THE OMAHA DAILY DEE : WEDNESDAY , JANUARY . 1893. 8PEGIHL NOTICES. A"lITKUTW.WKNTfl FOIl TIIK < Jrt COLUMNS will bn titkon nnltl for the nrcntnx nn < l until t .X ) n. m for tbo morning or Sunclor cdl No nrtvcrll omont t ken for ten tli n 2S cents for Ua Drrl Insertion All n(1 ( prtl nincnl In tlicfo colnmni mcant n wnrd for tlio nrtt ln crtlon unit I ccnln word for i-neli Militcqncnl Iniertlon , or ( I (0 ( per linn per month Icrinx , rn h In ndviinro. Initials , neuron , nfmtiolK , clr each count m a word Art ortlie. rncntd rnntt rnn roniecnllfoljr. Ailtcrtl or , ir ro qnottne n mimLcrcd check run lifivo tlio letters nddrcMcdto n numbered letter In rnroof Tim IIKK. jMi wcr * n culilrc'noil will Lo dollToreil on tlio { irpKontntlon of the check SITUATIONS WANTED. A-IMIlVfeTKNOdllAl'IIKII , HVKYKAHS KX- perlcnec , ilenlrcs n poiltlou llofcrcneo from present employer. Address TH ! lloo. 0711 * A-SITUATION VMNTKI ) , HV CMMl'KTKNF Irnnttrnplior and bookkeeper. Hlx yonr Of perlnntn. Hood rnucatlnn. lloit of reference * fetoiiogrnphcr,74H 1 rnnklln trcot M7II 4 * ' HV YOUNH MAN UVKX- Inm , omo knowledge of liookkooplne. KOOI ! reference Addrens Aleck , liOJ lloiwlmiit. SJ < WANTED MAXE HELP. T > BAIiAIIVOII CU\MIH ! IOK TO AflKNM TO J'handlo Hie 1'iitrntC'licmlcnl Ink KmMna I'cncll , The inoit useful nnil novel Indention nf the nito ICrnncs Ink thoroughly In two recondu Work * like rnnplc. SCO to MO per cent profit. AitcnU making ISO per we ck. Wo nlo n nt n xenornl n ent to toke clinreoof territory nml appoint nub nnenli A rare chnneoto mnko money.Vrltn for loinmnnil nsnm iiln of ernnlnR , Monroe Krailini MfK'o , V 3'1.I.a ' yBPU , \t IS 708 11. 1-AOKST3 WANTICI ) , I'HUDKNTl < I.U'K ln . . Co , Konil par , Apnlr room VO Krnnter jck.oppo I' . O .M270 JIO' 1 ) -\VK TA"VHAI.AIIV WISKKI.V 1O ( IOOII ) nKcut . Kxporlonco unnecessary Aiplr | Blnitcr " " " oUlrc. TVANTKI > , A I'l'.W HUM Alll.K SOLICITOUS "In .Ncbrnskn for thnInlnii Cc' 1.1 To Insur nnco rnmpnny of ' Inclnnntl Hood territory nnil llbernl cuntrncts to the right men Aililrcis .1 M Kdmlntnn , Stain Av < 3iit , rooms ( J , 4U nnd 17 llnrr Mk , Lincoln , Neb. MMO .133 ni.tninnit HAI.KSMAN WANTKIJ TO sut.i 4'roitcoilur nhliiKli on the ulilo ( looil eonimls itlbn pnld iicr car. Must ho n well pnnteil mull on thuronil tnnt linn n > ao < l tr.i'lo Adilruss A. II , rnrn of tno rii ei Sound Lumberman , 'Inronm , Wnsli. M7IO 11 * 1 > 8AI.KSMAN WANTKI ) TO ST.L1. HJIlltlCAT JJlnu ulli to thoronsumltiK trnilo In the stnto of obrnskll. I'mloimBxpcrlinou In oil not o scn tlnl , butcTlilencoaf itootl nolllnir ability required rermnnent ponltlun nt Rood pnjr for the right limn. Opportunity for Interview will hu glvi-n ilcslrnblo nppllcnntB about Jnnimry SOtli Aililresg. Klvlnn ni'o , proTlous uxpcrlonco and raforancos , Vacuum Oil Co , Itochrstcr. N. Y. M7628 T > -WANTKI,3iOOI ) NKW8 AGKI T8 TO IIU ! JJon * trnlns Apply In pcrsou to II. It. Nnwn Co Lincoln. M8U 4 B WANTKI1 AT ONCK , A (30OI ) 11LACK8M1TII limit ho n uoot ] horscshoer. Oernian preferred Address HiiKli eon , I rcmont , Not ) * M J-WAM I Ml. MKN ' 10 ' 1 HA VKIj JiO TO f'OJ I'KH Jinonth. btonoiVWellington Mndlnon. WIs 1100 M1CN VOH AllKANS . TKNM5SSH1 : AND JLoiilnlnnn , on Rovernnuict work. Krnmor & O'llcnrn Labor Agency , , KJ Srouth llthst JIBII'.b' Annvra WANTKD KVIHYWIIIUK : : KOH HomcthliiR entirely now A fortune to cncli who implies In tlmo Dcnnn Supply company , LnCrosso , Wli. ! i _ _ _ | > WANTKIA rillST C'hAHS INtiUltANCK .l-Vollelor ( to nssunut control of the bust nos of n prnnilntnt nntl popular company Ingood territory 1 Ibcral and ticrmancnt contract to right paity Address , with rcfcranconm I ) . Chase , secretary , Cfjnevn , N. Y. MB33 " -WAN'l III ) , SAI ItSMHN VlsniSO f-TOIti : .I'trndolo sell ( sklo line ) n stnplo .irtli-to In dn- mnnd Margin very liberal : anilc small United btatcs Manufacturlni ; Co , Clnrultind , o. M3.17 ' ! * B'IAILOIIS1UI5CI ! OOODS I1KLHW COST Any iiiantlty. | Cubol tholallor , 1518 larnam tl -WANTKO-OI ncn IIOYH IN nAiion KS- UiWIshmontH to collect canrelled stamps for inu : gooil pay. AOUrcsn at once T&J , Hco. WANTED FEMALE HELP. C-YOUMl LAIHHS CAN 8OOV ACQUIHK A worklnc linonleilgc ot rhorthand and typo- wrltlnc nt Van fciints' 813 N Y Llfo MS07 -\VANTIL' , LADIKS on MUNU MIN : TO take light , plensnnt work at their ovrn huinas ; f 1 to to lit 0 , ) per day can bo qtilutly made , work sent by mail : no rnnvassliu lor particulars nd- drcsnUlnhoMfK to , llox 6WI , Boston , Mans K - tabllshcd IbSU SUM ) li ) ' _ -WAM1.I1 , < ! IUL 1OII ( IICNICKAL HO U S II uork ; good cook , washer and Ironer , 21 J Capl * tel avenue Mi > OU WA.STB1) , ( II KI. I OH < ; lCNiilAL : 1101MK work In small family. U57 North I'Jth st. > 17t3 -WAMUI ) OlltL I Oil C.1SNKHAL 1IUU&U- work nt H. W. Cor. 15th and llarnuy , : id lloor bJ7 < * _ -WANTHIl-FIHHTCLAbS HlllI , FOIl hKCO.M ) work. No other need apply. Mrs John M. Ihurston , VI03 I'urniuii. JISHJ C WANTKll. C.l'OD OIIIL I Oil CKNKUAL houscwoiK. 1111 ghermaunve. cor Grace st. / J-1'LAIN BKW1NII (11UL , 1WJ KAIINAM. BS1 C ! -OIItljKOH ( lUNBUAIi UOUSllWOlUC , ll.W 9 jut , it. BID c C -OIHl. I'OH OKN15IIAI , HOUhWOBK. NO nx. bleep at homo If ilotlrcd. T.'l Fouth loth at. B'M : > ' -WANTUli. YOUNG l.ADV AN ! ) CK.N'l I.K11 ANte to write Aildrcsn In > our onn hand nnd oucloio Co In BlauiiiB for coireapollilcnco. 'I'M , Uco _ BJ7 ! > CWANTKI ) . O1UI , l-Oll UOUtiRWOKK. MltS W. Vf. llliiRham , 814 South loth Bt. M8U fi > FOR HENT HOUSES. -FOIl Ill'Vr , NO VM UAl'IIOIi AV15NUK modern. 