Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 03, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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by carrier ( o any part of the city
IIV. . T1ITOV , - MAXAOF.1l.
VI iriitinvrn I UttHlnwwOnice. . . No. 43
illtor ; < „ . 23
anxoit 3IKXTIOX.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Csanr H H'u tj I , \ n > v t ) > . G > \ \ .
Mrs. Tlpton 1ms moved from Pierce street
to filD cast JUroadwny ,
Ctrd.t nro out iiimntindnK tlio mnrrlnfjo of
Hnrr.v Wi'slcott and Miss Kiltie Coniptou
Miss Kl.slc HuttsUMHntfrtniu ) ! n party of
frictnls nt her homo on Kirat avcnuo tliia
Mt't-tiitp pvcry niiht lltlft woclf nt Ovnrton
mission and IVople's eliurrli , ooniot' Fouvtli
nvctuie nnd SovrntciMitli slvi'ot , will bo con
ducted b.v the boy
S. Kiit/rr.AloIn cnti'i-tsilnod n parly of bis
frlnmls Kutntiluy ovmlng In honor of Ills
Will biriliiln.v. The new was ushered-
m \\llh KUltablo hilarities.
St. l'ni-n ; (5uild will be cntcrt.ilnpil Ibis
nflcitMon nl it oVlwU b.v Miss IClslo IJutts ,
nnslsted b.v Miss Htillnnl. Miss Nellie Uow-
man , Mra. 13.V. . Husbnell mid Mrs. Ci-
John Ktcelrn was arrested yesterday inoni-
ItiK on an infofnmlion filed in lite superior
court ebart-MttK bint with scinlni : llsli in HIi , '
lake. Ho will lutvc a hearing In pollc-o court
this mornlntt.
The .Ntaennrivbor cave ii Christmas enter-
talnmc'itt Htititlay nl lil. A Christmas tree
MIIS provided for the little ones , and rtifresh-
inentn , sinplnjr and literary exorcises hclt > eil
VasH ) tbc evenlnc very pleasantly.
Al HoyoiMvaa arrcMted yesterday on tbo
charge , of ronimltitriK an assault upon Henry
KiiRlohanU with Intent to do great bodily
injury Ilofj-avis a bond for bis apponnmco
next M.iluiihiy morning in luiliee coMrt.
The annual election of the PoUawattamlo
Democratic association will taUe phicu this
DvenliiK at the elub iiiom according to the
primary .system , the polls lenialnini ? open
from l ) toKtll : ! ) > . m. The candidates will bo
those wlmso names were published some
time ape ,
JNIaiTlace licensrswere Issued yesterday to
the follow itij | persons : .lames Morris and
Thrlna M. Swanniin of Missouri Valley ;
Picti'o Mcleskev ! of Oheyenne.V.o. . , ami
Jierlba Uittclu-.indt of Nebraska City ; .1. H.
llcrkemann of Perry , la. , and .lobanna Wal
ter of Omaha.
Dinner was served at. the Union Christian
mission yesterday. Tbo poor of tlio city
were all invited , and most of them accepted.
) Mr. and Mrs , Dolong , assl.stcd by the mem
bers of the Grand Army post , did a land-
oftlio : buslnesH all tlio afternoon in providing
. food for the hungry.
Tbo park commissioners were to have ncld
their rcRiilar monthly meeting last evening
for tbo purpose of opening the bids for tbo
park land in the eastern part of the city , but
the question arose as to whether any busi
ness could bo legally transacted on a legal
holiday. In order that there mhilit not bo
any mistake , it was decided to adjourn until
tins evening.
The Young .Men's Christian association
Icept open house yesterday. A largo number
of young men took * ail vantage of the univer
sal invitation that was extended , and they
\vcro entertained by Secretary lloso and
bis wife , together with a number of able as
sistants.- The social was extended into the
evening , when many who bad been other
wise occupied during tlio day visited the
County Clerk Campbell has completed the
work of bringing up the records of tbo pro
bate court to date. A special clerk has
been kept steadily at work ever since tbo
beginning of Mr. Campbell's administration ,
nnd as the records had been allowed to ac
cumulate for the past ten years or more it
was a big job. The work is now done and
the services of the pvobato clerk have been
dispensed with.
The St. Andrews society announced last
evening the successful termination of nego
tiations that have long been pending with
the Scottish Concert company of Glasgow ,
Scotland , by which they agree to pivo a con
cert hero at Dohany's opera house on Febru
ary 2. This is one of tbo most famous
musical organizations in the world , and tlio
concert will bo an event of much more than
local importance. Tickets will be on sale in
a few days and tbo regular announcements
The ladies of tlio Women's Christian asso
ciation prepared n treat for the music lovers
of Council lilulfs last night in tbo shape of a
concert by tlio Whitnoy-MockridL'e company.
The company is composed of Miss Marina
I'osta , soprano ; Miss Grace Ahny , contralto ;
Mr. Mockridgo , tenor ; Fletcher "W.vatt , bass ;
Felix Wlnturniti ! , violin. All the numbers.
both solos and iiuartets , were rendered
artistically , and tbo audience , which lillcd
tbo auditorium of the First Presbyterian
church , was enthusiastic in ils applause.
Tbo proceeds will go to the hospital fund of
tbo association.
The new Justices of the peace took hold
yesterday afternoon. During the morniny
lustico Vein had si constablo'stationed at bis
door with u club to keep back the couples
who kept thronging up Ills steps to bo united
in wedlock , as be understood that the super
visors would not net upon bis bond until the
afternoon session. Several couples were
thus diverted to other matrimonial bureaus
and Mr. Vein was considerably crestfallen
when ho discovered that tbo board had ap
proved his bond early in the morning session.
I 'or i\flilliKH- :
It is no lotigur n mystery to the ladles
of Council Bluffs and vicinity where to
got , and what in tlio correct thinp ; in
plovos for ovoniuir , as u visit to the
Boston Store will "convince you that
tholr stock is composed of till'tlio loud-
ing shades in Musquitairo tinil shoulder
length , in the- moat desirable tints suit-
itblo for evening wear.
