Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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flehraaku't World's ' Pair Oomraisjion En
quires Additional Tunda.
Jtt ltn I'rofiTnncd So In Different
Illrccll.iim tlmt n rnrtlinr Atproprla |
( Inn AMiirr * Ihn Sliito Orcil-
LJNTOI.S , Neb. , Dee. CO. [ Special to TUB
XlKBOno ] of the matters tlmt will bo urged
upon tlio legislature will bo tbo necessity [ or
maklujan Increased appropriation for the
Nebraska exhibit nt the World's fair. Com
missioner General Ganicau , In tils first
annual report submitted to the Rovernor
today , reviews the work of the commission
Blnco last March nnd presents n financial
ntatcment which Is much moro favorable
than 1ms Iwcn expected. The public Is quite
familiar with what has been accomplished
ninco last March. The financial statement
below gives tlio results in detail !
ftnto appropriation . JJO.OOt ) 00
rrom Ntilu of state warrants . 160 00
Total . tSO,150 00
rxpemh' < l by General Orecr . t 'J.Or.2 7fi
Commissioner Runeral's salary . 2,48'J 80
Commissioner's expenses . 2,201 B7
DulldlilK . 10,332 4S
llnliyilcpnrtniPlit. . . M3 7ft
Horticultural ilppartmont . 800IS
AKI ( cultural rU > | ) rtinunt . 1,405 24
Apiary iluiiartment . an 75
'WomnirH department . 722 70
J'less lUp'irtmcnt. -18075
Kntoniiilogleal department -10535
General , . . . . . .aai Cl
Total . jan.oin ? ?
tlnoxpcnilcil balance . $20,233 23
In urilntf ; an Increased appropriation Com
missioner Onrncau saysu "Onr preliminary
work lias progressed so far now in the dif
ferent departments that if the appropriation
nskcd for Is received promptly wo can pre
sent Nebraska at Chicago in a manner that
will rollout credit upon the stale and secure
the realization of tlio commissions' fondest
hopes. I sincerely trust that the comlnn
legislature will fully appreciate the advan
tages that will bo derived from a creditable
exhibition of the products of our great com
monwealth. A now state desiring immigra
tion , wishing to attract people's attention
to Its fertility and rcsomccs can do so in
but one way and that Is by advertising its
resources and possibilities ; and I know of no
batter advertisement than this presentation
nt thu World's ' fair which will bo visited by
millions of our own and foreign people.
"Thu cxpciiBb of installing exhibits , tak-
'Ingcaro ' of them , returning those of value
to tlio state and keeping competent persons
in charge of tlio same to explain whatever
may bo necessary to inquirers , will bo very
large , and tills expense must bo met by the
Btato ifvo wish to derive the full bcncllt of
the exhibit. It is true wo can place our
products on exhibition with noone in charge ,
out tills would materially lessen the bene
fits to be derived. An article which is worth
showing in worth looking after in every do-
.tall , and I bellovo wo should keep competent
persons in chnrgn of our different exhibits
who can talk Intelligently to the visitors
nnd furnish them with such Information as
they desire. "
Majors linn an ArRuinrnt.
Lieutenant Governor Majors was the prin
cipal in an exciting little episode which took
place at the Capital Hotel last evening. Ho
Was approached by a well-meaning but
somewhat eccentric man named Dm Ouster ,
living in Clay county , and accosted famil
iarly. Custor know Majors , or at least be-
llovcd that ho did , but Majors didn't know
Custcr. The latter slapped the lieutenant
governor on the back and said : "Know
yon , Tom Majors , I know yon like a book. "
Ho repented the remark several times and
finally the lieutenant governor was led to
ocllovo that Custer intended to deliberately
Insult him. Acting on the belief , the right
hand which signs notarial commissions when
the governor is out of the stnto ilow out
somewhat suddenly and Custer received a
blow on the cheek. A conflict was narrowly
averted ; but Custor realized what had been
done at thu .same instant that Mr.
Majors recollected that ho was the licuteui
nnt governor of Nebraska. Mutual expia
tions followed and tlio mattoi1 ended ns sud
denly as it commenced. Both parties ex
pressed their sincere regrets that the inci
dent occurred. Mr. Custor is a democrat
nnd one of the oldest settlei-s o Nebraska ,
and ho has always had a sincere admiration
for the lieutenant governor. Ho stated tc
TUB BKB correspondent last evening that hi
thought that Majors would remember bin
and accept his familiarity in the same spirll
In which it was offered. Custcr is a wcl
meaning man , but somewhat eccentric , am
it was his manner , which is perfectly wel
understood by his friends , that led Mi-
Majors to bcliovo that an insult had bcci
Intended. Both men arc good friends today
and the good feeling between them is al
tlio stronger from the Incident in the hotc
lobby last evening.
IIU 'MliKl Oat AWIIJ- from Him.
E. R. Tingloy , cashier of the Ncbraski
Savings bank , was by some unaccountably
means rendered temporarily iusano yestcr
day for tlio space of eight hours. In tin
morning he loft his homo at 8WO N street ti
go to the bank. At noon ho had not urn vet
nt the bank and an inquiry was sent to hi
homo. It was supposed , however , that hi
Inul remained away on business and nothini
moro was thought of the matter. At
o'clock ho returned to his homo < complete ! ;
exhausted and in a state of mental collapse
Ho remembers nothing of his whereabout
nil day , but his physician states that ho i
all right now unless brain fever sets in
About a month ago Mr. Tingloy had the mis
fortune to lese by death a favorite child um
the matter lias weighed heavily upon hi
tnitul over since. Financially his affairs ar
in good shape and ho lias a largo balance t
his credit in tlio bank.
The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is prove
"by the many vvondorful cures it is nccon
It is just the niodluino for you.
Jtlnyor liumls * Veto Itviipuctnil Hut Criticise
C'uiitriictM I. t.
