TIIK OMAHA DAILY HEK : .SDAY , JANUA11Y 'J , 1893 , VT1MMO 1'HAII Pni'VI'It HI I'lTC * NhWS HlOjl COUCIL BLlrFS Oareful Review of the Oomtnorcial Prospect ? of tlio Oity , OUS'NFSS ' LIKELY TO INCREASE io Ifrnnrhroortlin Wli ilr nlrTrinlo In IVIilcli Th < * rn l Ilinim Top Contie. | tlllon--I'micni ! of n \\rll H non ii rrrl.itr. The outlook of Council Bluffs from a com mercial standpoint is a thing that must be of great interest to the business men of the rlty , and the outlook as It appears to one of the largest commercial agencies of ttio conn- trj must IKJ considered as nearly accurate as nn > thing In tliiinatltrn of prophecy can be. Mr , K. W Peterson , manager of H. (1. Dun ft t o.'s agency In Council lUufi's , was asked fern nUtement tif the prospect now In view , and replied as follows : ' 'Thop.mt year's trade In the Jobbing line in Council HlulTs has been an exceptionally prosperous one. A personal interview with our jobbing merchants elicits this Informa tion. Especially Is this true In the leading line represented here , namely , ngrii-uHural Implements , This city Is now represented as. br-lrtc the' second latvest Implement market in this country. There are about twelve concerns who are regular dealers In agricultural Implcnu'nts and the same num ber who , Ihougii not fully equipped with a complete line of goodn , arc nevertheless rcfttilar branches of cantera manur.icturlng establishments , and whoso business h stead ily Incrcj.'iiliig , and who lu the near future will develop Into a full br.iuch hotine and will Tarry a complete .stock of goods , ship ping their material direct froai the city , in- Hleiitl of from their factories. A personal Investigation nhows that according to the conservatives estimates of different Jobbing implement houses here there are sold In this line in this city annually between 0,000MIO , ( and fci.OUO.tMXl worth of goods. There are two houses who are reported to do In the neighborhood of I.IMKI.OIK ) each , and a man ufacturing establishment which claims tome ! m\o trebled its capital In three years. These figures are sulllrlent to Imlicalo the volume of business transacted here , ati-1 at test what are the possibilities also for other lines , U'liil ! thn clljNdciN. . "Council Bluffs is lu need at tills time of a wholesale dry goods , and iil.su a boot and shoo house. If these lines were rop- 'resented ' here , taken together with those at present In this city , a country merchant could come to this market and obtain a < om- plete stock und avoid the necessity imposed upon him of visiting neighboring cities in or der to purchase a full flock of merchundl.se. Wo have at present two wholesale grocery houses , who do a good business ; also a wholesale crockery and qtiecnswarc , hard ware , confectionery , manufacturers of candy , Jobbers in carpets , drugs and three commis sion houses. Wo have a Jobbing cigar and tobacco house who do the largest business In their line west of the Mississippi , their sales reaching lu the'neighborhood of half a million annually. It is demonstrated beyond a doubt that jobbing win bo successfully done hero by the exceptional prosperity of our implement and other houses , and the almost unprece dented advance made by the former. There are two large buildings now being erected for dealers in agricultural implements and another will bo erected shortly. There is a favorable outlook at present of having another bridge built between thlsclty and Omaha , and of other trunk lines passing through. Situated as this city is right in the midst of one of the most prosperous farming countries in the world , with a large scope of country , cast and west , traversed by seven trunk railway lines , thus making the shipping facilities as line as could bo desired , with plenty of ground for warehouses and factories , and the expense of doing business considerably less than In a number of competing cities , Council Bluffs Is enabled to offer unusual in ducements to manufacturers to locate here. The good prospects that manufacturing will become one of the important industries of Council Bluffs in the near future , induced by the cheapness of ground added to the ad vantages of shipping facilities as good as can bo offered by neighboring towns , ought to bring this city to the front. It only requires the attention of our enterprising , \hide- awake citizens 10 encourage eastern cirpital to invest to make Council BlulTsa prosperous manufacturing and jobbing center. Nut it 1'ullllcal Move. The statement made by the members of the city council at the close of the meeting Monday evening to the eltect that the poll- tioii-wlth reference to the increase in the size of the llro department was simply an indirect stab at the city government , and not from a feeling that the department is really too small , has called forth a protest from the signers of the paper in question. "There was nothing of a political nature about it , " said a well known democrat yes terday ; "there is no use iu talking about it. The department has been so crippled by the recent action of the council that If a big lire were to break out in the city it would bo practically powerless. I signed the petition because 1 am heavily interested in property in the southern part of the city In what is known as the implement district. If a lire were to break out thery In one of those large buildings the three men who are kept at the lower Main street house couldn't do anything toward arresting the progress of the ( lames while waiting for the rest of the department to come to their assistance. Wo have not had any very bad Ilres for a number of years past ami the result is everyone is asleep. Someday a fire that is a lire will come along and then we shall sect something that will surprise us. It Is a good deal better to plan in advance. The increase in taxation that would result from the desired increase In the sl/.o of the department will not make llfty cents of increase In the taxes of the. biggest properly owner In Council Bluffs. " \V. S. Ilomor , formerly ol the Council BlulTa Carpet company , has purelms'od the procory stock of M. O. Ciiluf and has inovccl It to the luljoiuiiifr room west , 5'iiJ Broadway , just vacated hy the Council UIulTs Music company. Ho is fitting' up ono of the llncst ffroccrlos in the city , niul will ho tr' ' " < l to bo favored with the trade of not only Mr. Calof's old ens- tomui'8 , but nil others who like fair treat ment and first-class ( roods. 