T1IK OMAHA. DAILY HKEn'MIUlSDAY , JANUARY o , 18M , STILL STICKS TO PANAMA Lo Figaro Insists That America is Only Try ing to Frighten Franca , ITS COMMENTS ON PROPOSED CONDITIONS Thinks the Kent Thing tn Do U to Walt n ( 'nnllrinntliin of tlio Keport Ait- rft ot thn I'lirnpi'iii Co in pn n J. Jama ( Ionian Jlennell. } .Inn. t. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun Urn. ] I'i-jiro today publishes nn nrticlo which is attracting con Bldcrablp nttcntloii. It first of all quotes the Herald dlspatchc announcing the conditions vnon vv hleh CoIomlKi mlglit transfer to a thlnl ji.irty HB i ight concerning the Panama canal and then gooion to say It has good ground' for believing that the conditions cabled tc the Europe in edition of the Hernld have nol before been btought to the notice of any per sons hero having authority to accept or re fuse them. "Consequently , " it sas , "It would bo pru dent to await n confirmation of this now furnished by the Herald , for Americans arc in the habit of letting loose occasional ! ) In Trance n ballon d'essai Sometime ! it Is to dlscour IRO us to complete ourselves the work of the Panama cana ! by threatening us with an Imaginary com IKjtltlon , whicli is almost ildictilous , of tin Nicaragua canal ; perhaps also to test tin chinccsof getting a better bargain will Colombo by seeing how our government is affected by the cnuncl ition o ; these hypothetical conditions North Amer icans are very Jealous of the Panama canal The great ad vantage tlio European com pany has In tlio eesof Colombo Is Its free dom from the danger of the political slttta tlon which would constantly thrcatci them In the case of the United States coin pany. Wo aio qulto sure the Colom lilnti authorities will beery firm in opposing nny conclusion by the United States of tin terms announced In the Herald. In short the conditions cabled by the Now York Her aid , "sont suspects , mals s'clles cmnnnicn' ' renlloment do bomota cllcs dovraient , ctn 1'objot do fort expresses reserves. " Will these words cuds the Figaro aiticlo. PA\OIJINJ LINKS. Chilian ( 'innpinleH Ini lliu il to DUcrlmlnuti AculMHt tin ; Onlli il Mltc * . [ Copurlulitctl IvniiuJumn ( Innljn llcnnsU. ] VAI.VAUAJSO , Cnllih ( Galveston , Tex. , ' Jan.1 [ By Mexican Cible to the Ncv York Herald Special to Tut : Bur : 1 Th Chilian nnd Hngllsh companies lunniugu ] the coast to Panama have notified shipper ; tliat after rebruity 1 no goods to or fron Now Yoik w ill be granted thiough bills o lading by way of the Pacific Mail line This action benefits the English line through Magellan straits , w ho expect to do . largely increased business by way of Livci iwol. Domingo Cana will shoitly bo sent n Chilian minister to Aigentitio in place o Scnor Guorieio , who w ill resign. Chill ha purchased a 1,000-ton aimoied ciulsor froi : the Annstiongs , and a 9"ton ( ) tor petto vcssc built for Tin key by Green of London. Th ton ti acts for the put chase of the -vessels ha\ .been confirmed in seciot session by congicss Scnor ISvvircs , Paraguaan minister a Wpntoyldco , li is published : i. denial of th story of an ullhnco between Paraguay am Chill Uruguay is suffering from a piolongc drouth. PAXAMAvia Oalveston , Tex. , ) Jan. 4- [ By Mexican Cable to tlio Now York Hcral Special to TJIL BEB 1 Advices receive fioin Costa Iliea say the boundaiy ciuestio between that country and Nicaiagua hn been reopened and theie is a prospect of wa between the two countries inconsequence A body of Costa Uican s.oldici-3 have take jwsscssioii of ten itory claimed byNicaiagur nnd Costa Uica has convoyed to Nicaragu an ultimatum which the latter country i not disposed to agteo with She is piepai in to defend her lights and the outlook i grave. _ ST1UKINC OIJIIMAN MI.MMIS. Tlicy llctiiiiio Itlotoiix nuil Criato 3Iiin HlNtiirliiiiicpx. BEIUIN , .Tan. 4. This has been a day c Itcen anxiety in the Saar distiict , where th striking mineis and Icadeis Inlvo made 'desperate attempt to sivo their cause b spieading tenor and threatening open coi flict. In Putlingcn this nioining 200 stiikci raided houses of the men who had refused t join them , diagged out and bcatsavern nnd smashed the window s. In Forbadi a mob , starting out with Blmllar pin pose , was stopped for .1 momer by a priest , who licggcd them to bo icasoi nblo and not inlliot puulbhmcnt on the vvorl ingmcn for trying to suppoit their famiHc : Tlio prlrst sjioko agnitistanairhists and the a shower of stones fell around him. 'Hi mob made u nisli for him , but ho s ived hln self by limning away. Tlio mob bioko u fo' ' windows , beat two mineis who had refuse to quit and dispersed. At tlio pit numhois of men are still woil ing and mining officials have been in constai .danger of being killed. Many of the suikei uio aimed with lovolveis ami it fovv witli i lies , und they have been Hi ing iccklc.ssly ! 'tho nelqhboihood of the pits. A mooting of ii.OOO sti ikers was held toda jieur Saiir-Louls. Flvo men and thrc v omen dellvcied violent Imiiangucs Aftc the meeting Inoko up the mob divided int three bodicH singing the Marhcillesand boo Ing nt everybody icspectublo looking. All the npuakcrs denounced with speci , virulence thocluigv , who have Inclined U Imtied of the uimichlsts by counselling moi ciatlon. At Emlorsorf the stt Ikers ha\o asked tli mayor to propose to tlio mine owners fi them a compromise. Reports fiom Sa.ir-L.uis tonight ute to tl effect that despite the bombast of the leai ors and the ujipuicnt tcspoiiblvcncss of tl men , the sttlko is weakening. Tlio still tug mlnoiu aio stiffen Ing keenly fiom tl Bovcrlty of the w eather and the oxpoctc contribution fiom Knglund , l-'ianco mi llulgium have not coma In. As tha men wei unprepared for thn strike , they must eitlu toturn to w oik soon or starve. Sir. Illllun JIal.oKiiu iariu : t IMi-u la Thr llfhulf. Dum.is' , Jan. 4 The ovletcd tenants' cot mission ivsuutcd Us session today. M Dillon made an earnest plea In bohulf of tl reinstatement of evicted tenants and pr duccd statistics showing that a number , good settlements nad been made tlu-oiij. the plniof campaign between the Ian lords nnd their tenants. The scttlemeu had been brought about through the goi Aeeuso nnd good feeling of landlords und tc ( n\lt8 , Even upon the Olphcrt estate , mournful memories , sottluments had bet "cotno to and there was a prospect thut tl .evicted tenants would bo reinstated. Kove 'thcless , Dillon Informed the commission th thcro wcro thousands of evicted tcnan -whoso condition w us so pitlablound dcbpora thut U constltutcHl u immure to the publ PP4CO , and ho urgently advised that mou x urea bo adopted for their rollof , both on tl ground of humanity nnd publicsucuilty. . Dillon nUospoko so vet ely of those Ian lords who nro apparently endeavoring to ci Jxirrasa the government by mo relic ; .evictions ut this sovoroseason. Dillon state 'that the tptal amount received front u sources for the support of evicted loan M under the plan of campaign was &H,000. t In a recent Issue of the Manchester Ou.ir , 'lan , Mr , W. O'Bileuguvt * tl following II f evicted tenants by landlords within ft > cnod of two or three days : County Mayo Nine families evicted from .heir cabins In the frightfully congested dls- rlct of Bohaun All for rent arrears and nil n destitute condition with no means for uluro supiwt County CoikDistrict Inspector t angliorn mil thirty armed i > ollccmcn broke through the roof of the hmiso of n respecliblo tenant , near Sklbbercen , nnd evicted the family vhtlo the fnthcrnnil mother veto both Ivlng 11 and n demented daughter roiming about ho scene. ' , singing Three other tenants on , ho simo estate ejected. County .Moiiagnnuilad Homestead of John 'MdCenna. on the Ankctcll Orovo estate mlled down and rayed to the earth anil the 'umtturo broken In pieces by emergency urn : n ncighlxirlm ; tenant sentenced to seven da > s In Jail for digging McICcnnn n ncal of potatoes on his land. The liouso of nnothcr tenant , Mar ) McKcnni , was also torn down County Clalr Captain Crookcr , sub- sheriff , with a force of billUYs and riflemen , who had iiccn engaged all the week In wholesale seizures in vaiious puts of the ountv , left Kiinls at midnight to sclro the tenants' ' calllo on the notoilous Bodle estate of Colonel William Gall.iglmn. And so on Irom county to county and from day to day \Vrrol < on nn Anitrliiti Itiillroid. VIBNXA , Jan. 4. A passenger train from , hls city collided nt Kanaizsa today wllhn iissonger train from Stuhl\velssenbtiig Caiialz.s.i Is a junction of the two lines nnd 'ho engineer of the Vienna ti.iln , misunder standing thi ! signals , i.in at half speed on ; ho track ahead of the Stuhlvvclssonburg : ralu , which vvas moving twenty miles an lour. In tlto crash the latter train ploughed through thice coaches Illlcdlth passcnccia i'lic ) were completely demolished , liight lussetigois weio killed Instantly , live sus- tallied injuiiosof which the ) probably will dioaml ten weio wounded severely , but not moi tally. _ _ von nn : . IUt of ChmiKCY oT Inipnrliiiiro In ttio Icrguhkr Servile \Vilenli > . WASHINGTON , D. C. , Jun.I. . [ Si > ecial Tele gi.nn to Tm : BUB ] The following uiniy or ders weie Issued today A boaid of oflle-ers is appointed to meet at Madison 3 J , macks , N Y. , to consider the \\holu subject of the s.mitar ) condition of that post in connection \vithlho lecentept- demlu of t\pliold fc\er , nnd tepott to the secretary of war what measures are neces sary to establish Madison Barracks upon a sound sanitary basis , nnd especially in respect - spect to the supply of water. Detail for the board Colonel Clnrlcs C. Bai tlett , Ninth In- fanty : lieutenant Colonel George M. Stein berg. deputy suigcou general ; Cuptnin Ciosby P Miller , assistant quaitcimasler Tlio junior member will iccord tlio proceed ings Tlio following changes in tlio Seventh cav alry ate made. Second .Lieutenant William F Cl.uk , trom troop F to ttoop U ; Second Lieutenant Robert Sew ell , fi om tioop 1) tc troop F. Second Lieutenant Chatles G Dw.vcr , Tvvority-llrsi infantr ) , is detailed sis iccoider of ihu examining bo.u d convened at Fort M\cr , Va.tcoSccond Lieutenant Ilenrj D Todil.Jr/lhirdmtmoiv. Lieutenant Colonel Udwin V. Sumncr , Eighth cavalry , is detained as a member ol the army icliiing Ixmd at Washington baiiacks , ieo Lieutenant Colonel Guy V , Henry , Seventh cavalry , lelieved. Tlio bo.u ds of oflleeis coii\ened at tlic places and by the oideis specified for the examination of officers to determine then Illness for promotion aio dissolved , vl/ Foil Custer , Mout. ; Fort Lxxivcnvvoith , Kan. ; Foil Assiiiaboine , Mont. : Foil Le.ucnwoith , Kan. UlLcavoof absence for one month with per mission to apply for nu extension Is grantee Second Lieutenant Gcoigo E French Foiuth infantry. Second Lieutenant Ellwood W. Evans Eighth cavalry , no won leave of absence , wil pioceed to Fort Mjer , Va , and ropoi t it poison to the comnumliiiK olllcer of thai post for assignment to tetnpoi.uy duty will troop II. Eighth cavaliy. Tlio leave of absence gi anled Captain Clarence A. Steadman , Ninth ca\alry , is e\ . tended fifteen days. The retirement from active service o : Colonel Hodiiey Smith , assistant paymastei general , is .innoiiiiLud Colonel Smith wil pioceed to his liome. The supuiintendent ol the recruiting soi-vicc will cause thirty re emits at Columbus Bairacks , O , to bo as signed to the third artillery and forwards to the Department of the East. Mmomoiiln ofOrr in StiMiiiuis. At Southampton Arrived Havel , fion New- York for Bicmcn. At Fastnot Passed Teutonic , from Now York for Liverpool. At Copenhagen Arihed Polaria , fron NowYork. . At Lizaid Passed Illinois and Pcnnsyl van In , from Philadelphia for Antwerp Sighted Penland , fiom Now York foi Ant weip - At Delaware Cape Passed In Btitisl Pilnecss , fiom Llveipool for Pliiladelphia. At Now Yoik Airivod Westeinlaiul fiom Antwerp ; Weimar fiom Bicmcn Bothnia , fiom Livci pool ; Rtiihbenhuk , fion Ilaiiibmg ; Vecndam , fiom Itottoidam. At Philadelphia Anived Biitish King fiom London and Swansci 1'ol-rlKII. Tliu Ituilln ( ( iiiespomlrnt of the Times suy > tit it two ficsh cases ofcliokia vvero tcMiortcc Adlsp-itili from Rutohlt/.i.on tlio Dndpcr siiystliut flftoun mcnviuio Mlli'd by a mini 0IOSOII | | till 1C. Kiliapu continues ( o hiitrurfrom lliu cold Near Uronstailt , Uussla , sovc'ral soldlurs wuri fro/i'ii lo death , llnmbuiu still continues to bo a breed In , plni o for cholera , and now cases and death < n curovoiy cl.iy. Queen Itivimt Christina of Spain has slgnoi tliucoinmlislnii of tlio iliilSu nt Alinoilov.u ilu V alloy sis nilnlstiT to Washington. linn Uobi'itT. lilncoln , the American mln Istur , nlioliis boon \Mtlnj tlui Unltud Stutu on U'UM ) of ab-.i.'iici < , Imsaitixoil In l < oiidon. Miss UIIJIIM Uiijli-i of Il.illlinoio and SI I'lilllp Ilmui Iliiun i'citon : of Kn/Uml IIUM In mi unlit d in maril.MU at I.oinlon , KiiKluuil It is said Unit nuiLli adilltloiiul Infoim itloi has bcun sufiiioil In tliu I'liiiiuna c mil case and that moiu uiiu ts nlll Ins m.ulu In a da' in o. KiiKllslinicn In tlio Sandwich Miindi rout linn pfililclously uctlvu In Ihuli ciHlMiMr- poison the natho mind an-iln.st tliu Uultri t-latos. Tlio oiitKnhu of Lord Salnlmry's and tlio In coming nf .Mi. Cliulstmio'n iidinlnlstrallonha- biiillj upv.oi Ihu plans nnd pollilunf ine'lani : In tliu miittui of statu aid to cmlKiants. At a nioolliu' of thn illicclorsof the lloitm nssiiclatloii u u'dluliona adoplrd uifilnKi'niiiu" iti ) ii'iUMlthu hhormiii iii'tof IHDOlnsorm u-.ll lulatuitotliupurulms of .slhiT bullion. Tim htanilaid'h Paris coriusnoiidtnt