TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE. SATURDAY , DECEMBER 81 , 1392 , 8PBG1RL NOTICES. KCm TIIKSK"rOMMNJi ! wllllrotfikrnmil IJ-.M I' , m. for tlio < y lnj tinduntllS . ) > . m , lor tlio morning or Sundnycill- Noii * < lvflrUi > cmt > nl InVen for ltt Ibiin 55 rcnti for fin flrit inmtion. . . . All fiiUrrilM'montu In them ro'nmm m rentim Monitor tliollrnt Insertion nml I cjnl won ! for ptrh uli wiMont innortlon. or 11M per line per month Tnrmi entli In fUvnncp. InllUU.flguroi , fmbolii , ele. nch count n it worrt. AM mivcrtlso- bent * mini rnncon PcnliTply. Advertiserhjrn- , ; qtipullng n mimtiprert cliock. can have tlio lettorn iiiMrrttrit to n numbered Idler In oirn or TIIK llr.ie. An wor no nddresiod will bo delivered on the tiresemntlon ot tlio check. SITUATIONS' A -WANTKD. ACTUATION HVAN KXPUHI- . /ipnciMl bookkeeper. HoforcnnM Dfl i > y A stone Vurnllnro Co. nnd H. A. Orch&rd. AiUress Clnoruo X , Croshy , I * . O. box 2H. 650-31' A LADY STKNOailAPIIKIt , FIVH YICAIIS KX- jtAporlcnec , ileMrc * n position , llcferonco from jircsont employer. Aaare TJ8Hcc. _ 074 < * - YMt'NO"MAN "YJfAIIS Ol' AIK WOOLII like position ns bookkpcpcl In n wholesale luiusc unit would ncrepl n rlilna position In house. Cm : Biro bout of rr-foroncc.Jiilrtroiis T M Itco. 03333 * ' IIV FltlflT-rliAHH D.lTTlOOKKKKt'r.n ANt ttoroitphly competent onico man of lone or Horlemc. Host of rclcionco. AddrCiiTIH. llco. -SVr.AUY Oil COM M1S 81N"TO B hkncllo tlio Pntcnl CtiomleM Ink Kit\ng \ Pencil Tlmnitut ii ofulnnrtno ol Inrontlon of tlio nno Krntc * Ink thoroiighlr In two rcon < lVorkn llhi ronuln. a < ltof0icr | cent protlt. AKonls innklm ( Mpornnck.VonlfOwnntnitonornlnicontto tnki clintKc of terrltorr Ami npiiolnt n nui-nts. A rnrt ch ncnlonmkoiiionoy. Wrlto for term * uml n sm jile orcrnrliiK. Slonroo Hrmor Mfif. CoM A an , 1.1 o , \V1 . " 5 1A(1BNT3 WASTED. PHUDKNTIAI , LIFI .l > ins. Co. , KOOII pay. Apply room SO , 1 < ronioi block.nppn P.O. M1TOJIU' BTwil PAY SALAHV" Wf.KKLV TO OOOI ancnls. Kxporlonco unncceuinry. Apply Slnue otllcc. M518J20 * \vTNTKD. A FKWUni.lAllLIISOLICITOli ; B In Nebraska for Iho Union Central Llfo Insur unco company of < .lnchinatl. ( lood territory nm liberal I'ontrnota to the rlitlit men. Addrosi .1. M liilinlnlon. Stntn AKont , roomi Ii , 4(1 ( and 17 llnr blk , Lincoln , Neb , . > M5lOJl _ _ UN roil AHKANSAS , TKNNKSSKrl AN' ' on Kovornmsnt work. Kramer , O'lU'iirni 3U.ISouth lltli street. MOlli 1 T-WANTF.DA(10ODOF.Nr.HAIillLACIC8MlTI JJwIth references required , Address lock box Bwanton , Neb. C5I-31' > WA N T iii : , OOOD COACHMAN , AND HAND 'ati-Mit hnrn ; elvo rcferrnci's nnd atnto otp rlpnco nnit vrlioro last employed. Address T 1 lleo olllco. ! G : 1 "WANTKD. FlHST-CLAaS HAUIIF.lt. 1 tfouHi Ilith ntrcet. MU39 1 * T-WA.NTKI ) . men to trnvcl. KO.OO to JIOO.IX ) pi Jt > month. Htong & Wnlllnyton. Mndlaon , Wla. I-WA"NTKI > . A CAKPICNTBII ANII CABINI : J'mnkor. flDKlo mull preferrud. B. K , corner at nnd llownrd Htreot. 1U1 SO * OIINTI.IJMBN HAVINCl A PORTION t tlielr lime nt their ill&pupiil can ndil Inruely tliolr Inconio tijr nililri'sslnu the Wrstcrn llrnm UIHOG of lliu llnrtford I.lfu nnd AnnuUjr Inaurati Co. , room 417 , Tlio Hookery. Ohlcnpo , 111 , Excellent poKltluni nro open In iiltnixt ovary cl and county for men of pual ! , pluck and itrtt. T > -,1IMIIKU | riAI.UHMAN WANTED TO RUt J'redcrdur AhliiRlcis on the nldo. ( iood com ml plonpnld porcnr. .Must bu a well pontod mini i tlie roncl tlint Ims KOOI ! tr.ttlo. Address A. I caroof the PUUGI Bound Lumberman , Tncou VVmh. A17HJ 11' _ WAKT D--rEMAI E HELP : r P-V01JKO I.AOI1W CAN HOOX ACQU1IIK v-'workliiK knowlrdfo ot ohortliand nnd tyi wrltliu nt Vim Snntn' 5lt N. Y. I.ifn. M'JUl WANT Ml * , LADIIJS' Oil YOUNd MMN ' . , tnko Unlit , iilensiinL. work nt their own home CI.IU to } 3.M ( > tier dny can bo quietly nmdo ; wu cent by mull : no cnnrnnalm ; . Kor pnrtlculnrs n ilrem Illolm Mrg. Co. , UaxMJI , Uostoci , .MIIBS. i : tnbllnlied 1830. . iHM 119' ' -WANTK1) AT ONCE. LADY TO J\ANA ( brnnch olllco nnd do wrltlnt ! for us ftt homo , : c nviis lnif , KOOdwiiges , n'plr with mldrosioil ni Ktninpud cnrolopo. Crystal Cruain Toilet C fotltd Ilcnil. ind. - . Ill HIi FOU OF.NIIKAL 1IOUS C-WANTKD. , family. Knqulro 1112 go. 3 nt.Uiil30 Uiil-30 C W'ANTKD , IICOD PLAIN SKWINO OIHL , n I'arnara U5I-30 -WANTKI ) , ( lllll , KOIl ( JKNBHAI , 11OU3 work ; eood cook , naslier nud Ironer , Sii Jj C v tel nyonuo. * ' ' < Hiif < WA.VTHDTO ASSIST on DO nous ork. Could ifO to school. 807 3. 20tU Btroot. 073 50 C \VA NTKD ( ; OOI ) ' 1IUU WITH ll Infnmllyof two : Rood homo and wngoa for Biiltnblo person. 8U3.I llnrnoy at. _ GTS 3 1 -WANTED , A GOOD ( lllll , TO DO OKNKll , hoiiBonerk. 1005 thcriuan nv . MCOJ31 1-OIItl , WANTKD AT 1019 DODGE. 704 3 C-WANTED. OI11L FOR OKNF.HAL IIOUS work In muall family. 1357 North 18th st. Jn FOR RENI HOtTSES. rk-FOll HUNT , NO. S4U CAPITOL AVENl J-/modern. The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam ft ftU D-VOK mNT , MODKHN 10-HOOM HOUSE , A convpulcncoi , five minute * * ' walk postolll rlrcct cars pans the door. Muthan tihulton or U Hklnncr , 1CI4 Farnam at. ' 5' . ' 'fl-FOIl H1CNT , HOUSES IN ALL PAH1S -L'clty , The O , F. Davis company , 1503 Fariiam D-FLM'H , DWKLI.lNCa , COTTAOKS IN A parts of city. Kilkenny & Co. , : ! 02 Kurbach I . 7i D I1OUSK OF 14 ROOMS. ALL MODKIIN Cl vcnlonccn , iilcanautly located ncnr business c lor. Apply ISOtl Chicago st. , or L. B. Skinner , 1 Farnam. 71 DI-T'OII HENT-Mf HIHCK HOUSK , NO. ! Farnam ttreot and brick barn. , complete M every convonence. Warren M. Ilocers , 1921 I cam at. J18i - HENT. fi-HOO.M COHNEH FLAT.B15CO B-FOH raiiKO & other conveniences , Clouserl B. ICth at. , (40. lllnitwalt llros. Darker bk li'JI Ji B-ll-ltOOM 1UCSIDKNCB , .MODKIIN , 1112 SOU IDth street. C. tf , Kliiiitter , 131 Duo bulldlnir.M4I M4I -NI5W7-HOOM COTTAUES , MODKHN , rilnnfordclrcln. Convenient for bualness n of Omaha and tfcuth Ouiaha , U. ti , Uliiuttcr , lloo building. 