'Koal-Spar" consumes nil vlt'ility there is In coal ; saves quarter of your coul bill ; prevents tmioUo ; destroys deadly coal gas ; prevents Boot mid cin der. JansBon & Gro / , ' , H7 } Pearl Blroot. riJ.NIvllAI , OP PATIIKIt .H'.M Huiulrt'ilH I'uy Tribute * of limped to tin 'Memory of thn Il\ln , The last rites over the remains of Hov Father II. P. McMeuomy were solcnml/eil yesterday morning at St. Xavier's Catholli church , The hour of 10 o'clock was set foi the funeral , but long before that time tin friends of the deceased commenced to gat hoi at the church , and by the tlmo the service ! : began every seat was occupied , and all of tin standing room in the aisles was taken. Tin [ largo acquaintance of the deceased all ovei Iowa resulted lu the presence of about for ! . ' priests from all parts of this state and Ne braska , The masses were sung hy Hov. Father Ken elmn of Boono. Bishop Scannell of Omahi and Bishop Bonaeum of Lincoln , Neb. , wen present , and ofUclatcd In their onlclul char aclcr in the rendition of the exercises , It pursuance of the solemn ritual of the Catho Ho church , The other dignitaries of tin diocese sustaining the bishop at the throni were thu Very Uev , Dean Flavin of Dei Molncs ; Very Hev , Dean ICrekel o Ottumwa mid the Very Kev , Deal O'Ucllly of Kcoltuk. Besides these emlnen prelates the following mimed priests wen present to take part in the solemn services viz : The Koverend Falhers P. .1. O'Conno of Can-oil , M. O'Carroll of Osknloosa , P. J M rrlu of lied Oak , P. I nglnus , O. S , U , . o Council Bluffs , John O'Farrell of Iowa Citv 13. M. Grilmi of Chicago. 111. : P. Brommci Bchenkel of Westphalia , T , J , Mullen of Mis Kourl Valley , 1) . W. Morality of Soutl Omaha , John O'llellly of Melrose , T. Trac ; of Sioux I'lty , I. K. Bedo Dustim of Creston J. T. A. Fliunuigan of Davenport , J. B. Hum inert of ICarling , Hugh O'Oara McShanu o Chicago , Francisco Ward of Ottumwa Joseph Macourct of Omaha , Joseph Chuu delak ot Omaha , Jumea P , Burrou of L > Mnn.BTJ Mnlhnry.M JofOm&nn.WPliain ( 'hokn of Omaha. J F , Hnlllnan of Dallas C-ntcr , P.Daly of Atlantic , I ! V Malouoof Mnlloy. Hlchard Itollard of Walnut , J Dax aeher of Onmhn. H J. Shrrlrtan of t'harlton , F. W Hcppman of Pi.itstnnuth. S. V Car * roll of Omaha , K. M. Nattlnl of Council Bluff * , W. .1. MeCormack of Burlington. James Foley of Stuart , P. .T. Burke of Newton. The active celebrants at the nltar were : Very Hov. Father Xelgler of St. fxuis ; deacon , Very Hev. B , C. I-onc- ban of Boonej siitideacon , Hov. Sehlff- laacl'.or of Ncola ; master of ceremonies , Hev. .1 tunes Benlhaii of Council Bluffs ; orator tor , Hev. J. J. O'Brien of Dunlap ! pall- .bearer's , Father McCarthy of Omahn , Father Flavin of Des Molurs , Father O'Farrell of Iowa City , Father Mornii of Hod Oak. Father Brominenschenklo of Westphalia , Father Longlnus of Council Bluffs , Father Foley of fStuurt. After an elaborate ! service Hev. Father O'Brien delivered the funeral oration , In which ho dwelt at considerable length on the llfo and works of the deceased. After the audlenro had been given an opportunity to look for the last tlmo upon the remains , they were shut from view and taken to their last rcfp'.Ing place in the Catholic cemetery , at tended by n largo and Imposing cortege , headed by the altar boys In full regalia. Then followed the girls of St. Francis' acad emy and the boys of St. Joseph's academy , the Hibernian band of Omaha , the members of the various Catholic societies of the city and a large number of cltl/ens , both Cathp- lie and Protestant. McPlmll pianos and Crown orpans , cnsh nr installments. Mar. Bottrlclua , llOStutsninn street. Brighter tluih tfiis/ehcapor than elec tric light and us beautiful an a dronm liofco now art lamps at Luntl Kros. Vrtcriin * ' Insliilliitloii. The Union Veteran l.eglou encampment No. 8 of this city has Issued invitations for nil installation exercise , to bo held In the hull next Wednesday evening , January II , at the hall on Pearl street. An attractive pro gram of speeches and musical selection- ! will he presented , In addition to the usual instal lation , and the ladies of thu Auxiliary will furnish lunch. Do yon smoke ? Have you tried T U King < V Co. % I'urttiKiisV It's charmer. Just light ono. The snow nml cold weather does not diminish the dcmunu for acreage In the Klein tract , 'Ji miles cast of the post- cllleo ; 800 acres yet for sale in from ono to ton aero tracts , sniltablo for Iruit and garden. Day & IIoss , agents , H9 I'oarl street. .Minor .Mrnlloii. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Council Bluffs dumber Co. Coal. The I-adIes Aid Society of the Comrroga- tional church , will meet with Mrs. L. W. Hess this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Li. C. James , who went to the penitenti ary for bigamy , has been discharged and has returned to Council Bluffs , where ho is now at work. Mizpah Temple , No. ' . ) , Pythian Sisters , will install officers this evening. There will also bo initiation. All members arc re quested to be present. J. 1C. Brooks , who has been employed at one livery stable for seven years' past has taken a place with the American District Telegraph company at the Grand hotel. Hebekali Helief Association will meet with Mrs. D. J. Gates , 807 South Seventh street today at iil0 : ! p. in. All members are re- ducsted to be present. Visitors are made welcome. The Council BlulTs lodge No.li ) , Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows , hold an instal lation of officers last Monday nurht. A num ber of members of the order from outside points were present. Peter ISgnn , whose trial at the last term of the district cpurt on the charge of at tempted burglary , resulted in a disagret ? ment of the jury , has given bonds for his ap pearance next term , and is now at largo. K. Iloscnburg , an employe of Metrger & Bandlctt , and J. B. Orubb , a manufacturing man , got into an altercation on Pearl street hist evening about -"i cents which they both laid claim to. After peeling up ono another's countenance for a few minutes the patrol wagon drew up and both the disputants were taken to the city jail. They will have | a hearing in police court this morning on the charge of disturbing the peace. The supervisors yesterday refused to can cel the assessment on a number of lots owned by the Hock Island Hallway company which the company claims to bo using for railway purposes , and which it is claimed arc therefore exempt from taxation except ing by the State Board of Control. The greater part of the < laywas spent by the supervisors in road , bridge and refund mat ters , which arc of but little public interest. Ask your druggist for Cutlahy'sHox Brand Fluid Beef. He's sure to keep it , because the best trade demands it. It is uo longer u mystery lo the ladies of Council Bluffs and vicinity where to got , and what Islho correct thing in gloves for evening , as a visit to the Boston Store will convinces you that ' their stock is composed of all'tho load ing shades in Mpsqiiitairo and shoulder length , in the most desirable tiutj suit able for evening wear. Some 0110 may sny , I can only bo suited in the Foster or Alexandria , and others may say I prefer the Trefousso , all of which is to bo had at our glove depart ment , as well as every quality in btaulo glace goods in black and colored. " All