Souio one may say , I can only bo suited
in the Foster or Alexandria. 'and others
may say I prefer the Trefousso , nil of
which IB to bo had at our glove depart
ment , aa well as every quality in stuulo
glace goods in black nnd colored. AH
( 'loves warranted and lilted to the hand.
Ho.slon Store ,
Council HlulTs
Mr. Tudor , the refractlonlst of the
Tudor Optical Co. , with an associate
oculist , will bo at tlio t-toro of their
agent , Paul G. Schneider , druggist * ii-ll
llroadwny , on January 0 , No charge or
i'i-/.sf > .'iis. .
Henry Xaglo of Dos Molncs is at llio
Hobert Anderson of Dlxon , 111 , , is in tlio
city , tbo guest of his , brother , .lames Ander
son ,
MM. 'I' . Slilnn has gene to Fremont , Neb , ,
to spend a few days with her sister , Mrs ,
Dr. Sexton.
Miss Susan HnlTmau. who has boon visit
ing ut her old homo in Can-oil during tlio
holidays , Is again at her studio , ! 110 Mcrriam
Charles Koland Crockwoll departed yesterday -
terday fur tlio Koso Polytechnic instltuto at
Terre Haute , Ind. , after visiting ills parents
during the holidays.
Miss ( icrtrudo Gordon of Mnplotnn , is
visiting her cousins , Mr , and Mrs. J. D ,
Crociavoll , before returning to school at
llrowncll ball , Omaha.
Peter A. Day of Iowa City , ono of tlio
members of thu railway commission of Iowa ,
was at the Grand hotel yesterdav on route
to Sioux City , Mhero a meeting ot the com
mission will bo held today.
Carl Burhorn. successor to H. JUir-
linrn , Una the only now jow.olry stock in
city , Many holiday novoUioa ,
Do you mnuko ? Iluvo you tried T
it. King & CO.'B PurtiigasV It's
elmrnior. Just light ono.
MePluill piano : ) , lUlj crown organs ,
cash or installments. Mar. Uouriclus.
11US tutsmau btroot.
Hrightor than gas , oncnpBr than olou-
trio light nnd as beautiful as a dream
thoto Lew art lumps ut Lund iiro * .
Oity Council Asked to Hcstoro the Flro De
partment to Efficiency. '
Hoini' < if HIP Conncllincn Doubt tlic Sincerity
nftliR I'etltlonrrsniiil InslnuatnTlicro
H 1'ollllci llrlilml the Jloic-
Knntlno liinlnrm. . .
Tlio city council met Jnst evening In regu
lar monthly scsslou with the mayor and all
tlio aldermen excepting Ooisc present. Oao
of llio most important , items af ouslness
brought up was that with reference to the
llro department.
As stated m Tim Unt : several days ago , n
petition had been circulated among tbo busi
ness men , asking that tlio lire department bo
increased by tlio addition of the four men
who were removed for economic reasons.
Tlio petition was on hand , with about llfty
signatures , all of them heavy tax payers. H
was referred.
While the aldermen nro taking time to
make up their minds what they will do about
It , the republican contingent will see tlio
men who signed tlio petition and llnd out , If
possible , whether they signed for tlio pur
pose of making political capital out of the
previous action of llio council or because
they really think tbo department too small.
The majority of the council , from their talk
last evening , are decidedly opposed to re
scinding their llrst notion , and will not do so
unless considerable pressure Is brought to
bear upon them.
The ordinance allowing the transfer of
common carrier licenses was passed.
The ordinance accepting the plat of Unn-
ton street addition was passed.
Tlio salary of the meat Inspector was in
creased from . " > ( ) to $ I'H ) per month.
An ordinance granting the right of way for
a street railway to.the Courtlaiid Deach as
sociation was referred to tbo committee of
the whole and will be considered at a
special meeting Kridav at 1 o'clock.
The special committee to which was re
ferred the matter of llio fees which it was
alleged had been illegally drawn by ex-
aldermen as members of the Hoard of Equal
ization , reported tbo following amounts
illegally drawn :
M.I' . Itolurtr . > . IBO
W. II. ICnupliur . 912
I' . I.ney . hrt
K. \\atorman . 08
The atlorn'ey was instructed to take steps
to collect the several amounts.
The following facts were shown by the re
port of tbo trustees of the public library :
Ucrcipts for the year 181tt , $ ' ,171. % ; ex
penditures , $ . i,3J3.11 ; balance on band ,
$1,778.8S ; now books , 1,470 , making a total
number of llf)44 , ; books taken , : ! 3O.S1 , of
which --,014 were works of llctlon ; number
of visitors , 74'JMI. Tlio trustees recom
mended that a Jiro-proof library building bo
erected nt once.
H. G. McGec's request for more time in
which to complete the grading of Ulark
street was referred.
oor niil/iitloii of the llimril oT Snpri-vKorH
Olllcl.llH Oinillfy.
The board of supervisors met yesterday
morning for Iho purpose of reorganizing foi
the work of tbo year I8ii. ! : Members F. G.
Hct/cl , John U. Black and Charles Alexandei
were picsent , and John Currie and S. H
AVadswortli , tlio two supervisors-elect , took
their places immediately upon being sworn
in. F. G. llotzel was unanimously elected to
his fourth term of otneo as president of the
board.- John Matthews lilcd bis auditor's
bond of $10,000 and took his place as ox-
oflloio secretary. Then n box of cigars
which some ono had brought in under his
coat , was opened by common consent
and tlio board went to work ii
dead earnest. Tbo bonds of the
county ofllcors were then approved as fol
lows : T. S. Campbell , clerk of the district
court , & 0HX.lohn ( ) : P. Organ , county attor
ney , > ,000 : W. M. Shepard , recorder , 5,000.
The bonds of forty-seven Justices of tbo
peace , twenty-seven constables , twenty-fom
clerks nnd ilf teen assessors worn approved
,1. M. Matthews was allowed SIil ! ) ! ) ) and the
fees of the auditor's ofllco as cQinponsatioi
as salary and clerk hire for the coming year
County Clerk Campbell's compensation foi
salary and clerk hire was iixeil at $ iSOO , to
gether with the fees in probate cases and
as commissioner of insanity.