514 ! r\-A NIRl ! . FIIUNISHIU ) MODUItN HOU 'cooil nclKhbnrhood , cloao to motor. Ap 1'ariotto. Douulas block. 073 ; FOH HUNT , AT 33)7 FAHNAM STHKKT nine-room modern lionso. All convanloiu At J''Ol Fnrnum nlreet , a brlok atoro 22xlV ) feet. . ply to William O. Donne , 515 N. V Life bldif. U2V - HUNT , AN KI.KO ANT HOUSL' , MODH P location best. It. C , I'atturaon. Ci B-FOIl RENT-TWO NOKTII HOtWKS OFT llundcrion block on ( iuorxla nvunuo. A | Dooms 350 and 3JJ lloo llulli > | ni. . J. M. Blmoral , fOUor , II I -LAIUIK LlaT PAUL , IGUi FAUNAM .STHK JLJ AUilOJa irt-rF.01l UKNT BMALI , HOUtfF. . H ItLOCIC Fli 4' cable line : 17 per month , Inquire 150 Sltlt t. MO'Jl 3 * FOR IlENT FURNISHED ROOB JiFIIONT , HOOM8 , WIJI.L HIIATKI ) , FUUNI If . _ VOJ. Can board. S30 North I''th ' etrout. 0533 1 ? FUOST"uoourt WKLi' HKATKD , FI AjnlNlicilj can hoard. 130 North lillh etri'ut , MC5B 3 _ " _ IP "KOH iiicNT-DKi-iiiAiii.r : FUIIMSHKDUO -J/nni < no liont , hot and void water , Apply Coijltjl nvrnuei oppuilto Trinity cathodrul. M7IT EPHNISIIEP ROOMS AND BOAJ T TJ1K 1JOLAN , 2W ( AND 311 N. JbTH bT , ! IO SOUTH S5TH BTUKKT 17-HANDSDMKLY VUHNISIIBU FUONT HC * - for tire itontlumeii or ladles and Urn class mi in private family ; /.VJ Douitlus. yn- ; J/'AKSBIA" tfuiiNisnuDlwuTHKAST viu . inqm with alcovu and liny window. All moi cuujtinl nee . Hoard' private fnuitlr. li.3 Hi KlhaUftil. MI48 _ _ * ff HDOM AND 1IOAHD FOU BlNUl.K 11KNT J. man. MOiJ i or wuokj luodurn conveulencoj. Hoitli a.lrd street. TfliJTr WITH OH WITHOUT' HOA Jlorcv chvorful onlli room , two clo et > , convuuTcncos , Apply at oncus007 Cast ttrunt. MUOSi UNFURNISHED T.OOMS. QV3 IjOOMb AT I30J CALlFOIINIA HT , WH ; ( V-a UNk'tjIiNfiiriKD HOOM3 IN'iLK'li'UH vJcor IHth nnd Jackson itt.i steam heat. uu , Ii rcl r ucu rwqulrud. Inqutru til S. ICth t , top tl BOABPING. H A FKWMOItH TAIILH IIOAUUIJIU UAh fcOniaiodut q al KU N lath. sn TORES IANP OFFIO jnH lltMT , THIS t-STOKY IIIIICK nUILDI CIV Knroarn it. iho bi ldlnu has Urcproof itilit Dciomcnl , complete atttuuihvatlnz flxtu neroanU tballoots , KIH. oic. Apply ot tan c ' 'TU . Ret. _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ toft Cli.NT , A VKTtV'iKilH'AUl , 'lIDlLDI iult blofor varohoute. nltu itbi ! hi cm ' n. 'I'l-sclego front autl tour. AdJrc s U uu of WsCorO. lr ) Jy * C . t FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFIOEB Cnntliwrtt. " ' | OFF1CK3'wtTlINKI.f , III.K. CKNTKAU AND I cheap. " AGENTS WANTED. I-AHF.NTH WANTKD FOU TIIK W1ZAUTI OF ) Wall 81. . nnd llli Wealth or Iho Llfo nnd DcdU of Jny ' .ionlcl. 8oll nt slant. Outfit tic. I' . A. Ilel- dfn , general agent , 41l ; Karbnck block , Omaha. Nob. V-ONF FOUH STOIIY I1H1CK UUlMlLNU M FEET Jwlde , HO" llnrnoy street. ° .4 1--TW08TOIIK HOtlMS. 1413 DOfllLAS ANDint J N. liitli , cor. IMh nnd Undue. Hoe James Noylllo or OfO , J. Fox. IJI8 llnrnoy. .MMSJ37 I-OOOl ) AQKNTS" WANTED TO SAMPi.15 AMD neil our Ciillcream. tine < l pay , Frank Wllllums 415 Kansas avenue , Topekn Knn. . M7I1S * WANTED TO BENT. ' -WANTED TO HKNT. AN IMPHOVKD FAHM Lncar Omaha. Address , T 43 , Uoe , statins terms. STORAGE. -8TOHAI1K rilUAlr , CI.KAN , WKMd , IIU M .Knrnnm itrccl. > S" " " " " - -SlTOUAo"Kl""TltAVU I.10I1T , AtllV. OUOUNI ) floor nlornjto rnumii liuimlos itorrtl for T.V > prr month. ( Ico. W. UullirouV , Tel. I3W , 1C. 3 l'attcr on hlock. tfl WANTED TO BUY. TVT WANTKII TO BUY SOMB 8 I'Hll CKNT 1 > first morlfiiiKC ! ] . llocd Jt Sclbr , 331 llo.tnl Trails. r-FIHST MOIITIIAHKH ON OOOD HEAL P.3 into. 11. A. Arnold , ( Ml Ileobnlldlnn. M7 FOE , SALE FURNITURE. - ' OP2STIUM 1IKATKI ) KliATi * . nllfooniB rented , owners leaving city , will soil ono or both , rhoap , ill Mouth IClh H ! root. M l ! l * FOB , SALE HORSESWAGONS , ETC ) -roil HAI.K. A NliAlltiY NEW DOIIlIIiK I uprlnKexpressirngon , horse , hnrnosa nmt buguy ; nHo n nearly now act of eronmery teeM , coniltllnK oChuttcr worker , churn , Howe scale , truck , oto. , nil will bo told ntnurouuncrlflea. . Address (1. II. 'Jrschuck , lloo olllco. or call nfJIj ; MlaumMrpot , MhoroKoodicau bo seen. MCS1 1OXr. rtAYMAUl ! , 5 VKA1H OLD , about UJO , clojunt driver , must ho sohl nt once' Itoom 1 Wlthnell Ulk , Fidelity Loan & Uuaruiitec Co. _ < * W " " ' siaiiKA' . A 'iviiousM i-ownn automnlla oneono : also ona 13'horjo power un ilKhtenxIne : huth In Bund repair. Inqnlru ot 1-ost ner I'rlntlna Co. , 1307 iloward street , Omaha , Neb. - 8ALK , ONI' ! 3 > ) II. 1' . KSOINB. ONE 1C Q-KOll boiler , with pump and Iu > at3f , ' 230 fool shafting and sundry p lllo < , tools and appliances K. Xabrlskle , rpcolver Omaha Ilarbod Pencil nm Nail company , lull un < ! Nicholas street. M3J7 31 /'A -SKCOND-IIAND HAND 1'OWKIl HLKVATOI Vi forsalo. IJOailownrU. MI33 JI3 * STANDAHD CATTLE CO. HAS CON suutly ou hand baled hay , for saloon track n Amps , Nou. M5G > -JUhT FHHStl , IIANDSOMF. HALF JEHSU' ' cow , cheap. IVH ioiilh 40th , between Mnrcy ani Mn-ion. MC7I MISCELLANEOUS. meetings or lectures. Appjy at UOJ Dodre ( _ . 873 - | > HAVI : YOUII OLD CAitrr.T WOVEN J Xboautlful niK.i. Address Omaha Carpet and Un factory , 1531 Loavemvorth street. MG01 J SI' CLAIRVOYANTS. MHS. DH.M.'LKOIt/VVE , PUOPIIKTK3S. DHAI S trance clairvoyant , and llfo reader ; tells you llfo from cradle to Kravoj can bo consulted on al allalrsof llfoi has the colcbralod KKyptlan brent Plato to unllo the Kpparatod and cnu-io marrla ? with ono you love. Come one , coma all and be cor vlnced of her romiirlcftblo powora. Olllco nnd ros dcnco 417 a. 11th st. , hours 9 a. m. to U p. m , Strlc llfo chart and plioto of your future wlfoorhui bandaent thioucu mall for J5.00 , chart nlono fZ.Oi All letters containing I cents In stamps nromntl answered. M10J Ji * \II18. NANNIK V. WAHIH5N , CIiAIHVOYANI S reliable buslnoin inuiliuin , ntth year at ll'J ' N ICtl TS'J , Uoom 3. 3d lloor. Massage , alcohol suhihii nnd eca baths. MTl'J C * -MM IS. CAIliJO.V.ini DOUOLAS STltltKT , 3 lloor , room 7. massage , alcohol , sulphur and ; c haths. illl3 < 5' _ rfl-MMR. 8TOW15 , MAONKTIC I1HALH11. 