Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Part One, Page 8, Image 17

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C , W , COOK & SON ,
Twenty Per Cent Discount Off All Our
Shoes ,
Orcntent Shoo finlo liter llrlil In Oinnlm
You Cnn liny tlio Shoes
You \Vnnt unit SIIVB tlio
"Wo will now offer our entire stock of
, 'ftlioos nt n ( Tenor-til cut in prieo of 20 per
' " .dcntoff from our regular marked selling
price , whloli i8 in plulti figures.
Wo do this to reduce our immense
January is lieie and wo find our stock
Is tco largo tuid wo tire bound to reduce
it nt onco.
Kcmctntcr , we always do ns we ndvor-
lifao , aim you can now come to our store
nnd select'tiny shoo you want and our
BiUcsmiui will give you iiO per cent dis
count without your asking for it.
Coino and sou us and bo convinced.
Tell your frionilH r.nd neighbors.
Itcniembor you will net bo aekcd to
buy any old It tick'for wo linvb notio , but
you tniiy mnko your selections from the
largest and finest stock of shoes in tlio
, clty.
This will give you
Our $7.00 hand mode shoes at SC.GO.
Our $0.00 shoes at $4.80.
Our $5.00 shoos utS-l.00.
Our $4.00 shoes nt .f'1.20.
Our JII.GO shocH nt-ilSO.
Ouf.00 : ! shoes ut $ i-10.
Our $ ' . * .00 shoes at $1.0. ( !
Our $ l.r > 0 shoes at 91.i0. !
Our $1.CO shoes at SOc.
\Ve will sell you J. S. Turner's flno
patent leather $8.00 shoes at $0.40.
Our $7.00 shoes at J5.JO. (
Our $ ( ! .CO shoes at $4.80.
OiirSC.OOhhocH at $4.CO.
Our$4.00shoosatt.t20. :
Our $ ; i.CO shoes at $ i-IO. !
\Vo propose to mnko this the greatest
shoo sale ever held in Omaha , because
you can buy just the shoo you' want and
save 20 per cent in buying them of us.
Now , this sale will not last lor.g , so
come early before the best styles and
Bl'/.es are gone.
Wo cnly make one condition nt this
snlo and that is that r.U goods sold at
the discount will bo sold for ciibh. No
goods wi.I bo charged at this discount.
Wo cannot afford to sell shoos at cost' '
nnd charge them too.
All gno-Jip charged will be sold at
regular prices.
G. W. COOK & SON ,
Cook's Old Reliable Shoo Store ,
203 and 105 So. Fifteenth Street.
Karbach Block ,
Kxlillillorsat the 1'alr.
Have you seen The Illustrated
World's -Fairi1 The only publicntion
illustrating the progress and every
phase and feature o [ the great exposi
tion from start to lluiwh. It's the lluest
nnd most attractive publication over
published. Endorsed by till World's
fair olllcitil. The 100-page dedication
number ( second edition ) contains com
plete list ( if American exhibitors ; price ,
81. Subscriptions can begin with lirs !
issue ; 18 numbers (3 ( volumes ) now
ready ; 82.60 a year ; 25 cents a copy.
Big pay to local agents- write lor par
ticulars. Jewell N. Ilalligaii , genera' '
'manager , Chicago.
' '
Look over your life insurance policies
nnd see if there Is endorsed thoreoi
their values in cash , if you discontinue
payment. The Massachusetts Mutua
Life Insurance company writes on all its
policies the cash value , niter two years. 11
dividends annually. These divi-
Says can bo used lo reduce tin
premium payments or increase tlu
inn o unt of insurance. It mulce :
cash loans to its policy hold
ers. It docs not cost you any more U
hayo these advantages. If you hold i
policy inin "old Hue" company , I d (
not jvant you to discontinue ! it for tlu
sake of buying ono in Tha Massachu
aotts Mutual Life Insurance company
but If you require now or additional in
Buranco , what 1 do nsk is that you taki
Into eonsldeintion the advantage !
offered by tills company. Apply to th <
Omaha agency , giving ago nnd amoun
you will consider , nnd I will take pleasure
uro in mailing you a specimen contract
Sober men of character , who will no
in the " " habit
engage "pernicious" o
"twistintr" policies , are wanted a
O. II. JKFTHIKR , General Agent ,
Rooms 200 nnd 202 Bee ISuildlng
Omaha , Nob.
Ladles artistic lmirdres3lngIdcaHIai
Store , Kwrbuch JU'k , 20 ! ) S. lo. , Tel
1018. French hairdresser in attendance
The Commercial Directory com pan
la making tlio delivery now of the !
fifth 'edition of Douglas county rcfci
once book. Their work for Omaha alon
contains over lid(100 ( names , with th
Bunplcmont of South Omaha , makin
the total close to10.000. . This compan
is the organizer of the Nebraska Slat
Business 'Men's association , an aosocii
tion which has boon instiumcntal in in
vertlsing Nebraska with the o.xhlb
train moro them any other one thin
that was overdone for Nebraska. The
uro comparatively a now publishin
company in Omaha , hut their sahu-ii
und printing bills nlono that have hoc
paid out to Omaha the past year tiinoui
to over $25,000.
Dr. Larimer , room 20il Karbach blocl
To HoiiHtoii , Tex. , mill Hot urn ,
Tuesday , January U , 181)3 ) , my thh
epocial party will leave Omuhu , boui :
for Houston , Tex ,
Having for Halo several thousand non
of the richest land In Harris and lr !
2011 in countlcH , Texas , lying between tl
cities of Houston and Gnlvcston , and t
the tlirco principal trunk line railroad
I will offer as nn inducement for hives
ore , or those desiring only to look at t )
laud , specially low rates from Omaha
Houston and return , good until Juno
ISO ! ) , with u limit of fifteen days in one
direction , and good for stop over i
pleasure within limit.
Those InndM that I olTer for sale are
n rioh , black loam , easily cultivate
being rich enough to produce the mo
excellent results without fortlllzntlo
Everything that can bo grown nn ;
Avhoro in the United States grows sp
chilly well hnro. The ground pays wi
from the first year.
The price of land ranges from 12.50
$20.00 per aero an the most favorul
terms of payment.
'All those lands lie contiguous to ai
within live miles of the above tuu
tionod railroads , with an abundance
water anil timber. The clhimte the ye
through IB excellent
Remoinbor the time wo go : Tuosihi
January a , 1603. Louvo Omaha at 0 :
p. in.
For further information relative
landf , Oil inn to , soil and cost of Uvln
nnil particulars us to the purchase
tickets , cheaper tian ] you can buy
tiny railroad company , call on or t
dreea It C. PATTEHSON ,
425 Ramgo building , Quintan , Neb ,
No Mistake Boston Store Has Zun-
dor's ' Bankrupt Shoes Sure Enough.
llnvtun Store Untight All Hiemiller llnnh-
rupt Shoes Attnchril by the Con tnble
unit Hull ) liy Mortgagennil
( lot Them Very Chrnp.