A. resolution was passed requiring al
county ollk-ials to hand in a statement at the
January and Juno meetings each j ear of tin
amount of fees collected from their sevcra
offices. 'J his requirement has been a stutu
tory one fov a long tlino past , but tlio bean
has never scon lit to enforce it until now.
The appointments of L. U. Cousins as
deputy auditor and .I. AT. Kcnlun , anil .1.10.
Larimore of Avoca as deputy clerics , wore
The management of tbc county bridge \\ork
was divided up among tlio supervisors by
townships as follows : Het/.el Pleasant ,
Ivnox , L.ayton , Lincoln and Valley. Black
Center , AVright , Waveland , Grove , Mace
donia , Caisjon and liclknap. Alexander--
Hockford , Boomer , Ncola , Hiucl Dull , Cres
cent. Currie Norwalk , York , Minden ,
Washington , James and Silver Crock.Ynds -
worth Garner , Kane , Lewis , Keg Creek ,
The scheme of valuation of taxable prop
erty was loft substantially the same as last
year , with two exceptions. Improved farm
lands were placed at from { S to $30 per acre ,
instead of from $ ( > to $30,111111 wild prairie
land from i < i to 0 per acre , instead of from
M to Sin.
Frank Trimble made tlio board a proposi
tion relative to the collection of costs that
are duo the county in cases that have been
tried In tbo district and circuit courts
These costs have been accumulating for
years , and according to Trimble's statement
thev are now unpaid to tlio amount of sev
eral thousand dollars , tbo costs in each case
running all the way from f > 0 cents up to $4 or '
$ . " 1. Trimble agreed to undertake the collec
tion of these amounts for oao-third of what
ho got , with the understanding that ho waste
to receive nothing in any case where bo tried
to collect and failed. The proposition was
accepted , '
I'ulliifo of u ltn\ifK\t\ \ \ \ ,
M. P. lillls , who has been keeping a drug
store tit WO Broadway for several years
past , failed yesterday , Ho gave a chattel
mortgage to John Peter for $5,000 , and Peter
took formal possession of the place at noon.
During tlio afternoon another chattel mort
gage was placed on record for $4Sl'l ' in favoi
of the Hiclmrdson Drag company.of Omaha.
Mr. Kills Is'eoullned to bis room at tbo Kiel
Jmtolbyan attack of what his physician
pronounces nervous prostration , He stated
yestcrda.v afternoon that tbo valuoof hU
stock is not far from fti/.HK ) , and that ho deus
not expect to save live cents worth of it. Be
sides the two claims already mentioned
there are others whoso aggregate valao will
bo not far from $ lt'0. : ; Ho attributes hi !
failure largely to a real estate venture into
which liii was forced , and to the dullness ol
trade caused by a location , tlioro buinu
boveral fouturos which would tend to drlvt
awa ) custom.
Roller , the tailor , has the best sloeli
of heavy winter goods for suits am :
overcoats'which ho will mulio up at cul
Coal and wood ; best and cheapest
Missouri hard wood in the city ; prompl
delivery. II. A , Uox. No , 4 Main.
V.'nntcd Cash oiler for ton shares
Citizen's State h.uik stock. Must be
sold. Address K , II. Sheafo.
Struck u .Motor.
AII accident took place at the lower end 01
Main Btreot hibt evening about 8 o'clock. A
Main street motor was crossing the Milwau
ken track when a freight train cany ) along
The moturbad stopped , as usual , a shorl
distance north of the crossing and Couductoi
Hurko had jrouo ahead to look for thi
train , The train was backing up with a bo >
cnrln front. The conductor failed to dis
tluguiah the trulu in the durkucbs ant
RftVO the flljrnnl to Motormnn Nelson to
(0 on , Hu did so , and before ho saw the
rain ho hntt-run the front end of the car
over the edge of the crossing. The train
Coughed through the rear end of the motor
car and demolished It , but fortunately there
ivero only two passengers on board , so that
loss of life- was avoided. It was reported
last evening that ono of the passengers , a
Mrs. Kriedlcr , was somewhat Injured , buty
the report was denied by the manager of
the line , _ _
Cnllcri u New I'a M or.
The Christian church of this city U mak
ing arrangements for a change In pastors.
Dr. A. II. Carter , who has been supplying
their pulpit for some tlino past , finds that
ho has not the time to do so any longer , and
has requested the church to look around for
another , Tlio church accordingly extended
a call to Ilev. 15. W. Allen of Hlyrln , O. , a
graduate of Hiram college In that state. It
was accepted , nnd Hov. Mr. Allen Is ex
pected to arrive In Council Bluffs in tltao to
in-each next Sunday morning at U o'clock In
the Masonic temple. Ho comes very highly
recommended , anil the church is very hope
ful over the outlook. Dr. Carter will still
remain in tlio church.
Itrdni'lKlll III Ulttr * .
An order has been received at the post-
ofllco to the effect that on and after January
2 tbc rates for registering letters and p.tck-
agcs shall bo S cents. Instead of 10 as hereto
fore. The change is not looked upon with
very much favor by Ihe management of the
postal service hero. It will simpl.v result In
a reduction of the revenue , for it will not
have any appreciable effect upon tlt ) > amount
of business done in the registry department ,
people having valuable packages to send by
mall being as willing to p.iy Itcents ) for the
privilege as tlio price of a postage stamp less.
Hoi traveler , take Bcecham's Pills with
The snow and cold wo-.ulier doas not
diminish the demand for acreage in the
Klnin tract , UJ miles east of the post-
ofllco ; HOO acres yet for sale in from one
to ton acre tracts , suitable for Irult and
garden. Day & llcss ; agents , 39 Pearl
"Koal-Spar" consumes nil vitality
tlioro is In coal ; saves quurlor of your
coal bill ; prevents sino : < o ; destroys
deadly coal gas ; prevents soot and cin
der. .Icnssen & Grcptf , 37 J Pearl street.
For warmlnir jjuest chambers , bath
rooms , etc. , our ijus heaters tire just
what you want. Look nt them. Clean ,
convenient cheap. O. 13. Gaa and Elec
tric Lijrht Co.
IIK 0/21 * .
Must Ho Dlvldi-d Among
Ills llrlrs.
