Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTtt OMA1TA DATLY TiEta TtfrKSD/VY , JATSrAllY o , 1893.
cfl by enrrler in tiny pnrt iif.tlio . ely !
- nitrtvTs.l l llnvlnr"inioo No. (3 (
Tt-r t nitrtvTs.
TIT.I IMIOM.J. . , | Kdllor Xo.t3 !
X Y Plumbing Co.
Council IJliiffs Lumber lo. ! Coal.
The Union t'liristliin mission will meet to
morrow evening lit the First Presbyterian
The Woman's Christian nswlntlon real
ised ntiont : ) on their concert last Monday
A special meeting of the Christian ICn-
deavor noelety will he hold thin nml tomorrow -
row evenings at the Congregational church.
SI Andrew's society \\ill celebrate the
hlrthdn.v of Uohby Hums on the ' . ' . " > th of this
month h.\ the usual banquet and hall at the
Masonic temple. conclave of Iviinhoe roinmandcrv
No , 17 , Knights Templar , this evening. All
\lsitiniislrknlghtseonlially veleoiroi. By
oiilcr of eminent fommandev.
John Montgomery , who lives In the south-
wcBtoin part of the city , had two hounds
stolen from him last Monday night , imt < of
them blue and the other brindled. Ho has
offered a reward of fl > for their return.
The Ladies Aid society of St. .lohn's Kng-
llsh Lutheran chnn h meets this alternoon
nt the residenee of Mrs. (5. W. Sii.vdcr , 217
South Seventh street , and the Utllo Dnlel
so < letj' meets nt the same plaee this evening.
L , A Towns is arranging a concert for
Monday evening , January ! S , at the first
Presbyterian church , us the opening of tin ;
Couniil Hluffs branch of his Omaha
conservatory. Some of the best talent of
this city and Omaha will take part.
The Grand Army ulll have a public camp-
Jiiu and installation of officers Saturday
evening. T. J. Kvans will oflichite as master
of ceremonies , and n number of addi esses
\\illbomadebvproniiin-nt members of the
order Hefrcshmtnts will be served after
the earn pllre.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Parochial Aid society of St. Paul's church ,
which was postponed from December , will
bo held with Mrs. W. .1. Jamison , on First
avcnuo , this afternoon , at half past-oVlocU.
H is earnestly requested that all the ladles
bo present and bring their pledges.
Klijnh Joins and IJarbaraPulsifcrcaino all
the way from Nodnway county. Missouri ,
yesterday in order to bo the llrst couple to
be married by any of the now Justices of the
peace. Iho job fell to the lot of Jjistice
Field , who did it up with all the case and
grace of an old hand at the business.
A sleighing party of young people of thin
city and Omaha was out last o\cningforn
lark in ono of Bouquet's big sleighs.
Among the number were a number of West
ern Union telegraph operators from Omaha.
During the ride the horses became fright
ened and ran away , spilling the occupants of
the sleigh along the road for a long distance.
The disgusted slelghriders walked back to
The following oftlcers have been elected by
the 1'ottawattamio Democratic association
for the coming year : President. Lucius
Wells ; vice presidents , Nic Jennings , M. K.
Itohrcr , A. C. Crahum ! , ticorgo C. Wise , John
K. Cooper , C. U. Nicholson ; secretary , It. X.
\Vhiltlesey ; financial secretary , F. II. Guan-
ella ; treasurer , S. \Vadsworth ; executive
committee. W. C. James , W. II. Thomas and
C. D. wallets ; sergeaiit-at-anns , H. U.
Hend ricks.
Forty .years in the market and not an
adulteration. "Strictly pure" is the motto.
Cook's Kxlm Cry Imperial Champagne.
1'or iv
It is no longer u mystery to the ladles
of Council I3lulTs and vicinity whereto
got , and what is the correct thing in
plovcs for oveninsr. as a visit to the
Boston Store \vill oonvinco you that
their stock is composed of nil the lead-
npshades in Musquitniro and shoulder
length , in the most desirable tints suit-
tihlo for ovcning wear.
Some ono may say , I can only bo suited
in the Foster or Alexandria , and others
may say 1 prefer the Trefonsso , all of
which is to bo hnd at our glove depart
ment , as well as every quality in staulo
plaeo goods in black and colored. AH
gloves warranted and lilted to the hand.
Boston Store ,
Council HlulTs.
Coal and wood ; best , nnd cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox. No. 4 Main.
I'KHSOX.l I'Att.ldll.l 1'llN.
L. A. Gray is home from a visit to Chi
George II. Richmond has returned to Wis
Warren Hough of Crescent was in the citj
Sheriff Campbell of Glcnwood was in [ In
city yestcruay.
D , A. Farro.ll arrived in the city from Col
orado Tuesday night.
A , P Cramer , editor of the Avoca Herald
was In the city yesterday.
A. M. Jackson of Sioux City was a guest a
lifts Grand hotel yesterday.
Ilov. James II. Hcnih'in has gone to Davcn
port for a visit with relatives.
Mrs. SlKionerof Shenandoah is in the cit <
visiting H. A. and G. G. Uaird.
Mrs. II. A. Baird and children returnee
yesterday from a week's visit to friends ii
Boone , la.
Miss Ama liobluson , who'has been spend
ing the holldajs at homo , returned to sclioo
last evening.
Ex-Congressman S. S. Farwell of Monti
cello , la. , was in the city yesterday , a gues
of Hon. W. H. M. Pusoy.
Miss Mnry Oliver , who has been spenillii ;
the. holidays at home , returned last eveniii ;
to Chicago , where she will resume he
musical studies.
Miss ICathryn Gait of Chicago , who ha
many friends here , is expected to arrive i
the city next 'I'ursday as the guest of Mis
Stella Patterson.
Mrs. George Payunk and children , wh
been spending the holidays visiting th
former's brother. Henry C. Shuidlo , returne
to their IIOIMO la Lincoln yesterday.
Howard of Imitations. Take no "just a
good. " See that you got the genuine Di
Hull's Cough Syrup , the peerlesa speclllo.
"Ivoal-Spar" consumes all vlt-illt
there is in coal ; saves quarter of yon
coal bill ; prcvunts smoke ; destroy
dcauly coal gas ; provonta soot and eln
dor. Jengson & Urcgg , I17J I'carlBtrcot
McPliail pianos and Crown organs
cash or installir.onts. Mar. LJourloiii :
llOStutHinan Htroct.
