Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 THE OMAUA DAILY HK13iimiSDAY : , DKCEMHKR 2i ) , 1802 ,
Speculators Wore Troubled by a Tocnlinr
Combination -YosUrday.
TlmiiKli " Shndn firmer nl thi-Slnrl
HocnniP M'cnh lnrly ! and Closed nt
tlio l.nurM 1'otnl rif
Iho Uiiy.
CIIICAOO. III. , Pci' . 28. The iinniilninl ( llf-
fciciii'c between the prices of luwor nnd con-
linrl ximlisdf wheat and coin \rni the great
est fiK or wllli the "peculators today , No. 3
led vh nlwild lit Ihpcinh malkel nt from f > 7o
to CV , and ordinaly N'o. 3 "prlng wheat fiom
55c todlci No. 3 hard spilns bringing nljoilt Win n computed with 71'jc to 72e for
regular .No. 2 , und with Iho further fact Unit
nil onsh olf''rings of low ( Trade wheat did not
( hid buyers nl oven the cAli-onir-ly low piloes
quoled , hoa\lnoss and lower pileos for ( he
Miccnlallio grade * aio not loliu wondered nt.
The mailiet for May wheat H H lower thnn It
closed jt Morduy.
Coin WHS iioveined liv somcwlinl similar
conditions , No. 3 at from flftlfi' Io3ii' ( , Is dill
of nil proportldiillli Nn. 2 , at - UK.May coin
Minus u decline for llio day of ? ; ' '
I'mUstons opened linn , lint eloped weak nnd
\\lionl flailed oIT at nbont the closing fie-
mesof yesloidiiy , with fieo Colling. Cables ,
though nshado llrnior nt tlio Mnil.Mxm ho-
enmp weak mid closed nt HIP lowest point of
the day. Domestic markets woio also woalt ,
nnd them were rumors that Jlrndstre t' report -
port would.showtihr'avy lncroa-i In the avail-
uhlo supply during Iho hint week. Another do-
] iti"b llU factor wns n ii'poit Hint Senator
Hhcrmiin had Mild thu anti-option bill was
MHO to puss the senate.
ThuVaio \ Commission company , Armour ,
Koiinotl-llopl.liH , Hcliwait7-Iupeoaml ) Adams
.V Samuel woio Iho lendliitf sellers. On the
Incuk Walker .V Co. . Mitchell and Kgglc.stnti
weio cooil buyois. 1'rom HIPopening , which
was unchanged to 'nc betlci. HID market , with
Might lliicltmHiuii , declined ' , o. hold
Meadler nnd the close wns easy at "aC from tlio
bottom for llicd-iy. , .
The light H'i'i Iptsof hops caused the market
to ndvaneo 7' ' e on poik and lic ! ! for ribs.
Thuro weio loafl/lng sales by hoary hnldois.
l.ttid'oldol ) ' . May laid declined lOc under
ll.H Inig pitxliicl pilco In thu foienoon and libs
nink 7' c fiom thelrearly value. The closing
prices weio ulo-u to the lowest point of the
day's raiiKo ,
In eoiinmeratiiis ! ) wore unimportant , open
ing Hade.s being at yestoida.v'siiuolatlons.iind
gradually wild on " c under a genoinl lad ; of
Ruppoi I , rallied steadily , inledoasy and closed
with fiom f c to tie loss.
Oatn , nllliniiKli .showing rnoic llfo , was
wcalii'r , diiu tosynijialhy with oilier grains ,
nnd lo liu'icnsi'd olfei Ings bv longs. Their of
ferings , coming tit n lime when theio weio few
liuyeis , created weakness and pi ices declined
ftom ' - to Ic. A fiactioniil lally followed , hut
Iho rlciso wasijulel at neiiily the Inside , and
ut from " ( lo Jic below yostoidayV.
Kstlimited lecelpts for toiiinriow : Wheat ,
420 cnrsj coin , 180 ! cms ; oats , 105 curs ;
20,000 head.
Thn lending fntuies ranpcd as follows :
OI'KM.MJ , IlltlU. IOW. CI.II8K.
\VIIIAT : No. 2
Dcrcnibur. . . 72
.Inuuiiry 72WU
May 78 ! t
Con.v No. 2
DciPinbor. . . ! ? * < OH 40K
Inmiiiry 401 *
OATH No. "
DcrcDiliur. . .
Jnmmry sun
KlffM I'llllK
.Innuury ir. . T.'I IS 77W I ! ) M 15 s
Wny lu to 10 M ] i b''ki
.Innunry . . . . 1(1 ( (0 iu to ioro 10 SO
Mny U 73 'J 77)li ) U ( .7
B 45 b 40
Oasli ( inotatlons were as follows :
Kioilit Slightly bettor for haUeis , hot the
Bonoral laiigo piacllcally inicliaiiged.
WlIKAT Iso. 1 ! sin Inj ; , 7l'ij ; No. 3nprlng , 55
© OOc ; No. 'J led , 71 'Ji1.
Co UN Lower : No.lO'jc ; No. cash , 30 ©
SG'.ic ; yellow , 37037'c.
OATS No. 'J. 'JUViSIOc ; No. 2 white , 32 ;
No. 3 wliKo. : iH ( ; i31'.e.
HYI : Is'o. 2. 5t50'jc. ( ) {
llAnt.r.v-Xo. 2 , OOfi No. 3 , f.o. b.-l03COc ;
No.i , f. o , ii. , : i iQ4Hc. ;
1'i.AXPnni ) No. 1. Sl.OO'j. '
TlMdmv SlJiii I'll me , .OO . 'J.Onu.
I'OIIK Moss , per hill. . * 14.5'rjir..50 ( ) ; lard ,
per 10(1 ( His. , f 10.30 ; short i Ills , sides ( loosn ) ,
J8.308H.35 ; dry salted shoulders ( boxedl ,
J7.h7UGB.00 ; shoit ulear sidesbo\od ( ) , J8.GO ®
WHISKY Distillers' llnlslied goods , per gal. ,
HmiAii Cut loaf , r(35c ? ; granulated , 5c !
Btandard "A-l' , c.
The following weio the iccelpts and ship
ments today :
Now YorlcJInrUots.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 2H. Ki.ouu Uccolpts , 10- ,
700 pkgto.N ; ports , H.-IOO bids.1H,70 ( ) sucks i
nitiiKot niodeintoly acilve , steady ; sales
21DUO bills , Low ovlras , J20052.55 ; wlnlei
wlieat , low guides , fciKjl.rii ! ( ( ( ! ! ; fair lo fancy
J3t,0ria.7r ( , ; palonlH , j'J5a-1.15 : ) ; Mlnnosot !
clear.$3.-10O3.55 ; sliulghts , $ : i.r > 0fi& ( > : pat-
I'lits , $1.2.VU-1.75 ; i yo mKliires , .0033.50.
Cons MiiAiDulI , stoiidy ; yellow western
WHZATKecolpts , 310,0001iu. ; exports , 102 ,
000 bu. ; sales , 1,270,0(11' ( bu. futmcs ; hO.OOi
bu. spot. 'Spots dull , easier ; No. 2 led , 7Hi ) (
Jn Mmuaiul elo\atoi ; 7'Jc ' alloat ; 703ij(7nc ( ( f
o. b. No. 3 led , 7'lc ; nngiaded red , 73TrWO ( ( '
No. 1 not ( hem. Kl c : No. 1 hnid , bl'c
Ts'o. 2northein , 7G34o ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 77c
No.3spilng , 71c. ! Ollons | woie modeialel
ucllve , " © 'Uc lowei\ closed steady. The open
Ing was wealc at UfeUo decline , loaded' c
declined \i/l' ( / coii foielgn soiling. Wall stiee
nnd local longs loall/lng , advaacc'd US'to in
coverhig near the clo o ; No 2 led , Jniinaiy
701T677c. ( ! , closing at 70' c : Mtlich , 7 ! ) '
70 fa-Kli' , cloilng ut 7 ! > Hc ; May , t
closln at HI ! f
Uvi ; Nominal ; western , 55@5Sc.
HAiiMiVInactho ; \u\stern , 0K3.80c ( ; No. 2
Toronto ,
llAllt.uv JlAl.T Quint ; western , 70 > 382c ; ells
made Canada , $1.00 U.05.