OTTUMWA , la. , Jan. ii. [ Special to TUB
HER. ] Judge Burton started the New Year
for this city with a decision which , if sus
tained by the supreme court , will deprive
the city of from SIOO.OuO to Jl.'iO.OOO which
was intended 'for a public library and oilier
public charities. He decided that the Bal-
lingall will is void , and that the Ballingall
hotel and other property instead of going to
tbo city shall go to the heirs. The city
library gets a valuable lot , however , that
clause of the will being sustained. The heirs
are Mrs. von Holtzschuhcrr , wife of Count
Oscar von Holtxschuhcrr. David Hedge and
Mrs. Martha Thomas. The latter disap
peared some years ago and nothing Is known
as to her whereabouts. She has a son Bert ,
12 years of age , living in this city , who will
fall heir to her fortune. Thei-o were two
clauses of the will , the eighth and ninth ,
which were attacked. The iirst bequeathed
to the library association a valuable-lot and
2X ( ) annually. This is held valid by tbc
judge. The other bequeathed the Ballingall
hotel and other property to the city to beheld
held in trust. Tlio city council appoints
trustees , and tlio accumulated proceeds
were to go to a sinking fund of $20,000 to bo
used as an endowment for a public library ,
foundling hospital and other purposes.
Took AdviintURu of 11 l.niKitic.
Sioux CITV , la. , Jan. 2. [ Special Telegram
to THE Ben. ] The suit of the heirs of Ben
jamin Harrison versus Frank Otey , C. E.
Corkery and L. D. Clay to recover ? 75,000
worth of property is on trial here. About
two years before , Harrison was - in
sane and sent to the state hospital. Clay it
is alleged secured from him a deed of till his
real and personal property for a nominal
consideration. It is alleged that Harrison
was insane at the time. His land was sold
in small parcels to other parlies who are
made defendants. The suit is importaiiu as
Iho land has become very valuable.
Death of-Mrs. Silnni > l Id'i'H.
Four Doiuii ! , la. , Jan. 2 [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Ben. ] Mrs. Samuel Hces died
this morning after a lingering illness of lung
disease. Mrs. liocs w .is the life companion
of lion , Samuel Kees , one of the most lion
oreil pioneer citizens of Fort Dodge and
northwestern Iowa. Ho is one of tlio bul
warks of the democratic parly in this vicin
ity , and has friends , all over tlio state.
AlIniitlr'H Xi' I'linri-li.
In , , Jan. 2.--Special ( to Tin :
Br.H , ] The now Methodist church was ded
icated yesterday with appropriate ceremon
ies. The edllicc is a line brick building
healed by hot air and with all modern con
veniences. H cost $11,000. The church is
paid for , over $ ir ! , > 00 being raised on the day
of dedication.
o -
Perfect action and port cot health result
from tbo usoof Do Will's Little Early lllsors
A perfect litthi pill.
ftr.Vf. L. Chulllss of Atchlsoii , Kan. , has
fulled for150,000.
Tim dynamite cruiser Vesuvius lias left
llrooklyn to test her guns.
The I.clilslnind Wllkesliarrn Coal company
at WllkChlmiTu , I'a. , will Wednesday Marl up
tin I'D Id U > collieries , giving employment to
1,000 men.
A gang of toughs liroka Into the llothlchom ,
I'a. , lock-up and released u young tounh
named Casey , who h.-id been billed for assault
and battery. Casey's , sueulliuart assNtcd In
his rescue ,
Miss KlUabutli Miixton , a handsoma girl of
Qliyuaihof ( iiM-mantoxvii. I'a , , has died at , tlio
Pennsylvania hospital , Philadelphia , from tlio
oflVutKof aci'linliiiil operation. Hhewusof a
wealthy family and tdchiy connected.
I.aland I.etch and \vl fn , living on a farm near
DuramI , Mich , , weio found imi'nnsolniiM In
their IIUIIKU. I.Htch had two tnrrlhlu wounds
In bis head Inlllclcd with an a\o and Mrs.
l.etch had u serious ; : tinsliot wound In thu
neck. A former employe named Hurns com
mitted ihu assault.
l-'rlihiy two sons of Wllllam'Smllli of Dallas ,
Tex. , used 7 and years i-OMii'ctlvcly , went
rabbit , hunting and got lost. The lamlly and
neighbors hicamu alarmed and continued
searching for them until they woru found
lucked in each other's arms , cold In iloath.
They are supposed to have fro/on ,
I'lirriKii ,
King Humbert of Italy has conferred high
decorations on President Dlaznf Mo.\lcu.
Charles 1'lillllp ' I'lace , cardinal , prle-,1 nnd
archbishop Of Kunncs , Is dying In
I'arUlan anarclilhtB have for soteral days
past been placarding that city with appeals In
the working people ,
After many years of outlawry Kanion Xouro ,
onunf tlii'iiioil ileMUTaln characters In Mux-
Ice , has been capttlied and will be shot ,
The decllno of securities on Kmopcan ex
changes slnci ) the I'limima piiicced
amounts tout least 2HitOUtiOO ( ( ) franc- , ,
Onocasoof cholera was ruporTed In Ham
burg on ftitiuihty and another on Kimdny , and
that three deaths luivo occuricd at Altonn ,
Th women of London , Oin. , bavn limii'oi- '
raled a cniiudu against thu saloons of that
city , and havini good opportunity for making
It successful ,
Thu ilMrcssod anil starving peasants In thu
central part of Kusshi will IKI aided to migrate
to moio thinly sullied sections of thu empire
by HID government.
The Hed Star steamship Noordland recently
towed intiiUueenslown by Iho steamship ( Jhlo ,
has started with two tugs for Antwerp where
lierhrokcn shaft will bo repaired ,
The municipal government of Vienna has
been so alarmed by the prospect of aduinon-
Ktratlnii'by the 'J&.OtHI unemployed In Iho city
that they hu\u appointed many special police
men ,
Four soldiers 'Now Year's c vu arrested a deserter -
sorter In llerlln , but ho siiceeVdrd In breaking
away from them. Tint soldiers tired n > |
after the escaping man , who finally look
jefiigo In an open lionst ) . The soldlurs fol
lowed ! , and the inuii leaping irom u window
Wub killed.
