by tlio KrailliiR.
taking Into confederation special bonollts , 1
You nro notlfloil to bo nrosont at the tlmo
nnd pluro nforotald nnd maUo any objootlon
to or statements concornln siild assussinont
of damat'os us you may consider proper.
T. il. McODM.Otm ,
Onmha , Doc. S3d. 1693. d'.MdIOt
for I.lclitliit ; the Subiirln of thu
City ill Oiiuilia ,
According to Information from tlio chair
man of the Hpcclul commit lee nn gasoline
llKlitlnir , thu I ructions to ndvurtKo for bldi
forllKhtliiK lliohulmrlH of the city were no
( lellnto ) enough , und ut hN n-iiuoht thu ailvor
tUunu'iil Is chaiiKt'il to read us follow H :
riculrd bids will bo ruuolvcdnt tlmolllro of
tlio ulty comptrnller up to 0 p. m. .sliarji , .Iiuui-
ary 10 , 1UUJ , for twelvu (12) ( ) candlu power
Knsollno laiup-i , nr cluotrlu
thu suburbs of thu city , for u period of two
yearn. Itlds may Htntn prlco per lamp , mooii-
llKht holiiMlulo of twenty nlKhts per month , or
from sun down to Minrlxo , No curtain number
of liuutH iiiariintiM-l ; , but the stutciaont U
made that In the last bill from tliu last con
tractor Iho city was charpcil with 1,014
lamps. A rcrtlflod check In thuMimof aoo
will bo required from uach bidder lisa Kiiaran-
teuofKooil faith. Tlio right Is lo.iorvod to ro-
JcHit any or all bids.
Uomptrollor ,
Omulia , IIPfcinbei-30. 1B03 _ aflldOt
Notice ,
Notion Uhornhyplvtm that Ilio annual meet-
INK of thu ( .tocUholder.s of Iliu Omaha I'nlon
Depot company will bu held ut thu olllcu of the
I'mou Depot uonijiany , ut thu headquarters
of the Union 1'uclnc llallwny company , In thu
cltyof Omaliii.on Iho Ulh duyol .luuuury ,
1893 , at 3 o'clock p. m. , tor the election of ifl-
ructorM and ii-um > uctlonnf un ; ' other liuslnosi
that may legally come before the meeting.
T. ii. KIIIUAI.I. , 1'roiildent
Oniuhu , December 'JU , 18U . DJld'JOt
happen nowadays. A man walked Into our sloro
one day last week , tried on a suit of clothes and
immediately had a fit , and the oddest thing about
it was that he seemed pleased about it. The year
we've just begun is an odd one in many respects.
While it came on time to the second , it came on
the first. It's an odd number (1893. ( ) Add its four
figures together and it's odd again (21. ( ) Spell it out
eighteen ninety three and it takes an odd num
ber of letters to spell it (19. ( ) There's an odd num
ber of days in it (3G5) ( ) , and an odd number of Sun
days (53) ( ) . The moon gets full the first time this
year on the second , gets rid of his last quarter be
fore the month is half gone and gets full on the last
day of the month again. While the year itself is
so odd , we've got done the stocktaking , balance
up the books , and begun the new year even. At
the same time we have some odd things left We've
a few odd overcoats ; that is odd lots , not odd pat
ters or odd styles. Some odd sizes or odd lots in
suits in both the men's and boys' departments.
We've some odd hats , not odd styles , but onlya
few of a kind- The shoe man has a few odd shoes
( not exactly odd shoes , but odd pairs of shoes )
There are a few little lots of shirts of underwear
of muff lers of neckwear and so on. Among the
odd things should your choice be found a largo
saving will be yours in the marked down prices-
Getting ready to mail cur catalogue. Want
one ?
We close at G:3O : p. m. Saturdays IO p. m.
Cbroulc , Private , NCI-VOUH and
Surgical Diseased CURED. Lost
Manhood , Female Weaknesses ,
Etc. , CURED.
KoonisS , H'-i. tl. D''j ' ,
110-118 ? . I.UIi Street. Qimiha.
. Elastic Stocking-
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
d Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
114 S,15Mt , ,
Next to Postofflee.
