Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Part Two, Image 18

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EccorJ Breaking Year for the Union Stock
Daily Average of Forty Trains of Twenty
Gars Each ,
Many Extensive nnd Oostly Improvements
and More Coming ,
Important. Aildltlmm Jo Tucking Iliin-ci
Itlg lurrr.-iHn In Ihn Product "tuny Alura
ijTN New lnilti trle t l
rro'ncct fur 181) ) : : .
The liberal management of the Union Yards company of South Omaha lias
been all that the record breaking year re
quired. Thoexpcndituro , during ltfl , of i'iOO-
000 in enlarging and improving the
yards was only deemed necessary
for the future growth and needs
of the stock business at this point. Hut
with this immense sum of money , judiciously
handled , so rapid has the growth of business
been that the improvements have scarcely
kept nhcad of the needs.
The ninth aiinuiU rejinrt of the Union
Stock Yards company , Just published , shows
that 1SW ! was a record breaking year In every
particular. 'J'ho figures are us interesting
as the facts are creditable. In the receipts
of cattle IS'.t ; shows an increase from I'lOO/ ! ) ! )
In Ih'.H ) , the banner year , to7S,18' : ) ' In 1MI2 or.
" 0.0(1 ( per cent , the increased receipts of hogs
were from lUTiill : : in ISilt ) to lT05tw ; in lb'J2
or 2 per cent , the increased receipts of sheep
were from 170,8-10 in Ih'Jl ' to 185,51" i IW-J or
8.1)0 * per cent , the increase of horses
mid mules received was from S.iVJJ
in Ib'Jl to 14,1811 in 18113,01' 05.07 percent ;
the increase of cars received was from 5-1-
US ! ) in IbW to 58,1341 in IblW , or 8.M ( | > er cent.
The Increase of the percentage of slaughter-
Ings of the stock received in lb''J2 over IS'JI ' is
as ereditablo to the local packers as it is
gratifying to friends of tho.v.irds and bene
ficial to the stock raisers of the great Mis
souri valley and northwest. Of the .Y.Kl.OM
cattle leceived in Ib'Jl there woroshuightored
Jttll.OOO , or 54.50 per cent , while of the : : iS,1bi )
received In 18'J ( ) , Ihcro were 402 ,
llil slaiiKhtered , or ti'J.lll 02.111 per cent
a gain of 1-1-1,145 in the receipts nnd 12 ! > ,45 : )
in the sluugUtorings ; of the 1.402,42:1 : hogs
received in 18111 , I,21'ii70 ' : were slaughtered
or 80.S12 per cent , while of the l,105iS" ( hogs
received in 1802 , lU20ab'G were slaughtered
or 77.42 per cent , a gain of 21.1ilH ( In receipts
itml 1M3,21M in tlio slaughterings ; of the 170-
B4'J sheep received in IS'.H , there were SO.'JiW
Blaughtcred , or 47'J ! ( ' ) > cr centwhile of the
185,457 received In Ib'.fi. there were W-I4 ! !
Blaughtered , n gain of 14,00.3 in receipts and
ll,4b'i ) ; in the slaughterings. .
When it be remembered that nearly all
the smaller packing houses of Iowa and Ne
braska and Indianapolis , Huston and othei
eastern packers have resident buyers here
it will ho conceded that neither words , fuels
nor figures could speak better for a markel
than these do tor this market and ttie loea
packing houses.
Tlio Union Stock Yards company was or
gani/.ed only nine years ago and commeneei
operations in August of IhSl , The growtl
of the business was gradual till IS'.KJ whei
the enormous receipts of stoilc called tin
attention of tlio whole people of the country
interested in stock to this point. Kxlensivi
iinpioveuicnts and enlargements were com
menced in lb',11 , and were more than doublet
In Ib'lCJ.
The Union Stock Yards company and tin
Union Stock Yards Railroad company linvi
the same officers , as follows : John A. Me
Shane , president ; William A. I'axton , vic (
president : J. O. Sharp , secretary nnd trens
\ irorV. ; . N , Uabcock , general manager.
.Tho board of directors consists of Messrs
VA , Paxton of Omaha. John A. McSham
of Omaha , John A. Creighton of Omaha , A
C. Kosterof Omaha , Milton Hogors of Omaha
10. A. Cudahy of Omaha , 15 , F. Smith o
Omaha , M. C. Keith of North Platte and I'
A. Valentino of Chicago.
( 'iifmrlty of tlui Vnrilr * .
The daily capacity for live stock is : Cattle
ii,000 : ; hogs. 25,000 ; horses nnd mules , 1,000
sheep , 10,000.