If you have piles DoWltt's Witch Hazel
salvo will surely cure you.
Board of Education 'Elfcti a Now Presi
dent on the Very First
Bnpdt , ' ,
' , '
iMtt Ycnr'n Snub Umlijnc , iiil ( lip NninliiR or
the Committed Turned Ovrr ( u tlio
1'rrnlitrtit ARttln 'An Kiecit-
tlvn SpMlon ,
There was not so much petty politics and
n Rood deal more business 'common seuso ex
hibited In the organization of the hoard of
education last night than there was at the
organisation of the board which spout a
largo iiortlou of the year 1SW In foolish
wrangling and neglect of duty.
Immediately after the organization had
been accomplished , however , the board made
a peculiar departure by going into executive
session for the discussion of matters which
some of the members evidently thought
were too sacred or important for the oars of
the common herd and for the pencils of tlio
The election of ofllcers was accomplished
without the slightest ripple of contention.
Secretary Conoyor called the board to order
and road the certificates of election of the
flvo now members , The gentlemen who took
their seats last night as members of tbo
board for the llrst time were Dr. Joseph T.
Duryca , U. F. Thomas. Henry Ktiodell ,
Henry C. Akin and J , F. Burgess. They take
the places made vacant by the expiration of
the terms of Dr. S. K. Spaldlng , .1. ,1. Points ,
W. S. Popploton , Charles Wehroraml Euclid
Martin :
Mr. C. .1. Smyth was elected temporary
chairman , and tlio board proceeded to elect
a president for the year. The llrst ballot re
sulted hi the election of Mr. Clinton N. Pow
ell , Ho was escorted to the chair by Messrs
Coryell and Morrison.
Mr. Powell tlmnlcod tbo members * of tbo
board for the honor bestowed , and said .that
whtlo ho did not tlilul : for an in-
statit that ho would bo able to
fill the Important position to which
he had been elected without malting some
mistakes , yet ho would do the very best he
could , and he hoped that his relations with
every member of the board might bo stieh as
would redound to tbo credit of tbo organiza
tion and lo the benellt of the school system
of Omaha , Any mistakes ho inizht make
would bu mistimes of judgment rather than
intentional errors.
dirycll Iteeinled ;
Mr. Coryell offered. In the form of a mso-
lution , a series of rules for tbo guidance of
the board for the coming year. The rules
submitted wore substantially tbo same as
those adopted last year , with the ex
ception of placing tlio power to ap
point the standing committees la the hands
of the president instead of leaving this work
to the voice of tbo board. This was simply
a returning to the former regime. The ap
pointive power was rudely snatched away
from President Spalding last year before
bo could take a full breath with which to
read the names of the Various committees on
tbo slice' of paper which lie held hi bis baud.
That was the beginning of tbo potty warfare -
faro that continued nil through the year and
Mr. Coryell was one of the members who
: iclpod to inaugurate it , Last night he np-
iieurcd In a different role and introduced tbo
resolution whic'liindid tbo vcr.\ thing that
lie helped to do a year ago.
Mr. U. E. Babcock wanted souTe changes
made in the rules submitted by Mr. Coryojl.
He held that there \\-ere \ too many committees
and that tbc work of the board would bo
better attended to it tbo committees were
fewer and larger.
After some discussion , tbe rules as sub
mitted by Mr. Coryell were adopted. They
provided for tbo usual fourteen standing
committees ,
Standing Committees.
President Powell th'cn announced the fol
lowing as the personnel'df the standing com
mittees :
Special Instruction : R. W. Gllxon , C. J
Smyth , 0. S. Klgutti-r.
Claims : O. E. Habcock , Henry Knodull , J , V.
Judiciary : R..I. Smyth , I ) . P. Thomas , C. E.
Salaries ; Henry Knoiloll , Dr. Glbbs , Morris
lioiiiidurlcs : Glbbs. Knodell , .Tnvncs.
Kindergarten : W. N. Habcock , fir. Duryca ,
3. V. Hurgpss. -
Hulcs ; HurgebS. Mnri-Uon , Duryca.
I'ltmiu'o : Coryell , ThomasSmyth , Elguttcr ,
0. E. Hnccoclc.
Tcai-hors and examinations : Akin , .laynes ,
Coryull , Thoniiis . N. Habcock.-
Text books and course of study : Klirutter ,
fJIblw , Akin. Juyiu's , Coryell.
lliilldlnijs nnd properly : Murrlxou , Klguttcr
.layiies , Smyth and Akin.
Supplies : Juyiic * , Knodcll , Gllwm , Duryea
Heating and ventilations Thomas , ; ICuodell
and Elgin tor.
Illirltschoul : Duryua , Akin , llnbcock , C'oryell. ,
Mr. Smyth , from the special committo'o
appointed to examine tbo ventilating plant
in the Lcnvcmvorlh school , reported that
the committee bad visited tbo school and
had found tbo ventilation simply abominable.
The committee recommended that the de
fects bo reined led as soon as possible1.
After some discussion tbo committee was
requested to bring in a written report.
\VhlIo In Kxrrullvn Sr.sxlon ,
And right hero tbc board proceeded to
create a tempest in a teapot by going into
executive session. It was supposed by some
who ilngorcil in the lobby that the board
was discussing something of momentous im
portance while behind bolted doors , but tbo
discussion was nothing more thaiui rambling
talk by different members about the ad
visability of ripping tbo old rules
and regulations uu the back and
beginning all over again. This was
an idea advocated by Mr. Powell and
some other members of the board , and tbo
first thing that happened after tbo educators
had securely fastened the doors and stopped
up the cracks in tbo wall was a speech by
Mr. Powell , in which the president sot forth
the necessity of reconstructing things in gen
eral and the committee hi particular. Ho ,
said tbo old board had bucn unbit.slness like
In Its methods , and ho thought It would be
advisable for the now board to make u radi
cal change.