At the northwest corner of Sixteenth
nnd Doughis streets.
llljjht on the corner.
Once more now to make sure ,
X.undei's '
men's uhocs
Half price at Hoston Store.
Xundor's ladles' shoes
Hall peico at LUwton Store.
Xunder's misEco' shoes
Half price at llostou Store.
Xundor'H ladies' slippers
Half price at Hoslon Store.
Xundcr'a boys' shoes
Half price at Huston Store- .
Xunder's child's shoes
Half price at Uoslon Store.
Not onry that , either , for in many
cases you will Una Xunder's shoes soiling
.now at perhaps a thlid of their value at
tlio LJofeton Store.
When Hoston Store makes up itsmlud
to do a thing it's going to bo done right
up to the handle.
When it comcB to cutting prices or
giving bargains there's nn store in the
whole wide world like the IJoston Store.
When tlio constable llrst wont in and
attached the shoos wo nicked out just
such shoes as wo wanted and wore most
desirable , and when the mortgages sold
the balance wo again bought only the
very beat grades of the finest shoes
which had just been received only a few
days before tlio failure.
So remember that Hoston Store will
warrant every puir of shoes in this sale
to give gooct , honest satisfaction , and
will roplueo free of charge any pair that
does not.
Therefore bo sure to come to the right
place whore all the ohojcest and best of
the whole Xunder bankrupt slock is.
That is Hoston Store.
li'ght on the corner ,
N. W. corner 10th and Douglas.
Wonderland and Illjou Tbeater.
Commencing tomorrow at Wonderland and
and Bijou theater the Burton Stanley
Comedy company will begin the third and
last week of their engagement , presenting a
clever version of the well known comedy ,
"A Bunch of Keys , " under the title of "A
Bunch of Jays , " which promises to _ be
equally as guod and funny as the original
play. Mr. Stanley has produced it all over
the east , where it proved a big success.
The characters arc all comedy and are in the
hands of a capable lot of players. Preceding
this laughable production the usual hourly
program of specialties will be introduced and
everybody will be delighted to learn that the
phenomenal child performer , La Petit Fred
die , has been induced to stay another week.
His entertainment will consist of a number
of new and original specialties , including an
excellent Impersonation of the great Car-
meiiclta , the Spanish dancer. Freddie
leaves no room for criticism in his work , it is
so perfect , so finished , and the easy manner
of all his performances shows that his tal
ents were born in him ; no school could make
such a perfect little artist. The other
specialties are also very strong , including
Gua Garliolt , an Intrepid equilibrist , in a
wonderful act of posturing on pyramids of
chairs and tables : T. J. McGuire , a clover
clog dancer and vocalist ; Bogart and
O'Brien , the funniest of funny musical
teams , late with Haverly's minstrels , and
the greatest of all acrobatic dancers , the
Dixon brothers , making a bill of more than
ordinary merit. A beautiful souvenir photo
graph of Master Freddie as Carmcneita will
bo presented to each lady visitor next Fri
Look Out tor Cold Weather.
But ride inside of the electric lighted
and steam heated vcstibuled apartment
trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway and you will bo as warm ,
comfortable and cheerful as in your own
library or boudoir. To travel between
Chicago and Omaha in these luxuri
ously appointed trains is a , supreme sat
isfaction ; and , ns the somewhat ancient
advertisement used to read , "foriurthor
particulars see small bills. " Small bills
( and largo ones , too ) will bo accepted
for passa o and sleeping car tickets at
1501 Farnam street.
A. P. Tukey's ollleo will bo open
Monday , January " , 1893 , from 8 n. m.
to 1 p. m.
A llcnuUriil irt.
Any ono or all of the followlnc books
will be sent free to any address , by mail
prepaid , for 10 cents in stamps or coin
Was it Suicide ? by Ellti Whecloi
Poems nnd Yarns , by James Whit
comb Hiley and Hill Nyo"
An English Girl in America , by Tnl-
lulah Mattoson Powell.
Sparks from tuo Pen of Bill Nyo.
People's Heferenco Book 099,90 !
fact ? .
Health and Beauty , by Emily S. 'Bon
Social Etiquette , by Emily S. Bontpti
Looking Forward , an imaginary vitsl
to the World's fair , Chicago , ISOIJ.
Cut this out and mark the hooks yo
wish sent , enclosing 10 cents for cacl
Address O. P. MeCarty , general pat
Hougor agent , B. & O. S. W. 1C II ,
Cincinnati , O.
Frescoing and interior decorating ; d <
Mgns and ustiinatoti furnished. Hour
Lohmunn , 1008 Douglas btruot.
Try "Tea Leaf" or "Tea Blossom
brand ol ton , kept by all grocers. Sin
isfiictioi ; guaranteed or money refunded
Dr. Campbell , homoeopath , ! JOG N. "V
Real estate.
Bargains only.
My word Is good.
W. G. Albright.
621--J-3 N. Y. Life bldqr.
\V. T. Seaman , wagons unit carriage
Economv. gas house coke $7.50 tot
A. J. Moy'er , ii3 ! 3. Hth. Tel.10 : ! .
Vlu tlio Wuliiuli Itontc ,
The short line to St. Louis and quid
est route south.
Only 117 hours to Hot Springs.
Only ! ! 0 hours to Now Orleans.
Only 118 } hours to Atlanta.
Only 62 hours to Jacksonville , "
With corresponding fast time to n
points east and south. Round trl
tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orloun
Luke Charles , Gulvoston , San Antonl
City of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sim Frai
cisco , MobileJacksonville , Tampa , Hi
vana and all the win tor resorts of t ) :
south and west Reclining chair ca
free to St. Louis , Toledo anil Dutrol
Pullman buffet Bleeping cars on n
to trains. Baggage checked from hole
? . and private residences to dostinatio
of For tickets , stooping car nccommodatioi
of and further information cull ut Wubiu
d- ticket olllcc , 1602 Farnam street , <
wrlvo , G. N. CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
t tTltt fIirt1 / A
W11 , BtNSfclT CO , ,
Invite Everybody to Call nt Their Bntg Do-
pnrtment and Get a Onp of
This In Now , nnil Kvrrylmtly Win Ilnn
Tried It nro l.oinl In UK 1'rnlao
I < o t AiiPtlt | | Ilroturcil
lly Ita UBC.
Weak stomachs greatly benefited
by its use. Call and glvti it a
fiilr trial. Wo tire also serving
"Ueef Bullion,1' ' "Mxtract of
Beef , " "Cherry Cordial , " etc , in our
drug department. Got your patents
and your pncscrinllons filled tit our
drug department. Everything guar
anteed nnd our prices are always lower
than our competitors.