I bog to call the attontlon of the pub
lic to the ubovo popular brand of uuro
rye whisky und respoistfully usl < n com
parison with any ether brand of pure
rye olToro-1 In this inurkot. It Is far
superior to any ether whisky nnd I
guaruntoo s absolute excellence In
Iliivor as It as its purity nnd Us whole-
flomo olTowoll Tlio public la Invltod to
call and lets. It ,
Ilonry IIillet',010 N. 10th St , famllv
wlno and liquor liouoo. Hdinnnd hotel
block ,
" ' " "lilt ; urpo in ,
. . , . . , n.nncig. ,
JlosTON , MJIBU. , chlrf eontulllniJ phitilrlim of Me
\vn < awarded the ( ioi.ii IIKDAI , ) > y tlio NATIONAL
U riiu-Ai. AHHOCUTION for Ihu I'll /.Ii KHH.V You
Ktliautttd\'tltility , AtrophyXtnuuiuu&rii\iilciit
JttbltUy , and all Jllieatrt und ll'entmrit of .Van ,
the young , thn mlidlt'Ugtd nud alii.
CUBESK In jicrkon or by letter ,
1'ronpectui , with tcKtliiinnlalii , I'll 1C H.
I.nriro book , HUIKNUJC OK I.II-'K , Olt HICI.K-
I'JtlCSKUVATION , 00 ] > p. , 125 liaulualita pro
ocrlptlonn , full Kilt , only $ l.oa tiy mall , neuleil
la unDurpoHBod la tlio
treatment of nil
and all Weakneit iipi ]
und Dliorderi of MCn
IB yoara oipcrlonca.
Write for circulars
nud ciuostlou lUt fruo.
14th nnd I'urimm BU , ,
Owalia , Neb ,
u. s. nKM'osrj'oKY. OMAHA. -
. AB. .
Surplus . $05,000
Cfflcprn nnd Illrcctors-IIimry . Yntoi. proilclont
II. C. CnriiliiK , vlco | roal.l . nt ; a K. Mm rlco.V. . V
U d ° ll ! C ° J' N' " ' l > tttrlcK ! ' ov" *
Omaha's Newest Hotel
ID Ilooius at f ! .W per ilnjr.
MHIooms atSI.OU per ilr > f.
SO Itcoini with Until nt W.UJ per day.
to Hoorns nllh Until nt 13.1 } to ti.53 per d > r.
Modern in Kvi-ry Id-mulct.
Nmvly riii-nlHlinil Throughout.
C. S. ERB. Prop.
SUES & CO..Solicitors , .
Boo Building , Omaha , Web
4 yours Kxiunliiors U S. I'ut , Olllco. Advlco free
Kliiviitom , warnlimiHcs , liic.lnry Imllilliif ; * ,
nnil all uurk ri'iiilrliiK | u llmrouuli unit
liruellivil lin > wl ilii ol ruimtriiutluii mid
of innturliilH. u Mx-i-
r. o. iinx : tn : , i
Wo will icnil you thoinarrelouii
KiL-ncli I'rc'parallcin CALTIUIO )
n-re. nnil a lecul cuiuiitcr tint )
lt.II'll OS will HrXuir .loui-
QSvuUti , Nti-niKlli untl Vlcur.
Vie il and fay i/sattijirtt ,
AddrooaVON MOIILCO. . ,
ft > U luf riuui ie U , tlatUBlll. ( JUJo.
Healed proposals will bo riTtilvrd by thu
hinin Hoard of rrlntliiKnt thoolllcu of UIUM.V-
ietiry ; nfhiuio , at any lime lu'foru 'riuirnduy ,
Jnnuiiry I'Jlh , 1HU3 , at 'J o'clock p. m. , fur
Jirlntlni ; and lilndlii ) ; In rlotb 0,000 coplni rn-
port of Htatu Hoard of llorllriillui-o for Ihu
year IH'Jil , of 3tl ( ) paKt'Ht'at'li , the saniu In b < i
prlnU'd In lon tnlnuMtypo. . Tint nl/o of P.-IKC ,
weight and quality of iiaper , htylu iiiiiliunlliy |
of hlndliiK , biyluof luttuilnK on coviu- and In
all respects the work to bti thu f > amo IIM Ihu
Hortleulliiral Itcpoi-tof IHD'J. Hampleof work
may be Huuii at thu olllcu of tlio sei-ictary of
Work lo bo completed wllhln sixty days
from the awarding of thu contract.
Kluht reserved to reject any and all bhU by
tlioKlnto I'l-Iiitlim Hoard.
Dated December l ! tli , IHO'.1.
I ) 30d lOt Hccrelui-v
HHUXti\\'lOtf ,
A I'lIltl'UDT WI.NTKIl ItlinOUT llTii : ,
Open ! Jan. 4 , Boiiil for circular. KHUIUUI to
li illlifiilclliu > tu , lialmir Ida nlr , plujf ere > luu
Urlvt- nail aquatlo uail liulil nitiitt ,
WARREN LELAHD , Jr. , Manager ,