si\ tlmlu iiimoiMih cnrriuiL In I'arls that Si Ch'iurnci'aii liuil buon aniMiMl In connci'tloi with tlu < I'anuma canal scumlal. Tliu rimio h is not IH-I-II coiitlrmeil. Thoiiopo lias boon unusually Iriltatcdlr tliu collui- | of his jirojrct to appoint u immcli to the Dnltiil htatos for \\hlili Arrbbhlio Iruland had hccurcil I'loslilent llarilson's per mission , sajs a Itomo coiicbpondunt. Aihlci-s fioiii ht. NU'liolls mo to tliu ofToc that that port Is ciouilul with disabled \vs holn , n MI bi'lni ? thnro nt ] ) ro < < cnt undureoliiKiu lulls of dainiiKcn rod'lvi-il iliulii ) ; the n tun lit'uty gulfs , ilunyof tliuissuls iiipint sou ini-ii loit liy bulna washed from the decks | j heu > ytteiH. : _ Dommtlc. Fte art lingers , an ll-yeai-old boy wll Kll h'dn pliijninto Ina qiiuirul , has bi-on uc unit toil iifiniirdtirliy u VlttslnirK , 1'a. , Jury. hniallpo\ has brolcvn out UIUOIIK ilio convict jit the liiilti-d Mates peiilk'iitliny , MeNu ! IMaml.islilngion , All PLTHOIIS luivu bee vacclnati-d. V , 11. Thiiyor. ajnuilor of Memphis. Tenn liasnmilu an asslRiiniint. Tim amount pit fi-rrcd un'Kit > Kiito * J4HU.OOO , feu > oi.il sum ! stori's are Included , Tlio transatlantic oil sloatnei Iloart'runl ri < poited alKindoiu'd In mlil-oLCun , bur cro1 liiivlnu bci'ii ri'scuod by tliu Mcumor Aoonva ow nud liy the Ileui CreeK Oil company of 1'ltU ' burs. 1'a. liuilrodd men and t-hlupors are plmised o > e thoiiroiiieetof the UnUed Static lotullatln uuiitnsl ( anuda for her discrimination. Th utfort will bo dlrcctud uiialnst thu ( Jaiuulla riillroud pawing throuuh UnlU'd fatutos torrl tory. The Rupromo rourtof IViiiiiyhunU Ima dt cldod Unit thu llluu luws of Unit state nru I force ut the pifhont tlmu anil lius sm > talni > the dcuUtim of tlio lower court In the cuso i Thoiiias Mattbows of tlio 1'ltUburg Sumlii Leader , convicted of publishing u paper on th hutjbatii. A conunlttop unpointed by the locomotlv the ( iiilf. Coloiadu X Hantu I' and tlio mumiK iment nt that road bis ui ranged u new bcbtnlulo for the coming jca Thb culitulna but tow clauses not embodied 1 the agrcouiout wbloliliiu boeuotlect twoycui J [ CON-TIM rn FIIOM nnsr PAOK ] ritlon todny , nil the member * being present. But little business was transacted. Tn the Broken Bow case. In which Byron Blair petitioned for an elevator site , n com munication was read which stated that Blair had pcifrctoiT n Icaso of one of the elevators already built nt Broken Bownnd that therefore ho u at content to let the mittor rest The cocretarles hnd already liuestlgateil the case nnd had decided that the railroad should furnish the alto for an elevator whuno\er Ulnlr wanted It. The matter was referred back to the secretaries for notion. In the Laurel ease , In which the sccrc- tailcs recommended the erection of n depot nt Laurel , n small station on the Chicago , Kt Paul , Minneapolis ! t , Oirmna road , In Dixon county , tlio findings were approved , and n communication front the companystat- ing that the order would be obojed , was placed on IIlo. Messrs Benton and Hill , the retiring mem bers of the board , were tendeied n vote of thanks for their services. Tlio secretaries weio requested to lepoit the status of the warehouse business to Commissioner Hutnphioy for fututo action and the lio.inl adjoin nod. SOMI : 1'ito.ir.uTS. JtlllM Itonily to Ho Introduced nnd Their Uhnni.ru. LINCOI.V , Neb , Jan. 4 [ Special Tele- gum to Tun BEH ] It may bo n relief to the general public to bo informed that there are a few people nt tlio state liouso today who aic thinking of something aside from Jlio hope of oftlco. For Instance , a well known lady of this city was present today with the topyof n bill extending municipal suffrage to women alicady piepaicd , and a laigo number of printed copies icadyto place in the hands of tlio mcmbcisas soon as ttioy weie toady to settle down to work. Tlio bill wnsdi.iwn by Mis Zara Wilson , a lady who shines with Ada BiUcnbender the dis tinction of being a practicing nttoiiiey be- foie the state Louits She asks simply for municipal sutTiage , and in her canvass for suppoit has addiesscd .1 letter lo each of the members of botli houses , She admitted to TUB Bnr tenoitcr that thoiopllesaheadv iccuUed wcro somovvhtit discouraging. With but few exceptions , those who had the courtesy to icply put themselves on iccoul , is opposed to the bill. In this connection the name of Senator Corrcll of Thtij or county has been mentioned as a prob iblo advocate of the bill , but he as- suied TUB Bni : repmter that he would not favor any moas'iio looking toward woman sutl i age Hostated that ho had woikcd for the success of the mc.isu.ic , w hen it was sub mitted to the people of the state several jp.irs ago , and tint he regarded thu verdict then as llnal for the present generation. I'or Coimtj AstosHor. Among the important bills nlictdy pie piled forpicscntatlon in the sciisitc at the e.uhest favorable opjiortutiitv is onepioviil- ing for the election of u county assessor. It will bo his duty to fix the assessed -valuation of all the ical estate m the count ) and to appoint" deputies to assess the personal properl ) subject to regulations laid down bv himself He is to hold his ofllce for a term of two jcais the same as the other county ofilccis , but the deputies aio to bo appointed each j car. The author of the hill believes that his plan w ill do aw ay w ith the uncqtt il assessments bo ficiiucntl ) complained of hi ever ) county in the state. Another revenue billlikely to be picscntcd c.uly in tlio session is the timc-honoicd and familiar bill providing for the taxation of all property at its actual valuation. Its fea tures aie so familiar und its advantages and defects have been uigued so frequently that comment Is unnecessary. Tlio banks of the state w ill como in foi their full share of attention. Speaking ol the subject n well kiiownmeinbersaid today ; "I notice l > y the report of the proceedings ol the recent meeting of .the'Stato Bnnkcis association as 'printed hi' TUB Bon thai two .vears ago when the independ ent legislature was in session the Bankers association thought it best not to hold its annual convention for feai tint its deliberations would atti act toomucli attention and have a tendency to piovokc unfoAorablc legislation. So instead of a con \entlon they appointed a well known banket fiom Sow aid to take charge of a buieau n ; this city and the executive council reported with no Itttlosatisf.ietion that the work of tin buieau had been v ei vsnu cssful in waidingof unfavorable legislation You may bo assureiJ that the present logislatnro will cnaeivor tc enact some needed legislation In regard U the taxation of the bnnks in this state am the bill will be so drawn up that it will be almost impossible to ev.ulo Its pi o visions. " Will Tux Telephones. Another