8 THE OMAHA DAILY BElfc-.SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31 , 1892. DAUGHTERS IN IT Too Williams' ' Accomplice ! In His Awful Orimo Were His Victim's Ohllilron. DEVELOPMENTS IN THE POISON CASE TVniUirnnnil the Two Olrls Unit Arranged to ( In to California After tlia OU l'HhWorn Out of tlin U'njr Ho li a llnil I'KK- It now transpires that .Too Williams was not nlono In his jilan to ) x > lson the Evrlng family , llo had aeuompllcos , nnd the polleo Imvo dovloped the fact that these wore the unnatural daughters of the intended victim , Kwlng. Wlllliuns , in addition to balng n generally bad and worthless man , w.ts some thing of n innshcr in his way , nnd suc'-cccdoil in ncsnavlnj the affec tions ot the two girls who headed the flock of Hiring children. They sustalno.l Improper relations with Williams' , nnd each seemed aallsllcd to aharo his affections with the othcf. A number of fauts have been dcvclopod that indicate that at least one of the girls was to tv creator or less extent Implicated in the crlmo. They admit that Williams had re peatedly told them that ho was tfolng to poison the family nnJ on the mornlnt ; in question neither of them drank any of the coffee that contained the poison , Ono of the girls was brought to tlio polleo station yesterday morning nnd was closely questioned. She admitted that Williams had been unduly intimate with her older sister , Addle , .but denied that ho had sustained similar relations with her. She said that they had planned for some time that Wil liams wns to marry * one of them and take them both with him to California. The po lice believe she is not telling alt she knows find She may bo held to nival t further de velopments. The funeral of Albert Riving , the Ill-year- old boy who died from the effects of the poison , was hold yesterday afternoon nnd the remains interred In Forest Lawn cemetery. Mrs. Riving Is much worse , nnd it Is not thought that sho- will survive. The effect of the poison Has been rendered more deadly by the shock result ing from the death of nor boy , and her death may occur nt any moment. No trace has been obtained of the where abouts of the supposed murderer. It w. s reported that ho was seen on the streets last night , but no credence is attached to the statement. The police have hunted over the entire city anil officers in citizens clothes have watched every place where he would bo likely to turn up. It Is considered a cer talnty that ho hns gtotout of town , and do seriplions of him have been sent to the au thorities of , the principal cities of Ncbraskc and .Too Is it lSul : KSK. , PiATTSMOUTii , Neb. , Dec. ! 10. [ Special tc Tup. Biir-Joo Williams , the colored mar wanted in Omaha on the charge of udminis t'crlng poison to the family of his father-in law , lived hero until ho moved to Omaha His reputation among his people was bclov par. A CliHil KiUoys The pleasant favor , gentle action and.sooth ing effect of Syrup of Figs , when in need o a laxative , anil if the father or mother bi costive or bilious , the most gratifying result ; follow its use ; so that it is the best fainil ; remedy Icnown and every family should havi n bottlo. . _ _ _ , . - - * m'.ACK IIII.LS TIN . It Will Soon ISo IMarril Ujiott Iho Markets o tlio World. RAPID CITT , S. D. , Dec. 80. After year ! spent in the development of mines in Ui Harnoy Peak tin district there Is now over ; probability that -American tin will bo placet upon the markets of the world within th next sixty days. Thu Hurney Peak Tin com pauy yesterday began operations with it second battery of concentrators , and all vc ports agree that the process , until now ex pcrimcntul , saves a very Inrco per cent o the tin crystals in the ore crushed. Th mill will soon bo in full operation and th shipping of L'iislterllo regularly to the casl ern smelters begun. Irrigation In Wyoming. Mr. George A. Crofutt of Wyoming , gei era ! fleld director of the Green Uivcr Has ! and Canal company , and Prof. L. S. Cornel secretary of the same company , are in th city stopping at tlio Mercer. "Wo are going to have the biggest ditch i America , " said Mr. Crofutt yesterday mori ing , "Our largo ditch will bo ninoty-sovc miles long with 200 miles of laterals. Th main ditch will bo fifty-two feet wide an twelve feet deoj > . It will furnish 2r , > 00 cub : feet of water per second , or nbout one-lift of all the water running in thu river whci wo will tap it. Our smaller ditch will 1 about thirty miles In length. That ditc will probably bo completed by the last c Juno. Wo 'shall bo able to reclaim aboi 600,000 ncres of land by the use of watt from these two ditches , and