Do yon stnokoV lluvo you tried 'I
U. King & Co.'s I'artiigasV It's
charmer. .lust light ono. rot U'omit | on ,
J. H. Wcstcott , Jr. , and Miss Catherine %
Compton , both of this city , were marric
last evening at the residence of bride's M
ter , Mrs. M. H. Sears , It was a quiet affai
only a low friends and the members of tl
family being present. The ceremony wi
performed by Hev. .1. H. Davis of the Fir :
Baptist church. The happy couple at om
proceed to housekeeping at 10lf > Avenue i
where they will bo at homo to their frleiu
after February . Mr. Wcsteott is er
inoyi'd in the ? \onparcil composing room , at
both ho and the bride have a large numbi
of friends , who extend congratulations.
Perfect f.ctlon anil period health rcsu
from the usoof Do Witt's Little liirly Itisor
A jtorffct llttlo pill.
For warmtnir guest chambers , bat
rooms , etc. , our ga& hcntois nro ju
what you want. Look at them. Clcai
convonlont cheap , ( J. W. Gas and Kloi
trie Light Co.
Wanted Cash oiler for ten shun
Citizen's State , bank stock. Must 1
cold. Address E. II. Sheafo ,
NE\\S \ \ FROM COlACll BUFl'S '
Dftnrmineil to Hare the Snow Removed from
the Streets.
linllrntlnin Thr t tlu Slrrot Unit tray Com-
linnvVIII HB ( Ihcn nn Oiinrttinlty | |
tn Korp 111 lllKht f
\\'ny Clrnr.
Mayor I-awrcnco has given the police an
Older with reference to the cleaning of the
strietbMhleh is likely to l > o the subject of
sonic comment when the fact becomes known
to the public at large , as it Is likely to do
vt ry soon. For the last four weeks the streets
have been clogged up with snow , which
the property owners have not felt called upon
toicnuivo. On all streets excepting those
on which th < 5 motor trains run these accu
mulations have worn away by evaporation
and other processes of naturi ) until they arc
of but little consequence to the traveling
public. On Broadway , Pearl street , Fifth
avenue. Madison street and Plerco street ,
however , where the motor company rides
the roost , the snow was piled np weeks ago
by the snow plow owned by the company
until the driveway on each side of the
tracks was rendered almost impassible.
After u week or so of this kind of trouble
the mayor served the motor company
with notice tn remove the obstructing snow
and ice at once. The motor company , in its
usual accommodating manner , replied that
it Mould do so when It pleased. Mayor Law
rence awaited the pleasure of the company
for awhile , and then ordered the street
supervisor to put his men at work and re
move the obstructions at the expense of the
taxpayers. This wns dnnn for a daj or two ,
and then the work WHS stopped. Having
met \\itli no success In manairing the motor
company , the mayor last evening issued the
following order :
Notice to the I'lilillr ,
The provisions of an ordinance to provide
for ictnoval of snow and leu from Improved
si i eels will bo strict I venfoived from tlilsdatu ,
DiM-einlii'i-'J-l , IK'J'J. X. I ) . IAWIIIM'I : : , Miiyor.
See. 137. That tlienivupnntxof nny hnilillng
or busi'ini'til of any building fronting or
iiliiiltliii ! on liny sttert , highway. a\emie or
alley , \\lilch hits been pcrniani'iitiy Improved
by being hroiiuhl to tirade , by Illllniillnearth
or other material , In the established Kiudc1
thereof , orvlicip the same tins been graded.
iiiacmluiiil7cd. or paved , curticd and guttcm !
In n permanent nisiniu'r xvllli stone or sub
stantial material , all of such occupants are
hi'ieliy rcniilied lo remove nil embankments
of Miowdnfihor other obstructions from th
giittrrnay.s on any of said streets 'o occupied
.within twenty-four hours after the same lia1 *
accumulated , and that siiltlcli'iil thcicof shall
bo removed to leave the gnltrrwuy clear and
free of obstruction to lutniiii water along
said giitturwuys.
I'KN.U.TV Hcc. mo. That any occupant , or
owner who falls , neglects or refuses to re
move snow or nt her obstruct Ions In any slicet
as herein dellm-d and within thu I line limited
shall be giilllv of u niKdcincanor mid on cun-
vlcllonliall be lined In a Mini not exceeding
} li ( and costs , the pnynirnl of which shall lie
enforced In the same manner as ptovlded for
thi'colleiMlonof lines.
From the present condition of things , it is
easy lo see that Iho order has but little
weight on any street but where the motor
company bar a track , the snow that fell in
the gutters by natural means having almost
entirely melted away. The citizens , accord
ingly , are ctillad upon to do what the motor
coutpany refuses to do. H might be men
tioned incidentally in this connection that
the mayor , members of the city council , and
in short , all the city nfllcials have been rid
ing on the motor line for over a year past on
the strength of bits of pasteboard furnished
by the company , and that during that time
thcro has not been a single ordinance or
resolution passed that could in any manner
bo construed as an abridgement of the motor
company's privileges when these privileges
have como into conflict with the rights of
the citizens. '
< ) | . ( .iii..l the Itltlri.
The park commissioners mot Tuesday even
ing and opened the bids for the site of the
park which it was decided by popular vote
three years ago should be located some
where iu the western part of the city. The
advertisement for bids called for proposals
on land within livii blocks of Broadway and
west of Twenty-third street , and all of the
bids but one were within the prescribed
limits. That one was sent in by Finlay
Burke , the property being located near
the corner of Twenty-third street and
Avcnuo G. It was accompanied by
a petition which had been circulated by
some of the residents of Strectsvillo and
had been signed by about 100 property
owners in various parts of the city , asking
that it bo purchased in spite of the provis
ions of the advertisement. T. J. Kvanshad
four bids in for property near the corner of
Avcnuo D and Thirty-second street , and B.
M. Webster had a bid in for KOIIIO property
in his addition , near the corner of Twenty-
sixth street and First avenue. The prices
on these piecrs f property vary from S-l.OlM ]
to $0,000. v . the dimensions vary from HOC
feet SoiXl feet snuare.
Itcporteis were barred from the consulta
tlnn of the commissioners , and as soon as tht
meeting was over the bids were shut up it
Wadsworlh's safe with the understandiiif
that they were not to be taken out agaii
until some time in tlio future , it being tin
idea of the commissioners that the publu
ought to bo kept in darkness as to their in
tent ions until it was too late to kiclc. In :
general way , however , the above Jlgurc ;
show which way the cat jumps. This after
noon the throe commissioners expect to g (
out and look at the property , and after tin- ;
have made an examination as to its merit !
hcj'o may bo a few more crumbs of informa
lion for the public.
( 'hose Tlirlr Doctors.