Iinirnvonii | > iitHi
Of the 250 acres of grounds owned by th
company thirty-seven and one-half acre
were covered by stock pens at the first o
last year , twelveieres being alloted to hogs
twenty and one-halt acres to cattle and flvi
acres to sheep. Fifteen additional acre
have been graded this year at an expense o
J15MK ( ) in removing OO.tKXI yards of earth , am
have been covered with pens. Of these llvi
acres are for hogs and ten acres for cattle
Many of the now pens huvo been paved will
vitrified brick , which will make tlio yard
among the finest in the world , livery pei
In the yards has ample supply of good fresh
pure water , The supply Is received throng ]
two eight-inch mains , two miles long , t
stiindplpo elglity-llvo feet high and twent ,
feet In diameter , situated seventy-five fee
above the level of the exchange , insure
ample pressure at all times ,
Two additional scales for weighing stoc
have been added , making six In all.
A storm water sluice 12x14 feet an
4,000 feet long has been construete
during the year al a cost of10,000. . Coi
ncctlngas tnis docs with the sewerage sy :
tern of a tunnel tixG and 1,700 feet long , cost
Ing $23.000 , ten miles of sewers throng
ovcry alley and connecting with every stoc
pen in the yards , at a cost of * 25.ixx ) ; an
thoHowcr two miles long to the Missoui
river , make the buweragesystem absolute !
faultless ,
Fifty-live now loading and uuloadlu
chutes have been bulll , thirty-one of tliei
feinglo and eighteen double.
To the eighteen miles of railroad tracl
ago , costing $250,000 , more than two mile
have been added during the year at a coht i
$20XX ( ) . The sixth locomotive engine wn
received during the year , thus furnisliln
njolor for almost any needs ,
To the Immense new brick barn of tb
liorso market C2x'r > t'iO feet , costing $18,000 ,
now hoi-so shed 54x3X ( ) feet has been con
iilcted with u capacity of 200 head and cos
ing So.OOO ,
lieUvcm the Exchange and the horde bar
a line race track , one-eighth of a mile , hi
boon constructed and fenced and an clegni
pavilion with a seating capacity of 400 , hi
been constructed for the bcnolit of buyei
and sellers of horses and for the plcasuro (
these who delight in seeing line nnd fai
horsm. Not the least successful and grat
fyinjfofthu additions to thu yards is tl
horao and mule department Under tl
nuijiRtU'iiicnt of Frank 15. Hbort , every e :
luvtatlonof the maimgemcnt of theyau
has been realized.
Tlio statUtk-.s tell better than any won
can. The receipts of horses and. mules I
1811 were 8.MM , whllo the receipts in 18 !
were H , 183. an Increase of 0.001 or UVJU pi
sent. Of the rcccipU D,2IS or Oft per cei
> cro told &t tbla market. TiiU , lee , Iu lei
\ I
than a year , for the horse and mule depart
ment has been lu operation only ten months ,
while nearly half of that time was spent in
preparation for the limmlse.t business.
Tlio sheep pens burned last summer are
being rebuilt nnd will cost fS.OOO.
Another sewer l.KM ( ) feet long , eight feet
in diameter. Is being constructed from the
Exchange hiilbllii ? to connect with the sewer
at the south side of The (1. H. Hammond
company packing house. ) . This sewer will
be circular , built of brick , eight feet in di
ameter and will cost $20.000.
Fifty men are now at work on the new
interlocking switch , which promises
much benefit to the yards and the
acking plant. The switch will he 1100 !
cetJong and will be located west of the
Union P.icillc railway tracks , with the
enter about opposite the Union Pacific
ext | , and will be under control of the
"nloii Pacific railway company. H will cost
ii.i,000 and will permit the 11. As M. U'.illroad
ompany to run all of its tr.iinsla
his ixilnt and over Its union cut-off.
ml likewise the Missouri Pacific
11 trains OUT Its Fort cut-off. The
racks will be laid by the middle of this
A IVpiti-p Mnrhrti
South Omaha has gained a standingamong
tie very first as a feeder market. During
ast year the sales of feeders Increased from
1,500 , to 131.231 , or4i > percent.
.Magnitude ortlui Illiniums.
During the year25."i,500 cars were handled
> y the Union Stock Yards Uallroad com-
iany , an average of HlO for every working
lay in the year , equal to forty-one trains of
twenty cars to each train.
The following tables will show Hie steady
yet marvelous increase of receipts of stock
it the yards according to the yards year ,
jeginniiig December 1 , since they were
opened for business :
Stock Inspectors Claud Ij. Tiilbot an
Mark H. llui-tlmm report receipts of IMIIIJ
eiittlo from Colorado , \Vyoinlng and Montan
by nioiitlis and range years , as follows :
( t
I !