This department is wonderfully im
proved with now goods , watches , clocks ,
jewelry , silverware , etc. , etc.Vo have
just secured the services of an experi
enced watchmaker and repairer of
everything known to the jewelry trade.
Wo are now in a position to do all kinds
of watch , clock nnil jewelry repair work
You know that exorbitant pricca are
usually charged for repair work of this
kind. You nro often , told that
your watch needs cleaning era
a certain swing or jewel
is missing and a big bill is chaegrd ,
when In fact a drop of oil or the tight
ening of n certain screw would make
your watch run for n year or more as
good as new , and all done while vou
wait , with really no cost to you. This
department will bo run on the sumo
honorable plan of nil our other depart
Our reputation is back of our watch
maker , and wo will see that you receive
fair treatment , and ovcrytning wo defer
for you wo will fully guarantee In every
way , and do your work with promptness
and accuracy. Bring in your watches ;
clocks and jewelry to be repaired , wo
CAN 8'ivo you money.
Visit our tea , coll'co nnd spice depart
Visit our crockery department.
Visit our furniture department.
Visit our second lloor.
N. H. Falconer.
On Thursday of this week wo will
commence a special sale of ladies'
cloaks and wraps. The prices will bo
fully 30 per cent less than regular. Our
stock is a choice one and the break in
prices will certainly draw an immense
Full particulars Inter in the week.
Poacouk is the boat soft CDal. Sold
only by Jouog , opnojlto postollios.
Dr. Hoffman ( Karbach block ) returned
from his trip south , resumed practice.
Miss Fannie Arnold begins the first
term of her sight reading class Tuesday
evening , January 3 , 1S93 , at 323 N. 17th
street , 8 o'clock p. m.
- *
The Onmlm Conservatory of. Music.
The following are the branches
taught :
Piano , harmony acd composition ,
vocal , violin , violoncello , guitar , mando
lin , organ , elocution , Delsarte physical
culture , calesthenics , Shakespeare , dra
matic art. French. German nnd Italian.
Pupils received at any time.
I'lnna for tlio Reception nt the Christian
AKSocliitlon Itulldlng.
The Omaha Young Men's Christian asso
ciation will keep open house on Monday
The parlors , the reading rooms and the pym
nasium will ho thrown wlilo open for the
benefit of those who call there during tht
There will ho a game of hand ball in tin
gymnasium in the afternoon ami a genera
program of athletic sports in the evening.
The following list of ladies will receive ai
the association building from 4 to 8 o'cloci
p. in. A large number of the directors aiu
active membcrs.will also bo present to assis :
in making it a pleasant evening for tin
guests :
Mrs. A. P. Tukoy , Mrs. W. II. Alex
andcr , Mrs. A. T. Hector , Mrs. C. E
Williamson , Mrs. W. H. liussoll , Mrs. Allci
ICcch , Mrs. C. H. Gardner , Mrs. C. A. Starr
Mrs. Charles Bird. Mrs. Charles Goss , Mrs
J. O. I'hillipiii , Mrs. II. II. Baldrldgc , Mrs
Frank W. Obcr , Miss Claflin , Mrs. Duryca
Miss Funnio Duryca , Miss M. Mooru
Miss James , Miss J. Alexander
Miss A. Alexander , Miss 1C. Preston
Miss E. Preston , Miss G , Lindsay
Mrs. D. P. Benedict , Miss Carrie Dotwciler
Miss Mamie Joselyn. Miss Birdie Kelly
Miss Mabel Kelly , Mrs. / . T. Liiulsoy , Mrs
Asa Leard , Mrs. T. S. Waltmoyer , Mis
McChesnoy , Miss Morrison , Miss Watts
Miss Pickering , Miss Doris Kinncy , Mis
Agnes Harrison , Miss Lillian Wilbur , Mis
Lucy Knight , Miss Lizzie Hewitt , Miss Hal
lock , Miss.Bonletto , Mrs. Thomas MeCaguc
Mrs , T. B. McCulloch , Mrs. A. N. McCasut
Mrs. M. McCulloch , Mrs. Eva , Uartlutt
Miss Edna Thain , Miss Jcssio Thain , Mis
Fannie Lchincr , Miss Madgo Lelnner , Mis
Fannie Bates , Miss Blanche Van Court , Mis
Carrie Althouso , Mrs , Stiger , Mrs. H. K
Wood , Mrs , A. H. Thain , Miss Fawcott , Mis
May Fawcett , Miss McCausland , Miss Alt
Lain , Miss Squler. Miss Chambers , Mr :
Gordon , Mrs. Switzlcr , Miss Powell , Mis
Condon , Miss Xewcomh , Miss lluth , Mr :
Watson B. Smith , Mrs. T , E , Cramblet , Mis
Nannio Clayton , Miss Clayton , Miss Emm
Whcatloy , Miss Anna Frueland , Mrs. F.Wci
scls , Mrs. A. Achcmcn , the Misses Clurksoi
Miss Maud Kccsc , MissWakelcy , Miss Doani
Miss Mainio Bcch and Miss Clara Bcch , E
If you have piles DoWItt's Witch Hazi
salvo will surely euro you.
Several 1'artlesVlio Will do Dnivn Life
I.iliui Mill ) lly Side.
The New Year's list of matrimonial Intel
tions is a very long one. Yesterday was
very busy day for Judge Eller's license clcrl
and ho issued the following permits to wc <
Name and address.
( Itotiort M. Silt ton. Omaha
) KditliJ. llearlu , Onmlm
i William A. Klklns , Omaha
1 Miiltlt' It , Johnson , Oniah.i
i James Hiulth , Omaha
I May Johnston , Unmlia
j John It. Wilson , Onmlm
| Mary llnyus , Unmlia
j John Itathnmn , South Onmlm
1 Susaiula I'olsom , Omaha
J Marshall V. Doyle , Hoiith Omaha
1 MlnnloO. lllulr , South Omaha
j ( iconic F , Iluvliow , Omaha
I Maiulul'arr , Omaha
i John H. Miller. 1'ocatcllo. Idaho
I Iiiilu Clarke , Ijanxdon , Mo ,
j Adofiih J. Weld , Klori'iieo
AclUlo .M. llarl , Florence.
j I.omi McCnll. Omaha
I ICUlu Campbell , Onmlm
I Krni'ht ( ! . Sin-ploy , I'loreneo.
1 Molllo Musket , rioifiicn
I Hahiuns Haiisson , I'remont.
I Miillnu.IeiiM'n , I'u'iuont
os I Jiuncs lllazda , Omaha
oL 1 Mary IVckuva , Omaha
L ( Danlol Hnilili. Omaha
IIQ 1 Anna llrnlion , Sulherland , la. .