At the mootingof the Board of Publl
Yorks yesterday the veto hy the mayor c
the Jansun sewer contract and the Bcni
dlot stone walk contraot were dlsoussci
lirotty thoroughly. Jtlajor FurajMvna of th
opinion that the mayor's vote was a rollei
tlon upon the members of the board , an
Major Baluomho cohicldoJ , and Major Hirl
hauser nodded Ills approval.
Jl'ho contract price for the I'J-Inch sewer o
Thirty-seventh Btroot , from I.ea von worth 't
Paelllo street , Is $1.32. Mayor Uentls coi
stdcred this prlco excessive and vetoed th
contract , and the council Instructed tli
board to rcadvertlso for bids. Major Fura
nJd the contract prlco was not oxccsslri
and to m-ovo the assertion the majors cac
secured a ruconl , and dived down among th
pages and came to the surface wit
a few samples of prices horetofoi
paid. Major IJalcomho found where as hig
tin $ i..V > had been paid In former days an
the other two gentlemen were equally n
successful in tholr Beaivh. And then the ;
military cuuntenancos teamed with o
presslmisof relief and satisfaction. Tht
\vcro certain that the contractor would in
liavo garneivd n forttmu from the Job , ns tl
excavation and removing and roplaciiif , ' i
the pavement would rauso a deal ot troub
ami Incur a great oxpcns\
And then Major Pur-ay moved that tli
board ru-udyortlau for hida In compliant
with the Instructions from the council , an
ho wa feeling pretty good , when the youn
man who acts as secretary for the boai
said something that rufllod the major's gor
humor and It looked as if it might ston
but the clouds worn whirled away aud i
bad language was spilled.
The secretary had re-ad vortUed for bid
to rush matters and save tiiuo.
Mayor Fumy and Mayor Dalcouibe co
chulixl that the young man was ultogoth
too previous for ono of his years , and tin
very plainly gave expression to the
thoughts. They considered that tlio boai
was perfectly competent to have the ndvc
tislng doiiu at the proper tiuio , and u rocu
lyncuvould not bo tolerated , una mlg
lux-clpltute u foolliiguot exactly fratcrn ;
And after nwiln cnutlonlnR Iho secretary
the work of dlxjiosing of routlno business
wax taken up.
Hut oao bid wns received for paving with
Colorado nanrt tone , the alloy between
Twentieth and Twcnly-llrst Mrcota , and
Hurt and \Vobstor streets , nnd the Intersec
tion of Fortieth and Cumlnjr streets , and
that was submitted by Hugh Murphy. Ills
bid was $3.a ) for the alloy nnd $2/25 for the
Intersection , llo was awarded the contract.
A number of pnrtlal and final estimates on
pavlnir , sewer nnd grading wcro allowed.
The chairman was Instructed to nsertaln
whelhcrtho injnnctlons nro still In force ,
which prevent the paving of the unfinished
-portion of Twentieth stceot , from Clark to
Lnko streets and Eighteenth street from
Dodge to Capital avcnuo. If they arc. an ef
fort will bo made to have them dissolved so
that the paving may bo completed thcro In
the early spring.
An liiTnlnnlililliuipily for Coldi.
Sheriff llanlman of Tyler county , West
Virginia , was almost , piostratcd with a cold
when ho began using Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. In spcakliur of U ho says : "It gave
mo almost Instant relief. I llnd It to bo an
Invaluable remedy for colds. " For sale by
llcnrty to Ailjnot the Insurance
nnil Iti'lmlld tlio C'ontlm'iitiil.
All of the parties Interested have arrived
In the city and but little tlmo will now bo
lost In adjusting the losses sustained by
Tuesday night's ' big blare.
Mr. S. II. Ixiomls of the firm of ITrceland-
Tx > omls Co. of Boston , arrived In the city
yesterday morning and will remain until the
settlements with the Insurance companies
are elTecU'd , Mr. Txramis said last evening :
"The Continental block will bo Imme
diately rebuilt , and our firm will resume
business Just os soon as possible. Our stock
is very badly damaged. It suffered greatly
from smoke and was completely watcrsoakcd ,
and Is In a very bad condition. The stock
was valued at between $1113,000 and $109,000 ,
covered with insurance amounting to about
? UO,000. Tlio dnmago to the stoclc will
amount to about 35,000.
"I place no credence , whatever , " remarked
Mr. IXKunts , "In the story that the lire was
started by a bomb thrown by burglars , who
were in the building , and adopted that
means to cover up their escape. Of course
H is a mystery Us to how the lire did origi
nate , but U never started In that manner. "
W. U Byers , the owner of tlio Orchard
and Continental blocks , arrived in the city
yesterday from Oavoiuvorth , Kan. Mr.
Hyers will repair the damaged Continental
block ns soon as possible. llo has not de
cided ns to what will bo done regarding the
Orchard block.
The underwriters who had risks upon the
burned buildings met yesterday afternoon at
Wheeler & Wheeler's office. Mr. Looinls
and Mr. Byers wcro present , anrt the pre
liminaries were arranged for affecthiff a set
tlement of the loss on the Continental
block. Two experienced builders were
agreed upon to appraise the damages to the
building , and as soon ns their report is sub
mitted a settlement will probably bo effected
between the Insurance companies and Mr.
Byers. The amount of insurance on the
Contlncntaliblock foots up SIU.OOO. .
The exact amount of the insurance on the
Orchard building has just been ascertained
and is divided as follows :
Commercial Union of London $ 2,500
Imperial nf London 2,500
Itoynl of Liverpool 2,500
North ndtMiund Merelitintlle 2,600
Otiaidlan of London , 2,500
Continental of New Ybrk 2,500
Queen , of America 2,500
Plm'nlxof Now York 2,500
United States of'Ninv York 2,500
JJolawaiu of I'lilladelpla. . . 5.000
Total $27,500
The matter of effecting a settlement upon
the Orchard building was not called up yes
terday , nnd It was not referred to.
Not from it I'lnuiiclal Standpoint.