) f
10 The roiKi-a ( for JfcUi Include v < voipts i
10 rauifo cattle front Utah , Idaho , New Mujilc
10X nnd seine western Nebraska sections.
IsIs the receipts from these sections during lb !
were added to the receint column the lliin |
Is would vary very llttlo.
in bllll'MKNTS.
n AprratifyinKCfliiiparisoiiof the shipinen
; r inado year by year from 1SS7 sho\viuK 11 vei
it largo comparative I'LHluction of shipment
is compared with ixveipU , uud tills , ot cours
The significance of this table may be moro
fully realized when It4s understood that It
requires about nine carloads of live stock to
make two carloads of paeking house product ,
and that since the business of the yards re
ceipts have increased a thousandfold , while
the percentage of the shipments have de
creased from 00.71 ! of the receipts In 1SS-I to
2' ( in 1SW.
r.uis iiANDi.un.
The Vfiiloii Stock Yards Itallroad com
pany handled cars during the four years of
Ibb'J ' to Ib'.iy inclusive and show increases
and percentage of increase as follows :
The following Interesting comparative
statement will show tlm receipts of cattle
and hogs during the last nine years and the
percentage consumed by the local packing
houses :
The following tublo will show the increase
iiinl pcrocutngo of Increase of slaughtering lit
this point for the last sis yours :
The following roinpa'nittvo tables will show
the actual iucroiise uiiJ the porccntugo of in-
crtMiso of cattle iiiulr.htigs during the siicoos-
sivo yeiis : sinoo the organization of the
yards :
1 Decrease.
The receipts of stock driven in by local
stock misers , received viii the ' 'Sai-py Cen
tral , " as it is locally known , during the past
seven years are as follows , showing a grad
ual and handsome increase :
nreRii'Ts or STOCK I-OH xisr. VIAUS.
\ > ar. Cuttle. lions. Mieep ll.t M
I9SI ( H5.S1K I.SC.1 ( .IPS
liiM 114,1(1.1 ( , IMO
lf B III.4&7 Sl > M87 4) I'.IS 3.U28
1M7 2IS.723ll.011.70r. 7(1.014 ( 3,2)1
18-9 4(17.340 ( II.VOll.BOS I.W.OV1 7Mtt
18'.CMl ( in .w.i 1.C7J.3II tM.i'Mii & .sis
Ml A'.ll.O ' 4 4 1.41,2.12.1 170,8111 8.39 ]
You. Cnltle. UOIIK. { fheep | IIAM
81.DM 500 I.TS 417
8.1.233 7ll1ll'i ' 8,4118 1,115
7.1,120 187.3W 17.728 1,8J7
I8S7 151.4111 I40.W ] 511.144
1SS1 KIll.OI'l ' 33,1.221) ) , S.1V9
171) ) 11.744
2satso ! S75.I1.1S' ' IK.PI , 4 , tt
IS'.ll ' 2IS.04I1I SU.41H 7.81'5
1SW 3-iU.TU.l 80(147 ( | SI , 138112.0 4 3
tH5G.flU ' Uo..HO
I.All ! : > 'T IlKCI'.ll'TS Of STOCK l.N OM : HAY.
Tattli' , October 19 , 1HOI ( " > .7K4
lings , AllKUtt 12. ! 1SOU 10,725
Sliuep. Septi-inhcriM. IH'Jl 8,782
Horsi-sand iimlet.Iiinoii , IfH'J 7IH
Curs , Mny 17 , 1802 -120
Cattle , week iMidlnidVlohernt , 1H91 : 7ino
lloi-i , week t'lidlne.litly 31 , 1801) 70,70'
"heep , week ( Milling September 30 ,
1800 12,817
- . . . . mid mules , week endlns Hep-
tenibor U , 1802 1.0S3
Cms , week eiidlns October Ul , IH'JO 1.UI7
'little. ' OiMnher , 1H02 00,037
iocs , Anpiisi , is'jo 'jiio.321. !
i. October. 1BHH 31,820
M iinil nnilcH , .luiH' , 1880 11,0711
'ar.M , August , 18110 0,850
i.AiuinsT mx'Kii'TS OF STOCK is ONI ; vr.Aii.
'attle. 1802 73H.1HG
lOKS 1802 1.7H3.087
liecp , 1802 185-iri7
Ini-sus and mules , 18U2 14,184
Jars. 18U2 5HG-I' )
IVril .Miihtt-r'H Itrport.