half of it government land. This will bo a bonnm for tha homcseckcr , Most of this liuid is i the Hook Springs bolt and is excellent land , Speaking of the Platte river canal schcn for Omnhu , Mr. Crofntt said "I should thin that it would bo moru practicable to tap tl Missouri river than the Platto. I have sec the Platte river as dry as a powder lior Why not go up the Missouri river fen t fifteen miles ami tup it with a ten foot co dult reaching down to tlio city ? You won huvo all tha fall you would need and wou nlwa.ys have plenty of water , It seems jno that this would bo a much moro rollab nnd practical scheme than the Platte rivi plan. " Prof Cornell is also deeply Interested I the great Wyoming Irrigation company , nt had something to say concerning tlio cute prlso. "Wo Judge arid land by the quail of sago brush it produces. Just us farme in Illinois used to know the land which pr duccd rosin weeds and blue stem wou raise gooil corn , so we know that arid lai upon which good , healthy sago brush gro\ will make valuable farming land when it properly watered. Our ditches will tap tl Green river and what Is known as Illacl forlr. The land reclaimed will bo in t vicinity of Granger , and I predict that in few years there will bo a wonderful Iran formation over that region. " Silver IK Oiili-t , Mr. D. C. Adams of Salt I-ako City Is the Millnrd. "Tho silver interests of Uti nro very quiet Just now , " said Mr. Adni yesterday. "Tho mlno oirnnrs are waltli anxiously to see what action congress potri.c to take with regard to silver. I thl : that it is no exaggeration to say that half the silver mines of Utah am lying Idle rig now. With silver getting the worst of all tha time as a medium nf exchange the is nothing to encourage the miners to wo their property , In fact , itilon't pay to wo n sliver mlno now unless it Is a particului rich one. Thu stagnation In the silver business h n doprrsslng effect upon other lines as we I am engaged in ihu manufacture of salt , f instance. Now the silver mines of Utah < ( sum nbout frl.OOO tons of suit per uunnm what is known as the chlorinating procc That , you hoc , makes : i pretty strong lot dcnuind for salt , but with half of thu sili mines shut down our business must neci sarlly frel the effects of the ntngnation , a all those depending on our business must s fer ulth the silver industry. " .11 tititni > . Koilcu ( Ore line * or ltt wultr llililtMtt. fi , ttltnch \ ( luMltliKKil line ( cnccndr. I > KMf'STKifItoTlKufgON At tlin brlii iisl : < k'iH-c , U36I O btrout , Lincoln , Nflb. , I ) CO , Ib02. liy Nov. I.uivU Grrirory. uss > Uttd lltiv.W. K. llt'tius , lion. John A. tieiiipsturii Mr * . Mtio K. Itouertson. The huppv con will tiuil u temporary bouio at The 1't Um. IIAYDICN 1IIUH. It n < l tlifi Tricon of Monti , Ittittor nml Clicrno That Wo Quotp. No. 1 augnr cured hams , 12)o ) pur pnund. 1'lonio hams , Oc. Bronkfas' , bacon , llo. Salt porlc , Olc. Honcloss ham , 10)a ) Corned boot , Co per pound. Dried beef , 7o. The finest llox brand comproBsod beef , 7jc. Summer sausajjo , 15c per pound , BaloKtia sausnjjo , 5c. Llvor savungo , Co. Head choose , 60. Frank torts , 8c. } Wo carry the largest and finest stock ot cxnno : < l moats in the city. 2-pound c.in cornboof , 15c. Lunch tonpiio. 2-Jc per o.xn. Dovllod ham , oc per can. Potted ham , Co per can. Potted ton < Mio , 5o per can , Como hero for your llsh. Wo carry a lull line of Ballad nnd smoked at loir prices. Now stock o ( genuine Holland and Norwegian herring. UUTTI2U DEPARTMENT. Iloro you can buy coun'.ry butter for Mo , lOc , 18c and UOc Grenniury , 2'Jc , 121c and 20c. Anplo butter the nicest made , 7)c. ) Mlnco mnat , 7iu. U-isiiborry und strawberry preserves , 12ic. Cranborrloa 10a per quart. Wo are the lenders In choose. Wisconsin lull cream , 8u , lOo nnd 12Jc. Jersey cronin chcoso , 14 and lOo. Brick chuoso , 1-Jc , lie and lOo. Llmburgor choose , 12Jc nnd lOc. Roquefort imported , Olc ) par pound. Sab sago , 8c per package. Neufchatel , 7c } pur package. Pine apple chccsoCOo , each. Edam cheese , $1.25oach. Club house cheese , 35o each. Swiss eheoso , 12Jc , Me and lOc. Fresh oysters always In stock. . IIA'YDEN IJUOS. , Promoters ot homo industry. LOW KATK KNCUKSIOX Tn IIiiu.Htiin , Tex. , Mini Itcturn , Tnosdny , January 3 , 1893 , my third special party will leave Omaha , bound for Houston , Tox. Having for sale several thousand ncros of the richest land In Harris and Bra- zonhi counties , Texas , lying between the cities of Houston and Galvcston , and on the three principal trunk line railroads , I will offer as an inducement for invest ors , or tho3o desiring only to