"I do not recommend Chamberlain's Cough
ncmcdy from a financial standpoint , for wo
have others in stock on whick wo make a
larger prollt , " says Al Maggiui. a prominent
druggist of Braddock , Pa. , "but because
many of our customers have spoken of it in
the highest praise. AVe sell moro of it than
any similar preparation wo have in the
store. " For sale by druggists.
If you will call at our now store wo
will nrosuntyou with a copy of a boautl-
lul piece of music. Ford & Charltou ,
1508 Dodgo.
See the celebrated Sohinor piano at
Ford & Churl ton Music Co. , 1503 Dodg-o.
Frescoing and intoriordocorating ; dc
fiijrnh and estimates furnished. Ilenrj
Lohmunn , 16,08 Douglas stroot.
The I'litillc Will Taho Notice
That the undersigned ha1 * lost ono
certain promissory note described as fol
lows : Note given bv Julian Walker
dated Juno 1 , 1802 , for 81.000 , piiyubh
December 1 , 1893. Given to C. H. Wostni
original p.iyeo nnd endorsed in blank ot
top of the back ot the note by C. H
West. Again under printed "rubboi
stamp" by C. H. Wost. The note 1
printed in purple ink. All persons an
warned against purchasing the same n
it is my property. A liberal rowarc
will bo paid the party returning thi
same to mo.
T. B. Cluwson , South Omaha , Nob.
Vlu tlio Wulmsli ICiinte.
The short line to St. Louis and quick
est route south.
Only 37 hours to Hot Springs.
Only 39 hours to Now Orleans.
Only 381 hours to Allantn.
Only 62 hours to Jacksonville ,
With corresponding fast time to n.1
points east and. south. Round tri ]
tickets to Hot Springs , New Orleans
Lake Charles , Galveston , San Antonio
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , San Fran
cisco , MobileJacksonville , Tampa , Hn
n. in vana and all the winter resorts of tlr
BoutU and west. Reclining chair car
free to St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit
Pullman buffet sleeping cars on nl
trains. Baggage checked from hotel
nnd private residences to destination
Fortickots , Bleeping car accommodation
ntul further information call at Wabasi
tlckot office , 1502 Farnam street , o
write , G. N , CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
His Selection Cruising Mr , Olovoland Much
Anxiety ,
Interference or tlio Vroslilent-r.lncl Not
l.onkeil Upon with I'avor , nnd It
Might Came n ItlR Split
In ( lie 1'nrtji
VOHK , Dec. 30. In regard to the con
test for the United States scjiatorshlp from
this state the Herald today says :
"On the surface there are no signs that the
supporters of Ed ward Murphy , jr. , for United
States senator have been made to hesitate
by the public protest of Mr. Cleveland.
"Hill , Shcchnu , Crokcr and1 Murphy
stand firm. There Is said to bo ono waver
ing member of the legislature In
this city , but ho Is not expected to dis
obey the Tammany leaders. Hugh Me-
I/iughlln gives no indication that ho will
advise the Kings county members to leave
the senatorial caucus. Bourke Cockrau
stands llrm. Efforts have been made to
make him announce himself as n candidate.
Ho will not say a word to encourage the
opi > osltlou to Murphy. It Is not thought Mr.
Cioker will allow his niimo to bo used us a
"But the most significant fact Is that
Mr. Whitney stands llrm. Mr. Whitney's
attitude Is known to bo such that It
leads to the belief ho thought Murphy
to bo entitled to the place. It Is known that
Mr. Cleveland expressed regret and dissatis
faction at the spirit In which Mr. Whitney
regarded Mr. Murphy's candidacy. It
scorns , however , that nothing could make
Mr. Cleveland abandon his Intention to pub
licly protest against the election of the
stnto chairman. It is understood that
when Mr. Whitney learned what Mr. Cleve
land was about to do ho protested with all
his power , but Mr. Cleveland was Immov
AVonld Not Listen to Advlco.
' Mr. Cleveland's views wcro put before
the people over Mr. Whitney's head and then
for the llrst time was begun without Mr.
Whitney's co-operation an active effort to
defeat Mr. Murphy. "
Under a Washington date the Herald has
this to say upon the same subject :
"Until Mr. Cleveland came out so emphat
ically against Mr. Murphy every ono here be
lieved ho would bo chosen to succeed Frank
HIscock in the United States senate. Today ,
however , the politicians hero confess them
selves all at sea.
"Tho Cleveland men have accepted It as a
certainty that the opposition of the prcsi-
pent-elcct to Mr. Murphy placed the latter
out of the senatorial race , and they are now
looking for a compromise candidate.
"Public men hero generally admit the
soundness of Mr. Cleveland's ' argument
against Mr. Murphy ,
"Tho question now is shall It bo war ?
Shall it bo a repetition of the Garllold-
Conkling fight ! "
There Is no denying the fact that many of
Mr. Cleveland's friends deplore the action
he has taken , although they very generally
stand by it. Not a few of the Cleveland
men who have party interests nt heart fear
that it is the beginning of a contest that
will stand through the Cleveland adminis
"Tho only difference between the old con
test and the now , " said a veteran democrat
tonight , " is that Mr. Hill will not bo so fool
ish as to jump out of the window , as was
Conkling. Conkling's action was magnifi
cently dramatic. Mr. Hill could not bo mag
nificently dramatic if ho wanted to , but ho can
fight , and ho undoubtedly will from this
time on. "
There Is no doubt that the general senti
ment is decidedly with Mr. Cleveland , but
Senator Hill is a much moro inlluentlal man
in the senate than people generally imagine.
Murphy Lacks Ability.
In looking about for a compromise candi
date , it appears somewhat strange that the
Cleveland men should settle upon Repre
sentative Bourke Cockran as u man that
would bo satisfactory to Mr. Cleveland. The
fact that Mr. Cockran is a Tammany man ,
too , they say , does not enter into the ques
tion at all. Mr. Cleveland's ' objection to Mr ,
Murphy is not because of his connection witli
the "machine , " but Is based on his lack ol
fitness and ability to represent the state ol
New York in the United States senate. Mr ,
Cockran , on the other hand , it is gonerallj
admitted , is ono of the most useful men ir
congress today , if not the most influential
As u member of the senate , the Cleveland
men say Cockran would bo a credit to him
self and the stato.