pioject that has already assumei shape is in the foini of a bill piovidmg Urn the telephone companies doing business ii Nebraska shall bo subject to taxation b ) tin State Boaid of Equalisation , just as tlio tele graph companies in enow assessed. One of the friends of the bill suid last ovcMiing. "At present the telephone system of tin state is assessed only in the cities , and tin counties got none of the benefit. The tele phone company now doing business in tin state has lines divetgiiig fiom Omaha to al most every county In eastern and southeast cm Nebraska. ' 1 hero tuo humlicils of miles of line outside of the cities. All w o hope ti pass is a law making the assessment of this company moio equitable to the people of tlu counties tluough which tlio lines pass. " lirjau on thn Hump , There was no busier man among the lobby ists in the senate than Congressman Bryan Ho hasupp.uently foigotten his position .u a member of congiess and puts in Ills w holi time lobbing for his election to the Unitci Statcssen.it- This afternoon itvv.lsdinl cult to determine which was the moro active Br ) .in or Tobo Castor , nnd it w as quite cvl dent that such oldtlmeis as Bill Doigan am Ficd Olmstcad wcto not in it witli the su.ivi congressman w ho claims to represent the United States in the national legislatuic. A democratic ofllcinl said this afturnoon "Biyan would show a gicat deal moio tast ( if he would conllno his log rolling to his ofllco in tills city. Ho is making lespectuble domociats veiy weary with his public exhi bition of tlio tactics of thu common lobbv istsAn An independent member of the senate nisi siid ; "lliun is winning neither the le .sport nor the suppoit of the independents b ; his ptomintuicn in the lobby , " Congressman MclCelglmn is equ illy keei for HiipjiorL on bis ambition lo icpiesent UK people of Nebraska In the senate , but hi seems to show much moro consideration foi the people of the st.Uo and the ofllco hi holds than his younger and moio uusophisti catcd colleague. It is suggested that per hups It is McKcighan's gicatcst sticngth ui a candidate that impulls Bryan to foigot tin dignity of his position and uisputo witli tin men who are after the janltorshlp and simi lar places for the attention of the members o the bcnato. No other < amlldu to for the Him shows the eagerness or persistence dlsplnyei every day on the floor of both houses by tin junior member from Nebraska. Will Ha\n'lhilr Owu.Jtiilgtta. The independents nro profiting by their ox peiiencoof two j cars ago when they suirerei somewhat for want of good legal advice This deficiency will not exist dm Ing thi session us arrangements have been made I have one or two of the independent dlstric judges of tha state here during each Week o the lexislaluio and Judges B. Nov illoof Noi ti Platte , Bush of Beatrice , Alf of Madison Bates of Yoik and Wlu-olnrof Polk will ) > familiar figures hero during the uoxt thio months. Some of them are hoio now , and I is stilted that they aio drawing- charge against certain olllolals high In uuthoilt ; that w 111 coma up for investigation later or The republicans proiioso to have Ciieate Norton svvoiuin lisa member of the hous and when the appropriation bill passes h will go down and iliaw his pay. Ho will b sworn In on the strength of the rului } } of th sum omo com t. Up to the present time thlity-two rooms a thu Capital hotel have been occupied by th tUu'ction of the lobby und charged. up to th railroad account. rimming thu Smmtoriul It Is a fuct , known to , a fovv on the inside that two state officials narrowly escaped in dictmcut at the hnmla of the grand Jury ic ccntly in session heic , and that one of tliei only dodged It by two votes. la discussing the senatoiial fight , Senate Puddock'sfiiends claim that the Issue wi ! llniuly como bet \voen him and McICelghav while others assert thut U will nanovv dow < to n fight bctvvp < fi M KclghnnnmlTItinitan .lay Burrowa s lid todaj that If Van Wyck entered the senatorialraeo ho would nlsosli ) his castor Into the same ring Van Wv ek Is now east to look after a law suit that comes up In Geneseo oiyifta i Now York , alxiut two weeks hence. Wfit-n In Lincoln last Katur- daj ho was nsf regar-illng \ his candldac ) for the United States senate , nnd replied. "Ono campaign Is quite sufficient In one year. ThecondlfJijus ore not much changed since November ? hitd the Influences which secured the electlorjupf a rcpubllcin go vet nor then will probibly boas iiowcrful torctmn n republican nou.l'ii * Afler tlinUitvnrnnr'fl llonnt.v. Governor Croiinss-lms received TW ajipHca- lions forniipointjiiani to the Various posl lions within his gift , and in many of the cases tlio claims of the applicants have been backed up by committees which h.uo called upon him in person The judicial ti .lining of the governor-elect has made the weighing of nil matter < t u second nattiio to him and every sltor takes hope from this earnest con sideration that his claim will be u lucky one. It is stated that the patronage nt the ROVCinor'sdlsiKisnl will bo distributed by congressional districts sldniic'il Mr. Strlcklrr. An incident occurred at the Lludell this evening that shows that even in the inde pendent ranks the sweet bells of hnimoii ) are jingling all out of tune. C II. Plrtlc1 who Is making the light of his life for the seerotar.v ship of the senate , has all along been conscious that theie was nn under cur rent of opposition within the ranks of his ovviipaity. Enlisting the sinpath ) ami sup ixnt of W. II. Dech , ho started after tlio man who was quietly working against him. and soon unearthed him In the per son of V. O Stilcklor. Ilio wotdi which followed made the atmosphere of the room of a strong bluish cast , and If wouls cut moio than sidn deep , somebody is fooling prott ) sine tofilght and that some- hod ) is not Dech , cither. In languicen great deal moio emphatic than polite , Uocli admonished the little Omaha nttoine.v to "remember tint from this day foi ward and foiever I will have my kiiifo out for j on I will prove to the pcoplo of this state that > ou are not an independent , nnd I want It under stood that If ) ouaro to bo consldeied an Independent , then from this day forward 1 am not" Stilckler is not at all numerous around in dependent heddqu.trtors tonight. STUC'IC Printers Got Into n Snap Tliroupb Sluirp DvnIUii ; . LINCOLN , Neb , Jan 4 [ SpcclaliTclegram to Tun But : ] Timely action on the par t of the State Printing bond this nftcinoon squelched a little scheme for mulcting the state trcasuty of boveial thousand dollars For ) eats it has been the practice of the printing board to incorporate in the contract for p ) luting the senile and liouso files a ptovlsion to the effect that all p irts of pages and "nccessaiy blank pages" shall bo ch aged for as full