M'ho feed muster's reixirt shows that
early flOO.lKXl was expended during 1M > 2
or feed. Eight thousand live hundred tons
f hay , costinir on an average $ tl.oU , were re-
uired , entailing an outlay of ? .V > .2r > 0 , and
0KX , ( ) bushels of oats , averaging 115cents per
jushel , cost $11,000.
the YuriN.
Kluven teams with teamsters , averaging
en loads per day. uro roo.uired to clean the
ards. Throe to four cars per day are re-
inirod , averaging about 1MH ( ) cars per year ,
o remove the gatherings , while T.iKH ) cart
oads are annually thrown in the dump.
) ouglas and Sarpy county farmers seem
vholly liidifferciit to this important and
valuable farm necessity , which they may
lave free of charge either in wagon or ear
oad lots. Manager Dabcock will gladly fur-
lish fertilizers free to all applicants.
Water Consumption.
Tlio water system i among tlio best in the
country and the supply inexhaustible. Four
neters are used and all the water consumed
s accurately accounted for. About 20,000,000
gallons of water are consumed per month , or
50.000,000 gallons per year.
Tlio present pay roll contains the names of
V51 persons , and the salaries amount to lf > .V
000 per year.
South Omiht : ; l.lvc Stock K\ < 'h-inx < ' .
The South Omaha Live Stock Exchange
ias now a membership of 202. During tlie.
> ast year just 100 new members were added
: o the roll. On May 22 , ISM , the initiation
fee was increased from $20 to T > ( X ) , and the
transfer fee raised to $100. It is regularly
chartered under the laws of Nebraska and is
; i member of the national association. The
regular election of officers occurs on the lirst
Monday of January of each year. The present -
ent ofllcers are Prcsidoiit , .1. A. Ilnko ; vice
president , Al. K. .Murphy : secretary , Colonel
A. L. Lott ; treasurer , II. O. Uoslwiek ; di
rectors , Mo.ssrs. David Jj. Campbell , .loromo
n. nianciiard , J. E. Dyers , Ij. U. Hedington
: md Walter E. Wood.
I'luutB nnd the ' .
Packing I'arkliii ; liMliibtry.
The phenomenal growth of the packing in
dustry at South Omaha and magnitude of
the business have been the wonder of people
ple interested in the business and the ad
miration and pride of every citi/.en of the
Onto and Magic cities. The records of the
Union Stock Yards company , as published in
this article , show ISD'J to bo the record-break
ing year. Hut even this magnificent
showing does not do full justice to
the packing industry , us the distri
bution of stock as shown by the
company's report , which does not incluilo
purchases made direct by packers at other
points to supply their demands when local
receipts are light. Tlio receipts ol hogs in
creased from I,4li2,42 : < in IS'.ll ' to l.TOS.OS" ill
1802 , of cattle from V.iitH4 : in 18'Jl to T.'W.lSt !
in IS'X' , and sheep from ITO.H-it ) in IS'JI '
to Itjri.-triT in 1MK.1. The slaughterings
have kept fully apace with other increases.
As will bo seen by the Union Stock yards
report the slaughtering of cattle increased
12J,453 , or from SKII.GOO In IH'.ll ' -IKUlIt in
IS'.I'J , or from ft 1.150 per cent of the receipts in
18111 to O-i.91 percent in IS'.ll ; the slaughter
ing of hogs increased 'Jii,2H : ( , or from 1.210-
37(1 ( in Ifalll to lWOtSli : , : in 1S')2tiie ) ; slaughter
ing of sheep increased 19,18i ; , or from 0ltiO ) in
IS'.ll ' to 119,4-ja in 1SW.
When it be remembered that this
marvelous increase was made notwith
standing the fact that The G. H. Hammond
mend company's plant was entirely
shut down during part of the summer ,
owing to raising tlio old biddings and erect
ing the nmgniliccnt new structures , and that
none of tlio largo additions and improve
ments of the plants of the Cudahy I'ackiiiH
company , Swift t Co. . the ( ! . II. Hammond
company or tlio Omaha Packing company ,
was ready for use till Into in llio summer or
fall , and some of them not till late in the
winter , it will bo conceded that the results
of the year are all that could be desired. As
will bo observed In the particular reports ol
several packing plants , the enlargements
made during lh',12 ' wore fully eiual | to thu
capacity of the largest plant hero one year
ago ,
'J'ho total expenditure by the packing com
panies Iu enlarging their plants during 1MCJ
was about fTMl.UiH ) , and the capacity for
slaughtering lias been about doubled. Thu
present capacity of the four packing houses
is about fi.OOO cattle , Ifi.lKX ) hogs , 2r > 00 sheep
and 1,000 calves. Of course , nearly double
the number could .be killed for u few days.