COIIN Hecelpts. 2H.MK ) bu. : oxporls , 27 ,
COO ; bn , ; hales , 550,000 , Im. fd tines : 204,001
bn. spot. Sjiols fairly uctlvo , easier , !
htoadyi No. 2 , 4ti } ( < & 4tiHa In elevator ; . _ „ . _
4UltU ulloat ; ungraded niKedID'ii' '
stemiicr mixed , -IHQ. IKjc : options woio dill
weaIt and isS clowerwIlh wheat , weak wes
mid fieerotroiIngs ; Jaiinury , May. 50' ,
Q.51 7-lOc , clnslui ; at Tile.
OArs Ki't-ulute , 1O.500 Im. ; exports , 7,700 hit
f-nh's , 415,000 bu. future's ; H2.000 bu. snot
Hpols , dull , easier ; oiitlons , fairly active
lower ; Jnnnary , HO'fSail'jt'r ' closing at 3l'ic (
I'Vhiuary. 374i37Uc , closing at 37o ; May
UBVMH'fo , I'loilliB atsaiic : spot No. 2 white
414 < i42c ; ; mlsed we.stiiin , 3Gta37c ; whit
II AV1'alr jU'iiiiiiul , hleady.
llurs- Quid , steady
iiuu.i.i Itaw , llrm , lair demand ; sales , 1H7
tloiccH und 5'J I hagH Muscovado , ! )8 ) test at 3c ,
nnd u c'itigo Miiscnvado lo Philadelphia
rumored sold nt 3 l-lOc ; lollned , iiilot. |
Mil.rHi.HNow Orleans , dull , Moudy.
KICK Steady , fairly acllvo.
KiKlh I'alr ilemantl , tlrm ; weslein liest,31c ;
wcstein liest , lalo guthuied 'Jbii'JUo ; receipts ,
J.iV-'B plgs.
Hlins- : Dull , sleady.
1'itoviiiio.ss1'ork , ( inlet , llrini cut meats
nulol. btoadyj pickled bolllos OitU'ic ; middles
dull , mm : blioil clear. JH.Tfi. l.ard , iidot | ;
westein hlciim closed at if''i ; snles 100
tloices. Oitloii | Miles 250 tleices : Decomlior ,
rio.72 , closing * 10U5 ; Janur.ry , J10.GO ; May ,
JI TTiit : Kliiu ; Wdhtorn 15C'J3o for factory.
CiurKKKan : - demand , tinner.
I'll ! liuN-jiili ( | , steady ; Ameilcan , J12.76a
l&.oO ,
CorriMi Dull , sleady ; lake , J12.20.
l.i.u : > ' Klrm ; dome.stfc , $ : ) .H5.
Omnliii I'liidncnlnrket. .
Theio was \ery lltllu tictivlly on the market
nnd the amount of business
limited. I'llcos lomalii piactleally unchanged ,
Arei.usdiMMi apples are ( pioied atVU.OOIo
4.00 ; cliolcu to fancy , * 4. ( H.a5.
HANANAKOuotalloiiH aiu : I'alr to good
fehlppliij ; htock , )2,00 < U2.5O JUT bunch.
Jlurrru ThoKonoial maikot Isstendv. The
liulkof the icrclpth sellNat 145ilt5c , and .somo
H'K-ct packiiuesut nff.lOe ,
C'liAMiHiiniHS-Oiiolatloiiii 1110 : Hull and
oheiiy * H.50per libl. ; Itell mid lni'lo , J0.5O ;
lulo I'upo C'od. flo.OO The urilvuls on the
t'ui.ruv I'tmcy celery Is dllllcult lo find.
Quotations iuiiKor.ll Iho way fiom 25c to10c. .
KOIIK Mai Kot steady ; bulk of thu tiili't. of
bllKlU stoek , 22 < & 24c.
( /AMI / : Tim miirket docs not fchow any very
mulct la ! I'lianmi In values. Thcio wns
H novelty In llicmarkot In Iho
\vny of u Muck hear which found n
icuily puiclniht'r , Quotiitlonhiuo ; 1'heusunts ,
l&.0t > 4(5.50 ; nralrlo clilckem. , M.OOIM.50 ;
Kroubo-t.OUiiiall : | , fl.CHKiil.26i Mihio , 1.0O |
JncU Milpe , 1.2Mil.fOj plover , 11.00 : golden
iilover1.25 ® 1 r > U ) canvas buck ducks , IH.OO
Oi red bead ducks , t-I.OO : mulhiul
duclib. (3.50O3.70 ; blue \\IUK teal. I2.2u ;
totti , 11.75 ; u > l\ud duckn.
. .CPRP , jfi.noflT r.Oi JnrV rntiblK Jl r,0i
rnhhiK II'jri.l fiii ; niulrroK Jl.oolM.'jrii
nnlclopr addlc , H lftoi : deer mnddles , 15'rf
\i \ : anloloprci\tcOHii s , OjMOci deorcarcassei ,
101(11 ic. !
lUv- he innrket wmovnitockpil and very
wrnk. Nii.1 , 0.75f&7.0li ) So. S , lO.OO.
mtket l firm , good while.
clovot honey l < flni ( rnrrp nl 17r.
. ysChoi ! ( o. JI.5O ! fnncv , .
MM.MIA ( JiiAi s-1'cr kop , f'J.oo. '
-riirhanapd nt l.TjinSc jicrran.
O.NION.4lloinpgraWn , BOa85r ; Spiinlih.Jl.OO
( ) n.MliI'lotldii , ? .V2Mt3.50.
l'orAT iB < U.untulloin nti'i Homegrown ,
on76ct Colorado anil lllnli. H5f.
l' rt.TiiY TntKoyi , choice , lOc ; gcoso nnd
ducks , 7f Hr : chickens , . \st.0e. \
fWI'.l.T I'OTATOKS t'llotCO MUsCfttltlO mid
llllnoM. stock. } 3,75 4.00 per libl.
Vru.Qiininllonsnip : tjinnlljiiiil fat , Oljtt
7o ; l-iifc'o and hrn\y ,
! . r. < inU Slnrkrt * .
Pf. I.ouis , Mo. , Dec. 28. 1'f.oun Un-
, WIIKAI V holnw _ _ vpipnlnyi | cash , „ . _ ,
.Tnniiiuy , 07c ; May , 7.Tci' .
t.'ou.N lie below vostprday ; cash , 3Gc ! ; Jan-
unry , i 2 301401 . . . _ May . _ . ,
OAI.SImrp | ; oasli , 33c ; Ma } ' , O3'jc.
U vi ; Nothing done.
llAiil.BV yuli'li Minnesota 57o.
I'ltovisiON-J-Dnll at previous ( imitations
Hr.ciil'M : riour , O.OOO hills. ; wheat , 37,000
Int. ; POIII , 232oo < l bii.s ois,42ot ! ( ) ( ) bu. ; rye ,
I2.000ibilloy.25,0.)0. : )
' . riour , 10,000bhls.\vheal : , 20,000
Int. : corn , 185,000 bu. ; unts , 3&UIM Im. ; rye ,
8,000 Im.j bailey , 2,000 bu.
KIIIIIIIS City Murkcli ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. . Dec. 28. WIIHAT Dull
and lower ; No. 2 rod , ( lH > ic.
CmtN-Woal. , and "low ; No. 2 mixed , 32 ©
32 'so. '
OAis-\\Vak : No.2 ml\ed , 2H'S < & 29c.
HVK Plrin ; No.2 , 5V. (
IttJiTr.nriiohanjtotl ; cicamory , 25ttC8c ;
dairy , 143.1 80.
Koiis-ln piiod demand al 22'j < ! i23e.
HKCMITSWheat , G3.0UU bu.j coin 0,000
1m. ; outs , none.
Siiti'McsTS-Whcat , 03,000 bu. ; corn , 0,000
Ini.i oats , 3,000 Im.
OH Mnrlivt.
Niw YOIIK , Dec. I'r.Tiioi.KiiM-Qulpt ; ro-
rpllned.easv ; icllned New York , $5.40 ; I'lilla-
dclphla and llalllmoie , $5.35 : I'hlladolplda
anil Italllinorn In bulk , { 2.85 2.00 ; United
closed fi2 ; c bid.
l'OTTO.N.stii : ) On. Quiet and steady ; crude ,
44c ; yolloH,40'Jc.
TAI.I.OW Quiet and dim : city ( J2.00 for
packages ) . 5'e.
HOSIN Dull , sleady ; straliud , common to
coed , $1.32" ,1.35.
Ti'niM Tixi-liill. : ) piisy. ai 30'i'T,31c. ' |
I.OMIII.V. Dec. 2H ( 'ii.cui r.v I.INSIII : : > 10s
Nr.w YOIIK , Iec.2H.Options ) opened steady ,
unchanged to 10 points up , eloslnit llrm , 10 to
, . .
lilo , ( Inner , moderatodenniiid ; No. 7 , } 17.00.
Mll\\iiikrii ( liriiln Mitrkpts.
iTKKn.Vls. . . Dec. 28. Win : VT Lower ;
May , 70c ; No. 2 spring , G5c.
t'on.V-Qulet ; No. 3 , 37'e.
( JAis-tjulot ; No. 2 white , 34'J ; No.3 , white ,
31',5t32'H' .
ItAIII.KV 08c.
KvB-OO'ic. '
.tllnnesipolls Whfiit Alurkot.
, Minn. , Dec. 28. There wns
not much Interest In Hie miirkot today. The
openliiR was qnlet and stionn : No. 1 northern
wont from B3Vc toGSc , wlthifiost at G4c : No.
2 northern. GOe ; receipts , 210 cars. Close :
May , 70 : December , G4'iC. ' On track : No. 1
hard. 03'ji1 ; No. 1 northein , 04c ; No. 2 noith-
01 n , 08GOu.
Clnrliimitl 'Miu-ket .
CINCINNATI , O. , Doc. 28. WIIKAT In good
demand and steady ; No. 2 red , 70c.
COIIN Lower : No. 2 ml\od , 41c.
OAT.s-rirm ; No. 2 ml\ed. 3 I'jC.
WHISKY Steady ut S1.30.
C'til ton .IliirKcl.
Nr.w OnuiA.vs , La. , Dec. 28. Stonily ; mld-
illlnir , O'jo ; low nildilllnir , O'ic : net iocolHs | ,
0.1S7 bales ; ( -loss lecelpts. 71.402 bales ; o\-
porls to the continent , 51,107 bales ; .sales ,
5,100 hales ; slock , 351,027 bales.
Hiiltlmoro ( ir.iln .Market.
HAI.TIMOIII : , Md. Dec. 28.VnuiT Quiet ;
No.2 led 75' . c.
Conv rirmer : mixed spot 4H' .
OATS Quiet ; No.2 whlto we-tern , 42S43C.
Toledn ( ir.iln
TOLEDO , O. , Doc. 2R. WIIT.AT Steady ,
lower : No. 2 cash and December. 7'Jc.
COHN-Duli ; No. 2 cash , -He. Qlllot ; cush , 35c.
Traders' T.llU.
CHICAGO , III. . Doc. 28. Kennett , Hopkins ft
Co. to S. A. McWhoilor : The market has
been active and decidedly weak. It is evi
dent Ihal the L'oncral public uio not Inclined
to buy wheat on bulges : iml equally evident
that tlio same policy Is being pill sited by tlio
piomlneiit local Inills , The latter Inno made
no ell'orl to snppoit the niarl.ut today. Tlio
most piomlneiit buying has been by" I'aid-
ridge , who bought heavily at 78'fe and under.
The Itradstreet rcpoit of available Mipply
was late Iu coming and tiailors were at liberty
to guess at tliu Incioaso In uccoid.inco with
their own Ideas , They availed them
selves of this and some acted ontliolrown
estimates langlnz from 4.000,000 to 5,000,000
bu. Kccclpts at Minneapolis and Duliith were
somewhat smaller , theio being lint 507 cars.
A depiosslng foal uio Is the low grade of
wheat which aio being oll'ercd at a range con
siderably under the average grade. It looks
as If constant buying by llio smaller paily of
local bulls was necessary lo sustain even u
small advance. Com and oats huvo been
weak. Tlio boarUli fi-atuio In corn Is tlio
piessmo fiom the countiy lo sell cash lots ,
oirerlngs being voiy fieo and meeting lint few
buyers. The pieseiit tendency of tlio corn
maikol seems to bo towaid lower pi Ices. I'lo-
vtslons started fiactlon.illv higher , hut thn
adMinco met fieo selllnby local longs and
the close was decidedly heavy.
Cmr-Afio , III. , Dec. 28. Cininsclinnii K Day
to CocUiell Ilios. Commlssldii comptiny :
The speculative mmkcls weio lo-s animated
and after some oaily covering by shoits in
.InlJ- wheat and May poi k theiowasa gtad-
ual doclliio all mound led by scat ( mud buying
of .May wheat by small holdeis , un\Iotis to
seciuo what lemalned of profits on puicliases
made below 7He. At the close tlioio was lib
eral buying liy substantial hull houses.
Coin was dull and heavy , owing to free of-
feilngsof low grades In the s.implo ciiiwil.
Oats were ( inlet hut thodr cllne to 3-lc for .May
disclosed laigo buying eiders at that lignio
Provisions weio again IOHOI and closed heavy.
The weight of ( 'udahy & . Wilght's sales aio
ovciloaillng thu muikol and their tactics aio
eiinally u m > story and successful Iij the hear
campaign us tlio Into bull op'iitlonj. : :
MovoiiH'nts In Securities Vesteriluy
MiiroTIian Uhii.illy liitcnMtliij , ' ,
Nliw YOIIK , Dec. US. The movement In Iho
stock market today wasmoio than usually
Interesting. Oencially speaking thu tonu of
speculation was stiong ; pilccs having ruled on
a higher range , dosplto depression In
Noitliein 1'acillc secuillles and a decided ro-
ucllon In Munlialtan , Now Yoik und Northoin
piofeirod , and Now Voik .1 Now England , The
weakness of the Noitliern I'aclllc attracted
widespread attention , a decline of 1 to2 points
In the stocks and li'u,3li ! ' percent In the bonds
of the company having caused liquidations oi )
an o\toiisl\o scale. It Is repotted that ono
hotiMi sold out a Janro batch of thu seem Itlos
which It had been carrying for customers wlio
weio iinablo to lospond to Iho calls fur uddl-
llonal niaigliis.
This led lo rumors that u prominent house
was financially embauassed , but they could
not ho conoborated and In fact weio dls-
ciedlted In usually well Informed quaitors.
No default Is likely on llio January Iniciest
obligations and olllclalsof thocoinp.iny Mate
Hull the lloallng Indeliteilnoss Is puivldod fern
n ] > to September , lnyI. Ono of the icpoitsiu
clicnlatlon Is to tlio olloct lljiit Hillof the
( iioat Northoin , Is ileinosslngNoithorn I'aclllo
wlthulow of obtaining conuol In the Inlciost
of Ma company. Manhattan declined-I per
cent lo 1.11 , Now York and Noithoni
picfciicd 2\ iii'icunt to - . ' ) ! und
Now Kiighind 1-U to I4J * . Siiliseiicutly ( [
Manhatlun iccosuicdU and thu other two
rallied about a point. Strangely enough thu
weakness of Northern I'aclllc and the unfavor
able minors In clicuhitlon In icgard to the
tlnanclul condition of llio company did not
prnu'iil thogenoial list from reaching higher
llguics. Thocualstocksluhanced 3 ! ( percent
for l.ackawannu und 2 per cent for Jersey
Central and Delawaio .v Iliulson. Iteadlng
was uNii In ( lemand und closed with unot gain
of ! i percent on thu uniionncoment that un
airaiigumenl had been made with the I'lnanco
company of I'cnnsylvanlu , and the I'lnanco
company will advance money to thu Heading
on Its coal nhOAO gioiind , theioby nssuilng thu
payment of Inleieat on the Heading prcfoicncu
Incomii bonds. Chicago ( ius iot > u J ; Distilling
und Caltlofcodlng , 1'i ; Ameilciin tiiigar , 1 * :
Western I'nlon , 1' i National Lead , ' , . and
l.tikuShoio , Vt per cent. St. I'uul. Itock Is
land. Canada Soiithein and l.unlsvlllo
.V Naslivlllo closed > { to 3i lower
than on yo.steiday. Among the
hpecliillles , Ameilean tolmcco sold at fl.lHCifi
1,11) against H.f ! > last piuvion ly icporteil snlu
hoforti today. Tennessee coal and lion fell otV
flimiU3i ( tiilH'iC.undtlio lulerroso to3lic. ( ! It
U blati-d that thu conlOKt for thu contiol of thu
compuiy : Is In pioglcs. > j and that Interesting
lUnehiiinii'iits may bo looked for shortly. In u
geneial way Iho maikot was. favorably In-
lluenccd by Ihu decidedly cinder feeling Iu
money und a reduction Iu thu into of storllni ;
oicliungo , which t > uU at iL'Htlho apprehension
recently full In logaid tdllio oijioi tmovemont
of gold. The foii'iu-ners were buyeis to u
uiodorutoiuleut. The uiarUot closed tlrm.
Tins 1'obt'it tluuucliil writer bays : There Is
no reason why the Itpadlim's new ntTftnyo-
inent for Its locnl finances should ho icgnrtVd
as nn extraordinary innvo. HIP reason l <
plain Piiouirh. In It * efforts to keep Its liicomo
bondholders In ( too : ! hninor , the company has
adopted Hie policy ( if anticipating revenue
and iMirron Ing on this basis in meet pontln-
gpiilohnrps. To the company HIP moil con
venient collateral was unmarketed coal nnd
on such MVtirlly , II seems , money has been bor
rowed even for this year. An arrangement of
tlil kind must necessarily have proved awk-
warll for regular b.mker and broker nnd hii l-
ness mansuch as have hit liotlo appeared on HIP
scene whenever Iho Heading wnnted Us notes
discounted. II does not follow , ni was hinted
today , Hint tlio transfer of HiN account lo nn
lntlepnndeiil concern and established for pre
cisely surli purposes was nn ontcomu of ills-
jiules botwot n iVrnmpiiiij'Ninnn.igorsntKl Us
long iccoffiilrpil bauKers. That ( some oflhe
coul combinations ventures , especially In the
Now KiiRland states have been frowned upon
by 1I 1 the ridlmtnlphla allies Is well known. Hut
1t It I may ho doubted whether the Heading's now
malingers could break away from this older
hondholdlng Interest If they wished to do so.
And certainly It would bo folly to provoke
trouble In that quarter at a somowhal critical
poilod In the company's financial history.
Thu following are thu closliip , limitations for
Iho lending stocks on llio Now York Stock ex-
ch.ingolodav :
Atchlion ; vi ) < TJo"rtKernT'ncTHir.
Northern 1'ndllc pM
Alton. T. II I' I * . Don A ( lulf. .
American 1 * . Nnrlliwojlorn HUM
llnltlmuro .V Ohio. do prcfprrnl Hl
Canncln I'aclllc N. V. Oontrnl lOdV
Caimiln Southern . . N. YANK ; . * s
Ccntrnl I'ncltla . . . . Onlnrlo A Wcntorn. 18lS
LlH'B , A. Ohio un Imp . IU .
Clilcncu Alton II'J jOrctfon Nor
c. H jig ' .ii < ( S I , . A U. N . . . . niVi
Cnlciuo Has I'lidllo.Mnll Vi ) < 4
Consolidated ( Ins. . . I'corl.i. Dec. A IS. . . , l'i'4
C. C. C A St. 1. IMtlibtirir. . . . 1.V ,
Colo. Conl A Iron. . I V {
Cotton OllCort
Del. lluditon Ilk'tmionil Tor
I ) . U.VW ilo iirofcrrnil fOH
I ) . Alt. (1. I'M ' Itio ( Irnndj Went. . . fOM
I ) . AC. K. Co ilo prrfcrrcil M
KnstTiinn Hock iHliinl 81 >
St. UAii. F. UtpM. 76
do preferred St. I'niil 7I.H .
Kort vVnyne 111 do prrfprri'it n\ \
( it. .Northern | ifd . . St. Paul AOmshn. . . nmi
C. X i : . 1. pfd ilo iirvforroil 1I8H
IlocklimVulloy. . . . Southern 1'nclllc. . . : n
Illinois ( simiir Hollncry lo U
Ht. I'niil A Dillntli. . 'Tumi. ' Coal , V iron MiV
Knn. A Tex. | > M Tcxns 1'ncino V
l.nko ICrlu A West. . I ol A. O Cent. pfil. .
do preferred Union 1'nclllc
l.nVoShoro 12'.i ) ( 11. S > . Kx press
l.enrl ' 1 rut 4Ti W. St. I , . A I'
I.onl9. A.N.inh TOM do oruforroJ
Louis. Jl .Ne > v Alli'y. 32' ' < l \ VullF > rim Kxp. .
Mnnli.ittnn Con . . . Nil ! Waitcrn Union. . .
.Meniipl | < Jt C [ , ) wiicuittiK A i. i : . . . . 21
.Mlclilvnn Cenlrnl. . 1UO ' " 21B *
Mhxnirl I'nclflo . . . 1UOWIK Mlnnl'.vA. lV.i ! ! ! B
Mobllo.v Ohio . . . . : i ( t > A U 0 , 10
Nn hTlllo Clmtt . . . SI ( leitGrnl Klcctrlc. . . IIOK
Nntlonnl CurdiiKo. . 1:11 : Nntlonal I.Unouil. . If )
do ( iruForrod 1U | | C. I'nol A Iron. . . .
N.J. ( Vntrrtl . . Ufl'4 Mo pro'crred. . . ,
Norfolk A W. iiJ . 3T lions. A Tex. Ion. .
North American ( i.
The total sales of stocks today were 305,000
laics , including : Atchlson. 5,000s Ituillng-
I.iimldii riiuuielill
[ Cori'iril ) ) / / ' ( iSS } IHJ Jitin't ( Jnnlnnl'iiM'H.1
LONDON , Dec. 28. [ Now York Herald ( ! : ible
Special to Tun HIK.I : Arrangement for the
fortnightly settlement chlolly occupied the at
tention of the htock exchange today. Now
business wasgreatly icstiicted , and for tlio
account proved a compnratHoly small atValr.
Good Investment orders caused consuls lo Im
prove 7-10 percent ; Indian rupee paper was
quoted 34 per cent higher. Koielgu govern
ment soemltlcs close tolerably llrm , moio
steadiness iK'Ing icportod on the Purls
bourse. Tlio principle feature of homo
railways Is a fall of 'i per cent In III lirliton
ilefeiied , duo to the unsatisfactory working
statement. Other dosciipllons are more orless
Him. AHUM leans , with ono or two o.vopt Ions ,
also Imvo been more or less llrm all day. Al
though dealings have been restricted , nearly
a general advance was established , including
'a percent In Atchlson and from ' ( to 'i per
cent In most others , but North"rn I'arlllc piof-
otnce lias fallen 2 percent and Luke Shore 1.
Canadian I'aclllc has given way S per cent
hut ( Irani ! Ti link Issues elo-n ijullo buoyant ;
first piofeienco has ilsen 7o percent , second
piofeionco Ta per cent and thlid prefeience
guaiantoed ' . per cent. Mi'Alcan profeiences
unmoved 'f per cent. Money was more
wauled. Shoit loans have been charged 1 to
H per cent. The discount market , however ,
continued quiet ; two and three months bills
v.erequoted at from I5a to 134 percent.
> > < : York Money Market.
Nr.v ; Youic , Dec. 28. MONHV ON CAM ,
KasyatSfiO per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ;
closed otrcred at 3 per cent.
I'niMi : MEIICANTII.H I'AIMIH 5510 per cent.
ijiiiti. : ( i I'xciiA.NUC Kasler , with actual
business at t4.85@4.85i ? for sixty day bank-
els' bills and M.HTH .bT3 * for demand.
The closing quotations on bonds :
U. K 4Hreg .Sortharn t'uu. ZIHU ll.i
tJ. S. H coui > .V. W. Consols . . . . iiU :
II. S 4 < 4 re- 10) .V.V. . Dob. .1 11)1 )
1'nclllcus of 'U1 . . IDS St. U A I. M.Oon fu S.ff
I.OllMHim bt'llC.l 49. St. Ii. & San K ( J. M. I09M
Missouri 0 St. I'aulConsols. . . 12SH
Tcnn. now not tis. . , . 101 ht. I' . C. A I' . Ihts. . . 117
Ti > nn. now ftuL.pij. . . . 102 I1. I' . U ( ! . Tr. llcts. 77
1'enn. now ot 3s. . . . * , i ; T. 1' . II. O. Tr. Ucln. 77W'W
Can.uhiSo. ' 'niH . . . Wl'i ' Union I'nc. Ists. . . . 1U7
Cen. I'arllle l ts. . . . wm XVrjut shore 101
I ) . Ml. . 1st ] HT.'t ' H. G.V 71) ) ' ( i U. ( ! . 4i Rtl Atch is
Krlu 2ndt 1014 Atch. 2Mj'c , olats A. . .
M. K. AT. Ccn. OK. 7.i i ( i. 11. A..S is 01
M. K. AT. ( ion. flu. . 48 O. H. AS. , 2nd SB. . . . 1UI
Mutual llnlun da. . . um H.k T.0.5H
N. J.C. Int Cert . . . 111 } ) , H AT. C. Cons. Ci. . 101
Northern 1'ne. lnt .
HoKton Stock Oitntatldiis.
I1OSTOX , Mi- : > - , . . Dec 28. Tlio following are
tliuclo-jlnit Htock ( iuotatlon- > :
HAN 1'iiANCisco , Cnl. , Drc. 28. The ofdPlul
( lo liii ; quotations for mining btooks today
were a'
SI. I.dlllH .MIlllllK UlHlliltlDIH.
Sr. Lotus , Mo. , Dei ; . 28. Truillniury llflit.
Quotations :
riinint'htl NOIOH ,
Nr.w Om.UANri , I.a. , Dec. 28. Clcarluus.
KANS\S ( JiTV , JIo. , Dee 28 , Ulourlngs to-
liny woio tl,7C > ( ) .bu. ( ;
1'Aiilh , Doe. 28. Tliieo per font i elites , 07f
: lOc for lliu account.
Nr.w YdliK , Doc. 28. Clearings , $135,090-
BHC.j Imlanro- , , * 7,2bM.1.13.
Niw : YdliK , loo. ) 2H , ( lovorninont bonds
bettor. Htato liomli neglected ,
HAI.TIMOIII : , Mil. . Deo. 28.-C'li'iirlii'il212 ( < 7l-
212i Imliiiicos j2Jl,2uU. ( ) Monuy , 0 purcont.
I'lili.AiiKi.i'iiiA. I'a. , Doc. -C'loailii' , " * ,
fl2bl7ua3i Ualances , 2,210-KJO. Jloiioy , 0
per con I.
I.OMMIN , Doc. St. Ainniint of liulllon wltli-
diawn fioni tlio of Kn 'hiinl on lialanco
today , i'H.OOO.
CI.NCIN.NATI. O. , Doc. 28. .Monnv-IVjUG per
ccnl. Now Voi-lc o.\cliano ; , 25u jiioniluiii.
nenrlli } , " . , J2.401.750.
rMiMi : > iil8 , Tonn. , DPI' . 28. Now Voik
oM'liaiiKo hulling nt par. Cluarin s , JlH'J-
( jo-ii iKilanceHi'jrj'j. ; .
BT. J.OUIH , Mo. , Dec. 28.--f'loarliiK3 , 14,335.-
C07 ; Iialnncos , 33U.711. Money ijtilot , 0 < ii7
liercent. IXclianKOOiiNowVorU par.
Niw : VOIIK , Dec 28. Tlio Now York CVntral
, V Ilildsini Hlvor r.illioad has declaiod 11 iiiiti- |
torly < ll > ldt'nd of li ! per conl , payulilu Janu
ary 1.
NBW YOIIK , Doc. 28. [ Hpeclal TolcRrain to
TiiKllKi : . ] Kxt'liiinuo wasqiiotod us follo H :
CldcaKo , 75c piciiiluin ; llotton , &u dlbcount
< ii. < ; piemlum ; tft-l.ouls , par.
IldSiON , MiihS. , Dec. ' . ' 8. full IOIIIIK , Mi&7c :
tlino loans , fi''iiii'ic ; clearlnxh , J17,1)1i'Jii ) ( ;
halniicos , 1(2,051,767 , Money ( J < il7 per will.
i\oliaiiKU : on Now Voik 5u ( llscoiuii to to
I.lVi : .STU ( ( ; .MAHKKTH. "
Cnltlo ( it'iirrully I.oivor HOB Sell Illglicr
Slirop IMrni.
OMAHA , Dec. 28 , Tlio cattle receipts today
exceed oxpoctutlons of lioth hellers and buy
ois , iiuinberlni ; In all about 4,500 head.
The KU'iiter iniit of tluibiipply consisted of
coinnion lo fullhliort foil hleers and i-ous ,
only u few bunches of fairly llnlslied slull
( illorcl. Thu ninrliettnn Just ubout n
uneven as could bo , oponlni ; anyulieio from
steady lo 60 to lOc lonor. and cloilni ; Kt'iier-
ully lOc to 15u lower , Tlioro was u pretty
KHd demand for tlio cuttle , howover. und iu
the. cloko of biulucas ihuioHOro Kr bttcrs of
nny kind In first Iminls .Bhlpp rs plcknl up
f < ovr-rn.l loads of Xlifcl Itcltor cattle , nlHioiifrli
prices nn Ihesc writ' nko | lower.
Cow stuff -old lowIn sympathy with HIP
tnntkol oiiMorrw , yvrrtit In pot-lbly ciitly Iu
tlio day. tvliPii n frw xnlow wore quotou nt
nboilt stonily ptlec . , ji'lo liiB llRiirp ere fioni
HMo ) l-VlmiM-n n'mlcUlli tlio i > cus pictty
wi'lt clcn ii'il of nil Jtoldliif.
TliotiadP In stocic rnttlo wm rather nulol ,
with llttlo ( lenninjUffoin the rountiy nnd the
Mipply not very IfWtVy. l'rlco < rte Hun ( in
iinytlilii" wnntod-ii ilonlur-4. nnd vultnlilo < .lulT
rliaiiBOl liiuuls reRjilmbiy ciuly. ltciirc t'iit -
i nr.p.r.
No. Av. No. Av. t'r.
.1022 n r. 00 . . .1172 n iiu
13 : . 014 d . . .loon 3 0(1 (
" . 010 3n 15 . . . . I2ir , 3 ! . '
10" . OJt n fitr 21 . . . .1152 3 1)5 )
' . D'J3 n no .1178 4 00
in ! .KHi4 n no la. ; ! ! . 115(1 ( 00
.1000 n eon 18. . . .121H OO
.lor. i n c.r > 11 . . .120H 4 05
45 . 07(1 ( : i 70 H . .12HO I 05
1 ! ) . .11)01) ) ) n 7 tr. . . . . .134-1 4 20
17 .1121 0 23 . . . .1157 4 25
24 .1275 3 5 18 . . . .1177 25
30 . .1 ( ) ! ) ( ) 5 1C. . . . .1235 . 25
H . .1135 3 75 37. . . . .1101 4 HO
33 .101)7 ) n 75 20 . . . .1247 4 35
10. . .1048 : i HO 18 . . . .1307 4 40
38 . .1135 a HP > 20. . . . .1283 4 5(1 (
0. . .1175 n 85 20. . . .1210 4 Ml
11. .I23H 3 Hli 41. . . . .1208 4 05
74 . .111) ) I 3 85
1 . .13KO 3 50 53 . 1312 4 30
' .1071 3 75 20 . 133O 4 30
TH' . .1154 3 Ul ) 21 . 121 ! ) 4 45
.120 : * 4 0,1 18 . 1351 4 75
ib. . 1218 4 00
4 . 712 1 40 ° 2 " o nr ,
4r , . HliO 1 50 \ 2l" . 082 2 25
r > ! 1 50 18. . . -110 .1 ot-j
i. ! ! win 1 50 21. . .1034 2 25
12. , . HM1 1 50 12. . .102(1 ( 2 25
7. , . 757 1 (15 ( 15. . . ! IH ! ) 2 25
7. , . 837 1 70 . 035 2 25
1. , .1030 1 76 in : : . H0l ( 2 25
1 , .1070 1 75 17. . . 801 2 25
3 , . 1)11(1 ( 1 75 .1140 2 25
, .1000 I 75 so ! ! . CiCill 2 25
, . OHO 1 75 I. . .1280 2 30
, .1015 1 75 22 . 00(1 ( 2 30
, . -075 1 75 5 : : .1010 2 35
10 . , . 782 HO 10. . .1002 2 35
5. . . .1022 1 85 13. . .1030 2 35
11 . . . 001 1 00 i. . . 1120 2 35
6. . . . 750 1 00 i. . .1220 2 35
o i . . H51 1 ! > 0 12. . .1070 2 35
V ! 2 00 25. . .11)00 ) 2 35
i . ! ! liioo 2 00 ID. . . 1)58 ) 2 40
i . . .11-10 2 00 . 1100 2 40
i . . . 030 2 00 .1018 2 411
i " , 840 2 ( HI 15. . . 040 2 40
2 ! . .1022 2 00 a. . . 077 2 45
13 , . . H7H 2 00 8. . 8O8 2 45
17 , . . M'J 2 00 O.I . 006 2 50
23. , . . mil 2 05 O.In : : . 040 2 50
10. , . . 000 2 10 i. . .1017 2 50
5. , . .1010 2 10 23. . . 051 2 50
. .I'J'-'O 2 10 3. . . OHO 2 50
. . US1 2 10 14. . .1033 2 50
ia. . . . HOI 2 10 7. . . 700 2 50
32 . . . 034 2 10 12. . .1180 2 55
43 . . . UOH 2 10 12. . .1108 2 55
12 . . . ! ) H1 2 10 0 . .1025 2 55
28. . . . 055 2 15 3. . .1023 2 75
20 . . . 773 2 15 3. . .121(1 ( 2 75
11 . . . UJ5 2 15 1. . , .1210 2 75
' . .12JO 2 25 17. . .1058 2 b ( )
17 . . . i'J2 ) 2 25 1. . 1270 2 85
0 . . . 888 2 25 1. , .1100 3 OO
18. . . .1070 2 25 1. , .1100 3 00
. . 724 1 90 1. 041 3 00
. . 280 2 25 210 3 50
. . 330 2 30 lee I 00
. . 300 2 50 130 4 00
. . 282 2 (10 ( MO 4 50
. . HO 3 00. 210 4 50
. . IHO 3 01) 100 4 50
. . 230 3 00
.1400 r,6' ' .1085 2 17'i
.1020 0' .1325 2 25
.1130 05 . 15'JO 1 25
. HOO 75. .1310 2 25
. BOO 70 , , .1240 2 25
.1280 75 iitii : ; 2 .W
.1280 HO' .1000 2 35
. 1)75 HO .1210 2 35
.1120 00 .121)0 ) 220
.1450 2 00 .1040 2 40
. U30 2 00 . 1800 2 75
. 1200 2 OO'1 .IHijO 3 OO
.1240 2 10 .l.VJO 3 00
.13)0 2 10 .1580 3 10
.13-5 2 10 ,
.1350 2 10
1CGO 3 35
850 2 00 . 840 2 75
551 2 40 . 040 2 75
500 2 40 I- ' ' 8. . . 050 2 75
040 2 40' 12. . . 7H8 2 85
070 2 40 124. . .1000 2 85
070 215 4. . . 835 2 85
HH5 2 45 12. . . ,400 2 85
400 2 50 4. . . 772 2 00
700 2 50 * > ' 80" 3 00
040 2 00 4' ! . 772 3 10
800 2 00 " 2 . 010 3 15
730 2 00 1. . .1151) ) 3 15
7U3 2 00 3 . .1OIO 3 25
H25 2 05 3. . .1010 3 25
785 2 05 21. . . 051 3 25
Co. Av. l > r. No. Av. Pr.
( .7 bulls..l335 il 110 74 bills..1307 $1 00
70stl.s..UU7 3 UO
3 cows 003 $1 50 1 hull. . . 1240 H 75
1 bull. 1430 1 75 I stag. . . . 1210 2 00
1 stag. 1330 200 1 stag. . . 1380 2 00
0 cows 1000 2 10 2 cows. . . 015 2 10
' 0 cows 017 2 10 45 cows. . . 808 2 10
1 fill- . . 1420 2 50 1 fdr 1030 1 ! 50
1 fdr. . 030 3 00 3 fdrs. . . 023 3 00
12 fdis. 1008 3 00 14 fdrs. . . . 1050 3 00
38 mi. , . . . ObO 3)0 ) 40 stls..H74 3 35
llofis The supply was meager , only 11,000
ocoived , about 4OUO less than ( in Wednesday
if lust week. Theio weio liaidly enough hogs
igo aiotind , and vvhllu pi Ices woui geneially
t nickel higher Undo was not uveilj bilsk.
I'lii ) quality of Iho oiroiliigs was pietly com-
nun and but few good shipping loads woiu to
Do had. Miles weio hugely at $0.45 , with : i
lop at $0,55 and bottom tt > .30. Theru was
Hulo if any change In tlio close fiom thu
: oneral market. lioprosontatlvu sales :
No. Av. till. 1'r.
iJO. .180 40 } 0 45
no. .217 210 045
37 . .178 020 0 453
0. . .2-10 240 C. 45
80. . .IHO 120 0 45
. .330 120 0 45
. .280 120 ( > 45
0. . . .201 200 G 45
5. . . .21i ( 240
72. . . .21'J 240 0 4-ia
52. . . .202 40 0 47'i '
7. . . .217 tl 47"j
7. . . .211 320 0 47'i
20. , . .201 80 U 51) )
51. , . .241 210 0 50
25. . .27U 200 0 50
7. . .200 80 ( i DO
5'J. . .203 120 0 50
01. . .215 100 240 ( > 50
87. . .218 2HU 40 0 50
50. . .251 120 40 II 50
03. . .242 120 10O ( i 50
78. . .214 121) 120 ( i 50
03. . .240 120 80 0 50
75. . .203 280 200 0 50
73. . .205 28O 100 0 02' 3
81. . .210 120 100 U 55
CO. . . . 240 120
piiKii' | : Receipts were light. The maiket
was Him with a good Inquiry fiom loca
houses for nil dosluttiloolToriiigs. Quotations
as follows : I'alr to good natives , t3,5DTs
4.75 ; fair lo good westoiiis , $3.25Si4.50 ; com
mon and stock sheep , (2.25frf3.5U ; good K
choice 40 to 100-lh. Iambs , $1.OO&0.00. Itep-
lescnlativo sales ;
No , Av. Pr ,
1 buck . , . 160 3 00
23 iiatliu weathers . 117 5 OO
UUliatl\c.sml\edil . 103 4 60
Ilpeelpts ailtl. , ) | ) of.Stnclc.
liocelpls at thi 'lliilim'.Slook Yards , Soutl.
Omaha , Neb. , for twenty-four hours ondlng
at 6 o'clock p. m. December 28 , 1802 :
Miimii : { ( .MI.
Curs , Hund Cam. I lleiut
lib { . 'M 5'J.I
t-rtlt A CO l.tli 1,017 y.
TliiMj. II llainnioni Sb7 1115
' 1 lie Cuduliy rni'kln ( ! < lo. . lCl3&J UH
Omiiliu racklni ; to . . > , &J "
A , llnair . . - . .
Wliili' . 1 * . 1) . , . 171
Stiickors nnd rcuderk . hill
Slorrls . \ . . . 1ST
Total. . 41
ClilcMKr ) r.lvo htnek Murlict.
CIIIOAOO , III. , Doc , 28. [ Special Tolounim t
Tin ; HUH.I Tliuro uia : u very Hun maik
today for nllernilpinf cnltlcnml oino UlniN
MUI higher. licilrii'jln Chipping storM vrro
not very Plentiful nnd they IH-IIIU' In nemo
rripirsi olil Hide lilBhor. Tlio bettor RrntlM
of eow , lirlfots nnd hull * aNo Mild stronger ,
lint I lie tinilo In iltvwi'il lioof ' oils drncui'd.
Tlio cooliTM hoio unit nl I ho onM up-
pear lo bo ] irotly well Illlril up
miilllip momliertof llio oowlilno itrp | n\v In
liny ( lip luh aiirrd prices ilrmiuiilod bv nollor * .
This Book's receipts himlii'on tintnlily light
lio\u > \ or nnd unless their N nn lininrdluto nnd
divided Increase n slinrp mhnti'o must -oon
I'iKo place. S.ile * weio in reply nt from 12.00 to
t'J.r.ll ' for cows , hrlfci'sitnd nulls , nnd nl ftoni
J3. < o lojfi.OO for Moors. The oMronio ratipo
of ( imitation * \viis fioni Jl.'J.'i lo tO.'JS ,
Tlicio violo Mllosof hoes todiiynl 17. At
icnst two loads chniiRod ( muds nftlmt ptloo ,
nnd Ihorovorr many - lU'sut finm JO-nn lo
jn.Ofi. As compared with yosteidav's quoin-
tlons thi'w was nn nth unroof UV , tlio
i iillns linn al fioni JO.M to } r,75 for poor In
prlmo llitlil. ul ( inin W , 10 lo Jti.OO for im-ragcs
of in line i-'OO lo 230 Ibs and nl fioni JO.iH )
lot ? forhpii\k'i < l lits. Itwasa niNotnblv
poor lot of IHV * for which pilci-s below JO.Oil
had to be accepted. Indeed It did not tnko a
yory aitlclo lo folcli fiom $0.75 lo
Jfi.HO In homy uolirliti.
The sheep mniKot was active mid lilnlior. So
far this i'cK only nbont 17i < m Imxo
como In , and. thi-io lioinjr a dennind fora
oonMdoialily luwr niiniber , prices Inive
steadily hiudoned. They trained a fiactlon today -
day , bolntf sluing at from M.7"i to $3.iO ( for
poor to extra sheep ntnl fiom $1,16 tojti.M ) for
laniln. Tlioitualliy of thoolloilnirs luis minle
consldoiahlo linpriiu'incnt of late , I ho
n ri lval Ineludlii1 : nrinv ( rood fed sheep.
Hccolptt- radio , I'J.IMH ) head ; IIOL-S , 10,000 !
sheep , ( ,000.
The l o'ilns Journal loprtits :
C \ TTI.IItecelpls : , 11,0011 head : shipments ,
a.OOOi inarl.ot slow and pi Ices MriKlvt lop
prices , t5.OOir.j.lO , ; no e\Ma sioers oil Mill1 !
fair tniouil , sKi.-m3&.r > is ) sioekois $ : i.iiogi.6tii :
cows , 11.704:1.00. :
IliwsDirect. . IH.noniipnil : shipments ,
head : marUot Kiclilulici : ion h and common ,
Jll.40Jri.riOi mixed and p.tokcis , } ( i.iVTMJ.7H ;
p i line heaxy and ImtelieiV woljihls , } > > {
7. .00 ; light , iui'j'il.or. .
Snnr.t'-Hooclpts , 7,1100 head : shipments ,
000 head ! nniikcl nleadv : natives , } 3.7.YMUHi !
wostoins , f4 HDWft.ODj" fed ToMins , rl.75 ;
lambs , J3.75Ur < > .
.New Yiirli l.lvo Mock .Market.
Niw : YOIIK , DIM'JH. . - Hr.nvin Uooolpls
1,77(1 ( head , Including ; -10 cm loads for aio.
MarKel llrin , shade higher for strictly clmlce ;
mitlve stoeis , jIl.'OTiii.fjO per 100 Ihs. ; 'I'evans.
$3.50 ! bnlK and cow , , } 1.7.Vr.1.ti < ) ; ( dossed
beef steady at Hnil' , - per III. MilpinciilM to
day , Dili hooves Mini 0.1170 iiuaitcis of beef ;
tomoitou , ! li ( bt'oxes and - ' , ! ! l I iinailoi- .
I'AI.VIN Itocelpls , ! l-l head ; maiKet III in :
veals , * roOr/.0l ! ) ( per 100 Ibs ; masstifj.ltOrfr
II.OO ; western calves , jL .7riTrt.7fj. !
SIIKIP : AMI I , \ MIHItecolnts , 7.140 head ;
marKet dull ami ' .fo per lb. lowoi ; sheep ,
: i.l.O'VUVJ'j . ' per 100 Mis. ! Iambs , Ki.iiw/o0. : |
llons-Uecolpts , O.-lilll head , consigned dl-
locl : inii : Kot nominally steady at tO.HOU'.OO
per 100 Ib- , . .
_ _ _
Kunsiis'Ity l.lvosioek Mirl ; < el.
KANSAS 1'ITV. Mo. , D.'O. 2H. fATTMUe -
lpts , ii.'JOO head ; shipments , head ;
st steel's woio steady , others lOK'jrn * lo or ;
edoisU'ol | mid tinchansod : shipping steel" ,
.n57ti.oOs ( stn'Uoisaiid foedois - _ . . . .
IJtl'lSl.b1' V' < 't * t\H I\V I T tl I m l\Jll\-- , s-J.lori.3. 0.
llod.s Hecelpts , 7.800 head ; shipments.
,00(1 ( head : fie higher , closing weak ; all
; rade , $4.25fr7iO ( ) ( ; hulk , J0.405J0.55.
SHIII' : : Hecelpts , none ; shipments , none ;
' ' , nominally linn.
St. I.onN I.Ivo Stock Al irket.
Ioii ) * . Mo. . Dec. iS. ! f \ TTi.tlle : -
s , 2,00011 rail : vbipinciits,700 head : ( | iilet ;
nitIve.steers , j-3.OO'i < . "i.OO ; o\poit sleers , J5.20
(30.40 ( ; lange sleets , J.uog.3.15.
llous Itocolpts , 0,800 bead : shiiimonis ,
JOOhoad ; heavy. $0.50410.75 ; packing , } 0.40i'i
5.155 : light. $0.30aO.O ( ) .
SIIKIIP Kocelpts. 300 head ; shipments , none ;
toady ; natives , } 3.)01.50 ( ) ; choice. W.OO.
\Vr..sTit.V ( I'ACKINO INTKl isTs- .
> periitlons lor thn Past WeolcVero
rniisually Small.
CI.STI.SXATI. O. , Dec 28. ISpocliil Telegram to
I'm : IIKI : . ] Toinoirow's I'llce Cnriont will
say : Wostoin packing operations for the
week woic unusually small for lids time of tlio
year , the total of the week being -Mldii ( ,
( gainst 300,000 last week and 435,000 a year
igo , making a total of 2.550,000 from Novom-
icr 1 , against 4,255.000 lust year. I'lomlnent
[ daces compaio as follows :
l.l.'JOUK )
Kansas City. . . fi IS.OJ'I
Umnha 21.1,00) ) ios 'wo '
Ft. I.oiiu 13J.OJO
ClniMmuUl 1 18.ll ) J
Mlancapolla. . . HUW VOi.'JOl
Mllwnukce I'JJ.IWJ
MouiClty Sl.OOJ
Ccdnr itontUs. . .Vi.O I ) .
l.l.OU )
I'lno Weather Hahy Money.
\Vhcu the combined ndvnntildes of a cliniiu-
Inij clinuito and opportunities for prolUablo
Investment arc cffort'il iiow-a-duys , snfllfient
iuduL'cincnt is in-csuntcd to eaiiitalists , or
even small invcstots. to investigate the sub
ject. The wonderful success of the North
GalvestouAssociation lias hecn duo very
largely to this combination they Imvo
been able to ofter. AVliether the investment
is made with : i view to settlement in that
section of the country , or for a speculative
prollt , the opportunities are equally fjoocl.
The local agent of this company > s Franklin
F. Williams , Omaha , Neb. The address of
the general oflice : The North Oalveston
i\ss'n , Box 'Jthl , Minneapolis , Minn.
Oll : Iho WabaHli Koulo.
The short line to St. Louis and quick
est route south.
Only U7 hours to Ilot Springs.
Only 8 ! ) hours to Now Orleans.
Only ! i83 hours to Atlanta.
Only 5iJ hours to Juckbonvillo.
With corresponding fast tiino to nil
l > oints east and south. Round trip
tickets to Hot Springs , Now Orleans ,
Liiko Charles , Gnlveston , San Antonio ,
ity of Mexico , Los Angeles , Sail Fran
cisco , Mo bile , Jacksonville , Tampa , Ha
vana nnd all the \viutor resorts of the
south and west. Reclining chair cars
free lo St. Louis , Toledo and Detroit.
Pullman IntlTot sleeping cars on all
trains. Uiiggago checked from hotels
and nrlvato residences to destination.
For tickets , Bleeping car accommodations
and further information call at Wabash
ticket olllco , loOU Fnrnam street , or
write , G. N. CLAYTON ,
Agent , Omaha.
The rnlillf Will Tula ; Xotleo
That the undersigned hiw Io3t one
certain ] ) ronilasory note defecribed as fol
lows : Note given bv Julian Walker ,
dated Juno 1 , 18i , for $1.000. payable
December 1 , 18 ! ) ! ! . Given toC. II. West as
original p > yeo and endorsed in Hank on
top of the back of the note by C. II.
West. Again under printed "rubber
stamp" by C. II. West. The note is
printed in purple ink. All persons nro
warned against purchasing the same us
it in my property A liberal reward
w'll ' be paid the parly luturnlng the
same to mo.
T. H. Clawson , South Omaha , Nob.
11 y dortnr Bays It ncln Rt'iitly on tlio Blonmcli ,
lUerand l.'l'lnnva.ond Unpleasant laxulhc. 'llili
drink U made from herbs , and la prepared for u
oseaiillyaalrn. Itl4calU > d
AlldruL-iIMJBOllltatI c.nndtlHpacka p. If you
rnnnot Kd It , send your uddrcii for u freu b.impl .
I.KHC'M I'umllr Medicine moves Hie lir i'l
rn rli ild > . 1 n order In bo l.pnllliy IIIi , is note wary.
AddruM OllAlXJll \S'JOU\VA 111) , J.i : ltd v , N.V
Uiilon Stock Yards Company ,
South Opnaha.
licet Cnttlo Ilo und lic p wurkut In tljo wot.
Wood Brothers.
fcoutu Ouiahu Tolcplionu 115T
WAi.TKIl K , WOOD , f
Market llcporti by mull uud wlru cheerfully lur
uUUcd upuu Bi | > llcatloa.
I H M Mt kM ft 11y t * sjr Anil W ? I I xf EV I \v
" ' " -rt -
W * 1 * * C *
Rector & Wilhelmy LoheckA Linn ,
Dealer * tu hinliv.iro
Corner 10th andJnck oii il tooK
sUroets. 1UI lUiul.u * t ,
Ilnt . cup * . Mr.uv
. ,
ami llnrnuy MB.
John A. Wakeileld , Charles R. Lee ,
Ilnrdnuuil luiuttar , oed
Innd rimunt , .Mllnrin- carpets .itul iia
kea cument nmts > ulnL' } tliulllllK ,
while lime. 'Jlh unit Douglas.
Frick Si Herbert , I. Oberfelfor SCo.
Importer ) nnd j obbo
Wliulc.iitlo liquor Jc.ilcri ol uiltllner ) . notlou
Mnll o r d ( in pn uil'U
1001 Pornntn St. ZiW-Slli Illh M.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. ,
tiistnntlr'stopatlio most excruclatlns palm It never fiillc lo slvc fnfo tollioMinvrcri II In truly lha BTJ
'I'sTJ-A ' 'ATioN . , * r
N1Tm % IV. or Tl K IIM K moro oi'lun 1'd. , lonior . .onlli.ueI .inil rflpoalnl . . ore
.nnnt.Vrv All ' INTdllVAIj I'VIN" , 1)1 ) A Itlll 1(1 ! I. IIVil ! > l'iil : V , COI,1C. hlAs.M < . NArSKAUl
KMVHM'l Sl'in.M NKIlVorSNKS-i. SI.HHI'l.n NICSS nit roltov * ! Instaully nnd < | ulcKly cured b/
ft'klimlmviirillyiOto l < l drops In half u tuniblor of w.ilor.
W th ItAOWAVn I'll. ! there Is no hetlor ( UHK or I'UKVKNTIVK ( ' 1 1 - h\ 1.1) Oil Adi - 1. .
bold by All DrinwlbtK. lCoi .r Ixitllo.
Elastic Stocking1
f ffiiijjlj Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies
m si5t-isi , ,
Next to Postofflee.
OPi < > ? B
Omaha's Newest Hotel
40 Itonms at f J.5) ) per d.iy.
[ 0 luioiiis ut ti oo pur duy.
to llronu nitli llalli al $1 U ) per day.
U ) Itooma with Until ut 51..V ) to tl ! > ) per diy.
.Modurii In livery Konpi-et.
fiiily I'm illrtlicrl TliriniKliont ,
C. S. ERB , Prop.
7l ( > riliin llnbll Cnr < > < i In <
ioJt < i" > lt-- . * "rm3rllliir 'U.
I > r. J. .Wvnimu. lx-liaiioi > . ' .
"VC " , Bend 1O cent fr > roiir 100 puce
\ . \ 'Kloctro-Modlcul Theory und
Practice. "
1) ) . II. 1II.1KS , Ion * Falli.IoiTii.
iirofaTHMNHI ) mill IIAOICRD
) by a Dorsl'ituntuoitffli tlioKOii-
I oral slionctli wasted tlion
' , inorelluss PONSI SHTJON.
ISl'IA'lKIl1 OXVUl'N dUlot.
ii 'li -s rtoiisiiiliori'Ios foods
iononcs VOl IWKA.T11H
Ilnmo Inliulrr IT1 A t'lad sunn Isn and blow *
cd ro lif. I JIEIIATII. . 10 tliiihoiinlesa sultcr-
r. It emus -ttKALVlf" CUitES-vJo ( Is ,
riiturili. ilronuliltl ? , Asthinu , ( Jonaiiniptloa ,
"Oxygen Bosk" ami 4 Trys Free ,
& o
S GO , ,
Suite filO Shooly niilR , Omabn.
TO Till ; OWNTUS OK A 1,1 , LOTS Oil I' A UTS
of liits on " 11" street from latli fcUcet to 17tn
Von are lioioby notlllnil llrit tlio umlar *
fil iiod. ttiiciMllRliiturcili'd fronlioKlurs of thn
o.ty of Oninlin , have ( icon duly appointed
by tlio mayor , wltli tlio approval of Dm city
rniincilof Hiililultv. to lissom tlio daniaso to
tlio nwnuirt rospccllvoly of tliu pronnrty afr
footed liy tlio irudliu ; of "U" Mroot from Mth
Htrcot to Kill Kiroot , drolniod iioot-BH.iry by
ornlimnc'o No. D.iHi. puKscd Duouniliar lillli , IS'A '
npnrovoil Deooniljor liitli , K'- ' > .
Von aio fnillicr iidlillud that hiving ac <
copied said MpDOlnliiionl. und ( Inly ( iiiallllod
IIH rciinlrcd liv law. un will , on tlio U'th day of
Janiiary. A. I ) , Ib'JI ' , at llin hour of ; i n'cloclf
In ( ho afernnun ( , al thu olUrn of ( Joe J. I'aul ,
| ( x)5 ) l-'ariiain htrcot.llhln the cor-
pnratollinlts of Bald oltv. moot for the | inr-
pose of oonslilorliw nnd inuldiia llio assess
ment of danmjio to IIM3 owneis lospoutlvoly ot
BUM inoporly ulfoetod liy Hiild Kiado , luUlna
Into consideration spcrlnl bonollts. If any.
S'on are notlllod lo ho prchont ut the tlniO
in , ' , plarjo aforesaid and inako anv objootlons
to or ht.itonionth conconiiii' K.-ild iiHsussinunt
of dumai-'us asyou nmy coiinnlor IM-OIIUI.
w. .
JAr > .
OinnliB , Neb . Doc. STlli. IbUi UW-illU
TO TIIR owNnits or AM , I.OTH oit PAUTS
iif lots on Smviml hliuut , fioni Will utruul to
Mill trt'uli
} on nru Iroruliv nollflu'l tlmt tlio under *
HliMiud. ilireudlslnturii'iluil ' fiuoliolilurs ( if Uio
city of Uniali'i , litvn : bunt ) duly iiiipolntuit by
tlin luiiyiir , vvitli tliu < | iurov.ilnf tlioultv conn-
( II Of Hlllll OilV. td UHSUH'i Hid ( IlitlMKU t ( > lll
ownoib rosjieullvolvof tlio imijiurly itll'uctuu
l > y HID u-r dinof tJuwnrd Mtn-et from " ( Hli
Btiiict in iBUi Htiuut , iioi'laruil noci'Hsuryirl.y
( irilliinni'U No I'M ! , [ i ishcd Ocudinljur l < Jtli ,
ainiroveil Do oiolior lUth. IHJi. ( J
Von are fiutlior nutllloil tlial h-ivln ? ao
copied ald anpo ntineni , and dulv ( | ii.tllllou
IIH rou u 11 cd by law. wo will , on tlio nth day nt
January. A. I ) . . IK , at llio hour ol 4 j'clook
in the iiflornnon , al thu olllcu of ( joo. J.
I'anl. HM't I'iiriinin ' kticot , within the
ru'iiorato Ilintw of said elty. ott for tlio nur
poioof I'Oiisldoruu mid ni'ilJlni the HHSO S-
inontof damao lo UiooMiieri rn < ricutlvoly | of
s.ild prdpoity. atrnutod by ivild t'Mdo. tak *
1111 : liitoconsliloralloM bpeulal henullta. if liny.
Vou are notlllu ( . to bo prinent at thu llnift
and ulico aforoiuld , Mini nialdi any objeutlon&
tnorslutoiiiunU conoariiiin bittd ntisuHiinoat
of duiuaucB an you m iv coiwlilor iirouor.
JOHN W , KOiilliNH.
Omaha , Nob. , Dec. ' . ' ? th , 1W2 , ! JU-dlUt