pages. This proviso contains the sccict of the c\tiiiiiu anxiety of the several punters of the state to secure this particular con tract , for an examination of the files for ) cars > hick icvc.iLs tlio fact that the number of pages upon vv hii h but one or two lines appcir , as well .us the number of ncccssarv blank pages hasalwavs formed a prominent part of tlio work , ill requites but little mocha n teal ingcnmt/vi upon the part of the knowing printer to nlakoa page lun o\cr a fovv lines i i This year the agreement for bids on this class of work made no mention of the fact that p irtt. of pages or nocessar ) blank pages would bo paid for at full page rates The contiact was let to the punting house of Pace , Williams & North of this city at a price so far belowf alii other competitors that ninny weie suipiwcdi Other bidders , who woie not on to thu scheme , weio at a loss to Know how the Htm could get enough out of it to make it a paying contiact. .Sui iirliril xho Irlitprg. After the woilc/ had beeii let to r1 'e , Williams & North , jtlio contract and bond weie prepared at tb s ol ce of thci attonio.v- goneiol. No rcftjuenro was made to puts of pages bjjinjr.f paid for at full page rates. Tlio contract oven failed to specify that "necessary blank pages" should bo ohaigcd up as full pages , but simply pio- \idcdtluitthovvoikshould be paid for at the rate bid accoiding to the advertisement When the successful biddeis examined tlio contract they at once noticed the staUlmg omission , and went to the attorney gcnci-il'b office to call attention to the oversight. They yv ore consider ably taken back to loam that thcic had been no oveisight. The contiact had been draw n in duo legal form , and in pel feet accordance with the toims of the ad- \ertisomcntwhichhad guided the film in making its bids The printers begged and expostulated and threatened , but the deputy attorney genet al who dtcvv tip the contiact was obdurate , and ho was backed in his obstinacy by the attorney genuidl himself That piece of obstinacy saved the state many thousand dolluis and taught eager biddois for state piintlng that a time hid come at last when the mteiestsof the people should receive consideration befoio tlio w islies of prosperous publishing houses would bo subserved by qwistionablo transactions llxoil It to Suit. Ono of the contractois took the contract nvvay and several das later biought it bick to the state house piopeily signed upon their pal t and stated that it was satisfac tory to them. They mfoimcd the printing board tli.it tlio 01 igiiml contiact did not In clude a provision that foimor contiacts had alwajs contained ami said that they had had it inset ted , The members of tlio bond accepted thu explanation and signed tlio conti.ic.ts. Tliis aftei noon they Icaiucdtho signillcanco of the interpolation A meeting of the board was hold and tlio following icsoliitlon adopted : Wheie.is On tliu nth d ly ot Derombor. 1892 , the pilnlhu boaid ot the statu of Nt > - biaski iMitcicd Into n lontiact for und on bolntlf ot tlui state of Nebi.isk.i vUlli I'act'Vllllains & . > orth foi printing the si'ii.ito und liouso Illrs of tliu tucnty- t hlrd session of thu le lslutuiu of the stuto of rsi'hiasUn ; nnd \ \ heuas , h.ild contiaet does , notroriesnoml v\llh the conditions contained In thu aUci- ( tlsuinent foi bids for siii'h piintlng , nmjth tliooilnln.il d 1.1 ft of contiact dru n , thuiefoiii bo It KesOhed , T - ' nald conli net Is hereby can- citlled , annulled nnd set aside : and That I' ice , Williams .V ? soilli bo lequliod tn niter Into a nu\v ronti ict that .shall comply vttth tin ) tei nisunil I'ondlllons of thn notlcii foi bids , nnd outer Into anuiv bond foi thu faithful pci foi manco of such contract Acoinpaiison itf tlio contract signed by the bo ud with the caibon copy of original on lllo in tlio oftlco of attorney general shows that tlio second page hnd boon taken and another ono pieparcd on piper of similar quality und toxturo. Tlio style of tlio t ) pc coi i esponileil with tlio oiiginil but there vvoio many inaccuiacles easily detected by any ono w ho took tun trouble to muko thu compaiison. u/ - TTtTT * - IT WASN'T WH.MAM8. I'ollcu ( Jo to r.icllliv.ilnnctiuii on u 1'alsi jhront. Detective VUaul nful Officer Hussoll wont to Pacific Juiictliii ) > < ycstctday for tlio puiposc of ! dentifing a cojcucd man supposed to be .Too Williams. WJtcyi the officers reached the junction the man > had gotta to Platts- mouth and was folltAvfcul. Ho was overtaken thuio and piovcd' ttfbo fioorgo Timpsou , a fiicndof Wllllims. wljo dicssod eotisldeiii. lily like the muideWr. Tlio police totut net : empty handed , ' , It is the trcnPrA1 ! Impiesslon niouni the pollco slftlWn tint William ! is com e.i led boraowlieio in or nc.ii Omaha and Is bein& infcld by colou-d people ' 1 ho reason for thlsMiv'that ' so many coloicr pcoplo call ut the jail mid aslowhat tewarc isofloted for Willlanls. V y mitumlly thd police infer that soini ono in town knows the negro's whciuabouts and is willing to turn hlmovor to the author Itlcs If tlicio is mon y enough in it. So fai no i ovv aid Is offered. If the man is in toui the detectives or police vv ill surely got bin and If anybody Is concealing Wllllami hoping to got a reward und it Is found on' trouble wilt follow. Stoln T o Wutftieii. Some time Monday afternoon a thief en tered u resiclcncoatl'ivcnty-sixthand Hamil ton sticots and stole two watches , one i handsome gold timepiece set with dlu mends , and the other a cheap one. Ho be c.i mo f lightened ufter leaving the house am brought back the moro expensive ono Officer Keysor located the thief ycstenla ; afternoon and got back the toraalntiig watch Ho proved to bo n young boj * and ho ma ; not bo prosecuted. CAUGHT IN A DEATH TRAP Many Chicago Firemen Badly Injured by an Explosion of GM , NARROW ESCAPES FROM AN AWFUL FATE Hrmo Wiirkof Chief Swccnlo mill IIU Men In HfMiiilnjThrlr Cinnrnilps nl i lire In the It moment of n 1'rlntlnp House. Citicvoo. Ill , Jan Shortly befoi-o n o'clock this afternoon a ten iblo explosion of iiatui.il pas w locked the lower p lit of the great pi luting establishment of Dotiohuo ft Henncbciry , on Dcaiboiii street. The acci dent oecmrcd during the progress of a small lire , and over a seme of ilicmcit. Including Chief Swcenle of the lire deputment. were seriously Injtuod Tvv o men tu c d ) lug. x. t.t't nf lniirril. | UfssM.i.HMIS ; , tli-cman. binned about the head and Internal injmles Fatally injuicd ( ivti.voiii'ii , TIIOMVS. fireman , intcinal in- jiities and face almost butncil off. Will die Tlio following weio seriousL ) , but not fatall ) binned * UnssuSwuAiE , chief of the Ilio depart ment PVIHICK O'Mvi i.in. Iho mitishal. Ciivui.t s Svutnmi K , captaiu truck No I. Jens Mi OOVM.I > , captain comp my 10 rui ii-iiii