2 ( JLnoiiBlas block. mC13-Jl _ MUSIC , AUT AND LANGUAGES -Q , FUKLNKNlK"oi lANoTEActKNv cor. 15th and llarnuy. uaruoy street entrance MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE \V-HEAL USTATE LOANS , o TO 7 PKR CE.V : VT no aadltlunnloharKos for commission or atto noy'a fees. W. U. Mulkio , Frat National Hank bldj K , W MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWP.ST UATE ! The O. F. DavlsCo. , 1505 Farnam street. 7'JI \\r-LOWEST HATES. FIDELITY TIIUST CO. > i pnny. 1V02 I'nrnnui atrcec M9J3 ANTHONY LOAN AND 1 HUST CO. , 313 N. ' I Jfe , lends nt IOTV rates for choice security c Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha cltproperty. ; . " V CUNTHAL LOAN &THU3i'CO. HEE llljfji \\r MOItTOAdK LOANS LESS THAN 7 I/K < V cent Including alt charges. Charles NV. llnlney , Omalia Nat. bank bldir. 79J W MONKV TO LOAN , LAND TO SEL houses to rent , tieorgo W P. Coatos. 1C Furiiain. M8a H , -\\r-LOANS ON CITV PKOPBKTY , U AND 7 PI ! r- ' ? cent. K. K. Hlnt'er , 1519 Fnrnam. iK3 ! J3' L \W ANDS-VKAU LOANS ON CITV AND FAII ; i ) " ' uiortgaccs. Heed & Sclby , iiH lloanl of TraiW. Ik , W. ! k | MONKV TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKD Cl'l W property , low into. A. C. Fro t , Doutlua blk \\r-7 PEH CUNT MONEV NKT TO nOIlllOWEI ii on Omaha city property. No citra charges IN nny kind. Why pny high rates ? Money Is chvn You ran cot full benont of low rates from Uio on onU4 ! Loan and Trust Co. , luth and Dodiie. " ' / i "XV OMAHA 8AV1NUH HANK MAKES LOA ! 1 i' on realent ito at lowest market rates. Lou ? . inado li > small or larito sumii for xhortor lo time. No commission la charxed anil the loans u LA notaoltl In tlio east , but can always bo found A the bunk on the corner of 13th and Douuhia strco .is. 7U .is.P P- \V LOANS ON IMPItOVUD AND U.M1.MPHOV1 iv city property.l.1,000 and upwards , ! ! to ? per cei No delays. W. 1'aruaiu Smltb A.Co. 15th and llnrnoVJl VJl F. HAUIUSON , SIJ N , V. LIFE. II ! 7ft lyre re- \\r-PlUVATB MO.-iUV. 1ST ANDSD MO11TOAI i loans , low -nte-i. Alex Mnore. Den bldg , 80 \\r-MONKVTO IXAN I HAVB A1IOUT fil 'i to loan on ImprovKd Omaha property , prlvc funtls , In ono or moru loans. Address T 10 , II JMN. OOlCU. N. r-MONKY TO LOAN , SUMS f50J.W AND t Uoorgo I'aul , liUSFarnain. MGI1 J27 8. 8.IT. \V-WANTKD AT ONCE , IX > ANS ON IMPHOVI IT. > > Omnhn propertyi low crates. Fidelity Tn company , ITO'J Farnaui ( t , 70 n- \V > | ONKVTOLOANATLOWKSTHATICSONI 'i proved anil unimproved real e tatol toiyen Fidelity Trust Co. , llw Farnam st , 70 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS , 731 -CALL AT THE OFFICK OK D. IOMAI1A MOUTUAGH LOAN CO. : ; INCOIUWIATED. ; Vou can borrow on HOUSEHOLD FDUN1TUUH AND 1UAN03. ) M 110HSI5S , WAOtNS ) AND CAHHUOES , ird WAUUHOUSK IIKCK1I"1'.S , MKUCI1AND13U OltANV OTI1EH KKCUHITV. Wo will lend you anr amount NT fiom fli ) . ( jo to f I.OOU era , ON TIIK DA V VOU ASK FOH IT. Jth without publicity or rumovalof proporty. toucan pay the money back In any amount : yuu with , uud nt any lime , and each payment tl made will ryilncu the cost of the lonn. 513 UouirmUir tint you have the use of both Hi propei lyundtho money , uud pay for It only a lonit nt yon keep It. TiT Thuru will tiu no expense or clinruo kept ou all of Ihu amount wanted , hut you will rccelvo th full amount of Iho loau. llHroroborronln ; oUowhere call anil sea u nnd you will IIinl li-crcntly to your advantage. OMAHA M01tT < i.\QI5 IAJAN CO. 30iiuiilliliUa ) street , tlr t lloor uuuvo tlio Mreet. TIIK OLDEST. LAHiJHST AND OVLY 1NCOK I'OUATUD WAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. ith , _ Ml ] 10 r. V MONKV LOANKD-O.M CHATTKL. COLL/ V rnl or other pcnonal properly , at rcasona rnti'j. 1 to Omontln. claims touuht. W. It. Da' I'ou in JO'J. ' McCaicun bldtf. M3-JS 11B -I'lUTClUUD.St DOUOLASlTur.'lB&DOlK a _ X MONK ? UJANKD ClIKAl' AT TilUlt O\ time. Nebraska Loan Co. , 13UI Doiulos .t. 0 , 00- -Y-MO KV-a ) . M , W DAV8. CI1KAP HAT nu ' * * unit easy pavtiiaiits. on furniture , pianos , I - stock , cto. , without delay or publlcltri v h lund. lion Ureeu , room a. B fi ! r block. 8- X-WILL JXJAN MONKY O.V ANY KINDOF I cvrlty : strictly louUdcutlal. A. K. Harris. Uarbacii block. if MONEY TO LOAN-OIIATTELg _ V-DO VOU WANT .VIO.SIS i TIIK KIDKUTV UJ.VN OtJAHA1Tni ! ! CO , HOOM 4 WtTIINKLl. 1II.OOK. SOUTH nth cuiiNKii HAHNKT ar. TOO \ ANT on \ BMALk\ \ DOLLAnS\ \ tP. ) W R MAKK LOANS ON FtlltNtTUIlR , HOitS K , CA11IUAOK3 , WAUBHOIISK HKUKIPTJ OH I'Kll- yONALI'HUl'KHTV OF ANV KIND. / WIMj / DO WKLt. / TO / /TOO > /ON /O8 F1R3T / JOH. / OUHTKIlM-i WILUJIKKT VOUIl Al'PUOVAfj. Toucan pay tlio money bide nt any lime nml la nny amount you wish , m < l thus roaiico ti ! cost of nrrrlnn tha loon In proportion to amount you pay. U" VOU owe u bnlanco on your furniture or ither personal property of any kind , wo will p jr It ill for von nnd carry HIM loin a < you doMre , VOU OAN 1IAVK VOUIl MO.VKV IS OSB HOUR FHO.M TIIK TIME YOU MAKK APPLICATION. No publicity or removal of property no that ou gel the use of both money and property. IDS BUSINESS CHANCES. J lll'SINF.SS ' OPKNISBS. NO CUAIIOK TO .1 buyers. Send stamp for printed list. Van fal len of Omaha. 807 Jll * V Wll.ti 1 > AY AM | CASU v'0'1 ' STOCKS OF 1 dry KooiH , clothlnz , boots nn-.l liop . xroccrlos. So commission. Alox. Moore , 401 Ueo blilK. Ml 30 - ' > T HOT1CL , ni.KAHlNOfH.OO ) TKAIlliY I $7.1X10 part can rrmaln. Salodns from 11,000 up , ddress 1'loneer HuMness Agency , SherUlan Wyom- inn. Wl = 0- V CIOAU3. TOI1ACCOAND CONFKCTIONF.HV ' luislnoss for nalo , Inqulro nl 2"th nnd lOx- chnnitoCronsInSouth ) Omaha. IM5-3U * xri < o.MI'.TIllNl UNUSUAL , PAY1N ( DllUll JL toroolTi > rcd for oaln nl a discount. Writ1) to day. Vanl'atton , Omaha. C77 I * [ r'-FOK SAliK , NOT TIlADK IIOTIIL AND itockof uroccrlos. Address T 3tf , lice.J10S2 J10S2 S * FOR-EXCHANGE. I/-4W ACIilH OK CMC All IiAND IN ONI ! OE /-Hho heil winter who.it ilUtrlcti In Kansas lo ox. lintiKO fur 10 or 2-ncto trnct noir Onnlis city limits. Will pay cnh illllcrcnco 1C property Is icood. Addroas , Blvluif prlco and location , O W , lleo unices. SM _ _ r/-l OWN 100 V'AUMS IN NEIlltASItA. KANSAS /Jnnd Dakota. Will ell olionp , or otcnnnjo far incrr.hnndlsD , horses and cattle. Address box I'rnnktort , Ind. M851 y-CliKAU OMAHA HEAt , KSTATK I'OU MDSU. actual valuation. Money to loan. UoxMS.Oiunlia. UH y-OOOD , SOUND I1DI13I * , HAIlNKSa ANtl plu ton for Kood wont's saf Jty ; plondld awcot toncil MGU nqunro piano for clear lot or laud. I * . O box TTO. Apply nt onco. C31 y-K.