'Itiu U 1' . Davis Co , 15U5 1 nruam Bt 707 --roil UKNT , MOIIKKK 10-UOOM IIOtlhK , MI convunlcncci. Ilvo minutes' nnlk postnlllco ntroct earn puss tlio itoor. ttatlinn Sliolton or U tf. blilnncr , Ibl4 t'urnuiuBt , T03 Deli U HUNT. 1100SK8 IN ALT. I'AKTS OF I city , Tlio O. J' . laIs Lompany , 1605 1 arnnm at < 70J DHIM'1H. . OWlILl.lNdiJ , COTTAGES , IN AM parti of the city. Kilkenny A Co , 203 Kurbncb 710 D-llOUai : OK 14 ItOOMH , AM. MODKItN'CUN- vcnlonccs , plenrantly located nonr buslnesA ceil tor , Apply IbW Uilcuno Bt , or 1 * . b. bklnner , lilh I'urnmii. 711 T\-KOK HUNT. BUOOM ( OUNKUFIiAT.HnCONIl J-'lloor. rnnico .V other conveniences , Cluntcr blk T01 M. lOlh Bt. , (10 , IthiL-wnlt llros , Ihirker block : ij ( J15 D-NI5W7-UOOM COTTAOKSr SIODHIIV , It btnnfoirt clrclo Cunvenlt'iit for business moi otUuinlm iindbuiith Oiuuhu , U. ti. Klguttor , SO leo ! bullillin : . .Mrf DU T , AN ANT nouai : , MOIIUHN louitlon bvit , It. U. i'nttcraoii. WJ 1) rOll IIK.NT-TWO NOHIII IinU4K9 OFTIII illiiilnrson block on ( inorcla avcnuo Appl ] JW nad Mt lloo llulUllni , ' . J , M. Mbiiornl. re 1.73 K LlaT 1'AUI. , 1W5 FAUNA5I bTHKKT * - . .M04UJ87' r.o TfSTlJ. . IIIC.NTMV IIOUSi : . rUllNISUKI ) , TO J/rcvpoii'lblit imrty for 0 muiillm or your. 2109 . niraol. M8I7 t TV-Toit illS.Nr-bKVICIlAlj iaHOA.NT MOIKll ) > J' built elKht room hotisos , iPnr llnnsoom Park All tou\onUnctit Modorulu ri'iitn. Apply to < .eorK N lllikn..WJN. V , l.lfo llulldlnit. M7W7 - ONlT iTllOOM H.AT , ONK LA HUH 81ML1 ! room ; eteam hvnt ; reference required. 81 fcouth.2nd mroet , "Si t ItOOM 1IOUSH. OAH , UA'llI , FUllNACt Kood barn , nun block from motor , Inqulro \ \ 1 Itlerstciid at Doney .V blonc'a B52- f9 HOOM HOUbK NISAIl IlANBCOM PAHK Jnil ImproTumenti , larno yard , stable , for rent furniture forunlu ( heiipi owner lonvliiKiltr. Ai Uri'.s"llnriulii,7U \orkl.lfullulldlnt ; . AIBC11 FOR IlE T FUHNISHEP ROOMS TJWl UUNISHKI ) UOOJIM , U18 DODU1C BT1IKK1 JJ > 1 ? VBUV lAlKlK Kl.ltilANTI.Y FUIINIHIIKI J-jfriuu room with tlm class accommodations of Jirlvuto family , tai N. } Sd. U.'J i * PUKN1SHED ROOMS AND BOARD 3.I Till ! 1)0 , WJ AND 111 N 1PTU ST , 71) -SIO bOUTU 211H ! 8T r F1M11UK HOUTll uoost wrn board ) refertuces , ; il Karnnm. MIW7' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. G-U DNHiUMhlllll ) IIOOMS IN II.KU JJhUCi cor lithnudJaikson kts.i stuam heat , gnt , ball roluuucu roqulroJ. Inqulru UU , lt > th it , ton tloo H t > UOARDINQ. IT A VK\t UOHK TA1II.K UOAHUKU3 CAN 111 accommoduteil at JW N lUth , 673 b * FOB , RENT- STORES AND O FIOEE S.CO T - j on UKNT B sroiviicK : Ivlo turnam it. Iho bulldliiuhai a fireproof CO uieiit basumont , ooiuploto ateaui heatlne Uiturei water nn all the Moors , gas , otc. Apuljr at It ' 0 1O.NU HJUttSIOllV UlllCsCllUlLOI.SGJJ rKK J-irids. uvi llaru r . IU \ FOR BENT-STORKS AND OFFICES. Continual. 7-rotlllKST AVRnYIIKSlllAtlM * IIUIMUVO , ( ulUblo fort * n rohonic , with Mublo In conee- tlon , 'lr c n o front ml r * AtMreii K. A Cnrmlchnol euro of McL'ortl. llrnlr A Co 211 T- lll.K , CKNTHAI. ANO l cheap 6,1 ) r. ' * I KUlt HUNT STOIIKS lOlNOIITlt MTU AND 101J 'lileneo , 15000 Btenm heated I room flit , nil conveniences. In now dowry block llohortu IG18 Chicago utreet MTO 7' STORAGE M -STOIIAOK CHEAP. CLKAN , WBU. , lilt Knrnnm ilrcct. 715 TSTjlAtlB-t IIAVB l.tHIIT. AlltV.flHOUXIl i'llloor utornnoroonn ) buggies ftofcd for Tiopor month , tlco. W , llolbruok , Id. lifi , toil Patterson block. 173 M-DON'T fllOlin HOt'SKIlOI.I ) (100IH ( WITII- ont occlnKOitr itdrnKO department It In the belt. Umnhn More llcpalr Works , 1207 Douclnr 783 WANTED TO BUY. VJ-WANTKI ) TO IIUV. "OMK 8 1'Kll CKNT 1 > first mortgage * ItccJ A Selbj.131 llonnl 1 mile * T-KII18T MOIlTIIAtlKS OX (10OI1 1U5AI. KS latn. 11. A. Arnold , ifll Uce building M7I1 J-WBHAVM A Ct'SlOMKIt Foil SO ACIIKS OK > gnoil In ml within 1UO mllcn of Umnhn. \ \ Illlnins .Mlttnn , MoCdKuo bulldlns , oproslto postoniec. Vr-lNSUHANCi : HU3INI. S WANTKI ) IIV 1A ! -1' perlenced. rullnbla pirtr who Imi ctsh lo htiy llrntcln pujrltiK buslnem , hnlf Intorent prufcrreil. \nnl'atten luminous l.icliniiKis , llonnl of'I mil o FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. 1-Sf ! < "ONI > HANI ) sgUAUH 1't IM > IN ( llOII /repair , forsaloclieap. ! W1 Corbyslrcot. M3II 0-H ) i MAMS ritKAi' ruuMruin : , srovi : , etc , ntSSM IMTonport 8S8 I * FOIl SALE HORSES , WAGONSETC 1)-Klt SAIilJ. A NHAIttiY NKW Kprlnitoxprcsawaeon horse , hnrnoni anil biiirgy , nlno a Hourly now set of cronm.'ry touli. consl.itliu oftuttcr worker , churn , llonn eilo trno < , etc , oil will be nolit nt n proi : nncrltlo ) AUilreii C It 'Jri > chticVIlLUolllci ) , or cill at .UK .Mlanui rtraot , where ( tooils cnn bo necn MOJj I-ONKIIAY.MAUI : . I nhouttliO eloKtint driver , inunt bcnolcl nt onca lloom 4 Wlthnoll lllk , HJellty J.onn A , Ounruntco Co. U'JU FOB. SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Q-l-Oll HAI.K , CI115AI * . A 3VI1OIISK 1'OWKIl automatic unelno ; aho ono M her o power up right oniflno , both In KOOI ) repair. Inqulru uf test ; ner Printline Co , 1J07 Howard street , Uiunua , Neb , 717 - ) I1AMV 1'OWIClt UI.UYAIOK Q forsalo 12091Iownrd M43i JU Q-TI1K 8PANDAHI ) CATTLK CO HAS CON stantly unhand bnlud hay , for saloou trick at Ames. Neb M5f.'J Q-TllOllOtlOllDUKl ) ST IIUUNAItl ) , MAI.K pup , 3 luontlii old , marks perfect. AddresxT fi lice M847 8 * MISCELLANEOUS. llAVl : VOUll OLD CAHl'KP WOVKN INTO K beautiful riiKs Address Oinahti Carpet and factory , 11211.o.i\ worth street. .MbOl J 2 " | > WAM'IJI ) , IIAIINK SSIAKMHS TO THY JVulcltuof Iron , best In tuirket , send 2 ti'Hts for iirko INtund description Aftont wanted Amer- can Mf K Co , Oinnhn , Neb JlWrt 10' CLAIBVOYANTS. Q-MHS. NANNli : V. WAIIUISN , CliAUIVOYANT , Orellublo business mediumtirth year at IIU N Kith 713 S-MIIS III..MLKOHAVK , I'llOlUlKrH S DKAI tranca clnlrroyant nnd llfu reader ; lulls your lite from cridlo to Kravu ; can bo consulted on nil ntlalrsof llfo , has the culcbritod KKypthm breast plate to unite the eepacnted and ciuso marrln o with ona you lore. Coui9 one , cnmo all iiml be con * \lnccdofherremnrknblo powers OMIco nnd rosl * ilenco4l7 S. llth st , hours n. m to U p in , Strict llfo chart nnd photo of vour future wlfn or hus band sent through uiMl for J500 , clnrt nlono f'iOJ. All letters containing 4 couts In stamps promntly answered. M8I1 10' MASSAGE BATHS , 2TC. rTiX , X Itooni n. .Id lloor. Massnuo , alcohol suluhur and sea baths. MTU l > * 'P-MMIO. CAIIWON. IIJ1 HOUOLAS bTltBKr , 3D JLllnor , rOom * . mnsinito , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths Mi.31 5' _ rp-MStK. bTOWK , MAGNKT10 11I5ALKI1. MS lotk. ui'-'fl'J' r KlBKUi T. , COMK 11OMK AT ONCK AND I wo will forKlvo nil J. J. SIS < ! 