Mr. Smyth said that this talk of a radical
changa in the construction of the commit
tees and in the manner of doing business re
minded him of the time when ho was elected
to tbo legislature. During the Jlrst
few weeks of the session ho foil as
though ho was a special agent of
tbo Almighty sent to the legis
lature to turn things upside down and
straighten out all the flaws created by other
bungling statesmen. Ho soon learned , however
over , that overythhig ( bat wont under tbo
head of reform did iipt , prove to bo of practi
cal benefit to the people. Ho thought the
board should proyeediwith caution in tbo
matter of making seeping changes , It was
natural for every npiv organization to take it
for granted that hq , proceodlng bodv bad
been very stupid or , 'qirrupt , bat such was
not always the case' , .tl
Morris Morrison gave .somo of thomembers
a dressing down forgoing Into executive session -
sion on such a supjcq Ho held that the
publlo had a right to lijipu- about the delib
eration * of the board'ajid executive sessions
only served to tiro\v ] , suspicion upon tlio
actions of the body.
After half a dozen morn speeches it was
decided to have i special commltleu ap-
iwintcii for tbo purpose , of considering the
advisability of consolidating thu fourteen
committees into itbdilt half that number.
President Powell apixiltitcd the committee ,
and the executive session was at an end ,
You don't want a torpid liver : you don't
want a bad complexion , you don't want a
bad breath ; you don't want a headache ,
Then use Do Witt's I.ittlo Early HUors , tlio
famous lilllo pills.
? ? . M. | Jan. ! ! . Deputy
Sheriff A. W. Marsh of I.os Angeles , Cal ,
arrived hern today and went to h'untn Fe
where ho arrested George II , Miles , clmrgei
with the crime of murder in Is > Angeles
alxiut iwo years ago. The murdered nun
had $ ! , UX ) before his deaUi , but when his
body was discovered only half that umoun
was found.
U'lirn nnil llovr tn Ctm < | tirr Ilin Ol r.i < ( >
ThnTrrinl of iirnrt : .Now to t'rnvont
It The Clrrnt 1'rpilor of Lung
Tliocuro for cotiMunpllon , pure nir.l simple
ItnsnotyQt been found , At tlio present tltao
thorn Is one wtiy to outo consumption , untlono
way only. Thnt Is to npnly rcinodlal n&unts
in tlio first suira of Iho ul emo. Tha only
smfoBimrd nRtxInst fatal results Ian timely at
tention to tlio uarllcr syiiilitotns-
when u series of coin * Ucvoloi8 | .1 catntrh of
the hond nnd tlirout , wlion tlio catarrh roach
es tlio ItiriKtntid aconeli begin1) nnil snows n
tendency to continue i\ml Inn otno chronicthen
Is llio tlinu to onto consumption
AIIPII timeliest hoconipisaroiiml tliolironlh-
Ins illnictilt then Is tlio tlino to euro ocnsiunI | I
When n feoltnz of oppression nnil tightness
cntnos Into llioolie.n then Is the tlino to cure
\Vlien tlio limes boeln to rattle nnil whcerp ,
and blood shows In tlio sputu , then , too , con
sumption "nil bo cured.
Dfs , t'opolund & yiitparil's new Inn * treat
ment ovolveil In trontln ? thousands of emus
of bronchlnl i-nturrli-H tlio moM olllcivel.ins
ntti'iil now known for tlio ur.iillcaltnn of Oils
disease , lu results are musical. ThpmiflFcr-
or Is rellovod lit once from tha suvority of his
coiish , from \vhoo/.lnR nnil labored hroiUhliiR ,
from siiri'iiess In tlio lunc-i mil ihcst palm :
from night swoiits nnd splttliiR of b.ooil.
'I no Ciitiirrh Is driven on I of llio system initi
the lungs restored to a normal condition , Hun
dreds of Onviha people Irxvo linen bnuutlttutl
nnd cured by tills treatment. Kvury WCOK > PH-
tliuonlnls to Its wonderful tostiltsiire publish
ed. It la utilities ! Innnhly tlio best moans now
known of uhecklna consumption anil curing
the curly con umptlvo.
Mr. .Inlin MoKlulr.v Avoids Consumption by
Curing Mix ilrimclitiil Catarrh.
' 'My nnlabboM ultoadv know now much I nm
Improvod. lint I will j ivn you brlollv tbti fnets
lilt hoc so , " Tlio Kt'tillomaii who spolto was
.lolin MulClnlny , of Oi-.swold , In , , ivhoro he Is
associated In business with bis father.
Mil. JOHN Mt3lvINtEV..O iswuM ) . IA.
My flrst symptoms were of ncntnrrhul klnil
which wurodisKiistiii'4 tomv.-o f mill everyone
o'se. ' My bo.itl. throat , and no-,0 worn llllo : )
with nmciii nnd 1 swallowed much of It , for I
loiild not help It , although 1 Unow It. would
nlurn mo. After HWhllo my luuus bociiinu
sore , with chest piilnsjind n bid coiizli. My
stomach wns very w.\il : ; nnd felt bo.ivy after
latlm. . I could not In the morn-
11ir. My bre'ith was very short , nnd slleht ex
ertion utterly exhausted mo. Later on. 1 bo-
trim to buvu nlRht sweats and n fovei-lliat con-
snmod my llesli and KUVO IIILMI nilounhealthy :
ookthat. alarmed our family. Mv next step
WIIH to consult Dra. Copcluml & Shepard and
as a result wo are at , tbo uhnn o In
tno. Mxcnt.irrh and n y eoiuh are fibt : luiv- :
nir , and I fool every day n stonily return of
ny Io-it.nnpet.ho and stren jtli. No moio nlsht
sweats. In short. I know , that , 1 am In tlio
lands of safe unil on re fnl physlel u.s. and bol
ter silllIIat , 1 nm steadily uctMni ; well. "
Catarrh trontocl at $5.00 a mo .th medi
cines froe. For all other diseases the rates
will be low and. uniform. Patiants at a dis
tance successfully t.-eateil. Send fo.tym -
tom blank.
ItooniH : tll nnd ilia Now York I.ito
llulldliij ; , Oinalin , Nob.
O. S. SI-IKPATtO , M. D ,
Specialties : O'lturrn nnd nll.dlsoiiRosof llio
Eye , Enr. Thront unit lainss : Nervous lls- )
OHB09 , Siilii DlseuHos , Cli-onlo Ulsonses.
