Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Part Two, Page 11, Image 20

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Blxtj-Onc Buildings Worth Nearly Two
Million Dollars.
T o ( nllri ; H , * ! | | HM > U lor Olll , Two \rneli
iiile-n , Mini I'nroc lilnl ScliiinU , Iliiif
nnil Dumb Institute. sdiooUcir
.Mdlle Ini , .Miirlflincl Art ,
Thoic Is no t-ltj In the land that lakes
nioio pililei hi Us public schools and educa
tional Institutions than doc f this Toreats
the nubile school svstctn of Omaha has been
uvartlcd b.v all of the prominent ulueatois
as the most lhoioiu.'h and complete. 'Ibis
liimlM't'ii fiinsed bv the fuel that the nun
w ho hav ( 'looked aftei the education of tlie
joiith of the tlt.v IIIIMnlvvavs aimed to
teenro the b st Instinctois and inti-odut t tlie
in-west ieltMB Into tht1 schools
Din Inir In the litlbllc , drnom- pi Ivate and bi"ilnr s sc heels , lllniO
pupils havc > bee n instvnt led bv KM teacheis
Dining the veil lklll then wuo M )
pupils tmoiled and 4'iT te.icheis implovcd
These limncsshow a ( rain of IWO pupils and
( tt te.icheis din IIIK the TnkiiiK 'ic
P.istve.u as an illnstiatlon theie is a vei.v
niaili'td Impiov out lit the nintti r of nt-
tendanet' pnm tualltnllljiciife. . disi ipllne
and KOOI ! behavloi of tbe tiupns
' 1 In- public school hnlliilnps now number
01 of whlih ± iaiohilcl.ind " . ' ate frame
Iho bilclt bnlldlnifs unit tin 'JOT and the
fiiitm'bulldiiipi iTs. heel and class rooms
The value'of the si h enl piopoitv of tin't H.V
h put at * l.r < lX ( ( > which includes onto
bullllui.'s ( and sites
Honds have been voted eonltacts let and
dnriiiL'theeomhiK the followIntr new
hulldliii.'s will be elected to meet the de-
mamlsof the i.ipldlj giosvlnir se heel popu
Addlllon to lllvli school
' iraloita si heel
\\e---I ( liiiilinbool :
I'lanUlliisi heel
t'entci se heel .
Imm se heel
l.otluop school . .
\Vlnel-nt si hoeil
lllckoij hi bool
Total 100 } 1. > 01MM
1 luce of these buildlnuM 111 be eompletec
and ti'.tdj for IM cupane .v upon the opinlni ; ol
the splint : ttl in and the othe-is on isepteni
her I , the bi > ilmiliir | of the schcolear .
Iho funds to meet the innninif expense
of llio schools aie In a most I-M client e oncli
lion 'Ihese funds , lo a hitiii' extent , an
deilved fiom the liilioi' [ licenses ami the
police i nut I lines and tome tlnoiiirh a pie
usion of the NebrasUa hij'h lieense law
which bus been in foico for a number o
j e.U3 Another laitfc'sum isdeiived eacl
i ear fiom the state appoitionment , vvhicl
accuninlates ftom the sale and the Icaslnjr o
the state school lands So far as dheet tax
allen is lonicined , the bnielen is vnj 11'h
upon the taxj.ijeis of the eltv
The follow inif tables show the lOeoiptsam
dishuiscments of the school Hind foi the
year :
' '
On hand I'l'emi 1H01 . f 1 1 080 0 !
Sale ) of bonds . . . 10S,3tl3 I1
Tuition of nonii'sldciits . Id 01
rines.UHl llee-nhcs . . 2S7.570 ' ) (
Mate niipeiitloninent . 77,171.1 !
Total . * 3'JS,2 ' 8.J O ;
1)lsbillse ) > ine > ilts
Tetuheis saliirles . $ JJ3,171 PI
Si heel house slus . OH.IiH.lOl
Kiecllonof bnllelliiKS . OO.IiHSI , '
Ite ] ) ill sand fuel . . . . 2.I.7H7..11
Hooks . . . 7fc.i ( ( . 0'
I'llinltuiii 4.00'JOI
Tiansfiiied fiom Moainouth slto
fund . . . 44000' '
Allothei expenses . lOJ.lJti l '
Total . . $172 , 101.2
lliilance ) on hand at the end of the
school } em J123nai.1
III the public si heels theie weio li'.i
te.icheis einplo.ved , of which nninber
weio females and eleven woio males , an h
cicasoof twelve over the vear Ib'Jl. ' 1 hcb
teachers weio paid > . > J.,1T1.M ) ) , or i-l'Ib07
moio than weio the 'Jb who wc-io einplojc
liming the piccedini ; .vear.
Thoeniollment of the public schools vv.i , ) , and the avoiaio attemlanco 10bO'
Dining the jear IbUl the total cniolhneii
vas 14OSI.t and the .IVCI.IBC attendance 11,71 !
show ini ? a gain of I , : i7 on cniollmcnt an
1,10'J , in avoiaio attendanco.
All of Iho schools aio cio\vded to their fn
capacitj , and cspcciallj is this tttio of th
two klndei KIU ten ilepaitinents , which tit
located at the Kellom and the Mason schoe
The normal depai tment has been in opei.
tlon just one i ear and dui'ini ' : that time it hi
plowed \eiy sncccbsful. It is eonduetc
upon the same plan as the state tun in ,
school , and it Is for the pniposo of ti.iinni
jounir men and women who dcsiio to ado ]
teac hint ? as n piofession At this time thei
nio thin ) te.icheis and thiitj-lhe pupils , i
cadets , in this deputment Giailn lies fie
the noinml mo given ceitilicates vvhie
will authoii/o them to teach in anj of tl
intblio schools of the state
The management ot the si heels Is co
tiolled bj a boaut of edniation of llftec
members , who aio elected bj the peopl
UhooflleeiHof the school svstem aie S 1
Spaldhif. , piesidentV N Uabeoelcl
pie'sldent , Uhiiilcs Conno.\er , sceietat ,
Miss nininii C1 Mon/ingo. assistant , rt.ti
A. rit/patilclt , siuoiintendont , Hcl O liai
llton. supeiintendcnt of buildings and Pi HI
L McCoy , attoinov.
Thogiowthof the pnochial schools ai
colleges has kept pace with that ol the ci
dm Ing the past jear , and , as institutions
lent n ing , tho.aio . unsni passed Thev a
snppoited solel.v by the Catholic ! e him h .11
aio supplied bj the best to.cchors and i
Httnctois th. ite. in bo seemed
The schools , the number of teai'heis ei
plowed and the cniollmint aio as follows-
No. of No c
Schools. 'leuthuib. I'npl
Aciiehmiy of st i atherlno la
Atatli-my Saeied lleait . 41
st. I'hllomeiui 4
-I. Aleijslus [ >
.st , .lames. . 3
SI. .leise-pli 8
hi. Mmy .MiiKdc-lcnu 3
St. I'alilck 3
St. Paul 1
bt. ruler 4
bt. Stanislaus 2
Total H5 lfl ,
Cii'lghton colh'go was established In Ii
and Is In cliaigoof the meniheis of the t
eloty of .lesns. with Hov .lames lX Ilo
fer piesident and Hov William T ICinse
vlco piesident. All p.utles , tcgardlcss
sect , ate admitted and all blanches .
taught. Duilng the past vear a medical c
lull tment has been established , which Ii
been placed under the eontiol of tonio of t
be'st ph.\ale lans In the slate.
Iho unlveisitv ofUniaha is c-onlioiled
the I'resb.vtoiian ehuicli of the cit.v , but
diteetly tcsponslblo to the I'lcsbvteii
tijnod of NobiasKa Connected with t
milvci.sitj theio aio two clepaitments , t
lltciaiy dc paitinent at Deliovno and t
theological scminaiy , the lattei hclncr
cated at this tlmo in the basement ol I
Sjeiond 1'resbj tciiiin cliiux-h in this cll.\
In the litetat.v depailment theio 1110 I !
tcachei sand COO pupil J , while the thcolo
c'al scnilnaiy has tnsliiictoisand t\\c-n
ono students
I < ist June , Dr Gcoigo L Miller denial
twentvtlvo ncusof land at Sejmour pail ,
beautiful siibmb , just south of the clt.v 1
Its. the undeistanding being that the 1't
hi ieilan church would establish and inn
tain a theological hcmtiuuy ThootTcrv
accepted and alicadv thoatiangcinents h.
been tieifueled for the election of a t < pO.
building which will ho built of lll.tck II
stone , and commenced this season. Upon
completion of the building il vvill lie
homo of the theological dcpattmeiit and
bdiool of medicine , It having been dee leU-c ,
I'stublluh the hater naiiied dcpaitnu
with the I'oinlngof the next school .vear.
lirownell Hull , a xchool foi ghlb , Is tin
the control of u boaiil of tiusttiH , of wh
the bishop of the l plscopal dloccso Is
in csldent , o\-ol\lclo Tor n , number of j c
the school has been in charge of Key. Kol
Dohcrtj , who has a natloualreputation as
lust i ue tor , 'Iho si heel has 10b pupils i
thlttecti Insttuctoib , Music , at t ami all
the lltcrai.v Inane lies aio taught.