look at the land , specially low rates from Omaha to Houston nnd return , good until Juno 1 , 1893 , with a limit of fifteen days in each direction , nnd good for stop over at pleasure within limit. These landa that I olTor for sale are of a rich , black : loam , ossily cultivated , being rich enough to produce the most excellent results without fortlli/.ation. Everything that can bo grown anywhere - where iu the United Stales grows spe cially well horo. The ground pays well from the first year. The price of land ranges from $2.50 to $20.00 per aero on the most favorable torms'of payment. All these lands lie contiguous to nnd within flvo miles of the above men tioned railroads , with an abundance of water nnd timber. The climate the year through is excellent Romoinber the time wo go : Tuesday , January o , 1893. Leave Omaha at 9:30 : p. in. For further information relative to lands , climate , soil and cost of living , nnd particulars as to the purchase of tickets , cheaper than you can buy of any railroad company , call on 'or ad dress R. C. PATTKIISOX , 123 Ramgo building , Omaha , Nob. HAYiix : imos. Spruliil 1'rlccs fur Saturday. 100 dozen Indies' fine kid gloves , Fos ter lueiugs , only 75o per pair , reduced from S1.25. 100 dozen chlldrens' all wool hose , all sixes , only loc per pair , worth "oc. 1 cnso of ladies' cashmere wool hose , only 2io per pair , worth -10c. 1 case of gonts' extra heavy cotton hose , only lOc per pair , worth loc. 100 dozen of gouts' jersey outing flan nel shirts , 50e , 7oo and 93c , reduced from 7oc , $1.00 and SI.00. 50 do/.on gents' linen cuffs , only 12Jc per pair , worth 25 : . All our 75c gents' nightshirts reduced to oOe , Wo arc now showing a beautiful line of gents' 25o neckwear. Gonta' ' fine camel's hair one-halt hose 25c per pair , worth 40c. 5 cases of ladies' merino vests and pants , plain or Jersey ribbed , from Now York auction , to bo closed at 50c each , worth SI. 00. Ladies' ' equestrian tighfs , black , worth S1.7o , to bo closed at 98c. 100 do/on gouts' fancy border hand kerchiefs only 12Jc , worth 25e. Best quality of standard Gorman knit ting yarn only 19c per skein. SPECIAL SALE OF CORSETS FOU 'SATURDAY. Special saleot ladies'night gowns 50o , 7oo nnd $1.00 ; they tire Ihu best gar i incuts wo have ever shown for the money. HAYDEN BROS , , 10th street. - * Waterfronts duo January 1 , payable a at company's office , Bun Dulldlng ; 6 pot r cent discount allowed if paid on or before fore January 1. Olllco open Wednesday ! i and Saturdays till 8 p , in. ,1 , o California Kxuiirslnii , s The next Phillips Rock Island person ally conducted California oxcursioi .with through tourist sleeping cars tt San Francisco nnd Los Angeles wll leave Omaha at 1:20 : p. in , January ( I Thia will bo the grandest parly of tin season and passengers desiring accom inoflntlons blunild rmko their resorvu tions at once. For full particular ! ) cal on any Rock Island agent or acldros Charles Kennedy , general northwcs passenger ugont , 1002 Pttrnnm street Omaha. _ Look Out lor Colil Wrutlirr. But rldo lusldo ot the oloctrio lightet and steam honied vostibulcd npnrtmon trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee it St Paul railway and you will bo as warm comfortable and cheerful as in your owi library or boudoir. To travel botwem Chicago and Omaha in these luxur ] oiiHly appointed trains is a suproma Bat isfaction ; nnd , as the Eomowhat anciun advertisement used to read , "forlurtho particulars see small bills. " Small bill ( and large ones , too ) will bo nccoptoi for passage and sleeping car tickets a 1601 Farnam street. CLARA ALLEN MUST ANSWER Hold to the District Oonrt and Sent to Jail in Default , EVIDENCE AT THE PRELIMINARY TRIAL Storlci Well Known Itclnteil Again by tlio llnynHrrlln AVItnBues L'ronccutor Mnhonny' * Arraignment of the Ac. ciisrd No DcTcnto Offered. Yesterday nftcrnoon In ix > llco court the trial of Clar.i Allen for perjury In the Miyor Miller case was taken tip ami concluded. -10. O. Mayllcld wns called first and tctlllcd as to the .statements the Allen Avoman matlo the night the bo.ly \ \ AS found. In conversing with witness the defendant had merely told of the visit of three men to the resort about noon on October . Then the county attorney offered In evidence the slip of paper found In Miller's pocket reading. "To whom It may concern : I have trouble hi my head and cannot stand It much longer , " The writing on this paper was Identified by T. 1C. Sudborough aa that of the late mayor of South Omahn. Several reporters then told about their work on the case and of having talks with the Allen woman. In all those