Onioo Hours llto It a. m.,3 tuSu. in. , 7to 8 p.
m. Sunday , U a. in. to 1in. .
] Matiopal
Surplus . S ( SOUO
Clllcci-s nnd Directors llonry . Vutos. iirmMant
It. C. I'usliln : , vleu prcsliloiu ; t1. S. .MjinricjV , V
Morse. John H. Collins J. N' . II. I'.itrlvX ; 1.2 .via H
Hueil , citbhlur.
Klnvutoi-H , wiirMhniisos , lanlory Itiiilillnfo ,
unil all Murk rcqult'lni ; u tlim-oimli mill
Iiruucluiil linowlcilcn construction
. .
J' . O. Hex : i : > 4 , Fremont , N.-l. .
- Til
Ladies' ' Perfect
Tbu only ported vnnlnal
and rvclul byrliiKO In thu
It IH the only SyrlnKO ev
er Invented by whlcli vut'I-
nal Injection * can bu nil
inlnlsturi'il without leak-
'niicsml ' soiling Ihu cloth-
Ink' or nccoaaltatluu' tlio
UBCOf a v ! . I , uml which
, cun itlno bu uaeil ( or rc'CUll
Injections or Irrlnalliin.
AM ) IIAUU ItUltillClt
BJll'JI.l ' , .
Price $3. CO. .
Mr.II . onk-in nollclled.
TlieAloe&PenfoldCo. ,
J'hynlcluns' jireiuTlptlon.i
ncrurntuly i-irupaiod ut
law urlcci.
I'ropos il for Huiiiulitry Hurvny mill 'Moiiu-
General l.uml OJlleo , >
WASIIIMITON. li.U. Ucconihor Si. ' ( ' 2. (
Sealed iiropfMult will bu rnculvuil ut
crnl luiKl ulllco. Wnsiilnxtini , I ) . U , until 4J
o'clock p. in. on Siiturday. the : Mh ilny of
Juiiiinry. Ihtvi. for the BUI-VOV nnil murlclns by
Biiltibio iiiniiiiiiiuiita , ( it that porllnu of tliu
liuiiiidury line liotwi'on tliu Ntiitu of NuUrusUu
nnil tin ) scat i ) of South DuKotuvlilcb llos wast
of llio .Missouri river , us uutliorlieil bv the nut
of conuruh'i. n D prove I August. ! * , 183" . iniUliri
iiliDioprlatloii for aiirvnyliiK tlio pulillu lunda
1'umpliUa Hutiltos < it'Ki ) . IHll-lSOL' , p. UT" ) :
ulsn fur tlm f iirnlaliliiK of Btonu nioiiuinciils to
bo plnou I at liulf-inllo IrilurviUs oji xulil boun-
tlary , Thu lildB for tlio uurvoy und for tlio
mini union Is imm bu sup.'irute , wl h llmprlvl-
IORO to thu blililvr tliut U liu IK
the L'orHriict for Imtli hi ) will lie lioiinU to c'on-
traul for noitlior. OoploH of tliosiiucllloHtlnns
nitty bo h'til upon ippliitlon ! : lo tills olllro.
Kucli bid must lioiicuDiuuunli'il bir u rt'i'tllliKl
cheek for tMt. Tlio rlalit to tojocit nuy or nil
bids Is ii'gorvod , I'roposutu must bu inoluau : !
In unvolopoj soiiloil unil ninrlicd " 1'rnpo-iuls
for survey of baunJiiry tiotwnun Noliruskn
and South Dakota. " and "I'ropohuts fur biiun-
claiy inoiuinionts. " and addroiiod to the Con-
inUilonor of the Gonurnl Ij'.incl Ufllue , Wueli-
liiutun , 1) . U ,
LHliiied ] W. M. 8TONK.
Jild''lt. C'oinnilsslnmir.
iiropiisiils ivlll Im ii'ci-lvi'd by tlio
Hlatu lloiirdut I'rlnllii al thiiolllcunf HIOM-C-
rotury of htatit , at any tlino before Tliui-Mlay ,
Junuury 1'Jlli , J60H , at U n'rlm'I ; p. in. , fur
printing and bliidltig In I'loth 0,0K ( ( i.'ojilc's rn-
IMirt of ritutu lloiird of llorllciilturo for llio
j'l.'ur 1HU3 , ( if ; ! ( ( ( ) [ KIWI'S riich , tlio SUIKI ; to bu
printed In lon . .iirlinoitypo. . Tin ) bl/u of PUKU ,
\vcljrlit and iiuullly of pa pur , style uml iunluy |
of blnillni ; , htyloof lutloi'lna uu oovur unil In
ull rt'upi'rtH tfn > worls t" bo thu biiniu as tlm
llortluiiltural Ki'pDft of lbl'J. ! Sainpluiif work
may bo wn ut thoolllcii of tliu fct'ciutary of
utatti ,
\Voflc to bi ) I'oinpli'U'il within hlvty daysi
from thu uuardln < if tlm contract.
Klulit ivMTVi'il to rojt'ct. . any and all bids by
tlio Stall ! I'rlntliu ; Hoard.
Dated Di'i'oniliui-'JHIli 1 IHO'J.
J ) 30 d 10i bucretury uf .State.
Do you know what odds and ends mean
when applied to u clothing stope ? When a
concern has dune as much business as we have
in the past few months theve must necessarily
be a lot of pants for which there is no coat or
vest , and coats when the pants ape gone. Then
again there is probably only one suit of a size
in a certain kind of a suit OP overcoat. Now ,
these make up what we call
Odd Pants ,
Odd Coats , -
Odd Suits ,
Odd Overcoats ,
We invoice next week and we want to get
rid of as much of the "odds" as possible before
that time. We qote no prices here , but at the
store the prices are cut low enough. You'll
say so when you see the goods we oiler at this
Cor , 13th and Farnam.
More sold than nil others combined. Do not bo deceived .by Inilt/itors or
those claiming to have almost us good u machine- . Buy only the SANDWICH
CORN SHELTER and bo protcotod by direct guarantee from roUablo manufae-
urers. 1'oti can always depend upon our repairs lieinjr kept in stoul : by nil loc'il
dealers. Apply for our agency. Send foi1 catalogues and prlcos. SANDWICH
MANUFACTURING- . , Council Blull'3 , Iowa.