The Deaf and Dumb Institute , a state
Btitution , is located onMi beautiful eininc
in thc noi'thwciitein pait of the cltj and i
charge of 1'i-of , J. A. Ullle'spio , who is ass
id hi cloven te.ichets. During the past j
the uttcmlanc'o at the be heel has avera
1I8 ! bo b and gills w ho aio uimblo to heat
upeuk. Thejtu ntudcuts ura uui'ht all of
) innchc tndleil In tliPerominon ichool * and
academics I'rof Oillcsplo was the' llrst
nan In the world In Inatignratc the svstem
nfamnl training He has been Iniluirgc of
this Institution for Jlftopii vears
'I he Slntiilnnl , the Omaha Cointncrclnl
and the lliithlnm business c-olleces
rmnlsh thb means for obtain
ing n business education These
schools teach telegraph v. shorthand , t.vpo-
wilting , iKHikkieping and nil the branches
that ate te < iulrcd to lit n man or for
tailing a iKisitlon In a business house
The Omaha Medical t ollcgehas made some
rapid nttiehs timing tbo past jrnr until It
now i.inks among the be > st schools of its Kind
H has Its own htitlilhiirs and ( 'rounds , whle'h
mi' valued at Jh'OtKid The faculty has
thhty incinbcMs all of vvhoniato among the
licst plijslelansandsiugeons in theilt.v. 'Ihc
I'onrso of sltnli H Arry thoi-outth andioin-
pleti' . a gicat deal of attention being paid to
hospital pi ai tic o Dm Ing the past v , ear the
college ) has had spvent.V-llvo students
Music and ail too not neglected in Oinahi ,
and to aid students in this vvolk thcio ate a
iinnilK-i of schools , besides a e 01 P or mote
of einliient Insttuctois. nil of whom have
largo chissps , In addition to giving pilvato
instruction >
'Ihc Omaha Si heel of Music and the
Oiu.ih.i ( 'ouselv.itoiv of Milfcie have 30
pupils who ; IM > taught liotb Insltumenlal
and vocal music.
The \\Vsttin Ait nsioe latlotl is an Ineoipo
inted tomp'in.v , and thioiigh thoelTottsof
its niemljc'is ai t has bt en hi ought to n very
high standaid hi this e It }
l.lbr irli ' .
Ihe Omaha public llbiarj , which Is sup-
IHiitedbv adliect tax , lovieil and collected
the same as othei iltj t.pes i manngtd by
a iKi.inl ofdliectois appointed bv the niavor
and c'oiillrmed bv ihec-itv council A llbraii
building , the- estimated ipstof which is < 1IH- )
IXKI is beinjr oiuted on the Jots bt < | iiiMthcd
to the e'itv foi llbiaiv pmposesbv the Into
IHionKecd ami sltualed at the southwest
iiirner of Nlnetetnth and Ilainej stic-ets In Ists , tlie libuin has grown
until tt contains -id.ihii volumes , besides Innn
meiable in.igii ines , peiiodlc.ils and news-
| > .ipeis With the e\eeplion of Sundavs. the
iibi.uv Isopcnt'M'iv clitin the week , fiom
II o c loc Ic a in until 11 oc loclc p in
Uistvear the circulation was as follows-
IleioUs for heime use I'U'.nri" ' , IwoUs for the
ii ailing loom ill.OI.I. icfeiciice books. ir.OtK ) ;
mnga/tnes II'Jit ) and topitions and visitois
to the icMilhig loom I1I.-"KI making a total
of : i'J.IHl ( ( , an nu'iease of 8'JJO over hist
iDm Ing the veai 17-JU new books wcie
added and 1'JJs beiol ? liot i oxv ei e'.irds issued ;
* > 8'i S ) In line's woio ceille cted while the sub-
stilptUmsnnd the sum ii'.ill/td fiom the
s lie of catalogues amounted to VJ5. The
total cxpeiiso foi the ve.u. asiele horn the
ainouiit expendctl upon the new building , was
'Ihe llht.nj olllelilsaie Piesident , howls
K Hei'd , vice piesiilint. William Wallace ,
setiotarvV S Cmtls. libiailin. Miss
.Hssie Allan , and Misses Maiir.iict O'Hiien.
lldith Tobitl. Mai.v Devltte , Hlancho A
Allan. Theodoia M lluislull and Coia Me-
Candllsh , assistants
The lawlibiarv in the New Yoik I .iff In
sui.ine'e comp.inv's bullcllng contains 11001
volumes of text btioks and state icpoits
whii h ate kept for the use of the tenants o
the building
'I he Omaha Law l.ibiai.v nssoomtion. or
ganized in isit bv .Ititlgu Wake-lev.ludgi
Savage , S A Stiiekland. A M Henr.v.l M
'Ihmston , W .1 f'oiinell .ludgeDo.ine.rr.ini
\ \Vessells , Kobei t Tovvnsend , T W Rich
mils and C P M iiitleison , has Jlftj mem
beis all leading attoine.vs ot tbcittj. 'the
Iibi.uv has 1,000 volinucs and is loeateel ii
Iho I'axton block
In addition to the above-all of the school :
and colleges l.ugc and giovvinj
llhiaiies , which aio libciallj pationizcel b ;
the pupils and stuelents
nnmbei of .veils , owing lo Iho i.ipn
anil unpiccedenttd glow th of the citth
hospital f.tcilitlcb weio inadequate , am
owing lo this fact theio weio times w hoi
thoc.ucand tieatmeiit of the nnfoituiiat
sick was a actions subject for consideration
'Ibis condition of aflaus , hovvcvei , docs n
longer exist.
Two ieais ago the eounl\ hospital , ;
thlcostor.v buek and stone stiuctmc , eost
lug s > Uo,00 ( > , vas e oinplotoil and tuineil eve
to the countj. The institution is located ii
thcsouthwestcin p.utot tlio eitj and is 1111
in connection with the count.v pool faiiti
At the picsent time theioaie ll'.l inniati"
which number includes the sick , the count ,
panpeis and the inemablo nisino Th
accommodations ate uli'lcictit for rat ing fa
830 patients The institution is iimlci th
contieiLof the IJo.nilof Countj Commisstoi
ers and is managed bj John J. MahoucA
supciintendent and pooimaster The
cal wants of the inmates me looked aftci b
Di King , toiintv phvsie tail , and a huge sta
ot thophvsicians of the < itv. With the c"
ception of Dr. Iviui- and Dr. Uievooit , th
house phjsician , the attendance i
without cost to the eouut.v 01 thcpitients
St Joseph's hospital , a Catholic mstitutioi
is in i hat go of the thud older of the K
1'iaiii sisters The newbnilcllni
located at Tenth and Castellar stieets , we
completed In IS'U at a cost of neiiilv < - ( ) ( ]
000 'Iho sti lie tun-is four stones high 2 (
feet long , l.MI wide is built of buck an
stone , and is > f the Homanc'squo stjle t
aichitectine 'Ilieic' aie twelve waids wit
aicoiumodations lorHI ( patients
Ilko nil ot tlie of he i hospitals in the c it
the iiuestlon of a patient H nhilitj to pay
never asked , though if an inmate- has fund
ho or she is expce ted to i enumerate the i
stitntion loc the musing leecived
At the pie-sent lime the citj tents cots
this and each of tlie other hospitals , to I
used in cmeigonc.v eases
The Claiksoii Meinotial hospital , a line
stoij stiitctiuo , is located at 1710 Doelj
stieet , and e-ontaiiis twcntj looms , with n
e-oimnodatioiis fm llft.v poisons Adults a
chnigc'd a noinlnal sum toi tic-atmeiit , pi
vlding thoj ate able' to piv , but cliildien a
admitted ftcc The pmiclp il object of tl
management is to eaio lor sick and inval
ifN. 'Iho Imniannel hospital is loe-atod nt li-l Meiidith stieet and is nuclei- the cliioction
ni ' ol tlio Swedish .