gloves warranted and 111 toil to the hand. FOTIIEKINOHAM , WII1TBLAW & CO Boston Store , , Council Carl Burhorn. successor to 1C. Bur- horn , has the only now jewelry block inn city. Many holiday novollies. Coal and wood ; best and cheapest Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompt delivery. II. A. Cox. No.I .Main. Mrs , Jacob Nciimayor , who has been dan gerously ill for some lime past , is reported to be improving. H. N. Kills , who has been connected with the ilrm of Percgoy & Moore of this city for four years past. [ will go into partnership with Charles A. Tracy of Omaha in a branch house of the linn. Now so-called remedies spring up every day likemnshroons ; but the people still cling to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Kor wnnnlnrr guest chambers , bath rooms , etc. , our ias hcntorn uro just whnt you wnnt. Look , it them. Clotin , convenient choap. < J. B. Gna und Eloo- trio Llfilit Co. , "Wanted Cnnh oiler for ton shares 1 Cltixon's State b.init Btoolc. Must bo 10 Bold. AddrosH K. II. Sheafe. ire o * . " \liirriiin" ' I.UTIIIVH. r The following marriage licenses were 3 issued by County Judge Eller yesterday : 10r Namoand address. Ago J I Kilwnril Hi-own , Oniuliii . - ' r I MnKKluThornu , Omaha . 1'J y I Kdward Johnson , South Omaha . 'i I Anna I ) , lystcr , South Omalia . ' . . . " -1 l Frank MiKiney , Council IIInlVn , la . : it ia lUortlo KllUm Council llhills , lu . . . ' . ! ' . neechain'H pllhi will savodoctor's hills. n Will < iu Into IlicCalilni't , 3" FiuNKFOUT , Ky , , .Tan , a , It is reported or reliable authority that John G.Carlisle hat concluded to accept the secretary of the treasury portfolio. This Information come : from a prominent politician who isiiuinU male friend of Senator Carlisle. The con test for his successor to the senate 1ms nl l" ready commenced. : D. tftittctmif frt lliiMiir lent tiinlrr f/ifn / hcuilfijti ctiit * ; tach ( iifilKfiiinil Uiif , fm roifo , DAIU'MKrid ' , fjnnduy , Jiimuiry 1,1803. ngi'i 'JI year : . , I'unoriil fuiin .Muni % , iinilcrlnldin UhtnlilMinii'iit Wi'ilnt'Mhiy , .lanuary-t , IK'Jll nl llln. m. , unilur Ihu uu > | ilcus of iluslcluii ! I'roti'ctlvu union , KI.Kl'TNKItFrnnlj 1' . , K .4 years 3 month J5 uuys. I'uni'nil TluiiKOuy , Jnniniry f > a HU : : ) u , in , from loMih'iH-i' , IH'Jfi t < oiiti Klin until to St , Mury MiiKiluluno church. In turiuuut at Uuriuuu Calhollu cotuctry. EFIEI ) \VROXCEP1rciAVni \ | William Perry's Persistent Efforts to Wrepk A Home Results in a Tragedy , MOUNT AUBURN PEOPLE EXCITED U'licn IIU Domicile ltiiiiltirM | | nml l.lft ; Wore Tlirrwtr-iiPil nn Inuu MuiiTmU the JMMcacy ilnVcll l.ondcil Shut dun. MT , Ar.nunx , In. , ,1au. 3. [ Special Telegram - gram lo TUB Hen. ) There Is great excite- incut hero over the fntnl shoollnj ; \Vllllnm Perry by n neighbor named A. Smith. The county attorney has been hero making an Investigation , but the results nro not made public. There was apparently a woman in the cnsc. If reports arc true Perry , who Is a married man living near town , had lately cultivated a fondness for Mrs. Smith. Yester day morning ho called on her and the two went In his sleigh to the place where Smith was at work. A conversation ensued which resulted in warm words , and It Is said by Smith's friends that Perry threatened to kill him. This Is made more probable by the fart that Perry was not partlrnlarly averse to trouhlo of that sort and rather prided himself ui > on helm : u hard man to handle. At any rate Smith took no chances but snatched up his shotgun which was near at hand and tired killing Perry Instantly. The coroner's Inquest Is in progress this evening. OllO VltMV llftllPClMP. One story from a rclluolo source is that .Smith had suspected Perry of being unduly Intimate with his ( Smith's ) wife and had begun action for divorce , which was to have come up today. On Satin-day Perry and Airs. Smith drove to Waterloo and spent the day , and Smith took his child to brother's , near Mount Auburn. Last night Perry and Mrs. Smith went there and Mrs. Smith went into the house to seu the baby. Smith and his brother went out nml ordered Perry on" the premises. lie responded , "I am not at raid of the whole outfit , " and got out of the sleigh. Smith went. Into the house and returned with a .shotgun. Mrs. Smith came out and pot into the sleluh while Perry held the horses. Smith raised hh gun and Perry exclaimed. "Lot her come 1" The gun was snapped twice without ex ploding , but the third tiaio it was discharged and Perry fell dead with hole blown through his head. Smith surrendered on a coroner's warrant and is held for trial. Oncer Actions r an louu IVofrssor. Siorx CITY , la. , Jan. ! ! . [ Special Telegram to TUB HKI : . ] A month ago Prof. H. AV. L. Mahood of the University of the North west , this city , started on a trip cast , saying that ho was going to visit some eastern schools. Nothing was heard of him until today , when a letter dated from Amblesidc , England , was received from him saying that ho will remain there to finish the school year studying. Ills family is here and in desti tute circumstances and is being provided for by neighbors. No motive for his action can lie given. Ho was prominent in Iowa educational circles , being financial agent of the university. Narrow Exciiiio ul'mi Io\vi Colonel. Dr.s MOINCS , la. , Jan. . [ Special Tele gram to' Tuc Itiu. ] Colonel H. II. Moore , editor of the Ottumwa Daily Democrat , came near being asphyxiated at the Savory hotel last night. Gas was detected in the hallway of the hotel and Colonel Moore's room was opened and the colonel found in an unconscious condition. The gas was turned on in his room. How it occurred is yet a mystery. The colonel is now believed to bo out of danger. For the Ilrncllt iifC'ri'illtiirs. Dus MOINCS , la. , Jan. a. [ Special Tele gram to THE Dec. ] Henry Hirsch , surviving member of thollrm of Hirsch Bros. , clothiers , made an assignment today for the benefit of his creditors. The liabilities aggregate about 70,000. It is believed the assets are sufllcldit to adjust the claims and permit the flrm to resume Lxuiness immediately. Died III Ilurrllilu Agony. CEDAII KAI-IDS , la. , Jan. ! ! . [ Special Tele gram to THE HUE. ] Miss Hosa Sovera died lu the most horrible agony at a late hour last night of a violent hemmorhago of the lungs , brought about by a criminal operation and neglect and cruelty of her parents. The coroner will probably make an investigation of the case. Fate of u Vt'iibuxli llniltuiimn. DKS MOISES , la. . Jan , 3. [ Special Tele gram to 'I'm : BEE. ] J. Fitzgerald of Boonc , a brakcman on the Wabash railway , was run over by an engine in this city this morning and both legs broken above the knee. Ills condition Is critical. e TO IHU'KI.OI' XKH' TlSltlllTUKV. Incorporation ofa L'tiih ltillroul : : Tliit : Will llrlptlio Union rnclllc , SALT L.AKI : , U. T. , Jan. 3. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BBC. ] Articles of incorpora tion of the Wyoming & Utah liuilroad com pany were received at the oftico of Territor ial Secretary Sells today. Charles A. Sher man , Albert C. Smilh , Ormond Uambo , Isaac Van Horn and Ernest S. Weatherby arc the incorporator.s. This is a duplicate of the articles of incorporation llled in Denver recently. The line is to commence at Casper , Wio. , and extend through the counties of Natronu , Fremont , Sweetwater and Uintah In Wyoming , and Hich , Cache and Weber in Utah. There are to bo two branches of the road not previ ously described. One is to extend from Al- covti , Hot Springs , Natrona county , Wyo , , through Carbon to a point at or near Haw- lins on the Union Pacific. The other ex tends from a point on the main line in Fre mont county to Lander , Wyo. The amount of capital stock is SIO.OOO.OUO , and the princi pal place of business will bo at Alcova , Hot Springs , Tivclve NII NEW YOIIK , Jan a. Twelve now eases of typus fever wcro reported today , miking a It Cures Coldi , Coughs. Sore Throat , Croup , Influ. enr , V/booplnf Cough , BronchitU andAitbma , A certain euro for Consumption In firit itae" > and a turo relief In advaoct j itagei. Ui at oiice , You will ice the excellent effect after taking the first doio. Sold by dcalera everywhere , Large bottles 60 cents and 81.00. DR. R.W. BAILEY Teath Fillea Without - out Fain by the n Inven tion. S " Tooth Extrnctocl Without Pain or Danger. A Full Sel of Tcctli on llubbir for $3.0) $ ) . I'crfect lit lEunrintiuil. Teeth oxtr.cDil ta tin uiurnliiK. Auir unut Itusrti'J la tba UYJula uf t\iai : 4uy. 4uy.tt'i tt'i ) poclmeiu of licmorable llrlit-9. t'te | iei-luit > ni of Flexible Klaitlo t'Ut ) . All work wnrrnutuJ u rupremnteJ. Offlco Third Floor Paxton BlooX , Telephone 1035 , HUb and Karuaia Sti. Take eU-Tlur or litrway from 101U Si. catraaoj , lotnl of lxt\ six shfi * the outbr-- : Thp thlnl death omtrrcil ( tf HUTMltlchoiiiltnl AKM.S nut rnii tn.n\ : ll l iit'CliniiRr oriiiilArhinrp | In the Srr l - ' Yr trr ln- . WAMIIXOTON , U. O , Ji'An : n.-Sicclnl [ Tole- pram to Tun Br.K7fy ] \ \ folIoivItiR nrmy oiilcra wore Issued todiyf Thu rcslpnatlons of the following nnmcd onii-ers of their mduiontnl cointnlsflons only have been ncccptutl by the president totalto I'fToot Deci-niMt ! SI , ISM ; Captain John I ) . ICaton. nsstttUtnt iiuai'tcrmnstcr , of > lils i'ominIS ! < Iniins first lieuten ant , Thlnl nrtillrry ; Captain l1nr | S. IJuilley , nsslstnnt quartrrinnslrr , of his coiniuiMlon as llrst iloutonnnt Second nrtlllcry. Leave of absence for six months on sui'Koon's certificate ol disability with permission lo leave the Department of Arizona Is in-anted I'ost Chaplain .lames C. Kerr. Captain John IMttnmn , oixluanco de partment , will proceed from the Frankford iirsenal , I'hllnilelphln , to the powder mills of K. I. Uupotit &Co. , near Wilmington. Del. , In I'onneotion with the inspection of powder. Scfond Lieutenant ICdpar Hussell , Third Infantry. Is relieved from further duty with Ulht Hattcrv E. Kirst nrtlllery , nnd will , niton expiration of his present leave of absence , proceed to Join tils proper slut Ion. " ' " "MOTHER'S FRIEND" , ollcicd clillil-lic.irltij * voinnn. 1 liavo lccn : a nild-wifc for many jT.nrs. and la cncli cno vlicro "Mother's l-rlcnU" lladlioennscd Itli.TJ Bccnmplblicil wnmlcrti and re1lc\cd much cafTerhig. It Is tholifJt remedy for rising ol the breast known , an ; ! ? orth tlie price fortaat alone. .MU3. Al , M , llHC.Krr.it , Mont ( joinery , Ala. Sent by express , charge1 ! prepaid , on receipt of price , $1X0 per bottle. URADFIELD REGULATOR CO. , Bold by all druggists. ATLANTA , tA. ! Q .Not irr. Notice N hereby iilven that the annual meetIng - Ing of the stockholders of 1lu < Omaha t'nloii Depot company will Iw lield at the olllce of the Union Depot company , at the lieadiimivlei-s of the Union 1'aelflc Itiillwny coiiipuiiy. In the. city of Oniiili.'i.on lliu Dili day of January , 180 : > , at 3 o'clock p. in. , tin- the election et ill- reel ur-s and transaction of any oilier liuslnesH Unit may legally come bcfoie tlie meeting. T. KiMUAi.i , , I'roshleiit Omaha , December 'JO. Ib'J'J. D'JIdUOt Sealed proposals wllllm lecelvrd by the Stale Hoard of Printing at llieollloe of thu sec retary of state , lit any time before Thursday , January I'-'lh , 180,1 , at - o'clock p. m. , for printing and binding In cloth ii.lHM copies re port of State Hoard of llortleiiltute for Iho yiMir 1B99 , of 300 pages each , tbo simo : to be printed In long primer type. The size of page , weight and ( | utility of paper , style und quality of binding , style of lettering on eovur and lu nil respects tin * work to be the same as the Horticultural Kcport of 18Q2. Sample of work may be seen at the olllce. of the secretary of state , Work to bo completed within sixty days from the awarding of the contract. Itlslit reserved to reject , any and all bids by the Slate Printing lloayd.t Dated December l8tli. 18D2. .101IXC' . AM.EN , D 30 d lOt Secretary of State. rropusuU lor I.lKlttliiK thu .snlmi-h * ol tbo City ol Oiimlm. According to Information from the Chair man of thu special cummttteo on gasoline lighting , thu Instruction1) to advertUu for bids for lighting tlio .suburb' ; ! ot the city were not definite enough , and arlils request the udvor- tl-onicnt is chanced to nmd us follows : Sealed bids will bo reci'lved ' at the ofnYe of the city comptroller iip'to ' 6 p. in. shuri ) , Janu ary U ) , lb'J3 ' , for twelve ( t'J ) candle power gasoline lamps , or electric lights , for llslitlii'j the suburbs of the qlty , for a purled of two years. Illds mav state price per lump , inoon- IlKlitiM'hediiloot twenty nights per inontb , or from sun down to sunrise. No curtain number of lamps guaranteed , , Iml. the statement Is Hindu that In tbo last hill from the last con tractor tbo _ city was charged with 1,014 lumps. A certlfli'd 'chbuU In thu sum of S-DO will ho required from each bidder an airuuran- tee of Rood ( tilth. Thu right Is reserved to re ject any or all bids. , . T1IKO. OLSEX , Compl roller. Omaha , December 30,1802. S'JldGt CmUlNANOE NO. 8392. An onllnanco orjerlna Uio sjraitlnK of 21th .strout from Dodxi ) street to O.isi street , ami directing tlin Hoard of 1'tibllc Works lo take lliu neucssiry : stops lo c.iiisu s lid work lo bu clonu , \Vhcrcas , llirco dlslnlcroslud freeholders Imvu buun apiyiluted by tbo mayor nnil con firmed bv tlus ulty council to uppr.ilso tno damages urlslng by reason of said gradlns ; nnd. Whereas , said appraisers nf tor duly quailfy- Inir according to Iuw und examining the prop erty uffeutuil , liuv.j roDortoil no damages , am' thu clly council hr.s adopted said report thuruforu , Uultorliilned by the city council of Iho olty of Omaha : Sucllon I. That It Is nuofssary , and It Is hereby declared nuucssary that 24th streul from Iod ) oslruut to Cuss si rout , bo c railed to the prcsuntustubllsliod grade , nnd the sumo Is hereby ordered aoue. ono-hulf Uieoost of suli' ( railing lo bo paid by the ulty. Section-J. ' ! hat Iho Hoiircl of Public Works Is hereby dlrtclod lo lake tlio necessary slops lo cause said work to bo done. .Section : i. That this ordinance shall take ulfuul and bu lu forcu from uml uf tor Us pass- uEe , Passed Deccrnbor 2 lh. ISfJ. JOHN (1IIOVE3. ( Oily Olerl- . II P. DAVIS. President , Oily Council. Approved December iOth. ISCfi , QEO. P. nBJIIS. | M'ivor. GKAD13 OHDI NANCE NO. 193. An ordinance chntiRln ? tbo Br.ido uf 4th street from \Yllllum street ID Woolworlh nveniiu n the oily of Omaha , and repealing so iniicli of tirade OrUlnnncu No.