( norm t'cmibin without linux lilt In KM. our Intent
ImprnviM Mjrle , B n millrt miiKP , IIBH ili > i > | i HBUKO
Mronif but lilKh Krntr , ivml Hii1 m perrwtly IlKlit !
mvi's ! ) l l > r I'rnt nutrition * olpmonta. Hill ijn- on npplli-ntlun. AOKNTH WANT-
111) ) in ijvi-ry county III tliu t' H. AdilrrM.CIIAltliKS
, UN. Mnlii . . Council llliilfj , III.
lmprov3J SafalElavalirj / - ,
Cor. Olh SI and 11 Avu. , ( 'oiiiiell llluirn.
An'l all the train ol
rompunr Iliem In men yi'H'KI.V iici.I . I'lIltMA-
NKNThV tlWKIl. Kull HTHKNUTII Binl tone
clrcii to every part of iliu hotly. I tvtll ton. ) ( BU
cnruly 1'iveiti I'ltKUlo nr nutlordr Ilia proicrlp.
lion llmti-uru.1 uiu of tru.iWoi. AJJfjjs. u
Wq will ccuil you llir ininiluu * [
Kicnrli 1'ltpurulion CALTHOOf
I'lvv. uml u Irxal Kuaiuiilrr lluv )
I'M/l'HOd Hill ICftlori' youi
aifultli , Hlrrlied * uud Vl or
f 'it it anil pa v ( fsatisf.rtl ,
Addroas VON MOHL CO. .
rim previous tbiiti the "Noclorof tliu jiods. , " .
Mnio the "Italin "
hoiillnu of Ulllouu ,
( Julotx it < ! oiiKli , Solttmx riilinrnluii , lln'UU
up HID Doily , .Milki'4 Iron NorvtiH.
ItcMilly on i ex t'litnrrli , Cnlils , ItroiinbltU ,
CONhllMPTIO.V , llitiiliihh. : .
A uliiil surprlsr , Klitimiiil Iti'lhiT , Uur fur
till )
"Oxygen Book" ina 4 Trys
Suite AID Shooly Bldg , Omaha.
Special T /oiices. /
" \\rAJSTKIl -A ( food trliil lawyurof 25 yeura' ncllra
1' pniflk'o HIM n uooil Illnury wiuilu to form n
imftncThlilii with a leinititlilu utlor/ioy In Council
llluirH HIO | IIIIH HOUIU practloj iiml irooil ucimlu | *
Iniico In tlio liluiri. Aililruti "J.ntvrur , " lluo Uttlco.
Council lllultB , In.
l U170J Mnntur bt.
imfi7Tt ; : WA.STKIl tlrit-'i-TiiH '
nti : 0. I ) . .Meal .Market , 137 Wobt llrouilway ,
CouiKll ItlutTn.
" " "
AllbntAC'r.l nnd loans Kami ami city pruparlr
lioiiKlit anil old , I'usoy , V 'J'lioinm , Council
llluitn. _ _ _ [ _ i
t AUM nnil city Icnnu. Money loaiimt on stuui'
niul urnlii. Itunl t'slniu for mla. lw lllti < mil
liUBlnvbHrunttU. Alonay lounol tor locul Investor ! ,
l.ouni'a .V'l'OHrlo , V1) ! I'tmrl itrout.
/ Hi A.'lim upimr Itroiulw.iir ; | iu'illi ! ( | pled ] tot *
< - | | ; : | for 0.19)1 ) , or will uxu'liao In ;
Impravi'i ) ruolilunca iiroujrly lit Cuunull illuin.
( JreennhleliU. Nlcliolnon \ Oo.
f lAirjTisJnTNTri lTurriiuTiTi rlcliou a 1 munJ
Jliuuiitlrnl tract In I'otlarntta'iilu ouunt/i 1143
Kiit riuliu I'liivj' , IIvJ or tan aarj lot * , llrfo.i.
tlilolilii , NlclioUmi A Co. . ij'il UruiuliVHy
W'l" WANT tun ucrui or Inul within Hvo mllei o [
city. Don't iMro lio-.v roj ti It Ii.
lilcldn , Nk'liulBun x l.'o ,
ENTKIII'ltlriK I'litsa. for frnlu or Krd ui
mibiirbnu hiimu.i , Una uora lots , twanty nilniitji
from motor llnii. lir lnililildi , Nloliulnou .V l.'o.
1IIUITPAIlM-liiiiruvail | , ttiullu HudT'lmlf from
1 vhuiumtGlllcuH-t narm ; ti ruoin iiuinij , ulnblo ,
i < to. Will mcuuiiitu for rtHliluuc * In Con lull Illuji ,
tireui'iililuliU. I'lii'i ) lnu i x. f.a.
32 ACItKri , a inlU'H from city ; "III > 9ll at cut \t \ ,
lakt'ii tUU uook. lirmiiiililnlilj. .Mcliolnon n Uu.
HO iiHil'IC ; loin In Mnynoiiililllluii n ar uimtoinl
< io\ \ HIM now luu-raliito bridiro , Will loll III liuncliuj
ortlntly. < it < i > r > . ' .lotauf. Council Illutfi.
IM' CIIK lurin In Nrli. , S-rooin IKIIIBB , ntuliln mill
bliotltt , 70 urTi'B In cultlvtitloii , 1'rUM ) iFlMXJ pur
iicru. 'I'cruiB uuiy , Joliiuuiri \ Vun I'oltou
. _ j
Boaoo ,
MON In It. A , pirlori , clillilr.n , 4 p. ui.i
lilltK , 7:30 p , in. Hoelnli K'jojU nnl fourUl
Monilayn.Dp , m. ilunlo fuinl liut imrllttt ilJ cluUi.
AiltlrCMlt , A. 1'arlor.Council Illultt.urllJtl Kariuii
t. , Onniln. W , Ii. Cha-Jibur * . Initriidtur.
GAUIIAliK rcamrucl , c.03 * : > oil . vault ! an
chliuiiflyt clutnul. K. D. llurku , cltr bill.
) HOUild I'OHUliNl'-iJll'AUli AVU