\CHAN B 320 AOUK KAHM N13A11 NOH "folk nd soiuo Oiniihu property for n stock o imlga. between { 3UUO aud t'J.Oja Box an Oakland JS'cb. KU 30 * y-i ; > .ooo OK.V. MUSIC. , CI.KAN AND Iirupuriy , c j , . > ju uncK uiiBinuBa uiuuti , KOod towr eastern Nob. , Incnmbranco $7.500 C per cent , not Ir coino f 1,500 , equity lor clenr laud In Nob. Ml acre near 1'rosno , Cal.C.i ncrcs bpiirlnu rnlslu vlnoynn llnu Improvements , flO.UUU ; will oxclmnno fo Oimilm Improved pioucrty. K. l\ Hinder , Ul 1'nrnnm. ti"3 i * r/ LAND AND CASH KOH STOCK IN 3TATI3 Ol fJ .Nntlonnl bank , llux 811 St. I'aul. Neb. 053 3 ' / WII.I , KXCirANUK AN KXCKLI.KNT UBS /Jdonco property near University ot Woostoi Ohio , for ROOdfaruiliiK InnJ fnvornbly Bltuatod 1 Iowa , Nebraska or Kouth Dakota. John W. 1) Will , 15'Jti Summit Ave. , St. Pniil , Mlun. M080 ! r11.5'JO STOCK W DIIV GOODS , HOOTS , S1IOM ! / groceries nnd notions to cxchniiRO for clei western land ! or will exchange Jl BOO. , Hcott Co Kim , , land for mchdsu. Address It. K , Kvorot Molnuonn , In. MIH1 31' Z TO THAD13 , CLBAU LOT AND CASH FO rent of well located 0 or 7-room residence. 1 D..01U N. r. Ufo. C 3 I Z I IIAVH VAI.UAI1M3 IMl'KOVUI ) AND Ut Improved farm lands to oxclmnKO for Sout Omaha or Omaha property or for farms within miles of Omaha. Havn onoof the best of stock an Kraln farms , 1 , 0)1 ) acio , half In winter wheat nn rye , and'JjU uoiul of line stock , nil oloar of oncun branco , to oxchanico for real cstnvi and mlKht pa SOIIIQ cash dlirorenco fordoslrabla proporty. 1 > < ncrllio your property carefully , prlca , oto. Addros box 73 * Omalin. Neb. 71)25 ) * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. OH 8AUU OK TUADi : , 3 (700D LOTS IN M Pleasant addition within 2 blocks of motor llni Will take KOOii uprlxht piano or will sell equity 1 lots very cbcnp. Addreis at oaco d I , lieo olllco. 715 " 1JKA1. KSTATK , AV UurKttlns only My weld Is Kood , W. O. Albright , ! i1l 2-3 Nnw Vork Life. 810 OUSAhK-lCO-ACHK KAIIM , WMKTll JI.COU.O I 11'rlcoJIBO ; ,4 cash. Stringer , Uoom J , N. V. I.ll bldu. C7U 10 * OT NKAll O. M. CAUTHll'S. ll.CM. l.ot Lowe avenue ( paved street ) , $1,800. Lot near I'nrk ( paved street ) , J2.T50. l.ot 1'lnlnvlew , $701) ) . Lot Hedford 1'lace , J500. O. R llarrNon.O'.Z N. y. Ufo. MCS5 31 \\rANTKIl. KAHM N15AII UMAIIA. " Wnntpii , SLOW on llanscom I'loeo property. Wanted , to loan $ ijo ! nrlvate money. Wnntud , to borrowl'UUat B percent. Wanted , business property nt flj'j.uoo. Wnntud , house anil lot for 5I.SUU cash. Wanted , house nnd lot fortJ.UOO. Wanted , Columbus. O. , for Omaha property. Wnntcd , hardware for ? 1CO ! ) Omaha property. Wanted , Vork for Oicnhit proporty. C. V. Harrison , UI2 N. Y. Ufo. MC85 31 _ TS A C'lSKS IN L'C.IVJI AS roUtiTY , A ! Jluvol corn land ; over 0.000 bushels of corn rats ( on this farm tills year. Value of ImprovOTOon J3.0UO. 1'rlco of farm } C:00. Easy terms. C. Harrison , 1)12 ) N. Y. Life. 700-31 _ LOST ! I OST A A I'Allt Ol' Sl'KCTACLES. I'LKAF L JIeivo : at Uoo countlni ; room. T OST Nl'.W BHOWN KID FUIl KDGKD LK1 t-Jhand Rlove. Howard if returned to Iflb Nt Vork Life. M71 1 3 DRESSMAKING. 17ASHIONAHLE 1IO1IE3 UV I : modiste. Work by day or week. 114 North : etrcut. 3 HORSES WINTERED. IIe e HOUSK3 FED AND UAHIID FOH , II MONTH U it C . O. ( Jans , I' O. boi 13ii , South Omalia. 7C9J3 9. 9.D 9.t. THU HK.VLTVUAKKIiT. . t. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Ucconib 30 , 181)2 ) : WAHUANTV DEEDS. A J 1,0 vo mid wlfo to K V Weld , lots 8 1 ! to 11 , 20 , al and 22 , block 10 , West AllirlKlit } Cl ridellly Trust Co to ! > ' Do Hols , lot W iJ ! , block 1 , Avondiilo pirk : 1,41 Riiinii In same , lot II , block i ! , Hnino. . . 1,41 Euclid Miirtlii nud wlfo to Joseph nnd Anna Krojcl , H CiO foot lot 1 , block "D , " I.UWR'H add 2,5 ; llortlia MiMtlor uud hiibbaud lo HpRlua Marrow , n 110 fcut lot 8 , Moclc 4 , K V Smith's adil , 2,01 Lowe AVUIIIIU Tori-lien llulldliiji ns-o- ( Million lo J R Wakoflcld , lots 14 mid 10 , blocks , I'omilcton park 3 li V fi C'ottnu uud wlfo to J A Wakolluld , lot 10 , block 0 , hitiiiii , 5,0 0 M Hunt mutwIfolnriiimiiolTliomuH , lot 3 , block 80 , t'loruuco 4 QUITCLAIM iir.r.ns. T W Harvey and wlfo lo T W Hurvoy Lumber ( . < > . , pi Mil ) lot , li ! , In nu &w a ml iiwso 35-15-1'J , TlioinuK llryant and wllu to K U 1'at- rlck , I4b4aiuuwii\va-i5-in 0 A ltpiinottsucclitl ( mastprl tol' n Coo po r , ut al , h'i lot 4 , block 1CU , ( Jinaliti . , . , . 1,1 II 11 Iroy ( county Ircasnrcf ) to W 1) Mllliml.lot 7. block 301. Omalia . K Cl I'ajjo ( spuciul inastor ) to 11 I' Thomas' , e 2m lot 7 , block 74 , South Uiuuliu , . , , * , . , . . . . 