The Board of Supervisors , at their im > ctlnj
yesterday , awarded contracts for count ;
medical services to the following physicians
at the prices accompanying : Macrae & Son
Gariu , Lewis , ICano and Keg Creek , frJSO
J. W. Xusinn , Kockfnrd Boomer , H" > : .1
II. Swanson , Crescent and Hazel Dell , . * : K
O. A. Wyland , Hardin and Norwalk , $ -lr > ; 0
A. Spaulding , ICnox and Spanldlng. $ ; S ; A
ICegcl , Minden and James , jf."jO : S. N. ilarvi
Neola and York , t'.V ) ; A. H. Gibson , Centei
Belknap and Washington , f45. Supervisor
HeUel and Black were authorl/cd to con
tract for medical attendance In all the town
ships not above named.
Moorchouso & Co. were awarded the coi :
tract for furnishing the county books fo
the coming year.
The Council Bluffs Globe , Council Blnn"
Nonpariol , the Council BlutVs Frolo Press
and Iho Avoca Herald were made the ol
llcial papers of tlui county for the comin
year. Today the board will make the ai
nnal settlement with the treasurer , which I
likely to take a good share of the day. Th
session will probably Uo completed'by thi
Ilimlmiiil I'lillmvH tlmVlfc. .
Last Saturday Mrs.Villiiiin Ward die
suddenly lit her homo on Vine street of pnoi
inonla. Her funeral was sot for Tuesda
afternoon , but when Iho time arrived he
husband , who had been as well as any on
when his wife was Mid in the coftin , ha
been taken down with the s-imo disease th1 ;
carried off his wife , and was pronounce
in a dangerous condition. His pbyslcla
announced that he could not live more thu
a few bouts. The funeral of Mrs. Ward wu
therefore postK | > ncd for further dcvelo ]
incuts In her husband's caso. Ho Hngerv
along until last evening at V:40 : o'clock , whc
1'Odicd. Ho was M years of age , and wi.
born in Leicester , Hnglaml. The husbati
and wife will bo buried together from tl
residence at 'J o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
I'j'biirn ( itii'R to Fort .MiulUiui.
Sheriff Hazca loft Tuesday night for For
Madison with H. Pyburn in charge , boun
for the penitentiary , where lie will am
three years. Before going , Pyburu ha
a conversation with the sheriff , i
which ho admitted that Uio buslnci
transaction in which he bud been implicate
and which brought him into trouble , was
long ways from l > elng straight , but ho i ;
slsted tlmt ho was not so guilty as eertal
other parties. Ho said the Coylo trade wi
worked up by him for the benefit of F. I
Jerome and ono ICmmlnger of Omaha , wt
were to receive thu lion's khare of thu pr
ceeds. and ho was led to be'lev ' ? thai his
share would IK ? from $ " > lollOfl , Ho also
stated that his partner. Ilodson. had been in
several similar transactions , while this was
his first. Hodstm will have his trial at the
coming term of court. P.vlmrn's family Is
said to be In a badly cramped condition by
reason of the hutlMtid and father's grief.
Hit wife , who is by no means strong , has
been supiwting herself ns best oho could by
mnnual labor , while her son , 10 years of ago ,
earns a llttlo by selling papers In Omaha.
( , ' ; < r I'umhir.
For several weeks past there has been a
great scarcity of freight cars. It IR not duo
to the fact that the cars arc in use , but to
the precaution that is being taken by the
railway companies to prevent their rolling
stuck from getting out of their control.
Yesterday a man from Onawa was In the
city and made the rounds of the dif
ferent companies trying to get n num
ber of cars sent to his place to be loaded
with hay destined lor [ mints south and east.
At e\ery place ho inquired he met with the
same answer , that there were no cars to be
had for love nor money. The railroads re
member tnclr experience last \ear. when the
cars were sent out freely before the gniln
shipping season had opened , and later on the
grain was piled mountain high at all the
shipping points for days or even weeks be
cause the cai-s had been sent out over com
peting stems and had not been sent back.
but used by the competitors at the ordinary
fixed rate for mileage. This year they have
all adopted the same plan , and all appli
cants nro ghen the same answer. No cars
are allowed to be taken from the company's
own lines , orders to that effect having been
sent to the various agents from the head
quarters. It is working a great hardship to
the farmers and grain speculators , but the
companies do not see any way out of the
diniculty. _
Why is It that people use Salvation Oil ?
Answer : Because It Is the best liniment ,
New .liirlcs llnuvii.
The following were drawn as the members
of the grand and petit Juries in the district
court yesterday. The grand Jurors are or
dered to be on hand for business January
'J4 , and the petit jurors on February 1-1.
. . . Vork John flint
Clrnnd .lurors--l.I.Coleiniin : , ;
sen , Kane ; .1. It. Msicrne , ( iiiincr ; W. f. Viin-
I'clt. Lewis ; James l.oobv , Neolu ; Hubert Me
Klnilh. Kcgl'ieek : .1. II. ' Shields lln/.cl Dell ;
It. K. Williams. Washington ; , len-cn ,
llooiner : .1 , I' . 1'iirllsU1 , NonvalU ; V. It. Perry ,
llaidln : Henry Hcliols , Minden.
I'etll jurors O. c. I'liulley. Second precinct ,
First ward ; K. MorrisonoiU townsiilp ; U.
II. Homeland , I'li-i pii'dncl. 1'oui'lli ward ; A.
It. Whlttlcsey , I'list ineclnct , Second \\aid ;
.letry Kelly , Second precinct , I'onrth ward ;
William llncll , Second ineclnct , I'ourth ward ;
lieorgr W. t-trong , Second piur-lnet , I'lflh
uiiril ; Wesley Clark , I'lrsi piuclnct. I'lrtiinl ;
Monls Hough , lla/fl Doll ; A. I. . Ingrum , Sil
ver CiecKV. ; . I ) . Burl , lliiidin ; John II.
la\ls ) , earner : Ficd IlerwlnUel , Keic Crock ;
M. A. Hough , Crescent ; William Drlscoll. Nor-
walU ; Clans ItelmeM , Mlndon ; MIKu Kllken-
ney , llootner ; O. K l.rtncr , Lewis ; .lames
llunisVi : ! < hliigtnn ; .lames Hunter , Nrola ;
H. ! ' . CocUraii , 1'lrst pieclni-t , Second ward ,
Knno ; C. 1) . Walters , Second nrrclnct , I'lrsi
ward , Kane : Andy Itoullng , Mrs , pieclnct ,
Sixth ward , Kanu.
You don't want a torpid liver ; you don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want a headache.
Then use Do Wilt's Llttlo 10 irly Misers , the
famous little pills.
Brighter than yas , cheaper than elec
tric liffht and as beautiful as a dream
those uew art lamps at Lund Bros.