Tnmitmny Chiefs ITold n Council ,
AT.IUNY , N. Y. , Deo. 30. Senator David B
Hill , Richard Croker , Lieutenant Govcrnoi
Shechan and Edward Murphy , jr. , held !
three hours conference at the Kenmon
hotel yesterday. It was strictly a secro
one , aud when the gentlemen learned tha
the reporters wore cognizant of the meethif
the assemblage adjourned , but it is bcliovci
only to meet later.
The subject under discussion was Mr
Murphy's chances for the seuatorshlp , and 1
is reported that if the opposition to tin
chairman's candidacy is too strong anothe :
man favorable to Hill will bo supported
This information comes from a rellabl
Governor Abliutt
.Tenser Crrr , N. J , , Dee , 80. Thlrty-flv
democrats from all sections of Now Jersey
who were among the rccognucd adhorant
of Mr. Cleveland , have mot hero am
adopted resolutions opposing the candidac ;
of Governor Abbott for senator. A committee
mitteo was appointed to prepare for prc
scntntiou to the legislature the reasons wh ;
he should not be elected.
For bouquet , purity and hcalthfulnes
Cook's Kxtra Dry Imperial Champagne ha
no rival. It Is splendid with a dinner.
Trouble AIIIOIIK the
There is war among tlio bakers. Bread 1
now selling lower than ever before. Fora
crly twenty-eight loaves were sold for $ l'bu
now the number Is increased to thirty-sb
This is duo to the competition among th
bakers , enterprising 11 rins , nc
thinking of the dlro consequences , lowere
the price of bread In hlfract custom When
this wn learned other concern * followed
Milt nnd now the nrlcqjcuttlntf has reached
the point whcro all concerned nro losing
money except the 7 > uycrs , who nro now
putting nway untold it-old for a "rnlny day"
on account of the trouble.
Prow Your Own Conclusion.
Mr. J. O. Davenporti'tnanagcr ' of the Port
Bragg Tied wood Co. , . Bragg , Cnl. , has
this to s.iy of Chamberlain's Cough Horacdy s
"I tiscd It for a sovcro''cold and cough and
obtained Immediate frVillof. In the Fort
Bragg Kedwood Co.'fl store wo have sold
largo quantities of Chamberlain's modi-
clnca. " For sale oy Ofnigglsts.
Young Air. llloomllelil In Trouble with the
A young man with a pronouncedly hobolo
cast of features , but who registered with
the pollco under the name of Levy Bloom-
Held , was gathered in last night , doubly sus
pected of vagrancy and pilfering. Ho ar
rived In the city some time ago , and has put
in his time since in luxurious idleness. Ho
very speedily elicited the solicitude of the
pollco , who wcro nt n loss to account for the
resources Bloomllold drowon to supply himself
with food , drink and lodging , things that ho
did not appear to long for invain. . Despite
the look of askance policemen cast nt him ,
Bioomlleld pursued the oven tenor of his
way , living as high as could reasonably bo
expected of a man without visible means of
Last night , however , ho was seen
floating In and out or various Tenth
street pawn shops , endeavoring to "hock"
an elegant plush saciiic. | When the jwllco
accosted him , ho made n lame explanation
and was speedily placed in durance vllo. It
has not yet been learned whcro Bioomlleld
got the sncquc.
A Cure for Croup ,
3f your children are subject to croup
always keep n bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough llomedy nt hand. It Is a prompt and
certain euro. If given as soon as the croupy
cough appears It will prevent the attack.
J ? jr sale by druggists.
MltS. OjtJlMOX'S ( JZ/'T.
lly Her Will Slio Ilonnted 8750,000 to the
MothodUt Scmlunrynt Atlnntn , On.
BATA.VIA , 111. , Dec. 30. By the death of
Mrs. Jane C. Gammon , the Methodist semi
nary at Atlanta , Ga. , becomes the possessor
of $750,000. The Institution was established
by the Methodists in Atlanta in 1880 , as the
theological department of the Clarke uni
versity. Mr. Elijah H. Gammon took a deep
interest in the seminary , and during his llfo
donated ? 3lX,000. ) Ho was worth S1GOO,000.
Mr. Gammon died in 18S9 , at his homo hero.
By the provisions of his will , the Institution
was further provided for. His wlfo was to
have the use of the estate during life nnd at
her death one-half of the property was to go
to the heirs nnd the other to the seminary.
Mrs. Gammon died December 23 and now
one-half of the estate will bo equally divided
between four legal heirs three of whomlivo
at Batavia , Ind. , the other at Evanston.
As the estate -worth-nearly $1,500,000 , , the
seminary will bo endowed with over $750,000.
Ignorance of the merlls of DeWitt's Little
Early Risers is a misfortune. Thcso little
pills regulate the liver , euro headache , dys
pepsia , nad breath , constipation and bilious
ness. '
Collecting : Insurance Taxes.
City Treasurer Bolln [ lias started out to
nforco the law requiring all insurance com-
xinics doing business in tlio city to pay a tax
n their profits. Recently the agents for the
arious companies received the following
notice : . .
I beg to Inform you that tha taxes of the
company for which you are agent loinnln un-
> ald for tlio year. I would respectfully call
rour attention to section 8 , chapter 13 , soc-
tnns38aiul 143 , chanter 77 of the compiled
statutes ot Nebraska for 1891 ; and In accord
ance with the sainu you1 are hereby requested
o pay over any nionoys now hi your possession
idolizing to suld company to the amount of
tlio statement lioruto attached and marked
Exhibit A. "
The tax will bo collected for the four years
[ last. Out of the sixty odd companies repre
sented in this city about half have promptly
[ > aid up. This source of revenue will add
about $7,000 to the city treasury.
Something Good.