Something ( ionil ,
I have sold and used in my family for sc
oral years Chamberlain's , Colic , Cholci
and Dlari-hwu remedy , and have found
ono of the most useful and satisfactory roi
cdlcs I over hundltHl. U. II. Lowla ,
Salt Lake City , Utau.
What the Secret -Societies of the State and
OityEBvo Been Doing.
New Hermits nflnR Aililrd to Tliflr Mem-
flntlt-rliiK AeeoiintH of Work
Done dotnl' ' Sbou Ingii Made liy
All tlio Societies.
Odd Fellowship continues to ride on the
top wave of popularity in Nebraska , and the
three links arc lioltig forged in many neigh
borhoods. The year closes very auspiciously
for the order in this state , nnd the now year
la equally as well commenced. The animal
report shows the following excellent condi
tion of the Nebraska grand lodge :
SilboidlnalcloilKcs 1B.T
MtMiihi'i-ship a ari
I'liiil fonellcf $ 1U,0U1.74 :
Assets 32 J iV.d8.83
The gr.uul encampment Is also In very line
condition , nnd the report shows the follow
ing :
Subordinate encampments 3-1
Member. hlp R , rl
Paid for teller $ 1,11'J.f.t )
Assets 32408.83
The numbcrof Hobckah lodges in the state
Is seventy-live , with a membership of Jt.lUH.
Of this number 1,003 , are brothers and lr , > l0 !
The Patriarch Militant , the uniformed
rank of the order. Is also in n very pros
perous condition and keeping in the front
rank of the procession.
The mouth of September has been decided
upon as the month of Odd Fellowship at the
World's fair. The .Kith day has been sot
apart for the sovereign grand lodge of Xc-
braska , and it is expected to have 1,000
brothers in line on that day.
During the last month State lodge No. 10
of this city received eleven applications for
The thriving little city of Gothenburg
Is the latest place to have a
lodge instituted. Wednesday evening
Mayor Weir , Lincoln , the. grand master , as
sisted n.v Grand Secretary 1. P. Gage , C. H.
May and J. M. Shivelv of Fremont , Grand
Marshal H. S. Hotohkiss of Lincoln , J. S.
Hoagland , 13 , \Viirncr and W. II. Johnson
of North Plattc , Instituted Gothenburg lodge ,
No. IIOI , with a membership of twenty-three.
There were many brothers from neighboring
towns , and they included twenty from Coznd.
live from Lexington , three from Gibbon and
six from North Plattc. The ofllcors elected
arc : 13. H. Ware , noble-grand ; W. L.
Granger , vice grand ; F. P. Doolittlc , trcas-
urcr II. C. Booker , secretary. Shortly after
midnight a supper was served , which was
partaken of by sixty-eight persons. Lodge
work was resumed after supper and it was
a late hour when the meeting adjourned and
Gothenburg lodge was fairly started upon
the road to success.
Ancient Orilcr of United Workmen.
Hayes Center lodge has elected the follow
ing oflicers and will install them Monday
evening , January 0 : C. II. Eubank , master
workman ; F. W. Herman , foreman ; J. L.
Blood , overseer ; C. A. Heady , recorder ;
Jacob Daubach , financier ; J. A. Small , inside
watchman ; O. C ; Gruvcr.outside watchman ;
T. J. Birchall , trustee.
At their last meeting Campbell lodge
elected the following oflicers for the ensuing
year : C. G. Koanc , master workman ; A. M
Landon. foreman ; B. O. Snow , overseer ; "VV.
II. Frazier , recorder ; W. L. Guy , receiver ;
W. U. Tcagarden. financier ; C. E. Budlong ,
guido : C. L. Battles , inside watchman ; G. II.
Aullz , outside watchman ; B. C. Burt , trus
tee ; W. II. Kcenoy , medical examiner.
The Wahoo lodge is prospering and is
rapidly increasing its membership , nineteen
applications being received at the last meet
ing. The ofllcors elected for the ensuing
year areas folldws : F. E. Way , past mas
ter workman ; "William Lowman , master
workman ; , Harry Stevenson , foreman ;
William Allen , financier ; Otto Ostenbcrg ,
receiver ; William Markham , overseer ; W.
N. Silver , reoorUer ; M. Mathiessen , guide.
Ewing lodge has selected its officers for
the ensuing year and will install them Fri
day evening , January 0. They are as fol
lows : Master workman , G. A. Buflington ;
foreman , Joseph Clifton ; overseer , D. D.
Butler : recorder , 13. S. Gllmour ; financier ,
G. H. Benson ; receiver , J. A. Wood ; guide ,
Thomas Cox : inside watch , J. A. Butler ;
outside watch , William Beck ; trustee , G. L.
Grand Master Workman J. G. Tate will
install the newly elected officers of the
Lyons lodge on the evening of January 10 , Tlio
lodge is making great preparations for the
event and will give a banquet at the rink ,
which will bo enjoyed by the members and
their families. The newly elected officers
areas follows : Past master workman ; J.
C. McElhinney ; master workman , .1. B.
Thomas ; foreman , G. W. Harvey ; overseer ,
O. C. Smith ; recorder , Sam Shaw , financier ,
C. A. Schneider : guide , W. M , Heed ; inside
watchman , F.E.Clements ; outside watch
man , G. H. Page ; trustee for three years , J.
C. McElhinnoy ; medical examiner , Dr. M.
L. Hlldreth.
Officers have been chosen by the Oakland
lodge as follows : Charles T. Griffin , master
workman ; M. P. Hansonforeman ; F. Simon ,
overseer ; W. A , Harding , recorder ; 13d A.
Baugh , receiver ; II. H. Bowes , financier ;
Peter Lund , guide ; John Mocrko , Inside
watchman : August Title , outside watch
man , and Ed A. Baugh , trustee for three
South Omaha lodge No. CO has elected tlio
following officers for the ensuing year , : Past
master workman , C. W. Miller ; master
workman , M. V. Doyle ; foreman , C. M.
Maatcsou : overseer , Henry Frcdcrickson ;
recorder , George W. Howe ; financier , James
A. Hall ; receiver , Jacob Jaskalck ; guide , L.
W. Pickard ; inslrto watch , JulUjs Dickcrt ;
outside watch , Herman ICobcrt ; trustees , C.
W. Miller , J. C. Graham , / . P. Hedges ;
medical examiners , Drs. Slabaugh , Sigglns
and Berry.
Nebraska lodge. No. 2'-'T , of South Omaha
has chosen the following oflicers : Master
workman , A. M. Galligher ; foreman , James
Carmody ; overseer , J. rM. Galligher ; re
corder , B. M. Weppncr ; financier , J. J.
O'Brien ; receiver , Charles P.O'Hara ; guide ,
Michael McKuight ; inside watch , Michael
Kelly ; outside watch , James Shcchan ;
physician. A. A , Kelly ; medical examiners ,
Drs. Kelly and MoCram ; trustee. Hichard
.Modern U'oodincn of America.