Hov. i'oglcstiom Lnthei.
ii7 chinch 'llio building is a hiie-K stuictni
OH font stones high and e est jlOO.OOl ) . The
U ! ) ill o ace oinodat Ions for sevent.v-livo pitie-nl
UH In loniicetlon with the- hospital theiob
U.I si heel for the tiaining of muses
Ul The Methodist hospital is located
20 Twentieth stieet , nc-ar Hainej H is si
DO ported bj the chinch and bv contiibutioi
00 U has beds for thhlj patients
The I'tesbvtcrian hospital is loe-ated
Wilt , near Twentieth Htuc-t , and Is m
poi t l bj llio chuii h Although establish
Ml- onlv ono vear ii-o ( , it is in a piospcious ec
Mlf - dltlon 'Iho aceomiiiodiitioiis ,110 ample I
lla thocaiingof twentj-llvo pitlc-nts.
of Cielghton college has t-stabllshed
10 enioigenc-j hospital , whhh will bo In opei
lOll - tlon duiing the picsent , ve > .u-
ll h in addition to the above , theio aio a nil
ho bei of private hospitals , w heie patients n
iccclvcd and tieated at a small expense.
is 'Ilm Anil ) .
an The Departinent of Iho Platte of t
lie- United State's niinv , _ enibinces the states
hole Coioiaclo. Iov\a , Nelnaska and Wjoming , e
lobe tepting tlio post uf l\i-t Yellow stone in t
be national park , the tettitorj of Utah
niiiih of Idaho as lies cast of a line foi n !
\o fit the extension of the western honndaij
KiDtilh to tiic noi them hoiimlai-j of idiiiio'a
li- all Hut poi lion of South Dakota Iv ing hot
of the foitj fointh paiallelof noitli latitm
also the ixist of i'oit .Mc-.ido. S I ) , for p ,
incut onl.v The he-adiuaiteis | aio in t :
cit.v Hiigadlcr ( icneial John H Ilioola
in command.
The Sctond Infantij Is loc-atcd at 1'
Omaha , in the neil hum pail of thoeltj
Some j eats ago the gin eminent conec-iv
the idea that the giounds al llio old f
weio too small and later
ncies wore seemed near He !
MIC , seven miles south of the el
1 tent to that lotatlon , and ii ) > on the matter be
nt settled by the war de-pat tment tlie new h
was named Pott Crook in honor to I
iler moinotA ; of the lalo tji-neralCie-oigoCiooli
Ich Last season the govetnmcnt lommcne
Ihu the Iniprovemcnis and expended $ KHltXK
ai s Iho building of a water winks sjstem , 1
cit Ing sewers , guiding chives and niac.iclnn
an ing the stte-e-t around the parade gicnn
mil and In front of thoolikcis' eiu.iiteiH ' 1
of pal ado grounds tiles In an oblong foini ,
tending from noitheast to southwest ,
In- containing slxtv acies.
nco Uhls ic-ar Iho c-ixvllon of the oftkc
iln houses and bairacks for the bold leis will
1st- i online-need. It Is estimated thai timing
car .vear the sum of $ . " .00 ( KH ) will bo cvpendcc
Bid the erection of the new buildings U | m
or grounds. When tho'nowfoil in couiplo
Ihe Fort Oiuuhu will be ubuudoucd.
Local Jobbers Will Take a Well-Earned
Itrtiill Drtlnr * ( ' ! < > ( thennr v\lth
I'nlr tlii < elur s spnsnnnliln Ucntlicr n
ItlR I It Ip-The \\cik In the
As eolic-cining business dm Ing the last
week ot the .vear thcio Is not ninch tosiv
1'ioin Christmas to New Years Is praellcallv
lost time In the Jobbing circles so farus doing
business is lonieined The \n\\cling \ men
1110 all in and baidlj nnvone Is Ir.v Ing to do
business It Is the one holldaj season of the
\ car thnt Is well obsetvcil bj the jobbing
trade Asniestilt the volume of business
was much smaller dm ing I he past week than
for the piev Ions week This was the case-
not onlj heie but all over theeountrj
While the amount of business done dm ing
the liollel.ns Isverv small In a jobbing vva.v ,
the time is not cntlielj lost 'Ihe traveling
men have nn oppoi tunity for much tiecdtjd
rest and can stai t out w lib the new .veai ic-
fii-shcd and Invtgoiated lor another haul
pull on tlie load 'lln-tempoiarj lull in busi
ness also alToids a hi oathltig spell loreveij
one lonnccted with the business anil gives
them it chance to icst up and plan foi ftitiuo
llio lit tall Triielo.
The ictall dealers of the citj and country'
have been tcMsonabl.v busv dining the holt-
( lav week and veiv little eompHint of poor
tiacle is he.iiel fiom anv soni-ce A gieit
main pe-ople put off bin ing goods until after
Chiistinas uinlor the impiession that by so
doing tliev will ho able to buy at lower
Di ices This has a tendency to Keep tip the
holiday tt.ido until tlio newvear
Another gieat help to the ic-tail ti ulo
Ins been the weather , which has been cold
enough to stimulate the demand for all kinds
of winter goods 'J h it old complaint of mi-
seasonable weather has not been hoaul this
.year so far , ami It Is a decided teller to tlie
mot chant to have winter when winter is
'Iho bink cleat Ings have held np well , the
nveiago being ovei a million a ditj for the
p ist week This would seem to indie-ate that
llieie has been eonsideiable business clone bj
some one durins the week.
I bet I'loeliuit Market.
On SUiiidaj a week ago thomatket was
full of pemltij that had been shipped in for
the Chiistinas ttad- but that had le'iuahied
in the hands of commission dealcts unsold
' 1 his held over stock has been piacticallj all
clo.ucel np dining the past week , and the
market is now piepaicd to stat t out on the
new jear in a faiilj good condition
The- demand for produce elm mg the past
week has not been vcrj heavy The New
YO.H'S demand Is not vc-ij much of a featuio
in this maiket Koine old commission
dealt is say that the demand is not as biisk
as it used te ) be , for some unknown leason
Pi ices hive tilled low as a thing ,
owing to the sin plus of stock on the maiket.
At llie same time tlio niatket hero has coni-
p.ued favoiablj with other maiKcts in this
icspeet. as tlie conditions have been vorj'
much the s imo all over the eountij' .
'I lie close of the game season shuts olT an
impoitaiit line of business th alias giown to
luge piopottions timing the past few veais
Omaha is one of the best game maikcts in
the west , and besides being a huge con
sumer of game ) has come to bo a gicat dis-
tiibuting point The iceeipts have been
vei.v Lit go dm ing the past season and the
shipments fiom heio to dllTeteiit points of
consumption have been exc-cediui-lj heavy.
XiiUx Concerning the Men Who Vlitlto tliu
Alicets ( io Arctunilt
Paxton & Gallagher aio piepaiing to put
in a coftec i casting plant.
The Omaha box factoiy consumed , 100,00(1 (
feet of lumber dui ing the past j ear and made
bOO,000 bo\cs.
' 1 ho Cady dumber company is making
the mantels for fi. ink Johnson's new house ,
Some of them . no band cai veil and cost as
high as s-500 eat h. It is s lid to be the finest
picco of woik of the hind ovei seen in Omaha ,
M E Smith & Co jesteulay gave the
Wcstetn Button Manuf.iotuiing company an
Older for ! J,200 gioss of pent 1 buttons Some
idea of the extent of the oidei may be gameil
fiom the fact that it will iccjuiie thiitj-livc
people sev ent.v to eightv da sto manufao
tin o that number of buttons 'I his show :
wh it Omaha Jobheis tan do tow.ud building
up home industiies when they aie so dis
] > osed. If all the Jobheis would follow tin ;
ex implo i gieat manj ditToient lines of busi
ness might bo built up in the state
The Nobiaska Caibonie Aeid Gas company
is i now institution that is Just getting it
self in shape to commence the manufactnii
of cailionic at id gas in Omaha. The capita
stock is placed at ir > 0)0 , ( ) ( ) , and thooflicois are
Will ! im Sc-gclko. piosldent ; Geoige Helm
led , vice piesident ; Ilcnii Nestot , sccietat ;
and ticasmer Tbo will bo comlensci
In htcel c.vlindeis live inches in diameter am
six loot in length In this foun it will hi
deliveied to coiibinncis in Om.iha and tin
sinioimding countiy Caibonie acid gas i' '
used In ding stoics and soda water factoric
for ch ngmg soda water and for other simila :
put poses About ten men will bo given em
plovinent at the stait Theio is no faetoi ;
of this kind neater than Chicago or bt
f ! C Il.wlot of the Gel man Chicory com
panj of O'Neill ' was in the city 10 ently ant
sold all the local jobbots libeial bills bofot i
leaving Iliscompinv has mot with giea
success in intiodiu ing this now industiv hit
Nobiask Next .veal they will ] ) iit in M )
aeies of chicoiy and will , in addition , tak
all that the fnimeis in the suuoimdini
eounti.v will grow 'Iho plant looks \or
much like a sugai beet nbovo the gioinu !