I have sold and used in my family for sev
eral years Chamberlain's , Colic , Cholera ,
and Diarrhoea remedy , and have found it
one of tlio most useful and satisfactory rem
edies I over handled. C. H. Lewis , druggist ,
Salt Lake City , Utah.
IVoro Well Kiiturtaliiod.
An appreciative audicnco attended tlio en
tertainment given at Washington hall , last
night , for the benefit of the "homo" main *
taincd by the Workingwomen's union. A
comedy entitled "Delicate Ground , " the
sccno 'of which was laid in Paris during the
revolution of 1703 , was very creditably pre
sented by Mrs. C. Brown , .Miss Holeiu
Chesro , T. Rutledgo. S. Baotcns and M
Miller. During the play several solos won
sung by Mr. Miller very pleasingly. Mrs
Brown displayed some emotional power ant
tlio other performers acquitted themselves
An honest pill Is the noblest work of tin
apothecary. DoWitt's Little Early Riser ;
'euro constipation , biliousness and sick head
Clcnrliif ; Ills Docket.
Many old cases wcro very quickly disposci
of by Judge Diiudy in the federal cour
yesterday morning. The docket of the cour
has for years been encumbered b ; cases tha
have been pcndiug for years , but which the
attorneys did not seem disposed to bring ti
trial soon. To simplify matters , Judgi
Dundy disposed of them all by dtsmlssiiif
them for "want of prosecution , "
Perfect action nnd perfect health resul
from the usoof DoWitt's Lltll Early Risers
A perfect little pill.
Settling the Ilcllman Kjtato.
In the county court yesterday Judge Elle
devoted considerable time to hearing claim
against the estate of Meyer Hollman
Claims of the First National bank aggrc
gating 194,000 and secured by notes wcr
For throat dIseases and Coughs use Brown'
Bronchial Troches. Like nil really gooi
things , they are imitated. The genuine ar
sold only in boxes.
d .11 Hi
* ( " f
10 The United States Official
IDSi ; :
ill llh llo Investigation of Baking Powders ,
IS Made under authority of Congress by the Chemical Division of the
Dep't of Agriculture , Washington , D. C. , and recently completed ,
Shows the Royal Baking Powder
to be a cream of tartar baking pow =
der of the highest quality , superior
to all others in strength , leaven =
ing power , and general usefulness.
' *
The Royal Baking Powder is thus distinguished by the highest
nta. irnt expert official authority the leading Baking ; Powder of the world
ron A
TuVen M directed lh s ftmonft nils nil )
pro nurTftllou * r it < irUT 9 to til tnfetbled
If ths abota or Limited dl M .
i25 Cents a Box.
tmtconerAltr tt > eoenlt i ! In Rngtuna nd. In
fiat ( Uroathont tht world to bo "worth a
rnlnrn a lint. " lor tin re > on that th j
\VI I.I * Oil It t ! n xvlrfo rongo of com.
> ptnlnlnind that th r barn tared to man ?
> Hadororn not IntroIj on but laany calneit. In
J iloclorV tillln.
< > Covered with n Tattelets & Sotublo Coaling ,
all drueclMs. frlco 2S ccntnnboz.
New York Depot , 30J cnnnl Ki ,
You mny bo
> \ erse
Consult nt once
tlio fnuioim
The nble , tuluiituil , siii-ci-xtliil mill Ucitirvmi-
ly nopulnr riiyglcmim unit Surgeons
who have richly won their tltlo
ns the Kings of
Uniformly successful In the treatment nud
CUM of
Nervous Diseases.
Chronic Diseases ,
Private Diseases
Of uvory nimo mid nature , of every form
pbnso and degree.
Twenty-seven years of constant nractlco ;
27 years of valuable and varied experience ;
27yonrs of careful and laoorlous research Into
tlio hidden mystorlos of dlsooso ana tholr
cuio : 37yoiirsof uniform , nhoiiorucualsuccess ,
and these gifted
find themselves at the head ol tliolr profes
sion In America , unrivaled In all these ele
ments which dbnipol success.
Lot all the allllcto-l take lionrt and bo com-
fortoil , for tlio moans of a perfect , speedy nnd
permanent cHiro are within their reach.
The testimony ot thousands of others whom
these tulontod men luivo cured furnishes the
most convincing proof of their ability.
SEND 4 CENTS for illustrated book of
ISO imi3 .
Consultation ITreo.
Cull upon , or nddrcss with stamp ,
119 South ! 41li Stre3t ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
Council Chamber , Omaha , Nob. , 1893
13o It resolved by the city council of the city
of Omaha , thu mayor concurring :
That perimnontsldowalKs bo constructed In
the city of Omaha as doslsnatoJ bolow. with
in llvo days after tlio publication of this reso
lution , or the personal florvloa thereof , as by
ordinance Is authorized and required : such
sidewalks to bo laid to the permanent
grade as established on the paved streets
soculfled herein and to be constructed of
stone , artificial .stone , brick or Ulnrr accord
ing to specifications on fllo In the ofllcoof the
board ot public works and under its supervis
ion , towit :
South side of T.oavenworth street , It 1 blk 7
Kountro & Untli's addition , permanent
grade. 0 feet wide. 1 blk 8
Kountzo & Hutti's addition , permanent
criulo , 0 feet wldo.
South sldo of Loavonworlh street west 123
foot moro or loss It a blk S Kountz ; & lluth'a
addition , pormaiiont Rrado , G feet wldo.
South sldo of Iioavcnworth btroot It 1 and
east 78 foot more or less o ( It 2 blk 0 Kountzo
tc Kuth's addition , permanent grade , 0 foot
South sldo of Loavonworth street It 1 and
east 78 feet moro or loss of It 2 blk 10 Ifountze
&Kuth'a addition , pormaiiont grade , a feet
South sldo of Loavenworth street. Its 1 and
24 bile 1 Mlllard I'lacc , permanent grade , 0 foot
wldo. "
South sldo of Lcavonworth street It 1 blk 2
Mlllard I'lace. permanent urado , U foot wldo.