4 b > DITJSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. ' V o v < : Ku.i niafiiA > cor. I5th and llniney. llarney street cntrunco .1 1 4 _ MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. \V-MOXKY T0 I'OAN AT I.OWPhT HAT Ki 'llm O. F. Davla Co , IWj rnrnam street 7iO " \\r-LowusT iiAThs. riDiLiri TIILBI' COM- i * pnny , 170 ? farnnni street 721 \\r-ANTIIONY IAJAN AN1I TlltBT Co , 118 N. Y , > ' l.lfo Icndaallow ratal forcholoo security on Nebraska or lown farms or Umalm city property \V CKM11AL LOAN A TUU3T CO. 11UIS 111.1)0. > > 723 \\r SlOinOAIlB LOANS I.Kbd THAN 7 I'lCK it cunt , Incliullnf ! nil clmrRCs. thnrleH W. llainuj.Omuliii.Nnt. bnnk bldB 724 \\r-MONKV TO LOAN , I.ANI ) TO SULK , , 'I hoiuus to rent Ouo. NY. 1 * . CoutUB. 1014 Kitrninn. \\r-l ANIIZ VKAlt I.OANHON CITV AM > 1'AHM , ' ) mortiiiguaIlceil&Sulby,414 Uouul of Trnilo. , 7JU . \Tr-MONKV TO LOAN ON IMl'UOVRD CITV ' t properly , low rato. A. U. Frost , Douglas bile. 727 \\T 7 I'KH CKNT MONKV NKTTO HOllltOWUItS > on Oiimha city property. No extra clmrt-'Hsof f , nny \MiypayhlKhratcn ? Money Is cheap toucan eel lull Iiencllt of low rates from Ulobo Loan nnd Trust Co , lOtli anil Uodto T.'J \\r-OMAIIA SAVINGS HANK MAICi:3 LOANS < t on reul pttnto nt lowest marl ot rntoa. Loans nnulu In MIInil or Inruo xuins for short or IOIIK tlniu. f\o commission Is iharROd nnd tholonns are not told In thu emit , but can always bo fount nt tliu bank on tliu corner of Utli and Douglas utri'ols. 7."J \\r-I.OAN80N IMl'llOVHI ) AM ) UMMl'HOVKD 'i city prororty , M.COO aud upwards , li to 7 pur tout. hodoliiys . t-urnnm Smith \ Co . l&tli nndliurnoy 7JU , AY T-C. T. HAHlll&O.N , 'JI2 N. Y. UfU. 731 AV MONK YTO LOAN AT I.OWKhT IU'1 KSONIM proved nud iintmpro > vd real onlulo , ! lo&yunrs AVV ' t Co , 1TW I nrnam > t 70J " \V WANTKD ATO.SCK , LOANS ON ISIl'UOVKI ) 'I Omnha property , low rates , lldellty Trus . company. 1703 l-nrnim Bt 70J AV I'lllVATK MONKY. IbT AND 3D MOItrCAGK loans , low rates , Alex Moore , lleo bhlg. 732 AY MONKV TO l.OAN-1 IIAVK AIIOUT it 000 to lonn on Improved Oiuiilm property , prlvnlo funds , 111 ono or more loans. Address T IU , lloo < otllui. ' hu " \ \ 1r MONKV TO LOAN , rJUJ13 fiOJW AM ) Ul , > I lieorfO 1'aul , lliOo tnrimin. MOD J27 * \\T SlONlSV'lOLOANON O1IA11A AMI COUN < i ell lllulTs real ostntu and Nebriiikn and lown farms nt from O to 7 per cunt Interest , with no addi tional rhurifes for commissions or attorneys fi'oa. \V , II. Melkel , 1st hat'l bunk bldg , Omaha. 70J , "MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. 6. ! - -V--CAU- a UK omcK OF . : OMAHA MOUTUAQK MAN CO. ! 7. ; INCOUl'OKATBI ) , : U'VOU WANT MONKY. ina Yuu can borrow on a IIOIIHICIIOI.I ) FIllt-SlrtlltH vNI ) 1'IA.VOS , IIIIUI'IIT.- ' . SIK11CIIA.NUI3I ! OIlANrorilhll HICUIIHI'IV. . We will lend you any amount from tlOOU to IIOuu ONTI1KDAHOlIAbKKOHlT. . without publicity or removal of proporty. Vou can pay th money back In any amounts you wlsli.uud at any time , and eath pay mom go rnndo will rcduiu the cost of thu loan. llennimbur that you have tuo use of both Hio IT property aud tlio money , and pay forlloiily at lonuns you keep It. 'llioro will bo no eiponsor cliarira kept out of the amount wanted , but you will rucclvo tlio full amount ot the loan. liuforo borrowing olsowlioro call and sco ui 1C , and yon will Unit U greatly to your advantage. , OMAHA MmmiAUi : LOAN co , n. 309 MUITll ISTIl 8THKKT , Ural door above the street. THKOLniCSr. I.AItUKdT AND ONLY 1NCOU. 1'OKATUDLOAN COUI'ANVIN OMAHA. OMAHA.TM TM ! V-WII.L LOAN MONKV ON ANY KIND OF BE Vcurlty ; strictly conHdantlal A. K. Harris , 29 Karback block. 70S S. -MONKV-50. CO , W I1AV8. CUKAI" ItATKI and catypainients. on furniture , pianos , llv < took , etc. , without dolar or publicity , cash 01 hand. Dull Qrcen , room 8 , Harbor block. J5d : bo V-l'lUTClIAHU , 61 DOUGLAS 1ILK. U A DODO I ! _ ; 737 , ET -MONKV IX ) AN HO C11KAP AT YOUU OW 'H : tlmo. Nebra k U ) C . , UlSUfluglas M 79D MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. continued. "V-IX ) TOU WAN MONBVt TMK FIDKI.ITY LOAN OltAnANTRK CO. , ItOtlM 4 WITHNKMi IIIXCK , I04 SOUTH 15Tll.CO NHn 11AUNKT 8T. WB MAKK IXJANS ON M7UNITUIIK , 11OIISKP. ( .AHltl AUKS.VAItrilIOIISK llKUKH'ISOll t'Kit- S O.SAM'UOl'KHlYOFANYKlNII. ' / WILL / DO WKLL / TO / /TOO / OMUS F1I13T / FOIU / OUIl TI5HMS WILT. MICKT YOUU AI'I'HOVA I * You can pay the money back nt nny tlmo nnd In any amount you nlBh , and lhu rcducn the con of carrying the loan In proportion to amount you pay. ll'\OUowe nbnlancpun your fnrnllureor other personnl property of any kind , i > o will pay It oft for you niul carry It ns lonir an you d < Mlro \OYIUN I1AVK 'MlUll MONKY IN ONK llOUIt MIUMTIIKIIMK YOU MAKK APPLICATION No publicity or rcmovil of property , so that you KCt Uuttno of tiolli monny andproptrty 'ill V MONKYJ.OANKD-ON C1IATTKU COM.AT- A. < > rnl or other pprsonnl propnrtr. at rcasonnbla rnlc . I to Omonths tlaliua bought. W K Dnvls , lloom .WJ.McCaizue bhhs 6V1.IK BUSINESS CHANGES. V "I'S1N1-SS OPENIM1S. NO CHAIttlK 10 JL buycr ucud stamp for prlntod list. Vnn I'nt- ten of Omnhi. 