while the i-oot is like a pusnip in appeal
ance , onlj longer It prepuiiig the loot fo
coimneico It Is diied and giound and the
loasted it Is placid on the maikot in tw
dltleient foims Thogianul irib coiibo an
looks and smells like coffee In this foun i
mi is used in connection with coffee , In it
ip- other foi m it Is giound line , mixed with mi
cil lapses and messed into tolls about nn inc
Hi- and ,1 halt in di imolor and live or siv Inche
or in length In this foun it looks \ ei.muc .
like chocolate Chickoiy lolls aio bough
111 ! ver.v laigol.v bj foi oign bom citizens vv ho us
ain - It ah a huhstltuU ) for i nffeo The onli othe
ostahllshmcntb of this kind in the Un
in10 ted States aio located at Deiioit , Uoboke
10 and i'hiladelphia These f.ietoiks hav
enl } been able to supply fi per e-ent of tl
chicoiy consumed in this cowitii , thootlu
ICi per cent being impoitod fiom Cieunan ;
ho and Pianco The NebiasUa Ian
of eis who gic-w chlcor.v lastjeai lalsedtluc
tons to the acto and weio ) iald % < ) per ton fi
\ - It at the factory The seed Is put in rows c
hose chills , each tow about tin eo feet apart. Th
so admitted of the ciop being winked wit
'cdof hotbo cultivatoia , and saved the gie ,
of amount of hand labor which cuts such
ml % uio In the cultivation of .sugar beets.
le ,
IV- Owing to the piessmoof Ineieasing bub
ness , Hurry H Mulford , propi ietor of tl
Omaha bofnctorj , lias found It necessai
to e-nliii go his plant at a t est of t-5,000
The Adamant Wall Piaster company li.
iiu iciiboil the cupaeltj of Its plant bj the o
penditmo of WKK ( ) . and now cmplojes iie-.u
us manj ag.iin men as it did onu jear ago
Ml The Caitcr White lead woiksihas enhitgt
.le- its pli.nt duilng the past jear by tl
tvha election of a ted lead factory , which is no
ha Inopciatlon 'i'his was at a cost of MH ) ,
i Ho } f The Miutlit.Miiiibt'company has coi
ho mencid the manutucluio of huj prc-bses tu
bus invested s > , ( MU in a business which bit
cd fair to become ono ot the industilcs
i in the city
The Uoblnson-Stokcs Clothing compai
was compelled to buspend operations , owh
ids to not huving suUlcicnt capital to cart i
ho the business that was now cling the mamii ;
ex- mcnt. Nc gotl ttlonsnio now pcniling to I
ind cie.ibo the capital block of the conijiany ai
stai t up the factory It is piobjblothtittl :
will take place within a few weeks
Do Miuks Hros bullded wisely from the sta
the and their l.ugo harness factory is at piese
I in capable of acconimodaUng the busiucsw Y
the duting the past joar they have extend
ltd their workrooms ami Increased their foi
uutll they ttovv furnish employ incut to ]
men Their books show thnt their bu lnc < s
lins inei-casctl .1.1 per > cn ; xlilrlng the vear
All of the nianiifitcti rlnit rstabli hments
ltx\ted ( \ In l ist OnntiA-ln\e Ind a tires
l > oi\us > ear , an I m > st of them nre jue-
JMtinff to ciilniyc durinc the ronilng
jear. Several now eJittibllshments are
making preparaticins to locate , and Iho
propilctoisof thc > addition aisettthat there
will boa population of : iXK ( ) before the end
of the j ear
TU the tevent deolil&n of the fulled
States supicmo eouit. holding that the
lands on which i'ast OmhMt Is sltmted men
part of Nebraska a si hWl dlsttiot has been
created and brought uifd ( < r the Juilsdlction
of the supeilntondeiH nf public Instruction
of Douglas count.v and n bo ml of dlroeteus
The school has a competent ti'iu-hei , and has
an attrnd ime of thlttv pupils
The cxpcndltnics bv the Knit Oinaba
ttnd cotnpin.v dining the jear IMfJ agpte-
gated JTiMNKi. the gteater ] > oition of which
went Into giadtng stieots and Improving the
piopoitv in it uenetal wav The little town ,
which Is tapldlj brcomlng a manufactutlng
center , lies just east of. the c Ity and Is
leached bv the Sherman avenue and the
Kist Omaha motoi line , which tuns diteetly
to the factories
i IUAII : v M viticir. :
. s phiccel on jecorcl December
Jl , 1SU2.
w VIIIUNTV in ro
I'lilon stork Yitlelsoomp.iuj tt. I'nlon
LJI'nclllc Kill In i id eonip in } , IDS eif an
ncio In no nw 4-14-13 t 1
Omaha Ili-lt It illio id In same. 277 ot
- In . iind 330 of
nil lie-ie su sw ) 1-15-13
nuncio In no s\v iincl nvvsom-15-13 1
I iiiini stock Yaidxe-omp my toOnmha
lle-1' Itnllioiil e'oinpm.v , 1 101 lilies'
IIISI-SH nmlothei tincts In ni-in-ia 1
S imc < In same , 380 of an nciiIn n't so
4-14-1.1 1
U \\elsh uis am ) wife tei II D Itienut
et ill , lots'land 10. bloe k 3 , I'ot kin's
silbellv ( le-llle ) 20.00C
Jost-ili ] Iteelm.m to A 1 Illinio , n It
fi et lot 1 block 201' , Omihti 4,001
N I Ackeimiin and wife toll N Klwcll ,
lot I , block IO , Hitchcock s 1st add 1 00(1 (
II N 1.Ivvoll to U \\ 1,001
\ \ .1 Paul to i : \ . Mcail.n 10 fe-el lot 20
mills 20 feet lot 21 , block 2 , Alamo
I'la/1 3.50C
Si mo 11 > si mo , n 40 fc-c-t lot 20 , block
2. si me 4.00C
T. L Me id and wlfeto.1 O Allen , lot
20 and M 20 fi c t lot 21. block 2 , same ) ,16t
Lowe- Avenue Te-iinco I In I Id Ini : asso
ciation to I It Consul , lot'J , block 0 ,
Popple-ton . 2,80 (
lilt lollle-ito .M ( Doiilsc , w'j lota
and all let I , hlee-k 10'J Oniih l . . (
W II I'niry to L M Mori Kim. lot 11
and ii ut lots 8 ami 0 , block 240" } ,
Oman i . . 70,00 (
M 1C Domihoo and wife to C It I'lnnoy ,
18aciesln noc-eii 16-15-10 1,301
Siis in ItUh ami hush mil to i' C Itlch ,
lot 1. block 7. ( 'ete ) Hi 1111 nil . :
A M Dm mill to Mai tin Demotion , lot
17 , block 150 , liiandv lew . 401
\ \ C I'.ichoi and wife to I'.iul Itoio-
wak , lot 11 , block ( . , \\llc-r > \ Hist adel 08-
I'.iul llore.w ck anil wife lo I'l.iuk
lloiou Ink , s inn- . . 081
1' llotowlnk to Maiy lloiowlak ,
s itini . 081
1'ilcot7lgiintl wifeto Joseph Schllt/
Iliuwlnj-comp my , not th 2O feet , lot
17 , Kll/abitliplice ) 5,00i
J A Iloltoifmil husbiml to P A
Ke mp , 60\132 feet , commeiiolii-
tlii' coi not of lot 1 , Capitol
tel add 30,00
Oil and i ; ( i It.illcin \\estc-m In
vestment t'e ) , lots 1 to 5 10to20 ,
block 1 , Ambloi Place , 20 acres In s
w s w 20-10-1 J and lot 14 , block 5 ,
lion's and Hill's 2nd add 12,00 ,
C L Uhrhaniinei and wife \\llhelm
Knise , n w 8-10-11 0,40
K A Cud ih > and w Ife to Cud ihj I'.ie k-
Inir Co , 11 15 acies commencing
1,12102 fee-t west and 781'2 ' feet
ninth of eju utoi section corm l be
tween 4.1111 ! ' ) la 14-13 and 201' )
aci s commenchu at point 1,48)02
fce-t west and 781'j feet noith ot
s mil ) coi net , ,
Michael Ciidahj and wlfo .to same
S inn-to s uno. 1270 acies In t.ilot
14 In t-14-13 , and othet tracts
Aithni I' ist to Leslie Stcjwuit , lot 14 ,
bloe k.l , Albi Iglit's Amu \ 1,00
TeU 11 Uothc-iy to Tied Knu Hiowlmr *
to. lot 30. block 17 , Oi-thiiiel Hill ,
lots 21 and 22 , block 0. lie nson , lots
0 ami 7. block 2 , M mils l.arelon , e'5
lot I , block It , Itced's 1st add , lots
2. ) anil 24 , bloc k 2U , Hellmuu's pto-
poscel add . . . . . , . 5,8"
ejuiTci.'UM ' Dirn <
Ll7/Io Ile-no and husband to W II
liohoitson , lots 1 4,5 and 8 , block
0. lot 7 , block 2 , riorencc
O 1 ; I'oikins ( trustee ) to Om ill l & . b
\V Ilj C'o , pt Kovt Ict21n.-16-13 ) )
Same IDS cine- , jt lot0 , block ' C. " all
lot 0 , block 125 , lots 3 , 1 , 5 and 0.
block 132 , o't let 5 , bloc k 101 , lots 5
and 0 , block 154 , Omaha.