C.amp 10'j ) , Modern Woodmen of America
of South Omaha , elected officers as follows ;
P. S , MoAuley , venerable consul ; C. F. Don
ills , worthy adviser ; J. M. Schcnck , banker
T. 13 , Pearl , clef k ; T. I. Leo , escort j F. II
Bcntloy , watchman ; J. I. Pancake , sentinel
A. A. Monroe , IDr. 13. L. Siggins , Dr. 13. L
Ernhout , Dr. W. II. Slahaugh , trustees. Tin
officers will bo i publicly Installed ThurMlaj
evening of this wok. .
At a meeting ! of the Kearney camp tin
following officers for the ensuing year wen
elected : Thomas Edney , vcncrablo consul
Warren Sherory worthy consul ; C. II
Cherry , clerk ; TO F. Crossloy , banker ; T. A
Tollofson , escort ; J. A. Van Meter , watch
man ; T. J. Scottscntry.
The Oakland camp made the followlii )
selections at the annual election of officers
W. A. llardlngi consul ; Potcr Palmer , ad
visor ; E. A. Griffin , clerk ; W. W. Hopkins
banker ; F. G. Pulmqulstescort : P. J. Clarl
and M , L. Arthur , physicians ; F. F. Parker
watchman ; Hails Hanscn , sentry ; Ed A
Bauch , delegate ; William Hutchluson , alternate
nato ; Henry Neumann , manager.
At the regular meeting of Hazel Dell cam ]
No. 700 of Edgar Monday evening the follow
Ing officers were elected : K. O. Blowers , V
C. ; J. A. Gco , W. A. ; D. W. Van Homo
clerk ; G. A. liyor , R. B , ; Will Montgomery
escort ; Eugene Lane , watchman ; J. A. How
ard , sentry ; D. F. Anderson , physician
Herman Boynton and T. B. McClcllan , man
ugcrs ; James McNally , delegate.
Maple camp No. 045 of this city , at the las
. _ . regular meeting , elected officers as follows
! 0 Consul , George W. Hoynolds ; adviser , WII
11 Ham Lyons ; banker , N. P. Swaiisou ; clerli
' P. U. Kehroeder escort . . . W. Johnson
! 'j 1 \s llll Ul lt i ; V0-u , George ,1. IUIIIID I1I
watchman , M. It. Fowler ; bccretar.v , A. 1 :
! 0 Kastiminj nnuuiBcrs , Walter Walker
Hiram A. Jones ; physicians , J. 1' .
Wllllaiu lj. Hess anil Charles J ) . Spra'nt (
delegates , W. A. Haundurs and N. 1 * . Hwui
son ; altcmiitcs , U. 1) . Bhnms and A. A
liuchunan. At the mcctini , ' l-r' inuinhci
were In attendance. The oflicers will bo h
stalled Thursday evening of this week.
The lire in the Continental block Tu
night destroyed ull tlio iiuraphcrualla <
Onmlm cam ] ) No. 120 , including the languid-
cent silk Imiiucr , The property wns pnr-
lially Insured. The innniiKcrs have secured
the now Patterson lodpo room at the south-
cast corner of Seventeenth nnd Fnrnam
streets , and Wednesday night the now ofll-
cers will bo Installed there In the presence
of all Woodmen nnd their families who de
sire to attend. After the Installation the
hall will ho turned over to the head camp of
lioyal Neighbors of America , which will bo
in session In this city next Avcck , nnd they
will exemplify their work for
the benefit of those present , The
two camps will then proceed
to entertain each other after thnt Inimitable
style for Which they are both famous , and It
Is safe tonsume that the occasion will be
one IOIIR to ho remembered by those fortun
ate enough to bo In attendance.
r The camp lire was lighted at Clark's ballon
Fourtccnthtstrcct last Wednesday night , an
uiiusuallylargo number of woodchoppcrs being
In attendance. Seven ncwrineiubers were
adopted after which the annual election wns
held , resulting as follows : V. C. , C. H. T.
Klopoitj W. A. , H. T. . Unborn ; K. H. , O. F.
Klsiisser ; C. , C. K. Allen ; R , AI. Dukes ; W. ,
Max Homey : S , , ,1. Woodward ; physicians ,
J. F. I'rcsacll , L , A. Mcrrlam ; manager , L.
D. Hoyt.
1 loyal Arraninn.
Knoxall council , No. HlVI. of South Omaha ,
will have a public Installation of ofllcers
Tuesday evening , January 3 , to which the In
dies and gentlemen friends of the members
have been invited. Tlio oflicers and
members of Union I'aclllc and I'louccr
councils , Omaha , and Fidelity coun
cil , Council Bluffs , will ho present and a
right royal time Is anticipated. The follow
ing select program will bo rendered :
Address Dr. W. .1. Hell
1'lano ( Int'l
Ir. ) llerwlck and Mr. Sl , l.amlshorg
Messrs. Carlcy , Oooilman Hammond and
, , . lo/.7elle. !
Hun jo duet
Messrs. II. Smith and ( . ! . licllcnhcck
Mrs. Ij. ( 'ai'icnter nnd Miss Jennie ( iraham
Cornet solo Mr. . ) . I' . Carh-y
I > uit ! Mr. and Mrs. K. S. lliimmonil
Ianmiiiarti't ! |
Messrs. Uvllcnheek. Haumgartner , Smith
and Huf.
Duet..Hi-v.O. N. Dawsoii nnd Mr. 1.C. ! Youne
MesM-s. Ourley , ( tdodiiiuu , llamnionil
and Ifo/wllc.
Address Dr. K , h. Sluelas
Theiustallationof oflicers will bo conducted
by Deputy Supreme Itcgent A. V. Ill-ink ,
assisted by the oflicers of Union PiiclUe coun
cil , Omaha , and Deputy Supreme Hegcnt W.
II. Uronson of Brooklyn , N. Y.
Refreshments will bo served after the cer
Knll-litx of I'ythlas.
The Norfolk Knights elected the following
oflicers for the ensuing year at the last
regular meeting : C. J. Chapman , chancellor
commander ; TJ. C. Mittelstadt , vice chan
cellor ; C. E. Doughety , master of exchequer ;
John Murer , master of finance ; J. W. Hose ,
keeper of records and seal ; David Hccs ,
prelate ; W. II. Dexter , master of arms.
After the transaction of business the lodge
indulged in an impromptu baiufuet of ginger
bread , cider and cigars , and passed tin hour
or two in a happy and social manner.
Triangle lodge No. 54 of this city is making
great preparations for the public installa
tion Thursday evening of the newly elected
oflicers. After the ceremonies the guests
will bo invited to dance , and all will ho wel
come. The following are. the oflicers chosen :
Past chancallor , Hndnor Worthing ; chancel
lor commander , M. U. Foster ; vice chancel
lor , A. II. Dnuble ; prelate.George C.fallen ;
master of exchequer , A. F. Wolf ; master of
finance , Chris Uoyor ; keeper of records and
seal , II..I. Wells ; master of arms , Frank
Snyder ; inside guard , George W. Elbourn ;
ousside guard , Thomas M. Stuart.