South sldo of La&vonwortu street lots 1-3-4-5
blk 1 Marsh's addition permanent urudc , Ofeet
North sldo ot Loavonworth street w',4 ' of It
14 blk G Kount/o's & Kuth's addition , perma
nent urado. B feet wide.
North sldo of Loavonworth street Its 7-9-10
Johnson's addition , permanent grade , 0 foot
North side of Lnavonworth street Its U5 nnd
30 J I Kedlck's addition , permanent grade , 0
feet wldo.
North side of U33 or school It blk 5 Kountzo
& Kuth's addition , permanent grade , U foot
North sldo of Loavenworth street west \ \
moro or less ot It 23 blk 5 Kountzo k Kuth's
addition , permanent grade , 0 foot wide.
North sldo Lo ivenworth street. , tax It 12 , see
23.15-13. permanent crado , G feet wide.
North sldo of lioavonwortli street. Its It and
12. Johnson's add , permanent grade , G foot
North sldo of hoavenworth stroot. Its 11-12-
13-14. J o b's add , permanent giado , 6 foot
North sldo of Loavonworth street , It R , John
son's add. permanent grade. Gleet wide.
Houtli sldo of Loavenworth street. Its 1-2-3-4-
5 , Clark's add. permanent gnidn , U foot wido.
Koutli sldo of Loavonworth stroot. It 21. Mc-
Oandllsh I'lace. permanent prade. G foot wldo.
South sldo of LoHvonworth street , It 1-2-3-1-5
bile 2 , Marsh's add , permanent Krado , U feet
South sldo of Loavonworth stroot. It.s 1-2-3-4-5
blk 3. Marsh's add , permanent grade , a foot
wldi * .
South side of TIarnoy street. Its 11 and 12 blk
6 , Capital add. parmanon * grade , IS foot wldo.
South sldo of Harney Htroot , lots 13 , 111 and
14 , ' Kellc'ss's Place , permanent urado 0 foot
North sldo of Harnoy street. Its 0,7 , fl and 9 ,
blk U , Capitol add , permanent grade , G foot
West Hide 19th stroot. south part of It 1 , blk
13. city , oormanont grado. G fret wldo.
Hast sldo ot 23J street , It I bit ; -'u"'j ! cityper
manent gr.ido.O feet wide.
North sldo of Izurd , Its 0 and G , blk 103Ji
ally , permanent grade. G foot wldo.
West side ut 2Jth stroot. It 1 blk II olty , per
manent gr.ido. G foot wide.
Houtli sldo of California street , Us 1 , S , 3 and
4 blk 17 , olty , pornmnonturado , Gfcotwtdo.
Houtli sldo of Cuss stroot. Its 2. 3 and 4 blk 49
city , permanent urudo. 0 feet wldo ,
North 9 III e uf ( J.isj street , Its 7 and 8 blk 28 J ,
city , permanent grade , II foot wide.
And bo It further resolved :
That the board of public works ho and here
by Is authorized and directed to cause a copy
of thU resolution to bo published In the olll-
olnl paper of the cltv for ono week , or bo
eorvodion the oxvnorsof s ild lots nnd unless
such owners shull within flvo ilnys uftur the
publication or service of mieh copy construct
bald mdewalks ai horeln rocinlreu , the
board of public works cause the same to bo
done , the cost ot constructing said sidewalks
respectively to bo assessed usalnst the real
estate , lot or part of lot In front of aud abut
ting such sidewalks.
I'assod Hov , L-Jthand Dee , Cth. IBOi
n. P. OAVIS.
1'resident , of tbo Council
A. O , ii\VAUIH. ; )
Acting President of tlio Council.
Attest ) JOHN OIUUVE ; ,
City Olork.
Approved : OEO. P. II EM IS ,
Mayor ,
To the owners of the lots , parts of lots and
real osutu doscrlbod In the above rosolu
You and each of you nrn hereby notified to
construct puriminuntbldownlks as reijulrod by
n rusoliitlon of thoolty ccunell and mayor of
tl'O city of Omaha , of which the uPovo In a
rhulrinan HoarJ of I'ubllg Work * .
Oa.aha , Nob. , December'.Tib , 1B92 , d'-7u7l
JI rr"i
Do you know -what odds and ends mean
when applied to a clothing store ? When a
concern has done us much business as we have
in the past few months there must necessarily
be a lot of pants for which there is no coat or
vest , and coats when the pants are gone. Then
again there is probably only one suit of a size
in a certain kind of a suit or overcoat. Now ,
these make up what we call
Odd Pants ,
Odd Coats ,
Odd Suits ,
Odd Overcoats ,
We invoice next week and we want to get
rid of as much of the "odds" as possible beforei
that time. We qote no prices here , but at the1
store the prices are cut low enough. You'll
say so when you see the goods we offer at this
Cor , 13th and Farnam.
Council Chamber. Omaha , Nob. . 189.
He It resolved by the city council ot the city
of Omaha , the mayor conourrlnz :
That wooden slduwiillcs bo constructed In
the city of Omaha as dcxlgnilca liolow. within
flvo days uf tor the publication of this rrsolu-
tlon , or the personal service Uicrunf , as by or-
dlnunco Is authorized and required : such
sidewalks to ho laid to the ratio on the
streets specified heroin , nnd to ho constructed
of Dine plunk of such width n ml thickness nnd
bo laid upon joists of such dimensions nnd In
such manner .is Is prescribed by the specifica
tions on lllo In tbn olllce of the board of public
works and under Its supervision , to-wlt :
East side of 2'nd street , tat It yd from south
line of 1'aul street to south line of said tax lot
In soc-15-13-1.1 , present grade. 0 foot wide.
Enstsldoot y-Jnd street. It 5 blk 18JJJ city ,
present crude , ft feet , wide.
Enst side of''Oth street , it 8 blk 5 Swoosy'a
addition , urescnt grade , Of cot wide.
West side of 8th street. Its 18 to 'M Inclusive
Kountzo's 2nd addition , present grade , U feet
North side of Valley sireot. Its 7-14-13 Oia-
homii , uresont grade , 4 foot wldo.