-Ill ) anil so iniiuh of all ordlnunccs In conflict liuruwllh : llultorditlnoil by llic clly council of tliu city of Omaha : Suction t. Whereas. It has hcon doclarcd nu > ua"ary In cliimgo thu Ki'adoof 4th strcnt from William hlroot to Woolworth avenue. Anil whereas tliruo dlslnteruated freehold ers h.ivu buun nppolnluil by tliu iniiyor and conllrmoil by tliu ully council to appraise thu dnninpus nrls ns bv ru-ison of thu uhango of eriinn liuruln niuntlonuil : and \Vhuiras. said aininiUcr.s nflor duly gnall- fyln necordlnz lo law and oxamliiliu tlio prunurty ntfcctcd Imvu reported no ditiniiKes. nnd lliu cltv council have ailoplrd said report ; Therefore ihu rado of said partsof 4th street Is hereby changed nnd ostublUliud so that tliu olovatioiiH shall bn H < J follows , tliu Kradu bo- twuun lliu po.nts cltod buinc uniform etralglit lined : Elevation Elovatlon of West of Kust Uurb. Curb. South curb line of William Hlruut , as ostabllsho.l II8.U 07.0 Not III cnrh linu otVool - \vorlh nvunuc , HS estab lished S7.0 80.0 Section 12 Ho much ot ( iradii Onllnanco No. " 'IJ nil so lunch of all. other ordfnnni'us do- tlnliiK tin ) u-rados of thu.auovu blruuts , us con flicts wllh Iho provlslplis of this ordinance , Is hereby rupoiiled , - " ! t-'outlon i ) . That .this 'ordinance ' takoolTecl and lu In forcu from nnil uflur Its passage. I'ussud December 20lll. J-i- : ' ' . .JOHN QUOVIW. Oily OlorlJ , , I.E. P. DAVIS Priv-ilili'iit. Oity Council. Aunrovcd December SUIi. iBUi n.uico . i' . IIR.MIH. _ , l _ , Muyor. NOTICKOF ASSKSSMKNT OP DAM AOHS FOU.CJUADING. . Tothoownursof all lots , iiartsof lols an dro rslato nloiu Oamurou siruut.from2lltia tru to tint 4U-acre line or the center of i't Hircut produced. * Von are huruby notified that thu unuor- slanud , llireo illslnturotlu froeholdern of lliu city of Oinalri. nivo : been dulv nppolnluil by lliu mayor , with lliu approval of the oily coun cil uf said ulty , to assina. thu d-imairc-i to tlio ownura resiiuollvuly of ; the property ntruntu.l by thu uradln ? of Oiluiuron blruot from 'Ith Btrcol to the U-ncru llm or thu center ofTib street produced , declared necessary by ordlnaneu No. XIKi , passed December lUtli , IS'J. ' ' , approved Deccmbor lOlb , I Ml. ' . Von are further notified that huvliri no- cuptud sail appointment nnd duly ouallued ns reipilrud by law. wo will on tlio 7tlf disy of January. A. 0. I8DJ. at lliu Imurof II o'clock In lliu forunonn. nt tbuotllutj of T. II. McUul- loub , room bl- Now York Llfo building , within lliu cnrporato limits of said clly , meet for lliu unrpoiu of conildurlnx und niuklni ; lliu us- EUiainunlof damuL'u lo tliuownurs respectively of * ald property affected by tliu ( rradlnn. tuklni ; Into conuidurutlun upeclul bunoOs | , If unv. unv.Von are notllloil to bo prcsunt 111 Iho tlmu nnd plai-u aforesaid ixnJ maUo any objection lo or stutuinupts concernlns t > ald usiessment of damages iib-yuu mav consider pro pur. T. .1 . Mr/llll.t ftMII , WM. u.siutivcit , GKO. J. I'AUU niniilin. Doc.SU. 160i TO TIIK OWNElia OK AI > I. LOTS OK I'AUTS of lots on Howard street , from 20th btrcot to ' . ' 5th strcot' I You uro Uorcby uotlQcd that the unOer- I . tlirPOdUIntcrcstoil froolioldori of Inn ItyofOnnln , hfiro buon duly nppointod by honuivor , with Itio.ipDrovnlnt thoclly conn- Hot * ald oily , to HMO Iho dnmitgo to tbo ntipri ro ppotlvolyot the property MTootctl T the cradlnK of Scnnrd street from COlli trnct to i'Slli ' street , dqclarcJ nocosiry : l.y rillntinco No. inspnMod Dccombor Uth , IS9A liprovetl lioi-oixbor lUth , 1SJJ. . \oiinrcfnrtlicr nullllo.l that , havlnit no- opted 4 ld aupo.iHmont , nnJ duly qti.iiinoil s roqulred by li\w. wo will , on Uie t'Jlb Ony of nnnary , A. I ) . , ISjl , at the hour ol 4 .Vclock a the iiftcrnoon , at tlio ofllco of ( loo. J. mil , IC.n Knriinm street , within the o'porato lltnlti ef said city , .i > oot for tlio ntir- iO50of conMtlcTint nml miklnt the ixs < oss- unit of damage to thu owners ro poctlroly ot ild prnpoi-iy , affected bv said urnde. tak- ni ? Intoconildoratlop spt'oinl benefits. If any. \oitaronotllkM.touo present at the tlmo ml ulucn atorusald , iiml make any objection * oor stKtoments eonCt'rnlna sUd : nstotf of damages us von in iv consider proper. 11KO. J. PAttlfc JOHN K. 1'liAUIC. JOHN W. KOlllltN . Omnhn , Nob. , Doc. ! > th , 1 ! > A DW-.llH fJHADE OHDINANCE NO. 191. An ordinance ohnnglnt ; the crailn of Oth tlrcalfrum I'nclHestrcutnorlh lotliorailway tr.tcks on Iho alloy next norlli o ( Paelllo street , In the city of Omahn , und repealing so much of Orndo Onllnnncp No. 87ff. ! and so iniiohof allordlnnneps In coi.lllct horowltb : lie It ordained by the city council of the city or Omntiiu Section I , Whereas , property owners retire- sen tin ; the total ( ronln o on said p.irl ot'.ltlv ' stioct Irivo pnlllloned tlio mayor and city council for the olianco of cr.idci a * lierelnafter nrnllonoJ , nml have waived nil damages that nav nrlso by reason of sncli cbanan of grndo : Thuruforc. the crude of mttd parts of Ninth street is horutiy olianzud and established so lint the elevations slmll I'e ns fnllons , lliu gr.idu between the points cited bolus uniform straight lines ; Klovatlon Klovat'on of Wcsl of Kust Curb. Curb. North curb Imu of Paelflo street , usostablislicd U7.0 05.0 I'olnt on north rail of rail way track at tlio alloy north of Paelllo street. . . .82.0 S'.0 Section ' . ' . So much of Ordinance N'nS77'4 , nml so much of all other ordinances drtlnlng the Rrndes of tlio above streets , us conlllcls with Hie provisions ot Ihls ordlnanoo , ! here by repealed. Soctlon : i. That tins ordtnunco Hliall take effect und bu In force from nml after Its pass- am. Passed Dccombor SOlli , IS.1J. JOHN GitOVKS. Ulty Clort. K. P. DAVIS. ProslduntOlty Council. Approved December''Illi , | SU ! OlCO.P.HR.MIr1. Mayor. PEUMANENT SIDEWALK 11ESOLU TION. Council Chamber , Omahn , Nob. , I Sir : , llu It resolved by thu city council of tlio ulty of Omalia , the Mayor concurring : That parmanontsfdowiilks bo constructed In thoclty of Omulia us iletUnate.l buloir , within live days after thu ptibllcutlon of tbls resolu tion , or the personal survlco thereof , as by ordinance Is tinthorUot ! nml required ; such Rldowalus to