807 JI4' -WII.L PAY ALL CASH 1'Olt STOCKS OK I drruooili clothing biottnnl nhryis urocorlui > o commission Alox. Moore , 401 IliKbhU.MIM .MIM V soAiumnrn UNUatrvu PAYIMI l store offered for sale nt a discount \Vrln to day Vanl'ntton Omahn l > 77 4 * tKOII , MM' TltADiHOTUli : AND stock of grocciloi Addro sT5 > . lice.MiSJ MiSJ .I4 V STOCK OF CLO1HI.M1 , UOCiT-t AND S1IOH3 , 1 hnta caps and contn' fnrnlshlnK goodx , nil In d rhnponiid Kood opportunity for Hunt man DlKiii'rucmcnt uf partners the reason. Invulcti Answer box U.locuiuaali. Neb M753 Y WANTI'.D-A lirsl'ONHIIILH OruiiKlst nil utatD nKont III Nebraska for Dr Hutton - ton i 1 itmlly Kmoreuniy Modlcluo Chest and llnnkbooklsconsln , Mlnuesutn , .North and fonlli Dakota lire alroidy Kohl AiUlH'8.1 T. J , HultonCo. , Cnpltol block , bt. Paul. Minn , M7C3 I0 V-THK WKSTUIIV iinsiNis : AGKNCY. SIGN. 1 Y , Life , inmlnats n Roncrnl business exchange t of Eood business clmiucs In all parts of the country on application , lluslnesa positions secured cured M7N111 S'-WANTKD , A PAHTMSIl Wl'lll NOT LK83 thnn $1,000. Address T 7 , lice. 8.1J 4 * FOR EXCHANGE. the best winter n heat districts In Kansna to ox chniiKoforlO or li ncrc tract near Lmalm city limits Will pny cash difference IK property Is Rood. Address , giving prlco nnd locution , o 'M , lleo olllco 2)5 ) r/-CLKAll OMAHA UEAL KHTATK FOR MDSK , /juctunl rnluntloii. Money to loan. DoxDia Omnha. 7JJ H. > MildK. , CI.KAN AND HKS1' 'Jclnss , Kood town , one- half cash , bal KOnd cluur lind In eastern Neb or Iowa flu UOJ con mdno. , llrst clusx ; one hnlf Ltsh. bnl , clear Incoino Omnlm property , S. .WJ brick buslni-ss block , good town , eastern Neb , Incuinhraiico t' f > ) J d per cent , nut In comol,5JO cqnlt ) forctenr land In Neb BO ncres nonr I resno , ml .Macros lionrlnK ralalnlnoyard , line Improvements , flOKiu. will u\thnn o for Oinulm Improved property. K. F ItliiKCr 151D 1 nrniim. d7l 4" r/ LAND AND CAbll 1 Oil 810CIC IN STA112 Oil /J Nntlonnl bnnk llox 841 t Paul. Neb WJ3 r/ I ItAVi : VALUA1ILK 1MPKOVBU AND UNImproved - / Improved fnrm Iniitls to otchnnjo for bouth Omnhn or Omahn proparly or for farnn nlthln&J miles of Omnhi. Have one of tha beat of stock and crnln farm" . 1 1)0 ) cius hnlf In winter whott nnd rye , nnil 2jQ he id of line ntoslc , all cloir of oncum- brnnc ? , to cxchnn o for rjul csta.'j nn 1 mlxht pay fomo cash illlT-reiico for iloilrtbla property. Du- tcrlboyo ir property carefully , pries , otc. AdilroM box'J * Onmlm Neb 7U2 5 y I OWN 100 FAHMS IN NEHKASKA. KANSA l-t A , Dakota \\I11 sell chcip , or i-xchniiBO foi mdso , horses A , cattle Add box7iJ , trnnkfort. Ind Z ( -LKA.V STOCK OF OKNKHAL M'l ) S'K ; WILL ttko rcnl estate , V money. Uox'i ' , h rankfort Ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 775 r/ I Oil 8ALK Oil TIIADB. A I'lIlbT CLASH /Jplnno Imiulfcof 3319 Dounlaa struct M8I8 4 * Z 80 ACHES OF LNO IN WISCONSIN , CLKAH , for Omnhn lot or lots Prlco uf Innd , $ IVOO , or will Inko n lurKer farm In Nebrnskn , Wlllliuiin i Jllttun , MeLnrfuo lillllclliiK , opposite pOBtolllcc b.-l & y PAYINO LUilllKllYAKI ) toll 8ALK. H15AL * -t ostnto , { TOO Address L.T. ilrookln ? , ! link Neb FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Tosniroil TKADK ooo"iLold iN"MT Pli'nsnnt addition rrlthlii 2 blocks of motor line \\lll tiiku sooit uprlBht piano or ulll soli equity In lota very cheap. Address at once i 1 , lloo utllco T20 ACKLS1NHA11LAN O-UMY , MUIIIASKA. 3 l-mlles from Orleans , $1000 per acre ; $100 cavh , bnlnnco month ! ) nt 7 per cent WIlllauiB i. Mlttnn , McCnKtiobulldlnt ; , opposlto postoftlco. b54 5 I [ > OllhALK , HKS1IKN < 15 PUOPKlllY IN COtlN- ell 1 lufts , $4000 Incuinbrnnce : leisod for 5 yeira ntJJOO. Prlco f..OOu , If sold Immediately. h , lice. M815 7 31 I2A1. K3TATK. HarKiiInn only. My vioril Is uooil \V U. AlbrlKht. 5.1 2 I Now York 3.1 fo 740 \\rANTii : > -JIr , < JO 1M.AC15 tOltC\SH. TVVnnted house for clear lota anil cash. Wanted ! JUO ) on llanncom I'laco house. Wnntnl IIOUHO for clear llnnsconi 1'lncu lot. \ \ tinted houo fur l.o\ru uronno lot. Wanted farnm la DouiElna and Sarpy countloB. Wanted food business property for cnsh. U. K UAUHIbUN , U.J .Sow fork Llfo. Mg43 5 1 33 ACHKS DOUGI.-VS CO , fd.TO. J-ll/0 ncrcn near Omnha , f-T ) UOJ. 110 acrcH , bnrpy ( * o , t45 per acre. 11.9 act en , M o rrlck I o S 7 per acre. 120 acres near Omnlm , $ i per acre. 1.1) ncrcs netr Omnhn. tT > ner acre. SO norcK near Omnha , IJ.OTO 4SO ncres , Cima Co , 15 per acre. 212 acri'8 otoo Co , ? 42 per acre. lee iicros. Valley Co , 110 per aero. 100 ucren , Fremont Co , tw per aero , 1UJ ncros , Hitchcock Co , Sli ) per acre. C. b. Harrison , 'JU N. Y. Llfo M842 S OlOOOriCIl AC11K lOlt MC15 LAND IN 11OCNK 4pcoiinty , Noh , elope to to n , I-1U cnsh , balnnco 1 lOeiicJiyenrnt 8 per cent Wllllnms & Mlttan , McCuKiiobnlliilni ; , opponlto poHiollku. H54 d LOST. IOST A A 1'AIIl Ot' Hl'UOrAOLBS. 1'I.KASH Jli'uvo nt lleo toimtlnK room. h HORSES WINTERED. H rED AND CAltBD roll. SI MONTH Ul , U O. linns , l > o box UJ , South Vmaha. 709 J 3 PAWNBROKERS. nilKNHY I.M'II > Ua 11KMOVKI ) I'llOM 2W South Thirteenth Bt. to 11)1 turnanm M8ll'j > REM IC'ON ING TYPEWRITERS For Sale , Rent or Exchange. in tliG World. N1ECEATH STATIONERY CO. , ] ! 