North stdo of Valley street , oust 101 foot It T
Okahoma , present grade , 4 feet wlilo.
West sldo of 2-ith street , extending to curb
It 1 blk 7 Heed's 1st addition , permanent
Rrado , 0 foot wide.
North side of Hhlrloy stroot. Its InmKiOliurr
Oak , present crado , 0 feet wide.
South sldo of Webster street. Us 1-2-3 and 14
hlk2 Evan's subdiv I'ark 1'lauo. present grade
(1 ( foot wide.
South sldo of Webster street , east 30 ft of It
31 blk ! U'iirk I'lnoo. present yraUo , 0 foot wido.
South Bldo of Webster street , 0118151 foot of
It 9 blk 2 I'ark 1'hico , present grade , 0 foot
East side of 21st street. Its 40 40-S8-2a-3i blk 4
Campbell's addition , permanent tirade , 0 foot
Enst slilo of 51st stront. It ! 22-20-18-10-Hbl 1C 4
Campbell's addition , permanent grade , 0 foot
East stdo of 21st street. Its 12-1U and 0 blk 4
Campbell's addition , permanent Knulo , Q f00t
Eastsliloof 21st street. It 11 hi It 19 Wlloox's
2nd addition , permanent frrado , 4 .fuel wlilo.
Houth sldo of Ed OrolKhton street , Its 2 too
Inclusive , Ulnrk 1'Iaco , present grade , 4 foot
wl < l o.
West sldo of 29th street. Us 40 and 41 Uiirr
Oak , present Kriulo , 4 feet wide.
West sldo of : . ' 0th street. touth ! i It31 Clark
I'lacc , present Rrado. 4 foot wide.
South sldo of Martha street. Its Hi tofll In
clusive. Clark Place , present urixclo. 4 tout wldo
South slno of Dupunt street. Its 1 to 11 Innln-
sivoblk4 Dupont i'lace , present grade , 4 feet
North side of Dupont street , Us I to II In
clusive blk 3 , Uuponl 1'luco. uresont crado , 4
feet wldo.
North sldo of Dupont street. Its 1 to G Inclu
sive bllci Utiuont I'liico , present grade , i foot
North side of Dunont stroot. Its 2 to5 Inclu
sive blk 1 Dupont I'luoe , present crude , i foot
South sldo of Dupout street , Its 2 to 0 Inolu-
slvu blk 5 Duuout 1'luco , present grade , 4 feet
wldo , i
South sldo of Onstollnr street. Us 1 to 11 In
clusive blk 7 Uuponc 1'luco , present urtido , 4
feet wldo.
North sldo of Oastollar street. Us 12 to 22 In
clusive blk 4 Dupont 1'lucu. present grade , 4
feet wide
East sldo of 20ti ! street , north ' ,4 moro or loss
of ltd blk 2 Dupont I'lace , present grade , t feet
Eusttddo of Wth street , HoutliM foot moro or
loss of It ID llurr Oak , projunt tirade. 4 foot
East sldo of 20th street , U3) Tturr Oak , pres
ent grade , 4 foot wldo.
West sldo of 27th iivonuo. Its I nnd 20 blk 4
Drnko'M addition , present Mraclu , U feet wldo ,
Wuitsldo of 27th avenue , IU 1 nnd M iilit 'I
Dr.iko's addition , present grade , U foot wldo.
KastHldo ot 4lat iivonuo , Its 11 and IS blk 4
Oiolrird Hill , present grit'lo , a fent vrldo ,
Kastsldoof 4li > t avonno , It 1'j blk y Diehard
Illll , present cr.ule , 0 font wldo.
E.ISI side nt 41st nvenuo , Us 1-7 n nil 8 blk a
Donnrtt'BBiib Orchard Jllll , present grade , 0
fool wldo.
West Bldo of 8th stroot. It U blk 4 I'orojt 11111 ,
present urado , a feut wide.
West sldo of Bill stroot. Us 1 and 2t KounUo'a
Sad addition , present grade , (1 ( foot wide.
And. bu It further rosolvud ;
That the board ot uubllu works bo , and U
'hereby authorized and directed to nuuso a
uopvof this resolution to bo publlHhnd In the
olllelul paper of thu city for one weak , or bo
nerved on the owners of salil lots , and that
unless such ownern utiull within llvo days
after the publication or service of such copy
conatriiutsiich sidewalks as herein roijulro.t
that the board of public Vforka cmiho tin
same to bo done , the cost of ooiistruolliijj satil
Bldewulk * respectively to bo assessed uualust
the real estate , lot or part of lot In front of
and abuttlnic such sldowalks.
1'assoJ Nov. 'JJth , Don. tUh and IHtli , 169 } . '
I'rosUlontof tlio Council.
A' . O. EliWAKUS.
/Vctlntr / President of thu Council ,
Attest ; JOHN aitovEH.
City Ol6i-k.
Approved ; GEO. l . IICMIH ,
To the owners of the low , parts of lots uivl
rent estuto described in thu above resolu
tion :
You and each of you are hereby notified to
construct wooden Bldowalks as required by
a resolution of the city council undinayoro
thoolty of Omaba.of which thu above U a copy
1' . W < lUUKIIAUdElt.
Chairman Hourd of I'ubllu World.
Omaha , Nob. , Uecomljor rHIi , 13' ) . ' .
Council Ch.imbor , Omaha , Nob. , 1SU2.
lie It resolved bv the city council of the olty
nt Omaha , the Mayor concurring :
Tlmtpoimanoiitsldowulks bo constructed In
the city of Omaha as dosUnutoJ below , within
llvo days after the publication ot thin resolu
tion , or the personal service thereof , as by
ordinance Is authorized and required : sueli
slclewulics to bo laid to the pormaiiont gr.ido
as established ou the paved streets spccllloa
leroln , and to bo constructed of stone or nrtl-
lulnlstonc , according to spoelllcatloiiB on lllo
n the olllceof iho Hoard of 1'ubllo Works , and
under Its supervision , lo-wlt'
Kastslduot 2dth street , It 2 blk I Capital
Illl addition , permanent grudo , Gfoot wldo.