Tim Cniliiliy J'iK'Miif ; Compiiny.
Thu Cudahy Packing company has a capi
tal of W.fiOO.lKX ) and Increased Its distribu
tive sales from $10.182,001.87 in IK',11 ' to fill , .
OTORIO.O : < in IbW. Tlio Improvements con
sisted of eight , largo buildings , covering
three and n half acres , consisting of a heel
house. Wx2'J5 ) feet ; storehouse' . ITOxiJOO feet ;
tin shop , 12'ixlWI feet ; Imtterino factory ,
( VOxlOO feet ; repair shop , 75X1M ) feet ;
fertilizer. .10x100 feet ; beef oxtracl
and pepsin laboratory HOxI'.Ti feet , chill roon
to the old hog house , with a capacity of 1MX
hogs per day ; an additional story to tin
canning department , and have added a ganu
nml poultry departmentiwith u capacity ofli ,
000 chickens , 1XX ( ) turkeys and MM ) clucks am
gceso per day. Tlio pepsin manufactory , the
only one In the west , has a capacity of - ! ( ) , (
pounds and beef extract i.VUX ! ) , > per annum
Thu ICd. Hoolilnson ft Co. plant al
Sioux City was bought November 2. '
to meet the demands. Thu cutlro out
put of that plant will bo Imndlci
tlirouirh the South Omaha olllco. Five nun
artesloli wells , of sixty gallons per minute
have been drilled. An elllcient tire brigadi
and American District Telegraph ysten
guard against lire. 'J'ho retail market I :
considered the largest and llnest in tin
state. A * 12,000 booth will bo erected am
stocked at the Chicago exposition. Tlu
animal slaughterings were U10110 ! hogs
102,473 cattle and 10,378 sheep In 1801 , aiii
( VJOTiUl hogs , 150.0S1 cattle am
18.W1 sheep , in IB'.H ) showing i
very largo increase. The liogi
bought Iu MV weighed 1(5.1,78-1,248 ( pounds
averaged 248 pounds , cost (41,749,4117. 01
$10.87 each , or | 4.ii8 per 100 pounds. Tin
cattle weighed 1(51,035,252 ( , pounds , averagei
1 . ( Ml pounds , and cost M,4iO-iil,05 : , or * 2Sfi !
each , or $2.71 per 100 pounds. The shee |
weighed l.tKU.WS or ninety-two pounds each
and cost 7ll.Ht.74. ( ) or fcl.26 each , iUil | ! t (
f 1.152 per UXJ pounds. The present dally ca
pacity of the house. Is 0,000 hogs , 1,200 i-nttli
nnd 1,000 sheeji. 'J'ho pay roll has 2,40
names and the amount paid in IbUJ wa
11,200,000. The coUKUiootlou during IbU
consisted of R.300 car loads of coal , 700 of salt.'Jl of ice. KXl of wood , * > 0,000 boxes of tin
plate. 12,300,000 tin packages , 210,000 ban-els.
Jierccs and kegs , l.'iiW.lHH ) boxes and l.s < X )
barrels of vinegar ; 13.I7I ! car loads of pro
duct were shipped In 18'2. ! The company
has two car Hues , NX ) refrigerators and M )
tank liners. Under the SO per cent clause
the company carries fcj.7ofl.000 insurance and
pays annually $ .V > .000 in premiums. The
year's exixirtatlons amounted to I. " . ' > O.IMO.
The telegraphic tolls nro SiVi.OOOearly
and the letters received and sent
are 1.200 dally besides 1XX ( ) circulars
quotations weekly , costing $12,000 a year.
The company Is represented by twenty-eight
branch house malingers , with a force of 187
brokerage agencies , twenty-eight traveling
salaried representatives and fourteen
European general apcneles. The office alone
has a force of 103 and Is divided into a do/en
deparfments. each under a superintendent.
The product , for IS ! > 2 consisted of pork ,
i.M.4l. ' ( ) barrels : of beef. : il,4'4I barrels ; of
lard. 2\Wi1.t > 70 pounds ; of dry salt
meats. 5I.5S3.MS pounds ; sweet
pickled meats , RS.lOJ.Ool pounds :
smoked meats. ! JtiS7,03'.i : ' pounds , canned
meats , 10.713,120 pounds : buUerlno , 3,5SH,4 7
pounds ; fortill/er , 11.2oOOOJ pounds ; sau
sage. 3'o2.20r , pounds ; beef extract , SW.iUH )
pounds , and pepsin , HItiSUpounds.
The ( II. Ititiiiinoiiil Company.