talks , as the testimony showed , Miss Allen had never mentioned a word nbout the crime oxecpt to speak of Miller and two companions visiting tlio plaeo where she lived , about noon on the day of the tragedy. At this Umo she did not oven tell the ofllccrs and police reporters that she had heard a shot 11 red in that locality during the day. OfUcer DoHuluio told about finding the body of Miller In the weeds and described at length the lay of tlio land and the height of the weeds. The next witness wns II. I. Garliuh. en gineer at the Ucerlng Implement works located just east of the place where Miller was found. Garllek said that ho vlsted the place the next day after the weeds had nccn broken down and ho could just see the cor- nlco on the roof of Lou Scott's house above the weeds wlilch still remained standing. Ho also heard a shot llred down In that vicinity about 11 o'clock. Henry Stradcr a shipping i-lork employed by the Deerlng company said that ho heard a shot llred about 11 o'clock. Col. Savage of South Omaha identified the writing on the slip as that of C. P. Miller. Ho also said that for flvo or six weeks pre vious to October-I , Miller had been drinking hard , averaging from fifteen to twenty drinks a day. The pawnbroker who rented the revolver was called again and told substantially the same things as ho had tcstillcd to during the Berlin-Hays trial. Then the state rested , and as the defense had no testimony to introduce Mr. Mahoney made a few remarks. Ho said that the tes timony of the defendant during the trial of Berlin and Hays was absolutely untrue , as he firmly believed the witnesses in the case on trial had proven beyond a doubt. Continu ing the county attorney said that the tes timony had shown that it was a case of sui cide and not murder , and that Berlin and Hays were not there at the time claimed by Clara Allen. "Tho only possible excuse , " said Mr. tlahonoy , "is that the woman might have jeen mistaken in the identity of the men she lainicd to have seen , but if this was so why lid she tell so many different stories to ro- > ortors and the oftieers sent out to investigate ho ease ! Her motive in keeping silent could lot have been to shield Berlin and Hays > ccauso she claimed she didn't know them , Vgain , testimony has been introduced sliow- ng- that her motive in coming into court a nontli or so afterwards and swearing as she lid was money. The Davis woman's testi- nony showed that. All I can say is that it 's a ease of deliberate and wilful perjury. " The attorney for the defense went over his side of the story , and Mahoney closed the case in a few words , mentioning the fact that .ho doctors had said the pistol Had been icld very close to the head ami not fifty feet away , as defendant claimed. Judge Berka summed up the evidence in a tow words and then held the prisoner to the lislrict court for further henving. ller bail was fixed at fitCO. The judge inquired if there was any possi- jility of the defendant furnishing the ro- luired amount , and the woman's attorney replied that ho thought it very doubtful. Sheriff Bennett then took charge of the irisouer. All of the witnesses will be required to furnish a $ S)0 bond for their appearance at the next term of the district court. Til ! : M.OKSJ3 1J11Y ( iOOIS CO. Jfon's Fm'iiUlilngi * . Flanmil shirts , hair line stripes and broken chcuks.formorly $3.00 , now 81.50 8iv.es 14 to 16ivll wool. Fine under wear S3.2o a garment , best English makes in cnBhmuro und pure vicuna quiilitios that luivo no superiors. The sizes tire broken Iionco the price , almost liulf. Boys' drawers , $1.49 , all ai/es and nil wool. They como in two weights , the light weight has boon J2.53 , the houvy $ ; { .50 ( tomorrow you get choice of cither tit $1.40 , nothing bettor made. Men's wool hose , 25o , heavy weight , great warmth niirt durability. Men's night shirts , 8'Jc ' ; regular $1.25 quality ; silk finished and embroidered front collar and sleeves extra length and good , durable muslin ; all sizes from 1-H to 18.BOYS' BOYS' CLOTHING. Tomorrow will bo an unusually busy day with us becausewo huvo' cut and Blushed prices that must upptill all com petition. None , of them huvo boon scorched or wet or soiled ; all thia sea son's goods. At $5.00 W3 give you choice of a hun dred boys' overcoats in bizus 9 to 17 , grades that have been $10.00 and up tc $20 00. At So.00 wo olTor 89 boys' throe- ' piece suits , 11 to 10 .years. Th'oso have Bold from * 9.00 to $20.00 , ovcry thrond "wool , right 'shapes , best cloth , inside equal to thu outside. At $5.00 wo HhftU Boll 12.5 youths long pants suits , from II ! to 18 yours si/.es , these