J ( > Tavlor. tie . .esiireito Oin.ihu & .
Noith 1'l.itto Halluny Co allot hits
15.2,4. ( ) , amls > i lot 30 , II.Him in's
add IjhiK within 50 foot of eunle-i of
main ti.ick of Omaha & . North
I'l itteUillwaj C'o
Aithni Itemliutem and wife to VV W
Thompson unelhs , , lots 5 ancl 0 ,
Okahom i
TO Howliiml and wife to Omaha A.
Ninth Pl.ittu Itilln.iy Co , p.ut lot
ai > , IIiilmin's add , and put Hint-
man Ifeservo
Oil } of Omaha to school ellsttlct of
dm.ill i , 80\132 feet , adjoining west
sldo lot 4 , block 0 , JlcCormlck's add 10,02
Total amount of tiansfers
Kansiis Cltj l.lie > Market.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , Doc. 31. OArri.r : II
coltits , 3,100 heid , shipments , l.fiui ) hen
active , si I onu' . sttc'io , lJ ( filOo hlRlic'i ; J 2 25
3 M ) ; good cows , loc hlghei ; stockeisand fee
ei - . If2016.1 00.
llooh Uecelpts , 5,100 he1 id ; shlpincnl
1,200 head ; good hegs ) , strong to fie hlghc
loiiimon , lowec , all gi.ulcs , $420 ( ,007' '
bulk , fi45ctiOU )
Sill H1 Herelnls 400head ; shipments , neil
stremg anil 20c hk'hcr for good millions ai
lambothcib ; steady.
St. I.onlH l.lSine k Murld't.
ST Louis , Mo , Dec. 31. ( iTTi.h llccelp
300 head ; shipments , 1,200 lie-ait , mall ;
htciielj , nillve steers , HlOfiOOO ; lan
bteeis , $2 lO i < > ( ) ! tannocows. i 1 .20(3 ( J 20.
lloels Ke-celpt . , 2 2OO heael ; fchlinen |
1 700 lii-ail ; m.uket Ulo higher ; henvy , } < >
( iri > 8.ri ; p ic'Ulilg , * 0.40 < r U.75 ; light , JO 40 0 ' ,
SHU i > Keeolpts , 1.000 heed ; shlpmeii
COO head , natives $3 OO&O 00. , _
Now Yoik lias nppropuitcd ? ) ,480,148 1
the city school for Ib'.U.
Five bundled high school giaduites
NowYotk aio being examined for tc-achl
There aio 31,210 childien cm oiled In t
public schools of Idaho , an Inciojsoof JO , . !
in ten icais.
1 ho ineieaso in the university hhiari
Harvaid has been ftom ii'.n.uro ' bound v
umes In Ib'Jl to 4011,400 in Ib'JJ.
The Coi neil nniveisity law school w
adopt a now trolley by opening a biimii :
com so of study in the summer of 160J
Yale gets about a third of her btudci
fiom Connecticut , while Harvard icceii
mot c than half of bets fiom Massaclitibet
The avciago monthly wages of in
teachers emplojed ii ( the seveial count
of Pennsvlvanla nutslclu of Philadelphia t
fiom f.-.i W in Pullton trt H\\.W \ in Alloghoi
Dattmouth college and the medical colic
of Wcbtein ICesoivo univcislty of Clovel.n
O , both had iich Chiibtmas gifts this .vc
1- ono of * 200,000 and tj > o other of fl'JS , '
, cash
A school teacher in England has hit
been voteel a pension of 'J shillings a wo
She is i.'ije.usolel and has taught an Infi
school foitj cats on n salary of shilling
w eok
At a meeting of the junior dais at Pi in
ton Ocoigo Poisjth of Chicago was clec
Washington's hiithdav orator and .It
Mindoekof Pittslmig'has ' chobcn to ic |
sent the class in the clnns of 'TO piiio tleU
on the evening of robruarj tJ !
The Chicago iloaid of nducatlon Is c
ceinlng itself with an Ineienbo of teach
saliiiles without discltislng iin pi inc I
] uhtifvlnn' addition t6 salailes at the t
1 ho citj schools now e'ost the taxpav
0,000,000 a jear They contain 140,000 el
di en
The edict of the Yale fucultj piohlblt
the fieshniiiii class from pinning haso 1
with any other Institution will prove-ill t
jear the contest , with the Haivard fie
men. on the icnult of which has depeni
the tight of fu-bliuieu to pcich upon the
lego fence
At Vassiir eolh-go the other day ono of
piofessois failed to airivo After wait
ten minutes the class , instead of bolting
in bojH would have done , appointed ono
ine their number tcMchcr pro tern , and when
e11 - piofcbsor walked in SOIIHI half hour In
11id bho found the ice-Hut ion going on us usual
is The building of the Coloiado Women s
lego tit Monte-lair is to bo Mulshed bo as tc
rt icadj for opening next tall It will
nt opened as an aoadcm > enl ) , at present ,
et It is expected that within a jear or two
id collegiate fcntuies will bo added. This
eo cisiou was leached at a meeting of the be
00 I of directors of the college.
Notwithstanding the HolitUy "Horso
Securities Wcra Active.
rnlluro nf tbo t'mlrrernund V nturr Itr-
lltMrit lei Ilo lei tbo AiUiuit IRC * of
the OpMi | < ltlcin In n
I'lenllir VVnj.
Ni vv Yoitu , Die. 31. t'onihlerliiR the Ilino
liiKenu ) ) by the New Vtnt's ftollc by the
bioKeisal the ' lock OM-II nine , the stock urn-
Uet should a fair ( U'civo of activity and
stieiiRlli Till' Miles , iK'Riot.iti-el 120,000
shaiiM and nnny stoclis scoied sliarp
advaiicc-x. The bolls were In con-
tiol , a fnctMiteli 'ceinrd ti > '
roco ntre'd by tlie vlioits ulioelUjil ijicl no In-
lli'iiii\lct > anil iiei'orillnuh i clified te. eovei
TlieilenlluBs wen- well dlilrllicitoel tlmmiioiit
.Miinh.itt'in led tlie nnwald iiuiveinent on the
annoillii'c incut Unit the Unplcl TtanMt oeiiii-
mission would now c o-oiri | ite with the sjuvl il
coiiiinlttee ciiiolnted | | bv the Mienli ittan i oin-
imnv to oMoiul Us lines In v icrlono puts of tin
cltv anilsiibnibin dlstilrli
Ibe stocK rose 4 to lOli'j and ronch'rt to 100
I'nltcel | , | , ) inbbei WIIM a eln-i second
tMiiK3"i to I0i ( and piefenid J1 , to OH The
feitimi sciliMiinentlv Ue'cded to 4l llli !