1,0 Total amount of transfers. . . , . i 18,6 REM $ & TiPEWKlTERi I'or Sale , Kent or Exchange. S t In the World MECEATH STATIONERY CO. , I'liriuint Htrool , O/iiii/ui. A'a SBWEU PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will bo roculvod by tlio u dei-slgned until 1:33 : o'clock p. in , Jnnun Idtb , IS'.Xl , for thu uunsiructloii of sowcw KewurdUtriots Nos , I7i and lit ! , In Ilio city Oinabn , as perorillnnuuus Nos. ; UU unil U ! r kpuctlvi-ly. nccorJIua to | ) lur.i and epoollh lions on Ilu : Iu thd ullleo ot thu llourd of 1'ub Worka. Eucli vroiioaal to lie inadu on print blunki furnUliod by the board , uud to bo i cniiipiiutod by u our i HUM check In tlio sum itXXX pay a lil u to thu city of Omahu at ovldor 153 of cool : fullh. ra The board tlio rlzht reserves to reject uny ait nit bldt , and tovalvo dofocti. K. Clulrinun of the Hoard of i'uLuu VVofi(8 K.tm ' Nob. , Doceiuboraotb , Inn.1. A Trial of the Smith Premier Will Cost You Nothing but will dor.ionstr.ito ixll wo claim. Wo will plncotho Smith Premier boslilo nny writing machine on the market ; It will suonk for It self. self.Hi durability cnn no tonsr.r to qucitlonoil. Write or call on us for catalogue , terms , etc. Cor , 17tli and Fiirnam Sis. , Omalia , M. Tclppliunn 1384. fi. TI. MAYIIKW , Manager. PLEASE EXAMINE The work of your T Y.P E W R I T E R" critically ana without prejudice. Do the type face clearly and entirely , ? Or as the printers terra it , are all the typo "on their feet" ? If the work of your typewriter is not wholly satisfactory , send us a sample of the work , * and we will take pleasure in ad vising you by early mail wherein the dif ficulty lies. We will also write you about the 1892. model of the ; finished in "Its mechan ism , unequaled in ease of operation and clear ness of work * in dura bility and simplicity of design ; its adjust ment is easily"under stood. It stands se vere use for years , and is recognized aa the Standard by ( the leading houses in all lines of busi ness ; correspondence solicited':1 WYCKOFF SEAMANS & BENEDICT , 175 Monrod St. CHICAGO. HON. WJT. P. CODY. ' Jinny nro famllinr with the fixmoffil "Ilnffnlo lllirs" wondcrtul wild west show. Prior to Ills vcnluro nbrond , Jlr. Cody oxlilb- Hcd nt Slnlcn Island , In Now York Harbor , where ho became alllictcd vith Mnlnria Knowing the vlvluos of Klcknioo ) Indian Bagwa , Sir. Cody sent to the ngcnts for this wonderful Indian remedy , nnd iiftfr using n few bottles was permanently cured. " It is n remiirknblo mcdlclno , " saW Mr. Cody , "nnd I have known of Its virtuoso long time. You may use my nnmo nnd fay that for what it claims to do it has no equal , nnd for malaria nnd chills It is far suiiotloi to quinine In many ways.1' Tills , from the lending plainsman in Anicr- /can history , n man whoso integrity is un questioned , should prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Klrknpoo Indian Sagwa is jas wliat la claimed for ft : nn honest mpdlclnool superior curative qualities , coinulnlug the best of. the vcgetnblo kingdom gathered from the fonsts nnd cardnus of nature. HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLECLEANSING. For Farmers , Minors and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burna , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. B Specially Adapted fo ? Use in Hard Watei THE SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGI is via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway , as repre sented on this map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled Trains leavi Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m.ar ( riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. rr City Ticket Office , 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent. A torpid liver Is tlio source ) of iljsiH-p- sin , alck lienilaclio , cnimtlpatloii , piles , bilious fovcr , chills and Jiuimllce. Imvo n Bpccillo cfl'cct i > tlio liver , re storing it to hcnltliy notion. Suets. TO TIIK OWNERS OF AbL LOTS OK 1'AU'I of lot ! ) on Howard si i col , from 'Jtith street SSthstrcot : You are tiurobjr notlflod thnt tlio uncloi . three disinterested frooholdoru ot tl city of Onmbn , Inivo boon duly appointed I : tlio ntiiyor , with tlioapurovnlof the city coin nil of said oily , to assess the dntmiKo to tl owners rospeotlvoly ot the uroporty nfTeoti by the cr.idlnc of Sownrd street from 26i atroot to iStli struct , declared necessary t ordinanceNo. . II3S2 , pnsscd Decumbor Utli , 18 ! apnrovod Doeomber 19th. 1897. B Von are further notified that having .1 copied ; ; ill uunotntinciu , nnd dulv iiunllfli as required by law. wo will , on the li'th day January , A. I ) . , IH'J.J ' , at the hour ot 4 o'uloi In the afternoon , nt the olllco of Oeo. Paul. 1TO5 Farnain btreot , within tl co'porato limits of said city , ircct for the un pose of considering nnd niaUIni : the asso ? inunt of uaimigo to the owners respectively suld property. alTectud by sild : sradc , tn inz Into consideration spoui.il benollts. If an You are notlfleu to ho present at the tin and place aforesaid , nnd nialie any objootloi to or statements concarnlns said USSO-HIUC of damaaea as you imv ponsl < li r primer. JOHN V. 1'IjAOIC. JOHN W. HOHHINF Omalm , Nob. , Doc. 27th , 1SJ2. DC'J-dl To the owners of all lots or parts of lotsi alloy In Klluy's and Hocr.s' .siibdlvlslon , I ; twci'ii Vlnton stiTol anil thn north llnu of 1 8 , Itogcrs' sub. and 171h and IHth struols. You are hornby notillcd that the undt slcnod , thron dlslnterchliid f roehol < lor of I ( uty of Onialia , have been duly appolnlod tlio'nmyor , with the approval of the city i'ou oil or said city , to assess ( ho damage to t owntirs rcspt'otlvoly of the propurty ad'ocl by the radliiKOf Mild alley , declared neci sary liy ordinance 3,300 , paused December ' . 1HU2 , approved UecOinbur 'J4 , 1 U2. You ani further nollllod , Unit having n copied Mild appointment , and duly mmllfl as required by law , wii will , on tliu twelf 111 def of January , A. L ) , 1H'J3 , at tlie hour of f o'clock In On ) afternoon , nt thu olllco of ( icor J. Paul , 1000 I'arnani street , within thnui porato limits of said nlty , nivnt for thu pi poM ) of conslclerln and making the assc : mt'iitof ilamago to the ownor.s respectively , said property , alVected by Bnld giade , talii Into consideration special benefits , If any. Von arc not llliMl to bo present at thu 111 and place aforesaid and malic nny objcotln to or MatemuntH concerning said assessnu of dainagos , as you may consider proper , ' ' , JAMK.SSTOOKDAM' ' Omaha , December 26 , IS'Jli. D'JUdlU PROPOSALS FOU GIIADING. Sealed prouosals will ho rooolvod by the i ; ileralenod until l'M : o'clock p. in. , Junua lath , IS'j ; ! , for grading Woolworlh avonuu , fri Snd street to ( ith Htreot , In tlio oily of Oma ! In ticcordance with plans and spcclflcatli on