East sldo of aia stroot. It j blk 2D7S1 olty.pur-
naiiunt prune , 0 foot wldo.
West sldo of 21th street. Its 1C J and sV { I
vellum's istaddltlon , permanent grade , U feet
North Bldo ofTones stroot. Us .1 and 0 blk 171
cltv , permanent Krado , b feet wido.
Noitl ; sldo of Jones street , Us 5 7 8 blk 173
city , permanent zrado , 8 feet wldo.
South side of Jones street , , It 1 blk 197 city ,
icrmnnont cradu , 8 feet wldo.
rionth sldoof Jones street , Its 1 23 4 blk IDS
olty , permanent , grndo 8 foot wldo.
Uoiitb sldo of.lonos.stroot , Its 12-3 4 blk 191
cltv. permanent jrr.ide , B.foot wldo.
West sldo of 15th stroot. Its 1 and 8 blk 107
city , poriimncntvnido. 8 feet wldo.
East sldo of 15th .street. Its 4 and Sblk 190 city ,
permanent grade , g feet wldo ,
Wost. side of mil btreot. Us 1 and 8 blk 103
city , Dcrnrtnout itnulo , 8 foot wldo.
And , bo It further resolved :
That the Hoard of 1'ubllc Works bo , and ii
-loroby authorized and directed to o.uiso a
copv of this resolution to bo published In tha
ollloial paper df the city for one week , or bo
sorvoJ on the owners of saul lots , and ttmt
unless such owners shall within llvo day *
after the publication or sorvlco uf suoh copy
construct Raid sd : ( wiilks us herein ru-u oil
that Iho Hoard ot 1'ubllo Works onus the
Ramo to be done , the cost of constructing said
sidewalks respectively to bo assessed against
the real ostnm. lot or part ot lot hi frontoC
nnd abutting hiu-h sidewalks.
I'assod November2d ! ! aud 29th , and Dacoinbor
Actlns President ( if the Council ,
E. I' . DAVIS.
President of the Olty Council.
Olty Olork.
Approvnd : OEO. P. UEMIS.
Mtwnr ,
To the owners of the lots , parts of lots and
real esUUo described In the above resolu
You nnd each of you are hereby notified to
construct , permanent sidewalks us required by
a resolution of thu city council nnd mayor of
thoolty of Ornahii , of wbloh the nbovo Is a
copy. 1 . W. HIKKIIAUBKU.
Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works.
Omalitt. Noti..Jjoeombornth. ! 1832. U27d7t
To the owners of all lots , parts ot lots and roat
usttito ulonq ; Cameron htroetfromL'lthBlrout ,
to the 4U-acrn line or tlio center ot 27th
street produced.
You nro hereby notified that the unaor-
slKned , three dlslntoronto i freeholders of tha
city of Unmhs. nave been duty appointed by
tlio mayor , with the approval ot the olty coun
cil otsnld olty , ( , oassos3 the damiiKos to thu
owners respectively of the property nlTofitod
by the cradlnof Cameron utroet from -Ith
street to the 4)-acro lliu or the center of tftli
street , produced , declared necessary by
ordinance No. 'nsi : , passed December
lath , 1SU2 , approved December IDtli , Ibt ) . ' .
You nro further notlllod tlmt havltrt ao-
roptod said appointment nntl duly iiuallllod
as required by law. wo will on the 7th ilny of
Jiiniinry. A. D. 1SDJ. at the hoiirof It o'olo6k
In the forenoon , nt Hie otlleo of T. II. MeOul-
loch , room UI2 Now York 1/lfo building , within
tlio carparato llmltsof said olty , moot for the
purpose of cqnsldurlii and inuklnu the us-
be.sstmmtof dumuuo to thoowners riispcetlvcly
ot suld propurty nlTuutod htho cnulliu ; ,
taking Into coimldurutlon apodal bonoIHB , If
Von nro notltloJ to bo present ut the tlma
nnd place aforesaid and iimUouny objection
to or fitiituiuunts concerning mild nsicssmcnt
of damages us you may iionaldi-r prouor.
T. it. McOUljUJUir ,
C1KO , J , I'Aim
Omaha. DBC..SM. 1BW. ( UUIint
of lots on "II" HirouV- from liitb fitoout to 17tli
Vou are liorohy nntlfliid tint the uiijjr-
BlKiiod. tnroo dlnlntoroatod freulmlderi or the
city ot Oimilia , havn boon duly npnolntoil
by thu mayor , with tliu upprovut of the city
einincil of Hiilil oltv. to umoui tlio daimiKu to
iho owners rospoutlvuly of tlio pronerty a'
foctod by tha gradlnx of II" street fie n lull
Btroot to Kill Htreut , Uuolnrud iiouo siry liv
oralnunoo No..TWi. uusaod OuccmberlUth , 13'X' ,
upnrovcd Ueiicnibor lllh. 1KX2.
Vou urn furtlior notilioO. that having no-
ooptod said npuolntmunt , anil ; duly mialKlod
DH required by law. wo will , on the 12th duy at
January , A. I ) . IH'Jt ' , at the hour of ; i o'clock
In tlio iirtoriioon , i t the olllro or Qoo J , I'mil ,
livri l''unnini Htruot , within the cor-
liorutullmlts of sulJ cltv , moot for tlis.nur- (
pose or ooiialdorliiK and miilcliu the HH OJI-
moiit of ( liuuugo to th > ) owners lospuollvuly or
Biild propurty uiroctod by suld crado , tuldiitf
Into coiisllunitloiibiooliil | bonollta. If any ,
Vou are notllled to be prvsunt nl tlio tlmo
and plucu aforesaid anil inako any ohjootlurii
to or lntoiaont3 conouriilni buld u oaniBtit
or dainugua us you muy connldur iironor.
JAb. '
Ouah& , Neb , Doc. 27th , IBXi.