The list ImpioM d' ; to l' iioi cent
vvltb the I'tilon I'ne-lllc III the lead 1'lie stete U
was fieM'lj tiiKen by leading hoiiMs heie and
In llotton on state iniMits tb it tlie icpicsciila-
llvcs n-oeiitl > in ide an Investliiatlon Into the
atlalis of the c'einip in.v for ItiltMi stcurllv
holdeis would ic acli Loiiilon In a Tew da ) s mid
would icnde-i a most favouible tepoil Ne >
l.tiuhinil wiisstinilv II IsmmoiiiiKil thnt Mi
Mi'1.1011 of the Ifeiulliu will tntci tlie New
Knithind IHii'cloij InMiiiili and will bu made
pri'slilcnt it the snnetline A sloij VMIHCIII-
I'tiltliithe would be miide pirsleleiit toil i\
but tills was siib-e'iiiientlv ch nlcd Ite.'idllii ;
Kiilni'd ne.irlv u pofnt anil tills stock as well
as the ireiieial list was fnvor.iblj liilliienced In
the announcement that Hit1 I'cniisvlviinla Ii id
a ri'i'd to tl'e iniiUiiii : of joint tarllTs on 1111-
tluiiclte co il The Incicised liink losones
also hud a KOOC ! elleet , anil piob tblv an enor-
moilssc'iiil-.innii il Inteiest and illUclenil dls-
IniisiMiiiMit will stltniibite the Ineintiv fell
bonds anil for olhe-i liivestinent M eniltles
fiicoin.iiretheopeiatois feu niNe I'lnal iiiei- |
titllonsshow a u ictlonof ' to % ftom Ilie
highest point In the KCIICI il inn of stocks , lint
the 111:11 : Ki t clo-cel stioni ! In tone
The 1'ost si\ > . \Vhiite\er mnybethe icil
sliiilllciilice of the iippiiint fnllllie of the
iindcrcrcmnd plant of tlie It ipld Transit eoiii-
iiil-slon , and whutcvc'r the tin il oilleoine in l )
be- , the ic c in bo little doubt that the icsiilt is
interpieteel In the1 stookoxehnliieasillstlne tlv
fnvoi.ible to the Miinh ill in sislcin I he tecl-
\i\f \ \ wasillstlnctl > shown In thedeMlln sjesti r-
el.iv and still moie In the m crket toil i ) On a
el ij Usii illj devoted to fcMlvllv , when ic.ll
business Is c'oinmoiily sii pi < iidrd , Jliinh itt in
advanced shatply and Imp nte'el a si 10111:1 h
and biioj.incj to lhc > v\hole list cKliu the ehij of the > e-ai one of iinnsnal ae'tlxltv
and sin-iuili , even though the volume of busl-
m ss w is mil 1 u KI' ,
The feillow lii uru the closlna eiiiotatlons ol
the leiiillmt stocks on the New York htoc'c ' e\-
shares , IncludliiK AlchKon , 4,300 Chk'iii , '
CJ.IM , 10,1.01) ) ; Dlstlllliit ; , 6,000 ; Mimhiittaii
8,200 ; Now I iplaml , 2500 ; Noi Hie l'
I'aclllc piefcireel. 7.200 ; Keaellm27.'J)0 ( )
St. Paul. 5000 ; MiRlt , 0,700 , Unlo
I'aclllc 7'JOO VVe-stein rnliin .
, , ; , 7,200.
London 1 limiiclil Itovlem.
ICopyrlijhteil IS.I1 by Jmn'ji UnidiHi llsnn'tt. ' ]
LONDON , Hcc. 31. [ NYvr Yoi k Herald Cablo-
Bncclal to Till. Hl-Fl Iho hleick m.uket
were eiiilot , In vle of New Yo u's holldn
Momlay. Knirll-li and Ame-ilein r.illvnj- -
hoHoveiuii ) Him ami In several disc
furthci Impiovement look pi ice. Price
of l.ranil Trunk stocks eit ) In leeiucsl
Me-xlcin i illwnj Issues ii-lapsi-el on le.ill/i
lions In Ameiii-aii ami Camidlaii i.illnaj1
Northcin I'.icllle pioferred Impiovcel 1'-i ' ] ie
cent VVibiish dobontiiio H pei cent , Atlnntl
flrt mortc-iiie a pei cent , Louisville & Nusl
vlllo , Ohio il Mississippi and I'tiiim > lvanl i '
percent. Alibi-on , Noifolk il y\cstc-iii pie
fence ) , bt I'.ml and JLII\C-I'a | iei cent ( Iran
Tiunk oidlnary ' pei ce-iit.dlltoRiiiu.mtc e d
pe-i cent , lii-st piefe rence 4 percent , second '
net cent , ami llilicl 's per e-ent Ue cdliiK nn
NeYoik Cenlial leetded n pei ten
and Don MM oiillmuy ' per eent Me\lc-a
i.ilhs.ij indlii'.iy fell 'i ' pel cent , Moxlea
lallway Hist pic-fc-ieiice I'l pe-i cen
JIo\leiin lallnay second 1 pe-i cei
and Tinsle i scce utois 'i ] ic i cent. In mini
Oceaini , Dm bin and Itoixlcport consolidate
rose 1 l-li. pei cent , ( h.uteic-d ( . il uhllc Di
boors dec llneil 1-10. Moni' In strong cl <
maud as nsii il on thn last day of the veil
Uulslile i.ite \\n--.l pet rent. A l.irie hiislne
VMIS doneat the Hank of l'nlaiiil , win io 3 pi
rent wits c hailed fei s'Ven el.ij aehamis e
both bills and stock dlse-oina late. Thn
months b ink bills eie iinehaiiKcd at 111- !
Into thn Hank of rnclnnel on bnlnnco today ,
i 10 ooo
tltv Mo , Dm at Ueiuliin . M-
Nrvv OIIMVNS , I.i , Dec 31
I'MIII , Dr > c 31 Tluco per ciut tonics O&f
CTc for Ihe account .
Ni.vv YOIIK , De-e- . 31Unnk elrnrlims 5147-
JMI.osO ; b linnet's , ? 0H.0,377 ,
Nl.vv YoilK , Dec 31. ( JoveinmMil bonds
stoitdj ; stale bonds ncjslectcd
UviTiMoiti , Met , DIV 31 citMrliie- " , ! J.O'n , .
2Mi | buhuiees JI01,70H Money , 0 per cent.
I'llll u.ri.i-iiiv. I'.i , Dc-c 31 Cloarlm : .
M5..I44I4I ; bilaneps , W.SMU.O'il. Moucf >
pet cent.
MfMl'lita , Tenn. . Drc 31 Clr .rlni * , JO.V
O..O , bil.mcos J10J05J Now Ytik ) oM-liinijo
sellliieiit ptr
K VNs\q I'lTV , Mo .Dec 31 Their I * no trail
ing n * 't Imiiiri' tocbiv. the time bc'lni ; occupied
b.v New T ; I'lir'sfi'stliltlos.