Illo In the olllco of the Hoard ot Put Works. Ilids will bo made on printed hlnnlis furnli ed by the hoard , and to bo accompanied w a otirtllled chooU In the sum of S.1UJ , uaya totlioclly of Omuha , as an ovldencuof gc faith. Thu board reserves the rlaht to reject any all bids and to walvu defeats. P. W. IIWKIIAUSKU , Olmlrnmn Hoard of Pnbllo World Omaha , Nob. , Iocomberi0th : , 1S93. d30-31-JO- PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Heali'd proposals will bo received by the i designed until 1:30 : o'clock p. in , , Jaiiuun 1803 , for grading Hamilton street fiom 41 street to west city limits , Inthor.lly of Oma in uccordanco with plans and spuclflc.atli on Uio In thu ulllco ot thu 1 Jour d of Put Work's. Illds lo ho made on printed blanks f urnisl by the board , and to bu accompanied by-u c I filed check In thu Bum of (500 , puyumu to i city of Omaha , us an evidence ofood ( faith The board reserves thu right to reject u or ull bids uud lo ualvn dofrctH. P.W. 11IUKUAU8EU , Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omahu , Dec. 2'J , IbSU. Dec 22-23-23-3 TWO BLACK 1I1LIS PROJECTS Tin Mining and Railroad Building Are Showing Considerable Activity , HARNEY FEAK AFFAIRS PROSPERING Shipment of Illicit Tin Snmi In Oomiurnro Dovploplnfr A 1 > p t < > 4 Uimrrlo * Near Cm- per -Shrrlititii on the Iliinui Hum of WtMtorn Lifts Mr. William T. Conil , in-eslflcnl of the Da kota , Wyoming & Missouri HlvciUnllroail company of Rapid City , S. D , , was seen nt the I'axtoii , where ho la stopping whllo In the city on business connected with the further uulUUug of hla rond. On being nslunl by u Unn man nbout his wail , ho said the management Is constructing n railroad lit the Black Hllla to run from Knpltl City duo west through the lumber and mining districts to tlio coal fluids of Wyoming , n distance of about clghty-flvo miles. I'ho first section of this road Is from tlapld City on the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad a part of the Northwestern system to Mystic , n station on the Grand Island it Wyoming Central railroad a part of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulucy system a distance ot thlrty4hrco miles. This part ot the road is practically graded bridged and tied , ready for the steel rails , live and one-half miles being already In operation , and llvo miles more of rails now being on the road to that country for laying. The eastern branch of this road will , in all probability , run down Hapid rlvor , cross the Cheycuno vlvcr and follow White rlvot across the recently ceded Sioux reservation to a point on the Missouri rlvor at or ncai Chamberlain , where connections will be maMo with the Chicago , Milwaukee &St , 1'uul. Tin Mining n Success. The reporter asked Mr. Goad about the .tin districts of the Black Hills , and ho replied plied : "Within the next three or foui months the American people will be con vlnced that the tin industry of this countrj is a complete success in every way The Huriicy Peak coniiwuv , coin posed of New York and Knglish cap itallsts , has invested in the nnlghbor hood ot $5,000,000 In its properties , whllo tin railroad companies in building spurs to the various mines have expended hundreds o thousands of dollars. It is safe to say thai these capitalists and business men under stand thoroughly yhat thev are dolnir , am now that the 'JoO-ton mill at Hill City has bcci started , American tin will , I am sure , b ( placed upon the .American market In coin mcrcial paying quantities. This will meat the sending of S'JO.OOO.OOO to the Black Illlh tin districts annually , instead of sending' i to forpig" places , for block tin to be used ii the tin plate mills ami other conecrns.uf thii country. "The tin ere mined in this country , I un dqrstnnd , is about twice as rich as thii mined in Cornwall and other foreign mines .It is only too true that the eastern America : public has been skeptical about this tii business because it bus not been placed 01 the American market within the last si : years. This is easily answered by any on familiar with tlio mining countries and mil ! inj ( properties" and enterprises. It isa s.ii thing to to say , but nevertheless' ! is true that in all mining1 district there exists men that are lead , to back-bite and blackmail these enterprise by addressing the applications for patent t a good piece of mining property. To avoi < this the New York and Kmilish stockholder have quietly performed all necessary re quiromcnts under the United States ininin laws and have consequently acquired patent from the government through the land ofllc at Hapid City for their best claims , and fo hundreds at that. Now that the have a fee simple title t their properties they will demonstrat to the American and English peoples thi : the Black Hills can and will supply th : nation with all the tin desired in paying an commercial quantities. Their is no questio in my mind that with proper miinagoiiiei : the tin industry will be on a paying bas long before the expiration of the year IS'JU , ASIJIWTOS MINING. Progress of n Now Iiulii-itry That Is Itiillilli : Ui > ill C'uspor. CASI-EK , Wyo. , Dec. 23. [ Special to Ti BCK. ] Casper , the headquarters for tl sheep industry of the state , has advance materially in the last year and is now tl third town in the state in a commcrcl sense of the word , and is the fourth in poii of population. During tno past year a nc Jail , costing over i'0,000 , lias been built , new church is under course of constructio : and before spring a wool warehouse , costii : over $4,000 , will bo ready for use. Durii the year some twenty-five new dwelllt houses were erected. Tim largest shearii pen in the western country hi been erected hero by the Nor I western railway , with a capacity 0,000 sheep per day. The business frontaj of the town has increased to a wonderful d grco , and the merchants are all doing a vci encouraging business. One general stoi hero during the year sold $17 ! > . < ) ( X ) worth goods. There Iras not been