Kojat Arch Masons.
Thursday evening the oftlccrs-elect and ap
pointed of Ophir lodge of Schuylcr were in
stalled. The installation ceremonies were
conducted by Excellent Grand Scribe
Phelps. Those present enjoyed nn oyster
supper after adjournment. The ofllcers in
stalled are as follows : High priest , W. D.
Fletcher ; king , Fred ICropf ; scribe , T. W.
Whitman ; captain of the host , W. W. Hecs ;
principal sojourner. V. Maly ; royal arch
captain , II. U. Wright ; grand master of the
third vail , John C. Sprechcr ; grand master
of the'second vail , C. C. Cannon ; grand mas
ter of the first vail , V. W. Sutherland. S.
Fuhrman is secretary. C. C. Cannon treas
urer , and George . Allen sentinel.
The oitlcers of Palmer chapter No. S3 of
Wilber installed at the last meeting are as
follows : A. N. Dodson , II. P. ; Charles
Whipplc , K. ; S. P. Ojeis , S. ; J. H. Grimm ,
C. of 1I.P. ; F. Dodson P.S.J. ; F. Chaloupka ,
H. A. , captain J. 1C. Mallat , of the post ,
third grand master of veil ; J. F. Early , second
end grand master of veil ; Frank Chaloupkn ,
first grand master of veil ; F. V. Shnuats ,
treasurer ; F. J. Sadilck , secretary ; T. J.
Taylor , sentinel.
Cliuptrr "I tli ICustorn Stnr.
Last evening the members of Adah chap
ter of South Omaha gave a reception and
banquet in Masonic hall. The attendance
was large , and ninny friends of the members
enjoyed for the first time the hospitality of
the Eastern Star ladies. A pleasant feature
of the evening was the rendition of the fol
lowing excellent program :
gong Pouth Onuilia Quartet
Daniels , Curl ; , Norrls and Uoz/.i-lli ! .
Recitation . . . .Dulu Talhot
Id-citation l-nnny SliibiiiiKli
Instrumental music Miss Anna Glasgow
Kecllntlon ailv , Hello Stewart.
Trio ii"'M-Vsk'
Kecltatloii . . .Mrs. hi/or
Violin music -Mrs. J.nrrnr .
Mrs. < - -
Foul- ri-sM-y
lluultiitlou . . .MabloMayllcliI
Itocltatlon MIss Anna Ili-iiytun
Instrumental music . . .'Snviiiso
Hreltntioi Miss Tina Hot-holt ,
Music- Mr.Hiitlii'i-lniul
Kocltatlon .Muster Ham McDonald
Manl'iiiii' ' i.aiir. iiliiiu-liu ( ilnsfflnw , Ktta
Krlon , Oiaco Itlchardsun.
liuloirnili'iit ] UrilrrsiiT I'orrhtcrn.
The Independent Order of Foresters held
its regular meeting Friday evening , Decem
ber" : ! , at Us handsome hall In Tin : IJr.i :
building , There was a largo attendance ,
considering the Inclement weather that pre
vailed , and several important mutters were
discussed. This ledge ( or i-ourt ) is young
yet , only having been instituted last summer ,
but it has made rapid progress and bids fall
to rival some of the older fratenul organba.
tions. The principal feature of this
association Is that all members stop paying
at TO years , anil then their mniioy is refund
ed , besides being Insured up to that age. 'It
Is is therefore a good business Investment , tc
say nothing of the social advantages. Can
didates are coming in fast , and as soon at
the peculiar benellts of the order are more
widely known , there Is no doubt its member
ship roll will DO largely Increased.
Suns of Vt-ti-niliK.
E. H. Wells camp No. T2 of South Oimihr
has elected the following ofllccrs : Captain
II. L. Kelly ; first lieutenant , Fivd Utter
second lieutenant , John HerghofT ; cam ]
council , I ou Etter , Will Griffiths and WII
Osborno ; state representative , F. L. Erion
The state encampment of the Sons of Vet
crans will bo held in West Point In June.
Unllril Onlcr of Trim Itiinil ,
The grand ledge of the order will convent
In annual session In this city Tuesday
January 10. A good attendance Is lookei
for and the members of the local orders art
making great preparations to receive and en
tertain the delegates and visitors.
South Omaha ledge No. 55 has elected tin
following oitlcers : Treu master , Josepl
Probust ; bunds master , Adolpn Furot ; re
cording secretary. Henry Waltz ; financial
secretary , Hud lint-tit ; treasurer , Frank
Humport ; gulilo , John Sticker ; warden , . !
Ilcstenlohtier ; Inside watch , N. llhtmo ; out
side wnteh. F. Schnltzlns ; trustees , llrnry
Martin , Fred Anult nnd Otto Mnutrrj
finance coinnitttce. Henry Martin , Joseph
Probust and Adolph l' > irct ; delegates to
grand lodge , Jncob Jnskalek and Hud Hnrtz.
Aljihn Hnvod tlio Itnnnrr.
Alpha camp No. 1 , Woodmen of the World ,
wns one of the organizations rendered
homeless by the burning of the Continental
block last Tuesday night. The camp wns
very fortunate , however , lit the fact that
the elegant new banner , lately presented It ,
was saved by the thoughtfulness of Sovereign
eign Fred J. Sackett , nnd other valuable
property wns saved by Sovereign J. S.
McDonald , thus leaving the total loss
less than { flOO. The camp held an en
thusiastic meeting at Patterson's hall
Thursday evening , nnd the board of man
agers were Instructed to replace all missing
paraphernalia at once and to lease the hall
In Barker block for a period of four mouths ,
so the work of the camp will suffer no inter
ruption. The following officers were elected
for the ensuing .year : Consul commander ,
W. N. Dorwnrd ; advisory lieutenant , George
/ . Colt ; banker , George J. Fox ; clerk , C. U.
Allen ; escort , Fred M. Youngs ; watchman ,
H. M. Walker : sentry , U. K. Wcstcott ; mem
ber of board of managers. Fred -J. Sackett ;
physicians , Drs. L. A. Merriiim , J. E. Chats-
sen and Prcssnell.
These ofllccrs will be Installed at the next
regular meeting in Barker's block. A com
mittee Is arr-inulng for a grand hall to bo
given at Washington hall January 17 , the
Alphlans intending to keep up their record
as popular entertainers.
I.OIHCS lii tlio HlK' 1'lro.