Carl Burhorn. successor to K. Bur-
horn , has the only now jewelry stock in
city. Many holiday novelties.
Jtevliiil Mct-tlngs.
A scries of meetings is being held at the
various churches throughout the city , and
great interest is being manifested. Those
at the Broadway Methodist church are
especially well attended and are constantly
increasing in interest. Seventy-live conver
sions are reported since last Saturday night
and many more are reported to be deeply
Interested. Evangelist Stone is preaching
to large audiences.
Hev. Henry Dolong also reports a great in
terest at the Union Chiistian mission , where
meetings have been in progress for many
months past. During the last two months
there have been I0 ! ! conversions , and many
of them are said to be very enthusiastic in
their work.
If you have piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel
salve will surely euro you.
snow nnd cold weather doss not
diminish the demand for acreage in the
Klein tract , 2i miles cast of the post-
ofllco ; 300 acres yet for sale in from ono
to ten aero tracts , suitable for Iruit and
garden. Day & Hess , agents , 30 Pearl
street ,
Toll t'ndrr llls1V K < in.
W. 13. Lowry , who drives a wagon for
Shugart & Son of this city , was seriously in
jured yesterday morning while in Omaha.
He had loaded up Ids wapon and was
turning it around preparatory to returning
to the Bluffs when the vehicle upset , on ac
count of the shortness of Iho turn. LOV.TJ-
fell under the horses' heels , his legs being
caught by the wheels of the wagon. Ho re
ceived several blows from the horses' heels ,
who became unmanageable , one landing on
the back of his head and laying open the
scalp , and another on the shoulder , cutting
the llcsh open to the bone.
What folly ! To bo without Bcccham's
iMli.K Miirlown In "Tlio lliuirhl > ; irlt.i'
Miss Julia Marlowe paused in Omaha or
her way back east to give a performance ol
Sheridan Knowles' "Tho Hunchback , " am'
the Boyd was lilled to its fullest last evening
ing to witness it. Miss Marlowo evidcntlj
made many friends on the occasion of hei
last visit , and now her appearances have at
tallied the dignity of social functions am.
boxes and parquet are occupied by the
"swollest" society in town.
Sheridan Knowles' play pleased our grand
mothers vastly , anil still in the care of a
thoroughly capable company it can bo bright
and fairly entertaining. Fanny JCembli
added to her artistic fame in the part ol
Julia. Miss Marlowe's Julia is a tolornbU
performance ; no moro. She evidently
strives to read into the cliaracter a subtlej
the lines glvo no hint of , and tlio study has i
fragmentary effect. In person Miss Mar
lowo's Julia Justifies tlio extravagance o
Master Walter's eulogy ; speech and iictioi
are disappointing. In the llrst nci
Miss Marlowe's interpretation is sufllcient
in the second act It fails to reveal a glimpsi
of the bright , thoughtless and alnios
hysterical gayety of the child from tliofotm
try amid the gilded divcrtiscments of th <
town , and last ovcning the true meaning 01
the scene on which the main action of tin
comedy turns was lost to the audience ; ii
the third at t Miss Miirlowo is at homo will
the requirements nnd plays satisfactorily
and her management of the fourth and llftl
acts is hardly less than commendable.
The company supjiortlng the star Is tin
same in personnel as seen with Miss Mar
iowe two months ago. Mr , Weaver's Music. .
Walter is a painstaking bit of work am
fully earns appreciation. Mr.Tnber is nose
so careful to perfect bib porsonation o
Clifford. Miss Kugcnia Lindemaii as Hclei
in her sconces with Modus evidences consld
cniblo comedy power and charm , and th
minor parts are passably played , thoFathoi
of Mr , Giles Shine calling for a special won
of praise.
Week \Vnndcrliiiid. .
The comedy at Wonderland anil DIJo
theater this week is good , yet there is sonu
thing wanton In Its makeup , and that semi
thing is singing and dancing , on which th
success of all farce comedies depend. It 1
laughable , howuvcr , and well enjoyed. I
the third act Charles and Inn Sully mak
a big lilt with their clever specialties
The vaudeville show which precedes th
comedy , however , makes up for till its shot
comings , ns it is one of the best over give
at this house , The Uixon brothers dcmoi
strato their claim as l > elng the greatest tu
robatlu dangers in America , their wor
being wonderful. Gus Giirholt does
dangerous act of balancing and posturing o
a pyramid of tables and chairs , and IJogai
and O'Urien are ono of tlio funniest music ;
teams who have visited Omaha. They intn
duce many novel musical Instrumentsjn the
net , musical ducks . musical huts , breukawu
chairs , tables , wheelbarrows , canes , et <
llefore breakfast Brotno-Seltzer
Acts as a bracer 10 cents a botth
Good Work of the Royallghbor3 ! of Amer
ica During Tint Period.
I'rom a llonlitfnl I'lnnnrlnl lta U Iho Organ.
If. at I mi Ititn Horn PLnrnl liy Industry
In ii I'rixpcroiM i'lmltlon I' < M-
turrs i r tinScMlon. .
The eyes of the Modern Woodmen of
America arc turned towards Omaha today ,
awaiting with interest the result of the de
liberation of the second animal meeting of
the head camp of the lloyal Neighbors of
America , now in session in the city
it the hall in the Patterson
lilock. When the head cnmrT of
the Modern Woodmen of America was in
Mutual conclave hero last year , the lloyal
Neighbors of America was rccognbcd by
that body and made nn auxiliary to
that organization. The membership of
the Koyal Neighbors of America Is com
posed of the wives , daughters , sisters and
sweethearts of the members of the Modem
Woodmen , and ns an organization it is com
mendable , is rapidly growing and will soon
find a place among the moro pretentious fra
ternal societies in the country and. take a
front rank.
H wns organized in Council Bluffs April .
IS'Jl , by a number of ladies who were mem
bers of local camps Instituted in connection
with the Modern Woodmen. The general
ollicos are located In Council Bluffs and the
society Is incorporated under the laws of the
state of Iowa. January 1 , IS'.ll , but six-
camps were in existence. During IMh !
twelve new camps were organized , making a
total of eighteen camps of neighboisnow in a
prosperous condition and crowing.
The head camp met with adversity during
ts llrst year of existence , and it required a
great deal of perseverance and zealous labor
to place it upon the road to prosperity. But
the indomitable courage of tlio head oftlcers
and the determination to make the society a
success won the battle , and the membership
list of the Koyal Neighbors increased rap
idly during the next year. New camps were
Instituted , the indebtedness was liquidated
and the annual convention finds the organ
ization prospering and the outlook for its
continued growth very encouraging.
iiiU-rtiltnliiK : the Visitor * .