1O1 J'nrnnin Street , Oiiiiilin , TO Tiin OWNIUS : OF ALI/ LOTS on PAHTB uf lots on ' 'II" street from Kith btcoot to 17tU Rtreut. You nro licroby notlflad that tlio unilar- BlRuod. tliroo ilMtilurosted f rculioiders of tlio city of Umuliu , Imvo boon duly nppolntod by tlio ninyor , with the upprovitl of tlm city roiinoilof snld ollv. to asses * tliu ilnumRu to ( lie ownurs rospcctholy of the protiorly nf- foctod by tlio Knulliuof "It" atroet from UtU street to 17th vtroet , dcclnrod necessary by orciliianeo No. 3 31. p.issnil December Utli , 1&93 , upprovcd Deuembor 10th. ISX' . \ on are furtliur notiliod that havln ? ao- coptud suld Aprjolntinont , and duly nuullllod as required by law , wo will , on tlio l.'tli day ol January , A , 1) , IbOJ , ut the hour of U o'clock In the iiftornoon , at the olHro of Gee J. 1'aul , 1U05 1 nrnam btreot. within tlio cor- pnratolluiUs of said city , incut for the pur pose of ooujlilerliiK and inuUliu tlio nssou- inent of ilainutro to tli'3 ownurs rodpootlvoly- iiild proiiorty ( iffeotod by said crade , taklns nto consideration ipoalal bonellta. It any. . You uro notltlod to bo present at the tlmo und jiluco aforoialil and muko any objoatloiu to or sUtomer.U concurnliiT fialdttssossmout of duroagcs asyou may consider proper. HKO. J. I'AUU \V. 0.811 111 VEB. JA8. bTOOKUALE. Omaha. Neb , Dec. 27th , (693. ( < O-dtOt Ccrttncato ori'ubllciitlon , Onico of Auditor of 1'ubllo Accounts , State of NebruBku , Lincoln. Jan. a. 1893 , It li hereby cerUllod that the I'alutlne Ijisuranc < Co. of JIunclieotor In England lion compllci with tlio Insurance law of tlil httito und 1 : authorized to transact the business of tire In surancu In this statu for the current year. \Yltnevi my hand and thoncal ot the audltoi ot public account * the day and year abovi written. T. II. IIENTON. [ SBAL. ] Auditor Public Accounts. J4dlt Tlio history of the shows n steadily rising tide of popu larity and .success. It is absolutely unrivalled for all the essential qual ities of a Hrst-class writing machine. 1867. Tlr t Invention of tbo Trpowrltor . non Kntinn ns tbo Ucmlngton blnnil'ird. A few inticbliioi nmilo by li mil ilurlnn tills nntl tbo fol- InwItiKyonri , 1873 'I bo ropuntod oxpcrlinotits of the , InMMitors li tvltu sOM'OWlmt Itu- nrovoil upon tlio ( list crniln at- tciniits , Itwunbrnnchtto tlioKotn- liijtim fiictorv txt llllott , N. V. 1874. After inoro tit in a year of piilna- . liiUlni : labor on tliu pirtnt many % nblo tiipob'iiilcal experts tlm flr t Itcmliutun-inaiUi in iclilncs wcr > - juir. upon tbo market. 183O. Six yours utter , only 1.003 ma . chines hiul noon soli ) . The public worn slow to roallro the vtiltio of tlio liivuiitlon. 1882. Tliu nitti.bor Increased to 2,309 . innuhliics. * f OQC rivotbousnnil nmcblnusworo sold JL < 3O < J > tlilsyuir. It grow mpopulut fa- or. In billow liutl rlsou to 20oo : niacbbioa riiuls our stindtng orders to our tiiotory of 100 maoblncs nor day liintluiiu itn to moot tbo ruoUIly Incre.ilu Uoinnna. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. BEE BUILDING , 1712 Farnam Si. , Omaha , A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost Yott Nothing but will dononstrito atl.wo claim. Wo wll plnco tbo Smith Premloihjiosltlo any writing machine on tbo malkotfjlt.wlll ujioalc for It self. , Itsdnr.iblllty can no lonsrr bo questioned. . Wrlto or cull on us for cutaloRUc , terms , oto. . Cor. 17tli and Farnam Sts. , Omalia , Neb. Tolnphnno 1381. E. II. MAYIinW , .Manager. Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it la pleasant nnd rcfrcshiug to the taste , nnd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver mid Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , licnd- nclics nnd fevers nnd cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to the tnsto and nc- ceptnblo to the etonmch , piompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita eflects , prepared only fro'n the most healthy nnd ngrccnblo Bubstances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in DOe and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro - cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Io not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL , LOUISVILLE. Kf. tIEW WftK , N.Y. FOR FAT FOLKS Dr. Bdleon'a FAMOUS PILLSAND- BANDS and OBESITY FRUIT SALT reduce your -weight without dieting ; cures the causes of oboslty , such as dyspepsia , rhoumitism , nervous ness , catarrhkidney trouble = ; keeps you healthy , and beautifies the com plexion. CmcAao llotnn or LIIADE. I icnln write yon to s.iy I have lost 13 pounds , making pounds lost In 10 weeks by using 4 I ottles of lr. HilHon's Obesity L'llls and \venrln.f his Obesity lliiiul. Very truly yours , OiiAui.cs II. KINO. Prof. HALF , Chic igo University , wr tea to the Ohlc IRI > HoralO. Sept. IS , 18J. : Corpulent men should nay gomo attention to rciluoliu tlioir wolslit Wliun n man Is troubloil with rheumatism , dysponslii , Uldncy trouble or norxoiisness the ri'dncIiiK of wolclit la slower , until the Obesity Tills liuxo cured tlio disease thai caused obesity. LMie pills bufton und beautify the skin of tlio face. 1 am at liberty to cltu a case in point. Under my ndvlco Mr. Armour usuil nn Kdlson Obosltv lliind nnd 3 bottles of 1'llls and lost 20 pounds In U weeks Othoi patlonU have been equally riiccssfucl. Lieut. O. A. SCOTT. Revenue Cutter Hnmlln , writes to the Uorrespomlonc" Department of the Now York Sund.iv World : Three years ago 1 weighed US pounds hut after ualnc Dr. Kdlson's popular Obesity 1'llls mid baits I reduced to iCfl pounds and easily l < this wclgnt. I s.iw how muoli other correspondents of your valuanlo impors were tonefltted and wlsho to o the Ur.'s treat ment a trial. Dr. Edison's Obesity Fruit Salt is the best nncl simplest remedy for regulating the notion of the liver that has boon dis covered. The printed formula on the label of the FrtutSults shows their value to sufferers from excessive fat or flesh. Band measure at Nos. 1 , 2 , 3. Price $2.50 to 30 inches , and 10 cents extra for onch additional inch. Pills 81.50 a bottle , or throe bottles for 84.00 , enough for ono treatment. Obesity Fruit Salt $1.00 per bottle. You can buy the Pills , Bands and Salt direct from our stoics , or by mail or ex press. fgrCorrespondonco and goods forwar ded in plain , eoalcd package. NOTICE Dr. Edison's Electric Bolts and Finger Rings are sold tit our stores. Send for our special Electric Bolt Circu lar , sealed. Electric Bolts $1.00 and up. Insoles 50 cents per pair. For Sale btj Urugglsts. Wbolosslo druggists of No\v York City who carry our goods in stock : Charles N. Crittonton & Co. , McKesson & Robbins , W. tl. Schioirolin & Co. And other leading houses. LORING & CO. , Proprietors and Gon'l Agents , 42 F West 22nd St. , Now York City. 10 F Hamilton Place , Boston , Mass. ill P East Washington St. , Chlego III. Cut this out nnd keep it , and send for our full ( eight column ) article on Oboslty. A ncwanilcomploto treatment , consisting of Sup- Fnsltorlos , Olntmant in I'npjuluj , al o In Lor uucl 'Ills. ' A positive euro for Kxturnal , Internal , Illlnd or Illecdlnir , ItcliliiK. l.hronlo. lluceut or llorodltnry 1'llos ' 1 his remedy haanorer been known to fall 1 pur box , fl for J3r sent by mill. Why nullur from this t err I bio dlsosso whan u vrrltlun iruarautea la posltlvoly Mvon with 8 boxm or refund the money r not cure < l ! bend ilnnip for froa samoU Uusr- nteclsiuod bylCuhn A , Do , , druu lits , sola ouonn , rner 15th i il ) > i u straati iliniUn Nab , fn ) nhtehMtrr' * FntMi ) . lilamund Kruiv. rENNY O LflLLS J < . ? > . 7k.llrltflnnl . , - anifOnlr . I9 nulats. A lw Ji rflltbl * LAOItil , Klk Ut for Mleknttrt InylitH JJta , RranJ In Itcd tnl OeM nnu rtl d with t u ribbon , 1i. _ . Attttr * Jtifuit dangtrowt tubititu * V t anj tmitatwnt > t Iru < Utiori ntl4a. uaiiipi fur ptrllettUri triUmoolaU tarj lallef fur I dlM , " l I l ( r , bj rtnrn II , 10 rtOO Tf.tlmeDUU A < myup r. THE SHORTEST LINE TO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.jar- riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m , City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A , NASH , Gen'l Agent. DESERTED IN MID-OCEAN Onptain Ferguson's Ronon for Deserting tlio Disabled Umbria. HAD MAIL ON BOARD AND COULD NOT WAIT Statement 1'roin thn Ottniril Company l.nmlon Olllro Storlr * of r.mpiiRorn anil of tlio Unllli Tlio Umbrl : Iltil Not Need Alii. Nr.w YOHK , Jan 3 Tlio QtteonMown cor respondent of n mottling piper cabled tlio following Inturvtow villh Acting Second Oftker Mill * .of tlio Galth In reference to that \cstol refusing to assist tlio Umhila in mldnccaii "How was It , Mr Mills , that you did not stand by tlio Umbrl.i us slio requested I" asked the correspondent "Gracious goodness , maul' ' lie replied. "How could wol No mall steamship Is allowed to innku such delay. Wouno catr.\ltiRa largo mall and we could only delay - lay \\hcte tlio am Ing of \vuscoiioorncd. . 'Iho Umbiia did nut want us to t.tko any of her luiseiifjcrs off. She only wanted us to stand by them. Hail \\o done so wo would have violated rules and u-gulntlons We didn't consider tlio lles of tlio p issciiRcra on tlio Umbrla In daiiRer. She Hinted buoyantly , nnd the only tiling vo could do was to take her In tow to the ncaiost point. Tint was Halifax Such 'a crulso would iicccssll.Ua great delay to tbo larRo mall on board , which wo could not submit to " Dili Not Think Her In l.inKor. . "Did jou not toad the Umbrla's filRiial when you announced \ou couldn't stand by In cousc < iueuca of aim inu the malls ! " "Yes , but what louid wo do under the cir cumstances ? 1 don't know what wo should bo tespoiisiblo for. Wo felt certain Unit tbo Umlnlii was perfectly safe. She btatcd her self that next imnnltiff her macblnety would bo siifllcloutly i-epalretl so i > lie could go tihead alone. "On Deccnilxir 23 at 1 11. in. wo slRhted a Gciman steamship bound west. Wes | > eke to her nnd requested her to hear down on tbo disabled Umbrla , ( living her nt tlio s.iiuo time the imsition of thoUmbila. Next day wo sighted a North German Llo.Ml steamer bound west , nnd as she was also tr.ncling In the path of the Umbtia no doubt was In our minds of the ship's safety. " "Wo stood by her for about two hours and then loft her. as wo wcio earning the malls , " bald another ofllccrVo agieo with Mr Mills in sujitig th.itwo would bao x iolated rules if delayed for any other object than the saving of lives " Sonic of the ci ow w el o inten iew ed They said the disabled ship looked light and buoyant. OllUhil Itfcorrior the Murting. The conespomlcnt inspected the log of the Gallla and found the only meaner entry : " 2flth. 2:40 : p in , latitude 44 ° , longltudo IT.'t'J ° , solco ) the Umbt ia ; icpot ted machln- eiy disabled " The passengers seemed to think nothing about the allair. Tnoy had veiy litllo to s.iy. Only two saloon jusscngcis dibcni- balked bete One was Miss Thompson , liv- iiiR in Kingston , near Dublin. She said : "When wo sighted the Umbii.i sbo had sea anchors out After le.u ing I hoard the cap tain of the Gallia say he could not stand by tbo Umbiia because bo was cairjing the mails and did not dare delay. Ho would only delay wheio loss of lifo was imminent. Ho also added that the Gallia's supply of coal would not warrant his taking tbo UmUria in tow. His coal would run short. " Tbo captain of the Gallia icfuscd to talk until ho could communicate w ith ofllcials of the Outlaid lino. Miiti'iiii-iit Train tlio Coin puny. LONDON , Jan. 3. The Cunaid company has issued nn ofllclal statement of the Gallias- Umbria incident. It states that Captain Feigusonof tbo Gallia , when bis steamer approached the Umbiia , leauicd from sig nals that her sh.ift was broken and that she had sustained no injury. Ho judged from the general suiioundings that