have ranged from $8.00 tc $20,00 ; made from the boat fabrics ant fit the form perfectly. These throe lota wo have culled frou our rugulur stock. Wo do not wish tola vontory thorn or keep them on oui shelves , hence the price , less by a 1ml than you pay olsowhero. TIIE MOUSE DRY GOODS CO. Real oalato. Bargains only. My word is pee ; ] . W. G. Albright 621-2-3 N , Y. Lifo bid ? . Low Knllroud Kitten for tlio Holidays , Tickets on eulo at one and one-thin faro for the round trip via the Chioag < & Northwestern railway , December 24 2o , 2(5 ( , 31 and January 1 anil 2 , good returning turning until January JJ. ( Jity tlcke olllco 1401 Farnam street , G , F. WlJST , C. P. & T. A. R. R. RlTOHlH. Gonorul Agent. .11s. s.il ilT -T S- Sid lu flic only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Atunionia ; No Alum , Ded iu Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard * -A Friend Wishes to spoi * through the Rtgttttr o | ( ho bcneiklnlirssiilU he hns received from iv rcgubub use of Ayer's I'llln , Hesnj-s : " 1 wn feeling sick nnd tired find my stomnoh scorned nil out of order. I tried n nunibi-i of remedies , but none Boomed to plvejino relief until I wns in * duced to try itho old reliable Aycr'.i rills , I Imvotftketi only one box , but I feel llko ti new nmti , I think they ixro the most ploasnnt and cflsy to tnko ot anything I over used , being so finely Biigar-coatcd that oven a child will takj them. I urge upon all who nro of a laxative- try Ayor's Pills. " Boothbay ( Me. ) , llegistcr. "Uotwcon the ntjes of flvo and fifteen , I wns troubled with a kind ot salt- rheum , or eruption , chiefly confined to the legs , nnd especially to the bond of tlio knee above the calf. Hero , running sores formed which woiild scnb over , but would break Immediately on mov ing the leg. My mother tried every thing slio could thinlc of , but all was without avail. Although n child , I rend iu the papers about the bunnllulnl effects of Ayer's Pills , nml persuaded my moth er to let mo try tlium. With no great faith in the result , she procured nml I began to use them , and soon noticed an Improvement. Encouraged by this , I kept on till I took two boxes , when the sores disappeared and hnvo never troubled mo since. " II. Clilpinan , Heal Estate Agent , Ronnokc , Vn. "I suffered for years from stomach nnd kidney troubles , causing very severe jmlna in various parts of the body. None of the remedies I tried nffordcd mo any relief until I began taking Aycr'e I'Hls , and was cured. " Win. Goddard , Notary Public , Flvo Lakes , Mich. I'rcparcd by Dr. .T. C. Ayer & Co. , T.owoll , Mast. So'd ' by Drugglau Rvcry wberc. Dose Effective ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM Femilj Wealwm , Catarrlior Ijjl Rbeamatlsm , lift Chronic , Hervous or Private Diseases. bO , CALL ON Dr. Searles & Searles R. F L. SEARLES , Consulting I'hysl- OIA n , Gr.uhmit , ut Uuali Medlcul College. Consultation Free. Tor tba Treatment of Chronic , Private- and Hervous Diseases MAMJ AND KJMAMS. ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. ORGANIC WEAKNESS A"NTD DIS- iVSES OP NO MATTER HOW 3NG STANDING OR HOW OFTEN PRONOUNCED INCURABLE. [ STEI&TOUS DEBILITY I'lLKS , FISTULA , FIPSUUU , permanently cured tithout the use of Vnllu. llcature or caustic. All ranladlcs of n prlrata or diillcato nature , of Ithcr &e.Y , positively cured. Tall on or r.tUlrcsa , viltli stamp for Circulars , Frco Cook and Iteclpes , - us Poiitli 15th Street or.- ! uGJIIbj , OriKiIitif A'oi ) . Nnxt Door to Postolllcc. Get all that's possible of both , if in need of flesh strength and nerve force. There's needtoo , , of plenty of fat-food. * of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh and strength quicker than any other preparation known to sci ence. ence.Scott's Scott's Emulsion is constantly ef fecting Cure of Consumption , Bronchitis and kindred diseases where other methods FAIL. Prepared by Scott & Downe , N , Y , All druecl t . A nevrnn 1 oompleta trcatmont , conalJtln ; ; of Sup. , Olntmont in Cnpjiiljj , also In box nnit 'Illn. A potltlvo curu for Knturil.il , Imern.il , Illlni ) or IllepillnItchliiK , t'hronio. Itcuont or Hereditary 1'lles. Tlil > renuil-tins : ) never Ueon known to fall. I per box , U for iJr ont b/ mill.Vtiy miner from tlilH torrjbla dlieno whun wrlttoii Kuarantoo li poplllvoly tlvon with o bnxii or rofuii-l tha mono ? rnotcurud'Hond / ian : for frj-j na'iiul ) . tiair- IH. 15. C.WRST'aNKUVK AN'I ) 1IIIAIN TIIKAT. incnt , a npuclrto for Ilyttcrln. Dlstliivit , Kin , Neu- rnlffla , IlouUac'liu , Norvona I'ruatrntlon c.