During their stay in the city the delegates
are the guests of tlio members of the local
camps , and everything possible is being denote
to entertain them and make their stay a
pleasant one. There Is not a city in Iho
country where more interest is taken and
where the Koyal Neighbors artf in a more
prosperous condition than Omaha , and the
Holding of the annual meeting hero
is un appropriate recognition of the
successful efforts of the members of the local
camps in behalf of the organization. The
session will not be closed before tonight , and
today's session will be a very busy one.
At 10:30 : yesterday morning the supreme
arcade , Mrs. G , W. Eastmun of Council
Bluffs , called the meeting to order , and
spoke brlelly of subjects appropriate to the
The report of the committee on credentials
was the lirst business to come before the
meeting. The committee found the follow
ing delegates present and entitled to seats in
the convention of tlio head camp :
Lily No. 1. Council Bluffs , Mrs. A. M.
Boycr ; Ivy No. 'J. Omaha , Mrs. C. H. T.
lilepcn and Mrs. II. M. Hough ; Oak Leaf
No. : > , Mnnito , 111. , Mrs. A. Pollard , Mrs. A.
E. Blazer. Mrs. K. C. Jlamscy ; Marie No. S ,
Belvidere. 111. , Mrs. C. T. Sprackman ; Nellie
Hall No. 0 , Flora , 111. , Mrs. Isa M. Smith ;
Golden Hod No. 7 , Council Bluffs , Mrs. Wil
liam Frederick and lMrs. , II. J. Bublitz ;
Clover Leaf No. 8 , South Omaha , Mrs.
William Post and 'Mrs. ' M. A. Lee ;
Magic City No. U , Stronghurst , 111. , Mrs. Max-
Held ; Pansy No. 16. Omaha , Mrs. G. M.
Shaver , Mrs. E. D. Watt ; Lady Elgin Nell
ll , Elgin , 111. , Mrs. A. Olson ; Myrtle No. ! ' . ,
Stromsburg , Neb. . Mrs. J. E. Moore ; Gladiola -
ola No. H , Lecd , S. D. . Mrs. G. W. Helming ;
Our Friend No. lo , Friend , Neb. , Mrs. Han
nah Whitcomb.
Those camps not represented arc Myrtle
Leaf No. : , Peoria , 111. ; KenoNo. 10 , Hutcli-
inson. Kan. ; Viola No. 17 , Piano , 111.- Fern
Leaf No. 18 , Peoria , 111.
At Itoll Call.
Iloll call showed the following oftlcers
present :
Mrs. G.V. . Eastman of Council Bluffs ,
supreme oracle ; Mrs. A. E. Blazer of
Munito , 111. , supreme vice-oracle ; Mrs. J. H.
Can-others of Council Bluffs , supreme
recorder : Mrs. P. J. Hennessy of Coun
cil Bluffs , supreme receiver ; supreme
marshal , Mrs. U. J. Swanson of Council
Bluffs ; supreme chancellor , Mrs. W. E. C'ndy
of Omaha. Board of managers , Mrs. J. E.
Van Gilder of Omaha. Mrs. S. II. Filbert of
Council Bluffs , Mrs. K. C. Hairsav of Manito ,
111. , Mrs. E. E. Adams of Com cil Bluffs and
Mrs. C. S. Sprackman of Belvidere , 111.
Mrs. Eastman , supreme oracle , appointed
the following committees : Credentials
Mesdames Blazer , Walker and Frederick.
Grand oflieer's reports Mesdames Smith ,
Post and Franks. Grievance and appeals
Mesdames Lee , Hodges and Olson. Heports
of supreme oracle , supreme receiver and supreme
premo recorder Mesdames Bublitz , Boyer
and Watt.
Tlio remainder of the forenoon session was
taken up in listening to the reports of the
supreme officers and subordinate camps.
Mrs. Eastman's report was an in
teresting resume of the year's work ,
and attentively listened to by the
delegates. She told of the in
crease In membership to 1,000
members , and the instituting of twelve
now camps during the past year. When the
head camp met one year ago it was badly In
debt , and the outlook was not encouraging.
The year's work , however , was effectual ,
nnd the year of Ib'JH ' was commenced with
the head camp out of debt and with n fair
balance in thu treasury ,
Mrs. Eastman made a number of recom
mendations for the better governing of the
order , and they will all como before the con
vention for discussion and action. Her re
port was referred.
Mrs. J. K. Can-others , supreme recorder ,
submitted hev annual report , which showed
that the number of camps in good standing
is eighteen , with a membership of 1,000 , In
the jurisdiction extending over the nine
northwestern states of Iowa , Illinois , Ne
braska , Kansas , North and South Dakota ,
Missouri , Michigan and Indiana , During
the year 18U3 twelve now camps were Instl-
luted. All are in a very prosperous condi
tion and the membership is rapidly increas
ing. ' k
The report of the miprcmo receiver , Mrs ,
P. J. Hennessy shows that the finances ol
the camp are In a joxid condition. During
IbW the amount received was flM , and tin
sum expended was 53IO , leaving a balance
on hand of fiii.CO.
The reports were referred to the proper
committees and the contention took a recess
at noon until U o'clock. At the afternoon
session the most imigitant ) ; business trans
acted was the election of oftlcers for the en
suing year.
Anniiiil Ctrrjlijii of Oilier ,
The election resulted as follows , then
being but little contest made : Suprcim
oracle , Mrs. G. W. Eastman , Council Bluffs
supreme vice oracle , , 'Mrs. A. Olson , Elgin
111. ; supreme recordv , Mrs. J. U , Can-others
Council Bluffs ; uujiremo receiver , Mrs
P. J. Hcnncssy , Council Bluffs ; sn
prcmo marshal , Mrs. O , E. Walker
South Omaha ; supreme chancellor , Mrs
In Pain .
. . time with strained
A Long . . . .
_ . . back , and was m bed
Tlmo. . . . .
four months.
ST. JACOBS OIL < n sod
cured me.
J. C. StouU Months.
\V M IIotlRos. Prlcnrt supreme Inner
sontlnpl , Mrs U It llrown , snptvmo outer
sentinel , Mrs. V Wink. 1'eorln. Ill iMinni
of ninmiKcra. Mrs. K C Uinisn.ihnirman . ,
Manito , 111. ; Mrs. .1. K , Van Ullder. Onialin ,
Mrs. A. K. llla/er , Mnnito. 111. ; Mrs H. U
WUt. Oinnhai MI-H. H. Shltlner.
tJnilcf the heal of nilsoollnnoons hti.itnrss
the camp took up the revision of the b.laws .
of the Boi'ictj' , and the remainder of the
afternoon \vns consumed In Ilsi > oslnjr of pro-
loosed ohnnges. A number of ninriul-
incuts were inloptcil , greatly uxteniUtiR the
| H > wcrs of the head oftlc-ors nnd plni-lng
the ramp \\fon \ bronder base to meet its
r.iplil dovclopment ntul Increnieil resixinsl.
hllltlcs. 'I'hlR oiiler of business wns not ills-
posed of nmi will occupy n greater part of
today's work.