lltisiov. Mn s , IVc 31-rhnrlnc" , 117-
f.8'J,3IS ; iMlutu'ts , J1.M..I 301. Money , iifHV
DIM cent i\ch : uigo on Now York , iV to p u
The iHimrarnliiBsof clilittwo loads foi
tho-eoonel wet-k of Den-ember were S * AW , I8J ,
an Im-ioiiM'iif J141.173 and tlio e of soveut > -
t wo lends for the' tlilttl week S7)07,2.M ) , tin lit *
oit'iisoof flt.'J 7'JO
NlVYoilK , De'C 31 The PNpotts of specie-
fiom the poll of .Now Yoik foi thoweck wire
$1.305 t.Ort. of winch K.os.'JOO liineld and t70.V
OOO In sIUci wrilt It ) laiiopo , mid S78.H2 Ill
KoldamllJ,7SS In s\t | | < i tnt to Ninth Am-
ei lea
riM'lNMTl O Dee11 Money , -I'lttiO pei
cent Now Yoik PSt-lnuiKo , 2f.e' piemltim
I'le.uliiij. J. iJ'JHtHI. fm the week 11 _ . ( > . < -
O50 ; week last vein $11 1.2.J i > OO. Dtcembci ,
$05 t.VJ,0008'U | vein , JTJO.Tt-D.lOO , 1MM
join ! lil.8 .HtiJ&ll
ST Lorn , Mo Dev ni Clo.ulmis. ' 1131-
431 , Imlincc-i J4.1J JH float lm- < this week ,
* Jl'jii ( ; > 33 ; biliimos , JJ. < M * > 4I7 I le illliu's
hist VVi ok. } J5 77,1,210 bulimics $ .1 1)77 71.3
Doroinboi , Jl 17 OOJ O'Jl ' btl.mtof 1.1,311-
37'J I'hls MMI , J1.2.I1 r.71r.'IO List jc'IU
tl 03S5''I.577 ' , il . " 1,7'13'Jl'l 111-
c-loiiso I'M 072.01 MO7 pet cc ul
fllicuio. 111 Doc 31 flon Ings fell the
f lilt ago Imnks lodiy \\eio tl"lS13 1 ; bill-
aiii-ew. 871 foi the month of llce-c-in *
lic'1,11.-ilnst $41M'J45.5.M foi the same mouth
last jeiu Ihe tiilal dealings feu the' ve-.u
Hero } "i.lJ5.771 1M1. aciliisl rl,45li.8S5..MO
hist veai. Now > .emli oMhinpo snltl at sV (
premium roiolRii o\ch itiuo was hiavj at
* 48.p.ifoi { sl\tj ilny bllN ami il 88 feu sliilit
drafts .Monc' } , strom ; at 0 le ) 7 pel cent
\ oue.rlt Vlnrlcots ,
NtvYoiik , Dec -I'l-ouii-lirce-lpts , 'JJ-
140 pl ! | " < . o\pmt , 7 741 bills , 10541 sicks ;
eiuiel , stcnclj , silc-i , II 10O bills l.nw ,
JJIIdH J r. . * . , uliilei v\hoal low ( 'i.tiloiJOOed
'J Oft ; full to fancy , ? J ( > 0 < i I7 * > : pile-ills } .l 85
( i/l le > , Mlnnisiitu eloii.iJ &o < ijl Ml , iialilit" ,
.i r.ti
C'tm.N Mi'Vlr-Moieiiitlvoamlsteiiilj ; jellow
v\e- > tiiii , JJ 7' > ttJ ' 10
\Vlir\T It.celpN , JJ'JJo bn oxpenN 137.-
000 Im ; siU > s , 711,001' bu fiilnic- . . 'K..OOO
bu spot spoi Uss at tlvo , llrnie i with op
tions .No 1 ! ml , 7.PCi)7'o { ) ) In stnioniiil e lenii-
te > r. 7Uii71)'jC ) allo ii 7'i77''iC ' ) ) f. o b. .No
1 ! led , 7414W75c iniuiiiliil te-d , 7r f > 77c , Nei
1 iiorllioin , HP.iiUH'Jc , No 1 hud , 87'c. No
'J noi tin-in , 7Se ; No J spilu , "J'.c
Ontlonseic' dull , ' .c hlr.lic l anil linn
Ihe opc-nln. ; was Him and mh c-s adv.meed
'iff ? aic , cm strong cables mid foieliii buy Ini ; , do-
clli'I ' | < ae ' on to ill/In , ; , lallh-il ' eand
el sc-dtlim ri.iillni ; e nllie Ij lee il swllehln/ ,
n ml of hollehcj t h nacioi No'ml .lanuiM ,
77 > im.77'.c , dosing it 77 V , Muj , BP4
Q.HJ.-lli ) , closliu at 81 , e-
1(11Nomin ( il
lUlll \ . \ cjiilc-t , vve'stc'in , liK' (
1UH1.I V MAI.P IJlllel , v\ostcin 70 ( HJi
t OliN Uetelpts 70,400 bu . oApoits , 18-
078 ; hn ; sales , 38-,0)0 ( ) bn fiitinoT ; > OUO
bit spot Spots IIImorbut imlc-t , No ' _ ' , 4'JiC
4\e- ! ) In oleMitoi : 4'J ir.-lurnr.oc alle.ct , un-
ir.icle-el mlxe-el , 4''tC ) , No 3 I'l'-c ' ste imi-i
nilsL'd-IH'ic' Options we ic- ' . 'ci 'je hlchoi and
111 in , with tr idbu slow ami elih > Hv swlte hln ,
.l.iniuiry , IUcr4'J1 e' . e'lo-lns ; at lU'nc ; .M.ij , IJl'i '
© " > l' e closing at 51Ve-
OATS -Utcvlpts , 51. 700 Im ; e\penls , H7J bu ;
s lies , 1.5OOO bu fiitines , 4 < JOiH ) till spot
Spots dull , ( Inn , options , llimei , cjtilcl ,
AI.IJ , .lS'8c. spot No il whitemic-ml\i d wes-
ein , JlilIit.lHc ( ; vvhlto vvtstoi n , 40jj,40e ; No 1 !
LblcaKi ) . .17'iC.
IIv Quh t , stcaeli ; hhlppln 05c ; jsood to
choice 7lieiOOc.
lloi-s Quit t , unchimiTcd , state common to
choice , UO'il'JJf ; I'acllle'co cst. UOn.-'lc.
h-t t.ui It iw. Him. mole ) active- ; silos , 7,000
bi sc'ciitilfuvals , 01. te-st , at S7-KV ; lollmtl ,
falilv ictlvo , Him ; oil A , | ( ( ( ' - - ; mold A
4 ! i-li > Ii5iie-st ; iml.nel A , I 11-lt.3 . IV ; e on-
fectlonen A , 1 U-Ki c ; cut leif , " > r.-lOST.
r.'je'i Ki.uiiilateel , t 11-1055,50 ; cubes , I 1,1-K.
(2 ( fie- .
fieMOI.ASSFS rorelsn , noi mil ; New Oilcans ,
fail Iy activestuatlj ; open kettle- , new , MHK !
to choice , 'Jic to . )7e. )
Kici1'alrlj active , steady ; iloniestlc , fall
too\tia. B'tTsO'ic ' ' ; .1 ipm , t'n. ' ' ' , c
Kficitriim.ipllet ; westetii best , 31c ; west-
em bile K-tlhe-ied , 2'Jc ; icci-ipts. 1,110 pk/s.
lltDl s btc-iclv. quiet ; wet silted , New Oi
lcans selected 40 to 00 Ibs , OS7o ; Tc-\as so-
lee toil 50 tot.O Ibs , OCetVe' .
I'lillK Dull , Him : old mesq , $ lr > OOg 10 23 :
now mess , 110 008 U. 50 , e-Mra pilme , uonil-
nal. Cut moats , dull , Him ; ple-kled bellh-s ,
9aBe" pickled shtmlelc-n , 8'sc ; plekle-cl h inrs
llVjefcll i' . Middles , ipile-t , Iliiner shot t
clou , $8.00 I.ud , Hi mot ; western sit mi
i-losc ilat $10 Ur > ; sales , 300 tloroos at S-lOSViS
1OOO Options sales , none ; .lanuaiy , $10 80 ;
M i ) , HO 15
Hin-ii u ] .lnlit leci'lpt" , Hi in , vvostpin d ilry
17S-4c ( , vvestein cie.imeii , 'JlJ'J.c ( ) , l.UIn
( . 'nn sr Modc-ialo ch m mil , tnmei ; pill
skims , .ITiO'jC
I'm IKON Qiiiot.ste.ulj ; Ami ili-.m , $12 75i2
10 00.
Coi'i'i ll Dull , steailj ; lake , tl'-,20.
1,1 AD Quiet ; domc-stle $1 8r > .
TIN I'll meijSli tits , H'J OOH
Oimilm rii.eliuo llierlid.
The * week e losed with a little hc-ttci demimi
foi poultij than on the il iy pic-vloiis. Tin
flesh inilv.ilssold to a 11 tile bettc i adv ml cj : < -
but the chaise was not of siilllclent Impnit
ane it to win i ant any change In the quotation1
of till- dihefell : e-
Al'l'l l-s Oootl aple | iiu > | at $ .1 507
400 cheilco tofiuicv.4 ( )0jt4 Jr >
It VN VNASQuniailons me I'.ilr to gooe
hlppliiK stoe'k , W 0li ( { J 00 pei bunch
HIM j UHI'lio maikcteleu-s not show any ma
leirhil olmiiL'n and lias not feu sonic-time Iln
in ijoiltj of the sale , of fih to Kiioel eouiiti ;
buttei aie m ulo at about ll.c Iho e hole c
eoimtrj ROCS to the let.ill tratlo at .ilionl Ihc1
CUANIII itnits Quotations aie : Hell am
rhinv J8.50por 1)1)1 ; he'll ami IniKlc , $900
lite t'npoL'oil , tflOOU. Iho aiiUals em th
market ai olUht
C'l 11 uv 1 .inc'j celery Is cllflle-ult to fine
Quotationlaiueall the u iv fiom"M - toIlk
I dels.M.uke t steadv , bulk of the sales n
bright tloe-k UJSJ4C
( \MI.-'I he season foi pialile-chlekeii , vc-nl
Min , e Ic , rliiM-scm thn Hist ol Ihu jt in Sma ]
lahhlls 75ej ; ic k inhhllN H 00
II vvThe ) ilem mil Is IUIH and the siiiipl
1.11 BP No I fi. OOWI. 'Jr. and No J , lO 75
IIONiv llio U Him , ioodhlt ;
clove i honov helnt ! sciuco nt 17c
Ll viONs-Choleo , it 00. f me-v , )00.
Jl U.VO V C.IIAI-I S 1'ei ken' , VJ 00
Ovsil us llnc-haiucd at l.i' IOc pe-rc m
UNIONS Homc'Kronn , 80f80c ; hpimlsh , Jl.O
pi retain ,
OIlANtll - riorltla. fi 2YiW 00.