bo laid to tliu permanent tr ido an established on tlii paved ntreots spccllloa heroin , unit to bo coistructod of stone or artl- Uclal stone , tu-oordms to specifications on tlio In thconiccof the Hoard of Publlo Works , and unrtor IU supervision , to-wlf Knstsldouf L'jtli street , It 2 blk 1 Capitol Hilt addition , permanent grade. Cfeol wulo. IC-ist side otvild street , ltd hllc-J7'i ' clty.pcr- niancnt cracle , U fuot wide. \Vcstsldoof2Hlistrcut , Its 1C J and s'i 1 ICcllom's Istaddlllon , punnanunt grade , ( i feet wide. North side of Jones streot. Us 5 nndOhlK 171 cltv , pormanunt cradn , S fuel wide. North aliloof Jones street. Its5 7 8 blk 173 city , permanent irrailc , 8 fcotwlifu. Soul h sldo of Junu4 struct. It 1 blk 197 city , pcrmnnnnt grndo , 8 foot wide. South sldo of Jones street , Its 1211 4 blk JOG city , perm incut. KradoS ( cot \vldo. South sldo of Jonoistroot , Its I 211 4 blk lir , cltv. uerinanentcradc , 8 foot wide. WustsUloof IJth strenU Its I ana 8 blk 19i city , purmannntsnide. f > feet wldo. Kitstslduof 15th street. Its 4 and Obll ; 193 ulty , permanent grade. 8 fcot wldo. \Ycstsidoof 14thstreot. Its 1 nml 8 blk 100 city , uerniinont itradu , H fout wldu. And , bu It further resolved : That tlio Hoard of Public Works be , and Is ho re by authorized and directed to cunso n copv of tbls rosolnllon to he published In the official paper ot tlio city for ono week , or bo served on thoownors of said lots , and that unless such owners shall within live days uftur the publication or service of snub copy construct sild ajdewalls us burutii rsi | oil that thu Hoard of Public. Works canso tbo BIIIIIO to be done , tlio co t of constructing said Rldowullcs respectively to ho assessed aitalnst the ruul estate , lot ornart ot lot In front of MIKI abutting such ! ( ! uwulk3. Pasted Novombur22J and 29tb , and Duconibor la"18 ° " A.O.KDWAUD- . Acllns President of tbo Council. E. I1. DAVIS. President of tbo City Council. Atlest : JOHN GROVES , City Clork. Approved : GEO. 1' . UKMIS. Mayor. NOTIOE TO CONSTIlUCT SIDEWALKS. To tlio owners of tliu lots , parld of lots and real estate described In the above resolu tion You and each of you are hereby notified to construct permanent sidewalks ns required by a resolution of tlio city council and mayor of Iho oily of Omubn. of which ilia above Is u copy. P. W. HIUKHAUSKU , Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha. Not ) . , December 2711) . 1SU2. (127d7t WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONTUUCTION. Council Chamber. Omaha , Nub. . ISO. lie It resolved by Iho ully council of the city of Omulia. tlio mayor eonenrrlni : Tlmt wuudon sidewalks bo constructed In tlio city of Omaha us deMim-itcu buliiw , within live days after thu i.uhtleutlon of this rosolu- tlou , or tlin personal servli-o thereof , as by or- dlnaneo Is authorized ii'id required ; snub slilewalks to lie laid lo Iho 1:1 ado on the streets Hpeclfled herein , iiml to ho constructed of Dlnu plunk of Hiicli wdlh : nnd thickness and belaid unoii JoUls of snub dimensions and In fincli nianiier ns Is prescribed by the spccfllua- llons on lliu In lliu olllce of thn board uf public works and under Its supervision , to-wll : ICast side ofJ.'nd street , tax It lilt from south line of I'anl blruet : o south linn of said lux lot In suc-lfl-I.VIlt. prcs'unt grade. 0 feet w dc. Kaxt-ldunf r.'nd struot.lt 5 blk 16iJ ! city , present , undo , n fcut wide. ICust sldo of With street. It 8 bile r > Swoesy's addition , present , crude. Ofuot wldo. West sldu of Htb street. Us 13 lo 20 InulUHlvo KonnUo's 2nd addition , present grade , U fuet wide. North side of Valley street. Us 7-11-15 Oicu- homi : , present Km do , 4 fuct wldu. North side of Valley struct , cast 101 fcut It 7 Okiihoina. present grade , /cot wldu. West sldo of 2.Hh slroot. extending to curb ft 1 blk 7 Heed's 1st addition , permanent gr.ulo , G fout wldo. North side of Shirley street. Its 1 nndDflHnrr Oali , present grade , 0 fuet wide. aSoiith side of Webster street. Its l-2-i : and 14 blk 2 ICvan's snhdiv I'ark I'luco. present grade 0 foot wide. ( nnth sldo of Webster street , east : i ) ft of H ID blk 3 I'ark 1'lHuo , present iirade , C feet wide. Honth side of Webster slroet , unut ! fuet of It U ) bll ; 2 I'ark Place , present grade , U fuct wide. v ICusl sldu of 21st street. Its 40-a > 28-'ja-34 blk 4 Campbell's uudlllou , purmauunt grade , fl fout wide. ! 11.1 sldo of 21st , street , 1(4 ( SJ-SO-IS-IG-M 111 it 4 Ciunpbo.rs addition , permanent gradu , Cfeol wldo. IvasL Hldoof 21st Blroot , Its 12-10 and 0 blk 4 Cumpbull's addition , permanent grade , C fuel wide , ICast slde-of 21st stroot. It 11 blk 10 Wlloo.x'u 2nd addition , porinanunl t-rade , 4 fuot wide. South sldu of Kd Orulghton ntruet , Its 2 led Inclusive , Clark I'lucu , prudent crudu , 4 foot Will P. West sldu of 20th street , Us 40 und 41 llurr Oak , present urade , 4 feel wide. West sldo of IDth strout , south ! i ll.1l Clark I'liicc. present Rradu. 4 feet wldu. Hnntli side of Martha ntiun , Its III to ft I In- clnslro Clark I'liicc , present Rrndn. 4 foal wldo Honth slno of Dnponl struut , Us 1 lo 11 Inulu- filvo bll ; I Dnpont Vlace , present grauo , 4 feel wide , Norlh sldo of Dnponl street , Its 1 lo II In- elusive blk a , Dupunt I'lauu. urcsonl grade , 4 fed wide. North sldoof Dnpont street. Its 1 to fi Inclu sive bk2 Dupont I'luco , present grude , fuot wide. North sldo of Dnnonl street , Us Slo.1 Ineln- Slveli.lcl Dnpont Place , prcnont grudo , 4 feet wide , Honth side of Dniiont street , Its ' 'lo 0 Inclu sive blk a Dnuont 1'lacu , present prude , 4 feul wide , Sintheldoof Caatollar street , Its 1 lo II In clusive blk 7 Dnpoiu I'lucu , present grudu , 4 feet wldu. North side of Castellar slrcel , Us 12 to ii In- cliibivu lik ) 4 Dnponl 1'luua present Krade , 4 feel wnlu Kastsldoof SOl'.i slrout , north Ii more or less of It U blk'J Dupont Plucc , presenl grude , 4 fuel wldn. ICust Hldoof'JOlli Bli'oet , south M feel moroor less of It 80 llurr Oak , present grade , 4 feel wide , Kast sltloof 2Uth street , ItaO llurr Oak , pres ent grudu. 4 feet wide. West sldu of 27th avenue. Us 1 and 20 blk 4 Drnku's addition , present grade , tl fuel wldu. West side ofTib avenue , Its I and 20 hlK U Drake's addition , present grade , C fcut wide. Kaslsliln of 41st avenue , Us II und 12 blk 4 Orch ird Mill , present grailu , ' ! feet wide , KastHlduof 4Ist avenue , It 12 LU U Orchard Hill , present srailc , U feet wldo. Kust side ot list uvcsiuo , Its 1-7 uirifiblk J Oonnotl'i sub Orchard III. ; , prtisn' erailv , fl * feet wldo , West Mda of Mh stroot. , U blk I I'oroit lllli. prriont crndo , n feet wide YYoUnMoorsth street. Us I r\nd Ilkonntto1 * Sad Addition , pronont crude , 0 feel nlde. Anil , bo It ritrihor rosolvmti That the board of tmtillc works be.iml U hereby authorised nml lUreoteil to mni'O a convof tbls resolution to bo published In the ofllcliil paper of ihovlty for ono week , or bo served on the owner * ot said lots , nnd that unleM such owners shall within five days after the publication or service of ueh copy conmnutsuch Mdo\Ti\ll ; ns herein required but tbo bourd nf publlo works enusu the sumo to bo dilne , theo t ot oomtrucUns s.tld ? ldewilki respectively to lie assessed nznliiM tbo roil r < lal . lot or part ot lot In front uf and nbiillliiK v.'h sidewalk * . 1'nsso.l Nor 3J.li , Den. Clh nml 1.1th , ISO. . 11 P. DAVIS ; , I'roMilcntof timrnnncll , A. u. inw.\u : . - . AplltiE President of Iho Council. Attesli JOM.N OUOVKS. City Clr-rk. Approved ! OKO I' , HKMIH. Mayor. NOTIUK TO CONSTlillOT SIDKWAl.Ki. To Iho owner * of the lei , parts of loU nnil real oslaln described In Iho above rciolu- tloti ; Von and ch of you uru hereby nutlflo.l to . constrnet wooden sidewalks ns n'ritilrcil by a rrsoP.ilIon ot the olty council aim mayot-ot I thoolirofOmnha.of which U.nabmuK iveiipv. I 1'V. . HIHKIIAI KIl. , Chairman Hoard of Public \ \ < > rks. | R , Nub. , lieuonibsr'Jilh , ISlii , ' 27d"t Ii I i TO nr.ouon WAUHKN SMITH. WILLIAM ] M. .Icnklna , Dullii Davis. C'llhrr no K. lloll Nolsim II Sweltzer. John ( ' . ll.ch - ; m inn. Mary S. H tunJor.'i , lilr.r.io W. Mcl'lm > uy. Dumlnluk I loot ; . Anna Vanduiibur. Hcoi-iB ll.Slcok.nilury I..UuiieU.OaiMr Hurt- m in. Mlohltfiiii Mutii.il lilfo Insur m Con.- liiny. lliorio M. Nluoiy , William o.Vnite - lia.nl. I'.lbrlit o Ii-iwtot ' oli'V V. M mon , Divld M. I'm. A. l' . I.clchli.i. U hrldcn l.iw- to'.i , l < adoi ! A. Puwoll Mr.lltda Do llrclsellc , nu residents : You aru borubv nolllloil that tlio uti'lor- ' , licned , thrnn dislnturu ted treuholderi of Hit ) | illy of Omahi. have boon duly appo tiled bv liu mayor , with the approval of tliu cltv | ouncllof said city , to a < oss ilia dumivuu to bu owners re.spccllvul.v of lliu uropcrly lectured hy ordlnnn u nncessary to bu appro bated for tliu use of said city for Iho purest - ) est > of openlnc and extending Niiwtou streut I'oin 1 hivi-nport's subdivision to'l'lh street Vouarofurtliornotlllud.thnlhavlnsaocuplod aid uppolntmonl. und itulv iu.Ulllnl | : us re- ulred Dy Iuw. wo will , on Iho .Vithday of iinuarv. A. D. IS'.H ' , at thu hour of 1II o'clock n the afternoon , at thu ulllu of Ueo. ,1. I'anl. GJ.1 I'arnnm strout , wltMn the corporalo Hin ts if said city , meet for tliu purpose of con- Iderln and maklni : thu assessment of dam- igo to the owners respectIvo'v ' of said pro- lorty , by ro son of siu-li taking uml npnro- irlnllnn thfrcot Inking Into eonsldoration poclxl bpiiullts , If tiny. The propuity bulonirin ; to yon , proposed 0 lm npproprlntoii us aforesaid , and vhlcb has bron deulari'il necussary by tliu -ouncll , by ordlnanou , to appropriate to thu isu of the olty. belli t sltmto In said cltv of ) mulia. In the county of Douglas , and state ot Vebraskx Isdcscribud us follows , to nit : Uoo. Wnrren Smith The siiulli 27.B5 foci of otsm. ; II ? , IH. ; tt4H. . 41. 42. 4.1 and 44. .William M. Jcnklim Tbo south 27.55 fent lot. Delia Davis und Catherine. E llobbs Tno loutli 27.SSfoot lot 41) ) . Nelson U. Swltr.ur Thp north 20 l.'ifuot lot 53. John 0. K. Lehmanii North 211.15 feat of east 18.82 foot , lot M ) . Alury 8. SuunJcrs North " 0.15 foot castG3.8 ! eel lotf > ) . Mzzlu W.MnCluskoy Norlb 2 < 1.15 feel lot OJ. Domlnlck Hook North : H.1S feut Intai Oscar Hart man North 2iU5 feet hit (15. ( Michigan Mill. I.lfo I in. Ca North 20.15 feel vest M lot Oil. Ooo. M. Ncoloy-Norlb23.l.- ! middle M ot cil. William O. Wliltcboud North 2J.1) foot east ii lotU'3. KlbrldEO l.uwlon North2'XI5 fuel lot 07. Suulov M. .Mason und D.ivid . M. Uru North G 15 feet lotGS. A.O. I.elahton-Norlli 2iU5 fee tint GO , ElbrlilKuliUwtun North 20.ir > Int7l. I.adoo A. Crowull North 20.1."i fuot lot T.I. Ouor u U. Sleulc North'0 15 fuut wust , II foot of north lie * fuut of lot a' ) . Kllcry It. lluiiuk SJouthST.S'i fcut south ' /J of cast H nt lot 51 , Anna Vnmlonburvr 9oulh27.8'i fuot of norlli 1 of south ' .i of lol 17. All In Ulsu'd addition In salt ) city , county ind st.to. Yon are notlflo , ! to bo prnsunt nt tlio tlmo mil place aforesaid , and make any objections to or statenionts concerning said proposed ap- iroprliMlon or assessment of dumagus , as yon may consider It. W. dlHSON. WM. O. S11K1VE11. Omaha , Doc emborl7 , 1HIJ. D'4d20t PERMANENT SIDEWALK UESO LUTION. Council Chamber , Omaha. Nob. . 18.12 He It resolved by tbo olty connall of the city of Omaha , thu mayor concurring : That , pernianont aidowaUs huconstruelod In tbo city of Omaha us iluslgnalo I below , with in IIvo days uftur thu publluutlon of this rnso- Intlon , or Iho personal Acrvlca thereof , us by ordinance Is untliorlzoil and reqnire..l ' : snub sldowulks to bo laid to tliu permanent gr.ulo as ostablisbud on Iho paveil strcuU spculflcd liuruln and lo bo constructed of stone , artificial stone , brick or lllnrr ucunrd- Ing to specifications on fllu In the olllco of the board of public worko und unrluritH suporvls- Ion , towlt : South side of f.uiivonwortli Btroot , It 1 blk 7 Konntzo & Ituth'H addition , permancnl grudu. 0 fcot wide. Jonth slilo of I.euvonwortli street , It 1 blk S Konnt/.o , t Knth's addition , purmanunl grade , Ufeot wldo. South sMo ot louvonwi > rlh mreet west I2J fuet morn or less U 2 blk K Konntz- Huth'a addition , porinunont grudu , 0 fool widu. i-oitlb s do of Lu tvenwortli street It land uusl 78 fuut more or ! uss of It 2 blk U Kountzu fc Untli's addition , purmnnunt uradu , ii fcut wUln. South sldo of r.oavenv.-orlh street It 1 and cast 78 feet moro or loss of It 2 blk in ICount/.u , t Ruth's addition , purmancnt grade , G fcut wldo. South sldo of Lcavcnwortli alreot. Its 1 and 24 blk I Mlllard Pluco , pormanunt gr.iilo , 0 foot wide. Son'.li side ot Umvonwarth street H I hllc 2 Mlllanl Plauu. pormanunt ar.idu , II fuot wldu. ? oulli sldu of Ion.venwnrtb hlrcot lots 1-3-1-3 blk I Marsh's addition pormanuntgradc , Ufcut wide. North sldo of Lo-ivnnwnrth stroDt w'4 ' of ft 14 blk U K'ouut/.d'.s & Knth's niHlitlon , perm.- nunt gradu. 0 fuel wldo. North Bldo of I/ouvonworlli strcol Its 7-11-10 Johnson's add. permanent gr.idu , 0 foot wldo North sldu of l.aavonworth struct Its : r > and III.I ) I Hedlek's add , purmiinunt grade , 0 foot wldu. North sldo ot lt:0 : or school It blk 5 Konnuo & Ruth's add , pnriimnunt grade , U fcut wldu. North sldu of Iu ivoavrnrth nlroot wust ! ' , moroorlus.s of It 2. ) blk 5 KonnUo & Huili's udilltlon , permanent grudu , 0 fuut wldo. North sidu l < o vveinvortli stieot , tux It 12 , see ' . ' 2-I5-lil. permanent uruile , 0 fout wine. Norlh sldnof licavunworlh streot. Its 11 and 12. Johnson's add. purmunent grade , U fcut wldu. North Mdo of l.cavcrnvorth strut t , Hsll-li- l'l-14 , Jacob's add , permanent Krudu ; U feet wldu. North sldo of LoAVonworth street , It 8 , John son's ado. pormanunt grade , 0 fuet wldo. South sldo of I/oiivuiiwortb street. Its 1-2-3-4- ! > , Clnrk s add. pnimanunl gradii , ( I fuut wldo. UHoiltb slduot l.eavonwortli street. It 21 , Mc- Canillltb I'lueo , permanent frade , 0 feet wldo. M South sliloof l.uavunworth atrout , lt l-2-U-l-5 lilK2 , Jlursh's add , porniHiiont srudo , U fuct wldu , Koulli nldoof I.oavon worth Btroot. Its I-2-3-4-.1 blk II , Murdh's add , purinnnuni grudo , U fuct wide , South snlo of Harnoy stroot. Its II and 12 blk G , Capitol add , p rmunuir < gradu , 0 fuut wldo. .South sldo of llamoy street , lots 12 , III nnd 14 , Kulloig's Place , pormununt grudu U fuut wldu. North sldo of Harnoy street , 1UG , 7 , fi and 0 , bik ( i , Cupltol add , uunnununt trade , 0 fcut West sldo 10th struct , sonih part of It I , bile 13. city , pannunont grudu. U foot wide. ICast sldu of-M-l stroot. U t bile 2ui ! ultyper- maiiuiit gradu,0 fnut wldu. North sldu of l/ar.l , Its fl and G , blk iai : ! olty , purnuinunl gradu , fi feel wldo. Wesleidoof UJthfltrout. It 1 blk 11 city , pur- inanonl gr.idu , 0 feet wide , Soullislduof ijallfornlustruot.lts 1 , s , U and 4 b.k 17 , ully , pormanunt sradu , U feel wldo. Soulh hide of U.ISS slroilt. Its 2. 3 and t blk 4'J city , pormununt ttrxdu , 0 fcut wide. North sldu of Oasi street , Its 7 and 8 bll ; 'M2 , city , permanent gradu , 6 feutvide. . And bu It furtliur resolved- That lliu board of public works ) > c nnd bore- by In authorised and atroulod to cause a copy of this resolution to bu publlshoj In lliu olll- clal papur of the cltv for onu weuk , or bu torvud on the owners of H ild lots anil unlosn such owners ahull wllliln flvo days nftur Iho publication or sorvlcuof suoh ropy construct nuld siiluwalks as liuruln require ; ! , lint lliu board of public works eausu the biuno to bo done , tliu cost of coiiHtrnetlni : H.ild slduwalks rospu.'llvoly to bu assessed iriuInU tliu real ustiitu , lol or purl of lol In front of and abnl- llng such rilduwulkfi Passed Hov. 2'Jth anil Doc. fitb.1S02. I'rcsldenl'of tliu Council A. O. KDWAKDrt. Acllni ; Pro.ldent of thu Council , Altostt JOHN OKOVB- . Oily Clerk. Appravuai OKO. P. lllv.Mib , " Mayor , NOTIOB TO CONSTIlllur SIDKWAMCS , Tolhu Oivnurs uf lliu lots , pirtsuf loll uml real estitu described In Iho ulovo roaolu tlon You and each of you nrn hereby nollllci ) to conatrnet permanentnlduwiilks as roqulrud by a resolution of the ully ecu null und mayor of thu city of Omaha , of which tbuubovu U a copy , P. W. HIHKIIAUtiKU , Chairman lloar.l of 1'ubluj Works. Omaha , Nub. , Uocuuibur 27th , Ib'j ; , U27d7l G. W , PAMLE , HL 0 Us God SftwuiUn. 90 Iwri' OF msKASiii OF MEN WOMKM. rUOl'Hir.TOH OF WOJU.D'S linUUAI. D1SVBK bAHV OF 185 /traat the following Diseases : Cntntrh of the Head , Thront , nnd I.snjtS ! Dl * . MKiof tlio Kcnml Knr.Ftbiniil Aiojiloxy , Itewrt Dleeflse , l.lvcr Complaint. Klilncy Complaint , Worvous Dobillty , Montnl Doprco- nlon , Loss of Mnnhooci , Somlnnl onUrionO'lKte'C'.ltrlRhralil'Cnje.E ' ) ance. Vllivuitutltm , I'uriUysU , Wlitlo S. Bcrufiiin , Vuvcr Sore ? , Cnncors , Tumors and Fistula In nno removed without the knlfo or drnwlnc n drop of blood. Women with her < lcllcnto orpniui ro- floruit to health. Dropsy curcU without tapping. Spoolnl Attention lvcn to prlvnto niul Vonorcnl Olsonaos of nil kinds. 6GO to S80O fotfcl' for ft ! > y Vonoronl Dla- onso 1 cannot euro without mercury. Tope Worms removed In two or llitco hour * , or uo fay. lUiuurrholilB or 1'llw cured. most ? WHO AUK AITMCTKD Will tavo llfo and hundreds of dollars hy cnlllna on or Uklng DR. G. W. PANGLE'S HERBAL WEDICINES. The only rhyntrlmi who ran tell whnt nllf u IIVIMIIIrlthnvit i klii ) ; n. question. All oorrcspotulcnco Klrlclly confidential. McClollK eont by express. Addu-ss nil lotttra to 5SO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa t'IVXV' ' l'rv uoo In tno Ntnte nml fuilornl con its. Knows .MO-7-S-P , bloc If , Council UlulT-i , It , PARTIES WANTING MR-Blffil BEG j Anhousor , Unrtwoisor. Ftiuat and Pnlo BEERS , UITUKIl BOTTLED OR IN KEGS , can losivo orders ut No. JJ13 Main Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa , or. Telephone ! ! " ! > . Goods delivered pt-oinptly. SOLE AGENCY for Aiiliciiscr-Huscli Ass'n - Brewing , of St. Louis. Mo. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All kinds of Dyeing and Cleaning done In slm highest style ot thu iirt. Kadod nnd t-itnud fabrics made to loot : as good as now. Won ; promptly done nn v dollvuroJ In all parts of lliu country. Send fur prluo list. C : A. MACHAN , Proprietor. lir cud wuv.nuur Northwestern Do ot , CoiuioUlnffH. . In. "A Delicious Medicated Con- feet ton" for the relief of Coui-lis , Colds , Hoarseness , Sore Throat. n for clearing the : voice. 1'or ealc nil DrugjiGts ; nnd Confectioners. Packed in full two ounce packages , - Price fi Cents. If you arc unable to on procure the Pomona Cough Tablets n > from your dealer send us 8 cents in 3 stamps nnd receive box by mail. Mndu by the manufacturers of the celebrated Pomona Fruit Juice Tablets. DUQUETTE & CO , Council Bluffs , la. Special JNfoticea. COUNCIL BLUFFS. \Mf > 'riii-A \ij n ier nUTCIlKIl WANTKIl A llril rlumi Hliop lender , nlU o. I ) . Meat Mnrkut , 6'J7 West llrouanar , Council Ulnlla , "O a 3 AND LANDS. _ _ US I It AUT.S mill louns farin uml city propurtr liouuhl niul nut. ] . 1'usoy , t Tliumii , Cuunoll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17AIIM iiml clly I MTU , Mo nay lomiail on moot uml Bruin. Itunl emuto for alu. Invullhu uiU | JIIIIIIBI | , runtnU. .Money lu.tuuil fur local Invuaturi , I.OUfoo .VTowlo. U'U 1'iml'l .trout , 1' ACHUS uppitr llruuilwitri aplo > i > li | | plocu ( ur wplutlliiKi uliuai | fur u.ii'i , or will uxoliiiuo for liuproveil ruslciunco prouiirly lu Cuuucll lllult * . UrouiiBhlulili , Nlchul.1011 & Co. GAHDIJN AM ) KUUtr limit. rfoliuU anil molt l.uiiiitllul tract in I'oltarullMiilu ouuntr ; > a Knturprltu 1'l.icrj ; Mvu or ton noru luU. Ureoa- tliluldti , 'I'loliulaun IL. l.'o. , C.2I llrouiliTuy. W"VANTtun \ ocroi uf inuU wltliln tlvu mllutut city. Don't curd liuir roiuli U ti. Ciroja. lliluldi , Nlcliulnun .V I'D. I NTKIU'UIHK I'liioj , for fruit , ur xar.luui . l-Jtttibiirlinn IIOIIIOM , lltiu ucru lots. IIVLMIIJT lalnutui from motor Una. UluunilikiMi , NlclinUoii & Uo. l , u inllu null a Inilf fro-j , : i 4 i ; & ruoai noiuj , itablu. Will uioUuiuu fo ililiiiicv tn Council Illuili , Uruu' lilulilj , Xliiliil < iri \ . 'o. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-iyt ACIllC3,31i Milluo from city ; will jell at out It token this nook , ( iroiinitilolili. NIchuNon A Co. HUOIIOICHi luUIn Maynu U'ldltliin ' nuar umtonU 'of tuo nuw Intel jtuie lirlil o. Will ull In bunciu4 ) or lnly. _ IJuurirJ _ JUl-i y.p < Junull IllutH. _ 1i5- > ritlC farm In Neh , 6 room luiine , vtablii mirt nliKiIii , To acre * In viiltlvntlun , 1'rlco I'J.UU pur ucru. Turmiotuy. Juliimloii , V Van fatten. MiaOKLLANKOUS. G AltllAOl ! roaiuveil. cu poul , vualti mill ftilmiiujrt cloiuu 1. K. I ) , llurkti. cttr bl