sbo was in no danger , and was continued in his Judgment when he read the ' - to signal , -Heady proceed tomorrow. " Captain Feiguson had to consider his own position , with tbo prospect of eabteily weather leaving him an iusufllciont margin in his coal supply. Continuing , the report says ; Captain Fer guson realized that tlio Umbriii had been broken down since the piOMOUS Filtlay , jet had not about her a semblance of damage ; that she was in the louto of all steamers uossing to and fto and that the weather , although unlit nt tbo moment for the trans fer of passengers without pi cat risk , showed signs of moderating , and he thcrofoio do- elded that it was his uuty to pro ceed and inform all westbound vessels he mot of the position of the Umbiia. Ho signalled a steamer within ten boms after ho loft the Umbiia the latter ves sel was disabled and gave her tbo Umbiill's longitude and latitude. Captain Ferguson's prescience in rcgaid to bad weather coming out of the east was Justllled. When tbo Gallla was within tbice or four bundled miles of the Irish coast she cncounlmedn heavy gale from the east , accompanied with a high head bca. This gale delayed her twenty hours in reaching Qucenstown. Ignorance of the merits of Do Witt's Llttlo Early Ulscrs is a misfortune. Thcso little pills regulate the li\cr , euro headache , dys pepsia , bad btcath , constipation and bilious ness. A N * U I/A ill : VlUfTS. Madeline Merit , the new European star , who is making the first tourof Ameiica , will bo at Uojd's thcatro on Fiiday and Saint day next , and will present the following reper toire : riidtiy oening and Satin day matinee , "Frou Trou" ! Saturday night , "Camlllo. " The sale of seats will open on Thursday morning , John P. Harley , ono of the host known men In the country , arrived In the city last night. Ho is now playing the part of aclvanco cornier for James'I' , i'owers in the now comedy "A Mad Ilargain , " which comes to the Doyd on Sunday , Monday and Tuesday next. Miss Miulowo and her company will arrive this moining fioin Lincoln The Impression this young stnrinado when she was lust hoi a will insuiohern big ictuiii bouse , and ills to bo icgiottcd that tliu engagement Is only for ono night The last engagement she pla.ycd an entire Shakespearian lepeitoiy. Tonight she w ill bo seen in bheridan Knowlos' ' In Search Of Health ? Von will flml at Kxcclslor Sprlngi , Mov one of the most charming , all-year round rceort hotels la America , THE ELMS. Capacity 600 guests ; culslno unsurpassed. A perfect liotil aud complete inulta- rlum. Superb bathing establishment with trained attendants. Surroundings pic turesque , location henltliy absolutely free from Malaria. Tlio famous loulc waters free to guests. All charges moderate , For Illustrated pamphlet and particulars ad dress Etctltlor Epringi Comjiany. Excelsior Springs forfamphht. MlSSOUrJ IticliardsooDrugCo. , Agents , Omaha , Ncl fnmom live act piny "Tho Ilunclibailt' nt lloytl's. _ _ _ _ _ Tlio Mtx-krlilRp rompnny iw * * notices nil over the country nro cnvlnhio IntlrnNl The program ii nu ovcnliiR with artists , " un ; iho.Inncsvlllollt'ciniler. "lhcr\ number li n from " At Yonrtfr Mcn'i Ctirlotlin Aiix-ln- tlou hnlt , ono nlftlit t > nlPrlJny , .1 inn ufllh The rc crovilolll open at Chftso& KtUlj s this ( \ Ycilncsihiiumiin . ) \VIHI un A Hrml.v's sixn'taculnr tlon of HmicliMults famous mrloili.iin.i , "After D.itk , " will bo tlu > .miMottou at the Kiirnniu sttvot thoutor till nt o iiioiu'liiBlth Siuulnj nmUtuv , , limm\\ > < Thoiti Is n \l\ld roinvscntutlon of tlio Thuinoi ilvcr.wlunvlu the hi'rotno IH thru\Mi h.v the \lllalu. A tank of "ivnl wit or ' U tiscxl , anil Old Tom , the hero , dnslii" * to thu iwuo ill n boat , ivud iiliuiRos after thoi iil The concert lull scene U inmlo the wi.nm ot tircscutlim a mmibvr of excellent suIitlllos. | . Melntjiv nnil Heath , the NCRIM tnliistivK anil Dinmiir nnil lleCclh * . tlioSuotlNli tilxht- hiRalcs , are nlio mnoii tlio cuUnliilnltn ; pen plo on the stape of the inlmlc music hall , niul to tlioio who have no\ef seen a v.uiotj show , anil to tluwo who ha\o as well , this fottiiro Is cntci hiliiitif : A pamlillni ; < lcu Is rorouUM In full .operation , and n r.ilil by the police Is anuimiiccil , In nn hmtant the pictures are nncrswl. ilNplajhic fatulllar ami pr.Uscwoithj mottoes , tliu tables nre chiiiivl ) so as to conceal the , anil li\mu books .tro pi-dvhlcd so that It becomes to till nncrs a ilovoiit asscmhlijo ( of Sahiitlon rmv people \Veiliiesilnj nutl S.ttui\luy imltuces An honest iilli is the tinniest work of the DoAVItt's l.ittlo Hilly Hlsori 'tiro ' constipation , blllousncsa anil sick head- oho. _ _ .tiiK.iM * iv ! S'o Nou C.i i < s In lltn ri'ii-Tlii-ro Jl > } Ho u Cnnlllil. I tTTt.r. UOPK , Ail : . , .T.m : i Tlicro IIM no io\v eases of sickness at the penitentiary mlailiOTU pitlenU haxo been dlsclmrKeil 'rom the hospital The mayor considered , ho nth liability of notlfj hip the coin let los- ces that ho would uriest all con- fiets sent to work on the ctly stteots , but n consultation of physicians edited thcro\\as no daiiRer of contagion 'rom the cholera patiuntH in the pcnltentliuy iml the major withheld his proclamation .cinpor.ully. Tlio con\lct lessees say they lave thu light to put men on the strcot.s In .leilaneo of the mayor's orders , and A 111 lontimio to do so The major : uslsts ho A\lll march ut the head of ils entire pollco force and uricit every convict on the stieuts If necessary to irotect the oilj' . The last two conviots \ \ ho died Sund.iy iilcht remained in the prison dead house till ' .nsto\ening on account of the arrest of the prison ofllccrs Saturday for burying convicts jnsido the city limits. They were llnaily buried in the potters Held at O ikhunl ceino- , tery. rurther trouhlo Is o.