Thu most Important subject that will
fotno np today is that ot mUllng
the insnrnni'o fonturo nml making
the bonlnciary p.irt of the eamp an
lnixrtant | ono. The plnn will pi-ob.ibly bo
adopted , but hardly porfcvtcdnt this session.
It is the Intention to adopt the feature nml
then refer it to the boanl of managers for
perfection to report nt a future meet ing.
Tt was nearly (5 ( o'clock when the alternoon
session was brought to a close.
In titllntliin.
At S o'clock last evening fully -100 people
pntheretl at 1'atterson hall to wittiest the
Installation of the oftleers of the head camp
of the Koyal Neighbors and the Installation
of 'the ' ofilcers-eloct of Camp No 120.
Modern Woodmen of America of this
city. The audience was eomiraseit of
the members of the Modern Wood
men , their wives , daughters , sisters and
sweathearts. Three of this head officers ot
the Modern Woodmen of America were in at
tendance. They were .1. ( . Johnson of i'ca-
botly , Kan. , A. U. Talbot of Lincoln anil
.1. AV. White of Tnplco. 111. , members of the
board of directors of the head camp. They
arrived tn the city last evening nml are in
attendance tit tlio federal court upon a ease
of the Modern Woodmen.
When the installation ceremonies of the
Woodmen were completed the hall was
turned over to the Uoyal Neighbors. Mrs.
A. llliuer of Manito , 111. , Installed the ofllcers
elected yesterday.
, * 3"
Piles of peoples ntivo piles , but Ue Witt s
Witch HiUL'l .salvo will euro thorn.
fDisordered Lover , _ . _ .
| ! They Act Like Magic on the Vital Orpine , 5
11 Rcgulatinc the Secretions , restoring lonnf
! i lost Complexion , bringing back the Kccnj
' 'Kdfre ' of Appetite , and arousing vfiththJ
5 ROSEBUD OF HEALTH " < = whole plivsicaij
energy of the human frame. These Facts j
! admitted by thousands , in all classes of ,
Society. Largest Sale in the World.
| Covered with a TaiteUu & Bolpblo Coating.
Of all druggists. Price 2S > cents a Do.x.
N ? - " ' ? 1eJ > t'65Jlr2l. ti _ S
jo *
ere precious than the "Nocterof the soils. , "
MorohoulltiE : the "Balm of OllloaU , "
OnUHx u 'nuili , Milieus I'ulinrcicit , lmiH
il ) > tlm tidily , .Mukci Iron > rvr
lleally curc < Catnrrli , CiiUls , Ki-nnrlittU ,
CONM'.M ' I'TIO.V , Headache.
A cliul KiirprUc , ISIcuKctt Itcllcf , Curn for
"Oxygen Book" anil 4 Trys Free.
Suite 51O Shooly Blilp ; , Omaha.
To the owners ot nil lots and purls of lots on
1'lftli street , from I'ioroe street to Wool-
woitli aruiuiu ;
Vou are hereby notified tlmt the nndor-
tfiieil , thrco disinterested freeholders of the
city of Omaha , Imvo been duly appointed by
the mayor , with tlio approval of tlioelty coun
cil of said city , to nsscsi the dnmaKO to the
owners respectively of the property nitectod
by grading of said street , declared necessary
bv ordlnaneo Xo. H.3.S" , passed Dee. ' . ' 0 , ISJ'J , nu-
proved Doe. 2-t , 18'J2. '
Vou are further notified , tlmt bavins ac
cepted said appointment , and duly qualltled
as required by law , wo will , on the I'Uiday of
January. A. 1) ) . ISO. ! , nt the hour of ID o'cloul ;
in tlio forenoon , at tlio olllco of Slirlver .V
O'Donolioe. 1OI 1'arnatn stroot. within tlio
corporate limits of said city , meet for tbopur-
pose of considering and malting thu assess
ment of daiu.igo to thn owners respeetlfoly of
said property , alfected by said uraulnz. taking
Into consideration special benolltii , If any.
Vou are notified to bo present ut tlio llmo
and plaeo aforpsuld and make any objection
to or statements coneern'-'i ; said us9oisincnt :
of damages as you i.ay c .islder proper.
W. ( i. SIlltlVKlt.
OKO. ' .J-Atll , .
Omaha. .Inn. 4. 1S ! . J.ldlOt
Under and by virtue of an e.xccnlIon Issued
by I'ranlj 12. MOOICK , clerk of Ihu district court
within and for Donnlns county , Nehraska ,
upon a judgment rendered bv said oonit at
Its Septumljer term , A. 1) . , 1.8D'J. In favor of tlio
Merchants National hanU of Kansas City ,
.Missouri , and against the Metropolitan Table
Hallway company of Omaha , Nebraska , I
Imvo levied upon the following doscrlhod
property as thu property of the said , The
Metropolitan ( . 'ablo Hallway company ol
Omaha , Nebraska , to-wlt : "Track and ioail-
bed , Including rails , ties , plates , frog's bolts ,
splices , wlies , switches , poles , Holly wiles ,
cro : < wires , etc. , etc. . and ururyllihiK perlaln-
Inj ; to said track anil tlio operating ( hereof as
an olec.trlc motor line of said The Metropol
itan I'ablo Hallway company on 'Hlth stieel
and on Dodgu street In thu city of Omaha , amen
on llodgn street as extendeil. Woodman ave
nue , I'mlerwood avenue and Wilson avrmieor
street In Dundee IMaco or adjacent thereto In
Iho county of Douglas ; | iul stnto of Nehraska. "
"Omi car house ( frame building on posts or
hlocksMociited on lot 14 , lilock KH , Dundee
1'lace , Douglas county , Nehraska. " "Two
motor passenger cars numbered respec
tively two ( Ul , mid lluvo (3) ( ) " "Heeord book ,
Htock certlllcato book and seal of said com
pany , " and also "the franchise granted to said
company , which Includes all the rights and
privileges seemed thereby , " and I will on the
17th day of January , A. I' . , l Ui : , commencing
at IU o'clock a , in , of said day , at the east flout
door of the county court house In the city of
Omaha , soil said properly at public auction to
Iho highest and best bidder or bidders for
cash , to satisfy said execution , ( he amount dim
Iheieon being forty thousand , four bundled
forty-six and (11-100 ( dollars ( WO.-l-Ui.Ol ) ludg-
meiit , and sixteen and 3H-100 dollars ( ilO.llMi
costs , with Inleiesl on said aimmnis from the
1'Jth day of September , 1WJ2 , and the acciulng
costs , on .said Judgment and execution ,
( iixjittiK A. IIINNKTT. :
ShorllTof Douglas fonnty , Nebraska.