The (5. ( H. Hammond company has a cap
ital stock of fO.MlO.lXX ) , and Is now managed
by A. H. Noyes , formerly of Syracuse , N.
V. During IM > 2 the plant has moro
than doubled its capacity ami Its
product is now considered among the
best on the American or European market ,
two mammoth brick buildings , a beef house
111x172 feet , and a hog house 178x231 feet
were erected , with a lloor area of ten and a
half acres , increasing the entire lloor area to
about sixteen acres. The new houses are
supplied with every modern Invention or
improvement and are considered the perfec
tion of packing house buildings. Two ice ma
chines of seventv-live tons sach , a lard re-
llnerv of 2oO tierces per day. a tankage
grimier with a Cyclone grimier , costing
$ JMX ) . three dvnamos of a total of 420am
peres , stationary engines increasing the
horse power to b03 , and six seventy-horse
power tubular and two
power Sterling boilers costing $ o,000 ,
and two artesian wells of a ca
pacity of 120 gallons per minute have
been of thelb',12 improvement. A perfect lire
system , with a company , earlsl hose and lire
plugs and the American District Telegraph
electrical lire alarm insures practical safety.
The retail market accommodates many citi-
/ens as well as the employes. The present
capacity is hogs. 5.000 , cattle 1,200 , sheep
1,000 and calves 500 per day , and In its pres
ent shape ( WO hogs , 200 cattle and 100
sheep can bo slaughtered in an
hour. The totnl slaughterings In Ib'.ll ,
were hogs 121.175 , cattle IVI.HS'i and sheep
li.l'.H ' ) as compared with l'J317l ! begs , 52,107
cattle and 11,814 sheep in 1SSI2. In Ibft ) the
hogs weighed 2S.SH3.7S2. or 251 pounds each ,
costing ? l,20St'JS.G' : > or * O.M ) each , or $3.80 per
100 pounds ; the cattle weighed 5S.7I7.550 or
1,1211 pounds each , costing SlSiisi')2.27 ( ) , aver
aging St ! > .82 each or 1.18 per 100 pounds.
The Hammond company now has 1,000
refrigerator cars. The 5Nr > employes
drew $2oS30.73 ; ! , averaging > S0.72 for 18-.12.
and the distributive sales were $4,301,050.87
as compared with S4.210if : > C.OO Iu 1MI1. One
hundred and twenty-four branch houses and
general agencies in ( Jerniany , Franco , Hol
land and England are supplied by this com
pany. Thu product of 18H2 consisted in pounds
of 2,22S.lSHh ! ) ( > rtrihsides.2.B.V : 7Bshort clear
sides , 820.353 other dry salt meats , 7'i3187 !
sweet pickle shoulders , 3,800,473 , sweet pickle
hams , l,01'iIS ( ( ) other sweet pickle meats ,
3-l42Sil ; tallow , l,00lSo3 ! bones , 2,012,082
bones and 855,150 tierces of prime steamed
lard and 3,112,400 tierces of other lard. Five
hundred and eighty-live men are on the pay
roll and 258,381 ! . , il were paid out during the
Oinar.i ! I'lirklng Company.
During the year a now cold storage bulld-
07x130 and thrr.e stories high was erected
south of the main building and facing on the
south railroad trades. An additional
story 32x100 feet was built on
the coldstoragedepartment and a
new chill room 30x128 with a capacity of
1,000 hogs per day was erected. A retail
meat market was erected on Thirty-third
street , primarily to supply the demands of
employes but with the additional view of
supplying the local wants. It receives a
very liberal patronage from citizens of both
cities. The improvements and enlargements
made in lbU2 increase the capacity of the
house from 20 to ! )0 ) per cent. This house
makes a specialty of hogs and is the only
packing bouse in thu city given almost ex
clusively to that special industry. A few
cattle , sheep and calves arc slaughtered only
to supply demands of regular customers.
Twenty-bevel ! electric alarm boxes con
nected with the central American District
telegraph ofilce , together with a well drilled
lire department , are of thu protections
against lire.
Five artesian wells of a dally capacity of
125,000 gallons each furnish part of Hit
water supply. About 70,000,000 , gallons ol
water are consumed annually.
A Hunil.v automatic timekeeper has just
been added as one of the latest improve
ments. Each employe is given a key and on
going to work , quittm ; , ' or laying off regis
ters thu hour and minute by inserting tin
key in the machine.
The plant is now thoroughly equipped ami
is complete in every particular , and has ; i
capacity of 5,000 hogs , 12Ti cattle , 250 tiheej
and 1,000 calves.