Tuesday night's tire In the Continental
block was disastrous for several of the
secret societies of this city , and they lose
several thousand dollars. The fourth lloor
was elegantly fitted up for ledge purposes
and Myrtlolodgc , Knights of Pythias , suffers
to the extent of about $ tX)0. ( ) To furnish the
ledge room the members had paid their dues
for some months In advance , mid ns tliey
parried no insurance the loss will bo very
keenly felt , as not an article was saved from
the destructive flames. The Order of Hed
Men sustainoil a loss of Sl/.iOO , with insur
ance amounting to $1,000 ,
The lodge room was occupied Jointly by the
Modern Woodmen of America , the Woodmen
of the World , the Ancient Order of United
Workmen and the Commercial Pilgrims of
America , these lodges being tenants. Each
lost papers and paraphernalia and sustained
quite severe losses.
New quarters in the Patterson block have
been secured by the Ancient Onlcr of United
Workmen and Modern Woodmen of America ,
and the other lodges will soon bo provided
with places for meeting.
Inilr | > nulcnt Order nl'Ciiiul Ti'inplai-s.
Particular pride is taken by the members
of Mayflower lodge , No. 1 , in their society
and the excellent meetings they have and
the great interest manifested in the work of
the order. At the last mooting on the even
ing of the twenty-seventh , at the lodge
room. Thirty-second and Ames avenue.
Chief Templar Miller presided , and
the attendance was largo notwith
standing the severe weather. Two
applications for membership were received ,
and favorably reported upon. The program
fop the evening included a recitation by Miss
Georgia God'dard , and Fred Williams re
lated his adventures on a hunting expedi
tion. Lee Forbey , a member of Life Uoat
ledge No. 150 , interested those present with
a short talk.
A general invitation is extended by May
flower lodge to all members of the order to
attend the meetings.
I'oreitor.s Knjiiy Tlii-insrlvrs. .
A merry crowd gathered at Gcrmania hall
Friday night , and participated In the grand
masquerade ball given by Court Eclipse No.
107 Independent Order of Foresters. The
evening's entertainment was u very pleasant
ono , the masques were numerous , including
many beautiful costumes , nnd the partici
pants had a royal , good time.
OoHslji from the Auto Kooms.
Doric lodge Knights of Pythias of Cedar
Bluffs is fitting up a new lodge room.
A cam ] ) of the Woodmen of the World will
bo organised at South Omaha within a few
Nebraska lodge No. 1 Knights of Pythias
will install the newly elected oflicers
Wednesday evening.
The recently elected ofllcers of state ledge
No. 10 Independent Order of Oild Fellows
will be installed Monday.
The jurisdiction of Illinois will probably
put up an Ancient Order of United Work
men building at the World's fair.
The members of the Knights of Pythias
: odgc of Pierce gave one of those enjoyable
parties Friday night for which they are
The Junior Order of American mechanics
liivo a social Wednesday evening in Masonic
liall at South Omaha. The affair was a
success in every particular.
Lily lodge NO. HO Knights of Pythias of
Valparaiso , gave its first annual ball on llio
evening of December 10 , and it was u success
financially , as well as socially.
A public installation of Omaha council No.
4-IUof the National union will bo held Mon
day evening at 7:30o'clock : ut lioyal An-annm
hall la TUB Biu : building. All members of
the National union in this city are invited to
Mrs. W. D. Whalcn , whoso death ocennvtl
in this city Wednesday , was u member of
Lillian temple , Pythian Sisters of South
Omaha. The beautiful floral services of the
Sisterhood were conducted by the ladles of
Lillian temple.
The following officers of the C. S. P. S.
lodge of Wilber were elected for the coming
year : President , James Shafranka ; secre
tary , William Bohaeek ; treasurer , Joseph
Kaura ; deputy , Louis Borecky ; guard , F. J.
Sadilek ; trustees , John Xwonccheck , Frank
Chalounka and Joseph Hichlarik.
llnp lit the Fort.
The fortnightly hop at the garrison Friday
evening was more largely attended by Omnhn
pcoplo than usual , and in consequence a most
delightful evening was experienced hy those
present. Tlio fort parties are always
pleasant , ami the ono Friday evening ipiito
einphiibUort the assertion that army pcoplo
have well learned the lessons of
what constitutes charming entertain
ment. Among those present were noticed :
Dr. ami Mrs. Spenser , Mr.s. Worth , Lieuten
ant ami Mrs. Wright , Lieutenant and Mrs.
Van Lieu , Captain Klnx.ic , Kln/.lu , Cap
tain and Mrs , Keller , Mrs. Waring , Miss
Waring , Captain and Mrs. Turner , Lieuten
ant llines. Llmitoiinnt Bookmlllur. Lieuten
ant Powell , Lieutenant Prince. Those from
town were : MIH , Dr. Brown , Miss id-own ,
Lieutenant Quay , Captain Crowder , Captain
Day , Miss Forsytho , Miss Lemon , Miss Wil
liams , Miss Curtis , Miss Doano , Miss Emily
Wakelev , Miss Mills , Miss Lomlst , Miss
Hieliaiiis , Miss Himobaugh , Mr. AI Patrick ,
Mr. Berlin , Mr. Guloii , Mr. Plurro Uarneuu ,
Clark Hcdlck , Mr. Chat Hcdlck , Mr. Will
Crnrv , Mr. Boughton , , MM.
Whel.-ler , Mr. Haldritlgo , Mr. and Mrs. J. 1C.
Chambers , Miss IJiims , Mr. Nat Crary.
- - *
A Tiilo nf Two Dlimrrti.
The ladles of the Omaha City Mission
take pleasure In acknowledging tlio receipt
of u great quantity of provisions which were
sent to 110 North Tenth street for the basket
dinner on the 31th , when IB ! baskets were
given to the needy. Also for the unniinl dinner
for the. children of the Industrial and Sunday
schools , which took place on Thursday , the
li'Jth , when ! WO cold and hungry young por-
bens were wanned and filled and sent
homo rejoicing , each with a liberal candy
bag tucked way as u bouvcnir of the blissful
The only Pure Cream f Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum ,
Used hi Millions of Homes 40 .Years the Standard.
occtislon. Grateful thanks are duo to t-ho
ninny kind friends o ( tlio mission Who cnt
the good thlnps. The folle-wliiR Is n list of
tmnics of donors' For the basket dinner
Tlio Swift packing house. Cudnhy packing
liottso , Sloan & Johnston , Henits Hng com
pany , Mr , Allen's class First Presbyterian
church , Saratoga soliool , Mr. Ooddnrd , $1 ;
ICnlin Bros , , Mcsilnmcs J , 0. Drown ,
IlucMon , Ixiomts , Guy Dnrton , Moncll ,
Falconer , Schrlvcr , Hunter , T , I' . Bruaner ,
Morse , Hess , Pu h , Plcak , Moritr Meyer ,
Wallace , Gtlmoro , Heltons , O. Patterson ,
Hclden , Knmgo ; Misses Hat-rows , Wrtlkwr ,
Shlppey , Messrs , Cole , Dressert. HoltoTf ,
Hainan , Policeman Drady and others who
did not wish their names mentioned. List
of donors to tlio children's dinner
is ns follows : Pe.velto Hros , , IX M.
Stcelo , t Co. , Mi-Cord , Hrndy \ . Co. ,
Paxton. Gallagher , t Co. , Allen Hros. , Waterloo
lee Creamery , Mesdnmes J. H Mlllai-d , J. M.
Woolworth , l-evl Carter , K/ra Mlllnrd.J. J.
Mori-oil , HoltV. . ( J. Maul , ICIllott A. P.
Hopkins , Hivrmu-d Cole , .1. H. .lardlne , Col-
potzer , G. Lake , GilTord Mintou , Grossman.
Garrett , Hurket. Glnlmau. Colllna. Mike
Maul , Wormlcy , Huwley. Hlerbower. WA.
Sharpe , Wallace , \V. H. Hobcrts. AJIsses
Downs , Colter. Oorbv. Messrs Grlggs , Hal-
miff. Koeder , Kuhne , W. H. Dennett. Cgltmcl
Hirtl , Mr. tSarneau , Mr. Fleming , the M1U
lam and Ksmond hotels.
An Altrrntiiin Trii ,
Among the most dainty and elegant of Ihs
cntcrtaituncnta given for the young people
homo for the holidays was MlsH Ncllla
Gallagher's afternoon tea. The tea
tabjo with ita perfect appoint
ments mm * the bevy of beautiful
young ( jlrls surrounding It was successfully
photographed by the lucky IMSSCS.SOIof n ,
kodak. Curds and other amusements finIshed -
Ished a delightful day. Those present were :
Mary Tnggart , Funny MeGavnek , Allen
Furay , Mabel Harber , Hose Khelbv. Anita
Keller , Myrn McClelland , Mmde Keller. May
Mi-Shane , Maggie McKhanc , Anna Crolghtou ,
Freilerlclc Wessels. Tlio hostess wus as *
sisted by Nellie McShano.
Surprlsnl n Si'liiinlnmtr.
Mr. Harry Frank , a son of Mr. Albyn
Frank , ISM South Thirty-Ural street , who la
ut home from the Lincoln university for the
holidays , was pleasantly surprised last eve-
nlug by the members of the Sunday school
class of the Westminster Prcsiiytorlan
church , of which ho Is a member. Not
withstanding that it was really a stirprlsa
that surprised , the young folks were royally
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Frank , who
hail been told the secret.
The members of the class present wcroj
Amio Howell , Sadie Hurbank , Ether HUllo ,
Erma Drlshouse. Llz/.lo Canihcll , Nellie
Kandol , Mabel Boyd , Claud Cunniiigtunu ,
Wllllard Kriedler. Leon Hoyd , Everett Ab
bolt , Harry Fran ! : .
Piles of people nave piles , but loWitts
Witch Hazel salvo will euro them.
/.i/f itir.n.
Xutlccs itf Her linen or ( MS iimlcr tills lic < iilJftu (
cents ; tneh ( itMIIfoiwI 'die ten roi' . .
iTiMTiTrTATjTy Aii rHirFumrrrin. h r :
luri7 ) ! , 1HL ! ) , liy tlio Iti-v. " .lolm dray , .lusslo
Kmery of Liverpool , Kng. , anil It , I ) . A. Wudo
of Savannah , ( ! : i.
! : . I 77f.
Xottrrx itf flrf "flits iir lets nntlrr till * hful'Jl/lu
ccnls ; fiic/i / ut'if'lfmml line ten eentn.
SMITII On 27lh lilt. , nt'j)3-J ; ) I'ralrlu iivc-mio.
( 'hlciDTo , AiHUH- . Smith , .son of the Into
David Smith ut Ulusgow , Scotland , aged 27
. . . - . . . . layu . . _
icqticsti'il In attend at their hull Sunday , Jun
nary 1 , at ' 2 p. m. , to mnku iirriimiim'iits foe
demist'il brother , Samuel Stephcnson.
older of the president.
The history of the
shows a steadily rising tide of popu
larity and success. It is absolutely
unrivalled for all the essential qtiul
ities of a first-class writing machine *
1867. I'lrst Invention of the Typowrltof
. now known IIH thn ItumliiKtoa
Sl'uiduri ! . A few tniichlnus ninda
hy hand iltirlni ; this mill tlio fob *
lowliiK yours.
Tim rcnuatuil experiments of tha
. liivuntors liuvln , ; voimiwhut lin-
priivuil npim llio llrst. c-ruiln nt- *
toinptv ItwiiKhroiiulit to tlio Item *
hiKtnn fuclnry ut Illlori , N. V.
1874. After moro linn a year of palns-
. taUInK labor on tlui part of many
ahlu mucJiuiilral oxpurtH tliu ( Irst
KimmiKton-inailu machlnou word
put upon llio market.
Six yuan after , only 1.000 ma-
188O. olilnus hud noon Holt ) . Tlio pnhllo
worn slow to roallzo tlio vuluoof
tlio InvLMiUmi.
Tliu nuii.Uor increased to " ,809
1882. muchlnt'u.
1 CJ5 ? K l-'lvo thousnnil machlnm wore oH
JLOOfJ. this yonr , H grow in popular Ja
vor. In
hud rlson to23,0.0 machines
189O. f , num ,
I'lmlH our Htandlriff orders to our
factory of iOU imicliliii'n pur ilusf
lnaile'iuiiti ' ) to inoiit tliu raulUly
ItiL'realn ; ( Ionian ; ! .
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
1712 arnam Si. , Omaha.
I bog to call 'tho aUontion of the pub-
He to llio above popular hriiml of pura
rye whlBKy and reapoctfully ask a uomi
p'arlson with any olhoi- brand of pura
rye olToro'i in th in market. U in fav
superior to any other whifiky nnd I
guarantee u absolute excellence in
flavor na it us itn purity nnil ita whole-
soinoolTowoll The public is invited to
call and
Hon-y Hiller.010 N. lOih St. , family
wlno and liquor houao. Eamnnd hotel
_ , . - - . , " - . . -
vllili ( liuliliH'lio , , liuldtlocfaet.
JlullUuclie * . lluUlui. MKlitlngnlo *
fto ulverr roaiuimlilu prlcm.
( jolillltli J5o unil.uo oucli. f'liU
.ililjf Wo uii. Illrd I iik'J' Tloup ,
1'ni ; lm 110 OJ. M , Ili'iimr4
l'upVlc | > llt > .Ob 10 100. nuil OIU
\Yulcb.iporlluk-nu'l ' Toruugi.
Geisler's ' Bird Store ,
400 N , 10th Bt.OinAu u.