LAKK , HAMILTON .t MAXWKI.I. . Attorneys
Omaha , Nebraska , January fi. 1UU3.
.15.1 laim
Tlio rnclflo Kxprces Company. Olllco of th
( 'resident , Omaha. No'j. . Doeuni her 1st. Iktt
Notion Is hereby given tlmt. the annual meet
Ing of thu stockholders of tlio company for tlio
election of dlreutors and the transaction of
such other business as may properly coma bu-
fore It , will beheld nt the olllco of the com
pany , No. Mill llarnoy stroat , omulia. Nob.on
Tluusday , January . .tli. 1SJI. : at II o'clock
Ity order of tlio Itonrd of Director * ,
11 M. MOKtiMA.N. 1'rcsldent ,
! ' . IIECIIKU Bocrntnry.
of lots on " 11" biroet from lUth stecut , tu ITth
Vou are hereby nollflod that the niuUr-
hlzneU. tliroodUlnlereited frewliolden of Uni
city ot Oinahu , havobeeit duly iippolutod
by the mayor , with the approval of thu city
council of saM cliv. to ussum the damavo In
the owners respectively of thu property affected
of "U" fro Utli
fected by the grading street u
Hlrcet to Kth biroet , declared neocss.iry bv
or.ilnanco No. IUSi , passed December llitli , 161K.
upurovecl December I'.itli. 18'X' .
You are further notilluJ that h'tvlnz ao-
copied said nppolntiiiunt , anJ du'.y nnallllod
ns required by law. wo will , on the K'tn duy ol
January , A.I ) . Is'Jl ' , at the hour of ; t o'cloul
In thu afternoon , ut the olHco of Gco J. 1'uul
KU5 1'arnam street. within the cot-
poratellinlti of said ellv. meet for the pur
pose of considering and makhu thu
mt'nt of da in ago to the otviiorH ro > pootlvoy | ol
Bald propurty .itTuctud by said grade , takln ;
nto consideration special bonellu.-lf any ,
Vou aru notllled to bo presonl ut the tlni (
nnd place aforesaid and miiko aur objectlon-
to or bt itomeuu coiifurntnr said usne. smen
of damu 'cs aayou may conaldur iiropor.
lKO. J. 1'AIIl. .
W. U. rillUIVKIl ,
0 111 ab a , Neb , Dec. tb , Ibiri ai"J-dlOl
For civr 2 $ Ytars
BuH Durban }
lias been recognized as the standard
of tobacco ] > crlcclion. This isvhy
we liave temained , during tills long
lriod , the largest manufacturers of
Smelting Tobacco in tlie world. It
lias n fragrance and flavor of pecu
liar excellence. Give it a trial.
_ . . ,
" V- * - * - - - ; - " - < - .rfctUKT y.J'ifHf ; i >
Moro sold th xn nil obhora cotn'Mnol Do not 1)3 dooalvoJ by tmttxtora or by
these claiming to have almost 1x3 good : i machine. Buy only the SANDWIOlt
CORN SHELLER nnd bo protected by direct guarantee from rolliblo nnmufac >
urers. You canalways depend upon our repairs being knot in stock by ttll local
dealers. Apply for our agency. Send for catalogue ! and prices. SANDWICH
MANUFACTURING CO. , Council IJlulTs , Iowa.
. W. PAH6L1
The Good Samaritan. SO Tears' Eipericcco.
cAHY -MKU1C1NJ1. .
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.anua ; Ms-
coscsof the Eye anil ICnr.FiUiaid Apoplexy , Heart
Disease , Liver Complaint , Klilney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , feftental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Diabetes. BrleI fsDl ease , St. Vllns *
Dance , Kheuinatlsrn , I'uralyslfl. White Swelling ,
Bcrofula , Fever Sorca , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ono removed without
the knife or drnwine a dr.op of
blood. Women with bi-r delicate re-
Btorert to health. Dropsy cured v/hhout tapping.
Special Attention given to private
nnd Venereal Diseases of all kinds.
85O to SSOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot euro without mercury.
Tupo Worms removed In tw or three hours , or no
I > ay. Hemorrhoids or I'lles cured.
Will Eftvo life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or iu > iiif
The only Physician tvlio cnn toll vplnit atll
: i pursuit without antclng n question.
All correspondence strictly confidential. Medleia ' ,
rout by express. Address ali letters to
BBS Broadway ,
Ccmncil Blufi's , Iowa
All liliiils of Dyolnx nnd Clorui'ns ilonu In
( ho hUhuit styln o ! the urt. I'.nlo.l and
tulucil fubrlos nm'Ju to luol : us goo I iisnuvv.
Wo IK promptly done an I ilollvurol In all
parts uf tlio country. Suml finpriuo Hat.
C. A. MACHAN , Proprietor.
Drcudwav.nuurNorlhwL-itorn Do ot ,
COflllttfJlIllfl'H. . III.
Anil all tin tr.iln of
KVII.9 , WKAK.VK3SK * , URIIIMI'V. KT.1. , t'ltt 113
cnmimnr Ilioin In man OIHI'KI.V nn I I'l'IKMA-
NKNTJiV CL'KKIl. Killl HI'ltUNCiTII unit tonti
given to every psrtof tli bodjr. 1 will toil ( u
cnroly picxoli I'JIKB to any mi.forur tlu iiruiorlu.
llun that curo.t m'Jiif UIMU troublji. AiMrjii , U
I'rup i 4U for lluuiidiry Hurvt-y itnd.Monii *
men In.
Uenunil I.and Olllcu , V
WASiiiNnroN. D , O. . Dcccmhor l. ' 1C. )
Scaled proposals will be received nt the gon-
cral land olllco , Washington , I ) . U. , until -
o'clock p , in. on .Saturday , the -JUh duy of
January , Ib'Jl. for Iho survey nnd marking liy
Biiltibie inonunienlH. of that portion of thu
boundary line iietwvon the stuto of Nobrauka
and the male of Konth Dakota which lies \test
of Uio Missouri river , us autliorl/.ed by the act ,
of coiizreKn , auprovo I Au.-ust f , WM. nriklnv
npuroprlatlon tor Burvoylng the public lands
I'amphletPlitutesat h-irgo , IKUb'J'p. . 37ui ;
HSO for the fiirnlBhlng of stone monuments to
bo place I at Inilf-mlln lulervaB ! on said boun
dary. Thu bids for thu survey and for the
moniinienta must bo separate , wl'h the privi
lege lo the bidder lliut If ho is not awarded
the contract for both bo will Lo bound to contract -
tract for neither. Copies of tboipcclfloatlons
nmy bo liHil upon i.ppllcatlon to this olllco.