The slaughterings were 348,010 hogs , 4,31 !
cattle and 20T sheep i" 18'.U ' and : :01.020 : hogs
4,450 cattle nnd 87 sheep In 18112. The hogi
weighed 77,125,87(1 ( or 255 pounds each , cost
ing * 3,70S,550..H ) or * 11.84 each or f-l.W ) per 101
pounds. The present dally capacity is 5,001 ,
hogs , 12."i cattle , 250 sheep and 100 calves
The iitiO employes drew $200,000 during tin
year. Thu company has two car lines , 2ft : ,
refrigerator cars nnd 25 tanli
line cars , $1,000,000 insurance is car
rled , Thu material consumed consisted < >
450 carloads of coal , 301 carloads of salt
30X)0 , ( ) tons of ice per year , 5,000 barrels am :
KHI.OOO boxes annually and ten carloads o
paper. About 70,01)0,000 ) gallons of water art
used annually. The IS'JJ ' product , consisted
in pounds of 23,0K , ( ) short rib sides , 8,500,0K (
shoulders , 0.000,000 bams , 11,500,000 lard
75,000 hair , 1,812,000 fertiliser and l'JO,00 ' (
Swill , V Cn.
During IS'.i-J extensive improvements wen
made by this company.
Ono largo building , IVlxl'JIi ' feet and si )
stories high , has been built along the unload
ing tracks running between the old and nuv
houses. This building extends from thunov
pork house north 103 Icet , and is divided inti
three departments. The llrst department
or southern end , was arranged for cold stor
agu on thu llrst and second stories , tin
third story for thu lard department , tin
fourth story for sausage , the Jiftl
story for cooperage , and the sixtl
for general storage. J'ho second departmen
is thu smoked meat department , and thci
come six smoke houses llxll feet. North o
the old fertiliser department. ! ! building 80xl7i
feet has been erected and is used for eiigiiu
and boiler rooms anil additional for
till/XT department. This building i :
connected with the old fertilise
building on the south and tin
new hog killing building on the north. Eigh
now boilers of 1,000 , hon < u power and on
engine of 225 horao power are the additlona
machinery equipments of this power plant
South of the old beef house a beef killlm
addition has been erected. This building I
141x231 ! feutand three storlcu high , ami i
used for tooling beef , hogs and hhccp.
Thu slaughterings during 18HJ were hog
270,700 , cattlu 233,583 and sheep 70,1-13 , n
compared witli 1117,001) ) hogs , 151mw cattli
an i 55,400 bhcep.
Jtt'ciipltiilatliin ,
There are -1,24(1 ( employes iu the four pack
Ing houses , who received during the yt-a
$245,4X ; ! ( > In salaries. The slaughterings o
cattle increased from 321,771 in IhOl to 440 ,
8S-1 in Ib'X' , ami sliuup inmusud from 81,57
In IbUl to Ii5its ( : in 1MI2. The aggregate
distributive sales of packing house produc
inemmed from t35 , 7UlH7 , In 18U1 to 15,1110
88.1 in 1KW. The total expenditures durin
the year by the four packing and the Unloi
Stock Yards companies slightly exceed
$1,300,000. The enliro showing is up to th
expectation of every person , and Is certain ) ,
as creditable to tuo Magic City an could b
desired ,
Record of Omaha's ' Steady and Substantial
Growth During 1892.
BANK CLEARINGS SUM UP 5295,619,723 ,
An Increase of Nearly 40 Per Oont Over tht
Business of 1091.
BANK DEPOSITS OVER $25,000,000 ,
Wage Workers Ilavo More Than a Million
and a Half in the Savings Banks.
The Product of Mills , Factories and Packing
Houses Nearly Eighty Millions.
Nearly 10,000 Men and Women Employed in
Omaha Manufacturing Establishments.
.Mill's iirrnxriuriilH , Si'rrsaml Water Malm
-Ncnrl.v l.i'tlO Nnw ItnlldliiKS V Splen
did Showing In ICvi'r.v Direction
Iiirrraim In Public Itevmuiofl.