-ittseJ by liquor or tobnroo , vakefiiliiuii , .Meninl lloprosilon , b'oftnoaiof thu llr.lliu enuijiu linunltr , lulsordo - cttrloathI'ri'inat'iruUld AKO , N"crviiu ni > s. I.o i of Power In ollheriiov , Impolancy , l.oiicorrlice uadall KoiimloVealine eiv Involuntary I.UKOS , Spcrmn- lorrlioiimim-il UJT uv r-oxurtlon of lliu brain , A month' * troatincnt II ; tl for 15 ; by mull.Vo Ktinr- niileoi ) bo u * lo euro.Knch order fortl boxes with flMllUeml wrlitciiiKiiornntiio to ruftiml If nntcureil , ( iunrnnteu UiuoJ only by Tliuodoro K. l.ouln. ilrinc cltt , solo niicni , toullioast cornur Itlth uud t'uruam ilrocti , Oionua. Hcalod ] iropo aU wllllm received liy tlie Ktuti ) lloanlot rrlntlnjiul thontllonof tliohi-c- iiilury ofsialo , atuny llinu ln-ftno Thurhday Januiiry I'-ilh , Ib'.U , ut 'J o'clock p. in. , fin printing anil hlnilliii ; in rlotli G.OOU i-oplos MI- port of Htutn llourd of lloilluiilluro fur Hit your IH03 , of 300 pages cni'li , lite same lo lie pilnloil In IOIIK pilmcr lypi1 , Thusl/n of pncu wt'l ht anil ( innllty of pupcr , style and ( iiialllj of blndlnK , styloof lelloilns on uovor untl li all rc-spccts tlin work to bo llio sumo us the lloi-tlciiltuml Ilupurtnf IbO'J ' , Hainploof wort may be sccu at the olllco uf tlio i > t > uretury u ! stnto , Work to ho roiuploli'd wllliln hl.vty days from the mvai-dliii ; of the conlravl. KlKlit i-.orvi'tl lo rojci't any and all bids b ) the stale 1'rlntlnK Hoard. Dated December iBlh ! , 1602. JUIINO , AI.LEN. n 30 d lot Secretary fy the lilooil , vie wlu aud tail iu l i , lue ! > ( nii-illrliie kiioo nf or UUou1 ari , coiutlpMlon , driip < la. foul ] Lrtatti. UeailccLc , | ifurtlmru , Ion < 11 auinlltc , It cnlAl lUprruiou , r eliiful < lon , plmplc , ullow wuinlei I Irani- blender a failure liy t e stouiicli , lUrrur Iu. j tMitoe * to [ lerform tb ir proiK.-r f unctlous. I'erMHifi | 'eMu'lnMil.V'rlwl'IlnaU.tVrow.Ulttlui ' ' .Uc. j I H1PA.NS ClEMIi ! LCt > . . lOFiirucebt. , York j AMUHIS.MISNTB. This Saturday , December 31 , Last Two I'ertormuicpa of tlio Celebrate : ! ' Actress. Under the mnnnsi-monl of W.'l ) . i.Ot'DOU. Assisted by n l-.xceliont Company. Mntinoo This Afternoon ntSiHO. llnvon's Great lllilo-lcul 1'lny , Josephine , Empress the French THIS (8ATUUIIAV ( ) KVKNINO , Shakespeare's ItrUHiuit Coined jr. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING Snnilny , Monday nml Tuesday. J nutrv I. 2 ni'da. ( Spoeliit holiday nutlncn Monday , ) the uiiilnont i-onmiitlu actor , JA.MJ3S O In hl latest success. A worthy successor to "Mouto Crlsto , " Now York Sun. .A/ef ro/ > < > / / ( mi OiHf. fS/iihurtifo CimfIIIMO.O , ' All .VouMooncrji * . Mr. O'Neill's flrst appearance In Diuahu In our years. Usual prluos. FARNAMSTREETTllEATERI1'7. ' ' . . . , lku llonir , nil rojils loiil to tholiouso of IIICCCM. Tlie Kyiiinliitloii of nil Sciinntloiinl All r'Ai'.Tsv'/f lioliuilnivlTii . .Nextl.V / > Now Yuar'd Matlnoo XVcoltl Af.t.V. ' Simaay. Jnu. 1. Sea tlio Iron Mills In full lllnst. Mntlncoi Stimlny , Moiul.iy , IVcilnasJ.iy , SnliinHjr . la/ONDERLAND DlinTONSTAtUCYGQME'jr CO. IN The yonder , nnd MI hour of specialties. li.irv ii.iT/.viJUS. ' ' ' EVKS-'lNO'11'ltIUKS Sit' ' . liiilvony , 1'urnuet.atlo DEFORMITY BRACES Elastic Stocking- Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , d Water "Bottles , Syringes , a Atomizers , Medical Supplies ALOE & PEPLO , 114 Next to Postoffiee. DISORDERS And all tlu train of EVILS , WKAKNK35H3 , OKIlIUrv. HTO. , tint no compniijr Ilipm hi men Qt'H'KI.Y nna 1'HIIMA- NENTIA' ITltni ) . Kiill STllKNOTIl nml toiio KlTon to every p-irtot tlio locly. 1 irlll senil (80- ( cnrcly pscicil ) FUUE to any simoror tlu proicrlp- Ion that ciirail moot tlnua tro'iblji. AililrJJJ. U A. UUADLKV I1A1TI.Z CIlEKIt , S1IOH. Send 1O cento for 10O jintto "IHectro-Medl- leal Theory and Frnctlco. " ' n. 8. 5LI9G. Iowa Folio. Iowa. Guitars , KKniiolinc & Zillier * in volume and quality f tone nro the BUST IW TOE WOULD. War- runted to wear In any climate. Sold hj all Iccdlnfc-tlcalrrs. Menu- tlfully Illtutrntcd Fourrnlr cat alogue with portraits of famoui aunts will bo ntnlloci Fnsii. I.YON & HEALY. CHIOACO. ioyiitSayu. No pay 1111 rnrru I I > r. J. Su-Plif in. ii-'juiui. < TO G ROUGE : WAltUEN SMITH. WILLIAM M. .lonltlus , Delia Davis , OatheKuo U JIoblH Nelson li , Sweitzor. .lolin O. F. Loh iiiann. Mary H , H mivlorLlzsio ) W. Mci'lns key. Horn n ok llnnlc. Anna Vaudoubur. : Qcarxo II.KIoc'c.Kllory ' L. llcuck.OiC.ir Hart- iniiii , Michigan Mutual Llfo Insur mco Con.