a failure In bus MOSS , and every man doing business in tl town has a good bank account. for Asbestos. Casper Is essentially u grazing and uiiiili town/and Is sustained by tlic.so iudtistrle To tlio south of tins town uliio miles in Cn per iiiouutalii with untold wealth of nsbest and copper , which arc no longer -uiero prc peels , but tire a reality. Asbestos i3 ou found as a commercial product atThotfoi Can. , nnil ou Casper mountain on the wes crn roiitiuciit. It is worth all tlio way fro $100 per ton to K > 00 , according to length liber nud quality. Asbestos is a mineralcc talulug sllicato of magnesia , occurring mluutis ilbci-s uudfilaments , nnd is tmdclll by lire , Is very clastic and of n white coli aud when ready for use looks like cotton , lies in the rock like a hone comb In n common limestone cjuan -It Is mined In an open quarry. The rock then run through ji crusher and out ov sieves. The rock dust falling through t sieves uud the asbestos going on over , Tl Is called cobbing. The asbotos is then p in ere sacks ami sent to the factory. No industry In the United States hiis nm nucli rapid strides iu the past few years the usbsotos industry. It Is a now busliit and as much capital is going ti : it as there is going Into the mat facturo of electrical machinery. T United States Is the largest cousuui of asbestos iu Iho world. It isused foriuu : ing , to make firemen's clothes , to plast it fireproof buildings , to cover steam pipes a for iifany other articles requiring llreprr liber. The asbestos on Casper mouiilulii equal to nny found in the world. It was < 1 covered hero three years ago , The McC < nell Asbestos company was Iho first to ahead aud do airy good work. ItputflO , ! into claims and has a shaft down fifty foot , jy the way In asbestos , and the material lull y out has inoro than paid for Jovclopinc inn , work. The shaft , sunk for the purpose \H demonstrating the quantity , will bo su 1C probably soveiity-llvo foot deeper , The co pauy will thcii'couuiienco the opening of open quarry and put in machinery to we th the asbestos on an extensive scalo. lo William Hulls of Omaha sunk a shaft fli feet deep on another part of thu mount ! and found a oluillar good quality of asbest Thcro are about sixty men working hi I mines at the present time , The showing asbestos Is satisfactory to ull concerned , ' 1 tlrst shipment of asbestos will bo made fn hero this week to 1'ittsburg. It will cons of 20,000 pounds , Copper Is looking up again. After Pi Zulm had forfeited his options not much th . toution was paid to it , but lately the local ii/pf the copper claims have made some sa us of asbestos lands and now huvo some lc men nt work sinking the shaft /aim start It looks well. It Is giv.eu curboimttts of a ! .a nor nnd all admit that the prospects arc vie , o nattering , They have sunk at this U twenty feet on it and ttavo not got throt It yot. " wool. There will bo 800,000 head of sheep shea hero next bprlag , The oouutry is alive w ftheep , Imt them 1 room for mow. Them * ectnR to bo no cud to Uio money ft person ran tnnko In the rnngo Mtecp business , fay you hnvo 9.NM owes * trt tnrt mij thpywptt * sent nt i n head $ Tr.Oi. ( Now lot MI see \vhat you arc worth nl Iho end of thren years : They will shear on nn Average nine pounds per head nml the wool will not you U cents per pound. You will , It you have any luck nt nil , rnlso P5 per cent of lambs for the three year * . Your sheep nro Hourly doublet ! nt the end of the first ycutr. Each sheep will cost > x > u about CO cents to run U n year. You can easily see that tlio wool jilouo will p.iy for running the sheep nml pay n good interest on Iho amount invested With lit tie or no labor nt the end of thrco ye.u-s you arc a rich man nnd well on lo the road to bo a millionaire. ' .I'ho success ( if OUIT sheepmen is proverbial , and I do not thliiK t nm saying too much when I assort that our sheepmen have made more legitimate money In the past year than n like number of luoii engaged in any other business , Many of our moat prosperous men started out leirtlnsr sheen. The terms nro very reasonable , anil for time invested pays more than any oilier line of business. Hango cattle iivo looking up , mid the sell- IUB range price Is now J.'O per head , against. SI * last season. ii In imputation , central Wyoming pot. a pretty black e.vo last soason. Thn cattle- men's raid knocked things silly nnd honivd away all Immigration , but things are chang ing , and people uro beginning to cuiuo Into the country again. There am good homes to bo bad hereabouts , and It may bo riicouniR * ing to some 0110 who in looking for n homo to say that our hoincstcmlers us a class nva very prosperous aud nro raising very mxid crops nud gettlngialoug lluely and uro con tented with the outlook.Vo Invo no puiu jicrs , and such a thing as a destitute family is not heard of hero. The people are pros perous , and when the outsldo world learns ot our ability to produce cereals that will compare with the liiicst in the world , I have no doubt Mint settlers will ilock hero. Casper is OH the eve of a boom. Ito.il estate is getting stilt and considerable property is changing hands. The Pioneer Town Kite company has withdrawn nil its unsold business lots from stile. Senator Carey has laid out n largo addition to tlio town , but as yet will not dispose of ady lots In the new addition , Kverythlng looks us though the railway would move out of hero iu thu spring , and If It does Caspev will bo the liveliest place on enrth and will ban town of 0,000 people before snow Hies next full. Casper is sure to bo u division ou the IClkhorn , nml as It is the last point ou a largo stream of water until the railway gets iiOO miles west , it has , indeed , a very huppy future before It. . ASHESTOS. SIIUKIDAN'S OIIUWTII. lionIho r.atont llurlliiRtnn TIIWII U Ituuiul. lliu Townrd Vrospcrlty. SiicumAS , Wyo. , Dec. TO. [ Special to TUB Uiii : . ] Wlillo this Is not a-very frootl season of Iho your for building oporatlons , yet