K J iv vrotiit , captain comlniiy al Mvtnis faciiv , recruit fori21 1'vr Mtiti'itv , lieutenant comp uiy 10 J. C. I ; VIN , licittenttit insurance pitrol. .Ions' DOM iv MVTTIILVV Kocit , WIIIIVM PDIIOX. . Mien vri. Not. vx TIIOMVS Nhviss. JOHN UIIVMS. ,1. V Kn.un , fireman. Citvitt.Es riKvtiNn , llieman. Envvviii ) KfTrnsnit , tlmekcopor. JOHN Siiurnnr. piessm.tn. Auitvr GNVTT , picbsman. Ci.ivrov Ct.nvKLVMi , laborer. .Ions rAiiituni , hiboicr. IIKSlv Sciiuornrii , laboicr. A. Mt I.I.VMlaboicr. . UNKNOWN viv\ , employed by the Gas com- p.mv . The explosion was in tlio plate vault , which is located immediate ! ) beneath the sidewalk , which is foi mod by heavy lion flames co\eied with glass and iion. Dining the call ) put of the afternoon thtoe em ployes of the Natuial ( ias lompaii ) had been nt work In this vault miking connec tions that weie to bo used in supph ing the boiler plant with fuel As a ptccaution the doon of the vault weio closed. ItUi \vreil tlin I 'I re. Shoitly before ! l o'clock Tot email llobcit fitangor of the piess room , whicli adjoins the vault , noticed II lines in the \icmit ) of the In ick wall which extended Irotween the pi ess loom and vault. These ( limes had the appearance of ignited gas that had csiaped through the pat titlon walls Without wait ing to open the vault doois , the foi email gave an alnun of flic. When the foi email i etui ncd to the biso- ment some ono threw open the vault doois Instantly thcio was an explosion and nearly all the omploes who weio in the vicinity , about ten m number , weio tin own to tlio iiooi , all sustaining mete or less bcnottb in- junes AVithin a few moments mcmbcit. of the fire insutanco pattol and hose engine comp inics were on the spot , headed by Chief Sw conic Tlio bquad of liiemen rushed to the b iso- nicut and had no s > ooncr reached the vault door than a second and stronger explosion followed , and all the men weio bulled to the floor or aei oss the loom to the wall on the opposite side , which they struck with tori illc force. Seveial of tlio men weio tendered senseless , ami the llames , whicli had ignited their clothing , loisted their hands and faces in Iho most horrible manner. Other Hi omen wete close behind them , how ov or. and for a lew minutes , the fliowas left to take c.uo of itself while the injured men wcro icscited. Another llvploslim. ' * fet e one-half the men hid been taken out and while the bascinentwas full of men working with desperation to sue theii help less coinr.idcs , came a third explosion , moio tenilic than oitlicrof its predecessors , and the \vould-bo icscuers vv'eio laid beside tlio men w horn tlioy had como to assist. The alic'.idy loosened iiou work unciing the vault w as toin fiom the fastening under the sidovv alk. Fiesh food for ITio gas was ahead ) at h.ind , and a score of gallant liiemen spi.iug into the vault to lescuo tlio men who had been Injured. Undotciicd b ) the danger of another explosion and cheered on by Svv cenio , tlio liiemen woikcd as only men can work when their own lives and the lives of othcis aio tiembllng in tlio balance. Ono by ono the butncil and battered men weio diagged fiom the basement and as the last ono was jbaken out Svvc nie called : "Now out foi your lives , men. " Tlieio was a rush for the upper lloorwhich was made Just in tlio nick of time , for a font th explosion occur red , nc illy us bid as the othcis , which gave Chief Sueenio a scorching. Chief Sweenio notified the Natuial Gas company to shut off the gas at once. In the meantime ha had his wounds partially dressed , led his men into the hose attack on the flic and made shoit work of it. The gic'.it building , however , had been badly strained and toin and oveiv pane of glass in the building w as bioken. It will cost ? 20,000 to icpalr the damage done. Theio weio usually about 600 people em- plocd in the building , but then ) was no panic among them The ) weio for the most IMit out of the building befoio the ilist explosion - plosion took place , and none of them were injuicd. 'Iho injuicd 111 omen vv cio removed to neighboring ding stores , vvlieio temporary relief was applied , and they weio then re moved to their houses or to hospitals. MIlM'rH CiiiHhciI In Di.ltli. Sriui.u , Mo , .Ian 4 A lion Iblo mining catastrophe occurred in a coil mine within the city limits this afternoon Sown miners weio ut work in tlio forty-foot level when Ute slate roof commenced to fall , Stonovvull Jackson was pinned down by the falling slate and the other mineis inn to his lescuo , when the timbers gave way , and Geoigo Blown , tlio leader of tlio icscucis , was instantly killed by tin eo tons of lock falling on him. Thuolheis were moio or less seriously in- juied. A falling limber crushed the lives out of Jackson nnd Blown Tlio most soil- ously injuicd 1110 Elijah Tines and Isaac llujnes. 'Ilio bodies of the two dead mlneit have not been recoveied Hit ; I'lrti In llriiiikljn. BnooM.Y.v , N. Y , Jan. 1 This city had another disastrous Ilio tonight In whicli u block of frame buildings bounded by Broad. way , Halt and Law ton sti eels , was almost entirely a\\ opt away , entailing u loss ol , Joseph H. Ityun , dealer in furnltuio ami caipctb was thoowiierof most of tlio build. Ings Hi ; estimates Ills loss on tlio buildings - ings und t hull * contents at $150,000. Mrs , CaiollnoSkillman , tlio ovv nor of the othei buildings lost WO.OOO ; J. A. Daniel , dr ) goods , lost > f.iOooo. Insurance small. I'litiil Artlilriit on Ilia Alii lilffan Ccntrul. BAY CITY , Mich. , Jan. 4 The "Cannot Ball" passenger ttaln on tlio Miuhlgui Ceutial railroad was derailed this mornlnp near Saghmw. Ono section hand was fatall ) uiu&hed and several otheis weie slightly in juieil. A section hand became rattled and opened thu svv Itch when the train came up thus derailing It. Wrc-i k on the ; Iliiltliiiuru & Ohio. PiTTsnuua , Pa. , Jan. 4. Two vvoik train ! on the Baltlmoio & Ohio road came togcthe : near Buenu Vista , Pa , , tills afternoon and i largo number of CM is wcro demolished. Tin vvicck took lire and all the cars weio con sumcd. Uiiglneer ITune and Conductoi Pcncgay were slightly huit by Jumping. Wrecked by the Kxjilotlcm of Gnu. Tuor , N. Y. , Jan. 4. An explosion of leak ing illuminating gas wrecked the four-atorj building at tlio corner of Fern nnd Thlnl streets today Hermann Hits nnd wife' and Mm M D Dickinson were b.idl ) burned nf Prior Siiltrr , HIP Wrnltliy Dc Alnlnrs \ \ I p Murilrror. Dr.s MIIINI-.S. TL , .Ian 4 - ( Special Tele gram to Tun Bri : I Peter Sutler , the i Ich old Get man fnrmor , wlm niin-dorcrt his wife dtirhi ? a quanvl hist week , added to the tcr- i iblo tragedy toda ) b ) committing suicide In the cwmt ) J ill. Thcio wore four oilier prUoncrs In the s imo cage , nnd ono of thein hnd ] u t used a razor to shave himself. Sutler