- iiiiny , ( Joorpo M. Nicely , William O. White- head. Klbrluuo LawtoioIoy V. Mimon. David M. Uro. A.U. I.olizhtur. lilbrlilgo Law- tun , I/adoo A. Powell .Matilda Do Urolsellc , non-rusldonts : Von are hereby notlllcd that the undor- slKnotl , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been duly appointed by the innvor. with the approval of the city council of said city , to assess tlio d < unaso to the owners rospootlvoiy of the property declared by ordinance nnocHsary to be appro- printed for tlio use of said oily for the pur- posoof opeiiln ; and extending Newton street tram Davmiport's subdivision tolIJth utroet. You are fnrt her notlllod , that having accepted said appointment , and duly qu.illlloU as rn- qulrotl by law , we will , on the Will day of January. A. 1) ) . lbiJ ) , at the hour of : | o'clock hi the afternoon , at tha olllco of Oco. J. I'atil , iUJ.'i I'arniun street , within the corporate lim its of siild city , moot for the purpose of con sidering and niaUliiK the assessment of dam- nso to the owners respectively of Bald pro perty , br ro bon of Hitch taltln and appro priation lilt-roof taking into vousldoriitlon spoel.il boiiollts , If any. The properly holunzin ? to you , iiroposcd to lo : approprlatod as nforcsald , and which hits been dec'.arctl necessary by the couimll , by ordlnanio , to appropriate to tlin HBO of the oily , belliRlln no In Haiti cltv of ( Jmalia , In tin * county of DoiiKlns , and Htutoof Ni'brahkn , Is described an follows , to wit : Goo. Wnrrcn Smith The Boutli''r.bj feet of lotslin , : i7 , IH. lit' . 4' ) , 41 , 41 ' . 4'l and 41. William M. Jcul'lns-Tho Houtli 'JT.S5 foot lot 43. 43.Delia Davis and'Cattiorlno B Hobbs Too eoiith i.7i foot lot 4(1. ( Nelson II. Hwltzer Tlin north 2(1.1.1 ( foot lot .18. John U , R I.uhmanu North " 0.15 fust of east 63.8J feet lot ta. Mary S , Samplers North "C.13 foot onstC0.8 ! cot lot Ii. ! I.l/.zlo W.McClnslioy North 2fi.ir > feet lot CJ. Doiuinluk Hook North ,0.15 fi'oi lot ( > ' ! . Oscar lliirtman North 'Jil. 1. ) foot lot I'M. .MIchlKiin Mut. Llfo Ins. Co. North LUIS feet wont > j lot 01 , lluo. M. Nlceloy North M.15 feet of middle ! i lot Dtl William O , Whltuuoaa-Nortli 31.15 foot east H lot U' } . Ivlbrldiro Lawton NorttrJaiS foot lot 07. Houley M. Mason and David M. Uro North M 15 feet lot lid. A. O. Lulu'htonNorth 30.15 font lot CD. Elbrld/oLawton North SH.15 lot 71. luidou A. Urowoll-North ' 'u.1 : . feet lot 73. ( luoivu II. Kk-ek North M. 15 feet west 41 foot ot north ) ' ' ' ' foot of lotV.I. Kllory L. Iltmck-Soiith'JT.Sj feet south ' /i of cast ! inf lot.'il. s Anna Viindenbuw SouthS7S5 feet of north ' ,1 Of HOIltll ( J Of Itlt 7. All In ( ilsu'J addition in nald oily , county anil state. Von aio noillloil to be present at the time und place aforesaid , anil malio any objections to or statements concerning said proposed ap propriation or uaat'satiiciH of diuimuus , us you may i-oiislder proper. 1 ' " u.\V. QIHHO.N" WM. O. HIUllVKIl. ' ' ' l'ld"0t Omaha , Dccetpborl7 , 16'J. . Nntlcu. In coniplianco with tlio statutes of tha state of Neb , Insiiclicascbiuudound providednotice ii lioroby elveu that sealed proposals will bu received ut the olllco of commissioner of puh- llo lands und buildings until 10 o'olooU p , in. , the yiat day of Ducombor , Is'Jfor ' the fuinUlilux of supnlloj for tlio inturtc-r endin : March III , IsUil , for the hos- pltulH for the ins-moat L'ncoln , Hastings und Norfolk , tlio industrial schools at Kearney and liuiiova , thu Inatltiito for the blind ut Nebraska City , thu Inslituto forthudoiif and dumb at OIIMIII : , tlio Institute for the fueulo inludoil at Ilaatrlcc , thu soldiers' homo lit Grand Island , the homo for the frlendlo * * ut Llnco'n , and the Industrlul homo at Mllford.v l'ulmrxlo ; can 1) ' ) procuied by upplyln/ Uin Institutions. No bids will be coiulderod unless In by the tlino ftpoclflod above. The board rccerrus the right to accept or roloctany urull bids. All bin * mu.t bo " ado In a'"g1 ' - , , ,0- , , , , , . CommU loiierof I'ubllo Lauds auU lIulldlnRS , Llucolo , Hoc. ' . ' ) , m'Ji U.X'dlit We're taking 'count 6' stock this week sorting-countlng-multiplying-adding-figur- Ing up the profits and losses-getting rendy to i ; say ' 'good bye" to prosperous old " 92" to bid a warm welcome to the bonnlc New Year " 93" . All's confusion throughout the store goods promiscuously piled nrounclstocks disarranged -such an overhauling. In a business of such . magnitude as ours , some odds and ends wj ] accumulate in spite of closcstcarc. This Is our week to dispose of them. Whenever , in this general overturning of stocks a broken line of any sort or kind of goods is found be it over coats suits hals shoes or little fixin's it's marked down at once without regard to what it'scosttous to such a figure , as to amply re pay you the discomfort of the musswa're in to buy it at * ! L".VgJltg.iy Out-of-town friends indulgence we beg your gence for the delay in filling some of your iVAN i orders in the past few days they came so fast 'twas not possible to fill them with our usual promptness. We close at 0:30 p. m. Saturdays IO p. m. VAN COTT JEWELRY COMPANY , For Thirty Days only \vo will olTor our entire stook ot Diamonds nnd Christmas Jewelry anJ Silvorw.iro at loss than mnnuftioturor'ij cost. Fourteenth and Farnam Streets- Will move Jan. I. to N.V. . Cor. IfltU and Vuruain. SAFES I'OIl SAIjK. 