Shfirliliin's mcclmnics nro all busy aiul n\tiny IK'oplo ilvo stai'tlni ? now buililiii'jja , hoping to pot. them h-.doscil before real winter sots in. So lni bea\iltful weiithcr for this time or year lias prevailed. There are about tlu-eo Inches of snow on. the ground at nrcsout the mob ! there has boon thU season. There have boon heavy stufiti ? In the mountains , however , laying up a beautiful supply ot water for next sununer. Everything- bustle ami ll.'fl in Sheriaan , nrnl businens of. all kinds is wood. Morelmuts ull rsjwvt trade excellent. Now firms are cominp iiiomo of the.ni caiT\iir , ! } Im-Ro sloeUa. O. KJinedgo & Co. hav Just opened a . nituro cstiiblihbnieut. Theyi > urchusad"tliCT stock In Omaha. * : The merchant ! , seem to i-alch on'1 spirit of the tlnvs and ai'e stoekhi ; : anil" , lilting up their phecs ot business , in tie ; oord with the now order of things. For iiislniifc , the drutf linn of Kwloston. Smith & Co. Tholi'stock ami llxturea would do credit to Ifarnnin. street iu Omaha. The SHerutau'Ijnnd eomany's ] now hotel is progressing nicely , the Sitono foundation. being1 nearly completed , 'i'ho ' line freight and "passenger depot of the Burlington is also well under way and Uio road is buildini ; side tracks lo different points , olio of which runs to'the lurpo throe-story brick grist mill , which will bu iii operation ln > u , few * , days. r.uuUInj ; for Timber. Mr. Thomas F. Hull of Omaha 1ms been hero for the past ten days looking up timber sites for a largo saw mill plant. Ho nnd his associates wore out last week prospecting In the mountains and found largo bodies of very line timber. They were out again tilts week. The lumber business bids fair to bo' one of the Industrics.gf this county. Strangers arc coming in daily and letters ire received asking for information , which ioes to show that the fame of the young city lias gone abroad. Tlio First National bank has i > eon com- Helled to build an addition to the bank , nnd : idd ; in increased force in the ofllco. The Sheridan Post will in a few days move Into elegant quarters next to the bank. A letter from the ITortunatns Mining and Milling company of I3ald Mountuln says that operations will bo begun early , nnd the csult of hist full was entirely satisfactory to the board of innniigers. This company spent over 8T 0,000 this year , and did not gut startetl until it was so late that they only run the machinery about tbreo woolts. The Continental Oil company will erect ft storage warehouse hero and make this a dis tributing point. The toll road over the mountains will bo the means of opening up what Is known as the Big Horn basin , a country Unit has mil lions of acres nwalUng industrious scttlur.s. Triiuliln with thn IFoboea. The railroad pcoplo and the city authori ties are in u quntulnry as to what must bo' done with the gangs of unemployed workmen , stranded by the completion of the railroad. J'lie railroad wants § 10 per head tosliip them to Omaha , but so far as the hoboes are con cerned It might Just as well have been $100 , for they were all dead broke. The men are hired by employment agencies In Chicago , Omalia , St. Louis , Kuusus City , i 4 St. Pnnl and Minneapolis. Upon the pay- mentof n fee.of 3 to the agency they are given free transportation to "tlio front" with Iho understanding that they are to Imvb u return ticket when Iho season'H work Is lln- ished , Many of them , of course , coino to see 11 the country , nml never do a day's work for the company. Ifcfnct , not mom Hum 135 per n cent of them over do thirty days work. The idr contractors urge that no transportation r , sho'uld , bo furnished to men who do no work , It and that many such have asked to bo paused / free , liul the fact remains Sheridan will is have to feed them or pay for transportation ' to some oustlTii point. 31' 10 Happening-sin I ho West. is assessment roll of Portland Ore at The , , , amounts to ! ! Mr > ,4U",8 5. loIS Creditors of the defunct Choyomio Na IS tional bunk are about to receive another 33 divvy , aggregating fcl",000 , , toU Hot Springs , S. 13 , , voted $22,000 bonds for UIU a new school house last week , and u day or IU two after the election Uio bonds were sold at 31 * par. itnr par.E , A. Plynn , the defaulting treasurer of nr Ouster county , S , D. , wus tried nnd acquitted. id Klyiui'H otTenso consisted of turning pvpr of property invoiced nt $ 'iO,000 to cover it shortage - Isis ago of SIB.OOO , The property realized $ t > , < | 00 , isn - leaving the county lXW In the holo. n'O During the year Just closing North Da 00 kota has enjoyed the greatest growth in nny ill twelve * months since IBS'i. ( JouutlcHS now illx farms have been opened up , numerous new xnt industries established , nnd n healthy growth In population and wealth is the result , of ik Never before 1ms there been such n do- ikn maud for California olives nnd ollvo oil as nin this simon nud every 0110 iu Pommm vulloy rk who linn In nny way engaged in growing rky olives or ollvo nursery utock or Iu making ollvo oil or shipping the fruit this year \y \ in making unusual prolit. is , A dispatch from Ixw Angeles announces ho tint the city council passed an ordinance of granting-to the Cudnliy Packing company of best Omaha the right to erect a packing house In > m that city. The plant will have a capacity st of TAX ) hogs nnd 150 cattle dally , and whoa running In full capacity will give employ ment to from itfO to UOO men , It- United Stales commlsslonera liavhig In irs chtirgo the negotiation of a treaty with tlie es Ncz Percys Indians for the purchase- tlio ilK unallotted land In tliolr reservation In Idaho id. have not been successful. Although they > ! > raised the first offer of r-2.MJ per aero to 13 ry per aero the council of the tribe refused to tto accept It and gave out that they would not S" part with their land nt any price. The con > mlttslonm Hunk that parties who are de sirous of leasing the lauds from the Indiana td have been ut work. Another meeting will ith bo hold.