secured tliis ami , going into a d.uk cell , slishod liis tliro it tvv ice , h ill"SPVOI ing his head from his body. Ho stagcered out wlipio Ills com panions were and died in a fovv seconds I lo had prob tbl ) contempl ited suicide' , as ho occupied the eat ly mot mm ; in wilting out a statement concerning his propertv and in forming his ft lends of Ills intention of bid ding them nil fatvvvell One of the singular ft'ntmosof the statement , whkhshowcd the old man's insane love for moncv , vvas men tion of the thought that his murdPied wifes funeral expenses wicht to be paid nut of her own b ink account. Ho made no confession of tin1 foi met * ci line1 1\\n i\prlt : ItuiKhirH t'apllllTit. Slot \ Cm. la , .Ian 4 [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BKI : | John O I.ear.v and .loo Wind wcro ni-iestcd hen > todav while Irving to dispose of stolen goods It was found lit it tlte.v had been about a vacant liouso east of the e-ity A search of the pi dulses disclosed sov CM al hundred dollars woith of clothing , a ( iimntltv of d ) namlto. some line di ills and other burglar tools hid behind a foundation Tlio clothing has been Iilentlllril uspaitof goods stolen fromstoiosnt Cliutei O.iUOto , tailon , Salix nnd Sloan in this stato. The postofllees were i-obbed ami safes blown at T.uton and S illat the time the burglaries wore committed A laigo qu unity of stamp * was found coiiccaled in the lining of O'l.ear.v's clothing. The men will bo turned over to tlio United Hilton nnlhoi Itlcs The police.iro now galliot lug up a latgo iititntit ) of goods that the men had ahead ) disposed of. lint mil ) Klll.-d. SiibCITI , la . Jan 4 [ Special Telegram to Tun Btn : ] Mrs J M Nichols v\as sluiek by a Chicago , Milwaukee & bl Paul train while crossing thu tracks at ti grade crossing this molding to go lo her homo on Bacon .no- nuo ami instantly killed. Mi. CIHIIO'M llnxlviil. If onoof these eail ) Methodist pro.ichois who weio accustomed to preach the gospel under tlio most unfavoiablo cltcitmsl.mces , and to audiences not always distinguished for Uielr intellectuality , wore to dnip into tlieriist Mc'llindlst ehuieh ami watch the ioviv.il In progicss llicio.it is haul lo say wlielhei lie would bo most suipi ised at the comfort iblo pewsthe ornamented pulpit and the magnitlceut pipe oiganortho languigo of Iho picacher mid Iho conduct of the con- gicg.ition The shouting and wild excite ment which characteriwcl Methodist re vivals a generation or two ago have entirely dis ippe ucd , and In their place is a clear and simple exposition of the plan of s ilv.ition on Iho pail of Iho pistor , ami an cxhoilatlrn to all to accept Cluist as a personal s iviour. Th.it these methods are appiedited and that the ) aio effectual is shown by Iho fact that the attend tnce is increas ing niglill ) , ami Hint many have alie idv oxpiesscil the intention of leading a Christian life List night Mr Ciann spoke the of "Ruth " Faith lie lid. on subject , s . is simply believing tli U God will do what Ho has said Ho will do It is an act of the will as is repentance Kcpcnt nice consists In turning fiom evil and doing that which God commands , nnd faith consists in believing that God will do what Ho has piomiscd to do for these who lepenl. Tomorrow night Mr Crane will pi each on ' 'The Atonement " Wont Slc-lRh Ithllni ; . Two HUle bo.\s , 7 and 10 i oars old , stole .1 hoi so and culler ) esterday afternoon from William Bo ) , 1818 North Tvv cnti-fifth slrect , and enjoved themselves ridimr for two or Ihroo boms. Uho matter was loported and last night the elder of tlio pair , John DIi- moncl , vvas at rested and locked up for being Incottig.ihlc. Youm ; Di inioiul is a tough of the liist waler and has caused hispiients anv uniout of tioublc It is prob iblo that ho will bo sent to Iho lofoim school. - - C night Ii. Itcilil. For Iho lust six weeks Ihe iiolieo l been looking fora colored man named Will- lam Redd and last nighl he was caught. About six weeks ago Kcdcl discoveied some furniture in : t bun near Twentieth and Webster slieets ami ptocecdcd to sell it to u Cummg sheet second-hand dealer. Aflcr Iho B ilo Redd sojomued for a while in Iowa , bill came hick ) estuida ) to view Ilio nuns of Ilio big flio and was piomplly nabbed by a blue coat. ArlcnnsiiN Cliolrnl CIIHI" ) . TjiTTti : HOCK , Atlc. , Jan. 4 Dr II D. Ged- dmg , p ist assistant sin gcon of the United States in.n mo hospit il sei v ieo , in com ci si- lion vvilh an Associated press rcpoi lor today - day , denied emphatically that ho has over said as has been icpoited abroad , that ap pearances in the penitentiary eases hcie , supposed to bo epidemic , indicate cholci.i. The examinations for bicteria .uc .still in- complete. - u CiiminliiH-IIIII. HOIAOM ; , Cole , Jan 4 [ Special to Tins Bn.j John B Cummins and Miss Anna Hill were man led licio Sunday oveiiing by Hov. Father Townoy Mr. Cummins is eJcflc of the distiict coutt for lids county and the btlde is onenf the most accomplished and amiable ladies of this city , farmer ly of Cuitis , Neb riit ! > u.\.ii. r.ut tait trni. Mr T. S Pott , tiavollng agent of the Chi- f.igo Tribune , is in Iho cil ) . J. r Cauoll , editor of the Cliocnno Leader , is in Iho city em onto oasl Mr T S Armstrong , editor of the Butte ( Neb ) Giuottc , was a caller at Tun Bin : of fice ) csteulny Charles A Altlmiis and TlieoiloioO Moo loft for Atchison , Kan , lo attend school ) es- lei-day tiftcinoon Mr. and Mis A W Claw-ford of Pcotia , 111 , aio visiting their patents , Mr. and Mis William Stadelmaiiii , at 14JJ South 'J'went- clglith stiect. Mr , Kclgar Wessel , founeily liavoling rep- rescntatlvo foi Max Meyer & Co , is now lra % cling in Texas and Indian Tori itory for Itothcnbmg & Seliloss Senator Paddock is ut tlio Meicer Ho is ono of the lending stockhnldoi sin Iho Omaha Stt eel Kailway company and attended a meeting of the dheclois ) esteiday Dujmty Hulled Stales Miushal Hopllngcr loluined ) cslonlay fnm 1'aiis , Tex , vvliuio ho went to an eat. tlio Co ) hi family , niiosted two vvceku ago upon n cliaigo of .stealing ami disposing of .stolen cattle Homy Itlnor , troasuiur of the Bulldeis and TradeiH exchange , aicompanled by his wife and childien leave todav for a vvitilcVn slay at Molioso , 1'la. A slop of a few da.vs will bo made at bt J Juls und anothur at Atlanta , ( ia At the Meteor II A. Weaver , Giles Shines , J M rrancoom , V 13 I'hss. Now Yoik ; 8 N Kllno , Toledo , O ; James MeCov , Wisconsin ; J. K Byern , Chicago ; J. K. Mooio , St I/mis ; J. H. Poleison , Uiand Island ; M. A. Brown , Kcatno ) Nr.w YOIIK , Jan. 4 ( Spelal Tdegram to THIS BBiil Omaha * T , D Bloeker , T. .1. Blockcr , ifolol Uailholdi ; T. C. Otablo , li C. Kcrr , Hoffman. SOME PECULIAR CONTESTS Olay County Citizens Airing'a Number of Old Oases. WILLIAM M. CLARK S