1316 The pmlnont specialist In nervous , chronic , iirlvnto. blootl , skin nml urinary dlscnsps. A regular MN ? litureil Krnrtiini In mcillclno. n dl plom-n nnd certificates nbow , Is Jtlll treatlni : with the Broatojt sue- cc s ratarrh , lout manhood Rjiuln.il woiknois , nlsht losaoi nnd nil forms of prlvntodlsea < os. No merou- ry ueed. P.CIV troaiment for loan of vital power. 1'nrtloj unable to visit mo may lis treated nt home 111 correspondence , Jlcrtlclno or lnslrumont nont liy mall ur otprois noouroly pnoiBd , no mirKs to Indloato conlontHorsondor. Onopenonallntnrvlow preforred. Consultntlonfros. Corroipon lonoostrictly prlvat * llook ( Mynturlca of Ufoisout f roe , Oflico liuun'J n.m. to a p.m. Sundays 10 u.m. to 12 m. tomlstamp for reply THAT CUP GENERATES oronrcclous than llio "Nocterof the ends. . " More hauling llio "Halm of unload. " Oilluu u ; < MIII | , hiiflniM I'lilinrulna , llli'lcU iijillm IJnily , Mnka * Iron Curves. Itpiilly curi-H fntarrh , Colds , Ilroncliltlft , CONhUMI'TIUN , llfiiilncliu. A clml Kiu-iirUp , lllexsuil Ilnllcf , C'uro for tlio Ilnpeluiii , "Oxygen Oook" and 4 Trys Free. Suite TilO Slicoly Bldg , Omaha. DOTWTBATLEY Teath Filled With out P\lu by the Latoit Invon- _ tlon , Tooth Extracted Without Pain or Danger. A Full Scl oi1 Teeth on llulikr for $5.0) $ ) . IVrfect tit Rimr-\ntuoit. Tortli oitr.ictJd In tlio niornlni' . Now unu Inturtod In Ilia uvcnhu uf l duy. duy.b'eo Bpoflmoni of llomovnUIa Ilrldze. t'oe Bpocliiiouu of I'loilblo KlmUo I'lata. M\ \ work mirrnnluil uj rnproitiuto , ! . Of f lee Third Floor Paxton Block , Telephone lOSi , li'.lli anil Fiinimi < Us. Tnko oluvator or it.ilr < rjy from llitli St. OR. McOREW TUB 8PCCIALI3T. Is ttnsarpaasod in tlitj ticaltia-ntof all PIRVATE DISEASES nml nil ll rii e ij-ii and ll ( irtlL-r oMtll ISycaraoxpcrlonro , Wrlto for circulars nud qucttlon lint free , I'llli nod Fnrimm BU. , Ouiaha. Nob. \Ve will lend you tlie m ritlo Fienrli I'rtpamllun CALTHOBl fife , an > ) a U-Kil KUimuUr Dial ] CA1.TII03 will Ilmtoi-n .Yciu-f Ult-ullli , MtrciiBlU and Vigor. { ( 'it it an J far if taifi/td. Addrnoo VON MOHLCO. folf ABirl ( > AfiaU , ( laiiAalll , 01.10. | WINTER RESORTS. TJlE IC , CIA. A VKHVKUTV1NT < : U ItKlOUT HOTIII. OIICDI Jan. 4. Send for clrcfilar Kiuuoui o liealtlifulrllpiatc , baluiy tea ulr , pln.o foituK , Mo drlvcu unJ mjuatlo and liulil < uuti. WARHENLEl.ANDJr.rflanOBor.a - TI-IK - Ladies' ' Perfect SYRINGE. Tlio only perfect vngln ' and rectal byilngo In tbt world. It li tlio only Syringe or- cr InvcnU'd by nlilch TBR- | iml Inji'ctlonu ' ciin bo u ministered nlthnut Irak- ! IIK und nolllni ; the cloth IIIB or iiucemllntlntr tin uaoof aveanul.nncl whlct run UBO ! bo ueiid for recta : Injections ur IrilL-atlon. i M)1-T ItllllllKl : 111JI.D AND II A It U HUIIU1C11 tiHKI.U Mnll onlorB sollcHort. ThoAloe&PenfoldCo,1 Stj-oot , KICXT TO 1'OSTOKKIOr I'liyidclaiiB1 proicrlptloo nccnratvly iiroparud a' Joir urlcci. THOMAS 1' . ' . HATCMTP HlMI'HaN.Wnililnctoi I AI hN I A"- Noni1 ' fvo until I'st. IB ol i n i un i * IBI1M ) | \Vrllo for Inveiiturs Ould | > Ja1lopal : 17. S. Oai'OSI'fOKY , OMAHA , L.npltal $100,000 Surplus % $05,000 Cniceri ar.d Directors Henry \V. Vatei , proildont. II. U. CuililiiK , rice presldont : O. H , .MnurlooV. . V Mcirro.John B. Colllni J. N , H. 1'atrluk ) J.avrli U , lluvd , L-uililor , THE IRON BANK. Omnha's Newest Hotel COR , 12TH AND HOWARD ST3 , in noonu at ISM | ior day. U ) lloonn at J-'I.OU par day. to llc'onu with Until nt 13.03 per day , 'M lloonu with Until at 13. 0 to lt.6) ) per duy , OPENBU Isb Moduni In ICvnry l ( pi > nt. Kinrly I'urnUlioil Throughout. sTERB * ' C. , Prop. lOll CliltbriUr * * Knjill.u Illimunil Krhld. rEMYJfiYAL PILLS / ' ' TiV * * rl l il nitd Only flrnulutt . A. - rrllibU , iai ( , uk l > iu ill fir CMtkiilir ยง KnaUik IHa- mtitd IlrtnJ lo KcJ ted I1M m.i Ul l i. HIM lit tlo. ribbon. Take Nuotbrr. Au ri.ito.rvu. ful lt ( li-i ani ItfitattoiH. Ai Urg < lill , or la Mitui'i ' hit plrllluliri , tuUuooflll " llrlUr tar r.JIti , " In litlir. If rt i IUII , IOOOOTMllaool.il. K. lJt it