\peeted fwin this. Perfect action ami perfect heilth result from tlio usoof DeWitt's Little Cirly Uiseri A pei feet little pill. Another "Momlior of the Moiintnry Cmifcr. cnco Tallin tun lEt < i > iirt r. PnovniENCc , H. I. , .inn. . Piesident n. Benjamin Audio ws of Hi ou neil University irrived In this citjftom the monetary con- feicnco last night. In an interview ho ex pressed himself as pleased with the result of the confeienco thus far , and gave it as his coniction that some practical result u otild bo leached uhen the conference icassembles'in , Iulj- The Ainciiean delegates , lie said , ucro vcrv cordiallj' icceivcd and uoro treated u ith much more deference oven than they had expected. Dr. Andiows said that if no other good icsultcd the United States might * " see heiself benefited by the umlurst.inding that Kuiopo vould not move hi her gold and adopt a sther basis. The foatuio of the con ference so far , ho thougiit. has been to inter est Great Bi Haiti in sustaining thopiicoof silver bj' intei national agieenient. Constipation cuieil by Da Witt's Eatly Uiseis Will Arr.uiKo u , Ki-lity llnco. UAVKN , Conn. , Jan. U. The Young Men's Chiistian association club ot this city is about to arrange ti bicj clo relay race be tween this citj- and New Voik. It is in tended that it shall bo on similar lines with the biej'clo tclaj races of last siunmoHr The icl.ij ing points uill bo Jho miles apart. It Is expected that Connecticut associations will assist und send their beat runners. If you have piles ] Jo\Vitt'a Witch IIuzol salvo uill sutelj euiojou. TIII :'Y : ai IN'STKIJMnNTS placed on record Jammrjr 3 , IHOJ : mnn < j. Jnscjili Ciinllsli \\lfotoTIICiar- - HoK , h ' / , lot 13 block 10Vlteox iulil.,1 000 Tlioiiiiif Iliciiii in and wlfo to Waller llii-un , lot -lu , CunnhiKliiini A'A \ \ ndd . . . . 400 A Ij Hlub uuli and wife \VIISIu- - luin li , lot 4 , lilocl > 112 , Soiilh Omaha 1,000 r I' rivunian anil Ifu lo.sanio , lot 112 , Ji'it'i'iiiiin'H uilil . . . . , 700 A It Itoss to II S Adams , lot 1H , lilouk 3 , 1'ottei .V Cobb's 'M add to South Onniliii. . . . . . 000 J K Harris nml wlfo ot al to Cuter Uoth , lot UJ , block 1 , Harris X 1'ut- toison'H tuiiwc toS-oulh Unialia . . . 350 M 1 * Julin-.on to.I S Cooluy , lot r > , lilock 445 , und lot 0 , block 4GU , diand- vlow 4,000 W 11 Gieenhow und wlfo to ( W ] ) < i.inu , untllv > ' , tat lot 7 , In 10-16- 18. . . . . . 20,000 Alum Kinder to John Chrlstoiiscn , lot 1 , block 1 , J'Dillaiiil I'lacu . . $2,000 G II Mi'sclii'inlorf to PWMi'sclioniloif , lots n and ( > . 1 , AlbilKht Anne - noloSuulli Onmlia . . . . . . 2,000 Mniy M Kccd i't ill to lloi.itlo T.iulvos , 07.51 iinrs In o 'J , ho 10-10-lil . . . 310900 SylMiilui UiiniiliiKliain toB'inii1 , all nf hloclib 1 anil 2 , lots 1 , : i to 7 , block 3 , loth 1 , 3 to 12 , block 1 , Cunlllng- IIIUII'M mill , 107,000 It H Allison to Ilotatlo I'nv.Ucs , : i tl.icl coinnii'iirlng nl polnl'J01 ft n of nocornui block 310 Omaha , tax lot I ! In 15-10-13 . . . . 00,000 J A Horb.ieli anillfi Io harne , 7 OJ itrii'MlnMt no 1D-1D-1 i . . , 88,403 Sjhi'rtlui CiiimliiKliiini nt al to b.iuie , iimlU 'i tax 2 | n K.-lfj-l : ) C4.800 ( J II HIONMI nl nl to Milan , iiiullv , Vi .saiiiii 48,000 ] , ] { Wallace nt ill to H.UIII' , lot U. lilouk .l.CnnnliMliiiiii'siuld . . , . , , 2,700 O h .lny to hitiiiu , lot II , blorl. : i , h line 2,000 llm aim I'OH l < i Mtn A J DuiMil i > l nl , KOMiriiliicnt lot 1 hi ; H-1&-1 ) : > ( uxLiipt UMiiall triii'l ) . . . , . 310,000 , .Stiinii tiiMiinu , lut i ! , block 1,1'uiniliu' IIUIH'H uilil.i iindlv 'i lav lot Jin no 111)10-15-13 ; iindlv ' , , tilot'J : 111 | IO no 10-10-13 , blocks 1 anil 2 , lol 1 , 3 to 7 , blouU.I , lolH 1.3 to 12 , block 4 , C'lninliixliiini'h iiUil. ; a Inn : ! at u point 204 feet n of no cor. block 31O , Omaha ; tiiv lot 0 In Ki-io-lil , 13 ; lot 2. block 3 , Cuniiliuli.uii'rt add , : 7,0.1 fcot In H ' / no 15-10-13 . . . 304,103 J I. Mlli'H lo.I I , Cnrr , lot 10 , block II ) ; lots t. and B , block 10 , Orcliard Mill , 1.050 I.owo AM'inio Ti'i race lIulldliiK iih > o- clatlon to V V l.i , lot 5 , block 7. I'opnlcton Park , 1.50 UbC'luiM ) in W ( J and Trank Whll- IIIIIIK , HVisw 2-1(1-0 ( 'J.4HO I' b .SaliJn and wlfo to J /.or/an , H < , ' , of lot 10 , block 2 , Kijnnl/ii'h8dadd , 2,000 T < i Hall ami wlfo Io 1'aul CJmilton , tinsteo , lut IU , block 121 , Jtiiniloii I'liico . 000 Ha nm to b.lino , lot 7 , block 12.1 , same . you J 1 llowinan anil wlfn to muni ) , lot H , blocU 11 l.h.iinu , ' " ' ' ooo J I ( ill'UII tO btlllll , lot'd , lil'ook lio' , SlllllO . . . . . . hunid liib.uau , lutu ? nnil U , block 111) ) , hiunu l.BOO H M I'ollny to A 1) IJrny' lotff 7 mid U , blook 117 , fcuum , 1,800 0 i : lloujiKin und wlfo to 1'aul Uhail- ton , tuisUio , lot IU , lilouk ( JU , Niinin . 000 O K Muynaiil to I'eonln'n I'lro InHiir- UIILII roiiiiiiiiiy , n U.I fuut of H10 fuul of 70 ( cut , und H S3 ftHt at o 7U feet of lot 7 , block. 110 , Onmlm guirci.AiM iitKiis. 0 I' Vander ort and ulfuloOVConk - llnir , lot 14 In HUSO 35 untl Jut IU lu , . . , . J A Jlorliarli anil wlfn In A .1 Druxol ot nl , u 6Vi ft-Htrlj ) In nn nu 15-15-13. , . . B A HwartzloU JhHurtuihl > $ lot -I , lilix'k Bl.Onuliu . . . ! . 826 John Itlloy anil ulfu to IH ; I'lnrlntaD , H , U , 111 , 17. hlnck l.lotsH. 0 und 11 , block 'Z. lot 1. block 0. lot -I , block 7. lot * 4. U and ID. block ib , U l Muyuu'a iHttuldto Vulfuy. . , . . . . -29 O II bloinun nnil busbnnil to KUiue. lots 6 , H , 10 , 17 , block 1. , loin 'i to U HUIIIU. 25 IIKKIM. J II SIiilKlo ( siiocl iimtr ) to J II Tronory > 7hcOOftlot 11 , block 10 , yiilm/u ltd . . . . . , . 3,000 Totul amount of truusfcra , , , , „ . 11,300,010