Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1893, Part One, Page 6, Image 15

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I'IPTP ITIniM'i > io T i T II
Oonncil Bluffs Shows Up a Splendid Record
'for tlio Old Year.
I low the lltiftlnrM Mm frd mill Talk Their
i : prrlciKe * uncl I'Mrpimra ( Jronth of
Trnilo ) nnil 1'rospeilii fcir ( lie
In turning ilonn ' 03 Council Blurt' * put on
n stnllo of satisfaction at llto result of the
twelve months' \votk. It's been Rood year
not n boom } car tn fact , Council muffs
wants no more boom. Solid pains , steady
Krowth , is what she wants , Is what she
Is Retting.
Now for the farts , without push or senti
ment , or sophomorlc ! wi King apainst space.
One of the most Important cncntsof the now
year is the starting of active work on the
bridge connecting Knst Omaha with Council
Ditto's , the laying of railway traolts , and the
other work done tinder the control of Mr.
John W rant. Wonderful changes In the
bottoms hiiio been staited , and they seem
but the beginning of wondcis The predic
tion is confidently made that tliocntcipilses ,
the actual woik of which was commenced
last icar , will result In such Important
changes anil improvements In the future as
to cause all to look back to 1M)2 ) as the most
Important turning point in the history of
Council HlulTs
How about the city's wallet ?
Assessed valuation , $ > ,4M000. which , un-
ilcr the peculiar method In NOKUO hero , is
not over one louith of thoieal valuation.
Taxes have been ieduced from auja mills to
21 mills.
About tin ; CItj'fl riiiiinrrft.
Council Hluffs has been lapldlv paying off
Its debts The past jear It lias paid off $11V
000 of bonds , and has issued only * . ' ) . : )0 ) ,
thus dcci casing its bonded indebtedness
$83,000 There has also been a decrease in
the amount of general wauants outstanding
of about * 30KX ( ) , and a decrease of "i,000 In
water fund wauants.
Cyi'hUH Council Hluffs lias reduced its In
debtedness this $ lM'iOD ! (
City wairanls hn\e Jumped ii ] ) from ' .ID
cents to U cents
ICcononii in i ily aflahs has been telling
The ordinary miming expenses of the city
for Ih'Jl , not including special stieet im
provements , Judgments paid , etc , vveio
about $ H'J,000 The past jcar they have
reached onli flJKt.WK ) , m.ikiuc * a decrease in
running expenses of fS.WK ) .
To this should bo added the cost of the
new city hall , which is included in the
amount nbovo for IMfcJ , ami which amounted
to $10,000 The building lias been paid for
nnd the tnxp.tjcts have h.irdly known it.
Thus cconomj has rcallv lednced the run
ning expenses of the cit > for Ib'.tt $18GOO.
\ The same llnancial hc.ilthfulness charac
terizes the conimcrcial circles of the eiti.
The banks. , six in number , with a capital of
$000,000 , to say nothing of their incicablng
sill plus , have pin sued a consci vativo policy
nnd may well feel ptoiul of the fact that
through all the perilous events of a quarter
Of n century Council niuirs has never had a
bank falluie. The Kimhall & Champ
Investment company was the gieatest
failure this eitj has o\cr had , but the bankIng -
Ing department was in no wn.invohcd , and
not a dollar lost to any depositor This
record is one which low cities in the whole
land can equal The incieasc in the sat ings
of the people , as sllown from the bank
reports , show that the wage workers are
prospci ing.
Sumo of the Xow ItiilltllllRK.
It is difticult to get at the building im
provements fortlie year because not one-
half of these who build comply with the
ordinance requiting the taking out of a per
mit. The stubs in the present book lonn
but n trifling part of the rceoul , there being
but ninety-sex en , the total amount reaching
only $118,0s,1" . In one locality in the city
twenty-tin eo residences weto put up
tills year and not one of them
is rccoided on the permit book.
Tlicioaro so inani smh instances that the
building rccoid is valueless. The amount of
building impro\ements may safel.v bo esti
mated tit between . . ! 00,0H ( ) and $ -100,000.
Among the most notable improvements are
the a1 implement waichouses , that
of U. A. Wiekham , for the Pioneer company ,
costing nt least $ .15,000 : the one being built
by Dan Carrigg , costing neatly as much.
An extensive plant for lighting and heating
railway cars has been put in near the trans
fer , at a cost of $10,000. Wheeler & Harold
have put § 5,000 into a cold stor
age warehouse. O Lower lias
Bpent thousand dollars in hotel
improvements , while tlioDcchtcl hotel , later
known us the Hotel Gordon , is being tians-
formed into a mammoth funiituie house
The Uty hull has been improved this year
to the extent of s > 10fXX ) Numcious other
improvements such as the laige livery stable
of Terwilligersand thoSanboin block , mark
the progress of the jear
The churches have not only been adding
to the moral ninth of the city , but also to its
inatciial improvement. The Free Metho
dists have been struggling llko heioes , and
havu got their improvements stinted
Grace Episcopal has got its
site selected and its plans drawn
Tlio Danish Lutheran at Seventh stieet and
Seventeenth avenue , has elected a line
church. The German Evangelical church
has put up a 1,000 chinch , and the Swedish
IiUthoiim is lifting $ . "i,000 for a church at the
coinur of Mill and Seventh sheets. The
other churches have been nuking improve
ment ! ! , starting missions and manifesting in
all wajs greater activity than foryeaispast.
.llonils nnil siutlslltH.
Talking of saints naturally suggests sin
ncrs. Their number scorns decreasing Tlueo
years ago the police anests numbered 1,01,1 ;
two ycais ago 1,705 , and tlio past year only
l,4q t.
--City Marshal Templeton , besides eating
for prlsoneis in the county Jail , lias provldeif
forl.S8 ! lodgers. Tlio pievious jear tlio mini
ner reached 570 , so it seems that the humbler
classes of society aio ( hiding woik moieplen
ty or misfoi tunes less numerous
Th city marshal has collected fines ant
licenses 10,701,55 , , and with the amount pair
In dlioetlj'at the city clerk's , ofllco , tlio 10
ceipts fiom its fund will icach close to
f.W.OOO. 3i
EjTbo county jail begins the now year will i
prisoner of tlio uulueky number of thiiteon
Thonumberof commitment.s to the Jail dm Ing i
the year was I'.U.afow less than the pre
vious year. The total number sent to the
penitentiary tlio past year was twenty-two
whoso total sentences amounted to over
thirty-four yeais , Of those lommlttcd tci
the county Jail licit ) , only Iil7 claimed to be
residents of Iowa , the others hailing from
elsewhere , twenty-four being fiom Omaha
This beluga gi eat railway center as well in
the state border , many of the cilmlnil :
caught hero belong olsow licie.
MiirrliiK 'H mill Children.
From these capuied by the sheriff to tiios
captured byCumd is a great Jump , but lovu
us well as crime , comes into tlio ycar'i
record. Jlmmlo lY'iilon. wltli a bUishlnj ,
aiullo , lays down MO marriage licenses as the
year's showing , eight loss than the previous.
year ,
From mairingo to elilldren Is a natural
change of thought , How about the public
schools ? A four-room addition has been
built to Avcnuo I ) school house , costing
about $0,000 ; two rooms havu been added to
the Twentieth avenue building at n
.A cost of about 1,000 ; a 110.000
. school building is in process of construction ,
comer of Madison and ICappcl avenue.
Council Bluffs 1ms i eason to be proud of its
schools. Itpajsuuton them about f 100,000
j early , about half of which goes for teachers ,
of whom are about ninety. There nru
In the city about 7,000 | x > rsons of school ago ,
entitled to attend school. Tlio daily artend-
nuoo is over 11,000 , and llio enrollment about
Si,600. Tlio present beating capac
ity of tlio buildings is 4,500. Some
of the buildings are oveivrouded , wlillo
others have scats tospaio In the natural
discussion of schoolroom capacity it is u
suggestive coincidence1 ! that there nros :
many scuts us there are voters * in the city ,
la tlio proportion of one school pupil fur every
voter n correct onet
Including the school buildings , valued ut
about 100.000 , the govci nmcnt , state aiul
county building * , churchc * aud hospitals ,
Council Hluffs has In public buildings $2 ,
Sumo < liy I'rnlurrs.
There nro 2" > miles of street , twcntv
miles of them pax oil. There nro sixteen
miles of main sewers and nine miles of
branch sow ere
I'ho public library hn about 10,000 veil
selected volumes , nnd although nil have fteo
use of It the ell ) has never suffered the loss
of n slnulo Iwolc. It costs the tax-payers
about $ IXX ! ) n year to maintain It.
The two hospitals , St Hcnuml's and the
Women's Christian association's , have ilono
grand work the past year , nnil by the gener
ous i espouse to calls the public has enabled
thoio In ehargo to make numerous Improve
ments ,
A tlt.v of paiks No other city of 110,000
population in the wliolo world can boast of
flavins tlliJ acres of public parks , nnd the
commissioners nto planning on inci casing
this establishing another small one In thu
western part of the city The city spends
about SIO.lKH ) a jear in maintaining" Im' '
proving them.
The iceonl of real estate transfeis shows
that Council HlulTs has been holding her
own in spite of the depicssion all over the
westein cotintiv The total amount of the
transfers is ls7iul5 ; n"-
Some rirn Protertlnn.
The cfllcicncj of the llto dep.iitment and
the ample suppl.v of vvaler have caused the
fire loss for the vear to be kept down to less
than $ .K,000. ) Tlm dcpai tmcnt has hail sev
enty-live calls , but neaih "II the flies have
been put out before they have done moio
than u nominal diimngo Onlj two losses
t cached $ ! .f > 0c ) or over The most Itnpoi tttnt
bl.wo was that which dcstrojed the Hock
Island freight depot , causing a loss of MO.OOO.
The other Hies caused lo sos ranging fiom
ltofc A ) ' 1 he dupaitment has fem hose
carts , two hook and laddet trucks , ono chem
ical engine and twelve hoi scs , the total vnluo
of the ! npperatus being $10.700. Besides the
chief and clcctiician > only Hi men.
The water wotks company has spent a
snug llttlo sum ol mone.v the past jear in im
proving the servke One of the laigo icser-
\oirsatthoiivei bus becuiebuilt and a lingo
amount of money spent on the Olcn avenue
rese > rxolr. The works have a cap.ultv nniply
suilicle'iit for iiclt ) nf 100 ( XXI people. There are
over IXXI,000 ( feet of water mains , and ST5
lire hjdr.ints.
The illy has seventeen miles of electiio
stieel car serxlee and four miles of steam
stieet car line
The State School for the Deaf , located
near the city , stitlctcd to the extent of
& iXM ( from llu- last summer , but this does
not fall propciIj in the citj's Hie iceonl.
Hi.ill h Itrconl.
The statistics kept by City I'hvsician Jen
nings shows a \ satisfactory iceonl of
the health of the city Theio weie L',10
deaths during the jear , or tin average of
less than 10 ! per month There have been
" ' . .leases of contagious diseases lepottcil , a
rather large number , to bo vuv , until It is
taken into consideration that last sprintf
there was un epidemic of the measles , thcie
being 181 cases icported This icduccs the
list nf serious cases considerably over half.
That nogreat epidemic took place is shown
bj the fact that thcto weie only 14 deaths
fiom contagious diseases dining the j-car.
Dr. Jennings atliibutcs the ficedom from
contagious diseases to the rigid iiuarnntino
laws and the stiict enforcement of the ordi
nances icliitiinr to the cleanliness of the
citj' . The late of mortality in Council
Blufls is lower than in anj other city in the
ri/ : or TKAIH : .
IIo tlio Arlrrlrs of flic flly Throb Wltli
tin * Itliiinl ttf Inilu trj.
The following intcmcns with well known
business men indicate somewhat how the
jear has come and gone Xevcr has there
been expiesscd greater s itistaction with the
past or more conlldcnco in tlio future. It is
tlie ono noticeable featute of the jear that
every merchant looks back with gratification
on achiev ements past and forw ard w ith IIODC ,
as tlio exjnebsions hctito attached indicate :
1'iiregnf * Mooie.
"Watch which way the smoke goes if you
want to know which waj * the tiado wind is
blowing , " quaintlj' icm.iiked William Mooto
of the well known wholesale cigar house of
Porcgoy & Moore , when asked how the
year's trade had been What do I mean ?
Just this. When crops ate poor and pikes
woiso and everything seems going to the
povv-vvovvs , m.inj' a fellow contents himself
with a coincob , with an occasional nicklo
cigar , but the minute there's a little
of Uio Hush , a 10 icent straight is none too
good. That is whv we cigar men aio in
picttj' good condition to judge of the trade
genetallj Krom the fact that wo ha\e sold
thisj-eara laiger pioportion of flno goods
than wo did last .vear , I know times Irue
been better through this section. Our total
trade too , has inci eased about $50,000. Wo
thought we had i cached the limit some
\eaisago , but each vcarshowsa gain. Docs
this come from inci casing our tcrri-
torj ? No ; vo reach out prettj' well.
As far west as Wjoming and
Montana , but v.o'vo been milling no new
tcriitorv The gain comes fiom the oldold
Held. How do 1 account for lit Well , \cry
naturalij' too , I think it is duo to tlie fact
that wo aie an old linn that makes me
think our llrm will reach its majority and be
able to vote this month 'Jl j cars old. Wo
never let the quality of our brands dtop
That's another reason Thousands of
smokers thioughout tlio west won't smoke
nnj thing unless the box. bears our name , and
these consumers beat jour newspaper adver
tising all to pieces Once in a while no hear
some ono saj- that ho got some Santa Hosas
ut some place or other , and that they were
not so good as thej used to be Of course ,
wo know that they aio Justus good , and it
don't take long to lliui out what the tionblu
is about such a kick. Some unscrupulous
dealer , whom the fear of the penitentiary
can't make honest , will get some imitations ,
and after cmptj ing one of our boxes w ill Jill
it with theseothois , and go on selling them
on the sticngth of tlio popularity of our
goods.Vo have run .some such fellows
down , and satislico ] outselves that this
was tlio tiotiblo. You know u poor tiling
isn't woitli imitating. The general pros
perity of the country , the well-known nud
stajing quallU of our goods , and thousufil
amount ol rustling ncces&arj in this western
country , account to mo lor tlie $ r > 0,000 in-
ctcased sales this jear. Wo keep eight men
in the Held , and wltli our incicased facilities
for handling goods In our new ( itmrteis wo
confidently expect to have a still better showIng -
Ing for tlio coining year. Woget lotsofcompli-
VU'iitH on our now qimiteis Traveling men
ami othois who know , declare our salesroom
the airiest , the l.ugest , in fact llncst in
overj'waj of anj'in tlio west. With flfty
icet frontage on each stieut , and loom
enough for a $100,000 stock of cigars , theio's
nothing In this neck of the woody to compare
with it. "
rovvli' .
"So you want to know what wo think of
the old j car , " and Mr. Towlo leached lor
the iccords showing the amount of tlio col
lections , loans , etc , of Ixmgeo it Tovvle , in
vestment bankers , since thej started In bus
iness Torn teen months ago " 1 don't , of
course , want j'ou to publish our private bus-
hies1 * , but I'll show jou the footings Just lor
your own satisfaction " To the astonish
ment of Tin : Bur. man tlie lootings ran up
Into high llgures , nuong the hundicds of
thousands Tlio showing was one that
would make an old Him tip-toe with
pride. "Yes , vvo'io natisllcd witli the
way the business has started. Of course
wo could not have hoped to do so well but
for several fortunate circumstances. A largo
amount of old business was put in our hands
to collect and clean up , mid the
old loans have been paid oil shows mnarka-
lily for the licalthy Hnanclal condition of this
section of countrj' . Another tiling in our
favor has been that although young as a
llrm , wo have both been closely associated
for live j ears or so with many lenders and
borrowers , and have i\ huge acquaintance
ship in this line , Hence wo have had no
tionblo in securing now business. Ou\- \ per
sonal acquaintanceship in the cast enables
us to easily place loans , So as you see , wo
have much to congratulate ourselves noon
What Is the feeling of eastein capi
tal ! It has a healthy contldenco in
tills localltj' , Moro caution is shown
In re gard to tlio icliabillty of the
channels through which loans are made ,
but theio is an assurance that values of ic-
alty in this v icinity w ill not ) > o subject to
lluotuatlons , and whatever change comes
must ho in tlio nat mo ofusteadj' advance. )
The cast oui lenders feel secure , and onlj
need tobonssutcd o ( the icliabillty and in i-
tegrity of tlio western age-lilies. Tlio out I-
look for 'Wi s a blight one , and wo expect to
go right along quietly iucieasing our busi 1-
ness as rapidly us wo can do so with abso
lute safety to all concerned. Yes , we're sat-
Mod u Ith the old , nnd confident of the
W. < t Mntirer.
"I'm not crumbling bv nn\ moans " re
marked W A Manrcr , tlio wholcsilo crock
t'r.v num. ' M.v trade the past jear has been
larger than over before M > entiles nt the
Omaha custom liouso hn\o been greater than
all tlio jobbers of crockery in Omaha put to
gether that Is what the collector's books
show Council Bluffs Is all right as n Jobbing
center I have Iucreaned my t eri I tor.v some
what , and as jou know mj salesroom and
stoie room facilities have been greatly en-
hit god and Improved this joar. In fact It's
been u prospcrous.stieeessfnl jear.aud it looks
as if tlio coming j car would suicly bring an
even linger Increase of trade. "
I'lrnt Niilliinnl Ititnl , .
Oeoigo P. Kanford. ptcsldont of tlie Pltst
National bank , when asked for his views on
the situation , saidBusiness for the ptst
year bus been vcrj prosperous. The whole-
salo-tiade 1ms never been bolter , and collec
tions tin oughout the country have boon ex
cellent The tetallers have had a good boll-
daj trade. The farmers ImM1 had good crops
nnd good pi ices for the past two jo.trs and
are in excellent Hnanclal condition Farm
ing lauds are in excellent demand ; city ical
estate Is looking up , nud in fact tlio outlook
is i most encouraging along all lines ' '
T , 1) . King A : Co.
"It's been a iirotty good old jear , nnd I'd-
hate to part with it if it wasn't that 1 be
lieve thenewoi.o is going to bo a hotter one , "
wns the answer given b.v \ , A. Bergman of
tlio cigar Jobbing and manufacturing llrm of
T 1) King t Co "Our busiiiess Is steadily
growing The past \onr wo sold 'Jlf > Cooo
elgais , and of these 'JtiiiOO : weie
of our own manufactuie At our
brand Our I'artagas we sold 1M,0H ) ( ) during
tlio .vear. Our sales i cached fr.Vi.KiO. which
Is an increase of &l.iiOO ! ! o\or the piovlous
.vear. Wo haven't t cached the end bj anj
means. Next jear wo aio going to onhiige
our territory , and wo will bo working the
Nebraska tiado thoroughlj Wo have
almost twice as manj cigar makers as a jear
ago , and wo hope to keep on doubling up
Yes , times ate all light. "
An hlleetiinil Testimony.
"The architects have their lingers on the
pulse of trade all the time , " said Mr. Wood-
waul of. I C & W Woodward , the active
and vigorous joung architects , who are
building tlio modem homes of the modern
city. "They feel every vaii.ition of that
pulse It has beaten vigoiouslj for the past
jear , and it promises to go bounding along at
a healthy i.ito for the now j car Wo have
on our boatds manj mngnlliccnt homes and
public buildings in the twin cities and sur-
lotmdlng country and aio confident that 1MM
will leave a iccoid that we nil will be
proud of "
Tcsti-il by HiitdiurN '
"I owe dame fortune nothing but thanks , "
said ticotge H. Mcsccnder , the genial gen
tlemen who is about as prominent in the pio-
vislon business in Council Blufls and Omaha
as Ciovernor Holes is in politics , " 1 close the
old jear with square accounts evcrj waj' ,
although 1 may owe a little to the kickers
who have tiled so industrious to down me
dining the last months of the jear I take
it , however , as the very best indications of
the grow th of the city and the infusion of
new blood that they could not succeed in
doing moie than getting a lot of contracts
oft my hands that the increased pi ice
of cattle made losing transactions
The blither business maj not bo
the vcr ) ' best means of indcating the
condition of trade , for people" iflo bound
10eat Thej won't go hungry even if thej
me not rolling in piospeiitj' , but if it Indi
cates anything my business lor the past jear
shows that tlio people of Council BluhS and
Omaha ate exceeding ! ) ' piosperous Mj
Mice-ess has made mo a few enemies of the
old stjle , who believe thej can onlj succeed
when thi-j combine lo pulldown the man
is doing moio than thej' This pure jealousj
and spite is llio sole cause ol the notoriety
that has been give-nine dm ing th" last few
months When such men as Switt & Co.
volunteer to come over hcicand show- the
public that 1 have bought moie meat from
their packing houses than all the other
Council Blufts dealeis conitined , and that
not a pound of ii has not been inspected and
reinspected bj' the government inspectots , it
show b that these people have done little erne
no business , or else hav6 obtained their
stock from souices that United States in-
spectois do not \itit. 1 bttj- all nij- meats di-
icct from Swift's , and I get the verj' best
that Iowa and Nebraska ptoduecb.
"I am thoroughlj' satisfied w ith the out
looli for the now jear. nnd my knowledge of
the affaiis of mj fellow merchants convinces
me that thoj are equall ) piosperous and en
ables me to assuio the world that Council
Hluffs has a gie.iter per cent of safe , strong
and linanci.iilj' sound inctclmnts than anj'
other city I know of. With this belief and
with enthusiasm I enter upon the vv oik of
the navy ) car , confident that I will double
mj' business before the end of next Decem
ber. "
J'ncts of 11 ( irnnil Industry.
"I think there Is nothing that indicates
the prosperity of this part of the eountrj' to
such an extent as the fruit and gatdening
industry , " said Mr. J. P IJess of thoieal
estate linn of Day & Hess. "Thcuo are
thousands of acres of land In the vicinitj of
Council Bluffs producing and capable of pie
due-ing fortunes It does not cost one-llfth
as much as Callfoinia lands , is ten times
more easily cultivated , and jields enor
mously with no expensive outlay. ' 1 he last few
j ears have shown that our hinds will pio-
duce fiom $ 00 to & ! 0 ( ) per acre in grapes ,
$ , ! 00 in straw boiries , SIM ) to ' 00 in black
berries and ? -)0 in r.ispbonies. These llg-
utcs aie the lotmns lor this jear , with an
ordinal' ) ' crop and low prices Theio is no
nicer or safer business , and theio are men
hcio who have besomo independent ! ) ilch by
it. Wit better facilities for handling and
maikoting , which wo will have tnis jear ,
better prices will bo obtained and better 10-
wauls follow While theio has been no boom
in the citj' , there has been a steady and
rapid gtowth and priVes of city piopottj'
ha\oiiscn. With the now laihoad biidges
and now roads I think we will have a
giovvth this year that will bocry gratify
ing. Wo have many intiiliies | , but the
gic.itcst interest has been awakened in our
liuitaml g.uden lands. Wo have icecnlly
biought into tlio market a tract of100 acres
of the choicest lands of this character in
tills vicinity , which wo have laid off In ten
aero lots , it lies just outside of town ami
oflors rni end vantages to. men of small cap
ital who want to embark in this business. "
Incite.itcil liy Implement ! * .
' Farm implements , ire tlio barometer to
Indicate the pulse of trade , " s lid Mr. W. S
Cass , general westein manager of the Mar
seilles Manufactming company. "They
show that It has unquestionably been ono of
the most piospeious over known in the
country The quantitj of s lies , tlio manner
of selling and the collections , show that the
west is on the ciest of the great wave of
prosportj is lolling over tlio country ,
and that the dealers and consumeis are
In better shape than they ever Imvo
been befoio Wo aio within direct
touch with the great producing class of the
country , and we feel every thiob. Our busi
ness for the past jear has not been of u na
ture to cause us any icgioth , but has kept
light along with the great tide of
This , of couibo , is so of till other agricultural
implements handled In the city , and this , if
itweio known , would show a grand aggre
gate that would astonish the woild , and
tin n the eves of the business vvoild upon
Council Bluffs us tlio dlstiib-
utinjj point for fium implements
The coin crop lias not been up to
westein expectations , and this of course has
shortened up the cornshijller tiado , but we
Imvo put out a vast quantitj of our shelters ,
especially the larger cjclono foico-fccd
power shelters No complaints , but only
univeisal words of praise from all over our
gteat teiritory that readies over Nebraska ,
western Iowa , South Dakota and the cot ncrs
of Minnesota , Mifsouii and Colorado , show
that the Marseilles goods are satisfactory
standards ever ) vv here. In addition to all of
our old icllable standaid goods we uiomunu-
faetin ing tho'Adams' hay loader that lias
won its way to the front wheiovcr intio-
duecd and this jeur will make it a featuio
in our ten Itorj' .
AH Shown liy Sliut-H ,
"I know of nothing that shows the pulse
of trade more faithfully or moro quickly
than the shoo business , " said Mr , I'lerco
manager of the great S A. 1'iorco Ac Co
stioo house , "Measured by this and our
expei Icuce , the past j ear has cei t.ilnly he-en
an exceedingly prospeions ono thioughout
tlio west. The business it , also an Index of
the immediate futnte , and thoMinu uneirlng
Indications ate given for the coming year.
IWhy shouldn't 'IM bo a piosperous year for
all ! The funnels have never iivcivod such
1prices for their products .IN they aio getting
now , and they never had us much to sell ,
tThe pi ice of hogs und cuttle In double almost
ivlmt It was tuwirngo and throughout
western Iowa trwl Nebraska the fiums
.ere . iip\ermoroipl' ' utfullj ! stoikcd 1'c-oplo
a\o alxiut gotth throuah pivln ? off mort
ages in this \liHnltv nnd now the millions
f dollars from thUifnrni * will po Into potma-
cnt itnprou'mHits tlio pmvhns.i of goods
ml the luxutlc-sorilfo This will make the
'omlngnvoar it m < iiiorablv prosperous ouo
'or business cnt6rpriso < i , and as It is just llio
'oimncncomcnt ' ( ifii snilcs of good joars that
\ o lmo every raiton to expect , 1 foci Justi-
Icd in tlio prodUUlw of a tidal wave of proH-
iciltj for Council-Bluffs and tlio west Our
iistjoiir's business was tlio lie\n lest and
nest satisfactorfiin all respects vvo lia\o
lad. and tlio Diiflnbcr business exceeded
ij far all previous leeords. Wo havcln-
rcased our tiado overall previons , voats ami
voattiibutolt not so much to thoriact that
'ouncil BlufTs is a good retail shoe point as
o the moro Important thlnirt.hat vvclmvo
Milled a shoo stock that mot the
Icmauds and sold the public the host
uarantood goods at ptiios thov could not
ml any vv hero else \\o ha o not put a
.mall . fortune In building and fixtures , but
lo business at the least possible cost. And
vlienjou consider that wo buv In such Im
mense quantities dtioct from tlio fnctoilcs.
vo can malic tetailptlces that outs out all
otnpctitioti Wo cair.v as good lines of
hoes and footwear as are made , and wo
ivo our own honor and the big factories In
ho Tnitod States backing our gu irantoos
Ac aio going to make an extra cffoit this
ivinter to diaw trade to Council Bluffs , con-
liient Unit wo can save money for every
nan , woman and child livlmr within 100
liles and double our trade for tlio j oar ' '
Mnilc ami rroipi'i-ltj.
The Mueller Music and Piano company ,
rt cpiosented bj , T Mueller , mntagor , reports
t ho piano and organ business for isuj to have
1 icon the best In the history of the Hun. in
1 iotli cash and time s lies Their torrltor.v Is
11I iiit onlj Omaha , South Omaha and Council
I .Muffs , but extends all over Nebraska and
v .vcstorn . Iowa i'aitlcularlj gratlfjing to
t .hem nio their sales in Omaha and South
Omaha , where it Is haul to compote with the
I ocnl dealers , but line goods and low prices
t ell ovorj time. Of course , " icmaiked Mr.
Mueller " , 'much of our success is duo to tlio
"act that wo handle onlj the best grades of
nstiumcnts and 'deal stiaight , fair nnd
imiaro with ovcrj body In some localities
t he musical instrument business has boon
( . ' logr.ulcd bj iiicsponslblc ngents , not
st tiictlv dealers , nnd they will icsort to the
si amo dishonest tiichcry to sell a woithlcss
i irticlo that a conlldcnco imin or a patent
l ight shark will to fleece his victim Tor
l moio than thirtj I liitvc been handling
l musical Instruments in Council BlulTs ,
l mil ! when 1 soil a customer I know
1 10 has leceivcd the woith of his
1t uoiioj 'I ho j car has onlj added triumphs to
t ; he famous Iliir.lman pianos , and that niimo
1 lias become more than over a sjnonjm of
1I 1 .le.iutjsweetness , hurmonj and all that is
1I instrument , whether
I or concert or for the homo liicsidc. Our
I thor specialj ! is the Huriinglon , an Instin-
1 iicntnmiio under the supenision of the
] latdnmii peojilo , and without anj doubt in
1t ny opiniun the host thing ever offered the
1t t r.ido fora medium Instrument. Then add
t o these our organs and every other kind of
musical instiument known to civlli/alion ,
which together with our stock of sheet
1 music , fills this four story building , and you
1C i\ill see wlijwo have been able to increase
C ) tir trade and
why wo think the past jear
\ > vas nil tight i
"With the immense stock of new scales
md stjles of iiianos now on hand and on the
Aaj , wo welcome the .new with gcnu-
no enthusiasm , confident wo will make
iminj moie Imppj * homes before it ends If
: ill other dealeis have been as prosperous as
no have I see no le.ison why Council BlulTs
should not make this tlio best year in her
nstory. Wo also thank our many friends
for good w ords spoken and iccommending our
llanos to othois , Smclj we appreciate kind
"avors. and trust bj fair dealing to continue
o bo woitby of them. "
In tlu > ( : i ( > lhlii Trmlc.
"Idoutknow that anj'bodv is over fully
. . " said JNIr. Thomas Metcalf of the
clothing liouso of Mjitcalf Bros , " but while
ivealw.tjs want more trade , jot wc'ic not
rumbling about the icsiilt of ' 03. Our
rade has ineieased a good deal. I think
his is due in. part to our having moved into
i better location It is duo also to the fact
hat an old established house should natur-
iilly have a vo.uly increase in business , but
isido fiom these ic.isoiis our trade indicates
luospeiityon tlie part of the people. The
ncicaso has tomolargelj * fiom selling more
) f the better grades pi clothing. Folks buy
uore cK > ihcs when times ate good. "
Carpets mill 1'riiHpiTlty.
"If the c.u pot business is anj' index of the
general prosperity , Ib'JJ has been a A cry
iiospcious voar in the Missouii river val-
lej , " said Mr. D. W. Keller of the Council
BlulTs Carpet compaii.v , an institution that is
A idol j'and f.nor.iblj known throughout the
.vest. . "Our business has been verj' satis-
\ictorj' , and we can sou no icason wlij' it
should not continue so for the coming jear.
Our tr.tdo has not been conllned to
Council Bluffs by any. means , and
our expei ience must indicate the
eondition of a huge scope of teriitorj1. As
another indication of the fact that wo are
thoroughly satistied with our last j-car's
business , it might bo ot public inteiest to
know that , with the commencement of the
> ear , wo engage In tlio wholesale trade. In
.lanuarj' wo will jmt our traveling men on
the road , and thej will cover the tcrritoiy
every thiitydajs. Wo know that Council
Blufls is tlio natural jobbing center for this
territory , and wo have grown natutallj- into
tills branch of the business We have cai-
i led a heavier stock bj' a good manj- thou
sand dollars than on picvious , and.
while we aio moro heavilj- stocked
in some lines than wo care to bo
iit this season of the the jear , jot
wo have cleared nvvaj' an immense amount
of goods The sin plus in some lines will
only call for special cut sales that will be of
.pecial interest to the housekeepers cverj1-
ivhere. A veiy pleasing featuto of the
j ear's business is the giovvth ot our out-of-
town trade People have Icained that thoj'
can come or send ICO miles and purchase a
bill of goods and save a good deal moro than
their expenses. And as wo buy onlj' from
the manufacturers , wo can give eustomcis
oven bcttot prices than thoj can got in Chicago
cage on all grades of goods. Our pmcliabcs
for the now j'ear aheadjaggicgato moio
than all of last jear , and with heavier stock ,
light expenses and small profits , wo will
make bettor in ices than ever , and draw now
trade to Council Bluffs. "
Ity Ilic I'liriiltnrii Trht.
"I want to tell you that ' 03 has been hum
mer for Council Bluffs and that wo have not
onlj'oiijoj ed a gi eater degree of piospeiitj
than wo think , but we have suipassed any
other western city , " s lid Mr. G I ] . Mojeis ,
the vigorous j'oung man who is leading the
furnttuio business in this vicinity "And by
the way , tlio fuinitmo trade is a good index
to the general prosueritv and as safe a inlo
to me.isuio it with. People will make the
old parlor suits do , vainish up the old dining
room chilliM when money is scarce and pios-
porltj at a low ohb. As an indication of
what the j oar ban done for mo hen ; I am at
its close with the tlio biggest retail fuiiii-
tuio building In the west too small for
mo , touting up to get into liner and mote
commodious quaitcis down town , and 1 take
this fact , w Ith the others that in some lines
my business has jncioased neatly ItOO per
cent dining thoj'car to indicate that it has
been a pmspitous year to all , and that moio
than usual good times pi u vail. I tell jou theio
no hotter locality Jn the west for jobbing
business than Council Blufls Wo huvo an
advantage that roabhcs thousinds of dol-
laisin freight rates alone , and can icach
euory town Within BOO miles without reshlp-
ping I am wholesaling fuinitmo now , not
alone to dealeis hfiticonsunicrs A man can
buy u hinglo at tilt ) now as chcaplj as a w e .st
ein dealer can huj in car lots , and this kind
of thing will continue until after my 10-
movul on February 1 , vvhc'ii I move into my
now building , formerly the Gordon hotel
People of th6 twin dries , Nebraska and
western Iowa , can f mulsh their houses foa
the next thirty days at the same rates as
dealeis stock their stores , and jou bet
thoy'io going to do it. "
.iliTarlan C'lirrluKo < ' ( > ' Opinion.
"In haid times peoplowalh , but dm ing the
past jear all the people in the country haui
bcg.uu riding if thocaiilago business In this
pait of the country is auy indication , " said
Mr. H. hming. manager of the western
branch of tlio McFailim rnrriagu company
of Connersvllle , Iiul. , ono of tlio luigest fac
tories in the world. "It has hewn one of the
best jears for the carriage business the west
over hail , and you will Hnd this is the uni
versal opinion of all Council BlufTs jobbers.
The McFaiIan carriages uio carrying thou
sands of people all over this country unit
them aio moio nowonos in use that passeu
through our hands during the jear than wo
even hoped for. The uew year I think will ,
I bo I Mill bettor , for the farmers will bo in the
market l w lib niouoj rcnllrod from big crops
; nnd Uio highest prices thev have over re
coivcd , and so w 111 the Mit-'ailan people with
the I best nurlages than e'an bo built
Sliilp orilip U'nll 1'iiprr Tniilr.
"Well , I don't know but what tlio wall pa
per trade is a pretty good thing to Indicate
the pulse of trade , " said John B l-ong. pro-
prlotorof the largest wall paper "MnblMi-
mont in Council Bluffs. " 1 ha\o had aor.v
satisfactory business dm Ing the jear , and 1
am thoroughlj convinced that the coming
jear will bo much better. People do not as
a general thing Indulge In fine room doi era
tions whtu tlu\v cannot afford it , for modern
papoting ami decorating must bo classed
among the luxmlcs. The fact that t have
been Justified in putting In the
argosl an I finest slock of expensive papers
ami decorating materials over brought to the
city is good evidence that the town and tlio
people aio not hard tip I irtvo transfot mod
many of the icsldcnces ol Council Hluffs
Into homes that are as handsome us pal.icos
Not a small indication of mj confidence in
the future and what the past joar Ins done
for mo Is tlio fact that 1 have puichased this
building Another tiling that Indicates
thrift and prospeiltv is the number of orders
for expensive raised letter gold slius which
has been sufllcictit to induce mo to make this
woik a spoolaltj and make ii a feature of
tlio best appointed slijii room in the city 1
am sure of n prosperous and busv v cur and
pieplct the same for all inj business
friends "
onir C'li'iin Oplnlmi * .
"Tho laundry business isn't a bad indicator
of general prosperity , " remarked Mr S F
Kv.ins. manigcrof the pi cat Hvans laiindrv
in this elt.v Cleanliness Is next to godli
ness , but in 1 ini-d times people do their wash-
ting at homo. During the jear the demand
ppon us has boon such us to indicate that the
opb in this violulU atovcrj tighteousor
verv prosperous Wo have gtovv n all thoj oar ,
new machlnorj , now buildings and Inci cased
help A\c take piido In the fact , and wo bo-
llovo tlio people of Council Bluffs do to , that
wo have ono of tlio finest us well as l.ugest
laundry plants hcio in the west , and wo bo-
Hove that all will rojolco to see It glow still
moro dining the new jear which promises
so well. Om.sisn mo loin Inundrj and is
worth visiting. The machinery is so fault
less that it seems to bo endowed with human
Intolltm'tieo. This j oar we w 111 make an es
pecial effoit to do family washing , and do it
cheaper than it can bo done at homo Wo
will also oft or advantages tint will draw-
still more tr.ido from out of town "
lircerislilrlcli , Nh luilHiin .V Co.
"Wo'\o been rustling in teal estate hero
for Hveorsixjoirs , " said Alderman Majne ,
of the well-known leal estate Him of Given-
shields , Nicholson .t Co , "but the past four
01 Hvomonths have been the best wo have
overseen Theio lias been u gicat deal
moio activity then for several j'oais , and a
confidence marked bj a slight but ste.ulj ad
vance In prices. Of couiso this is moio notice
able , in some sections of thocitj , but still it is
true ' of le.illy throughout the citj. AVe
have more inqiihies from Omaha than ever
before. Among those vv ho seem to bo just
getting tt through their heads that homes
can bo had in Council Bluffs at a mere song
song in compatison with prices across the
liver. We are sine that the next
will bo banner ones in our lino. Wo honcsUv
belieco that Council Blufts is the best place
for investment just now of anj'citj in the
United States You see that pi ices never
go hack , and it seems " as certain
as suniiso that advances are to continue
steadily and smclj. Our piesent piiccs
are so low lor a city of this sue , and with
the wonderful advantages which Council
Bluffs has , that they can't move but ono
waj' , and that is upwauls So investors
naluiallj look on it as a smo tiling for the
ftitine. "
Tlio Xiitiiiiuit Mutual Insurants Coinpin .
"We are not a year old j et. but the clothes
of adolescence don't lit us anj longer , " 10-
marked Judge .Tames of the National Mutual
Fire Insurance eomp.inj , the latest Institu
tion that has challenged the pi ide of Council
BlulTs "Our company , based upon the
broadest and safest pi ins of mutual pro
tection under the strict Iowa law , has
sprung into popular confidence will , vv ith a
rapidity that is simplj' astonishing , and
w hen Ib'JJ closes w o w ill shovy j ou a i ccoi d
that will justify congratulation. The mer
chant ar the farmer only has to cxamino our
plgn to bo ussuied that we can give him the
best protcetisn to his property for the least
monej' and gicatest bccinity. Millions ol
dollais of Hie instilanco will no placed dining
this World's fair j'oar and the Nationaf
Mutual will get its shaie of it. "
Council IlliilTH IiiHiirunco Cilnn.iii'H Ideas.
"It has been a provident and profitable
j'ear. " said Sccrctnrj' Andeison of the Coun
cil Bluffs Insurance lompanj , one of _ the
most prosperous and deserving institutions
in the west , "and all legitimate cntoiprises
have felt a genuine stimulus that would
make the new jear prosperous , oven
if the outlook was not so flatlet ing
It lias been the red letter jear in the
hibtor.v of our companjWo have taken
$7,000,000 in risks , upon which the pie-
miiinms were $ f > ' , ' .000 , a gain of 40 per cent
over last .year. While the lire losses have
been verj' heavy all over the countr.y , thej
have been light with our homo companj ,
and do not exceed ? lb,00 ( ) . Inshoit , the 10-
sults liavo been all and mot o than was ex
pected , and the companj' in consequent o
starts upon its thirteenth .vear
more vigorous than over , with ovcrj' prospect
of a most healthy nnd continuous growth.
Ono thing that is p.itticulaily gratifjing to
us is the strong determination evinced bj
w cstern people to patumi/o homo institu
tions They ic.ili/e that with other things
are equal it is better to keep their money at
home , anil while getting tlie best protection
for their propel tj'on the most advantagous
terms thej' help thomselvcs by stiengthen-
inff tlioir home company. "
IVi'dlliK till ! Ilr.iln.
Li C. Braekolt seemed happy o\or his
trade in books and stationery. "Yes mj
tr.ido has hugely increased. Mj' change of
location has caused some inci case , nnd the
people load mote than thev used to 1 c.ury
probablj' the largest line of periodicals in the
city , n nil tliolr increased sale shows that the
public is feeding brain as well i , brawn
I'm satisfied with tlio waj my trade l has
been , and the outlook is even better "
( nnna Kinulnn without l > rima tlltlnicH ) our Intuit
luipruvi'il ntli > , n it Biiltil miike , Imu ilccp HHMKO
ttroiiK Init lilitlih'ralo on ) elixoi rorfcctly lU'lil.
nucs ,11 tor < unt nutrition * ultiuonlH I nil du-
BC rlptlvu cimibi oil ii | > | > IUntlun < Vjl.STh VV'AN'I
HI ) In utiiry uniuty In tlidllS Aililress I'llAItl.IvS
UN .Mnln fcl. Council lllulls , la.
Notlcn is lii'roby given that tlio annual nieet-
liiKoftho htorUholders of Hie. ( hiinha 1'nlon
Ilenol company will liu held at the olllco of ( hi )
Union Depot eoiiiimnv , at tlm heailipiaiU.'is
of Hm Union Pacific Kullvuiy company , In thu
city of Omaha , on thu 'Jlh day of January ,
1893 , ut 3 o'clock Ii in. , lor llm election of di
rt ftois and transaction of nnyothm huslnebs
that may lesully coino licforn the nicolliig.
T. I * . KIM n A 1.1 , , I'jeMclent
Onmhn , December M , lay. .
Healed proposals will bn reci-lved by tlm
Kluni Hoard ot I'rlntlnj. ut the olllco of thuMc-
rutatyofhtiiti ) , at any tlmii befoio Thuisday ,
Juiiiniiy I''ili , IH'JJ , at ii oVloeU j > . in. , fin
ptlntliuf mill lilniilm ; In cloth 0,000 eojili's 111-
p rt nf hlale lloaid of Ilortleiilturi ) for tlm
juar 1HU3 , of 300 p.wseach , Ihei kanio lo ho
printed In loin ? primer t yp \ The hUe of pnisu ,
wi'hiht and iiuulliy of puiiui , style and quality
of blndlntr , sljloof liitnnlni ! on covci and In
nil ri'Hliecl ! . Ifii ) vvoik to ho llio hiimo UK thu
ilorllciilltiial Itcporl nf IHOa. baiuplonf work
may bo si tn at the olllco of tlm beciutary of
Work tn Im coinpletrd within blxty days
from tlio anardlng of the contract.
liliilit ichcrvcil t ruji'ct any and all bids , by
tliu Mate Printing llo.ird
Uutud Decembe-r 'Jbth ,
D 30 el lOt "Wicrctaryof Htafe- ,
Ml.\0ll MKbTIOX.
N Y Plumbing Co.
Council llluffs l.umtK'r Co. Coal ,
S \VallacodlodatO oVIwk jcstotday
morning at his homo. Sin 1'ast I'lrrcc street ,
aged f > tl joars. Announcement of the funeral
will bo made later.
The Chuiitauqim chvlo which has hrhl
meetings In tlio Young Menjs Chtlstianas-
soclition rooms , will not nfeet for rcgulur
session until Monday evening , January S.
r The funeral of Xlols Olson will take place
this afternoon at 'J o'clock from the resi
dence , 714 l-'itst street , Instead of at the
tlmo and place llrst announced.
Council No. tt , I'llgilms of
Amctica , purchased n lot In Walnut Hill
cemetery jostenlay. In which will bo burled
such traveling men us are buried by the
Mis imma White AVai\l. wife of William
Ward , died jostonhij noon quite suddenly of
pneumonia , aged W j'o.irs. She came to this
countij from Nowberrj , Bcikshlro , hnglnnd ,
and icsidod at the time of her death ut HI !
Vine street.
It I'.v burn , the Omaha man who was con
\ictodamlscMitcncd to the pcnltcntarj for
obtnlnlng mone\ under false pretences , was
releasedjostordnj afternoon on an appeal
bond , lie having taken up tlio cabo to the
snpi emo com t
Maullire llccnsns wets issued jcsterdaj to
the follow imr parties W II Bolloiman of
Perry , and Annie M Hasten of Council
niuftsjW M Ivolt/nnd Murj i : Hornbcck
of Council Bluffs ; ( ? coi-go Kot/ and I iuia
Moore of Council Blufls
Kobcit. the 0-v car-old son of I { O Kink ,
citj editor of llio Omaha Tilbuno. died Pi I
dav ovcning at tlio familv residence ' . " . " .
Ninth avenue The funeral will take place
this morning at 11 o'clock from St .John s
Knglish laithcr.m chuuh in tho.Mcmam
block. Kov (5V. . Kiijdcr ofllclatlng
Mondnj will bo obseivod bv the Young
Men s Chiistian ussoclition as Now Yiais
A cotdlal invitation is extended lo all btisl
ness men. All voiing men arc Invited to visit
the room some tlmo duriiij ; the dav The
ladles of the Woman's Christian association
\vlll icccivo and serve loficslunents fiom ; ito
! ! o 10 p in.
O . M Tinkelsteln , who was fotmcih cn-
picrcd in the buttling business in this cit.v.
died iulto | suddenlv at Oslniloosi last Sun
daj and \v. is bulled at DCS Molncs on Tucs
dav last. MiI , Hartis , vvho succeeded him
In business hcie , vvas among these Mr TinUelstein owned
considerable propel tv , in Council Hinds and \onng bn iness man ol much uni'ig.v
and leltabilitj Ho leaves a wife and two
ns New \eui'sllii\ .
The lloston btoio will Uo closed nil day
WniTrt.vvv , t Co ,
Council lilulls , Iowa.
Mr. Tudor , the rolructionist of Uio
Tudor Optical Co. , with un tibso-jtnto
oculist , will bo at the store ot their
afiont , Pnul G. yelinoidor , druggist , 611
Uroadway , on .Ituiuary 0. No clmrtfo for
Konl spar is u chemical preparation
easily spread on hard or soft eoal that
bavos 23 per cent fuel. Cull ut 3 i 1'carl
btroot for sample pu
I or I\ : < -IIIHH. |
It is no longer iv mystery to the Indies
of Council Blulls and vicinity where , to
get , tuul what is the coricct lliin r in
ploves for ovoninir , us ti to the
Boston Store will convince you Unit
their stouk is composed of all'tho load
ing similes in Musquitairo nud shoulder
length , in the most dcsii able tints suit
able for evening wear.
'Some ono may ts\y , I cun only bo suited
in the Kosler or AloMindria. nnd othcis
inny buy I prefer the Tiefoiibse , all of
which is to bo had at our glove depart
ment , as well sis every qunlitj' in stunlo
glnco goods in black nnd colored. All
gloves warranted and lilted to the hand.
Boston Stoio ,
Do you biiiokeV Ilavo you tried T
U. King fc Co 's Pai-tngns ? It's
charmer. ,1 list light ono.
The snow and cold vvouthor does not
dimmish the dcm-iiid for acreage in the
Klein traetj miles east of the post-
ollieo ; SCO acres yet for sale in from ono
to ten aero tracts , suit-iblo for fruit and
garden. Day & Ilosb , agents , 30 I'ourl
For warmincr guest chambers , bath
looms , etc. , our eras hcntois aio just
what you want. Look at them. Clean ,
convenient cheap. ( J. B. Gas and Klce
trio Light Co.
Whitney Mockridtre , the famous
tenor , nnd hib excellent company , at the
Prcsb ) toriati chinch Monday evening1.
Bought organ stock of C. 13. Musi
Co. Will sell thorn cheap. Mar. Hour-
iciiis , 110 , 1H Stutbinan strcot.
Catl Rut-horn , successor to 12. Btir-
liorn , has the only now jewelry block in
city. Many holiday novollios.
Wanted Cash oiler for ton shares
Citi/on's St.ito banlc stock. Must bo
bold. Address 15. II. Shcnfo.
Coal und wood ; best nnd cheapest
Missouri hnrd wood in the city ; prompt
delivery. II. A. Cox. No. 1 Mnln.
Brighter than gas , cncnpor than elec
tric light and us bountiful ns a urcam
those now art lumps nt Lund Bros ; .
'MoPlinil plunos and Crown organs ,
ctibh or iiibtallmonts. Mar. Bouricius ,
llUStulsmnn street.
Special ftfotices.
AV T-AM HI- Mill , TO DO HOUHinVOUK 4 00
| or nuc'k palil Apply to Mrs llcirmu Kvorutt
\\rANTIJI ) A KOIII ! trlnl l.iw > iTifS'i j-eur ncllvu
* i pructlcu nuil u wood llhrni > wnata to fnriii n
i > : irliior lilillh | u ri < | iutiihlu alliiriicy InlouiKll
lllultH who Imn mime imiutloj unit i/oi > i | iRiinln |
tnliio In tlm Ilium AiWrfsi "J.iiKje-r , " lluuiJlllrc ,
riiundl HluirH In
ll'AM Kll" IAI\ . - . .
II lo plesclit u lili lncxs | iriipoaliliin til litiilnujti
men Mint urk In luwu ( .lie iiiist nnil jiri-iie'iit
cmplojim lit , l.ock lldi 1 0 , Oniiuin
AliSlltVOI'rtnndloain Farm nnil city proiisrtjr
hiiu lit imj lulu I'moy A 'Jhuiiiu , e'ouuoll
1/Altvt iind tlly Idiiii Miiney lonno I on etaot
iiml uriilu llonloitatu far n.U'.i liwollliunnl
lni liR' riHinls Vloiiur lonunil fur local lnvu lorj
l.uui L'o \ ' 1 uv'lu ! il5 IVtirl ? tr ot. _ _
( 'H Arum upper llrori p ! 'i'lia | iloi.-a tut
Uiiluttliiii , cheap for ciili , iir will uxciuu ) fur
lniirii\i'ii | roililencu prun.'rty ill Cuuucll Illulti
Urueiulilnlilj Mcliiihiin \ Co
GAKUICN AMI IIIUI1' litndi rluliiit ami inoit
Li'iuitlful Irani In 1'ottariiltnnila cjiiaty. KJJ
Knturiirliii 1'lncj , tlvo or ion nero lot
ililuliU , Mcliuliuu .V Co , o.'l llro.lU'a ( )
" \ \ Tl"VA.N r tun ntrni of land wltliln Hvo mhoj of
M rlty Don't euru hour iuuj' > It l <
ilili'liln , MclioJHun .V Co
J .STKHI'HISK I'laca for fruits or K nloai
JsuLurljiin lioiao. Iliu nero lots twuiitr inliiilUl
fiom motor llnu ( iruuiuliloMi. .S'lcliuUun , V Co
I lttJirKAUVI Improved , a inlliiaiida liaU fro n
lljisii | ) i&nicu , lii acrj-i , A room lioiu ) . nl'i'jla
rtf , VV III ixchan.'o forru hluacj In Council IHatli ,
( iruo'ililuld ) , MaUoUon A , Co
1t ACItKs.SVj iiillen from tlly , will null ot cut It
tnkvn till * Huoit. UruenililuldJ Muliolnon .v Co
, " CIIOICIJ loU In Mnrao nilillllon nuur e.i t unit
' ) < > ! tun nuiv liite-rilulu lirldvu Will n'll In liiinclic'i
orhliikl' . IJourk'J Mutoilf e'ounull lllull *
165rill' fnrin In Neli , i room lioutu , ttnliluHiid
-I blicit , "d ucre'B In ciiltlvutlun I'rlro fDUU per
acre , 'leriiiifni/ Johnston A Vun PolH'ii
MONIIAVri 111 It A parlors , children 4 p in I
uilulu , T M p. m Hoclalt lououil an 1 fonrtU
.VIcjinlan.l/p / in .VtUBlofurnliiliod parllus aril clubi
Aitdren U , A I'arlon.l'uuiicll HlulTi.urliljj ruriu u
itOmaha VV , K. e'liaiibun liidrnclor
AltllAdi ; rumored , lonpaoli ruulli and
a clilranojri clujuol. U. It. llurke. oltr tild (
\Mirn nnil HIMT tit Coiupirr tlm Illnrnso"
llin Trninl of innrt : .Now to I'rovont
It llir ( Irmt I'reilrrof l.uns
Tlio euro for consiiinptlon , pnro nnil Mmplo
bus not yet Dcon foun i. At tlio iirott-til time
there Isimo ay toeiuni'oiisumptton , luidona
vvny only. Unit Is lo apply remedial usonla
In tlio first sta o of the dNoi.e. Tlm only
safoitiinrd neninst fatal n-iulls Isntlmoly nt-
tciitlon to the tmrlle-r syiiiutonis.
whonn cnrlosofcoliliilovnloim n catarrh of
tlio lioiiil u ml throat , vvhrn tliocatnrrh roaoh-
PS tlio lungs nnd n cough boKlns nnil shown n
tctiilPiiey locoiitliiuaamlbocomoulironlc.thcn
Is the tlmo to cute consumptlctn
w lien tlio chest ticoomes sere and tlio breath-
tiK dlnlcult then Is tliu tlmo to euro ouisump-
Uhon n fooling of oppression nnd tluhtnoii
comes Into the rhe l tnen Is the time toutiru
"linn the limes ln-sln to rnltlo nnd wlicc/e ,
anil Iilood shows In the snuta , then , too , con-
fliiiMptlDii 7nn bo curoil.
I'rs ' t'onnliinil A. '
yiiopard's npvv liint tront-
iiiciuovolvcd In
trontliiK tliousniulsof enie s
ot linmohliU eut.irrhltho most iilllfnclonn
ncent now UIIOHII for the eradication of this
illMJino. Its roimiM ; , re. iiKiulcnl Tlio sufTor-
erls rollevecl at nnco from thu envoi Ity of Ills
cough , from vvlicivhiK and laliored liruathhiK ,
fiom siiriiiie-ss In tlio litngs iiul clu-sl pulnsj
from night swoits inul spllilni ; of blooil.
1 nocnturrh Is driven out of the system nnil
tnnlnni > s restored tonnotmiil eonilltlon Hun-
( Itpils of Omilia l-eoplo h ivu h on hiMinllttud
lind cured liy this troitinent I'verv nroktos-
tiinoiiliils to Its vvomliMdiiinsnltstiro publish'
j'll H Is iniipipstloniitil ) the hest iiiuans now
known of chediln. conauinptlKii and vurlnit
thi'oarlj coti'iimptlvc
Mr. .lull il MeKlnleAvuliU CoiMuinptlon t y
Curing UN iliiiiieliiiit IMliirrli.
' ' .My nol''hbors
aiiuuly Uimvv how much lam
mimivrd , lint I v\lll lvo j ou In lolly tlm facts
In tlioiMMi " 1'ho m'lilleiniin who spoke w
lohn MuMnlitv , of ( n swulil , In , , vvlicro bo 1
In business \\uli his fattier
Mlt .JOHN McMNM.KV , ( > lilsv oin. IA.
"My Hist syniploins kind
which vvurodi'-t'iistiiu tomv-o f anil cv cry ono
C'MMy ' lioiiil. turn it und noiu were tllloil
with mucus anil I swallow oil much of U. for t
could not hull ) It , .iithoiuh I know It woiihl
Injnro mo. After iiwhilo my IIIIIBH liocnina
soie1 , with elicit p I'MS , mil a hid uoiiKh My
stomach was very wo it , mil felt ho iv y after
eiitlnir. 1 c'oulil nut cul anvlliln- the morn-
Inc. My hru ith w is vtsiy short nnil slight ox-
orllon utterly i\h iiisti'il mo l/iter on , I bo-
K in lo I IIVD nlKht sweats anil a fevoi th it eon-
Mimcil my llosh and Kiive mo.i p no. unhealthy
look that al , irmeil our f.inilly Mvnextstup
vv is to consult His Copelnml X bliopiuit and
nsa ifsnlt v\o no Mirpr sud at thi > c'luin u In
me Mvo itirrh an 1 i y eon h , ire fast lonv-
Ins , rind I fuel oxcty slu uly lotiirn of
my lo t ippotlioiinilstuMi Hi No moio nlcht
sweats In short , I I am In tlio
Immls of safe and c ireful plivslul u.s nnd hot-
lei still , that I nm stu.ullly L-ettliu' woll. "
Hi : 11 * . II. Oii/iofiiiicf IV/IM
Cl' 7/H C'/JIS'I lit / fLt l-lt >
Mvtltctil Collc'ifi * , .Vow 1'ii \f/ioro
lie frinltiiiti.'tl. tin. ' most Ijiii
tuton olH Ulinl in t lit. ' i-oi/nr rr.
Ur. .Sliof ir < f 'M t'o < / c'iifns nro n
iihtitnltiiit itntl rijr/fin//l / ! < / . //o \VIIH
tlio /i/os/t/o/if nf III * o/iiss ill
tt.'tlliMil C'ol/t'ao. C'/i/c'ijfjr ) , tlio < iio.sC
not uil inoillviil hc'/ioof In tlnvt" t *
-I/so niL-nidor ol f/io lo\vti .Sfnfc Afc 7-
/c-/i/ Soc'/o/ iiiitf fit viir/fiiiM fir/ier
niL-illi'iil mitl Hirji/on/ iiiixnfuriM. .
If nth gcnt'/afiicui. iilti-r tlitti oiiffli
/IOS/ > / OA/IOJ'/OIK'O tltlll IH'lll'tlGO ,
/in\'o floi'of < > ( / t liulr / / 'o * . 10 tiny / > rnc-
f/t-'O f > T tlictr s/ioc'/n/i/os , \ \ - ltlivllitt
suocoss tlio oo/aiiuis ol' tlm Uully
roil rriMJX ruins. "
lli > Ne Ml ColiU l.i'itil to Cliionlo C -
tiirrlnil Ilisi-UHi' .
"Phorlly after I eame to Council lllnlTi , la
1871" ' , I took n Iiul colil which lusiuteil In u
buvcroonsu of uhronlu oatai ill " Thuhpuikor
was Mr 1) 1) ) ThoiiKib. for
suvurit yeaithu \\o\l \
Know n b ilusiii'in for J ,
I.ent/'ni ni. baker , nnd
ll In. with his finiilly nt
l-'l llnnNoiihtieet , Coun
cil lllllllH.
"It kept mo hawklni ; to
u car my thro it which
was ilwuys full of unions
which I c-oulil not ralHO
nnd vvhl h would IIi | ilown Into my Htonmch.
This e oinoil very ilisiiistln- mu , besides It
inlnuil my illr'eslloii and srcmud tocloma nil
up. All through my hoid ilieio was iidiill iialn
nnil weight which ninilo mu HtupUl iliiytlmofl
and kupt nici fioin le-sthm nt nU'lit I ( nuked
ambition to do anvthliu II iwkhiK , silttlnK |
nnd snnllliu furl' ) ve.irs in : irly woio mo out. I
tnud ovorytliltij I eoulil he u of for n euro.
Imtgotills-mmiKud and irav n up - thlnUlnj ! I
nuviM would cot lollnt. Aflm u unrefiil In-
iiiilry about tlm work of Irn I'ouuliind iiiid
Siupitd I placed myself In tliolr hum's. ' The
pciboiial Imprest ami atteiilmii bliinvn mo by
lr.r.h ) pnid 111 his treatment of my cuso liuva
lind lomiukiiblo results. I nm pnrfectly BUI-
Ifilled for It 1ms loilly elonu woniliin rot mo.
'llio nii-,0 and thro it liiiublii Is ontliuly ro-
morril. My Htoin.iuli Is fiuu fiom tlm ilrln-
plns of nolsoiions MIIIUIIH from tlm thront. My
iiitii'Hiiro fice and elu ir and I know mv blooit
and wliolo syHtem n.ivo buun tlioioiuhly
uleaiiscd out I nm usluv mv Inlliieiieii wltu
in ) filencls In f in or of ihuio plijNluluiH. "
$5.00 A MONTH.
Catarrh troiitod at $5.00 a mo ith-mocU-
olnes hoo. For nil otherilisnaiiuB the rato-J
will liu low and nntforni. Patidiiti atndis-
tnnco successfully tioatod Send for byin-
tom blank.
itniiiiiH ill I nnil illtj > e Vnrli
llnlldlnf.Oiiiiilin , .Null.
O. to , blllU'AHU , M .
hpeelaltlesi ( ) iturrh and nil clKcinsos of tha
T.jc. Kur , Tliioit ami kuius1 Noivoim IU >
uahiK. huln DIHO.IHI" * , Ulronlu IllKunsus.
OIII30 IIOUIB-'JtOllll III , ! ! tClO | l Ill.TtOBp.
m. bundiiy , 1 0 n. in to I. ! in.
.KMAsTnit'H ornoi > -
m.iin. .Neb. December. f > . ln'i.1. Ho lied pro-
piHiilb , In irUllcnui. subjii't to iliu con-
illtloiiH. will bo rucolvcd licrei until S o'clock p.
in.oenlrnl tniidnrl t'mc. ' .lintniry nth. I8JI ,
and then opened , foi f iirnUhlnx w-aijoa trmm-
portatlon botweim O oiriaont and I rt Mo-
Klnm-y. Wioinliia ( thlrty'llvo ml i ; ) , durlni ;
re-iiiiilnder of this llaunl yoir Thu povern-
ineut iciorvoti thu rUht to reject any or nil
prounsalM All Iiiforiiuitlcn fnriilHlied on no-
lillcntlon tothUolllvuiir in post iiiniteniias- |
ter. Tort MuKliinoy , Wyoinltur invi-lopc :
cent ilnln. promisam lo bu muilieil "l'rii | n * ill
fur Triiiiaporfitlon. " an I addreHsud loJ1. .
II Hl'tJIIjlleutuminl : ' c'Oloml wild ilujiuty
iiu-irturmusterisencral , IJ. b A .j'bh'f iiiiirtor- |
iiiuHlei. iiiiHtiuui
Ntiickliulilitri' MfPlliiH Diiialiu & I'.llilio
Vnllny Itulliuiy Coiiipiny
Notice Is hereby L'lvun that Ibu nniiual
iiieulliu-of thu HtoukliuldurH of thu Oniiihiii
l.lklinrn Vnlloy Hallway Ciiiiinntiy , for.JI'o '
olucllon of hovnn illiejtorH ami Hiicli otier
hiialnesa us inny propurly come buforo tli
niLOlliu' , wlllbuhuld ut the olllco of John M.
ThuiHton. Union I'aulllo ijnlldiiiK , I" tb" city
of Omaha , Neb. , uimn Wn Jnuiilav , the lib cly
of January. IMJ.I , at 10 o'clock n. in.
Thu B'ook tnuiH or books will bo cloiiod tea
day- before
lioitoii Man. , UecuuaLcrlU 1WJ.