Omaha has just closed up n year that 1H5-
been one of tli most prosperous in the hit'
tory of tlio city. While it has not taken ou
any of the characteristics of u boom , it has
been one of unusual activity with the manu
facturing establishments , with the trades
men , with the llnaiieial liiHtitutious , with
the wage earners and with the city gen
The city has a population of l-ir ,000. Its
corporate limits extend over 24'f miles of
territory , within which there are 148'ij ' mllerf
of graded streets , 71.27 miles of pared
streets , 128.711 miles of curbing , 102.42 miles
of sewers mid 41. ! miles of wooden and stone
sidewalks. These improvements have been
made at a cost of $ " ,787,440.70 , of which
amount the sum of $ (150,001.02 ( was expended
during tlio year Ib02. v
The building record bus been a surprise ,
and for the city of Omaha alone , figures
prove that 1,372 now dwellings , stores , fac
tories and other structures were erected at
a cost of f lii.Sri | ( . In addition to this , South
Omaha invested f51 l,5-ii : , Florence $ -10,000and
Uoiifion and Halcyon Heights $ .72,200 , , making
a total of $5,15213 : ! that went into now
buildings in Omaha and her suburbs during
the year that has passed away. The gov
ernment has expended the sum of $00,000 in
the beginning of the now jwstofiieo building ,
which , if added to the totals , would bring
the gross investment up to $5,2-12,3ir > , which
is $2,500,000 in excess of the Iblll record.
Hank clearings have outstripped any
thing that has ever been experienced in the
city , and during the year they" reached $205-
( ilO,72i ( , an increase of $8l-172,5liO over the
year IS'.ll. ' Omitting Sundays and ,
holidays , the clearings exceeded moro
than $ ! ,000XK ( ) per day during the
entire year. With n combined capital of
$ 'iOS.V ' > 00 the banks of Omaha and South
Omaha carry deposits of $2r > .51,05 ( ) : ! , or
$2,1(50,000 ( moro than one year ago. Of the
deposits , ? 2,77SiO.'i : has been placed in tlio
savings banks by the wugo-earnors. Their
deposits average $1(50 ( per capita.
Corporations have expended the sum of
$ l.b80,000 in enlarging and improving their
plants , in order to accommodate the Increase
of business.
The 125 manufacturing establishments of
this city have $11,508,450 Invested ,
and last year they paid ouo
$ . ' 1,5110,000 in wages to 5,018 em
ployes , who produced an output of the value
of $ . ' (4,10-1,200. ( Of the employes , 4.WO ( were
males and ' .HIS were females. This number
of employes was an increase of 1,01)0 ) over the
number of people employed at the beginning
of the year 1802.
Ono year ago there were 152 wholesale
houses in the city , and during the year 1801
their sales aggregated $10,010,000. During
1MI2 .the number increased to 1(10 ( , with n cap
ital of $ S,410,000. They did a business that
amounted to $10,710,000 , which was an in
crease of t-0,7M ) , < )00 over the preceding year.
Schools and educational institutions kept
pace with the growth and prosperity of the
city , the enrollment increasing from 18J136
in IbOl to 10,750 in 1WU.
Without an effort , Omaha has maintained
her position as. the third packing center iu
the world , being only outstripped by Chicago
cage ami Kansas City , and on the latter
point she bus made some prodigious gains-
gains that promise to place her in second
place before the end of the present year.
At the stock yards there were 255,500 ears
of cattle , bogs ami sheep handled during
the year , an increase of 4-1,480 cars
over 1801. The catllo slaughtering num
bered -110,881 , an Increase of 120,45 ; ) over
the previous year. Tlio hogs that were ro-
celved at the yards 1,70,1,000 , of
which number I,2i2,075 were slaughtered
and went Into the year's pack. The number
of cattle received was 7:13,000 : , an Increase of
145,000 over Ib'.ll. ' The number of sheep
slaughtered aggregated 100,000 , , as against
170,000 during 1601.
The sale of cattle known to the trade ns
feeders increased from 01,500 to lll,2'll ! dur
ing the year , while the horse market showed
a gain of 5,501 , there being 14,183 received
and 0,2lb sold on the market ,
The aggregate sulo of stock for 1803
amounted to $15,1(10,885 ( , or (0,281,533 , moro
than during 1801.
In the [ lacking houses 4,2-10 persons find
employment , their wages having amounted
to $215.45 : ! < ) last year.
Tlio improvements in tlio yards in building
fences , grading and putting In equipment , .
aggregated * 1'JH,00 ! ) ( ) . , i
A summary of expenditures outside of
stock yard improvements show the follow ' *
ing results.
Now lmllillir'n In Omuba and sub
urbs tO,3fiOft ( > 9
Hlicel railway , 12&OOO
'JVIi'phonc , lolegniph and electric
Unlit 316,200
Itulliotuls 80,000
Water work * 76,000
( Jan company s&.ooo
Kant Oniiibii 100,000
Municipal ImurovoimuitN. . . , . . , , 050,001
Total I7,73,013
Three Mum Wreck Vlcllnib ,
HOHTOX , ICnn. , Dec , 31. Engineer Stone ,
iirakcnmn Svvearingcn ami Kirewmi Fuller ,
injured in the lUick Island railroad wiuok tit
Troy Wednesday , uro dead.