I'OTVTOIS Qnotiiiions iirtt ; llomcinowi
Olffivnc ; ( oloiado and I'tali , 80c
I'oi'i.iny-l lilckens choice clucks
- , , Uc ; an
KOC so 87c ) ; ttllkt'js 10e' .
Swin I'oiAioi s ( heiico Jliiscatlno an
Illinois block. J175Q4 00 pe-i bhl
Vi vi. Quotations mehmnll and fat , C'ii
7c ; hiife'ej ami beavj , { | > c.
St. l.emU MnrUi In ,
H RT. r.OlJIS , Mo , Dec. 31I'l.exin ' Di
\\lii AT 'iB-'ji' ' above
' 1 .Inmiaiy , O8' c ; Maj 7 ,
loitN Adviime-d > ( eclosed llrmj cas !
3 ( > V .lanmiij , 37" i' : Mnv , llSc.
O VTH How ; cash , 3lc hid ; .Ma ) , ! ) I'jC uslie-
Uv h INII llviu l v Nollilm ; done.
PUD VISIONS I'll in al | ) ii-vloiisiiiotatlons |
Hie I'll'is I'loiii. 2,0(10 ( bhl- , ; wheat , 10,0 (
bu ; corn , 107,000 Im ; ents , 111,000 bn ; i >
b.OOOlm , ; bull V , 18,0001)11 )
billl'vii'M-rt-I'limi , 3,000 bbls ; xvheal , 38,0 (
bu : coin , 118,000 Im , oils , JJ.OOO . bll ; iv
2,000 bn ; 1)111 Ii1.000 bll
Oil Vliirlcot.
Nrw YOIIK , Dor 31. 1'r.Tiioiruvt Opc-m
Iliinc-i at 02c- and clo- e el VM-akc i at ( il'o
I'e lilisylvanla oil. hpot mle-s 7IOcl ( bblh ; I'ci
iniiy options , hales I.1,1 MM ) hills ; l.lnuto
slie's nemo , 18c bid , 20c asked ; loliil hale
18,000 bbls
romiNM'i li Olli-Qiilnt , wralci c'inile1421J
I4e- , jc-llcW ) 4I > .
Tvi lou Moro active , Ilimc-i ; city ( $200 f
llkKh I , 5'C
liosiN-lliill , hle-iielj ; btiiilnrcl , common
Kernel , Jl 32' ' . < il 33
Tuill'tNTIM' at 30'i31. '
Ceitleie ! Vliirlu t ,
NI-H YOIIK , Dee31 Options opc-nt d iiteail
line haniicd Io5 polnlH cldun , c-lo- e el Me , itlj , :
to 20 poIntH tip .s.ile-s , 4 1,000 bin's , Inclmll
III ! .lilmiuiy. ill ! 2O-410. ) ( ) ; IMnmuy , DID II.
uy 10'JO ; .Muich. * 100VftlO Jo : Hay. * 107 (
10 till ; .linn- , Jlr..Id , July , D1500 , He-pie lain
fJOl/10 bO bpot Klo , llrm , ejulot , .No.
Mllv\Htiki .MurkcnlK ,
Mn.wAt'Krr. Win Dor. 31 WHEAT
Htroiii-'i-i , No 3 spilii/ ,
No .1 37e'
CoiiNQultt ; ,
CHiH-Muuly , No 2 white , 33'iS33'4Ci ( J <
3,31 : U'c '
lUiii.i.i t > lr
ho l.horpeiol Vlurlec In ,
Livpliroot , Dec' 31 WilfAi Sloady ; I
nmnel fali ; holelcTH olfcu modc-ialely , i
\vcatt in splint , ' , Os pc-ncntal , No. 2 ii-cl ,
'id. '
i'eoiiN I'lim ; ele-niiiiul fair ; niUcel we-Hte-
4b2d pot cental.
Cuttlu Trnelei Itullur IIiHixtullnijii Ton
thu 11 lull Wutei .Mlirle.
JIIO OM.HIA , Dec. 31. 'Ihe week clo-ses with ubc
1 firxi rnttlt' In Iho pcn mitt nlilln this UM
iii ll niiinbtr , Iho toinl roirlpts for Ihn WCCK
show only a Mlplit tlrcroa o fnnn Iho run of
Invl weelc Ilinstc-er trntlc wits rntht-r quiet
and mini' or less unnvon , but nctu'riUty quot
abU inn Itanmd IlinersTCIT liidliTe're-iil thh
ehlDiitnit tlomtnil iiu'teillnxli llniltvil nntt
iiinrki t
I hero was a prctlvgooel Inquiry for
tnl tows nnil heifers , and under ni'lIvo coinpe-
tltlon ptlcos "Imietlii-iu-il " > to KV Inferior
wtsii us CMTTI i.
No Av l'i o Av I'r
71 eous 1011 2 70
coi on vno CVT-III :
a tdis mi : i rt 7.1 MIS 1103 3 50
70 fill1105 .1 l > ( )
lloi.s-'l he vM't'K closes \\lth a modci.ito
niiinbc'i on s illlionevei , sonieh it the I
e st icmof t lie week 'I lu-ii' v\ns a good ship
ping liieiiili.v , and Im ill lin\e-is \\i iiaNo uint- :
ItiK a ft'tt lie s , const iitc'iitlv | the' iniiKot
opi'iiiel with pilcc > s tnllj lOclil her ,
i n led iiclheanil c-Iosc il stieiiu at tin nil uiuee ,
ll'i all snleleailv I'llee-s p ihl we-iu the hlgh-
e-st In the hlstoiv of Ihe vileiils the top bc-lng
JeiO'i , .u.ilnst ? r.-'i ( TIHU--I1.1 } , until then nisi )
tin- highest pei lit r-ichocl. liepic-sciitJitlvo
He ce-lpU anet of Slue ! ( .
He-eolptK at the Union hlei'K Yards , hoiith
Oiniilni.Neli , fen iwenly-feiui hours ending
ut 5 o'elook p in De-ceinhur ill , 18U2 :
utt KII-IS
et'lilc IIKII I , Ivo Stcic k .Murlee-l ,
Clllt'AOO , III , Die31. . - LSpc-f-l il Te-lc-Krarn to
to Tin : Iln 1 Thoio. H.IHII vc-iv hiiiall supply of
eattlixm lodiij'h mm ke-t and pilcc-o weio Ilim.
Tliioii hunched he ml cm halo weuu lionxlil up In
uooel M-IISOII on a h ISCIH of fiom tl 2i lo 11. CO
fen Infiuloi lo eliolcei e and hulls | 200 to
H 05 fin htockciH and fc cdcis and fiom J3.00
to { 585 for veiy ccimmon to ciMia htouiK ,
fiom < in > 0 to 17 OO foi luiivy he./s
i iiml ficini 035 to t(1.80 ( fur llllt
'lhi > nun kit hlio iil homo one-.isni | hs but
the io wusiinavwiui'Kaliiof of u Kood full lee
7r : perlOOlls'e.ij - fciu elf HieoIleuJUKs hud to
KC ) HH Ion us in oo , In fact llio piovalllnK mli-cn
UIIIK fiim > 075ti ( Id 00 fm heavy , Jl ) 06 lej '
(0 75 fen lluht unit il ) 70 to tO 85 for medium .
'I hiiHlieep markcit WIIH Him al from t.l 60 ! ( > ,
9510 , .tiiel lambs ue-iei In cle-manil at fium
ttl 25 tu 0 40 I licMiqiiolatlimshhoiv but llttlu
icec nt c IIIIIIKO In value s.
Itceelpth : Cattle , 1,000 lic-.iel ; hon' 11.000
head ; Micep , 2OOO lic-nd.
'Ilm Kvciilii .loiiriial it-peirt - , ;
t'Arn t. ItiinlptK , 12UOO In ead , inunH ,
lev 1,500 , maiket qiilut. btiiuily ; no cliiuiK" In
cd pllct'S fiom yt-steiiliiy'Hciiiotiitlons ' ; eliolec ) to
pilino t txk i , SCllklLi . i 4.o * > . . , * ii rfiflM. *
ll,2.1j fill
I ) ,
iilcbc'ih we ln'lts , JO.bOitl. 00 ; prlinu llxht ,
I. ( ,0 ; HOC end class lluht. id 303.0.10 ,
hut 1:1Hi ci IplH , 1,500 lit-iul ; Mitpmenls , 300
e-h head ; muikia btc-utly ; no eliaiiKi ) In iirie'imt
n.ltlVLhi1.750 00 ; we.-ste-riiH. Jl riOtiCi UJJ ( uu
lUt Te-xuiib , 14.70 ! lutobs , < 3,76JiO ( 20.