STATEMENT IIr > ! ' ( | ( - t < the. Count ) lit I'rtr oiid Time u SnUrj Ijirnrit Srvrrnl YiMrs AK li ) IIU Sncco riil Oninrnt. | | Ci.vv CnMr.ii , Neb , Jan 1 [ Special to Tun BIT. ) The i-outost ease of Pholni against SelfUln for the oftlco of Bitpervlsor of Ix'lcoster township was clodded jostonlny hi favor of Iho Indopendcnt oandldato. as th-st show n by the rctui us. The recount of thn ballots made nn change in the result In thn cascof Cl.uk , Independent , against Kpporson , republican , for the ofllco of county attorney , n stipulation wiisimiile between the padlcj thai so far us this count Isconcoiuod they would each walvo the light to Introduce tos. t hiiouv nnd submit tlio tiuostloti on a uvount of the billets , each icscrvlng the light of appeal on points raised us to the logallt ) of billets So far llvo townships have been canvassed without developing nnv important c hinges The most interesting put of the contest business has just eomo to light , however , by the liling of a bill againsl Iho count ) ny William M Clink for Si.tM" for salai ) and inteifst from .l.imi trv. 1SH , to .latiuarv , 18s This 1 01 m of cinlco was filled b ) B P Mdyinoy vv lie vvas olccled as a lopubllcait over Mi * . J"1 ! irkusademocr.it bv about WO ma- Jot Hv Mr. Ct.nk alleges In his petition that Mr Mol moy vvas Inellglblo lor the icason thai ho liadoiilv been n icsldcnt of this slate from Jul ) 1 when liow.is ol cot eel in November. It Is now four ) otrs simo Mdxiic ) < ) 's loini of oftle'O cliHi-d and until the piesent conlost mania moso his llllo hud never been questioned. SciiMutlon > 1 Dcvoliiiiinniitn rroinlsoil. HASIINOS , Neb , Jan I [ Spodul 'Pole- gram to Tin : Br.r.Tho \ petillon of IMwaul W. Mason asking a dlvoice ftom Ills wife Anna B Mason and for Iho custody of the two minor children was tiled with Iho clerk of the distiict com t today Tlio potittonal- lesies infidelity mid names Del.ivan S. Cole as the other p.tit.v Cole , who vvas n well known wealthy Hastings elti- yen , was found m.vstcriousl ) immlcud In ti hov el on August 1 and despite the offoi ts of the coroner's jut ) and officers , sufilclcntctl- deuce has not been collected to warrant tin mrest Mis Mason flguicd prominently bo foio the public as the supjiosed woman in the case and at Iho lime Iho excitement was at its height M A ll.ullgan , attoinov for the pl.t ItiltlT , was Colo's counsel in ills life time. One-mill Oihl IVlltiWH. Oscrot.A , Neb , Jan. 4 [ Special to Tim Brr. . ] Rising Star ledge Independent Older of Odd Fellows installed their new officers on Monday evening1 , the following well known brethren representing tlio grand oltlccrs , acting as installing ofllcers S B Moffet , Ki.iuel master , A N , .la ) , as vieo giaud ; T H. Saundeis , as grand scci clary ; 12 Hartlc as giand licasmcr and J. W Conklvn as giand maislml. Thov Installed S A Snider , noble KI mil ; Dr S O. Whaloy , vice grand ; W. F. Miller , sect clary , and C. G Gyllii.ir , tiiMsuier. Theio weio thirty- seven ot the bicthrcn piesent. Tlio ledge his sevenlv-fotir mcmnors and Ihoy expect lo run the membership up to 100 dining thu piesent term. _ C'la > < 'oimt\ CI.VT Ci'NTi-.n , Neb , Jan. 4. [ Special to Tnr. Bi.r ] The Clay Count ) Agricultui.il societ ) held its annuil ineotlm ; IUMO jester- clay In tha coutt loom , and in connection conducted a coin exhibit Quito a nice dis play of coin was brought in The following weio elected as oflliets of Iho society for the ensuing jc.ir : Piesidcnt , B W Canrii- bcll ; flist vice iicsidont , B H. Dnuu ; tieasuicr , W J. ( i.ndiner ; secretary , W. B Smith ; general superintendent , B. H. Dunn Annual I'lccthm < > r > rnnvroM , Neb , Jan 4 [ Special to Tun BEE ] At Iho annual meeting of the Fie- moiit Bi owing c'omp my Ilio follow ing'ofllcois weio elected for the ensuing sear : .Toliu Dcin , pic'sidont ; John M. Diels. viio picsl- ilent ; Ij. P. I/usoii , ticnsuror ; 1C N. Moore , sectct.iry : directors , John Del n , L P. Uu- son , John M. Dicls , S F. Iliimmi , Oswald M.uiler. Flro lit Ciiliin. COION- , Neb , Jan 4 [ Special Tolcgiam to TUB Bns ] The homo of Mis Gcoigo Rand. ono mile 1101 th of Colon , was destiocd by fhe this moining. Searcely an ) thing was s iv ed of the household effects and clothing. Thooiigm of the Ilio is supposed to haa bei-ii a defective pipe Aid will bo given by the neighbors until slio can aiiaiigo for the fuluiu. _ 1 urged u I.irniri'H Namo. CVHUIU , Neb , Jan 4 [ Special Tclcgtam toTiiulJLii ] S F M.ilono eamo licic fiom Kansis a few days since and cashed Ivvn small ilieclxs , to which ho had foigcil Iho name of Walt Nutter , a fanner living near Utidkotl Ho was aiiesled toilu\ , and , waiving ox imiiialioii , was commuted to jail to aw alt the i onv onlng of the disliicl couit. .Must Ausurru Si iliniH 1'liuigc. RusnviM B , Neb , Jan 4. [ Special Telo- giam to TUB Bt'K.J Ida Hutu ell , a gill about 11 ! liviiit , ' six miles vvosl of bore , loday Hied an information witli County .luclgfc Bullock chiiBlng John fi Wood , \ounf , man about 16 years of ago , with illegal pir * outage. The hearing will bo had toinouov * Nl linlHlill'H .MilltKIIK" Illdl litcdlllHH. ritrsioNr , Neb , Jan 1 [ Special to Tun Hi'r-l'ntm ] mortgages lllinl. ! iJ ; amount , S.-'S.O'M ; icle.ised , * iS , amount , ? -0,10ti/ ! ) Town and i Hy moitgages filed , ! ) , amount , 7I > SI 7 , leloised , 'M ; iimoiml , Wt.TU ! Bl. Ch.itlel moilg.iges filed , lllii , miiotmt , $ IC- ( Xj 01 ; released , 07 ; aiiinunt , frT.ir.l.u',1. Ilinli-r u .SitMIIIII - . NEW > IAX Gitov K , Neb , Jan I [ Special to TIIB Bun ] The Nuvv Cia today changed hands , It. Prvor and son buying the enlho pilnllngouuil. The paper will iccelvo an other name . 4. ' - Vi IITIIII ririniirii'N Olllccirn. The -voluian Iliumcn held a ineatlng in Cliiof Galllgan'H onieo in tlio e-itj hall last night nnd elected the following ollleois : Pic-blilcnt , Max Mo.vcr , llrst vieo piceldenl , M. Can , second Alee inoHltlc'iit , Julius Clos- hey , eoiresiiomling Hecnetnrj , Ilimiy ICos- leis ; llnamlal sociolary , Joseph Biownloo , ticasmor , tJhailes Coffmau Chief Galllgan vvaHiipiHilnted chahtnan of n umunitliio of Iho on national oigaiii/ition ofutoran liiomen Other matloiH pel tain- ing lo lliooigtuiiMllou vvuio biought up , but no attion was taken h limy ItiiiiillU , GAI.\ISIOV : , Tex , J.iii 1 A special fiom ! < , ucilo lo the Nous says Deputy Miushal Guercia who escapid fiom the bandits BOV- oraldus blnco is now In the city Hotiuyii most of Iho bandllf ) are from Moxluo , They Imvo oiganl ed on aiogiihir milllnry basis and aio u > iului'lliig Ihuu campaign In a war like manner , They say Ihuy mo iloteiinlncsel lo fight ut any time tinbody who inteiforei with them , and Undo Sam's bo.s must glvu them u w Ido boi th. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY