THE OMAHA DAILY BEKi TlMnAY , JANUARY 3. 1833. SPE01HL NOTICES , ADTKHTISIIMKNTS VOll Ttll'.SK COl.tlMNS wllllo talon nnttl 11:30 : p. tn. for Ilio atoning and until 1:30 U. m. lor the moralng or 8un < l r cdl No iclTcrtlfcraont ( i > ken for leu thitn 25 cent * for the flnt ln frtlon All ndTortlx-mpnts In theio colnmni meant * * , Vorrt for tlifl flt > t Insertion nn < 11 contn word for ojcli ui > > cqucnt Insertion , or II.iO par Una per month , Terror , ciuh In ndrnnco. Inlttnli , figure * , urmbolt , < tle . cacti count a * word. ArtforUno menu mnil run connccutlTCly. ArtTortUers , by re- qneuintr a numbered check , cnn ImTB thn letter * itddrtMfilto ( numbered letter Inraro of THK lltt I Aniworn no addremed will to dollTered on the pmentnllon of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. A-1.ADY8TBNOinArllKII. FIVE YKAKH KX' perlonce , dculres position , lloference from present employer. AddronTM Ilco. Ctl < ' A-SITUATION WANTKDI1Y COMI'KTKNT Monouraplior nnd bookkeeper. Hlr ycar or- perlcnco. ( louil nlncMlrm. llel of references. HtonocMphor , 3173 Frnnklln trc6t. M77I 4 * --MAIIIMKD MA.1 WANTS SITUATION AS -limannrcr omalonnian , competent tn nil position of tniiti twenty yi > nr 'experience with dry ponds , clothlne , etc. ; ctrpllnnt rrferenco ni to ability , chr.rnctor , etc. AiltlifM TM. Ilco. MMI 3 * A KMI'I.OVMKN'11 IIY YOU.NH MAN ICVKJf- JVlnsi , some knowlnUo of boukkooplni , Rood reference. Ai'drusi Mouk , 150J DoiiRlaa it. J < WANTED-MALE HELP. < T > -SAIMllYOll COMMIHMION TO AdIINM TO JJIianrtlo llm Patent Chemical Ink Krnslnit 1'encll. The most uouful nnd nnvol Intention of the ngo. Crimes Ink. thorotiRlilr In two seconds. Works Ilko ' inaitlc. 200 to MO per cent prnllt. Agohta making tVi per week. Wo nl o want n general niient to tnku chnrgo of territory ami appcMnttiib Mipntn. A rnro clmnco to mnko money. Write for terms and n sam ple of crnilng. Monroe Krnslng Mfe. Co , , V 31.1a Crossc , WIs. 706 1J-AOKNT8 WASTBU , rilUDKNTlAt. 1,1KB J'lns. Co , , k'ooil pay. Apply room 211. Krcntor LlDCk.oppo I'.O. B-WM 1'AY SAI.AHY WKHKI.Y TO OOOI1 intents. Kxperlonco unnecessary. Apply Slnircr olllco. MSIJJZO B-WANTKD , A FKW KKMAIIM ! HOI.ICITOIIS In Nebraska for tha Union Central 1.1 To Insur- nee company of < Inclnnatl. ( lood territory and llbiral contract * to thorlulil men. Address J. M. Fdrulstnn , Htntn Agent , rooms < 5 , < 0 nnd 47 llnrr lilk , Lincoln , Nub. HMO J30 B-OHNTMiMK.S' HAVINO A POIITION Ol Iliolr tlmont tlielr disposal can ndd largely to their Income by nildrnn.ilng the Western llrnnch ORlooof the Hartford I.lfu nnd Annuity Insurance. Co , , room U" , The ttookery , Chlcnpo , 111. Excellent ponltlnns nro open In iilnimt ovcry city nnd county for ruun of push , pluck nud grit. I.UMIIHH riAMSSMAS WANTKD TO SUM J'red cedar Milnidos on the sldo. ( iood coinrnls- nlon pnld per cnr. .Muitbonwull poi > ted nmn on tlierond that hns a good tr.iili ) . Aildrcsn A. II. , enroot Iht l'uioj Sound l.umborman , Tacnraa , Wash. M7IO 11- T > -8A1K8MAN WANTKI ) TO SKI.t. UJIIUICAT JJIng oils to tlm consuming trade In thu stnte of Nebraska. 1'ruvlou * oxpcrlonco In oil not onsen' tlal , hut oTldrncn uf good snlllnu nlilllty required I'erninm'nt position nt food pny fur the right man Opportunlty-Jor Interview will ho Klvun dvtlrablo nppllcanla about January 30th. Adilruss , Kftlnit line , provloui oxpcrlonco imd raforoncos , Vacuum Oil Co. . lloclicali.T. N. V. MiM U " TR-WANTK1) , 1 GOOD NK\VS AOKNT8TOHUN J'on trains. Apply In person to It. II.Ni-wa Co. , Lincoln. M8TJ 4 O-WANT15I ) AT ONCK , A GOOD U1.ACKS.M1TII , JJinust lionvooil liorsoshocr. ( Icrman prefprrcd. Addrons HuRh Noon , rroniont , Nab. 82Ci : T > -ilW ) MKN roil AIlKANaAS , TKNN1S38HK AND 4' Louisiana , on Rovornniuct work. Uramor jt O'llourn Labor AKancy , "M Houtli II til st. M84I1 8 * B-UA1MIOAI ) LAllOUKltB KOH IOWA ; 8TKAI1V wore ; frcu pass. Kramer & U'llctirn Labor Agency , U03 South KlOTditli at. .M8 5 a * T > AOKNTSVANTHI ) EVHHYWUKUK KOH J > emi > thlnRontlroly now. A fortune toonch who nnollusln time. DemmSupply companyLaCrnxso , WIs. . M83H 0 1J WANTKI-A K1UST-CLAS3 1NSUUANCK JJnollcltor to aaatimncontrolof the liuslnosn of n popular company liiKOod territory. .Iboral mid permanent contract to right pnity. Addrraa , with rorcronccs , Wiu. I ) . Chnsu , nvcrctary , CJcncrn , N. Y. MB32 ! T > WANTKO. 8AI.KSMI5N VI31T1NI } nuillK J'trndo to sell ( eldo llnu ) n staple nrtlclo In di > - ninnd. Margin Tory , liberal : namplu small. United States Manufacturing Co. , C'lovelnnd , O. XI837 0 T-WANTItl ) . SAliKSMBN ON THK 11OAD TO J'sell advortlslnx pards nnd culondarn en comnils- elan direct from tha manufacturer. Cnn mnko S.W.IW per week. Advertising Specialty Co. , Uullalo , N. Y. - .M b34 3 WANTED FEJMCALE HELP. ift-YOUNO LAOIKS CAN BOOM ACQUIHK A v worklnit knowlodEO ot shorthand and typo- lit Vim Bunts' 6111 N. Y. Llfo. J12UT C-WANTKI ; , LADII > : S OH VOUNO MKN TO take llpht , pleasant work nt their own homes : fl.lOto 13.00 pur day can bo quietly made ; work tout by mail : no cnnvnsslnt : . For particulars nd- ilrcss Dlobo Mfg. Co. , HoxOWl , Huston , Mans. Ka- tnbllfllicd 1830. MW ! JIB * C-WANTKI ) AT ONCI5. LADY TO V.ANAQK branch olllco und do wrltlnK for U9 nt homo , no ranvnaalntr , Rood ivnues , reply with nddrea < cd nnd ttampod envelope. Crystal Cruain Toilet Co. , boutfi llund , Ind. 4U2 2 * C-WANTU1) ) . ClllL FOIl tlUNKUAL HOU-ilC- work ; Rood cook , washer and Ironer , 2J ! ! Capitol tel UVOJHIO. Ml'iUA C-WANTUD , O1UL FOIl OKNUHAL 11OUSK- work In nmnll family. 1367 North lUth t. 31743 C-U1HL WANTKI ) , FAMILY 3. 511 PAUK. AVIS. 7W J C-WANTKI ) , YOUNG ( HIIL TO ASSIST IN OBN- oral hoii ovTork. references required * Mrs. IVO. JloKwnn , 1411 Houth Silth street. ' M757 3" C-WANTKI ) ClIHL KOH UKNKHAL HOUSE- work , at 3115Houth llth street. M804 3 * 1-WANTKD , AN KXPKHIKNCBD LINEN HOOU J \ tnt Mtllard hotel. S31 2 * i WANTKI ) . OIllL KOH (1KNKHAL IIOUSK- work at M. W. Cor , 15th and llnrncy , 3d floor.K.T4 K.T4- C-WANTKD-FIH8T CLASS O1HL FOIl SKCOND work. No other need apply. Mrs. John M. Thurstqii , 2103 Fnrniim , SI810 FOR BENT HOUSES. D HOU HUNT , No. 2413 CAPITOL AVKNUE. modern. Thu O. F. Darin Co. , 1505 Knrnuni at. 707 D--KOH IlKNT , WODl'.HN IO-1IOOM 110U8K , ALL convenienceIIvu / mlnulca' wnlk postolllco , street car * pass thu dour , Nathan Sholtou or U H , Hklnner , Ififl Karnam 6U 703 D ' , ; -KOK HUNT. HOUBICB IN ALL PAHT8 OP 'city. The o. I' . Uavln company , 1505 Knrnum st. D - ' , DWHLL1NOH. COTTAU1CH. IN ALL parU Of 11)0 city. Kilkenny , V Co. , 202 Karbach 710 pv-HOUSK OK 14 HOOMP , ALL MODKI1N CON- .I Tcnlcuccn. pleasantly located near butlnoss cen ter. Apply 1SUO Chicago ! . , or L. S , Bklnnor , 1014 Varnam. 711 1"V-KO1l HUNT. 6-HOOM COIINHH FLAT. SKCOND .l/Moiir , raniio .t otherconvcnlencos. Clousorblk , till 6. Itith st. , (10. lllnewalt llros. . Uarkcr block , li'JI J | & B-NKW7-11OOM COri'AOKH , MODKIIN , IN rilnnford circle. Convenient for bUHlnosi men of Omaha nnd Houth Omaha , C. tf. Kliiuttor , V04 Uco bulldlnv. M4SS IV1'011 HUNT. AT IM UVUINAM hTUKBT , A 4Vntno-room modern house. All oonvimlonecj. AtS2UI Karnam street , a urlck * toru yixta foot , Ap. ply to WllllmiHi. Duaiie. M4 N. V l.lfu bliU , dKf-'i -KOH HUNT , AN KI.KO ANT HOUSK , MODKItK , location bent. It. C. rnttcriou. Mt T\-F01l IlKNT TWO NOIITII HOlIdttS OK THK .lyili'iuU'r-on block on ( loorglu iivonuu. Apply Doomil&J and U ] Ilco UulIilliiK , J , IL aimorul , ro- celrvr. CT1 -IM.UGK I.IST-1'AUU l 05 KAUNAM HTIIKKT. Miiiajn * | -WIMltKNTMY HOUSI5 , KL'UNiailKD , TO 4 r pen lblu party for U months or year , 2103 I > ou latra t. M8I7 7 * D-KOH HKNT-aitVKHAL BLKOANT MODKHN built elulit room homes , near llunscnm Park , All convenience" . Mndurnto rents. Apply to Ccorifo M. lllcks , ; W3 N , Y. Llfo Hulldlng. M7S3 7 D-ON1 ! a-ltOOM KJiAT , ONK l.Altlii ; 8I.NUI < K room ; ituam heat ; reference reuulrod , 81 $ BoutliaaiuUlroet , 788 " " FOR "KENT I 7-KllH.ST ItOUNIS VfKllt IllSA'lT.I ) , FUlt- -JnUheii ) can board. bMMorlti lath street. street.M800 M800 S * E-NICKLY KUHNrSHKl ) OH UNKUHNIHIIKD roorai , all uiodorooouvttulunc0j ol IU N. 20th llreet. 755.J * _ -rUHNlSIIKl ) IIOOMS , 1418 UOUUK BTHKKT. MtUS7 _ _ _ _ _ _ E -V SHY LAllOK KLKtJANTJ.Y FUHNISUBD front loom with flril vliti accommodations of a o lumlly. KM N. M. taE FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. DOLAtt , Uft AND 211 N. UTll UT , 71J TjJIO SOUTH S5TU STHKKT. Z8T ITI HOOM AND 1IOAHD KOH bINdl.l ! GKNTLK- Juian. lf.00 per wceii modern convcutcucos. si ] ] > oith Urd street MCIO & BOUT11 JTHONT HOOM WITH poardl 3SI4 Firu m. llnti 7 * 1'-HANDSOMELY KU11NI8HKD FHONT UOOM ( or two gentlemen or ladlri , aud first clan bo rdln prl lu liiully. r * Uoaglai M8IJH * iPLKAHANT FKONT HOOM WITH IlOAltu ! G < 0 boutb Mb ttrvit. Couv ul nl locullou , ilblS i > UNFURNISHED ROOMS. - anOOMS AT1M3 CAL1KOUNIAST , 5OTJJJ < -3 UNFtllNIRIIKO UOOMfl IN ILKIt IILOCK , . 'ror , Ifth anil Jnclion tts.i steam liont , can , hath , eforence required. Inquire Oil 8. icth su top floor , 6J4 b BOARDING. fT P-A KP.WMUKH TA1ILK I1OAHUKHS CAN UK accommodated , l 0 N I81h , 6TH 6 * FOR RENT-STORED -KOH IIKNT.TIIK 4-STOHY I1H1CK IIUII.DINO. Ltilft Karnam tit. The building has a IIreproof co- ncnt basement , complete steam hcatlnff fixtures ! ratoron all thn floors , gat , etc. Apply at the ilTIco of Tlio lice. 910 I-UNK raUltsrOHY IIIUCK 11U1LD1NOSJ KBKT Lwld . Ul)7 ) Uarneyet. 714 I-KOIIHRNT , A VKIIY DB3IHAIILK IIUIIiDINO , 'suitable for n warehouse , with atahlo In conoc- ilon , TracraRO front and roiir. Address IS , A. L'arnilclmcl care of McCord , llrady JkCo. 215 t-omcitd WITHNKLL 11LK , CKNTKAli AND 1 cheap. CM Hi * T l\Il UKNTTsTOHKS 40J NOHTII 1CTH AND 1018 I'hlcavo , f.SO.M ) . Hteam heated l-rooin flat , all convpiilcncpn , In now Clotrry block , llobortn , ir 18 I'hlcaKO utreot. M801 T' AGENTS WANTED. I AOKNTS WANTKI ) I'Oil TI1U Wl/Atl ! OF > Wall St. , nnd 11 IK Wealth or the Life nnd Deeds nf Jny Uoulil. ell < at ulBht. i.'Utllt Uc. ( ' . A. llcl- ilcn , Kcncral nscnt , 413 Knrback block , Omaha , Neb. MUM 3 * T-HOOI ) AClKNfS WANTKI ) TO SAMPl.K AMD 'ncll onrCutlcrcam. Ooodpay. Krank Williams Hi Kansas avenue , Topcka Kan. , M74S3 * 1 CANVASriffllS WANTKI ) KOH "SCKNK8 ' From Every Land , " the hook of the century ! ovorMW niBKnlflccnt phoroRrnphlo views , nlr.o UK xim Inchcn. Introductlonlby ( Ion. Low Wallace , author of "lien llurj" dvscrlptlons by Krtward Kv rrctt llnlo , I ) . I ) . , llusiell II. Council , D.I ) . , 1,1 , . I ) . , Waihlmtton ( lladdcn , I ) . I ) . , Hamilton W. Mablo , LL.1I. , Lit 1) . . lion. Win , U. 1 > . HrccklnrldRp. and other talented writers. Ahead of all competitors ! lamer vlown , Oner photoRraphs , ttvlco as many of thotn , more handsomely bound nnd lower In price : soils nt sight to people whd never bouitht n book In their llrcssaEonts of othur hooka th rowlnu their out- ntn nway and bcRKlne for territory ! 8 sample views free ; absolute control of Hold ; Roods on credit : tS to 120 a day roadlly onrncd ! auccoss Ruarantceil. Mast , Crowell A Klrkpatrlck , prluglleld , Ohio , solo publishers. M83S3- 1 ONK AOKNT IN THIS COUNTY TO HULL " ' the "l.lttlo ( lorn" lint , itnrmcnt and drapery hook. 1'rollt ISO per cent. Send lUo and 2o stamp for sample and price list. The 1 * U. fcovelly Co. , lock box 4(2 , .Nim Haven , Ct. M9' 3 * WANTED.-TO RENT. K WANTKI ) , ONI ! OH TWO FUKNI81IKI ) front rooms In private family with hunt and llvht for nmn and wife , cither with board or nuar nome llrst'Class boardlnR homo , llefurcncus ox- chniiKUd. AdilrjuJ. S. 1'oltlt , room 418 lloo build- n it. M820 3' _ STORAGE. - Cll KAl' . CLKAN , WKLLS , 1111 Karnnio ntroot. 715 STOHAOU-I IIAVK LICJIIT , AIltY. OHOUND lloor storaRo rooms : buitulea stored for 75c per month. Uco. W. llolbrook , Tol. IJ'.i ; , 10U Patterson block. 4T3 -DON'T 8TOIIB IIOUHUnOLD OOOD9 W1T1I- out scoliik'our storaiiu duimrtmont. It Is the best. Omaha Steve Hupalr Works , 1207 Doiik'lus. 7PO _ _ _ _ WANTED TOlBUY. N WANTKD TO UUY , 80.MK 8 1'Kll CUNT tlrst mortgages. Itocd A Solby , Ml Hoard Trndo. 710 TVT FIRST MOHTRAMKS ON GOOD UKAIi K3 1 > tato. II. A. Arnold , C03 lloo building. MTU FOR SALE FURNITURE. -KUHN1TUHH OK 2 9TKAM IIKATHD FLATS , all rooms rented , owners leaving city , will sell ono or both , cheap. Ml South llith Btroot. MliU : ( -SBroND iiAND SQUAH13 PIA.NO IN (50OD repair , for sala clmap. 1.MJ1 Corbyitreet. J18M FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC 1)-KOH SAm A NKuLY NKW DOUHLE sprlnKOtpress waon. horse.liarntmt and bu Ky : also a nearly lien * uut of arcniuery tools , consisting of butter worker , churn , llowo ncalo , truck , otc. , all will be sold nt AgreeBncrlllca. . Aildross O. U. 'IrFcliuck , leo ! olllco. or call at 'Mil illntua atroct , \rhoro eoodd can ho &ccn. M03H P-ONK HAY MAHI ! . & YHAHS OLD , WIS1QI1T about V'O. clcsant driver : must ba sold nt onco- Itoom \Vlthnoll Illk , Kldollty Loan & . Unarunloo Co. ' > uift ) _ _ _ FOR SAI-E MISOELIiANEOT/S. FOIl SALK.clKAP , A ssoKSU 1'OWKH nutomatla eiiRlno ; also one 1'J horse power up right ptiRlno , both tn Rood repair. Inquire of Fost ; tier Printing Co. , 1307 Howard street , Omnlin , Neb. 717 _ _ Q SBrOND-HAND HAND POWKlt BLKVATOIl for sale. 12WI Howard. AI 132 jit ) ' QQ Q THK 8TANDAHD CATTLK CO. HAS CONstantly - stantly on hand baled hay , for saloon track at Ames. Nob. M5 ) Q JUST FHK31I , HAND8OMK HALF JBHSF.Y eow , chcnp. IKi ) south 4Utb , botwccn Jlarcy and Maion. . M67I 3 * Q KOH SALK KINK THOHOUOHllllKD 8IN- irlo and double cbmbcd brown lexhuru cockoruln. also n few Plymouth Hock cockerels. 1017 H ,11st street. Mi)74 ) 3 Q FOIl 8ALK-FINK INL1BII SK1TKII PUP , live months old ; a bargalu. 1017 8. 31st HI , S17i)7-3 ) Q TUOHOUOHHHBD ST. HUKNAKD. MALK pup , 8 months old , marks perfect. Address' ! ' Ki , lleo. Mat- - HAYmJHL&A'KTWOV INTO beautiful runs. Address Omaha Carpet nnd HUE factory , 1521 Louvonworth street , 11004 J 34 * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-MKS. NANNIK V. WAHKSN. CLA1HVOYANT , rellublo buslnos ] mediumIlfth year at II'J N. IGth. 718 S MHS.DH.M.LEOHAVE , PHOPIIKTICS9 , DEAD trnnco clairvoyant and life reader ; tolls your llfo fromcradlo to grave ; can uo consulted ou all airalrgof life ; bus the calebratoil Kicyptlan bruast pinto to unlto the popnratad and causa marriage with ono you love. Como ono , cnrue all nnd bo con vinced of her ronmrkalilo powers , onioo nud rail- denco 417 8. llth st. , hours 9a.m. to'J p.m. Strict llfo chart and plioto of your future wlfo or hus band sent through mall for tS.UO , charfalono t'i.OO. All letters contuliiluL'4 coats In eUmpi oromntly answered. M84I-10 * S Milt ) . DH. LI ! CtllCKU. THK 8CIENTIF10 LI KB render. She Is n forecumcr of the highest order ; reads nil utTalrx of llfo with utnumt truth. What 1 ndvortlsa 1 Bhull do tn candor and with an honest Intention of cnlUhtnlne and bunotltlng humanity , nhlrh Is so greatly wanted to make mankind healthy and happy. Bho la the possessor of the famous Claopntra amulet , lloitrd 9 n. in. toll p. m. llooraiW liouglas block , corner ICth nnd Dodgu street. M8I8 3 MASSAGE , BATHS , ETC. riwMAUAMliSMITII , 1R24 CAPITOL AVKNUU , J-ltoora 3. 3d Door. Manage , ulcoliol , aulnhur BlidBOabaths. M74V C * rit MMlC. CAH8ON , 1121 IIOUCLAS 8TIIBKT , 3D JLtloorroom" , masmga , alcohol , ulphnr nnd < oa baths. MUSI & rn.L - STOWI : , MAUNKTIU HKALKII. 20 .L DouDlan block. ruKiO U * MUSIC , ART AND TjANGUAGES. 1 ( I. V. ( ) ill.KNlliCICIIA.VJOTHACIllll : : , N.W. 1 cor. ISlu and Harney. llarnoy street untranco. 014 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. IT MONKY TO LOAN AT UlWUbT 11ATKS. 1 Tliu O. F. Darli Co. , 1KB Fnrnnra street. 7SO -LO\VKaT HATKS. KIDIUTY THUBT COM- puny , 1707 Fnrn iu street. 721 W-ANTHONY 1XIAN AND'l'llUdT Co. , 318 N , Y , Llfo , lends at low rates for choice security on Nebraska or Iowa faruii or Omaha city properly. 7 W-CKNTHAL LOAN 4 THUST CO. DKK 1ILDO , 723 \\r MOHTdAOH LOANS LKSS THAN 7 PEH ii cent , lucludlnE all charges. CharlBs W. llamcy , Omaha Nat. bank bid ? , 724 \\r MONKY TO I.OAN , LAtJT ) TO HKLK , > houiet to rent. Goo , W , P. Coates , 1014 KaniRiu , \\r-l AND J TBAll I.OAN8 ON CITY AM ) FA Hit > mortgagesllced iSelby , 311 lloara of Trade. 7itil \\r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMIMIOVEO CITY 11 property , Ion lato. A , C. Frqst , Douglni blk. 737 \\r-T 1'EH CENT MONKYNKT TO U011UOWBUS tt on Omaha cltr property. No extra charges of any kind. Wur pay liliil * rates ! Uoner Is cheap. You can got fnll benolltof low rates from Ulobo Loan and Trust Co , , lOtb and Dodge. 7tt \\r-OMAHA BAVINQB .HANK MAKK3 IA3AKS < > on real estate at lowest market rates. Loans made In imoll or largo sums for short or long tlino. No commission Is charged and the loans are not sold In thu csst , but can always bo found at thu bank ou tha corner of 1Mb aud Douglas streets. TO ( _ \\r-LOAK80N Iltl'llOVKDAKD UMMl'llOVKD ' city property , 13,000 and upwards. 6 to 7 per cent. No delays."W. Farnam Smith & Co. , litb. and llarney 730 yy-0. F. IIAHIUSON , VU N. V , 1.1VE. Til \V-MONBVTOLOANATIX3WKSTIUTEao.NIM J.1 ProtBl * a < * untnlproTed real eitatv , ! toSyotn. rlOfmrTruitCo.ltUlKarQnn it. rl TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. W r-l'UIVATKMOXKV , 1ST ANDSD MoaTOAQK loam , low rates. Alex Moore , lla bldg , 732 W -LOANS ON CITr I'r.OI'KllTV , 8 AND 71' IS It ; rent , K. K. Hinder , 1513 Farnam. 11951 JS * V\r MONKYTO 1XJAN-I It AYR ABOUT fl.OOO > > to loan on Improved Omaha properly , prlvato funds , In ono or more loans. Address T id , Ilco offlcc. 6u5 \ \ - TO LOAN. SUMS H00.03 AND UP. George I'aul , IWl Karnam. MCll J37 * \V-WANTED ATONCK. LOANS ON IMPIIOVKD * ' Omaha property ) low rates. Fidelity Trust company. 1704 Knrnani St. * Ui VV-MONRYTOLOANON OMAHA AND COUN- M ell llliiflsroal estate nnd Nebraska and Iowa farms at fromOto 7 per cent Interest , with no addi tional charge ) for commissions or attorney * fees' W. 11. .Melkcl , 1st Nat'l bank bhlit , Omaha. 783 MONEY TO LOAN-OHATTEI.3. x-c : OMAHA MOUTQAOn LOAN CO. : ; INCOHTOHATi : ! ) , j IK YOU WANT MONKY. You can borrow on itonsmoM ) KiniNiTUiti : SI.ND HANDS , IIOHSHS , WAOONS AND CAIIH1AI1 KS. WAHKIIOUSH HHUKIPT. * . MKUCIIANDIdB Oil ANVOTHKIt 3iCUIUTV. : Wo will lend you any amount from fluOO to II.IM ) ON Til K DAY YOU ASK KOH IT , without publicity or removal of property. Vou cnn pay Ilia money back In nny amounts you wish , nnd ntnny time , nnd onch payment no made will rodiirn tha cost of the loan. llumombcr Unit you Imvo the USD of both the property nnd the money , nnd pay for It only us long as you keep It. There will bo no oiponss or charito kept out of the amount wanted , but you will roculro the full amount of the loan. " ' Ileforo borrowlnR elsewhere call nnd see ui and yon will find It greatly to your advantage. OMAHA MoiiTtiAoi ; LOAN co , HM SOUTH KITH STHKKT , tlrst tloor above the street , T11KOLD1MT , LAHIJKST AND ONLY 1NCOH- fOHATKllLOAN COMPANY IN OMAI1A. 733 X DO YOU WANT MONEY ? TUB FIDELITY LOAN OUAHANTKK CO. , HOO.M4. WITIINKI.L 11I.OCK , 8I1IM SOUTH 15T1I.COHNKK 11A11NK7 ST. WILL \ LOAN BUM \ LAROB rBOM \ TEN WIS MAKIC LOAN8 ON FUIINITUHH , HOHS153 , OAHHIAIIUS , WAHlSHOtlriK. HKCKHM 3 OH I'HH SONALl'HOl'KHTY OK ANY KIND. / WILL / DO WELL / TO / /YOU IALL / ONus rnisT / von. j OUH TKH.MB WILL M151ST VOUH AIH'HOVAL. You can puythomonoy back nl any tlmonnd In ny amount you wish , and thus rciluoo the cost of carrying the loan In proportion to amount you pay , IK YOllowo nbnlancoun your furniture or other persomil property of nny kind , wo will pay It off for you and carry It ns lonR as you de ln > . YOY CAN 11AVU YOUll MONKY IN ONI ! I1OUK KHOM THIS TIMB YOU MAKI5 APPLICATION , No publicity or removal of property , so that you got the unoof. both money nnd property. 734 X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY KIND OK 8E- curlty : strictly coulldcntlal A. 1C. Ilarrls , 2Q2 Knrback block. " 703 V-MONKY SO. W. 00 DAYS. CIIKAP HATKS Jvond ea y pa > munts. on furniture , pianos , live stock , etc. , without delay or publicity , cash ou hand. Dull tirucn , room 9 , Harbor block. 73 < ! r-riHTCUAUD. 51 DOUGLAS 1ILK. 10 & DODO 15 V -MONHY LOANIJD CIIKAP AT YOUK ow > -iv Nebraska Loan Co. , 1316 DoiiKlus st. 733 X MONKYLOANICD ON CIIATTKI * COLLATeral - oral orothor personal property , at rcasonablo rales , I to Oniontlm. Claims buuRht. W.H.Davis , lloomDO'J. JlcCnKUu bid ) ; . ' BUSINESS CHANGES. y HUSINKSH oi'KNiNas. NO CUAUGR TO X bnyvra. Send utnmp for printed list. Van l'iit < ten of Omaha. 307 JI4r "V WILL PAY ALL CASH FOIl STOCfCd OK JL dry Roodi , clothing , boots antl nhoos. crocorlos. No commUalon. Alux. Moore , 401 Ueo bldtf.M130 M130 T-SOMETHING UNUSUAL. I'AYINO 1)11110 store offered for.salo at u discount. Wrlto tq day. Vanl'atton , Omaha. ' ' 077 V Y FOIl SALE , NOT TH AUK HOTEL AND stock of groceries. Address T 39 , Ueo. V-STOCK OF CLOTHING , HOOTS AND SlIOUS , .1 lints , caps and Konts' furnishing gooda , all In good nhnpe and Rood opportunity for right man. Dlnarroemunt ot partners the reason. Invoice $12,000. Answer box 12 , Tccumseh , Nob. M753 U'a ' -$500 SAVINGS KOH SAKE AND PIIOKU'ABLK Investnient. Oinaha outcrprlso proforred. Ad dress T 60 , Ilco. MSU7 3- Y-WANTI5D A HKSPON8IHLK ISNUKUKTIO driiRRlBtns stnto uncut In Nebraska for Dr. Hut- ton's Family Emergency Medicine Chest nnd llankbook. Wisconsin , Minnesota , > orth and South Dakota nro already sold. Address T. J. lluttonCo. , Capitol block , St. Paul , Minn. M7C510' V TUB WIISTKHN HUSINKSS AOKNCY , 310 N. X Y. Llfo , conducts a general business oxchaniro , List of good business chances In nil parts of the country on application , lluelnoss positions so cured. JlTtx31 \r-FOIl SALK A HALF INTKHKST IN STKAM J-riding uallcry xwliiR ( morry-iio-'ruund ) now lo cated ou roth and Paul streets. Address 2429 Luke street. M8i3 : a * FOR EXCHANGE. V-480 Al'HKS OK CLKAlt LAND IN ONK OF f-lllio best winter wheat districts In Kansas to ox- chnngo for 10 or 10 acre tract uonr Omaha city limits. Will pay cash dllluroncD IK property I. ' good. Address , giving prlco and location , O SO , Ilco onice. -M - OMAHA UEAL K8TATK KOH MD3E. , actual valuation. Money to loan. 110x518.Omaha. 739 -I5UUU UKN. MUSIS. , CLiUAN AND KII18T class ; good town ; ooo-tmlf cash , bal. good clear land In eastern Nob. or Iowa. flU.OOJ gen , imlso. , tlrst class ; ono-balf cash , bnl , clear lucomo Onmha property. t22SOO brick himlness block , good town , eastern Nob. , Incumbranco $7..VJD 0 per cent , not In' comuf 1,500 , equity for clear land 4u Nub. HO acres near Krosno , L'al. , 05 acres bearing raisin vineyard , line Improvements , (40,000 ; will exchange for Omvha Improved property. K. F. Itlugcr , 151U Farnam. 07J rL1N1) AND CASH KOH STOIMC IN STATI3 OH f-l National bank. 110x811 Bt. Paul , Nub. ( 33 r/-l HAVI5 VALUA11L13 IMPIIOVKD AND UNImproved - Improved farm lands to oxchanuo for South Oiuuha orimmtm property or for farms within M inllc of Omaha. Havoonoof the bust of stock and Kraln farmi > , 1,390 ncies , halt In winter whuat and rye , nnd 230 hoadoftlno stock , all cluar of encum brance , to oxchnnKO for real csta.i nnd mlKht pay tome cash tlllferunco fordoslrablo proporty. Do- rcrlboyour property carefully , prlcj. otc. Addrost box 73 * Oinahn. N'ob. 702 & r/-HOUSl ! AM ) LOT AND TWO VACANT LOTS /-Jlo oxchanKo for shiKlo lot or aero proporty. K , 1C Darllnir , Uarkor block. M7MI 3 * < / I OWN 100 KAHM8 IN NKHHAHKA , KANSAS /J & Dakota- Will eell cheap , oroxchanRO for mdsc , horses & cnttlo. Add. box 7i ) , Frankfort. Ind. 775 y CLKAN HTOCKOK OKNKHAL M'D'H'K ; WILL /Jtnko rcul.vBtato & moiioy. llox ViiS , Frankfort Ind. * 775 Z-KOH SALH OH TllADK , A KI1IST CLAH3 piano. Imiulro of 2319 Douglas atruot. M833 4 * FOI SALE-OIEAT , ESTATE. TToTnTALiToTi "niAiK2 ( iboTT LoTH"'iN MT -L Pleasant addition within 1 blocks of motor Una , Will take Rood uprluht piano or will toll equity Inlets lots vury cheap. Addruss at once d 1 , lloo ofllco. 715 FOH BALK OH TIIADIS NICK LOT IN M1LKOHD , Neb. , two blocks from depot ; valued at ( I50i a boruahl. 1017 B. 3Ut Bt. M7V7-3 * COHNUll , 41STAND JACKSON. II , 100 ; H OABII , Ilartralu and tluo lot In this. K. K. Uarllnic. liar- ker block. J1I5'J b l. OK HALIi , HICSIDKNCK PHOPKHTV IN COUN- -L ell Hlutls , tl.OOO Incumbrnnco ; leased for & yean at ( MX ) . 1'rlco t'J.IXXJ , If sold Iruinedlatoly , ISa. . Ucu. M3I5 7 ' -M KAL K8TAT1S , -IV lIurKalns only. My word li iood , W. O. Albrlxht. ai-3-n New Vork Life. 740 T\rANTKD-lHW PLACK KOH CASH. 11 Wanted home for clour lots nnd cash. Wanted (4,00. ) on Ilnntcom Pluro house. Wonted IIOUBO for clour Hauscum Place lot. Wanted lioiuo for Lowe avenue lot. Wuntud fanin In Douglna and Harpy conntlos. Wantud coed builnoss properly for ca u. C. K llAHHiaUN , UU .Nuw > 'ork Llfo. MSI3 6 " 1 S3 ACItlCa DOUULAB CO. . ( il.VOO. * J-HO acres near Omaha , KO.OOO. UO acres , Harpy Co. , (15 per aero. 100 acres , Merrlck Co. , HI per acre. 10 acres near Omaha , fctt per aero * 1'JO acres near Omaha , (75 per aero. 80 ucre near Omaha , (3,200. 4V ) ncrut , Cats Co. , Mi per acre. 211 ucren , Otoe Co. , (4 ] per acre , 100 aero , Valley Co. , (10 pur aero. ICO acres , Fremont Co. , li ) uur aero. ICO acrut , Hitchcock Co. , 110 per aoro. C. K , Harrison , VU N. Y. Life. JI81J 5 HOKSE8 WINTERED. 1'KD AND CAIIKI ) FOIL II MONTU UP HO1161CS * " " * U.U. Oans , P O. box 13J , South Oiuah * . ' TODJ3 PAWNBROKERS. HUNHY LAPlDUd HKMOVF.D KHOM Wi South Tulrtoeotli il. to 11J1 jrarnam it. M3I4 lY Ton Would Pay | ' ( I to a doctor who guaranteed to cure yir Kidney Trouble , Nervous Debility , Rheumatism , remove that dreadful Scrofulous humor froni your system. Now , reflect ( M QO will purchase' ' a bottle of the celebrated Cpl"77" Kickapoo Indian Sagwa Nature's own blood purifier. Simple and harmless , made of roots , barks , and herbs , We will pay OOO to anV person j\J wJ who can prove that this remedy will not re lieve or cure the troubles above mentioned , and that any t l N of our testimonials regarding | \ the cure of these diseases are ,000.0 , $ ) not absolutely genuine. . HEALY & UIOnLOW , Agcnli , New Haven , Conn. Kickapoo Indian Oil $1.00 a battle. "Pure Blood , a quick cure 15 cents. Tor alt paint. All druggliti. Perfect Health. " : LOST. OST A A I'Alil ; OK Sl'KCTACLKS 1-LKA9U luavo nt lloo coniitliiR room. fiM T OiT-KNULlHH HULL TKKHIKK HITCH : J-Jcolor pure whites eats undipped : linn been KOIIO about 1 weeks. A llbcrnl reward for lier return to 2115 South llth St. MSOJ-3 * T OST-POCKET1IOOIC CONTA1N1NO PASSKS -IJaml papers of no value to nny ono except the owner. A liberal reward will lie paid for Its de livery to tha buxatrtcu of lloyd s .New theater. James U. lloyd , 821'J ' OSTA 1'AlllOFCOLDSruiTACLK ! ! , COIINKH J25tu and Dodge. Kinder return to lieu olllco. 823 V REM ING TON For Sale , Kent or Exchange. the World. MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1UO3'iirnmii Slroot , Oinii/in. A Trial of the Smith premier Will Cost You Nothing flS but will dOMonstrnto all. wo claim. Wo will plncotho Smith l'romloi''UQfUdo any writing nmclilno on the market ; It-SvlU Hpoak for It- sol f. ' { HI ' 'i Its durability can no loncor to rjuostlonoil. Write or call on us for cutilotuc ; ; , terms , oto. Cor. 17tli and Farnani Sts. , Omalia , Neb. Telephone 1384. E. IT. MAY11EW. Managor. RR1LWRY TIME CRRD CllICAHO 1IUHLINOTON A Q. Arrives Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. Omaha Leaves lUUHLl.NUru.V , \ : MU. HIV Il. lArrlvs Omaha Depot 10th and Muion ati , I Omaha K. C. til' . J. a C 1IT Arrives Omaha Depot 10th and Mruon Sts. I Omaha ( lolnu I CillUAtio , It. I. & PACIFIC. From West. I Union Depot 10th and MnrcyBts.l West. 1.20 p ml Denver Limited l.i'J : ] ) in H.50 ami..Kama * City ( Hxcept Sunday ) , 7.0.'i p in l-enves I UNION PACIFICI : "Arrival Oiniilm I Union Depot 10th and .Marcy9tn. | Omaha 7.5 j a m ilJcatrlco Kxprusj. U.'Ju p m ! > , W n m .Denver Kxpro43 4.01 pm" 2.15 p m . .Overland flyer 7.UJ pui 4.15' j > m ii'gx & Htrmsbrf ixex Sun ) 12.30 pm 0.40 p m .I'aclllo Kxiiroas 10. iO am MO pm Denver Kint Mull 4.20 p m l.euvei I OilICAIiO.MIZITSV. ( PAUU"Arrl.vo | ' Omahnl U. P. dciiot and Marcy i-ta. I Omaha 7.0.1 p ml Chlcaico Kxpreas | ' .U3 a in L 0 nm | Chlcuvu Hxprcas | 5.50 p in Leaves I BltlU.X C1TV .V PACIFIC Arrive ! Omahal Depot , 10th and Maroy Sts. I Omaha 7/W null . tiloux City PnssoiiKcr . llO.VOp in 5.35 pml . St. I'aul lixpruss . 1 10.00 a m Leaven I 8IOUX CITY & PACIFIU. I Arrives Oinalml Depot , lath qn.1 Webstar 8ts. I Omaha p ml 8t , I'niil Limited I tl.25 u m Leaves OMAHA A bT. LOUIS. lArrlvea Oiuuha U. 1 ' . Depot , 10th nnd MarcyHts.l Omaha 4.UO pinj Ht. Louis Cannon Hall (13.3.1 ( pm Leaves I U..St. P. . il. A p. lArrlves Omahnl Depot 15th and WeliJler Sit. \ Omaha Leaves Ul"l IUAUO & "NOltTJI "S 1'Klt.N i Arrives Omaha U. 1' . depot. 10th mnVHnrcy rits.l Omaha ( Kx. aun'y ) Carroll I'luswnger. ' . , . , , , , .1 lilcnuo Krpre i ) , , Ventlbulo Limited. Kaitern Klyor. . a .4Kz. Mon. ) U.20 n m Depot'lith'a'iid tVr"8ts. | Omaha 1.10 pw .St. Ixiuls Kxprau 7.UU a m 10.00 p in . . . . .Ut. l.ouli IUnfl'1 * , .l 5.06 pm 6.10 p m . . . . . . Lcuvei I OMAHA * BT-.l/iLJl ! ' . I Arrives Transforl Union Depot. Counctflilurts. ( Transfer 1,40 pm | fct. Louis Canon Hull . . . . 118.15 pm - CHlllAUU , IIUIII.'N it ylll.NCV.I Trauifor Union Dopot. Council lllutTi. n'rainfer 10.05 a m , , . , ciilcnLru'K iirt'i . . . , , , , ! & .1U pm 1U.15 piu .ClilpiiKU Kxprc . . , .t .i , ! St.Uniu T.Qj ji in Crciton Local. ; 110 < U u in I.cavcj I biou.v cri'V & Arrlvoi Tranifcrl Union Depot , Council Ulutri. Transfer T.4S aui | .Hour Cltr Accommodation , . 10.0U p m 6 U ) piiii . . . . . . .St I'oul Kjcprc . . . . . O.IU u u 'BTO ICHIUAUU A KOIITHWUSTKUN Arrlvui Tranifor i Union depot. Council lllutls Transfer 11.10 a M ! Clilcuvo liiprei * 6.1U p m i.U ) pin Vo.tlbulo Lluiltud B.M am p iu . . . . . . . . Kunturn Flyer. - 1.3d p ui 7.M 111 i Ex gun ) Atlantic Mull ( Rx Mon ) 8. < i a m Ex Bun ) Carroll l' u. ( Kz 8uu ) V.39 pm HEALTHFUL , AQREEADLB , CLEANSING. for Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Spscially Adopted for .Use in Hard Watei yorsenf of Scott's Emulsion is contain ed in let ters from the medi cal profes sion speaking of its gratify. ing results in their practice. of cod-liver oil with Hype- phosphites can be adminis tered when plain oil is out of the question. It is almost as palatable as milk easier to digest than milk. Prepared liy Scott A Benne , N. Y. All drucclsts. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Female Weakness , Catarrh or Rheumatism , Chronic , ' ' Nervous nr Private Diseases. bO , CAXL ON Dr. Searles & Searles R. F L. SEARLES , Consultliii I'liysl- clun.Grudiiutd of Kusli Modlual College , Consultation Free. For the Treatment of Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases MALI ! AND FKMAL1C. ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES , ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND DIS EASES OP NO MA.TTER HOW LONG STANDING OR HOW OFTEN PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. NERVOUS B3BIUTY PILKS. FISTULA , FJPSUIIK , permanently cured without the uio uf knife , IlKaturu or cauitla All maladlus of n prlvntoor dollcato nature , of cither nex , positively cured. Tall on or ndilross , with ttnuip for ClrcuUrs , Free Hook and llculpcs , Pr < JfinrlDi ! Z 318 fitroot UI. otUllIJti a Nnzt Door to Pontntllca. CURB A now aim complete treatment , consisting of Sup. pnnlturles , Ointment in Capiuloa , also In box nnd rills. A posltlvo euro for External , liiterniil , Illlnd or lllecdliu' . Itching , Chronic , Itccont nr Horodltury 1'llcs , Thli remedy has never been knqirn to [ all. 1 per box , U for * > r sent by mull. Wliy nuiliir from this li'rrlblo dlscnio when u written uunranleu U positively klvuii with il boxes or rufutid the money I nolcurodir fond slump for frou H.uiuilJ. liuar- ntoelstuaJl by ICulin H Ou. , ilruiuUH , s < il3 ii unti , rnor 1 " jtli i > j ! _ > _ _ i ? - > i < _ L > _ ? 11'lj- Nelj. THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , a's repre sented on this map. v ! Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibule'd Trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. , riving at Chicago at 9.30 a. m , City Ticket Office , 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agenc. IS A MOVE OF GREAT MERIT Protecting the Forests of the West Against the Attacks of Qrecdy Vnntlals. NEEDED-LUMBER LEGISLATION PENDING inurp * Cnlrtilnlril to rut n Slop to the Wanton Dritriirtlon nf 1'orrnl * on tlio I'lilillo Ddiniiln ( ! msli ( About llnllronil l'r\prU. | The American -Forestry association , nta meeting In Wnshington recently , tlctcrnitneil on nu nifRrosslvotoay \ \ \ n\ony \ the Hues jirov- lously laid ilown , The nvoweil puriKiso of the iissoeiation , to which It has bent nil Its ener- pies tlurlns the past four years , Is to secure tlu reservation anil national management of nil timber liuuls , not IU for ugrleiiHnre , as prnnnitcnt forests. This volley has been In l > art suei'essfuHy inaiiRiimtctl by the passage of the net of March A , IS'.M. ' conferring tlio power to reserve ui > on the president , umler which law only six reservations , npgreRatlng In rouiitl numbers -l.fiOO.OOO ncres , have been so far reserved , and twenty-six other loca tions are on tlio docket of the gen eral land oftlco for examination and report as to the propriety of their res ervation. The association will mnko n special effort * to secure the passagoof n bill Introduced by Senator Paddock to provide for the establishment , protection mid administration of public forest reser vations. This bill provides that the presi dent shall cause an cxanllnatlon to bo iimdo by distriets of all public lands bearing for ests , and all lands wholly or in part cov ered with timber or undergrowth , whether of commercial value or not , in all the states ami territories , nnd require to bo lllcd complete. Huts of such lands in the general land olllco. When the examination of said lands in any district or territory shall have been completed and complete lists thereof flled in tlio general land onii'c , it shall bo the duty of the presi dent of the United Slates by public proclama tion to withdraw and set apart all of said lands , except such as ai o found to bo more valuable for general agriculture than for forest uses or forest culture , for forest reser vations , and declare the establishment of such reservations and the limits thereof. And thereafter all forest reservations pre viously established under the provisions of the net approved March II. IS'.U , so far as practicable , and all reservations established by authority of this act , shall bo exclusively controlled and administered in accordilnco with the provisions herein. Opening oT .lllncs. The opening of mines shall bo permitted only under license granted by the secretary of the interior and on designated locations , within which mineral lias been actually dis covered , and under such regulations to bo prescribed by the secretary of agriculture and the secretary of the interior as will insure the objects of the reservations. Pas turage may bo leased by the superintendent where desirable , under restrictions of the number of cattle nnd otherwise , for not longer than ono year at a time. The construction of water' reservoirs , ditches and other npeessary adjuncts of irrigation works shall be permitted only by the secretary of agricul ture , after report by the commissioner of forests , and under the same or similar regu lations as prescribed Tor licenses 1o mine. No roads or trails shall bo opened by any person except sucl as ai-o designated by the superintendent ami with the sanction of the commissioner of forests. Provided , that no exclusive rights * of any kind applicable to the whole reservation shall be granted. It shall bo unlawful for any person , ( Inn or corporation knowingly to erect , establish or maintain upon forest reservations or upon any timber lands of tho. United States , without authority from the commissioner or forests , any sawmill or manufactory of lumber or other timber products , or to bo engaged or bo employed in the manufacture of lumber , charcoal , pitch or turpentine upon public lands , or to use at any such mill , manufactory or works any timber cut or removed from public lands ; and any person violating this section shall bo liable to a line of not less than ยง 500 and not more than 55,000 , in addition to the penalties hereinbefore prescribed ; and all nulls , man ufactories and works so erected and main tained upon forest reservations shall be ab solutely forfeited to the United States. Senator Paddock's bill covers all the de tails of forest reservation at considerable length , and provides suitable penalties for its enforcement. The American Forestry association has endorsed this measure in its entirety , believing that it furnishes the details for a comprehensive administration of timber reservation , which the association seeks to secure. _ Objpct of the Itosprvatloiis. The object of the forest reservations shall bo to protect and improve the forest cover .within the reservations , for the. purpose of securing favorable conditions of wntcrllow and continuous supplies of timber to the people ple of the district within which the reserva tions arc situated. There shall bo in the de partment of agriculture a commissioner of forests , who shall bo a person versed in mat tcrs of forestry , and shall be appointed bv the president , by and with the aiivlco and consent of the senate , and who shall receive a salary of1,000 and his necessary traveling expenses. Ho shall have control of the for est reservations and timber lands of tlio United States , subject to the supervision of the secretary of agriculture. There shall bo appointed for each forest reservation ono superinten dent , who is to have full charge ami control of tlio forest reservation for which ho is ap pointed , under supervision of the central bureau , and bo responsible for the local nil- ministration of the same. Hangers shall bo appointed by the commissioner of forests , not to exceed ono for every UU.OOO acres of land reserved. They shall act as police and prevent trespass and Jiros , All oftlecrs on the reservation shall possess the powers of deputy United States marshals enforcing this statito ) and the rules and regulations governing the reservations , and shall wear a badge bhowing their ollicial function. Whenever - over any of tlio states in which forest reser vations are situated shall have instituted and provided for a forest commission or other for est management for forest lands situated in the state , it shall be in the discretion of thu commissioner of forests , with the approval of the secretary of agriculture , to co-opcrato with such forest commission or management , and to allow the same to act IIH agents for the United States , under Ills direction , for the purpose of this act. It shall bo tlio duty of the commissioner of forests to cause a sur * voy and description of the lands In each reservation to bo made , , with special refer ence ) to the uses to. which the soil is best adapted , and after due examination to report such areas as may but used for farming pur poses to tlio secretary of thu interior , to bo recommended by him , with the approval nf the president , for restoration to tha public domain. It.VII.HOAl ) IMEO.JKUTS , . . * riling nf thu lliirllnKtou anil Kin ( iraiulo for NOW l.llll'N. A lute dispatch from Portland , Ore. , an nounced , on the authoiity of "a prominent railroad man , " that the Jiurlingum wait headed for the c hiof city of Oregon , and that Burlington trains would cross \ViJlamlte river within two years. The dispatch further states that the line is graded U ) the Idaho line. The facts are that tlio Hurling- ALWAYS TH6JS. Pilot Knob , Mo. - Suffered Mr. Henry P. * y\ Travers , formerly MI\J of this place , suf- Yoaro. fered with chronic rheumatism for 20 years , and was treated at times by several doctors. BT. JACOBS OX * cured him. No Ho Return return of pain O in 3 years. O G , A. Farrar. Years * ton oxtrnslon U completed nnil to Slicrldftn.Vyo. . , nud licyoiul . thnt iiolnt Mifllclcnt work has not been Oono lo liullonto iho plniMof tlio company. From Sliorlilnu lo 1'iiRot sounil mill 1'orllniul ou the west nml nrcnt Vn\\n \ \ on tlio north , pvcry town U mornlly certain tlmt the Hur- Hiiftlon will strike U. Knoh ono luis imtlioi-- Ity for their claim * ns rollnlilons tlmt of I'ortlaiul. There Is , liowover , the beat of reasons for bejlovlnir that the ronil will ex- tetul into Montana next season. Survey * have been made both to Urcat Kails anil Helena. Whether this will be the main line roastwavtl or a brunch Is not Uiunvn otitslilo of the HnrlltiRton management. 1'resliltmt 1'erklns mailo fre < incnt tours of the north 1'nelllc coast ami the Soniul country last year , the last as latens November , nnd his presence RIIVO rise to the Impivsslon tlmt the company hail tlcsluns on the count rv. Thnt the company will ultimately extend to tidownler or foivo ono of tlio two northern routes Into a fuvorablo tranic nrramrcnicnt Is inulouliteiUv the HurlliiKlon's plan , The Montana survey Imllcates n business nlllatii-o with the Ureal Northern , which Is rapidly approach- ln t I'upet Sounil. If an Independent line Is determined iix | > n. the Portland line seems the most advantageous. It would have u larger area of country to draw business from without much competition than a moro northern line. On the north the country Is traversed by the Cireut Northern ami the Northern I'aollle.hllo ; the Canadian 1'nclllo controls two or more comuvtloim with the western states nnd I'Uftet Sound , The route oupKe.itcd by the Portland dispatch pene trates Miu country between tlio Oregon Short Line and the Northern Paclllc. While people nro willing and nnxlous to aid In selecting thu route , as a matter of courtesy and to prevent unseemly rivalries , it is deemed best to allow the company the right to build when and where It chooses. The report that the Rio ( jraudc Western will build to California Is current in railroad circles in Denver , and business men gener ally place credence In the report. Tlio report - port scorns to bo based on the fact that the road will build from Green Klver station to the San .Inan gold Holds , thence to 1'ioeho and thence to I-os Angeles. Railroad men who are on the inside and know what they are talking about , taro ready to gamble on the proposition that within another year there will bo a rival transcontinental line striking out from Salt l jiko or Uonvur ami tapping the Pacific coast nt I os Angeles. The Ailvrrtlolui ; Of Hood's Sarsaparllla is always within the bounds of reason because it is true ; It always appeals to the sober , common scnso of think- imj people because it Is trim ; and It lsnlwa.\s fully substantiated by endor.semeujs which , in iho llnanclal world , would bo 'accepted without a moment's hesitation. Fora general family cathartic wo conll- dcntly recommend Hood's Pills. LOW HATH UXClMtSION To Iloimton , Ti'.x. , anil Kotilrn , Tuesday , January ; ! , 18' ' ) ; ! , my third spoclal party will leave Oinitha , bound for llouston , Tox. IlnviiiR for sale Bovornl tliousaiul ncros of the richest Innd in Hnrris nnd Brn- /.oniii counties , Texas , lying1 botwcontho oitles of Houston nnd Gnlveston , hnil ou the three prliicl | > iil tninlclltio railroads , 1 will otter ns nn imlucotnont for Invest ors , 01- these ilcslrin only to look nttho Innd , speoinlly low rutca from Omaha to' Houston nnd return , Rood until .luno 1 , 1S9U , with n limit of lilteon days in each direction , 'and good for stop ever at pleasure within limit. These luiuls tlmt I ofToV for snlo nro of a rich , b'nek ' loam , easily cultivated , bcinyf rich enough to produce the most excellent results without fortilixalion. Everything1 thnt cnn bo grown nny- whoru in tlio United Stales grows sp'o- cially well hnro. The sjroiind pays well from the lirst year. The price of land ranges from $2.50 to SCO.C'U per aero on | bo most favorable terms of payment. All tboso lands lie contiguous to and within Ilvo miles of the ubovo men tioned rnilrpads , with nn nbuntlmico of wutoi * and timbor. The cllinato thoj'cnr through is oxcollont. noinombor the time wo go : Tuesday , January 0 , 1893. Leave Oinaha nt 9UO : p. m. For further information relative lo landp , climate , , woil and cost of living1 , : uid particulars us to Iho purohnso Qf tickets , cheaper than you cnn buy of uny railroad company , cull on or ad dress H. C. PATTUItSON , 42. ) Itiungo building' , Omaha , Nob. BOARD OF HEALTH. Kcpnrl orilio.Sorruliiry on tlio Cll.v'rt llcullli " ' Dlsrimslni ; Siniltury Toilc | . . Secretary Somcrsof the Board of Health made his monthly report at the mooting of. the board yesterday afternoon , showing : Total number of deaths during Decemherjv 113 ; violent deaths 0 ; births 1C2. The total number of deaths for the year was 1,100 , which gives an average death rate , based on : i population of 140,000 , as 8.05. In 1S01 the total number of deaths was 1,1 ! lo , making an average of 0.0 , figuring on the same popula tion. This report shows n doorcase of M'J deaths during Iho year Just passed. Thu old milk Inspection ordinance -which has Just boon declared void by the courts was discussed. It was decided to ask the council to repeal the ordinance and allow the board to prepare n now ono covering the do- fccts of the old one. An effort will bo made by the members of the board to draw up an ordinance which shall bo strictly legal and it is hoped that by spring the board will bo in a position tocompel the milk dealers to Ilvo up lo the rules of the board. A resolution was passed antliorl/ing Dr. Somcrs to lllo a complaint against the mem bers of the Hoard of Kdiioation for neglectIng - ' Ing to obey Iho rules of thocommissloiiiibotit abandoning a certain closet in the Central school building. A notice was served ou tile Hoard of ICdncatlon some timum'o , but no attention was paid to it , and now tlio health ofllcors propose to take the .matter into the courts , The ntiniiyl hospital report ivus read and showed that St. Joseph's had cared for "eighteen patients with a total of l i weeks , ut a cost to the city of $010. Ai the Method ist hospital forty-ilvo patients were accom modated for 100 woolwj cost , fOIKl. Thla docs not Incliulu tblrtfun patients who wcru taken In and died liioldo of twenty-four hours , The questions of abandoning the Daven port street dump and of purchasing ui ( inn- hiiiaaco were talked o\vr , but no net iuii wa taken on either question. The board then adjourned siuo dlu , IlmIt Jlrrmmi ( 'npnllir. When pnopln llnd an article much superior lo anything of the kind they Imvo over bo- Torn used , they are almost sum lo toll tholr friends about it , ami esiiecially it they know of some friends needing such an article. Dealers also soon learn the true value of tlielr goods , and when they have an nrtlclo of uniiKunl merit they will almost Invariably mention the fact to their ciistoTucru , This accounts m a great mouspro for the largo sale on Chamberlain's Cough Hcmcdy. Hero is mi Instance : AY. L. Nccdliam , a prominent ckiicn and businessman of Orrsburg , Mo , , has been Belling Chaniberliiln'H CoitgU KomeJy for several years ami recommends It to bin customers , heeaiiBO In his experience it has proven to bo the best for colds , croup and whuoping cough. Ho says it is the most popular moil [ cine that he ItalullcH , and gives the best satisfaction , r > 0 cent bottli s for sale by i Tiilmrro , BcL'iiitnryNason of Ihe Hoard of Trade has on exhibition In Ills olllco a largo jar containing samples of tobacco leaves grown in Nebraska , Thu plant was cultivated and grown on oxovcrnor Furniia' farm ut Hrownvillo. its quality Is very Jlne , the leaves are largo and Its utrungth ii > good. The oamplu IH very good proof that. Nc > britska HO | | will produce n very good quality of tobacco , und thu Industry should be un > couraij'od and moro of it grown. A Child KII.JI > JH The pluitiaiit ; laver , gcutlo action anil sooth- inn ; effort of Syrup of Figs , wheji III need of a luxiitlve , and If the father or mother bo co..tlvoor bilious , tlio most gratifying rcitulU follow its use ; so that It is the best family reiiii'ily known uud every family should kava u boitlo.