Kacli bid must bonocomuanled by u certified
cliooU forl'-uj. The right to reject any or nil
bids Is reserved. rropu al riuul lo inelonod
In envelope ? scale : ! and marked "I'ruponals
forsurvoy of boundary between Nobruuka
and South Dakota. " RiiU "I'roposaU for boun
dary niotinmonts. " and addroiiod to thu Con-
inUilonor of tbe General Land OMIce , WiiBh-
Inaton. D. U.
It-UnodJ W. M. 8TONE.
j3d2H CoiumUiloner.
Improved Safety Elevators ,
Cor. Qth St. and 11 A vt . , Connrll muffs. i
1 none Ki'iiulnu wiiliont hrnm lllllnii ) . on r Into
Improved ntylo , H tinlhl muUr , lnm < li'Ci > ttnngo
ilrmiK lint lilKM Krntcnnd i-loim perfectly tlidnj
mves 3,1 iior cent nutrition ) i-lvmonlii. Full rt -
ncrlptlvo circular on application. AlillNTS WANT-
KIMiitivi-ry county In tliot ! S. Addri'sn , Cll Altl:3 )
Sl'III'l/ritl'.HS. 4'N , Alnln St. . Council lllnrM , In.
To thu owners of all lots or parts of lots on
ulli'.v In Itlloy'hiiinl Itiwi-rs' suhillvMon , be
tween Vlnlon strooi and the north line of lot
H. HoKi'i-s' Ktib. anil 17lh and IHIh sln-otH.
Von are heroliy nollllcil that Ihu inidor-
"Icnt'd , thrt'o illslntt'ii'HtiMl freeholders of the
'Ityof Onmlni , lmvolt ) > ( * n duly appointed by
he mayor , with Iho approval of thuclly i' < ) iin-
cllnf ald city , to a'.schs thu daiinmo lo Iho
owner * impi'utlvoly of tlio properly all'eclud
liy tin' Ki-adliiKof said alloy , ihvhiii'd neces
sary liy oidlnani'o : i)90 : ) , passed DcuiMiibur SO.
IH'J'J , approved December 1M , IHO'J.
Von aio fiiither nolllled , thai , having ac-
opted said appointment , and duly inmlllled
UN required by law , un will , on thu lui'lflh day
: > f Jniiinirr. A. I ) . 1HU.1 , at. the hour of two
Velock In the afternoon , at the otllcoof ( Jeorno
I. I'anl , 1005 I'armim street , within lliecor-
porato limits of said city , meet , for the pur-
[ lese of consldorhiK and making Ihu as-oss-
ipiit of damajro to thn owners respectively , ol
aid property , -inVi'tiMl by mild urade , lalilnu
Into consideration siieolal henellts , If any.
Von are niilllled to bo present at , the tlmo
and place aforesaid nml niiilto any object loni
to or statements coimcriilnx said as'-essme.nt
uf damages , as you may ( onsldnr iirnper ,
(1KC ( ) , .1. I'Al'l/ ,
Oinnhii , December28 , IHSI'J , DIIOdKIt
Spccin )
A rflrl nt 70J Mynitor tl ,
BUTCH Kit WA.NTKU A Mre'lnm uliop tcndor ,
ntc. O. I ) . Mum Murkct , ill \VcU llroniliritr ,
Council Illulls.
AllSI'IIACrb mill loan * . P.inn an j ulty propurtr
bought auil nol-J. I'muy i Tlioiim , Council
nml cltr linns. Mon f loane < l on Block
nnd vraln. Uunl ujtnte for ill" . Direllliiv nnJ
iliK'Hsri'iitnls. Monujr lonnml for local Invuttun ,
ciKeu A'loivlo. 'U ! > I'uurl utrjut.
'H ACHH.uppsr ) llrondtfiiri tpluiill'l plu.'o for
/iitllnii | | ; clump for cnh , or will uxu'iiiua for
Improved roildoncu proourty In ( 'onicll illntli.
( iruciuliloldi. N.choUon . \ : i'o.
AM ) r'lt'jrr land , rlulion iirv ] nioit
- . .I tritcl In l'ottnruttiinla : cDiiiuy : > u <
Kntcriirliii I'lncj ; nra nr ton : iora luU , lircun-
tliluliln , Moliulnill A ( 'p. . G3I'
Wi : WAN' ! ' tun ucrui nt inn 1 wltlilu live iullo ot
rlty Oun't earn liuw rouxli It U. ( Jreja ) >
ililelili , Xlcliolnon A Cu. _ _ ,
IJWIT.KI'HIrtl1 : I'laco , for Irulu ur > ! riluiis
JjulJtirban liomm , Una lull , twnlr inlnutai
iroin uiutur llnu. llreen hlulili , Nlaliolion A t.'o.
I HUITKAUM Iniproveit , u mile anil a half from
I tlic0lGt1Ic3.i | ' : t Hirn ; ! > ruoni lieu . ntablu ,
clc. Will oioJuTU'o fur ra ld < ! iio In Counll Illuff * ,
Ureo'iililulda. iSloU iUu. > , t Oi ,
| 2H ACIlK.-t,3ki mllu from city ; will i-JlUi' cut It
J-takun tlilt vtuuk. ( ireunililulili. .M.iliaUon A Co.
HO ( 'HOICK lotila Mnyno irldltlon nuir out uhd
'Jof too now Inlunlatu lirl'Uo. Will Hll In biiiichci
or _ liuljr. ( looyi llotsjlf , _ jou-ip | | ItliilU ,
1 > j-j CHK farm In Ntli. , .Vroom lioukii , ilalilo od
J ilioiln , To ncrfi In cultlvutlon , l'riu | tV.UO per
acre. Ti-rmt ua y. Johnston & . Vnn I'tttuu I
AltllAOK ronioieil. ciiniiual * . vnulti ftud
G cliluinoyj cleauu I , K. I ) , llurku. ultr blilr
] ? 8TltAV-TnVun up. Monday > t I'.xcbinta barn ,
-JNGrlh Hecuud Hrfct. bay Uur c , yjrtara old , 16
liaiidn liliih , would welitli I.UOO If f U will bo tolij
uflcr legal tluiv K Dot called for. Mllt